Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 29, 1864, Image 2

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    a* *raid
Friday, January 29, 1864.
'IVO. 37 Park Bow, New York, and 6
kat° Stilt:l,lton, nro our Agents for the llEnaLn
In those °Rion, and are authorised to take Aktvortise
ments and Subscriptions for us at our lowest`ratos.
THE LEGISLATIMIL—There i$ Still a dead
look in the Senate, the Opposition refusing to
entertain business of any kind. Major White
does not return, and until ho does, or until
ho resigns and another election is held, the
Senate can do nothing. The Democrats even
refuse to allow a State Treasurer to be elect
ed. If Harry White does not return in a few
days a now election will be had, and both
branches of the Legislature will adjourn in
the meantime. If the Senate refuses to ad
journ, the Governor will do the thing for
The laws of the State provide that a
State Treasurer shall be elected by the Leg•
islature on the third Monday of January.—
The revolutionary friends of Jeff. Davis is our
State Senate refused, on Monday, to go into
convention to carry out the pro visions of the
law. Those follows would no doubt delight
to overturn our government and throw the
State into anarchy. Any body that has ever
had an idea that they were ono whit better
than the traitors who aro in arms against the
government, will be likely to have his opinion
changed by their recent conduct. Gen.
Gantt's remarks apply to such fellows exact
Ism. Con g ress is busy maturing important
legislation. The Senate has passed Senator
Wilson's enrollment bill. The 'commutation
for drafted men is fixed at $4OO. The House
has yet to act on it.
On Monday, in the House, Mr. Smith of
Kentucky, offered the following patriotic pre
amble and resolution, which wore adopted by
a Tote of 111 yeas to 16 nays, Ancona, of
Berks, - Miller of Dauphin, and Stiles, of
Lehigh,-in this State, being among- the mis-•
erable minority :
Whereas, a most desperate, wicked, and
bloody rebellion exists iu this the jurisdiction
of the United States and the safety and secu
rity of personal and national liberty depend
upon its absolute and utter extinction ; there
Resolved, That it is the political, civil, mor
al, and sacred duty of the people to meet it
fight it, and forever destroy it, thereby °stab
liahing perfect and unalterable liberty.
diplomatic correspondence between Russia
and the United States, just published, Mr.
Seward, in writing to Charge'd Affaires, Bay
ard Taylor, says : "She has our friendship in
every ease, in preference to any other Euro
pean Power, simply because she always wish
es us well, and leaves us to conduct our own
affairs as we think best." Mr Taylor, in
writing to Mr. Seward, Jan. 21, 1863, says :
"I have just returned from an interview with
Prince Gortsohakoff. 'Tell Mr. Seward,' said
he 'that the policy of Ressia in regard to the
United States is flied, and will not be changed
by any other nation."
York Times says that one of the most hopeful,
signs of the war is the almost unanimous re
enlistment of the veterans of the service
We may any it is the literal salvation of our
armies, and that it is worth more to us than
would be en important victory. Viewed in
all its aspects, it is the wisest, most swness
ful and strongest feature whioh has been de
veloped in the conduct of the war. Not a
lone in view of the numbers of men which it
will continue in the service, but in the cheer
ing moral effect it is having on the country ;
in the rapid promotion of enlistments of fresh
volunteers; in the reward and steadfast faith
it engenders in the minds of the people, and
in the depressing effect it must have on the
minds of the struggling rebels, who are watch•
ing with intense eagerness every development
of the military situation that brings either
hope or discouragement."
Tu SMALL Pox.—The opinion has ob
tained among some medical authorities that
the plague of Athens, so graphically de
scribed by Thucydides, was identical with
small-pox. But the first appearance of this
_terribly destructive disease is usually as
signed to the year 569. At this time the
Abyssinian army was laying siege to Mecca,
when it broke out in the camps, and made
such fearful havoc that the siege was raised.
The conquests of Mohammed, which soon
followed, hastened greatly its spread through:
out the world, and it has now for more than
a thousand years - prevailed in Europe.—
With it went consternation. and death. Nei,
ther the prescriptions of medical knowl
edge nor the devices of superstition seemed
to retard its progress or lessen itsfatality.
The ENROLLMENT ACT.—The Senate has
amended the bill amending the enrollment act,
by raising the rate of commutation from $BOO
to $4OO. An amendment offered by Mr. Wil
son to reduce the time of enlistments from
three to two years was rejected. The bill, as
it passed the Senate, now provides that a
drafted man wta pi:ye the commutation is ex
empt until every other man as his district is
drafted, whereupon his name is p4aoed upon
the enrollment list, and he is again liable to
draft. Both classes ore consolidated, and all
exemptions of the only eon of a widow, father
of,motherlees children, &0., and stricken out.
The bill in this shape is accepted to the /louse
Military Committee, and will doubtless be
come a law pretty lulu& as herewith given.
The commutation ie :increased to $400,2,
Those who pay it to be exempt, from tho pres
ent draft, but liable to be - Celled upon in the
next. In other , words, they are in the con
dition of a reverse. Drafted men may, - If
they prefer, be transferred to the navy, such
transferd being credited to their respective lo
cantles. Alterations are made in the details
of the old act ; for conducting the draft, and
atterneys or agents are xeetrioted to the' fee
of Ave dollars for preparing the necessary
-exemptien,papers. The bill has not yet been,
perfected by the Senate, but it will probably
pose' that . body with
r the above prominent
&tnree. r ' • '
interepted in thp Boot oodAilhOo
btniiicieint,'*ill promo, 'notice' ill° ndiYertitiotnent.
of treisie:' Cu e 1 Pliiladelj)his, Jo
4nother column.
An Appeal to the Young Portion of
the Denioeratie Party.
Writers generally when' speaking of the
rebellion, address themselves more particu
larly to the aged and practical portion of
their countrymen. Arguments, based on
the Constitution and law's are advanced, and
learned opinions expressed on both, as i
they had been violated by those who aro
maintaining them at the point of the bayo
net. All this is well enough in a legal
point of view, tending to establish the fact
of Constitutional rights, but as a general
thing it is not required. The people of the
United States are not ignorant, but a large
portion are governed by the opinions of
others, and that opinion is predicated on
party. Thus binding themselve's to the few,
the many are not unfrequently misled.
Perhaps in the history of our country
there is no more striking illustration of this
fact than that which the present affords.—
Hence we should appeal to the young and
the theoretical, rather than to the old and
practical, to throw aside party and party in
fluence during this great struggle for the
maintenance of the Union.
The term democracy in this struggle has
been most strangely perverted. It has allied
itself to treason and the subjugation of a
portion of the human race to the curse of
the chain and the lash. It has been told to
the young men as being universal in its
practical illustration of whet constitutes a
free Government; it has been the text for
the poor man to look upon the rich one as
his inveterate foe, and held out to the igno
rant the idea of its being the only party un
der which they could expect office and its
This latter fact is fully shown by a refer
ence to almost every appointment made un
der a Democratic Administration. What
has been the result of such Democratic
measures? What sort of fruit grows out of
the Administration of James Buchanan ?
That of treason, which like the apples of
the Dead Sea, will turn out—ashes 1
Democracy—that is, "such Democracy
which gave birth to. Copperheadis - n--is the
basis and cause of this rebellion. It has
told the young men of our country that the
Administration in its attempts to put down
the rebellion has violated the Constitution.
The old and the thinking men know better.
Let the young man who stands on the thres
hold of treason pause and reflect before he
takes the initiatory step.
But let us see how and in what manner
he Union, in its attempts to maintain its v
ality and perpetuate its axistonce, has vio
laced the Constitution. In all cases of re
bellion, many of them sudden, the most ac
tive measures have to be restored to, for the
purpose of suppressing them. How is it in
this instance ?
Let us see. The Coustitution belongs to
the people; the people made it, and it is the
formation of as perfect a Government as the
world and revolutions ever produced. That
Government is a Union of States, and these
all belong to the people. They are its sov
ereign rulers. It is theirs. No one State
can set up a claim distinct and separate
from the general whole, States are depen
dent on the will and action of the general
Government, forming a link in the great
chain that encircles them all. "The Con
stitution and the laws of the United States,
made in pursnin rice thereof, shall be the su
premo law of the land, anything in the Con
stitution or laws of -any State to the contra
ry notwithstanding."
To those young men who have pinned
their faith to the so-called Democracy which
aims at the heart's blood of our nation, we
again repeat—pause, reflect I
Democracy—that is, true Democracy—
true to the spirit which evoked it, and the
country which claims it—is one of those
stern practical dogmatical points in the gov
ernment of the world, to which there can be
no objection. But when it resolves itself
into a faction and arrays itself against a
popular Government, it ceases to ho De
mocracy—,it is TREASON
The Democracy which was born under the
Buchanan Administration, has resolved it
self into a conspiracy against one of the
most popular Governments the world ever
produced, and those mistaken men who have
enlisted under its banner, as being one of
loyalty, should at once and forever break
their connection with it. Let them imitate
the example of those young men who, lis
tening to the plausible (treasonable) argu
ments of Aaron Burr, and who followed him
down the Mississippi river, full of youthful
aspiration which his ingenious sophistry in
spired—who immediately on making the dis•
covery that his purpose was to create a rev_
olution South to upset the Government,
forsook his banner, and loft the traitor to
his fate. Andrew Jackson was one of those
young men. Read his history, and theu de
cide between loyalty and treason
The idea so universally promulgated by
traitors South, and reiterated by their sym•
pathizers North—that the Constitution and
the laws have been violated—has met with
response only from those who cared more
for party and factions than they did for the
Union. Such men are traitors of , the deep
est, darkest and most dastardly character.
The pseudo-Democracy talks of oppress
ion and the subjugation ,of States favorable
to the cause of slavery. This is mere slang.
As no one Stute since the organization of
this Government has been oppressed, down
trodden, overtaxed, and kept in fear and
dread by a standing_ arteyoiorher _citizens
shot down hi the open streets' by Govern
ment Soldiery, aiid her righls in the coun
cils of the country contested, nophase in
the Constitution has been violated by the
AdMinistration p all its - ante since the
States in rebellion eve called forth the 13X
eroio of its power. They rebelled not only
,againatlae-Conetitution, but against its
inildueetKPThey - rebelled 'not .only, against
the laws, but their operations in mairittiid/
ing in perfect harmony -nearly 80,000,000 of
,They rebelled
_because they ,could
not make slaveryparamemit to all other in
stitution in'. the Ina/ This rebellion there
fore was intended to effect a 'tiept;xittioti„liy
force of 'arms,,and establishing, a' . concede
"racy whOse basis ahoald be slavery ; slaver:y
unlimited both' at hothe and abroad. Who
are the-rnen then who cry out the "tonsti
lution as it was," and for Why ? - The Con
stitution is now as it was, mid will be until
the country goes out With that of all others,
and that:,will" be When , time is , no more.—
Anything that is calculated to destroy the
Unionpredicated,..tan a false construction of
that document Will be speedily put down by
the peopla, and if slaveri , stands in the way,
or impedes the ,operations °tour Govern
ment under that Constitution, it must also
give way. The very spirit of liberty is in
volved in the sustaining the one and putting
down the other. Who, then, in this war has
violated the Constitution
But he has suspended the writ of habeas
corpus. Have you a copy of the 'Constiu
tion about you? If-you have, refer to sec
tion IX., clause 2, and read : " The privi
lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not
be suspended unless in cases of rebellion or
invasion the public safety may require it."
These are plain, simple facts. We more
particularly give them here for the benefit of
our young men, who we regret to say have
in many instances been led into error by the
insidious language of Copperheads.
Listen to what the immortal Washington
said. His words were prophetic ; they come
up from the quiet tomb at Mount Vernon to
check traitors in their mad career :
The very idea of the power and the right
of the people to establish government, pre
supposes the duty of every individual to obey
the established government.
All obstructions to the execution of the
laws; all combinations, under whatever plan
Bible character, with the real design to di
rect, control, counteract or awe the regular
deliberation and action of the constituted
authorities,are destructive to those fundemen•
tal principles, and of fatal tendency. They
serve to organize faction, to give it an arti
ficial and extraordinary force, to put in the
place or the delegated will of the nation the
will of a party, often a small but artful and
enterprising minority of the community;
and, according to the alternate triumphs of
different parties, to make the public admin
istration the mirror of the ill-concerted and
incongruous projects of faction, rather than
the organ of consistent and wholesome
plans, digested by common counsels, and
modified by mutual intt rests.
However combinations or associations of
the above descriptions may now and then
answer popular ends, they are likely, in the
course of time and things, to become potent
engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and
unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert
the power of the people and to usurp for
themselves the reins of government ; de
stroying, afterwards the very engines which
have lifted them to unjust dominion.
Young men, young Democrats, misled as
you are—pause—reflect. Whilst you see
and enjoy the superior felicity which an ad
heFenco to the Union will continue to main
tain, remember that if one link in the gold
en chain which has bound these States to
gether for eighty-eight years is broken, it can
only be riv:ted together by blood—blood shed
in keeping the chain intact—for the preser
vation of every link and far every State by
which it is encircled.
The following important information relative
to the diseases which will exempt persons
from the_new draft kgiveo. the order will
soon be promulgated by 43 War Depart
ment, and is in course of printing. The
following diseases and infirmities are those
which disqualify for military service, and for
which only drafted men are to be " rejected
as physically or mentally unfit for the aer
vice:" Manifest mental imbecility ; insan•
ity, including periodical aboration ; epilepsy,
attested by an affidavit of a physician who
has attended him within six months pro
ceding examination ; paralysis or chores ;
organic diseases of internal organs ; devel
oped tuberculosis; cancer ; aneurism of the
large arteries ; inveterate disease of the skin ;
permanent physical disability ; scrofula or
secondary syphilis ; chronic rheumatism does .
not exempt unless manifested by change of
physical structure; loss of eye sight or cat
arac ; disease of the eye ; greatly impaire vis
ion ; loss of nose ; decided deafness proved
by evidence; chronic ottorrinea incurable
disease or deformity of either jaw, impeding
mastification or speech auchylosis of the
lower jaw ; caries of the bones of the face;
loss of substance of cheek; dumbness proved
by satisfactory evidence loss or total or par
tial, of tongue; confirmed stammering; loss
of front teeth a; well as molars ; tumors or
wounds of the neck; excessive deformity of
the chest ; caries of the spine, ribs or stern
um attended with ulceration ; hernia ; fistula
in any, if extensive ; old and ulcerated in
ternal (not external) hremorrhodis con
firmed venereal disease; total or partial loss
of generative organs ; stone'in the bladder;
confirmed or ,malignant sarcoeeln with at
tendant diseases; loss of band or foot;
wounds causing lameness; -loss of right
thumb; loss of-two fingers, or power in them,
of the same hand ; also first and second pha
langes of the fingers of the same hand; loss
of great toe; club feet and deformity of the
feet; varicose veins on inferior extremities.
and chronic ulcers.
the Harden Express Company carried . over
the New York and New Haven Railroad, the
ancient printing press at which Benjamin
Franklin worked in Boston in 1721. The
Hon, Robert a Winthrop, late speaker of
the House.of Representatives, presented the
press to the MassaChusette Benevolent Me
chanic Society there, du behalf of a gentle
man of this city. The old press was built
in 1741, and was thus one hundred and fifty
three years old, when it took this, probably
its - last, journey. --It made-a-trip-to-Newport,
R. 1., during the Revolution, where it was for
a time buried iu a garden to keep it 'from
the British soldiery, but was discovered, dug
up and worked for a time: It bears the
marks of hard usage and old age.
, Sik of the Mauoh Chunk rioters were
tried and reoived their sentence in the Court
at Manch ehuniiastyreek.'—lfugh Gallagher,
Daniel CamPb(ll, Hugh Cull and John MoEud
der were 4110 mentenoed to pay ti find of $5OO
00, and, undergo solitary confnarnent, at hard
labor, the Eastern Penitentiary for '1 year
and 0 months.. ' baniel Kelloy was . eentanced
to' pay a fine of $100," and,9 months the
Penitentiary ; .onWedrieeddy morning Sheriff
Blair took Chain to PhiladelPhia And
dtfood them' to their' now
"A Conservative Kentucky Chap."
Garrett Davis, United States' Senator from
Kentucky, 'is a political mongrel. It • Is said,
that riaturezenerally produces an interme
diate type•,of animated creation .. between
creatures of . distinct classes. Thus,
quadruped, the fish, and the reptile, arecorn
bincd in the crocodile. The beast and the
lowest order of mankind struggle for mastery
in the chimpanzee. Garrett Davis belongs
to that anotnalots political class which com
prehends in its small limits the rapid Seems'
sionist, the conditional Union man and the
unconditional Copperhead. He professes to
be a warm devotee of the Union. and he
does all that is in his power to prevent the
triumph of the Union cause. He pretends
to be actuated by an unconquerable hostili
ty to secession, and yet he does everything
that he can to give moral aid and comfort
to the rebellion. He is in favor of sustain
ing the Government of the United States,
but he requires flint the Government shall
adopt those measures which cannot sustain
it against the rebels. In fact, Garrett Davis
is a political Janus, and he looks in opposite
direction for the influences which are to shut
up his temple upon the return of peace.
Mr. Davis presents resolutions to the United
States Senate which w; uld find imrnens_i
favor at Richmond, and then he declares
that his hopes and feelings are all enlisted
upon the side of the Government at Wash
ington. He is in favor of the "Constitution
as it is," and yet offers a resolution that the
people should revolt against the officers e
lected under that Constitution, and utterly'
overthrow its most sacred pro. isions. He
is opposed to the Southern rebellion, or, as
he calls it, "revolt," by which the slavehold
ing leaders of the Southern people have
taken fhe Government into their own hands;
and yet he proposes that the people of th
North shall also "revolt," and take the Gov
ernment into their own hands. Mr. Davis
is, in fact, opposed to that which he favors,
and, favors that which he opposes. He is
the Bully Bottom of the Senate. Against
slavery lie roars "gently as a sucking dove;"
but against all measures to put down slavery,
the cause of all our troubles, he coos like a
lion. He is a Democrat who advocates the
baronial feudalism of a landed aristocracy,
living upon vast estates and lording it over
a population of serfs, whom they own body
and soul, and who are only to be allowed to
live in the condition of bondmen. He is a
Democrat who hates the farmer, mechanic,
merchant and laboring-man, the "greasy
mudsills" of the social fabric, and he be
lieves-that no man can be - a Democrat Who
does not own niggers.
Some misfortune put Mr. Davis in a posi
tion which secured his election to the United
Slates Senate: - --a station in which ho per
forms the duty of a spar towed at the stern
of a ship, to deaden the headway and.r,:duce
the speed. The duty of Mr. Davis is to sup
port the Union and to assist in.the overthrow
of the rebllion. His policy would be, if ho
could possibly suet' t o insure the annexa
tion Of Kentucky to the Southern Confedera
cy. Between Garrett Davis and Jeff. Davis
there is little. difference, except that one
operates for the lAt_iuteresel . imf the rebels
on the banks of thO Potomac. and the other
on the James.
This is the man who on the fifth of Jan
nary last presented to the United States Sen
ate a a series of resolutions advocating a re
bellion within the loyal States, and :stuffed
ahem with slanders-of-the officers of Govern
ment, of the army and of the troops. The
most malignant rebel could not have ut
tered anything more atrociously false and
shamefully treasonable. The right of a
Senator to discuss the measures of a Gov
ernment cannot be touched by any action
that can be had upon this :subject by the
United States Senate. The right of discus
sion and criticism may have the effect to
amend, strengthen and preserve our institu
tions. But no one can have authority, un
der the pretenee of an examination of the
measures of a Government, to counsel re
sistance to it, and to use his office for the
purpose of inculcating treason and incit
ing to civil war. This question is the on
ly one that is legitimately before the Senate,
and however frothy declamation may rave
about the " right of speech," it is certain
that no representative of the people, however
high his functions, has authority to counsel
the overthrow of, those institutions which he
;has solemnly sworn to support.
Booms FOR TUI CAUP FIRES. --James nod
path, Boston announces a series of ten cent
Books for the Camp Fires, of a much higher
Dines than the dime publications now in the
.market. They will contain from 90 to 124
pages ; now typo, good paper—"neatly bound
in greenbacks." No 1 is—"Oa Picket Duty
and othorTales," by Miss L. M. Alcoa, whose
Hospital Sketches has been one of the most
popular books of the season. No. 2is "Clo
telle, a Tale of. the South," with five illustra-
lions. No. 3 is—"TIM Vendetta" one of Bal
zoo's best tales, translated for the publisher.—
No. 4 is—Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput. No.
.6 is Victor lingo's eloquent description of the
Battle of Waterloo. number is compleie
in itself and Unabridged. Ten cents sent to
the publisher will secure a rpoeimon copy,
postage paid, to any home or camp address
—or fifty ciente for the list above an
nounced. No 1 is out, and the five will all be
published before the close of February. Ad•
dross, Jas. liodpath, publisher, 'Boston. •
Theretire threeeirounistancee in reb
el history, the eaistepoe of which all accounts
from eeoessia confirm; theme talo the rapid do
crease in the resources of the Confederacy,
the i tenser he - Oily of •the leaders of there •
hellion to their own government, and the
growing Union sentiment .of the people. All
those circumstances can ho made, at no dis •
taut day, to oontributo to the entire suppress•
ion of,the rebellion; but we must have mil•
dierdituenffioient number to aggravate ,the
rebel destitution, fomout the unpopularity of
Davie and his. minione . and enoourage the
spread of Union sentiment among the people
of the Confederaoy.
, • Zit?" The nuinber, of ',common .sohools in
Peinsyl4ania, not Including Philadelphia, ie
. •
12,161. T 1.% whole attendance of pupils, , in.
oludinglhat oity, is 793,463, and the total
' the system,. $2,888,199.: There were
last year 717.105 s male tea
: hers aed,7B9 more
female teaoheros than the year previous, ow
•ing to the,war. • •
Emancipation' n Tennessee-Slavery
Dead—The true Policy of Recon
struction, Etc.
An esteemed friend' from' Washington
sends us the following article clipped froth
the Igemphis (Tennessee) Bulletin. In a note
'accompanying the article he says :
" The views Contained in the article aro
so sound and gratifying to the northern read
er, that I think it would serve a good pur
pose to republish it in the Herald. The
best antidote to the . ravings of the Volun
teer about the nigger will be the publication
of such articles as this. The truth is bound
to find its way into the public mind, and if
we have faith and patience we shall yet see
the heavy mists of prejudice vanish, reveal
ing a clear political sky even, in our 15th
congressinal District. Your article on the
"Retrogressives," in last Hertzld was capital,
and gratified our friends here,"
Now hear the Bulletin.
The following extract from a late private
letter wilt fully explain itself, and as it sug
gests questions of engrossing public inter
est, we submit: -it to our readers, being un
willing to discuss topics of such pressing
moment in a private manner, only:
IfitowssviLLE, TENN., Dec. 20, 18G3.
To James B. Binyham, Esq.
A few of the subscribers to the old
13nr,r,rris yet remain here, and as in the
days of secession fanaticism and frenzy, we
wrre wont to await the utterances of that
staunch Union champion, so now, in these
days of darkness and of doubt, we await
with interest the tri weekly arrival of our
favorite, hoping to glean therefrom the clear
path of ditty in the present emergency of
affairs. Of course, you understand we do
not [near, that there is ambiguity in refer
ence to our duty as Union men to uphold the
Government. On that point we have been
too well instructed from both the old and
new lium.E•rts to have a doubt. But what
we mean is this : You know we have been,
and are now, slaveholders; but we love the
Union above all price, and stand prepared
to do all which ought to be required of good
citiz3ns, and Christian men, to get Tennesse
back into the Union as a State. We there
fore write to ask. your views, either publicly
or privately, on the following points :
Ist. Is it or is it not true that slavery, as
an institution, is deAd in Tennessee?
2d. Do you believe that Tennessee can
even get back into the Union as a slave
State ?
3d. Are you in favor of the policy of eman
cipation as the proper remedy for our State
under existi ng circumstances ?
Your answer to the forgoing questions, in
whatever manlier shall seen] beet to you,
will tend not a little to enlighten many true
Union men in this section as to their present
duty, and to none will it prove more gratify
ing than to your personal and political
friends, who have the honor to subscribe
them se lees TRUE UNION MEN.
The subject of slavery has always excited
the worst and most malignant passiohs Of
the' human heart. Nevertheless, in the re
marks which we shall offer on the topics
presented, we hope to do so with such a con•
siderate regard for the rights of all, as shall
give no just cause of offence to any right
inde d Tennessean.
I. Slavery, as " an institution," exists le
gally in Ten nessee, but practically it is dead.
The President's proclamation did not apply
to our State, and so far as that is concerned,
the status of " the institution" is not affec
ted. But other causes, not less potent, have
been in operation. The utter absence of all
civil court, by whlich the rights of the mas
ter could be enforced, and the arming of the
negro, have been the efficient means by
which the "institution" has been brought to
its death in Tennessee. It is just as" dead"
in Tennessee as if the rebels had volunta-
fily emancipated every negro before leaving
thei - - Slareryis a creature of loeitl
law, and when once the protection, aid and
assistance which the law affords is withdrawn,
it no locger practically exists ; for the slave
owner is shut up to the enforcement of his
own rights, which, front the nature of the
" institution," it is impossible for him to
maintain. It was necessary that the "
itution - should be recognized in the Con
stitution in several places—it was necessa
ry that Congress should pass a fugitive slave
law—it was necessary that every Southern
State should ingraft the " institution" into
their Constitutions, and it was necessary that
every city and county should make police or
municipal regulations for the protection and
enforcement of the master's right of prop
erty in man, before the " institution" could
have a legal and practical existence in the
Southern States. When JEFF. DAVIS and
the leaders of the rebellion threw aside the
protection which the Federal Constitution
and laws afforded, and in order to put the
" institution" on a mare permanent footing,
appealed to the sword, he and they struck
the shackles off of every slave which should
be found in the territory conquered by the
national arms. They were warned of the
folly of their course at the time. In the old
Bulletin, the writer of this article devoted
considerable time to show that the Federal
Constitution was the only national law or
compact known to civilization, which recog
nized property in man ; and that Southern
men, in attempting to throw At instrument
aside, by an appeal to the sword, would lose
the very object the possession of which they
professed most of all to desire. But fanati
cism and madness ruled the hour; the ap
peal was defiantly made to force, and the re
sult has been tho death of the " institution"
in Tennessee.
H. We are not prepared to say that Ten
nessee can never get back into the Union as
a slave State. Wo live in a fast age—in an
age when the Almighty Iluler of Nations is
making His power and His providence felt
in a peculiar and most *significant manner.
This is nowhere more strikingly exhibited
than in the " institution" of slavery itself.—
Its friends went to war against the best and
freest Government in the world—against a
Goiernment in which the people themselves
ate the sovereigns—for the purpose of sus;
taining and perpetuating the "institution,',
and after two years of tail and struggles, be
hold the result I Hundreds of thousands
are already free, by the conquest of the ter
ritory in which the "institution" existed;
and the longer - the - "struggle is protracted,
the more cerOn is the destruetion of the
"institution" accomplished. - If the Federal
armiAbadJmon successful at Bull Run—if
JOHNSON and BEAunpomto had been defeat
ed at that early period of the ,war—the
Uliion!Might ,have been restored, and the
" institution" partially, if not entirely saved.
But new lights have burst upon the Mind of
the nation since,Atral,it 'is
"tow' apparent to
the most casual observer, that the more pro
tracted the struggle for the " institution," the
more certain its- destruction. Whether the
Federal Congress would permit Tennessee to
come back into the Union as a slave State,
" when the war is over," we cannot pretend to
say, but all the signs of the times go to con
•firm the belief that it would not. But as
loyal citizens of Tennessee, we do no firo
pose to wait till the war is over, before the
application for re-admission is made. It
should be made at once. We intend to use
whatever influence we can command to have
the issue made with the least possible delay;
and, desiring success in the application,
above all things, we are equally determined
to make it in such a manner only as we be
lieve will insure success. Wo are decidedly
of the opinion that none of the States in the
insurrectionary districts will be readmitted
into the Union, during the progress of the
war ; "as slave States." What might be
done afterwards, with slavery in the Consti
tution, we do not pretend to know or inter
est ourselves to inquire. We regard it as
the true policy of the people of Tennessee
to close in with the overtures of the Presi
dent—to take the oath which he has pro
posed—to form a new State Constitution,
without the " institution ;" and, thus apply
ing, we feel an abiding confidence that Ten
nessee may be again in the Union by the
ides of April.
111. By birth, education and continuous
residence, we have been identified with the
institution of slavery. Though compari
tively young, we have lived long enough to
see that it confers no benefit either upon the
State or the great mass -of the people among
whom it exists. We believe there is no por
tion of the soil of Tennessee in which the
white man cannot labor quite as healthily
and far more successfully than the slave.—
There is no reason, therefore, why our so I
may not become the abode of a hardy, in
d ustrious and frugal class of white laborers
—emigrants, it may be, from Europe—un
der whose superior management our desert
places:may be made to teem with the rich
products which make great,-free anftwealtliy
communities. The " institution" having
been practically destroyed by its pretended
friends, and "emancipation" having , been
thus inaugurated, we believe it to be the
true policy of all Tennesseans, not only "to
favor" it, but to use all legitimate means to
eradicate slavery from our State Constitution
at the earliest possible moment.
But, without exhausting our subject, we
have exhausted our space for the present
Stato Agricultural .Society
At the annual election held at Harrisburg,
January 19,1864, the following officers were
elected :—.
Vice President:,
Ist nismitcr Wm. H. M'Crea,
24 " Frederick A Shower, - -
3d " Chas. K. Engle,
4th " J. E. 'Mitchell,
.sth " Abrain Cornell,
Gth "William H. Holstein,
7th " Isaac W. Van Leer,
Bth " Tobias Barto,
9th " C. B. Herr,
10th " John 11. Cowden,
11th " John B. Bock,
12th " Daniel G. Dreisbach,
13th " George D. Jackson,
14th " Amos E. Kapp,
15th 4' Christian Eberly,
pith Daniel 0. Gehr,
17-th- 't Thaddeus-Banks ; - -
18th " B. Morris Ellis,
19th " James Milos.
20th " Michael C. Trout,
21st " John S. Goo,
22d " John Murdock, Jr.
23d Wm. Bissol,
24th " Jo'shus Wright.
Additional Members of the Executive CO 7111771 i
William Colder, B. G. Peters,
J. R. Eby, James Young
John 11 , Zeigler.
Corresponding Seeretary,
A.. Boyd Hamilton.
Chemist and ()eulogist,
S. S. Haldeman.
John Curwen, M. D.
The time of holding the next annual fair
was fixed on the 27, 28, 29 and 30th days of
September next. The place has not yet been
selected ; the Secretary, A. B. Lougaker, Esq ,
however, was authorized to invite and receive
proposals from any localities, or county Ag•
ricultural Societies that might be desirous
of securing the next fair and make report
thereon at the stated mooting in March next.
The members present manifested a deep in
terest in the proceedings of the Society, and
spoke most encouragingly of its usefulness,
its present, prospects and continued success.
DENCY. —Wherever any action has been taken
by Union men on the next Presidency, the
preference is expressed for Abraham Lincoln.
No other names seems to suggest itself, in
competition with ono who has so deep a hold
on the hearts of the loyal people. Mr. Lincoln
is the very embodiment of the loyal cause, a n d
therefore stands out above all other names,
just as Henry Clay was the embodiment of a
great party in his palmy days, and could at
any time command its support. Mr. Lincoln
embodies peculiar elements of popularity. No
ono can sincerely question-his honesty ; few
will now question his great ability. Coming
from the ranks of the people he still has his
sympathies with them, while his strong com
mon sense and his atlinirable talents put him
on an equality with the giant intellects of
this or any other country. The people feel
proud of him as their fellow-citizen and as
their President, and they care about no party_
machinery coming between him and them.—
Party leaders and politioiaus may "go through
the motions" of conferring a nomination upon
him, but for all practical purposes he is nomi.;
noted already by the people ; and what is
better, the Copperheads oven admit that he
cannot be defeated. We hear of Democrats
every day in this State, who supported Wood
ward at the last election, whO.leolitre that
they will give their vote at the next election
to honest and patriotdo Abraham Linoolu.—
The number of this kind in this vicinity is not
a feW, and everywhere, where loyarspirit
prevails,•are Such nurnhers -increasing. It
shows wisdom in the people that this is so.—
America has,had no nobler matt, on'truer pa•
triot Sinn the , days of. Washington ; indeed,
future ages will place the names of these two
groat wen side by side; and award theta equal
honor. It is seldom that an age furnishes
more than Otto such man. • •
Gen. Gantt at Harrisburg.
On Thursday, the 14th inst., GEN: Germ;
the great Arkansas ox-Rebel General, deliv
ered a very interesting address to the Union
people of Harrisburg. We have not room for'
the entire speech, but give the following sum
mation of the many ideas and arguments he'
advanced in favor of undonditional emancipa
tion, as the very beet means to secure unques--
tionable victory, and enduring peace. The fol
lowing is from the Telegraph. .
The House Of Representatives was orowded:
on Thursday evening with an intelligent au
dience, to hear the speech of Brig. Gon. Gantt,.
of Arkansas, late of the rebel army, and who
was lately pardoned by a special proclamation
of the President, after having taken the oath
of allegiance. The remarks of Brig. Gen.
Gantt were principally confined to, first, the'
unprovoked injustice of rebellion; and sec
ond, the folly of attempting to destroy the'
purest and most beneficent Government on.
the face of the earth. Ile showed that the re
bellion was the result of a desire for power
on the part of the politicians of the South , —
that the wrongs alleged to have been done to.
slavery, were made the pretest to assail the.
Government and destroy the Union—and that
the scheme of secession was as old as slavery
itself, as the upholders of that institution.
never freely and honestly recognized the pow
er of the Federal Government. He claimed
that it was the aggressi in of the slave power
which induced the people of the South to re
sort. It was not for that which slavery had'
lost, but that which its upholders could not
achieve in the Union, which roused them to
revolt for the overthrow of the Government.
The Government had faithfully discharged all
its obligations to that institution. Every law
in its favor had been conscientiously enforced
—every compromise in its behalf was tenaci
ously maintained—but even while this was the
course of the Government, the slavelioNcra -
could not shut their eyes to'the fact that the
progress and prosperity of the free must
eventually overshadow the slave States—and •
hence the rebellion was o revolt not urged by
a real wrong, but an outbreak to overthrow
the good and glory which traitors had no hops
of ever emulating or equalling. This made
the rebellion unprovoked—devilish—wicked,
and bloody. And now its folly was seen in
its failure. No effort of any of the States
could ever succeed in destroying the Ameri
can Union. A dozen churches might as well.
attempt to destroy the religion of God, as a..
dozen States essay the destruction of the
American Government. The principles of
freedom, which front the basis of this Gov
ernment, are as 'eternal as time itself. They
might - be unproved for the better security of
the happiness and peace of the people, but.
they never could be changed for the worse.—
This opinion is fast taking hold of the people
of the South. They have felt the evil of re
bellion—they are now discovering its unpro
voked atrocity and injustice, while the folly
of the attempt to deStimy a Government like
I ours wag impressing upon the minds of the -
people, from the highest to the lowest. In.
alluding to the action of the Democracy, and , .
their efforts to compromise with the rebels,
Geu. Gantt said the day had gone by for that
--the rebels would compromise with the moot_
rabid Abolifidiilsl - rallierlaidir - eliter . on a set
tlement with the Democracy. And why ? Be
cause the Democracy had deceived the South.
The rebellion would not have been pr .cipitated
when it was had not the Democratic leaders -
promised to aid the traitors in their revolu
ti..nary efforts. And what was the aid sent ?
Let the blue uniforms and bright bayonets of
the Federal soldiers, now conquering as they
march into the South, answer for the aid
which the Democracy promised to send. The
same loaders had also confidentially assure
the South that the business and currency of
North would become a wreck. But what were
the facts-?• Instead of ' , confusion, General
Gantt said he found order and prosperity all .
over the North, the sure indications that the
Government has a hold upon the people which •
nothing could shake. General Gantt made •
statements of facts and figures, which we can
not repeat in this sketch, but which had a
most telling effect upon his audience. His re
marks were listened to throughout with great
attention, and were frequently also interrupt—
ed with the most enthusiastic applause.
Lot the State Recruit.
Mr. - Broomall - of Pennsylvania, has itifro. -
duced in the House a resolution urging the
government, in the interests of the citizens of
the free States, to enlist as many soldiers a-
Enong the freedmen of the South as could bo
obtained, and to encourage desertions from
the rebel lines by offering the same pay and
bounties to such as enter our ranks as are DOW'
receiving by white soldiers.
We believe that recruiting in the South•
would be far more efficient if certain districts
were assigned to the free States in which they.
might recruit among the population to fill up•
their own quotas. There would be a division
of labor in such an arrangement, by whicht
the ground would bo more thoroughly cov—
ered ; the State bounties would form au ad
ditonal inducement to draw volunteers from
within the rebel lines ; and as each State
would send agents to canvass the district as
signed, and to make public the inducements
offered to recruits, the work would be done in
a shorter time, and we believe far more thor
oughly than it can be done by agents of the
general government.
Nor do we know of any reason why south
ern white men should not bo enlisted by State
agents, and receive free State—bounties, as
well as blacks. Suppose the. State of New
York should offer three hundred dollars boon-
ty, with full pay and comfortable clothing, to
all, white or black, within a certain distract—
say, including the whole State of North Car
olina—who should make their way to our
lines and enlist ; and suppose agents of the
State were stationed at different points, with
instructions to publish this offer far and wide
in the interior ; there is reason to believe that
we should ,:be able to enlist, in thirty days,
enough men to fill our quoto, and every man
thus gained by us would be a loss to the en.
At present there is no encouragement of
fered to southern whites to enlist under the
Union flag. At Vicksburg, we have hoard,
some were refused who offered themselves
Now here is•any bounty offered thorn. The
easiest way to amend this, and to draw this
class to us, to to let the free States which have
still to Jill their quota labor among thorn by
means of recruiting agents. Let it once ba
knomn that not only is a southern private as.
cured of 'a free pardon if ho comes to our
lines, but of three hundred dollars in green.
backs—equal to three thousand dollars in rob•
el currency—and many of thorn will pre-nut
ty bo found fighting under the Union
N. Y. Evening Post.
THE ByACK FEVER.— This singulat diAgaaN
is still raging in Carbondale. The follow.
ing bereavement, in a 'single family is relak
ed by the Hotieslale Herald:
"A child of Mr. John Hamilton died on
Saturday last ; the same night three more'
were taken ill—all of whom died on Sunday.'
The funeril was ittteiTi/e - d - on Tuesday,
ring which another was seized with the fever
and died immediately. On: the sarne even
ing the baby was taken, and died the same
night: Yesterday morning the mother died;
leaving at last accounts, only ono child, then'
sick, and the father, living, out of a family':
of nine."
ise.The Governor of Wisconsin, in hie
recent inaugural, shows the debt" of that
State to be $1,774,000; of which a portion
was incurred in building the State House,
and the remainder in raising soldiers. The
amount due from the national government
is sufficient to liquidate the whole State debt.,
Wisconsin has suppplied to the Union thirty ,
four infantry regiments, twelve batteries of
light artillery, three of heavy, three
pouts of cavalry, and one company of sharp r .''
shooters. Nearly one-half of the whialis,. -
nutfiber-19,963—have been lost by death"'
• d - .
fliticharge And disability. '