Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 29, 1864, Image 1
SALE or UNSEATED LANDS. By virtue of a warrant from under the hand and seal of office of the Commissioners of Cumberland County, and to me directed the following tracts and lots of unseated, Lands, situated in,Comberland County, State Or Pennsylvania, will be exposed to sale by public vendee, on MONDAY the 13th DAY 9r JANE, 1864, at the Court House, in the bor ough of Carlisle, county aforesaid, and con tinued by adjournment from time to time, Until they - are all sold, or as much of each tract or lot, as will be sufficient to defray the arrearages of the State, County, Road and School Taxes due thereon, and costs. HENRY S. RITTER, County Treasurer. Carlisle April 13, 1864. Owners No. Acres SOUTHAMPTON 10. James Bowen's heirs, 150. John & Aberri Roddy, 457. John Beamer, 10. Wm. Rankin, FRANKFORT), • 315. John M. Woodburn, Rollenbach's 3. James Moenlloo, 18. John Dunbar, 7. Samuel- liner ;11/TUN 200. J. M. Tircpodburn, 129 325 100 201 9 ~~ 100 100 150 100 260 200 =I 100 150 400 103 John A. Humrich, John Nagley's heirs, Daniel Sweiger, Rhoads, Long A: Eberly, Christian Eberly, - MIDDLESEX. Daniel Coble's heirs, Jacob Stoufer, David Capp, --D KIK John Bolden, Joseph Baker, Jacob Grist, Henry Kefler, Adam Lerew, Lloyd Myers, Benjamin Malone, Morrison & McCreary, Peter Miller's heirs, Howard Myers, Michael Mentor, John . Neeley's heirs, Gilbert Searight, Jii:s:TOWriSerfd, — . Nicholas Wireman, Jacob Wolf, David Duncan, (Penn.) Jacob Grove, Abraham Stoner, Wm. Forbes, (Penn.) - Moore & Craighead, Jcihn S. Myers, _J-ohn- Kline, Samuel-Woods' heirs, Widow Albert, John Brugh, Noah Cockley, Win. Graham, Samnel Gleffn Daniel Gitt, James treason, Cyrus Myers, Henry Myers, 11 90 Rogers (Basket Agt.) (Penn.) 20 25 Raptael Weatherspoon, 48 Jacob Beehes,. 1 02 Brown & Creswell, 46 Wesley Biteman, 37 Francis Corleston, John Ebert, John Hemminger, Wm. B. Mullen, Moses Myers, Beetem, filmes & Co., Cornelius Myers, Dr. Marsden, Isaac Montfort, John & Henry Montfort, Philip Smyers, Alex. Young, SOUTH MIDDLETON. D. H. Medcaff, John Mateer, Daniel Wonderly, Sheaffer & Keller, West, Elizabeth Bennett, James Barbour, Deardorf's heirs, John Nicholson, James Nichblson, Jacob Sheaffer, John McClure's sen., heirs, John Shanefelter's heirs, H. I. Fannue, Alex• Nailor, 4.. Richwine, Jacob Albright, Benjamin Lerew, NEW CUMBERLAND. Northern C. R. R. Company, UPPER ALLEN. Trustees M. E. Church, Philip Gusler, - CARLISLE 10. 200 John Cabo, John Dunbar's heirs Georice Wahl, SILVER SPRING. Henry S. EcTk, Andrevi• Robert Bryson, HOPEWELL. Wm. P. Smith, David McKinney, Samuel-Mii r, PENN. Robert MeCAnne, • Jaams Jacob Beltihooier, Henry Shenk'e heirs, NECHANICSBURG David Lige°ld, LOWEIt ALLEN. J. S. Haldeman, ,NEWTON. OyrneggOn, Joao Barnhlll'e heirs, 9 x:4B 43 12 62 20 rize3r , 9kcidl.39. SPRING,. • • 1884, vOIMEN,E/Eo4iSfitiCPErt r y INVITE the attention eObuyere.totheir new stock of Dry Goods. it will be found -'unsay passed in all those features which comprise a tint dam ptock All' departments of oar business hate, been much enlarged, especialbi that of • DRESS 0 0 01) , which we are confident, le the most extensive assort• meut ever offered in this town. We have now open, ready for Inspection all the novelties of the season. viz: Poplins, all new shades and styles. Idosambhines. Plain and Plaids, Plaid Poplins. °bellies' De (mines, also, a beautiful stock of ALPAOOAI3, at astonishingly low prices. DOMESTICS. Prints, Bleached alumnus, Broad Shootings, Flannels Bingham Checks, Tick Inge. Cottonadeu, key die. Gents' - and Boys' Wear ' , Cloths, CasilMeree, Jeeps, Summer Cairobrves, We would, call the atteotfon of our friends more partici ularly to our Immense otoek of Muslim Callow% Cot. tonades, all boutbt last wi ter. before the late advance which will bo told at prices' that' del competition.— Persons may rely on „ getting great bargains at the store of OREENFIELD & 81114AFER. March 23.1864. Mors:—Persona deilrors of mining our stook will pleame be particular, and recollect 6nr Store Is In gng's building, 8. E Corner Market Elquars,Second Cat, op. roVto Clothing Boone.. " G. tB. Taxes /)tie $OO 55 3 82 3 77 60 1 09 14 02 Boyle ) / 570 Moffitt 73 Barnes) 3 75 Wharton) 928 Marshall) 285 Norton) 5 71 Lake) 1 41 A. Gardner) 2 85 iting) 2 85 (W P Gardner 4 27 S. Parker) 3 55 L. Parker) 9 23 W. Parker) 1 10 (Buck) 3 20 (McClintick) 3 55 (Paxton) 5 32 " 3 40 3,87 3 98 WagralThumlK 3 62 86 1 26 3 28 35 " Another great Union victory 1" said Frank, exultingly, as he came into the sitting-room one evenirg, after ,his return from the village post-office, and took a vacant chair among the group gathered about the centre table. " Glorious !" cried a chorus of voices. ieveinent-- --Let- me read you the particulars" Frank con tinued, with animation, drawing a copy of the Japer from his pocket, and lead ing off with a brilliantly headed article, wherein the advantages :mined in one of those "most gallant and daring exploits of the war," - of which we have had had so many; were duly set forth. It was a tine, spirited sketch of the battle of Chattanooga, and we listened with breathless attention, following the rapid movements of our gallant troops as they advanced to storm the enemy's strong entrenchments, hearing in imagination the fierce rattle of musketry far up the slopes of Mount Lookout in General Hooker's famous •battle above the clotads,' our . work lalling , Nm our hands„ our hearts standing Still as we watched the brave men charging madly up the dun gerous heights of Mission Ridge, their cheers mingling with the roar of rebel guns, the shrieking of rebel shells, and the sharp, death-click from the rebel pits —a wild, stirring, turbulent scene ; but file key note -of the whole was "vic tory f victory 1" and every face shone with triumph, every voice jubilantly, "Well done ! when the recital was ended MEI 74 2 73 2 - 30 2 46 44 4SI 87 85 8 61 07 1,24 4-15 92 76 1 20 9 30 96 90 37 63 1 37 2 35 All but one. Cousin Mabel, her fin gers busily employed in the fashioning of some hospital garment, had listened with paling face to the thrilling account ; her head drooping lower and lower, until at last it rested on her hands, which, still holding their unfinished work, had fallen nervelessly upon the table beside her. Frank, looking up from his, paper with blazing eyes,,eagerly,sear :hing the faces of his listeners for token of sympathy and appreciation, quickly noticed her,attititde and silence, abd reaching forth his hand laid it lightly upon her, bowed [lead, say ing gayly— " What! not a single word of praise or thanksgiving for this glorious success of our troops, dear Mabel !" She lifted her sweet, earnest face, wet with tears, looking like a pure white lily, dashed with summer rain. 1 32 1 42 1 30 12 74 99 1 44 1 12 1 15 1 15 1 95 60 60 64 2 20 45 . " As I love the I:niou_esuse.3nd hope. , for its ultPriate triumph, I do rejoice in ' this signal success of our arms," she said, fervently. " But your attitude just now was one of deep dejection, I thought, and there are tears upon your cheek, Mabel." . 4 They 'come of mingled pity and thankfulness, think," she answered wip ing them away, and resuming her work. "or pity ?" Frank asked vaguely, as if he searerly understood her meaning. .4 What sorrow ungu sh, and suffering thrills in, phut one word—victory. ✓ Hew manyprotched, aching hearts, that have contributed their earthly all to this tri umph, cry out tonight against the na tion's exultation and rejoicing!" she said tremulously : " Ah I true. God help them ! But no permanent good pas ever attained, you .know, without some present,_ loss arid uth ..,tpentsry Suffering. Let the afflicted gath er rie,nraze and strength from this thought, and guestt at We infinity of their eternal blessings by the multiplicity of their tem :Oral ills." . lilt is easy to . day sneh ,words- 7 very easy for us who sit here untouched by loss and unscathed by the murderous fire „rims°, burning breath, spepv hundreds of miles frOm ChattrinoOga, and Whirse fdast ing influence is felt in' many a Northern horse Tri t tly,,,ifyve could keep our eyes fixed alwaxs on eternal issues, sorrow could not touch us more than it does 'the immortals. But we have hearts of flesh, that fail with . fear and smart with :!nguish .as we walk the fiery furnace; and the sub limest reasonings cannot make as quite forget our pains." if If you make such comments on a victory gained at a comparatively small cost, what shall be said for the defeats which have unreasonably occurred to OM' armies from time to time since the begin., ing of this contest ?" - "The true soul recognizes no defeat to our 'cause founded in justice and - , rjgbt. Immediate rikault,i may pot always 1)(10110i 32 2 36 1 55 3 90 1 40 1 85 70 2 05 33 1 86 56 1 06 1 40 70 KaTilisOr VOL. 64. A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Proprietor na-m. LITTLE MAY If 1 tell thee that I lore thee, Little May, Will you turn your head away And say nay / 'Tyres the morning of the year, Fresh and gay, Gave thy name to thee, they say, Little May. 'Twas a happy time indeed . For your play ; But you know It dies away, A Little May. Yu, only for a month Will It t Lay, And 'twill acareely . seem a day, Little May. , . Then be my own for life, Little May ; Yea, forever and alway ; youi—say I Thy heart will make me young, Little :day . Oh, do eat run awry, No, no—stay. And when I say I ltve thee, Little May, Don't did mu to remember That weary old November, All so hapless and so gray, Ilas nu May. VICTORY. ' as are anticipated and desired, but ulti mate victory upst reward the courageous champions of truth " "Still," returned Frank, "there is some thing wonderfully depressing to the spir its when—to use your words—'immedi ate results' prove not 'such' as are antici pated and desired.' The good soldier, who in the hour of peril strains ev'ery nerve in his faithful performance of duty, feels somehow wronged and defrauded of his rights if the day is not won. I c..m fess to a thrill of pain, and regret even now, when I think that my good right arm was lost in that unhappy action be fore Fredericksburg--that its last service did not perceptibly benefit the cause I. so dearly loved. 1 believe we all felt the same; we rimiined" and wretched 'fellows who were gathered out of that awful wreck of human life. We lay in heavy swaths, where the guns of the rebels had cut us down in the earlier part. of the ac• . tion, hearing all around us the mad con ifusioni of battle, but unable to tell who were the winners in the combat, as friend and foe. rushed over us, one end another prostrtte'sufferer lifted 'his dying head, j and called faintly—'Uotnrades, how goes the day l' and sank away iota eternity, never knowing wlych way the tide of bat- tle turned. Others, and I among then, lost fora time the sense of ,bodily anguish -atid — rifehtirfinzfefroili leaded u n con sci 7! ousness, and it was not till days after in the crowded hospitals that we learned the disastrous results, off' that ill-sustained movement upon the enemy. Many a brave fellow turned his face to th 3 wall, and groaned heavily when he heard the, truth Soave even wept. It crushed all the Manhood out of us, that disheartening account of' our unavailing losses, and we had no patience with our pains, no strens,th fortitude_to_bear.:theut,_feel, ing as we did, that our wounds were brands of cowardice and disgrace miller that; marks of honor and distinciion." " suffering had made you morbid," Mabel said, laying her ha,nd reverently upon his empty sleeve, the sight of which always sent a pang to our_ hearts. "It doesn't- -matter whether you gave lcur arm -at Fredericksburg or st this brave Chattanooga-fight, we know that its last blow was dealt for the right" '• But I could have biu 7 n the loss with better grace at Antietam or South Moun tain," he replied, his eye flushing at the remembrance. "It is glorious tu ride up. on the swim of battle, to throw yourself fearlessly into the heart, of danger—to plunge recklessly into the thickest ef the fray, gbouting defiance in the very teeth of death to meet the shock of the ad ver sary with a thrill of pleasure and.exula tion— to feel in yourself the might s of a conquering host—to see the opposing columns stqadily giving • way before your resolute and determined s.rokes—to bear along the Union lines the shout of 'vic tory sounding high above the unearth ly din, as the beaten and discomfited reb els swarm out of their fastnesses and seek safety in flight, the breath of the pursuer hot upon their cheeks, conqueror and conquered rushing madly on over the mangled bodies of the slain—for no one ever pauses to think of the dead and dying in the.fretrzied excitement of the battle-hour. Do you remember," he ad ded, after a pause, in which none of his soft-hearted listeners responded to his battle raptures--"do you remember the picture Massey draws of the Russian at tack at Inkerman 7 " All hell seemed bursting on us as the yelling le gions came— The cannon's tongue of quick, red fire, llck'd all the hills a flame I Mad, whistling shell, wild, sneering shot, with devilish glee went past, Like fiendish ieet and laughter hurrying down the battle blast. And through the air and round the hills there ran a wreck sublime As though the Eterna Ark was crushing on the shores of Ti me. On bayonets and swords the smile of conscious victory shone, As down to death we dash'd the Rebels plucking at our Throne, On, on they clime with face 9f llama and storm of shot and shell,, up like ‘ Cleaveu-scalers, and we hurled them back to hell." "If I am not mistaken," Mabel said "your poet g ives an - other and a sadder picture in the closing lines of ‘lnkertnan ' Read them, Helen." " We - gather round the tent-ftro in the evening cold and grsY, And thought of those who rank'd with us In battle's rich array, Our comrades of the morn who came no more from that fell fray I The salt-tears wrung out In the gloom of green dells fat away: The eyes of lurking death that la life's crimson bub bles play. The stern white faces of the dead that on the dark ground lay Like statues ofold heroes cut ir4reelous human clay, home with smile as life had stopped to lunge proudly gay, The household gods of many a heart all dm k and dumb today I Andhard; hot eyes grew ripe for teare, and uearte man k down to pray" " Ah," _Frank said with a sigh, "that his - Tafttliff - fiTe — orii - Ithurriasm burns out, and dispossessed ?f the spirit of ven geance we stand bleak arid desolpte e tfeligh against the hard, cruel, realities Of war, feeling to the core the vanity of earthly greatness; the littleness of human glory. Many a sad after-battle scene your fhncy has painted, no doubt:, • but none, I think, whose sombre coloring could quite equal the actual To the full I have realized the suffering that comes , 'of. this bloody strife us, laying back the dead body of solue.beloved enuirade whose momenta it had been riry office to - sciotlici,• I 'have turned. to the 'sorrowful task of breaking the intelligence of his 'death and of transmitting his farewell messages to the waiting friends at home, conscious of the terrible blow I Was dealing, yet knoWing net'how to console them, suiting simply to callto • their remembrance the CARLISLE., PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1864. goodness'of God and the rigbtectuenessof the cause in which their dear one nOristi ! : . • ed." "But our enemies have neither he justice of their cause to urge in consolti tion of their afflicted," 'bserved dear mother, laying down her netting and re moving her spectacles to whip away the mist of tears that had gathered on their oolished surface. „ "A h, no !" responded Mahel—"wreph ed, misguided ones—God "fifty them "God curse them—the traitors 1" oiled Frank, hotly, his face darkening with passion "God curse theta , —they mur dered Harry fiartly--- - y: Harry and yours " "Oh, Frank :" murmured Lily and Hel en faintly. Mabel's cheeks were whiito as the mus lin in which her bright, shlriing: needle had suddenly paused at mention a that name. Ido not think it had been oßoken in her presence for two yefri..B before that night. She was o:e u'eir,er bear to hear her dead name:- Brunk, hot headed but true hearted Frank, though loving his cousin dearly, lad forgotten her extreme sensitiveness in_his momen tary excitement. Away LI.OIc in the first autumn of the war label tasted the bit terness of a cup which has since been pressed to snore li thaiwolujika_onn„ number. We had rumors but no detail. ed account of the battle ot; Ball's Muff, when a dispatch f•oin Frank announced Harry as one of the victims-:of that horri ble massacre (une can hardly call it by a milder name) Muhl° was --laughing and jesting gayly when the message was placed in her hands. opened it with a stuile upon her lips, no suspicion of the truth seeming to enter her wind. I shall never forget the awful look that settled on her faec.aashe real.a.nd- re-read theatal-words Startled by her rigid, deathly appearance, we sprang forwards, cr . 54-14g.--"Mabel, what is it, dear? What ails you, Mabel Clare ?" She threw her hand up to her forehead, and struggled to her feet. "Wake tue," she said, in a strange, sacred ‘eicia - . --- Tiro - fatife - love - of - Gbd, - - wake me flew this horrible dreatp," and fell seiisele:qi in our anus. Mother picked up the paper:which flat tered froth her clusp, and so we learned the truth. Dear Alabie ! I do not love to give my pen to the itwntory of such days as follow ed. But our darling, girl was of too strong all buuyaot a twine to sink lwithout re sistance under this heavy. to alter' a little she, with pebieTVerli4; effoit, put ; way all outward signs of and resumed her accustomed duties, cheerful and serene, thought, witil inofitr-of her old light.rit , ss and gayety oft manner. "I)o not be troubled for we, dear friends," she had said, ati,tvering our anxious looks with a sad smile; "I am only one of a thousand. Surely, I can endure suffering as Well as others. But oh I" she added, with whitening lip, "please never speak his name to me-1 cannot bear it 1" And ever after we had faithfully guar ded against all reference to Harry, or to the wretch yd time succeeding the news of his death. Frank, seeing the effect, or his hasty words, left his chair and came round to where Mabe I sat, with something of that old, never•to belmgotten look upon her lace. "Oh, darling," he said, taking her trembling hands, "let toe name hie name. He was the brother of my soul—only little less dearer to rue than to you. Of- ten my heart nehes to speak to you of biro when I see you sitting so white and'still, and know whither your thoughts are straying. I heleve you would suffer less if you would talk with me freely of him whom we both loved." "Harry," she said, struggling for com posure, "Harry never would have wished you to cry God's curse upon his enemies." "I. knew it," Frank replied. "Barry was a Christian, and would have said with his Master, -Father, forgive the for they knew not what they do." But I n ev• er can recall the aggravating circumstan ces ( f his death—stricken down as he was witho-it an opportunity for self-de fence—and not feel a thirst forvengeanoe upon his assassins firing my soul." "Roweinber to whom vengeance be longs. It seems lo me that we should bring no feeling of personal hate and ran• cor into this strife." "[low can we do otherwise ?" Frpnk asked. "AU that is good and noble in wan cries out against tthe enormous widked• nods of these infernal plotters—tlieso in famous destroyers of our country's peace. If there was a grain of trAtur kat.ngle particle of reason in their plea, one Might' look with some toleration upon their deeds but as it is—" "As it is," look up Mabel, "we must regaid them with the utmost pity in view of the awful retribution that awaits them, and whereof we, in some measure, , are made (Jude' instruments`, e 0,11 tending for the princip es orjlititioe, self government, eqdal rights; let us give a true interpretation of those priqoiples to our opponents by in honiirable rid 'e s quit• able course. of action, not oasting•obiew upon our cati - se , by ,an unlawful exercise . of power a spiteful retaliatien upon their: atrocities, or an"unseeinl exultation In" theii t' . .Weca'Cliej.4stiyet ' ful firtu.yetfergivieg; eenquerers,'ltit t notboastfill.". • I. „. 1, I 'lli afraid The -common soldiery. Will never dome 'up te.yout: standard,” Frank Said: ‘.Suppose now'the murderer of our dear boy, Hal, where in our powerl= What would you du 2 , 1 would send a bul let L 6 ,0011311 of his heart I" would pray that your. bullbt wigia so far fail in its errand aaSto: give tho - offenderitinte to iepetii of hia Arioro and, make his peace with clod, and I. c 4.1 VIAII - o TERMS:--$l,BO in Advance, or $2 within the year would faithfully nurse his life to that end. _sloltr+ iny thirot, fnr vengeance—his blooehever could," was label's answer. ' "THIP•T ON IT•" A good story has been told of a lisping of f icer in the army having been victim ized-by a brother officer, (noted for his imel,,lleliberation and strong nerves,) and `id.s4tting square with him in the ollow inenner : The cool joker, the Captain, Was always quizzing the lisping officer, a lieutenant, for his '-nervousness. "Why," said one day in the pres ence of his company, "nervonsnesEl is all nonsense ; I toll you, Lieutenant, no brave trims Will;be nervous." "Well," inquired his lisping friend, "how would you do, thpose a shell with ati inch fuse- thould drop ithelf into a Walled angle in which you had taken shelter 6om a company of tharp, tboot erth; and where it weal thertain, if you would 'Put out your nose, you'd get pep pered!? "How?" said the Captain, winking at the :circle, "why take'it cool acid spit on the fuse." • • The party broke up and all retired ex cept the patrol. The next morning a number of soldiers were 'asseinbled• on parade4lll4--talkinglir' clusters; when -a , long came the lisping Lieutenant.' Lazily opening his eyes, he remarked "I want to try an experiment this morning, and thee how extheedingly cool you can be." Saying this, he walked deliberately into the Captain's quarters, where a fire was burning on the hearth, and placingtin its hottest centre a powder canister, instant ly retreated. There was but one mode of egress from the quart rs and that was upon if - Jill - 111de ground, the toad being -built-up fur defense; the occupant took one look at the canister, comprehended the situation, and in a moment dashed at the duor, but it was fastened on the out side "Charley, let me out if you love me I" Aimed the Captain-, "Ttipit on the eanither l" shouted he in return. Not a moment was to be lost ; he had at first caught up a blanket to cover his egress, by now, dropping it, ho raised the window, and out be bounded, sans culottes, sans everything but a very . short under garment, and thus, with hair almost on end, he dashed up on a full parade ground. The shout which bailed him called out. .tho whole. barrocks t o sea what was the matter, and the dignified Captain pulled a Sergeant in front of him to hide him self. "Why didn't you thpit on it ?" inquir ed the Leutenant. "Because there was no sharpshooters in front to stop a retreat," answered the Cap tain. "All I got to shay, then ith," said the Lieutenant, "that you might thafcly'huve done it, for I'll thwar there wathin't a thingle grain of powder in it !" The Captain has never spoke of nervous ness since. Josh Billings on Cats I have studdyed cat clussly for years, and hay found them adikted tew a wild. state. They haint got afrekshun, nor var tue of enny kind; - tha will skratch their best fronds, and wont ketch mice unless tha are hungry. It haz been sed that the ar.: cod to make pp into sassages ; but this iz a great mistake. I hay bin told by a sassago maker that tha don't kotnpare with dogs. Thare iz one thing sartin, tha are verry anxious tew liv, yu ma turn one inside out, and bang . hina up bi the tale, and az soon tti . Yl are out ov sight he will man age tew turn a back summerset and cum around awl rite in afu days. It is verry hard wurk to looze a oat. If cue gits carried oph in a bag hi 'Mistake a grate ways into the kuntry tha wont eta lost hula a abort time, but soon appear tew make the family happy with their pres enoo. Old maids are very fond ov oats, for the reason i suppose that cats never marry if tha bay ever so good a obanse. Thare iz one thing about eats i'don't like, if yu step on their tains hi acksident tha git mad rite oph, and make a grate .fuss about it. There is anutlier thing about thetn,,a good investmentfor'poor folks. A. pair ov oats will yield each year, without any ontrny, something like eight hundred per oat. It is a verry singular faok that oats don't like y, i never knu one tow Ot drowned by acksident. Iha love cream, but it beams tow be rOn their_religgun tew tutch soap. Cats and dogs hay never bin able tew agree on the main question, tha both seem 'tew want - the affmnatiff side tew oust. I think if i could hay mi way thare peed en% be any 'more eats torn, unless tha could oho a • oertifikate ov good moral kar actor. There is one thing - more about oats xhiet - seemsreiv'itre - tiiv — be awl affek ta shun, and that iz Makingsiebra big noise under a, feller's' window nights and then rau3ik. i :was tow have mi chaise between ti cat and a titriped snake ,i would ° take the snake, 'bekause git rid ov the anako,bi letting him go. Thare . aiit no sartin wa tow kill tt oat, if ytigit one wurked up into sassage, and yu think yu'are all right jilt as like as not thti will ouw to and take off a whole lot of-good sassago with them. Thoie are mi Views about oats, rather — hastily hove' together, and if i haint cod onuff agin, them it iz onla ttekause i look the inforrossburi.r-r The Poughkeepsiaq. "You always lose your temper in my company," said an individual of doubtful reputation to'a 'gentle:luau. "True, air, and Lohoubin't voudar if lion every.. thing I, ti4yi about me Humors of the House A WAshington enrrPitp.o.ndent, of tho Cincinnati Gazette is responsible for the following: A portly, good-natured and able Trf: dianian is grieved at having unconscious ly been the pause of distress to a pious lady in the gallirica. "Why in the world is it," said she, with much feeling, "that the Clerk must rilways Stop when he has gone about half through the roll call, and every time ridicule religion by saying, at such time and place, "God love us all " The aggrieved member 'is named Godlove S. o th. Brandegee, of Connecticut, was the other day in the Chair, in Committee of the Whole, and was putting questions, Connecticut fashion, "Those in favor of the moticn say aye,---contrary minded, no." "Why don't you answer, Judge --?—Brandegee is calling pn you," cried General Sehenek to a Western Con gressman. "What do you mean ?" was the surly response. "why, Brandegee just called on you to vote no." "I don't un derstand you," growled the Judge. "Why 13randegee just asked the contrary mind ed to say no 1" The obstinate member wou'dn'tsee it, but the roar that follow ed showed that his fellow-members did. 'lf I. were to print the name, readers would _en-joyit-even-mure-Almi--the-House.— A:nd this brings up a bit of grim pleas antry ie General practiced during' his reign in Baltimore, that I do not recol. lect to have seen in print. He was troub led by rebel women, almost as much as Butler was at New Orleans. He 'didn't want to get into a petticoat-war, but 'he didn't want the little rebels to be flaunting the rebel 'colors on the :.treets, in 'defiance of his authority. In a happy moment he called to wind the medical say,ng that like - cures like, and 'his -- remedy. Ho called to his aid some of the young bloods about town, and got from thew a list of certain noted women, more showy and elaborate in dress than re spectable in oh iraeter These gay dam sels ,were regularly engaged to appear every.. fair afternoon on the fashionable I promenades, with the most conspicuous rebel badges, and instructed, on no ac count, to omit greeting as s's , ers in the holy cause o. the Confederacy, every lady wearing the rebel colors they met. General Butler Talking to a Rebel Clergyman The Norfolk New Regime of March 29 pub lishea a two ctlu tin report of the examina• Lion of Roe. George I) Arnistrung, of that city, by G.•krilal Buller. Tu.c is the saute clergy man wbo was recently sentenced to imprison- Jnent at Fort Hat iera, for his rebel sentiments An, aid or General Butler conducted the first ex oduutit ion, but the General himself atter wards made a careful personal investigation, cross questionine Mr. Armstrong very sharp -1.).% 'foe following are extracts from the re port. of the interview : Ge . iiertil Butler —1 perceive that in your former exatutnatro❑ you declined answering this question : 'Do you . calf yourself a loyal mac 113 letter and spirit to day V' - Armnstron g —i do not decline to answer now ; if I were to put ray own interpretation upon it, I should say I am ; but I don't know General—Well, sir, perhaps I can teach you Now. sir, what is the name of that gen Heinen' who had taken the oath, and while coming out of the Custom House with you, made the remark that he "would like to spit upon the northern Yankees." Mr. A.. —Mr. Charles Reid I declined to to answer oti my former examination because I had not Ire consent to tell, sir ; but since that I have seen him, and he has given me his convent to men;dort his name. Generel—Where is Mr R4id? Mr. A. lle is in Nortufk. General—(to in aid.) Telegraph to Col Wheldon, (Provost Marshal, Norfolk,) to ar rest Mr. Charles Reid and send him here lie lives ou Main street. General—fie stated that, as he ostne out from taking the oath ? Mr. A.—Yes. air General—Wi , h the oath fresh on his lips and the words hardly dry in hie mouth, he said he •'wanted to spit in the face of the northern Yankees?" Mr. A.—Weil, General, he took it with the same view as I did Gaieral.--1 agree to that, air Mr. A.—l meant to say— General—Eitop,eir, I don't like to be insult• ed. You said, sir, that'infernal seoessiciiist wanted to spit in the faces of loyal men of this Union, and that you took the oath with the same yiow that he did, or rather he took it with the aillllo view that you did- ft makes no difference which. I. agree, 'sir, that you did. I have treated you, sir, during this in terview, with propriety and oourtesy up to thin moment, end yet you, sir, here telt me, in order to clear this vile wretch, who shall be punished as be deserves, that you took the oath to my government with the same view that he did Mr. A. sir, it was a mortifying foot to confess that we were a oonatterett people ; and it was the irritrtilotf growhigt out of that tacit. ' ^'General—You have not helped it, sir. You he'd not better go 4111 in that direction any further, air, for your own sake.' Now, - sir, while you , did prom% a 'very virulent sermon upon "'Pbe Victory if *wastes," at thc tee ommendation of the Confederate 'Congress have you over since preached in your pulpit a sermon fevol•able to the Union oauee, or one that would be likely to please the 'loyal, and disticatte the ditivyal After some further quealioning, the exam ination was continued as follows: '6leueral—You said ydu looked upon the banging of John !Brown as just and right be (muss he interfered with the peace of country. Mr. A.—Yes, sir. --- General—Very good, sir. Nowi•then, would you look upon the,,hanging of the prominent rebels Jefferson Davis for instance as just and right. You know the rebels nave interfered With thd pence of the country thud have 'caused rivers of blood to flow where John Brown.only °tinged pints. What detyou say to that? Mr. A.-4. would not, sir • • GetieralL Aro your sympathies with the .llnion or the - Confederate cause. Mr. A.—With the Confederates. The examination concluded with the follow.' log urder,from the General: ”Make an order , that this man be commit:" ted to the guard house, in "clotte corifinenient. there to, roin•tin, until he can•be consigned 'to ; Fort Hatteras; there to be kept•.in solitary confinement until further orders,;: and send a copy of this examination 10 the officer in commend there. • Respectable Girl Raped—Marriage pp abort Atqaiatance.. A letter from Palmyra (N. Y.) to the rto cheater Express tette this curious story : A remarkable (Leap Year) courtship slid marriage come off in our quiet village last week resulting distastrously total the partial concerned. The whole easels not ea) fully de; 'eloped as to enable one to give a fell relation. It seems that a Miss C. M., a highly respect e3l young lady of twenty years, had been holding a correspondence with a young ogled. In a mill ary camp in New Jersey—who bad sent hir an in , roduotory letter vouobidg rot hii reepectsbility. Paid letter was written by as acquaintance of hers, who also was an officer. Several lettere passed. he sending his photograph, and a request for her photo, g apli 'all this eras very pleasant and honor able. NO. 18. On Monday of last week a young. and ratb• er prepossessing mai) of about five and twen ty years, dressed in military clothing, arrived here, and called on the lady an I announco4 himself as her dear correspondent; he watt cordially received as such by Miss 0. M , not withstanding thu parties failed to ditieover . Any similarity of likeness between him and The photograph, but this he axplained to her , aiistactioa by saying it wee taken before hh went into the service three years ago. Mon day and Tuesday things }vent on lovingly, and he visited the morning prayer-meetings„ sung and spoke, and all were greatly edified. thereby. The account that he gave of him• self -was that be had resigned about four months previous. was now a Deputy Provost Marshal, was at, Vicksburg when taken pris oner an inmate of Libby Prison eight months and was in the Gettysburg fight. On Tiles'. day night, much against the will of parent') and friends, they were married. The next , day he began to look after some workmen to paint and paper his new fatter in •law's het.;en , His bargain with the painters' was fair, sholv leg plenty of greehbacks, and offering to pay down on fulfillment of the contract. Heiook• ed at a number of fine residences, but failed to strike a bargain. In conversation with the clergymen who married them. he stated that he had lost, ou M ain street,.ssoo, rut being a stranger, and having already gained some notoriety. he would u..t advertise it —"he did not care for money." He claimed to be the owner of a firm of two hundred acres, near • Elmira. Friday afternoon. Mr. officer, Who had already assumed two or three names, procured a carriage Hod horses of Mr Swee , e534 , -e. &Alta-Ea givr, - -ander-cmtv-tuo - ilidisot - , - it seems. return ne per agreement. In the morning a letter arrived fur the bride, which was opened by the parents, and fond to be from her true correspondent. the owner f photo,2rapb Thin (locumn ut resulted in Bend• tog officers Clark and llowe in pursuit of the team and the deluded bride. At Canandaigua tie erns arrested, ironed, and placed iu durance vile. The eyes of the late Mii's C M. being opened, she upbraided hint for his deceit, and declared she would re. turn home. which she did. The young scamp had to be knocked down before be would yield. -To-othner Glark -he-contessed'-he-wara-deser— ter from the army. and wished him to call the Provost Marshal, preferring to fall into his hands. ,Officer C.ark deeming it proper to notify the . Provost, did so. During the few minutes' absence, the prisoner had wrenched oil his irons, and burnt such papers in his possession as he thought proper. He is cer tainly a most accomplished villian The af fair has caused much excileinent. — It is dun the parents of the misguided young-lady to say that they were opposed to the hasty mar. riage, and insisted on a week's time, but the couple were determined, cud threatened go• tug somewhere else to have the_oeretnouy (ma fiuminaied, and fearing that would make the affair more riJiculous, they reluctantly and fearfully consent ed. Motives to Int ell oo tual Culture. No period in the histury of our country has furnished greater literary advantages than the present. Either a college, setniLary, academy, or high school, is found in almost every village and hamlet. The diffusion of knowledge has become a matkr ot almost universal inten•et. Indeed, most of our largest schools are so excessively crowded, that, in the villages where they ars established one earl harily tarn over a hat, without finding a 'student or two eh •Itered be neath it. But were two out of five of this multitude questioned in regard to the object before them, or the motives by which they are stimulated, we believe that hardly a single well de+erved answer would be given. Not that every lad of ten, twelve, or fifteen years, should choose his profession at so 'early art age, and then otu ly exclusively with refer ence to t at. Whether this would be advis able or not, it is not our present purpose to consider; we rather purpose to inquire wheth er the frequent presentation of the objects of study, and proper motives to intellectnal ac tion might not afford an important advan tage. What then are the motives to intellectual culture? They seem to us divided into two classes viz., pleasure and advantage. That happiness is one of the prime objects of marr, none will pre end to deny. But whence is our happiness chiefly derived?: Mainly, or entirely, we think, from two sour , ' ces, viz., our loca ity and our associates. What then is the scholar's locality ? Heis in the broaJ and ever•expanding fields of knowledge; on a gentle eminence, perhaps. from which he'may behold the rich and fertile fields, as yet but partially explrrred. And looking toward the east, ha sees the oriental grove where the heather gods resided ; and those ancient cities whose congregated mul titudes were bound by subtle cords to the lips of a Demosthenes or Cicero; and yet again those rural hornee, where lived and sang in quiet seclusion thous bards, whose songs shall live till time shall be no more. The scholar breathes an intellectual at triosphero, which creates the life-blood of the soul ; absorbs the palsying vapor of stupidity; and•quickenc the circulation throughout the whole intellectual system. A sun shines 04 him, whoa • piercing rays penetrate the sow. bre veil, which envelopes his immortal part, and lights up the pathway he is traveling. Lofty mountain , ops appear in the blue etha ne' distance, toward which, with firm resolve, he is ever tending. The LOAFER.-The most Iniserable,hapeless scrap of humanity, is an idle man—a matt whose chief aim of life it to "loaf"—to waste in listless lounging and mental and pbysi. cal inaction, the best years of his life. There are a number of such beings here and in every other town-miserable loafers, whose sole occupation is to avoid employment • of any kind-whose lives can scarcely be calle'd, lives-who die one after another, and leave' behind them-what ? A vacancy toluisnourn ed ? No,_for thq__o_in-themselves.vacan , --ciesinortii - eii. — To these atoms society OWBI . nothing. The history 'of - the world's pro- .grass igncres their names, their existence, and being' dead, the grave contains no -more inert, worthless earth than it did before. They becnne chronic nuisances; they have no local habitation or name in so fur as regards their worth or ialUe, and from day to day, in , the haunts of busy mon, they pass current as uncurrent" funds-at so much an discount that they can't eVen buy themselves; ' :T ''e only apparent exertion they exhibit is that which enables them to be eternally in some body's progress and buisiness. They do'any special harm andM'ever" accoroplieli any good. They die only when - they Ot'toi -lazy and indolent to use their respiratory grins. They , never gat. the conatimptien, fie cause they haven't,energy enough to cougb; They give empleYment to nobody. for tykly babe none for themselves, 'Tt costs name to get theta to the polls tO.detiesit than, carcasses and the entire eled‘ Oen: are, wo th. Fi•on2 these, and, such 'tut . ; these, may fortune preserve all well meaning . tnortabt. .; A Remarkable' Story.