A Joint Resolution Proposing CERTAIN AMENDMENTS I'o THE CONSTITUTION - PE it resolved by the Senate and -PE of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the fol lowing amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, In aecordauco with the provis ions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third at- Melo of the Constitution, to be designated as section 'Toni', as 'follows : &ovum 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Coramonweal'h shall be in any actual . military Beryl:0, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Common- Wealth, such electors may exercise the right of suf frage in all elections by the Citizens, under such regu lations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they wore present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional seetlons to the eleventh article of the Constitution ' to be designated as sec. bona eight, and nine, as fed logs : SECTION S. No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture, con tabling more than one subject, which shall ho clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation Surriols 9. No bill shall bn passed by the Legislature granting any powers. or privileges. In any ease, whore the authority to grant such powers, or privileges. has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CPISFINA, Speakor of tho nous' , of koprosento.tlves JUIIS I'. l'ENNtfl", Speaker et the Senate ()frog OP THE SECIUTAIIT np Tn r. roMMONWFALTII, narliSblirg, July 1, 1863. _ PENNSYLVANIA. : I do herel , y re, Ii ry that the foreizoinix nod SEAL annexed hi a lull. Irk,' and correct copy of the original Joint. Resolution of the Getler. ARsombly, entitled A Joint hi 5 luti o n proved nit oortnin Amendments to the Colistitut ion," as the. ame remains on file in this office. Ir Tl.STlmostr whereof. I have hrl. eNot Inc 111”,1 and caused the seal of the Seerett ~thee to Le af fixed, the day and year shove. w, it (HI. ELI 5,1.11 , 'ER. Sseretary of Zhu l',•ltunt , h‘N eaith. July 7, ISrl. ►Villiam P. Lynch Having returned from the army has re-opened the GAS FITT Iwo and Pt ("JIBING hasincss at the Old Siam? in the h isement of the First !et/, list Church. Ile null at!end promptly to a lil,usi ness zn ins lint . Lend end Iron Pipit Iron Slnlie, Hydrants, Bath Tubs, !Sot & Cold Shower Duals, Ihth linil:a s, Water Closets, I It Force end l,ltt Pu ape, I II) draulie IGtm s, ,te Wro't Iron R•el'd Tubes, And every descrlptl, , n of enckN ens 1111111:z, c.a. ree, steam, water, (C. tzuperior cooking range,, and gas fixtures put up in ell Ureilef, stones ulna tinsel! lugs, at short notice, in Ike most modrin stoic. Al materials and work In our Hue at lout rates nod N‘ar ranted. • • Country work and johhind pronli.tl) attended to June 5, lhad. RECEIVED!RECEIVE]) WC. SAWYER respectfully calls .the attent on of thu Public (Ladies in part le- Itlar) to ilk largo and lion selected stock of acre PALL AYD ER GOODS, Just received from the Eastern Cities. Embracing the latest and most approved and kind, of (loi do in the Market. Black Silks, Itl,k Fancy Sdhs, Plain Bilks, all shades; I lgured, :striped Intl flurry.' Merinos, all colyru ; Figured Cloth, Saxon Checks. !Op.'s,. Plaid,. All Wool Delaines, Paritutett“s, Special attontion giv..n to MOURNING GOODS, inch an Mourning M ika, 80111 1 / 1 7.111e5, Cnih• mores Clock. all W•i..l lions , Crepes, Mourninz Volts, I Mourning !Wino al., Mori. kook!, I lUIC.t >him k. Buy Rtato and. Allll.lll';.lt4ack—auth Grey Shawle, 3lantlos, g0."..1 , of nil 6kolii `bawls of all kinds and Colors, Cloak and LI., f r I ttittl \\hat,skttit, Ittlf t•tl 6tvios; Cloths for 11,111 , -. lj 11— , p ‘-tt ••• thing now; Itaintordlt, nil ,0.k.1n I • 11.1 Ir t lets. 1100(1i :Ak`lltti,n, \ i••••• e•NI., Embroideries, %Veel, n and Cttlit, Men's and Bay's «// Kinds, Truck Cloths, Denver and 'frivol Clo:hs. fink and Pan— ty Casslineres, Vestings, Wt , nl shirts and Pra , e,, White Shirts and Collars dent Du Gloves and Gauntlets.. Dress Wove, ill hinds H . lot n Whin: Goods, Banteidlc inert!, in tat 1.11111k111 1 21, of every description. Home 51,1, 31,1 nein, Blankets, Count ern:inns. \Y Doha arils. evt ty thing In tact required I.y the cotninut.ity. An experienced Itillttr inakt: up at oh kr t notice. any Garment \len or lint's IJIH3 . desire. 11 1111' 11 1 ,5 and many other goo is in addition 1111.11 H 1.111 "11 band Is offered at a small ativattee tat fie,' putt chasers. Additi , Alli of de ir-thlo goods he the season adv 'noes. I d, sirs a miiou n, ~r the trade so kindly given to tire late lir,. nod AS 111:1113 new customers HS will lie pleased to ca ll and exa.oine my stock. I shall C0511t.111110 the saute libertility giv en to customers by the Into fists. v.ll at the Old Stand, East Main Street, below ri in 's Hotel. NV. C. SAW Y Sep 25,181;3. ARRIVAL OF NEW STOCK OF JED r 37 - e,,,- , cDo (o) cl a. _ A. IV. BENTZ, HAS just returned l'roin the Philadel phia and New York leArkets with it large and well selected stock of Dry clowls, e“nststio,, in Ntri of Mohair I.aeo, Plaid Vl..toria, Wool Plehlx, Phi iii Plorlins, Bilk nod Worsted Checks, C4dorer I 1 limr , i, Colored nerrlntae, :\ Toll!••• de Laine, Double wid'h Wool Ploids, !thick end While do, Wool Plaid Victoria, (lint:haws, Ca I eli..eks, Tick trig., Opera Flan els, Shirt' turn, Table Diaper, sheet Inge, Canton Flannels, Ac. t., 7,4lN4LRlN9l2.Z.lncrelir=====',. IVIOURNING GOODS, Marlnneg, en , bnier,:, Iloinbazinon, Fhturwl and plain Df.laines, Bro,,,loNlohair, 110111.10 1N 11111 Dolames, ClienaNlolialr, Striped Ileps, Blilporl ‘lohalr., Striped Poplin, Urn= de Ilerlln, Tcrino Cloth, Parano.tto Coloirg, lilaek l'ohurv,, Mourning Corded Silk, Poll t 11.1 Fair, Black Silk. a larx” essortmont of Crops Collars, 131nel. Alpara., Black Silk Belling, &o. SHAWLS. Blank and Bordered bona 'ftvd Square Shawls, Square and Long Wool Shawls, Black Tlobet, Mous do Laing•. Brodie Long and Square. I W.. 1.11 'al,. Is, Fancy Wool Shawls, In great variety. BALNIORAL SEIRTZ, Ladles' hats, Home Made Blankets. fine or imported.— The latest style Hoop Shirts—sit quaker. HOSIERY. A largo and well selncted stock, Wool and Colts,,, La dles and Children's Caps, 4 a One aennrtmeut of Bon pet and Mantua Ribbons, Gingham. SUR /111,1 notloll Hand kerchiefs, Umbrellas, a large assortment of HENS AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOTHS. CASSIIIIERES, SATTINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, The largest and best selected stock In the county.— Carpets, Oil Cloths, An These Goods have all been selected expressly for this market, with great care both to their quality and styles, as well as is a reasonable price at which they can and will be disposed of. The old (Honda and enetomore of We well known house aro invited to call and examine thin stook of aplendld Goods. Carlisle, Ozt. 90, 1863 NEW WINTER GOODS. Yatehave just returned from the Eastern Markets with an immense stock of Vtnter N Goods, st styles, and fabrics of Ladies Drimis Goods, Misses and Children's Dress Goods, Ladlesland Misses Furs, all kinds and qualities, BEILTIME, - • - CAPES, TICTORINES CUFFS. A large stook of CLOAKB and MANTLES, selected from the most fashlonahle rnanufiteterles In the cities Latest Paris Styles and designs. Cloaking Olathe, Plain and Cantor Heavers, Mittens and nlhe, quail: ice. 843%061u large euplpy, latest novelt.es an well as irtaple, makes. MOURNING GOODS of all Muds 444 varieties. Dalporal_ Skirls, every Quality mid style. Now Style of Hoop Sainte. All kinds of worsted pods, Olovoe, 'Wary, Embroldorleu MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR. Overcontings, Cloths. Melions. Satinets. Jeans, togeth er with an Immense stock mumitel, calico,„ Ging. Gams, Mankots, Flannels, kurnlshing Goods &e., &a.— Please call at the well known stand Eaat Main Stret. Nov. 13,3803 W. O. SAWYER. The Oonfepsions and Experience. OF AN nvr' tazan. Publishodfor the benefit. end ,no w•warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN avho suffer from . Nervous Debility Premature, Decay of Manhoodieto„ supplying nt, the same time. TIIE MEANS Olt SELF CURE. By ono who has cured himself after being put to groat expense grid injury, though medical ,humbug andquackery. By, onelosing,a poet paid addressed onielopo. Onto eoPleanatifbe had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFArn, Esq.; Bedford, Kings County) iisay it2 l toe it Carlisle - Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. Gardner di Co. now manufacture and keep con- Rt.: Italy for sale, at their extensive Steam Works on East ➢lain street, Carlisle, a large assortment of AURICULTUR AL A.MPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulnoos to farmnrtl. among which famy would c:t II rrpeclnl o ttuutton to WI ',Lou° II 131"$ CELEBRATED l' ATENT GUM SPRIiVG GRAIN DRILL, which has token over fifty First Class Prem turns at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and lorry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on the best farms in these enunties. Its reputa tion is established no the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the I sited Slates. It sows Wheat, Bye, Oats, Barley and ()moo, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Spring, pass the drill over stumps and stall,. without breaking pins or the drill. For eves and regular sowing, the Willough by Oulu Spring Drill li, unequalled by any other. We alas :moist - a, Lure and Cell the following articles, which we can iamommend to Farmers an reliable implements, breatablishod character : MOR It I SON•S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW & FODDER l'U'l 4 f ER, BRIDENbOLPIES PATENT CORN SHELLER, HA N'S PATENT CIDER HILL, JOH NSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S Tllol'oll. Also, pree and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron I , * mit! Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn ('rushers, and other articles for Farmers too eumerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ton flats Wood i-toves, with an Immense variety 1 11 , 41,er ;as! logs for housekeepers and others. We have also au attractive sna iety of patterns fur IRON ItAILIENGS, omit CEIEETER E.' to which We would ''all i.4.11t Steam Engines and DWI Gearing To this 410p:111.1111,11 fnw litisittiu, NI, give partici,. 111,110 1 1111011. mil alit ail,pattvriis for l'ap,r, Flour mitt Saw I Goariiiv, is erinstaialy itiot . i•asiii. )101 1% tithla will far with apri nt^d i• out. various \MI I . htt ll l . llS. 011 11N/111,011i, 0111 7i1111•111111 1 ,11011 vow prim,. all 010 V,111.111 , t',lll,l l .l . turning, plaainp and Ilnixhluc Shaftin4 etn.l Cast flip . , by gm:LI:111d CAN WI ligCllllol,t, sTA'ri()NArtv sTi:,%)[ ENGINE'• of any de,lrabbi tapnrity, Emil; tl`ll 011, en try-fivelmrse power. built. in tit', best id.N le 'mil I,,"stn uu,Jatiug terms. Engine, ',wit at our eidalillidinient may be 01,11 in SItt•CI,Si II I 0pt.1,1ti..11 al itetttY el the, largest Disl.llloele , T.llllll'l'l ,, in 011 11(1 Cumberland Perry to tha OW Ill.!, lit which e ntiirtini H.. as to theireillchiti ry 1 ) 1•1 , ”Iin SV:I II ti I:111,i 110 S are earnestly re quested and r.vu,il III! 11,,f , :11 ecintracting else where DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. iq a Steam Sash and \Luntt.,,tort' t. hid; Is now in c• , lllplete 01 der for the ni,nutiteturo co every des,rirtion of lil:11.1)1 \I. Nl.Vri,:ltlALq. for tho lr,t costly as well the plainest house. 'Win dow Sa,lllorni,lkod fi one cants Male d, areording to site of : Ii indow eon, Pon: upitard; Shut to, and lollisot upward; Four Panel Doors froze 12 upward 3louldings. Castings Archit rat,. N1':,11 Boards. ilmeeets. Fancy Drapery, Sri olls. and other arti,dos neo.led In house building, furnklool AL t prise, and of the hest lustily prepared...2u, herel,ofore. to build 111 i 1,11:1i1 CA RS for transporterson the railroad, will, [11...11111L11,,A nil on reasonable tomtit. 'Phu- of public I- respectfully toDelted. , /rder, 1.3 w.ril proUtptly attended to. Ma . ) U. 'Lo. F. (IA It D & Co. I)ENN . .\IIITITAL LI INSUR ANcE Assicrs ti 1,151 759 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSU ANCE POLICIES, The has,. ,I..•1.11,,1 a Scrip I)isi ,I,nd 1 up. u h.•Ca , ll Pro-iniums re .•,j,•,1 1,0. ou I Poll. los ”1 - 1)1.. Irtve b, id, I t , Fvrip l's mitt. t,.••••1 due tli.• 6'1;1 ho I 1111 Lho F. 1 ip ml 0,11.1 ler.i,le• 1 deliver to pv iii entitle IL. le,A zete re. Will "II \IA. et :ley time niter the ei I lint, 4 IM 1t... tpp i •il Ims and every i ll Fn m 11.0,11101.11-.1,1 MEMIEEI 1 LT N N1 , :,1 - I: I I L, li a%i tig on account ..,1 0,,• t.t.p...., :‘,.; it.o, „II hr,d,‘,,,‘,,i 1.t., h., , ,i, . 1 , ”. II t•PL t ,•T `lt' •t•t , ',•••0 ,011i10111.11 to 1,11111, I. 111, rtr 0111 11.1 , 101 .A 1, 0 ,1 011'1 rritt tel/ tip, tpl,•11,1 .1 ',PI!. it \lam , :lt•rt. I,' t I. r 1., 1 I, ,d, , ,,det's of III.• loratt•rl ~• , um. Ii I , .1. I I cl.s. 111. „111 1,.• ;;had 1.1 a1.1,•.k a,. all It, -II oin-1,m1.•,, .11,,1 :It in Illy Ilea .•.,t, ‘vkli t . I . i . NII 1N l' 1 Ily oleda :inl,l coin petata har• Aug 14 1',.11 lap. DR. 11 nict.tcv - s FAMILY RE \ IEOI TRIUMPHANT. The Great Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— Searcher. Dr. Markley's HEALTH REST() It ATI V E BALSAM R D' .' ) , E I'EItII.I.NENTLY The vreat mine, iiirity et 11,. 11 All KI,EY'S p ipular .1(1 well tried \1 11,1' .111,1,11'1N I,S i.. it e, to I lie f.ii•[ 111. a Illey ir ii ..1.1 niln'm ~ rani, and hence /IPX t•I i.lll elleei api ilimlient i•l/ 1.. Thl'y net only revisit r I,lll+ to the In;; a In alit,' actiiin the stoma( 11, I,l\er And lint they thotiiimnly lilllll . ' the periny curing ILc Ili-.1•.1`.! 1 , 3 dent retina its Muinialitin A S 1N I4)I N T. On 11, 1 271.11 of Ant/nary. ISI it, Nlr I) S. Monte, n Grampian 11.11 . rote (lint 11 • %vas induced bP the uu nH9oII, 1,11111,11 in!, illy cure 1/1 L., a pply in lieba , l "let' r, ease lie Ilium, ilei.P•riheil ' l ' " GI , 1,1 six veYis she 11., been 5 , , , k110. :M.! i-u 111. 1 ,111.11.11. 11,1:11 1 11 hi i kg, attoiokil ostotolial Isom tai the hip. Is aliolit plop( h, It lool,i• awl has rnn Lltluwd so to until (Ito pi. 'wilt limo il l , pp.., hi, o iti :mil olio of a ni/o, opt -- jrl kayo r tito ptin ia Tory Irl oro N I:N I 11;I: 1:11'FC1'EI) Thp. I 11,611 i the. Ft•lqitugi• or lauck Pt.,, , ler. +ma the 11i3.•1: lurtli , hl•ll. 111)11 their tise is a houlivtra the 11.11 on lilt imrl ix HILL", Pk., August 14th, 18!.:1. DR. (t. it I ans luttu.y t,. infraw you that the h.un you stone thine yea". Hurt. lIAI I: 1.141.(1 . 1.1) AN I.NIINE ( I;RE 111 0111 Cline of illy siblrr. a h.. you will ',member, wits but ter-tug Intunmid II hilt: ttty, llost Itevectlolly. .S e.. D. S. MOORE. 1) Y - SI'EPSI:k &C., CI:ItED. Ce. tlfica to n 1 \ \ le,t'.l\ll'lfl the firm o Canipbcll 13,,0t 1111 d HI,. dOalfq s. Centre E 4 l,u,t re. DEL. Cl. 11. MARELET—Dear :Al': It affords ale much pleasure on have an opportunity to :old my testimony in foyer ot your popular family mods•ines, especially as any knowledge of their efficacy is based upon personal experience in my visit ease and observation of my neighbors. For [Bally yeafs I wan the victim or Dys pepala to its onset aggravated form ; my system having bei-onne so much deranged mud debilitated, that I was unable to inerfoim any kind 14 labor. I had resorted to the best doctors within mach. without relief. I used some of the most popular remedies of the day, recom mended fur that disease, but sown of them did me any good. My sufferings ran be underbtood by ninny nee suffering 110111 the same dkenso, but they could not be described in word . 1 WIIS then living at Hopewell, Chester County, and in 1857, as a lust resort, I. com menced the use of your medicines. They soon afforded me relief fri m the most painful symptoms Sr blob 1 bud iiey only hoped to (Linniu ; and in a surerisingly short tints I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the bent of health ever since—nut u syteptom of my old complaint remaining. Since thou, I have always kept your medicines in my family, and would not be without them upon any consideration, as they have never failed to do what you elnim for them While still living at Hope. ell, I immune agent fine your father and sold in large quantity of the medicine for him, mu d All who used them were loud in their praise. A child of Mr. Picketing, of Hopewell, Was af flicted with White Swelling inn thulium It wage very bad Case I US used your Balsam. Febrifuge and Black Ointment on Lich inflected a ',effect rune. Numerous other cantos Uf i tires cifecte 1 by your valuable monodies lin that neighinothi oil, could he enumerated if desired. I have onion enough of tnienn to justify to In saying that your Family MedirilleS are the best ever presented to the public, of which 1 have had any knowledge; and It Is no less my pleasure then my duty to recommend them to all wino are the chitlins of disci a, Itespeyttully yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. A*V. BENTZ MUFF 9, MONO MOON are nntY two Of thonitandu which might be puhilrhed All who value their Health end Life 'Mould use there Standard Remedies, and their cure will be Complete and Permanent. Prepared only by Dr. G. H. MA EXLEY at hie Drug and Medicine Store 23 E ST KING ST, I aneasttr, Penna., to whom all letters and ordure should be ad dressed. • For Foie In Cumberland County by DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. CI, AItKE& STATLER, Mechanicsburg JNO. 11, MILLER, Nowvllle. P. S. A RTZ & CO., S Appenehurg. GEO. W. FESSLEIL Went Fairview. Sep. 18, 18.63-3 m. LADIES' AND. GENTLEMEN'S FURS. THE LARGEST ,AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY, .AT-- CHAS: OAKFORD 44 SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, nitride4phiat, Novismbenr 1868-3 m 11111111111=11 .t. I, SPoNSI.EIt A ,ttL. REMOVAL. LANVASIT,.. Pt 11arell 4, 1,,03 BALIIDIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLIMED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED: TAR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most certain. speedy and only effectual remedy In the world for all private diseases. weakness of the back or limbs; stectures, affections of the kidneys and blad. der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debill• ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem blings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or skln,affections of the liver,lungs, stomach or bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitoryb practices more fatal to their victims than the song of , Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible. YOUNG IVIEN lispecially. who have become the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweeps to an untimely grass thousands of Young Men of the twist exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates wit h the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Mari bid persons, or young mon contemplating mar riage, bring aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities. &c.. speedily cured. o who places himself under the rare of Dr. J. may religiously (infinite in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently , rely upon his skill As a physician. OP.G.ADTEtr. immedifitely cured. and full vigor restored. This dig 1.0,1 ogeffectual—which renders life miserable and mai rhy impossible—ls the penalty !mid I: the victims of improper tndnlveuees. \ l ollllg pOrilllllllltre too apt to VOllllllll 020 . 10151. 11, from not 10 1 111 y !Ma, of the dreadful col,equences I bat may ensue Now, who that under slam', the •übjeel will pretend tin dolly that the power of proerent i• lost sown, by those Into lin propet holdtg than by the pr udent ? Beater a b r ui n , d o . ived the pleasures of herd! hy offloting. the most so• 1 inn mot do.trto Li Or. ..yllll,loltis to hot 11 110,1 y and toi t! altar. 'rho s 3 1 0 01 horoltoot ditrantti.4l ihr physb ell and mental tunetiOns ;1081 111,1.10 , , 01 proci eative power. nem on , irtitabilily. ,I) , pepsia. palpitation of I, heart. iodi znn.llon, eon qtitutional debility. a wrist ins of the frame'. ceugh,lollllllllllllloo.tlerlty and death OFICB NO 7 SOTITH FREDERICK STREET. I_i'lL band side going from Ila'Annore street, a few doors from the encode. Fail 114 I. l bl observe nameand number MUNI, h.• 1.1.1 anti Oil :tstautp. The Dur turd Nl:lamas hang in his Mike. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRYS. NII orrtiry or Norton's us Drinrs — Dr. Johnston.therm Ilse Hoy:0 of .s urgent's. London. (7raduate 1111211 0110 i' 1110 wn.t eminent full Res in the United ~ t otes, and the greater pit t of w hose life has teen Spent in the hospitals of Loudon, Parts. Philadelphia and else, here, has effect...Ll sOlllO of the most astonishing rut u , that Vi: - re ever iciness u: many troubled with t ing lug iii,the head and , NOlell asleep, great nervous. I;ei mr xbn'rn rd as s with frequent Id lishinß, attended sometimes with de. i tigenom t it mind, were cured immediately. TAH P.I.III.'TICULIIE. NOTICE. D r . .1, nddresses all those who haveinjured themselves inlproper indulgence amd soli ta S 3 huhiis, w hick ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either bus mess, study, soe rely or marriage. These 111 . 0 81111le of the sail and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of t frit 'VITO :1 - 15 - thi. hThrid: dlnuieob rifblilth lush 4,1 muscular power. palpitation sit the heart dyaptip sv, Ilervous llosaDgernent of the digestive functions. general sytoptanns of - onsuitipt ion. lcamid eff...ets ell the mile :sir 1111101 tin hi, dreaded—trios of memory, confusion of ideas • de pression ol soh its, roil forebodings. aversion to society, sell .11 , trust, love id solitude, timidity, ,tr., are some or the rt its produced. persons of all :sires min now judge is hat t he of t heir deollnine h4,1t.14. losing their I.,,,mintr usic, pale, nervous-:rid emaciated having n si utuht, appeas atien about the eyes. cough and symp toms id consumption. VOLTNG liIEN IVlin )rave injured themselves Ly a certain prartice hot N, 11.• I; .00911,11 habit h.rinantly learned from mat:. and body. apple 11 that e y muiLr than. the Lope ,if hisenun , Ire the darlina 'ii hi , pall,t.r. 5h , 111.1 111. snatched 11 . 0111 all pi "lir , I ~.41 enj. , a Leant , n 1 life. by the of Latin flom Lie nalb ''l wan" and indttigina it ,•• , r rat haiilt. Sueh 111.1,41.11 S MUM 1,0010 COll. : , 111j1 3(1 lig £/YAfREAGE n•thwt I hrit mind 1..11 1.0.1 y fire the Inrot ',qui-11v, t" prottlt.lt• v4,111,11.1:0 1111ppittesti I 1111. , 11t the j.,urney thr,tigli hie bee, me, it itrtspot.t. how ly (lark t-rts ti• the Th• wind 'Vida'' I! Avit .I,p:dr ant! 1111,1 tt ith t lii III.•11,tly rttflttcl hitt that the Itailtittotss att.ttlit•l Itttrittitt h I , lip L t d nilL Ittir loy u. o.l' I PrvDENCE. ilideLl anti imprudent votary ,t 1 plea sLii Lind, t mt. IL , In. s imbibed I lie seeds of this painful dec L,L• IT t5l cite. happens that au ill timed . , nl aka 1 , • ta .1 t ea,l of discovery. driers Mut front nlllOllll, to thLL,Li iron. educatiol and rexpec I:11. nil, • 'Wit 11,•1 lulls. dehlyirlry• 1111 th , ronstitutinne! sr. id this is. rid LIiFeaF.LL make ihel i bL ich as Liiveratril sore I britt. Tins.'. uorhuun. lt.- I the hi, I .111,1 dim net, ol (Iva 110-11., 011 the `lllll 1,0111, and arms ; blotches Oil the 111.3i1. face and extremities. progressing with frightful rapi.lit'r. till :at last the palate of the inoulh or Ihe hones La the nose bill 111,111111 the V let,llll of Lhiry a awful a iseatse heroines a horri I ohjeet of commiseration. till dealt, puts a period to ILI, dreadful su t.g.. 1.•• him t I lot I . ,,,diNCOVered Croupy trum whence ne I ravelier returns." It tu , late•hol tliat tli, - Itigailds Gall ATi'lltas lu Oda thKe,rye, own leg to the II Ilgh ill lUllleryry 01 ig liolMik by th.• u,,•,•1 t lint lie:1111y poi. •Liic. lain Ihr coustitution and matte the , ,idue of utit-eraide 13=1 Tr•ts . not you; lives. or henlth, to the core of tit twins ottlelrot.tiontl Worthless pry tenders tlestitulettl k0.."1...1!.., t.r oh troott r, shut eotty Itr..lohnt•ton's .1 I, ort , .•.tonent,, or style themselves in theta...pi:pers. roenl , lll e.511..ttel 1,11,41. Inns ine.gtittle or totrine.they keep v to It tflittz m.nitt, .Illl,to..trth TlL' 01 .. 0 filthy and it .t...ttiott, etttithountis. to Its longas t .molted lee tl,rll Mitt In cl•••pAir.li•avt! yo l j,ith ruiurd Sio 3.0 t t .li,ftitoitititoott Itr .Ittlitt , tort t. I he .all ativet • tt ti tlipl.tio Baer in hi, Ili, 1,111 oth ers , I II I 110 lit. I i-t in I li.• mi.,. I•X 1,115 i% l• 11,1,1 \' „111,•1 the world .1:1i 1)0 IC SF. 11 X'l' 01' PRESS; The :it 111.4 iu.sta ul ii, rift,tl , l•l 1111111,1•. , (alit Ipe• , Y it lie nil aiiil mitre tither pr pr u.l 11.1 V,• .1111 ccill .• hill 1.:. ."1 • guarantee Lit I h.. [rd. SKIN DISP:ASES SPEEDILY CIARED hP. I.: II i , •111:11 ui dire.•Lill4 I lit•ii . 11.,t it Ilti.el). it, I lu rid lOW 111:111- ipor : \I NI IL. Paltimilrt.l.,•l, 1131titn ,, ,, 11,1 11:,y .2q. y NEW FIRM. C:11.1, AND SEE THE NEW F. 0111,1" GROCER WARE sToti.E. rilllE subscribers having purchased the strn•k of i, PH I:IZ.V ES, and a good :‘,surtmerit of TOBACCO ANO SEGARS. LIQUORS, .1 C., at the lowest rates for CAL 4 II or COU iitto Produce. M BENTZ, _ . Carl uui 21. 1863 RE unfailing in the cure of Coughs, I_4lnlds, Istlaut, lironehitis, Sore '1,,,,nt, liiitionit Breathing, Incipient Con,uniption, and IiSININItS 44 the bongs. They hal aun taste ut and any eldhl will Lake Chem. ThOUF:1111ili 11:11'e been vesture I to health that had before do•paired. Testi mony giv On ill hundreds el can.. A single dove re lieves in ton minutes. IND QUEENS- A•k for Brysn's Pulmonie Wafers—the o. igioul end only genuine is stamped Bryan." Spurious kinds are oll'.•red for sale. Twenty bre et , iits a too. .field Ly dealers generally. JOB NIOS.ES, Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt Street. N. V. For sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. February 213, IS63—ly QELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVI PER CENT. BELOW COST I I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 floors above th Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on West Main street, the largest and bust selected stuck of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town, will be mold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State. The stock comprises n Jorge assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches. Levers, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pons and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold LOUE Sliver, Plated and Sliver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Paintings, a great variety of fancy articles, kc. The entire stock of \Vett:Mealier tools, eases, large Mirrors, and .Safe will be sold wholesale or retali on the ansiest terms. Having selected a first class worlcnian all kinds of re. pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Carlisle, Juno 1863 NEW - GOODS! NEW GOO 5! ! AT OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE. T am now opening a seoond supply of iLelegant and now styli, Fall Goods, which! will 801 l at the very lowost Ilguro tor caoh. such as Marinoes_, Alpachas, Silks. Do Laines, -Tureen Oloth, Itepps, Cashmeres, Poll Do Cheviera, &a. dm. LADIES CLOTH MANTLES AMD SHAWLS, Balmm al Skirts, French Corsotts, Hoods, Sontags, Nu• bias, Ladies Vests. .14c. &c. A complete assortment of goods for Chlldrens wear of all hunk. Tichlngs, Glnglabms Checks, Muslim, Flannels, Blankets, at the lowest prices Gents Department. CLOTHS, CASSDIBUS, VI:STINGS, &c., A toll as sortment of lionts Shirts, Drawers, Olovos, Collars, Bus ponders, Cravats, Nook Tics, &c. Particular attention paid to thls department. I- now b,uy exclusively for cash, and sell at vory short profit's fer the cash. lam enabled from my long expo• dunce liftho business, to offer my old friends and cue tomers great indneements In their purchases. All parsons in want of handsome and cheap goods, will pleaso to call and oxamlno my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Recalled the place, Wed Main St., nearly opposlto the Depot,. , _ . . •" 011A8. ONLBY, ° Trustee. N. B. All Cloths' Nash - nem and Vestige, will be mad. e up to order, (it ' , Soared) by on aspotionet wk. • LEWIS LADONIUS Sr. CO. RV!, Clll,to ut Street. Philadelphia 1.3 0 0 E S , FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES PR ESE A" TS, =II I= Xinpurtant Discovery I=l BRYAN'S PULNIONIC IVAFERS = ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, fIUMBERLAND.- VALLEY AND I,_/FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. ORANGE OF HOWLS! On and after MONDAY, MAY 8, 1882, Passenger Traini , will run as follows: (Sundays excepted :) YOR OHAMBER3BURG AND HARRISBURG. I at Train. 2d Train 7.00 A. DI. 2.45 P. 51 7.87 " ' 3.35 8.80 " Arr. 4.20 " Leave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chambersburg, " Sbipponsburg, Nowville, " Carlisle. 10.10 " lileehanicsburg t 10.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " FOR CEIAMBERSBURO AND HAGERSTOWN, Ist Train. 2d Train Leave /1 avristburg 8.05 A. lid L 35 p.m " Aleelinnicsbwg BA7 " 2.16 0 " Carlisle, 0.27 0 2.55 " Newville, . 10.02 " 8.29 " Shippensburg, 10.83 ,4 4,00 o " Chinning', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 0 " Uroeneastle, Arrive at Hagerstown NOTICE TO PASSENOERS: At a)1 Stations where Tickets are sold, Viz: Il aprrstow n, 0 remicai,tle, Chain bershurg, Shippensburg, New rllle. Ca-lisle, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg. n reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to tlil Paseengers that provide themselves with Tickets beßire entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't _ . Railroad OM re. Chamberalyarg,l May 1862. CARLISLE AND I'IIILADELPIIIA Vz 7. Q. DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, NVARD k FREED, 311 DIAT:IIF.T 87BEET, rIIII..IIS2LPELIA .1. RI10.41).!+ Dr/113 STREE, CAPLIPLS, PA Pl ii' Cars of thin Line thn Depot Sill lileorket st Daily, at 4 o'eloc•k, i'. M. Loose Carlisle. Daily, nt i o'clnek. A this Line sbonld be ',irked C. P. Daily Freight Line, and sent In by 4 ri'ele,:k. May :2:), HAT AND CAP El'd P 0111 1 714 rrhe undersigned having purchased the stock. lc., of thu late \\ In 11. Trout deed. w.,,,h1 re4poetfully at;11411111,, to tho public that t o will r,r, tint , tho 11.AllING BUSINESS at the Old stand, ,n Wo,t. High stroet. and pith n rt , nnwed and effirlent effort, pi °duce art ides 01 Head Die.: of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that steal ha alrletly ill keeping with the improvemenl of the Art, mid fully up to the ago in whleh we HT, 1 11:11'13 on baud it splendid ....,... , .x ..„, a hsortmeu t of 4 ... c,.. .^ 4,....,, .., :,......., -....., - . ...----- of ail descriptions, from the common {Von) to the finest Flit AND SILK HATS; and at pricer that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his 1110111'3'. The'lll.oll. inell.llloll, :kIOLE:! , HIN, CASSMERE, DEA VER d FELT 'HATS of nary Ovle 1111 d color /MIT Illisurpred tor LIG DO:ABILITY ANP FINISH: by those of a other v.taldistnoent In time country. 11 , )1'S' and HATS' and CAI'S of ON 055 ICSerilltiOn COIIStRiItIN Oil Ile respeettollv invite, all the old potions and a many nen cues as possible, to give him a call J. G. CALM°. Apr 25, 1400—ly 11:AN - r 7•T G ''S FURNITURE WA R E-ROOll 1862' www.,lll._ (E .- M C t pa' - Nest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium azra rdrel at the Cumla riond Cu,? fine ulh rat Fair of 181)7.) The subsoriber has just received the most splendle Assort unint t.urlirles in his line. even brought to till platee—ultich tie Is determined tin sell at prices that do fy cum petit lint. MITA°, Chamber, 111 .log-room, Chen alici ()Elie e En/ brad tlg Ver article used Ileum and hole keepers, the most approved and tashlnt al 10 desig and tininit, 111 , •11.1clilliz ii Ltottngt flirll,tllll . in , i•tt lect:ELitsl,.:l ll a ( . 111111L Clod - S, gilt [ram° At my PArtic.lll:ll 011 II 11 , 11111 to runeral• order, rr,an toll aid tamptry, attended to prolllrl I and pn moderate lei 01S. A. E. E earll , le. "lay 12. 1 , f.1.1-13 , 1 1 :11 B ER AND COAL OLIVER DELANCEY, 1,L):\•11;1•At A • 1) c(),\.!, YAItI) r 16111 ROII, rear the (;as Worics. Tio. -ni--ii,..r koo r , emo.tantly o n hand, a Nut .. 111111 11 t 0! 1.1111114 , r & Coal, ~,.......,, which i,„ , fur- ) A 11 . , • I x'1 / 4 7 - 7 - -- , akh t .„,,h.t.,„.„,i,t1y ~ „/ I,!A, „ A_‘ , ; .ii'. c,„ _ 4, -: tlll.l on till' mast ,0,- C ' . %('. r / 4.-, , '- ,Maid.., 1.1 . J11311t.,5CA NTI.ING, li()A R DS. I 1 ANI E STUFF, and hs.lVorked Florr ing.l\ eat ht.' hoattling ,1% hit I. it,,, Hvnllock nod (Palk ,Illud31) Ile nl,O thrukli Lille to ord., ;ilia Sire, Ili the slim test ant ire allot orl te.l,. Ills,, ork e d hoards ai.• kept tindpr cover, Si 111111, tiny rail Lu fur. nislrell dry at all ti errs. Ho MI , c•ainlautly 11:111li till 6inde Of Family . Getl-uuder cuter, which will lie deilvet ptl clean to any part tit the borough. go it it: LYKEN'S VALLEY, • LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And othe: tarb•tios. and all the en Hums sixes In use, which he afters to the public rat the lon est prices. LIIIEDL EICS AND BLACKSMITH'S COA ',always on hand. at the lowest rash 1,1,0. Thank tol•for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of lllm'h & Delaney. he would. solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders 101 l at the residenee of Jacob Shrew' for Coal and Lumber, trill he promptly attended to as heretofore. OLIVER DELA ELY July 20,1 MI Nen & Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of (he 'Season. r [`HE undersigned would most respect fully Inform his n!d friends and customers and the public generally, that ho has commeneed the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING business In all I s branches In the F. tore !loom of J. A• II umerieh Esq , on the West con er of ❑anover and West Louthor street, where he has opened ono of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made made clothing &c.. In the Borough of Carlisle. Ili stock conslats in great varieties as follows, viz MENS AND BOY'S COAT. do. do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. VESTS. Sults for Boys, from 6 to 16 years of age. Shirts, Melton Flannel and Cassimore Bosomit Drawers ' Sue. ponders, °moo ii, variety of Fancy Neck This, Linen and Paper Collars, Men's Linen and Silk llaiAllter chiefs, Umßrellits. FRENCH AND SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS AND VALISES. Carpet and leather Travelling Bags, ,ke All the abeva goods "11l he sold Mr Cash, at the very lowest Mims the and the City Markets will justify. Purchasers will please call and examine for them selves, before purchasing elsewhere, us my motto is quick Dales and short profits. SAMUEL C. 1111YETT, May 1. 18113—i3m, Agent. P. 8. Particularattention given to Pop; clothing. SPRING TRADE, 1863. . NEW GOODS !:: NOW offeringan immense variety of CLOTHS, CASS.MERES, VESTINGS, COTTON GOODS &0.. For Men and Boys' Wear, in a larger variety, than can be found In any eatab• lishment in this place, and at as low prices as .can bo sold any whore, to suit taste and pocket. We manu facture the above goods to order, In the latest styles, dr sell per yard. Customers wishing to have the goods bought of tie, cut, can be accommodated, free ofcharge, An early inspection of our goods and prices, respectful ly Solieltod ISAAC LIVINOSTON, North Ibmovor Stroeh OlothintrEtoporluint Mira Id „ 'ewe . Leave 12.55 . 1.28 " 2.00 " 2.42 " 3.12 " 8.40 " D.OO 9,32 ~ 11.66 32,36 6,10 6.10 " New Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. L. LOCIDIAN is happy to inform his numerous customers, and the public gene rally, that he has removed his establishment to his In the building (ccupied by Mrs Neff, as n Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Hank. Mr Loch nun is now able with his solendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the •ory besttnanufactured, to prpduco equal to the hest made In Philadelphia or New York. Nett:tree can bo taken now equally well In cloudy as In clear weather. 'Daguerreotypes or Atuhrotypes of deceased persons copied. onlarged, or mode Into cartes de visite. Casllsle, Nov. 2/1,1502.. DR, WM. 11. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon dnd AccouhAeur. (IFFICE -at his , resid6lco in -North llnnov or street: Next door to Shriner's hotel, Carlisle. ft UM BELTING I • A..)r Just received a largo assortmont of all sloes.— Gum Belting, Gum Hos°, Gum Palklng, &a., and for Sala cheap at the Hardware Store of June 22, 1863. H. SAXTON 3000 Ibs. •• of Stagman's celebrated u g ar cared haute, ennvaseed and unianvaseed, at the corner of Main and IVent Btreete /May 8, 1863-4.,1. .LTANDKERCHIEFS, Ties, Stocks, Buspenderi, Under Shirts' Drawers, beautiful assortment can be found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street Emporium. March 13, 1008 JAMES R. C A BPI N T A N D CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NORTII ULNOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Having been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his custon.ers and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to giro full satisfaction to all who may favor hint with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on band, or made to order. Warranted to be .1 the beet quality, of the la. test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Coiling, Metallic or otherwise, kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Wnlnnt Colllna, large size, a ell finished and lined inside, froTh 8 to 12 dollars. Coiarm corered from 15 to 38 dollii . rs. ,JAIII.EB lt. WEAVER. May2s, 1869-Iy. TILL TRIUMPHANT. The complete susses's of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the auhserliter in calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to rail and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satinfac tion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTIIERS Int. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In feel. 2nd. A hotter and quieker Oven Ohm the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other flora Cl the samesiza, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking raving repairs, kth. The hest Baker, Roaster, and Conk ZION In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, ith. A perfect this Consumer for either WO, d or cosh The roil, le Floc er is Noma, teal to give satisfaction in every particular. and will he show'n w ith pleasure to all o ho may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, anv quantity. of reterenee - in town e r countr y. A few other good Cook Stoves on baud, w bleb will be sold very low to close stock. Spoutmg. Hoofing. Job work, Copper-millting and Sheeting w orb promptly attended 0, lon nor 'Coun try. All more warranted at the old atnittl, hlanorer street north of Loather. MARY M. MOPIMA. N. 11. Ord Copper, Mere( and Pewter bought, and the bigheet price paid In each goode. March 2M. 1860.—tf. "TOWARD ASOCIATION! "rit I I, A D I: P II I A A Beriar:leAt estsblishhd by special en dowment for the relini of the .sirs and distressed, attlieted with Virulent and Epidemic' dtocaßea and eopeciall i y for the Cars of DhieaseA of the Sexual Organ,. MEf/frAf, ADVICE given vr.ols, by the Acting Stir, goon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their ocaldition, (age, occupation, habit, of life, &0.,) and In C , 4 < 4, of eitreine poverty, Medi:lller, furnished free Of charte. VA LUA tH HE:PORTS on F perntatorrh an, and olht4r Di•exc, t4f the ', l, tx nal Organ!, and on the NEW REM— Ern ). e t c piny e d in If, DittpcnPary. cent to thonfllirted In awalcd let tot en, elopca, free of charge. Two or three F-taetpt't for postage will ?.t. acceptable. A .1d rem. Plt. .7. SE "ILLEN SICTLITITON, Acting S-LY geon. Ilt.ward A gst.eintion, No. 2 Snoth Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTIVELL, Prasitant 0 Eft - PA 011-i-Wile-.Beeretaryt - • - March S. 1x1,1.-15. _NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS ATS.H CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11..12T S, C .P A' c , ) • The subscriber has recently opened a New Stot, at the old stand of 3. D. Halbert In North Ilanorer St. upposlkiAlte „,„ II an received from NPW York and Pidladelphla, fine and well selected nsortment of goods In bin line 0. hustue n. such as HATS and CAI'S, from the common It 001 In the hoe Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Fall and Wintet style, of Silk flats for 1961. LadleF Furs. nuch as ~ , , : tone. Nlat tin, Mina Sable, Fitch, Hberl :to Squirrel. Black, Bro. n and Blue Cooney, Lock Mar tin. Silver do. dc.. Childrens Furs, Beaver Ifats for Girls and inlys, Fur Caps, Gloves and Collars for Gun. tlemeu. BUFFALO ROBES, aml prices to suit the times. Also, Carpet Bags &e. PRICES . TO SUIT THE TIIvIES• A leo, Carpet Bags, Valises, Trunks, Hand Trunks Uto b rel:as. An ass.s tineut of gfr, f r Prime Segare and Tobacco..itio Than klol For the patronage already received be would invite .01 his trienda cud the public generally to give kite a eat!. JACOB lIOAS, Agt. Carlisle. April 19.1891. k,,IECOND SPRING A RRI VAL.- LI LARGE :kUPPLIE6 FOR THE HEAD AND FEET • At Ow Irviuu, on lha N. N corner r the pull ..lunre. it the place to purchase Boat, Shoe, flats .t Caps. at prices that defy eompelji Ile has Just returned from the Kest with the largest a d most °mil piety assortment it Boots, Shoes, lints & Caps that he has user presented to this community, ind which he is gleterm inert to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything in Itisline ithnoneFgr:Tnrrrn-R- I' , OYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip BooLF, Call arid Patent Leather Ox lord Ties, Co ttul l'atent Leather 1/niLerS, Calf Is ullitiers, Call and kip IL,,gans.: , lippers, Are. LADIES' WEAR. Hne French and English Lasting Grilterß, Morocco Cidl and Kid s. Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Sllppeili Morocco. and Kid Buskinii..§.c.. MISSES .AND t' 111 LIM I.:S'S WEAR ofall descriptions embracing tine Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting lint lon root, 11 , moron Lase roots of all Mutts, fancy rho., of ari , us II AT, x (' A I'S, Silk. Cassimore, Fur and Won! Ilat , of Ail qualities and .tyles, nine a large assortment of N 7'l: A 11' 11 A7' S Boots and Shoes math , to order at the Fhortest not' , Ropelrlng pre.mptly dune. Cl , lllllll tit of his ability t a it clu n ks,. of customers, he respectfully In. Ito tho public to 1.!11.e him a call. 119_. Rementher the place, N. E. corner of the Pub I. R tuner. Nill V ,:i0,;'60. .101 IN L.Bato L . ;t , L. J UST opened the largest and best as e sortmeot of I I anl wa re, Paints, (Ills, Varnish. Glass, Irn, &ii., ever liniught tii CAmherland county, bought eic,•luNiveli Mr rash, and e Illell es are selling at the leis est price's. WO invite the public generally to give use call before making their purchases. 118 wears fully sustaining our old reputation of soiling the B EST tioODS AT TII E LOW EST PRICES. , Returning thanks to t. generous public for their past litielial patronage hoping by personal attention to their wants, to merit a rout in Utillee of the same. . JOHN P. 1.1iN15 A SON, At the Old Stand North Lanover Street. Carlkle, June S. 1552. I)AINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Oalions of 011. Just received with a large assortment of Varnishes. Fire Proof l'ai I) t. Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Litharge, hod Lend, Whiting, Roiled 011, Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint Brushem, Flab Oil, &c., Colors of every description dry, and Oil in cans and tubes at the hardware Store of Carl Iglo, Oct. '25, IF(31 LOCHMAN'S N ew Sky-Li g ht Gallery, 3 110TOORAPIIS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMMO TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OP PICTURES, WEAVER'S NEWCOAL AND LUMBER YARD. Tho subscribers have this day en tared in to part norehip to trade In JOAL AND LUMBER, We will hare constantly on hand andfurnlsh to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, \ SCANTLING, FRAME STUB?, Paling, Plastering Lath,Shlngling Lath, worked Floor. Ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and ovary ar• tide that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pine, Hemlock, and Oak, of' different qualities. Having Care of our own we can ft:Amish Mile to order of any length and siae et the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked board, will be kept under oover za that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Cott:: under cover, which we will deliver clean to ant part cut' the borough. To wit : LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST 51011INTAIN, LOBBERY. which we pledgeountelves to sell at the lowest prim, Best quality of Limeburner'a and BlackBmith'a Coal, always on band which we will sell at . the lowest figuro Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG'd HOFFER, ' WATC 11 ES, JEWELRY, AND' SiLVER-WAICSAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Mon St., nearly oppoeite the Cumberland Valley Bank. I have just received a nen assortment of watches,.. owolry. medallions. silver were, &e., in addition to my ormer stock to which I invite the attention of the' public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver , lever writsdies. Hunting and open Mid do., gold An— chors for Ladles and (lentlernen and tqlver Lopiner and Qxmrtitir watches of every variety In style and , price. Alan tine gold Madailton flrennt.ptn s fur Ladies and - Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gob.S' fhb, vest; curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, tinges rings, cult - pi liftM, sleeve-1M t O,IC, cross,,,, charms, Are.,&e. Gold and oil err thimbles, silver and plated , batter knives, fork 3, table, ten, salt anti mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, and common opectorleo. to suit all ages to tv bleb we Invite special atten tion. A fine 1. - ,t a GOLD l'f:171 , frmn, the he'd tnaketi, spectacle rases, fancy boars. silver an d pearl card cases, gold and common le acel.ets, Tinfoil chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu . . . . . • ally kept in Jewelry establishments. which will sell low fnr rash. All articles war milted to be what they are represented. Particular attenthn paid as usual to WATCH RES'AiRINCI rind al/ work war- DIEM TWIN P. LYNE SON, have just ere:mired a latge lot of those celebrated SCrIIIES e made exprersly tor their own sales, which have al w uyt• given entire satn•fuctlou to all who have used them.— You that went a lo•en cut Ong and easy runnimg Scythe,. we would say try ice of their superlor make We have titenrgs; - ite. -- lbacez Christ. Myers , and other celebrated maker,. Grain Cra dles of all the beat makes in the counry, with a ful: stork of all kinds of 'rock and Implements fur Earmeem use. All of which we ore nell'mg cheap at our store In North linnorer str.mt. Carlisle, .Inne Prepuraii from a proarript•on of Sir J. Clarke, M. Physielau EAtr , norflinftry to the Queen. rrifils well known merliciri6 is no im ,4,,pcksition,•but-s- aisrw ono -wife remedy for-Female, Dittieoltlen and (hrtrorti onr. twin any Haas whatever; and alt.:7o l 3gh a powerlo I remedy, it contains nothing, hurtful to the eonstito Linn. To Married badcr it is pcinlitrlv salted. It win, in a short auto, Lt ing Mt the monthly period witgi regu In all cases of NerrOus nod S . pinal A rfections. Tnin iv the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fallgu't on slight ex ertic n, Palpitation of the Itvart, Lowness of Spirits- Ilystei les. Sick ileadache.'Whitca, cod . 1 3 the Painfni diseases occasioned by n disordersd v. stem. three will effect a cure when all other Mehl n, have lolled. ' These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2(1 page of pamphlet are well cheerv ed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. $1 and d postage At.2llllpS CDC' dosed to: ny .11— th r , rizorl agent, will insure a bottle. containing over SC/ pills, by return man. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. February 2(1, I00:1-1y IfAVE removed to their new and ireautat ul Store Room, South-east corner of Mar ket Nuare. opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. liar lag just returned from Now York and Philadelphia. with an iintnenge variety of Dress tioods, we are prepared to eller superior iuttueinnents, to any other House le the country. PIM. Alpacas all Knobby' Shad,,., Rl:uric:and double width, Brocade Oriental Lustros. nll shados, Plain and Plaid Poplins, mom beautiful than nny silk, at ono I f-t.119,--oopt-,+ Pont , o7 -- Mi - xturna: - DO 'Lai net Chaliks, Law in. Organdie:, ebintsos, c., la, Domestic Goods. A heavy Mork of Prints, Cheek P. MUslitls. Cleghams Cottonailes, Drilla, dc., a ill he aid at reauueablu rates • MOURNING GOODS Mourning Goods to be offered at astonishingly low prices. Bombazines, Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Al para., Plain pa regos. all wool Do Lahms single and double width, very c cap. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good assortment of Cloths, and the largest variety of Fancy Cassimeres, ever offered in this market. . • . Also, our usual assortment or Notlons„Llonfory, Ulovus, 'Trimmings, ho. GREENFIELD a; SHEAFER, null) East Corner Market Square, opposite Irvine's 'hno Store. rr E subscriber has removed his llat, and Cap Store to the opposite side of the Street, to the house formerly oceupied Icy Monyer, and next door to Corunian'h Shoe Store. Ironing a much larger room, I lurvu tocre.sed my stuck of goods, so that I Olin uow prepared to furnish the public with all the new styles of t to suit the tini•a.. Nly stock eon GIST tof Silk, Cas , linere and Russia /fats, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city .ro well at: home manufacture, from thu en, 111011 wool up t.. th., finest flu,da and Nutra. A good 11$0,01111 1 111 tit 111011 and 00111.1. Also, tnen.a, hors. an.lehildrons fancy straw lists.— 'laving improved 1110:11If fur manufacturing. any kind in shape lir bats will be made to order, at dirt notice. Being a ida,tioil 'latter. tally understanding the business, I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patronage. .701 IN A. K ELLER. A gt. P. S. Qid hate colored and repairod at moderato prices. April 17, 1862. • TAR. GEORGE S. SEA i_fitionT, DENTIST, from the Dal ' ". air Unwise College of Den till Surgery. lIOV °face at the residence of his mother, East Lon ther street, three doors:below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. HENRY SAXTUN JUPUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at Law Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col feeling Soldiers' Par, Bounties. and Pensions. Office on South Unwires Street, opposite Bentz's store. Dee. 27. 1861 " LAW CARD.-CHARUIS E. NA GLAMILIN, Attorney at Law; Office in In hoff's building,j wit opposite the Market Houma. Carliale, March 14,'00-Iy. CP. EIUM.RICH, Attorney at Law. e—oinco ou North Hanover street, a fow door mouth of al3lie Hotel. All buslnome on trued ed to hluj will be promptly attonclod to. [April Is.''' OSJWII RITNER, JR., _A tcoTney at Law d Surveyor. l'4l(ThenleAurg : Ofilvo 014 Ball 'toad *oet, two do,ra north of the Bank. ' -- Var—linshiess promptly ationded - - T M. WEAKLEY.—Attorney at Law. Dy . Office (inisouth Hanover street, opposite lenfi" ry (Japan It t o re. All professional business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to.- Dn. I.C.LOOMIS South flanovor streot, opposlLOßoutz',dry goods gtore. , . I,jA MUEL HEPBURN, Sr., Attorney at Law. Moo with lion. Samuel Hepburn ; Main St.:Carlisle Pa.' Juno 5, 'fa ' HAMES. , 500 pairs Harries on hand of all hinds. IllizabothtoiVii patiorn Loiidon do.. Comma' do., with and withoilt patant ftifiterilagz i , cheaper th‘n over at 11. SAXTON'S, East Maio it, Match 28,1802. A. SINGISEIt FAMILY MEDICINES, AT itALST-ONI - , F AMILY DYE COLORS,. . • • ATAALeTOWS. Broken, Egg, Stove and Nnt do. do. do July 20, 1362 Dec. 23. 1857.1 Interesting To Farmers. The Great English Remedy, SIR JANIEF, CLAREE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER )Inn h 20, ISil3 HO ! FOR KELLER'S HAT AND CAAP STORE. HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATs, Di ts - 7.011171,_ .4 . /VT T.TIO . MAS CONLTN Juno 1, ,e 2