the Board of enrollment, whet' the matter will be investigated and the name added to the list, if the party be found subject to en rollment. The quotas for the sub-districts have not yet been prepared, but it is hoped they soon will be, as volunteering will no doubt cotn mono° in earnest as soon as it is known how many men each district will have to furnish. In the meantime, it would be well for the citizens to inaugurate some system of volun teering, that they may be saved the necessi ty of a draft. THE GREATEST , • DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. HARMERS, FAMILIES AND OTHERS CAN purchase no remedy aqua I to Dr Tobias' V. netian metic. for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheuma tism, sore threttq, tooth:tee, sea sickness, ruts, burns, swellings, bruises, old sores, headache, mosquito bites, pains In the limbs, chest, bielt, sc. lf it does not give relief the money will be refunded. All that In asked is A trial, and use it aceurdini.; to lhu directions Da. Toot nY—Dear Si. . I have used your Venetian Liniment In my Mildly for a nurnhpr of years, and be• liars it to be the host arth:lll for iv sat it Is recommund• oil that I have over used. For sudden attack of croup It Is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommend log it Air all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold It fur many years, and gives entire satistaction. CHAS. TitIMNER: QUiRtarrOVIN, N. J., May 8, 18b8 Price '23 and 51.) rents. Sold by all druggists. Oilice, 56 Courtland t. Street, New. York. Dee 4, 10133. _o— the ISth ulf., by Roy. Jamb Fry, Mr. SAMUEL. CLAUUS, to Miss ASNIE U. MEM, both of Carlisle. In this plact ,nt Cursirs Hotel, on the 90th innt , by the Iter. Samuel Philips, Mr. JAMES W. SMi i ii of Harrisburg, to Miss MARY E. WISE, of Pine grove, this County. CARLISLE. PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the Herald by R. C. Woodward. Carlislo, Uocomb , •r 11, 1863. 6 23 6 50 6 2, 1 00 1 52 1 30 .110 VLOUIt (t,luporfin-e) do. (Ex tra ) do It 1( I , WIUTI wit EAT.. RED HY le NEW CORN CORN BARLEY FA h.. B\Itl,l•:Y SPRINO MAW HaSER TlMiffliYy E ED. For Sale or Rent, A TWO and a half story Brick Dvtel ling llowo, and It Largo Frain° I{'itri , llol.o Aitliat• od on tho corner of Maine .and ~ t rl.ool, Ps. 'rho dwollin honso is well nn i.hed and 4onont , to 1,11r•1t.i...• art. in, a.•.. 1 to roll Hull 1111ri,:i11.•.1 nit It. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, •tr L..; I „ r th ,. ~,,i„„ ti I:nitra.l SECI)NI) HAND \\i,,;recvived lu exclinno. lcup for ,ole ani tu rent. IMBEIENEEIMMEI TAKE NOTICE. ri -1 -[1:1:, ir I 1-11- 1 er, h., I dg, been Llin,lved by the mutual con , ent pgrtlen. — t:ept.:;.l. In , J The Itoxss of the Firm are in the hand.: of P. I,ei .I..he Ittler for eolleoth.n. th y ran he seen by rti jug at the i lit stand. it it most earnestly 4•Xpr.Cted nt per , ..,ns kioml tig . thern,elves in,lot.toLl'to said Flritt, to eall and settle the sant() promptly. Leidich an I John rlfiller, lit,r sold nut their en tit,• inter eel In said :Store to the Unilltrsigund, t‘ In , trill .•antlnun the Dry ilaod ltmb,r.i nt the old trnll known tdantl, and will ;then 3s endeavor to utak(' his !.Lek the Illest det4flthle iu the market. , ', 14, 1, SPECIAL NOTICE. TII E EIMPRIETORS OF THE GI NA It D HOUSE , PHILADELPHIA, It. y~•rt fully ~ iTrilvilttontirryrrt-flunim, Men and the tr 1% ell 1,4 Co011ill11111), to the Fupt.ri, pool.olluodzitic.o and cuttlEort ..(lure I nt Choir li.\ N9U t, I'oll LtU U. C.). F•pt 11, I , :d- INIANTILLA I &FUR I...‘ll'tllt ll' N . cif I'NUM l'llll.‘l , ELl'll I k .1. \V l'u inv 1(.1 lb,' at tonti,,ll of lb. it Friend, to (lour I ir,n :11,1 tittp,rll Stork or F itio CII).IKS aol FURS, 'I luf Iticrovro l 3.•..olllin..liatitm air ir.le.l In our new lova' enables ns to devote Ole fullt st utlekiLion t,ur I=l which "ill hr feund well furnished with every .teherlp• lieu of FIRST IIS, which will be guarttneeel.kt represented, Sr the 111.1111., lord will lie lelunded. Olt NEICS per ui ill he careful...lN attended tn. and .relive Expl,, pltd, any di,tanee inside of I. 1. w vitacTo R :VI 92.0 uT Street, MU LAD A A te,4lt,t. I) - 45 4 Foulau ARCH Sis. 'Ct.4 PH I LA DE LP A ARE OPENING FOR F T It A 1) E', French M Ell I NOES, Goo , l lIL ACK SILKS, Ditik Figured Nov PL ID SILKS, Nov Fancy FLANNELS, BA LMORA L PE TT [COATS, Rod, White and Blue FLANNELS, etc sew. 4. isf 3-3 m“. FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS ! JIIIIN PARE:IIIA, ARCH 1 t set, hwlnw .Ii south side, Pill LA- Importer, Ma 11 o fact ur •of and boner In all Inds of Fancy Furs! n• Lad let' 111111 Cll 1 1 dri•n's \Veit r. with to return my mnkx to my friends of irlitie and .the iunding Cllllllllen, 1 . 1111 u•ir v,ry liharal pat .lnaae ON 1.0111104 111 11 - 101 luring the last f o years. 011101 would say to them that I now have In store of ray own Iniportatathai 2.11(1 M/Illtliavt lire a very ex. tentixo assortment of all the different kinds and ties of Fssc Fens, for Ladles and Children. will be w , re during the Fall and 11 tutor tiolo,ol,s. Being the direct Importer of all my Fure from Eu rope. and haring Omit all Mau utlid u rod pod, my own supery Pion—enables me to offer my (mutt - deers it the piddle a much handsomer Set of Furs for the some money Ladies pinion give me a rail before purrhaeing! Please remember the name, number and street, JOIN PAIIEIR A, No. 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia Sept. It, 1883-3 m. rRINCE & CO.'s well known MELO DEONS and HARMONIUMS, Introducing the of feet of pedal bole on every int.trument. BUN EST GAOL RAVEN & lIA.CON'S and lIA LI.P.T. DAVIS & Co., celebrated 1 JANOS, for cash, at a liberal d. duAlen fiOver ao,uoo JAMES BELIAK, Solo Agent. 279 281 S. Fifth etreet, above Spruce. " PHILADELPHIA, Pa. April 17, 1863-Iy. The Confessions and Experience. OF AN ntriritaxn. Publibbed ler the benefit. and to a warning and A CAO I'ION 'l'o YOUNG MEN who suffef from Nervotis Dobillty Prematuro Docay of Manhood, ete, supplying at the NMI' time. . . THE MEANS Oli SELF CURB.. fly one-who has cured himself after being put to great .exminse and injury though medical humbug and quackery - - - . By enclosing a post paid addreased envelope. single copies may, belied of the author. ...../ f "'- NATIIA.VIEI. MAYFAIR, Esq.' . _.. • Dmilbrd:li in. Donner, I.l'. Y. m'ey ihn 14000- 1 11 W ~. • " . rrEIE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mutual 1_ Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1813, and having recently had its charter extended to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation, un der the superintendence of the following Board of AM towers, viz: William It. tlorgas, Christian Staynitin, Jacob Eberly. D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John Mt:hell - tor ger, Joseph Wickersham, Saml. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph dlarttn, Jacob ('never, a - d J. 0. Dunlap. Tine rates of Mourners are no low and favorable us any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become numbers are invited to make application to the agents of tine •Cotnt ally, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. It. Gunn AS, President, • I:betty's Malls, P. 0. CIIIIISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President Mechanicsburg, P. 0. Jon , : C. DIINT,.4P, Sect's'. Alechanic ,, bura• DANIEL, BAILS, Dilleburg, Yore co. AO EN TS. Cumberland county.—John Sherriek. Allen; Henry Zearing.,hirernaustown ; Lafayette Puffer, Dickinson r Ilep•ry Bowman. Chun blown; ?dodo riritlic h, south Middleton ; Samuel Ci \Vest pun'; Samuel Convor, Mortal , estrurg ; .1. NV. Cock lin, Sliepherthtown; D. Cratver, Upper Alieu; .1. O. Saxtnn, Shyer Spring; John Dyer. Carlisle; valentine Feenian, New.Cumbur land ; James NlcCarrdlish. k county —N• S. Pirriting. Dover; J/1111118 Griffith, Warrington ; .1 F. D.rardorlf. Washington; lliolleY livit rry ('lark. 1 , 111,10‘1,,r. Ir. hut ter, Fairview; John Wil liams, Carroll. Dli uphi II I'o —.111,1 I st.r. linarinhuru. ~Itunbel, of 11., l'unuctuv pulicias about to eKairu, can II:1,e tloun hy matting appli.,thui to any nut tho A,N•ut,. Oetuber r .4.vr too c) d am_ A. W. BEN TZ ,k S just returned f r om the Philadel -11;7.b,'`.d murk"' d . '" ~,i. ~ EMEDEE NN .01 Plaid, Phicl Poplins, :;1, It anti tVorsted Chet . lct, roh,.d Aloe I, Colored )lert Mouse de Lalue, M'ool Mae. and %VIII!, do , \Teel Plaid VI , (oda. nine Lem =, Ikea, Chrekv. Tick Dies, 01.01, Flan Is. Sliirtiitzs, Tahiti Diaper, i•lieet. l'anton :11110U/LDTILTG GOODS, Merinoes. 1 oinbazi 111 , , Fit:art:it and plain Dvilinev, Brocade Manir, DEIIIIIIII Wool Del:linos, ('hens Mhair., :Stiipe•l Mr)li,tir, 1 . ..p1in, (,10 , .le l'vrine• i'lol l'arainetto Coburg . , Itia , k Coburg, Mourning ford •,! hilt In Sole, Itlark Silk. a larz ,, non Inwilt of l'rtipo rollai-Rj 1312,k Alp:iotio, Black z•ik &v. 111,1 Rorrierr.l Lnnc 111`li Spin, Shawls. S•iiinrii -h•ovk. I{l wit let., is I,:tir. \t. i•linwls, I Ailey Is. in ‘ii(ii•t r. 1.1;t0 , ., 11,1, One .4. imp 'lt 11..91 ' , kit f. sly ii();ziEnY. X lar, 111 r.!:, I Arlil t , ll, tl•i • a.] Cllo.looll' , I 1111 Xlaillu 11 a 1,.1.Ill,,1:11.,•1 . 011, 1111 1111114 1,..111,:, 11)10 , 11,. rt.t1 , 11! ,, 1 .1N1) /Y:';' CLcllll , , kSSIIII..I:I'S, K I:N I'l i'K \ I= The 'nett...A Ind bra .telectell steel: In the cOunly.--- Cnrpe14.11111 . 1.,U),, he butt,: all been qeleete.l ('toe, Q•ly ler till , market, Ns MI Vreat care i ii, t., th.•ir yu.l lam co.! ,ty les, e, tt ell as te a rea• mable price at st hieh they Tftiii7ifil - nlll ha dh 'fire Irit,ds 2,11 vostontio. of this II known house ere in-yard to val.! -owl . x.iniens• st,•6. =I NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! D. J. LEI DWI' JoIIN AT OWLET S CHEAP CASII S mE. 1 - am now opening secona supply of eiega t pea sidle 1,114:0,1s, vv Lich „ill sell at the vet' 1,,a est 114 ma I r 0.,11 ELL.(;.t.vr U(n)"., Mo•rlilm. , . tat 1)•• n,111.•11 , . lb. 'hi, OF W. C. SAWYEIt LAI)IES 111 .\\1I) HIA r1.1i1,, h ouch 11...$ SiIII .•. I.,)mplele a,ort , I ,„,d, ivear. nll loml, 'I iclungs, l'll,—lot, 'lu•linw, Blanket' nt I Is lowt•a pi Gents Department. ci,Tll ; =. ESTINt;S, A 1.1 I ilit•nt 11; 14 it Cirillar 1111rulloo raid t , this I 11 , w 6111 exclit,iy.•ly for au I ...•11 at i.r) t t- .0 11.11 en:11111.1111111 III) 1,1,4 ••NIII. I.i,mosv, to iTt, In) 111 h wild.. and 11/111, , pi,. ham, All pl• I-i n, ill . t i1n11 , 111.111.1 :111.1 .•11 , •:111 1.1111•,, 11, I' Re Voiil•L'i N% tad, Maio Ft. 111.1111' II .1I 111 \ 11 kil mode t.•, ler, 1•cr , r11,),.4..1 C. :,. p l', ,I $2 Positively made from 20 cents. SOMETHING IHIGENTEY NETIJED liY EVEItY 10 Samples sent Ire by )I[6l for a 5 vows that retails for :"..12, l It. L. WOLMI 170, ( /maw/it Se i ttapo 3 me I .. , r1;. SP!, NEW WINTER GOODS. r have just returned from the Eastern IMarket, with an intinen , , stiielt of W inter Gosh, Lati•st nod filloririt of Litilh.ti iii,Sed u,t .l CIO/ 40'11S ble'SS 1 Ladies all.l \lino,••• rur,, all kinds vn•l %II 1.1 4 , A largo rthwl, f 1 •1.011 i, and \IA \ .elooti , kl from lho mart 111111111fart1 1,9 in tlm cities 1-ttost 110..0'411N Cloths, Plain atl(ll'riNler lionvrrs, ens and qualities. Shawls In largo vtiplpy, latest nolelt es ins x oil as staple lII2IIn es. MOURNING GOODS of all kinds amt varieties. Baluwral Skirls, every quality and aty le. Nea 6tylo of Iluep Skirts. All Hilda of worsted goods, I loves, lies ory. ,Ideriea Ate. MEN'S AND BOY S WEAR. Overcoatlnt:a, Clothe. 71e11. ns. Satinets. Jeans, topdh• er with an dnutenso stoea Muslin's C,di rou s, Ging. hunts, Blankets, uruishlng (lisslq . Please call at the well I:nnw n stand En , t Nluln Street. Nov. 13, 181 3 K. G. SA I 5 VER. FIIIDLEY reSpeet (tiny 8.111101111,1 S to 11/I , dpiiietlS ( . .rikie mud thu public 4nnoial'), that blilll.olltionvs iii 10:111(11 . :10 tarr of all kinds al tin and shout Inn a al, in .1. it, Halbert's building East Louthee - Ntreet Card at lie sign ul tho w here he will nt all Lino, be reedy to 1 :111 kinds of work to his lilt° %rah titetnete wul despatch. Also can at all Limes he hat. these er !Ideated, self sealing and self testing premium airtight, 110.11na. Spoutimr, and 811 kinds of jobbing dono at the shortest notice. Cash paid for old lead, pewter and copper. Thank. ful fur the pntrona 43 heretofore ex loaded, he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merif a eon ti LI Ullllllo 1/1 the sn MO. 1)ont forgot the sign of the Red Coffee Pot. Apni 3; -- DlOtt. - - - - - GEO. W. NEiDICI - 1, D. D. S.- Late Demonstrator o f °pet alive Dentistry to the Baltimore College of „, Dental Surgery. • • Otllee at his resldenee opresite 3larion 11011, 0 est Main street, Carlisle, Pend Nov. 11.]867. A SINGISER. 1411NERAL DEALER in Your, and kfi all kinds of country produce. ‘Varehouee on the corner of Mein and Wo..t atrecte Mahout FrosllGrouud „Fatally Flour a6.A. diNen. ZlOO3. Nay B . IS63—&. & CO.'s well known 111E1.0. nuo . ,•4s nifd" II A ItMONIUMS. introducing the of foct of nodal baps on every instrument. ERNEST GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash at a liberal deduction, or on monthly instruments from $5 t 0.410, .4111 r Over bite sold In rblladelehla. JAMES 11ELlikK, Sole Asont. 270 and 201 S. Fifth street, above Spruce Aprit lf Ilkle Fire Insurance. ARRIVAL. OF NEW STOCK 01' SHAWLS. 11.\1,\1(11t.\1, S 1 lIVI7, MBE =MEM COFFEE POT. II l'; 0 C' 0 PPE E I'o7', FRUIT CANS AND JARS RECEIVED RECEIVED C. SAWYER respectfully calls •thn attent'on of the Public (Ladies iq parkis- War) to his large and kt . nll helottted stock of now FALL AND WINTER GOODS, just received from the Ettatern MIN, Embracing the Intent and most approved siyles and kind of Goode In the larltet. Black :silks, Block Fancy Bilks, Plain Slllot, ell shades; I 'gored, Stritad sod Barred Silks, Merinos, all `colors, k 'gored Cashmeres, Alexandra Cloth, Saxon Cheeks, A Ipsilas, t'cotric Plaids, All Wool belni nos, 111 met Ins, Arnimcan Dolaines, Ar..tte tips eial ❑ttuntiuu givuu to 111OURNEVG GOODS, sub as Nu urn lug Fdks, Borninerinea, Merinos, Cash. !nesse Bert:, Cloth, all Wool 1/Ordinal, Reps, Alpacas, Crepes, Mourning Veils. Uloves, Hosiery, Embroideries. Mourning Balmoials, Black Double 'I fillet Shawls, Pay State do., double and single: black and Grey Shawls, Mantles, Figured goods 1.401 hinds. hawls of all kinds and Colors, Cloak and Nlantlita for Fall and Winter weer, Latest Style 4; Uloths fur Nlantleti, Quaker (loop Skirts, some. thing new; Italinorals, all colors; Kid Gloves, Guant• Into. floods, Sontairs, Ladies and Nlisses Merino Vests, Elubruideries, N 01/il.ll and Cotten Ilosiory, Men's anal I3oy's Wear of all Kinds Truck Cloths, Beaver:lnd Tricot Clothe, Black and Fan ey C.ussitneues, Ve:tillga, Wool Shirts and Drawers, White Shirts and Collars. Ties. Gents Shawls, Buck flloves and Gauntlets, Dress Gloves, all kinds of fur ni...hin2 Goods. [ace stir Goods in large supplies and uut every description. !tome Mode and Shaker Elan nets, Blankets, Counterpanes, Woolen 1 mos. every thing Dr Met nutuhed by lire community. An experienced Tailor rushes up, at shirt notice, an,., Garment Men or Bny's may desire. All the oboe,. slut many other gr•o,ls in addition to the old stock on trind is offered at a small at Vance on first cost Lo pur chasers. Additions of den irable goods will be made in the season :OlVanCeS. I desire n Contitillalleo of the tltole so blodly 010 late firm, and as many nem' ri.lo.olllOrs Oa will 1,0 pioftsoll to Call and examine Inv stork. I shall eon Gnus the sonic liberality giv— en to c.astdaner , by the late firm. Please call at the old Stand, Last Mak/ ;AIWA, one dour below Martin's Hotel. W. C. SAWYER. =I 2:p. 1°••••3 Town Property at Private Sale. t Three. story Brick House, situated oh N rth thtahrur street. r•tr terra., which will I, vary, apply to • . I= DR. 11 ARKI.4 4 :I('S FAMILY REM-F,DIES TRIUMPHANT. The 0 reat Dyepopsialledicine and Blood— Searcher. . Dr. Markley's HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM E 1) E.I D I )1: PE RMANENTLY CUBED! ) VI 'a 4nlpetionty ..1 Dr. 11111 K LEST popular and 1,1 4.\\1 , 1,1 V.I.:1 , 11 . 1 \ I.s k traced to Ilia fart th i t , it and erad.rato thu Cr.USI• of disaase nud 111.11,• nit U , 4•11••••1 n pvilimuent cure. They not , nla rura tour t digestivo organs, impart -1,, a!, l ast s t; .11 In Stonpieli, Lit er sid4uwolN Lir inn ify thy,thus parrot, thu dl,l,ltill by destroying its fuuudatiuu 4111 tl e :271h rli danelry., Mr D. S. Moore, n Ui tielpein 11•11 . ie l'a ,rote that he w io lw rd he the 11 umormis is I, he had eveu of the cure IToole.l Ito Dr. Mai I. ley's Medieiheß, to apply in 10 , 11a.f e t r. w ho,e ease he than deFeribed • • F. .r the last eix years she has been snff..rin:r fioni Scrofula and 1% hit., swelling. In 1854 she •offeiedsee eie pain in one of her legs attended wit hielt extended from the hues to the hip In about 0,0 months it broke arid disaiarged, and has i'illltlllll,l ,, 1,3 WI until the present time Urn one 11 21 pier of bone three lin lace In length. and at U 11,411, t 1111' 1,110 1411 £411:111, Size, came out.— Iter In 111. i. has been 'till for three veers. and at times he pain-lc very- severe. , 0 0 . - A N ENTIRE CURE EE'I , ECTED. Tine m•0ki,,,,.--the Health Restorative Balsam, the Fehril ueeor Black powder, and the Black Olutuienl. ere 1 . 1,11i...bed. and the re,ult of their use is au, 1,.1111t . 4,1 m the 1..114M - 1111Z letter: lIEIMME Pit. G. H —Denr I aro 111111 , y to inform v ii that the N11.11(11 - 1., reu eltrd from p•tt some threw v, •11100 , HAVE A\ E-N-I IJIE (,61i1C inn Ili,. 03,0 ..1 it •i-ter. o h tutu will renrutnber, ens nut• Irn u¢ 11 , m1 znenthlin mid \t lulu Su ellutl;. I:e pe holly. Sr, U... 31.',010 DYSPEPSIA CUREI). t lima tr. rl IZ. liN Eit D. l'A NIPIIELL. or lb° firm 0 ,011.1,11 )1.8 , 10tt1, Bout aud .'hot th.lerb, C.utru U H 01.1 7 It ntrnr4l4.l Inn lunch pi,. or.. 444 , 44,4n0rt unity to n. 1.1 ino testimony in toot r 4.1 IOU.: popular family 411.44:4.•ine5, 441,1444eia11y as 1t...... 1,.44, 4.f their ellion44) it Lam d up..n personsi rs pi'l irr. in 11,),.'. east, and 4.1 set, st.lon of MY new. 141.4.5. 144. r ninny uars 1 Man tin: ti. tau of llyo pepsin in Its 44.... t a t :4:rastst.444:ll4.rtit : my F. 1,1,111 hntlug in•M.1111. 1101 lil,lllg4'd 11( bilirated, that I was tumble L. p. rlorm an) 1.4,441. of !A or. I Im4l tosortntlt, the hest 414.. 1,•,n utlhlu rea. It. without rebel. 1 11601.1 =II !MU.' "! t 1)01,13 i I 1,111 11)e, ot I hi• day, h., Illot 1 , 141. 11(.114! tit them did WO any vimunilerriliaiil by any one rirl nil,' 61 , 11 1 .••, but thvy cuttld tint be .1.. . I vp.l4 111,11 11Ving pit 11,14,1'011, iti , it met ten rt, I 111 0 11 t•I lie:, k0..1, afforded I th.• 111,4 paint - LI! S 1 111 111 , 111 S u.•....• 1, Ilk ptsi .n.l In a suit.ilding.y short Sri ...•01i,101,1v I.••trord hiAlth, d I bare 1..•.! I 11 1 , 3 ti:pt(4. "I thin, 1 Lase loodli 'lnes in mt fautil), aid rut 1,•• ~t!...1,1 tln m upon any rnnsidelatinn, 11E1 11.07 hat Ili du Nthat s,'u claim 1,, them I,ilc e:I. I I.ceanie agent Ihr vi'm lather. And sold a large quantity Cl ILe medicine t.., • end ill who typed thou were loud In their A el ihl i.f Slr. Picket int:, of Hopewell, sins a tri,•,,..1 %soh tI kite S‘i chine its the knee. It warn vury ulnd Cave: _ 1ie11,041 your italsam. Febrifuge and Mack intomer.t. w huh elleeted a pet feet cute. Numerous other areS effected iv . year viii noble remedies in that ne'alite : ai, ,,, i, could be enumerated it desired. ha.ii sei n enough of tuem to justify me in saying hat tole Family 'drift/lines are the hest ever presented to Ito. !midi,. el w }deb I have had any bison ledge; and it nn pleasure tlien my duty to reeommend them tn. all w bpi are lire victims of direst 1 5 , lespei nutty yours, A. I). CAMPBELL. evet , am nilly tan.): thi'msands which might le. pildlit.ired All eh . their lloalth and Life 41e.01d !he, t.dandard ilethedies, and their cure w ill de i'llruplete and Perinatrent Prepared rely Iy 11.. ii. NIA LEY at bin Drug and Medicine atom LS is A:ST KIM./ tiT , I aucnati ti , Lu whew all letters and undone trbuuld be n 1• di eutsel. For .ale in Cuml , orland C.-mut). I y II) RA /N, Car (1, Nlochanlebbiarg II S. ipp.•e•hurr ~.1 p - P., IS. A Joint Resolution Proposing cri:TAIN AMENDMENTS '1'1) TIM CONSTITUTION E it resolved by the Senate and of Representatives of the Cutmnonwenlth et Penns) lvania iu ttentent Ash, uthl) met, 'lLat the fol low,mt :11001 1160'111, 1 , 0 pruposml to tit. Constitution of the Commonweelth iu Itevortlanou will the previa ions of the tenth artiele thereof; Th 141 , 11 1 , 1. 411 section to the thlitlar• !fele ol tlu i'iinktiti Lion, lU Lo iltsignated us tection four. to., 4. 11 he or any of qualified electors of this Cominonwoal h 01311 be In any actual military sorvi.o, under a requisition from the l'iosident of the United States, ''r 11 the authority et this C,Antnon wealth, such electors may exorci,e the right of suf frage in all elections by .t he citizons, under such regu• Interns as are, on shall be, pl VSCribed by law, as tully as It they wore tuesont at their usual place of election. There 0)/111 I.e two additional sertlonh to the eleventh ettivle ut t h e CotiFtitut too, to ho des:gneted ne eigl.t, and nice, lIS f linos: clb.F: S. bill shell be pesscd by the Lcginla• turn, •obt.alwing 1 - 11"1 . 0 I iltlllo., nul•lvrt, which shall be clearly cxprobetAl le the title, cs,:cpt appropriation bills : , I.CTIoN 0: No hill shill I hr pnshrd by the Legislature Iva Wing airy power, or pril lieges, In any case, Rhere the authority to ;Irma nuch loowere, or privileges, has been, or clay hereafter be, conferred upon the court. of thin C,,muinueenith. JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the llouee of Itepresoutatlrea, JOHN; I'. PENNEY, Sp'eaker of the Senate, Orrice OF TOE SECT ETATEE or THE COMMONWEALTH. Hurt leburg, J uly 1,18031 PENNSYLVANIA, SS I do hereby certify that the foregoing and SEAL annexed 1,, a lull, true and correct copy et --,....„, the original Joint Resolution of the Gener al Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the ConstitUtiou," as the same remains on file in this office. . .. IN 11,8 TIMON V' whereof. I have hereunto set my liana, and caused the seal of the Secretary's Oleo to be at. used, the tiny and year above written. ..111:1 SAFE& . 1. Sseretary of the Commonwealth. July 7, 18111. Having returned from the army has ru•oparted t ha . . . . . GAS FITTING. and PL.HMBING business at the*Old Stand in the basement of'the , First Methodist Church. He will attend promptly to a I .busi• nesa in his lint , Lead and Iron Pipes, 1 Iron slnlce, Hydrants, Bath Tubs, 111 k Cold Shower Bathe, ,Bath Boilers, Water Closets,' . Wash Basins, Furey 'and Litt Pumps, I Ilydrsullo Rams, &a: ta'ro't Iron word Tubes, Aud every eseription of . 00eks 21134.1 fittings ibr gas. strati, water, &o. Superior cooking ranges, beaters and gas fixtures put up In eburelses, stores and dwell. Ings, at slit rt notice. In the wont modern style. Al. materials and work In our line at low rates end War tanted.i,, • lev:knintry work and „fr . hbl s pp( ir ray itttl.nded te. June 15,11341. • = CASI.: IN PUIN'I lIILLq, P . A Augn,t 14th, 1F63 Pk, Nlnn h S, IStL IVlHiam P. Lynch