for hill into the furrow so as to_rlll up half the depth ; level otf, and drop ton to fifteen seeds on each hill, cover from to loch deep according to dampness or soil. Plant bills two foot apart, and should heavy rains cause a crust to form too strong for the cane to break through, a close tooth ed rake can bo used to good advantage in loosening the crust, and helping it up. In the start is the point to gain time for 'early tuaturity, but as it comes up feeble, those not familiar with its habits got dis couraged, neglect it, and only regret their error when they see its rapid progress when Once well rooted. If from any cause some hills should not have enough, the surplus ofother hills can be safely transplanted in ,damp cloudy weather, or some of thmsuck ors be allowed to remain to fill the hill. The first dressing should be done with the hoo and hands along the row removing all grass and weeds, drawing some fresh soil into it, and leaving from five to seven of the best stocks stand, according to the fer tility of the soil. Alter this it can be work ed as corn, and if the hills are well set with stock, It will not sucker so freely. When ,the suckers do appoar, and aro say five to six inches high, they should be cut or jerk ed off. Then the cultivator and hoe freely used, bring it up to harvesting, except an occasional looking after the suckers. Harvesting, &c. As soon as the seeds turn black, or are changing from the milk to hardening, it is tit to cut, next comes stripping which is generally thought quick est dono while standing. But if strong in . dications of a severe frost Appear, strip, cut down and have to barn or other shelter, for it is better cut before fully ripe, than to let frost penetrate the stock. A light frost which will only slightly scald they leaves, will not injure it, but whenever the cells of the stock ale once frozen, it has received a serious injury, if not spoiled. When strip ped, cut Whit the ground, and at or about the second joint from the seed head. Bind up in bundles convenient to handle with a good band near the hut, and one say two thirds way up, tightly bound. Load up, haul to the factory, and you are done with it, except going for your syrups when done, and paying the manufacturer. II it should not-chance to suit for hauling immediate - I'y after being cut, it can be set up, or put in ranks built crosswise (to admit free circu lation of air through it> in barn door, whet° it will keep—if put in dry— tor a couple weeks without injury. Last autumn I worked up cane Hills laid by for near or about a month, which yielded the best of syrup, at the rate of over YOU gallons per P•gro • A word on barrela, & c., Be certain to have very light well bound and cleun, street 1 . barrels, with gnarl spies and bungs, thereby avoiding leakage and bad lusted syrup. Situation, &c, This would have been in place in the forepart of the article, but was omitted. Any situation which will mature corn in good season, may be expected to answer tor cane, yet the most sok isitile po sition is such as will urge early maturity, with no excess of wet. Land freshly mile urod is objected to by many, yet the more fertile the soil, if not freshly manured, the better. Lime and plaster are both consid ered as good applications fur cane. iT.7"Nevor plant close to broom corn. But as I have, in an imperfect way en deavored to answer at Mast' part of the many questions asked, I will close. _ The subscriber would also state that he :will furnish seed free of charge, to all who wish to plant, and have it manufactured on his aparatus• Persons receiving seed on these conditions are requested to leave a report with distributor of the seed, how much tpey intend planting, and about the ,first to middle of August next, should re port without fail, to the subscriber, stating the condition and extent of the crop. This is important to all,,and is absolutely neces sary to give him the required information to prepare fully fur the work to lie done, is •limited to a curtain period. lie Ilan already expended a heavy amount in experimenting and perfecting his arrangements to do work rapidly and well, so that trout tyl exper ience of former seasons, with sti 1 further expenditure. he can work up a great quan tity of cane in good season. if he is timely informed of what he mav hive to do. This explains why all who wish him to manufac ture their syrup shoold report tonelv, and feels before leaving off to repeat, do not fail to report condition and quantity of crop by Ist to middle et August. A. word of encouragement to planters. The subscriber worked up the cane of filly four customers last season, and both the crop, and quality of syrup rendered satis faction to fifty-three or the number, all being good syrup. This does not include a lot of frozen and spoiled cane, which, by an error in the advisors of the producer was left until quite out of season. The seed is put up in parcels sufficient to plant half au acre, as a less quantity than that cannot be worked to advantage nn ex tensive aparatns. Where persons desire to plant more, they can take parcels sufficient to do them. Seed can be had at (he following points, and with the subscriber. Byers Grocery, 11. Saxton. Hardware store, t ? Carlisle. Halbert & Fleming, Grocers, Leidig's Store and Tavern, Roxbury. Dr. ',miller, Churchtown. David Strohm, New Kingston. Eckels, Merchant, Hogestown. :Solomon (3 Bowman, Mechanicsburg. David Miller. jr., Cumberland Nurseries, 8i miles east of Carlisle on R. R. DR. 'FOI3 I AS' VENETIAN LINIIYIENT I)LED CII(II' , Pn --- WILA'I` A PItETTY A N child I saw last w-r•uk ! Itut time, alas! it is lob ,-,1,11 N., is Ili , . t• , wis nI thei,ll, 1/11•ii c roup! how when lir 11.1,ut,! { cucti moat it a 11 I al,ll )1,411 ore, we uppe3i tu you. It , t pi , try ant roll( we c, I.n , °, our 11, (Alit Child th.iti , 1,,1 1 :It 6,1 Clollp is 11 lriPllt iu till,. :11 , d it. In 16' I. its torturs .11w a, ke o p It iu the hut t ,.o • •su ta,y taut want II tu 11100. or to s. t• I•ut artau,l with thu, littlituutt )uta atu 111111 mhrn n Will only !!.,, c,ust. .r,b :An.. Ft.. New limk, 1,.}. all Ltruprit,th. Mars-11 11, 1664. ~~~~~rrr~i~cs. ~._ _ BEM In this place, ut the Itetbrined Parr - tiger. on the 22nd inst.: by t h e Rey. :`llllllll.i 1111111.. Et? IL ' IRVIN, of Kingston, to }lire 101MMA L. SINIADE,t, irMeehnnleuburg. in Washin..tton no the 14 1 1, of Dee , IRrti, by the Rex. 43. T. Coolie!, Lieut TIIIOI.IS L. NI te, VEY of Connert r kilt to Mss It LIILCCA NV. NOBLE of Carlisle " 'Oh the lOth inst.. by the Rey. J. A . Heavy. Mr ILENRY A. ft UNE LE, awl Mks KATE J. MUELW 11E, both of New Kingston, Po. On the 2nrci fif March by the Rev. Tito's. Shlrlock , Mr. JACOB SM INK EY of Baltimore to Miss MARIA. M. 01 111ir Baltimore Papers please copy. CARLISLE PRODUCE DIARKET. Reported weekly fOr the Herald by R. C. W oodward.- Carlisle, March 24,1004. ....,.. 6 76 ..... • •'' B . 60 40 ;.I'2o .1 00 ILOIIII (Superfine) do. (Extra)... WEDi RED - , RYE NEW CORN OATS, lIMILEY LL.. BARLEY SIRING CLOVERSEED.„, =WM NOTICE. In the Court o/ Common Pleas of Clut). County. male matter of the Petition of Wyn, B. xmunt n quid Hobert 11l von, Trustees4f the Union Churflutoplount Holly Springs for con lirmation ofdeod Now fo,wlt : March 22. Rule to show cause why: the Olio .and deed made itt purenaule thereof by the said Wm. Is. Mullin and 'Hobert Given Trustees of the congregation of the Union Choral of Mount Holly Springs to William Ales ander for a certain portion of the real estate of said congregation should not be ap. proved of red confirmed by the Court, returnable April 18th 1864, 'thy the Court. Test, 'S.N!IIPPEM AN, Frothy Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co ASSENTS $1,221,289 71. Life insurance Policies, on favorable Terms. r - 1111 K Board of' Trustees have declared a Scrip Dividend upon the cash premiums ro• ccived In 1863, on all Policies In force on the 31st De• comber, and have decided to receive all the scrip issued up to, and including January 1859 in payment of Pre mium notes or Loans on Policies due the coMpany, dill he credited on the satno with the scrip of said .i.ears. The undersigned Is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them at the Carlisle agency, at his office on Main Street, at any time after the date I of this notice. Pamphlets, table of rates, applications and every In formation furnished without charge. A. L. SPONSLER, March 25, 1564-31. Agent. RHEEM'S HALL ! CARLISLE, gnnicncing _Monday Night, March 23. MATINEE on Sof grey Afternoon et 2 olclock - DA VIS' MAM MOTH IP' est, ma 0 1" Et 33111. 4011., OF TILE SOUTHERN REBELLION! r IIE largest in the world, with men and horses, life size, vast and comprehensive, oat daily authentic 11,111 Minute in all details. The most extensive, popular and complete exhibition of the kind before the pubt ic. Every scene sketched upon tine spot, and painted with scrupulous fidelity by a corps of celebiattel artists. Commenced at the first breaking out of the rebellion, It has been in steady progress . down to the present time. anti showing every event of importatil,f connected with I his terrible contest fir liberty and Union. fun the bombardment. f Sumter ti.rt.ugh a space of more than two ears of hostilities to the last grand battle profuse with startling dioram ic effects, entirely new. and on a seals of magnificence never bolore attempted. The II: v find smoke the advancing host Is seen; of cannon and the din of the battle field upon the in of the.,autlience, and the le.irful work of con 11,1. 1114 dellll pr seated with a distliwt,noSs v it,: 1,1 y, .o that the audience ^an platzlne theintie Sre , t..llllll 1140 HU/011110 13.11.1 ..-enes ref wesented. Doors Opel! at 7, Pall... Linn coillmeuces moving at S "Alurh 2.), 1864 .1:) ar 37 4 Crr C::1 0 cli GIREENFIELD & STIEAFE It, IN V al.: (he attention of buyers to their I)ry 11,0,14 II Bill lw frwit.l 110 I..atareq 111 , 11 conll,l Igo a class ,toi-lt AII tt•pnrtme•ntq of Our busin,,s have Loon touch i. , 1,1• , •1 1 Hy that ~r I) 1Z UOO I) , NPllfif kilt, IS the , •1 / 1 1 . ment vier iiitereil in this town. NVii hne now open, reailv for ile.peetein all the 110,1(1110 of (lie viz: I'I,IIIiIIR. nil 111,V •11/1.1., 11,111 Stylt.S. Phil 1., rinifi Poplins. Challies Its alai, of ALPACCAS, nt aslonieliThgly lew 1) O T . ki• , S . Gents' and Boys' Wear, Ca ,, iiiion•s..le,tlis. CaFt.inirrop. 11 (Ile :11..e•I.1.1,.11 4.1 our fl'll.llllS 111 M e pail is num I mil fruition.... stork of ii adios. Cal ieu..s. Cot ttoladc,, all last winter. before the late advanro which will Le sold m'iri s that dery rompet Rion ma) lily ou Felting grout bargains at the Flora of IBSIMEWEI NoTK:—P.iknil9 (11.01 n. s of evaming our stick will please lie psrticulir, resollest, our :=tore Is in 'Lug's Co. ot , r Market Square,;iecouLl posits !litter's l'letlllog Poo u. _ U. St S.- G EO. W. NEIDICII, 1). 1). S.— Donionstrat”i i i'tprnttivo Denlistry to Cho nr - Ilnilimon+ c o iio g o o r - rt,. burl..ory . tvy, (Mice ut his rvsldonce op,sitH s 1 out. Carlisle, Penn EIMER= 1 I C. II El), M .1;•;', A ttoriwy at Law, 3 0 Cal Nox.L door 16 the Herald Odlro. 1! , , Pod —ly. 10,1 IN .vro It'S .1 _lo .lininictniti• n on the estate of rd I'3rt.lo . Ittle of \ot hat t toz Aoki issued 1; tho ...210 - or nr l'uniborland Co to It llonao,on of C.nlisl3. Notion is hereby gir• t“ all inqs 141 s.lirl e,t.sto to nisko in Illoff,ato fivinon t. )111,1 tl 4 , 4! having claims to proso,t then) duly autumn: tti a tott InfEM=l Carpet.ngs and Oil Cloths OW rot , ivirt:4 at ()..ility's clietti) cash 1,4 VtilL.(11111, arid -Lair (' A I? P E T 8 . Al.n. OIL widthn, whloh will 1e tlio err 4h nt 1110 11. I 110, o(lll.llY.T,usteo. ?lurch 4, 1414 POOR HOUSE STATEMENT ). 1.863. Wi1.1.1 \ M and ROBERT ELI.II/TT., . Directors of the Poor awl 01 the 1100 , 0 Employmont l'oluber land roont: . , in H.o , :ount, Nvith said l'ounty how January to the 3lst do}' of Dooonthor, .\ DR. T Irma 'l'reltsttror, $90(lo un 1111 111:111, I . :11111(1, E 1111,110 y N'filllded, J. I' Sterling. t.r I of Mitre .1. M. )1e:11 - 1 , I). Wherry. J. Squier, IS I , P.111)p and other , lwarding, .14,1111 C.lldwell and others, tallow, M. Mers, ktrd, &e. ~hollc Br,i baker, stock, sold, Drover:, pa , inr4, .1 llosler and other,, corn and oa Is sold, 2',11 21 1 k -inimz,ve, ! J I 67 (:),1 , 111,e ),1)1 lirrl. '2 :17 .1. 14 . l.reaking \\ * lin nn \Vi•rl nn,l others. pnulUY, 11') to J. 1111)•!' :)1,1 other.). pumpkins, :15 im IL Tcnl,•r, I)cp J fur dress, foi,al CB. II rash paid .5 W. Bentz and others, for merchan cli.:e and I pries, 52,755 ".31 Mrs. Saltshurg and others, out-doer Lid, • 1,558 8i; `Stale Lunatic A sylu port of paupers, ' - 572 08. J. Beistline and others, tai loring, hats and shoes, 225 37 D. Sipe & others, out-door funeral expenses, 304 00 D. Smith and others, JuS tices and constables fees, 130 16 „Robert Elliott and others, cattle and hogs, • ' 1,326 21 A. Bosler•and others, grain and grinding, • 742 96 R.C‘Woodward and others, cihver:and timothy seeds, 47 69 G. Delaney & others, lum. • codrfor fuel, — 244 98 J. R. Meang,Aecod for fuel, 161 28 Henderson & Ree d, plaster, 38 75 J. Noble and others, beef, 169 25 Win. Fridley, tinware and • tinkering, 58 17 G. Wetzel and others, wa gon making, 74 50 F. Gardner & Co., castings 1 00 1 JO A 00 3 00 and machine fixing - , 85 87 J. Plank, new shaker, 15 'OO G. Lindemood and others, blacksmithing, 74 . Geo. Zinn and others, post age, express el - urges and revenue stamps, 31 57 Henry Saxton and others, hardware, 152 38 Michael & Ensminger and others, leather, 213 53 Theodore Feilrer, baking, 18 00 G. Wink and-others, labor EC= R. M I.I.RNDERS , IN, A tl niiiiibtrntor ?;1111 01 lit nn 11 111) C'. Laughlin I (H 111 :S`.l j LLIB (1,, ou 11 7c 20 11 1 1- 17 1= 14_ I 5 1 i 11 ;,'311,0'..w HB on farm, 67 46 Dr. Robinson and others, out-door medical aid, 16 25 ' Carlisle Dept. Bank, loans, 1000 00 Dickinson Fire Ins'cg 4 fin., 14 70 Expenses incurred by Reh el invasion, 19 13 Geo. Kerkner, for building kitchen to tenant house, 4 25 1. Kitner, white-wash lime, 5 82 'D. Katz & ot hers, rye straw, 8 60 W• M. Beetem, discount on notes, 14 97 J. & J. Bosler and others, pumpkins, 10 50 S. Haverstick, Drugs and Medicines, 77 30 S Ensmingcr, saddling, 36 26 .1. N. Snyder, teamster, 8:1 33 .1. Bowman, tuition, 40 00 Dr. S. P. Zeigler, salary, 25 00 Dr. W. W, Dale, salary, 100 00 FL Snyder, Esq., salary, 775 00 .1, Miller,DPr, extra service, 9 00 W. Comma!), " 9 00 R. Elliott, " 15 00 J. Squier, Treasurer, salary, 60 00 W. J. Shearer, Esq. salary, 30 00 Miscellaneous expenses, 160 97 Balance (Inc Treasurer at, last settlement, 192 67 Total credits, 511,870 86 Todmhince due Treasurer, JACOB SQUIER, Esq. Treasurer of the Poor House soil of Employment of Cumherlano Grimily, In account with the directors of said In stitution, Rom the Ist day oe January to the 31st December, 186;1. DR. To cash trot. Treasurer. G.oono 00 800 00 (liher sioirces,usexhibitet,l iu t i ne foregoing statement, 1,200 85 CO By pahl (t.l,l)irector's ( J r as above, Balance due Treasurer, OpendioliS of OH' daripg (1w Yettr 1863 STATEMENT 01' STEWARD MATRON Limit/CS. Number of min '!, in tlie liiitise, Jan.' 111(11t, ii 4 %%Him Nvere 15:3 Admitted Hp to December 31, 18(r,s, 249 Born in the Immo.. 11 whole numb, f ,, , ,,ided r,tr (luring the lEali Niiiiihcr died, ,if 38 • Bound wit. 5 1/i3chmged and el , ped, 231) Number remaining in the li t oilf, ; c, Jan.- ]. 1S(14, ( Nvll.lll 29 are 6c) tired.) 140 :Cumber of ottt-W.p.i.i.:iiiper: stipp.rted ,•aie.p ,, •, of whom -tar(' i:: the St.ite Linititii: A i4VIIIIII, ' ti 3 thlugenidp nn dun OM There.are in the house, its near ns can be ascertained, 12 under 5 years 01 age: 11 from 5 to In: 10 from 10 to 20 ; 21 from 20 to 30: 13 from 30 to 40 ; 15 from 40 to 50: :3 from 50 to Go; 10 from CO to i 0; 'lO from 70 to 80; from 8) ht 00; mid 2 from 00 to tom In addition to the above, '2739 trovelling pauper, have been received without regular onler: , .. to whom acre give» ;t!.7 - ; meaiF., ; 1 11 ,1 man- of them \yene forni.,lted w ith articlei of clothing. 1 'i•fvet.(l s of I%t(/'lll 17,00 bushels of wheat ; 996 hushes oats ; 3735 bushels of shelled core; 3:0) 1,11:41ails of potutoe,; 41 l o ads of ; 30 loads of fod der: 32 loads of pumi,liin , ; 20 bushels of onion:: :S21)11 , 110 , ;)f led beets; 30 bushel; of greet. Leans; m peas ; 211 bush els 01 tomatoes; uarsnips: GU bushel, of turnips: 29m) head:, of cahl000.: Him cucumber rockel , ; 2 bushel: or dried alild 350 dozen egiirs (given to paupers.) 54 trccbs of app:eLuttcr ; and 271,1 lbs. of liutter. Artic/cs .Made i/i /he //oust II; p.(ir, of cloth mittens; 15 pair); of knit ititens; 55 pairs ()I' 1,11 . 0 ~.(tek, . : 2.; ',sirs of sl.6ckings footed ; •I 2 pair; (.1 locla tIH t e d 22 hminets ; 21) : 11 -1 ; romtort: , to! s In( s hirts: fro k , ; ; slips, eases; 13 chap bed , : 27 .41 ...ts tIIi handk-reldefs hemmed : :15 eltild'rens' frocks: 35lsitspen ders; 3 woolen skirts; 11 towels; 3S shrouds: 21)) Its. of hard soap and 41) Hs. or son soo t ,. in the Ca i'/eider 20 coffins; 4 bonclles; I p:iir of lark wood ladilrs.: built, I:itchur. In ICI:J1111, 3 gate : , 3 liarrtilVS 2 Ale,1:: 1 whecll)arrow: and l 0 limrmilerll.lll,llcs. l ' ' , 70(11 . B/W/ W(1 Med 17 bepves. overa;fc Nrright l;78 lbs,l 9526 lbs.; 2:;4'3 11,:. 01 bellf crrr bought ur Julin Nobluund uthur, ; 15e.ilves,(,:tverage weight hog:, (uverogr , tveight 211 lbs.) 795:3 11,s lu.thitur in 111 21,1;07 11 ) ,:.: 1:t •;title ‘vurth $7OO ‘core taken by the. Itcht , k in .Itjuit• bk,q. ,ti'lnr/• on l'arm, ./nn. 1, 1864. miles; 21 foilelf cows; 2r) 12 head nfslork rattle; 2 yoke of oxpn •1 snccs and 25 shoats. IMMII 17cit. , 11‘s• nrr Frrin „Jan. 1, 18i1-1 broil.] :Itl I 11:11T.1W-wheel e d zoom , on ion ; I pair or w,),),1 ladders; pair; rd . 11:1t ; I ii:112”11 ; 2 jack :uul e;irt gears; 1 spring wa gon and liiirne::•; I I.irge ; G plows; 2 shine and G double .lintel plows; 2 large and 4 .:wall cultivators; I roller; I grain drill; 1 threshing machine, horse power and belt ; I ; I fodder cutter; G wheel harrul‘s ; 2 log chains ; 8 setts of wagon gears ; 0 setts or plow gears; 2 fifth find carrying chain; spreads; single and double trees ; Ily nets ; 1 wagon saddle; 14 halters and ehnins ; cow chains ; 1 sett of car penter tool,; I sett of blacksmithing tools 8 grain cradles; 18 niowinp, scythes; 1 wire horse rake; 4 picks; 2 inattooks; 3 crowbars; 3 stonc drills; 10 shovels; 1 grain reaper, and a variety of stone hammers, quarrying tools, spades, forks, rakes, sickles, corn hoes, wood SIMS, axes, trolls, wedges, and crout knife, .Cst, HENRY SNYDER, Steward. ELIZABETH SNYDER, 211atrotz. We, the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of Cumberland County, do certify the above and foregoing to be a cor rect statement of the receipts and expendi tures of said Institution from the Ist-day of January to the 31st day of December,lB63, and also of the operations of said Institution during the same period, and of its condition on January 1-, 1-864, according-to the-Oest-Of our knowledge. Criven, under our hands „the Bth day of February, A. D., 1864. } JO II:sl MILLER, I L. WM . C.', 0 RNA! AN, , Directors ROBBRT ELLIOTT, ' - Test—ll. Sxvueit, Steward. We, the Auditors of Cumberland County, having examined the account and vouchers of the Directors of' the Poor' and House of Employment of said Comity from January Ist to December 31st, 1863, and also thb ac count' and vouchers of Jacob Squier, Esq., Transomr of said Institution for the same period, do certify that we find a balance doe said Treasurer of seven •hundred and 'eighty dollars and'one cent ($l.BO 01.) • P. QUIGLEY, WM. M. GARDNER, D. B. STEVICK, Auditors of Cumberland County. Oil A ItTI , It FRANKLIN FIRE INSUKANtE 031fPrir. or' P ASS Errs ON J A'N U 111,1" 1, 1864, 8 45 7 8. 499 5 . CAPITAL, ACCRU F,ll SURPLUS, IN V BsTr D Pis UM S, Ungettlpd Claiwx ERPET UAL AND TEN] PORARY POLICI 18 ON DIRECTORS. CUARLES N. DANCE ER ISAA LEA, TOiUAS NER, EDWARD C. DALE, SAMUEL tiRANT, I.IEO. VALES, JACOB It. SMITH, A LVRED EIMER, +' Ell. W. RICHARDS, ERAS. W. LEWIS, M. D CHARLES N. BA NCH.RIL, Pree'L. EU W ARD C. DAL E. V ice Pres 4 l.. JAS. W. MeALI.ISTER, See. Pro. Tom. A. L. SPONSLER, Agt, Carlisle Pa. Match IR, $790 01 UNI lED STATES INTER NAL REVENUE• Annu'll nxeB . for 1864 Th.) tax pavo•rq is linrnhy rolled to the the Uoit,lStat,•• reiati ire to ho :tt,essikieltt nt Atiml .1 .. , . Ite the sixth spelt., of the net of July 1, IP,C2, I'. is utitle the lull Or ail 110r5.019, p 0 , 1.000t11110 4 , fir tut. 119 90 t nil ions or e.ateoratienti. 1.01.1 K iii . 6.(o tr. any 0111111:11 duty, 1a,.,.,,,,,,, „r t av, 11N III; 11 . .1. 9 119i . ; THE FillST M.O.\ D.IV OF .‘I.IY IS EAt. , ll 1' P. Nit, in Itettke tt list or return to the kete-teut teeeetttee.,4W4erilitetriet e 11,tre / I located m t!. (. et the ee..l at, a. La 1019 , 00, Via,. a,raja.a,s " r oltjt, to t•here..o,ll eillt :I ,ite .ill t , /111,/ the 10.11011(0W air a.ell a , 1(1.0i Ila No t , l• 11 901 Hof.t 90. . I.:0a0.: yea roev !-,. ..I bill Viii to make such return be the dal' %.,01•1;it..1N9•11 1., liable 1.0 )9; 090099.91 by the A...iee.n..1 nee.,,,heuz t. , the b, et hat r11 . 3t1011 N . :11.11 Ili. ra,o a•latal 111 ; 011 d In vll.ll tiso the :issuer it; required to add fitly per et, lute to the 301001 AL vi the Iteun, of •uelt het. SII,OVO 35 $11,570 gs la,Sall who shill dolly, to an Assessor any NISI. or fraudulent 11:1 Or statement, with intent to i•voc11. tll , s .1111.10 n 0.1111 , 1101011 lequirwl by low, la Nold , rt It, n Lulu of liVI) 1:11111.11,1.1 1 1n1larh: Auld lii SUM: the I o iii hn motto out hy liu. Assessor or Au Slot tot A all.l fraill the valuation and enutuer Mil,. so 1111.1 , Ili , r•• ,111 be 11“ appeal. 1 . 11 01,,t ,•I the annual 1:151.0, .X.,111. those for !Iron. w:1 I until the till. twill day of $740 01 arnr,.inaata I.l.nks all Is liich to snake ',tarn, and all ta•cersa v ilitariiintion, Will be fril Ilivakeil by th.• ‘s•l !nut .\ sse,eos to piriiiiins residing in ti • :110 .Is.isi not Asce.gritscil Calabar nt ..r. to ii•stirt.s of 111.-tano. I,lconsa Ap. pllrati-a :Lail 3-tali, tto[An all I.•r s ,' t C. Kirk N. 11 N.•.s .1..8. Minor Jr, , N1ar10tai,—.1.10g...1:1.4,11 1/Iv l a., No 13, Carlisle: dole r l s i1;1111. Indn , Ni. 14 !wiling ;.Inn. S. D a y also, la% a .1.. rlzolita.l.l ;Awl I) IV l'brusll, l / I v l ll. No. 1.. 11111131 1 1.1 1110.11 AI„ 15111 1/li l l., of Pa. 1,64 —;;I. 273 'l7 ' 4 cm Si are CPc ,Stone . .\111.1,E11, will open •' their NOW ,t. , 1 t• nn I he ,ornerof th-pnhlic clua n, known 701.e5(41,1 , , 111)11,Si Er, irlif'S on the the 1., ne , nth 1 Nlareh.) when (114 will lie t.. • ro-ilow-titock-of f,r01471 cnd Donlß - 4, ,, • • " • DRY 0 0 1) S , Carpets, Oil SN OlasPes JOhN MILLER, I= N. B port ion of our sir , 'k of I hme•tiel;oods that HIL Lo purvlutsed hi tho faunal of Januar th..y won , a 1•110.1. , lefo".1 than at the p i ° son t. Lino, sod l he sold stn small sdvsliss. 1•E11114:11' h. MILLER. FOR SALE. r 1 11 E otelebrated Stallion YOUNG jt nit ECK 1:N111),F. 1i1.1 , 11113Eli1:11 NS. \lnn•lt 10. Ito 4 Id infield. Black wood's Magazine Bar's!' REVIEMTS, PRICES CHEAP AS EVER, EIKE= Postage Reduced!! UMW to new Subscribers. T ( Nv ITIIST Y. 1)1 NG : the cost of lieprintillg these Pl.rioiWala has more than doublednof the enornmUs rice In the pl ire nt Paper ' ,lull oft ,:enel al advance In all 1.01, ex oi•e• • I‘‘ of ler publisher% are re tl nein.4 the qize Ihere..lll2 the Mae of their toildlea• Ile shall eon Untie. 1.•1- the year 11 , 64, to ours emnplete, at tie old miss, 'IIIE LONE) tyI:ART kr (Connorykkti,...) 'IIE EDINIIUIt,M 1,1V1)1,4.) I;1;7 (Frou Churah ) THE IvE , T NS rr.t: \ 1.:Iv it.ilwral 111. C1i111)i)ir; , I.1:1 \ :11.11MZINE (T"ry.) 1 .. . , ,111 OW' hi• b-ur IZv% long, F , ..1 F•.i 11, 111 r .(I 110 , 8 00 3 (It) For W , .11'1 .1111..1 1 ' f( 01 Vor 111.1(•1,w0,1 3101 (%., 7 00 For It1(.1cw , (0,1 (tto.l 0 00 Ftn. 1114cliNvood anti the 1,11). Rea lo,rn, 10 0) d. all 1.0 of tfe rnitod Stnt 01: I , now ronly I.OIN SIX ', la, .1 I tor tint bolovo Iticll, i ii. - -Iv PIII r coot,: • year for Black s‘ and onl, I Cool , I oar tar a 'toy pn):tlpitt o [lto plittittei aro retnd d. ...) two of the l't•t I,nlie:i!s for Is6l. e 111 rueeive a. a or tullllll their ohotel, or any ~,,, of the :Ina. - ;:ul),(•tillt•is to nll lit o 01 any two of the foul for Itilp 0.01: L. , . itly • or all the work!. for mat proeura :!uy,l the bar itovitvs, tor Is.; :. to they may out be entitled us premiums, at f.l a year ea ell. 9,,The 'flard Etlitb 0 of the Sop towl.,kr Number of Blackwood, v0nt:11.1.4 an at ticlo by an English officer who was present at Ito Llo of Cot tysburg, is now ready—pH,' 2;1 Remittances :iod should be address ed to LEON C )., Pliblisht•rs, No, 38 Walk, St , bot. Itr..atl,v,t) and Church St We also Publish the FA 12.111 E Ul DE, Py Henry StepllUns of Edinbitilt, and the late P. Norton, of Yalu College. 2 vols. Pupa Octavo, 161.0 pages and numerous Sogra dug, Price, $6, for ti;u two volumes. Ily Mail $7. L. SCOTT CO. Frb, 26, 1664-3 c READING. RAIIIROAD, I Trtv:Txmii . „ . fliAli„ VAZgai - 41 4 4 , L -4eVemt.k.2s-777.,%V.,.--.lw" WiNTER 'ARRANGEMENT. GI EAT Trunlr. Lirire from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, No.. York Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Baeton, &C., &C. " -Traiusl env° - Harrisburgfor Philadelphia; Now-York; Reading Pottsville, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A,,M,, and 2 P. M.. Now-York Express leaves Harrisburg at 3.00 A. M., arriving at Now York at 10.15 the same morning. Pares from Harrisburg: To Now-York $515; to Phil adelphla $3 36 and $2 80. Baggage chocked through. Returning; leave Now-York at 6 A- M., 12 noon, and 7. P. M., (Pittsburg Capron arriving at Ilarritiburg at 2A. 31.) Leave :Phliadelphla at 815 A., 51,, and 3.30 P. 51. '. Sleeping cars In the Now York Express .Trains ;through to and from Pittsburg without change. ' Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 A-. 51., and 2.15 P. M., for 'Philadelphia, Now., York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 0.15 A. r 111., and 2.30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Now• York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Roadingi at 0.30 A. M., and roturne from Philadelphia at 4.3 Q P. M. the above truism run daily, Suhdays except- . ed. • A Sunday train leaves Pottsvilla at 7.30 A. 51, • and Philadelphia at 335 P. 81. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Munn sion Tick ets at reduced ratea to and from all points. - .80 Pounds Baggageallowed each NW °tiger. G. A. NICOLLS, llC•ee. 11,1893. , Goneral Slveriniamtenif. • 1829; • i ! .E . RoprauAL Incomo for 1864 ;,OSS PAID SINCK 1820 . , 85,000,000. EMEIMI A N THE MIME POSTA GE. PREMIUMS. DESIRABLEA TOWN _PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. cf.I.TUATE on.the corner of West St., Liana Church Alley near Woodword'e; Ware Home, In the borough of Carlislo. The Lot contains 28 foot in front on West St., ex• tending hack along said alley 128 feet. The Improvemonta aro a BLACKSMITH SHOP, and other Out Buildings. The above is one of the moat desirable building loratlons In the town, either for business purposes. or im a Private residuum+, and will be disposed of upon favorable terms. For further Information enquire of William Wort, the owner of lhe Property or of A L. SPONSLEIt, Man ii 4, Mit. Real Estate Agent. If the above property k not sold before Saturday the 25th inst., It will 'be offered al Publle Salo at the Oourt Bowie in said Borough, on :hat day. ttoo,noo 9T I OA 1,056,186 BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. DEALERS and consumers of the above Celebrated IVash Blue, will take notice, that the Labels are altered le road. INDIGO BLUE, put up at AVrod Wiltborger's Drug Storo, No. '23G, North Socond Streut, Thr quality of this Blue will be the came in every respect: It is warranted to color more We let Ilian twice 0)8 write quantity it Indigo, and to go much •further than any ether Wash Blue In the market. It dissolves pe, fectly clear and does not settle on the clothes es most, of the other makes do. One Jinx dissolved in a half pint, of water, will make as good a Liquid 111110 an :illy that is made ai ono third the cont. As it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and Inferior articles, housekeepers will find iL very much th their advantage In ask for that put up at Wiltherger's. .013—)11uo put up alter Ulla data with liarlow's name an it imitali4n Th . ., Now Label iloai not requlr, a Ramp. Fop a I. by S L"rolo•epers ganerally. March 4, 1964 —limn. Proclamation yV \V LIEU, EAS the 'Hon. James 11. y 4;,,A11,4 President J silide of the eidvet'iil Ccurts of Omni:too Pleas of 11111 el/1111110e of Cumberland, Per' ry. 31,1 Jun iata, 1111 1 1 sotlll,llof the several Courts of liyor aunt Terminer arid iletreial helireny lu said rountlen, and )licha,•l 1•0.1.1 i II sod Ilugh in.tii.trt, 1.14 ,5 of the esuris of Uter and 1 evoids., and .toil h e n,. 1 1 111', 1111 1 tll./1 ..f all ..apital urn olhor olfesiiernn. to the said Cin.obe,iiii i d. by then tnre,...i.nis to 1111 1 111, 11 1041. J,tell Llll l 11th day of January . 1 , 411. hare 11 I ' .lllll of Inver and Tl,lllllll, 111111 1101101111 1 1 311 1 /1 1 r . 1, tan be holden .at C. 1. 1 .11811/ 011 OW 2.1 1 11 1 11- daY ll l . April, 16.1, (beim: the 11th day,) at 1U "'dusk lo the fortinoso iin soiltitioe seeks Irllll la hereby :111,1 to thin Cinrsinsr, Just less of the 1111'1 1 '1111 1 11.31/1, 111 tlw 1 1 11 1 1 county nil Cum beriadd. that tins:: ale by the .111 precept. 131111111311/1- 1 1 1110 11111111311 1111 , 1 there in Their pr..per petal... with their rolls, ro,.. , rds. and 111.1111 1 111.1 ,1 1,1 03111111/11111 11 1/11. 3133 all other rellll,lllll l llllllll, le 111 1 1111, things which to tholr . OUiree iiiidnrtaio to be .1.n0e.. and all those that ars bound by res. I,llls tic's, to pruners to against the prbioners that are or then shah be in the doll o said .'..unto. are to be lLore to thOnll/314/311 111 1 just. J. '1'..1111'1•111 . , Feb 211, 11'0;3, t I),k1'? IsTit.\frol 'S N ( I I ' E.— etter , ol on the estate .4 . .1, cob .\ late of tdsvn , hip 1,1114•10".1 II Op• of a uwbcrinnd I oudty. td tile sutc.cribcr. t• 011111,4 to e i,.hip N. tire is hereby vioct to all pi••rsocs t•Jsucl to illakfi 11:"1111.11t, and tin., havln.2 claim, to present them dilly for :0 1......1 1 111:It NICK I;? Feb. Id, 1, 1 B'l' A T ()T1 ( ' Letters of Administration on the Potato of Mrs Franeea Hoover, doe 'd , late re Monroe. towo.dlip,l3.v 1110 I,ren 1,11,i by the 10.0 t el Cumlaerlang I' Linty ti the s''l.r illmr re•ddine. j o a ,alid township. Notire herel.; ulven ,•r, iii to sald estate to make pa, merit. pint t ila VIII .! el II probent them duly authentirated for Net ti, ment tai 1 , 01 19, 1 s,.l—.rt Town Property for Sale. TA)I wit Itori:-ed s•AI the Property of Nll, ^ Scp:.‘ Sturm, .it,,nt.,l the North Ode of I Pomfret st,v , t St wot The lot .Ir:V ‘ I Is Ili) filet le,/ Ii i IBi 11.,•t deep. ntill hn • t 0•• i b Ilpoll it a Two st. t-t,t• I lose nod k It 1..• oil Ifs /t Whole or 2.+'f;.pat 1 nn u,a. 10• w mt ,•11:.11.1e EIMIZIIIIIIII WHEELEit WILSON'S E it G Air e IXES AT REI)I , CED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Chock, Now S"yle Hammer, Binder, Corer, Braider, etc. At the Railroad 011ize, Carlliac. Pa Highest Premiums at tho INTERNATIoN EXHIBITION, Lolst•oN, IFO2 INHUSTILI PIRI f, Ibtil. =I =3 Ails tr .11,431 fit Il,e PennAylrania Slate Fair :1 - plohher, 1$1;3 American Institute. New 1 . ..rk. lk.sti.ri, Franklin I list Phil Meeltatti.• , ' In Int Inntilut.9 ' A Cri me imwtj, [llea v I ha,), A , ,riatinii, Merhani- , ' I a,t itut 4'. Pin Ann 0 I 11 I= NI AI N V EH \IONT. CONN E.2..rtt NI.W :`,Sr I.VA NI A, 11,411 \ I )1IS:,1$14I 1111111, IN DI ANA, lOWA, TEN N F.SS E, 11.1.1 NUIS, '.II'IIN.S lA. ri r ese .. e lele“ ti . n i t onipteit to every Vll. , idly i.f Seo !rig or taiiirly Innn the lightest mus lins to the I lest el , .th, wink equally well upon silk. linen, woolen, and Cott , n meals,—seaming quilting. gathering, carding, and 'nailing—making a beautiful and per feel ' ,tit. L. ; flit ° i both si les—and performing every epoch, of Seo ilia .siopt uniting buttonholes and stitching on buttons. Pull in (ructions for operating the)l,lellitie is given gratuitously rut the soles roams. 11 hen )lachine is senl some diSt IMO!, SO that personal I est riletion is inconvenient. a card at directlun is sent.,„high is a \sufficient guide. The filch reccunn. - .1.1 the NI heeler it \\ ikon \tarhi ne ree— . Beauty arid of ntit:o, on both s:des of the fabric sewed. '2. Strength, firmness, and dtpahil;ty cf that will not rip nor ra, el. and made with 3. Economy of thread 4. Its at taelinientt , and wide mitge of al plication to purposes arid urn tXritlis. b. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of yni,dru, ;ion, 7. Speed, ease of operation and tosmageit.ent, and quietness of notvemou t. ECIINDULE OF PRICE. 3. N 0.3 Machine, with Plain Table, $45 00 half Otter, Pan nailed. tO 00 Halt LINO Polletted, Black Walnut or Mahogany 65 00 No. 2 Machine with Plain Table, 6b 00 Ralf (Ince, Pannelled, 60 00 Half ease, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 66 00 No. 1 Machine, Silver plated, with Plain Table; 6 s 00 , . Halt Casa, Pollshed,lllack Walnut, 70 00 Half Case, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 75'00 Ilalf Case,!Polished, ItosewoOd, 00 00 /FUll-Case r Polished r illualc_Walnut Or Mahogany-00 00 . Full Case, Polished, Rosewood, 100 00 'No. 4 Machine, Large with Plain Table, *. , '— 75 00 N 0.5 Maohino, Cyllndor, with Plata Table, Every Machine is sold with a Hummer, Nos. 1 and Machines are sold complete, with the New Glass Cloth Presser, New Style Hemmer and Braider. Wheeler•Sc Wilson's Agency at r• „Railroad . and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA Nov. 27, 1.862-Iy. ' • NAILS ! NAILS ! ! NAILS ! A go stook Prices. good, Oloan, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prlees. Our nails are worth Wets a keg more. than any other make of nails sold In our town, this is the opinion of moolutules who have triad them, we ,also have a full assortment or '.BUILDING of the !lava and malt sty proypd styloc. All LIN& war• ranted as yovrotioupiil. JOHN I'. LITE & 1,01 l C HOOVER. Admin,istrlttor 1211iM11133 TIHtMS CAST! NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ANTICIPATING a rise in goods, I have bought a large stock of Domestic and For eign goods, curb as 34, 4-4, 64, 10-4, Drown Shooting and Shirting lauslins,43-4, 4-4, 04, 10.4, White Shoot- leg and chirting 1l unarm.. All the desirable maim( of raleoes, Oinghens; all the widths and (lunation of Tickingn, Checks, Stripes, Brown and Colored Drillings Cambrles, Nankeens, Crash, Table Diapers, Counter pins, -Marls and Cctton Pantlngn. Also, a large and well selected stock of CAR 1' TS , all grade . ri, Carpet Chain, Oil Clothe, Shades and Blind material, and nil other hinds of nonce furnishin g goody, together with DRBSS GOODS, NotioOe, lloop Shirts, White Booth: , ,Se , 9—CARPET RAG ' S WANTIM. PlOll,O call at the old Stand, one doer bolos Martin's hotel. Fob. 19, 1304 TAU ES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at Curti, In. P 3. Office & Parker. JAn. 22, 1461-Iy. BARGAINS BARGAINS H t S the Holidays are past, 1 will sell fi_thi, balance of my winter goods At reduced prices WINTEII DRESS GOODS, Winter Shaw Long Shawls, NVinter MAlltlev and Clnti4F, also a flue lot of Furs, 10 greatly reduced prices. Blanhrls V lid 1V(i,d,31 gonorally. Conmtan tnd lit lons of Striple h ends Al° ha. ing rocei rod. Thu pillltv in alit Domestic null Howsu turoati”g g..ds will to high,. I o ould oil v i se °I I hese olodg, to buy Lebow rrn tdber l'li•aalt call uL tlio old stand 111113 door below Hai tlll.B I!ENEMIIEI To The Boot & Shoe Trade ! CHASE l PEDULL: AEANUUACTU r.RE of [pp.:Fs. No 111 South Third St.. (up lolorla the tril. , that they keep emaetin Iv on 11.1ifil a tall a , s./rtsh.•ht ref 11ea nil.l 13.,0t and 'hoe ''pliers, of every dew ription, math, ottly irom pi law ntuelc, at.d 1111..,1 with best mat j ;1 • 0 In them , M t 1,000n:011e city ,7`..y10t Trod ordrl's ,rd fv , iithted, awl p;, 11 latent, .1i "ill be paid tu aJ Llues, Omit to thou. Terms Cush on Deli very I 140 29, 1,6-I—:in, Geo, W, Carpenter, Henszy Wholesale Druy (I Chentic,/ IVarehouye, 7:'•7 , 1 . 111 ~u•lphirt Subscriber kecps con-itantly on hand , 1 . .,;0 , t0ck of l‘rtlr,,, Nir,rof,..4 Cll 11Q. VII 00110 1:711.,AI P ‘I• and o,ot v oti,r lvhlrh:lppl . rtnin> tI 1.11.11fe5,, Ivu Ll iciff,f tll.. tilf,t extoff.lve ltl l'le1\; ifs., PkINI 1)113 Yliti '11;-; vi 12 Vel y .Iv-eripti . If. All IF tit 1, purrda , d n •ttl 119C . 111 rfdl" , l , t 1 be r , l I he uu.xt sttp , •llf.r ,to•t11: v. no at III"' )5 , 1 , 0 , as !hey ears he had. %VI. 1 . 11, oltor , orotriari to 555 111 1114 1 , it thir puroh.t.,•r. Inv io their 1... 3,1 iris , . .11 Ir 10(11, p ,ir ud 111, 're It “11 e "it Hi , ,•tti to, o.lfl at out ioa n. 11• Ils11.11t•lit. All iirders addieo-Srd L, 1.2 g I.y mail or. othor. wise, N, ill 111,t. , rich pr. o.p , at o•ot 1 . 11:1 . 1 1. 1 1 11 \Lt.h. hti,,, 121111E1M1 BALGAINS ! BA UGAINS ! ! At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store ! I A:11 now opening a largo a , sm•tinctit \ NV AND Lt.: ARABLE tto•tda, Itt.thrht het, the recteht rise In priet•s.,ltl.ll h 111 1, raid tier the 1 :eh 11:1V0 011 bawl a f ll lino of lILE %(!11.11 and BLEACII KIP C -LI NS iho vt•ry , t 1.31, , k 0111z11.1.. 01,•k, and Calicune aito Iti t toilet and tht•rvp. LADIES DRESS GOODS. ElogAnt new (Mulles. colurol .1 1 pAulmr, Tureen C•ut h. Satin :stripe I.'udt,s, and 111 au,l 11 , .slt•re. all I. i 1/I , Tt tile u;',. .4uloulim ensbus. l'itriiLu lets.: t t ll ua, ii,i 131.4—p Lassa, , MOURNING GOc)1)1. .k rlitt.•nt ..1 t r .•olutt a. C. and L• 1 PI•::111I, •. Alpack,ts. ,trtif....t.l all Ow .I.l:, , rvrit. n,1,1 11 bit, ts1••1•1...I.Od !ling rtut o. Cloths, (as:-lincre: , , S,lttinet s 1 , 411.^y C44lLot-r.•s K nt low pri r h-4. 1.4, ". 1 4.41 4.1 klour aims r,llriii 3:1 ‘Bl.ll' . All 111 .. , 1,0 alas. 1. ut n t lush than City pp N,W ptirc!,,,, to sive In.,tieyb. their -to.•• All is,. 11.1 CAS!! . I) ..pp0 , 11 , . tip. 1.1,4 t C.itlishe. 12.. RECRUITING: rfii I: untllr icnrll is rluy.• I:r•cttt , b , r npy \II: T NY in th.• ! i 'l'h , • followtur lif.unt wili,ll n 4 h. Ind. , the Ineel ,hhh keit z • Ih 11.1 , 1141, 3.1.1 I' 'l . ' ' 1 • I( ' N '• " It 111 E. N Lll hi:e..l;l I III:FE IA) L./LA.O;S. Urrr .11,,ritlis pg . , / .-1 , 11 , frt,e, , go!, ).. 0 0 ' - t.0"". 'r.•1•1 .0111 , 1i1 r iltn,no•n• 411111.4 Icti I .10,. 0 .011 11.1111,. XV.CI lit 1 - ty nirt 11. 111_t0 nu tiler t...achzryn early tin.] pr, ht NI EN tin• -t-nn I nnll:n 1111 , np 13:11rt•il haNn ft, ow mans I au nn , nit v.. 1,1“...1.) and rimn , firl4l , , n I inn•il the II 01 , •I “lir p...• , 1 tilt] : , 4m1.40 1 , ”, I' .101 etltlk Le N., th it the t. 1. tint...t n.I 1. . It a 1 . ..5r int.• at:4lO,lA 11:11.0, E.. 3400 , , (I a OW talll 3110 1:1101/1g . pea,. \I, Will" in 1,1 tln• Clutch A114.3'. I',, =ME 14A SC110()IL HARVARD COLLEGE, 1861, r k i 'IWO Terms of Nineteen week-; each, 1•"1111111•11. ing Nlnoa, 7th urn •tsibt, L'Or Catnlogo,:n.l Crr uLit Cambridge, 7%laP: 26, I.'m4 at Closin: up Business tut scriber, bccalise or ill health, hi. hit, nun,. ft, h, it tii lot i• 11,•111 I ,LL .0:1,1101 11 510- 0 0.100 1 ,1 1, 0'11111:11 tilv prr.rn t. 1110 I shall 4 . 1”1•1i FI z,,t pp t rI—I. I. up Illy 11,1:11 .11111.1 V Z 4 V11110,1 . 0110c.,:. , 11,1,11, %1,v1,t, el and Toh , leeco, (Cht•ll . d:/ se,o); tqtillracing tliti6h, and at the I.),;eht poN,illll , pi h...t4 anti 1.411, Tho balanco hL.bek, ecinpvscd of CE 1) A 11, \V A 11 E, such as Tuts, Churns, flu,ksts, n Ind of twin Broolll6^ the 111111 , 0,t in any marlset—also, China, Glass, Qucensware, Crocks, Baskets, ,t r., :Ad at reduced prices. I woUllt thi , opportunity oi tendert ng nay sineerest I haults to 1..)1O ors 11110 hats fur a period it over twenty years, iv elt tee so gelletOlit. anal liberal a share of their pat t una..o• trusting that my ?burn to ploabe ha", not altogether boon ill Vail). To t•nelt as 11:1‘. - i. Oc.:4,1111n 10 Sel tit/ wllh mi,. either for or t1.e,:111,4, I WOlll,l St:, to 111 IL I will tin twee. toforo, btilutut,l at toy uttuttl ro I will be IliWilyb be happy Lo t. 1 4. them. •• Ma; Inn 11811,'• Car January 8, 1864. 41;1rP.n•ry Advocate please copy , ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenue, PAILADELPHIA, PA:, k_jFFER for sale upon the:most favors ble Torun. NEW end BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS to groat variety of litON RAILINGS for CEME.V.ERIES, RESIDENCES, Re., and Wrought and cast Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON and BRASS TUBING; IRON VENANDAILS. BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCHING POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VASES, TA BLES, FLOWER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS. STATUARY, ANIMALS, and all other Iron Vorks of a Decorative tiharactor. Designs forwarded for selection. Persons applying for same, will please state the kind of work neudttd. Nov. 20,1863. 05 00 Notice of Co-Partnership. rr HE public are hereby informed that 1 the undersigned have this day entered Into a Co Partnership, under the name of Delaney Ar Midi., for the purpose of cam lug on the Coal and Lumber busi ness, at tne old stand of 011eer Delaney, near the Gas Works; where all orders in their line of busineas are respectfully solicited, and will bo prom p , ly OLIVER DELANOY, ANDREW 11.11 LAIR: Ort. 16, t f itte—Orifera for coal will be m:mired at Halbert Sz Fleming's Oro very Store; Robert slopre's Shoe Store and A. R. Illair's Ourillug SIAOP DELANCY & wan!. • On. Orders Air Coal or Lumber solicited through the Post Office, arradtgontenta baring boon seeds with the Postmaster to churns the postotia on rim to us. All (Oohs putictUrtlly:ll,llcd. = I= Cat.' TI )1. 1). -1 N I ,1111.•er BEM GRAND OPENING AT OREENFIELD & SHEAFER'S . , OF : NEW ANJ) BEAUTIFUL, GOODS.; 5000 ?ph. Super Extra at 20 cts. Good: 4-4 Bi:la' llltisliu, 25ets. Ertra Iliarp 4-4. Bela Muslin at 3 lets. tmm.ticitui g liatno, Cheftf, Tickingn, JOILUSI Flmll mei n of all solos, Rome Matto Flannels Gray and White, Home Made Jeans. • We bac also all the lower priced Itinlins and Priute on bond, and S L KS • Plain Mark Sllka at all prices. We now nail tn.] extra quality of Black Silk at SI,SIS north SI,6U per yet d. Plain and Fancy Slika of every description at low prices. DRESS GOODS, an we hare parchneerd our entire clock of Greets Goode in New York ( which In Headquarters, for all the Now Fty lee.) Every one MU find it to their advantage to ghe Our stock a look before going olneWhern, as you will see all the Isle,;[ New Yolk Styles, at prices to au It the times from Z2,bo up to the !Inset grade, Cloths and Casstmeres, a lull .6.11 I 111,•111 Retries , all at' the No wept t - tylel , Also a full stock o DIUUIitiVING GOODS, at astoniallingly toe Notionu and Wo -lon 'Goods, Gloms. Hose, woolen cod cotton; c..llars, In our stock of II ands, :\ L'oora,;n, Scarfs, Ac„ we del, - competition, We hare a tars, on,nettinenmt of Popular mode good,. (not A 1 „e rail sell at loner prioa then ally Wholesale House, 1.11.40 ur nmflll , either In city or c-iuntry. Fhn „ It every description, of the lowest figure. Ail We n.k le a rtll, we ere eolith/out Wni can please both In XVI , . 8 /and . I ,t sals Gntl.F.• h Il I D A FISICAFEIR, S C. Cor n 7 , :nirket :Square is-Id door from Co.', Oct. 2. 18,2. STEINWAY PIANOS, First Prize Medal at the World9s Fair, London, 1862. = - ., =7?. -2 , -4k -t r under.i . L;ned ha , just received, ant interld, kee rot.stantl:. ou bend e full am. rurii Illy U 1. 1 .11,1101 tannulac:ured by ew York. t.! Sk rar,ful , y sa,ectei In tbo tld nnfeett,rt . end will he 2,11 et Chu New York sash Factory Prices, Frelghtt to Cti A v tittun 11 ird .t.ei ail enine vethfection tvlll be given 1.1U•i• purr hexer. rets.n.4 deto..u. ,Vlt. , d to call and E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, ) 1,„ ,troot 3,1 r MinSioll House, rle&I" KaHrali DopOt SECO\ t II \ 1000iVed in exchange and key sod to toot. I= TAKE NOTICE. T HE Firm 4 Lftidich Sawyer d: tho mutual ..1 otl pt. :; , 1, 1•..'. Tito thc i7i7mct J. D. Lei „..• .• y cnn be seen by enl,lllc. nt , pl , l ear Lp.stly expect a. 01 persons tht.ll/ 4,1 V., II ri"b'Cli to said Flria, to call and st•I:le toe Pllll/0 D. 1. 1,1,1t0i an 1 .1,0,E1 Nliii l / 4 •• hire oe,l t.t their yr, th, , tele , •it in s;•1•1 :•••t• re le the Underelghed, who Hill .•••.;1.1.11.• l;. , 1.1% •10 ••I Du-I•ess et the 010 wgii km Nee t r ; n.en• el•rlietYr r 1512ske hla the ,;e =II SPECL:, L NOTICE. EMEMIESIIKEI/M1 11 ;; II OU . E, I'llii..~Ui:Li'HlA t )!ufl 41:311 t h. t ~ .1:111111 /II (.. , I/.• up' .ccoumiodati9n nitt.l I,•Lt h. I \ kit I, I'ol\ LER A CO. S. !.t I I r 0 111 1 ,: )1A NTI LI, 1 CLOAK ri; 1011 , 01t11')I N N,, , PHIL , I)L1,1 . 111 ,1 1 , 1( II,• ,11.• Kirov Hon of their r, lends Lo their itir.Lo And ,L pert, Z-L, t., au I FURS, mop, in Daly forwrr o. ntt a.:1,1 In Our new ts t • Ina tutit al attention to El= "ill 1 , n.tilit V:jh every do.ortp. t Fr 0.,- I. will oe guitroOt ood ae the ot.ii,t pa .1 r••fundiid. put mul. will hr. ~ 41,0111. 1 .0 Lewitt.' to. and y di , tutiCO.itisidO of u W l'ltortol7 & CO. N.t III:s r\tr Strout, PIIILAD lIIIMEMEIII ) I .\I k\ . z. (.() km,wri 11ELO .tt,1•dUeing the tif I. C 1 •t: 1 , •II .t llWtllt I. T t; A 13 L •,‘ud 11.\ 1.1. i !. I t \ It It It' , At, It. it 11F,Lf,NK, Soh, Agent. 2 - 9 Filth :-pluee I'II:I.ADELPHLA, Ps. A p,il 17, IF4e.3—ly ,L,lctrated I lANuS for cool. COFFEE POT. )1. ro:Tectfully and the, ,111111'N.111.0 1.,• ,u;; th, ntatiufan. ,II td tin awl Ow. t aro fu J. D. I,l,4lherr,htillkling Gant I.nuthet clrc,t Curli-lo zit the t.ign RE[)COl'l EE POT, %viler° liii will at all time. L,. 1 . .• a ly todu all ItiOdS of Viclit( in Lip Isla Joel etch. . Alpo at all hi . 111 lb,. acid sods t..uug FRI;IT CANS AND JARS Rn,•ftr,,,•;-1,64it il•,, 41.4 d j , ,lLiog dODO Lb.. ,10 , 1te,1 11,11 r, paid t r "Id load, pow Ler and coppor. Thank. fion). ho•re . ofo, eXtellaud. bu hope, by stl let it to!II 1., Ana all to murlto culltillll/itil .ol LI 0 halm'. Dula I, of I lie .1,411 1/1 LII , Hut! UOt Apt A. Sr.irla-zsmat - 11 , :N141 IAI, 1 ) 14: A I? in Flou r, and ,rll ti try produvo. :11.oltuuho o flit. c 0.., ot Muhl xnd West. Ftreete. 9'h, bt,t Limb t.,ntiLl Family Flour /it A. SING". 7, F. I; I t. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! I UST received and very cheap at GREENIPIELD att SIIIGAFEttqI.. A 6 wo purelot, these I.tooob of NU eXtolltiiVO Cloale Mauutactory Iu Ntw Yot IC, we are able to offer impart Or inducements to any house to the country. FURS : FURS : We defy competition. having made arrangements with one of the largest Now York Fur ^Nay to supply up with choice Goods. We fool contdeut. We ma sell Fuer. at City pcto:t. * GREENFIELD &SWF:24.a S. E. Cur. of Market Syraaro, 24 door. Nov. 13, 1888 BOOMS d SHOES. FULL assortment of Iklen and Boys' Slots and Stum, suitable tor the winter. d lan, adteo and MiNSON'il Balmoral Bootees, Cbildrun's floota of all kinds. ludioccand entlemon'e aUM Over Shoe., My old eustomeres and all in wart of good and cheap Boots and Mice.; plane call and examiuo the stock, before purchasing. XI alp street, nearly opposite the Depot Cl{ AS. 0011.11 Y, Truirte.; Carlixlo, Nov- 2L-1863 Bryans Fulmonic Wafers, '• AT R A 1.5T0N Doe. 11, 1S E. 3 ESTATE NOTICE.- Notfeels hereby given that letters testaments , ry ou the estate of henry Rhoads, sr., doo'd. late of the borough of have boon R 11,118241 by the 'Register to the undersigned residing in said borough. All per. eons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate, are requested to make payment Immediately, and those having claims against said estate v4lll present them, for settlement to • I, DAVID 11110ADS,' '4.4.ENDY . DIIOADS. I Eisen Feb. 19, 1561 S'PAYMAIIt T). LEIDICE, 0. 3AINTRII