Fire Irtsurahee THE Allen and Eastpenneboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county, Incorporated by an act of Assembly. in the your 1843, and having .rerently lead Ito charter ex (andel to the year 1883, Is now in active and vigorous oporation, un der the superintendoucts of the following Board of Managers, vii : William R. Uorgas. Christian St:um:on. Jacob Ebory, D. Bally, Alex. On Limo t, .1. 11. Co•eicr, John Eicholbor ger, Joseph Wlckorobato, Bsool. Eberly, Moons Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Conver, a • d J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance aro as low and favorable as any Company of the kind lo the State. Persons wishing to become members are Invited to snake applleatlou to the agents of the Compaoy, who aro willing to wait upon them at any time. ct R. GURGAI, President, Eberly's] Mills, P. U. CHRISTIAN SCA Y !JAN, Vice Prosiilont Mechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN 0. DUNLAP. Soct'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dlllsburg. York co. AU ENTS. Cuinberland county.—Joiin Shorrii-k, Alien; Homy 2earing. Sh irema it SILO WII : Laticyetto l'offer, Dirt inson; Henry Bowman, Cburchtown ; Mode OHM' h, South Middleton; Samuel tiralmin. Wostponnsborti'; Samuel Cooror, llorhau icsbu ra; .1. IV. Ctoo:lin,ShophordAtown; L. Coovor, Upper .1. 0. Saxton, Sliver Spring; John Byer. Carlisle; y.. 10110110 Beeman, Now Cumber land; James McCaudlish. New York county —W. S. Plo'mi op. Tr )vor :Mines Warrington ; J. F. rmarilorit, Washington; Ridley Rich ey Clark, Dillsburg ; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Wil liams, Carroll. Dauphin ro —.Tarot, lions,. Harrisburg. Members of the Comp-alto having polloios about to expire, cut have them enowsil by making application a any of the .Ngoo;fi. • October 30, liol3. P. Lynch from the army has William Having returned re-tqwn ed GAS FITTI.VU and at the 0,1 Fir,t CH BING business ell Ile will to a ,is line . at!end limi Slitkß, I;,itli lubn, Ihth 'oily rn, W,,h 1ta,i1,4, Hydraulic Hatne,lc Lead andlron Pip, Hydrant;. lint A: Cold Itittbs, IVater Force mud Litt Po ,ipq. Wro't Iron Woi'd r ti 1111, fit ti tig s f ra.. .•„int lus, ho.itery .1 , teres and dwell ile.t 111.,11,11 style. Al. title It ,Aur An.l over,. ..ssrs,•ll .11 sq gteatn, ster, A LII , I it and gas flat iss,• 1011 'III 1., lugs, at sh.srs u,U,i". matorsals and ,s s 1, in s ut ,unt ry a kirk j June .1 1N...., .1. 1 pi l'tt% attended to R E I) ' JR respect fink' C:dlS ht. In Partie• I Irt•t RECEIVE D NV"" S." S tho attotit o:1 ular) to hir tmp....,0 rAve (.001)s, FALL D II I. if , Fullwaring• tin d? 1,1 hind of lined. in . 111 i V.lllO 1;.•i Alt . Anod - ledn &e.,td, lust recolvud fr., t:.• I. atost ruld app; ~•d the )larket 141.1 81lk‘, 111 l sh.,h•• t•.I. Td0r1110 , ; nil ; Pl,ll Cloth, Sax".. rh 11 Wool I.)uhilutis, I u .t Bpoclal attentit.l given to MOURNING GOODi, such as Mour,lll4 rash• mares 11,t, a.l I\', , . I I,elalti..s. kers, Alpa,,, o re ", i;10,.. I 3fournitz It din al.. Ille., Do,thl.• Islhet Bar FGlt a , d .alals Black and Groy Shawls, 31aut,I,s, I i4urel 4,”.d. ,d all khido. Shawls of all kinds and Colors, Cloak and Nlatit.l., I , r I all and \\ inter wear, Latest Igtrlng ClOll, ,Isirt , goal°. thltir new, I• 111 OVr.S. uunnt lots. 11,1,41. 1, , 1•I Si , I it. Vests, Etubrat,t,anat, Ocr, (Ii Kindg Truck CI A 1.... It•.,er 111 I a and Fan— cy C ISS1111 , 1•••• I .-hurts and Dra , ers, White z3ittrt.. .1.1 I ..,:t., Z.11:1WIF, (lurk Glov e s t , 11 .i i.r• loiak 'I liar Ighin I ,, lilq•rir ,ZP `lll , phi , arid or °very I ..I•• and Slt iker Phut itlank,att), )))1), art.. every thing In la .1 Lilt' nit V. An ext - wrie•..:.• I F.uf pramp at 611 , rt uuth r. anv llama.. nt 11er..11. iiny ' v 1111 • Ali the ahoy.. and many of her .0 la Lit ail II 1,) 'ha ,Id st .0k hand in at a ',nail )01, Ina'''. pur chasers. A.l.i.( I re'. 111 la. wade as the se..s.,n s !v.v....-. a .1. 4 •1 r. , g-. 11 '111111Po.• the trade so kindly given to t .•. many 1.110a5• J 1.. aa ) l and e.,,,utne trey s4u•a. I 41111 t . . 111 hill., I Its 2,1,11) , • liberality giv. on to ruil.nn.., In t h.. I.t.t. 1.1 tn. 1.14. re ("di at the old Stand. List 11.t1.1 -ttect, I.elow 'lran note!. 11 .0 e. A IVY . •111111V.\ I. (}l , ' NI:NV Dry tl7,r g=e+ CD Ca . A• "1314:1NilrZ, 1S ju , t from the vveli st•t,t,•t 11“.) Nut: 1., ,•1111I•iglitIZ 19.11 Ilrt , n . ia. P 1.114/ 1 ., 1 11 / 1 01, 1%01t11,4 Alparti, MEE =OE h \Vt,, \Vhii e . \fool Plai.t ir tort., Tick F II `i IP Li I IL, .1...1)1, D1241/Itr i :Sheet I ngs, Can Ini —•. = Ita Ti.M.T.TZI-IG GOO DES MEM and plain Delmitn.,, th. ',1.. NI In tir. DuLtitlo l',.tript•A U,L.- tle 11,11 - 111, Cl,Ol, Black Mnurninz. C 0,1,1 -11 s, I'o,lt do resin, tllaak Silk, a largo astiortiii,al Lui,sra, Ih,,k .i.lpacak, Black Silk =I SHAWLS, ant I. • 1,1 -.0,0 : 4 •pinre anal L,I ~1 .1 ) Isl • •i; 1.1t,00. lir“.•110 I. , I 12: I' I 1.• : 4 11.1. ,, ld, k.”Y 'IS 00l 1,, 4i.• , 1 %at 1',11.\101111, SiURTZ, Lai HO, II ~, t o lilat/ket, lice or 1113 ported. The Intent bt2. 10 11. opnii 1. - Gls .v1.11.101'. II(ISI ER V. A lanzo and yell s.l,,te %., A 'unit Cotton, La dive and lint. :14,illt111011t of 11,1 ilet and )14,11113 and 1'0(.1,1111.1d- ItorvlllorE, 1 . 110.1 , 11.1. .1 I zu•., +, ur.•r t M .k ND 110 YS' WEAR CLOTH? MIMEO =MEE K ENTUCKY JEANS, Thu larziiiit and 1....1 :itiick Ia the ctiunty.— Carpet., Oil There h selectwl expre,ly lor thlh market, with itreat care both to their quality tied styles, :kit I-,.ruble price et which they can and lie .11-:;, ise Ini 01.1 Howl. r•u.twncra of this we.ll known houqo nrr In vitud Gr Call and examlno thin stock of oplentlid Cur O.A. Bu, 156.1 NEW WINTER GOODS, ir have just returned from the Eastern JlLMarkets with an Immense stock of Winter Clouds, Latest iitylas, and lainirn of Ladies Dress (10101 s, Misses am? ChtUrea's Dress Guoc4,ss, Ladles and Misses Furs, all binds and qualitlua, BERTLIS:I, C.ll Eg VICTORIN CUFFS. A large steel( of CLUA lia and NIA NTLES, selected from the most hishionaLl a can utitetories In the cities. Latest Park titylos and dosigaq. Clanking Cloths, -Plain and Castor Bearers, Mittens and other qualities. Shawls In large euplpy, latest noveltos as well as staple makes. ' MOURNING GOODS of all kinds and YorMMus. Balmoral Skirts, ovary quality and style. New Style of Hoop Skirts. All kinds of worsted goods, Gloves, nos ery, Embroideries &c.. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR., Overcoatings. Cloths, Mellons. Eatlnuts. Jeans, togath• er with an iminonso stock f Muslin's Calicoes, (Big horns, Blankots, Flannelfi,kurnislilng Goods &c., Please Coll at the WO).1 known stand East Main Strout. Nov. 13, 1803 W. C. SAWYER. The Confessions and Experience. • OF AN X2137.11LXD. • Published for the benefit. and as a warning uud A OA U LION TO YOUNG MEN who Puffer front Nervous Debility Premature Decay of Manhood, etc., supplying at the 1 , 11111 f• time. • • THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By ono who had cured hiumelf after being put to groat expense and injury though• medical humbug and quackery. By. enclosing a poet paid addressed envelope, single copys may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. May 22, t803.-Iy. fIEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. s._ I L A .Late Demonetratoi of operative Dentistry to the Baltimore — College of fiT Akl l/r Denta,l Surgery. - Nea; • ' otacoAthisrovidonco oprosite Marlon Ball, Wee Ilftin afrootyCarlini o; Penn N0T.11,1867. Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I E. Oardner & Co. now manufacturo and koop con stantly for solo, at tholr extensive Steam Works on East Main street, Carlisle, a largo assortment of of well known, approved month:lees to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WILLOUOII Brii. CELEBRATED PATENT which has taken over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need nut speak In detail of the merits.of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on the best farms in these counties. Its reputa tion is established as the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United States. Itsows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springspitss the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pinsor the drill. For oven and regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the following articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable Implements, of established character : MOItRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT ST R A W & FODDER CUTTER, 131tIll EN DOLPH'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, HA RN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S GAST IRON HOO'S TROUGH. Also. Three and Four Horse Poivers and Threshing Machines. Cast iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ton Pinto Wood tqnviis. with an itlllllOllRO variety of other castings fur housekeepers and others. We have also an attractive mutely cif patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOOCRES to which we would call attentlon. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To this department of our business we give portico. lar attention out already ostensive stock of patterns lor Paper, Flow and Saw 11 ill Gearing. is vonstantly i ecreek ie,, mill •,w ears s a d NI 111 IV righ t. will he fur nicked with a printed ed to bgan, of our various 11111 Patterns, On appllent ton. Our Niaehlindthop comprises all the varion , taok her turning', iliallintt and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and earful Nlaehinibts STATION.UtV STEAM ENGINES. of any desirable capacity. from ten to twenty-flee horse poseur. built in the boss style and areommotlating terms. Engines built at our et•taltll•htnent mar Le seen in queeessful eperat 1101 0131,) 01 the largest Dist Merle , and 1%111111,i Pc In Cat nal o, and Cumborland Porn awl Da up °on to the .+W if ors 01 which wo con OJout Ii "r," fir information its to theireilleien ey. pg . ' nOS :ire earnestly re quested l o et.ll rol examine beloru coutr.teting elno shrre DOOR. AND SASH FACTORY. wish 1.111 1.... iS Slll-11111111 Uan Ni.1.1111.1..10ir) 1, hi. h i. h ue iu complete otiel lor 111.11111/.1.•1111.1 of St t•Q ‘ll.,ription of ALS. for the rout V a, Well as the plaillent 111111 S.. Win dow Sash fllrlll , lJed I . l'olll 5 rents upward, ,terorcling to site of indow I.ra.ites Irani $1 ii upward: Shutters anti 75 upward : Four Panel Doors now Castings Arehitiavos. ash Iktard,. hi arßets, Pitney Diaper), Soroll,. and ofhei artMle , imeded in house furnished at . the I. priers and of the bust quality 01 lum her. , a ls.• prepared. in lier,tofore to build .1114 l rep.... ht.; I; 1t1..N CARS transporterson th" railroad. with pr atipturs , a lid nn reaxomil.let orm, The routiu tied ;.atroitag.• .0 the public is respectful') solicited I.y mail prompt]) attendod to :\ lay 0. 'MI F. OAltlt.Elt Ar Co. 11)ENN MUTUAL LIFE ANCE C ( ASS $1.151 780 50,) ISI:SES LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, nu ftvurahlo te'ff.ll. The Board of rco•teen La ve dechred n Scrip Divi dend of forty pet c.ut upon the Cash Premium. re ceived in 1 , 11, o oil Pli ooien for, on the nt D.• and have n deoldod to receive the Scrip Divi dend, 1`,:).) and 1956 in payment of Pre !MUM or I,IIIS , 611 doe the Company, krill be oledlted nu the same ,Ith the cc, ip of hap! yea, .4. The nod 11s t.” deliver Oertlfleat.OS t,O partieq en tit h.! to 1,..•1v then], at the Cat A•cen. a t 'II 11.111. 0110e1, at any time after the Liao. of i hi. Pamphlet', t Aid., f t app!leati ms and every In. formation :artil,ll,l ,i1.1101,1t charge. A.I, SPONSI,EIL Mrtroh la. I`..' 3. A tzent, 1. - 1 - LINN l's,l".l' 11T., I IVI on accotint thk• his filr lii „,, r.001...115.1 to r.-unove tll.-rrtuan his pat••11....,1 and rofitted the rplentlid \ fain orxr ,It r U, A. I. Sp..lls!..r's of tier, fm - tarrts ..... by .1. %I err. HO Nil) be giad all 111$ ..1.1 austamers, and a$ 1119110 111. W toner Its Wish L SlittLoLL .11. m aud culaput-unt bar- bers .All. 1 1) R. II! A DACLILY F.IM I 1.1 . TRIL'II'II.INT The Great Dyspepsia Modicine and Blood— boarehor. Dr. Alarkley'w IIEA LA II Ht.:ST(IIIAT! VE BALSAM !'LAD. )1'; ITEM ANENTI.I" CURED! . . ,te vlest sup, iority of Dr. 'JIA 11lc. LEV'S p. paler and all ti FA NI ILI' EDICI tJa,ecl to I' e fart that tilos . ,earch out and eradicate Ihe raw, of dieter and hence tail to effect a purnament cure. not only lester” ton. , to digestive organ '. , impart ing a loalthv sr li ii to the, Live, ,d tissue ls, last Ih y thoiou.Ltily purify Liar thug need., rut i tag the c 11...., 1,.) clealroylng Its foundation fin 11., '.l7th of .1/meaty. WO, Mr D. S. M o ore, 0 tfeiti porn II held (1, l'a , it rote that h • was rod used hr the II allitiroUS 1, 0 had erne ut heare effected by Dr. Markle)'l , l Nrdteiue t.. apply ur 1.11201 of a sister. Ni hose rale he thus deer, ibed : a a .• Err the last gix yearn alit, has been suffering front Scrotal's and N, hair swelling. In 1 1 454 she antrerH 4 l sue ere pain in one r f her logs attended will, swelling which extended front the knee to the hip In about t 0.0 tunnt.lam it broke and diseharged, and has C,litlllllll S., to do until the present Urns in, one a pie., id bone three inches in length, at aniither Line one cit a alliallar size, 'urns OUL— U, knee has been still hr Chico ars. and at times the pate 1, Yee) ae,v,e," a -a AN 1 NI'IIE CURE EFFECTED. "I.akin,,,—th. Health Itest,iratlvo Balsam, the or Iliac., l'ot, der, and the Blarlc idntinent banished. ;to r t ttiore•tilt ul their use is 1111. I.l,lllVed it, the f ,, 11 ,, ,,1ittt let ter: (i. it MAR6LEY—III./1r am hap , y to ham nn y,,u !hat iho ,•••••i sed front yc.o home thl eo eam sin., II A \ l• FECTI,I) AN 1:N11 It 1 . ..; in you will I onle.mbur, was suf . - ilOlll and 11 the Swelling. Ro , pocthilly..kcy. L. S. MOORE DYSPEPSIA &c., CURED. Cte titloate of NI It. .1 \ I:It I) CA 111'Ii Et I,L. of the ft rni o Boot and t,111.10 dealers, Centre equal, Dn. O. 11. M 'OULU:I . —Dear Sir: It affords inn much pleasure to 1,11,1 nu opportunity to add mv testimonY in fiver of your popular family wed nines, especially as my knowledge of their ear:my Is based upon personal experience ill Illy own cave and obser,ation of my welch hors. I•or Unfitly years I Wile the victim of Uys• pcp,a in its most rirtaravated form; my st atom having Lr owns murb deranged and debilitated, that I woo to perform ar•y kind of tab,,c. I had resorted to the best doe lore wit hilt reach. without relief. I used soave of the most to polo' remedies s of the dny, recen t . mended for that disease, hut none of them did mu any goal. My sufferings can he understood by nny ono sulfuring from the same disease, but they could not be d0:4,11.43d In word . 1 was then living at Hopewell, Chester County, and in 1867, an a last resort, I com menced the use of your medicines. They soon afforded eu relief fn to the nowt painful symptoms which I had scarcely hoputho obtain; and in a surnrisingly short time I was completely restored to he/klth, and I have enjoyed the bent of health ever sluce—not n symptom oh my old complaint renminlng. Since then, I hove always kept your medicines in my family, and would not he without them upon nny consideration, as they have mre,- failed to do what you claim for them A. IV. BENTZ IMMEI still living at 110Nwell. I buramo agent fur your father, and mold a large quantity of the medicine for him, and all who used them were loud in their praise. A child of Mr. Pickering, of Hopewell, was af flicted with M bite Swelling to the knee. It MIS a very bad Ca/30 I lie used your Webrifuge and Black Ointment which . effected a pen fart cure. Numerous other ensile of ores effected I. your valuable remedies lu that nelghborheod, could be enumerated if•desired. I have seen enough of tnem tojustify me In saying that your Family "Modicinen are the beetever presented to the public, of which I have had any knowledge; and it 10 no less my platinum then my duty to recommend them to all who are the victims of disco a, - Respocttully yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. These eases are only two of thousandn which might bo published All who value their Health and Life should use thane Standard Remedies, and their cure will bo Complete and Permanent. 'Prepared only by Dr. G. 11. MARKLEY at his Drug and Medicine Store 23 EAST KING SP, I ancasttr, Penna., to whom all letters and calms should, ad. dressed. Nor sale In Cumberland County by DAVID RALbTON, Carlisle. ' CLARKE b STATLEit, Mechanicsburg JNO. 11, MILLER, Newville. P. S. ARTZ & Co., S Apponsburg. GEO. W. FEMUR, West Fairview. Sop.lB, 1.803-3 m. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK - IN THE .CITY, AT_ CHAS. OAKFORD &.SONS, - ' CONTINENTAL HOVEL, Phil;zdaphia. Norembet.o, IM-9m AuItICULTURAL GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, R E MOVA L. A CASE POIN'I , .& i tl iti1,1863 I.4NC4iiTEII, PA, March 5,15(;3 ,FU Rs. BALIIIIIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISUE,D AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED: IFIR. JOHNSTON has discovered the ji_f most ,as . taln, speedy and only effectual remedy In the world for all private diseases ' weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debili• ty, nervousness, dyspepiy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of Ideas, 'palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem blings, thinness of sight or giddiness, disease or the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver,' ungs, stomach or bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret dud solitary practices more fatal to their v Jetties than the song of Syrons to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations. rendering Wordage, &c., impossible. . YOUNG WEN Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which mne. ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, %rho might otherwise hate entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. 1Y1.19.11.UXAG.131. Married persona, or young mon contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debit. Ity, deformities, &e., speedily cured. lie who places 11111111,4 f under the care of Dr. J. may ridigiously con tide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill an a physician. ORGAZTIC WEJLIENESS Immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. This ilk tressing alfuetion—whieh lenderslifn miserable and marriage iniposaible—in the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. young pinanins are too apt to commit eKresstot from not being aware of the 14,1841'6i consequeuia, that only 1108110 Now, who that under stands the subjeet will proton to deny that the power of proareatioo Is lost sootier by those falling Into Im pngmr ha bits than by the prudent ? 11/o.ldei, being da prived the plen.ures of healthy idTKpring, the most. sallour and ilentruetive nympluuln to bah body and mind Rll,lO. The system becomes deranged. the physb ell and mental functions oi.ntetiou. 10.0, of pro, oath, ❑ervml: liilGa bllily, ionp-pcla, palpitation 01 the 'wart. {toll:, Lion, dnustilutional debility. a wand log or I ho Ironic. cough, enntuniption.ilevay and death OrICE NO 7 SOUTH FRIIDUILICH ST RE UT. Left hand side going Flom Baltimore street, It t ow doors th o not to ills rrvr onset' silt] 1111.1ber Lott 4,, !Mint In , paid nod root ale it stamp. The Doe tor'A Diploma, hang in hi, ollige. CURE WiIitUdINTED IN TWO NO 'Nlereury nr Noilsteltih Mlles—hr Aulinston,mem. ter ut the Ito al Cullego 01 . .lirgeen 1.1,1111011.1;1,0111ate truth out• of the ino.t endue.: Coll ges 111 the United States..hul the ¢rent.or p Irt ul 5 tins ',Pen spent In the hospitals Id Lell,loo, Park. Phihidelplon nod eine, lut e. had 44,1,d .11111111 i the lutist a- tuoinhing flirt, that w t•r I:tuovu . tunny troubled u h ring ing' hi Ole hen.t an.l eats whit akleep. grist 5151,1551 nt nu,lduu sunntlP, hanhtultiens, with frequent blushing. nttendell 5..1..01110h with de• rangement of mind. were 'arid immediately. TARE P aIITIOULAR NOTICE. Dr. J I 1110,.. \Shy II k Oiemsolves In i prOpt, 11.1111VOn. I . 31111 solit :try Itni ilw, which ruin Loth hod) II d Omni. ttutittitig them Mt either hum 11( . 204, st mly y marriage l'hoso al ,tolnu of the sad and pelancholy effects p l od u, rd he earl, habits of youtl4 v 17.1 \S naknose of the and halts pail. in the head. dimness of sivht., Toss ,d inlll,lll/11•110Wer.11311111411101, nt the 11031 1. , d)..pep av, nervous mit:o6lllv. derangt•ment .1 the divest ire fete 1101. s. .:,111,11 sytaptoto, ~f )1 /.NTI 1.1.1 i —The initial effects on the mint/ are much to be ,tro.,ltid—los- of ineatory, el , talthillll 01 idas. de pression of spirits, evil torettodlugs. aversion to 5,,,1,13., sell dials nat. love of solitude, timidity, kr., are some of the evils p.odneed. Thous:tints of persons of all ages ran now judge what Is the eatt•it of their deelittinv health. losing their pale. nervous and emaciated having a SillgUitsr :tiliwnrttico about the eyes, cough and synip• touts of consumption. ITOUNG ff it MEN Who have injured thein.elve,by n certain practice Indnig,l in when alone. a habit frequently learned iota evil companions, or at .1,01, Ow nitrite Of which are nightly felt. even when ttAleep..tml if lint rured renders mat ria.4.. impossible. :111 , 1 deHLrO3 s both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a y omit:. man. the hope of hlaroun try . the a:111111,4 .4 his pal outs. be snatched from all pro , poris and Ldo) men t , of lift.. by the of deviatin boo the path of nature and indulging in a ,•.. r mi t , habit. Such persons mu2t belore con temp,ating /I GE that n >ound Mind lout Italy are the most nee eessarN requhuten to promote eununhl.ll happiness luslee..l.‘mt ie,us I twee tar jf thr.usgh l lie he, 1111. F a weary pil r srim tut:: Ilse prospect hourly stark, us Lt. the vies, ; tli•• itvi , 1111 , With leaps it cast filled tic• • tdi,cti,,ll Thal the imppilless a t an.ddiv ht, d s,ith uur ow u. DISEASE OF lIVIPRUDETTC E When the mi.:folded alit imprudent votary of plea sure bill , that he II:, imbibed the seedh of this painful disease, u t otten happens that an ill timed Fe.use (if 111131110 , II i•••:1 lor 111,...,3'. deters Lute frolll Ilpillying to those ho front Uflueation and tesi•ctatoltly. eon alone le ti lend him. delay log till Lb.. , o.tilutinnal svtopf on. of the. horrid disease make their eot appearance) SO,II as .orr throat. diseased 110,0, noel 1/111H, pains i.e lie betelend limb:, dimness ot .hth L. lie,lllleSS. 110110, 011 thee • hill I OM, and eeruin, blotches on 11,.. head. t•I ••• nd extremities. progressing with frightful rapidity. till at last ties palate of the mouth or the holies ed the floS.• tall In. and the victim of this a will) dixeas, 11Orrl I object e.t commiseration. till d e ,,ti, put.. a ppriod to his dreadful ,1111 , •ring,. he send lifg him to "that l'ild,covered Count y from whence no trees eller retell on " It is a holy fact that th•msands fall s letl/118 to this terrthl•• disease. nwiint to the unskillfulness of Ig norant Iv , . lc' the that deadly poi. ann, '10.1 , 111 c. ruin the constitution and make the re ,Ides of life miser:tide STItA NG J RS Trust not your lives. or health, to the eareof tlb many o iearned and v ortbles: pretenders dehtituleof knowled4c, name or ehans.t..r. who copy Dr..lohnatores a Ivertkeinonts, or ntvl. thelrood sea. lit the newupaperg, regularly educated phvsicians. incapable of curing, they keep y m trifling month after mouth taking thelt filthy and pokonon: compounds. Or as longer.. the smallest lee can be obtained. and in despair. leave you with mined health to siAl over y.urgalling disappointment. D r , J o hnston is the only Physician advertislmr. Hi= credentials or diplomas always hang In hie office. His remedies or treatment are unknowndnall others, prepared from a life spent In the great hospitalt. of }:u• rope, the first In the country and a more extensive private practb e than any ot her phyglrian In the world INDORSER]. ENT OP TYIE PRESS The many thousand. cured at this i nst it titibn year aft in year, and the 1111.11111'.111..i111110atillt SElrgietli Ope rations perbonn,l by Dr. Johnston, Al itlirshe t by the repot tors of the •• Sun," '• t'llppor." and many other p have appeared again and again before the public, beside.. hit gentlvnian eliAravier inn responsibility, is a suffloien I guarantee to the a illiotetl. MIN DViEASES SPEEDILY CURED l'orsen, rainv should be pat Ovular in direetina Choir letter:, Co this Institution, ill the V1 , 1101%111,1 man ner : ,101; .ltlIIN;;TON, M. D.. Or - Line Baltimore Lock lloapital, Baltimore, Md. May hi IQMIX7 ranivz CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- wAit E JTOItE, rrTI E subscribers having purchased the smelt of ()root:ries formerly belonging to Jos. D. lialliort, will continuo thd business at the aid atand, and 0 immured lu furnish their friends sad the pa In. lie with everything that is uico, now and frimia,'ln the way of Family Groceries. Their stook is large and selected with the greatest care and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con, s - ists in part of fine old tiovernment Java COFFEE, Prime Itio do , Prime Rio Roasted. IiVoLIPS.—New York, Bosuns, and Philadelphia Sy rups, of this very hest qualities, BROWN SOO ltd.—The best the snorkel affords.— Lovering's host Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. It. and C. Sugars. W hick eounot he sur passed, and as the time Is now hero for preserving, la dies will please give him a cell and examine for them selves. All his SPICES ore of the purest and best vs riot los. No humbug about them.. Eire. Corn Starch, it. criust, Dandieline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, die. .•*4 CHINA, GLASS, AND 0? QUEENSIVARE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat terns and styles, lower than ever In price, and better In quality, than was ever offered before in Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such asTuba Iluckets, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneimre, Cream Pots, Da ter Jare. Preserve .fare. Jugs, all Rms. , . 111 Fill—No. 1, 2 and 3 51aokeral. No. 1 MESS SHAD No.l Herring. A large quantity of the celebrated Ezcolsior HAMS. SALT by the Sack, Dairy arid G. A. Salt. Thu subscribers respeetfitily asic • the patronage et their friends and the nubile generally, and invite them to call and earautine their nott_stoctkat the old staud, coruer of hoover and Loather Streets. HALBERT .4 FLEMING. , Carlisle, May 8, 1813,..5 feet of pedal Mum on every instrumont. ERNEST OA BLE IC'S unsurpossod PIANOS for cash, at a liberal deduction, or on monthly Instruments from 01 to $lO. 42r Over 500 sold in Philadelphia. JAMES 13111,LAN., Sole Agent, • 270 and 281 B.ltilth-streot, above Spruce. Rhilado:phlu, April 17 1003. NEW GOODS. livery description and quality of 'Oracerlus, queonsware. ilat'dware, Pickels, 1311UCO, Nino Liquors, Tobacco, kiegsirs, Pipes. Fred} Prpitri and vegitabbis in Clans, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and Willow warp, all kinds and of the best quality and' to bo soid at tr.o lowest prices log mitt by " • Jun . () 5, '63. . , WM. liftiNlTZ. CHOICE SEIG.ARS & TOHACCO, , AT RALSTON'S. PHYSICIANS will finti it to their toi j_ Yantnu to and purrliAso their Medicines . itt EALSSCP.W.S. NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. We have taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield & Shearer in East Main street, next door to the .1011, where we intend to keep all kinds of CICKENSWARE and GROCERIES. Our stuck is new and fresh, carefully selected In the Eastern Cities. Wo in vile the public and friends In general to give us a call nod exn RII 110 our stock of goods no we ore determined to SELL CHEAP FOIL CAW. Our stock consists In part ex SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, V einem; Queonsware, Willow ware, Cedar ware, Brootes Brushes, Cards and Spices of every kind, warranted pure. Also, Green and Dried Fruit 9 Foreign and Domestic, and a full assortment of g.r..rto lost gouorally. Flour by the barrel or pound, Country produce to calved in otchango for goods. U. P. N1Y11.1i.9 ft SON. Mnsch 20, 1803. Watches Jewelry and Diamonds, LEWIS LADONIUS SE CO. 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. TA VE always on hand, a largo stock of (hilt) and frilyor 'Mitchell, imitable for Ladles, UMILII.IIIOII or Hays wear. South of our own Import... Con, antra Oita quality. Our annortinent of dearalry connlida of the moat fash• humble and rich designs; as also the plat nor arid loos axpanilitO. Nllvor Spougi, Cako sod Pratt Knlvem; alms it largo varloty of fancy Minor {Vora, suitable for llrbhrl proareibi— Wo havo ;Ilse on band, a moat 11111111111111 ansortinunt 01 Diamond .lawalry et ;111 to which WU 111 VUM 00- portal salmi 100. 011 r privet; elllloo found comildurably 10.11 01/111 t.lll , MIIIII.I art hi. are mtal' Y tor. All kinds of Wareham rapaired In Col vary boat man lier soil warrantod to g,vo too latoelon. ‘t COM Nil 11l NUci Uhl 111111 , i 1111.1 1111t1I0 lit ardor. Call or midi V. I,ISR• 18 LA DOM UM Az CO. fiw2 Chnntnu I. til.ront., l'hllndelplkla 8. 'rho hlt;hant y ranh rico 11111,1 for old (told and SI v or. All orandm Irvin tho Country will rucolvo °fluo rin! /atoll . April 21, IfiO3--Sy• D 5, BO 0 K S, FANCY 0001)S, CONFECTIONARIES, F It U 1 T F 4 , PERFUNIERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT,, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Minover &reel, Carlale, Penn'a. Ilahju.t upwind an assortment it Fr-mill Drugs, Fan cy l'oriut.muy, Fruity, and ((unary, which has never been surpassed in thin Ipur. ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles Lune been selected with groat ca e, and are calculated, in quality and p. too, to command the attention el purchasers. FANCY (AMS, which. omprPonivory vuriuty 01 fancy nrticlunut rho most osquisito finish mush as. l'ap for }hobo Elogant atztbastor and porcolain I nk-stands and trays. Fancy ivory, poarl and shull curd Catil;l4, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes. with sowing Instruments, %Yr', log !tusks. and Port ft dos. Port Shin [talus. every variety. (told pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights. and a Purge variety of ladles' Fano , statit , Motto seals and wafers, Silk and head purges, !tiding whips. elegantly nnished k outlerY i Perfume baskets and bags. Brusly. of every kind for tho X. and It. All VVright's Soaps and l'erlumue. of various kinds, Fancy l'ins for haul droshos and shave Is. Ituqien.l instruments, . . together with an innumerable variety of articles &agar] ly finished and suitable for PR ESENT S, to which he invites special attuntion. Also, an extensive and elegant colleccion of FM= comprising various English and, American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, liiides and Hymn !looks. elegantly bound In velvet with meta/ clasps and corners Ills assortment It 4e,11./1 Books and School gtationery is also complete. and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular atten tiou of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Ac., from the extensive establishinentr, of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study 1,010 pi+, for burning either Lard. Sperm 01 Etheriel MI; also IncorrS celebrated Kerosene Or Coal lilt lamps, together with Flower Vanes Fancy Screens, itsmortmout In this Hag la unl equaled In the borough. Also, KOARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the C•vorlte brands, and a flni• assort ment of NI EKILSCHAU SMt)KERS AND PIPES. the eelebratod blAllueurhink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins. Nectarines, Prunes. kc.. FANCY CON FECTION A R Y—N UTS—FRE SERV ED FRUITS, MIN ED-SIEAT, I'ICI(LES, &c., in every variety at all prices, all of w hich'are pure and t'rmili such as can be confidently recommended to is friouils. Ws stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy (limits. with uttny °the, articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and examine. Rainomhor the l tht Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Llanover stre D.r. 20 1 gril LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH ROCERIES—PISA OF ALL KINDS. Among cchirh is a large lot of the real genuine Balti more dry salt lIERRINO, in oak barrels, Si ACK A 111..1. at prices that Is really astonishingly - low. Pickeis of all kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good ass.,rtmeut of TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LIQUORS, &C., at the lumest rates for CAM or Country Produce. M BENTZ, Carlisle, 3 u ne 21. 186:1. Important Discovery RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES! BRY.VN'S PULMONIC WAFERS A RE unfailing in the cure of Coughs, L Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hoarse. ilreatlaug, Incipient Consumption, Mid Diseases of the lan no. They have no tarts of medicine and any child will take them. Thousands hays, been restored to health that bad belbre despaired. Testi mony given I❑ hundreds of eases. A single dose re lieves in ten minutes. Ask for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers—the okiginal and only genuine it stamped Bryan." Spurionskluosare oll , red for sale Triunity live cents a box. Sold by dealers generally. 3013 \ lOSES, Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt Street. N. Y. For salo by S. Elliott, Carlisle. February 20. ISti6—l y SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER OEN T. BELOW COST I I At the sign of the “Go)d blegle,":3 doors above th Ouluborland Vella} , Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Churoh. on Rust 31aln street, the largest and bust selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town. will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place in the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches, Lovers, Lupines, American watches, and ail other kinds and sty les, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pena and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 Paintings, a great variety of fancy unlace. &c. The entire stock of ‘Vatelunalter tools, cases, large Mirrors, end Safe will be sold wholesale or retell on Ells aasiest terms. Having selooted n flyst class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done its usual, at reduced prices. 'Owlish), June 1863. NEW GOGIiS I NEW GOO St AT OG ILBY'S . CHEAP CASH STORE T nni now opening a second supply of i_elegant an 4 new.styla_krall Goods, which! wilLsell at the very lowest figure for cash. • ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, such as Mos Woes, Alpttolum. Silks. De Lalnce, Tureen Cloth, ltoppo, CasbrnOros, Poll Do Cheviots, &c. LADIES OLOTIf MANTLES AMD SHAWLS, Itaimolai Skirts, French Corsetts, Uoods, sonuign A Nu bble, Ladles Vests, Ac. A complete assortment of geode for Chl'dream wear of all kinds. Tlsklngs, Olngbants, Olteoks, Muslims, Insune Blankets, at. the lomat prices. Gents_ Department. CLOTHS, CASSINI:RES, 'VESTINGS, Am, A full as sortment of Gents Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Conan!, Sum ponders, Cravats, Nogit Ties, &o. Particular attention 'odd to this deportment. . . 1 now buy excluthiely for oath, and sell at very short profits lbr the cash. lam enabled from my long expo rience In the business, to offer my old friends and one towers great inducements In • their purchases. All persons In want of handsome and cheap good's, will please to call - and examine my stock before purobasing elsewhere. Recollectthe place; West Main St., nearly opposite the Depot, - CHAS'. 0011,11 y, • N, D. All elothm Ontedruerem stud Vestings, will be rondo tipfoordor,ordeOrpit Lioy rw alptorlenaost yirk mga.. C. CTIBERLAND VALLEY AN]) F ANKLIN RAIL ROAD. RE. 9 2 - 179 ;wwleiet.r.i; • • On and aftor MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, eassahgar Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excel:and* BOR. OHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. lot Train. 2d Train. Leavo Hagerstown, 7.00 A. M. 2.95 P. Al. Greencastle. 7.37 " 8.36 Ohalubursburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 Leave 12.55 " Bhlppeneburg, 9.00 " 1.28 " •' 9.32 " 2.00 " Carlisle. 10.10 " 2.4 J blechaniesburg, 10.42 " 8.12 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 3.40 " FOR CHA.3IIIERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, ' lid, Train. 2d Train Loavo Harrisburg 8.06 A. 51 1.35 Y. 111 •• 51oebaniesburg 8.47 •• 2.16 " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.66 '• " Newsille, 10.02 " 3.29 " filiipponxburg, 10.33 u 4.00 6 , Chanibg', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 66 Greencastle, H .55 5.30 '• Arrive et Hagerstown. 12.36 0.10 NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets era sold, viz: Ilagerotnwn, Greencastle, Chum barsburg, Shippensburg, Newville, Carlisle, Mechanics. burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themsolvett with Tickets before entering the Cars. Railroad Office, Chambornburg, l Nlay 1,1862. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA Crrari-an of this Lino leave the Depot 811 Mat hot. el• Dolly, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Leave Carllele. Dully. at 7 o'clock, A M. Goods Intended for this Lino should bo n arked C. A I'. Doily Freight Lino, and sent la by 4 o'clock. May 26. 'bob. lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM ! The undersigned having purchased the atock,&r.. of the Into Wm 11. Trout der'd. would respectfully 11111111111,4 , to the plallir that he will COD- Ilene the lIA'I7IN(i BUSINESS at the old fdand, In Wo , t High street. and with a renewed and efficient effort, produro mairles of 110.111 Dreos nl Every Variety, St yle and Quality, tint shat irtly iu kveping with thy Improvement of Ow A fully up to the age in which We live. I have on land a splendid assortman I ni 4% HATS AND CAPS , of all descriptionr, froni the rare mon W 00l to the tint F1:11 AND I,li lIATS; and ul pricer that soil evert one who has on eye io eating Lb worth of his uiuuev. The sti ri. includes. 11111,VSKIN, CASSI )1 E, I;I:A ER it I'LLT }IA TF, ot ever) st3l/• nod endi,r and onsorpos,ed for LIGHT ESs MAI A 111 LITI' AND FINISH by those of any d her o , tablbhinont n l ry /N S' 11111 i ATS And CAPS, of avers loseription oonstontly on hood. Ilr repprtf.lly in vile. , .II the old patrons and a loans new ones as po,nible, to givo him n roll. J. O. CALL,IO. 15. I ill!--ly FURNITURE WARE-ROOM • 1862 • • - • • ••••,-.,..,t f ••••-.., V 3 ), - - 49 7.otxt6. West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Prcnitetin anal tied of the Cuniberl-nd County The subscribe, has Just rereiveit the most splendid assortment of :trtirle, in hi,s ever brought to this plane—Ny.lllol he is determkied to sell at prices that do ry competition. Parlo r F.ltamber, Dining-room, ;FURNITURE. Kitchen and 0111 CC Embracing every article used by House and lintel keepers, of the most approved and lashionalde design and finish I "eluding also Cottage furniture In setts, reception Anti Camp Chairs, Mattrassea. Gilt frames, pictures Ar.. Ac. tittr Particular attention given e' usual to funerals; orders from ton a and country, attended to promptly and on Moderate terms. A. EMI=9 LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY. LUMBER A \ D GOAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gus Works. The Nllhs,iber keeps constantly nu hand, a full sorlinent of Lumber & Coal, c • L st;. which he can fur-t* 0,4 '1 4 . `ol7fiek' nish to ardor promptly MO Oil the Inobt rea. ,7 177- Sollabh• terms. 3. W. lIAVERSTICK LUMUER, SCANTLING, I,IOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-laths. Worked Floor nig, Weatherboarding, Pests, 110i1,,4l bite lino, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quably. lie also furnish hills to order ul WIN leogth and size, at the shot test entice and on the most reasountde trims. iilx wiirked boards are kept under roves , so that they can he fur. nished dry atoll times. Ile has constantly on hand all hinds of Foully Coal under rover, which w ill be deli, tied clean to any part of the bort,ogh. wit LIKEN'B VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, ' TREVERTOIc, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And utile, varieties, and all the various sizes In use, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. LI M Ell O RN N ICS AND Ii LA CKS It IT ICS COA Lid ways on bend, at the lowest cash price. Thankful fur the patronage Ida generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of,Jllock k Delaney. he would solicit a contiounlleo of the same as he will strive to please: - All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. OLI V kit bELANCY July 26.1 —ly. HE undersigned would mosCiesiieet t, fully inform ids old Wends and customers and the public generally, that he has commenced the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING butthieHs in all I s branches lu the F tore Hoorn of J. A. II umerich Esq , on the West car, or of lianover and West Loather street. where he has opened one of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made nmde clothing &c.. In the Borough of Carlisle. Ills stock consists in great varieties as fellows, liz : M ENS AND BOY'S COAT. do. do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. VESTS. Sults for Boys, from b to lf, years of ago. Shirts, Melton Flannel and Casslmere Bosoms. Drawers, Sus ponders, Crave s, a Variety of NFancy Neck Ties, Linen and Paper Collars, Men's Linen and Silk handker chiefs, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND SOLE LEA HIER TRUNKS AND VALISES. flarpotfindloftiber_Travolling _Bags, to All the above goods will be sold for,Cash. at the very lowest:prices the and the City Markets will justify. Purchasers will pleas° call and examine for them. selves, before purchasing elsewhere, as my motto is quick sales and abort profits. SAMUEL C. IIUTE'TT. Mey 1,1868-713 M, Agent. P. 8. Particulitrattontion given to Boys clothing. 81IAPLEY giP3IINII TRADE, 1860. NEW: GOODS 1 NOW offering immense, variety' of CLOTHS, . • CASS.IHERDS, VESTINGS, COTTON GOODS &0., Forlien and Bosfry Wear, In a larger variety, than can belbtind In any eatnb lishinent In this plane, and nt as law prices its NM ho sold any whore, to suit taste and 'pocket. 'We menu faeturethe above goods to order, In the latest styles,, or sell per yard. Oustoinein wishing' to have the geode' bought otus,-out, oan.berlecomniodated, free ofeharge, An early inspecitlou of our goodsand tarlasiAlispoctful— ly • • solicited. BEIM ISAAC LIVINtiSTON . , North TkattoVor St-rout Oloililiqi.Etrkporiuot . Morch la, viol CHANGE OF 1101iltST 0. N. LULL upor't (F4 4 € 1,611--. ' e - agissl. - Asc., DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WA RD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PHIIADELPHIA 111=11! MAIN 14711.1.Y.T, CAItI.IM.E, PA -1. 13. EIVINC-I'S Ayrieult aro! liar ( , J . 1857.) Zen & Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of the Season. JAMES R • . WEAVER'S CABINET 1171-, -- v '. ..t44.-4: - '`.t, •ND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NORTH IlalloYzn STRELT, CARLISLE, PA flaying boon engaged In the businessfor offer twenty years ho would rot Urn thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him in'years gone by, and furthpr assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to pll who may favor him with a cull. CLIAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on band, or made to order. Warranted to be of and best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. lie also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Coffins ' Metallic or otherwise , kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the moat reasonable terms. . . Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, vt ell finished and lined inside, front 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered frcitu 16 to 30 dollars. JAMES it. WEAVER. May MISMI—Iy TILL TRIUMPHANT. ki Thu complete BUCCeliti of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and el. amino the only stove that has glean universal satisiae. tion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTIIERS IS Ist A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. in fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker (hen from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the eamesize, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, fith. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now in use, oth. A superior al rangement for cleaning the flues, th. A perfect llas Consumer for either wondercoal. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction in every particular. and will be shown with pleasure to all who may roll, whothet desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference In toe n cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on baud, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Copper-sinithing and Sheeting work promptly attended to, In town or e o n , try. All wort( warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther. M RY 11f. MORRIS. N.ll. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid In cash or goods. March 28, 1860.—tf. OWAIt.DAS:OCIATION! A i p A lieneyclent institution, established by speelal or,- flow men t fur the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially fur the Cure of Diseases of _ the Sexual Organ's. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis. by the Acting Sur Kenn, to all who apply by letter, n ith n description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and In cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charp.. . . _ VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermutorrhoen. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, 111/(i On the NEW REM EDIES employed i n I he Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sealed l e t t o , envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for portage will he acceptable. Address. lI.LEN 110110,11 TON, Acting Sur. gene !Inward Association. No '2 South Ninth Street, I'hiladrit hie, I's. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. II EARTWELL, Prestd.nt GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 8, 18 6 1.-I.Y. NT ENV STORE, AND NEW GOODS CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11. 1 1T,5, COIF'S Sc. cff.:40..7.z4 The subscriber has recently opened a New Store at the old stand of J. D. Halbert in North Lianover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank. Having received from New York and Philadelphia, n flue and well selected assortment! of goods in his line o. linsinim,. seek as HATS and CAPS, from the common Wool to the Poe i Ina, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Fall and White, styles of Silk Halo tlir lAGI. Ladies Furs, such ItH :qt,1•13 Martin, Mink Sable, Filch, an Squirrel. Black, Brown and Blue Cooney, Bock Mar tin. Silver do. Sir., Child rune Furs, Beaver Tints for Gills And Boys, Fur Caps, Chives and Collars for Ciin. tienien. BUFFALO ROBES, and prices to suit the tlthee. Alga, Carpet Bugs &c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIIYIES• Also, Carpet Itazs, Valises. Trunks, /land Trun kfi Umbrellas. An aematutent of ku- , l r Prime SQgara and Tobacco. Than!dui 1.. r the patronnge elrencly receivirti he would invite all his hieudn and the public generally to give him a will. JACOB BOAS, Age. Cerll,le. A pt it 111. I glll. ECON I) SPRING ARRIVAL.- LARiI E:=UPPLIES Full TILE HEAD AND FEET At the ,t...1e..1 .101111 1 rvimr, the N. E. corner o the public square. in the glare to purchago Boots Shoes tints k Cop, at prices that defy vumpetii ion. Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and tn,t .ontiplete assortment at Hoots. Shoes, lists & Caps that he has eoor presented to this community, and which he is 4toterminod to sell at the lowest possi ble p r i er .. 11, stock embraces everything In hisllue oi business, vl.llll as MEN'S & 1101'S' FINE CALF BOOTS, Eipito4q, Calf and Patent Leather Gx lord 1105. Ca and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Ziullifieia, Calf and Kip Brogans, alippers, ',ADZES' WEAR. Flue ' , ranch and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Cnlfend Kid Bnts. Fine Rid Slippers, Fancy Slippers Morocco. and Kid Buskins, &. M ISS ES A N D I'lll Lfllt. EN'S WEAR ofall descriptions embricioc fine Lasting halters. Morocco and Lasting Button Boots. Morocco Lars Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &c. II ATs & CA l'S, Sill. Casshnero. Fur and Wool Hats of all qualities and styles, also a largo assortment Of STR A W Il A T,S !Soots and Shoes marls to order at the shorted notic Repairing promptly done. Colaldt nt of his ability all classes of eu,tomers, he respectfully Inv ito thc public to give hire a roll Iternerulicr the place, N. E. corner of the Pub I. S 11141 . 0 . 11:tv :111, fro. .101 EN IRVINE. 11GOL. LOCZ. ('ST opened the largest and best ItS (I, Forth., t of hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass, Iron, ke , ay.v brought to C.onborland county, bought ex.elusively for rash, And s. inch we are selling at the lowest pricos. We - ftivito the public generally to give us n call feeler,, making their pulehases. as wearu fully sustaining our Idd reputation of nulling the BEST GOODS AT TitH LGIVEST PRICES. Returning thanks to s generous public Cr their past liheral p to nags. hoping by personal attention to their 'omits, to intuit it continuance of the saute. Jolt ;s1 P, LYNN.: tti SON, .At the Ohl Stand North uneven Street. Carl Pile, June 11. -1862. I)AINI'S AND OILS.— is Tons White bead. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received with a large iissortnient et Varnish., Fire Prool Paint, Turp.ntine, Florence White, Japan, Whits 'Zinc, • Putty, Colored Litharge, 'led tend, Whiting, Boiled Oil, Wee, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint ilritshes, Fish Colors of oc ery de,cripthin dry, and Oil In calla and tubes at the Hardware Store of earliglo, Oct. 25, 1861 LOCHMAN'S New Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotypo Gallory. LOCIDIAN is happy to Morro. C. hh, numerous customers, and the public gone rally, that he has removed his establishment to his New Sky-Light Gallery, In the building ‘rruplod by Mre Neff. no a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr. Loclunan Is now able with hie splendid light, and the addition of now and leapt:naive apparatus, the very beet manufactured, to produce PHOTOORARIIB, CARTES DE VISITE, Ammo TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PIOTIIRES, equal to the hest made lo 11111acielphla or New York. Picturee can be taken now equally well in cloudy In clear weather. Dagnerruot,kpes or Arnbrotypes of deeeased _persons copied, onlorg - ad, or inadri Into cartes de 'vivito. Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1869. DR, WIC H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYsIOTAH, Sargon and AcooncAcir, acAFFICE at his residence' . in North k_fliauover street. Next door to Shriner's hotel, Carlisle. AUDI BELTING Just rocolvod largo amprtrriont of all sizes GUM Boltlne, Oum Moo t Gum . &0., and for Halo clioop at tho IlardwAro Storo of Juuo 22, 1863 11. SAXTON 4)000 lba: of Stagtnao's. celebrated '3 su6r.on ' red hams canvassed and ancanvastni, • • tika orrice of Main ttnil Wost otartfi. 111403,18 . 133.-1. f. 'A. siNgterat. ANDKEROMERSi-r.Pios; Stooks; AA Ribbons, Suspenders, Under, Shirts, Drawers, u beautiful assortment Caphplotind at 4.4.A.0 LI SUMMON'S North 11 - allover Street .Kuiperlur 19,rreb 13, 1063. NEW COAL AND LUMBER:YARD. The subscribere have this day entered into part nership to trade in JOA'L AND LUMDER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to order all kinds and quality of seasoned I,ll3lliElt, FRAhIE STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and every ■r. facie that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitopine, and Oak, of different qualities. Having Cart of ma r owi we can furnish bills to order of any length .suld size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable term,. Our worked boards will be kept under cover se that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Co'a) under cover, which we will deliver clean to aup part of the borough. To wit : LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBBERV. which we pledgeourselves to sell at the lowest pries' Bost quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest. Dim+ Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG & aopysit July 20,1802 WATC HES, JEWELRY, AND / SI LYER-WAIthAT CONLYN'S old established' Stand, West Alain St., nearly opposite the Cumberland, 'Valley Bank. I have just received a now assortment of watches,: ewelry. medallions. silver. ware, in addition to my comer stock to which I Invite the attention of the, public, Theassortment embraces fine gold and silver lover watches, Hunting and open case do., gold An— chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepiner and Quartier weedier. of every variety In style and; Also flue gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and" Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and, price.,ll.lold: Gib, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelet rings, stiff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charm•i: &c. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated/ butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustardspoontr of every variety. A large assortment of gold, ally*? and common spectacles, to suit aIP • ages to which we Invite special attens A tine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bravul...ts, watch chains, ~ Mantle Clucks and a variety of articles nen- .11, ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which 'tom. `sp)A I will sell low for cash. All articles war ,741.7 • 41 ‘• rli 0 tO(1 to be what they are represented. •• •- '.. • 7 Particular attention paid RR usual to - WATCH REPAIRING and all work war. ranted. • DAr. 23. 18T+7..1 TOIIN P. LYNE &, SON, have justx ty received a large lot of those celebrated SCYTHES,_ made expressly for their own sailed, which have always. given entire satisfaction to all who have used thou.-- You that want then cutting and easy running Scythe,. we would say try one of their superior make. We hale also a full stock ofSnaths. What Stones, &c. Rakesof Christ. Myers' and other celebrated makes. Grain Cra dles of all the hest makes in the county, with a full, stock of all kinds of Tools and Implements for Farmer'ii. use. All of which NVO are selling cheap at our store In Not th Hanover street Carl isle, .Inne 8, Pd. Prepared from a preseript , on of Sir J. Clarks, M. D PNysielan Ex traordinary to the Quetta. 1 1 1118 well known medicine is no ha position. but n sure and safe remedy for Ternido Difficulties and Obstructions. from any I tiumtyrtiatoynr;_ and although a prime:Hill remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the ctiontitittion. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regu— larity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection.. Pain In the Back sod !Arnim, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight •z— -ertion, Falpitation—rrrthe Heart. Lowness of Spirit., Hysterics. Sick Wadache.llVhites, and all the painful. diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pill. will effect a sera when all other means have felled. Those I'llia have never been known to fall where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well °beery— ed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of Oleo agent. S/ and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any so— thnrized agent. will Insure a bottle, containing over ISte. pills. by return mail. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle, February 211,1863-1 y T_IAVE removed to their new aoci benutil ul Store boom, South-east corner of Mar act Square, opposite Irvioe's Shoe Store. Ha•ingiust returned front New York and Philadelphia. with an Immense variety of Dress Goods, we-are prepared to curer superlor indureutouts, to any other noose le lb. coo o try. Plain Alpacas all' Knobby' Shades, single and doubla width, Brocade Oriental Lustros, all shades, Plain and Plaid Poplins, more beautiful than any silk, at• on& half the cost of silks, Pong(re, illtattures. De Was,. Chall ies, LIMOS. Organdies, Chintses, do., de. A heavy stock of Prints, Checks, Muslim', Glnghan , s, Cottonades, Drills, dc., will be sold at reasonable rates. SlTOUrtillig Goods to he offered at astonishingly low price!, Bombazines, Cashmeres, Summer Rope, Alpacas, Plain Daroges, all wool Do Laines slugle and double width, very 0, eap. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good assortment of Cloths, and the largest variety el Fancy eassimeres, ever offered in thle market. Moo, our usual assortment of Notions, ,Hosiery,.. Gloves, Trimmings, &c. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, South Sast Corner Ma! hut Square, opposite Irthiiev. bhoo Store March 20, 1053. THE subscriber has removed his Hat j_ and Cap Store to the opposite tilde of the Strait,. to the house formerly occupied by I'. Monyer, ands 000 t door to Common's Shoe Store. Having a, larger room, I have incrotsed my stock of goods, so that I am now prepared to furnish the public with, all the new styles of HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, t prices to suit the times. My stock conslata of Bilk, Casslmere and Russia flats, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city es well as home manufacture, from the ooto mon Woul up to the finest Russia end Nutra. A good assort ni en t of 10011 anti be) is raps. Also. limns, boys. and ehildrens fancy straw bats.— Ila vin improved memos fur manufacturing, ■ny kind or shape or hats will be made to order, at short notice. Being a practical flatter, fully understanding the business, I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patrunage. JOHN A. KELLER, Art. I. S. Ohl hats colored and repaired at moderate April IL IStl2. - ‘ e!zvoli A , 1 / 4 ) 1 11. GEORGE S. SEA -44. L/ RIO lIT, DENTIST, from the 24- . timore College of Dental Surgery. tn...olllet at the residence of his mether,Eest Lontlet street three dnors;holow Bedford. Mareh IS, 185e—tf . HENRY SAXTON T UFUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at li d Law. Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col tooting Soldiers' Pay, Bounties, and Pensions. Oftlee ou South llavover Strout, opposite 13ents's store. Dee. 27, 1 , 551 AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA j CILAUCHILIN, Attorney at Law, Office 111 Ills hoff's bulldlug, Ju.t opposite the Market Muse. Carlisle, March 14,'60-Iy. fl P. HUMRICII, Attorney at Law. .-0(lloo on North liPnover stroot, p tor dmi south of Glass' Hotel. AU Madness entraliteiA OM% will he Promptly ationdod tp. I.AOI/!,,. JOSEPH RITRER, AOoppr .uriF Ard SlArveyo{.llle4,aolosboro, ce 41„ Hall Road Streat, two - aw l s nortlO oft 40 Virlt• "' aiV• Businow promptly ottend,ed 40. Lay I" VVEAKLEV—Mtotpey at Lay • • offlco on south Ilanovor street:, opposite D r y Ooods storo. All nrofonslonal but,lnoss entruirtlK to hiniV,lllho promptly attended to. " ' pa.I.C.LOOMIS South Hanover street, *ll ltelpereirA . oppoaltallonts'Ary goods store. June 1,'69. QAMUEL HEPBURN . , Jr., A. p orney nt Law, wlth llpn'. SAreitzel Llepburn,' Me A St. Carlisle Pa. Juno 5, '1,4 TTAM PS. 500 pairs Haws on band,' of ail kinds. Ellaabethtown pattern Loudon Cortiman do, with and without pat Ant cheaper then over Itt ji,SAXTONNS,Za S t PraiALst,_ • Maieh,2B,ll{oll. - A rOR'S FAMILY MEDICINES;; AT RAl4l3T(iNla't. FAMILY DYE COLORS, AT RALSTON'S, u. BOARI2, SCANTLING, Broken, Egg, Stove Mud Nut do. do. do THOMAS CONLYN Interesting To Farmers. The Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER. Domestic Goods. VOURNING GOODS. HO ! FOR KELLER'S LIAT AND CAP STORE