A Joint Resolution Proposing CERTAIN AMENDMENTS 'TO THE CONSTITUTION E resolved by the Senate and Homo of Representatives of the CommOnwealth of Mansylvanla in General Assembly met, That the fol lowing amendments be proposed to tb.b Constitution of the Commonwealth, iu accordance with the provis ions of the tenth article thereof: • There shall be an additional section to the third ar ticle of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: 860TION 4. IV honover any of the qualified electors of this Commonweal h shall be In any actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Common wealth, such etcetera may exorcise the right of suf frage in all elections by the citizens, under ouch regu lations as are, or sludi be, prescribed by law, as fully no If they were present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to bo designated as sec tions eight, and nine, as follows: SzczioN R. No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture'containing more than ono subject, which obeli be clearly expressed In the title, except appropriation • SECTION 9. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature granting any powers. or privileges, in any case, whore the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has boon, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA, Spealcor of the Ifouse of Itoprneentatives JOHN P. I'ENNEY, pealcor of the Senate, OFFICE OF THE SECHETAer OF TOE COMMoNNYEALTH. narriSbUrg, July 1, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA, SS """) C .... Th. .„.-----_,,, I do hereby certify that the foregoing and SEAL annexed is a full, true and correct copy Of the original Jointißesolution of the Goner. \,._ al Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. IN TISTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Seeretary's office to be iff- Axed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER., Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 7, 1863. William P. Lynch„ Having returned from the army has re-opened the AS FITTING and PL U business at the Old Stand in the basement of the First Methodist Church. Ile will attend promptly to a Nbusi ness in his line Lead and Iron Pipos Iron Sinbe, Hydrants, (lath Tubs, Hot ,ii Cold Shower Baths, Iloth Iloßerm, Water Closets, Wash Itaains, Force and Litt Pu ~its, Hydraulic limns, Se 19rolt Iron Wad I o . . _ And every description of rocks and fittings for gas, Stearn, water, fir. ii , uperior emitting ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up in chit rellea, stores and dwell lags, at short notice. in the most modern style. Al. materials and nark in our line nt low rates and war anted. ItS_Country work andjobblmt promptly attended to June 5, 1503. RECEIVED RECEIVED C. SAWYER respectfully calls W • the attest on of the Public (Ladles In partic ular) to his large and in ell selected stock of none F,l LL A ,VD 11'/N7'ER GOODS, Junt repel eel from the En st ern Cl tips. Ehiheaeine the latest and most approved stylos nisi kind of Goods In the Marliet. Ills la bilks, Itlio ' , alloy bilks, Plain Silks, all shades; l'hrllled. and unread bilks. Merinos, all colors: I . l,!iired Cashmeres, Alexandra Cloth, Saxon Cheekg..Alparus, it.•ps. Scotch Plaids. All Wool Deleines, Paramettos, American Delolneg, Special attention given to MOURNING GOODS, Such as Mourning Bilks, Itemblzlnex, iiierinos, Cash meres, Berta Cloth, all {Void Delaines, Hops, Alparac, Crepes, Mourning Crile. Gloves. Hosiery, Eiiihreideriii , ,, Mourning Bahnorals, Black ,Double Thiliet Shawls, Bay - s ~ a 41 iigle; Melt' and Grey Shawls, Mantles, Figured goods of all kinds. wit=stsr.,*- E.hawls of all kinds and Colors, Cloak and Mantles for Fall and Winter wear, Latest Styles; Cloths for Mantles, Quaker [loop shirts. some. thing new; Ilalnne;als, all odors; Kid Gloves, Guant• lots, Hoods, Sontags, Ludirs and Misses Merino Vests, Embroidm lea, Woolen ,rid len's and Bog's Wear of all Kinds; Truck Cloths, Beaver and Tricot Cloths, Black and Fan— cy Cassimeres, Vestings, Wool Shirts and Dram era, White Shirts and Collars, Ties. Units Shawls. Back Obese and ilauntletc, Itress (ii vi's. all kinds of tur nishino floods. Itomestie Ooods iu lart,e supplies and of every description, Homo Made and Shaker Flan Dols, Blankets, Counterpanes, Woolen Yarns, every thing in fart required by the mllllllll nity. An experionerd Tail'r makes op, at shirt untie, any Garment Men or Bob's may desire. All the above and many other goo Is in addition to the old stork on hand is offered at a small lial3lllCo .31 first Coat to par chasers. Additions of desirable goods a ill be made as the season advances. I desire It continuance of the trade so kindly gin en to the late firm. and as many new customers as a ill he pleased to rail and OXItaIiTIO my stock. I shall continue the 331110 liberally giv en to customers Inc the late firm. Please roll at the old Stand, East Main Street, one door bOiOW Martin's notel. - IV. C. SA WY Elt Sop. 25,1853 ARRIVAL OF NEW STOCK OF rio ra 3r alGr c.:3 c cl Is . A. W. BENTZ, AS just returned from the Philadel phia and New York markets with a large and selected stock of Dry Iloods, consisting in part of Mohair lure, Plaid Victoria, Wool Plaids, Plald Poplins, Bilk and Worsted Checks, Coloted Al pars, Colored Merrimac, Moose do Laine, Double wid h Wool Plaids, Black and White do, Wool Plaid "Victoria, Gingham., Calicoes. Cheeks, Tick lugs, Opera F lan els. Shirtlngs, Table Diaper, Sheet lugs, Canton Flannels, &c. :IVIOURNING GOODS, liferhlOOS, Bombazines, Figured and plain DeMines, Brocade Mohair, Double Wool Del:tines, Chena Mohair, Striped Reps, Striped Mohair, Striped Poplin, (ln,Q. de Berlin. Terine Cloth, Parma Otto Coburg, Black Coburg. Mourning Corded Silk, Petit do Sole, Black Silk, a large assortment of Crape Collars, Black Alpacas, Black Silk Belting, &c. SHAWLS. Black and Bordered Long and Square Shawls, Square and Long Wool Shawls, Black Thibet, Mons do Laine, Broche Long and Square. Plaid Wool Shawls, Fancy Wool Shawls, in great variety. BALNIORAL SICIRTZ, Ladles' Hats, Homo Made Blankets, fine or imported.— The latest style hoop Skirts—sly quaker. HOSIERY. A large and well selected etOck, Wool and Cotton, La dies and Children's Caps, a fine assortment of Bonnet and Mantua Ribbons, Gingham, Pllll and Cotton Hand kerchiefs, Umbrellas, a largo assortment of ➢TENS AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, The largest and best selected stock In the county.— Carpets, Oil Clothe, kc These Goods have all been selected expressly for this market, with great care both to their quality and styles, as well ns to a reasonable price at which they can and will be disposed of. The old friends and customers of this well known house aro invited to call anti examine this stock of splendid Goods. Carliglo, Oat. 30, 1803 NEW WINTER GOODS. Ihave just returned from the Fastern Markets With an immense stock of WlnLer Goods, est styles, and fabrics of Ladies Dross Goods, Misses and Children's Dress Goods, Ladles and Misses Ulm, all kinds and qualities, BERTHA°, CAPES, VICTORINES CUFFS. A largo stock of CLOAKS and MANTLES, selected from the most fashionable manufactories In the cities. Latest .Parlit Styles and -designs.- Cloaking Cloths, Plain and Castor Beavers, Mittens and other qualities. Shawls in largo euplpy, latest novelties as well as 'dupla makes. .14OURNING GOODS Pf_all_kinda_and_varieties. -Balmoral-Skirtsi -every quality and style. New Style of Hoop Skirts. All kinds of worsted goods, Gloves, tios'ery, Embroideries dm MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Overcastings, Cloths, Mellons, Satinets. Jeans, togoth• er with an immense stock of Muslin's- Calicoes, Ging. hams, Blankets, Plausible, Burnishing Goods &e, &a.— Please call at the well known stand East Main 'Street. Nov. 13, 1863. • • W. 0. SAWYER. The Confessions and Experience. OF AN Publlehed-for the benefit, and as a-warning and . A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN • who suffer from Nervous Debility Premature Decay of Manhood, ate., supplying at the Fame time. • THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By ono, who has cured himself after being put to great expense and Injury though medical humbug and quackery. fly enclosing n post paid addressed envelope, single 'epics may. be hail of tom author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Iledford,Rings County, N. Yt ' Ha 1903,1164. Carlisle• Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 • F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam WOrks on Eas Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment of AtinICULTU It A L IMPLEMENTS, of woll known, approved useful fleas to farmers, among which they would call opecial at tontion to WILLOUOII BY'S OBIABICATED P ATE N T GWI SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Faire. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on the beet farms in these counties. Its reputa tion is established as the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United S.dtns. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springspassthe drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For even and regular sowing. the Willough by Gum Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and soli the following articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW A FODDER CUTTER, DRIDEN DOLPH'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, DARN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S TROUGH. Also, Titre() and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field ItMors, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plato Wood Stoves, with an Immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and othors. Wo have also en attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To this department of our business we give portico. tar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw Mill Gearing, is constantly increasing. Mill Owners and Mill NVrights Will be fur nished with a printed catalogue of our various Mill Patterns, on application. Our Machine Shop cola prises all the various tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and careful Machinists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES , of any desirable capacity, from ten to twenty-fivehorse power, built in the Mist style and on accommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries In Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which we confidently refer for information ns to their °Melon cy . Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re quested local] and examine before contracting else where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our establishment Is a Steam Sashand Door Manufactory which Is now in complete order for the manufacture of every description ut BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished ftom 5 cents upward, according to size of gloss ; Window Frames trom $1 31 upward; Shutters and Rollin}; Blinds from $1 75 upward; Four Panel I,Pors from $2 IS upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves. Wash Boards, Brackets. Fancy Drapery, Scrolls. and id her arthdes needed In house building, furnished at the lowest prices and of this best quality of Imnber. Irn:Wit are also prepared, as heretofore, to build and repair lIU Ill! EN CARS for tea miporterson the railroad, with promptness and sin reasonable terms. The vonti ile , l pat ronitgo Ihr publ is is rpspectfully solicited. , IrJers by pi nuiptly attended to. ?Lip 9 t 0 1 1 - )ENN 'MUTUAL - LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. (AssErs *1,151 780 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, on f tvorable The Board of Trustees 11111.0 declared a Scrip Dlvi• deed ,d forty per rent upon the Cash Premiums re ceived in 1.0;1, on all Polieles in force en the 31st "fn.,. rember, and have decided to receive the Scrip 'dends nf 19513:1 - 954 - , - 1455 - and 1R56-1n - payment ofPre 'minor Not, Or Loans ,in Policies due the Company, will be credited on the same with the Scrip of said years. The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them, at the. Cal lisle Agen cy. at his ollice on Main street, nt ally time after the date of this notice. PAmphiets, tables 4 , f rates. applications and every in (lmitation furnished without charge. A. L. SPONSLER March 13, 15.53, Agent, Carlisle - II • LIN N hi 11 having on account tho dampness and unhealthful ness of his fnr Illar shop on II tn.,er street, been eompelled to remove therehom ha, putcha,ed and refitted the splendid shop n NI:1111 slroet. nest flo, to A. L. Sponsler's of ne, 6e inert) , o.•eupied by J. ?hers. lie will he glad to weleome ell his 011 , 4411)1,S, and as nutny new ones as w 6.11 t m ho shaved by clean and competent bar bers. Au 11, 15461-115. Dl[. MA RICI 14: Y'S FAMILY II NI EDI ES TRIUMPHANT. The Great Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— Searcher. Dr. Markley's HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM READ! READ" BE PERMANENTLY CURED! Th e great Slipericority of Dr. MARKLEY'S popular and ,%1•11 tried FA NI ILY MEDICINES Is traced to the fart that they search ,out and to - toile:au the cause of disease and hence never fall to effect a permanent cure. They not only restore tone to the digestive organs, Impart- I rug a Maltby tutu,,, to the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, but they thoroughly 101 l ify the blood, than perina• neatly' coring the disease by destroying Its foundation On 11. e 27th ot . January. 18W, Mr D. S. Moore, o 11rainplan 11111 , . Clemfield Co. l'a wrote that he was ndu.•ed by the numerou, testimonial,: he had seen of the cure ellectod hy Dr. Markley's Medicinec, to apply in behalf of it sister, Al Lone case he thus descilhed: 4 '• for tile last six yearn she has been suffering from Perot ula and IN hit° swelling. In 1854 she suilered severe pain In one of her legs attended with ~welling which extended from the knee to the hip. In about two months It broke and and has continued on to do until the present time. OTI 0110 occasion a piece of Lune three Inches in length, and at another time one of a smaller size, came on t.— Iler knee has been stiff for tilt et: years, and at times the pain is very severe." r x * * * AN ENTIRE CURE EFFECTED The Medicines—the Health Restorative Balsam, the Febrifuge or Black Powder, and the Black Ointment were furnished, and the result of their use is an nounced In the following letter: liltAl.lolAN H 11.1.8, PA., August 14th, 1863. DR. O. H. 11 ARR LEr—Dror Sir: I am happy to infirm you that the Medicines received from you some three years since HAVE EFFECTED AN ENTIRE 'CURE in the case of my sister, who. you will remember, was suf furing from Scrofula and White Most Respectfully. &e., D. S. MOORE. DYSPEPSJA &e., CURED. Cert.limit(' of XI It. A lINEIt D. CAM PHEW,. of tho ilrm o Campbell ee Marhholl, Boot and Shoo deulore, Centro equaro. LANCASTER, Pa., March 4, 1863. Du. 0. 11. Msextr.Y—Dear Sir: It affords me much pleasure to have an opportunity to add Ins testimony in Steer of your popular family mcdielnea, especially as my knowledge of their efficacy is bused upon personal experience in my own case and observation of my neighbors. For many years I was the victim of Dys pepsia in its most aggravated form; my system having become so much deranged and debilitated, that 1 was unable to perform any Stud of ha6or. 1 had resorted to the best doctors within reach, without relief. I used some of the most popular remedies of the day, recom mended for that disease, lout none of them did me tiny good. My sot fferingo can bo understood by any ono sulfuring from the same disease, but they could not be described in word.!. I was then living at Hopewell, Chester County, and in 1867, as a last resort, 1 com menced the use of your medicines. They seal, afforded me relief fta m the most painful symptom!: Willa/ I had ecu,cely hoped to obtain; and in a surprisingly short time 1 Was completely restored tolicalth, and I have enjoyed the bertfli health ever since—not a x3111140m of my old complaint remaining. Since then, I -have always kept your medicines in my thmily, and would not be without them upon any consideration, as they have never failed to do what you claim for them lIIIMIMi] • While still living at Hopewell, I immune agent for your father, and sold a largo quantity of the medicine for him, nod all who used them were loud lu their praise. A child of Mr. Pickering, of Copewell, was of. Muted with White Swelling In the knee. It wrote very bad case I lie used your Balsam, Febrifuge and Black Ointment which effected a psi feet cure. Numerous other Mies of cures effected by your valuable remedies In that noighborh , od, could be on omerated if desired. I have seen enough of them to justify tee In saying that your Family Modieinek are the best ever presented to the public, of which I have had any knowledge; and it Is no less my pleasure then my duty to recommend them to all who are the victims of diem e, • Respectfully, yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. DIIIFF , 3, _Those casoa aro only-two-Of-thousands—which might be published. All who value their health and Life should use these Standard Remedies, and their cure will be Complete and Permanent. Prepared only by Dr. 0. 11. MARKLEY at his Drug and Medicine Store. 23 BAWL` KING.ST., I ancaetcr, Penna., to whom all lettere and orders should be ad droned. For sale In Cumborland County by DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. CLARKE & STATLER, Mechanicsburg 'JNO. II MILLERi Nowville. P. S. ARTZ & Co., Stapponsburg. 0E0..W. FESSLER, West Fairview. Sep. 18, 1863-3 m. LADIES' AND GENTLEM.EN'S FURS. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN • THE CITY, AT CHAS. OARFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL ROZVEL, • PkiladeZpAir* Armour El f 1.863.4132 = REMOVAL. A CASE IN I'OINI BALIIIVIORE'LOCK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FRO)1 QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE OAN BE 013TAINEDf DR,. JOHNSTON has discovered the . .1110oto I , ertaln, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of thokidneys and bind. der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debilt ty, nervousness, dyspopsy, languor, low spirits, confes sion of ideas, palpitation oPUnheart, timidity, trem blings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver; lungs, stomach or bowels—those torriblediserders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal, to their victims titan the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blightingtheir most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, kr., impossible. YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listeningSenatee with the thunders of eloquence or waited to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MILARRIA. GEL Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities, &c., speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. 3. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. OACIANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This die tressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that' under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Im proper habits than by the prudent I Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructivesymptoms to both body and mind ailse. The system becomes deranged. the physi cal and mental functions w talc coca, boss iif procreative power. nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, constitutional debility, a west ing of the frame, cough, consumption, decoy and death OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Loft hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner, Fail not to observe name and number Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRYS. , No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr.Johnston,mern ber. of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of ]he most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life fine been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of tine most listonlshing cures that were ever known ; many troubled - with ring ing in the head and ears when asleep. great,nervous. noes, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with de rangement. of mind, were cured immediately. TAlr..£ PARTICULAR NOTICII addresses all those who bevel njured themselves by improper iadulgaunce and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either bus , ness, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth,,siz: Weakness of the back and I hubs, pains in the head. ilimmissof sight, loss of in usenini pnWor,jlalpltation of the heart,dyspere ay, nervous in liability. derangement of the digestive functions. general debility. symptoms of consumption. elTevls on the mind aro milel to Inn dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, di pression of spirits, evil foreltodings. aversion to society self distrust„love of solitude. timidity, &e., ore some o the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages en» now judge a hat is LllO Calls,' of their declining health, losing their vig or, becoming weal:, pale, 110r1 , 11S Hod emaciated.hnving a singular appeat'anee about the eyes, cough and symp toms of consumption. YOUNG YEN Whn have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned front evil companions, or.at se boot, -theelfeets--ofwitlch--nre nightly rot. even when asleep, and If not cured renders marriage impossible. and both mind and body, should apply imnotdiately. What a pity t h at a young Mall, th n hope of hitt coun try. the darling of his parents. should be snatched from all pi ~:reeLS nod 011jOyOISIILS of We, by the consequence of deviation from the path of nature and indulging in a errtai it secret habit. Such persons must before con templattng VEIIRRIAGE reflect that a sound mind and liody are the 'most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness.— mimed, without those. the jaunt ey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy refl.,' ion Ih:tithe happiness e t tieether becomes, blighted w ith o u r own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE When the 111 knthled and imprudent votary of plea sure finds that he tins imbibed the seeds of tills painful disease, it too ultra happens that an ill tinned s,•use of shatne, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability. can alone beftlend hint, delaying till the 'constitutional s3infittons of this horrid disease uualu• their appearanrel eu , •h no ulcerated sore throat, illsoised nose. nocturna, polish in the lend mad limbs, dim urhs of sluh t. da•n fn ess, nodes on the thin home: and Sirius, blotches on the head. face and extremities, progiessing with frightful rapidity• till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this a whit disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by send ing him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence rioAravelMryotuvivs." that this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ig norant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poi son, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the re s idue of life rablerablo. I=llEl Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of th• many wile:trued and worthless pretenders destitute of k nowt...titre, anise or character. who copy Dr. Johnston's a ivertf<.•inents, or style themselves in thenewspapers, rogularis educated physicians. hie:m.)l)le of curing, they keep y nn trilling month after month taking the)r filthy and p 0 , 4.111111 C compounds. or ns lunges the smallest lee ran Imola:lined, and In despair, leave you with ruined health to styli over your galling disappointment. Dr..lohnston Is the only Physician advertising. II is eredentlals or diplomas always hang in his office. Ills remedies or trnatno•nt are 1111k110W11 to all others, prepared front a l ife spent in the great hospitals of Eu rope, the first. In the country and a more extensive private prartleo than any other physician In the world INDORSEMENT OE THE PRESS The many thousands cured at this institution year Idle, year, and the numerous important Surgical Ope rations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the repo, tors of the •'Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers. notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a geutlelniate of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Per'sons Writin should be particular In directing their letters to thin Institution, in the following man- =I Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Mil May 2t. ISO-1y NEW Plum. CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- IVA RE STORE. HE subscribers having purchased the stock of Groceries formerly belonging to Joe. D. I albert, will continue the business at the old stand, and ore prepared to furnish their friends and the pub lic with amerything that is nice, new and fresh, in the way of Family Groceries, Their stock Is large and selected with the greatest care• and will he sold at the lowest prices for cash. it con, vista In part of line old Uovernment lava COFFER, Prime Rio do , Prime Rio Roasted. SYIUIPS.—New York, Bustun, and Philadelphia Sy , raps, of the very hest qualities, IlltoWN Slit) A 115.—The best the market affords.— Lovering's Last Crushod, Sand, and Pulverised Sugars Also, his A. 11. and C. Sugars, which cannot be sur passed, and as the time is now hero for preserving, la dles will please give him a cull and examine for them selves. All his SPICnS are of the purest mid best va rieties. No humbug about them. Rice, Corn Starch, Perrino, Dandaline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Seep, Candles, to. r i c CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. rat A largo and welljelected stock of the very latest pat— terns and stylek, lower than ever in price, and better in quality, than was over offered before in Carlisle= Call and see. Wooden and Willow Wore, suchMsTubs Buckets, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARILIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FISH—No. 1, 2 and 3 Maokoral. No. 1 MESS SHAD No. I Herring. ' A large quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by this Sack, Dairy and IL - A. Salt. . • • The 'subscribers respectfully ask the patronage of their friends and the public generally, and Invite them to call and examine their now stook, nt the old stand, corner of Iluover and Louther Stream 11AL11 ILT_k _FLEMING— _ .. Carlisle, May 8, 180ci DIME & CO.'s well•knowt! MELO DEONB and HARMONIUMS, introducing the of fort of pedal bass on every instrument. ERNEST GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash, at a liberal deduction', or On monthly inStrUments from $5 to $lO. AV` Over 500 sold In Philadelphia. JAMES BELLAK, Sole Agent, 279 and 281 0. Fifth street, above Spruce. Philadelphia, Pa. Apiill7 1843 NTEW GOODS. •-• LI Every description and quality of Groceries, Gucensware, Ilardwaro, Piokola, .Sauce, Fine . Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, l'lpos, Fresh Fruits and vegitables in Cane, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and Willow ware, all kinds and of the best quality and to be , sold• at. the lowest prices lot rash by.. • } lwo s,'bB. • • . DOM% cHowE SEGARB & TOBACCO, -AT RALSTON'S PHYSICIANS. al° thoir ad. visninqin to hal and %monitor" thotr Med Kama 11,411aUll'S NEW 'STORE.' . (APO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. We:have, taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield & Shooter In East Main street, next door to the Jail, whore we intend to keep all- kinds of EIMBNY ens and GROVER'S& - One stuck is new and fresh, carefully selected in the Eastern Cities. Wo in vite the public and friends in general to give ue a call Gad examine out stock of goods as wo are determined to ecu. CHEAP von'omm. Our stock consists in part oj SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYR UPS, Molasses . Queensware, Willow ware, Cedar ware, Brooms Brushes, Cards and Spices el every kind, warranted pure. also, IGreen and Dried Fruit, Foreign and Domestic, and a full assortment of grovel ion generally. Flour try the barrel or pound, Country produce re ceived in exchange for goods. G. I'. MYERS k SOS. Match 20, 1803. Watches Jewelry and Diamonds. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO. • 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand, a large stock of Gold and Silver Watches, suitable for -Ladies, entiemen or Boys wear. Some of our own importa tion, extra tine quality. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most fash ionable and rich designs; as also the plainer and loss ex panel, 5. Silver Spoons, Forks, Pie, 'Cake and Fruit Knives; also a large variety of fancy Silver Ware, suitable for Bridal presents— We have also on hand, a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry ofall kinds, to which we invite es pecial attention. Our prices will be found considerably loss than the same articles aro usually for. All kinds of Watches repaired In the very beat man nor and warranted to give satisfaction. WEDDING RINGS on,hand and made to order. Call or address LEWIS LA DOH US & CO AO2 ("heath u t Street, Philadelphia P. S. The highest rash price paid for old Gold am Slyer. All ordeds from the Country will receive eve dial nttontion. April 24, 1853-Iy* ')RUGS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEA.T4PICKLES, &C S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Car Hale, J'enn'a Ilasj act opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, Dirt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surpassed in this bor ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with great case, and are calculated. in quality and price, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS which' omprlsenvery variety of fancy articles of the mos exquisite finish such as. l'apier Macho (herds. Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-standa end trays, Fancy (very, pearl and shell card Casio, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work lloxos, with sawing instruments, Ladle, Eaten:, Writing Desks, and Port Fr Los. Port Mon oaten. of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers. Silk xnd bead purses, hiding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Purfumo baskets and hags Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Baal o and It. k G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of variou , tinds l — randy Ping for hand (Immoral - id shawls: instruments, together with an innumerable variety of artieleselegent ly finished and suitable for PRESENTS, to which ho Invites special attention. Also, an eittenstve and elegant collection of BOUKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles, and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners His assortment at School Books and School Stationery Is also complete, arid comprises everything used In the Schools. lie alscidenires io call the particular atten• L ion of Families to his elegant assortment Of LAMPS, &a., from the extensive esrablishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study Lamps, fur burning either Lard. Sperm or ell; also pliirri"S celebrated Kerosene or Coe I nit Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy SeruouS, 46, assortment in this line Is un: equaled in the tr,rough. Aloe, 81 1 .11 ABS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the 0 vorite brands, and a flee assort. men tot RI:ER.8011 AUNT SMOK ERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killocochink Lynchburg Bmoking Tobacco. F It U 1 TS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, &c.. FANCY CONFECTION A BY—NUTS—PRE SERVED FRUITS, MIN.'ED-NIIIAT, PICKLES, &c., in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and-freshmolch.as.van-Le.eenlidimay-recommemied - to his friends. Ills Stock embraces everything In the line 01 Fancy floods, with umny other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and examine. Remember the Oh! Stand, nearly oppoelte the Bank on North Hanover etre I=Elll3l l I ARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH ROCEILIKS—FISII OI ALI. KINDS. Among which is a large lot of the real genuine Baltl. mere dry salt BEIMING, in oak barrels, MACK ABEL at prices that Is really astonishingly low. Pickets of all kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, arid a good assortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LIQUORS, (.6C., at the lowest rates for CASLI or Country Produce. W AI. BENTZ, Carlisle, June 21, 1853. :t Important Discovery RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES BRYAN'S PULNIONIC WAFERS ARE unfailing in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat., Hoarse. ness, Difficult Breathing, Incipient Consumption, and Diseases of the Lungs. They have no taste of medicine and any child will take them. Thousands have been restored to health that had before despaired. Testi mony given in hundreds of cases. A single dose re lieves in ton minutes. Ask for Bryan's Pulmonle Wafers—the original and only genuine in stamped Bryan." Spurious kinds are offered for sale. Twenty five gents a box. Sold b' dealers generally. JOB NIOSES, Solo Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. FerNalo by S. Elliott, Carlisle. February 20, 1.983—1 y SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST I I At tho sign of the '•Gold Eagle," 3 doors above th Cumberland Valley 'Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church, on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, Ivlll be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State. The stock comprises a leg assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches, Levers, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Paintings, a great variety of fancy artieles,Ae. The entire stock of Watchmaker tools, eases, largo Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. 'Having Mooted a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will he done as usual, at reduced prices. Carlisle, Juno UM NEW GO9.DS I NEW GOO S! ! AT OGILBY'S CH CASH STORE. lam now openinea second supply of elegaot and new style Fall Goods, which 1 will sell at the very lowest figure for cash. ELEGANT DRESS" GOODS, such se Modnoes, Nlpichne, Bilks, Do Lattice, Tureen Cloth, Itupps;Caahmeros, Poll De Chevlors, &c. &c. LADIES OLOTII DIANTLES MID - SHAWLS, Balmdral Skirts, Wrench Corsotts, Hoods, Bontegs, Nu bias, Lattice Vesis &c. A complete assortment of goods for Chlldrons wear of all kinds. , Ticklngs; Oinghams, Cheeks, Dfuslins, Flannels, Blankets, at the lowest prices. Gents Department. CLOTHS, OASSIAIERES; VESTING'S,. Ac., A fall as sortment of OentsEhirts. Drawers, Gloves, Collars, Sus panders. Cravats, Neck Tissoke. Particular attention paid to this department. I now buy exclusively for'rhsh, and sell at very short profits for the cash.,l am enabled from my long cape. Armee in the buslues, to offer, my old friends and cue tomore great induermats—in their !purchases. All persons in want of handsome and cheap goods, will please to call and °violin() my stool: before purchasing olsowhere. Recollect the place, West Alain St., nearly opposite the Dspot. , N. B. All Cloths Caßidineroa and Vostings, will lio MU ob) upto ordor t (If &OM) by oa ouporbmeotuirk CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ItOAD. Ai. • On and after MONDAY, .MAY 5, 1862, Passenger Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) FOR 011AMBERSIIIIRO AND HARRISBURG: ^. let Train. 2d Train Leavo Hagerstown, 7.00 A. M. 2.45 P. lil " Greencastle. 7.87 " • 8.88 Ohamborsburg, 8.80 • " Arr. 4.20 " g: Leave 12.66 " " iThippensburg, 9.00 " 1.28 " • 9.32 " 2.00 " " Carlisle. 10.10 " 2.40 " .. . . . Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 3.12 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " 8.40 " FOR CHAMBERSDHRG AND lIAGERSTOWN, 'let Train. 2d Train Leave Ifarrisbnrg 8.06 - A. M 1.36 P. M Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.16 " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.66 " Newville, 10.02 ' " 8.20 " " Shlppensburg, 10.33 ' 8 4.00 " " Chauabg' ' (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 Greencastle, 11.55 6.80 Arrive at Ilageratown. . 12.36 6.10 " _ . . NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickete are sold;y1z: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chem bereburg, Shippeneburg, Newville, Carlini°, blechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Paertengere that provide themselvea with Tickets before entering the Care. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambernburg,} May 1,1862. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA gi ft = 2 ;rett - :WM Xar Cars of thin Line leaye the Depot 811 Market st• Daily, at 4 o'clock, I'. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A M. Goodsintended for this Line should be marked C. ct P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. rEA T AND CAP EMPORIUM! The undersigned having purchased the stock, &c.,.0f the late Wm. 11. Trout de&d. would respectfully announce to the public that he will COD, tinue th, lIATTINU BUSINESS at the old stand, in West High street. and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce articles of (lead DrUss of Every larirty, Style'and Quality, that shal be strictly in keeping with the improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age in which we live. .941 have on hand a splendid . assortment - ' 1 of :."--i A.! ItATS.AND CAPS, - - . ~ . V ee,...„:"R, of all descriptions, froni the common Wool to the finest FUJI AND SILK. HATS; and at price,. that most snit every One Who Las an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIM ER E, BEAVER k FELT HATS of style and color and unsurpassed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other ~i t aLiishment in the enuntry. MEN'S. lIOI . S . and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every lescription constantly on hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and a many new ones as possible, to glee him a call. J. O. CALLIO. Apr. 2h, IS6O-15, A. 73. EWIINiG S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM 11 - 86 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland Co ?in The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment .f article, in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Parlo, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNI'T'URE. Kitchen and Office Embracing every article used by house and Hotel keepers, of the must approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs,. illattrasseh Wit frames, Pigiurea, tc., - " Air' Particular a ttention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. B. E it LUMBER A''ND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LU I\ll3Ell AND COAL YARD I On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a full sortment of Lumber & Coal, cats . Li i , whirls he can fur nish to order promptly • . and on the most reit- \‘: suitable terms. • LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths. Worked• Floor log, Weatherboarding, Posts, Itallt,W bite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. lie also furnish bills to order of any length and size, at the shortest noticeand On the most reasonable terms. Ills worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at all times, Ile has constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERION, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various sizes in use, which he oilers to the public at the lOwest prices. LIST SAW RN ER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the lute firm of Black & Delaney, he would solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. ()LIVED DELANCY July 26,1 —ly. S. W. lIAVERSTICK ri`HE undersigned would most respect fully Inform lila old friends nod customers and the public generally, that ho has commenced the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING business In all its branches In the F tore Hoorn of J. A. liumurich Esti , on the West corner of Hanover and West Lou ther street, where he has opened one of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made mode clothing cite.. In the Ilorough of Carlisle, Ilia stock consists in groat varieties as follows, viz: MICNS AND BOY'S COAT, do. do. do. PANTALOONS, do. do do. VESTS. Sufis for Boys, from 5 to 15 yenta of ago. shirts, Melton Flannel and Cassimore Bosoma..Drawers, ponders, Crava's, a variety of Fancy Neck Ties, Linen and Paper Collars, Men's Linen and Silk Handker chiefs, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS AND VALISES. E. E. SHAPLEY ()tweet and Leather Travelling lags, &c. All the above goods will bo sold for - Oash, at the very lowest prices - the end the-City-Markets will - justify. - Purchaser!' will pieces call and examine for them. selves, bofore purchasing elsewhere, as my motto is quick sales and short profits. SAMUEL 0. lIUYETT.. May 1,1803-3 m. Agent. P. S. Partioularattontion given to Boys clothing. SPRING TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS I II NOW offering an_immense variety of CLOTHS, CASSiMBEES, VESTING% COTTON GOODS Ac.. For Dlen and Boys' Wear, In a larger variety, than can ho found in any ostab. liniment iu this place, and at as low. prices an can ho sold soy where, to suit taste and pocket. We manm • facture the above goods to order,• In the Want styles, or sell per yard. Customers wishing, to 'lava - the goods b,nught of us, cut, can be accommodated, free °rebore°, An early Inspection of our goods and prices, rospocth.}l ly solicited. ISAAC LIVINGBTONi North U,lloVer &IMMO Clothing V.mtiorlunr. lea ••‘ 011 AS. 001111 Y, •Truoton CHANGE OF HOURS! DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, I.IIILADELPEIIA J. k D. RIIOADS =1 Agricultural Fair of 1857.) Men & Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of the Season. JAMES R . WEAVER' • ;:I.l6fAi • I D OAIINE T AN CHAIR 111ANUPAOTORT,• NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. flaying boon engaged in the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by,' and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to giVe full satisfaction to all who may favoehim with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on band, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. lie also continues business as en UNDERTAKER.— needy made Coffins,Metallic or otherwise, kept con• stantly on band an funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. • . Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, nail finished and lined inside, frop 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 80 dollars. May 25,1869--ly QTILL TRIUMPHANT. Li The complete HUCCOSE of the Prairie Flower Cook stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex• amine the only stove that has given univereal satisfac tion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTIIEIIS IS let. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the some tire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the sameeizo, 4th. The preservation of the centrepiece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The bent linker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the tines, ith. A perfect (3ns Consumer for either wocd or coal. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction in every particular, and will' be shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Hoofing, Job work, Copper•smilhlng and Sheeting work promptly attended to, In town or coun try. All work warranted at the ol stand, Ihrnover atreat north of Loutker. - MARY M. MORRIS. N. B. Old Copper, 'tress and Pewter bought, and the highest pace paid In cash or goods. March 28, 1860.—tf. HOWARD ASC.OOIATION PHILADELPHIA A lieneyclent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sink and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (ag,e, occupation, habits 01 life, kc. ' ) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of Charge. VALUABLE: II SPORTS on Spermatorrhcen. and other DiSenSeli of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW It EM— EDI ES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Two or three Startups for postage will be acceptable. Address. PR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street Philadelphia. Pa. IV order of the Directors. EZRA I). HEARTWELL, yrerridin urn,. FATRPITTLD, Setfe ry . 51nrch A, 18fil.-ly N EW STORE, AND NEW GOODS lIATS CAPS AND STRAW 000D$. II .171 S. C IP 114* c • „ • = .07 The subscriber has recently opened a New Store at the old stand of J. D. Halbert in North Hanover St. opnosi the..Carlieleale posit Bank, - Having received from New York and Philadelphia, a fine and well selected assortment of goods in his line o. business. such as HATS and CAPS, from the common Wool to the fine Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Fall and IVintar. styles of Silk Hats for 186 . 1. Ladies Furs. such as '. , t.otte Mal tin, 11linit''Thiltle, Fitch, Siberi an Squirrel. Black, Brown 1111C1 Blue Cooney, RoshMar tin, Silver do. &c., ChlidrCllB Furs, Beaver Bats for Gills and Boys, Fur Caps, Gloves and Collars for Gen tlemen. '‘11362 BUFFALO ROBES, and prises to suit the times. Also, Carpet Bags &e. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES• Alegi, Carpet Bags, Valises, Trunks, Hand Trunks Umbrellas. An asset tment of jake. Primo Segars and Tobacco. —Go Th. 11,1111 for the patroness, already received ho would invite 1111 his friends and the public generally to give him a roll. JACOB BOAS, Carlisle. April 19,1861. QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.- LARUE SUPPLIES FOR THE IIEAD AND FEET At the stere.ofJohn Irvine, on the N. E. corner a the public square. is the place to purchase Boots ShOOE Hats & Caps, at prices that defy competition. lie has j ue . returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats it Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which be is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock ecubraces everything . lAL hlsline ofrtislncss, MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, CaMaud Patent Loather On lord Ties, Ca and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Callan(' Kip Oregano, Slippers, Ar. LADIES' WEAR. Fine French and English ',fisting Gaiters, Morocco Catrend Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers Morocco, and Kid Buskins, &c., &. MISSES AND I Lint EN'S WEAR ofall descriptions embracing fine Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lace Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &c. HATS & OA VS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and Wool Slats of all qualltlos and atylea, also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest tootle Repairing promptly done. Confident of his taint" t please all classes of customers, he respectfully Inc Its the public to give him a cull. 0•tl_ Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Pub S Inure. M ay :30,','60 Leo& LSC,S. JUST opened the largest and best as sortment of ILvd ware, Paints, Oils, Tarnish, Glass, Iron, Sr., dyer brought to Camberland county, bought exclusively for cash, and o nich we are selling at the lowest prices. We invite the puhlio generally to give us a call before making their purchases, as wears fully ustal Ong our old reputation of milling the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Returning thanks to I. generous public for their past liberal patronage, hoping by personal attention to their wants, to merit a continuance of the RIM. JOIIN LYNN: k SON, At the Old Stand North l:ano0•er Street Carlisle, Juno 6, 1662. PAINTS AND OILS. 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of oil. Jus received with a largo assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Lltherge, Red Lead, Whiting, Boiled op, (nue, Lard Olt, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, , Fish Oil, kc., Colors of every description dry, and 011 krk mpg a,nd tubes at the Hardware Store of. Carlisle, Oct. 25, 1861, Now Slr,y-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. /I L. LOOHMAN is happy to inform J o his numerous customers, and the public wine rally, that he has removed his establishment to his New Sky-Light Gallery, In the building (coupled by Mrs. Neff. as a mininorr Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Dank. Mr. Lockman is now able with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensiye apparatus, the very best manufactured, to produce PIIOTOGRAPDS, CARTES. RE VISITE, , AMDI3.O - AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal to the heat made in Philadelphia or New York. Pictures can be taken now equally well in cloudy as In clear weather. Daguerreotypes or Ambrotypes of dooettsed persona copied, enlarged, or made Into cartes de visite. _ _Carliale, Nl:m-28,11162. DR, WDL H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC RHYsICIAIf, Surgeon and Accoucßeur. O 1 ? TOE at his residence in North Hanover stmt. Next door to Shriner's' hotel. fl UM BELTING I X Just received a largo 'assortment of all Glees Gum Bennie., Gum Hose, awn Palking, &a., and for !ado cheap at the Ilardwaro Store of June 22, Md. 11. BAXTON AANDKERdItIEFS,• Ties, Stocks, Ribbons, Suspenders, Under Shirts, Drawers ) v mindful assortment can be found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street Emporium March IS, 1803,, • 000 lbs. •of StagroaWs celebrated jl 3 augarourad Kama, canvassed and uncanvamead, at 'the corner of Main and Wu*, Ander. Mn' fl, 1863-4. t 4. SINGII3BII,. "JAMES[. WEAVER STRAW lIAT,S JOHN IRVINE lIENRY SAXTON, LOCHMAN'S NEWCOAL AND LUMBER YARD• The subscribers have this day enteredlnto part nership to trade In 00AL AND LUMBER,. We will have constantly on hand and furnish to ordei all kinds and quality of seasoned: LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING ; FRAME STITY/G Paling, Plastering Lath,Shingllng Lath, worked Floor. ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and smeller. tide that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. AU ktnda of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, llsmlook, and Oak, of different qualities. Raying Can of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept node, emelt inr that they can be furnished dry at all times., We have conetrntly on hand all kinds of Family C under cover, which we will deliver clean to an, pat the borough. To wit : LYKENS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nevi LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBBERY, which we pledge ourselveB to sell at the lowest prim. Best quality of Limeburner'o and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will soil nt the lowest figure Yard west side ol Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG & COMA July 20.1002 WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND' SILVER-WAIMAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, Went Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland) Valley Bank. have just received a now assortment of watches, ewelry, medallions. silver ware, &c.. in addition to my ormer stock to Which I invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and cheer lever wat,thes, Hunting and open coos do., gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Leydnes and Quartier watches of every variety, in style and price. Also flue gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every qunlity, putters au ' , price. Gold fob, vent, curb and neck chains. Gold brr lets , finger ff rings, cu-pins, etude, sleeve-buttons, crops', . Aarme, Ac., Eke. Gold and silver thimbles, silver ant. `dated butter knives, forks, table, ten, salt and mustard n;'nena ofvwtcmi gold , sl3r'i?r tevery of to eak all' ages to which we invite special lion. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the beet maker,,. spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl cardamum, gold and common bracel.tn, watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles visa ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which I will sell low for cash. All articles .'ll .- 110: war ranted to be what they era represented. Particular attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war ranted. Dec. 23. 7357.1 Interesting To Farmers. JOHN P. LI.'NE & SON, have just received a large lot of those celebrated SCYTIIEB, made expressly for their own sales, which have alway• given entire satisfaction to all who have used them.— You that want Almon nutting and easy running Scythe,. we would say try one of thelrsaperlotnneke,.. WehaVei Slab - a fait ,tack of Shatira, 'Whet Italtasof Christ. Myers' and other celebrated make,. Grain Cra dles of all the best makes in the county, with a full stock of all kinds of Tools nod implements for Farmer'. use. All of which we are selling cheap at our store le. North Hanover street. Carlisle, June 6, 1662. The Great Mnglish Remedy. SYR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a prescription of Sfr J. Clarke, M. P. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. HIS well known medicine is noim- : paitiob,litit fi Are and"sai . remedy re — ; FemalrT Pitileultlesund Ohstructiona. from Any cause whate•er; and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitutlun, To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time ? bring on the monthly period with r•gu— la•ity. In all rases of Nervous and Spinal Affections. Pain In 'the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight ex ertien, Palpitation .of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics. Sick Ileadache,ltiThltes, and all the painful. diseases nee:taloned by n disordered system, these Pills will effect ts cure when all other means hove tailed. These have never been known to fall where the direetiono on the 2d page of pamphlet are well observ ed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the efA 6 j - xi - e - t ngs e - taifflirt Lin - clastel to any au thorized agent, will Insure a bottle, containing oven Sty pills, by return mall. 8. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. February 20, 196,1—1 y REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER I -l AVE removed to their new and beautllui Store Room, South-oast corner of Mar ket Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. ilavinicjust returned from New York and Philadelphia, with an immense variety of Dress Goods, we are prepared to offer superior inaucements, to any other House In the coon try. Plain Alpacas ell' Knobby' Shade's, single and doubl• width, Brocade Oriental Lustros, all shades, Plain and Plaid Poplins, more beautiful than any on. liutrnie eifacTsrailTis7Wig7i 7 ,Sififiires. be Lain's Cl:mines, Lawns, Organdies, Chintses, Ae., &c, Domestic Goods. A henry stock of Prints, Checks, Muslin'', Gingham'', Cottonades, Drills, to., will be sold ut reasonable rates. MOURNING GOODS Mourning Goods to be offered at astonishingly low prices. Bombazines, Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plain 'Menges, all wool De Lairies single and double width, very c. cap Cloths and Cassimeres. A good assortment of Cloths, and the largeSt variety of Fancy Cassimeres, ever offered in thie market. Also, our usual assortment of Notttms„flosiery, (linves, Trimmings, ke. GREENFIELD h SBEAFER, South East Corner Musket Square, opposite 'nine* Shoe Store. Mnreh 20,1003 HO ! FOR HELLER'S lIAT AND CAI' STORE. subscriber has removed his Hat and Cap Store to the opposite side of the Street, to the house tbrinerly occupied by I'. Menyer, and next door to Committee Shoe Store. Having a much larger room, I have increased my stock of goods, so that I sin now prepared to furnish the public with all the new stylus of HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, t prices to suit the times. My stock consists of Silk. Cas-imere and Itlissia lists, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city as well as home manufacture, from the com mon wool up to the finest Russia and Nutra, A sped. assortment of men Awl boy's caps. Also, mons, boys, and rlitldrees Laney itttaAf flaring improved means Rd- tuanufacturtog, Any 1.110, or shape of hats will ho made to order, At ',bort le; Being a practie.ti littler,(hilly understandins e . business, I hope by strict attention to reeeli , e a patronage. ..701IN A. KELLER, Agt, P. S. Old hats colored and repaired at moderate , prices. April 17, 1862. TIR. GEORGE S. SEA-. 17 st.=, B 'RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Betl l. tlmore College of Dental Surgery. ';_..olllce at the residence of Ills mother, East Loathe; Street. three doorgg;Mdecr Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. UFUS E. SIIAPLEY, Attorney at, Litiv. Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col lecting Soldiers' Pay, Bounties, and Pensions. (Men: on South ilavover Street, opposite Dentz's store. Deg. 27, Mil TAW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA °LAUGHLIN, Attorney ,at Law, Oftleo in In hies building, ust opposite the Market Home. Carlisle, March 14,'00-Iy. CP, FIVIVIRICH, Attorney at Law, •—Offlon on North ilanovor street' feW doors: soutb of Glass' Hotel: All business entrusted td him will be promptly attended to. [Amlll6. TOSEPTI RITYER, JR., Attorney at f. Low and StAtioyor, Mothnolcaburg ; Pa. °Mee en Rail Road Stroes, two drove north °lnto Bank. pE~ - Businese:promptly Alen dod-to: T M. WEARLEY.—Attorney at. Law. south Hanover 'street, opposite Bente Dry tioo - ds store. Alrtirofessional businesS entPuited,:: to him will baproniptly attended to. Dit. I. C. LO OM X 0 South Ilanover strilet, ' oppopitullanta'Ary good; g tore AMUEL HEPI3URN, Jr., Attorney at Law. Mao with Ron. Samuel Flopburn, Main Carlisle Pa. Juno 6,'63 • JAMES. - 500 pairg Haines on hand xxor all kinds. 'Elizabethtown prn, Loudon do., Commun. do., with and without put t flizteninge, cheaper then over at 11. SAXTON'S, Zia Main at. Match 28,1862. AYEit's FAMILY MEDICINES, Me UMW/ONI! FAMILY DYE S, • . •.• • , 90LqR AT, kiATATIWIt do. 'do. de THOMAS CONLYN Milli June 1,'64.