Fire Insurakee. ruEIE Alleu and It'a4pennsboro' Mutual Fire Insuranco Comp:lily of Cumberland county, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1343, and haring recently had its charter extended to the year 1353, it now in active and vigorous operation, un der the superintendence of the following Board of Mt 1114:01s, vi z: William It. t/orgas, Christian Staytmin, Jacob Eberly, D. Bally, Alex. Ca theart..l. li. Itoriver„John Eichelber ger, .reseph Wickersham, Sand. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin. Jacob Omver, C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable agony Company of the kind in the tltate. Persons wishing to beeenni members are Invited to make application to tire agents of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. It. GORti AS, President, Eberly's MlllB, P. 0 CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President Mechanicsburg, P.O. 3011 N C. DUNLAP. Sect'y. Meolninicsburg. DANIEL ISAlLY,lishorg. York MiENTS. Climberland rounty.—John Shorriek, Allen; Henry Nearing, Shiremanstou n; Lafayette l'effer, Dickinson: lion ry Bowman. Churolitown ; Mode liri llil h, : 4 onth 3llthileton ; Gralritn. ns!,oro': Samuel Coorer, ,lerilanicslntrg; J. W. ('o,•klin,Shoplierch•to, n; I). Dwyer, Upper Alien; .1. U. Saxton, Sils er Spring; John flyer. Carlisle; valentine Ceeman . , Now Cumber land ; yl..Cvudlinh, Newville., • York county —(l'. S. Picking. Dever; James Nei Olfh, Warrington ; J. F. Deardorff. Washington ; Iti.•hey Rich ey Clark, Dillsburg ; I). nutter, Fairview; slams, Carroll, Dauphin ro.—Jacoh Houser, Harrisburg. 3leiniperB of the Company having polleio, about to expire. edn have them renewed by making application to any of the Agents, October William P. Lynch Tjaving returned from the army has GAS FIT /'/St; and Pl,l l ll/fINO businom at the (Ed Stand in the Lawmen/ ( . 1 . the Firxt „Weth,,,lmt Church. n•tll attend promptly to a 1 Iltsi neon in ins line . Land and Iron Plinis I lion Sinks, Hydrants.° Bath Tubs, [lot k (old Shower Baths, Itiith ..• , . Water Closets, F 01,41 anal Litt l'u Snit Iron Wel'd And ovary description of 'eneks and fittings for gas, fltenlll, era t. , r, Superior ranking reneges, heater, and gas fi,lrarea put up in churches, stores and dwell lags, at shirt lad the nrast modern style. Al materials and m - ark in our line at low rates :Ind war 'anted. "e o ",..i.ount ry work :Ind perm:] tle attended tn. Juno 6, lati:L RECEIVED: RECEIVED AV C. SAWYER re!ipec.tfully calls at I el.( on ,41110 I . lll , iit• t 1,411, it, part it, U1:119 to his krp• and r•Il St.tit`k of new F.ILL'A XI) lIINTAR (;00DS, Just revolved Irmo the 1 7 1,!..rn Entln - trIII , :, 111 P IntoFt and 1111,14 IllllllVo 11111 hind of Cv....1` , in 010 )I:qket.. Itlaek :" Ills, it k. F.,, $111( 4 , all ,had”s: tt-t rip.. I and Merinos nil ettlor.: It ,t,lllitortn., 11°,1,11.3 Cloth, Stocon Cho, .‘ t nt It .VII Wool Del:01101i, l'antlnott .1111., i." 111 pec la I attention given tn MOURNING GOODS, such aA Mnurrting ,10,1, 3lorinog, l'ash• 1 . 1c , t11. rt I II ' 1 .1111 , , tropes, 31ouruin..4 Vcik. Fruhroi.lericp, ]%fouriliru; It thuo•.‘l4. 111, hilwtt , hov, Bay State 4 1,1., t1. , a1 , 1t , au.l ail& Grey Shawls, 3latitl,, I.zookl, Ali I. inJs. shawls of all kinds and Colors, cirso; xnd Man( los f, Pall 3,1 111,11, r Ive3r, Stylos; Cloths. liar Nlnntlo=. , 401,0 -thing thing now ; all I C10v.,, (Inanl lots. I, 31.1 ' 1 1121i7, and I' , d ten II Men's and 13(v's Ir«ir ,7// Truck BO:11'0r rand T , tat rin.t. 1.1, 1 , :1,1 ran - ey C ,:simoreq. 1.1,1 I it —1 l'I•1". NVlllte Shirts and. titian l o,l H 1 .1%% Qlnvesnud thtuntlet,. Dre.s alt 11 , i , 1111 oldthin: (fonds. Imuwstt, r; nnrts to lar_vr , atvl of evory drool cs nels, lilnukaats, (Inntilericltcc, li .,!.arias. every tiling In tart re n trice,i I t c An experlenec-1 /.110, ilp rat aril art ta env Garment \ len or It ov . , it I lar. and MYTIV 1/1111,,,,f , iS nl coldit inn in llce nicl •tnel. .111 hand Is ,c2;ccrenl at a •eit allec• 011 t,rst t • ;nu chasers. gents ~ill I c• intvle tho sevsnn advance:, 1 dar-rarroa traPalliaill lira •• trade kindly given In Ile,. tat •• slid netri nO , V r•i:410111 , al , aa Pr) lar In Vail .1111 ..sallll, my Ft. I shnil Eh, rn t.t t'o• 11 , 0 . ...I , 111, nl,l :It trnl, I...rat vl ajar ,tlt•ot, 01111 \l'ar ‘V. tilt . Sap 25. IS6II. AtdilV.ll, (1)' NEW sToc () Dry eiGr' , 1 - . D. cp. a .H, . A. W. BEN Tz , ITAS ju.a returned from the l'hiholel _i_phin and Now York 11l 11 . 1,C16 N lilt 11 1.11,, and neleeted stock of Dry Goods,•loln,lstitrz in port of Mohair I,nr.e. Plol , l Virtoria, NVool Plaid Poplins, Silk tind. Worsted Cheeks, (1”Ioroil I paca, Colored llerri )LOl.O. de I.alOe, Double u bl h Wool Plabb., 111.1e1; mol V, kite 11,, ICOOI Plaid Victoria.u utot hnu., I 'it lii „Check Tick .'n k r,s, Opera le Is n els. Shit ti Tahl,, Diaper, Sheet • TVICOUR./ViNG GOODS, C 1141111,1 FL:tired And 0111113 Striped Striped )11.1131r, St. 'l.e.( d.. north., T. !hi.. i'1.411, Movirning Corded Silk, l'..ilt .1,. k Silk, a Lint.. Rag , rtulmit of Black Filk Belting, &e. SHAWLS Black and Bordered Lone; and Squall, Shawls. Square and Wool Shawls, Black Th;bet, Mous do Lame, 11,ehe 1,n;; and S , lll3ri. Plaid lint 6hawlv, Fau,•y 'Wool, in crest variety. BALMORAL SKIRTZ, Ladlus' Hato, llonie 11:nle Blankets, lino or imported.— The latest styli) I Skirts—sly quaker. HOSI ER Y. A large and well selected stock, Wool and Cotton, La dles and Children's Caps, a line assortment of Bonnet and 'Mantua Ribbons, ()Ingham. Sill: and Cotton Hand kerchiefs, Umbrellas, n tat go as.,orlinent of MENS AND BOYS' WEAR CLOTTIS, CASHMERES, 6ATTINETS, KENTUCKY :JEANS, Thu largest and I,ost selocted stork in the county.— Carpetd, Oil Clothe, 3, These floods have all born selected expressly for thb, market, with F:roat ram both to their quality and styles, as well 'fts to a reasonable price at which they can and will be disposed of. The old friends and Im,.terners of this will known house an, invited to call and examine this stork of splendid Goods. Carlisle, Oat. 30, 1803 NEW WINTER GOODS. have just returned from the Eatern Markets with mill an !et] . stock of Winter Goods, Must styles, stud fabrics of Ladles Drsus Goods, Misses and Children's Dress Gonds, Ladies and Mimics Furs, all kinds uud qualities, _ OA PLS, VICTOIZINES CUFFS. A large stock of CLOAKS and MANTLES, selected from the most fashionaLle manufartories In the cities. Latest Paris Styles and designs. Cloaking Cloths, Plain and Castor Beavers, Mittens and other qualities. Shawls in large suplpy, latest novelties us well as staple mattes. MOURNING GOODS of all hinds - and varieties. Balmoral Skirls, every quality and style. New Style ,of neap... Skirts. _All kinds -of worsted pods, Gloves, lles'sry, Embroideries Sze. MEN'S AND BOY'S - WEAR. Overcoatings, Cloths, Mellon,,, Satinets. :leans, togeth• er with an immense stork of Muslin's Calicoes, Bing ham, Blankets, Flannels, Fm uishing Goods &e., &e.— Please call at the well known stand Bast Main Street. N0v.18,1803. W. O. SAWYER. The Confessions and .Experience, OF AN INVII.II/D. Published for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION To 'YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility Premature Decay of Manhood, oto., Supplying at the same time. THE MEANS Olt SELF CURE. " By ono who has cured himself after being put to great expense and Injury though medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post paid addroscad envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYOAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. May 22; 1803.=,-1y GEO: W. NEIDLOH, D. - D. s, Lnto Demonstrator otOperative Donthitty to the 10114 13a.'Union) College of Dental Surgery. Moo at his residence, oprosite'Marion Hall, West Main . street, Carlisle, Pena N F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for Rale, at their extend re Steam Works on East Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment of of well known, approved unefulne4a to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WILLOTALL BY'S CELEBRATED PATENT which haatakon over fifty First Class PremiumsatState and County Fairs. 'ln the Farmers of Cumberland, York and lorry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are now In use on the hest farms in these counties. Its reputa tion Is established AN the most complete Grain Drill rely manufactured i n the linited States. It sows Wheat, Itye, Oats, 'lmlay and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pinsor the drill. For even and regular sowing, the Willough by ll um Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the Milow Dm articles, which wee un recommend In Farmers as reliable implements, rot tostatolislotool eharachn : )IMM isoN'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATES'T STRAW A. poDDEIt CUTTER, IS I;I PT AE R NTCON SITELLEIt, lI.kIIN'S4RATENT CIDER MILL, _ _ Also. Th 1,0111.1 Four Tim se Powers and Threshing Maelones, east Iron Field hollers, Plough Castings of VaritollS patterns, Corn Crnsherq. and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves anti Ton Plate Wood ir' with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. We has on ko nn :Lttractive Val let)' of patterns for !RON RA - irrNas, and rEmEnAtx ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. To this dop:u•trnout or our husinop, we _lre partici]. lar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Hour and Saw Mill Osaring. is constantly. increasing. Mill Owners :Ind Mill ri.zhts will he far ni,hed with a printed c.otalognu ,or various 31111 Ihu terns, on application. Our Nino hlnpShup comprises all the varlor, tnols f•r turning, planing' and tiulshing Shafting and Castings, by good and cart;tui 31achinists STATIONAItY STEAM ENGINEF, of any desirable eaparily. from len to twenty•tivehorFe power. built in the host style end on accomnindating terms. I.:ll,f,ines built at our establl,hinent may no roe in sue rrssful onelation al many of the largest Instillerie , and T.i1,111.11. , lu Carlisle. and Cumberland I'errs and I)auphi Counlles, to the owners of whicb we conlid;ittly refer for intbrination as to theireillrion cy. Persons w:inting Steam Engines are earnestly re queited toroll:tml examine before contracting else where WO4ll Hydraulic. Ifains,,ie DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. C0nn...1 , 1 ttilh our ,tnblishnlent is n ,`,BFhltnd Its Nlitiiiibuttory a hittli is now in complete meet' for the urinutarture of th, , ription tit BUMP! II )l ATEItI.II,3. Pir thr mtll As thr ti t i 'is} house. Win dom Stints up, mil, according to .ire ,11 ,, ft iu.low • t, nut l 31 upm,rtl; Shutt, , ,in.lll , llm, lieu F l 7:.upward; Four Nue! Si! I 2 op, Nlotll,llo,s. Cast lugs Arrhit rot es. 11 I .111 ii ticrili..l is house furni.hrd.:i thr i tt rtt priers mitt ot titbest •lunli~y ut) .111. Arc itls.• lit iiparr.l. lwrotofore. to ht:11.I Itt'li PEN t trin,porterson iitilroml. tt ith pr,uptut.Q.-.1 , [ rensonnhh•h•rms. The ••ontioue.l it:art - o.ooi .it the public isrespertfUlly stAiriteil “rilers by mail promptly 'lt trniletl to. ?lay F. (lAltliN Ell Sr. Co. I)ENN LIFE L ANCI.; C. (ASsETS 5 .41,1,51 7SO 5(),) 1816iLqi LIFE INtiURANCE - POLICIES, on favorillile Tit of Frilshii.. 1.3,1 lieltrnd a Scrip Liti t•ol III•T runt. 1111011 tllO 1%1 , 11 Pr/ 1 11/in/11, rt.- 111/ ".l. 1.11 :111 ll „ r I grip Lich ill P t Ire .11i11111 i,llll, .111 it It tin, 1 . 1 , ;• 11'14,0 iq V to t. 1.11t1••-• •• 11,111, :It thn •V..1L.511 AI uu , t, :Illy time otter thi ;:ti , ..:1 1.1NNI.;11. 1 .11 r„ ill vi t).12 ; 011 accolir)t .ot 111, tl.llllpill . , :1,1 unlit , dtl.filltletzsothis 11. r ..., .h q.. II ~,,,,r .1,,,•1. ' 01, , ,11:1..HP.t 111 1-0111 11i . ,11‘,111 111... 1,1 11.1.....•1 . 1114 1.11111,1 11111 ,111.•11.11.1 11 , 11 11 ti 1111 , • 1.•.•111 , 0 .1... r 1.. A I. :. , ivot,ler'q 1.1 . 1, .•. 1“1 - 111..,k , , iii ~•,1 I, .1. NI.. 1.. II.• v. ill L. g1...1 iv..1,...t.i.. .11 I—, .A .I .1,1. t1i..1., .r. 1 nq toAtiv ti.•iv . 11 ,•. I. ,u i...!i 1 , 1.. ...1111i•.1 11 . 1 , Its.: 1111.1 i,/11111/111.1.11t 11.11.• Sum cher. I)r. hi eys II ALl'll RF:sTOI( ATI VE BALSAM E.l I R/•;AD.': I) PERMANENTLY CURED! rli, treat hu tioriortt v of Dr. \I Ali K LEY'S popular and aril t wa kNII LI II 1,1;1, \ F.S , In Ii ;wed to the fact t h h And AI , Ihe can.. .f tlieeane ii.l Ili•%rr Lill Li, 111,1 a peliii.tuelit CUT,. 'Hwy of “•,1% t. ti, impart I, Alt ht aot 1,1 to the Liver:lnd 11,,,t, ls. .11 i'l ...I 1111 1 Ir, ill, Lim 1,11 111 /1 I_l .1,1,1, 1.3 dt—.ll. , ing, its tuutidatirt A (ASE 1'()1N'I'. 2701 I.i . 11 113 I . V. IFGp,)Ir D. S. Nl,mre, n railiplat) II ii . Ch..1111.•hl l'a• that h.• was holti.p.l I, the 1111..1.,,t, tt , thli..znal , hi, had ' , Oen of Ile VIII , 1•:k•ii• t o . apply Chu, dt,•1ilo•tl: the 111,t el, years she has been i.zilhot in, from Scrotula and %%hitt. sivelling. In ,litlere.l,.ei ere pain in 0110 1.1 her legs attended with siielling Melt extended Ivan the ',nee to the hip In about Iwo month., it bt.4o unit fli*elfare.ell, aunt ha: r, alUuurd se. Ue do until the ptchent [info lhr one fic.asion f.iele of bone Lille., inches In length. a nd Von.e one cif a smaller size, came out Her knee ha.. been still . fi.r three 'Silos, and at tinier the pain k via) . severe." * .5 * * The Medic.lneB—the Health Restorative Balsam, the Fel,rifuge or Black Powder, and the Black Ointment were furnished, and the result of their use la au ',Mired lit the full,,wlng letter: uanrn•l.w 1111.1,, August I.lth, Dll. U. ii. 11,waI.ln'—bear :•11 . : 1 :1111 happy to you that the )letliettles ed Iron] you amen three ypat . s sinvo I!A\ I,l , Frt"l'l.l) AN It I.: LL'lfb: in thn case ,istcr, it 11. ,you NVIllri:111e1111,1,, wan nut . - beritly 11,1” 501 . ..1111a and 11111te 11loot Itespet•ttally, D. S. :1100121. 1..)IS1)11:1'SIA Certltir•ntr• ni 11 It. .1 BN EH D. CAMFIIELL . of the firth o l'a nt phi Mar, , hall, Boot :tild Shoe dealers, Cep tre Fquaro. Ni•AsTER;PA., Morel, 4, 11.13. Du. (1. 11. MARKLEY—Dear : It nnordS rue lunch plvaNnre to have tin opportunity to add my testimony in fiver of your popular family !multi-Ines, especially tts my knowledge of their efficacy is based upon personal expellent, in my own rove and observation of my tneLbhols. For motly years I was the victim of Itys pep•hn in ill , most aß4ra‘ated form; my system having bei•mne so much deranged lint.' debilitated, that 1 wino 11,1131 , hi per for in ivy kind of labor. I bad resorted to Ole best doctors all bin reach, without relief. I used some of the mostinopular remedies of the day, mecum foon,led for that disease, but mine of them did toe any good. My sulfet Ingo can lie understood by any one suffering finni Lim saute disease, but they could not he described in word - . I woo then listing at Hopewell, Chester County, and In ISh7, as a last resort, I rem mem ed the use of your atedii hies. They soon afforded one relief Iry m thin most painful symptoms which 1 Until al'al rely hoped to obtain; and in a 811rDrifihIgly short time I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoye.l the be , t. of health Out, since—not 11 symptom sit any old complaint remaining. l -Since then ' 1 intro always kept your medicines lu my totally, turd would not be without them upon sty consideration, as they have never failed II di, what you idnim for them IMIIIIIIIIIEI HUI q, • Milo still living al Hopewell, I Weanll; for your hither, and sold a large quantity of the medibine fur him, and All WII , , used AllOlll were loud in their praise. A child of ,11r. Pbfk ering, of Hopewell, was of with White So riling in the knee. It wasa very bad case! tie used lour Balsam, Vehrituge and Black Ointment whfrh ottoctoft a. pen feet cure. Numerous other 0 , 1A(18 of cur., etTecto.J by your valuable remedies in that nelghborle od, could be 'numerated If desired. I have seen enough of teem to justify. me In saying thnt TOUT 'Family Medicines ere the bebt ov o r presenfed to the public, of which I have had any knowledge; and It le no less my pleasure then my duty to recommend them to all who are the Viethns of discs u, These NISCH are only two of thousands which might hu published 411 who value their health and Life should use those Standard Remedios, and their curo will Le Complete and Permanent. Prepared only by Dr. G. 11. MARKLEY at his Drug and Med Hue Store. 2J l AdT KINO.ST , I ammeter, Penna., to whom all letters and callous should be ad dressed. For sale In Cumberland County by DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. CLARKE & STATLER, Mechanicsburg JNO. 11. MILLER, Newvillo. P. S. ARTZ & Co., S Appensburg. GEO. W. PESSLEII, West Fairview, Sep. 18, 1853-3ru. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S THE, LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AT OHM. OttSFORD & BONS, " CONTINENTAL HOTEL, - Philadelphia. Novenber 0,13--0 w Carlisle Foundry, .AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 AURICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GUM SPRING GIL4LAr DRILL, )1 NSFIV:S CAST IRON ROO'S TROUGH Steam E'nglues nud 11111 Gearing • • I 0 I— ••Ir :tn•l nvrry In L iC• • • 1,1.1,114,1 •villit , tlt. •1• ,r:•• lEEE= REMOVA L. I= 1)1t. "I A It ICI. F. Y'S 111,Y RI: 111:1)IIIS TIIIII'II.ANT. The Grime Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— AN EN FIRE CURE EFFECTED Itespectfully yours, FURS• BALI MORE LOCK HOSPITAL, ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A OLFUE CAN BE OBTAINED: TIE,. JOHNSTON has Iliscovered the I 'most certain, speedyand only effectual remedy In the world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and`blad. der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debilt ty, nervousness, dyspepsy) languor, low spirits, confu- Mon of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem blings. dimness of sight or giddiness. disease of the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver,lungs, stomach or bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Sy, ens to the Mariners of Ulysses, bllghtingtheir most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, tc., impossible. Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Nien of the most exalted taleuttiand brilliant Intellect, who micht otherwise have entranced listeningSonates o ill, the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. IVYARRIAGE• )larried persons. or young men'contamplating mar riage, heing aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities, &c., speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. OUGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This din tressing affection—which renders Ilfe miserable and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid by the victims of hilpmpor indulgences. Young persons aro tun opt to contralti:ls cesses from not tieing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling into Im m-titer habits than by the prudentßesides being de. pri yeti the pleasures of healthy- °lisp ing, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind alba,. The system becomes deranged. the physi cal and mental lum•tions w ealtenco. lobs or procreative power. nervous irritsbilily, d yspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutinnol debility, n Avast tug of the frame, cough. tam SUM ptlon, decay and death 017.10 E I-TO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK s'rEtww.T. Left I. side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner, Fall not to observe nameand number I,,tiers must he paid and enntaiii a stamp. Thu Dor hang in his office. A CURE WA. R FLA l\T TO ED IN TWO D rust s No )leroury ur Nau,.r•uu.., Drims.—Dr Johnston. mem- Ser of the Roval College of Surgeons, London. Outdo:de fr 1 ,111 1 ,110 1.1 Ilt• must eminent Coil, gee in the United States, and the greater pot t whom• lint has been spent in the hospitals or London, Pai is. Philadelphia and elsow tub elh•rted si.ll, it till. moat astonishing cure- that wi re ever known ; many troubled with ring ing iu the head and eats when asleep, great nervous• nes., tieing alarmed. tit sudden sounds, bashfulness, ith ft...l[lll'llf blunhin•t. at timded sometimes with de rangemei,l ut mind, were 1 . 1111,11 1111111.11MA:1y. r2.4.1.2E112.11aT1CULA. ZT =CI: a.l.lrtezeo..a!l tin .r wile haVeininefei thetIISOIVeS by j, urreier I edlil,anu e and solitary Inthits. which ruin both loody and inlnd. nntittina (diem fur either I.ini•ness, study. Society ..e 9'hece ere the , ad and melaneliolv rll'w•tr: p r edneed hy ealle habit, et youth, iz • \srakurs.a of the beet: and Inn 6s. pain, in the head. Lliiirnes , of , lirta t Ins ”t - ,11.1 , 051ar pow en palpitation 01 tilqhoAl-I..dySliep ir. itahility. .I..tanaentent. the digestive fueet l•rnc, otioral dehlllty. symptoms of ^onstlmptlon. NI i r,•:‘, I kli elleet, nu th;l mirni are Inneh to 1,0 4110atted--loss ut Ille.ilOry, confusion of ideas, de pres,iiin ..eirits, evil fine liodings.avert.loll to stalely, fodr•listit , t. love of solitude. timidity, hr., are some of the evil, produced. 'lb: usainds of persons of all ages van now judge a hat le the rouse of their deelining health, losing their vi or. becuital i ng Weak, pale, eery uua taalii elauteitatgd.lntyltur, to ,i ii ,iiii i i„iprear3llro :thollt the eyes, rough and symp toms of consiuniition. 'OUNG DIEN Who have Injured thein,ili es by a certain prae.tiee 1114111, l iu IA hen alone, a lialdt frequently :mulled front or at si heel, the egret. of which are ,111011 :1 , 1.•c p, and it not eared render, mluri.lce and ileotioys I.uth mind and body, should Ipply immediately. What a pity that a s Omit Ulan, the hope of 111Sedun tr,,.Lhe d . nliue or his pairnts. •honhi lie stint, iiie.peoi.aod t he ron,ciaelice of d.•\ the p Ail, of l onto,;nod lodulgiug in , etz.llll le. :t ~,„. A I,po LE 1( . I .311i,ie t •••n,•l :tro thn InnSt t•• pr. , inott• happiness tlie.murni, NVl•.tic TOl-'llllll .I'. prrvperbh,nii It 11.11 - 1:1.1, t.. thr• vl,O : 111.• h deypalr and it II Ih • t.1,1•111,11..l1' rr.tlection that the ha ppiness of .01.0.11, 1.1.4,1Illf,1111011.1•11 with our own. DISEASE OF lIVIPRUDEN'eE \VII el lb.' 11/i 4 4liided and imprudent votary I.f ph e nil Is t ii,it Lr hiit, imbibed the s e ed,: nt this 1,11111111 h:ppella that an 111 tin. sense ,t shaele , n, dread of discovery, detars 111111 I'l,lll applying to those who, from education and respectability. con alone betliend him, delaying till the; constitutli nal of this horrid disease took,,tlieir apnearincel such , trlcerated sore throat, 1118.:1041,(1 11050. 1114:1 111 110, pains le the head and limbs.dinluusyufsiLht.deatoesr, u odes on the -11111 01,110 111(11 :11•1118, blotches tor the 1,e1.1 tee tiol e‘treinitiv, iinezressing with II ight raphlit% last the iodate the mouth ol hotoe , el tli 1111 ill, 9ud the I ii•Lilll 1.1 Illls :1 1111 iddeeti till droll, piit, a period to his send in:; hi., to •• that Undiscovered C01111I1) 11,111 W 110111.13 no traveller returns." It A mulau,holy act that thou-and-- fall victims to tern ble disease, swine to the unskillfulness of lg.. norant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poi- SOrl, Mercury. roll, the constitution and make the re s idue of UM miserable. 'frost not your lives, or health, to the care of th.- ninny nide killed And uorthless pretenders. destitutoof ion, or char:, tor, who ropy lir—lohnston'a horLisinitentii, sty le them-eft es. in thenewspapers, int physicians. inrairdße of curing. !Airy Iceep y nt I riainz month after month taking the,' filthy and it iisiitoinis ruinpounils. or as long. the sinolhist lee can lieulitaitied, and 111 despair. leavo you with ruined hnalth , i,ll i )111 Dr. Johnston he only Physioian advertising. i•rvd,•oll,ll s or diplomas tilt ays hang in his Ills reineilitis or term tweetaru unknown to all others, prupartid a irr, spent In the great hospitals or Eu rope. Lilo first in the country and a noire extensive private pray lice than V other physician in the world E NT 01? 'I'III.III3ItESS The ninny limns:olds cured at this institution year atm year, and the /1L..1010W. important Surgical Ope rations performed by Dr. Jotimitim, witnessed by the repo, ter, of the •• Sun," `• Clipper," and many other im p or m. notices ,r ,o,it•11 have aline:tied again cued again b e f„,, the pu6lir. besides Ills standing as n gentleman of character and responsibility, inn sufficient guarantee to the SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Perseus writ tie shrill he particular In dire. line their letters Gr Lids I iu Ole fidiuwint: 1114111- ~ : ‘I .11 ill Nr , l't IN, M. 1).. Oftlit. Baltimore Lock Baltimore, 11d 11,,y - - . NEW FIRM CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY UItoCERY AND QUEENS WA RE sTult E. E subscribers having purchased the 1 . stook of (trot:mho+ formerly belonging to Jos. D. llatbort, will retinue the Im:di - loss at the old stand, and are prepared to furnish their friends and the pule lie with everything that is nice, new and fresh, lu the way of Thelrsteek I.s 1•u•40 and selected with the greatest care• and will he sold ;it the 11,11,t priees fur rash. It roe, 'Lots lu pert cif thee old Ouverinuont Java COFFEE, •to , l'ri 11.1 ilia liisu t, d. SY it UPS.—Now York, !Sestet., uud 1141131.101p1113 Sy— rups, ul t he very Ludt BROWN sidti A Itti.—The hest the market tilfords.— L0c.:11114 . s best tit dslittd. Saud, and Vulverized Sugars Also, his A. It. and O. Sugars. which cannot be sur passed, dud as tie tittle Is now hero fur pcusurd lig, la dies will pl., give him a call and examine for them selves. All his SPICES are of the purest rut best va rieties. No humbug about them. Mee. Corn Starch, le. crlutt, I/anticline Coffee, Ensoncu of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, &e. 011 LNA, GLASS, AND QUE ENSWA RE. t A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and styles, lower than ever to price, and butter in quality, than was over offered before In Carlisle.— Call and see. ‘Vooden and Willow IVare, such as Tubs !Inches, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, Rut— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, MMI sizes. Fl SII—No. 1, 2 and 3 Maokorai. No - 1 M MSS SLIM) No. 1 llorriny. - Alarguqulatity of the ctlebtated Est:WolofHAMS. SALT by the Sack - , Dairy and O.'A. Salt. The bubserlbera respeotfully ai( the patronage of their Mende and the public generally, and Invite them to call Mid "osmultno I holt now-stock, at the old stand, corner of Hoover anti latuther Street's. HALBORT & FUMING. A. B. CAMPBELL Car bray R. 186:i DIME & CO. ' B well-known ME LO DEONS and HARMONIUNIS, Introducing the of feet of - pedal bass on every Instrument. ERNEST GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash, at a liberal-deduction, or on monthly Instruments from r, to 00. 409 Over 800 sold In Philadelphia. JAMES ROLL A 11, Sole Agent, 279 and 281. S. Fifth atreet,Above Spruce. Phlladuphiu, Pa. April 17 1863 NEW GOODS. Evory descripticin and quality of Groceries, Oneonsward, hardware, Plckels,• Sauce, Sine LlquOrs, Tobacco, Sugars, Pipes, Scud, I?ruits, and vegßablas in Cans, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and Willow ware, alb ,kinds and of the best quality and to be ,doll at the lOwent prices toi cash by June 5,'03. - BENTZ. (I HOIOE SBGARa & TOBACCO, AT RALSTON'S PHYSICIANS will find it to their vantage to eall'anil purchase their Medletnen at RALSTONTi YOUNG MEN 1:Z/kr-,RIAGE STRANGERS Family Groceries. NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS Wojitive taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield & Sheafer in East Main street, neat door to the Jail, where we intend to keep all kinds of ouEENsweite and OROOERIF.S. Our stuck is new and fresh, carefully selected In the Eastern Cities. We in vite the public and friends in general to give us a call :Ind examine our stock of goods as we are determined to SELL CHEAP FOR °ANL Our stock consists In part of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, Molasses. Queeneware, Willow ware, Cedar Ware. Brooms Brushes, Cards and tipices of every kind, warranted pure. Also, Green mid Dried Ernit Foreign and Domestic, and a full assortment o grove, lee generally. Flour by the btrrel or pound, Codutry produce re calved In exchange for goods. o.l'. MYERS & SON. Motel] '2O, 1863 Watches Jewelry and Diamonds. LEWIS LADONIUS 8: CO. 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1 AVE always on hand, a large stock of Gold and Silver Watches, suitable for Ladies, ion lemon or Itnys wear. Some of our own importa tion, extra Duo qualiti. Our assortment efjoivelry consists of the meat fash ionable and rich designs; as also the plainer and less expeusive. Sliver Spoons, Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; flea a large variety of fancy Silver Ware, suitable for Bridal presents— We have also on hand, a most splendid :ONet tinont of Diamond Jewelry of all kinds, to which we Invitees. lawful all onlion. Our prices will be found c,msiderably less than the same aril, Lea are usially for. All kinds of Waichira repaired in the very best man ner and warranted to give sat istai•tion. W EDDINO IIINOS en hand and made to order. Call or address , _ 1.1 , AV IS 1.. A DOI US ft CD. 802 Ph-stunt Street, Philadelphia. P. S. The highest rash price paid for old 1101(1 and Slyer. All cried,, from the Country will receive espe cial attention. April 21, 1863-Iy. I)RUGS, - • - BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEAT,IPICKLES, &C. S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Stre,t, Carlisle, Pena'a. ' INglu , t, ripened an'aesertment of Frtrsh Pritizn, Fan. ry Goods, (Litt Ifnuks, PerfinAery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, V. htrh has no, er been surpassed in this bur °ugh. for lillreitY and elegance. The Articles ha Ve twon selected with great ea.e, and arc calculated. in quality and price, to cual mend the attention el purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which , ompriiiiievery variety of• Saucy articlwtof the moe o squisite finish such no. Papier Macho goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card eases, Valley liaskuts, Fait,/ W\•ork Buses, witb instrumontn, LYilio, 11Y has, \Vritir,4 I'•nks, nll.l Port fv.ios Port 'loan:dos, of ovory vnriuty. Bold pens and pelfl.4s, Fancy piper weights, and s Illf4ov.tirLoty .1 , 41.1/0 l‘ld.t” 1 / 4 0:i Is and wafers, Silk And bond pursos, II Brush. of every kind 6;r the toilet X. Bath) and It. k U. Wright's Soaps and Perhunos of various' It Inds, rau= = tr , :zetiler with an inn uTerable variety of trticleaolegan Iy tinishoki and suitably for SKA - 1' co which ho invl ton spr a t :itten Lion. Also, ri uxtegico ! .! lo4ont ,olleion of ,St II( S, comPri,in,l varlong En dish and A morlein Works, richly ew:~~ •; liahrd, woicKs, Bibles and Hymn ,olc4. elogantly bound in velvet with metal claspq :tip( comers llis L:sortznent it : 4 chool !looks and School Stationery Is also v,iiplete, and romprisos r v cry thing used in the Sohols. 110 :11:o dosires to tall the particular atten tion Of Families to his clogant assortment of LAMPS, from the evten4lre ,• , Thiblilhmontg of Cornfdlus, Arch and others of Philadelphnt, compri , i uo every 1-tyle Parlor rlninil•er and Study Lninps, for burning, eith. Lard. r ,n F.thet4 l ail; I) YO'I"1"S , elel•rntt Kerosene or Coal g ill !Amps ; together with F10w. , , Vase Fancy 04,0011,5, Si.• A 11,, A V: tulvtit in thit. I:1113 Ix u equaledolo h0r0u!.:1,,, Abu, s Eii AR. A N Ti)II.4CCO, tiu riverite lirelidg, and A fine nsser i•ittiti<EßS AND th celelir,teL Lynchburg Smoking Tubaree =MEE such xs pourt o. La 1110 /10. P . l 4 4S. Nectarines, I'runrs - .,tr.:l'l.Nt"i - IUN I'I"PD,I - N A RV—NUTS—PRE , SERVED FRI; VIN ED-NI EA T, PICK LES, &e., in every .sriety and nt all prices, ell of which are pure and fresh curl, as Call Le 1.11 fidautly reonnmended to his friends. Ills stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy tb,ods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially Invited to call and examine. Itvinember the OIL! Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover stre MIME] IJA.RGE AICaiIVAL OF FRES!. wcocEßtEm---Fisit OF ALL KIND:. Among which is a large lot of real genuine Halt more dry salt lIERRIM), in oak loirrels, MACK 4 111. at prices that is really astonishingly low. Pickets of a kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a gond assortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS LIQUORS, at the lowest rates fur CAST! or Country l'rodure. W M lIENTZ Carlisle, June 21, 1863 Important Discovery RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES! BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ItE unfailing in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Brunellilie, Sore Throat, Iluarsu. ness,knit Breathing, Incipient Coni-umption, and Diseases of the Lungs. They has uno taste al medivinu and any child a ill take them. Thousands have 1,111.11 restore I lo health that had heroic de,nalred. Testi mony given In hundreds of eases. A single dose re heves in ten to lnutes. Aid: o.r Itrydo's 1 1 tilstotile Wafers—the o. nal and nn!) , gen titod is staloprd '• Bryan." ,eptirlous kinds ni, off..ruil for sale Twenty tiro vents a box. Sold by (boilers generally. .1011 V 08ES, Solo Propriator, 27 Corthindt Sisroot. N. Y. .Ifor Halo by S. Elliott, Carlisle. Fuhruary 20, 1303-1 y SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE l'Elt CENT. BELOW COST I I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above th Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on West Maln street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Uold and Silver hunting-case watches, Lavers, Lepines, America,. watihes, and all 'ether kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Sliver, !gated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 Paint lugs:a great varloty of fancy articles, &c. The entire stock of Watchmaker tools, eases, large Mirrors, and Safe will he sold wholesale or retail ou the easiest terms. Av 'Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re• pairing will be douo aorUal, at reduced prices. It. L. SHAPLEY. Carlisle, Juno P 303. 117131 W GOODS! NEW COO SI I AT OH ILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE. lam now opening a second supply of ologant and now atylo Fall Goods, which 1 will soil at - tha very lowoat flguro tor cash. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, . each as Morinoes, Alpachas, Silks, De Laines, Turoon Cloth, %topes, Cashmeres, Poll De Cheviers, LADIES CLOTH MANTLES AMD SHAWLS, Balmoral Skirts, French Corsetis, Hoods, Sontags, Nu• bias, Ladies Vests, Ac. &s. A complete assortment of goods fur Childrens wear of nil kinds. Ticklugs, Gingham, (theelcs, Musllns, Flannel% Blankets, at tho lowest prices. Gents Department. CLOTHS, CASSIIV ERRS, VIISTINOS, &0., A fell as sortinent of Dents Shirts, Draw orsjlloven, Collars, Sun panders, Cravats, Nook Ties, &o. Particular attention paid to this department. I now buy exclusively fqr cash, and sell at very abort profits for the caNb. lam enabled from my longexpe rience in the business, to offer my old friends mod cos tensors great inducementa in their ptlrollesert. All persona in want of handsome and cheap goods will please to mill and examine, my steak before purchasing elsewhere. Recollect the place, West Main St., nearly opposite the Depot. .. . , . OIIAB. OGILIW, Truaton. ' N. 11. All Cloths Cagelilorpir roril Vest(two, will bo rondo order, (If Oetiltimi) by pp oxporlonco4 work, WAIL '9 CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. 971.5117 .. -PfgA•••••. , A ; • 7 * - On and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, Passenger Train,' will run as follows: (Sundays excepted FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. let Train. 2d Train. Leave Hagerstown, 7.00 A. 61. 2.46 P. M. " Greencastle. 7.37 " 3.36 " Chant borsburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 " Shlppannburg, 9.00 .` Nov:vine, 9.32 " Carlisle " Alechanksburg, 10.42 " 3.12 Arrive at Llarrisburc 11.15 " '5.40 " FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, let Train. 2d Train Lease Harrisburg 8.06 A. 61 1.061'. 51 " llechauicsburg 8.47 " 2.15 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.55 " " Newsille, • 10.02 " 3.29 " Shippensburg, 10.33 4.00 4, 44 Cham hg', (A rriv e) 11.10 4.40 " " Grounenstlo, 11.55 6.30 ' Arrive ❑t Hagerstown NOTICE TO I'ASSENGERS: At all Stations whore Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Charo bereburg. Shippensburg, Newvflle, Ca iiele,Mechanics burg and Harrisburg. a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Supor't Railroad 0111 re, Cbambersburg, } May 1,1862. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA t4;:;1/4's $ - r)" Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market st Daily, at 4 o'rlork. P. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily. at 7 o'llnrk, A M. Goodsinteuded for this Line should be marked C. A P. Dcliv Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'rlock. May In, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! The undersigned having purchased the .fork. Kr., of the Into Wm. 11. Trout deed. would respectfully announce to the public that he will coa linne th. lIATTINtt lIUSIN ESS at the old stand, in West We'll street. and with a -renewed and efficient effort, produce ,rtieles of Head Dress of E very y ar i,ty, Style and Quality, thnt shal be strirtly in keeping with the improvenien (4n., Art, and fully up to the pge iu whieh we live I have on hand a splendid assiirtnient of • `', 11 .ITS D C .IPS, c , Tl'& zet of elldesrriptions from the commonrAYool to - the &neat FOIL AND SICK ; and at prices that must suit every of, who has nn eye togetting the worth M his money. The stock Ineludes, MOLCSK IN, CASSIM 1:111.:, BEAVER & FELT 71ATS, of ovory style and color and ursurretsted for I.IOIIT NJ SS. DU ILI 11l I,ITY AND FINISH : by those of any other ,•stnldishmrut in the (I:untry. _ . ME.VS, BONG' apa curiLl)REw4 'LAWS and CAPE, ° l o v e rs' leseeipthmeonetently On hand. restfully invitee all the old patrons and a many Imew, onoh as po4llde, to gdve lulls a all. J. U. CALLIO. Apr 2ty. ICCO—ly A. 13. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM 1562 62 1.1/44it West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland Conn yrlcul tural Fair qf 867.); The ins just rtledivoil the most splendid assurtui.nie iii eitieles in his line, ever brought to thin place—mbi h In' is deteiminvd to sell nt prices that de ry your pet ll ion. Par 10, 1 • Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kitchen told 011ie e Enilirating .• very article used by (louse and lintel keepers,,-tbe . tm;,,t apprOved and fashionabh* - design and link!,. ',eluding also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, frames, picture-, &o. titiir Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. 11. E IZMM= LUMBER AND COAL OLIVER DELANCEY, =I I, 1,) M 11 1 ,2,11 AND COAL. YARD On Ole Rail Road, near Ole Gas Works. The snhsceiber keeps cutrstantly on hand, a full num t ut Lumber & Coal, COAL' 414 k which Le ran in, tel,rder ['romp( ly /And MI for 1111/8t ren eonehle tee I, UMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, rmin v s, l'lnsh , ring and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor log. Ii callierhoarding. Posts, Itailr,White Pine, Hemlock and (Ink Shingles, of every quality. Ile also furnkh bills to order 01 allay length nod vice, at the shortest notice anal uu the most reason° We terms. His worked imards are kept under cover, 60 that they can be fur nished thy at all times, lie Ims von,lantly on hand all kinds of Funnily ClPti under eovrr, a Well will be duliveied clean to any part of the borough. To sill: LI'KEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various sizes In .use, whtch he offers to the public at the lowest prices. Ll>l EllullN ER'S A NI) BLACKSMITH'S COAL al ways on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Black S. Delaney, he would solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal and Lumber, will bo promptly attended to as heretofore. OLIVER. DELANCY July 26, 1 —1 y. Dien lk Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of the Season,. undersigned would most respect fully inform bin old friends and customers and the public generally, that he hits commenced the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING business In all Its branches In the Store Room of T. k: liumerirh Esq , on the West correr of Hanover and W,•nt Irmther street, where he has opened one of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready' made made clothing to.. in the Borough of Carlisle. Inn stuck consists in great varieties as follows, viz: SINNS AND BOI"S•COAT. do. do. do. PANTALOONS. , do. do do. VESTS. Sulu for Boys, from 5 to it years of ago. Shirts, Holton Flannel and CAN/41110re Binning. Drawers, Sue. ponders, Crava A, a variety of Fancy Neck 'Ties Linen and Paper Collars, Men's Linen and SIM Ilaudlcor• chiefs, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS AND vALisga. Carpet rind Leather Travelling Dago, to All the abcre goods will be sold for Cash, at the very lowest prices the and the City Markets will justify. Purchasers will plena° °alizarin 'examine for 'them selves, before purchasing elsewhere, as my motto Is quick sales and short profits. SAMUEL C. IitiYETT. May 1, 1803—,3m, Agent. P. S. Particular attention given to Boys clothing. SPRING TRADE, 1869. NEW GOODS STOW offering an immense variety of .4.1 CLOTHS, CASS.MERES, VESTINGS, • • COTTON GOODS Ito.. .. • Forlion and Boval__Wear, in a larger variety, than Can be found in any Walt lishment in this place, and at as low prioep Vs can bo‘ sold any whore, to suit taste and pocket. e mauu• facture the above goods to order; the latest styles, or soll.per yard. Customers wishing to have the goods bought of us, cut, can ho accommodated, free ofchaige, An early inspection of our goods and prices, rospooth4l ly solicited. • ISAAC LIVINGSTON, • North !Lamle! Sliveot Olottiing Emritift. NAM? 4)1 0 5 .• • (MANGE OF nouns' 111:0=!11:E1 11!IEE:MIEIE:Mil MD DAILY FR.EIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, rill LATELPHIA .1.. t D. l U IOADS MAIN BTREET, CARLISLE, PA J AMES R. WEAVER'S 10 CABINET - • - 1 • ~ty •ND CHAD/ MANUFACTORY, NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Having been engaged in the busihess for over twenty years he wodld return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him With a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cosh. He also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Collins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the moat reasonable terms. 1.28 " 4 2.00 '4 Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, well finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 16 to 30 dollars. JAMES R. WEAVER. May 25.1559-Iy. QTILL TRIUMPHANT . The complete succeas of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warranta the aubscriber in calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satisfac tion. LEM WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS int. A saving of from 30 to CO per cent. in fuel 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the slimesize, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, 6th. The best linker, RoastAr, and Cook now In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect One Consumer for either wet or coal. The Prairie Flower is warrnoted to give satisfaction In every particular. and will he shown with pleasure to all who may roll, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town Cr eountly. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting. Roofing, Job work, Copper-smithlng And Sheeting work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All wore warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther. MARY MORRIS. N. B. Old Copper, Bross and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid in cash or goods. March 20. 1860.—tf. HOWARD AS.:OCIATIONI F HILADELPHIA A BeneTrlent Institution, established by special en. dowment for the relief of the sick and distreved, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseasU. and especially for the Cure of Dist:lace of MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to ,H who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE It EI'ORTS on Spermatorrhcea, end other Dieeases of the Sex net Organs, end on the NEW REM— EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to theafilicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. 'Two or three Stamps for postage M ill he tweet - del - de. Address. I I,LEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur coon, Howard Assnriatinn. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pe. By order of the Dire( tors. EZRA D. II EARTWELL, President ORO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Mang] 8. NEW STORE, ANT) NEW GOODS II A TS, CA l'S AND STRAW coons. TS. Ca c •,%il _." '`,. The subscriber has recently opened a New Stott at the old qteml of in North Hanover St opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Ha% log reeeieed from New York and Philadelphia, a fine and well selected assortment of goods in his line o. business, such as lIATS and CAPS, from the common Wool to the fine Fur, SILK'AND CASSIMERE HATS, Fnll and IVint*•r st) les of Silk lints for 1661. Ladles Furs. such as Stone Niaitin, :able, Fifth, Siberi an Squirrel. Black. Brow ii and Blue Cooney, Bork Mar tin. Silver do. Sr., i'llildrens Furs, Beaver Bats for ll iris and ltnys, Fur Caps, liluves nod Collars fur lien. Heinen. BUFFALO ROBES, and prices to suit the timeN. Also, Carpet Bags &c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIWES Also, Carpet, hags, Valises, Trunks, Iland Trunks Umbrellas. An asset talent of Prime Segars and Tobacco. Thankl ul for the patronage already received he wont invite all his friends and the public generally to gir him a ea 11. JACOB BOAS, Agt. Carlisle, April 111, ECOND SPRING ARRIVAL. LAE° E SUPPLIES FOR THE HEAD AND FEET . At the 'Am a of.lohn Irvima, on tho N. E. corner o the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes flats & Caps. at prices that defy competition. Lle hasju•rt returned from the Bast with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots. Shoes, lints & Caps that he has over presented to this community, and which ho is determined to sell at the lowest poAsl hie prices. His stock embraces everything In hisline of business, such no MEN'S BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Ox lord Ties, Ca and Patent Leather Uait.ers, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Irugans, Slippers, kr. LADLES' WEAR. Fins French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Calf mot Kid Boots. Fins Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers Monaco, and Kid Busking, &. MISSES AND CHILI/It EN'S WEAR ofall descriptions embracing tine Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lace Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &c. HATS & CAPS, Sllk, Cassimere. Fur and Wool Flats of all 4lualitiesatid styles, also a large assortment of Boots and Shies made to order at the shortest notie Repairing promptly done. Collin', nt of his ability t please all classes of customers, he respectfully ins it the public to give him a call. 04).... Remember the place, N. E. aornor of the Pub S !nitro. May:3o,l'6o EBT.S. Uat4. TUST opened the largest and best as sortmont of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Ulass, Iron, A,., ever brought to Camberland county, bought exclusively for rash, V. Inch we are selling at the lon est prices. We invite the public generally to give us n call before making their purchases, as wear° fully sustaining our old reputation of selling the BEST tiOODS AT TUE LOWEST PRICES. Returning than to generous public for their past Mena panning°, hoping by personal attention to their wants, to merit a VOiltillthineu Of the some. JOIIN P. LINK Ai SON, At the Old Stand North I. allover Street. Carlisle, June 5, l pAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White Load. IWO Gallons of oil. Jus received with a largo assortment of Varnishes. Fire Proof Paint. Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored iinc, hithargo, Red Lead, Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., Colors of ovary description dry, and Oil In cans AM übas nt the hardware Storo of Cnrlislo, Oct. 25, 1861 LOCHMAN'S New shy-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. 'L. LOCHMAN is happy to inform • ). his numernua custoinern, and the public gene ly, that he has removed his establishmont to hie _Kw Sky-Light Gallery, in the building cecuplod by Mee Neff, no n Millinery Store, oppeelto the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr. Lorhiuhn is now able with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the Yer.9 best mauutwtured, to produce PDOTOORAPIIS, CARTES DE VISITE, ASIERO. TYPES, -A-ND-EVERY STYLE OS - PICTURES,: - to the best made in Philndelpbi■ or New York. Pictures can be taken now equally well itc cloudy as in clear weather. • . . Daguerreotypes or Anthrotypos of domesed poraons copied, enlarged, or made Into carton do vtsite. Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1862 DR, WM. R. COOS, .c 4 3ICPTOEOPATHIO PaYsiCiAN. Sargon and AvoncAtur. OFFICE at his residence in North lfanover street: Next door to Shriner's hotsl, GUM BELT INO ! duet received a large amertmeut Edges Gupl Ilaltin.4Qurn lloso, Gum Talking, &e., arid Tar sale abeap at the hardware Etere of June 22, 11363 -30(10 - lb.s. of Stagman's celebrated 3 Sirgar•curod hams, oan'vassod and uncanyassod, at the corner of Main and West streets. May 8,1863-=t. f. A DrNDKERCHIEFS, Ties, Stooks, JlLLltlbbona, Suspendoia, Under Shirts, Crawois i beautiful assortment can be found at ISAAC LIVII4CISTOrOS North nanovet 8000 ELPPOPI• .M3rch i 3, 1803 the Sexual Organ!, sTieA w T S El= HENRY SAXTUN IL &AXTON A. BIM-11'61En NEW COAL AND LUMBERIARD. The subscribers have this day entered into part nership to trade in ..)OAL AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on bind andfureish to order all kinds andquality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, AME STUFF,' Paling, Plastering Lath,Shingling Lath, wor ked 1, 1 00 r 4 lug and Weatherboarding, Poste and Rails, and every sr. tide that belongs toe LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: • Whitepine, llomltldlt r and Oak, of different qualities. Having • Cars of our' own we can furnish bills to order of any length astil. sloe at the shortest notice and on the meat reasonablic terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover se' that they ,am be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal! tinder cover, which we will deliver clean to arry put or the borough. To wit : LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TEX VORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LoIII3ERY, which we pledge Ourselves to sell at the lowest pried/ • - Best quality of Linielmrner'B and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which vv.; will sell at the lowest flirt:am Yard west side of Grammar School, ➢lain street. ARMSTRONG A 11017 FER, July 20,1802 WATC EI ES, JEWELRY, AND' OILY Eit-WAIthAT CON LYN'S old establisheto Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland' Valley Bank. I intvojuat received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. medallions. silver ware, dm., In addition to my 'ormor stock to which I Invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces One gold and silver lever watches. Ilunting and open ease do., gold Jes, chore for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepfnee and Quartier watches of every variety In style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladles ■nd Gentlemen of every quality, pnttern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, !Inger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, kc. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, ten, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to snit all .a nes to which we invite special atten- tion. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes. silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracel.ts, watch chains,. Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles tisn ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which A ide* • I will sell low for cash. All article, war- 11. • ranted to he what they ara represented. Particular attenthn paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war ranted. Dec. 23. 13-57.1 Interesting To Farmers. TOIIN P. LYNE S., SON, have juai ty received a large lot of those celebrated SCYTLIES, made express!) Mr their Oren sales, which have alwaye given entire satisfaction to all motto have used them,— You that want a k,.en cutting and easy running Scythe. we would say try one of heir superior make. We have also a full of Silaths, Who( Stones, A, Itakesoll Christ. Myers' and other celebrated makes. Grain Cra dles of all the best makes in the count y, with a full stock of all kinds of Tools and Implements for Fannon'. use. All of which we are selling oheap at our store in, North Ifanover street. Carlisle, Juno 6,1862. The Great English Remedy.. Silt JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLSi Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, H. DI. Physician Extraordinary to the Queens. rK HIS well known medicine is no im position, but a sure and safe remedy for Female- DO culties and Obstructions. from any cause whatever; and although a powerful semedy,iit coal:mina nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Marriott La<lies it in peonliarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period-with regn— livity. In all canoe of NerVOGIS and spinal A ifections. Pain tar the Bark and Limbs, Heaviness. Fatigue on slight az,— erticn, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Sputter Hysterics. Birk ileaditche3Whites, and all the Waftl diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect, a cure when all other means have felled. Thke 1 4 111 s hare never been known to fail where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well observ— ed. For full purtl-ulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. ¢a and Ii postage stamps, enclosed Lonny au— thorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over ID pills. by return mall. N. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. February .O, 1563-1 y REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER HAVE removed to their new and! beautiful Store itoton, South-east corner of Mar ket Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. Having furl returned from Now York and Philadelphia, with an. Immense variety of Dress Goods, we are prepared to• offer superior induremente, to any other House in the• country. Plain Alpacas all ' Knobby' Shades, single and doublo width, Broom's Oriental Lustres, all shades, Plain and' Plaid Poplins, more beautiful than any silt, ■t our half the root of silks, Pongee, Mixtures, De Patna: Challies, Lawns, Organdies, Chintses, he., Domestic Goods. A heavy Kt nek of Prints, Cheeks, Muslins, Glinghstow, Cottonades, Drills, Arc., will he sold at reasonable rates. MOURNING GOODS. Mourning Goods to ho offered at astonishingly low prices. Bom bazi 11 es, Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plain Bareges, all wool De Laines single and double width,. eery c enp. Cloths and Cassimeres. A gond assnrtment of Cloths. and the largest variety of Fancy eassimeres, over offered in this market. . . . Also, our usual assortment of Notions, * Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Ar. GREENFIELD S SHEAFER, South East Corner Market Square, opposite Irvine'. Shoe Store. March 20, 1563. HO ! FOR KELLER'S lIAT AND CAP STORE. rr HE subscriber has removed his Hat and Cap Store to the opposite side of the Street, to the house formerly occupied by P. Monyer, and next dour to Cornman's Shoe Store. Having a much larger room, I Lava increAsed my stock of goods, so that I am now prepared to furnish the public with all the new styles of HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, t prices to suit the times. My stock Consists of Silk, Cas-ithere and Russia lints, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city at, well as 1101110 111115 ufacture, from the com mon wool up to the finest Russia and Nutra. A good assortment Cl men nod hose saps. Also, suns, boys. and ehildrens fancy straw bats.— Having improved means for manufacturing, any kind or Nhape of hats will be made to order, at short notice. Being it practical Hatter, fully understanding the business, I hope by strict attention to recoive a liberal patronage. JOHN A. K ELLER, Art.' P. S. Old hate colored and repaired at moderato prices. April 17, 1862. R. GEORGE S. SEA liew...—acivt. II 'RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bid timoro College of Dental Surgery: VSLOffice at the residence aids tuother,East Louth's street. three doors:below Bedford. March 19,1850—tf. RuF US E. SII A PLEY, Law. Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and 4'l - Soldiers' Psi, Bounties, and Pensions. Pines nu South IleveverStreet, opposite Bentz's store. ,• Dec.:l7, latil. , I , •.t1 :mA• Alikr CARD.-CUARLF I S LA °LAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Offico In 41 huff's bulliling,jusi opposite the Market Carlfale, March 14, '6O-Iy. I', HUMRICH, Attorney at e Lay. C.,--0111ce an North Natio-for streqt,`a fi ld rir dO O 4 south M ass' Dotal. Al/ .businesß OLn/sta. to promptly attended td. [Aprll.l4:" T OSEPIT. RITNER, Jn., Attorney_ y Law and Surveyor, Meobanieaburg, PA. Oftle Bail Road Stroot, two deers norttlifttbe Bank. " 43- Buelneas promptly attended • 147. WEAKLEY.—Attorneyat Offico on south Ilanov0• street, opposite DIM Dry (loot's storo. All professional busines s. '447/nit to him will ho promptly attended,to. , .` , - South 'Hanover street, ai ry opposltellenta'Arygoods store, SAMUEL HEPBURNy Jr., Attortieir at Law. Office with Sfun4ell.lepbuin v slsl4 St.. Cirllsle pa.. June 5, ,cq . IT• p AMES. 50Q pairs Haes bandof all kinds. Ellzabethtonu Pattern, Loudon rnman with and wltheut patont fastenlnia, cheaper then over at 11. SAXTON'S, Eget Alain at. Mitten 20,1852. A YEWS F,AMILY MEDICINgB, • AS RALBTOM F4-*TTAY DYE COLORS, AT RAylOtill. Broken, Egg, Stove •nd Not do. do. do: THOMAS CONLYN 3utie ,151
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers