NE1717 ricaltvz. ~.? Carlisle Poundry CALL AND SEE TIRE AND NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS— I FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I WARE STORE. P. Gardner .fc Co. now mattutheture and keep eon HE subscribers having purchased the ~tautly for sten. at thefr extensive Steam 15 orks on East stook of Groceries former y belonging to Jos. D. Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment. of 1 alien, will Continue the business at the old .901t1,1, Ata BICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, and ate prepared to furnish their ft ieildli all the put . of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among IL! with everything that is oleo, new and fresh, In the which they would eallospeefal attention to il lI.LOUUII way of titlt"., CELEBRATED PATENT Family Groceries. Thole stock Is lAr.go and aeleeteil with the greatest rare and will he sold at the honest prices for cash. It con, sista in part of line eld ,/evernment Java COFFEE, Primo Rio do, Prime Rio L oa.,ted BroUPS.—Now Y.•rk, II •,.1011. and of 'ho very hest iithihtirs, BROWN SUO .t ltd.— Cho heat the market alTa.l,. Loverlng's bast and Pa/ v 0 r n Also, his A. 11. and C. r ,, which 0:.1 , 10t bu nil - passed, and as the tilll., is now here for presei ring, la dles will please .rive him a call and cealnino for thorn colVOS. All hh, SPICE: , are of the purest and bent va rletlog. No noting sh-ut them. Rico. Corn Starch. K rrina, Itandelin j CelTie, Ennenor or Coffee, Concentrated Lye. reap. Candh,s„lc. CHINA, GLASS, AND .1 largo and well sOort, 1 .to•!: of :he very latest ~at Corns and Pty Ca lower (Watt t.ver in price, and better , In quality, than was ever otied he tare In Car Call and see. Woolen and II Il low Ware. suet, Tubs finrkolB, and Churns. I;l4,etr. „f eve, .I,,,ripti,u ; Children's C \lntl `Gout's are. Cream Pots, Hat ter Jars ~reqerve I, '2. mt.l 3 11.1o1;erill. No Ikee l ib I \11.:` ,, 2 1! 11) No 1110rri. A I kcg.• ilt tot ity r col.braol 1 . :‘,1.1, II \IA. SALT by the <•r 4c, I)air, arid 1. A SAIL. The mtib,ril , e, 1 0.1”-1110ly pntrons_'•nr tholr friend, 'tod th , v-twrallv. arl•lt 11 , •et to call iin,l 0,11111,11 . rh it upw at the coruer of I.fait '”ors Ctrl! g, .DENN MUTUAL LIFE ANcE A9RFTS 789 151),) ISESUS LIFE INSER \S('E POLICIES ~n to I of tive 11,111 . 1 , 1 1 Forlp PIO 4.14n4 of forty put c-ot. upon thu r”- clva.lln 1 , 111 nn oil in f“rct•. , , ..1 00. e 4 3tnhur. and ILLvo •ltkeidel VI, I }:•• r. op I.iVI t 1011.1% of 15:)3. 1 , 5 I, 1011 3,1 p, Pri• miuvt N-t..“, or . I , l', it,wlli CI, lite 1 ith tho ye3rr. - _ h 9 an•lvrvignel Iv VO . l Iv t , •.•Viff,:lt. , 0(1 parties 01/Litlett to) t11"111, IL (.11, A.,11- vv,,t, I'o4 lill Stre.'l. .:,,y I 11,, tlttt'n t , t thlt- 1,41, t 111 , , 111,1110,11,1011 F M,ll ery iu nrnt ‘11( - .1 (urni:tle4l. i 01,1 e '1.1,1111. 1,1 Machine and Wheelright Shop. A. J. KUIZ, Agt. NOW minurictitrei >t)(1 keepi th ,, -1.1 01., I, on V.rth II :ii over stroot. I's opposite II izt•ltou', 151 - '0 sr Irtmont of Agricultural implements, 1111 0 11 AR I' \l nhi I.F rh \ rat , ra attl'ho.l 11111... F., • I A... Fns - t Torn, Stria. all I F. -, I 1., r+ 411 1.1 1%11..11 ..:Al 091 9.11.1 twat Imp., .I.n. lit. {1 A 111. Lunn. r t'itltivntor.tutu s It. I 1 IC ull tt• 81 ng l e and [1,1114e flaying it ciunith Si, up :cc s tltt•ul Ail •uuctutru w..rk i t Own and c,.untry will hid with 1m 1 t.tit, au, A.l3l4pateh. of all hints kh t. •'• 'llll rens to, 01, I 'l' f,lll rl , speetfaily soil, it a shave 01 Z, \ August 28, 1V,3-3 a. REMOVAL. LiNNI7,IC.I.' 111,, 11 Lein, ori .1 , (• ' um ttohortltolotto. , , of hr,t , o tr .p n l II t , o. ,r •ot.. o 0np0 . 1.•.1 a, n lu ~•• theretrnlli : ani roil( t o 111 • ••1.1..1, 1 I Ilhop n , la,” RE ro.•L hot' , d .• t I I. •••!, • tl , O. formerly rupl. .I Io ei s If.. 1.. I to tvoloome his ~ l l sir s If, nilnssY wikh t • to 50t.v0..1 by .hula pill t••oripoLt Aug. 1 i. ORNAMENTAL LION . WORK • WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenue OFFER. for sale upon tho nio , t Invor ~t•to t.fwmm !Irv, moll 'want varloty of I I N ILA lEI k of Wrou;ht and i'vt .r ,1•1 11%1.; I and Brnss Iron V r...1.,11, C0vn10ra,.111.•1,4 I i .1.1 Lamp Stan •m, I or S' !, . Chnlry, , rnt.tsry. !doll! .1;1 A Do,r•ttlre char.r.tor. Dr.! 1.., k ~I.j Lion. l'ernous Spp', in! for 1.1,1 , , th , kiwi of work nerd .1. , uly witEEELEie. NVI SLWIN(i MAHN I_NEW style ‘vitli lII° leSl grout r rtt,i tt e tptt. htt•-• tt chinos .art i t tkolt•••• riot r , tot I 111 ,t t•t•ttitt unequalled , t,it4tt I tt' t..t I •• A !tt. It tint rip. tIII...1•••.t 1 u ,;.?, 11l I , 1,- t t• r 1111 • ..) [hey will 1101, FE1.1., VNI) 111 'fhey nti do itnythltl4 ;11.0 31, 11 , 1 11.0 , 1,." .•.'n 11 , 111DV, nt.d.Pt her lint wpm; 1110100 Oxcliargc. E E 14 W 1 I.SQ) NS' E .1/.1,' LI I _V None better adept ud (nit hun ilt i Ft•. The under.-hz.rled tins in,. to I ,A,,)t. I. Cutlib..ll,in I ~ J uLtty rs to ill, pill Ile %sit!, pal 1,, t 011 1e.11.1. that I 11.F.4• will 1 . '1,1 them ,i..%.• ,11111 ti PC , the In,v•hils pli ,10.• t it „ 111 .1 111 itAltrol , l olliee, Cti.rli,lo, For ,lullll. .11 apply to April 3. 1,1,3. NEW GOODS ; NEW G OD3 am nuw (yenirtg a eh .ice Id lit ail of which will e iiihz EL Eli j' CII .1 L.IIN/ Lawns, 11.,,i1n1,1.1,1.44 • Sheplivrd. I'l 6.1. Poi I, ch., all 11'.,1 the I. i vs, I. ri 11011 1 “1,111111, 'f halo t2l 4.11, . Cambric and Swiss 3111 A/ oils. Tal4tann, ‘VI.III, 111-I,p Ltr. n • I.lnon Ikurclii, tr ,p•iuq I I In. .St 01,1 11.‘11w.r.L1%. CI .th tinlghatuh, ellbt,lti, . prleos thnu hon•tolon•. 11[0,41.E1tY AND G 1 ,( 11; 4 S, In great variety, , un 1 1E1111,11as 1141.,1,11 ~,t Pl)'le,, 1,1,1 yu ttity, 1111.1 Ito ap, than ( . 111 I'll ltd I/I $llO country. (sin iris weal'. hili 11.1, Cloths, Cassimoros and Vestings, Ilandsoino Surniniir rasiiiniires, for wear, Linininiorinlis, Cuttioistios, ii , trippeil sad l'loiti Drillings A few yarnis of Carpeting on hand, at le.di than city prices. All persons In want of hands ono 9114 float, will do well to call 111,0. as we are now gelling ni olu tor rash at b cry low pi Recollect the place, Main Street, nearly 0p,,,1t e the Depot. May 13, 18t 3 NEW DRUG sToR.. rI I HB7 undersigned has just opened a L now Drug rstore, lu Dinh Hanover street nest deer to Inholrfl Orem.) , ;Rom whore he has just re calved and °ported a large Inch of Drugs, Clfemicalls, Dye-Stuffs, Porturaory, Toilet. Soaps, anti Fancy Articles. Also, a largo lot of Tobacco a d egars, of the most favorite hr twig; Coal tlil Milubsand 9 badcs Burning Fluid tio.trctianarbis Fruits, um, nil Alcohol, Patent 1 10.11C1111.11 and all mbar articles -connected with Om. line Ali of avtrien - w e wyfl cull at prices to suit the times. Prescriptions carefully oompou•,ded by a competent druggist Carlisle, Dec. 19, 19132-13, FRESH NIACICIMEL.- 2 + l / 4 lot of ‘faeltorol—new ^alch —ln assorted pact , 6 0, of irto yes, Quarter, and Oli.thth der, els. Also, for sato at the Store of tb o s ubscriber Oct. 26,'62 GOODS. livery !ascription and quality of Ciroccrics, Queonoware, Hardware. Pickcio. Sauce, Fine hiquers, Tobacco, Sottato; Pipes Pr,esh Fruits and v0060)1(1,4 In Cans. Oyotors do. Spices. Whorl and a maw wnro. all kinds and 01 the best quality and .to bo null at t o lowest prices at oath by Juno 6, '63. WM. I) INTZ. DOOO METALLIO PAINT prevents I . roofs from leaking. dries tinder w.tor as hard as Iron, keeps dauipness from NOrthelst walls, paints double the surface lend will, no hither In price and 'rears moth longer. 8 BOWFIN, Agent, Mare 1G94 North Fourth Atrevt 04. 9, 1999--,9d, =II A i, 'rns,4i,r•.r A,•111 u.l-10 kinericat/ Iyt i;,iltw i,t 11•1.1, Ilie , 11( 1,1 . .\1t . 11 :111.1 )tly, t t 11 11 • 111111r.•1,..- 11, 1 , t ,n 1• N , :n t.l in st,lll ••1 1,.•.11 11, t • ~11 , •111 .Icl , l 111 , I. —.l t I , /r. , 1, In • ;1,1,0,1 tho lar g o t and }„.,t :,s. z H.". m 11 .,11 Ir 11 .1. , 1•, •! '1 ,111 / 1,1 .i - 11.1111 ~, 111. 1 ..11.111 111.1,1,, 1 , 1 "1 , 11 :I' , 11 1 II i• Ill• •s'lll.l, (ht• pro ••• 'k% • 1 1 11 ,, 111 . ,11.1 Ico 11 , 'ti' 1 , -1 , 0 111.0,1/12" 1111•11 1 1 1,4 1,,....• .11, hlll\ 1, 111 "1.1 ' , Ohl, I], li - 1 111 , Al' I 11.1 . : I'ItICES, lor Ihrn pa , l 11 , .111ntri.% pe•Fb .11.1 ztllll.l lAOII lu Ih. II Inrrl Lit. mit 11111 t ~ 1 .110 1111I\' \ p„t, SON, 1t I ( 0 , 1 North .11101,1 : 4 tl Vet Cyr)1•1..../111, ,/ I , ' 1. p.IIN'I'S .‘NI) olLs._ to 1 , ,,,,, .vbitt. 1,•,.1 ~,; 10 0 ,i , )”, °roil .ILp, , eir,.l , ith , I ilzr i , s , littnent I, 1 ii "pint,. Fin • l'inid l'iitit. l'itria .titio, I I. ion.•.. I .llitto, .1 win, II Idt.• Line, Putty, rd 1 /. 111. Is 'tlti.l.;, fl it. I 111. tit,. laud •111. , partu in). I'll I I until. . Fl,ll , 111 St• . 0 , 1 or,. f 0,, % I. , r iptioorl dry, and Oil In ~ills and tittio4 nt ttni II ird Alta ;Aar.. 4,1 CII 16, 0 , 111.131 - , l'ruv 040 Pet 25, )) 1 , ; A1)13 1S ( 'l' &c. Tho :II of rartar “Sullstllito" is reroMMOn ded as t di lin. idi. :Is i. 1 •111 11/ i • ontbinatlrm with S tleratn. ut 4, ) I t fh t . f 1,7 ,ti. It prinluena 'tread 1,111.1 which when mohd and gradoll I whllr t hog or : Ire are 41011 di t and taste 1„, IL will . mA L i ~ Mtn Cream of Tar turned Ix 11/40, In the Saille ~, Jl / 4 1 11g, .1 . 111:: 4 INT] TLITEI, together with 4 41erat o°' ,4 oda. Pere Cream of Tartar Bernina:l krrow Root. Cl weand and lilt _gro_und ildees of all kio'dg one4tilternied finW-ithfi, grocarios I o 'lvory oonsta nt 13' on hand. and at the to weal. price for Hale by Dee:l4, 1812. J. W EfiY. DAVIT) RA LSTON Lt fr AiVlNer SAL( )1)N —Having fitted Ilup in the very best style. the mom In Ora nor's building. next door to 1 1.. , ponsior's office. 1 ern pre parnr ed to give my b.11H1.1.1111 atteions to awi may with in viAt. I shall 0011/nt4.llltlV 110 litlnimplilol With 0001014.011 t 0111 , 1 pOilto 1 100110 anti spureno effort G. L oy- gen el al sktisfa , dion. T wißti n 1 Chopin n round buy. between 14 and 17 years old. Apply Immediatoly to J. MNIMS. Oarllsle..l tine '27. 2--1 y 1 W Is BY DR. LC. 1,00 AllB ‘not I Hanover etreet, vain ~,' onponito Banta' dry gouda vtoro. lone 1, 'O2, 4 0 ,Z :1.11UHT. 4 PBU R.N. Jr.,. Attorney at LAW nine° with lion. Samuel Hepburn, Mein St. , Terlisle lht.: June t, '63 "TAMES. 500 pairs llamas on hand ILL of all hinds. Blizabatlitwn patern, Loudon do.. Cornnian do , with and witho o ut pate t nt thatenitiga, cheaper than over at I . l .B•Xvorvp, East Mallu 91. Metall 29, 1869. II:II SRI? /1V 0 (RA IN DRILL, which has taken over tifty•Flrst Class l'reml urns et State and County Fairs. the Verniers o. tiumberlewl, lurk and I counties wo need nut speak In deffill ul the ...tits ol'lllis drill as scores ill them are new In uso cc. t Ito Iccccht Gurms in t tinsu entuctle, its 0011 is eNtsl,ll,lled thc• most. complete Orals !trill low tncintil.cctliriccl l.nttod ~ , fttnc-s, It gnwp 11 hem, Oat,. kart, r .11d trresa, evenly and regiller, it bout til,• od The Sprint., pass the drill over , tontp, ithout pins or the dill!. Fur even re guts: mitving. the II illough lo Ilum :. , to:ltie [trill is 1111,111;We, by any other 'it lifilet tire (hi' tollorvin, articles, which e! a ens reCoIIIIII,WI Io Varlllera as reliable ilbpl./101011, tml emiehlisheti charnel er : NI( 1 1(IlltinV. , PATENT I WIN PLAN 'rr ft. lilt IL. EN 1)01,P I PA'I . I , ,NT i'Ol,N :41 11A /I P LN"I' CIDER VILA, : JOIINSON' , C.I.- , T IRON Ilin;'S TIIOI . OII. 'I hr . ,. tinct Fn. r Its c•rs 811,1 ThreCticitiv Iron Held Ito , lers. Plouvh Ca,tiop,ot cariou , patterns Corn t rn•her, and other artieles for Farmer , , log, lyo. Coal , Iores Th, Plait. V. UM) en immense ,arlet , cit tc , n lont , c-itccutcers and Ectlturs. Itt ht e c at I rvr l err Vlll lc-try of pattern s fi,i• lON R/17_L/PTC-S. yi:NINTI:t;y EN( Lo,ultEs to n hitL nn would Attoot on. Ste”iti F:tiglutes anti 111111 (:enring. .for:trt1111.111 We niVP to . trliru. larat.tetit,:m , lett•jvite,f, of isitt,rns Mrt . .,141 S•twdill Cr: mina is rm , tmotl) itierrmsi NIFil , srttors :tml \IN 51 rir ho Inr nisho.l ttjih a prittird r ,t,logne \WI ris "II '11+11,1( ilia ,mtipti.,•, :tilt v trim, t lintsl,ll Slialtml,t :ttni \ :11/1,111.1t111 s r.vil()N RV STEAM ENWNE;', nl thyit v. to In toil tot:wont, ht r h. , r-e p P,121•. i/l4iil Ili •• , t)10 'llld r .11.,,.(1,11,1. to ruts. _ bunt el uur o , tabll.l3lnew ••••,1 i , tl , •oo.sctli ..por It il , ll at innl,o 1)1.1 C. 1,1 11 , 1 I' I Isl.. Cum)), Poor, in t 11.. 1 . 4.110.1", I l•r0.1 li.o 1 , 11 n , (heir oin. Iru :n- 1.11.1 in ' toltn I 1,1t112,11 . t. esnwille 1,,0h rt• DOOR AND SASH PAOTOiiir. :; , ..,11:,,11xti.1 r t“ts v 1., I r, 1.11/11t•tr. rll,lrlll, t!r, iit 111 . 'l,l M'Tf,l , l`,7 Inr tlit• Wl,O , • 1 [t 3,•o.r,1111. ..1 ; 111 r I:.•5 1n •{1 i 4.1.-11,1 'll , • • • • •:I,i , •;•I 7. , tli.v.ll: I. I r• 1,11 1 11.1- 11 /1. 1 , 1,1 , 1.11,.r 1 1 1.11-13. 1 it I I:, 1.:t111.1,.1 It 1 ., , 1. 111 , , ::1,1111 .••••• prnl•tr , ..l ~;. ~ A..- 11 t , ti 01 , / 111 , ,1.1 I.• ,IP I 1.1.. 11,1' 1. IP PI!, rlt•r• I pto 1 ,.\ \ 1;i 11 NI is : t ,, - ;1:1,1,1.`;(; OFF .‘"C TW ENIY- Pi V I 1 . 11,11 ...Ili. I 71,.L str,•. t. th.• 111 1 .•r.•. (1 , 1 • 1... I, (.1 ME ELIZI in thii plitri• in ti•i. it.. It• • • GOLD AND SILVZB, CHAINS, pl.! (..,1( L., r I Ilarl 1 61 , •11i, kind, an, d I .t 1•1 %.i I%'ll MEIC BOXES, ACCIIIRDEO 4S, il l : tin HJ \I; \ ()V I.l{ ES I I rr, .011. 1, t It, 1.1:1 ht t• 11.:01,E1111.• 114111 r.\l ACK ;RI I :11-! I s =I 1 . 6'64(10Gd AND SEGAiril, I. S =MEET I:I/portant Discevel3 =MI \ \lll - \ It: \V \I'l:1; I: 1 . ; tin Him 1 , 1 tll, nt,'l:2!, 01. ti. C111:1: .so /1.1.•nt ~ ,1 111.1.11, , , td 1111, I.n i• t lI. ,1 1.. I i it , ,o• h l, 11,1,111+ II 1,1 , 1 II" I•l• Il• lIIIERII=I 1 , , • It • t, 1 ,11.• I. I r lIIIM II i• ~, i ~~ ~ _ i DOOTZ SHOES CillS I) =1 111.1 001, il I 1111/ lot.t then) 1, vi 1.11,1 I'lls i,•,•• I.l' 130 , .•I 1,1 nlo'. p1,.:111..4.1 v,Tth, VI . / • 'pro...LT, f LI••• , 1 k !he I..`` WO , 1..111,h1(1 Ll.ehe.tit 111 II t• ••11 , ' v t•to stltt,t tt t I ititt.l. tit 1, , 7 t vil ttltittilt r•tt. ttvt•t-itttt It. , tt•lt it lr ti-1. t• ttl •••••Itt t(t.. mitt it.° It •tvik pltt MI hy n iii•rtaiii .1 III!!11 .Vii f •- rr,panr , ”; tia ff h Ina 1 , 111 - 1111 1„..r lIM=IOI I tit LI till! li..ri tilt I II titiLiitt. it I L MIME D 1L; c: y, h. I. th” ~/ 11,1 t rit h1,1.11..1 .... I.lllltki •:‘,.• It I 4t..31 1,•1111W t, tI tl 1 rird.r lll him ju, L't AI, F , ll 111.1, ,1. I• 1, de./ I,l', hl .I li••:‘ . I • 111 1...• 214 ••,. tr ht• ' . 1, . f i ,•• • I L . ) Ili It 11 , • '1,•:li I= N\ NI It I.\} 111 i..'l'l:ll II.II'•I r,,,h/ IL. 4 , .1.1. • =MI ti II 1., 41 , 1 .1 11.1 t, a 1•. - -rt n. I t-, ••t, I • I In 11, r..41t1 ,111 t .•% 1,1, v 11 ill ill, 111 , 01 11 11 I'' , it, 1 11 •,1 n•I; IF I 110,11.1 1.• , 1 to•.• dP 111 , • 1..1,1 111 11 It •1 , 11 , 0! t II n H ., Dr ..I , I til 111119E11111 I rh.nt t :rt•o. , r.. 1.0. Ih. hi-I in iho ..,11111 I :I 1,0 i•N ,II 111 t• !lII,' 11 i iir. Iv, id 1)I) R 14: 11 1 , 1 1: 'l' 1)10 'l'll Pll KS'S 11 Ih. my cut 1, o, vh, • .1 ,II •! s• 11111111, 11 , 111.11. 11, 1 ,111. 1. tli /11 1 •11..•1 . 11.1 1% :111. ••141 t hit i ;‘ott . .' —1.1j1,114•1..” 111/11IN 1•/111.1. I.gltt I. v.. 11,1/ 11 . 11 . 1 . .11.t.1• 1 iI . .1.••1111 /1,1 1•••1•1!•• 'II • I•11 , 1i •. I•• 1•1,- 4 .t• t II! 111 11 , 11,, , i111111 .1' / •Ilith•ii•lll',ll,Bl,l4.e LI. I h.• .i 1 111.1 _If,I 111.1 r. ASi 1(1 1'1; F.1)11,1" ( It I , HI • 1.• p II . i. 1001 lii Inr. I I Er rE I..t',r• Etr tlu.a lust it tit'', in I •, ./r/':N .1. , 11\›1.1\. NI 1...•1t 11,,,p1t11, )1,1. MEMO ECON I ) SPRING .1 Nit IVA I. k1:61; - 1'M . 1.1/..,11,1: 1111. !II t tt , ..1.101111 I 1 I u.uu Ihr N. F. •••ti t th, ptt HI • itt Itt i- phi,. to putt litt..t• hottt,:h•t•i• t ,t; pl h t•t• t 6 it dot. t•tottitt•ih I, 111 11,1 It•ttitt tht• Ettst t ht. - 11,1,0 pst l• 21, 1 ,(1110 . 11 IS >II .1 t lint ht• h t.• 1,1 1 • •1•11t1•11 11,1. 1.01.111 II 'lit 11.1 tl•• in tlett•l tztinttll to ~ 11.1 l 11.. Itt,s t•• ht ,, -.1 It• itt tt , t•tt•lt trr, of I • 1) this g In hi,-ittle .1 Iktinit,O, Stich ItS \ I EN'S S 1!.()I'S' FINE C.l s, Calf and Patent. I,eot her tar 1.41 ud l'Atent Leather I;aiters, fall unifier:, ( all any Kip Brogans. Slippers, hr. 17.77—'111a. Pine Freneli and I.'nglish Lasting Gaiters. 1 1..1,e Csll and IC 1.1 Boots. Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy elippe Mer , reo...nit 10.1 Itu•kins. .1 . %115-4:". Il''I111.IV: I.\'ill EAlt ofalltlePetiptie. enthrtoltt" hoe Lostiniz ttactet's. Nloroey, and Last it But h,n ito t,. %I ,, rocee I.:ln'e of all hinds, tan. 1 , 11111 • • sh •,1 A II .17'- 'I l 1 . : 4 . -.ilk. CasAitnertt. Fur and W. of Al qt.& ties anti .tylen, also a large asso,tment ul 7'/L I Tv IlaT,s Itunte and Sheen made to 1 , 1 . 111, at the charter' not Repairing prninpti (lane C4,10;1/ Ids please all ,'lnane,. nireo.t,mers. he re,pertfull . ‘ tit% it 4 lte puldie to give hint A lotnentber the place., N. E. earner of the Pub S ware. %Iv 30. 'f.o 11 , S1:1" SAXTON 'MANHOOD ; / HOW LOS: ! HOW RESTORED Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Pr,ce Six ants A Leelure on the Nature. Treatment LLD tiliadiealni.u...a-Sporwat-rlll.. I)ol , l , ity I urine Irity tet ey. emisumptioll, and 11 tat nn4 110,111tv ' Lty , D''v. .7. CUs. V &iU 117 LL, lU. D The thtliol . 1 1111 eel that the 111 , 1111 1.0 1/5 11, 011 , 111, 1 11 Fad!' Alftwo surly he ellectually removed witledit inter nal medicines or the dxltieruun applieation of cooed lea. Inetrunients. niedi-fated bou,ies and - Other emplrieul devi •es is here (dearly demonstrated and' the entirely new mid blab ly successful treatment as /11101)1e411/) the eerollreted /11111111 r 1 . 11111 , (1/41 1 11thed, by moans of which every Otis Is enabled to rare hlmoelf peefeetly and at the least pofedble Ned, thereby avoiding all the adver tised tne-triints ”f the day. This lecture will prove a boots to thousands /11111 shousends. . . . Sent under Heel In ri plant OliVelOptl A t any in - biros'', pit paid mt receipt of two pottage 'Marano, by add rota log the publlohere, DRICT -& •1,0 - ',s well known 51E - 0- DEONS and HARMONIUMS. Introducing the of feet of instal bass on every instilment. liltN EST GABLER.% unsarpassod PIANOS for caoh, nt n lihornl deductlon t or on monthly Inntrumente from lb to $lO. * Over 500 sold In Milled',lphln. JASIES p .K, Solo Arent. 270 and 281 V. Rlftlastroot, ahoy , . Sorwe Wdlida Tad it, Pa, April V/ ISAS BALIIXORE LOCH HOSPITAL. ESTAIII.ISILED AS A ItEFUOL: FILOAI QUACRERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CORE CAN BE OBTAINED DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the nlont ertaln, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world Mr at private diseases, weakness of the hart or limbs. strictures, affections of the kidni,vs and Wad der, Involuntary discharges, knpotency, general do ill ty, nervoukness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, eon fir. Fiolll of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity. ttem• Wings, dimness of sight ,or giddiness. disease 0 , the head, throat. nose or skin affections of the II ver,lungs, stomach o- bowels— those terrl ble d i• orders ariskg from the Roma, y habits of youth—those secret and sol itaty pram lon- 111 T foal to tl-eir'virtims than the SOll4 of Sy lens to the Mariners of Lip's.. blighting their,. 'it irtHlinnt hopes or anticipations, rendering mart magi.. VOU t'l G ALEN whn hare hoeorne the victims of solitary ri.•e that dr , ,dful and (lestruetive habit w hi, b mono. oOlOi to an untimely era",. thoe , anils lit Trill OK th 4, ours talent,: and I rclliant intellect. it lin 111 ight. .411,,, Ise have entrance,' 1 1 , teni•mSenate,. with the I hoods, of eloquence or .01.1t1,11 to ecstasy the lirlin; I: re, may roll with full oonfidenco NFARRIA pore ols. or your inan o'lll t.rqn r:lat Ing insr- Hear, being :teat° of physical weak noss, organic steleh it der 1 11111 1, ALP . speedily cured. lie who places himself under the ea, of Dr .1. ma, reliv(on• I y oonfnle in his honor a,: n aentleinan, and conlblatilily role upon his shill an It physician. OP.G,II.IVIC ZV aim - 1 SS Immediate?) cored, aod full, restored 1 hi, silo I re,ina alrectlon---whb 11 :enders ilfe miserable and mai nay, rho penalty pal.) by the yietims ot un 115,11,er Intl 11 11:ences. Inu 11)5 persons are too apt to exeessea from not being aware ol the dreadful 0 ,1 1/N...l;lence. that oily 11115 150 Noe . , who that-under .-1.511.1 • the , 111.jeci will pretend to (lousy that the pnvrr of proarealton lost, sooner by lhuse falling into in, habit , than by the pi litre[ t lie•idat being de ['rived ilia plea=rues i 111,11 t 1:) 511.1/1 Ulf. 111051 F.1.1'1111.11. kli•strtnet:r , '',llll/t5ll. ti. Loth body and II mind . I 111. SYSI ht.V..1111, de Mt 1111 , 11 the phi ~i I I 'lllll 111..11 t.II r 1111 , Lir1,1.11,15 roath power. nervon. arntnhthte el,pareia, palpitation el the hemt. indiae-tiort, 1115 el the Name, V..1.`111111.1 1 , 11.111,3 y 11 11/1 tIVII t 11 o.l'.;:cE NO 7 SOUTH ET. I,rt , Ida L7olnv. from lialtimnre street, a re, fr.on the ,11.. r. Earl null to ole.erve name ahll mut., mint ht. paid and eontain uslanip. The Dur tor', h ihe in Iris ,111,0, £1 017.1 E v.r.a.7ai.._ II INT TED IN T "WC DRYS. \ p•^Allr)' f. NArl,A,ll,lkrtrzT-111...lohnstothrm.ul ).•1 C' , ll , AO I'l • Loll , ioll Irma ailit• 411 1 l'l , ll , VI, in the I 110 L.:10:11v/ I'll I . llllAollOpil A An i . . • ( 0 I ',HP ,tl.l 1(11117 Ihrt Wt rt , i•N k II : Illally roni ill, NI,- 111., 1, 1 ).." 11., A • A , ii•Pr. grl'At I I Viol , " A 111"'i •11,4.1 t, 11 , 1'1 , 111 1$ A' 1.t.'l /111 , 4 a ill. di 'lll,l .1 li• 111,1 11111, T _ELK El '2 TICiJ]GI3s, PT OrrlrE I MEIM pr rrnn. fI, SI I (1,i,111, VC:IT f.`7 1".7 TIN = EMI 23-lAGri lo•'t 1)1.1i 'I 1111-4 II; I.*.•i, tirl• 110 . , .1111 1. , 1 (I, I, I I El MEM I=l • - )1;111: r I r • are n , tit .11... th CHAS J. C. MANI: ,4 CO;. 127. Bowery, NOW York, Post Office fox, 4586 IVo.have taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied Greenfield & Sheafer in East Main street, next door to the Jail, where we intend to Roe? all kinds of ~t.',N,VARK and OROCCRIKS. Our slack is new and nest]. eairefully selected to the Easter Cities. We in rnr public and friends in zeueral In giro us a ea.] ,on examine dur stock of goods as we are determined to %ELI. eIIEAP FOR CASii. Our 140 Ck. 1:01.1611411 in part oj ~ `l. GARS, UOl , P'ELD', TEAS, let I'S, Molasses Queen swore. lC l llow ware. Cedar ware Brooms [frump,. Cards and :ploys o every kind, warranted pure. Green aild Dried Fruit, frret,n Cr,.! I).. trestle, nut a trill uyenrt it of el 4ruurally. Floul "V tut. atrial or pound, Counttry pooouro ra- CoPte 11:,iensuge for gaols eh ID, 1;ifi:1 H AVE always on hand, a large stock and ;uilver Waienea suitahlo for Lilies, tieotillitieri or /.I.ou near. ,otao of oatr own import*. lion. extrc tine qttal.ty. Iltir assortment of It•weiry roo , itto of the most fault ionahlo and rich th..uUtiu, ua aluv the plniuur 411.1 lore expenui ye. Silver Pie, Cnke ltrld P,uit fCni•eg : I{ll,ll n larzt• varipty of fatiloy silver Wan., sul4/thlti for Ilridnl pre.ols ts - N',• here /11S11 on hand, 1 most splendid airiortment 0! Disionitil le.. rlrr Xl.ll tiiuds, 1n which iri• inn ite on. pf•riti 3L11.11111,, ilk, prices 111 lie found considerably irk, than the Arlie!, are to , thilly All k in I hie Very hest man ner Anil irarrit•irii I In C re qiill.hirtion. 1:11111 \',l I:I NO , oo hand Ittid mnde to order. Ca4l 01 .1.1./1 I` Lla4l i,IIDIV U. kOO. .11,:tout P. c The IlL:lo•st rlsli 'oleo Paid for uhl (101 l Si% or .111 r trout t ht. Colitary eape chi A Aril 1 v. \‘' E have the largest and fittest shirrs ecrr fron• in chi. pla,e. rr , tr.! 6p• I!, ir , t 7111 , 1 Innct mikes lietere the bit, al mice in prices, sold by t h e -ile,,r!“ it yeii IIL It \ tr I.ll'l V: th II iiitivvr ,treei I nip. riiint 14 • • 1, IZ U 11' =MIME MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &U s. w. EL% VIERSTIICK, 1`....t. • pl.,' I :II $.l 1 . 1 ,1 -1.1 lan WI. 11-4, 1'. , 1110, . biol. h stirpt,-.•.1 it. this I/Or .1 115,1'11.1 WI./ Ili...illicit, have (.•.1 co •.1 i• Lihitt•.l in .lu.tllLp .:1.1 th.• pi baLioty.ollnate,,, it tilt yl - sq 111 .10. ,11/1 , 11 • ti.• IL, t Oa, thtt•r and iwr , II lII], At/11,1 , . t..1 trars v , ry. 111,1r1 ttlil LI it, .; Ft, “It!I ..I:l.4truni..ta.. n-rvi nrt ,to, n:d ••.tt u.; ;; •. ; ,;'; 11, ` t I a.t tt r1.411C . 4 3,1 Poi tiitic 't • I I .11,1 , 1• S •:1,% I ‘lll-1,0 4,•th.q wit ill.l • , tll lat•rabli• varivt) legal) y stlitahle rt,r In . 1/ VIO in% it. • , pv, ial .Itt“nth.n I= 1:1141i , h and .'.merit, 11, 11, i• rs .•.. tti I • t , in vl v. t. ‘,.jth IMMIII =I 111.111 =I MD frm, LI, • i • t. an I nth, int ••: •:•11, • ••••• .r . % • -Itt ivllr it hot 1 - F.\ .1 •'r 11 LL hnii nI till' Hutt In ti • r.lnnli••! 111 1.1.1. l'••1 ii:'t eati.r...-inz .1! th.• 1 , t•—rth. ..0.1 01.0.1 .0 0.'1 , R:4.'11%11 • \\fi eolebrated 1,11. 1 1 1 .111 ff r dvl.inq I itiy3co.. \ \I", • w CH. \ It - SElit A I, i • 1CK1.1:4„5t., ill et', l wv•it•is 1,1 31 •tli • I whit hlmre tri I't •01 -it •It •a•I I• ••• 'i•t 11.1, hi- , riwit I- 11, 4: • ••nbr it ••• Chit, 111 Tito Hue I; t.„IS with non iii, trtit tow•ltil In 'lt'• public Sr, 4 , puviall% invited ~ . ‘,ll Ind t•xAttiiritt liunu•nihri , h,• kl.l , tail I nt.riv r r „I, 5,,,),cri,)„,. e rnioveti his lltir to 1.1....11/1/14/11, s hi t / itt e p t to ill, 1 1,0,r. :1,1 lo•xt, I1.1“r Corataa Ila, ❑ .b halo :.• in, ssi , lls ss I :MI w 111 . 1•11,11.••1 t" lu, Ilahl) till• 1/111111' at lit, all tile ~''s b,)il.. 1./1 IL\ I S, .\ NI) SFIL II yrs a. pt stilt CI • Sim... IV st..•'c v. it 1 14 . 1 . 1. "HI 111 ll. l 'N, :Ili 111.1. arol !h. , . nl •pt, hat, c.d.) •‘t t•Il ns holt, t tali . . ...op mp s ai l asp L. , the Ii nr.t Itu.-i,nml LW,. A , at mon and 11 , 1 s .•11i1 ,trat, lists 11avi•.,r 11111/I“,•ti 1111,11, 1,., {dud er tit 4 11,1 .1.. t. ,• tt ;It I's lo al &,t!,gully 1 1$ 1. 1 . . , “11 , 1111, 1.110 iPtlt.4l,--. 1 110111 Ally .a! to likp .lull`? k. Ijzl I' S. Ohl MIS,,n• I and rrpalre•l at April 17. IS ,-2 HENRY tep 21 . g NEI A .0 'II SL I ••• . t 7\L la .1*.1 , (1601 [lna Always a Large Slack of AVatrhea. f;.r . Ladle, :mil arid Silver. PINE JEW of the mt. , l fashionable styles. SI/LI n SI I.\ Itt•NVA io great varloty. and Rug errs Superior Plato Spoons. Fork , etc., etc. Sep, 25 I Sli:4-11,1 STATEN ISLAND >FANcY DYLINO ESTABLISHMENT .MIIN BARRETT, NEPHEWS Fz CO., Proprietors, ()FFIC,ES : No 47 North MG Will PHILADELPHIA, and u & 7 JOIIN St., NEW [tut sUCCI!NR 111 UShi NII and 01.11 A NM() GARMENTS of YettletLo-Latino-4re., AO.l and 8111 W LS of almost every deeeription, Is .4) well known that we only desire to r 1111 l ind our friends and the pull. Ile generally. that the sedsnn fur getting ready their Vali Geo& 10 nu. at handl . . . MCoods received and returned by Cxprese. BA ItltliTT, ICPIIIS6B k CO., Aug. 21, 18113-0 mos. }IOC() 51ETALLIC -THIS RE ' lIARKA Point has been counterfeited. owing to it, preventing, !loofa from teat:lna The public are cautioned. under penalty. not to use any plant of that brand, unless the agent's signature is on oacif package. S BOWW,sI. A, Mies No . 12034 North Fourth street,eon' Phila. Oct. 2, 15 5—Sat NV. L. 13 1 113 1 i Ithnum'e 11 Attorney i i0 at. *1 1, 1 1 , 1 . 7 1 now+ promptly uttomlud to. • Fobruory 21. 1862. • DR, WDI U. ugOlf, HOMOEOPATHIC PAX-110JAN. Surgeon and . .elecouraw. OPFICE at his residence in - Noi•th nenover, greet. Next door to Slaottom's 0.410.• NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. Watches Jewelry and Diamonds, ----LEWIS.-LA-DU NI US -803 Chest , / ut .sst red, 1%. ladelphia .'III IL I'S lit 12.1111 per ,ler ' 1:. •• '‘ .200 I •• .• .10. " 110,00 .. dn. •• 3,1,0 •. •. Prip'ef FrII Slur/ BooKS F.Ust'Y (;()()DS, NILIEs 11:111C111:111 FRUITS =l9=ollll 's p.up •: :ypidits n tt:l MININIE 1,1 ',.,••1..• I It t 14Llery, PR E .'s A' X T.` 11=1 =II =I lEEE `.l) I,l{ 4,1 =MEE S. W. UAVI.:INTICIi HO ! OR KELLER'S II VI .t\l 1P S 1'1111,11)F1,1 , 11! S. 1. 1" 1). II 11;1,V CuAL AN D LUMBER YARD. subscribers have this day ontored into part• uorahip to trade In JOAL, AND LUMBER, No will hare constantly on hand and furnish to ordor all kinds and quality of staasoned 1,1/1111.11411, Paling. Plastering Lath. FIUME STEEP, ath. 3hlngllng h, wked Floor ing andWeatherboarding, Posts and It Lat alia, anordoveryar tiele that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of zhingles, to wit Whitepine, Hemlock, and teak, of dtllerent qualities. !laving Cars of tour Own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. our worked boards will be kept tinder cover or. that they .•att he furnished dry at nil times. We luu, , onotautl) Or, hand all kinds of hamlly Coal. Outlet cover. whits)) we will deliver clean to any part of the latlugh. To wit "'I , : ENl' VALLEY, 1.1.11 i flt 13D LER, It E YO . RVO LOCUS'I 4• ‘IOUNTAIN, LOEHER Y. w hid' We pledge ourselves to sen at the lowest price, Lrairburner's and fa - c7rsmilrs — Coa , O. P. 'iTE .4• SoN always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west vide 01 (Irammnr School. Main utirert July I SC,2 7 i ORWARDING AND COMMIS silly nnusE, A- 0 V la A Al PLA•''l'Rlf AND SALT. The I,..eriber having taken the Rare !louse ears arid fixtures of 11'ul. It. array's well knr.nti establish went. on West 11101 street. opposite Diekinann College, wnuld int..rni the puldlv that he has entered liana :lllli ( . 1,1111111,1011 business. The highest ruarket price frill be paid for Finer, Grain and prodUre ol'all kinds. Thf,lrynkr, prepared to freight price anti stnek to l'hilutielphi. mitt Halt knore. at the lowr,t rates, with ;Ind ,10.pmeh. 1:\ 1) SALT kept vonslnntly on hand, nod El.gUlt AND 1; RED at nholesnle or rctAll. ('ow 01111 hinds onlbraclog. 1.,Y111.),•••• VALLEY, 1,1% FIDDLER, ,• SUNBURY WHITE ASH, I,(R . USI' A Limoburner's and Blacksmith's vo:i , TANT,LX.BpR BALI:. KEPT UN DER CUTER iud lelieered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NUN EMAK MI nurnAt 17, 1'159 ‘l7 A T(.; i S, ENVEL Y, AN I - vlhv AIthAT LYN'I , 5t.11.,1 u , -srlyeppoanr the i'uniherl,..l I Just rer,Tel a new 95,ittno,,t, of mxtrlu•s, t•lry ware. A,•., in ntditn.,, t., un ornn, , d..• It tee Whi. It I i ;I% It .• the nt1.4110,11 eat the pkn. , th . 11,1 r. lot •In4unLint, alit 01,011 rase . reld ;In h,,,, nd li••111.10111.•11 41,1 ' , II, t•I and t;ua:t,, ee nit.•lnn, of :,. p 81)1e and A!. 11,1,111/m, 11,...,1 on, 1 . ,,r• .1113111 s p/itte•rri : 5 1 1 /1 vc , t. n, I. m / 1 k GOki 1 /r/41 • 1 • 11 . 1.,. linrri ,„, t].1....1,1,.• buttons. rr.sse,.. I . l,:trtn, t.l silvt, plntv.l c or k,, 1:1111, tot ,iltaii.llllust4ttl,po.n. A 11,¢o ris.:4o - ttnent fSII A lino Int nr lull p ENS from thr lot malcor, per Caclo• ,ilror awl ilt,ll nard rase , 111111,,11 tch rLniuv \ hill- 'lon It S. :111(1 a 1,11 . 11.ty 11,u 111 V k.opt welt, All n n.l hn why thoy ar.- tnpres..nted •- • - trtinrrlar try usual In 11•I•11 Ii EPA I ItlNt/ and MI work war-, Int.. =MUT (HI N P. 1.1 . V.: )N, h.,re ju , t I .1 L., r 1 i, 4 . , ••1 1 ••••.!,- L r 1 1 1••11 “• , 11 ~` , l I. 1111 t• ll‘v.4y• •,11,.11 r r.r /1.1%.• hrm. - thqt • ik•F r. I Liu. It I Or , 1r , u1. , /i .1 1ail.. \F 11vi. I :It'! I‘ •l I ./t h, "10.-4 1 1.1 -11 , • ••:111 1'1•• I , r.t it, iL,•••• 111 1 1 .4• ,o1:1 v 11 1101 1,.• 111 I , r V:11•11 .tt •nir r,• w in Nth I l unlrr.r ,tri,t 1' The Groat English Remedy IV .rit,, l'rr•p - rr , a tr•rri 3 prs.r.r t r ‘I I I , irrir rr. ktorrrill ars t•r tr.r• (,tuor•rr 'I';!11,11 kw,\%ii „ 1- I,f, 1111 8111=1 MEM I . •I/it1.1 11 1 1 , 1/11: Oil 101,11,101 1,-1. C , rn, MOl,l, • , •• . ..11 . ..11..i • 111, l'nilJ it. • I I.• .1,, . • IT. I. I r r :1.1( t. `1.., 11. .1•1 r,•ho. 11 :11..1 rll 111.• • . ate w .01 0' hi, 111.•011- 11,. re I 1.. •• i ri-ven I rl onvir th.. .1 • I ill' 7lt ot punphiii t-I•ry e.l till [I .zet lo t I h r Ih 11,1 pti•t4l.:l. antl 1...•1 lint.rit P. I , l'itlo I. I.( ainit:, 1.1'1.. 1 111 nu 01.01 Ani, 1, I mrli.l•• 1.. 1.1 ..1 Py :.). It. ItF:9IOVAL. GRE _NF,ELD & SHE&FER .11'I': rein veil to their new :Hid -tor, v4orrne, Li L Irv' jw,f .1 lin'. \ .” (1 PhO addl'hin mith t t Ili in., IhK111 , .l• Ale pirp•ue, Li, 1111111 ti , tiny I , l.hvi . it the ( . .•ti:ttr v. • lain Ipnr• nll •lc nn1,1,. lk. 1.11 , Cre,. aII , b.1.10n. Plain and /',1.1 hu,. iwantoni than an ,ffis. nt mil. 1 , 1101 , •••••••t [(III••••:. Ili, I.:thins '11•11111,. 1.,‘%1•••• uruu.mdii. 1.11111 i••••••,. Dom. stic Goods, A Itenvy Prists. 11u.lit)s, lilncluni s l'o Do il's. dr., , ill Ile Yllit ill r1 . 21..1111•Ie rule (;(;()/IS "I. unlit g ttp be ofiered n 6 astoolFhingly low wo, •TO !too. Cn o. 61 0.1 lio dooblo wldt ('lotus and 1 assimeres. r I tit• iit ul 11.1.1.. nHO Ihr i olgost erjety 111 this euirliet \L. I. esti ~ s orcell.lll ol taitms, hosiery. 76.11_..'1111111Ac. 511E.11 0 Elt, ^•.urh East 0., r Ma kt,t, opp,lto lnlnc H;;:t. " Pia m ft.,:r " F.\ Ml.l' GROCERY AND TE sToitt, lus s.•••is r.t lo atom n rro,h and rvoll ot , twee, and Mary •dtlht, ~.Btud cont., cro.Lod vu , vorlZeil cugnrn. ilerined nud orhei brow sugars, superior oyrup orlentts :baking) tl o I s Spice. ,t 1 Ovory variety.— pure mtly Stare)), Purina and Che,,d, t to slaeottronl. (.'llettse and Crackers. Tapioca and Indigo, Saler:this aud Soda. Cream Tartar and AS• sorted Nettles, II ustnrd nand Coriander Seed. . - tow. ~. .., TI? A S.- .A fine iio t:, and it hulk—as well as all other artlelen 4 ,A,p, 1 4 ., belonging to the hu.,lnese—all at the lowest ;rt.. ,. 111 , %and late reduced pricee. o r t GEORGE S. SEA. D All/ HT, DENTIST, the Bid (Amore College of Dental Surgery. OS.OIII, at the residence ot his mother,Plust ttriuthet street three .1 00 es. below Bedford. 'larch 19, 11166-41 II UT FUS E. SII.k PIJEY, Attorney at w Parish, Pa. Ati ends to Feeu rite and rol leating Sohllrrs' Pay. Bounties. and Pensions. 011 ice on South liareyer Street, opposite Betitz's store. Dee. 27. 18 1 11 fA kV CA RD.—ell Alt LES E. MA ',two niAN, Attorney at Law, Office in In. hug's building. j us, onposile the Market Howie. Carlisle. March 14 'tlo-Iy. . P. IitaMICH, r.ttornoy at Law. C e—Oftlee on North linneror street, e. few doors south .41.31asu' I All bush] esu entrusted to him will he promptly attended to j'April 15 i)8 H ITN Eli, .In.. Attorney at .1 - arv,or mm.bantesbur a Pa.. Office on re Borth 1,1 thr Bank. , ln:il•rsn promptly uttoinloil to. _ W i 4 l 1K 1.143 Y ttorney at Law. n.i south Hanover strort. oppofiltt , iteni Dry , 1,1.18 &tore All r , rufilsslonal bubitmes enfirtietud be Mr wilt ha pretopily st4sedood BOARDS, SCANTLINU, Broken, Egg, Stove Rod Nu do. do. do J. R. NONE: MAKER' TID)IIAS CoNLYN Interesting o Farmers CHl,Eitit A I'ED FE \IA LE PILLS EiMil.llllllMill ciUMBERLAND VALLEY ANL /FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. .;:ter i Ouand after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1552, Passenger Trion, will run as follows: (Sundays excepted FOR CHAIVIBER3BURG AND HARRISBURG. tat Train. 2d Train 7.00 A. Id. 2.40 P. M 7.37 " 3.30 " 0.30 Arr. 4.20 " Leave If agorstnw n, ' • Ureelicastle. Uhalubersburg, " Shippetist , urg, 9.00 '' Nen villa, 0.32 " Carlisle. 10.10 " " )leellatilesharg, 10 42 " 1 rrive at Iltirrisbura. 11 . 15 " FOR. CHAI I .IIII2IISBURG AND lIAG.E.IISTOM N, Ist Train. 24 Train Leave Harrisburg 8.06 A. 51 1.36 P. 81. Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.16 " " Carlisle, 0.27 " 2.55 " lsewvflle, ~- 10.02 " 7.29 " .....‘,.. lilt ippertelliurg. 10.33 '• 4.00 '• I hambg'.(Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle. 11.56 630 •• A rid ve at Hagerstown 12.36 9.10 " NOTICE Ti, PASSENGERS: At all Stations wile I ickets are sold. viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle. Chet , bershurg. Shippensburg Newville. Carlisle Nlechani burg and Harrisburg. a reduction of Thls CEN"TS each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provi themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. Railroad Office. Chainhersburg, N. LULL Super }..May -1, 1862. CARLISLE AND PE ILADELPH I DAILY FREIGHT LINE 4rte• rfl, 0} this !due leave the Depot 811 Al si 4,1 at 4 o'clock. J'. )1. Leave rarllsle. Daily. at 7 •''clock. A )1. (loodslo tended for this incL should 10. trarkt... C t . Freight LlllO, and sent In by 1 o'clock )10y 25. 10511. IL\ T ('Al' El‘lloi tiu.)l lw undersigned having prireliaseii ill the late NI in ii. Trout tha'a te•thectrolly th, i Itt• ant et. 'loot. Ike 11AVIIIMI It1::• , 1;s1.:S, at the •.I•I II fo-t, 111,11 street :toff with n retie, oil mod fillet.. prot1U1•1. I ti 4 t /lead Dry, el krPry Varirly, St . ,/le and Q11(11 that qhni it: keeping will. 111. ite,.rneemel ol the Art, null luli up t]. the hi.•ll rev lire I hart, hand 11.1, t 11 t ~r- „ 11 ATS .A.Ni)c_\ s , • • " 1 ;row the to the /I II AN!, ,Il,k 11.1 T, ; and nI privi hat tclu , t , tnit every ,rho eye I ogellingth rf,rth hIs1111,1)1•,. stl., I ilfclutlPt. C ISSIM ELL, BEA \ I FI: I 01 I' •tyl , •nna er.l , , sV4 ul urps,id6rll 1101.1 . 1'} .1:\Ir FIN 1,11 llinFo of nn ''l hor ire I %TEN', (1111,110 % ;\ cA ,I,.ver, 11r,, , p,•.•t1011y inviti, old pxtrunt. xnd ”inn.• 4444 a 44144, x. p05,t141,..1, pn 14411 a 4 all • tr Apr- 2'. 1,111-17 FURNITURE WARE-ROOM f.A C f P *D 1 G t .vo • ,Y i 1 *fitv . t • West Ili3ll Street, Carlisle, Pa Premium On orelrol in the Colmbert:smi Count. Th e tt 1.4,11.1 the mosi ipi,lght tr, 1.104., hr , i1.1.01111i11.11 to sill at prICVh that Jr ty 1 , 0111 , 111 r 10, ha mher, Diolog-s nom, FURNITURE Kit C. ik C/1 11111(1 Ufllcc ..s nri i••h' t y 114 dae and llotn t ~,1 In desini ",Iliirr..l, , I kip. III:m(111e In stql, pti-.1511111 Mat fraLue, st;Al A its i I : . II AiNs'll 11,11:11 to runernh.; d,•l -I. on tnn ~1 I nu. tr ,at tondod to I ..mptly A. 11 E toiatit 11i C 1111 1 ,11•. Nl,l, 12 I^. L i I' Ji II I; It A N () A 1 OLIVER DFLANCEY I,lll\l F',1 . 1, A• 1) COAL VA RD ! (I n 0, 11,/ Rini f , near (;is Work 3. The ihor '<rep, toqu.ta Ily 1 n hAnd , 6 full I !nen t of t s• I,utuhel C Cum, CnAL uflich h< OM] l'- to order prompt ly .-1 oil llo• most s 1,. It, ins. 1131.:It, 13()A Itl/8 Palings Pli,ter log And i llnkl log-I.ollk. Worked Hoer ing NS ea i het nil . Halls ,N 1 bite Pine, Ilendork and i ink : • liiitglee. of eve , ) quality Ile alas. furnish hills to Old , I tot at, leeeth and size at the silo! test the Illutrt reasonable terms /lie hort ed or kept tllllll, COVItt. au that they can be rur -111,111•Ii dry at ell tilllett. liitt h.,s t t l1115111110) it, hand all hinds rut Family Coal n bid) .111 delivered ,lean to any part of the lioree eh. To psi!: Ll KEN'S V.ILLEY. LUKE FIDDLER, I'RL\'RRION. L(WEST MOUNTAIN, %MI otter - Itrietly.. and nil the vnu lls sit, in use, the lose esl prices 1,1 \;1,1:t N'S AND nt the luncest etII•11 ThA n In: 1, r itn• palm/13pp 'fn genernilY public 1, Inv lot, tirn. n 1 link !whiney. hr would. I•onti,unp,••• 111 . the s:1111, :Is he will ktrive to phrase All i.rtlelNleft at t he, rel-itivn re of .la, nl, Sh ro m fir Coal and will be proll pl ly nttymh if to ny heryfnh.yy, uhl VEIt I ELANCY tIIY I -13. EPRINCr TRADE. 1863 NEW GOODS 111 offerinu an immense variety of CAMS MI:11. V Ezi'l I N(1,2 CU I'TON aonni; For Ilan and Boys' Wear, inn largrr vnrt,.ty. than at lot found In any este)" Illshtnent to this place. and al Its low prime as Vail tie sold any it here, to suit taste and pocket. We tuanu het tiro the above goods Inn order. In the latest styles, or sell per yard. Customer, wishing to have the goods bought of rut van be accommodated. (tee ofehatue, An early inspection of our goods nod prices, respectful. ly eolleited. ISA AC LIA'INOSTON, North llanovar St.s.tut ()lathing Eutcorlurs. blavci3 145. bona. T. v. mil Nen & Bore Clothing Bazaar, Seconq arrival of the &.ason. LIE undersigned would most respect fully Inform Ills nlit friends and eustmenrs MAI the puleic geuerelly, that he hos commenced the CLOTHING: ANDIIMANISHING buxtneAs in i e branches in the I. tore BOOM ofJ. A. titnnorielt Hog, on the West cars or of Hanover and West Loather street. where he has opened one of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made m .do clothing &c.. in the Borough of Carlialaills work consists in great varieties as follows, M INS AN111111"8 COAT. do do. do PANTALOONS. do.. do do. VESTS. Sults for Boys, from 5, to 15 years of ago. Shirts, Mutton l'lntmol and Casslmere Bosoms. Drortingus. liontlero, Croon s, a variety Of Parley Neck 'Cleo. Linen and' l'aper Collars, Men's Linen and Silk llandlter- Oilers, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND sou I,F,A PHER ~. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Varpet and L anther TravelOng ham ko - All the aheve Ltilods will he sold ler Pash. at.,the very !owes mires the and the. Cipy eta . will joS.lfy l'urehagers pleaFfl and exa mine for them selves. belbro elm :whore, AR my motto is quirk flatus and nhort'kofits. O. May I . 3m, ,r ^ Agent. P. 8. Patticulir nttolitlon siren to Boys clothing. CHANGE OF 110U1151 Leave 12.55 1.28 44 2.00 4 ' 2.4) 4, 3.12 " 4, 3.40 '4 FREED, WARD Sr. FREED, 811 MAP.XET ATREET, PHILkP£I.IIIIA i. & 1). It ILO A 1).9 M (IN , TRLLT, CARLISLE, P 4. r 0. CAT.T.IO A.. EW I N I e, : t. Fair (,) .) SCANTLING, I RAMP: STUFF, AMES R. WEAVER'S ' CABINET •ro:. CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NOR= HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, S. Having been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragemenbextended to him in years gone by, and lurther assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satislaction to all who may favor his, will' a cull. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description consturaly on hand, or made t 6 order. Si arranted to he of the hest quality, of the la test style, well finished, and solo at the lowest possible price, tor raOil. lle also continues business as an UNDERVIPICR.— ItestlY math' Whilst letttllle or others Ise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or Country, 1.11 the most reasonahlrf tern's. Cherry and Walnut Collins, large she, Hell Elnlrbed and lined Inside, from S to 12 dollars. IValnnt Coffins covered Isom ln to :30 dollars. JAMES E. WEAVER May 25. 1850—ly TILL TRIUMPHANT. The romnlete success of the Prairie Flower Coo7l 01000. warrants the subscriber to calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine (he only stove that has given universal satisfac tion, WIIAT IS CLAIMED OVER ()VIERS IS Ist. A saving of from :30 to 00 per rent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the Rem, :Id A larger Oven than any other stove of he same /the, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs„ sth. The best Baker, Boaster, and Cook DOA In use, A superior arrangement for clear ling the flues, tb. A perfect Otis COOSUIIa or tor either nor d or coal. The Prairie Flower is warint ted to give satisfaction In every particular. 0,111 ',ln he shown with pleasure to all w ho ma} call, whether desiring to notch:lse or not, in) quantity Or referen., in U.% l t.r eiientry. A few iither good Cook Strives an hand, which will ha sold very law to close stock Swotting. hoofing, .lob work, Copper4mlthing wad `'heeling work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All worm warranted at the old stand, Hanover otter! north of ',outlier IB BRIB. N. . Old Copper, Brasg and Pewter b o ugh t, and - highest price paid In cash or goods. 51arch 28. 1860.—tf 1H 10WARD ASCOCIATIONI fl I I. A I/ E L P II I A Itenrcer tent Institution, established by special en-• dowment fur the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and abrPrillll3 for the Cure 01 Disease. or the Sexual Organs. EDICA I. ADVICE given eiii t is. by the Acting Sur -1•011. U. all who apply I)Kith a description of I heir conciii len, cage, orvt , i , riliot, lint lie of life&r.,..) H. Cll,l, of es.treniepot erty, 'Medicines furnished ice or. Inn Le. VA Ll' A P LI. It EP( iIITS on Spertnntr.rrhrea, and other bl Ih, Sex].) )1,/11.h. 11,1 ~ 11 the I\ I.VI DI IS employed in Owl,'" ,sans, sent tothe eflHrted lo Ict tel 11, 11 ge. Tno tbre• poet/11, .\illl,. al 1,1 P! Oil.. A I'll. A. 5.E1.1.14.:\ 1101.4.1id'ON. Acting Sur. on IL,s and Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia In I , rd, rat the I•, n•, toys. EZII A In. II EA ELL, President -:1 VAI 111 lIILD. Secietaly. larch I ,bl.-IS EW STOB E, ANT) NEW GOODS HATS. ( Al'S A ND STRAW unons. C IP c . r ',eink . l 4 l 4 . • The sillo,riher bnc roceillly opened n New Stole ,1 the old stand of .1..D.11/111Pert in North Irancver St. ry,osit the Cat lisle Deposit llnok. !Inv irg received on, New York and Philndelphln, a nue mud %electeel ztspot tel.) t of goods In his linen. husitte , s. s nth so HAT:, anti el fr... the common IA 001 to the tine I' Or, SILK AND C/ISSIAIKIIE HATS, Fail and Winte styles ofiilk Ilal!; fur li6l. LndirN Fur.. such as 'AI. Slible, FiteL , Hbrrl zlquilrtd Mark. Isr". I] and Blue C , ,oney, Cork Mer -1 , Children, k uts, Beater lints for ~h). ur . l'ap,, lllox es and Collars for Gob : elll BUFFALO 120131:S, and prices to Tait the flaws. Also, Carpet Bags &r. TO SUIT THJ. Tlit ES &h.e, Carpet Ilags. Valises, Trunks, 'laud Trunks Umbrelhts. Au I.SIII twru tof (like" Prime Begara and Tobacco. 'lig rh,o,ftd ior thr p itronap already revelited he would write all his friends and the public generally to give Si a call BUSS, Carli,le April PJ. IFGI I $) ,‘ i) 11 AR D Ile & Son have just completed opening ~1 Hai-dna,. Oils Tarnish., toi of irh they invite the imrl3 utttontion of be public %he have nreativ enlaiged I.ur etocl, In all t, varintm brau<hinand cant ne v 211,1.1111110dItte thepUb• IC 111111 R I I; 1,1; G't ; S large ,1,111 11., e,t priers But e not e ut.dct.tano that uo have nktt,lit ti e i.teql, h, l'hi W 1,1.11111 at d Nen, York to 1.," tt, ldt n, I MI tint one Irpok it,to I,uvint Ihi in that n, Lave enough to .ppi ) th e demand in null het. l't nous rtauting Out Ilne rr 111 rind It theit advantage to give a roll before making. their non boars—All ordure and pa 111 1 1 / 1 .11 . ) a d and no micro usl.l tail.. ninth- In ell,' I Fah, ENE= Scythes & Snaths. JI . ST- received the largest, best and I honpesl nt of , thes, Forks, Soiit,a, Hakes, 11 het ;ton Po, Ntovels, 'iilleq, 11,,e5, IA titer Cans, H ego. k 1... ever I.rtillAt to this county. All of which I have mail r expre.,,sh tO order, In large inns titles, so that they ran he sold at very low !whys and warranted as rr probes id. Thk trade and cradle maker vupplied at enstufric. tut. r prices, at the cheap Ilardwate blare of 'HENRY SAXTON, Fast .Hain St., Carlisle. MEM N 0 v E31.13E 2 IL 1\ I), 163. Jaw- The rea dot s of the 'HERALD" are reminded that I have just broui lit from the eit) a large supply of SUIT A It 1 IIsF D 11A Ali , AND Dried Apples and Pea, lies, Fresh Ti mzooe, i n in no, fresh Mushrooms. the rev) hest Pickles, different kinds 01 mixed Al ustal de and ,siatires, I and Oranges, Polars. Pigs 1114.1115. 1:0111,, Tray, Molasses, h Sell. Fine Segars and rid nee o: •er3 If ne Bra ndien, Old Itye t 1 hiske) ,Ar Ines A e ; besides a spheral assort ment of vocals In c , lll . I 11 ) ,. of trade, offered nt the very Inw vst pines. kids k . BENTZ. Ne• I • :1 Tie 1 . A7,- ,s' I TR I 7\-K s ! I VALISES, Trunks, Cal pet Bags, Um - Verallat. dr. French -Ole leather Trunbs, LAO.' In,. fling Trunk, of large sizes, brass bound, of the hest maki , s, 11l largo Sal set, at IBA AO LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street. steady Made Clothing, rh 13. ICl'2 ()F our own manufacture, the most, ex tensive stock ever ex Mill ted. warranted es repre sented, sold W 11010.14" or Retail at the lowest market price, got up in the most FASII O,VABLE STYLE, to please the most lastldMus taste, be sure and call be fore tornl , lllng else)) here at ISA tC LIVINGSTON. North Ilanover Street Clo , hing I•mporlum litareh 13 IRI 3. LOCIIMANN New Sky-Lig t Photo raphio- and Ambrotype Gallery. LOCIDIAN is happy to inform C• bls nnmernes edstomers, and the public gene rally, that be has rem prod Ws establishment to Me .Arew Sky-Light Gallery, in the building rumpled by Mrs Neff. as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr Lachman is now able with his solendld light, and the addition of now and expensive apparatus, the very best manufactured, to produce PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMDRH - TYPES, - AND Evunlrtivett OF PICTURES• equal to the best made in Philadelphia or Now Yorkq Pictures can he taken now equally well in cloud* as In elem. weather. Daguerreotypes or AillbrOtypeB of doconped persons copied onlArgod, nr made into cartes do visite. ... • Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1862. fl ITM BELTING 1 . It,l Just received a large Assortment of all shoe Gum Holting,Alum Hese, Gum Pelting, ke:, and for sale cheap at the Llardwere Store of Jun0:32.1863 1 --1 A NDKERCHIEFS, Ties,. Stocks, Ribbons Suspenders, Under Shirts, Dralrereor beautiful assortment can he found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON*. North Hanover Street Emporium. 'arch 13.18113 001) lbs .of Stagman's celebrated 0 3 surgar cured In, MR. etinvaFsed and uncanvissed, ale terrier of Vain and West streets Alay 8, 1 88 3-‘-t. f. • 111 & lc, NEN T. 100 liarrelfi of j Cement, walia,thrgt , lissoriroent of l halp and 'lraq' Pump+, Just rerell..(l and for sali. (+paper Than ever , Cement sold . .by'the Quautlty at PlAtillfacturos I Mara& 211. • . ' • 161, li A XTOW. 9 J 1 II N I.) NE d SON, N..rth St Carlisle I. SAXTON A. BINGISER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers