ANOTHER GUN FOR THE UNION Connecticut Election. Qverwhelming Union Victory Bnokingham's Majority 7,000 The following account of the Connecticut electirm we clip from the Hartford Daily Post : The almost unprecedented victory in this State is a subject of profound oongralulation. Gov: Buckingham is probably elected to his seventh term of office by more than 7,000 ma jority. The :Senate is nearly unanimously Union, while three fourths of the House can probably be counted upon to pass the Sol diers' Voting bill, and, if opportunity affords, the amendment of the Constitution of the United States prohibiting Slavery. A re nowned day's work was done yesterday. Everywhere there are largo Uuion gains.— The Counties of New-Haven, Tolland, ane Hartford show an itnmense increase. New London County gi•cs Buchingliatn a majori ty of 1,420, and Windham comes in with a majority of 1,713, a gain in both of 500, and so it is all over the State It is not always that indignant patriotism metes out such stern punishment upon those who estimate the people's love of country and nationality by their own mean standard of partisanship as has been bestowed upon the Copperheads of Connecticut. The story which we tell of their discomfiture to-day has an al most monotonous glory, and the completeness of our triumph is only diminished by the ap patently insignificant resistance of the enemy we have defeated And, now let those who propose to throw one obstacle in the way of the prosecution of the war, let those who believe that the man hood of the sous of Connecticut is yet extinct, be warned by the disasters which have over taken men of this kind in the State which can count by hundreds the graves of its eons strewed from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, and which loves and honors most tenderly their sacred memories. Jjetermined upon an ignominious peace last year at all hazards, they were r ut down, to gether N%ith their favorite )ender, without ceremony at the polls Nor did a more sin ister nod disguised hostility protect them this year, and they have been made the objects of o,ontempt. as well res of hate. Men of the Opposition party! the people of COnneCticet, the people of the United States, have made up thew mind.' on this subject They Are going to see this war through Call them Abolitionists if ycu please, call them abject slaves )f you choose. They propose to ahcl ,ish this rebellion, anid they seek the servi tude which their country imposes upon them. jtepublican state Central Committee Barrisburg, April 6.—The Republican State Central Committee met here this even ing. There was a full attendance, IVayne McVeigh, Chairman, and Ueo. W. Hammers )y, Secretary. It was decided to hold a State Convention on th . 6 28th of April, at Harris berg, to elect Senatorial delegates to the Baltimore Convention. Representative de legates are to be chosen in the usual man ner. Alter a number of speeches, the meeting adjourned. )laryland Constitutional Election BALTIMORE, April 6 —Baltimore city gives 9041 for a convention, and 78 against it.— The unconditional, anti compensation ticket gets the entire vote east. A light vole was cast, there being no opposition. Fort Deposit, Cecil county, Seventh district, 1.96 majority for conventiou and uncouditiou al emancipation. Cumbenland 10 majority for unconditional retnancipatton. Frederick district gives the Convention gmancipatauu linket 48U majority. The ballot tki of Jackson district was tak en possession of by the copperheads, about 2 o'clock, and was totally destroyed Detach ments of ,Cules' cavalry and the 7th Mary land regimet have gone to arrest the parties. Tho fifth district Cecil county, gives 305 majority for the Convention. SALISBURY, April 6. Ninth district—Som nrset county gives 19 majority against the 'convention. Worcester county, Filth district, gives 50 .majority tor the convention. [NuTel.—This is the first election news evor received frotu these counties by telegraph.] Cumberland county will give not leSs than 1200 majority fur the cu .venison. HAVRE DE t 1 RACE, April 6.—llarford noun ty gives 156 majority for the Emancipation Aioket,. The convention iv doubtless eclied by a large majority. BALTIMQUE . , 4pril , ti —Washington county gives about 2000 majoiity ior the Convention .linnapolis gives 138 majority for the Conveu 4ion. Returns thus far received a major its 01 not less than IG 000 for the Convention. Newton, in Worcester county, elision's dis trict. gives 133 majority for the Convention. BALTIMORE, April 6 Midnight. is es d 'mated at the American office that .there will be a majority in the convention of at least 21) for unconditional and immed,late emancipa Lion iu this State. BALTIMORE, April 7—,1 A. 1%1 —lt is doubt ful if further ret urns can be obi tiined to night, un,theyoads arc very hea.vy, and nu few points are accessible by telegraph. One thing is certain beyond dispute, that the Conntitu; tional Convention is calk d or by a large via jority; and a decided majority elected in Ivor of unconditional and imutediai e emancipation. ,Maryland may be set down as a free State. DON'T SHOOT PRISONERS.— We find the fol lowing good thing in the correspondence of of.. the Chicago parent during Grant's _siege of Vicksburg A rebel yesteriluy ventured to cry out from hie rifle pit to our picket, yank." '•What do you want ?" refilled one of our men. "Why Oon'f, you rhoot ?" 9ueriert the reb. Pr,We shootiug prisoners," was the 4austie reply of the Yankee. MEMBER OF CONGRESS DEAD. Hon. Owen }Lovejoy, MemDer of Congress from Illinois, Broultlyn, N. Y., on Friday of last week. !L,ve , joy was a blergyman, and Itme.o!ected to;Congress ten years ago, and .has held his seat ever hinge guar aab CouniD Wafters SERMON To YOUNG PEOPLE.—The ge,v 9. . Boybms, pastor of Emory M. r. ,purposes delivering on Sunday after moon next, ,at , halif past 3 o'clock, a sermon to the young ,people of our town. From nur 'kuoSiedse , of Mr. , Bowatan's, attainments, we can promise our readers a sermon well worth hearing,..and bespeak alarge attendance. B01101U(3111 FINANCIAL STATEMENT itl, thoJlertgcl of ,to,tlay be sound the Financial Statement of the aorough of Car lisle for the Council Year 7af t B- 7 -64. As (livery tax payer Is mare or less , interested in the way in ''which tile money goes," they should all read it, and ponder over othe.6g• tires," . g€o„The Presbytery of Elarrisbug holds its seriii annual meeting in the Pint Presby terinu,oburah of Carlisle, to be opened with sermon by Rev. Alex.- D. Moore. • on the evening of Tuesday next, April 12th, at 7 0- .elonli i in.the evening. A sermon may also he expected on Wednesday evening at the same litti,'apthe'meetings (or business from 9 3'. :0104 . A.. M. ti 11,1,2 M. aro open to the public. LECTURE.—On Thursday evening next, Mr. WM. B. PARKER, of Carlisle, will deliver by request, a lecture in Rheem's Hall, the proceeds to be appropriate for the benefit of the "Soldiers Aid Society," of this place. Subject : "The Republic as a power." Tickets of admission 25 cts. Poore open at o'olook, Lecture will commence at 8 o'clock, The U. S. Garrison Band will bo in attendance. TiCkets oan bo procured . at the Furnishing Store of Mr. W. A.. Miles, end Stationery Store of Mr. Piper. LECTURE, oN THE WAR.—The citizens of Carlis'e, without distinction of party, are invited to attend a Lecture, to be delivered in -Itheem's Hall," on Tuesduy evening next. the 12 h Inst. The subject of the lecture will be the war, its cause, progress, consequences, &c. Sze. The lecturer, EDWARD DUNBAR, E,84 is spoken of a young gentleman of rare abili ties, intelligent, eloquent and patriotic, and a rich treat may be expected. THE EARLY MARKETS.- The first m.arliet under the "summer arrangement" waVield on Saturday last, commencing at 6 olchiCk, A. M. The morning was dark and gloomy, with an abundance of rain end snow, which had the effect of keeping up prices to the ' starvation standard " As many of those who attend markets, both town and country people. r refer that they should be held at an early hour, we hope they will be satisfied with the now order of things. CONCERT.—To-morrow, (Saturday) evening, the Union Club, an association of young men of the Ethiopeatt minstrel persua sion, will give a concert dn Rheem's Hall. These young gentliunen are all residents of Carlisle, apd in a musical way have evinced Pousiderable talent. CONCERT.—The "Monitor Club" of Carlisle will give a Concert, in Rheem's on Monday evening next the 11th inst , for the benefit of the Soldier's Aid Society. This Concert will he both vocal and instrumental ; and as the proceeds are tot devoted to a humane and patriotic purpose, we trust our citizens, of the country as well as town, will be liberal in _th_eir supwt. T.h,e - Band". is composed of young gentlemen of this place, some of whom have already won enviable rep illations as musicians. Tickets-26 Fe4lS— to he hail at the office of A. L Sponsler ; and at the stores of J W. Smiley, Henry S. Ritter, B. R Jameson, and at the door For partic ulars, see progranri e. ACCIDENT.—WO learn Ginn the New vine ,C'tar, that on Monday of last week, Wil liam Catnrbell, of that place, called at the "Stli * r" office . , Orol upon letiving, stumbled while going down the stairs, and fell to the bottom, breaking his left artu between the elbow and the shoulder, and oth , rwitte injur ing himself so severely that he died on Friday afternoon. SA» AP,CHaNT --A heart-rending ac cident which resulted in the death of Martha E Sellers, daughter of Mr. Samuel Sellers, farmer residing in Penn township, occurred on last Thutsday week. The little girl, in company with several other ohildrun had been spending the dty nt n neighbor's house; on their re'urn in the µfternoon, the children slopped at a hay stack to play. Martha was jostled off the top of this stack by one of her companions; her spine wits injured by the fall so severely that she died on the f flossing Monday. The deceased. waz an interesting child, a little over ten years old, and her sad death ha , i cast a gloom over the entire neigh borhood. We sympathize sincerely with her worthy parents, in their sorrowful bereave, IMMO TaRED (it' LIFE.— A recruit who ar rived at the barracks last week endeavored to finish his earrh'y campaign on Sunday morn ing in a tragic manner. by cutting his throat. Ile had received hi,. bounty the previous day, sent it by express to his family residing in Williamsport. I,le tried to induce th,e senti net to shoot him ; failing in that ho thrust large knife into his throat iu two places, but even this failed him, for at lot, accounts ho was recovering i4l,ieawherss theory that a rann is never without a friend While he owns a razor, would pl,co ifie friend in this instance in the shabhy position of leaving its last office only half done. DR. TOMAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT t CI•IiTAIN 11111 PAINS IN LINITIS ,4 hark, sore throat. rrottp. rhaitinatlsin, \ perlitot. medicine, atiti never tails. Head! Read' ! Head!!! = This In to certify that my wife was talon with Quin se, Sore Throat; II comm-need to swell, and was no sore that she could not swallow, not coughed violently I used your Linhnent, and made a perfect cure in one week I firmly believe that bpt for -the LiAlm9nt she wt uld have lost her Aft% JOHN 11. UM LAN. 25 and 50 cents Sold Ly all druggists. Office, 50 Cortland r. Stroet, Now York. A prii 1, 1664 art - lays. On the hth Inst., in Mechanicsburg, by the Rev. F. W Kromer. Mr. W 'MUCH, of Lebanon, Pa., to Miss riIArIER A. only daughter of the Into John Bow man. .e s _o— this b rough on W. dneaday evening last, Mr. 0 EURO is hicFERLY, tmeti about 30 yearn. CARLISLE PRODUCE MAIIH,ET. Reported weekly for the Herald by 11.. O. Woodward• Carlisle, April 7, 18Q4. FLOUR (Superfine).— 6 76 do. (Extra.) ••• 6 50 do • 'RYE WIIITE , WHEAi . . 1 50 RED do 1 45 ' tont - -1 20 '" NSW CORN OATS, BARLEY MALI, ... BARLEY ..... CLOY ERBEED TIMOTHYBEEO . .. ATTENTION LADIES. Ladios you. who are lavishing your fa ora upon tho proud defenders of our national lib eaten, will you not extend a friendly greeting to otto of Uncle bravo defenders who has served faith fully in the Grand Army of Potomac and else where. Under Generals McClellan Burnside and !looker, and Who has again volunteered for three more years.— Solicits the correspondence of a youdk lady of educe lion and refinement. Object mut nal improvement and Interchange of rientiment and to drive away the dull rare of camp life. -Will not some ono send to a poor lonely Soldier one of th.,se gentl" missives which bring words of Sympa thylipm the heart's doop eloquence. Address Willy T. W. O. signal Corps, Department Susotiehanna, Ohambelsburg Penn. Ai . o.. 1 ,- I•ERMAN, Attorney at Law, • CarNolo, Pa. Next door to tho Herald - Office. March JAMES A. „DUNBAR, Attorney at Law, Carll,le, ta. Ogle° with Watts /k Yaykor.. Jan. 22, 11864:—1y.. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND "Z ‘ Ihf .11P,:40 -t,c,Le% ______ FRANKLIN. 111 I.L . ROADS. , CHANGE OF HOURS, and after MONDAY, Aram, 4th, k_11864, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CRAM RERSDURII AND HARRIADRO• Leave Ilagerstown, 7:00 A. M., 2:46 P. 61. 4 ' Groorsco.Ftle, 7:37 3.35 " Arr at 8,17 ' C2O Chambors'g, - - Lattyo 8:30 " 12:55 " Leave Shippensburg 9110 " 1:28 " Newville 0:3.1 " 1:28 a Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 " '• Alechahicsburg 19:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 " 3140 " FOIL CHANIDERSBURG AND HAGLItSTOWN : Lo•ive Harrisburg 8:05 A. 51., 1:36 P. 51 lilectiquiesburg 8:37 " 2:15 4, " , arlislo 0:27 " 2:55 " " Newville 10:02 ' 3:29 " Bh.ppeusburg 10:2.3 " 4:00 " Cltnibers'g, Arr at 11:10 " 4:ao 4, {Leave 11:10 4 ' 4:40 " Leave Greencastle 11:96 ~ . 5:30 " _ . Arr. at Hagerstown 1245 " tblo " The Carlisle and IlarTimburg ACCOMORATION' r TRAIN will leave no follows: Leave Carlisle 5..55 A. M. '• Merhanicnburg 6:25 " Arrive at Harrisburg ,(1:l4" Leave Harrisburg 4:20 P M. Mechanicsburg 4.54 il Arrlvo at Carlisle 5:•2.0 4' .. making close coneeetiomi nt Harrisburg with Trains for Philadelphia, New York . and P4itsburg ; and with Trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harz isburg at 4;20, P. M., runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Sup't. .•uperinti\ndent's tare, Chanili:g. April 4,18134. f SECOND QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE First National Bank of Carlisle, County of Cumberland. Stato of Pennsylvania, on the morning 01 the first of Api 11. loG4. It tiIrOURCES. Loans and Idscnunts, $00,307 73 Cline from Directors', /1311 00 U. S. bonds depos'd. with U S. T. 37,000 00 --- '27,357 73 Due from Mini:F. and Bankers, 64,264 33 Sparle and other lawful money et Il S. 37,227 00 Cush Items ,4 Revenue Stamps, 503 01 1311 Is of Solvent Minks, 6,258 00 Remlttances, 5,117 58 Over Drafts, Deal Estate and Insurance, Expense account, Furniture and Fixtures, Total resources, 8'241,242 18 Capital stock paid In, Cireulat lug notes received from Comptroller, 24.010 00 Less eh eulating notes on hand, 6,64 on Not otast4ntlini, lava, Der; to Danko and Ilapkerr, 0.861 07 Due to hotly hlual; nudcorporaliong other than banks. : Otte Treasurer of U S. Uu . e depositors On demand T"fal iial.ll:t Sin Lnand and t 6. STATE OF EN VEY kNI 1.) Afl County of Cumberland. f On I his fir et day of April, 10014, perconally c.vne fore the undersigned, It. A. Nc.ble, Notary Public of said rounty Konuel Hepburn, President. kand C. Hoffer, Cashier, i.t . the 11 , 4 National Bank of Car. in. being duly sworn iron their oaths, nay that the torr goitr. inn tulle and accurate statement of the rondition of =airt Bank no the morning of the first day of April, ISO. S 111.:P/,111NN. PreN't. J. C II'IEFEIt, Cashier. Sworn and suber,ibel tin the day and year ahovo Men. -• It. .4. NOIII.H. N. P. 14: N IIARI ) E1i, No. 520, Arch St., I II LAUF:I,I . III A. M A NUE ICTER ER DF.II, ER IN W kTUII ES. FINN JEWELRY. SOLI SI O'ER WARE, & Roger's 'uperior Plate Ware 4+4r- All kinds of SILVER WA RE made on Iho prom ises Repairimr, carefully done. April A, I86.1—:lino. i- AIILLIN ER Y E tK", :ii STRAW (MODS IN t•Ln latest inlp , rlatlns, and of the nownst and moth fashionable styles. OUI?H' D F,P A RT./WENT will compliso ev.•ry varlets. of non netg, iialp, and Trim• mixnrs to he found in that line; of the latest and most approved shapes and styles ,Solis It an early rail, I remain years ; reepte,tlully. IV AHD, Nes 10:n, 10,, k 107 NorrAJ Secant it, Phila dpi II 8, 181:4 —4l. PUBLI3 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On Saturduy, Nay 28/h, 1864. jn pursuance of an order of the Orphans' eourt. the subscriber trill offer ut pulillesttle.on the tueinkes. situ iced In >litfln twp , Cunib. two 11111. mirth of Newrille near the State real lending to Dub Do (Lip, the fol.owinai desert bed It oil liF lute. 7'll'o FIRST RA7 . E Ale3l s Nn 1 ,ntains Ares of First quality ni ;, 4 1a to of about 5 iron are I. go q tiviber. The Impnnemaut Hie 1 , LWO VIII p Jy}lt st a r) HOUSE, d With I(ltehen and Waah house, 414 A LOU (3 ARN 111:aT" O "'• wilt all the necessary Outbuilding'n. Till, Mildis ut a high steto orcultivatiru. having been recently thoroughly limed. 'There In fl no runniTig water on this farm. No. 2 adjoins No. 1. and le a first .ra.Le FLU.. Farm, containing 131 Acres, of which rit.oa I() acres are \1 nod in: dof good gentility. Tho linprovenionts are a tw t. story LOG HOUSE AND LOG BARN. Thin farm I F sign In I, annd state of cultivation, having h a d a rowpliu,u cat There is rnnn,hig ratvr in ahumlanro nil this Also, at the wine time 11114 place, a Ten Acre Lot of 7I.IfBER LAND. This-Jot lies near the Conodoluinet creek and adjoins tarot No. 2. It a ill he sold either separately or wlth Ile farm as purchasers may desire Also. two tracts of MiI.UNTAIN LAND. 0710 of whleh Is in township, and contains 31 acres of flue Chestnut timber, and the tailor In I rank ford township. contain, 31 sores. Persons wishing to view env or tins n',ove pronert,, do liv railing .in the subscriber, at his r,liiilll,l. In Mifflin township, .di"iniug For , . No 1 S.lll. to ~, i ninotire at 12 o'lork M., on 5141,1 day, when ul tondatow ,w ill Lo given am I,ortnt, x...1.4ke known by SP 1 .1 1'1.:4„ 111/WNI AN, .Ir. Adadnlxtrator Joe. 43 BOW 1111.1, dee'd. April 8. 1864, TMPORTANT T l O EVERYBODY. C. ,SAW YER, has just recejv,ed • &oak I•tie ,Jatseat Spring Importations an im nlUaFU st,cti or DRESS GOODS, embracing the utmost styles and Wirier, offered to the trade. Blank, Figured and Plain Silks In large supply, Sidi. Mohair, WQlii, 1.410 mid Ccntrau Text uron, lint• brnidered and Plaid Sinunerllae, Striped and Plaid Her• flaunts. Plain and Figured Poll du norm. Sol:posse Plaids, A tidelusien Stripes, arid all other styles,. A full line of !lesson's • MOURNING GOODS, Bombazines. Tulin Cloths, Tamise Cloths, Wool de Woes, ChMlles, Borott.his, Tamanlnes, norety, Plaid and Plain Mohair, Ilereges, Lawns, Crapes, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Parasols. Gloves, &c. Funeral Goods of all kinds constantly on hand. Special clasp ven to ell orders for Funeral Goods. Call and axamlne our latent Now Ynrk styles of St'lllNCl MANTLES, all the varieties and styles of Spring Shawls., Frorph. English and Anrrican CLOTH'S And .CABBI NIERES, limit class Win.. makes up goods when do sired) Cotton and Linen Pantlnge, oat;inga, C4R.PETS, CaIR,PETN. From the;Ltuvell, Ilartforit and Enterprise Mills, all grades, Off Olcaies, Muttings, Itugn, Shades, and every thing In the House Furn !Wog Hue. 41n .enormous stock of 1 10 1 00 fl 00 8 00 ,D 0,,. ,SVC GOODS; all the standard makes of Calicoes, Drown and:Meech• ad Meetings. Shlrtings, listings, Stripes, Cottonadea, a full lino of Notions, Hosiery and Glo , t;es. 4,11 ,the latest improvements in Hoop Skirts. I have ,received tho agency of Rayon's celebrated Kid Gloves for this place. Ladies will tind a complete ast.ortment. The above Goods and many others not named, with a large stock of OLD GOODS. I offer ,to lbo trade at a small advance on .cost of production. Fueling grateful for past patronairtyl ask a continu ance of the same. Remember the uld and %veil known stand, East Main St , ouo door below Martin's Hotel. W. C. SAWYER. Carlisle, April 8, 18115.- NOTICE. In the'Court of Common Pleas of Cumb. County. n the matter of the Petition of Wm. B. alullin and Robert Given, Trustees of the Union Church of Mount [lolly Springy for confirmation of deed : Now to wit : March 22. 1.884 Rule to show cause why the sale and deed made in pursuaneilbero4 by the said Wm. B. Mullin and Robert Giver( Trustees of the congregation of the Union Church Iff Mount Holly Springs to William Alexander for a certain portion of the real estate of said congregation should not be ap. proved Of and confirmed by the Court, returnable April 18th 1864. By the Court. Test, SIIIIIEMAN, Prothy. IITOTICE. AnYPerson, having the fliq, thrao vol umes of Bancroft'illistory of the Drifted States or Agnes Strickland's Queens of England; belonging to the Belles Letters Society of Dickinson College, will confer great farbr Upon said Society by returning them to the Library immediately. By order of the Society. Alf. St Rhoads, Lib. April 1, 18f4. 'Carpetings and 011 Cloths. IVOW receiving at Ogilby's ohoap cash I Store, it lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Ilemp, Rag, and Stair CARPETS. Also, Floor orb WWI'S all widths, which will be bold for the cash at the lowest rates. CHAS. OITILBY, Trustee. March 4, 1864 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF CARLISLE, Far the Council Year 1863-4. JACOB RIJEEM, TREASURER RAlance rocoived from former Tres suer, *204 20 Amount of Lion against 8. Coldwell's bolt's, 20 00 Amount Rent of stall an 1 stands at Market !louse, 557 50 Race tvcd of Win. M. Chonowlth, Clerk uf the Market, &c., 50 03 Revolved of A,. le Spender, Esq., Ones, 20 00 Recvlvod of Abm. Dnhuff, Esq., fines, 50 for 14.xliibltion licenses, 45 00 Amount of faaus of 1801, outshinc4 lag at last Settlement, 004 45 Amount of taxes of 1862, outstand ing at last settlement, 054 08 Amouut of taxes levied fur 180:;, 5727 50 added to dyr li• rate of 1863, 1 00 Total Debits, EXPENDITURES. Council Orders. Paid Geo Line and others. Inter .st oil borough bonds and ou Judgement, SIISI 00 Paid Carlisle this and Water Co, 056 ilo '• Carlisle tins and Water Corm • pany Interest on Investment in E. Pomfret. street, 10 00 Paid borough hood coupopv, 1100 Ou •• W. D. Mathews, street commis sioner, salary, and work on streets, and wages paid hand, t2l F 1 Pahl Ahm. Deb tiff, Esq., qualify ing borough nfti'iers, 2 75 Paid Joshua began ' extra services as high constab le, 6 33 Paid .1 Bretz, serving election notices. 1 00 Paid A. Martin, serving election notices. 4 20 Paid .11113. POStllltilmnito, election ex penses, 11 est IA ard, 10 CI) Paid A Kerr, mection expenses Cast Ward, 10 0 0 PAM Wm. McMillen, repairs at plug, 75 •• A. ni'Doonel and when repuirs at Marset pump. 3 75 Paid Jonathan Zeigler, stepping stones, A 00 •• I. I I eek er, and otlicrs, rem°, 1111: noise nre.c. Peter .\lyp, s, hhicksniithing, •' Illnehett, work on boy slue lvs. Paint I. iteighter. laying crossings, •' Al lia wish ue, work at crossings, Paid CV. 51. l'iinnwith, cleaning and Market 'louse, and ten:dos, I%IW M. ehre , ner, supper foF patrol, •' It. J. " •• Paid .1. Armstrong. preparing boroo_j, t... 0. Zinn. 5.r printing, •• 11 Bretton, E Cornmati, A K ilk-eon, Jas. I,udnii, fir sta:lonary, " Preta, for cleansing 103,n(19 MO 67 7 g 0 no 1,313 31 640 5(3 2,32,000 00 17.710 00 711 197 31 (IR U 1 ;:1.111 6 ., X 11,242 1& ag, Paid Il i Delaney, plank for bridge, •' 1(.1;10,, cleansing grave rtei, •• Luit;..onary none et bridge, Paid A. 1.. Hecker. repairing locket. •• .1. W. Ogilloy. treastier of Good Will if else Com paoy, Paid I'. Monyer, treete.urer of pn,ton Fare 0.1114111 u, Paid P. (2uiglev, treaBu of Cumbar Pend F Ire I:loinp.iny. Paid .1. Campl:ll. Le 00011rer of Md: and Ladder Company, Paid P. llosler, logs for brid •• P. Spahr, for stone and haul. inn, Paid F. lirardurr, IyK plug. and lanrrlF-a" Pored. Pahl J. 11. Fredericks, for atonr, Cuinherland e.o,unt , ) fur 15t0'...0 forni%hed to hoiough, l'ahl P. N144:,1e0, for loktng and rlay log Walnut Ftroet, Paid Wm Linch.kinoa, gas lamps and wok dooh. Pahl ( ;e -o. fn; posithg ordi; minces, PRItl E Stel.l, windlng =I " A. J N%'elsh, en hector, Ceunnip sioneg on Du plicato or 1863, on 68, at per runt. rnid A. Martin and It. MeCArtpey, • for pror vri rig yolm Leers. Paid .1: W 1b), sa ry ..s socret-W,. Paid W. M . l'hotiow ith, salr ry nu clerk of 'I ket, Pail II 1.. Becker salary as high con A. Martin. salary as ,1 - 11gb cont li e. Paid .Inn llaro4r.pala,ry as lan.p light or, West Ward. Paid James Spangler, salary as lamp lighter, NVest. Ward, Paid N. Sow,•ra, salary no lamp light er, East %raid, Paid 1•:. hearts, salary an lamp lightof• East Ward, Paid It Natcher, salary of Janitor, and extra services, 30 00 Paid J It Ir‘ in, En•l , for preparing annual statement of roceipia end e‘pendli urea Mr'Auditor, and Pt publication for 14112 3, 16,nn l'aid li. Saxton, for On,, ha+a ware, 18 181 {t•+n I ridley, for spout at May -1.4 hi. , llho, 60 Paid J t' Stra.: y, for stakes at Mot- Itet 11,1u,r, 1 00 Paid Sani'l Wetzel and others, regala• Ling W dont Si root, 0 00 Paid Nlinich, stepping stories, Inn Borough note redeemed, 2 00 Paid Jacob Il hymn, nal fly as Troa racier, and ea pelmet, and nervicen under bounty ordinance, 130 00 Palk' P. Quigley. for preparing annual Ntritt . lll.•lll of receipts and expen ditures of Amnion', and for publi• cation for 1813-4, 10 DI Total rash plymenta. $6,6e0 45 By additional exoneratious allowed collector 4150'2. 15 04 By exiineratious {Wowed collector of 1053. 03 111 By amount of taxes of 1.861. outatitu4- iIIK, 'O4 p By amouut,of faxes of 1802, outatatiui. 104 01 By commission allowed collector of 1802, Im 11422,43, 21 10 Total credits, littipce hands of Tressuer, $7,8111 25 ANNDAb STATEMENT OF THE DEBTS AND ASSETS LIA Ronda issued for Ons and Water stock, Ist subscription. $25,000 00 Bonds issued for Oas and Wel or stock. 2d subscription, 36,cp1 00 Bond issued to Ueorge Dine (tad others, .8,481 00 Judgement of 51arga - at Warden, use of I'. Quigloy o 500 00 1000 sham Gas and Wator stock, Ist subscription, at par value, $25,000 10 1404 shares Gas and Water stork, 2.4 subscription, at por value, 35,0 t 0 04 124 shares Gas and Water stock, at per value, 3,100 00 Outstanding taxes for 1861 and 1862, an a I?ay . euient I,lens, b 1 52 Excess of Indebtedness, Exceam of lupebtedneas Haat year, 811 above, Increase, $874 00 • JACOB ittißEß, Treasurer of the Borough of Carlisle, In account with Bounty Fund Coriunittes. To amount of loan on bond frota;tbe Carlisle Deposit Dank, $5,500 00 OR. Ily cash paid on orders of Committee of bounty fund to 01 persons, I 0,10 CO Balance In bands of Treasurer', We. the "Auditors of the borough of Carlisle, do car. tify that we have exatolord the foregoing ac oaunt of Jacob nem, Treasurer of said borough, and find a balance duo by him to said bo•nifgh of six hundred and seventy donate and seventyqdrie cents. We have also examined the above 'statement of th• debts tied assets of said borough and find the game correct. 'And have also examined the account of said neasgrer with the bounty fund Committee, and ilnd a. balance (1110 by blm to said committee of four hundred dollars. W. A. MILEB, • ' Auditors. ():E. MAGLAUMN RECEIPTS, 84.0 h 691,:.5 $7.219 4t 070 79 $68,088 SO Assns $83,550 88 6,433 62 si 566 02 5,492 62 $4OO 00 GOOD NEWS. GOOD NEWS. NEW STORE, TEIDICH & MILLER having just l returned from the city with an entire new and complete tock of Foreign.and Domestic filq GOODS, wish to inform the public that they aro prepared to offer on very reasonable terms, a very desirable stock of Goods, on the south east corner of the public square, Immediately opposite Irrint's Shoe Store. Thu stock comprises in part Ladles' Dress Goods, • Plain Black Silks all qualities, Black Figured and Rep Silks, Fancy Colored Plain and Figured Dress Silks, all colors and qualities, Plain Plaid and Strtpod Spring Poplins, Plain Alpacca bustres all colors,' plaid and Striped Poll do Choverae, Striped and Plain Mobaira, Silk Challles Plain and wool Do Lainea. ail colors and qualitioa Mozambiques, Muslin de Lathes, Challiea, ingliams, Laotos, 4., 4., be. A.beautiful assortment of Colo'd Spring Mantillas, of different styles from one of the moot inehlotttthle es tablishments in the city. Spring stte.wle, Hooped Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Hosiery and (i loves of every description, Dress Trimmings, Linen and Silk Hand. kerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, Bail Road Corcets, &c., DOMESTIC GOODS of all kinds, such as Mulched and Unbleached Mits. line, Bleached and Unbleached Shootings, Pillow-eases :Niuelins, Tiekings, Chucks, Red, Whit° and Yellow Flannels, Nankeens, Blue lciennims, Blue Drillings, Striped Shirting, Cotton Pants stuff. Kentucky Jeans, all kinds of Linen and Colton Table Diapers, Toweling, Cambric and Paper Musllns, and an endless var ety o f other Domestics. A complete assortment of goode suit. able for FUneral purposes. Mourning Goods, such,a.4 itoinbazinas, Tandse Cloths Double and Single width, all W1)01 M uslin do Lain 00, Black Silk IA arp Challies Oriental Lustres, trocuda, Nlohalm, Second Mourning de Lainos, I hallisS, Wußhalns Lawns. Black English Crapes, Crape Veils Law Veils, Crape Collins, Silk and Kid li locos, Square and Long Thibet Shawn's, &c., NEXY AND BOY .S . (YEAR, nkek Clotheß, Blacic and Fancy llassfin arc, Vim:tinge. Noon and Colton Punts stuff, of all grades, can have clot hind made at 51101 t notice. CARPE IS, CARPETS, nil grades and quoit les, from the mournful hemp up to the be•l quality t IltdOW t". 111011,, Loot,i 1.1.; nod an podless variety of other Goods, toi un nn:rous t 111VIlt,11,fl. N. P. Thu above stock has been Felect ed If Ith a great deal of care and with a view at disposing of the ;ante on the 'oust reafonable terms. We hope that every person In watt of goods wl•t givo UN a call born, mak. lug their spring }nimbuses, and we feel assured that we can offer Inducement• to all that will gi. eus a call. and will extend all aceoummdations and C 011131) fences that can be offered by any other in.biness house in the county. Do oil forget the proper place on the eeroor. LEI DIC II k 111 L LER 30, 1801 DIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice k hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of John Kauffman, Into of t , c.uth Middleton township. dee'd., h'er'e this day been granted to the undersigned, who reside in said town ship All persons having theen.el V, I nrb•btrel to said estate. are• [burr Pro requested to make pat 111,11 t. unit blown holding t lanes against It, will present thorn for settlement Io MARTHA K A CFI , M AN, J A cOli S. K A 11FInt AN, April 1,11164-6 t, Ad atorki A I))1 I N ST It AT 0 ICS NOT 1 - (', 1 , 3. j - 1_ Not ice is hereby given that Letters of Admin. ;-1.1 ation on the estate of Julia , Auu Rolf, lute f Plan h ur l I wp., dee•d , 1111,, been bqmod to the suls t.rri her I in Wentpen I shorn . t. p. All pore me knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are that e lore requested to make payment, and those having el.t3nts to present them for bettlernee I to 23 25 J t 2 April 1, 19,1 1 hli 8 Ou M>ri3r sr-C3•C:)(51.. 10 00 '5 75 20.0 sprtiNG, ieeop, G WBENEIELD & SHEA FER, JN ITE the attest on of buyers to their new steel, of are (i“ol% It will lie farad unsur -I:,,ssed in on those funt II les el h i - ontpri,e a fi rst class deck All departments of our I,worie,, have boon much enlarged, especially that of :At 7 3 S 7 It 0 (0 30 34 13 00 I) /I! E S -CIO 0 I) , trldrh WO are Of Orl is the 111,Jet extensive assort unlit I; e r ~Ilered ni thin town We )1.1,, now orlon ready for inspeetion all the novelties the season. ie: Poplin:, all nen shades and styles. ,dezanthlquee. Plain and klai Platd Poplins. Challies Ile Isis es, also, a 1., a ttlicut ..honk of Al PI2..CAS, at ay.tonhglingly low pricett. I MO BIM MEI :µ 11 1 - ou I)OMESTICS. Prints, lilvarllo.l Nikuditt., Brom' Sheelings, F;anuels Gingham,. Cotton,ll.,, BUZI Gents' and Boys' Wear, (labs. C 11,2.11111.1 ru. JI•1111S. Z 4 11111h11•r 1% 12 WOUlti trill t he Aol'llo.ll of tmr frit - tot , mete tit olarly to riot loth, ow. stir!, 11.1itts 1 alt." , toottiltF, all holt,: ht of, the late tultitio, which will Ise •old at 1 , - 9 that lily vontitet woo -- P.•rsolts limy rely 011 I.thtting groat ' , al.:alio: at the store 9t 70 75 1 01) IBM liril EIBM IMIIM 1 (,) b -5 NOTF . .-I , rh , TIS denim s !of vxmoing our stork %yin p11:1.1,...!..r.111..1;, , ,•..1h•et our Storo la Is Zug's 1.1,1,11ng S. E. “ropr 131.tiut 1) or. 1. p posit, E Cl.o;lirlg boor,. G. t ti EMI 1(0 00 lu.) v 0 CO Alt TER 1829. Ph:RPETUA I MED FIiA.NKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COME,Y. J.',7 ¢0 MEI EOM PIIILADELPIIIA MED ASS F,TS ON JANUARY 1, 1864, 82 , 4 5 7 , 5 4 9 9 5 . ern ENE CA PITA!, Erb SUIt l'1,1",;, IN V EBT ED EH lUMS, Unnettled CIIIIIIIB $4,4113. LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, 05,00,0,00,0• PERPETUAL AND Ey Pug A 1 1 0.1./CIES ON = DIRECTORS CH ARLES N. lIANCK ER IA. AC LEA. T , lll AB WAD N EDWARD C. DA I.y, A>IV EL GRANT, QE'). FA/.E'4, JACOB R. SIIITII, A1,1 , 1)-11 VITLER, (MO. W. It ICIaA R1)8, CR AS.W. I DIV I , D *AJAR/di:SI N. ItANCKEI.S-.Prefiet• EDW Alin C DALE, Vice Pree'L JAS NV. :Slc A LusT EH, :-re Pro. Ton. A. L. SPONSI,EIt, Agt , LNrlinlu Pa Nlit:ch IS, Isr,4—uu... READING RAILROAD. V, -.1,11714'4r' dwp, R'ffinf f ff Itei e gr rn . :-",46.14Ey. ' WINTER ARRAN - UE*II:NT. tr - Iq.EAT Trunk Line from the Narth and NorthAiluxt for Philadelphia, Now York Rend ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &c.. fie. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New-york. Reading Pottsville, and . till Intermediate Stat,lons, at 8 A. NI„ and 2 P. 31. New. York Express loaves Harrisburg at 6,317 4... M., arriving at Now York at 1.45 the Fame day. A special Aecomoultitlon . Passenger train leaves READ inn at 7.15 A.M., and returgr trots Ihirrlebust at 6 NI. Fares from Harrisburg.; To New-York ,V$ 16; to Phil adelphia $3 35 and $2 80. Ilargage checked through. Returning. leave Nap-It:irk at 0 A. NI.. 12 noon, and 7 P. NI., (Pittsburg Expross arriving at liarrisburg at 2 A. NI.) Leave PVlneellibla at 815 4., 11., and 3.30 P. M. Sleeping core in thu Now ‘ York Express Trains through to and Irmo Pittsb,urg without change. Passengers by the Caf.awhisa.Rallroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 A. M., nue 2.15. I'. M., for Philadelphia, New, York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 0.16 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 8.30 A. M., nod returns from Philadelphia at 4 30 P. M. ' .8 All the above trains ruo daily, Sundaya except ed. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.90 A. M., and Philadelphia xi 3.16 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Harm don Tick eta at reduced rates to and from all points. 430 Pounds Baggage allowed each PAW engor. G. A. NICOLLS, ,Dee. 11,1889. General Superintendent. Penn mutual Life Insurance Co. ASSETTS $1,221,289 71. Life Insurance Policies, on favorable Terms. riIHE Board of Trustees tiave declared a Scrip Dividend of FORTY PER CENT. upon the cash premiums .received In 1863. on all Policies in force ou the 'Slat. December, and have deci• tied to receive all the'scrlp iseued , up to, and. including January 1856 In payment, of Premiums. The undersigned is. ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them at the Carlisle agency, at his ofilco on Main Street, at any time after the date of this notice. - Pamphlets, tables of rates, applications and every in• formation furnished without charge. A. L. SPONSLER, March 25,1884=-24. A gout. NEW STORE, iSA3II:EL I)II,LER, Admit Ash, Lot. Ill= $ 100.0)0 UT I 0 K.) 1,0, ,268 /aconu• for 30 . GREASON SEMINARY. rpm Summer term of this Institution will commence op thp 6th of April. Pulpits of hot nexen.recolved. Instrumental and Vocal . NlVelc taught hy an experlohcod Female tenchor. For Mon ier address E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, Plaintiffßl, Opmh., Co. Pa. April I, 1864-It. Look out for the Draft IN the new Store just opened by Zeig ler & Stock, North Hanover Street, (formerly D. Cm-omen's Store,) there lea dally draft made In their cheap Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and all aorta of GROCERIES, Vlgh, Flour and Peed.— Do not forgot and give them a call. April 1, 186.1-4t*. B ARLOMPB NDIGO BLIk. TIE ALE RS and consumers of the above Celehra tod Wash Biqa, wVI take notice, that the Labels aro altered to read. INDIGO BLUE, put up at Al'red Willberger's Drug Store, No. 243, North Second titreet, Philadelphia. The qualllty of this Bluo will be the saute In every respect I It Is warranted to color more water limn twice the same quantity of Indian, and to go, much l urther than any other Wash Blue in the market. It J.thll3ol von per featly clear and does nut settle on the clothes as most of the other makes do. One Ilex lIINSOIsod In a half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid /11U0 as any that Is 111100 at one third the cost. As it Is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and inferior articles, housekeepers will find It very much to their advantage to ask for that put op at it therger's. trh.- All 11l no put up after this date with Barlow's name nn It i 5 hnitat inu '1 ho New Label does not Isaiah n a Stamp. For s le by Storekeepers geuellilly. ?larch "• Proclamation WWHEREAS the floe. Jetties 11. ilntu 4.7,t Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per ry, and Junk to, and Jus tices of the so vet al Courts of or and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said counties, nod it ichael Cocklin and II ugh tqua rt , Judg es of the Courts of oyer and Termi.ter and Jail Deliv• cry for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me directed, dated the Ilth day of January 1804, have ordered 4 Court of Oyer Will Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be noldon at Carlisle on the 2d Mon day of April, 1804, (being the 11 to day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Cous,tables of the said county of Cum berland, that they I,re by the said precept command ed to be them and there In their proper persons, with their rolls, records. end leg Lthritiblui 00111111111 st ions, and all littler remembrances, to do tlite.e things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by roe, gnlzances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shalt tie in [le Jail said county, are to be there to prosecute thorn as shall be just. J. T. ItIPPEY, Feb. 20, 1863. Fhetiff, .1 or Store I J 1 cm Store 1 MILLER, will open Ljtheir New Store on the corner of th.lpublic square known 7.11,f'S corner, opposite Irvine'', Shoe more, nn thu 16th day of tho pre.ent month (throb ) when they will he able to exhibit to the mueuninity au en. Orr new stock: of F0r..1 4 .1 and Doupi,tic DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Lo. king (.; ~es GEMBEIR )Intell 4, I'l4 N. H.—A large portion of our .t , c 1: of lAnneqtic(io,sts that will ha opened WM4 purchased in the month of January, when they were a shade b.wer than nt the pi oseut time, and will be twit! at a spall advance. I.EIDICIt A. NI I 1,1,E1t. Town Property for Sale. lAM nothorised to sell the Property of Ni!.. sop}a Sturm, situated on the North side 0 1 ! Pomfret street near West street Tbe lot 4 of Is. 60 teet front by 120 feet deep, and has •• VI II IIL upon It aT w 0 story plaitere I lions,' atilt 4: 4. :,.... 1 1. .1r a r..; e Shop It will he sold AV a whole ''r =,.., . in part as may be most eligible. IN'). B. PARKER. FO. 5, 1854 -tf. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE or' o G . I Plar C I AT REDUCED 1);ICES, With Class Clod) Presser, Improved Loop— Cheek, New S'yle Hammer, Binder, Corer. Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa Prethinma at tho INI FRNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON. 15({', 2 , INDUSTI,I L EX HIM !lON. 1,1114, 1861. 11=1 =EI Silver Medal at the Penn.qylvania State Fair rpte,n4er, Ib7i.J American Inns It lite. Now York. \tech:mit,' imsocint 11,,ston, Franklin I ngtil uto. Met rop.,lllan I n.. 1 Unto, Wasial nu.ton, 3lnryiaml Institute Italtionne. ) lorbanic, Af.4:oia.tinn, Cin7innn(i, Ken tucky Institut°, Loulecille. MovLanical Angoviation, St. Louis, Mechani,s' Institute, San ;ft to Fairs of MAINE VE6MONT, C4NSECTI( ur, NEW JERSEY. rENINSYLy 1 NIA, 1 I RU I \ lA, MISSOURI, nU lit. INDIeNA, 1 o , T N IhLI V eils. it ENTut ItV NI wino A N, IcrarrlNSlN, L&l.lFirltNi A. These celelarat,erl Muder, err adapted te trvrri, v ririty of Sowing or rlll7ll lv wear, frr•m the lightest to the heaviest clothe. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and cotton geode.—senorirg null Gino. gathering, beterelng, fulling, cording, and braiding— melting a beautiful and perfeut stitch, alike on b• ti? sides—and performing every species of sewing except malting button holes and stitching on buttons. Full in tructions for operating the Machine is given gratuitously at the sales moms. When the Machine is sent some distance, so that personal instruction is inconvenient, a card of direction is sent, which in a sufficient guide. The qualilles which recommend the 11 heeler & Wilson Machine are 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the . farrcle sewed. 2. Strength, liminess, anti durability of seam, that will nut rip nor ravel, and made with 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments and wide range of application to purposes and materials. b. Compactness and elegance of model and-finish. 13. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed,.ease of operation and management, and quietness of •movement. SOIIIEDU IX OF PR TONS. No. a Machine, with Plain Table, $45 CO Half Case, Pannellod, so 00 Hall( ass PoManed, flack Walnut or Mahogany 55 00 No. 2 Machina with Plain Table, 55 00 Half Casa, Pannellod, 00 00 Half Case, Polished, ❑lack Walnut or Mahogany 05 00 No. 1 Machine, Silver plated, with Plain Table, Ml 5 00 Half Caro, Polished, Black Walnut, 70 00 Mali Case, P 011 5 ,14, /Slack Walnut or Mahogany 76 00 lialiCasp, -Polished, Rosewood, 00 00 Full Case; Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 00 00 Full Case, Pollelnki, Rosewood, - 100 00 No. 4 .Machine, Large with Plain Table, 75 00 No. 5 Matthine, Cylinder, with Plain Tabln, TERMS CASH Every Machine le sold with a Hemmer, Noe. 1 and 2 afachlnea are sold complete, with the New Glass Cloth Presser, Now Style Hemmer and Braider. Wheeler & Wilson's Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. Nor. 27, 1803-Iy. - _ NAILS ! NAILS ! ! 11 AILS ! ! A large Mock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tringh nalle, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth Sects a keg mo;a than any other make of nails sold id our O Own. thle is the opirdon of mechanics W h slijsve them, we also have a full assortment , of . BUILDINGVATEILIALS, of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war ranted as re Presented. JOHN p. 14.11.1 k: & 841. STEINWAY .PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the World's. Fair, London, 1882, • rlll.l E undersigned has just received;. and intends to keep constantly on band a full as. ie aroma of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Steinway it Sous of York. Each instrument will be carefully selected In Um- Miwuructory, end will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices,. with the Addition of Froight to Carlisle. A written &invitee of entire satisfaction will ha given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are Invited to call awl, examine these unrivalled Plapos, at;. R. E. Shapley's le'elry Store,. Main Street, ad door east of tho Mansion House, near tr a Railroad Dopot SECOND HAND PIANO raceivod in exchange anal ken: for PLOD oo to :ant Carlisle, Mar 22. 1833-1 y Geo, W, Carpenter, Henszy Et Co's.. Wholesale linty (f. 7 Chemical TVarehowse, r 1 Subscriber keeps constantly onp I n largo stack of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 1 1 1/ star C/UTIDAL VIIEPARATIoNs, and every other article which appertains to the business, embracing the moat extensive variety; Also PAreis, Cute and-GLASS of eirery deseripti All articles purebased from us can be relied on as bo• log of the most superior quality, nod at as low prices es they cart be had. We cal offer such inducements as will make it the interest of purchasers to lay in their supplies friar us, and give us their future patronage and in r r:11,, visit the city, to call at our estab- I islmn• nt. All orders addressed to ue by mall or ot.ber• wise, will meet alto prompt at tention. GEO. W CARPENTER. HENSEY it co., 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 5,31-3 m. BARGAINS L BARGAINS ! ! At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store! TAM now opening a large assortment I of NEW AND DESIRABLE goods. bought befor the I.2.cen t rke to prices. which will be sold funthe Cub xt o,lv Hare on hand a full lino of BLEACHED and. UN— ft LE ACII ED MUSLI NS at the very lowest prices. Vet . Infix, Hinghants. Checks and Calicoes also, in groat, vq- . I let ies and cheap. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Elegant new style Silks, Chillies, Colored. Alpaotuks, Fume❑ Cloth, Satin Stripe Lusters, and De 'Latinos, .sr.c. Gloves end Hosiery. all kinds and prices. I. Linens, Linen Diann Tattle Cloths, Napkins, Russia lc Amonlan Caches. Cambricke, Swiss Mull, Nainsook, Bishop Lawn, kc , dee. MOURNING GOODS. - - - - - A large assortment of Black Veils, Craps Collars, Qg and „1•4 all carol Dolains, Turihrn Cloth, Black Battu Alpackas, Mohan and all the different, style Black and White Goods film Bissdit's aslebratud Mourning Storo. Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets Fancy Casfimeres, Sattlnets, K. Joann, &c., at low prl es. S-I. 6-4, 5.4 and 4.4 Floor 011 Clothe, also Tith'o oil Clths, all width. JOHN MILLEN, All my winter stock goods, will be closed out at loon than City prices. Now Is the time Ihr purchasers to save money by laying in their stock All goods bought and sold for CASII. Ilpeeulloct the place—West Main s t. nearly opposite the Depot. C. OGLLBY. Cm lisle, Feb. I'_', 'O4. HARVARD COLLEGE, 0364, r;I\VO Terins of Nineteen weeks each, ,urninen.•lng 31erch 7th and-September sth. for Cato lognle ml Circular address .10EI, PARKER, Royan Professor. Can.ridge, Moo , Feb. 26.1864-36 mill E subscriber, because of ill. health, and private TIM t tors Itlso rlshnfnq his attention, (.-ale it his duty to relj:l. :I,opt business ah least fur season. probably until the present War Is ended. I shall 4lest, toy loisiness early to February next. and up 10 1 1 101.1,010 , 1. will keep up my usual supply of ,Itllllq, Colt, s, Teas, `wars, Spices, Mackerel and su,i, Iml I,cl at tivies sr 101,1111 10 a stock of Urocerles, to,z.tlo— with au 1.-0,01111,0111.4 f T,httron, (r'i,tring smoking) 4- Cigars ; 011 - ado:4 Um cholccel gollitles, and at the lowest p0,i1.1 , pH:1411111i pro' Ls, TM. he :WOO it my stuck, composed of C E D AR W ARE , such as Ti. ha, Churns, Buckets. a lot of Corn Brooms— the chnicel.t in any market—also, China, Glass, Queensware, Crocks, , 0 lii he sold at reduced prices. would this opportunity of tendering my sincerest Omni.. to the nunieroui friends and Custom er. e he have for a period of over twenty years, given Me a• d liberal n share of their patronage, ti naia d ; that my tabu', to please have not'sdpgepher been ut sail.. such as lisie ne:arunts to settle with me, either fir or itimin,t. I would state that I will as hero triirrre, be timed at my 1181.1r0 pla,ro of business, where I will be alva)ii Ire happy to see ti110:13. .• Marlon Hall," Carlisle, January 8, 1884. , <47- Perry Advocate please copy Al - rjr,Ll4)l. yitIDLEY r espectcuily announciis to the citizens of Carligle and the puhlte geusrZlly, that he still continues the manufac ture of till k)iltin of tin and sheet iron ware In J. D. Iltilhort'F building Loot Loutheystreet Carlyle at th• sign of ,the wh,ro bu will at all timew be ready to do all kinds of Work In Ilia lino with 111.11011,ns and despatch. Alms out at nil Limos be hiu. those Maim -tad, wolf pvaling and serif Ltiatitig premium airtight, FRUIT ,CANS AND JARS niid nII landtot jubbiog do ne at Cash paid for old lead. pewter and. copper. Thank ful bn the patronage heretofore extended, he hopes by strict attention, mud a desire to please all to merit a euutin ultimo of the same. heat forget the nign of the Red Coffee l'et. April 3, 1863. received arid very cheap afr, GRIS.E.:NFIELD & SHEAO'BRIS, As wo innate,' these goocts of au extunetie Cloak NI o tart , wv in NEW Yoaß.,..t e are able to offer aulueri• or inducements to any in the country. FURS rugs:: We defy competition. having made arrangements witlit one of the largest New York Fur Co's., to supply us with choice Goods. %%o feel confident we can bell Furs at City prices Nov. 13, 1603 AFULL assortment of Men and Boys' Boots and Sh .es, Aultablo for the winter. Also, Ladies and hllaae.'s Balmoral Bootees, Children's Boots or all kinds. Ladies and Gentlemen's GUM Over Shoes. My old customeres and all in want of good and akoap Boots and Shoes, nlll 00100 call and examine t s he stoelc before purchasing. Main street, nearly opposit, Mae Depot Carlisle, Nov. '2l, 181G3 Notice of Co-Partnership, rrHE public are hereby informed that the,undersigued have this day entered into a Co Partner Ship, under the name of Delaney & Dlair, - for the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber bust , ness. at, the old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas Works; where all orders in their line of bupineas are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled, OLIVER DELANCY, Oct. 16, 1863 f ( efir Orders fur coal will he received at Halbert 1 Fleming's Grocery Store; Robert 'Mooro's Shoe Store and A. 11. Blair's Currying Shep DELANCIt A BLAIR. Itts.Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited throne' t h e. Post Office, arrangements having been made with the Postmaster to charge the postage on same to ts: All orders punctually Ailed. CIO Bryans kuhninfic Wafers, AT RALSTON% MEM arArDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Lettere of Administration on the estate of Rich. arker, dec'd , late of North bliddieton4mushlp, having been issued by the liegistei of Cumberland Co. to It. M. Ilenderron of Carlisle. Notice Is hereby Or: en to all persons indebted to said estate to make im. mediate payment, and those baying clalme to present them duly authenthated tro , . ~ '• ' R. ki. ISENDERSON, ' ' AdMinlstrater. March 18, 1885 JOHN IL STATMAIS. No. 737 Market St., Phlladcaphin LAW SCHOOL Cjosin:', up Business COFFEE POT. RED COFFEE POT, CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! GREENFIELD & FIIEAFED. S. E. Co;. of Market &ratite, 2d door BOOTS dk. SHOES., CH AS. °Hilary. Trued*, ANDREW U. BLAtit FEMME