Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 18, 1863, Image 3

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WAVITLi'REAS the Hon. James H.
0 RAIRM President Judge of the several Courts
of Common Pleas of the count ion of Cumberland, Per
ry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said
counties, and Michael Cocklin and Hugh Stuart, /udg.
, es of the Courts of Oyer and l'ormlster and Jail Deliv•
ery for the trial of all capital and other offehders, in
the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to
me directed, dated the 9th day of November 1/303, have
ordered a Court of Oyer and Terminer and G e neral
Jail Delivery to he holden at Carlisle on the 21 Mon
day of Jan nary, 1884, (bel no the 11 to day,) at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, to continue t Wll weeks.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of
the Peace, and Coustiblen of the said county of Cum
berland, that they are by the mid precept command
ed to be them and there In their proper persons, with
their rolls, records. and Inoniiiitions t•xamintit lons, and
all other remembrances, to do things which to
their (nowt appertain to be done, and all those
that are bound by rengoizances, to prosecute against I
the trisomrs that aro or the. shall he In the Jail of
said 'county, are to be there to prosecute them as slurp
be just. J. T. RIPPEY,
Mt. 18, 1863. Sheriff,
IIITILL be sold at Public at the
I. it Court House, in the Borough of Carlisle, en
3V ed e,dny, Dee. 1'503.
The above .property is situate en Pomfret street, near
near the corner of Bedford in said borough, comprisic g,
a full Lot of fl round, containing 00 feet in front and
•210 lu depth, upon which is erected a Large, bouble,
•• • Two Story BRICK 1101105, FRAME
STABLE, and other VIII) cement out
••• • buildings. Possession will he given on
tint Ist (lay of April neat, with an in
L 5 , ,, , ..;g,qi disputable title, to the purrhaser
role Lo roonneneo tit 10 o'eloek. when flue , s.tten.
'Alnnee .111 be given and terms mrde known by
A. L. 81'0N•oLL:12,
Heal Estale Agent.
Valuable Town Lots
Dwelling House for Sale
IWILL, expose to Public Sale on the
pretnisec, by vii tue of the last will and testament
Joseph Cul% or, iac'd, on Saturday - , the 10th day of
ry. 1001.
The homestead pr.perty of the dereasdd, situate in
In the Borough at Carlisle, and which ronsibts ut it
r• large Double two story Brick house,
Frame !tarn; Wash lhalse, and nil eon
-4,111014 111111r114,111Allts, together with
IT,. thirteen acres of first rate Llme , t,.no
Laud, highly improved, foucod 111111
. .
There ix n Large of the rholcest Pre fled fruit
on the land, and Lela: so neur th 4. town is nt ItKen t am
nual value to the "woe,
Bel',or , the day of ...min I will have the land divl4,l
Intr., lota. ~011 sell 111,111 t.,... , ,,thrtr or si, , lntt +ly ti
bring rho beet price. A Or.tozht of the livi,i m may 1,9
0000 after thu lec nl January ! at tiro °lli. ui 11aLL:
\I I
Executor of .loFepti Culver,
Ten Per Cent Saved by Prompt Payment
Dr,riticr. Pc.vsk.
Cow, but's l'a j
DURSUAN ' I ' t() the pruvi6ions of see
tlon 19, of :‘,‘ act entitled •• i n Art to provide
Internal Revenue, approved .luly 1, I%IU, not e,.
is hereby given to persons liable to pay duel••. or
taxeWitnUersald 2Vet7ln the l'fith --- Divtriet -of . Petir'no,
comprisln4 the counti,•. of York, Cumberland and l'ori
ry, that the -has t tout nod from
the Asu•stor thereof, hi: annual collection list, ronsiat
ing al Taxes for License:-.. I anliagss. that
the Duties and 'Faxes aSrefeeel by raid, have
become due and pa)ahle: that ti, said Collector or his
Deputy trill he at the lullowing planes to receive the
111111.10 :
DIVISION N'.l.-11,polvoll township, rit the Puling
'louse .)f Robert. Fulton, in Sti,wittit , toivii, Deo.
Punch Buffets 11Ild Fawn /It the
vide Hefei in iilt,llehr thee. 30th. Lower Cho err
furl township, at the Centreville Hotel, In Lower
Chanceforil lownhhip Jan. L
DIVLSION No. 4 —C,anonf , r.l t.nvos'n !p, at the
ilfrogne llotol, Jan. 4th. Lower IVindsor town.inp.
et the loins. of Israel Jaeob4, no Prospeet, Jan. nth
York and 15 lolls, t4,IISIIIpS, at tine Public House of
„7., 8. :haw, inn Dalia•nowin„ Mtn and nth
DIVISION No 2.—l'od ,rus and ,hrowsbury town
abips, and the niorowzlts of rlh•n Itch and >hruw,.hurv,
at the Glen .lan. 11 and 12 North l'e•l,
rus and ,pringfield towuship4. and the 110r0n,411 of LO.
Kanhville, at the l'ublie Hon, of,lohn ni t ti re
Hanover Jun , ll. in, Jan. 12, and until 12 Cclork, )1,
on the I.lth.
DIVISION No. 3 —Martheitu, West .Manheim and
ileldellpsY - g,tow us ipc. u d lhn ItoroulzI) of I lanover, at
ttio Centrist llat.•I in Ilan , ver. Jan I:11111,1
DIVISIONS n. 5, G. 7. and S.-I , .llll.raring. z=pring.
.oardoe. Mtinrh..ster, (1(.11.1111, Para Jarl n n. West
Manehoster and lkover and the li , ,,nghs
of York and Wrh.;ht , yo.le, t.t the Tremont (lease, in
the 13nrovgh ,J 1 I,nk, J4ll .1 5, ti and 7.
DIVI ,, d No. V odinndton. krrltlzt Frin k
lin, Carr. , l and ‘1,114 . tu n.,lllpn, at 1.1111t•Cs Hotel
in Dill,bur.4..l3ii.
DI VI,S11) No. )o.—Fairvil uV. Npwl.rry. and
wag° town hip.. nt Sh.dly's IL4rl, Goldnboru. Jan. S
and until 12 Cclook, I'll the 9th.
C , 111131.:1:1,AN I) COUNT 1
DIVISION No. I I.—l lamp loot Twp. nt tip,rtln.4 11111,
Jan. 7, I.,fiwt, Allen Twp ,at Slate 11111, ./au. N. Past
rennsborn mid Now Cumberland, at 13rldgeport,
Jan. 9.
E. 0. DARK, Depe.ty Collector.
DIVISIONS Na. 12, 13 11111 i 14.--Sliver Spring, Upper
Allen and Monroe and Methanlcsburg dorough
at the Office of J. Miner, Esq , In Merhanietbarg, Jan.
73, 14, and 15. Noroi Middleton, Middlesex, South
Middleton and Dickinson Twp's., and Carl late linruu:b,
at Rheein's hall, Carinde, Jan 18, 111 and 21.
DIVISIONS No. IA and Id —llopowell, Southakepton
and Shipponiburg Tu.p's , Newburg and Shippensnurg
Boroughg, at Aughenhaugh's Hotel. In
Jan. 5 and U. lliflliu, ,aa ton. Franktbrtl, V, rot Penn.--
born and Penn Tevp's . and Neu. vilie Borough. at Dm,
lap's Hotel, in Neu Jan. i ; or at Plainoold Ilolel
Jan. 8. from it iielovk, A. \I., to 1 cr',lurk, P. NI.; or at
ju,,,,, il c s hall , Carlisle, Jan 11, until 2 u'rlock, I'. M.
'rho Deputy 0;111e •tnr will l, at the followinz pl ters
receive the LI S. Taxe, at Itin time !lathed, viz ,
,Blain, ,Inns iry 2, LandiOurg, January 4. Sew
Bloom fold. inuary 5. Newport, January 6. LI err.
pool, January 7, and Petelsburg„lan nary 8. Portions
du Perry County can pay at el th'•r of the ah,ro pl toes.
.1 ESSE ENN Y. Il,•puty (;.114iett.r.
All persons who shall totglert to (MY 019 d t :old
-taxes Ito aforesaid ttoseooe.l. U i II 111.1111. lit OW time
above specified. 111 1101 p.i.v ten per et!littl 111 additional
up in the amount thereof, 0.,:0rdl 114 to Section IS, of
said Act.
sel. Persona liable fur text.]: upon Cerriwzos, Ac. , flgso.,ed
.under Section 77. and faillll.4 to pi ,um nbnve , will be
liable to an adilitio , al pionilty of r xLS fui traveling
.expenscii. as under the /11111.11d111 en Lx to the I,IW,
Apeclal dein trot Is not nr,cossury la respeet to taxol4
Assessed by mold Serino].
tiol_Unltitd States ellrrell,y or Its OqUiVllifillt. re.
.calved In Payturtn. of TeX° 4.
0141 re hours (into P (i'elOt.k. A. M., in 4 P. M.
J,. KA cyFmAN, collector, 15th I)istrirt Pa.
Mechanicsburg, CUlllberl.llltl is. In.
,bee. IR. 78ra —lt.
No r lUifi :I).ereby given to all per-
Brow interested. that the following accounts hare
ileien flied in this nllleit, by the 1... mutants theiiiiii
,named, fit examination. and will bo present.' to the
tirplrin's emu inberia rol County, for Coll tirmat ion
and allowance, en Tuesday the 22.1 day of December,
.D., 1803, v..:
1. The iiccount of Daniel Rupp, Adru'r, ,of Cluidaivila
Sawyer, deed.
2. 'rho Uttar Siam:hip account of D. 1,0 Sailer, fluor
dian of Ile itriea it'alliruu, tortarty of emit Penn.'s,
.ough township ilumbeyland Cull n If. slow sit Perry
1. The hut apil final aecop II t or shorts' Wvltess. E.'
Ailininhitrptor of sive•si,
3 ArNltmit. of v1,1141:11 'l's I tt, and J:ter,t) Critt, so.• u
,tors of Pistor Tritl. led
5. I , lrst and piola ac,• , ,unt of .1. C Dunlap Tri.b.e.
.of Sarah A. Letnutu. under tha wl,l OS D It 1,1111, cl
O. 'rho first ittil raid ti,(.ll{l lit II B. E.flfr. Admit'
lstrptor or l'hout. Joh ngloli. dec'd.
The first and final Administration account of
Jamicti Pueblos, Ad In n ist rator of Joh ti Ferg U4Oll d
8. 'ffio first and !Mai commit of Jacob Lints, Ad.
,mintstrister of ;Ott II Estoril, dtw'd.
0. The trottutd Anal iirsmont of atuves (Myrna u, ux•
cooler of Catharitio 11„yers, doe'd.
10. Tho account of tosoph Newcomer, Administrator
,of. Jacob Newcomer, du
11. The first and final areount of william Hoek, Ad.
sulnlstra er of Jahn Tritt, dee'd,
12. The aceeurit,.of Abraham Lamberton, awl., Ad
mlnlstrator of John Sanderson, dee'd.
13. First . andAtual_acaount-of--Ssinurd Myers and
Michael L. linoirer, Administrators of John .1. Myers,
dec'd ,
14. 'rho Guardianship account of James S. Colwell,
dec'd.,who was the Guardian of Einelino Avone,
Thonriae Arens, Rebecca Ayena, miller children of Ito.
bocce It. Evens, dec'd., settled by Reboot P, McClure,
Eel., Administrator of the said James S. Colwell, Eaq ,
15. Find. and final account of Lovi Strohm, Admin
latrator of Daniel Etter, dec'd.
16. Pirml account of John T. Green and Adam Coov
er, executors of.lohnsten Williamson dec'd.
17. Onardianship account of William It. Gorges
guardian of Simon 0. Bowman, under the will of Sam
uel IlOwman, late of gest Ponshorn dee'l.
18. The first and final account or Levi K. Hoch, Ad.
minlstrator of George !loch, deed.,
19. The account of Samuel vl Woods, executor of
emt. aamuvl Woods, late of DiCkinson township. doc'l.
10 -The first and final account of Jams S Prowell,
Administrator of Samuel'S. Prosvell late of New Cum
berland, dee'd.
2t. First and final account of Abralutii klrovo and
John L„ltebuelt, Administrators ..r John ()rove, late of
Newton township,
22 The supplumunial and final AdmintstratiOn ac
,conill of Ti 101.1.1118 II Bryson, ozovutor of samuel 11
23 , The account of Samuel slyera, Aduilnlstrator of
David Brandt, deo'd.
24,,Ttie second account of John Rhonda. Aunkinf..
trAtoe,ol the entitle of t , lear:elloillobuwor. late of West
pencishorough township dca'd.
25. First and final aceount of ,Incoh Chisnell. Exeau•
tor of.tivid, flopver, ate of Penn township d o' , l.
I, A. flit IDY, Register:
• Adiriffinei Wine, 6ritolo, Nor. 21, 1148•
Something New in Philadelphia
Photograph & Art. Gallery,
Gallery, Reception and Operating Rooms
, 14L the styles and sizes of Photo
ilLgraphs, I vorytypes, Ferrotypes or " Tintypes"
and tasen at prices to suit the times.
Pictures Finished in Water Colors. Oil, India Ink
end Pastil.
llorres sod other animals, Equipages, Country Seats,
Eel IA 5, Models of MiChitiory, hr. , for Patenting seen
r.i photographed.
P. F. i;oopor desires to call the attention of porsime
visiting Philadelphia to his new Ground Floor “stlery,
a here ho his introduced newly patented cameras. ca
pable of taking. in a few seounds, ono hundred Photo
graphs, from the small stamp or autographic, to the
Imperial and Life Size.
After many e.periments he has succeeded In plac
ing his skylight at as improved angle, diffusing the
light in equal proportions. and producing that colt
gradation of tone which cannot ho given by the side
and sky lights generally used. and which is of so much
Importance to the beauty to the beauty of a pielure
It is Mad° of French glass, and is the largest in Phila
Mr. Cooper has been engaged more than oven ty
years in the 'Andy and practice of the hue Arts. flis
long experience as a Miniature and Portrait Painter in
a sufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures
made at his establishment.
•rhe art of itte.illzlng is well understood : none but
the most skilful artists are employed In the respective
All pi. tures Wairantell ;—the Ivortypes will not
rhaii„ze in any clini ite, and will stand the test of ac
Ids. Particular attoutlyil Is paid to gI2 Ing gracel ul
and easy positions.
iiignerreot vpes and all other kindii of pictures cop
ie.l, :num r.mall medallion to Ilfo nice, and finished in
colors or India. Ink, 1,11 100 k equal to pictures taken
from life -n4
This ri;tllrry poi-sesioia rare faellilles for lah ing Eques
trian from lire, in the rear building. whi•re
!roil, one to fifty hers., ran ho photographed at a time.
N I'll tiOliilltlSN AND
JusT 1:4,u1;1). A NEW WOltic UN
l'hotoyraph Colortny, Irorytyyiny, Enamelling
Ivory lihnt•ihtrr l'alnting„kc.
Comploto imitrurtions given for making Ivory ty yes,
h 1101110 Valli:1111e 111•1 1 1111.1:. never before published,
useful to all photograph. 0, for one of which a :urge
911111 has been Offere.l.
By fl/11011 . 1111! lilreVtiOrlq ,mtailted in this hook.
CVHIi thoNe p•r.,•lls wuh m. pr0vi..11.4 tuna lr 1,:t•
Paint lug ran not tall to role, photo,rraph, in a b, a ut j
fu I and elivstivr st) le.
Price, Ono Copy, ,l." 5 1 -10, Five Copley, 2.)
mittilp4 $12.( 0 one ropy, v. ith Hoz of Palette,
Brush re and preparations complete will tie furnished
(re.. of ririrg,e.
Will be Puldished shortly, A V.ALI3.IPI.E i)rvt It
DR A WlN''. h progressive I I lustre tools of the 11 ti
In I. lion nod Fi . 411,0 .11.41, A 11.% Nll-It.).)K . Id\ Pit
SITIONS, with Llustrations. Desittned t or th.• use of
I'llotol'll.lll , r , mot An tilts.
Mr. 4,,opereotrdinttee to rereiVe.: Idoliee and (lentil,
uoto into Ina, Pa . I t-truetion in Drawing. nod
Fuotoulaph, I yorytvp, India Ink and Feet' Painting . ,
311.1 a heatitifol Erin I Etoollioa f l irt or.,
of ttonlinz hst of prir., pd•tores and
turther ri.-1 , t•otill,! th , It ...lot and Tonne of
111 , trurliso into do hd I h . :, 1 1 1 , 10Si:1:4 Pllleb Ad
drude 31Id Lamp to.
rileh Copp, Pro ht Vino Art. , .
Dr. Th... 11. 1111 , h and Ehtull,lr..4lst.
.v. , tn,s Ilartio. I :I/ 11,11,
11..t.t.r1 Fl,ll .1:1V I Co
NI, 1 . ..1k, Rev. W. A. )lAyl.itt, Rect. St.. Allin's
.0, A Ilied;tii.44/t
I t 11, 141:3
rr!itt winter tern] of Greasott Seminary
will ttitottlt,re.r.ttltutry Itlt l`tttl. IV•• tittilt•r•lttitttl
Sttitrid and thttittle Itttlrs 11, It ICotttiting art. tlittrothtitly
tHitgltt C6,0'11, 11111 1,.• .pitrAttlt•tt Drug
Sttott mkt , it , Itattl•)%iJetvetry tt , t•trt.,
Urr 11. tt—
_ t
I REAT Trunk Line from the North
. .T:‘,,,i N”rth 'Vet ter Phila4olphia, NP . Y. , rk Read
ing', hat.ville, Lehan,,, Allont,wri. FliFtoll, Al• ..4r.
Train, leave II•11 rlshrtrg fur I . lliladelpllla. X a
Itra finz l'otdsvillr. and all lattorairdlato Bt.atiotiv, at
8 A.)1.. and 2 P.
Now l ' orlt 1 . .•; prow . : leavtw.burr . at 3..0 A. M'.,
arriving at New lto • l; ,ritto ''lrwin;,
ft', n II Ira / 2 • I'3 Now • -) 3n It SN 15; 01 Phil
-11..11111,1tia it I and •.t. It t I Itrat4;ll.
got atttla le so Now • Vol II A NI., 1 • 2 anti
P t41,,r; lio pro- , arriving at Ilarri,latrg
nl • 2. \ 11 t 1.•• tvo I'lol t at a 1.5 A., M , said
3 3 , 11
Hi••• 111., r , in tin , :\ ow York I.:‘ pro, Trains
frrtni Plti,hurg eithnut chatiV•••
Pa•seiwers I.y he l'at•te. It:MI.011 leave Tulle:qua
at ".5U A. )1 , P. )1 , f,r Philadelphia, N ew-
York. and all 11 l
ay Pidlt,
Trains leave Putt, ille at 9 15 .t. NT , and 2.39 p. M.,
/or Philadelphia. ilarrishurr and New York.
A n train leaves heading
at 30 A. M„ and returns from I'l.ll.l°lolla at 4
p. i.
Atl3-All the above trel ng run daily, Sundnym en rapt
A Sunday train - leaveki Pottsville At 7 30 - A. M 0 and
Philadelphia al 3 15 I'. M,
Ccominutation. %Menge, Season, and Ext.alsion Tiek.
et.: at nolueed rates to :tail front all points.
80 13.t r tter„.re allowed ea..•tt anger.
Dte. 11. 181•3 oneral SLAPOri
THE Secretary of thr! Treasury has
.u.t. 114 air, a 'Joliet, of any itltetitioct to attll,lraw
p , 11111.1r tu firm S.t!e at Par, n. 4121011 ten Jaye
izivet), tho tittlielSE.! 11,1. as " die Porn)
silltAcrlptiou P.etxt," will r• , ll,:ttilie to suppl 3
the !midi,.
The wit i mtt , tmit of lino I, ran atitit..rlzed Iv Fire
Ilun Iredltems of liar, Nearly Pour Hun
dred 1111111 on• have been already sub
scribed for and paid Into the Treasury
mmolt within the 13.1. seven in.withs. The large de
11131111 (1 , 111 OW 0 :1 , 1.11111 the lainidly inmeasing hoino
111•111:111 , 1 U..' the basis fir eireviatlnn hl yutl,,n3l
II Auuciatlons now t)rtlalliLilig in all parts
thin country, will. in a very ..1 . 16ct pealod, abzorh the
hal nice. Sales have latch ranged trout ton to fifteen
ntilliens we ekis, frequently exceeding tliteo mPliims
/tiny. and as it is well known that the l'ecretary or
the 'Fre usurp unto ample:lo.l 1111 1 / 1 11i114 venous cent In the
Duties on Imports and Internal itevenues, and in the
is,l •01 till, Interest healing Legal Tender 'Frew:tics'
Notes. It is atm .et a certainty that he will tint find it
necessary. for 11 1011 t; time t t come. to seek a Illarhet fir
any other linpr nr permanent Louts, TILE I NTER E,T
Prudence and self Interest Must force the minds • f
thoio c.nitemplating the formation if National Bank.
hr; use s•littionS. as Well as 010 minds of all who here
lin ney on their hands, to the prompt coto • ltusion
that they tdiotild In,.e no time in subscribing to this
most lemon, Loan. It will soon be beyond their
and itilValice to a handsome premium, MR Wits the
l'eSll It, WILLI the 1,, , 111, WllOll It Was all
timid Alit could no longer he , u1” , crilooll for at par.
InnlL Six per Cent Lunn, the Interest
aunt P1 . 111C11)111.1 payable Ilk Coin, I hue
yielding over Nine per Cent. per antitank
at Lll.. pr.. 50111. L,'ar itraill till 011 Coin.
Tll.l 114,1 n 11111011 L all It title, on hrire , rt4 to I o
paid in Coin : dittle‘l 11.ivi• inr n lint Limn pint
Sin ,u !Led iivsr I/Willer .4 it '0111,,,, ..1 Dollar; dai
I , a 511111 lisarlV tlirse .crater than CS
iii„silnyno•,,lh •?1,1•••St. nil all 11, 5 2.i.
pot . o 1 „ e-. 1 1 oiti So 1 11 IL 1
stiaplo 5 In the l'reas.try. at ' it d:).
will on.i Ili. Lilo 1!01tc:1 .14.5 ss.lilla . 110,0 1... 1
ine •Inoil all 11
Is silo.] a 211 fiolti the 1 lei 1.1,:t
IS .111118 ill ty ruin for 211 5,•.t., vet 1.111 1 11 , 111 orlinlont has
right to i ay them off in 1,01.1 at par, al any IMP. at ter '
fi years.
The Int eyesi Is hold half-yearly, viz: on
the first days iit NI,IIIIIII, and May.
Subs), Ilan a 0111 hare Coup,. Itorirlq, which are pay.
able to bearer, and are Sf)a, $10), $6llO, and .51030: or
Registered !binds of sane denoinitiatinns and In add'
Lion, 45.1.1011, and $lO.OOO. i o Bin Icing purpirStifi and
for investments of Trust-monies the Iteglatered Bonds
are preferable.
These 1120's cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns
or counties, and the Government tax on them Is only
ono-ancia half per rant., on . the amount of. Income.
the Income t Ine of the holder exceeds Six Hundred
dollars per annum ; all other investments, such as in
come from Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bonds, etc.,
must pay from throe to five per cent tax on the In,
Banks and Bankrys throughout the Country will'
Continue to dlsppse of the Bonds: and all orders" by
mall, or otherwise, promptly attended to.
'rho ineonveloJettee of a few days' delay in the deliv
ery of Bonds is unavoidable, the demand being so
great; but as interest cominonees from the day of sub.
seription, no less Is imeasioned and every effort Is be.
lug made to iklu,iluish tho doiay.
Carlisle, Due 4,11363-2 t.
largo Mock of good , 01131 M Neat, and Tough
nails, at the lowoot Prices. Our nails are worth Wets
a keg more. than any other make of nails sold in our
town. this is the opinion of mechanics who have triad
them, wo also have a full assortment or
Of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war
ranted us roman tod. JOHN P. LYNE & SON
, Biyans Pulmonic Wafers,
Dec. 11,18C3.
No 1338 Chestnut Street,
Opposite U. S. Mint
P. F C , l W.Pli,
Clio,th tit Stref.l, Philzuhriplik
V. S. 5-20'S.
JUST received a large addition of new
Furs, Muff's. Capes, Victorlnes. Arc., also Cloaks &
Mantles. Cloaking Cloths, from New York, very cheap.
Plato figured and Fancy Dress Silks,
latest styles, heavy Woolen Gloves for the cold weather
Balmoral Skirls.
Genuine Hanover Buck Gloves and Gauntlets
Please eal East Main Street. one door below Mai tin's
Dec.ll, 1563
ii -- )EIYSICIANS will find it to their ad
vantage to call and purchase their Medicines at
rinll E undersigned hereby gives notice
that having retired from the °Mee of Register of
mherlan,l County, be will Iron this time be found
elothisg and Shoe Store in Carlisle.
Here I will bo pleased to see all : my friends oral the
public generally, and promise t‘f unfe every effort to
verve you by selling gOOlll4 and relish!, Clothing, !toots,
Sheen, and Hats, at the biwest passible prices. Po not
fail to give me a call.
Dec. 11, 1883
Is Universally Itoengnized as
OF the ,scrt..k \-rir commences with the
11.1 nib, h r • 1 31111:11 . .1'. I ' , I. Its eottltoeneettoitit
t iff lie itti to sly dint the AT.
1.1511.• 11.11 :tit:doe I it eitettitil 101 l and prosperity never
by any its
The pro , pi.r!ty of the An 1 NTIC Pneh!es itsrood.:
tors to employ the Inlet talent 1 .1 ties country
in ifs columns. All fine 1,,,t known writers in Amer.
ml,lll tit tire, tiontriiiitting geotistatit to its pates.
ites it Hie sole ritritt t., he :IS 0111 . nnt6tnsl mad
Its shelf 111inin ices the fllloesitt,.; names :moor
it. le:oin.! coot rilottors
James Itu,ell L, urrll. 11..nry 1,1 - lut•llfwv,
Ac. , ••••tz Ralph Wald., Nathaniel Ilafrlff
hy..11, ii 1 . 4.1,:f! %V. rtlrtk.
C, C T. W Ilig dtinon. Afillfar ?ddr,.fatel
Irowth," .Italia \V. If i‘f )Ir. A. Id T. 1111Itne1,
T. !hull:111ln 11,-a I. , Ilirrr N 11.1,1.4, .Ii in NVllit
tirr. ILril Itn n, ilt O. 1:. Nslripplo, Ilajard Taylor,
fliario, I.; Val m. Frtard: P irk .1.01.147 l'altri•r.
IlearLfo S. Ilil Lira 11••1113 11:flier
T. 10,1c , .riii:.n.- .1 , 1111 V, mo, Vraftris . Wayland: jr., Wii
ham Call., lion fad. \lrr 11. It vi ire Ilarrirt
tinratt. • 11, Nlarvrl." ['avid A - IVavvrfrf.'""l'hr l'affrltry
rrrrd Ildrrlet T
'l' Tr.wlort tit kfuiary, I'l,l. A. Id
Edward Hale, F. Siteld,a.
will Lr in no kt• inforior vol•mio,
1)10 it will I o 1 .0 11•LIfft 'din Ifte• Pohl f-hor. to
folv.tfoo• Clio st.iff.lll•l olronflv fo.l.llflf-10,1 1., I Ift•
ind_ofr.:ll... li. :of tlforflo, of till , allll, th,y
ru rol for Ilfoir flow voloftvo nr.rrr,l
Fe'ixt tin s lorr,
Among: Chugs. Lhey. to announce
HIEIiT Hit r\l'N .. lN(i will con tril , uto s,veral
N ATI! t NIEI, ILA ItTolilliN V, will print Ilk New it°
nt thy• A • 1.,N r"muu•ncing
1 , ,•14.111r number;
ENI:1" 11 11)SWI I;I I \ n 111 1,0.1 i,
01.• A n mr Cant.. lu. TraT:•lati..ll
NI It- k 10.1 r:r II ( . 11 I It SlOl% E 0
Tann uyv mu 1 1.. ri,...1 capltalr kg.tchl•S. to l„.1,1
i 1111 1 .17 11 , M,11 1 1 11,10 11, I , ON OW title
II • 11111 II In , . l'ap , •".. h, C 1. 1 ,1,1111., Cro,,
.I.l' 11:0%%111;11)iJE tti,..,ritt..ll e uhi
mill hr ek,ntitt•lia..l iu the .% (1,,N rIL during the ilex
Plitt!' Li WI'S .41; u ill entitinuo theta mlmir
Ho intik!, up, iiiiirrnut to it nut., twititir
witivit Intro itittiriuititivi unit Importune
•fetture 111 (.111. Li nii . llllll , Chi` k IC.
ms ATIOiI i 4 for nab. by nll Rook am
Pori, lion] Dealer, ',lds a 1111111 bl, Sotineriptimi
for the year. pr'ninzo paid. Cdtm
for mot t ear. sn s trii. nod onch ',Nil mon] soli
ion nt the ...Olio rat 0: and all I:.lra grnt
i•Sors Club Ton Sall•criherS : or Elorell
In ,Il Club, sti'..-erilwrs pay own pf.t.tAge
: . .p. , 6•1111011 11111111Ler% I,llt. VrTS an receipt of four
rents f,
TicK Unit PuhliTherq.
ri3 N rishint.lll Stroet,
SE H G .7d .l 1.1" E 8
AT ItEDucED pi;icEs,
With Glass Cloth Pressor, Improved Loop—
Check, New S'yle Hammer, Binder,
Corder, Braider, etc.
At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa
Ilighttfit Premiums ut the
/NPUtaItIAL LA 1111sITIoN, I'llll., lnll.
st the Vail. (4 . LI.
S'ilper Medal at the Penn,qlvania State lui
k l / 4 eptonb,r, 1863
A.niqric,Lti I inditute. Neu' Altsocititioi
li.tsrtta, Franklin Itiiieittrre, Nloiropt.lija
Mech inks' In Alt ute. \StlMh{~ y t , UOrVland I Lit
NirchAnicc' A..snri.itit.ti. Cincinnati. lit,
tuck) I nr.titutc, I,ui. , t )J , . ,canal .Isto,t itatnt
Int.titutt.. Frtinekt.o.
At tip• St:tbe Fair, cf
IN1)1 , 17 , 11,
ISCON 4 11 C,
colobnited :tre iPlaptt•ll t 111.4 . V Va•
yeti in,g tlr ( . 1111 it.lron I In.
lin , 1.. t i•11
Wt.`, 14 1,11 tiol.1:1111.rrd
ti 0.1114 p n I I.
f• al S Illeslo 11.1. , ,1al hisle
, 01 dirl•Ct.lo,l is Feu L, rvhlrh i ,
The qualiti,& SI:loll recommend the I{ heeler
IVilson NiarldritYat
1. Beauty and e indlence of stit..l3, alike un botb sties
of the labile sowed.
2. ,Streagth. and durability of seam, that
will lint rip nor ravel. and made ',vial
3. Economy of thread.
4. Its attachments and wide range of application to
purp•.See and materials.
h. ComPactmess and elegance of model and finish.
it. Simplicity and thuroughnetts uf_constructiod
7. Speed, ease of operation and management, and
quietness of movement
• • No. 3 Machine, with
Plain Table. $45 CO
Hall".lase, Panne,tad, 50 00
Halt( aso Polhnal, Inack.Walnut or Mahogany 65 00
No. 2 Machina with
Plain Table, 55 03
Half ease, Paunched, 00 00
Ralf Case, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 05 00
No.l Mach Lop, Silver plated, with
Plain TAW°, 05 00
Hall' rn.o, PoWind, Blank Walnut, 79 03
801 l Case, Polls'ed, Waal( Walnut or Mahogany 75 00
Ilalf Cas'a, 'Polished, Rosowood, 80 00
Full Case, Polished. Black..Wainut or Mahogany 90 00
Full Case, Polishea:, Rosewood, . , 100 00
No. 4 Machine, Larg r e with
Plain Tata% v
p slaehlno, Cylinder, with
Plekii Table,
.Forery Machine. In sold with a U.:miller, Nos.l and d
Machines nre sold complete. with the New Glass Cloth
Presser. Yi.w tltv le ilennaer and Braider. •
Wheeler k Wilson's /Volley nt
Railroad and Telegraph Office,
war. Try, ltiO4-Iy. - • •
Town Property at Private Sale.
I'l'[T ATE on Pomfret street near the
hti vet, •n the Boveugh of Carlisle
The lot contains On feet In front rind 210 fret In
flew h . The iniproVements aro a largo Two btory
r..ritiiinitig 4 nil ma on vaiii 110, with hall through the
el, tr... othr, el/T1V.,111.11t out building..
property will be diNmsetl 01 at a great bergaut. For
terms , apply' to
r 1 1 11 F rruhlir aro hereby informed that
IV entoroll into rrn
Part, rN111p,;10.1 t,tr 1.0400 of llolaooy .1 Blair, for
the purpta.e -a i 0;4 or. 111 'l,ll /1.! Lii111)11.1. burl.
.4(1 .•1 .01%, 1)1•1:111. 'rear the (Iris
•' 01;010 all m dt.r 1f,0.). lino 1.1 I , u-mess are
.I 011) :041011,01.a, I 0 le fined.
Ii I Lk 111.
el. F -
r 1I AT certain valuable residence and
Stern boom, sitnAted in Ileguestown, Silver
SpiinJ township, Cumberland County, rormerl3 owned
and occupied by the late John Coyle deed., Tile House
has all the VonVenieln . o3 and ilm rovekteuls to make it
a most desirable r...sidenee, and the Store Hoorn ix one
of the best locations for the mercantile business in the
County einfluilt been occupied - for that purpose for
malty years. for terms apply to
Jr UST received and very cheari at
As wo purchase these goods of an extensive Cloak
Munulectory in New Vane, we are able to offer superi
or Inducements to any House In the country.
We defy competition. Laving made arrangements with
one of th•l largest New York Fur Co's., to supply us
with choice poods. We feel confident we can sell Furs
at City prices.
S. E. Cor. of Market dquarb, 241 door.
N0v.13, 1303.
75 00
85 00
'l'lllll CITY L AT
• Iftwabor
THIS well known Hotel is now in a
condition to aecommodlato the travelling putille, of
,riling the most ample conveniences alike for the
transient gneet and the permanent boarder.
- . .
'l'll I.; UNITED STATES lIOTEI, has been entirely re
fitted throughout, and now has n , co:dmodatlons equal
iu extent, cointort and luxury to any hotel between
Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Its locroion is the best
in the State Capital, being In ea-y even, to all the
railroad depots, and In close proximity to all the pith
lie Mikes and business loealitien of the cite. It has
now all the conrenienees of
and' the Proprietors are determined to spare neither
expense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the
guests. The patronage of the traveling public is re
spectfully solicited.
Dec. 11, I sn3_3m.
11" virtue of the last, will and testa
jbnent of ilannali Satins, 1 will expose to public
Nile, an the premise,. 00 :aturdaf. the 19th day of
becember, ISO, at II o'clock. A. M., the
._„,_ 2 k, 2.--71 .. in n filch the tostatrix resided, situ
11; t.g
.. , 173 1 .- ate ••ii the south side of P fret street
.1 hi Carlisle, afoul two hundred fest
from ii,,,,,, ‘ er s t re et, containing about 1 15 feet in front
on pona re t s t ree t. and I 0 feet in depth. harin4 thereon
erected one and a half story 1 -. 1, Inn Hour°. &c.
Tyres.—'Fyn p er rent to le• paidat-the Odle the
'property is struck d u n and tt teilatire on the Ist of
April 1504, when possession will be given.
fir,. I: E. SII EA FEHR,
De.. 4, P,C
WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Ivenue,
OFPEIt for sale upon the most favora-
N..T.,1,.:\ I'll% and REA uriFut, DESII:NS in
great vin, ty t \ ti- 4 for CEMETERIES,
It ESI DENce , . Ne.. and Wr,u,:ilt and vast Trutt. and
t; AIA AN I I:10\ ;t12.1 ItH ASS TC lilNif tIOIN
VI.: , ;.iND 1;2 , IN I rAlltS, lUNT
I' \ 'FAL\ :-.I;ATLS. COLL'INS. I , ISrS,
L M ',ND , . V 1: 4 E 4. \
(AI %MS.. ST ‘TrAItY. ANIMALS. all
‘l, rks i.l a I le,rali cr chn•arter.
Virus artl,l I.r nelt•etioa. Perron, applyin 4 liar same,
ii ill pl , •1•1. On, kind of work needvd.
Two Highly Improved Limestone
f arms at Private Sale.
TO. I—situate at Mt. Rock, sever]
1. 1 hilt ., west of l ' arii•le on filo l ' hoinherstairt
Tornio,. lately 44 44,4 4 41 14v .1.0 . 01 i lieltalliniver, en
! iinint '240 .14•14....2iii i d n 1444-4, are eleared and i , a
• 1,1711 st - a - r -, f cu1tir ' . , 1,1 4 4,4..i,41 tlia ' r - 1• • ,- 7 41iin covereal iv.tia
time.,. `,.t the Ino-t quality. Tie in,
, 7d " 1t. 1- ..u . , f '- '1 hioroini . ,;(444 am 1,4 i iroo.f la, ellioar
_,e , „ a, r •,-.:4 -, 114.1,4 4 . 'gill' Pill if - Ply lielV.i A lilt,-
i tr4 •
`a.A . 4 del :tone liana Bar, Anil other can,
___._ entilont lillihUilltin,. 11,4, entire
I , r „, , ~.,.,. ~,,, s , 441, 4 ,4,1 i ,. ...t .1,1 rail fair,. A Lein
rnir, an, ine r, ~, t - o r mere on - the prima - I,n near ttia
latililiii, an 1 4 hoc or , hart it cell. 14,14,1 Cart in
2 , 411 Leath., inilo ' 11 4 , 4 felon.. Iniol and itoprov,
iota are iii i lo• 1.4 r.
-41 I , 4-4.11414 4 ca ilition.
No. i., . •• •11: • :41 44 'gl i . g. 11 iiiillit ii , tt in igioit, ; 1 .,
PI Pr` 'V- --i .. • 1' ii• • '. ili. i 44, nod 1..) - • 1-4 1 in l ' onieli.
colt .i i . 44.: i• ii i . a it - , ail 41 ,4- . 4, 1 hilt a1i4414t in i'n.....,
it Iti..h ~-,.1.- :1 it Oil ,• , - . 1 itiolior. Tlos im it 4 a e
ill,, t+ are a line It lel, 01raivaiini
g , r j: i t,V, :••-) 114 4 .-4 4 , limo, Barn. :toil aithor out
-4,- i , ,i.., i, : .. 4 „" 10,i, 11. 4 _, Tiloro is 0 fi r, on • hanl
,'• - 1 - 2 • Aa --_{ - anti ithesannit nar - 411 4, 4 - airaitersarr (ha
, .
quality alt I•iii1F•lil.11. in il-higlL statist af .altivatiot),-miti•
alit the liapr 4, eon 'id 4 in ....,,11 it peir.
114 e 3• 4 4 4 , I Milli it .1 1....11 , 1-- '''' lit noon terno, ad.
aantio, - . li.• to hunt Ann,. ' rho 1 cations lining the
hoot ili . .irnhir innhr a alley. triTer ,-,.,.,t in,1.,•,..,,,,,,E,,
t.,4.., ; .e1'i-t, 1 4 1 . FP. - 1104 . and 14 iyin, Invostitieht, the
I,lli ii. - 1112" ~f till iii44 4 4t pro luctia i • character. tor
tennis an d Wilber heitioulais enquire of
A L. zzi),IN::•LEli,
Beal Estntu Agent.
I), 4 I,—:l—.lt.
For Rent cr Sale
r 1 1 11. \ T well kzplwn property now oe?n-
I pb.,l by oe• Lrr tatt3t,,tl t,ll tho sonthf,st
.nod n•-arly
oonn. n Refnemod ur ch. The hnuse
Iff is n lar,e Brief; 1/11111.1111,, ',l'm' to
i• :ort' from the
celhir f:. the unit It hulfits 'ls feet ar.
Icolf In r. and :Muer t 70 feet. wi:h the
front and oni n fulfil ne , n Pitt I. :dr:wt. 7111.1 I'2o feet.
'time or II Pitt -ti eel. thereon a sranll
Tenant Ilou•e birre Warrtmork. formerly used ai fi
1 . ,, „ if r 1111 i either rent
or >orl I'm hurt her particulars etiquire of
Town Residence at Private Sale.
I'II7.ITE near the corner of l'itt and
the It.irongli of Car•kl, two d .11/S
,11101 ~/ the NI rt .•hurrli rho iialfori, viiient, I'
,•111111 , 41 , 11 , to, nt.,ry ,Sinnt,j,kj”g
ro l„1•111 it 1,111,0 and riaiin
'I h , • .1 ii. fir , t r•lt and finish.] in
tho arioovi••l the modern iin
111.,1•111001, 11,4.1L1111,!, no. /lot and Cold Rater, Bath
!torn, ••.
I'• Or tily prlgiii,S or learnit
niier partirislars, Lernrs, Kr,, will pleuNe enquire
lie I..tiwr, W II iltuu, next kito.r, Jr( Or
X n,• r; • I .:—ct.
aluable and highly Cultivated (•arm
ITrATE in Silver Spring Township,
T. 12 mile, ea , t \li.l , ll,sex and tlr lby Robe, t
( . ..111Sill,: Il; .16 . 1., nod p •rg•ltes of
t.,••1 111,1 Laud, all cb•itra,l hot about
~__, The improvements are a goo I Two
1 - - . ,- N , t..r Er irk Mansinn II •use, 'Brink
q N I . -v '
. . g i 4. hit. hen auil lions...
; A 5 -
.. 2. 4 ki N EW It %\K MEN,
ss. -- - I .1:elhOr oil! ,thee nut li n ikti ng ,, _...
An exeollent iirehard iii Apples. sin, Cl...tries. Peaches
ti., in HIPIIIIIiaI l'e, 3111 i 3 i%l•ii nt . 111, er filling water
'sear (he For. The ell i ire I.irin is under gisid four° and
has I.iien Ali limed over and in the highest possible
state. 1 oultivation.
h.! ....IS if 1.1 furl bar pzrticu Inrs, enquire at El
rem s t.r
N.,v. 13. Iqi,3-rt
13 11 1.,C K . II 0 US L ,
Nov. 13, 1 se...3—at
Notice of Co-Partnership,
For 3ale or Rent.
Nov. 6, 1663
5000 yds, Super Extra at 20 cts. Good
4-4 Bela Muslin, 25cts. Extra heavy
4-4 Bela Muslin at 31cts.
Domestic. gingham., Cheeks, Tloklngs, Jeans, Flannels
of nil odors. Home Made Flannels limy and White,
Home Made jeans.
We have also all tho lower priced Moulins and Prints
on band, and
Plain Black Silks pt nil prices.
We now !tell an extra quality of Black Silk at $1,25
worth $1.50 per yard. Plain and Fancy Silks of every
description at low prices.
ns we have purchaseed our entire stork of Dress Goods
in New York (which is Headquarters, tbr all the New
ct lee.) Every one will fled it to their advantage to
give our stork n look before going e'sew'her•, an you
will 14 , 11 all the latest New York Styles, at prices to suit
the times
BALMORAL SKIRTS, from $2,50 up to the ❑nost
Cloths and Cassimeres,
a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Beavers,
all of the Neweat
Also a full stook o MOURNING, GOODS, at
at astonishingly low prices.
Gloves. Hese, woolen and cotton; ('oll•,rs, Rr
In our stuck of Hoods, Naas, sonlags, Scarfs, ke.,
we defy competition.
We tmle a larze assortment of Regular Malin Funds,
(not A urti .11 Goods., whivh we ran sell at liner prices
than any Wholesale !louse, larvo or small, either in
city or rountry.
Sllswis °r every description, at. the lowest figure.
All We ask is a call,, we ate Conlithqlt. We can please
both in styles and prices Of good!,
S. E. Cor. Market Square, 2nd door from Cur.
Oct. 2, 1810.
• - r- , ..-qp-
L ....Z.,.,_:,...r...0A10-...-
j j•.-...--___ -'''''''=" "'"---.'• t '!:;. 1 );.14
rz 5 ,....
:•, li, , ! 1 -,
• \ l it
' Ft! E undersigned Ims just ecsjvcd,
110 1 1 1111.011d-1 ' f ronst.ntl) ,o• Imnd. full 111,
11.1110111 I , f 1110 U104111:1111 1, 1 Pianos 111:1111111101Ured
Shine' Sms York.
-. tell ill-Jrument will hr entr.frilly stlerted In lire
ry. alt.! will he Om
New York Cash Factory Prices,
with the -ilhilhin/ l/l ' Ireialit to lin/
virittea gall - a:ace 11 f entire ,iiti•flielion will he
given by the ttiliscriher to 1,1 , 11 pine luu:o.
Pereolie to pureliiise lire invited to call and
ulirivalleti nt
R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store,
street, Si. d .or en , t of llansion new
U n Railroad
SECW:I/ HAND l'l.l \ (R , rerelved in OXCilallge 211111 ti. rent_ .
r I flF film of Leidich Sawyer Jfil-
Irr, 11, I la. dal been dkrolyed by like mutual
0.11 , 4 . 111 nl! lau lien.
:•opt. 3.1, 1,3.
The It the Firm are in tile immix
dish a...Lihn iger for th y rnn I, a eo n by
caking :0 the r .l,l rtand, it I. tii.t earuvrtly expected
el perrorin ing throe,elvw indebted to .611 Fat 111.
to 0411 :Ind •ert , le th,, 001110 yr.ollpt ly
1t..1. Lehlo.h an 1 John Miller, hare soli! out their en
the inter,sit iu said more t oh.,
w ill ' , intl... the Ilt Business at the tild well
known stand, .rod oill ate tys endeavor t o make the
at .rk the most di sirablo In the market.
Sep 19, 19#
.rall the al ton [ion nl litivinr, nmt lb°
travell tn.itittlimity. In flit. sup,rl4,r nret.nittiotlatilm
and 0011111/r( "Ilert.,l fn !il
AG.% Full LER A', CO.
l'A 1{1;4 INIAN"I'l 1,1,1 1.0.1 K
Frit 1:111 , “1:11.‘1. N 44. 1.‘1:-treet,
(p„ rmer i• N., , I'llll, k1. 1 1:1,1'111 k.
.1. W. 1 . 1: .1"1tlit CO. jii‘ite attentl,,n of their
friends to their !arr., and Superb Stork of
h Cl.O,lliS an 1 FURS,
unirtralled in any ("ruler ,•ason
The ineremeol Intion effor.hol in our now
hwa'int, ewOoles us to tie% ote the tulh st 2ittention to
which Hill be I,lllltl eeo I I 1 - uro.hed with every dearrip•
t inn Of FIR, I , I"RS, which will be gunCanteu I us
represented, or the money pad will be refunded.
ORDERS per min, will he carefully attended A. and
dative ed, Esprnss charges paid, any distance Ill:lid., of
I. a miles.
J. W. t'llOCl'Olt k CO.
N., 9'!o CHESTNUT Stroet, NHL kll A
A ti,zust 2 , th., 154,.
L A Ar .b.4,
j o.-- FOURTH . & ARCH S:H. .44
Heal Lstate Agent
Red, White and Blue FLANNELS, etc
sept. 4. IS 3-3 mo.
.1011 N FA It EIS A ,
718 ASCII St eet, below
fith smith side, PIIILA
:411 Importer. Man Ufartur
or of and Dether in all
40ii kinds of
1'.")11C.110 Fancy Furs !
for Lad le S' 111111 (' 11 1 1
1/11P". ---
1111•11's W 011 r
1A'.•7,3 ,- ,7=2'. wieh retort, my
• fiat to ni) blends of
i;7;1. 1 414 pr - Isfe• 1.11. the so
. L . P 4 • 41
. otod OIL .01111 Pt, or
ilt'i r very liberal pat
mono, 1, L0111(1,1 to tiro
1111rieg the last f iv
years. and would say to them that I now have in store
of my own Importatation and Alanufileturo'it very ex•
tem:lye assortment of all the different kinds end (Plin
th, of Fury Ft irk , . thr Ladies and Children, that will
be iv , rti darling the Fall and Winter seasons.
Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Eu
rope. and having them all l'iliniutlictured under my
own supervision—enables me to oiler ray customers
the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for thelanie
money Ladies please give Inca call before purchasing!
Please remember the name, number and street.
No. 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Sept ; 11, 186:1---3m.
II rt
RINCE & CO.'s well-known MELO.
pEoNs and
II MONIUMS, introducing the of
ct of pedal bn.s on evely instrument.
RAVEN & AcON'S and
HALLET. DAVIS & Co., celebrated I lANOS for cash,
at a liberal deduction
XMOver 30,000 sold.
JAMES tIEGLAR, Pole Agont. ,
270 291 8. Fifth street, above Spruce.
April 17, 186:1-ly
ThOonfessio g and ,,i Experience.
rublbibed kr the benefit. and as a warning and
who suite, from Nervous nobility Pt...mature Decay cf
Manhood, eto . simply hoz at, the Pam. time.
21111 ‘IEANS 06' SitiLF DUKE..
By one who has,cured himself after being' put to great
expense and injury , though medical humbug and
By oncineing a. poet 'paid addreried • enrohDpe. single
copies may be had-of the author. - - '
• 0, - • Redford, glow Coandkr; N. Y.
• lielf 211,111M—Akr, ' ...... . '
Notions and Wo3len Goods,
First Prize Modal at the World's Fair,
London, 1862
French AI ER I NOES,
Park Figured SILKS,
Fri [Ill; Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mutual
Pita Insdranee Company of Cumberland ronoty,
incorporated by an art of. Assembly. In the year 1 , 43,
and having rorently had its charter extort& I to the
year 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation. un.
tier the superintendence of the following Board of
iat,agers, viz:
irilY7 R. (I orgas, Chrintinn Starrmn, .T4enb Eborly,
I). llntly, Rler.. Ca thvart, J. 11. Concer, John Eicholher
ger, Joseph Wit:, erKinuo. Sam!. Eher?y, Itrirk
Rudolph .111trthi, Co,ver, r et J. C. Dunlap.
The race of In,lurenee are as low atuF fa , rorable as any
Company of the hind In the State. Persona wialling to
become membera are ineitod to nuke application to the
agents of the Oeuq any, who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
NV:II. R. GORIFAS,. Presidpuf.
Eherly's, P. O.
CHRISTIAN STArMAN, icr/ President
l'ile , hunt,sturg, I'. 0.131
.1011 N C. DUNLAP. Seet'y. Nlechanienbtire,
DANIEL HAIM', Dlllsburg. York co,
Cumberland roonty.—.lohn Sherrirk. Henn•
%earing. Shlrenuinstown : Lianyetlo Petrel., Dick innoTi ;
leery HolA man. (Thur. hfoun : Mode (Triffith, South
Middleton; Satou.•l (Tralutio, Weqpon nboro' ; Samuel
Coover. Meohan•rshurg; .1. W. Cocklio,Shepherdptoven;
I). C"over, Upper Allen: .1. (I. Saxton. Silver Sprint::
John :dentine Feetnan, Sew
hind; James
. .
k comity—ts ! 4 . Visking. Imv,m: James Griflith,
Wanington : J F. In.artiorll, t\: shington; Richey If
ey 1;l ark., ; I. IC ntAvr, Fairvion. ; John It ll
lin In , . Carroll.
Dauphin re, —.1:11•011 11011 , 1,. rg.
)leillherS or tin ("111 1 1111 V has int.; polkivs nhnut to
ox.oiro, ran loive them rt Ills ml t) making 11111,
to Roy of 110..1,:0nth.
Ih•tohnr: 0, 1,t;::.
3:3$ i- z?-. .zr c). c) cit. .s 3 .
ITAS just returne(i n fror un us t , h i c h Pli , iladel rge ,;
ell hel,tl,l stork Of Dry 01,111,,, conr , istinti in part
Mohair 14ivii, I'liii,l Vi , tornt,
Wool Plants, 11, 1 1/1 Don Hos,
tilik and Worst Color's' A Ipnoq,
Colored ',tine,
ancl While do •
Wool Victoria. Oli:Joon,Ocoee. Cheeks. Tie':
'nits., Opera Elan Mg. Shi, tiogv, Diaper, hest
logs, Canton Flitlitiek,
Merinnes. Ca•linieres,
oudiazlnei:, Figured :in.] phin Dehint,.
lirorade 3101,dr, Double Wool
Cliena :td pad Beps.
k•itiiped >luha ir, ipad
Clio , . tie Berlin. T. rine (deft,
Puri nirttn reluirg. Warii ('odurg.
)Inurning Corded Silk. P.M. do .Sole, liln.dCailk. a larzn
(.1* Crape C. , ll.irs, lilack A
131. , 1( niil iwae*r.d F:
awl Lung lVuul -I ."l-, Ulook hor, I.Z1:111.,
Ilr,olu• Lung 2111 , / iro. 1'1,11.1 1%,111 1,1102
,Igtu Is, in grout ,nriot
llnt4 Iholip \lad, r
Thy. latrst st'ylr., rlp Skt t --tile qu;11:or,n , and well ,•le.ded
11,1 ( . .rl,, .1 1001
:1 , 1 )141, , u, 1 I
ker lien, .11:1,.• r:inont of
ERE: ,
- TT4
Is I :\ Il Y .11,A NS,
Tho kv*“.l. tint! hest. ,ele,ted ,t• , rk in the emmtv
hwy.. :111 e , ,ire , ,ly 1.., lii ,
groiit. It 11 t“ thi•ir
,'all :111,1 will lip
Tlii• ,•I 04 , wil
iiro it,' , 1110110
carli , !l•. - t IqP.:l
xmigr GOODS! NEW G-00DS
Al' 0011,BY'S Clll].ll' 0:,11
rllll tiow upenifl ! s ,, euff.l supply of
to‘d ”ew F,411 bid. I 4 ell
hl the v..ry I,t
E 1,1.7;, 1 .VT t;
nib un•rn
CIAls, Item., 1 ,nhn:r:,• , . ih•
I. ‘1 , 11:S I'L 1111 ‘1.1AT1,1.. , 1 )111,11.k 111,S,
Hnltn... 111 :'kirt, I loruls. tqulta,pi. Nu.
huts, 1,:1,11,•s I &t%
A ,onioleto 1. , r Chii.lrens war of
111 1.111111.
13:au ke ts, at the
Gents Department.
eLoTtis, c.tssi)miti:s. EsTIN,;: , , rir, 1 InII its
so; to •n}
\r,•. I'm .itt. nth,
p rid to tins den:lit
I now Ins t.‘..111,1\ Ply Ihr, sh.nud...ll at t
nro.lit...t tli.• ••.isli Ina 1,11.1.•.1 I. n i t
I if. 11 1 .1, ni to 111, r lml irieti•ls :111.1
tninrirs enet in 0,, nin. hoses All
innt.iitis in 5) ant Intinknine 0,1 .11.•01.
plense to call and s,iiinint. 111). it•
1.10.. i )1010 01. n
Nlt. All Cloth , : Cas.illzeres 21,1 I** , ,thi „ill ht
mule up to OP ler, If Beni rod, by ;u) expt
than C. u.
$2 Positively made from 20 cents.
somETHING viz(;ENTI.)' NEI.:I)Ei)
10 Samples sent tree Ly )1;61 fur cents
that retails fur F 2, b
170, Hortha ,41u re, 1V u
Sep. Sd, 1F63—i11,.
y have just returned from the Eastern
iMarkt•ts with at: inunon.e st,fk or
L'tt , " 8 4", .ud fah. icm of Ladle!, Dritsn
Misses am? Cliadreit's Dress (;olds,
Ladies and NI ikoSllB Furs, nil hinds mid qualities,
M U FF.4,
A large stock of Ci.o.llis and MANTLES. selected
from the most fashlonal.le manulaot, les In the cities
Latest Paris Styles and 111,1g115. (71,alsing Cloths.
Plain and Castor Beavers, Mittens and other qualities.
Shawls in largo supl py, latest, uuvolt es as Well as
stnplo makes.
of all hinds and varieties. Balmoral t,hirts, every
quality and style.
New Style of Hoop Skirts. All hinds of worsted
goods, ti loves, I cry. Enul.r Ac
o r Yerooatlaitig, CliThs. y it
i 110.4. tiq,l)l
or with ail (
I'l3llllok, 1,1” ,k _
call at thii well known ',Laud
Nor. IJIJ ‘t
(1_,I)11 ,1 1E1 , 1 I"o,l>rir.
UR I 1.11,1 , ,N . rospuctiiilly
v nut.nunt•as to the OD iZt . /, of 1' 1111k:1. .111 the
genvizil Hi , be ,till iot.ihtto,
turt• ul nil kind• of tin and silliPt Irm] war- U.
11;t1I•orl'e: building hast, l.uuther stieet Cat li is at the
them he will at all tiintn: be ready to do all kindri of
work in his line with neatness and doepatch.
Alen can at all nines he hat. those celebrated, self
sealing and self Listing premium airtight,
Itoollnd. Spout Inc, add all lands of jobbing (lane at
the idiettent notice.
CMI4II paid for old lead, pewter and copper. Thank
ful fur the patronage heretofore extended, he hopes by
strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit u
continuance Of the same.
Dent forget the sign uf the.lted Coffee l'ot.
April 3, 1£433.
Late Demonstrator of nioq at Ivo Dentistry to the
Baltimore tiollege of
1411 r. 'MVO D " 0 ' 1 4 0 1 0117. r li r l e s r 4 . Bl de n
oprosite Marlon Hall, West Main-street, Carlisle, Penn
all klndasof country produce.
rehouse on the corner of Main and West Woofs.
The beat Fresh Ground Family flour at .4.
tiny p. 1863—t: f.
Lilt° a of Admlntqtrittion.en tho estate of.tohn
AO& dcdd , lato of Dickinson township. CuMber
land county have bon issued by the It tiglOmr of
Cumberland county to tho still•wriber. residing In the townthip. Notice is herehy even in all per,
one Indebted to said estate to npolcd payment, sud
those having el Ims' to present theui duly authentiCa
ted fur not tleuient to
NOT. 'lO, 1868
Fire Insurafuee.
:sIEN:i AND )I . S' \N EAR
BY EVEN.): l'EltSuN
A diniuintrAtor.
C SAWYER respectfully callg
v y cy attest on of the Public (Ladies In parbi,
Imp. told 50011 selected Stock of new
...CALI, A.l"/' , ll' LV Tijk GOODS,
just Ow Eastern Ent - bracing : the
1at , . , ; and most approved styles 211,11 I. {nn of Goode In
the :11.Htet Itinrk flkn, tt hn k Navy
ari Hy , .ed. :-trip-4 fv. I Breed Silks,
H. r:Ty. , . hrore,l Ca,111,1,* Alexandra
hooks. A Irs,aa. pmid,, Alt
r• I 1 , 1.1,11,1.•,. t R, A muri.•an !Wlriuns,
41=SgnsmbragyeraMpejn,-.ZagwAVV2l5=l. nrMD-211TDR1trAirli00,.....
Sp,ciAl r ttontion given to
snob as Mourning Stilts. nomlnAines, Merinos, Cash
mores Ilertit Cloth. all Wool lie Mines, Hops, Alpsom.,
(lyres, Mourning. Veils, I,lorts. Hosiery, Embroideries,
lournlng ISe6uu, ala, Ronk lible Millet Shawls,
toy Stn to di., double end single; Black and blrey
,‘llaw Is, 31an ties, Figured goods of all kinds.
hawis of all kinds and Colors,
Cldak and Vantl,s for Fall and 4Vinter weir , Latest
Attic..; far 31:inlirti. Quakor if p rumo
thing 1 ." , " ; Fala,rals, enlnrd. Khi (7lnves, Gartnt•
Ildod,. )1,1 , 10
t.• I, o r all 1 , • ti , 11 (hosiery,
Jirlt ' S
e 1 n(1 ffocl ' s Wevr /tie hauls
Truk 11.•av , •is and Ci• , :li,.lllark and Fan
cy C..ssineetn., Veslih r rs, nut Sliirls and l)rawerr,
it hit., Shirts :tml (:unt, , , Shawls, (luck
Glove, and I all kinds of fur
nkhin, I , otin•slie Goody In lan ge supplies aunt
nit .•%.•ry dl ,, riptlon. H d
omo Mao and Shaker Flan
Blankets, Counterpanes, %%oolon lama. every
thin.; in tio•I
ATI 1,11 , 1.i1i11 , 1,1 Intakes up. at shirt imacr,
any I;arnient Men er inlay deafen , . All the above
and nilny other go, I, in addition to the (11l stock on
114,1 is offered at a I-111:111 ri,.• not first cost to fur
Addltiol, de , j131.14. p.i•••!S B ill 14. made /1/2
06.111,, I IL 1•1/1, i ill Ull
Creole sn k, nllc elven le the hit. , fi l m, and as many
nee euslnnuters as ii il I 1.1• te rail and examine
me stool,. 1 ronti Tine t Same Mentality ghe
en In vest.... is I.y the hoe Ii m Ilease entll fit the
n :stand, LAST Si till ST t•iil • Nliirtin l g
\V.(' Y Eft,
1 , •:1,
Town Property at Private Sale.
Three-story Brick II ouse, situated
rt.!. Iluolovor Ft:eet. Jr—, terms, sr hid' NFU'
be "ii to
DR. 111 aItIC 1. If. 'S
Tho CleatDyspcpsiaMedicineand Blood—
Marklej , 'm
supe.:l4tt . lAIt k
ti,l I \ NHL 1 I\l p. tltit t,, fyi - r
•,• it. h iit t 1 to - t. tl.t. tml,tt
nd 1., It,t• t•r t tf,ci 111.1.1,1 i 1 1111 . . he'
tti ,t4J.. II,.• t.. t 10' tls t• ittll.lllL
tt. tt!! to . S . I. t I. t . ht• Li% t.:l 0.110 /.IQ_Ylltitit.
111..1 'llr It't 1 , 111111 • W.
t ttt ...lull:It-ft,
Cl:,l] IN l'()IN I
.1 .I . grutr, I)
11 g g.l .. I'. , t A. II • Uhl
• I
I. 1
. I. L.• •
gig. .:'• •g• I L., , 1 ‘1.1,1,', to nigply
• I : ),•.11• •-ln• has Lien
, 11 , 01in_l• II n 5 , •r,1t,,1 and 'V% lilt. Int.:, In
1.011 t•t
,o,„ .1 li. m rh• 1.111.1 , ti, the
?IT 1,1111 , , , t11 . 111111,f n - I rkt :111,1
i'..1.111•11 , • I. 11,1:1 11. , 1•1•••:,..1.t.
•Il 1 11 11 1,11.• Ihi , .r ie 1.1•, 111 11•111101,
.i 1 .11,11,1 ..1:. 1.11, 1.1 a :small,: can, out
11, ht., •• I.I.• 11 -119 1111 t, 1. 111 , .1: 11 111. IIIIIOG
ll.* 1,1111 I. 1,11 *
\N I NI 11;I: 1!1'
Vii , 11,1,
-r 1;11
to urL~
11• II 11.
hr . l
1 ., i••I .11, I:isirk
I.iii . , :11.• th", lb all-
II 1..;‘. I f !lit , (li r , 0
I-1, 1.0 \ II zi r, as sub
11,14 ,c 1 i :t bit,
I ••-i,
,!•—, 1) ck‘4l.l:l
~. an , l e tt•Ale,. rent,
. I, 1` , 7.
IN: 11, II NI - . It Int( l•
p! Harr t•. It it,l oi.ll, I.•
ul 1.11, rilN•kui I ~ ; 11t. r t hurt
I , a,‘ pr i tonal
I.x pet ill :11H ~1.-•.1,111,1 MT❑iislll'ols.
Ilvi:111 , ols. F.. 1 1,1 ti) Nt:11 , I 1
of pp._
1 , .1 , •11 in it , 111... , tt ,
v.r ,t.. 1 xllll ILItI I tit.
i , k 1. , 1f0i in .1., 1,11,4 1. blur t,orted tut
th , .• It a, 11. . I i•.; I anal.
.1 r Li 4P; h.I. I t•t ,
1 , 1 of I 1,,t0
\ Ili:, coil n4'nuy
I t 1. .• :1•••• Ltit
I'l •,
ti 11.144 I• ," n 1, 4 4 44 4 4 , t . I ~„.
1 t 14.1• 111. ink IIII•S ^lk 1111•0
In lin -41 14.4 1111 11 Is \ n 4141 •'; Idyll 1111111
1. 4,1 '.4 mill 11l 41 511114114 , 11., iv 11 4 14 4
s, 4. 4. 4 1 . t . .1 1 hi “:111, 1/11,1
IL 1 , •` 1 144,1111 111.1 •11,1 , i , 11J1911 IP,
i•NJ1111.1,1111C 1.11,11101 r Si,i l• 111111
.„ ~
~1 iii.
ta, Hie 1,, :111.1vi tha 111 111,11 i they
1111.11 Si, lin tL, nt
1114,1, -till 11,111, I t
v 4 „, f,,,,„ ,4itio ill2llll V. I the itieilioints
I h;tlt ,tll.l ill m 11-1 , I ft,. In 111•111,,,1 in their
.1 .1.11.1,4 .17r. l'h•ltet af
te.l %% hit, U101,11..0. It en.n 1 ety
1,1.1 II.• llia ILII. nll. ri•t , ,,tlnte s tali
11.1111111ilii t ~,,,,,,,,,,,
Hher , , ellvel.•.l 11 1, lie
in Chili at,
I lid,. in. 11211 t,.ent 14., 1,1 , 111 4 1 In, m , aying
I.llllliN \l,•d, are tin. I , f , telor
In the i1f11 , 11 , . f , l 11111,.1, 111,111 And
tin, Illy linty Li ref...111,1,nd
tLem 1.,. :61 ,1,,, WI in.:,
rasps :11.0 nnlv pent,' I hich might
Lr plll.l shed NI alt satin. 1114•11. and Life
sln•old tl,k• 111,, :-daaduld It,dtd dips, and their curt,
c•dnid,d.• nu,L itn.t•t,ad.
by In I, 11 )1 \ 1:R1.1:),' at his Drug'
and Vudi~ h i .. , I,l\i; ST. i aurabtt
1•u •to 11111 , 111 gl! leittk^s 111111 .krdcry nllOlll , l bo /O.
runil,lAt) , l
11.1 \ II) (IA (~n
.INi I. II 1111,1.1..11, NOWN
I'. S. A ,1 fu. S ippetisloirg. -
(IEII \V FI . S•1.111t. Fllllt ietv
F, 1,,
A Joint Resolution Proposing
31•; it revolved by the Senate and
)Ilon•e of Ilepi vnntatives of I hi. Con) men we..lth at
IN:till:1 ill lien, Thia tire 101_
oig :111,1111111 , 11 In hill 1 1 ,1w:will to t
or Ow with ale
ioun,lthe tutu :n tiny t lief cco
Therf,ll.llll... an s..etilm to tho 11111 d or
tll le 01 tlitt ritilstiltilltitt, to by t!v514t.:4,1 sectlou
1,11.. i. It I hoe s.
SI , IV% 1 Nhr net yr any of We qualifird tileetors of
tills shall lie iu 0111 at lII' mlllllnq
I melee a rt.onsititin floto lii Piesiti. ICI of (lie
or of this Coluni‘in
,iaitli, I. ICI OW lit of stif
fener ill elei•tion, the under sueli rtim•
la:omit—ls are. ,t tte pit liy I,nr. HS Wily
Its 111.11 e) V el , ' At their venal place el ell, tine.
it li, to i .litientil net II ("Ow elletei.ol
;cif', 1e..1 he d, sign:tied nh ELC•
ti. In oi, , I.:11 , i I I, a It 1 1 . r 1..
-I e,l t .1 t, t ht. la•
1,11.11 j. h
ill th.. 110.• • 1. 7 oppr, 1.11111.10 n
I lilt.
t. N.. 1.111 1,, (he 1 r. {On( n ro
111 , m1•1•...1. pg itTe•v.".. Itt nrt V11,.1111,0
llr 1.1 s 1 as
,a 3 tu, 1201111111:II 111/I II the c utto
at title C0111111 , 111,S itb.
. 1 01I\ el SS,N.t,
Speaker of the 111311FP 1.10 - . 11-.S. a tihc
,lull\' If. PEN IN Ll',
81...a150r th Setinkc•
11 11EIkburg, J uly 1, 1863.
, ... .
Cleby .certity that 1.140 .fezegolug- and
,A L annexed is a hill, true and. , correct' copy of
~--....k c, ,,, the original Joint ReSohayon of the Conon.
al Assembly, ontitled "A Joint Resolution proposing
certain Amendments to the Constitution," us the fAIIIII
remains ou the in this Mike. 1,
In Tneoxy whereof. I hays hereuirto set niy hand
and caused the seal Of the Sem.tau's Office to be ier
fixed, the day and year above written.
Sucretury of the+ Cmutuouvecalth
July 7, 18C3.
IVilliam P. Lynch
Tjaving returned from ttm_army has
ru.operred the
GAS FITTING and r6ultrßr.iva huaineft
a$ the Old Stabd in. the basement of the
First - 11leth - OdisC Church, He will
attend promptly to a bug.
nen in his lint
Lead andlron 'Pipet, lron Mitt,
Hydrants. Bath Tubs,
lint & Cold Shower Baths, Bath hollers,
Betel. r'losets.West' Basins, -
Fnrro end Ltd I
hurhns, Ilychaulie hams, &a:
Wro't Iron WePd 'tubes.
Altai every eseriptlon of cocas anv fittings f r roe.
atettm, water, O. ,Sum.ylor eeokluit raorra. • health's
and gee tixt uros put up In eburebra Ftlres mid 'du ell
foga, at short notice. lu Ole mot.t modern et) le. Al and Uorlt to our line at low rater. t t.d vutt
.a , tod. .
* Country Work an d jokbitur promptl talc dod
;tone R, 14118.
{)I fis P, . Iv liA vER
I• , 1 in,ll , t lath, 110..1
D. S. Ii.(IRI