Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 29, 1864, Image 1

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Conjugal Poetry.
"Our friend, David Baker, 'Esq.," says an . Eastern
paper, " who has produced }wino of the beet poetry: , ever
written by a Diaine bard, pleased at a little Incident
that happened to his family, (the filet occurrence of
the kind,) gives vent td his feelings in the following
imaginative piece :
One night, no old St. Peter clept, -
Ile left the door of Heaven ajar,
When throught a little angel crept,
Mid came down with a falling star
One summer, as the blessed beams
Of morn approached, my blushing bride
Awakened from some pleasing dreams,
And found that angel by her side. •
God grant but tbis—l ask no more—
That when he leaves this world of pain,
fell wing his way to that bright shore,
And find the door of heaven again.
WherAiupon some fellow of the practical sort,
erithoutkny imagination, and not possessing the "di
vine afflaths," attempts to destroy the little illusion
of David', as 'follows :
Full etbleen hundred years or more
I've Ictiq riy gate securely tyled,
There wrtA no little angel" strayed,
Nur one been missing all the while
I did not old'er, AS you supposed,
Nor loft tho door of Maven ajar,
Nor has n "little :ingot" Stift
And gone down with u failing star
Go ask that "blushing bride," and tee
If she don't frankly own and say
That when the found that angel babe,
She found it by the good old way.
God grant bUt this—l ask no more
That should your number still enlarge,
That you will NOT do no before,
And lay it to cld Poste's charge.
For the “Carlisle Herald
13Y E. E. H
It was on the Bth of July. of the year
1709, that the decisive battle of Pultava
was fought, between the two most singu
lar monarchs who were then on earth;
Charles XII, illustrious by nine years of
victories. Peter Alexiowitz, by nine years
- of -pains-taken. to- make -hist-troops
to the Swedish troops; the one glorious
in having given states, the other in hav
ing civilized his own; Charles .loving
dangers, and fighting only for glory; Al.
exiowitz never - fleeing peril, and making
war only for his interests ; the Swedish
monarch liberal through the greatness of
his spirit; the Muscovite never giving
except for some view; the former of a
sobriety and continence without example,
of a natural magnanimity, and who had
haiallatharThiS only at" One time ; the
ter not having thrown aside the harsh
ness of his education and of his country,
as terrible to its subjects .as he was ad
mirable to strangers, and too much ad
dicted to excesses which have even short
ened his days. Charles had the title of
"Invincible," which a moment could take
away from him ; the nation had already
given to Peter Alexiowitz the name of
"Great," which a defeat could not make
him lose, because he owed it not to the
To have a clear idea of this battle, and
of the place where it was fought, it is
necessary to picture to oneself rultava on
the North, the camp of the King of Swe
den on the South, verging a little tow
ards the East, his baggage behind it
about a mile, and the river of Pultava on
the North of the city, running from the
East to the West.
The Czar had crossed the river at a
tdigiinefromPtilEtiVa - , - from - the - side - of the
West, and commenced to form his camp..
At the break of day the Swedens came
out from their' entrenchments with four
iron cannons for their artillery; the rest
were left in the camp with about three
thousand men ; four thousand remained
with the baggage; so that the Swedish
army marched against the enemy twenty
one thousand strong,_ of whom they bud
about seven thousand Swedens.
Generals liensehild, itoos, Leven haupt,
Slipenbak, Sparre, Hamilton, the Prince
of Wirtemberg, a relative of the King,
and sonic others, most of whom had seen
the battle of Narva, made all the subal
tern offieers remember that day when
eight thousand Swedens had destroyed
an army of eighty thousand Muscovites
in an entrenched camp; the officers re
lated it to the soldiers; all eucciuraged
themselves in the march.
The King conducted the march, car
ried on a litter at the head of his infan
try. One part of the cavalry advanced
by his order to attack that of the enemy;
the battle commenced by this engage
ment at half past four o'clock in the morn
ing ; the enemy's cavalry was at the
West, on the right of the Aluscovite
-camp; Prince INlenzikoff and Count Gol
owin had placed it by intervals between
redoubts fled with cannons; General
Blipenbak, at the . head of the Swedens
fell upon 'tis cavalry. All those who
fames aerv.ed among Swedish troops know
t that lt. jis almost impossible to resist the
fury of their first shock ; the Moscovite
,squadrons were broken and forced in;
,the Czar himself hastened to rally them ;
his cap was pierced with a musket ball ;
Menzikoff had three horses shot under
'him ; the Swedens shouted victory.—
:Charles did not doubt that the battle was
,gained : he had sent in the middle of tFe
;night, General Creuts with 5000 cavalry
c or dragoons, who were to take tlke enemy
ton the flank, while h,e would attack th,ein
,on the front: but his misfortune willed
that Creuts shimild lose his way, and ho
did not appear. The Czar, who had be
lieved bfweif lost, had time to rally his
peiyairy; it, fell in turn upon that of the, whiob, not being supported by the
detachment of Creuts, was in its turn
driven-back ;--Slipenbalr-oven--_-was made
prisoner in this engagement ; at the sincie
kime seventy-two cannons fired on the
wedish cavalry from the camp ; and the
ussian infantry, debouching from their
Ines, went to attack that of Charles.
The Czar then detached Prince Men
zikoff to post himself between Pultava and
the Swedens ; the Prince Merizikoff ex
eouted with competency and with prompt
ness the order of his master; not .only
did he cut off the, communication between
the Swedish, army and theremainroopremaining at ,the catiap before Pultava, but hav
ing um, : t, reserve corps of throe thou
sand,Men, lie surrounded it and out it to
pieces, ' VMeriplrOff' Made this mance
vre hittßielf,..Russia owes to, him her safe
ty ; if tb„siCzar order'ed it, he was a worthy
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VOL. 64.
A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Propr
adversary of Charles XII. In the mean
time the Muscovite infantry left their
lines and advanced in baffle array into
the plain : on the other side the Swedish
cavalry rallied at a quarter of a league
from the army of their enemy ; and the
king, aided by his field-marshall Rens
child, ordered everything for a general
He ranged in two lines those of his
troops who remained, his infantry occu
pying the center, and his cavalry the two
wings. Le Czar disposed his army in the
same way ; lie had the advantage of num
bers and that of seventy two cannons,
while the Swedens had to oppose him,
only four, and they commenced in need
of powder.
The Muscovite Emperor was at the
centre of his army, having then only the
title of Major-General, and seeming to
obey General Czertnetoff; but he went,
as Emperor from rank to rank, mounted
on a turkish horse, which was a present
from the " Grand Seigneur," exhorting
captains and soldiers, and promising ree•
ompenses to each one.
At nine o'clock in the morning the
battle recommenced ; one of the first dis
charges of the Muscovite cannon carried
the two horses from the litter of Charles ;
ho caused two others to be attached : a
second discharge shivered the litter in
pieces, and overthrew the king; of the
twenty-four "drabans" who relieved
each other in conveying him, twenty one
were slain. The Swedens dismayed gave
d ; - the - --enctrty -- -conti to over‘-
wh el m them, the first line recoiled upon
the second, and the second fled. it was
in this action, a line of only ten thou
sand Russian infantry, put toroute the
Swedish army ; so much were affairs
All the Swedish writers say that they
would have gained the battle, if they had
not made mistakes ; but ail the officers
pretend that it was a great, thing to'fight
it, and a . greater thing still to confine_
'theingelves in ifils country lost, a - gni - nit,
the advice of the wisest, against a war
like enemy three times greater than
Charles XII by the number of men, and
by the resources which failed the Swe
dens The 'recollection of Narva was the
principal cause of the misfortune of
Charles at Pultava.
From the Chicngo Pont
Beau Hackett Eneountere A
" Tiger."
Editor Post : —Tho world is growing
better. I know it. Men have forgotten
their sordid selfishness and mean pas
sions, and are studying how they can best
advance the interests of their fellow be
ings. The doctripe of total depravity is
defunct, virtue reigns triumphant.
For example. I received a remittance
the other day of fifty dollars from the gen
tleman -from whom-Ideseended in- a - di-.
rest line, he being my father. Fifty dol . - .
lars is wholly inadequate to the purchase
of an ordinary suit of clothes in these
times, What would purchase canvas en
ough for a circus tent three years ago,
wont pay for a canvas—back duck now.
To he brief, I felt as much lost with my
fifty dollars as I did without it.
But a philanthropist came to the res
cue. As neat and handsome a man as
ever I saw, (and I see myself daily) saw
me take the money from the post office,
and immediately volunteered to send me
any assistance that I might need. The
money was not heavy, and 1 fonnd no
difficulty in carrying it myself, for it was
principally paper.
But ah, what a generous friend that
young man proved. lie could not be in
duced to forsake me. lie caw that I was
in distress, because the sum of money
was not as large as I desired, and he pro
posed to reveal a plan, gratuitously, (bless
him!) whereby I could double it. I was
enraptured with my new acquaintance.
We strolled togethe,r, arm in arm, and
were very happy.•
I We met a half a dozen individuals dis
playing all the fixtures and appurtenances
belonging to perfect gentlemen, ; back:ding
mustachios, My friend introduced we to
all of them, with sttuanin , politeness.—
Ile had a peculiar habit of shutting one
eye when he introduced me. ar think
the operation had a sort of magic or mes
meric influence, for I observed that the
other gentlemen shut one eye too. The
now acquaintances all joined my particu
lar friend and me in ti general promenade.
My "particular" whispered in my ear
that I had better take good care of my
pocket-book; that a stranger never knew'
who to trust, and all-that. lie said' I
was perfectly safe as long as he was with
me, but if I felt any une isiness he wodld
carry my money in his pockets. I over
wb,elrnaci him With gratitude, and told
bite I didn't want to annoy him so much..
Said he to his friends : "Let's take
Beau Haelpt to see the /tiger."
1 thanked him kindly. Told him I
had a fro ticket to. a menagerie, whichl
never used, and that I had no particular
affection-for the brute creature.
—"-nut we -grant-you to fight - tito - tiger"'
wo - tlitrunariimous_ chi oto.
I protested. Informed toy friends that
I was not an athlete, and never indulged
in any such sports. With a good rifle I
eould probably Weld my own with a tiger
if he eame.within my fire limits.
My . particular friend said they inpant a
faro bank. It was 4 gay institution, and
I could make a fortune in- a few minutes.
It occurred to me •suddenly that a hank
was just the thing I aeeded, seeing J had
considerable capital on hand. I consent
ed to go with them, and tria!w their eyes
sparkle. We' went up--stairs in a big
brick house. and stopped in room No. 6. -
Ono natikstbod behind a table; which was
covered with Been cloth. On., the' table
were a deck of cards, a silver box, and. a
heap of ivory checks. The green cloth,
I was told, was intended to be a verifi
cation of Tom Moore's line, "The inno
cent gambols on the green." I saw one
man who seemed to be taking up a col-.
lection. He had a saintly face, and de
clared himself ready to " copper the bet."
Thereupon ho doubled a ten dollar note
on the ace and covered it with a copper
cent. A man, wearing the expression of
a broken down tragedian, flopped four
shillings on the tray and lost. He took
it cooly though, got up and walked back
and forth on the floor, looking like, a pic
ture of Napolean at Helena, (Ark.,) and
presently began to recite some lines that
were running in his head. Said he, in a
truly tragical voice. "The king is dead,
the king is deadl"
"Thunder and lightning!" exclaimed '
a man at the table, "why didn't you tell
me so. l've, got my money on that card."
I coppered a bet. I liked the fun.—
The crowd gathered around me, and I
think from my elegant bit attenuated
from, and alacrity with the "tiger," they
mistook me for John Morgan. Their at
tentions to me were astonishing:. I cop
pared a ten dollar bill on a double-headed
Jack and have never seen it since. I
got a round of applause on it though.—
They called that "pluck." Somebody
slid "take up them sleepers." 1 looked
around and was unable to see but one.—
lle was a stalwart Ethiopian, reclining
with his head on a spittoon. I was after
wards told that sleepers were the dead
b - ets:• -I-observed - on - e -manwho — seetired -
to have a mathernetical turn of mind.—
The red checks were worth more than the
white ones. Taking one of them in his
fingers he asked, "If a piece of ivory one
inch in diameter costs five dollars, how
much will an elephant come to ?" I
couldn't tell.
coppered another ten dollar bill through
spite, and it disappeared suddenly. I
told the banker he didn't let my money
stay on the table long enough to knniv
whether I won or lost. Ile insisted that
he knew his "biz," and told me to try my
luck again. I told him if my luck
continued as it had commenced, my
money would not go a great way. lle
said he thought it would go a good deal
further than I expected: The "looker
out" began to look sick. I asked him
what was the matter, and he said his
share of the profits of the bank consisted
only in a division of the silver, and he
had not made a cent since the war broke
out. Whereupon he stalked away, whist
ling. "When this,ciuel war over." I
kept betting,. 1 had had,bad luck, midi
wanted .revenge.
As my funds diminished I became more
excited. I bet recklessly. I coppered
the queen for a dollar, and her majesty
snubbed me. The tray betrayed toe;
the deuce played the dickens, and the
whole deck was leagued against me.—
Yinktily,..lplanked down, my last five_ on
the ace. I announced that it was my
My particular friend went around
on the opposite side of the table. lie
caressed me no more. The dealer called
the ace ; lost There was a buzz for a
moment then loud laughter. - My smiling
friends gathered on one side of me. I
was about to ask my "particular" to see
me home, when the earth opened to re
ceive me I reckon. They knew the plank
too well ;
they stood just right, the spring
went off at the proper time, and I ar
rived suddenly in the basement, in three
feet of water and some mud I felt, for
a moment, that I had been impossed upon,
but as soon as I straightened up out of
the water I was willing to admit that such
was not the case. The splash in the
basement attracted a policeman who was
half a block distant, and he rushed in to
see if a safe had been blown open. I
told him I Was a "hoc card," and I wan-
ted him to take me up tenderly. He
took the up. 1 offered to conduct him to
room number six, if he wanted to see
whore I came from. We went to tium
ber six.
From the appearance of the room one
would have supposed that it had been oe-
cupied eight years ago, ❑o later
green cloth, coppers, sleepers, betters, all
were gone. I. related my story briefly to
the policeman. lie said, if stupidity were
trump, I could play against the whole
world. I told !dui that was equivalent to
an assertion that no policeman ever gam
bled, and we parted. Policdwen are bad-
ly brought up in this country anyhow.
I have lost a good friend, and I don't
know when.: to find him. illy "particu
lar" holds forth at number six no longer.
TheThompsonian physic was no remedy
But ho is a good man, and
in his case
I advise every one who becomes acquaint-
ed with him to cultivate him
sert him as long as you have any money
left. It would break his heart
passion for play be not to his discredit.—
A Cbrisrian is a good man 7 but be is a
I am, contingently,_
Breeding an Insurrection.
• The riittsville Miners' faurnal, for
January 2d, 1864, announces that the
miners in five mines belonging to Messrs.
Ileckseher dy •Co. .have stopped work
coerced thereto by certain "leaders" and
"committee men," who take it upon
themselves to force honest workmen to
lay down their industry, and leave their
families to sneer, at their arbitrary com
Recently this firm found it necessary is taken, and for many;days the grave is
to close one .of their six mines, which watered with tears of anguish. But by=
yields a peculiar quality of coal for which the crystal fount is drawn dry ;
there is no demand at this season of, the the last 'drop coxes Out, the, stern' gate of
year. Thereupon the , "committee-m i en" forgetfulness - folds back upon the' Vl
ordered the workmen to stop work in, the ha.usted Spring Land Time, the'-blessed
othbr five, under penalty of summariand healer of , sorrow, walks over the closed
severe punishruent.• _ , sepulchre . without waking .a sitigle' l neho
The Miners Journal says.: "The great by.the footsteps, -
majority of the men employed in these
collieries are much incensed against the
leaders and committee-men, who, by
their system of threats and bullyism, have
so frequently deprived them of employ
ment during the last season, and now also
expose so many families tp want during
the winter season."
If the people in Pennsylvania do not
put down these lawless combinations, they
will in a very short time sea the ruin of
one of their most important industries.
The ruffians who mil themselves "coot
jp,ittee-men" have now for nearly eighteen
months defied and violated the law with
impunity. They are not punished ; every
week they grow more formidable and
more arbitrary.
Messrs. Heckscher Sr, Co. ought to set
an example to the fellow-citizens ; they
ought at once to vindicate their rights,
and bring to justice the ruffians who in
jure them and their workmen, They
owe this not only to their interests and
those of their employee's, but to the gen
eralwelfare; which is stabbed through
them. Their course is doubtless not
without difficulties ; the sheriff of the ,
county, to whom lies their first appeal a.
gainst the riotous violence, is,-we under
stand, a Copperhead, and has refused to
act before in similar cases. But they
must appeal to him formally; if he re
fuses, let him be indicted as one of the
conspirators, and let the Governor act.
He at least is a man of energy and a re
specter of law.
Jt - will not do to trifle - or—compromise
with such villains as those committee-men
and their tools. An example will be
made now of half a dozen ringleaders;
then the mob will sink away, and order
will be restored. But every day these
wretches are permitted to have their way
will strengthen them and make their pow-,
er more formidable.
Because we tolerated mobs in the
South, which tarred and feathered, hang
ed and robbed, and exiled honest citizens,
we have now a rebellion to deal with.
Because Judge Hoar was driven out of
Charleston, and no one was found to ap
peal to law ; because hundreds of other
American citizens, of less note, but with
equally sacred rights, were imprisoned,
beaten, robbed, tarred and feathered, and
expelled from Southern States, and no
appeal was made for justice against such
violence and oetrage- - 4-erefore our broth
ers are dying on Suuttl rn fields.
ii t
Let the people of Pennsylvania take
warning in time ; no civilized communi
ty can exist that tolerates lawless men.
ComfortOleAt.izesis,, t.!llt!se property is
not at all endangered . toAy, ruay.say "it
does not concern us," Imt they will find
presently that it dues concern them, and
very nearly too. The peaceable citizens
of Pennsylvania are breeding an insur:
ruction; they are fattening a monster
which will presently attempt to throttle
the State. It concerns the life and pock
et of everyfieriest man from Philadifpliiii
0 Pittsburg, to crush this Intonster a:
n ...le
The Preciousness of Littleness
Everything is beautiful, says B. E.
Taylor, of Chicago Journal, when it is
little—little souls, little pigs, little lambs,
little birds, little kittens, little .children.
Little irartin-boxes of homes are gen
erally the most happy and cosy ; little
villages are nearer to being atoms of a
shattered Paradise than anything we
know of; and little fortunes bring the
most content, and little hopes the least
Little words are the sweetest to hear;
little charities fly farthest and stay long
est on the wing; little lakes are the still
est, little hearts the fullest, little farms
the best tilled. Little -books--the most
read, and little songs the dearest loved.
And when nature would, make anything
especially rare and beautiful, she makes
it little—little pearls, little diamonds, lit
tle dews.
Agues is a model prayer, but then it
is a little prayer, and 'the burden eethe
petition is for little. The sermon on the
Mount is for little. but the last dedica
tion discourse was an hour. The Roman
said : Vent:, vida, vici—l came—saw—
conquered ; but dispatches now-a-days
longer than the battles they tell of.
- , :verybody calls that little they' love
best on earth. We once heard a good
sort of a man speak of his little wife, and
we fancied she must be a perfect bijou of
a wife. We saw her; she weighed 210 ;
we were surprised. But then it was no
joke; the man meant it. He could put
his wife in his heart,iinid have room for
other things besides and what was she
but precious, and what could she be but
little ?
Never de-
We rather doubt the stories of great
argosies of gold we sometimes bear of; be-
cause Nature deals in little, almost alto
gether. Life is made-up of little ; death
is what reuiaios of them all. Day is
made up of little lielnS, and night is glo
rious, with little stars,
Let his
illation in pakto—muoll in little— is
tho great beauty of all tbat we love best,
litipelorliiiiiit s — arid . remeMber most . : --
SOON WEI POW:MT.-A leaf is
torn from the tree , by rude gale, and born
away to stmts . /desert spot to perish. Who
misses it, from among its fellows ? Who
is sad that it is-gone i Thus it is with
human life.
4 Tilde are dear friends perhaps, who
aro stricken with grief when a loved one
Fro ;(1 the Harrisburg Telegraph.
Splendid Display of the Military
Goy. Curtin Duly Installed for the
next Three years
The second inauguration of Gov. A. G.
Cnrtin took place this morning, on the plat
form erected for that purpose, in front of the
State Capitol. Notwithstanding the bad
weather, rain having fallen almost constant
ly hero for the past few days, the spectators
were numerous and enthusiastic. Various
rumors were circulated for the past week
that the Copperheads would prevent the re
inauguration of the Governor elected by the
people at the last election, which had no
doubt tho effect of attracting the bone and
sinew from the country, to resist any such
wicked attempt. It was boldly asserted that
the party had solemnly resolved in caucus
to prevent the inauguration. We can hardly
believe this, but if that be the fact they cer
tainly concluded wisely to abide the ex
pressed will of the people.
The ititary - display IVa3 certainly - a-crect
itable one. Those who had the management
of the same, deserve the thanks of the loyal
citizens of Pennsylvania. The Copperheads
in the Senate refused to appoint a committee
to make arrangements for the ceremonies,
consequently that arduous duty devolved
upon a single committee, consisting of Mes
srs. Alleman, Smith, of Philadelphia, and
Jackson, members of the House of Represen
tatives, and we congratulate them upon their
The various organizations and delegations
having formed as directed by the committee
of arrangements.
moved at eleven o'clock, in the following or
der :
Chief Marshal W. 11. Kepner and Aids.
M'Clellan Hospital Band of Philadelphia
11 t r j. Gen Couch and Staff.
Maj. Gen. Stahel and Staff.
U. S. Cavalry from Carlisle Barracks,
tst Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Battery 1 sth U. S. Artillery.
Alaj. Gen. Hancock and Staff.
Inder,endeu4 Company of Infantry.
Libehy band of Philadelphia.
Col. W. B. Mann's Philadelphia Regimen
Douglas's Band.
Revenue Guards (Muth Pa. Vols.)
One-Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regimen
P. V., Cul. Jennings, with battle Hug.
Lancaster Union Cornet Band.
Open Barouchc, drawn by four white horses
containing_Gov. Curtin and_-Legislativ.o
Committee of Arrangements, with
City Zouavea as escort.
Officers of Gov. Curtin's Staff.
Assistant Marshals Murray, McCormick
and Egle.
Heads of Departments.
Omnibus containing Old Soldiers.
Carriage containing Provost Marshal Genera
of Pennsylvania.
Carriage with Board of Enrollment
Carriage containing Brig.-Gen. Pleasanton
and Staff.
Carriage with Clergy
Carriage containing Judge Pearson and Ex
Governor Porter.
11fembers of the Bar in Carriages
Philadelphia Delegation in Omnibuses
City Council in Carriages.
Citizens in Carriages.
Assistant Marshal.
Fr;endship Fire Company—N. Y. lire hats
red shirts and blue pants—steam fire
engine drawn by four horses,
and decorated with flags.
__Assistant Marshal. _
Hope Fire Company—N. Y. fire hats, army
Overcoats and black pants—carriage
draped in mourning.
Assistant Marshal.
Paxton Fire Company—N. Y. hats blue
shirts end black pants—carriage hand
somely decorated.
Assistant Marshal.
Good 'Will Fre Company—citizen's dress,
with Button engine drawn by four horses.
The procession moved down Second street
to the Gubernatorial mansion, and eftur re
ceiving the Governor, proceeded down Sec
d street to Paxton street, out Paxton to
:Front, up Front to Chestnut, out Chestnut to
Fourth, out Fourth to Market, up Market to
Second, up Second to Pine, out Pine to Front,
up Front to State, out State to the Capitol.
Flags, wreaths, and various national em
blems were displayed along the route of pro
cession, and the streets were lined with
The House met at 11 o'clock a. m., after
appointing a committee, consisting of Messrs.
Watson and Walsh, to wait on the Senate,-
and invite them to participate with the House
in the inaugural ceremonies, took a recess
till 5 minutes before 12 -.o'clock,, when the
fl'ouse was , again called to order, and the
Spealier, officers, and members of the douse
proceeded in a body to the portico to take
part in the inaugural proceedings.
ciT old - di:fon of - Governor wa's
then read by Mr. Hameisley, Clerk of the
The oath of office was adthinistered to the
Governor by Speaker Penney.
The Governor then proCeeded, amid the
most flattering demonstrations of applause,
to,dolivei the following.
Fellow-citi*its of the Senate and. House of Rep-
Called by the partiality of my fellow ; citi
zens to i the office of . Governor of ,
yania . for another term, I appear before you
to renew : prescribedobliiatiOn
-to ; support, the Conititution of the United
States and the , Constitution of theStateOf
.-renneylvania, and to disci:tarp th. res Pen:
TERMS:--$1,50 in Advance, or $2 within the year
Treason was' struggling for supremacy in
every department of administrative power.—
In the Cobinet it feloniously disarmed us—
our arsenals were rubbed to enable the ar
mies of crime to drench a continent in fra
ternal blood—our coasts were left compara
tively defenceless to fall an easy prey -to
traitors—our navy was scattered upou dis
tant seas to render the Republic helpless for
its own protection—olliceh, educated, com
missioned and sworn to defend the Govern
ment against any foe, became deserters,
defied Heaven in shameless perjury, and
with fratricidal hands drew their swords
against the country of their allegiance, and
when treason had thus completed its prepa
rations, wanton, wicked war was forced upon ,.
our lOyal people.
Never was war so causeless. The North
had sought no sectional triumph, invaded no
rights, inflicted no wrongs upon the South,
aimed to preserve the Republic, not to de
stroy it, and even when Rebellion presented
the sword as the nrbitrer, we exhausted
every effort consistent with the existence of
our Government to avert the bloody drama
of the last throe years. The insrdent alter
native presented by treason of fatal dismem
berment or interncine war, was met by gen
erous efforts to avert the storm of death
which threatened to fall ; but the . leaders of
the rebellion spurned peace, unless they
could get their Infernal ambition over the
ruins of the noblest and freest Government
ever devised by man.
Three years of bloody, wasting war, and
the horrible sacrifice of a quarter of a mil
lion lives attest the desperation of their
purpose to overthrow our liberties. Mourn
ing and sorrow spread over the entire nation,
and defeat and desolation are the terrible
trophies won by the traitor's hand. Our
people have been sorely tried by disasters,
but in the midst of the deepest gloom they
have stood with unfaltering devotion to the
general cause. Relying upon the ultimate
triumph of the right, they have proved them
selves equal to the stern duty, and worthy
of their rich inheritatlce of freedom. Their
fidelity has been well rewaaded. In God's
own good time, He has asserted his aveng
ing power; and if this war is persisted in by
the leaders of the rebellion, as has become
evident, then slavery and treason, the foun
tain and stream of discord and death, must
soon share a common grave.
In this great struggle for our honored na
tionality, Pennsylvania has won immortal
tame. Despite the teachings of the faithless
and tho hesitation of the timid, she has
promptly and generously met every demand
made upon it, whether to repel invasion or
to fight the battles of the Union whenever
and wherever her people were demanded.—
Upon every field made historic and sacred
by the valor of our troops, some of the mar
tini youth of Pennsylvania have fallen.—
There is scarce a hospital that has not been
visited by our kind offices to the sick and
wounded, there is not a department in which
brave men do not answer with pride to the
name of our noble state, and while history
endures, loyal hearts will turn with feelings
of national pride to Gettysburg, where the
common deliverance of Pennsylvania and
the Union will stand recorded in the unsur
passed glory of that bloody field.
I need hardly renew my'pledge, that dur
ing the term of office on which I am about
to enter, I will give my whole moral and of
ficial power to the prosemthatt of this war,
and in aiding the NatiOiiiil - Government in
every effort to secure early and complete
success over our malignant foes.
For the preservation of our national life,'
all things should .be subordinated. It is the
first, highest, noblest duty of the citizen—
it is his protection in person, property, and
all civil and religious privileges, and for
its perpetuity in - form and power, he owes
all his efforts, his influence , his means, and
Ilia - life: To' c - oicipioutise tvith treuson; - would
be but to give it renewed existence, and en
able it again to plunge us into another
causeless war.
In the destru,ctibn of the military power
of the rebellion is alone the hope of peace;
for while armed rebels mnrch over the soil
of any State, no real freedom, cap..- .. .. + Arevail,
and no governmental authority, 4.otatent
with the genius of our free institutions, can
properly operate.
The people Of every State are entitled
under the Constitution, to the protection of
the. Government, and to give that proteotiOn
fully and fairly . , rebellion must be'disarreed
and tredden la the means,`
By these Mei
and those alone, can we haVe enduring union,
prosperity: and peace,: At to the poet, I will
Bible trust confided to me with fidelity.
When first summoned before you, three
years ago, to assume the sacred duties of the
Executive office, the long-gathering clouds
of civil war were about to break upon our
devoted country. For years treason bad
been gathering in might—had been appro
priating to its fiendish lust more and more
bountifully of the nation's honors—and had
grown steadily bolder in its assumption of
power until it had won the tolerance, if not
the sanction of a formidable element of
strength even in the confessedly loyal States.
,The election of a President in 1860, in strict
conformity with the Constitution and the
laws, though not the cause, was deemed the
fit occasion for an organized attempt to over
throw the whole fabric of our free institu
tions, and plunge v. nation of thirty millions
of people into hopeless anarchy. The grave
offence charged against the President elect
seemed alone to consist in his avowed fidel
ity to the Government, and his determined
purpose to fulfil his solemn covenant to
maintain inviolate the Union of the States.
When inaugurated, he found States in open
rebellion, dischilming allegiance to the Gov
ernment, fraudulently appropriating its pro
perty .and insolently contemning its autho
in. the future, in faithful obedien,ce to the
oath I have taken, spare no Meang,votheld
no powet jvhich can strengthen tits Cle'4in
meat in Lids conflict. To the measures ot
the citizens chosen to administer the Ni..
Lionel Government adapted to promote our
great cause, I will gi.enry cordial approval,
and earnest Co-operation. It is du; esteseof
constitutional liberty and lawa. ,
Powers which are essential to cute cpNyetta
safety should now be wisely and fearliO r try
administered, and that Executive would ( im
faithless, and held guilty before theliatri f
who should fail to wield the might of,ifte
Government for its own preservatiMi.
details of my views on the measures - TAO*
I recommend are contained in my recent
annual message, and need not here be re.
NO, 5.
I beg to return to the generous people of
my native State my hgarty thanks for thei'
unfaltering support and continued confi
dence. They have su tained me amid many
trying hours of official embarrassMent-t.
Among all these people, to none am I more
indebted than to the soldiers of Pennsylva
nia, and I hero pledge to those brave Men
my untiring exertions in their behalf, and
my most anxious efforts for their fat:trowel..
fare, and I commend here, as I have fee..
quently done before, those dependant upon
them, to the fostering care of the State,
I cannot close this address without an
earnest prayer to the Most High that He will
preserve, protect and guard our belayed
country, guiding with Divine power and
wisdom, our Government, State and Nation
al, add I appeal to my fellow-citizens, here
and elsewhere, in our baisting embarrass
ments, to lay aside all our partizan feelings,
and uuite in a hearty and earnest effort to
support the common cause which involves
the welfare of us all.
Gentlemen of the Senate and Hoiree of
Representatives, I pray you, in God's name,
let us, in this era of the history of the world s
set an example of unity and concord in the
support of all measures for the preservation
of this great Republic.
On the conclusion of the delivery of the
Inaugural Address, which was greeted at
various points withenthustasticcheets t
The Governor, in company with the Speak
ker, members and officers of the House, te•
paired to the hall of the House.
When the House had been called to ordeti
Hon. William M. Meredith, Attorney Getz
oral of the State, introduced the Hon. James
Dayton, as the representative of a committee
of citizens of New Jersey. Mr. Dayton, viritit
appropriate remarks, presented to the G 0 ,14
ernor, in behalf of the gentlemen *hom he
represented, a richly bound aad handsomely
Illustrated copy Or Audobon's ~VorTc'on the
Birds and Quadrupeds of America.
Gov. CURTIN responded in appropriate and
eloquent terms.
Major General Hancock, being then called
on, rondo corns patriotic and effective re,
The House then
Monroe Teachers° Institute
Met agreeably to adjournment in &hod
house No. 12 (Ilandsheri'e) on Saturday Jab.
9th 1864.
Morning Session.—Two Teachers, Memo
Berkheinicr and Richwine absent.
The minutes of last meeting wero adopted:
A Selection was read by Mica Carrie.J.
Enck. The teachers were formed in a eau
nod drilled in Geography by J. 11 Boyer.—
The subject was discussed at length by Meesre
Schriver, Eberly, Buyer, Plank, Elie% Gray.
hill and Sullenberger.
The Subject of Geography was further die•
cussed by Messrs Goodyear and Neisley,
The opinion prevailed among the speakers
on this Subject that outline maps are only
valuable as auxiliaries in teaching Geography.
Physical and discriptive Geogrsphy should re
ceive prominent attention.
J. A. Eberly delivered tin elaborate, logie
n' lecture on "The Common Schools as a po.
lilies, agency." Polities unperverted is the
science of government. Little causes often
produce great results. The common School
system makes all children equal. The sta
bility of free government depends upon keep:
itig all classed equal. In our government all
are monarchs, all are servants. The sever•
eignty of the people is proof against an aris
tocracy. Our Common Schools are a power.
ful means of preserving to us a Constitutional
Government. In them are laid the foundatiotie
of a national character. They are the °radii
of our liberties. Publio men do riot mould
public opinion.
The Southern states represent the evil! cots
sequences resulting from the want of am. ,
mon Schools. The masses of the people must
be educated in a free government, therein
the great elemont of strength in_eur govern.
Parental C 'operation waif discussed by
Messrs Schriver, Goodyear, Boyer, Graybill
and Eberly, all agreeing that it is highly dea
sirable and can be exhibited in various Ways,
visiting schools, sending pupils regularly,
procuring proper books rco.
An Essay was read by S. 13. Kline, " A
good nacre dependent upon personal exertion,"
ably proving the truthfulness of the beat
m en t.
The following resolutions wore adopted
Resolved, That the thanks of this Institut"
are duo and hereby tendered to Messrs J. W.
Leidig, Dr. M. Hoover and 3. Seaver, foi
hospitality to the members of the Institute s
according to the Secretary's reckoning, tli
guests at Mr. Leidig's exceeded a dozen In
number. •
Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructsd,
to report at the close of each meeting, th.'
amount of fines accruing thereat. • _
Tho following appointitients were ma'deldi
next meeting, Selection, 8. P. Aoodyear,;]ree•
cure, D. Richwine, Class•drill in Physiology w
J. A. Eberly, Subject for discussion, School
governinent, Essay, S. S. Sollenbergoi.
Adjourned to meet at School honse No. V
Jan 28rd. J. 11. SCHRIVERj
Teachers Institute.
The "Frankford Teacher's , lnstitute 'con
vened of Bloserville on Saturday, 28th'ef•Dea.
Members' present, Miller, O. E Wolf„Ploysr s :
Graham and Weller. Minutes' Of last meet
ing were read and adopted. Miller read sty
Essay on the subject of The importance , Cot
- edneatkon. — Oultecount:of
absent Mr. Dener delivered an Oration en,br
jelit cultivation of the mind, Mental Arithrim::
do was then• taken,,np and diseussed* this'
teachers•preeent who gave their varionstielle-,
odi" of teaching it. Programme for • next
meeting, Ployer, to read. an Essay, and iO r. •
.Wolf to deliver an Oration, Grammar vies chi ,
'subject selected for disoustdon at the- •
meeting. Questions for debate• it Tor the ,-
benefit of schools generally. that tetiohers ba
frequently changed.. The thankti of the Iti.•
stituto wore tendered to the &kens 'present
'and also to 'Messrs Mount* and. Hamilton .
their . cooperat ion. .
Adjourned to meet at Mt. Pleasanton
'Jan oth: _ R. M, GRMIAM,
A mane can• hardly bo at baraopy
himself if be is ip face a dog" and
in soul west.