Fire Insurariee THE Allen and Eastpenneboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Ootupany of (JumboAut] county, Incorporated by an act of Aseeinbly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extende I to tho year 1883, le now In active and vigorous operation, un- der the euperinteudeuce of the following Board of Atenngere, viz: William It. Coritas, Christian Stayman, Jacob Eberly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. li. Coover, John Eichelher. ger, Joseph Wickersham, Semi. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, a LI J. C. Dunlap. The rates of Insurancuare as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Parsons wishing to become members are lavitot to make application to the agents; of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. It. GORG A 9, Prenitleyt, ly'n MlllB, P. 0 CHRISTIAN BTAYMAN, Vice Presiklout Mechmtliosburg, P. 0. .3011 N C. DUNLAP, Sect'y. Medlauic..,burg. DANIEL DAILY, Dillsburg. York t.o. AO LsTe. Cumberland county.—.lelin Sherd. , ll, Allen; llenr,, Zearlng, Sltlremanolown ; Lott) etrla Ped , r, 113,1tinsun floury Bowl:man, Churotdoo ; )1.4e iir;t11111, tioutl Middleton; Samuel GraliPon. :=atnt. Coover, Meehnnicbbur.;; J. ii. o.eldin,.`itp , plit•rd,t,,,va D. Coover, Upper .1. O. NIN John Ilyor, Carllae; '.'alm.tlnc I \OI4 Cu tnbcr laud; Newl Yorlc county —M . S. De't-er; Jolnns Griflith Warrington ; .1. Deardorff,l‘a.,ltingt.,n; Itlebey Rich ey Clark, Dill.sburg ; 11. putter, Fairview; John llama, Carroll. Dauphin co.—.Tacob Hower, Harrisburg. Nurnberg of the Company having policieu about to expire, can Lave them tournveti by making application to any of thu Agents. October William P. Lynch Having returned from the army has re-opened the GAS FITTING and FL t'.1173 INC business at the Old Stand in the basement of the First 11lcthodtst Church. Ile unit attend promptly to a 1 ibnsi nes: in his line Land and Iron Pipes lion Sinks, Hydtants, Path tubs, Hot & Cold Shower Bathe, Bath Boilers, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Fo r rce and Litt Pu.ops, Hydraulic llama, Ls. Wrol Iron Weld Tubes, And every description of cocks nnu fittings for pA • •team, water, &c. :Superior cooking ry,l4;es, heater and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and du id togs, at short notice, le the toast modern style. Al material• and work in our line at low rites and %VA t anted. ta.Country Work andjobblo.7 promptly attended to Jun• 5, 1863. RECEIVES):tt E WC. SAWYER respectfully ea • the attent oo of tho I.:pH', in par %ilar) to hie large and K ell reioeted tt. FALL A .VD I FIYTER COO Ds, re'eel red from tbo Leetern (it ice Embracing latest and most approc-1 nud Elba 01 (~ , .el the Market. 111.1 ca :Eke, lilrok I,llu I Bilks, all ihadea; figured. end limn,' -1 lifvrinosi all relent; - Figured A.„,„, Cloth, Saxon Chee'r.s. A I pa... :.:cot A I VS,'ool Dolaluuk, r,.. 111 • ..‘ Opocial attontion gir,n to GOODA, Ouch si Mourning Silkx, Uorio,n. C. morom Bert], ,th nil 1.".", 1 i„ „ Crepe', Mournlnz Mourning 11.thno ,lc. , I/; it,!.. LILA, Hay State a... deal le hod ~hd I. Maialos, Flzurntl go do r: !,::. D. hawis of all kinds and Colors, Cloak and Manilas Val and inter a , ?tries:-Clotha P,r Mantle. Li! thing nets Li I t. 0v.., lets, Honda, sunta,zs, I.adwa and 'iII•SON )111,0 Embroideries, kadlu stud rut Lo, . ,Hen's and Bv's 11 . f.,tr («7 ICin‘ls Truck Clotho, 11..laver and Triro; eyllmeroc, , White Shirts and Collars 'I i •a. tir, • •• r ;s. Gloves and Oanntlet,, Dr 0 ,04 t,loros. nlehlti.r Goode. D•onobtic lo of every dexcriptA•in. \ tole, Blankets, Conn trrr.,,,,, v.,. thing In fart requir. d An experie.c,l Tan at sh , r 1 1, any Garment . Alen or Boy', may AU the a'a and unsay other Roo la lii a i linen la the oi,i band is offor:d at a •Tlta!l t !,• o chasers. Addit.i.a.F. al do h ill Le nta.l.• the season liciValleen. 1 dent, r ..f trade 8 . 6 - kindly glean to the 1.,,0 , „,,,i ,1 1 . 1 new customer , an ',ill . and Lay stock, I 1.11/.111 onl u. ue tho HI" , en to ou/totner,. by lbo !we I,m I irlei t old Staud, Eo4t Maw Ott •cot, 1,1,, NI ult, Hotel. 55 . C. '.•.155 I Lit. Sep. 25,18 .3. ARRIVAL OF NEW S l'U('E OF Jr, ar • (co oco oat A. W. BENTZ, AS just returned i rom the I'hiladel: !Ala and Nnw York - roorkorvWTlTi a - tiT we I solocted stuck of Dr) iu rari f Mohair 1.,. ,; I 1 fir a, WOOl I .11,1 Eil;k and Wur,dr,lfiu ( 1, , ,, Colure4 imac, dc 1. t: uc, d 51 r.,,1 111 , 10 1 , /1,1 15 lilt,. 'Prool Plaid Vl , torl,i, Tirl, tug., Opera Eton I,ls `ht I a',lJ tag., Canton Flannels, ,Sc. GOODS, C•t-h Ai.; es, lferinoes, l'ombezlnen, I I-1.-1 ,in Brneado Molmir, Dowd, Cheux ‘lobair, Biriped 1...p1in, tho• do Item% 'l' lion, P:tramt.tio col , orx, Col,arg, Mourning Corded Silk, Poilt d,r 5,.10, Blank Silk. 3 13r.1' atinortment of Clap° Collaro, black AlpArnh, 'flack Sill Belting, dc. SHAWLS, Black and I3nrdercd Long aid Square Shaul!, Squar and Long Wool Shank. Bidet; Th-lint. Mous de Leine Broche Long nod Square. I'lald IVeol Faue Wool Shawls, In groat BALMORAL SKIRTZ, Ladles' Rate, Home Made Blankets, fine or imported. The latest style Hoop Sklrts—sly quaker. HOSIERY. A large and well selected stock, Won] and Cotton, La dies and Children's Caps, it fine assortment of Bonnunnet and Mantua Ribbons, Glnghti n, Flto and Cotton Ilnnd. kerchiefs, Umbrellas, a large asstwiment of NIENS AND BOYS' WEAR. GLOTTIS. CABSIMERES, ATTINETS KENTUCKY JEANS, The largest end beet selected stock in the county.— Carpeta, Oil C 1,411,, he These Goode have all hoen selected osnre ,, sly for till• market, a ith great rare both to their quality hod styles, an wall as to a reasonable pric e at w niri. they can and will be disposed of. The old friends and customers of 11/Is well known house are Invited to call and eaamine thin stork of splendid Goo,lo. Carlisle, Oct. 80, 1863. NEW WINTER GOODS 1 have just returned from the Eastern Cl Markets with an immen , e stork of Winter oodr, test styles, and falwiro of Ladies Drer.s (30,16, Misses and Children's Dress Goods, Ladles and Misses Furs, all kinds and qualities. BEHTLIAE., CAPES, VICTOR INES EFS. A large !dock of CLOAKO and MANTLES C . selected from the moat fashlnnal,lo manufactories In the cities Latest Paria Styles and designs. Cloaking Cloth Plain and Castor 'leavers, !Mittens and other qual lee fltMprls in large auplpy, latest as well as Maple makes. MOURNING GOODS or all kinds and ;:qattities. Balmoral Skirls, every quality and style. New Style of Hoop Skirts. All (:Inds of worsted goods, Gloves, lies ory, Embroideries &e. MEN'S AND 13_01:13. _WEAR. Overcostings, Oloths, Meliens. Satinets._ deans, togeth or with an Immense stock I' Muslin's Calicoes, fling barna, Blankets, Flannels, Furniehing Goode &c., kc. Please call at the well known stand East 11.101 n Street. Nov. 18, 180:1 W. O. SAWYER. The Confessions and Experience, OF AN 3 treVALID. Published for the benefit. and Ile a warning and ACAUTION_TO YOUNG MEN who.suffer from Nervous Debility Fronature Decay of Manhood, ote., dupplyinte at the same time. THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. ..By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and Injury though medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single .ogles may be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., Bedford, Rings County, N. Y. May 22,1863,-Iy. p r EO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.--- Late Demonstratar ark pia t Ivo Dentistry to the w e- • Baltimore Colle g e of Dental Surgery 'Moe at hie residence Oproslte Marlon Hall, West Main atraot, Carlisle, Pems Noy. 11,11357. F. Gardner ,t Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sato, at their extensive Steam Works =Blast Main street, Carlisle, a large as s ortment of AuRIC ULT Ult A L IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness tor:mums, among which they would call especial attention to WILLOIIGII BT'S CELEBRATED PATENT GUM SPRING (IRA IN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Cfaats Premiums at §tato and County Fairs. the Farmers us Cumin:a:And, lark and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores at them are now In use 011 the best farms in those counties. Its repute. Don is established so the nest complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United Slates. 1 tams e Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Crams. us only and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springspags the shill over stump., and stones, o sthoot breaking pinsor the drill. For e volt anti regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spi rig Drtll is unequalled by any other. W e also manufacture and sel 'the toiled mg articles, w hich cvn roe immoral to Farmers •s., reliable Implements, nl establirshed charactm MORRISON'S PATENT CONN • LA: 4 II'S PATENT s-TIS is a FOLDER CUTTER, 1111IDENDOLPIP6 rAT T ('OE N 141ELLER, 11A RN'S PATENT CIDER 1111.1.. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUGH. Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, 11 ltd other articles for Farmers too numerous: to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plate Wood Stoves, with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. Sl - ts have also an attractiv e variety of patterns fur IRON RAILINGS. and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to vAtich wo would call attention. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing. Tu this department of our business we give particu. lar attention. Our already extensive stork of patterns ford'apor. Flow and saw Mill Gearing, is constantly increasing. Mill Ownors and Mill Afrights a ill ho fur. niched with a printed catalogue of our various Mill l'atterns, on application. Our Ma,•hine,hop comprises all tile various t.iols for turning, planing. and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and can STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES', ' orally desirable eapllVity. I'l'4llll ten to twenty-tivehnrse power, built In the bent style and un aeeolunin,h,th, terms. Engines built nt our establishment 11111 y be een in successful operat lon nt man) of the largest Distilleries and Tann.) iu Cuulisle, and Cumberland Derry anti Dauphin Counties. to the owners of w hutch wi voundtmtl) term 11)r initormatiuu as to theiratilcion- •• P. , 1,011/ 4 N, anti Fiwilivs are enrneFtl3 re Rost ed 0,411 ex.t wino before cuntrdeting else here. DOOR ARID SASH FACTORY, Connected our e•t:11,11-1.1net,t (emu F.hand )ivol %I a Tri11.0 . 1.. , r,\ t. Lu his hh , , TI 1./ 12 el tar Lr Ilk. 1.11.1( I ui e r.,.•ry for thi , Viii c.”..t1) s „•I1 a , th,plaititsst 11,,uku. Win a.o4 nseh fur 11,1111 11,112 1 . 1•111,. 1111,111 d li.•c”rdittp to cizn or ; 11 indo, I rs“lt, upw.srd; Shtator • rn 17i , np suar.l; l'Ano I 1,0, from z•ps, ni .1 \ Castings A rellitrnve , li"ards. ttrt,•sots. I slit} Diarwry, srmil, °Ow, fu :it Itr und thv I,,•st ytalPy fil.‘% I , l•Tar , d 11,,t fir Istil:lo.N t r.iti.lwrt,rson th , 711, tilll, l pa:110111g • 1.111.414 tespectlully s"Ucit,-41 Inuit pi,Jll..* .tt.t.,,14..0 May I I;.\1;1 , \ !: Cli. 11)1:\\'LIF1 1\`l`1: ANC]: 61 . ) ISI:SC'S NCI: I '11,11 , 1,1 t Ito cl tr, tl a -'trip Hitt tt t ti t.t•trt, pot r •ttt !Iron "no' .:11:1 / • I.iiIII I i•.. ~t 1 6.• I , It• , 1 I thi• 1 , Plt• 11111 1/I I. I . C.•lj 1 • 1/1• C.rlll/.111, I h,, s.. lip s.tol •y. ‘l,lit Eh. LU „ Ill II tti..ii 11.1,,,10 1 MEEEM REMOVAL. I 1,INNEI:1'111, Ii • lig (1) ac ,Hutt .qt then 111. 11 ,, :11l I r -, 1,1 , 1 , 11 II r • , 1 , t, to 1,1'1,, p 1 1 , 0,' I I , X I, Sp , r I. ,•,. u, ,‘ ‘SI , II c 1. +.10 . , I I ,L,lll bll TIME Mt. :1 1 VALLEY F.OHLY Nil'ii.l \ T. The Great Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— Sam char. Ur. Mai kir) 's :A - LTII - 11EFZIOIZ:\ 11 - Nry, B A Bs.A-11 E PER)I ‘NENTI,i• 1u:1)! • 441'r \II it I.:: ptt!ar nr 1.11.•,1 I \ u,1.l NI Lid 1.%/. -n t 4./1 NJ 11a1• 1it.11,1 rt.oi / It .• liit• 1.111 .1 1•••1111,1i1,1 t .1w 1.1 In • it_ , r:t11-. I up, . th , y It :I V I t ,„ r „ inl) llllg, III• 111-t,t, It, to itt,, tutt,,,tutt C.‘ IN l'()1," . 1. ttt ./, . I . t Nlt. g 11.1..1 II II . I !Val 0 , 11• tll.l t 11 ,1 li, 1111 , .1. i.II 11.• soil 'err! 1.0,1,1 Ito 11l Mat Ids.) I, tltt,ttli• 'helix eti , e Le 1111., Ilettel Hied : 4 " six teals she has Lee fferinir t int Scioitila and I% lilLe n.clluig lu ISa ere pain its one 1 , 1 her legs attend, th s w e ll., a ineil evti•iiiled Irian ilie I,nee to tin p. aLialt tan inindba it like and ha, COW,' Lled a Le 410 1./ II I/I e OtillFlell a pie., of hope Hitt, inehes in length ancither t nii. our ui a snialier sl6r, tattle out.— r Pun's' 11:1 , 1.1,11 still tar title,: 3 ear, and at time: pain is vori, Fel et," 4 4 . 4 AN EN FIRE CLHE EFFFCTED The Vedic iu'•h—the Health Itunturative Balsam. th Febrifuae uY Bhu•lt awl the Black tliutaien u and the result of their use is au I,Quueed itt thrr tollewine letter: 171,MI`ItN I . ‘ .‘ll,lSi 11th.1563. G. it 1I ithsJ.l—ll, r : I Atli Lap y 1 inf•rtu hat thu e•licitie•s I t i•ehid fruit y"u sotm title ciurr II A 1 l': 1:1 . 1.1.(11,1) A EN II It t. tit 11 icut t.f toy t•icter, ..)u will reilmnibur, s ul and 11 bite bus clling Ce , Uric/au of ‘I It. A It., Lit D. CA NI l' BELL. of I he firm :Luupbel ,51arshull, Boot and :hoe cicutlei s, Ceutr Fquaru. ssr,.it, P,, Marsh 4, 1 , 01. 13. : It albs do 11• p6 . :1•111•0 i t illy , till opy run,ii. I. - 1.14 111• fi,r our lopul.o intuit) Ines, e5p,,,,1111 ao 1 •IY k How ledge of their, .1tIcao) Is I,lood utem peistmal 'spot Imam in 111. Y 0 , 11 r,1.0 a ol...ersatiott 01 my liet_hbois Put noisy tents I sat: tho rirtlm or Ills pol , i/1 in its I:0-st trara,ated P•11J1 ; mY .ti , !4..i.11 hlnviug huvollie F,. suit dmailg,,l aml ileidlnated. that, I was nimble t 0 panel in 01 labor 1 bad resorted io the bust dm tuts s hhin read, sithout relief I used .0011, the m 0,4 ismular*i . t-1t1,...11t, Of lilt- day, reci,lll. welded 10r disease. but non, of th em did ins any My curl-slogs eau he utPlerstE, , ..l I any sue .otirering fistai the same diseas , a, but they eould n be de-'riled iu word . 1 war then liviog at !lope, ell, • Mestei /:aunty, and lu 1557, no a last resort, I emu 111010 ed the use Of your ,„ „ t r,,„i ed nut redef it Ili the uwnt painful sympt sits , 11/01 I bail seatcely hoped Lit ; and Is 15 surmising:3. short Lillie I was youtpletel ed In health, nod I have enj .yea tho be• t of health •-ver sines--not a sympimi ti Of my old eumplailit remaining. Pinto then, I have always kept tour medicines In my family, ass would tot be wlttiout than upon any 1•11 1.1t1 t . uII , 811 they , . A. W. ItliNl'Z M UF FR, 1,0 , 1: . 111110 , , i 10 do . y.1,1t ;101 claim for them While , till livlnd llopee ell I Itteurnu agent for your Littler, and sold a bot! quanticv vf the medicine for hum, and 111 eh. n"..1 them worn loud ut their praise. A ci , 11.1 I,lllr Pt 'mina, of llopewell. WAS af , Meted uith 11 hit•'vt Alta, In the keee. It want very had rasp! Ile used tour dalsvni, ~e brltuge and lilacs runlmuut which ell,. o d a pro feet en u. Numerous other womb if. urea edoeted by your rid unhle ramedlee neighborh od, could be enumerated If desired. su e . ; ,rano; or timm to justify mu In iciying that youi Family Medicines are the bust over presented to the public, of iv bid, In" u had any knooludge; and it la_no less my-pluasure-then my duty to recommend them to all who aru Ibo victims of limit 0, ltexpectiully yopra, A. D..CAMPBELL. ° Thane oases are only two of theusande which might betiublished All who wino their Health tAill Life should use These Standard Remedios, and their cure will be Complete and Permanent. Prepared only by Dr. G. H. MARKLEY at his Drlig and Medicine Store 29 E 4 8'P KIND ST, I uncasti.r, Penna., to -whom all letters and orders mould be ad dressed. For snip In Cumberland County by DAVID ItAII.•,;TON. Carlisle. CLARICE & STAII,ER, Mechanicsburg JNO. Il MILLER, Nowville. P.B. 4itltz & Co.:8 Appensburg. West Fairvievv, Sep. 18, 1863-3 m. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCKIN THE CITY', AT CHAS. OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Aia. bet 16311-143 Carlisle Poundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! Ill= o-I i~ , „1, t" ,L~nvr .rrl i.,~nt~~~ I I. r \ ,1,1.1: FURS BALI DIME LOCK HOSPITAL. EETA_BLISLIED AS A REFUGE FROAI QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN 110 OBTAINED: TAR. JOHNSTON has discovered the inost, certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for al: private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debili ty, nervousness, tlyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of Ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem filings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or shin, affections of the liver, lungs, stomach or bOwels— those torri the disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of .l3y retie to the Mariners of 1:12, sees, blighting their tenst Militant hopes or anticipations, rendering man logo, impossib!.. Espertally, who havo become tho victims of solitary N lcc, that dreadful and dente uctiva habit which annu ally a Otirri to an untimely grave thousands of Young Mau of the nuad. exalted talents and brilliant Intellect., ho aright otherwise have entranced llatenhgSenatel, nob the thundera 01 eloquence or waked to act tatty the living lyre, may call with full contbleaco, Married persons, or young mon contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deliiruill les. speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WE. U Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This die tressing affection—which renders lite miserable and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid by the • ictims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from nut being aware of the dreadful consequences that linty ensue Now, who that under standi the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost Sooner by those falling into proper habits than by the prudent? Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind ar ism The system becomes deranged. the physi cal and mental functions •• cal, even, 10, t, of procreative power. nervous dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart. indige,tion, constitutional debility. a west dug 01 the i mine, cough, consul], pf fen,)teeny hid death 01"/ CE NO 7 SOUTII E.ELMEERICR Left hand side going from lia:thnore street, a low doors front the corner. Fail not to observe name and number Letters must be paid and Contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas luting In his office. A. CURE WARRANTED IN TWO Drtv's • No Me Yearc or Na uses us prl.h:S.—Dr. .1 oh n sten. mow. her ~d file Royal college.: -Org.:0115, London. liradunte [num , 41.• Ik f line must elnioeni foil. go-s iu thin' United Slates. and line greatel p in of sk hose nit• lion hen!, spent the hospitalq of Lonili.o, Dm nd riva hers. has sheeted some of the a-Ltudshitn: thAt ass ever 6nuhvn, 11.11) U . 4 ,1110,1,1111 !lug- the head and 'iris when ...leap. groat lierVOUs• Leine aixrined at sudden sounds, nit, ice'tueet I,ltn , ll,int. uttendud sound,nnes hhilh di•- ratigninerld of mind. were cured FAKE P IRTICTILAIt IVOTICIE. Dr..] whirrs., al I thosr but II uj tired themselves I), i ullll/11,111dulgelit, Mild s“lltar) hxlui s. wln,4r r ui n huLh 11111/ iniud u111)Lt iug thew fu: tither bus !less. St Lady. ~ ,,arty I, 111.0 rage Menu aro s, , tne the .4ad and mel:un•holy effects produce.l l.y earl, held is youth, lz • la eel c Lite La, k and I lie pains in the hood cllllll` ~Of wu•rulxi Oiluii , nun tile hea. dvep.•p, tler,oe , let iiahllil. lived tiveinent. 1 ehe• 1% 0 funot,eme, ,eneral v •3111111,1101,01 .•uneomptiou. I.LI IL,• nil tile lOilltA ltre much Le dtemled —:esof ,1n• pressnin a, evil meet...hi es em: 1.1, society, e,•11 cllSti lodlt Ode. ere hollie Of th, evil. p.•rson, of all :Id, rno now judge u hat t h, their lienit It losiop their vi5e.1...,,..nniug..,a1,.p010 e.I...,,..nniug..,al,.polo our I 1,10,11i1i hay iog e nhoul thcrieo. ...uuji nnd.sjtop t••wni.l u,imut/1j (ilkll VOUINTG..IYrEN wh., 1, a certain practic its lulu. ~l in t% hen alone. a habit rr,teetit is le,trne,itrnt r I 0-li/p.,1111,11,. the• toff, :t. 1,1 s, 111,b tti,zht is ltdi, sOlvt, :1.1 it wed ;41,1e, in:p•—,:.l,•. 111, that:,111:111 the Lope ,f lii I -hr ttl,l nil prm.p.rctsn.,l In, 111....“1111.•. I,r t hr ri , ,,,•1.0c 111,111 the pnl l•r Ilaltirt and a cert.:till ret habil. bk•folv tvllll. all u;; reflool t: it a ~ .uud mind and 1.4. ly are the tuna! ue t., c, , 1 1 / 1 .1.1.11 luippinenc lodee• I, w;t.hout chine_ tune,! Larne) . .. threugh lilt hec~.uL• wi.nry pil,..riwziye. the prospea. 1.. t. ly tint k. D s t o tun view despair filled whin lii.• 11,.13 u•ll , ll..iiihnt the hal Out, o f au. I hi.: lit rom..• lilt ..ur D,‘ll. 3315i:a1,..,E; or imarxtuDENcE. N 1 in, tli.• anti imprudent %a:try at pion 1,1,1• t'l tt /I.'ll int 1,11.1,1 Inv ` 4 01 . 11S uOt thiSl , 3ll/ I .• it Ict 'Teti:: that an ill [lanai /Ica I ril riiiwervery. actors Idler from appl3ll, leri erloiiritired and respoclalirlire alrinc rr hill, delaying till thr•(inc.( it retirdral ci rape ril tie, ridnralce heir , epier.reardiel eri sde , eih - irrati d a , e It, rant. diseased Ina,. triad paIll• I i the 110:11 and linlm dininesced tereiles err •11111 LoliPs and arms, blotches ern flip head !it, arid oNtruinities. progressing HIM. fr ightful e. till at last the palate ell the mouth it th• , •ine , ref tier Inch:' tail in 311(1 the victim eel this a refit ills••• 841. I.,••111-4•1•• a hierriil e•irjrret conizoirarratiOle. till death put , a I••InItl•I tee 111 , Ill'l,llllU I suffering.. ill, ire. , I • 'Ili,;; il•ii.t•t•Vered Couul c) freer It lionct• i .r to (reel," IL i• a nt..1.ta•9v , 11 fart that tho.u.attd.fall clrtimf to thi- t. , tln• i~•- ni , rant prof t , Aar, „h,,. It . , Ili, 11,1' of that that dly )1e1,111% . I 11 ill Lh,• cottsLl' ulttot and make Lht. rr ttt Itle• nit N*trahlt•. T ro s , tint Viii I t vt., or 11,111 11, to the rnr,•nt 11orthit•ro• ;,reterttlios tl , -..t it tt ho.t k no wl or igt, ohm Ict.. r. s Ito rips Itr ./Iklttisttot's us Isert.i...•,o•ttt, or .1, Ir t betwoOvt•s i•L the ott, spt,pors. r.gtilastr od 0..1[011 phi.irinnin 111,11111,1, til outing. tht , y 'Loopy TIIOIII.II :itter m o nth tat:lnt, t fir t h, And p rolltpountis ur of longer the slim/111,1k, cuu In• .ii 151.11, outd nl lisp sir, tr.,vr ye. o sdth ru t„ e , l Ite.tlt I) L u •I -h over ).111,:allittv../is.ll,pointrst,t. Dr .1 111,, , t.nt 1111 A /i)S Lnu. In Lip offiro Ilia rennliet. or tntil mon t are unit ton% n loan others, prap.tred front a life 4ptint In the greal hospit No of rope, the lir-4 In the country and a more fiX Lonalvr private prach., I hall any ou her ph vslrlan In the• world I :111 D 0 ItS ft: 31 ENT 1 , "I' 111 C Plt Iu SS. The many thousands cured at tilts Instil talon year allot year, and the numerous initia.rtant Surpicaltlpe• rations performed by Or. Johnston. witnitsseil by the repot ten: of the ••.Sun," it (Ai pitet." and many other p tpotts, entice. of a bleb have a e pen red ag:uu and Again btilure the pa beside- his standing ar it Von tivllittil 01 Vtlarne , Ev is,a suflidenl guarantee to the afflict ed. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED should he part kolai rn lint their letters to this Institution. in the Tifollo,‘ man ce' : N JI .1. /IIN ill Um Baltimore Lod, 11 , , , pital, Baltimore, )1,1 .29 Hola—l NEW rums CALL AN!) SEE THE b M )ORi NEW FAMILY URUCERY r subscribers having purchased the sto,k of tirocerles former y belonging to Jos will v•nitiona the busmonri at the aid 3./11 t e prepared to turrlish their tilLtids and the init.- '', with everything that i.i nice, uew and fresh, In the way of Family Groceries I rand.cola led with ehelrrenteNt care and will Ire Hold at the luslest prices leer cheat. It 0411, i^t, ill pert fleet, „ Idoevermuoitt. Java CUFF EE, Mill., Prim. , Hite —Nasy Voris. IS I,llpssoissa Philadelphia Sy reps. iit 'Mt very best 41.1.1 , 111 en. BILOWN SU 11(.6.—Chu basr the market allordo Luvering s List Crushed. sand. and Pulverized Sugars Also. his A 11. add C Sugars which 'scoot be our pAssod, and as the time is now here liir preserving, Is die• %Oil please 4lve him a call and examine For them selve.i. All his .110 0t the purest otud best inn rietlea Nu humbug ahoul them. Men. Corn Starch. 1 , rrina, U.uidul ino toffee, Essence of Coffee, enncoulraled Wu, Stop, Candles, din. ii INA, CLASS, AND ; ,,p4 1,4 7 QUEENSWARE. 11/, A large and well selected stock of the very hated pat terns and sty es. lower than ever In price, and better in quality. than was ever offered beti,ru In Carlisle Call nod use I.V•aadea and hi ilium 51 are, such as Tubs !lurk eta, and Churns. Baskets of every description; Children's CA It Itl AU Ed, Stoneware, Cream Puts, But ter Jars. Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. Flilll--No 1, 2 and 3 Maokeral. No. Allt:Mattel NIE3S SIIID • No 1 Herring. A large qu.latity of thy culebrated Excelsior HAMS. -SALT by the Sack, Dairy and U. A Salt. The «Lebscrihers resPe,tfully nick - the patronage ot their friends and the public generally, and invite them to call and examine their new stock, at the old stand. corner of Hoover and Louth.-r Streets. HALBERT & FLEmiNa. Carlisle, May H. 18tici 1 )111.01i1 & CO.'s well known bIP',I.O- PEONS nod U 4ItMONIUMS, lutrocludng the of feet of pylilL bass on every Instrument. LItNEST 0 A 11L uusurpnamed PIA NOS for club, at a liberal thalutalon, or on monthly instruments from 05 to $lO. AV" Over 500 mold in Philadelphia. .1 A 51E8 BELLAK, sole Agent, 279 and 281 9. Fifth atroot., above Spruoe. Philade plan, PA April 17 18173 NEW GOODS. 1.31 Every description and quality of Groceries, „Quoprnvsro, Hardware, Pickels, Sauce, Fine Liquors, Tobacco, Sogars, Pipes, Fresh Fruits and vegitablea in Cans, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and• %I Illoiv ware, all kinds and el the best quality and to bo sold at L.° lowest prices •oi cash by June 5, 'O3. WM. BENTZ. CHOICE.SEGARS & TOBACCO; AT RALSTON'S. PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad wrote., lip tall end pundnunt their Medicine at smA VOUNG WEN ra.a. art.i.a GE STRANI:ERS AND QUEENS WAILE 81'01{E • NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. Wo:bave taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield & Sheafer in East Maifi street, next door to the Jail, where we Intend to keep all kinds of qn:I 4 .NbWARE and GROCEniEs. Our stork 1.3 new and fresh, carefully selected la the Easter,, Citleg. We In vite the public - and friends in general to give ua a call and exomine our stock of goods as we are determined to sail CULLI , FOR owl. Our stock confists in part of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, Volasses. Queenswarc, Willow ware, Cedar ware. Brooms Brushes, Cards and Spicer, ce every kind, wcrnnted pure, Green and Dried Erni( ' Foreign and Domestic, nod a full Assortment Cl g ore, um ge turn I ly. I !our by tut IMrrel or pound, Country prod acs re. cols c.. 1 ln, nacnangc for goods. G. I', MYERS di SUN. !t,, Hi 10, 130:1, • Watches jewelry and Diamonds. LEWIS LADOMUS 3t Co. 802 chestnut Street, Philadelphia. HAVE always on band, a large stock of Gold sod Silver Watches, suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen or Boys wear. Some of our own Imports. Lion, extra line quality. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most (ash bauble and rich designs; as-also the plainer and lees expensive. Sliver Spoons. Perks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; also a large variety of fancy Silver Ware, suitable for Bridal presents— We have also on hand, a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry stall kinds, to which we invite es pecial attention. Our prices will be found considerably loss than the same articles are usually for. All kinds of Watches repaired in the very best man ner and warranted to i 1 . 50 501 kin , t 1( ..• WEDDINU LINOS au baud and made to order. Call or address LEWIS LAMMUS Az CO. 802 Chestnut rztroet. Philadolphla P. S. Tho lihtherit cash prico paid for old tlold Slyer. All oraolis Irom the Couotty will rocoivo es; cial a Clout ion. A 18C,:3—ly MEE 800 K S , FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIE6 FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS I\llN CED MEAT, PICKLES, &C W. HA VE USTI , Nu r(4 anorJr St re, t, rarltAlr, Prien'a. Das j att opened an aqsortinetit of Fre•lt Drugs, Fan ey Goods, 6111 lithilsS, Fetiut."eis, Fruits, and Coulee titulary, s% hush has livser surpas;.ed In thin Cu, ou4h. nrte r lty ao J ell•glliVe I heal tick, hare beet solerted with great ea e, are e.dculaietl. and pa Ire, ttr cu ..1.11.1 the ul purchasers. FANCY (.:001)ti, w hich ~.nn prise n very varlet) Gi tau, y artides of the most ,tich as. Papier Mii.die Goods. Et, gant alabaster and latreelain ink-stands and trays Laney Ivry, peat I and shell card eases, Lad it,: Fancy task et, Fancy Work liGxes. gew I instruments, ii 0 I hutik and Pert ft doh. vie; y vai lety. Gold pens :Add penrilh, Fancy paper weights. and s rn,, Ladle.; F . tl vry. and wafer. :ads andbradpu rses, .degunsl; tinished Fin. cutlery, P.,lnine ha:diets and htig, firu.lie , of every kind f.d. the Ratio all I IL. & U. 1l rightf, Soaps and Pertume, arida, FAtteV hand dres s es tad i n. llu-i , i n.struanio Ls, Ggnth era, ith an innumerable variety of artlideNelegani ly I; wished and suilald” tor I'l . E,' . J NTS, to ishirlt ha ioNitoo tip. aittcni Also, an ..x.tensive and ..1 ,, z4n1,•,,11,,,inu of 1.1,4 and Ann,lean Works ”011pd11.1141,1 POI% r tc.‘ I, 1\ ri IlYnut I 1 €)k:, buitud ill v..lvnt wiib meta clasps do I corner. behool 'looks and fwhool Statlon ,, ry i Alpo eompleln nod rootprisuF evory thing tuned In Lb S , hools. Ile also desire. to vall Hpo particular atton t in or Families to bin elegant assortment. of EMZIME tram th: ac toirdro ostahlkhaleolt,•.l Cornelius, Arch and 01.11,1 s of Philadelphia, eotthpri,ill4 I'l ery style Parda chamber 311.1 1 4311 . 1. 1.111111,,, 11,1- burn il, n it), Lard to 11l horial till, l't ITT S , a,lebrat, ~, Cool Oil Lamps, da. , ,,thia- a ith FloWor I 31, Fancy eens. Sr. II h, 11'in 31111011 i ill this 111.10 in 014111110 d to the 6,rone•, A TOBACCO entbraci”, nil the I .raritP binnd,, an I a ripe nasor u, at AM. PIPES. Lti ta3it•lJrattAl I:lllocuchiak :7 1 m,Fking Tobart, F It U I T J, such as Orrlg.oB. Lellloll4. Fign, 1{3161115, Nectitrincp, Sc., FANCY GONFECrIONALIN—NUT,--Plt h. SEW. EL) riturrs, \IIN ED-A EAT, PICK LES, Ac., In every all prig er, as Cr. pure AiLI :nisi, rt, oda his I'ri,•ud , rib, star thtilis in thf. hill with in.sny Art, hou—keep.r, whirr iho pui,lie rtre e , powiall) in, f.JII and Ityjne,“l3.•l I h.. II I nuarly oppusito the Hank North Hann, rr 6tre MIEMIIII3 AR. (1 1.1 A R1111'2%1, UI" I.'llE6lj J iiitucEitlEs.4-1 , 1:411 OF A LI, K B A. Among whirl is n large lot id the real genuine Haiti loin, dry salt II Elilt I:01. In oak ham ls, kt'li 1111,1 at prices that is reall) Pieltelhol all ki ids, C Ft Es 1.111. VES, and it good nnsortuiunt of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQITO 1? S, 4 C, , at the liiivest rates for CASII or Country l'rodure. W 11 BENT 7, Oarlisle..lone 21, 18(13. Imp urtant Discovery. 11E1.1 ES IN TEN MIN UTE:: I BRYAN'S PUL \IONIC WAFERS A L RE unrolling in the cure of L'ou L ;lis A/411111a. Bronebstis, F .ru hroal, [Marne hillLmit Breathing. I uripiu ut,oslsolnplioll, a at Diseases of the Longs. They Lave nil tx•te of noeheio aml any child will take them Thommulls have hem re,tme I to health that land hefore de•paired. 'Penis cony given in hundreds of cases. A single dose se heves ill ton minutes. Aeh tor kirvao's Puhnonle Wafers—the o lii nal alit en;) genuine v. stamped • Bryan." Sparimikkniiii, art red tor N•liti. 'l'ernty lies, cents a bo x . c ol d by dealer, eenerally.S o le Ploprietor. O 27 Los ninit Hamra. N. Y. For wile by S. Elliott, Carlisle. February 20, l'Iti:1-1}• L IN G OFF A W TY- I V _V, k.. PER OEN I. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the -Gold Eagle,":idools alloy e th Cumberland I alley bank, and is.., doors below the Methodist. Church on went Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, sill be sold 31, per rent than fanny place la the State The stock comprises als rgo assort ment ill Gold and Silver hunting-case as etches. Ley ere, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils. Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Pain ti a great variety of fancy articles. Ate. The entire stock of Watchmaker tools, Casey, large Mirrors, and Safe will he sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. [Living selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will he done as usual, at reduced primes. It. E. 811APLI.Y. Carlisle, Juno 18113. rpm. crow:to! NEW GOO u! ! AT 00 ILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE and now opening a second supply of Xelostallt an new style Goods, which 1 will sell at the very lowest figure for each. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, ouch as Morinoes, Alpachas, Silks. Ds Lalnos, Tureen Cloth, humps, Cashuteros, eon Do Choy lors, &c. Sta. • LADIES CLOTH IIiItNTLES ANI D SHAWLS, Daimon al Skirts, Frerph Corsotts, floods, Sontag's, Nu bias, Ladies Vesis," Sce. A complete assortment of goods for Chlldrens woar.of all kinds. Tickings, Gingham Checks, Musllua, Flannel's, Blankets, at the lowest prim Gents Department CLOTHS, CASSIMETMS, VESTINGS, &c., A toll as sortment of /lents Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Collars, Sue ponders, Cravats, Neck Tlos, &c. Particular attention paid to thin department. I now buy exclusively for cash, and sell at very short profits for the cash. lam enabled from my long expe rience in the business, to offer my old friends and cue Comore great Inducements In their purchases. All personalty want of handsome and cheap goods, will please to call an examine my stqtic before purchasing elsewhere. Recollect the place, West 'Main St., nearly opposite the Depot. 'CIIAS. 00ILIllr, 7 ' Trustee: N. B. All Cloths Cass'metes and Vestlogs,. will be rump up 10 order, (If deelliiiidjair ion' Averiesicit I cek PIM. MIZIZI Sl'. 11AVE1:TICK Paring, and Leather Travelling Bags, &c All the /theca aoodri will ho sold for rash, at the very lowest prices the and tile City Markets will justify Purchasers will please rail and oniamino for thilnit selves, betbre purchasing elsewhere, as Any inott o is quick Dales and short profits. BAMUVIL 0. BUYETT. May 1. 1.888-9 m. Agent. P. 8. particularattention given to Boys clothing. SPRINg• TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS 111 I NOW offering an immense variety of CLOTHS, CASS MER VI:STINGS, COTTON GOODS &.e.. . For Men and. Boys' Wear,. in 'a larger variety, than can be found in any 'estair lishment in this place, and at as low prices as can be sold any where, to suit taste and pocket. We manu facture the above goods to order, in the latest styles, or sell per yard. Customers wishing to have the goods. bought of us, cut, can be accommodated, free ofchaige, An early Inspection of our goods and prices, respectful ly solicited. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. 4114 W 44 . . MANOR OF HOURS! On and after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862, Passenger Tralue will run as fellows: (Sundays excepted:) YOft 01.1A51BERSBUR0 AND. HARRISBDRO. lat Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.45 P. M. 7.87 " 9.35 " 6.30 " Arr. 4.20 " LOO.lO Mger:3l.ol7ll, Clrooneastly. Chain bersburg, Shlppenhburg, New vine, " Meehan f roburg, Arrive at Liarriaburß, FOR CLIAMItERSBLIAG AND lIADERSTOWN, Ist Train. 2,1 Leave Flarrisburg 8.05 A. S 1 1.85 P. M. " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.15 •' " Carlisle, 0.27 " 2.55 " " Newvillo, 10.02 " 3.1:5 Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 " " Chatubg'.(A rill's') 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle, 11.55 5.30 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.85 6.10 NOTICE TO PASSES(' EPS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: liageretown, tirrvncastle. Chun bersburg; Sbippensburg, Newri Ile. Carlisle. Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction ol ThN CENTO on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Care. 0. N. LULL Buper't Railroad Office, Chambersburg,l Slay 1. 1802. CARLISLE AND PIIILADELPIIIi , 7 1 14 , A twlalPnik.':4 pi,. DAILY FREIGHT LINE FREED, %1 Alt D FREED, 811 MAP.KLT STRELT, 1;110A1 , 8, MAIN STI(LkT, CAIII.IbLE, PA 431' Cars of this Line teat, the Depot 811 Market h . Dally, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Leave Carlisle. Doily. ut 7 o'clock. A M. Dove Intended Pte this Line should he narked C. A I'. Dully Freight Line, and sent in 114 o'clock. 'Ma) 25. IrSu• lIAT ANI) CAl' L'311 ) 01i11:111! ' r he undersigned having purchased ,of the 1010 \llll 11.110131 11el•'4.1. r"cp(letfujil nnm , uou Ll. the public I II:IL hiteill ime th. II Vi"I'INIf 111 rl\ ut the old 1 , 1111111 ettt High street. and olth 0 rent:out' and ultir effort, product. .1111100 of 111.011 Dn., of Every rarirly, Slylr um, yuallly, that sisal Ise strirliv in keeping wills the invrnTemen 01 the Art, and fully up to the age is. vs Well me lire. I ha, e on hand a splendid 1 0 r n.m , rtumn t ? 21- HATS AND CAI'S .4- s )'. e• • of all descriptions, from Illy common Wot to the fine.t Flit AN I) SILK lIATS, and at price that must suit every 111/1. Who haq an eye to getting al worth of his uluney. 'I he stork includes, M OLFSI( IN, C ASSISII:It 1., rEAN FELT II AT of every Stylt• Mrd rnlur rO.l upvtlrpri,,t•lll4, 1.11;11 \ ESS. 01111 A 1111,1 TY AND 1 . 11 , .1511 : by tlio,e of an oifi ort ablislnnent in Iht• “.1/1,(13 MEV:, CII11,1)111•.:\ 11AT:1 and CA I` nl or err lrsriiptiou constant 13 on bond. If' r,spect full) ills itve nll the old rations and N net one, aS ponsible, to girt 1.12, a all J G. CA 1,1.10 Apr 2:,.1,0',0-13, A. B. EWING'S PURNITURE WitRE7ROO 11862 . 7 p,- - -;,j4 ,?1§62 West Nigh Street, Carlisle, Pa. Premium awarded al Me Camberl::nd Colin ...Igricultural : Fair 18,-,7.) The subscriber has just reeeiStol the most qplendh assortment of articles in his line, eve, brought to Lid, place--which he is determined L 0 sell at prices that de fy competition. Parlo, 1 Chamber, Dining-room, }letiltiN I'l' tiltE. Kitchen and Office Emhrnei ng °very a rtirle used 11114,1,e . and Hotel keepers, of the approved itna nishionaLle dnsiga and finish. iy•l Luling Cottage lu, intuit. in Petls, l!ptit , ll and 1 • a11111 ChAil a, :slat tiar.,h, unit !lamas, pictures. A.,• rartik • lllHr Attention given as usual to f unera ortlvr,, from trau :111.1 rountr), atteLdtal to pr.oi, rind on moderate I ernts. A. It. I'arll,lo. Nay 12 —ly. LUMBER AND CDA OLIVER DELANCEY, UMBER A\l) COAL YARD On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subsrrilser keeps constantly on Laud, a full -tnient of job be ran lur- C 4 I : nh tt) orderpromptly - - Ina the most rea• sunahle terms. Lumber & Coal, Lllll3Elt, BOARDS SCANTLING, FRAME; STUFF, 'alings. flat-tering and , hingling-Lat 11,. 11 orkeil Ho, ,g,15 ea! het Inoinling. lid Oak NuuKles. of 1 vlv3 youth) rurnish ills to old. r.. 1 aIJI 11•nulh and at tln• shot test t , tiee and on I.Le most I CIIN I JIII/i 11,111 t. Ili,, aorl.ud o•lnls arr I:110 uudrr CO VI . I', NO IMa 111(.3 tab be fur b4l,l cl, at 311 lie , lit.dAntJ) on baud ell Linde. of lamll3 'oil under ewer. lunch will I.e dellvoted clean Lonny L I. be I rri,upli TI• xlt • LYE EN'S VA LUKE Fl ODLEIL Tilly ER (IN, LoCUST MOUNTAIN, A lid othe; tarietien.aiol all the %al lout sir, in use, wt..), he Ittrei , t•• thepuhlle et the Jou ut.t prieen LIN! Elk lit,'S A is. It III , ACK S ) I ITIFSCOALutrveys en 11/111d. Al the I. , weni otnh pi ire'. Thankful t.or the tqltr..tnirt. of n g.enerous pub'', be stotvett upon the lab hen 01 itiooh he would. OMIt1111,11..••• Of the kaii.i• an be u ill strive to pleave Allot 10'1 II t ,•1111.111, n I,ai, Sliroto for Coal slid Luoilwr, Y. ill be plon poly attvoth tI to at. hervtororo. OLIVER I , ELAINCY July 20. I MN Men & Boy's Clothing Bazaar, Second arrival of the ,Season. ' 'HE undersigned would most respect fully inform his old friends and customers and the public generally, that ho has commenced the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING bust less In all I a branches In the I tore Room of J. A. II utnerlch Ewq . 00 thu 11 out cur. er of Hanover and Weal, Loonier street, is here he has opened one of the finest anti most fashionable selection of ready porde m du clothing &v.. in the Borough of Carlisle. Ms tdoek consists In great varieties as follows, AI ENS AND B ./1"S COAT. do do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. VESTS. Sults for Boys, from f to 15 years of age. Shirts, Alelton Flannel and Cessimere 11080111 H. Drlovem Sus• ponders, Cravn IL a varioty Fanry Neck Ties, Linen and l'aper Collars, Alen's Linen and Silk Handker chiefs, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND SOLE LEA HIER TRUNKS AND VALISES ISAAC , Nortainowit Sltseel CIothing LIVINOBTON Emporium. Ville& NY Loa'co 1'2.56 " 1.28 " 2.00 " 2.40 3.12 " 3.40 " 0.32 " 10.10 .. ]0.42 11.15 LZ ECON U SPRING ARRIVAL.- Li L. Anti E SUPPLIES Pllll THE HEAD AND FEET . At the store ot.lolin Irving , en the N, E. earlier o the public square, Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats A Caps. at prices that defy competition. Ile hasjust returned from the East Willa the largest and most complete assortment of Bouts, Shoes, Hats At Caps that he Ims ever presented to this Community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything in his tine of hnalnenF, SlICh as MEN'S N. I;OVSC FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Call /11141 Patent Leather Ox lord Ties, Ca Ind Eaten( L. at he, Gaiters, Call :Nullifiers, Call aud Kip IT ogani, elil prim , Ac. LADIES' WEAR. Fine l'reneh mud English Lasting Gaiters, M0r0i..., Cali:1111i Is Boni, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers tiosoooo. and hid II skins, ( . 1111.1)11EN , IA EA It ofall descriptions embracing line Lasting liailers, Mororeo end Lasting Button Ilonta, Nll.rneon Lase Ilools of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, Le. 11 AT, S. CA Silk, Cassiinere, Fur and Wool lints ul ni.qualitiesand styles, also a large assortment of S IV 11AT, S Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notle Repairing promptly done. Confl t b nt of his ability t please all classes of customers, he respectfully Invite 'ln. public to dive him a call. Komember thu place, N. H. corner of the Pub h. A lutire. Nlay JOHN IRVINE. T[?ST opened the largest and best as sortment Of Hardware, Paints, oily, Varnish, Gi aaa , Iron, ~ ever brought to CJellairlanst couuty, bought exeinsively for each. and v etch we are selling at the loweto prices. \Yu invite the public generally to give Lis s Ca Il bell re making their pit rehnsea, ae WO are fully sustaining Our old re•potatlou iif calling the • BNST GOODS AT THE Lowns•p PRICES. • Returning thanks to I. generoua public for their past liberal patrol:Lg., hoping by personal attehtiott to their wants, to elms t s continuative of the mine. .1011,N LYNN & SON, A t the 01.1 Stand North I allover Street. ti. 1062. I)AINTS AND OILS.- 10 T.,. Whit.. Lead. 1000 Gallons of uil. Just received with a lore,, assortment of Varnishes. Fire Proui Paint. Turpt,,tine, 1 ',once White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored 'lone, Lltharge, hod Lead, Whiting, Boiled 011, Glue, Lard 011, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &e., Colors °revery description dry, and Ull In Calle and obeli at the Hardware Store of Carl6;l.l. Oct,. 25, 1861 New Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotypo Gallery. L. LOCI - DIAN is happy to inform C . his numerous customers, and t h u public geno rally, that ho has removed his establishment to his in the building ( ccupied by Mrs Neff. as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr Lochuillm is now able with his salon did light, and the addit,lon of new and expensive apparatus, the very hest manufactured, to produce PROTOORAPIIS, CARTER DE VISITE, AMIIRO TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTUFOOB. NUR! ta the heßt. nutdein Philndelphla_or.Netv -York. Pictures can be taken now equally well in cloudy an In elver weather. Daguerreotypen or A robrotypea of deceased permits copied. enlarged, or mode into carton de visits. Carlisle, Nov. 28,1882. DR, WDI, H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Surgeon and Accouclaur. OFFICE at his rosidemce in North !hoover street. Next door to Shrhaer'e hotel, ( - 1 UM BELTING 1 Juet rocelvod a huge doeortmont of all Elio; Gum Bolting., Gum Hose, Gum Pallthig, dm., and [Or gale cheap at the Hardware Store of Juue 22, 1862. 9 000 lbs. of Stagman's celebrated ty. s ,sugar cured hams, canvassed and lineal:imam', at the corner of Main and Wept streets. May 8, 1863-4. f. , . - A. SINGISER. ANDKERCHIEFS, Ties, Stooks, JULRlbbons, Suspenders, Under Mils, Drawers, v beautiful assortment can be found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S _. North,llnnover Street Emporium., 'larch la, 1504. AMES R. '4VEAVE.R'b - ' , 4s4itditit4? CABINET •ND CHAIR DIANUNAOTORY; NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Raving been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his eustOnters and friends, ter the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gond by, and further assures them that no pains will bo spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test stylo, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business an nn UNDFllTAlllatr ltendy made Coolns, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, Hell IlnSalted and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollar', Walnut Coffins covered from 18 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVEIt. ?thy pr,, 1 y `TILL TRIUMPHANT C, The complete success of the Prairie Flower Coot bloc°, warrants the subscriber in callin g the attention of all who may want a superior sto v e to call and no• amine the only stove that has g iven universal setistrte• Lion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS 18 Ist. A caving of from 30 to 00 per cent. In fuel 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the seine fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the senteslea, 4th. 'I be preservation of the centre piece trcen sinking Having repairs, sth. The best Bailor, Roaster, end Cook now In one, oth. A enporior arrangement for cleaning-the fines, lb. A perfect One Consumer for either won d or coal. The Frairle Flower is warrat ted to give aa OM - action In every particular, and will be h bow in with pleasure to all who into call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of retrrence in town Lr country. A tow tither good Conk Stoves on hand, whit?) will be kolti very low to close stock Spouting. Itonflug. Job loorh, Copper-smlf hlng and ,heeling oork promptly attended to. In loon Cr coun- try. All worrt narranted at tho old stand, IlanoTer street north of l,oulher. MARY 31,1510P1118. N. B. Old Copper, Bras, and Pewter bought., and the highest price. puid In cast or gouda. March 28. 1860.—O: OWAItD ABUOCIATION! I , aILADELPHI A ItenerYclent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with lit uleut and Epideni lc diseases. and especial]) for the Cure ut Diseases of the t;exual Organs. , MEDICAL A DViC given gratis. by the Acting Sur to all nho apply by letter, n ill] a dexer,i ption of their coalition, (age, oicupatiiiii. habit , of life, nil in ca., 111 extreme poverty, Aledicineb furnished nee ..frbsri.e. VA I.UA HI.F. REPORTS on Sperrontorrbom. end other Riser., of the Sexual Ot4lllB. end On the AEI) REM EDIES y11114°3.1 In the Dispensary sex. t to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes. tree of charge. Two or three for poidseeoill la rti . e..)ll/11.1e Address. I LIAN 1101I6HTHN. A eting Sol% :eon. Iloe ard A ...elation. No. 2 South Ninth Street, lin. l'y order tit the Meet tors. V/HA I). IIEARTIVELL, Presid•n. .0.10. FAIRCHILD Secretary. 4, tod TEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS L HATS, CA PS AND STRAW GOODS. 11.61T5, COPS irc. • tst." The subscriber has recently opened a New Stunt it the old stand llelbert inn North Hanover St pp,,ite the Call loin Deposin Bank. Ilayin.e received noun New York and Philadelphia, "t. 111111 wall selected moon Innen t ul goods in his linen • , u5inne,..,..0,11 as HAI'S and CAPS, frutu the common ',V out to tine fine Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, rat-and Wtatei style!, of Silk flats for ISO . Ladle a, Mat Liu, .11ln6 Fal le, }itch, ;Hwy' to squu tel Mack, linen 0 sod blue ( • ooney, Loch Mar do. Filter 111..aVur Hats ft, ink sod 8..) (Ail a, Gloves and Collars for lion BUFFA LO BORES, rnd priers to suit thu Clws. Also, Carpet Bads &c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIIr,ES. Also, Carpet Valises, Trunks, nand Trunks Clubrvl;as. An asmdl tuleut of grir- Prime SegarB and Tobaccii. —Co Than!:lul fin r th , prtrnnage already received he could ;iv.te and the rublic generally to girt 11111 a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. it 19.1861. HENRY SA XTON, LOCHMAN'S _Area) Slcy•Light Gallery, NEWCOAL AND LUMBER YARD- The subecribore hays this day entered into part, uurship to trade in JOA r. AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand andfutzdah to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, FRAME STUF7,, Paling, Plastering Luth,'Shingling Lath, worked Floor- Sng and Weatherboarding, Poets and Rails, and ovary ass tido that, belongs to a LUAIBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepivie, Fromlosk, and Oak, or different qualities. Moving Cars of cue own we can tarnish bills to order of any length and also at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at nil times. We have constantly on hand-all kinds 01 Family Coal under cover, whist: we will deliver clean to ars" p ar t, the borough. To wit LYEENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, REVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIIf, LORBERY. which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowed pane. Best quality of Limebunier' a and Blaokamitd'a Coal, always on band which we will sell at the lowest figura Yard west side of Clrammar School, Main Street. WATCH ES, JEWELRY, AND SI I , VER-WAREAT CON LYN'S d established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Sank. 1 have)ust received a new assortment of Watches, ewelry, medallions. silver ware, &c.. in addition to my ormer stock to which I invite the attention of thy, public, The asnortment embraces fine gold and eilver' lever watches, Hunting and open calm do., gold An chors for Imdies and Gentlemen and Sliver Lepines and Quarbier watches of every variety in style awl? price. AISO 9ne gohl Medallions. Breast-phis for Ladies trod- Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Octidi. fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold Lrace/eta, finger rings, cuff-p 1 s, studs, sieertebuttorte, creseea, charms, Ac. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plats&' butter knives, forks; table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver ~and common spectacles, to suit all ngeo to ivhlch we invite special attest-- A fine lot of fIOLD PENS from the heat makers spectacle canes, fancy boxes. silver and pearl card emirs, gold and common bracel.ets, watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu ally kept In Jewelry establish inputs. which( ~.A11;.. I will sell low for cash. All articles war- I =l.lllr. anted to be what they are reprekented. la.** Particular attention paid an usual to WATCH REPAIIII:NG and all work war- • ranted. Dec. 23. 1857.1 TORN P. JANE & SON, have just treceived a large lot of those celehrated ES, made expressly for their own sales, which havei always given entire satisfaction to all who have useti them,— You that want ah •en cut Ling and easy running Scy the, we would say t:y one of their superior make We have also a full stork tif.-tuaths, N hot Stones, act. Reheard Christ Myers' and other celelo 2, Led makes. Cams Cra— dles of al/ the bent makes iaa the county, with a ful:. stock of all kind.s of Tools and Implements for Farmer's. use. All of which we are selling cheap at our store iw North Hanover street Carlisle, June 13, 186), Prepared fr , m a jiresrript'on of Sir J. Clarke, M. V -1 hyeiciarC Ex traordtuary to the Queeu. rrlllSmell known medicine is no hot a sure ano safe remedy for Female, llitlivulties anti Obr•truotions. h om any t ease whatever; and although a powernil rowed), it COL tainn nothing hurtful to the roustiL i Lion. 'lO Married I,adie, It is peculiarly suited. It will, to a short time, bring on the wouthly period with regu— lu•ity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections Pain Its the Back and Limbs, Ile vmeso, laligue nn slight ex ertien, Palpit atoll) of the Ileart. Lowness of Spirit., Hysterics. Sick 11••adache, NVlntes, and all the peitau diseases occasioned bye disordered nvairm. these Pine will effect a cure when all other means.have tailed. These Pills have never been known to fail where thr directions on the Ad pace of pamphlet are well sherry ed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent $1 and ti pm , tage stamps enclosed to any •u -thnrlied agent. sill insure a bottle, containing over 60 pills, by return mail. o.lllllutt, Agent, Carlisle. February 20, IS6li—ly 'TAI,'"E removed to their new and hen utitill Store Room, South-east corner of Mar ket Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe :,-tore. Having just r•-turned from New York and Philadelphia. with an Immense variety of Die. Goods, we are prepared to Oiler superior Inductauenta, to any other !louse to th• country. Plain Alpacas all K Slindos, single and double width. 13rocado Oriental Lustros, all 'diadem, I and Plaid Poplins, moss bon uti fal than any silk, at one half the cost of silks. Poin.rse, Mixtures. De Lainee Challies, Lawns. Dri.pitiilles, Chi ntscs, dc. , Lc. Domestic Goods, A heavy stock of Prints. Cheeko, Muslin,, Glugharus, Cottonades, Drill,, &c., will be field at reasonable rates. MOURNING GOODS. Mourning lioods tu, Lu offered at astouirhingly low prices. Bumbazlnex. Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plain Ilaregea, all woul Do Laiues single and double width, Very c .eap. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good ansortuirrit of Cloths. and the largest variety of Fancy Caredineres, ever offered in this market Also, our usual assortment of Notions, _llosiery„ Gloves, 'Frimuongs, dc. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, South East Corner ble.ket. Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. 51nrch 20,1563 rilllE subscriber has removed his Hat and Cap Store to the opposite aide of the Street, to the house birinerly occupied by I'. Monyer, and next door to Cornnian's Shoe Store. Having a mu. h larger room, I have locre , sed my stock of gouda, NO that I am now prepored to furnish the public with all the new styles of HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, I prices to suit the times. My stock consists of 811 k, Casdmuro and Russia liars, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city well no home manufacture, from the com mon wool up to the titiost It us,sl.l and Nutra. A good assortment of moo and boy's caps. Also, mean, hove and ebildrens fancy straw hats.— Having 'mum, ed means for manufacturing, any kind or sham+ of hats will be made to ors er. at shunt notice. tieing a praoticil Hatter, frilly underetandine the business, I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patronage. JON A. KELSR. At. P. S. Old hate colored andH L repaired at mode g rate prices. April 17, 1862. 44.17.1 . *&.• TIR. GEORGE S. SEA RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bal m So timer° College of Dental Surgery. lt.A.Oftlee at the resldonee of hls mothor,East Louth's street. three doorNbelow Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. UF'US E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at LuLew Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col lecting Soidiom' Par. Bounties. and Pensions. Offico on South Ilarovur Strout, optiOslte Dentz's store. Dec. 27.1801 LAW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA GLAUGIILIN, Attorney at Law, Offico in .ht hoff's buildingjust opposite the Market Ileum Carlisle, March 14.'130-Iy. P. FIUMRICH, Attorney at Law. vi.-0111ce on North Hanover street, n few Aeon' south of Glass' Hotel. All business entrusted to:aim will be promptly attended to. [Aprlll6. l OSEPLI RITNER, JR., Attorney at P Law RIO Surveyor. tif ochonicaburg : Pa. °Mee on Ran Road Atroot, two do,re north of the Bank. .415ir Bush:foga promptly, attended to. M. WEAKLEY.—Mtorney at Law.. P a Office on eolith Ilanoier stria. opposite Bents' - Dry Utiods store. All nrotOssional business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. DR. I.C.LOOMISistio,... , str South illindver street, 1111 .t s opposite BentedrY goods _.• store. . . .... . June 1,'84. SAMUEL HEPBURN, Jr., Attorney, at Law.. 0111ce with Ilea. Samuel I.lopburri, MAW St. Carlisle Pa. Julio 6, '63 IL SAXTON O..yAMES. 500 pairs Hawes on band of all kinds. Elizabethtown pattern, London Oornman do , with and without pat.tht fastenings, cheaper thin ever at-11. SAXTON'S, East Matn d. March 28,1862. AICER'S FAMILY MEDICINES, AT RALMION'S F AMILY DYE , GOLORS, RAlarms, BOARDS v ' SCANTLING, Drukon, Egg, Stove and Nta do. do. do ARMSTRONG & HOFFER July 20,1862 THOMAS CON LYN Interesting To Farmers. The Great English i Xtemedy. s.nt 3AmEneci,ARLE.s CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER HO ! FOR KELLER'S LIAT AND CA I' STORIC