Fire Insuralice. THE Al!errand Eastpennsboro' Mutual Piro Insurance Company of'Cumberland county, incorporated by an art of Assembly, In the year 1843, and• having reeontly had its charter extended to the year 1883, is now In active and vigorous operation, un der the superintendence of the following Board of Managers, viz: William It. Corps, Christian Stayman. Jacob Eberly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John liichelber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Sarni. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, dJ. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to bocomo members are invitod to .1080 application to the agents of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any Limo WM. It. 0011(I \'•, Preqident, Ebvrly's Mills, P.O. CHRISTIAN EtTAYMAN,. Vice Presilont 31,4.1uudosburg, P. 0. JOHN C. DUNLAP. Itect'y. Morimuksburg. DANIEL BALLY, Dlllsburg, York co. AG EN Ts. • Cumberland county.—John Siterrick, Allen; henry Znaring, :Shiremanstown ; Lafayette l'offer. Dickinson; Henry Bowman. Chu' , Mown Mode tlritil:h, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. We.tpennolioro'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; .1. W. Coeldin,Shephord•town; D. Cnovor, Upper Allen: It. Saxton, Silt or Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; valon lino Seeman, New Cumber land ; James McCandlish, Now vilie. Yot k county —IV. S. Pi c king. Dover; James f➢ riflth t Warrington ; .1. lb. Deardorff, Washington ; Richey Rich ey Clark, Dillsburg ; U. Rutter, Fairview; John Wil liams, Carroll. Dauphin co.—Jacoh Hunger, Harrisburg. Members of the Compsnv Flamm.; policies about to expire, can havo them renewod by malting application to any of the Agents. October t3O, ISti3. William P. Lynch Having returned from the army has ro-oponed t ho GAS FITTINt; and Pt 1 7 .311? 1,\7; business al the ON Ntanel in the basement of the First Methodist Church. He unll attend prompt,p to a t !busi ness in his lint . Lend and iron Pipes lion Sinks, Hydrants, Bath Tubs, hot k Cold Shower Baths, Bath Boilers, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Force and Litt NI ails, I hydraulic Rams, kr. Wro't Iron Wed Tubes, And every description of rocks nntt fittings for gas, steam, water, &v. Superior cooking ranges, heaters , and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwell lugs, at short noli,•e, in the In,t, modern style. Al materials and work In Our line at low rates and war ;anted. •- -- tus_Country week and jobbing, promptly attended to. JllllO RECEIVED: RECEIVED W C. SAWYER respectfully calls o the attest on of the l'uldie ihnlies in partici cam-) to his large and well selected stock of new FALL 117.1 - 7'ER GOODS, just received fro, the I.:.l,tern Emhrarlmr the nod bind. of in. the Market, fil.t..k G:nlry Ill: s, Plain ri,-,1110,1. Striped and Barred :-111,s, 3lerinog, all 1,1 , .re; r.isinneres, Alixandra Cloth, Saxon Chet he. Alpacas, nil, All Wont Del.iitieQ, ric ill 1)1'1.6111'S, &I' Special attention given to nMoUReaNGR GOObS, much an Mourning Sllkg, ii01111117i11 ,, , Morinoß. Cash. MnreH fltirty Cloth, all Wool 1.),•!:1iii4.F. Itens, alparn, Crepes, Mnurninv, Cril,, illeves, Emiortdderivs, 8,1111. , al, Mark 11ok1111 , hilt Shawls. Bay State (I double mid shzle: Ills and Grey. Stlawls, Mantles, Figurea of all kinds. -E-hawls .of - all-kinds - and -Colors, CloAlc and Nand es for Fall and Winter w,•a.,__ ',Most Styles; Cloths fa. lbtalier !Hop snn•e thing now ; 14ninmrals, all rotors: Kit II lon a, (In int. Into, floods, L 1110,1114 )11 , 1 inn Veal., C.410n ac. ;!fen's and Boy's Wear of Kinds Truck Cloths, Beaverend Ti lent Clolis.lllack nod Fan cy C.lsshneres, Vestin,:s, ii ii r6ilis 1)1,, , I.IS, White Shirts and Collars. 11., Gloves and llauntlets, Bross (doves, all I:ind, r tar goods. Dontectir 1;,,o in lar4e ~i ipplies end of every desoription. Home \lade aini Shaker Flan nets, Blankets, l'onnlern ins., \Woolen l turns. every thing in Mel required by the An experiene-.1 Tailor mat..., up, at sh irt notice, any tiarin. , tit \l en or Itoy's iv decd,... All the 0,1,1 n my other do l• in addit ion t„ lho old .belt un hand is otTert,i at, a small 1.1,111., .e 1 recd. 1. , per chasers. A. 111 1 . 1 ,11, "f ird.le i.e nia.le ns the qoaqon adv a tra von to the late arm. and :IN 'ft:my new a. will be plea-0 , 1 and I,l.llitlf. •t, I 4..111 011,, lii giv en to eustdnie, Icy the la , e lino 1'1,•a., rrll at the old Slav,!, East \I 11. Street, ono door 1 / 1 •10W IV. C..+\\l ' V Sep '2.5, .111.111V.11, NDV ST(WIC 01 DO) i - 3r,.- 1- c) fr.D ca . . A. A% - . Tpj 1S jiNt retimie,l iron) the phi t I N. Voh 11111 . 0•' , 'A It h A AVIA] •.I..i • to'l 1i.1,115, I lu pArt i f EMIIII2III 1 ,1 . 0 ,, 1 iidq, told ('“1 , .r.••1 liAured `1 , 1)111,1r, 1.31n0, Polllllo ‘v lit :tll.l WlO,lll. 17,,11 Plaid Vlrtolia...inzh un Ctilir , e, Ch. ol:R. Tick Opel, Ihapt.r, IDg4, IVIOUILIViNG GOODS, Merloons kornhazinrs, F r2.U1 . 1. , 1 .111 , 11111111 1111,1ne9 Bron 01.. Doohlo W0.,1 I , t•laines, StripPri I Poplin, Trt (' ti, Col.urs. col.arg, Mourning Cnrd , •.ldo Solo. Itl.u9t Silk. it laru: ,, assortment of Cr..., Collars, Illto.k A litaeas, IShu•k .`ilk Belling, &C. SHAWLS, Mad( and Tim - tiered Long ik 1,1 Square Shawls. Septa, and Lon 4 Wool It 'l . ll;,littl.. \lons do Lain, Brocthe Long and Square.. Plaid Weol Sluts, Is; Fancy IVool Shawls, In grittt t variety. BALMORAL SICIRTZ, Ladles' Hats, Home Made Blankets. fine or imported.— The latest style (loop Skirts—sly quaker. HOSIERY. A large and well selected stock, Wool and Cotton, La dies end Children's Caps, a tine ato.orttnent of Bonnet and Mantua Ribbons, Gingham. Silo and Cotton Hand kerchiefs, Umbrellat, a largo assortment of HENS AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, The largest and best selected stock In the county.— Carpets, Oil These Goods have all boon selected expressly for this market, with great care both to their quality and styles, as wall as is a reasonable price at which they can and will be disposed of. The old friends and customers of this well known house are Invited to call and examine this stock of splendid Goods. Carlisle, Oat. 30, IEO3 NEW WINTER GOODS. T have just returned from the Eastern Markets with an 411111011 Se stork of Winter Goods, Latest styles, and fakirs of Ladles Dress (loads, Messes and Children's Dress Goods, Ladies and Itissei Furs, all kinds and qualities, BERTHAS, . . _ cArrs, I=l CUFFS. A largo stock of CLOAKS arid MANTLES, selected from the most fatildonal.le manufactories In the cities Latest Parts Styles and designs. Cloaking Cloths, Plain and Castor Beavers, IdWens and other qualities. Shawls In largo suplpy, latest as well as staple makes. MOURNING GOODS of all lands' and varieties. Balmoral Skirts, every quality and style. — New - Style - cif troop Skirts. - All-kinda-of-worsted goods, Gloves, flos'ery, Embroideries Sc. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Overcoatings, Cloths, Mellons, Sathiets. Jeans, togeth er with an Immense stock f Muslin's Calicoes, Ging• hams, Blankets, Flannels, Burnishing Goode Pleats Nall at the well known stand East Main Street. N0v.13, 1863. W. C. SAWYER. The Oonfessions and Experience, OR AN INVALID. Published for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN. • who suffer from Nervous Debility Premature Decay of Manhood, eta., supplying at the some t Imo. TFILI MEANS OF 8111.1? CURB. Bione who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injury though medical lAurubug and quackery. By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. • NATIIANICE. MAYFAIR, Req., Bedford, Kings County,- N. Y. May 22, 1R61.•= -1Y IV. NEIDICH, D. D. S.-, vf Late Demonstrator of npotative Dentistry to the ` Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at his residence oprostte Marion Ilan; West Main street, Carlisle, Penn N0v.11,1/367. • , Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale, at their extensive Stearn Works on East Main street, Carlisle, a large aasortmon t of AURICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which they wouldcall napeciai attention to WILLOUGII BY'S CELEIIitaTED PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which hastaken over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers 01 Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores or them are now in use on the best farms in these counties. Its rmiuta tlon is established as the most complete Grain thin now manutitetu red in the United States. It soars Wheat, itye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunchizza the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pincer the drill, For even and regular sowing. the Willough by tium Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. V, also manufacture and sell the tollowing articles, which we Can recommend to Farmers as tellable implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATT:NT cnnN PLANTER, , LA SI I'S PATENT s w poDDER CUTTER, RRI DEN LAW'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, A RN'S PATENT cI DER ILL, JoIINSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUGH. Also, Three and Four I [Ursa Powers and Threshing Machines. Oast 1 con Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plata WOOll :-.1.0v05, with an immense variet• of other castings for housekeepers and others. We have also it,, attractive variety' of patterns for Inera . RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. Steam ll:engines and Phil Gearing To this department of our business we give portico. lar attention. Our alrefidy extensive stock of patterns for Paper. Floni and Saw Mill (bearing. is constantly increasing Mill Owners and Mill Wrights will be fur nished with a printed cAtalogue of our various Mill Patterns. cm application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the various tool. tor turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by weal and carttulMachinists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES' of - any desirable capacity. from ten to twenty•flrehorse power, built lu the best style and on accommodating terms. Engines bhilt at our establishment may be £(140,1 In successful operation at many of the largest Distillerie , and Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties. to the owners of which we rontidrn H T re f e r r", inform:algal as to theireill,len ey, p or :ons wan ti og steam Engines are earnestly re quested to 'nll and examine before contracting else• where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our k,ttthlishment iq n izt,mmFrand Poor Manufactory which is mm in complete oreer for the 111,111W . ..1m I. of t'l cry dc,.cripthm of MU I LIM N M tTERI.u.s. for the mo , t costly as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash lot niched from 5 cents upward, according 10 size nt Clm•:Ills deer Frames tram $1 2 1 upward; tihutturcaud Illinds hum ttupwArd; Four Panel Doors nom 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves. 11 :,11 Boards. liMeltets. Fancy Dmpery, Scrolls. and 01 her arti,des needed in house building, furnished at till: prices at the best gun lit y 01 11`?-\1e nee :11,0 prepared. as hen , t, data. tic build and rep tit DEN t'A IN for transporterson the rttkit'ant , l. t, It h ti,l on reasonable terms. The c . ntinne , l patronage or the public lsrespeetfully solicited. mail prompt lc at tended to. May 9. F. (;,i1:1)N Mt . DEN N LI FE INSUR ANc% (.Iq9E - r51.151 78t ,5(1,) ISESTS LIPP, INSUR \N('E POLICIES, .....0.-14vorahlo to •trks.- - . The 11°,1 of l'rn , teen aye ‘l,l-tred a Scrip Divi _don& at at— uir n.t th e Prell.llllßlS_SP evived II ire in film, nn the 31. t, of De• remLcr. and ,te,1,1,1 In receive the Scrip Divi• of and 1r:,.1 in payment of Pre minim I, (to: p!t Policies doe the 1'omp:111V. will h. el,. lite.' ou llt saint, with the : 4 (.1 . 11, Of Said yen,. Th.. nn 1",!_: , 1 , . I i< t:• . 1 , 1\ -- ' C.l deliver certificates to Toirties ~ o t it , e I I- e them, at the Carlidle Agen ,y, :a 1a, , .!11,. M ,in la tuip finite alter the doe oi toip'.ii,t • t 2ippij . /ItiOllS and every in r,rel hArge. A. L. SPONSI.EIt 'MI,II I'l. 1,, 11. Agent, l'arlisle Fr LINN Elc I'll L, having on account e "r t lII` 111,1,111. ,, 311.1ofbifnr S .r 0.11 'II MI II I, ,I• 1 sIII•I•I. In remove 1 . 1.11,11,11 :11111 I ell [tell the Fillellll,l llo.‘ I r to A. 1. Sponslerls of 111. ; 0;.• I.i led 1,, .1. N. PI, Ili! will lie glad to wed- owe 1/1 I, 1...11 0 II /1111 i :100 11111 I/III•• 1.4 w I-II t I, VO/I/PtItl•Ilt bar 1. A , 14 str..---11m. DR. MAIIICLEY'S F.I\III,V Rl', \II:DIES TNIUMPIIANT. The Croat Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— Searcher. !Ir. ➢lns kley'R 11E.1.1.1 II I:ESTUILVI I V E 8.11,5.\ E.l E.l 1 PER )lANENTLY (TItEI)! =1 rho _„t t. tti Pr. NI I 111,1 h \ l lll.l 1 I 1 . . , 1. ttarstl It, 161 tact nt.ot II ,e , tro II ..nit iunl$•1.11111,01 , 1111111 .•I ilissase 111.1 Itttttee 1 t•r 1.111 t It: a p.• 1111.111 1 .111 CM,. They at. mil,' rt- ittito In tlit• digestive ttrzarts, impart: ittt.i a In tilt t t. lt to t Ite Lis er still littivels, but they tn.iit his pu try Ihs 1.1.5 i. perms ittrial) 1 . 111111.; tile tliset,t• It, tlitstrtt it,r. its lout/dation On tLe 97th or .Innis ir y. 11 0, Mr I) S. )1 00re , 0 u runlaan II II . I'o , arote that • 15110 tilt. 110!11,..1.1... 1,411111,1111 i. he hal n 1,71 1,1 ,•rf.., Apply ro helot r ut . r e 1a.., vas.. he tilt,. .I.•ser thrd : •• 1 , ••1 the last six your she has been , nlTering hem Scrofula clod it Into sWeliio,4. In 1 sir 4 she -tittered ,e, ere pain in one ..1 her legs attended w ill, ollwc ahi••i. extended from llr • 'owe to the hip. In about Iwo 11... nth, it tutu and rik.•har_e.t, nod has sprrt.nrir•.l Si to do until Ow present time rite one rs•ra,i.or a pie., bone three inches in lengrli. and at al,,dlr, t rue one rd a smaller site, came out.— lier her. has been 'till for three )ones. and at times the pain is very never..” AN ENTIRE CURE EFEECTED. '1 he )lerlielnes—the Health Restorative Balsam, the Febrifuge or Black l'oNvtler, and the [thick Ointment were furnir.lied. and the result of their use is Hll - in the following letter: l's , August 14th, 1811:1. G. 11. )Inn sr.'s—Dear r•••ir: I arn ham y to inform you Hort the Medidnes reseived from you soma three years till, (AlI , . 1,141.:CII•In AN ENTIRK CURE in the ease id . iny sinter. w Ir.. V ou w ill remember. (Vito suf fering Irian Ser.tula and hire Swelling. .Most 11. S. MOOR I)YSPIF.I ) SEA &c., CUREI). Col tllleate M It. AB:\ Ell D. CAM of Ills firm n Campbell & 1,11 a I , Bout and :Awe dealers, Centre I.44tuare. Da. G. 11. M st.l.p—Dear Sir: It affords mu much pleasure to have an opportunity to told tor testimony an favor of your popular family PUP, especially as my knowledge of their efficacy Is bused upon personal experience In toy owl. cave and observation of my neigh bars. liar fenny years I was the vlc t ina of Dys pepsia In its most aggravated form; my st stem having bmionie so much deranged and debilitated, that I Wee unable to perform soy kind of labor. 1 had resorted to the best doctors within reach. without relief. I used some id the most popular remedlea of the day, recom wooded Mr that disease, but none of them did me any good. My sufferings can be understood by any one suffering from the same disease, but they could not be described In word . I was then living at Hopewell, Chester County, and in 1057, as a last resort., I com mon, od the use of your 1110(11,411es. 'dray HOUR afforded sae relief fry in the most painful symptrans which I had scat culy hoped to Obtain ; and in a surorlsingly short nine I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the bet of health ever since—nut a symptom of my old complaint remaining. Slum, then, I halve always kept your mediators In my family, and would not be without them upon any consideration, as they have never failed to do what you claim for them While still living at Hopewell. I became agent for your father, and sold idiom, quantity of the medicine for him, and all who used them Were loud in their praise. A child of Mr. Pit:kering, of Hopewell, was af flicted with White Swelling In the kore. If Was a very bad case! Ile used your Balsam. Sebrifnge and Bleck Ointment which effected 0 pm feet ru' e. Numerous other caucus of cures ellactistliy your valuable remedies in that neighborly od. could bo enumerated If desired. 1 have seen enough of tnem to justify ine in saying that yout Fattily Medicines ere the !Hist OV or prPEonted to the public, of which 1 have had any knowledge; and it is no less my pleasure then my duty to recommend them to all who are life victims of discs e, Respectfully yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. These eases are only two of thousands which might be published All who value their Health and Life should use those Standard Remedies, and their cure will be Complete and Permanent. 1111!3 MLFP4, Prepared ohly by Dr. G. H. MARKLEY at his Drug and Idedicine Store. 23 EAST KING.ST , I ancastcr, Penna., to whom all letters and orders shopid be s 4 dressed. Nor sale In Cumberland County by DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. • CLARKE & STA TbER, Mechanicsburg a NO. 11. MILLER, Nowville. P. S. ARTZ & Co., S Apponsburg. UEO. W. FESSLER, West Fairview. Sep. 18, 1803-3 m. LADIES' AND GENTLEM EN'S FURS, THE .LARGEST AND BEST STOOK : IN *THE CITY, AT • CHAS. OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, • - November 0,1800--3 m • REMOVAL. \ CASE IN' 1)(11N1' LANCASTER, P+, Mitreli 4, 1S(13 BALTIZOIIE LOOK HOSPITAL, ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE" FROM QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN DE OBTAINED: TIR. JOHNSTON has discovered the JL/most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and bled. der, involuntary discharges, 41npotoncy, general (Whiff. ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, treat blings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the bead, throat, nose or skin,affectlons of the liver,lungs, stomach o• bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youthl—those secret and solitary practices more fetal to their victims than the song of Spun:: to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, dic , impossible. YOUNG V/ EN Especially, who have become the victims of solit4try vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally ow cops to an untimely grave thousands of Yrrung Men of the most exalted talontsand brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. BIAIIIIIIIGE Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities. &c., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC lATEAKNE§S Immediately mired, and full vigor restored. This dis tressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to conunit excesses front not being aware of the dreadful consemllellCPS that may ensue Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de. prived this- pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physl. ell and mental functions w eatenett, loss of protreative power. nervous Irritability. dyspepsia, palpitation 01 the heart. indigestion, constitutional debility. a wart jug of the frame, cough, consumption. decay and death OFICE NO 7 SOUTH T. rivr.DuracK ST Slaril Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Foil not to observe name and number Letters must ho paid and contain a stomp. The Doc tor's Diplonia , hang in his Mike. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr. Johnstnn.mem- Ser of the Royal College of Surgeons.London.liraduate from one of the most eminent Colleges In the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere. has effected some or the most astonishing cure , that wt re ever known ; many troubled. ith ring ing In the head and ea, H when asleep, groat nervous ness, being alai med at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with de rangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. .I. addresses ell those who ha vetnjured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin Loth body and mind. unfitting them for either bus ness, study, society or marriage. These are some of the , ad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vie: Weakness of the Intel , and limbs. pains in the head. dimnes , ,nf night, loss of 111 , I , Ulat power. palpitation of the heart dyspep sv, nervous irritability. derangement r i the digestive functions. etieral debility. symptoms of - onsumption. )1 ENT k 1.1.11 —The fearful effects on the mint.' are much to he dee:ol3l-10R: of memory, confusion of ideas. de pression ot spirits, evil forebodings. ave•rslon to society, sell listru.f., love of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evil. produced. Thou•sndz of persons of all ages ran now judge Nt bat is the cause of their declining health. losing their chz or. 1ie4 , 11111112 pale. nervounaude•nuuin Leh a Sill:lel,. appears lire abut the eyes, cough and symp tollll, of consumption- . VOtING MZN Injurtirl thenycritTes - hr - ri - certain pre rtico indulged in when alone. 3 habit rreqllollt. IS l earned from evil or at si haul, the effei ts,.„.pf which are nightly felt. even when.asleep, and it not cured renders ur;uri ige impocsibre. and destroys both mind and body, should apply inunoliately. What a pay that a young Man. the hops of his coun try the d.irling of Ifi. parents. should lie snatched trots all pcocpects and enjoy moot. of 11W: by the consequence of deviating from the path rf main, and indulging in a 4.oct.iin secret habit. Such liersons must before con t cm p'at IVIAMILLAGE reflect that a salind mind 111111 body are the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness IniMml,nirhout these. the journey thiThugh Ilte becomes a wear) pildriniamt , the prospect bossily stark. its to the 11.• lid heron., Sit idowed With despair and filled with the inela to boll hos that the happiness o f ;,,,r,ther heroines Might, il with our on n. DISEASE OF IIVIP,B.UDENO E. lVlien the lois:nil lid and 111h , 111.. rattier of plea. sari Coat he i itibil.e.l the seeds ill this painful disease, It L...r oft,o happens that All ill timid seti , o• 4.1 St1:111,1,,,10 dire.' of diseovery, deters hunt from applying to ti...• win., from intimation and respectaldlity. van a l i ne pelt find him, delaying till the constitutional sympt thin horrid disease make their appears noel Such AS ulcerate,' sore throat, diseased nose, noeturna, pains i the head 11114 limbs.dlllllleSS of sight. dea Mess, nodes on the •hin hones and arms, Machos on the i,..••• and extremities, progressing with frightful rapilit , . Lill :it last tho palate of the month or the hone. of the nose frill in, and the victim al this a wfti I heroines a horri I object of commiseration, till death put, 1 period to his dreadful suffering:, hi send ing hint L.. •• that l'ildiscovere.ll.7ounti3 Iron, whence no L.l I, rot urn. It 3 let that thousands I.YII vletims to his terrlile i11...i.e. owine to the itoshillfulness of la. orant preteode, w hn, by the use of that deadly poi- On, Nr,rnrc. ruin the Villtstit talon and make the re Idue ,l life Ir'rnhlo. STRANGERS Trust not vour lives. or hettitii, to the rare of ths many timeArtioli and snortliloss pretenders th,titut pot 1201110 o r chat:wb r. who t.oll) Ir. Johnston's iverti4.Pin..nts, on ,tyie themned VI, In the new.pepers, 12• ,11141 elti,ate.lplivsietatis inearilde or t h ey keep)' un ttitlius Month alter t31 , 11wth.4:. filthy and p ..,,Inpountl.. or as long as the •onaliest ran 1,0,0,•.,ined, and in de,p•tir, leave yam with ruined health to ,il.ll or ev..yuur _calling disappointment. 1)r. dolii,t..ll Physician advertising. 111., h...r diplomas always hang in hi , flitter. r...nodies or In at meat are prepare:l from a life spent In tine great ho,plt K u . r.ipe. the lint in 11112 ronntry and a more extetislve pi weir pr.i, ti.•e• 111411 ans. o , llor ph . ) Ficitin In the world 1:111101tti IFIAI ENT OF 'l'll E PRESS. The twiny thousand