this place. The bag containing the partner ship funds andother valuables, was looked up and the key in possession of Mrs. Keep• ere. Rhoads got, the key from her by representing that he wanttd to get change for a $lO note which he held in his hand— said a soldier was waiting for the change— got the bag into his possession and still kept it. These facts were admitted by Deft's. counsel, who alleged that be had proceeded as directed by him. Court instructed the Jury to render a verdict of acquittal, and;that the costs be paid by deft. Todd, Penrose and Oillelen, for Comth. Miller and Newsham for Deft. [On Wednesday morning the Committee, composed of C. P. Ilumerich, W. 11. Miller, and W. M. Penrose Esq's., made report, through C. P. Homeric'', Esq , that they had examined Martin C. Herman, Esq , an appli cant for admission to the Bar, 'that they had performed that duty in the fullest manner and certified that he was well qualified to practice law. lie passed a first class exami• nation. Mr. Herman thee took the oath. Mr. Herman has had the advantage of a thorough College education, and dbters the profession under favorable circumstances ] Coruth. vs. Michael Minieh and Cyrus Mtn kb. Assault void Battery, on oath of Mary Ruggles. Ignored, and County to pay the mists. Conti'. vs. Mary Johnston. Larceny of some clothing, the property of Isabella Toak• ins, on the 9th Dec. last. Ignored. Comth. vs. Joseph Valles. llorse stealing. Borrowed a horse from Jacob Weast, of Hope well township, to go to Stouffer's, six miles distance. traded it, was arrested and lodged in Chambersburg jail, and by process brought to Cumberland County fur trial, but by re.t sonlof not having had opportunity to consult his counselcase continued. Gillelen and Smith for Comth. Miller and Newshaia for Deft. Com. vs. William Lynch.—Surety of the Peace on oath of Levi Strohm. Neither party appearing at the time of being called, their several recognizances were forfeited, but the surety, Mr. Severs, having produced the defendant., the case proceeded. Delt. made threats that he would " rein" this prosecutor, the manner of his uttering it, the character of deft. when drunk, and his pre vious acts, led to this prose, ution. Bound over in the sum ol $5OO for one year. Gil- Idea & Miller for Con with. Penrose for deft. Com. vv. Mrs. Thomas Bell and James Swoblen.—Surety of the Pidace on oath of Thomas Bell. No prosecutor appearing defts. discharged horn their recognizance.— Gillelen S Penrose lor,Cumth. Llumerieh for delis. Corn. vs. Hiram Rhoads.—Surety of the Pence on oath of John M. Good, Feb. 4, '63. - Deft: lia - d" Stars - OMA or prosecutor'eturkeys some time since, and afterwards made threats that he would burn the barn of prosecutor. I3ound over in the sum of $3OO for one year, pay the costs of prosecution, and stand corn tnitted until the sentence is complied with. Gillelen, Smith &Penrose for Comth. New sham for deft. Comtb. vs. Itachael Thomas.—Larceny, 11th Jan. True bill.' Plead guilty and sen- tenced one month to jail, pay a fine of six ants, and costs. Cotnth. s. Alex. Mitehel.L—Larceny of a wagon covet- 4 -01e property- - of - -Jacob -Ens minger, of Frankford township. Plead guil ty. Sent three months to jail, fined six cents and the costs. Larceny on the 30th April last of 100 lbs. of flour from Jacob Wire. Plead guilty. Sentence suspended. He drank too touch; pm raised to do better hereafter. The Court directed the District. Attorney . to prepare bids of indictment ainst ',lr. Green, the Scorekeeper, at 111 serville, fur selling liver as reptesented by the parties called on the triaf.Helen for Coma). Miller fur deft. Comtb. Vl3. Thomas Fry, Jesse Fry, Sam' Wilson, Wilson Bucher, Wm. J. A ndersoi and John Long. Rescue and refusing to :mist the Constable. True bill as -to Thom as's:rid Jesse Fry, Samuel Wilson, Wilson Becher and W. J. Anderson, and not a true bill as to Long. On the 7th Dec. Squire Harris ,issued a warrant for the arrest of Joshua Mooney for fornication and bastardy, on oath of Mary E. Fry, and directed to 11. C. Johnson, Constable of Shippensburg.— These parties were charged for a rescue from this officer. Settled by the parties and ap proved by the Court. Shearer & or Comth. Todd & Penrose for Dens. Teachers Institute The Teachers of North Middleton district convened at school house No. 1, (Basin.) on Saturday evening, Dec. 213, 18(1; The Pres ident in the chair. The locating was opened by prayer, _Mr J L. Waggoner and Mr. 11 'Voter, were absent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Mr. 1) P. Wolfe read a Criticism. Mr. Muller was ap pointed a critic for the evening to prepare a criticism to be read at the next meeting.— Mr. Stokes delivered an Oration, Subject General diffusion of Knowledge. The sub ject of Geography was discussed by Messrs. Mohler, Stokes, J. C. Stock, and 11. O'Hara of Middlesex. The subject of Grammar was discussed by the Teachers present. Parental Co operatiou was discussed at some length by Teachers present. The President appoiuted Messrs. Wolfe, Stokes and Nlohler, a business committee, report as follows vie: Mr. Wolfe, (he subject of-School Government, Mr. Stokes, a class to drill in Geography, Mr. Waggoner, the euhjeot of Orthography, and Mr. Voter, to read an Essay. On [notion the Institute adjourned to meet at school No. 2, (Wert's,) on Saturday ..111.11. 9111, at I P. M S. MOHLER, Secretary. South Middleton Institute The Institute met according to adjourn meta, on 'Saturday, Jan 9th, in '•Franklin Square" School House and was opened with prayer. 'rho minutes of last meeting, were read and adopted. Roll being called Miss Mary E. Anderson was absent. The first business, was the - reading of Selections, by Miss Alcmda M. Louguecker and J. Harvey Wolf. Miss Sue E Fleming took charge of a class of teachers, and drilled them in Men dal Arithmetic. Adjourned to meet at I.}o'- clock. AETEEDIOOI7 SESSION President in the chair, Roll being called, Mies Thompson was still absent. Mr. S. b....audition. delivered an Address, Subject, Rope of ec &ward. English Grammar was taken up by Mr. A. 11. lloward. lle formed the teachers into u class and drilled, thereby, giving his method of teaching that branoh -- Miss Lizzie El Kenyon of Dickinson District, gave the class a sentence to analyze and parse. Rev. J. A. Heap-, Dr. Myers, and Messrs 8. M. Kenyon, Hittinger, Coffey and Clark were each requested to give their views upon the aubjeot of Grammar, end responded. The following resolution, was passed by a uaanireous vote. • Resolved, That the Directors, teachers, and friends of Education; of South Middletoton District,_by..inyltation, do agree, to attend the Dickinson Teachers' Institute, which meets fn "llidge School House," on Saturday, January Itlth: --The following question was offered for debate, at the neat meeting of the ft:lstituto ”Are females qualified to govern a winter Schools?" The gentlemen of the affirmative aro Messrs - Howard and Elias Mountz, Naga, give, M. Johnson and John W. Mountie, Pro gramme for next meeting. Read Selections, - mi se vi s ra C. Vulver - aud James R. Stuart, Easity, Miss Lydo C. Fleming, Address, John •Mountz, Grammar, Mies Alcinda AL Long• cooker, Grid.), A. It. Howard. The oritio re ported the errors made throughout the exer cises, by 4ltti teachers. giattits of the Institute were tendered to Wage,' / lames Coyle, Alfred Moore, Jai A 'Stuart,. PhiliP Thumma, Richard Craighead, .and. Col. W. Wobdhurn, for their hospitality to the &embers, also to the li t ev. J. A. AenglYt 3114ters, Mr S. N. Kenyon, - - - Miee Lizzie E. Kenyon, and Messrs Coffey Bittinger and Clark for their attendance. Adjourned to meet in Centre School House' on Saturday, Jan 23rd 1864. WAI B. BUTLER, Secretary. Cumberland Valley Railroad We have before us the twenty-ninth Annu al Report of the Cumberland Valley Rail road Company, giving the operations of the road to the Ist of October last. The losses sustained by reason of the rebel invasion are thus given in detail : Temporary construction of bridge at Carlisle, $3,410 55 Estimate for permanent structure 3,566 00 First temporary construction of Bridge at Scotland, Second temporary construction of same bridge and relaying section 8, including expense of remo ving, the temporary road laid, 33,743 96 Repairs of damages on sections 6 & 7, Reconstruction of buildings at Chambersburg and putting up and repairing machinery, New T iron, lumber and wood, de stroyed by fire and stolen, $61,115 49 Less T rail left on road 224 tons and 1010 lbs. at $35 per ton, $53,259 71 Of this amount the United States Government claim to have paid 23,799 58 DAMAG ES TO TUE FIEANK-LIN RA 1141 WAD Cost of re-construction and esti mate for completion of road, witer station, $20,084 07 Less 1' rail left on road 147 tons and 1150 lbs. at $35, Total loss, Of which sum the United States Government claim to have paid 1,055 79 The tot /1 amount of actual damage to pro perty on the two roads is thus given at $OB,- 270 13; and the claim of the government to have paid $23,799 58 on the Cumberland Valley and $1,055 79 on the Fra/ klin, is earnestly resisted by Judge Watts, the Presi dent of the Company. The credit is claimed on the part of the government for work done to meet its own immediate necessities i not, as Judge \Vatts says, "intended to serve the permanent road way, but the temporary pur pose of carrying troops and supplies for the army." Lie adds that "doubtless the au thorities of the government will take a pro per view of the subject, and relieve our Con - parry from a claim which line in it so little justice." We presume that the repairs done to the roads by the government will not perceptibly diminish the cost to the Compa ny in making their permanent repairs— hence the protest of the President against being charged with the expenses incurred for temporary - repairs` in - order to meet' the pressing wants of the army Ile also urges the justice of the government making repa ration fur damages inflicted upon the Com pane by the rebels. Ile says that "private property was in a measure respected by the rebeli, but the property of our Company was destroyed because it was in service of the country, and rendering a service, too, 'es sential to its prOtection and safety I" The report announces officially that the business of transportation on the road Will henceforth be done by the Company instead of individual lomat-tiers as heretofore. It alleges that Manufacturers justly complain that middle-men have been interposed be tween them and the market, and that they demand to have the responsibility of the Company, and their products carried at their tariff rates. It states that "many instances 01 detected fraud in manifesting one class for another, and misrepuesentations as to quantity, whereby honest competition in the business is defeated," render this change no cessary, and, the report adds—" it has been determined to change the whole character of the business and becothe carriers ourselves." The change will, however, be made gradu ally, for the following reasons, as stated in he report "First, because there is a very large a mount of money invested by individuals in rolling stock, ware-houses, and the neces sary conveniences of common carriers.— This interest should be cared fur, and its owners not forced suddenly out of business ai so great a sacrifice of property as it would necessarily cause. A lid again, the Company should not be called upon suddenly to incur so large an expenditure as will lie required to furnish rolling stock enough of their own for the transaction of all the business of the r ad. The transition is easy by a gradual change; the owners of rolling stock will have the option of selling to the Company at an agreed price, or to make such oilier disposi tion of their cars as will best promote their interest. A resolution of the Board of Man agers has committed to the President the authority so to manage this change and so increase the rolling stock of the Company as will best comport with individual interests, and the determined purpose of the Company to do the carrying business upon their own road." The Cumberland Valley Company leased the Franklin Railroad last spring, upon the terms that they would keep up ordiiHry re pairs and pay over one• the gr,iss in come. Soon after this arrangement was made the rebels destroyed the Franklin road to the amount of $ 1 5,000, and stopped all business upon it for nearly ninety days, so that the Franklin road furnished nothing like an adequate revenue to meet the interest of its bonds. The Cumberland Valley Com pany then voluntarily proposed to give their six per cent bonds in exchange for the Franklin seven per ceat,bonds, and the re port adds that most of the holders "have willingly accepted the proposition and trans ferred their bonds to us, whilst a few deem the Franklin Railroad bonds, secured by the .same mortgage, as adequate security for them, and seven per cent unpaid better than six punctually paid." The report closes with a compliment to " the good conduct and steady tiabite.of those who are employed in the business of .the Company." We subjoin a slatementrof the financial cond,itien of the Company, which shows the handsome sum 0f_.597,475 53 on the right side of balance sheet; Statement of the Cumberland Valley Rail , Road Company., Oct. 131, 1863. DU. Cost of road and appurtenan ces, $1,131,037 0.5 Materials on hand, . 13,171 01 Sinking Fund, 155,852 76 Due by Franklin R. R. Co., 10,353 52 Hal. of accauata receivable,. 10,504 27 Caalt l - --•— 68,538 49 First preferred stock, Second preferred stock, Unpreferred stock - held by individuals, 397,000 Uapreferred' stock held by the Company, 75,000 first mortgage bonds, Second mortgage bonds; Due for dividends, " " interest on bonds, Unclaimed dividends and interest, 2,004 20 Accounts for September, 16,481 37 Profit and loss, 97,475 53 $1,389,457 10 /?e - eipts and Expenditures oflke Cumberland Valley Il4tilroad Company for the year end - iny 301./i September, 1863. 727 35 Cash and cash items 2sl Oct. '62, $69,376 82 Revenue—Comb. V. R. R. Co., 255,365 56 Franklin R. R. Co., 37,751 64 Rent, Sundries, 75 00 6,961 63 Dividends, Interest on bonds, Trustees of Sinking Fund, Expenses, Exchange, Franklin Railroad Company's shale of earnings, Cash on hand, • Accounts receivable, 9,628 00 7,855 78 The Cumberland Valley It.tilroad is per haps the most carefully and economically managed road in the State. We believe 5,167 65 that since ,t was relaid there has not been a single fatal accident on the road to a pas- 'stinger, excepting only the collision when the Corn Exchange,regiment was being trans ported, and then the road was in the hands of the military authorities. Had it been under the immediate mabagement of the Superintendent, Col. O. N. Lull, we hazard little in saying that no such accident would have happened. Judge Watts has been the President for many years, and has adminis tered its affairs with great shill and success. The Directors ~for the year 1864 consist of Hon. F. Watts, President ; Josiah Bacon, Edmund Smith, \V. M. Henderson, Thomas B. Kennedy, Thumas Scott, Thomas A.- Biddle, .1. Edgar Thomson, IL J. Lambert, D U. Gehr, Winter M. rris, John Hume, E. C. Knight. Directors; Edward M. Biddle, Secretary and Treasurer; D. N. Lull, Super intendent.-- Chambersburg Rep. $14,916 42 VEN - EITIAN HORSE LINIDIERTT. 111 NT 1301"I'LES AT JIFFY CENTS, FOR, the euro of lanienesx, seratehes, wind galls, stiraiaas,..brauses, apllu U:, eats,-colic. allppin{;.itille,over heuti lg . , sore throat.. nail iv the tot, o,e. IL ix war ranted elimipor and better than any other aaticle ever "tiered to the public Th. , 11-011.14 iirAlli111 , 11e; h the 1:‘,11 corm! of thin ii It,• /111,1 over heating by this Liniment ; and flint Wi•ro Clippie , ' Kind lams have Weil L o their homer vigor. It is used by 'ell Chu hrouglioat the Slates. Order% arc isin• stat.tly receive l from ilia Itarin:Z Stables of I•.uglnud for 11,,11 supplies or this invaluable article. Over lines in 'ell reeeiVl.d. ite111.11111)r, Sit rents labl out ID Hun., may sane the life of you. horse. Soh! by all drit;Rlst..ii. OIllee•bn, eartlendt Street, New I=l flu the sth lust , by Rev. J. C. Bucher, Mr. HENRI P. tOICII ER of Philadelphia, to MI s ANNIE, daughter of the Ist, Mr. (Leo Biel lur, Carlisle On the 3lst, ult•, b • Rov C {Flag. Sir. JOIiN DAVIS, to Miss MARY (VI I.SON , both of this place. Un thu 31st ult.. by Rev IL W. Mr. PETER DUNI( Sprl ox, to Miss II EBEIXIA SHUN', of Carlisle Pa. On the 12th Inst.. by the same, Mr.IIENRY S. FIECK of this et/ ty, ,to Mrs JULIE fTE A. CA V is, of L o w ishory, York Cn. l'a. On the 21th uht , by Roo. JArnov Thr.mpsnn, at the Moth° list ProtostA .t l'E CAL 11. FRA ZER, U S. Army, I Miss M %RV M. EtillEN of Car. lisle. On the 7th lost', by Rev Jam . , the mothodi,,t L 1 I'S. 11141 i..;, to Mlgs SPILL, 1,,,11 S.,uth Mid dleton, Cum!. , Pn. On the 31-d ult at the reaiden., of W. I Crnlv:h bend, In Ito, ionty, 1..1-0,1 by 11,. Wio.t, Hey. 11'111.:1:1tr.1' and Iliac 6,1.11.A1l both Of Cuml. Co. I'Zl. In this place, at (Mrs Ilotol, on the l'2lh lost, by the Iter. Z-anitil Philips. Mr .lAcob U. titutsoutn, to Minh kat., Dunldburgor, both from. Perry Co. On Friday the let twit., at Rock Island, 11111nOls, JAMES P. SCOli EY, son of David Scnboy, of south Middleton township, in the 3 MI year ~f his ago. In Philadelphia, on the 161 L of Decomber not Mrs. REBECCA EDDY, of Cluorgo Espy, formerly of this county. • CARL ISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the Herald by U. C. Woodward. CArlit , lo, January 14, 18131. 0 to 00 1 50 1 8n .11)0 =I do. ((Ex Lim.) do It Y l+ WU ITS WHEAT R ED NBA COIGN Mel B 4 IMP: V FA I. L.. B ERSEED TINItITUYSEND LADIES' SEMINARY. 111-1 E next Session of the Ladies Sem inary of Carlisle will commence on the let of Feb ruary. The best teachers and the most thorough In struction, are distinguishing characteristics of this prosperous Institution. Jan 15, 18111-3 t THE segrind Session" of this institution of Learning, will begin February Ist, 1864. Vesides the usual English branches, Latin, Greek, French and German are taught. 4ocial attention given to music. It. D. CHAMBERS., President. Jan. 15, 1804-3 t ESTATE NOTICE.- Luttorei testamentary on the Estate of John Darr, doc'd , late of Franliford township, having bean imued by the Register of Cumberlona County, to the subscriber, residing In the above township. Notire Iti hereby glrente all portions indebted to sold estate to mahm_paytnent; And these having claims to present them duly aulhenticaled for settlement to DAVID DARE, Jr. Executor. Jan. 8, 1864-ot* ESTATE NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that letters testatnentary iron. Ulla day granted to the undersigned of the estate of Esther Ilirkholder, late of South Middleton town. ship. All persons indebted to said Estate, aro request. ed to make payment of the same to the undersigned, and those having claims against said Estate will pro scrnt - tbrom -to _ JACOB BIRK HOLDER, South Mlddlet• n Township, Cumb. Co Jan. 8 .1861-6 t. FOR RENT. HE part of that large three-story brick building owned and at present occupied by nhoff. The house is one of the largest and finest In Carligle, the location unexceptionable, and the Im• provements and conveniences of the very best ehawm tor. There are also two excellent law - offices In - the same building which aro offered for rent. Possession given on the lot of April. For terms de., apply to 0. INIIOFF. Dec. 18, 1.884-6 t. • ATWO story Brick Honso, on North Pitt stroot. The house is comparatively now, with all the, modern convoniencon. Hydrant in the yard. For torme and other particulars apply at this' office. Pec.lB, 18,18131-30. $1,389,467 10 EMILIE El= DR. TOBIAS' 311arriagts. =l= praQs. I=il=l Rev. EDWIN 11. NEVIN, l'r Emory Female College, CARLISLE, PA. Private Sale $241,900 00 243,000 00 THE subscriber, bectuiee 'of ill health, and private Matters also Claiming his attention, it his duty to retire front business. at least for a season. probably until the present war is ended. I Shall close my business ' early ill February next, and up to that period, will keep up my usual supply of Pyrites, Coffees, Teas ' Sugars, Spices. Mackerel and such other articles as belong 'to a stook.of tirocerlos, together with an aSstirtment of ' 472,000 00 161,000 00 109,500 00 Tobacco, (clicwing .4. anwking). i t Cigars ; ombrucing the choicost qualities, and 4 the looms pubs iblo prices and profits. The balance of my stock, composed of CEDAR WARE, 33,276 00 10 820 00 such es Tubs, Churns, Buckets, a lot of Corn Brooms the choicest in any market—also, China, Glass, Queenswaro, Crocks, Baskets, etc., will be sold at reduced prices. 1 would embrace this opportunity of tendering my sincerest thanks to the numerous friOndli and custom ers who have for a period clever twenty yearn, given me no generous and liberal a share of their patronage, trusting that my labors to please have not altogether been in vain. To such as have accounts to Bettis with me, either fur or against, I would state that 1 will as hero tofbre, lie round At my usual place of business, where I will be always be happy to sue them 372 00 184 82 " Marlon nail," Carnal°, January 8, 1884. f Rs-Perry Advocate please copy $363,050 84 Cumberland Valley Railroad. VOTICE TO PASSENGERS.,—On kI and after January let, Poll, Through nut's on the ulairland Volley and Franklin Hail Ronda will be as follows : Ilagerstown to Harrisburg, Morgantown, State Linn, Greencastle, Nlarion, Chambersburg, Scotland, Shippensburg, Oakville, Newvllle; _ _ A Horton , O reason's, Good Hope, Carlisle, Middlesex, • Kingston, Mechanicsburg, Sbireinniistown. Fares from Ticket Stallone, will be Tr. (ICNTS additio nl when pill in the ears $70,294 50 21,234 80 6,454 84 158,044 38 189 82 17,136 22 68,538 49 20,857 79 $363,050 84 Superintendentii, Office, Chentiei Dec. 22, Dee. 24. NEW GOODS AGAIN ! Al Opilhy's Cheap Cash Store I have just returned from the city, and I now opening. another lot of elegant Winter tioods, which I will Fell cheap fi.r ensh. :tinny articles sults We for Christmas presents al. low figures. in great variety from Besson's Mourning Store. Ladles Cloth Cloaks, all kinds .Aiith, Jrt of those cheap Cloths foe Ladles Cloaks. Black Silks lower Chan usu al Also fancy Colored Silks. A good .assortment of all the new style Dress floods In the market. Ladles and ilhildrens lialmorals. Wooleu Hoods, and Nobles, it lull assortment of (load Cloths and Cassimures, for Gloats awl Boy's Mar fly a,ortment Is now largo and complete. and no ex ertioo wIII he spared td Rise every gatistactlon to pur cha+ers both in price and quality. hir motto is short profits arid quick Sales hence, the great rush WO ha err had fir the last Mx months, ,French Merinos, at reduced pr coo, at the old steed, nearly opposita the Depot. _ =I WIV II ERh: AS the 1l nn. James H o RA lIIM President J (Ilk!, Of tho setreral Court. of Common Piens of the counties of Cumberland, Per , nu•l Juniata, :And Justices of thu several Courts of es sud Terminer-and thmeral ,7111 Delivery said untie,, a id NI irtmel Cork lin and Ilußh Stuart, Judi; of the l'oor , s of Over and Tv rmi.ter and Jail Dolly v for thy trial of all 'appal and othor offordera, in ot said coo Comberlaud, by their prororoß to do , o•lo I. olatod 9th day of Novonihor 1963. have . . • orJered x Court Uyer and Terminer and (lenern Jail Delivery to be 11.1,10 n at Cirlisle • 111 the 2d Mon y.lauusry.lBl4, (bvin r the II to ,13y,) at IU o'clock he• Ilnouno n, to continue Inn weeks. NI is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, avid Constables of the said coo 'Sty of Cutn• Berland, that they ore by the said precept command ed to he them Aid there it, their proper persons, with their rolls, records. and inquisitions examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their °thee, npp•rtain to be clone, and all those that ore bound by reccgnizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shalt be in the Jail o said con sty, are to be there to )11 . 01oicat to t6rtii OS hhnli be just. T. Itll'PE Lac. lA, 1803. Valuable Town Lots AND Dwelling House fur Sale W ILI, expose to Public Sale on the premises, by virtue of the last will and testament (Joseph , :niver, lor'd, on Saturday, the 1.13 th day of January, lhal. ho ii , 111040 , n1 prop,ty of Cho dooonsod, Of unto In in the Borough 1.1 Carlisle, and which consists of a l r aiF c f : , ; t l , T i u .r b n le 4 t v w nh o q st u or o y .o ll , ric n k a-a l i l l o m us n e, , /7 . Verlitlllt irnproanmrnts r to otherwith 1 k„l% ri.l thirteen a,res of first rate Litn,tone hntl., highly lluproyed, fenced_ and 'hero in n Orchard or the chnicent grafted trult the land, att.! 'wing CO near the town is of g mi I, an al vnlne to the owner. day of vale I will 1111,10 the hind divided ,to Into, and yell them together ur svparat tia will ring t lie beat price. A Orno4 lit of l h..di tel may lot ton after the lit nf.lnil unry , at, the office of Slatta marker. JOAN MILLER. Expeu..or of Joseph Culvor, Joe'd Doc. IS, 1563..-2 t. READING RAILROAD. r .r, .. 0i„,,,„7, .4 A 6 „.,,,,,,, , ~.....,..: .......v. f......,, P13 1 04.#4,,, , , 7 1,- , z, TA ...:. ...-4.1,- - f' - ' . . •' ' ' -'' S ik;;;Va... ---' •'• -',.., ~. .,.., 1 :. , 0 4 A t .1,,,..1 . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. REAT Trunk Line from the -North jraild Norlh.West, tor Philadelphia, So York Read- log, Lebanon, Allontown, Easton, Ate., &c. laAvu 11:trrishurg for l'hiladelptila, Sow-York. Reading Pottsville, and all Inter:110(11sta Stations, at A. ".1„ and 2 P. M. New York Express leaven llarrinburg at 3.00 A. M., arriving at Now York nt 10.16 the Caine morning. ' , Ares from Harrisburg: To New-York $5 16; to Phil a,;eiphhii,33snrninp2Ro. Baggage checked through. ju i n; ruing. leave Now-York ut 11 A. 51., 12 neon, and 7 p. 01., (Pittsburg It:mire:is arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. 51) Leave Philadelphia at 8 L 5 A., M., and 331 P. M. I 2" 1 15 .) 50 2 50 . . . Sleeping earn In t.L. , New York Expreen Trains through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawinsa:tallroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. M and 2.15 P. 51 $ for York, and all Way Pointa. Philadelphia, Now., Trains leave POttilVlllo at 0.15 A. 51. and s 2 . 39 P. Ms for Philadelphia, liarrishurg and New• York. An Aecommodation Pansenger train leaven. ileadini at 1130 A. M., and returna from Philadelphia at 4 30 P. M. the above trains run daily, Sundaya except ed. A Sunday train 11130014 Pottsville at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3 lb P. M. Commutation, Mileage, 8011.8011, and litiout Mon Tick• ats at rodurud rates to and from all points. 80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Pas. anger. G. A. NICOLLS, general Supari.ni4Mdcm t. Dm. 11, littfl NEW WINTER GOODS. r have just returned from the Eastern I:lllirkets with an immense stock of Winter Goods, Latest styles, and fabrics of Ladies Dress (Weds, Misses and Children's Dress Goods, Ladies and Misses Furs, all kinds and ,qualities, CAPES, CUFFS. ♦ large stock of CLOAICO and MANTLES, selected from the most fashlonahlo manufactories In the cities. Latest Parka Stylea and designs. Cloaking Cloths, Plain and Castor Beavers, Mittens and other.qualltles. Shawls In largo suplpy, latest noveltms as well as staple makes: • MOURNING GOODS or all kinds and varieties. Balmoral Skirts, every quality and style. Now Style of ..iloop_Skirts—AllUktadfl_er_.worsted...l goods, Gloves, Ilos ery, Embroideries &o. MEN'S AND BOY'S' WEAR. Overcoatinge, Cloths, idellons, Satinets. Jeans, togeth• or with an Immense stock klualln's Calicoes, tang. hams, Blankets', Flannels, - Yuruishing o ods . &c.— Please call at the well known stand Eget Blain Street. . Nov. 13, 1803 iv. q. SAWY,EIt. The Confessions and .Expefienee. OF AN INVALID. Publiehed for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN whO Buffo from Nervous Debility Premature Decay of Manhood, eta., supplying at' the maw time. TDB MP:ANS Olt BULB CUBE. 13y one who has cured himself after being.put to great expense and Injury thcjttgh medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, singhs ooples mNy be had i r 3f Al t k ap j hoe. 13.110(FAIR, Esq. Bodibrd, Kings Ootinty., N. y.: May 22,18418.3 r. Closin3 up 8118111038 J. W. SBY 0. N. LULL, Sup't MOURNING GOODS, CHAS. 001LBY, Trusteo Proclamation VICTORINES MU FF4, Something New in Philadelphia COOPER'S PhotoKraph & Art Gallery No 1338 Chestnut Street, Oppomitetr,. S. Mint Gallery, Reception and Operating Rooms ALL ON FIRST FLOOR. ALL the. styles and sizes of Photo graphs, Ivorytypes Ferrotypes or •'Tiritypea" and taken at prices to suit the times. Pictures Finished in Water Colors, 011, India Ink and Natl. Horses and other animals, Equipages, Country Seats, Enloe, Models of Machluery, &c., for Patenting accu rately photographed. I'. N. Cooper desires to call tho attention of persons visiting Philadelphia to his now Ground Floor Watery, where he has introduced newly patented cameras, ca pable of taking, In a few seconds, one hundred Photo graphs, from the small stamp or autographic, to the Imperial and Life Size. After many elperiments ho has succeeded in pine. lug his skylight at au i nproved angle, diffusing the light in equal proportions, and producing that colt gradation of tone which cannot be given by the Ole and sky.lights generally used, and which is of so much importance to the beauty to the twenty of n picture.— It is made of French glass, and is thu 'argent. in Phila delphia. Mr. Cooper hoe been engaged more then years in the study and practice of the tine Ar ic.• long experience as a Miniature and Portrait Painter is a nufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures made at. his establishment. . . The art of idealizing is well understood ; none but the most skilful artists are employe I in tho respective departments. All pictures Warranted;—the Ivorytypee will not change in any climate, and will stand the test of ac. ids. Particular attentlyd is paid to giving graceful and oasy positions, Daguerreotypes and all other kinds of pictures cop ied, from small medallion to life size, and finished in colors or Indian Ink, to look equal to pictures taken from life $2 46 2 40 2 35 2 10 1 70 I 00 1 35 1 25 I 00 This Oalieu possesses rare facilities for taking Eques• trial' Pictures from life, in the rear building, where front one to fifty horses can be photographed at a Limo. N. B.—TO PIIOTOURAPIIERS, COI,ORItirS AND OTHERS, JUST ISSUED.— A NEW WORK ON Photograph Coloring, Ivorylyping, Enamelling Ivory Na nature Painting, 4-c. Complete Instructions given for making Ivorytypes, with some valuable receipts, never before published, useful to all photographers, for one of which a largo sum has been offered. By following the direCtions contained In this book, oven those persons with no previous knowledge of Painting cannot fail to color photographs in a' buautl• Pul and effective style. Price. One Copy, $5.00, Five Copies, 20.00. By re• miffing SI2A 0 ono copy, with Box of Paints, Palette, Brushes and preparations complete will be furnished tree of charge. Will be Published shortly, A VALUABLE WORK ON DRAWING. With progressive Illustrations of the flu man Fare nod Figure Also, A lIANILBOOK. l'O• siTioNs, with Illustrations. Photographers and Artists. Mr. Cooper continues to receives Ladies and Gentle man into Ids Classes for Instruction In Drawing, and Plietegtanh, Ivorytype, India Ink and Nati Painting, and a beirutlful process fir Enamelling Pleturos. Circulars containining Ilet hf prices of pictures and further information respecting the Books and Terms o. Instruction may - be had by enclosing Post Office Ad dress and a Stamp to P. F COOEPR. 13 iS Chestnut Strout, Philadelphia. RENTERENCE: 4 . Caleb Cope. President Academy of Fine Arts, Dr. Thos. B. Wilson, Ornithologist and En tomologis Rev. Thomas Mlles Martin, E. Church. lion. Victor A. Sartori. ('ousel of Leghorn. Robert O. Clarkson, of Virtu of Jay Cooke .4 Co NOW York, Rev. W. A. Maybln, Rect. St. Alban' Church. Boston. J. E Tilton k Co. IV,,reester. Mare., P. Dodge, Esq. Baltimore, Mona. Amedee Sauvan, French Consul. Doc. 11, 180-2 m. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE 111 6 /.4 G •11.11 e LiIJVE S AT REDUCED I'IIICESI With Glees Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Cheek, Now .Vyle Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa. Highest Premiums at the INTF:RNATIONAL FXDIDITION, LONDON, 1862 INDUSIDI AL FEHIBITION, Plllll, MA. nt the Fairs of thn I= Silver JJedal at the Pennsylvania State Fair September, 1863 American Mechanise' Association, Boston, Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, Metropolitan Mechanics' 1 n.,titu to, NV ashin c ton, Maryland Ins tit ute Baltimore, Mechanic,' Association. Cincinnati, Ken tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Merit/Ink,' Institute. San Francisco. At the State F 141 1 .8 of EMSE VERMONT, CON N HOT I OUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, VIIWINI A, MISSISSIPPI MISBOU RI, MEM I \ DIANA, 1015'A, Ti NN ESSEE, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY NACHMAN, W ISCONSIN, LA LI EO It N I A. These celebrated Machines are adapted to every va riety of Sewing or family wear, from the lightest mum line to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and cotton goods.—seaming quilting, gathering, hemming, felling. cording, and braiding—making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bothrsides—and performing every species of sewing except making button holes and stitching on buttotis. Full In truetions for operating the Machine is given gratuitously at the males rooms. When the Machine is rout F-01110 dist anon, so that personal instructlon is inconvenient, a card of direction In sent, which is a suflielent guide. The qualities which recommend the R heeler it Wilson Machine are 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both miles of the fabric mewed. 2. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel, and made with 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments and wide range of application to purposes and materials. b. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed, ease of operation and management, and q,:letness of movement. SCHEDULE OF PRICES. No. 3 Machine, with Plain Table, $45 CO Half Case, l'annelled, 50 00 Unit Casa PoHoned, lllack Walnut or Mahogany 66 00 No. 2 Machll2o with Plain Table, 66 03 Nal( ease, Pannelied, 60 00 Mit Case, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 65 00 No. 1 Machine, Silver plated, with Plain Table, 65 00 Half Ca , e, Mailed, Black Walnut, 70 00 Half Cam), Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 7b 00 Half Case, Pollehed, Rosewood, 80 00 Full Cage, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 00 00 Full Casa, Polishet.l, Rosewood, 100 00 No. 4 Machine, Large with Plain Table, N 0.5 Machine, Cylinder, with Plain Table, TERMS CASE! Every Machine ie sold with a Remoter, Von. 1 and 2 Machines are sold complete, with the New Glass Cloth Brener, New Style Hemmer and Braider. Wheeler & Wllson'o Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. Noy. 2T, 1863-Iy. NAILS I NAILS ! -N .- AILS-II I- --- -- A large stock of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough. nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails aro worth, bOcts a keg more, than any other make of nails sold in our town. this is the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, wo 'al'so have a hill - assortment or ' BUIL-DING kIATERIALS, - of thti latest and Most approved styles. All goods war , rant ad as roprosuntod. JOHN P. LYNN di. SON. AFSTATE NOTICE:- !Alters of Administrution on the Estate of Jo. soph May, deed., late of test ronnsboro township, having boon Issued by the Register of Cumberland Co. to the subscriber, residing in said township. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said est* to makepayment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to . CEO. W . CItISSWELL, "! Jan. 8, 1804-00. Administrator. Brrurs Pulmoalc , Wafers, AT RALBTO4II4 Dec. 11;18.63 THE Allen and Haetpenneboro' Mutual Fire !Insurance Company of Cumborland county, incorporated by an act of Assembly, tit the year 1843, and having recently had Its charter extended to the 'year 1888, Is now in active and vigorous operation, tin der the suporintendonce of the following Board of Alanagera, viz: William It. Gorgon, Christian 'Hayman, Jacob Eberly, D. Bally, Alox. Qatlfeart, J. U. (looser, John Eichelber. ger, .7osoph Wicitersham amt. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph - Martin, Jacob &' over, acd J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are aeiow and favorable as arty Company of the kind in the State. Persona wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them id any time. Cumberland county.—.lohn Shorriek, Allen; Henry Zearlng, Shiremanstown; Lafayette ['offer, Diehlnson; Henry ]cowman, Churchtown ; Mode tiriMiti, South Middleton; Samna! Oraham, West pennsboro'; Samuel Coover, Morhanmaburg ; J. W. Cocklin, Shepharth.toun; D. Coover, Upper Allen; J. 0. Saxton, Silver :firing; John Ilyer, Carlisle; Valentine Feetuati, New Cumber land; James McCandllnli. Yolk county —W. S. Picking. Dever; James OHM, Warrington ; .1. F. Deardorff, NVashington; Richey !De ey Clark, Dillaburg ; D. Rutter, Fairview; John W Hants, Carroll. Dauphin co.—Jacob Houser, ❑arrinirurg. Members of the Company hoeing-policies about to expire, can hare them rutleivud try making application to any of the Agents. October 30,1863. JUST received a large addition of new Furs, Muff's, Capes, Victorines. &e., also Cloaks et Mantles, Cloaking Cloths, from New York, Tory cheap. Plain figured and Fancy Dress Silks, HUNTER DRESS GOODS, latest styles, heavy Woolen Gloves for the cold weather Balmoral Skirts. Genuine Hate.Ner Buck - °MVOS end Gauntlote. Please cal East Main Street, ono door below Muth Hotel. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenue fIITER for sale upon the most favora ble Terms. NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIONS in great variety of IltO.' RA ILI:NCiB for CENI ETERI ES, RESIDENCES, kc., and Wrought and east Iron, and WALVANI7I Ell IRON and BRASS TUBING ; IRON VENAN DAM, BALCONIES.STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUNS, ii ITUIIINO rosTs, MP ST 1. NUS, V 18 ES. TA HI, ES, SLOW Elf STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STA TUA RY, ANIMALS, and all other Iron Works of a 1/corative 1-ha• actor. Designs forwarded thr selection. Persons apply in; fur same, will.please state the kind of work needed. Nov. 20, 1863, Designed !or the use o MO. I—Situate at. Mt. Rock, seven miles went of Carlisle, CM the Chambersburg Turnpiko, lately owned by Jacob lieltzhoorer, cuu telning 238 acres, 2011 of whieb are cleared end In a high eta' eel cultivation. end the residue col crud with timber of the best quality. Thu prilVelllallta are tivu good Dwelling House, (ono entirely new.) a spien. dill stone Bank Barn, and other con. - %enient outbuildings. the entire farm Is encio.ed with Knoll pest and roil fence A bell! tlful spying at water rises on the premise, near the buildings. and a fine orchard of well s -tented Butt in good bearing order. The fence , . hind and Implore ments are in the bent p eat dab.. No. 2 —Sitnate on the Walnut Bott ,, m road, -V.'', miles went of Carlisle, lately unwed by John Plough, cmitalning MI % acres. all cleared but about 10 acres, which are coy.ed with good timber. The ha pr ,, VO 111011 to are a fine Brick Mansion . _House, „Llaulc. llaru.nud whor buildings. There is a fine orchard ,Cc Ni . tall 4 / 7 ; and an excellent well of water on the premises. The land is of the best quality m iimemone, le a high state of cultivation, anti and the improvements in gad repair. The above farms will be disposed of upon terms ad yantagnous to purchasers. The Inc iti,ll9 being the most desirable in our %alley, offer great indueeinents to capitalists for secure and paying lllVOStaltilit, the land being of the most productive character. One terms and further particulars enquire of A L. ,`SPONSI.gR, Real Estate Agent. =I r 1 1IAT wcll known property now OC'2ll pL•d by the subscriber situated VII the southeast cornet . ..of Pitt and ',tither streets. uearty app•'s!to the Orrin.") Iteti,ru u •d Chute), The house is n large Brick 81.01,11112, equal to a three story house, tini•ls.d trout the cellar In the root It bouts 28 feet Louth,. and about, 70 fret with the front and nava building on Pitt street. and 120 lest more or less on Pitt street; having also thereon a small Tenant House, a large Wtirehou,. tietsurly used 51 a Livery Stable, all which the subscriber will either rent or sell. Fur further particulars enquirr of 11 • I= rrnE public'are herebyth: the ..dersiglied have this day entered Into, a ( Nrt.nership, with, the tu n ic .if ,t (lair. ft the puepiee• el , :trr3lllg iii the ( awl LUelle, be- =II!SEM= .rhs ; where all (irtler, in their line a pectinlly nolicited, aii4l a ill be prortip Iv iiELANcy. A:NI/Ill.:NV II 131,111 i. rt. Hi, 18 1:1-- lr Alkey - Ortkre. or coal kill hn rervived at Halbert Flemin its Ororvry ;41, 1t..! er t Shoe Store and A. 11. Illair'oeuroing _ . J UST received and very cheap at G EENFI LI; & S 1 4 .'. A 1 4 ' LC It 'Si. As WO purchase these goons nr an ritnnnitu ('lock Manufactory in NEW Sen K, We are able to superi or Inducements to any liotts, 111 the country. FURS! FURS!! We defy competition. having made arrangements with one of the lilltgent Now York Fur to supply us with choice Moods. We feel confident we can sell Fur: at City pricers N0v.13, 1833 MOOTS di. SHOES. AFULL assortment of Men and Boys' e'tts and Sh pus, suitable for the winter. Also, Ladies and Misses's Balmoral Bootees, Children's (loots of all kinds. Ladles and Gentlemen's G Over Shoes. My old eustomeres and all in want of good and ,heap Bouts and Shoes, will please cull and examine the stock, before purchasing. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot. CHAS. OGIILBY, Trustee. Corneae, Nov. 21.1852. TDE UNITED STATES HOTEL. COVERLY Sc HUTCHISON, Proprietors rpHlS , well known trotel is now in a condition to accommodate the travelling public, of fording the most ample conveniences alike fur the trausieet guest and the'perninhent boarder. THE UNITED STATES lIOTEL has been entirely re fitted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in env uecot.s to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to all the pub lie offices and business localities of the city. it has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither expanse, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is re spectfully solicited. Dec. 11, 18t13-3m. 75 00 85 00 ATWO and a half story Brick Mull. ling Mouse and a Large Frame Warehouse situat ed on the corner of Maine and West Streets, Carlisle l'a. The dwelling house is well hnished and commodious, having water and gas and se 111 1 , all modern Improvements. The ware. I rfe- house Is roomy and convenient. This . 11 ' . a rare chance for any person wishing to ongageluthe - grain - - buying - and 'forwarding buil nese. For terms &c., apply to Dacember 11, 186 r i r E subscriber offers • for - sale, the Two Story MANE 110TISE and Back Building, w th the Lot of, Ground, containing 30 feet In front and 240 feet In depth, (known as the property of the late Andrew llolmev,) on oast High street, south side between Bedfordand East streets. D. 26, 1862-3 t STATE NOTICE.- Letters testamentary on the Estate of the late osoph Culver deo'd., of Carlisle having boon is• sued by the Register ofoiiinberland County to the sub scriber residing in ,Middlesex township. - Notice Is hereby given to all mbrsons indebted to said estate, to make payment, and those having claim to present' them duly 'atithenticated - • , dOPIN Id:11.1411t, . 'Executor. Dec. 18, 1863-6t* Fire Insurance. WM. IL GORGAS, Pros Went, Eherly's Mills, P. 0 CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice Prcsident klechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dilleburg. York co. AGENTS. FURS! FURS!! Doc. 11, 1803 PAILADELPIIIA, PA., Two Highly Improved Limestone Farms at Private Sale. For Rent or Sale IV otice of Co-Partnership, = CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! GREENFIELD'S SHEAFER. B. E. Co, of Market. Sq Aare, 24 door HARRISBURO, PA For Sale or Rent, House and Lot for Sale JOB. O. HOFFER GREENFIELD e, SHEAFER'S, NEW AND' BEAUTIFUL GOODS. 5000 yds, Super Extra at 20 cts:: Good 4-4 Bela Muslin, 25cts. Extra Paint 4-4 Bela Muslin at 31cts. Donned lc Glnghaine, Cliccks, Tlcklugs, Jeans, Flitinisio of nil colors, Homo Mlidar Flannels Gray and Mats, Ironic Mode Jeans. WO have alto all the lower priced Mutant; antirrintir on hand, and Plain Black Bilks at all prices. We now sell an extra quality of Black Silk at $1,247 worth /11,50 per yard. Plain and Ninny Saks' of itter.* description at low prices. DRESS GOODS, as we hove purchaseect our entire stock of Dross Goods in New York (which to Headquarters, for all the New Styles.) Every ono will find it to their advantage to give our stork a look bothre going elsewhere, as you' will nee all the latest plow York Styles, at prices to suit' the'tirnea RILNII)1111. siincrs, from S2,LO up to the finest grado9. Cloths and Cassimerog, full assortment of Cloths, Cassimoren and Beaters, all of the Newest Styles. Also a full stock tt. MOURNING GOODS, at at astonishingly low priers. Gloves, hose, woolen and cotton; Collars, dic. In our stock of U00(1,1, _ Sonlags, Smirk 8.0., we defy competition. We bays a large assortmeut of Regular made goods, (not Auction Goods.) which we can sell at lower price■ than any Wholesale House, largo or small, either In city or country. Shawls of every description, at the lowest figure. All We ask is a call, we ale confident we can plea.. both in styles and prices of goods. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, H. E. Our. Market Square, 2nd door from Oor. Oct. 2, 1863. W. C. SAWYER First Prize Medal at the Worldlin Fair, London, 1882. ( , '•itt? i Llll : v ., , • - ,--,_._, L F ,' • i TUVE undersigned has just teceived, 1 and intends to keen ennatantG on hand a fall am sortment of the unequalled Pianos inanotact urea by Stein w Sims of New York. Each instrument viii be carefully solectod In the Manufactory, and will he sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cat Halo. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will Da given by the -uhscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to pur^hase aro invited to *an an 4' O.X.L mi ur these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mauston Howie, LI tEr 0 - e It:till-vs:el Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS recelYod In exchange am) op! fur set., tt.141 to rant. Carlisle, Mmy 22, 1863-1 y Finn of Leidich Sawyer Sr, Mil ler, has this day been dissolved by the mutual consent of ell parties. Pept-3d,78ri3: a._ . The Rioks of the Firm are In the handl, of J. D. Lel. (Deli d John Miller fur collection, tiny can be seen by eat log al the old stand, it: Es most earnestly expected t persons knowing. Themselves Indebted to said Firm, to cull and settle t h u sums promptly. D. J. LErnrcu, Jowl MILLER. D.J. I.eldch and .irdm )111fer, have eokkonttheiren- CBe Interest in ;said Store to the Undersigned, whir will continuo the Dry Good Business at the old well known stand, and will always endeavor to make Ma etch the most desirable in the markot. - W. C. SAWYER. Sop 15 , 1503. THE PROPRIETORS OF TIM G EAlt 1) HOUSE., Itespeetrul;) , , 11! the attention of Itosihes 'clan and tkid" trncnll•ng ,onnunity, to the superior necommodation nad comfort offered In thiir e=tablishment. KANAG A, YOWLER 4 CO. Font 11, 100:1-3tu. =II l'AltIS 'MANTILLA CLOAK ,t FUR ENIPORIUM. N... 92 0 WIEST:iII-SI Street, (km-Inert; No 708.) PHILADELPHIA. W Cr). Invite the tatention of the& Friends to their large and Superb Stock of rine CLOAKS and FURS,. uoparalled In nny former Reason 'I Ike no•omin.tdatioo afforded In our new us to devote the fullest attention to ich 111 he found well furnished with every detterli) , 1.1 " Filter C1.t4:1 FUI(S. which will be ourauteed aw reenented, er the Money pa'd will ho refunded. ORDERS per th til. will be• carefully attended to, and Tiro ed, Express charges paid, any distance Waldo of 0 tulles. J. W. PROCTOR & co. `c, - 1 9.0 CHESTNUT Strout, NIHAU A August 28th., IjRINCE & CO.'s well-known 111ELG DE.,NS and 11A nMoNIUMS, introducing the et et of nodal NI 00 MI eveiy instrument 1.1 It N Fowl , G A Ell, ER'S It .A Vh:.N & It A Cl\'s and II .\DAVIS & Co., celebrated. I UNOS the milk t u liberal .d.durtion 211,1 Od Fold. .1 AMCS nE LEA 11", Sore Agent. 279 291 8. Fifth etreet, above Spruce. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. April 17, 1,9113-1 y $2 Positively made from 20 cents. SOMETHING URGENTLY NEEDED BY EVERY PERSON, 0 Samples sent free by Mail for 35 oenta that retails for 82, by R. L. WOLCO77, 170, Chatham Square, New York, sop. 25, 1563-3 m. COFFEE POT. VVILLIA M. FRIDLEY respoctiAlry announces to the citizens of Carlisle and Ua public generally, that be still continues the manufho tare of all kinds of tin and sheet iron ware in J. D. Halbert's building East Louther street Carll-le at the sign of tho rollers bo will at all timer: be ready to do all kinde Of work in his line with neatness and despatch. Also eon nt all times be liar. those celebrated', selft . sealing and self testing premium airtight, FRUIT CANS AND JArtsc Roofing, Spouting, and all kinds of jobbing done la the shortest notice. Cash paid for old load, pewter and copper. Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended', he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit • continuance el the S3lllO. Dont forget the sign of the lied Coffee rot. April 3, 1803. GEO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. Late Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry to tae Baltimo r e Colle g e of Dental Sur g ery. •••••41.'., I SIN , (Klee et his residence,. oprosite Marion 11x11, West Main street, Carlisle, Pens Nov. 11.1857. ENERAL DEALER in Flour, and. Tall kinds of country proddco. arehouswon the corner of Maip nod Went street: The best Fresh Ground Family Flour at A. &DIGIT ZERS. • May P, 1903—t. f. J. RI LEIII tIEISTATE NOTICE. i Letters of Administration,on the estate oflortai Veigle deed., tato of Dibicinsort township, „Cumber land county, have boon issued by-the Register n Cumberland countyy to thmsubscriber, residing in tile above townsulp. lgotitie`li'hereby given to. ail per. sons indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authentlet ted for settlement to. Nov. 20, - silhe winter tern). of (,reason. Seminary will common ,Ymmary 4th 1864. We understand Ingle and , ificillile Entry Book-Keeping aril thoroughly taught. Circulars may be obtained at, Ralston's Drug Store., also at Shagley'a Jewelry Store, Main St. Dec. 11,, 1863-Im. GRAND OPENING - AT SILKS Notions and Woolen Goods, STEINWAY PIANOS. ;= JOHN K. STAYMA.N. TAKE NOTICE. SPECIAL NOTICE. PIII LA DELHI IS, FUR DKPART” ENT RED COFFEE POT, A .7NO'. S. STERRETT, Adm'War:Wm :`~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers