Guilty, excepting the words, " and did evade and resist attempts made to arrest him by lawful authority." Of the let Charge. Guilty. Of the let Specification of 2nd Charge. Guilt*, except the words "and was going to fight for them," when they marched from York County up in the direction of and to arlitile, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Of the 2nd Charge, Guilty. And the Court do, therefore, 8111Ni:ice him, the said, Isaac Fizhel, member 'or the 166th Regiment, Penna. Militia to be shot to death, at such time and place as the General Com• mending this Department shall direct, two thirds of the members of the Court concur ring in said sentence. 11, The proceedings of the General Court Martial in the foregoing case having been submitted to the Major General COmmanding the following are the orders thereon. In this case, the prisoner Private Isaac Fishel 166th Regt. Penu'a. Drafted Men is found guilty of lE4 7 —Desertion. 2nd—Giving intelligence to the enemy. Of the let Charge there were extenuating circumstances connected with it. But of the 2nd Charge the records of the Court show it to have been committed in York County, Pa., at the time invaded by our enemies, and with in sound of their artillery, killing his coun trymen at Gettysburg. The proceedings, findings and sentence are 'approved. The prisoner Isaac Fiskel will be ,shot to death with musketry, between the tours of 11 A. M., and twelve (12.) M., on 'Friday, the 18th day of March next. The Commanding 0 Fcer of the post of Car lisle is charged with the execution of this or der. Ry command of Major General Couca. JNO. S SCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General Official: ReincitT LERoY, Capt., and Ass't Adj't. Gen'l GENERAL ORDERS, No. 4. . f HEAD QUARTERS, DKr T. OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, Chamberslotro, Pa., Jan. 13, 1864. L Before a General Court Martial, of which Brig. Gen. 0. S. FEaltv, U. S. Vols., is President, convened at Chambersburgi Pa.,'pursuant to PA IL I, Special Order No. 138, Dead Quarters, Departmimt of the Sus quehanna, of November 10th, 1863, was ar raigned and tried Joseph, Fisher, a transient person, on the following charges and specilieivions : CHARGE I st.—Lurking as a spy in behalf of' the enemy. Spec/lieu/M/1.-I . n this: that the said Jo seph—Fisher; was- found lurk i as- -a - ut behalf of the enemy, in and about Carlisle, in the State of Pennsylvania, then a Milita ry Post of the United States, while the ene my were advancing on the same. This on or about the 22,1 day of July, 1863. CHARGE' 2nd.—Giving, enemy. Specification —ln this : that at Carlisle, in the State of Pennsylvania, the said Jo seph Fisher, did willfully give intelligence to the enemy, calculated, and intended by him,‘seizure and destruc tion of arms and property belonging to the United States, and to loyal citizens t']ereof. This on or about the 29th day of June, 1863. .To wh ch charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows : To the Specifications of the Ist Charge, Not Guilty. To the Ist Charge, Not Guilty. To the Specifications of the 2nd Charge, Not Guilty. To the 2nd Charge, Not Guilty. The Court, alter !nature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows: Of the Specili.ntion of Ist Charge, Guilty. Of the let Charge, Guilty. Of the Specification of 2nd Charge, Not Guilty. Of the 2nd Charge, Guilty. And the Court do, therefore, sentence him, the said Joseph Fisher, to be hanged by the neck until he is dead, at such time and place as the proper authority shall direct, two-thirds of the members of the Court con curring therein. 11. The proceedings of the General Court Martial in the foregoing case, having been submitted to the Major General Command ing, the following are the orders thereon : Ii: the case of Joseph ..I , Ylher, a spy, the proceedings, finding and sentence are ap proved. The Specification to the First Charge gives the date as on or about the 22d of July; 1863: this is evidently a cleri cal error, as the original charge specifies the time as on or about the 22d of June, which the evidence goes to prove as being the time. Appended to the record on this case is a document, referred to in the body of the pro ceedings, which states that a milder punish meet would have been inflicted by the Court, owing to the peculiar character and situa tion of the prisoner, had there been discre tion allowed them in the matter, but recom mended him to the favorable consideration .of the President of the United States. This .document was not signed by any member of the Court. It is shown that the prison. , r has but one Arm and that he is a drunken, loafing vaga bond. The sentence of death is commuted to imprisonment for ten gars iu the Penitem :Cary of this State, or such other place as is directed by competent authority. ,By command of Major Gen. Coven; JNO. S. SCI U JLTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. lif)13ill LE ROY, Capt., and Ana . i drift Gcn'l O ff:42‘10,1 HEAD QUARTERS, Department of the Susquehanna, Chambersburg, Penna., Jan. 20, 1864. To the people of the Dept. of the Susquehanna, Ivory cordially invite the attention of all persons within the Department of the Sus quehanna to the address recently issued by Major Gen. Hancock Couid'g. 2nd Army Corps in which that distinguished officer an OUaCCB that he has come to Penna., under Authority from the War Department far the purpose of xecruiting his Corps to 60,000 men with a view to special service. The gallantry and Military ability of Ma jor Gen. Hancock and the courage and disci!)• line of his Corps have been tested on many battle fields and have justly won the admira tion of the people. Those mho shall enlist milder hjut still And comrades with whom it be an hOnor,to be connected, and a leader lithium past career gives the assurance that he 'cannot fall short of the full performance of all hie duties as an officer, a soldier and a gentleman. Having been associated with Major .Gen. j - lapiock on many trying ocoasions I heartily itgatnend ,to the patriotism of the people - Of libla:Departmenvend earnestly advise those fit Ar. MAteiry duty to embrace this oppOr• lunity.of taking a position in which they will gain : honor and diytinetion for themselves and yonder, oseential service to their country. D. N. COUCH, Major ben. Commanding, Dept TRIMITI3 OP RESPECT. !Ate meeting of Manor Lodge, No. 460, I. 0. of 0. . held in Leesburg, on Friday evening, January the nd, 1.864, the follow ing Preamble and 4esolutions were adopted : WHEREAS, It has phased Almighty tied,' in the dispensation of His providenee, to call from our midst, our well beloved brother, P, Cf. J*SFEo g,,Kgt.eo f therefore resolved, Jet. l'hat in'tbe Death of P, G. J•AHEB S. Ettaso, we are again reminded of the short /PACO life, and 0a11,e4 is ma i= tha• deat4, of a brother whom we prized dearly ; but with the pleasing assurance that if faithful. w. may again meet him in that Happy Land where we with him, may be free from troub les and turmoils of this life, and join a Fra ternity and Lodge which has no end, and where we may enjoy that rest which is in re serve for the filially faithful. .2d. That though we mourn the death of our dear brother, yet we feel that we must resign to the will of providence, knowing that whatsoever our Divine Master dodth, is well done. - - 3d That we deeply sympathize with the widow of our dee'd. brother, feeling that in him, she has lost a kind husband—his chil dren a tender parent, and our FrAernity in general, a warm and devoted friend. 4th. That the Lodge be draped in mourn ing, and that the members of this Lodge, be required to wear the usual badge for 30 days. sth. That a copy of these Resolutions be signed by the Committee, and transmitted to the.. widow of the dee'd., and a copy be placed, upon file in the Lodge. 6th. That a copy of these Resolutions be published in the Shippensburg News, Valley Star, Carlisle Herald and Volunteer. ABRAHAM NULL, SIMON T. HALE, JOHN S. DOUG lIERTY, REV. JOHN MILLER, JAMES A LAWYER. C 0111172 Wee. At a regular meeting of the Union Philo-. sophical Society of Dickinson College, the fol lowing resolutions on the death of Henry S. Munroe, were unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, In the course of Divine Provi donee, a worthy and admirable member, has been taken from our number by the decease of Henry S. Munroe: therefore. Resolved, That we have heard of this loss with true fraternal feelings. Resolved, That we humbly recognize the hand of God in this early call to the unseen world, of one Ozone course of life promised both success and usefulncvs. 11,..40/red, That We deeply symr.alhize the bereaved Parents and friench of our late brot her. Resolved, That, as a token of our regard for hi.. memory, we drape. our ball, and wear the equal badge of nustlrning for thirty days. Resolved, That we send a Copy of the•te res. °intl. - ins to the bereaved family ; and alert, for publicatiou, to t he Christian 2.lthwaie and Journal, and the (l.trlude Herald. Bills for the following public Sales bare been printed a: this office: Sale of Ilenry Donor, itt Weotpenvboroug twp., on the 10th of March, of Horses, Colts, ('ows, young Cattle, Hogs, Wagons, Plows, &c. Sale of Jacob Burkholder, in South Mid dleton twp , on Mon lay. March 14, of three Mitch Caws, Sleigh, and a variety of other articles. intelligence to the Sala of Jonathan Holmes, in North 'Arid clleton twp., on the 12th March, of Horses, Coltr§, Cow , , Cal:veg. Vao . ons. Plows, &rd. Sale of John K Stauffer, in Dickinson twp., on .Friday, Fehruary 19.11„of Horses, Colts, Cows, young Cattle. Sheep. Dog.. and a gen eral assortment of Fartmng .inplemeuts. Sale of Levi Goodyear. in Monroe twp., on the 10th of March, of Horses, Cows, Young Caltle. Sheep. (logs, Wagons Plows. Sze Sale of William Wetzel, in North Middleton twp, on March Rill, of ID,rses, Cows, Steers, Sheep, Dog s Wagons, I'lows, &c. Sale of David Darr, Administrator of John D‘rr, deo d , on Thursday NI .rnh .1 d, near ttlo•erville, of horses, Colt 4, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Wagons, Plows. &c. DR. I'OBIAS' VENETIA.N HORSE LINIMENT IiNT BOTTLES AT FIFTY CENTS, FOB elite, galls, colic, sprains, hr , war ranted cheaper than any other. It is used by all Um great Inuseman on Long Island euurses It will tint cure ring hall!. nor Fpl,{ll, as there is no liniment In existence that will. What it is sta ed to cure It p od tively does. Nu owner of horses will lie without it after trying one battle. one d no revives and otton saves the late rl an overheated fir driven horse. For roll,. and belly-ache It his never failed. Just as sure as the sun rises, just so sure is this valuable Liniment to he the Borst, embrocatinn of th- day. 6-11 d ty_ull the druggists. (Ace, fell Cortlandt Street, New Pori:. Feb, ii, I'M-1. On the 27th ult., by lho Itev. John C. Blies, Mr. SAMUEL M WII ERItY, EFq., of •outhampoto twp., to Blinn E 111 Ult A., daughter of Hon. Hugh 6tualt, of South Aliddleton. At Cumberland Md., On the minim , of the 28th of Jane ary, niter a short Illness of Scarlatina, • LIM F. HEN I Z. only daughter of William M.. and Annie M. I'a runs, aged 3 years and nearly b months. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the Herald by It. C. W oodward. Carlisle, February 4, 1864. FLOUR (Superfine) 6 00 do. (Extra.) 511 do RYE ........ ............ 5 75 WII ITE WHEAT .. 1 60 RED do 1 5o RYE .1 25 NOW CORN (15 OATS . 80 BA 111.11 Y Fit i 1 21) SERINO CLOY ER01(01) 8 75 TINIOTHYSEED ........ ...... 3 16 LIST OF SALES HT WM. LEVENNEY. Feb. 4. Geo. Kimmel, adm'r, York co. 10. Wash. WoII, South Middleton. it Elias Hoffman. Upper Allen. 12:Ephraim Baker, S Middleton. 15 John Guishall, S. Middleton. 18 Peter Stock, North Middleton. 19. John K. Stouffer, Dickinbon. 20. Mary .Shult, B. Middleton. 22. Abu/. Sollenberger, sionroe, 23. John C. Powlay, S. Middleton, 24 John G Keeney, S. Middleton. 26 John G. lieltzhoover, Monroe. 25 Benj. F. Triit, W. Penn,buro'. 27. S & W. A. Myers, " 29. Jacob Lehman, South Middleton Meh. 1. A. A Ricker, Silver Spring -2 Elias Buttorf, 3. W. D. Wunderlieb, Middleeeg. 4. Henry N. Grabill, Monroe. • A GOOD family Horse,.(Light Bay,) wilt be five years old the coming Spring, Pear, Racks, and Lopes under the Saddle, and trete In Her ness, ie perfectly safe and gentle in every way. Alec, an excellent Shifting Top Puma, &latest asgood as now. Has been in use but about eight inonths— made by Ore. Shrader ' 51schanicsburg. The above can be seen by calling on the undersigned residing In Car lisle.. JOHN 51ILLER. Feb.s, '64—t. C. T AM authorised to sell the Property of _Liblitio SoPia Sturm, situated on Our North side of ,„ Pomfret street near West street. The lot Is 00 fee t . tiont by 120 feet deep, and has •1!1', , upon it ‘ a Two-story plasters I House and la I frame Shop.. It will be soldas a whole or ,‘• ln part ea ma 7 be most eligible. Yob. so JNO. B. PARKER. gic4,—tr. Tribute of Respect JOHN noon, SING. ASH ENFELT 6/721/IliteC IV A. IIAMIITON, PUBLIC SALES Riarriags. I=l= ptatip. I=l=l 5, Geo. J. Beltzhoover, W, Penn. 7 J 0. Saxton, Silver Spring. 8 Frederick Reep, Dickinson. 0. Sam'l Williams , adm'r, S S. 10. John Beep, S. Middleton. 11. G. A. Searight, Dickinson. 12. Jonathan Holmes, N. Middleton. 14. Jacob Burkholder, S. " 15. Jos. Newcomer, Monroe. 16. Jno. Q Grove, Silver Spring. 17. Joe. Hemminger, S. Middleton. 18. Eliza Trout, N. Middleton. 19 Christian Hoover, Upper Allen, 20. Josiah Nilson, " 22. henry Leidich, Monroe. 23. Jacob Weitzel, Silver Spring. For Sale. Town Property for Sale. Geo, W, Carpenter, Henszy ir, Co's Wholesale Drug & Chemical Warehouse, No. 737 Market BE., PhiladOphln Fr El 111 Subscriber keeps constantly on hand a largo stock of DRUOR, MEDICINES, en ENIOALS, PHARMACEUTICAL PRRPARATIONS. and every other article which appertains to the business, embracing the most et tonsive v.ariety ; also PAINTS, OILS and GLASS of every description. All articles purchased from us rho be railed on an be ing of the most superior quality, and at RR low prices no they can be had. We can offm such inducements as will malts it the interest of purchasers to lay in their supplies from us, and give us their future patronage and invite till who visit the city, to call at our estab lishment. All orders addressed to us by mail or other. wino, will meet with prompt attention. EO. W. CARPENTER. lIENSEY & CO., 737 Market Street, Philadelphia, Fob. 5, '64-5m PRIVATE SALE. rr he subscriber will sell, at Private . Fiala a tract of merchant lAMMSTONE LANG situ• ate In - Monroe township, Cumberland Minty, Pa., on the rood leading from Carlisle to Lisburn, 4 miles Es et of Carlisle, coo tabling 70 Acres, and- 114 Perches, In n high state of oultivation, and nnd , •r good coming 'rho linprovoinonta aro a good Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, • t. „0, Stone Bank Barn, a ate,7o Piet long, WAOON STIED, CORN CRIB, &c. There In Well of never falling water and a Foil Cistern convenient to the door; and a stream of running water passes through the tract. There is also AN ORCHARD OF CHOICE FRUIT, In line hearing order, on the premises. Ten Arren of the tract are well covered with Choice Timben This ty is located In iho midst of a flourishing neigh borhoo I, convenient. to Stores, Churches, Schools. Mills, , rind offers rare inducements to purchasers. Persons wishing to view the Propprty, will please rail on the undersigned. residing my the premises. Jo!! N PiN BE 'ill ER, Sr, Feb. 5,1004-3 t. VA LUA 111.13 )1 1.1;r1! ANT MILL, Town Property and Farm AT I'Ul 1C SALE I (IN Wednesday and Thur Febru kj ary loth and llth, 7SRI. the sullen - I her will pnel. tii ely Sl'll at hie Mill ell the Cumberland Valley rail road, in Nlechaniesburir, Cumberland county. Pa, the fi11.% lug very valuable real estate, located in that borough : N 1 .1 STE.k\T :%IEI2OII k sit untwl as , ve, throe stories in Itrittt, 9.1 feet Insist and 50 feet in 11..ptli. titled sip wills Om in. 501 Inndern improved :11aehin,y, and capable of v;itridlnu: 1.0 Barrels o 1 Hour every t venty four hours 'l'lllB 11111 is (neatest in the f , rtlie Cumberland Va , loY;(elislit nilles west of liar- N 1111•10 /11.111111:1111•1 , of gritln ewn always Le preenred 'I his. w ith its votiVl,lll.ll4 stn all the !tomb uic inarket%,ancl its itriliGes for doing work, ronini•nliS it b. t 1 . ..115id , .riti. , 11 of eapitaliktA. Posse,sion ean be oven twenty days flow thus limo of rale, if do- No. 2 A Lor UE GI101; \ D. on Main St.. on which hi orer!ed n vood twu story &ann. DOCIii.E 110CSE, with all occcc,rtry nnt No. 3. A rr F 1:1)UND. on Locuct St., having t ervoted a 111, tWO 4tory rn DOUBI.V. -1101;,:1C.-with,t1}-tiro 'MI) I.trTl- , ( IF dlt Unam and Alin St ,ataining aladlt 3 ACRE: 4 , wall adapted P.r . Lull II purpfad,q . . N... 5 l' It: 4 1)1Y, VETS. 1 I th, AN 7111 . 1IfiVED 1 , 11111, (limit land. to a high state 01 tnllnrnl ion. and under good fencing, sitwtled in Hampden township, l'uoil.erlanil Co. on the turnpike h•ilit g fr m Ilacrislm, to Carlii.le nt~ nil re init iner pine, he imprirementitare it gond !lank (tarn, and all necessary out ; It it.ll nil orchard or I untie F', nit, ou On, liceinit•s 21 well Of never tithing water near tho door, and running eater ill ly all the Mild., at the same time and pin,. 'two Tracts of tlUl %IN I,4\ toiled in Cumberland aunt Per rl each 1.10 ACII ionreniclit of itccei.s, and a ell ....t cred with Lnt inv timber. Got ...intent Bombs trill be taken In payment for mile to coin nictic.• nn rnl L day St 1 o'clock, p trlion term , : al 11l he made knot,' n by 5 M. C. STATEMENT OF THE 3)II:CILINICSBURG BANK. February 2, 1861. ASSETS 1. , M0F nod DISOOlll3to, 141,1 27 Lite 1 Ott .1/wealth of L'ourin o . „0 , .. . 19.0 o'o. ‘l,ir 1...30, 30 GO , l'ili',...d Stlt,“: 7 ,S 10 por 't. LoPO, 1.i."00 I.pitokl SL, L. VA :, .2.0 01 per et ban, 60.0,10 Putted ,tut....ri "I t , per ot le.n, b,t.01 I' i',.. :Ir 1,,,t11, 2. ,110 itr i 4,000 Due I.) . other Banks and Bank- Pry, 34 4 8 99 No!ev 'hocks of other Bankii, 11.971 49 U. 1.,• 'render .dote, peole—li,l,l and silver, Duu rrolegt, ate.. EMI LIABILITIES capital Stork paid in, toi 005 I t Hunks rind Banker-a, 000 Tiqusiollt Dep,sits, 123,5!3 24 Sprrwl Deptobl U., Total, $3.7,751 '23 The above Staten en t le correct to the best of my k now ledge and belo f. 11. A. S LINO EON, Cashier Sworn and subm Lynn o ma, List of Stockholders of the Meehan- icsburg Bank John Kauffman, 'Co•nrol Kohn, Ilenry Lngan , MI, 1.00. hauls. fir L 11. Lenker, Fianna Leuhor, Item ma, A. 11. M.Litt., David R. norkel, Barbara If. Merkel, Naomi S. Merkel, .Ina. Weir Merkel, Sarah J. Merkel, Martin Mumma, , I O. Moser, Mrs Mary C. Nisloy, .1 aeoln IC. Niesly, David Nioswanger, 14. C. l'n In tor, • igel, Mr, Catharine Bunn, Sterner, James I, Sehock, Win. 11. Smith, John Shoup, Chit, F Stoever, Benjamin Tilzel, Mr,. Cathering Waidloy, James W. Weir, John Willi true, George Wlthbert, Robert Wilson, [leery 'Gearing. Levi Merkel John Braudt, W. It. Gorgas, Slllllllel Eberly, Levi F. liberty, John Nisley, cc John Sadi r, SOIOIIIOII P. (lor!aH, " Jacob P;berly, Daniel Bally, cc Ileorge ILruck, c. Isalco II Baker, Samuel 11l timer, David .•:011/111011 U. Bowman, Israel L. Boyer, Levi Brandt, Abraham IlliWman, Mrs. Francis Baker, Dorn thy Carinany, Jacob over, Samuel Couveri,;,. Ch isilan Crider, 4'on.lort, NI Edon Dunlap, C Dunlap, Itonjamin Erb, Mrs I•:lizti Eberly, Jacob Etninger, or J., ileberra Frankleborgor, Abraham Itortxl or, Jr., Cleo. Iluniniel, hail Honour, Joan Hauck, Ire lit Diretlair RECRUITING! rrIIE undersigned is now prepared to receive Recruits for any REOIMENT UR COMPA NY in the United States Service. The following Boun ilea which do not Include the local ilollntie,, which are now being o2•red by Boroughn /111(i TlPWl.iihipS, will be paid. To VET l It %NS, FOll it HUNDRED ItS. To NEW RECRUITS, THREE IlUtiljltED pfil e. l, A HS. One Mont pay in Advance will also be Paid The United States service now offers the superior in duesments of good clothing and rations, medical table Mules, with an opportunity for every meritorious sol Bier Co get) it' V/3 early and honorable promotion. YOUNG 11l ypi of the Keystone state, I maim this ap peal In behalf of thosoof your noblo b othren who have for so ninny long months and on so many bloody and gbrlous Gelds sustained the honor of our good old State. They look confl loutly to you for soccer, now Olt tho work Is almost done, .and noods oz ly a few mord bravo hearts and loyal hands to achieve a certain and lasting [lmmo. My Oillco is In rear of the Franklin I.fouso,on Church Carilide. Pa Cft pt. B. M. DON MOO, Recruiting (Racer Feb. 5, 1854 ESTATE Letters of Administration on the Eitate of Da vid Line, Into of DI, tthtison tosomidp, deed.. h,vlog Mom ibliUo,l to the subscribers residing In said town• ship. Nalco is hereby given to all per,ons indebted to said eststo, to mate immediate payment, and those having dolma to present them for Natjetnrl4 to 0 EORO i LINF,Jr, SAMUEL O. LINE, ...Feb.-8, 1884. - Administrators. 1 -4 'STATE NOTICE Lettuce of Administration on the Estate of Thompson NI. 'Galbraith, deed., Into of Dickinson town- ship. liavin been too kelt to the subscribors, the first named residing In Dickinson, and the lest named re. tiding In South Middleton township. Notilo is hereby given to all periems Indebted to amid estate to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlemen., to ELlZAlliall W. CIALIIRAInt, HUG II STUART, . Jan. 29, '4l-6t NOTICE, -i /IN motion of Watts k, Parker, attar -I_7 neys of 11. D. Schmidt, Executor of Ellen Duncan, the Orphan.; Court of Cumberland County grant a rule upon nil the Legatees to appear at the next Orphan's Court, on "rueaday, the 22.1 nerd... 1864, and show cause, it any they.have, why the said floury O.Schruldt should not be permitted tooresign upon his surrender. Mg the aesetta of the estate in his hands to his emcee. nor to be aPpointed. Dy order or the Court, , CORNMANI,CiIerk. 18$4 4t. AUDITOR'S .NOTICEI - 4- - • r Estate of Samuel H Addurns deed, to the matter of the exceptions .to the final adminlo. tration account of, Thomas B. BryelirmEnequtor of Saw mil II Ad lams, dee'e. Thu undurufgnea appointed Au ditor. by the Orphun's Court of Cutriberland County. to report on said exceptions, will moot the mil ties inter ested, at his office. in the Borough of Carlisle, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of Thursday, the any ,of February, 1804. JOHN CLAYS, Jan. 29, '64-ot. Auditor. CHASE & PEDDLE. fANUFACTURERS of Uppers, No: 19 South Third St., (up stairs), Philadelphia., rrn tho trade that they keep eonstan:ly on hand a full assortment of Men and Children'a Boot and shoe Tippers, of every description, roadie only from prime stork, and filled with best materlalk in the most fashionable rity styles Trial orders artl solltited, and prompt attention will be paid to all orders sent to them. Terms Cash on Delivery ! Jan. 2.9, 1865-3 m. 13Y virtue of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County, the undersigned, Administritor of the Enteto of henry Butler, dnc'd., will sell at his Into resides:in, In Silver Spring Town ship, Cumberland Co., N., 1 1.2 miles North wont of Bryson's Mill, the following Roal Instate: A TRACT OF LAND, containing 3 Acres and 110 Percbe§, in a high state of eultiv talon, having thereon erected A ~,,...,,i R. 0( 011) TWO STORY 1101.18 F, A GOOD •:*.ii!`: N %II.N, and other neress ary outbuild• ...e , i , .. . There is also a YOUNie Olt- Vit. ,',:',', Cil 0 itr) of Choice Fruit on the prowl- 4;014 , ...1,, , ,54,i , eee, and a Wail of eseellent water near the door. For ally 0., &aid, to parch Ise a cheap Rol desirable home, till- offers a rire indorement Sal. to comm.'," nt. Io o'c!ock, A. M., ithun term will be nutde known by .inn. 29, ISII4 Valuable Real Estate at Public Sale. WILL be sold at Public' Sale. on tic' urilny. the Viith day of Fehrunry I i 4. on tlr premises, the fillinninni 'inset-Mid In I iiistiite, to wit A lot, or trnet of Land Sit oatea At the crest And of th VW:IL. of PlAinOeld, untherlund Coup ty, ou the nort side of tho State Itond, enntalning of excellent Limestone find, and h 'vine thereon erre .* • Jo ; ed FWu D ELL] No liot'AEs. no” 4 0, In on said rend, with suitable ou )111 •5 building; tiiiiether with a tine VOUS Hill. The Property will he Hold entire or er pd, 1,, L., stilt pUrellA.erq coin to , ellllllenre 11 Wr•l•kr,l. NI , whon due attendance will b. oiVel and term+ mails It tiger n by A. L. Ito it I:stato Scent & Attorney in net J. 29. 194;1. TAMES' A. DVNI3 R, Attorney a P Law, Carli , 10. Pa. Oillre with Wade k Parker, Jai) 22, I hotel property, situated on the Walnut li•otom It ua 1, eemie mile, West of Cnr. line, troll known a 4 the ,t,no urn. For temp nod other wit tleulars, apply to JOIINiTt)N MOORE, 14114-3 t.. tco-I.,uu•an cr I,lttininor.ttild I,ol,uton Courier plea 1•1111) I) )1 IN It.VR) It' N o'l' I C , Let nt :North Nin1•111 ton ton nship, hnv Inqin 1,,,,1 In On: Fulk,rll,l, riling in Fraillitiml hereby given to all ;terser, in 1/141114 4 11111114 4 111:00 1 , 1114•111. 11, Intrlnv: t.; tint, to proeent them citil3 nutin , n l.r N.. 1.114411114111144 ISEM=SI rrIIE ti,)ciety of Cumber 1,111 rounty gill 1111.1. t at Itn, Arbitration Chant b, r . on t,stitsy the 9ttl day td Februar . /1 ,- at .11 I I 4C( .11.1. k. .1:111.'2'2. 14;14 BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS ! ! AS the fitilidays arc past, I will sel the balance of .Inter good. .t reduced Price (1.022 t , ,000 03 00,475 51 7 01 11 IXPE PPE' s (;4 r.O Manor `hank, Log Shawls, %Vint, Marttle9 and Cloa4s, also a ti no Jut or Furs, at groatly rectuccal i318,.76 71. eilral ivmerAlly. nonatant nt.i , litionot of Sttsplo Otto& tire be- Tito itnt'tibilit this poole.tio and aottlitt tt.lll Le higher. I t.ttILI nd ito• p.n...1 in tot,' or ilotse go.tdo, to buy to-tore An other. at.p . a.uxo. I'ltuute-114/Lat 1.11,011.1..VALLL1 ULM dour ttoiow Martin's Hotel. 33,13.: 99 23. OMNI The undersined app. lilted Auditor by the orpnsn's Court of Cumber and County, to marshal and distribute the a-sets in the linthlN at Samuel 3lyers, 1111 d %lichee] I. !Louver, aduiloh.trators of ,1.0. j, ors, late of Monroe township, dee'd., wllt meet the Par ties interested nt his ollise, on 6atutday, Feb. lath 10,4, at 10 o'clock A. 31. = Jan. 92, 1864—fit 110 the honorable James 11. Graham, JL Pt esident Judge and Michael Cochllu and thi g h Stuart, Aliso,.late Jud g es of the Court of Cumber nu d Unity : We, the porsons appointed by said Court, as visitors to the Poor House, for the year 1002, do certify, that we have visited the N3lllll during the prelo ent year, and mostly at limos when Mr. Snyder (the steward,l was lint aware of our coming, and invariably Mund the house in excellent order. the several apart merits well adjusted and the hest chambers clean nod furnished with good and soft beds Also, everything on the farm or pertaining to the premises in very good condition. and the management of the farm se • ll con ducted and arranged. The rations for the inmates are very good and palatable, and everything neresxary for their comfort provided. Every - thin; Indicates that this steward Is 1111t10411111111114 to make all robe are in his charge as ,111111 . 011.10.10 no he possibly (11111. as Is Shown 11) 1118 a , siduens application. Rao might reasonably suppose that the number of paupers there, the plain should seem gleomv and saddening. but on this contrary we find the greater part cheerful and merry and displaying considerable taste in keeping their persons, (especially the females.) and all seemed as though they lived at 1111111 U, enjoyed life and passed their time mirthfully and appreciated this comforts peocure I and cnnitirred upon them. Among the num ber of paupers, there wore II 1131 whirr of children who were t, stool Into a school,a part of the year. some having brilliant minds As remarked before, the stew• at (I is very attentive and always pleasant and agreea ble, (Mrs. •nyder too,) and his task being a wearisome and unpleasant r u e, we,do think that he Is n t fully c onlpensated for his lals.r, and would insist on having lib, salary increa s ed. We elsti think it ' necesssry to make some improv Men to to the buildings, we would recommend having a sop crate apartment erected, apart from the main building, ex premily for the hospital, but do not urge it strongly at the present time. Much more might be said, but we think it not necessary, inas much as we hove noticed every point worthy of notice and our consideration. and as from what we have al ready calif you will readily infer that the steward die charges his duty admirably an I hr regard to what We h tee said of his merits, 1111 nothing more than what Is justly due him. We might remark that the sick are well cared for and have the attendance of a very judi• Mous physician, and the notice and sympathy of Mrs. Snyder. Jan, 22, 1.863.-2 t ,„Ittrgarwhip. 1, .: •_,l - t . o_ r wAt.. 7 i ::7e._4:... :17$ I! (1111 FIAT Trunk Line from the North and Norlh•R'oot for Philadelphia, No York Read ing, PottovillO, Lebanon, Allentown, Ftoton,.&c ,&c. Tntino _Wave tiarrisbitts for Philatiolphia, Now-York. Rending Pottsville, stud all Intermediate Stationo, at 8 A. :11„ and . 2 P. M. 'Now-YOrk Expriqw leaves Harrisburg at 3.00 A. DI., arriving at New York at, 10.15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg: To Now-York 45 15 ; to Phil adelphia £335 and £2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning. leave New-York at 0 A. M., 12 noon, and 7 P. AL, (Piitsburg Exprese arriving at Ilarriaburg at 2A. N.) Leave Philadelphia at 815 A., M., and 330 P. M. sleeping care in the New York -Express Trains throug,h to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the ilatnivissa ltaliibad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. Al., and P, 81,, for Philadelphia, Now-, York, and all Way Points. Trains leave PottsvEle at 9.15 and 2.80 P. DI., for Philadelphia. Ilitrijsburj and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Bending at 6.30 A. DI., and returns from Philadelphia at 430 P. M. !=IIM the above trains run daily, Sundays emaept A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. Di., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. AL Commutation, Mileage, Season, and thteurslon Tick ets-at mimed rates to Acid from all points. 80 Pounds Baggage al;lowod each Pmenger. O. A. NICOLL% Gener . p SivelptiotiOnt, Imo• 11, To The Boot & Shoe Trade! PUBLIC SALE On Thursday, Feb. 18, 1864 .TOREPH f. kS, Adm'r Henry Butler, dee'd TEN ACRES FOR RENT. 'WILLIAM liniNtrii for Agricultural Society D S.' OFT, Secretary Blankots rnd Woo/cn Goods, =MB L. J. W. FOC LK , Audi tor. Poor House Visitors' Report. TIENRY MOWER, THOMAS DRAMA', G. D. CHARM EAD, V led tors READING RAILROAD, WINTER, ARRANGEMENT EXECUTIVE SALE OF REAL WILL be offered at Public Sale, at the' Court !louse, in Carlisle, on Tuesday, 2nd day of February, next. All that lot of ground situated on East South Street, containing In front 60 feet, and In depth 120 feet, be the same more or loss. Having thereon erected a Large Frame Stable 30 feet by 87 foot, the same being w6ll adapted to the livery business. • Terms-of sale and -time of poseoslon , will be made known at the sale. NtM. BLAIR & A. H. BLAIR, Executive of A Blair, doe'd. Jen. 29, '64-I.t Something New in Philadelphia COOPER'S Photog.rap,h & Ar CG a lle ry Gallery, Reception and Operating Rooms A LL the styles and sizes of Photo- ThAmpbs, Ivorytypes, Ferrotypes or "Tintypes" auu taken at prices to suit the (hues. Pictures Finished in Water Colors, Oil, India Ink and Pesti'. lloraes and other animals, Equipages, Country Seats, Ruins, Models of Machinery, Ake., for Patenting accu rately pluttr.r,raplied. P. F. Cooper desires to call the attention of persons lotting Philadelphia to hie new Ground floor ivaltery, where he has Introduced newly patented canton., ca pable of taking. in n few seconds, ono hundred Photo graphs, from the small stamp or autographic, to the Imperial and Life Size. After ;natty m.perittionts ho ha 9 succeeded In plac ing his skylight at an Improved angle, diffusing the light in equal proportions, and prod string that soft gmflation of tone which cannot be given by the side and sky lights generally used, and which is of so touch Importance to the beauty to the beauty of a picture It to made of F,ttell glass, mid is the margeet in Phila delphia. Mr. Cooper tins been engaged more than twenty years In the t turfy and practice of the fine Arts illy long ex pOrlerlCo std It Mi II at are and Portrait Pallster is a sufficient guarrintee fur the perfection of the pictures made at ills estghliNlitberit. The nrt of Idealizing is well understood; none but the mist skilful artists are employed In the respective departments. All pi. tures Wafranted;—the Tvorytlpes will not change in any climate, and will stand the teat of ac Ids. I'm-Ocular attention is paid to giving graceful and envy prbitionfl. Daguerreotypes and all other kinds of pictures cop ed, trout small lioidallion to life sire, and finished in silo, or Indlnn /Ilk, to look equal to pictures taken i).41111 This tall try possesses rare facilities fur taking ' , llies trtan Pictures [rum life, In the rear building, wher from one to fifty horses can be photographed at a time N. 11.--. Th )ToORAI'IIERS, CoLORISPS AND ITIIERS. JUST ISsU NEW WORE ON Photograph Colr,ring, Iroutyping, Enamelling Ivory Minzature Pa an Complete instrurtiona given for malting Ivorytypes, vith some valuable repetptq, never before published, ',fill 10 all photographers, for one of which a iarge been offered. It,' following the dirvrtlons cwnblinerl In this book. 3,, I tie, persone whh no previous knowledge of nti ugnlinitot. lye st.) le. Petro. One ropy: ?500 , Piro Copieg, 20 00. Ily ro mittlog $1.2., 0 one copy, with lb, of Paints, P.letto Bro.:hem and preparatiorm completo pill bo furnh.lite free of ehariro. Will be Published shortly, A VALUABLE WartlilN DRA WINO. NVPII progressive Illustrations ~ 1 the. flu man Pare and Figure Also, A lIAND-lbnllC IN I'll. si . CioNs, with illustrations. Designed or the use of Photographers and Ai tista. Mr C.oper continues to receives Ladies Anil auntie man Into Ids Classes for Instruction in Drawing, and Paotograph, I vorytype. lodia Ink And Pasta Planting, and a I),‘”tiroi for Enamelling Pictures. riroular, eontainining iisi of prices of picture. And rwth, in form ition re,perting t he links an I 'Perms I ti,tru, he had by enclosing Post Wilco Ad dress :ttid it Stamp to 111 S rln , t.nnt Street., BEEF ERENCE. 4 . Caleb Cope. l'or..i.lnt %,..nliny of Fine A rt ,, , Dr It. 1% 11.4. m. 11 ,11.11 , 1,1 kt :111.1 Entomologist Itvo. V.lrtin. I'. E Church. I loq 1 irt"r 1,....rn 0r n. Itnbert n( .I , iv conke Co Now York, Rev. W. A. )In, bin, Jtcct. rt. Alban . - Ch., oh, 11,40n..1 1-1 Tll'nn A rn. ~,..stor, NIA,- D 0.1,41., lMole(' ShUVali, French Consul. lin, I I, I —Lin. WHERIAEit LS:WiLSON'S SI G .111.11 C ILVE &c.. and Wroudht and asst Iron. and ALVAN 110 IN and IRON v \ \ t HIA,I:tIN lES Srki ItS, CoUNTERS, I , OI2NTAINN. 1111VIIINU Po)STS. I, \IP t VW+. V 1,±1.: 4 T FLOW Elt SIPANDS. tIfATUARY. A\l NIALS, as.t all Inn) Work,. of a in,oral lye Vila' tv•ter. th-sittos forwarded for selection. Porsons applying for ban., 1%111 rtes.! state the kind of work needed. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa. I Nov. 00.1003. W. C. SAWYER With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Check, New S'yle Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. INTERNATIONAL. EXHIBITION, LONDON. 1862 INDIJIITIIIAL EXHIBITION, PA RI 4, 1861. at the Fairs of the Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania State Fair September, 1863 A Inerican Ind Rut°. Now York, Merhatlice' A ssocial ion Boston, Franklin Instil ute, Philadelphia, Nletropoli tan Mechanics' InAituto, ashi tic ton, llnryixud lul.tiluie Baltimore, :Mechanic' Association. Cincinnati, IC en tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. AINE, VERMONT, CON N ECTIOUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRUINIA, MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, OHIO, INDIANA, 11) IV A, TENNESSEE, ILLINOIS, R ENTOCR Al ICII In AN, ISCoNSIN, A LI FORNIA These celebrated Machines are adapted to every va riety of Sewing or tinnily wear, from the lightest mus line to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and cotton goods,—seaming quilting, gathering, hemming, felling: cording, and braiding—making n beautiful and perfeat stitch, alike ou both sides—mud performing every species of sewing except making button holes and stitching on buttons. Full in tructions for operating the Machine Is given gratuitously at the sales rooms. When ti•e Machine Is sent some distance, so that personal Instruction is inconvenient, a card of direction is sent, which Is a sufficient guide. 'rho qualitien which recommend the NS heeler & Wilson Machine are— 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides Of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel. and made with 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments and wide range of application to purposes and materials. b. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. ti. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed, ease of operation and, management, and quietness of movement. Plain Table, $45 00 Half Jaso, Paunched. 50 00 lialt t ace Polhwed, Black 'Walnut or Mahogany 55 00 Plain Tabln, Half Case, Pann 60 00 LialiCase, Poll/died, Black Walnut or Mahogany 06 00 No. 1 Mactane, Myer plated, with Plain Table, Half Plow), Polished, Black Walnut, 70 00 ❑all Casn, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogrury 75 00 Half Case, Polished, Rosewood, 80 Orr Full Cade, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 90 00 100_00 No. 4 Machine, Large with , Plain Table, 75 00 Plain Table, Every Machine is sold with a Hemmer, Nos. 1 and 2 Machines are sold complete, with the New Glass Cloth Presser, New Style Hemmer and Braider. Wheeler & Wilson's Agency at• Railroad and . Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. Nov. 27, 1803-Iy. NAILS! NAILS 11 NAILS 11 I A largo stock of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough tulle, at. tho lowest Vrices. Our naila aro worth Nets a keg more, than any other make of nails sold •tn our town. this is the opinion of mochanleS who have tried them, we alsolavo a full assortment or BUILDING MATERIAIA, OM* latest arid poet apprpved ntyles. 411 goods war ranted as repreeented. JOHN' P. LYNN & SON: ESTATE. No 1338 Chestnut Street, Opposite U. S. Mlut ALL ON FIRST FLOOR. Vr REDUCED PRICES Ilighent Premiums at tho I= At the State Faire of SCHEDULE OF PRICES No. 3 Machine, wilh No. 2 Machina with No:s Machine, Cylinder, with TERMS CASH Cumberland Valley Railroad. NT, °TICE TO PASSEN.OERS'. 7 =?On and after January Ist, 1561, Through Fares on the Cumberland Valley and Franklin Itail Roads will be as follows: Hagerstown to Harrisburg, Morgantown, State Line, Greencastle, Marion, Chambersburg, Scotland, Shipponsburg, Oak v lila, New villa, A I terton, OreasonN, Hood Hope. Inidlesex, Kingston, M ochan I esbnrg, Shiremanstown. Faroe from Ticket Stations will be TIM oxsrrs addition al when paid in the cam Superintendent's Office, 1 Clutin'g Doe. 22, f Dec. 24. '63-3t Closing up Business r IHE subscriber, because of, and private matters also claiming his attention, feels It his duty to retire from business at leant for a season. probably Mall the present war Is etlllo.l. I shall close my hull mires early In February "Mkt, and up to teat period. will keep up my usual supply of Syrups, Coffees, MO, Sugars, Spices. Mackerel and such other articles as belong to a stock of Groceries, together with an assortment of Tobacco, (chewing 4• emoking) qyarm ; embracing tho choicest qualities, and at the lowest pos , ible prices nod pronto. The balance of my stock, composed of CE D All W A ItE , such ns Tr. hs, Churns, Bw•ketn. a Int of Corn Brooms— the choicest he :my market —fl Inn, China, Glass, Quoensware, Crocks, , will 110 Sold at rr,tucrd 11111,9, 1 WOlllll ,•uthnter, this opportunity of tendering my sincerest ihanks,to the numeroul friends and custom. er., who have for It pPrjr,4l lit rarer twenty years, L , Ives me so generous Red liberal a share of their patronage. trusting that my late", to please have not Itltogether been In val.. To such ns hare noNruots to settle with me, either fir or aLrain,t. I would state that I will as here tollde, be found at my usual pla•e of business, where I will be always be happy to sou them. " Marion Hall," Carlisle, January 8, 0-15 — Perry Advocate please enpy Fire Insurai►ce VIII Allen and Hastpennsboro' i‘lutuat Fire Insurance Cim‘pany of entilhorland roots ltieorporated by an art Oi Assembly. in tin ye,ir 191,1, and havinc, recently had its charter extentle !o the year is now in 'tett,e and vh:orouv operation. um der the superintgudenee of the t o lls. wing Board of ),atuwors, I iz : It. i atlan S , tayinan, Eberly. I). Bally, Ali,. Conner, John Elehelber ger, Joseph Wielseriihain, Kn rnl. Hail In. 11nc,•v Bricker, litolirlph •Inenli Coi,Vl.l", ft fl. l . C. Dunlap. •I'lul rates of in,nranee are ar Ira HMI litvonillitipq any (loropany ind in the Stole. Peri,ona rr isliilrr, lo lifilVarto make 11flpll. litho) to the agent., of the 01111(11E1y, who are it lu wait upon them at ally tuna. 1.11,1) . s Thlls, P.O CHRISTIAN STA YMAN, vchnil 1,41.urz, I'. 0 01IN C. DUNI, \ Sp,t'y V , •rh:unrnLurg. .1).1, lEL It. 111.1", 1111141.urg. 1,. r. co. C.lTaberTrivol rriinly.—John Shorr4.4. : Henry ; I.ala)et to 11iettit,tm; 111...ry 11.,, mat.. Chu.. ; tirilll h, South. (Irahain. )I..ehati esburix.; .1. ‘V. Shepherd -town: I). Corer. Upper Ile, .1. O. rnt tern, Silver `'pnrrK; John liver. Carli•le lalentine Feetiitto, New humber- IduJi .11mes , k voulitv vielthic Dover: .lamasGrinith, ; .1 I. DeardurlT, II t ie netrr,r Itiehey Bich 'v o.llslitirl; 1). hotter, Fairview; .1.)11n IVII Dauphin err —Jaen}, )leather, of the Ihiving rihnnt to expire. etn hire thin renewed by Man, Hy; application to tUn nt the toots. I=l FURS! FU'RS!! p t.lsT ~ received a lare addition n!' nrw Fttr,, Cripev, Viettwittes. - sr., also l'lreiks .NI/te the% tk w6ll. New York, very clt,Ap. Plain !hared wet Fntier Ore,. Ir I .1" TER Ulf ;I1( 11,4 , It•e‘t qt.) ht nvy 11u,41titi Gloves for the enld Nv etither laltunrel elder lienttine Ilan •ver husk Gleves and (isuntlels-- 'lrune ea! , Lust Maio treet, one tote!. =BEIM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. VOOD &I , EROT, 1136 Ridge Iveuue PAILADELPIIIA, PA., fur E n e u 1 1.; th e rtu l i n , c i , ) 5 u t.41 ( 1 1 v ,.. 0:11 , g r TITI Fry o w - tt.ITtr.CCFS — TiFT, Ell: For Rent .or Sale AT well known property now oct-Al - pled by the subscriber situated in the southeast corner of Pitt and Louttior streets. nearly epp,ite the 1 Berman lieforin,ll'hurcli. The house eir;ls n large Brick ItuiLlinr, 0,11141 to 6,- . a three story 111,11. e. finl 4 ll,l It "111 the , E r , cellar to the mit' II front,lo feet or houllier, and about 71i feet with 160 front mint oco a building OH se reef.. and 120 let more or less on Pitt street: bating also thereon a small Tenant House. x 131 . 0:1 4 formerly NI as a Livery Stable. all whit 11 the subserib,r will either rent or sell. For further particulars enquire of Nov 13, 1863-3 m Notice of Co-Partnership, rrlfh; public arc hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered into 3 co Partnership, under the narile of Delaney & Blair, for the purpose of earrylng on the Coal .and Lumber busi floss, at tne till sand of (diver Delaney, near the Gas IVorics; where till or'ders in their lint of business am respectfully solicited, and will he pronwly filled. Or t f /SW—Orders for eon/ NVIII Le received at Halbert & Fleming's Orocero Store ltohert Mooro's Shoe Store and A. U. Bleh'r.Currying Shop CM—Orders tor Coal nr Lumber solicited throngh the Post 01lige, arrangements lowing been mails with the Postmaster to sharpr the pottage on same to us. All orders punctually tilled. NEW GOODS- AGAIN ! At Ogilhy's Cheap Cdsh Store Ihave just returned from the city, and now opening, another lot of elognn Winter Goods, which I will soli cheap for rash. Many articles sulta hie for Christmas presents at low figures. MOURNING GOODS, In great variety from Besson's Mourning Store. Ladies Cloth Cloaks, all kind!, Another Irt of those cheap och:i ti .r Ladlen (lontut al. Alsu fancy Colored Silks. A good assortment of all the now style Dross Goods In thu market. Ladies and .lhildrens Mammals. \t'oolun floods, and Not - dna, - a full assortment of flood Cloths and Casslmam, Mr Gent's and Boy's Mar. My assortment 'snow large and complete, and no ex ertion will be spared to give every satisfaction to pur• chasers both in price and quality. Our motto is short profits and quick sales hence, the great rush we have had for the last six months, i „,French Merinos, at reduced prices, at the old stand, nearly opposito the Depot CIE Dec. 18, 1863 STATE NOTICE. - ui Letters testamentary on tho Estate of John Darr, doc'd , tate of Frankford townshipv having been issued by the Itegisterof Cumberland County, to the, subscribar, residing in the above township. Notbsc is hefeby given to all persons Indebted to said estato4rb Make payment, and those having claims to present ',heat duly authenticated for settlement to DAVID DARE, Jr. t Executor. CIIM JIM. 8, 1814-06• 85 00 ESTATE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given :tint letters testamentary were Oda day granted to the undersigned of the estate of Esther Birkholder, late of South Middleton town• ship. All persons indebted to said - Estate, are request. ed to make payment of the.same to the undersigned, and those having claims against said Estate will pre• sent them to 'JACOB lIIRKROLDER, South liliddlot. n Township, Cumb. Co Jan. 8. 1861-Bt. VSTATE NOTICE.- eephLrtters of Administration on the Estate of Jo. Alay,"dec'd., late of East Pennsboro township, having been Issued:by . tlte Register of Cumberland Co. to the subscriber) reidding In said township. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to Mid ciliate to matte payment; and those having eitilma3e present them duly authenticated for settlement to . GEO:WICRIBEIWELL, Administrator. 18811-.-6t*. O. N. LULL, Supt !MEI =I IMMO W. C. SAWYER JACOB SENER OM V EH. 111.',LANCY, A.\ DREW 11. BLAIR CM= =1 CHAS. 0011,11 Y, Trustee AT GREENFIELD & SHEAFtRt OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS. 5000 yds. Super Extra at 20 cts. Good 4-4 Bela Mu din, 25cts. Extra _Heavy 4-4 Bela Muslin at 31cts. $245 2 40 2 36 2 10 195 1 70 I CO 1 36 1 25 1 00 Domoal lc Hinghame, Cheake, Tlcklnge Jeans, Flannels colors, nil colo Homo Made la tunelaG ray and White. Home Made ,leave. Wo have also all tho lower priced Meelindand Prints on hand, and SILKS• Plain Black Silks at all priding. We now moll an extra quality of Elliott 811 k tit PAN worth 111,50 por yard. Plain and Panty Silks of giirit dosctiption at low prices. DRESS GOODS, as we have purchaseed our entire stock of Dieeiroeoft# In New York (which le Headquarters, for all theblew, Styles.) Every one will find It to their advantage tvi give our stock a look before going eisewher., as you will nee all the latest New York Styles', at prices to cult the times. BALMORAL SKIRTS, from $2,50 up to the thieet grade n. Cloths and Cassimeres, a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and B•161114 4 / 4 all of the Newest Stylus. Also a full stock o MOURNING GOOMPIIi at at astonishingly low prices. Notions and Woolon Goats, Gloves, Ilose,,woolen and cotton; Collars, &c. In our stock of hoods, Noble's, Sontags, Steele, ie., we defy competition. We lot ve a large assortment of Regular Marie goodi. (not Auction (lotals,) which we ran sell at lower prices than any Wholesale louse, large or email, either 111 city or rountry. Shawls of every description, at the loWeift figure. All We ask is a eell , wo ale confident we can plume both in styles and prices of goods. URN:EN VIILD k STIEAFER, S. E. Cor. Market Square, 2nd door from Cor. Oct. 2,11'413. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the 'World's Fair, London, 1802. _,.--_= — __74 - 44 ---_.o ,- '''' .;. '' l "l _ ' ; —. ~”-,-,-. „T ,+ ; y. - 4—.---„, - -i;,,,n1 kt ''l •-: 1 Lu .. , -...,--- 17'1' ) :. • 14 •-. -2_ , ?Vg, • .., r l ll E undersig,ned has just leceived, land intends to keep constantly on band a full as• s. rttnent of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Steiow .y & Sons fit New York. tech instrument wilt be carefully selected In the Manufactory. and will be sold nt the New York Cash Factory Prices, ,00., c ~..thlitiun of gir,41400,,t0,Cai,1i51e.... _,. ~.,_ A written etotruotee of entire satisftietfon,valf be o'ol by tlre Lubscrlher to noel. purchaser. Persoos &smote to pur^hase are Invited to cell and OXII,IIIII, these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d d. or root of the alnnslon /louse, near V e Railroad l)epot SECOND HAND PIANOS recoiled in exchange and kep fur 'ads and to rent. JOHN H. STAYMALL Carlisle, Mar 22, 1863-1 y TAKE NOTICE. 9111 E Firm of Leidich Sawyer & Nil ~leq.baslbla_lav-been di.olved by -.t.134-mutcuil - f!lljrii. I Thu of the Firm are in the hands of J. D. Le)- (eh .e .1..1.11 )liiler for th.y can be s96li bf al .lnir at the Mil stantf, it 1 , . must earnertly erpeceedr petnig theni,elven indebted to said Firm, callo awl settle the dente' promptly. . _ . I,eldieb an I John Miller, have sold out their en, thy tob•mat in said .`tore to the Undersigned, who tvtll ..‘wtil,Lo• the• Dry Good Ilusi , ess at the old wen known steed, a tot will always endeavor to make hi% the most th-sirable in the market. Sep I`+, liti3 SPECIAL NOTICE - Tut: PROPRIETORS 04 Till GIRARD lIOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, rid] the at tendon of Iltistries Men and the tr; •rl 1 11., r rn Unity, to that i:l3 per', ir and r.iritt.irt tittered nt their establish merit. KAN.-W.l, Ft" WLEIt. & CO. SiTt 11, 1 9 1 11 E PARTS MANTILLA CLOAK -I Si- FUR—F - 1 s.l P-1t I UM. NA. 920 CI I ESTNU3I Street, Nu 70 , , k DELPHI A. .1 W. l'lt.,CTult C'O. Irvine the attention of tali& Friends to their large and ;luperh Stock of Fine CLOAKS anti FURS? unparalled in any fortorr si•ne , lll he inrrelsed aemunnodali In afforded In our now 10ra.1,,n, enables us to depute the ful list attention to our Fri; DEPAllnl ENT which ~ 111 he found well furnished with every dererip• floe or Fin.T C1.1.S FURS, which will be guaranteed •ffi represented, or the money paht will be refunded. ORDERS per mail, will 1)e rerefully attended to. and dellre ed, Expresx ehargem paid, any distance Insido of it.o miles. .1. W. PROCTOR & CO. N, 920 CHESTNUT Street, PLIILAD A August 2Sth., 11413. , ly I YR I NC P.; & CO.'s well-known DIELO DBu\'S and II A ItAIONIUMS, Introducing the of f. et bash On eci•ty itirtrument. ER Al EST GA BL ER:B It A VI N K BACON'S and II A 1.1,E1', DA CIS Ai Co., celebrated I lANOB for gash at a liberal d. thietion ' :30,G00 .IAMI•:S BELL AK, Solo Agent. 279 9rl S. Filth otreet, above Spruce. PIIII,ADELPIIIA, Pa. April 17, 1563-ly COFFEE POT: TILLIA M. FRIDLEY respectfully. Allllolllllls to tho cilixens of Carlisle and the put lie generally, that be still continues the manufac ture of all kinds ot tin and sheet iron ware In 3. D. Ilallpert'n building East Louther street Carlisle at lb* sign of the RED COFFEE POT, . . where he will at all times be ready to d u o all kinds of work in his line with neatness and despatch. Alsn CAII at all times lie hat. those celebrated, self sealing and self testing premium airtight, FRUIT CANS AND JARS Ho ditto, Spoutlnd, and all kinds of jobbing done at the shortest notire. Cash paid for old lead, pewter and copper. Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hopea by stria attention, end a desire to please all to merit • continuance nt the seine. Dont forget the sign of the Red Coffee 'Pot.. April 3, 11463, GEO. W. NEIDICA, D. D. Late Demonstrator of nperatlve Dentistry to the 13 ZIWri . Baltimore College Or Dental Surgery. .1 , 10 lir& Mee at hie residence, oproslte Marlon lieu, wit Main street, Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.18h7. £ SINGISMIL vENERAL DEALER in Flour, and jg all kinds of country produce. Warehouse on the corner of Main and Neat street*. The beet Fresh Ground Family Flour at A. SING!. ZEUS. May 5, 18113—t. f. . . CLOAKS ! CLOAKS 1 ! J UST received and very cheap at ' GREENFIELD & SHEAFERPC AP wo purchase these goose of an extensive Cloak Manufactory in New Yeax, we are able to offer Impart. or inducements to any lloun In the cono:ktrte FURS - FURS IT- ' • We defy compotitiop, having inachigarrattgendentrwitili l " one of the largest Nov York Fur One., tq supply tts . ..- with choice i.loods. Wo fool confident we can eellun at City prices. •. _ . GIIIIENFTELD & SUEAFER.' S.. B. Cur. of Market Sq - aare, 2d • Nov. la, 1969 BOOTS & SHOES. • A FULL assortment of Men and Boyar . liots and Shoes, suitable for' the winter: 'Also, dies and Missos'a Balmoral Bootees. Chlldran'a . noate of all kinds. Ladles and Gentlemen's aUM Over Om: My Oldoustomeres and all in want of good and,cbetip" Boots and Shoos, will pleat° call and examine the stook, before purchasing. Alain Weal, nearly oppoatte" ;he Depot. . CHAS. COMM, Truate‘' Carnal°, Nov. 21, 1803 Brrins • PulmOic . : Wafeisi AT ItALSTaIe pm. 11.4 lses Ei 1)..T. LUNCH . , 30.111 , 1 3111,1,E1t. 1211=3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers