Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 11, 1863, Image 2
,eraid. CARLISLE, PA. ii`rlday, December 11, 1863. IL M. PETTENGILIA & CO., "\TO. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State St. Boston, aro our Agents for the HERALD those cities, and aro authorized to take Advertise ments and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. HON. SIMON CAMSRON.—We see some of the papers are putting forward the name of Mr. Cameron as candidute for the Vice Presider' oy. The disoussion may be premature at the present, yet we shall not be surprised to see him pressed strongly for a high position when the proper time arrives. Whatever dif forence of opinion there may have been at one time, we think there is to growing assent among all loyal men, that the policy of Mr. Cameron, as developed in his administration of the War Department, demonstrated greet foresight and a just appreciation of events, and an efficiency through that unexampled oriels, which triumphed over difficulties few men would have known how to grapple with. FINANCIAL—The temporary loan having greatly decreased, Mr. Chase is enabled to draw upon the fifty millions which he is obliged to have in reserve to redeem it. Ile is issuing this, but with extreme caution.— fie has issued about five millions, and has some ten or fifteen millions now in-the vaults. It is not probably that more legal tenders will be asked for. The national bank notes will supply the wants of the country. OEN. BUTLER AND THE REBEL FITZ Oran LER.—Gen. Butler, in his first walk at Fort ress Monroe, was astonished at meeting a rebel officer looking at a parade of our troops. It was ben Fitz Hugh Lee. Oa being told that he enjoyed the liberty of Old Point, Gen Butler sharply expressed his disapproval of such a reprehensible courtesy. The nest day Lee mado a voyage to Fort Llfayette. 114pYr9 Cly rite PRESIDENT.—The President, we aro told, invariably addresses Messrs. Seward and Chase-as "Governor," Mr. Blair as "Judge," the Secretary of the Navy as "Mr. Welles," and the Secretary of War as "Stanton." With others he is mote farnilliar, calling the Commander-in-Chief "henry," and the Governor of Pennsylvania "Andy." LIGA L TENDER NOTES. —The Washington correspondent of the New York Post writes: Mr. Chase will not issue any more legal ndres, excopt - artheitin - d - benring - inter , ost. Ho has authority to issue four hundred millions of this description of legal tenders, bearing five per cent interest. This will satisfy all his wants during the next year. The Secretary has no power to issue notes except for the national hanks, and enoug legal tenders (without interest) to replace the notes which have been destroyed, and it is asserted here that he will not ask Congress to give him further authority to issue notes without interest unless it may ho to a small amount, in times of dangerous stringency in the money market. The notes bearing five per cent, interest and made legal tender will undoubtedly bo issued in sufficient quantities to pay the debts of the Government after the resources from the duties, internal taxatiun, sod sale of five-twenty bonds are exhausted. THE PRESIDENI'S STYLE. IN OLDEN TIMEiI —We noticed the President's carriage the other day as it rolled up the Avenue, and thought how people would have started and talked if attached to it there had been four or six instead of two horses. Ueneral Wash ington, wo are told, when driving about the country, drove four horses, and in going to the Senate ho used a chariot drawn by six horses. Ms servants wore liveries of white cloth, trimmed with scarlet or orange. And yet there was no inordinate love of dis' play in the heart of the "Father of his Colin try." It wits his sense of the dignity of the office he filled which made him so punctilious in such matters. And yet public opinion or sentiment, call it what we may--would not brook any such departure from the present usage ; but wo do not quarrel with the popu lar notion upon this subject. We only note the fact.— Washington Chronicle. A NOTRE It RECIANTATION.—Tho Quincy, 111. Harald, long a leading Detnooratic journal of tho State, and of late, a vigoroui defender of the peace policy, retracts its errors and comes squarely out for the war. In an editorial headed "Our Duty," it acknowledges that the hews of the late elections shows that the determination of the pecple is . to fight and fight to a conclusion. From such a decision it says, , dtbere can ho uo appeal, and while a Democrat, we Ethel ever continue to hold the mirror of the Constitution to the gaze of our rulers, we for one, are not disposed to close our ears to the decision, nor refuse to recog nize and submit to it in the spirit in which it has been made. • The fiat having thus gone forth, as one of the people and a faithful and patriotic journalist, we accept it as our duty to make editorial tlffort to give it practical ef fect." It then urges in the warmest terms a quick and general response to the President's mill for 300,000 men, assuring volunteers that the entire body of their brethren, without distinction of party, will shout "God speed" to their sword, and honor to the victorious arms. SoLAn Eompses.—Therc• will be two eolip. 808 neit year, both solar. They will occur on May sth and Ootober 80th. The former Will be central and .total in the North Pacific. The whole eclipse will be visible as a large but partial one, from San Francisco to Olym• pla, Washington. territory, but not in any part of the United States east of Mississippi. The eclipse of °aloha 90th will be central and annular in Brazil, and will be wholly in visible in the United States, cam pt in the southwest of Texas, where a slight indenta tion on the sun may be seen soon after sun• rise. Tun city of Vicksburg has been greatly im proved under the Federal rule. It has been gleaned of its aeountulated , garbage and fi lth, the barriCades of earth have been removed from the streets, Humorous stores have re Gently been reopened, and though little busi ness is yet transacted, it is hoped the embar go upon trade may soon lie removed, and then there will bo great activity: _ Many churches, and schools are again open,and the Veadeful pursuits of trade and traffic are grad daily gaining ground. VICTORY. Decisive news at last from East Tennessee —news more glorious and infinitely more im portant than if we had heard of a battle and victory almost aoywhere else. The Beige' of Knoxville is at an end. The Rebel effort to regain East Tennessee is abandoned forever Longstrcet is in full retreat, toward Virginia, our cavalry pursuing The country may breathe freer. We can hardly realize the tremendous peril we have escaped. East Tennessee was so long neg lect'ed that its value even now is only half understood, yet it is' true beyond question that the loss of it is absolutely fatal to the Rebel Confederacy. Our possession of it makes the military subjugation of all the ter ritory which still owns the lawless sway of Jefferson Davis only a question of time.— Nothing but despair could have driven the Rebels to abandon their effort, and the con viction that it can never be recovered will be equally potent to paralyze their operations in other quarters IL does not seem clear whether Longstreet. is likely to be overtaken, or his retreat seri- ously interrupted. But that is of less mo ment. We are satisfied to learn that. Shei man and Foster arc in pursuit, and will do what is possible to destroy the Rebel force which they have Yelped to defeat. Their nr- rival doubtless determined the raising of the seige, but the credit of the 'lefense is General Burnside's alone llis whole campaign has been a masterpiece, and his final stand at, Knoxville is what saved us the State and shortened by many mouths the duration of the war —Tile President's Proclatnation is a fit. rec °gni! ion of this mercy. The country w ill reverently and gratefully join with him in thanksgiving —.A - elt , } - (;;k 7rrilmile lion. E . :C[II'II.ER Coi.t • ex, of Indiana, was chosen Speaker of Congress on the first ballot by the decisive vote of 101 to 42 for Cox, and balance scattering. The ultrti Peace Copperheads and the less manly Con servatives don't seem to mix well, although both agree in embarrassing the Government in every possible manner. Mr. Colfax is a thoroughly loyal man ; a most earnest friend of the Administration, einThercilialTe .— iiTa parliamentarian, and an editor by profession. He has just ehtered his fifth term. The Copperheads hail hit upon a brilliant plan to defraud the Administration majority out of the organization of the House. Mi. Etheridge, the Copperhead Clerk, had re solved not to call some half a dozen Union States in the election of Speaker, because of some technical informality in the certificates of election; but the House, by the decisive vote of 94 to 71, instructed him' to do his duty, and his courage failing, the ph t failed also, and the organization was effected with out difficulty. INCRRASED TAX ox DISTILLED i•DirOlt• — It is stated that the ('o nit Internal Revenue has concluded to recommend, in his report to the Secretary of the Trea•nry, a large increase in the excise tax on dis tilled spirits, the present tax being consider ed übsuripxlow as compared IN ith that levied by other governments. While in England it yields twenty per centum and upwards of the gross internal revenue of that country, in our own it yields less than ten per centutn. As it is deemed necessary to increase taxa lion to make the law meet the expectalions of Congress, there is no article on which it can be better levied than on this. There fore the Co,Oinissioner will ask that the tax be inereash to fifty or sixty cents. probably to the latter s o ul, THE. lIT WAT TO WORI; - The In dianapolis Journal publishes two colueus of extracts from the Indiana county papers, all of which show that the entliusism for volun teering in that State has reached a very high pitch. The counties are generally paying a bounty of one hundred dollars in addition to that offered by the government, and in some cases increasing the pay of the volunteer ten dollars a month There will be no draft in that State. —Now why should not Cumberland court • ty, and every other county in Pennsylvania, take timely counsel, and set about meeting the President's call in so practical, effective, and honorable a way, as these Indianians have shown us ? ARMY CONTRACTORS predisposed to raps city and scoundrelism, would subserve their phys ical comfort and general interests, both in -This world and the nett, by letting the clam ple of John K. Steller, late of their fraternity, have a proper influence upon their conduct. Stotler, in violation of honesty nisi his sworn agreement to furnish the army with 100,009 pounds of pure Rio coffee, undertook to make a fortune at the cost of poisoning the soldiers by furnishing and adulterated and vile com pound, which would bear neither the Lest of human stomachs, or the severer ordeal of a chemical analysis. The Government, upon the discovery of the shameful knavery, caused Stellar to be arrested, and case having been submitted to the summary arbitrament of a Court Martial, resulted in the sentence of the prisoner to five ears' imprieonment at ha bany New York. lleirTnenE are a few States in - the West that allow their soldiers in the field to vote. Returns are nearly complete from the camps, and thei result sums up as follows: VOTES OF !SOLDIERS, 1863 States. Union. Copper. Total. Ohio 41,021 2,293 44,014 lowa 10,791 2,904 19.695 Wisconsin in part 8,851 622 9.473 51irsouri, in part 5,629 296 6,932 - .- -.--- Total. 72,902 0.212 1 79,114 Here is a Union majority of 66,690 in a vole of 79,144; ur more than ninety-two per cent in favor of tho old flag and the crush ing out of the Rebellion. Yet the Demo crats do all the fighting—of cones°. Flux FOR THE VOIOE, GOOD FOR COLDS —ln changeable woollier you should be careful of your voice. Bryan's Pulruonic Wafers cure colds, coughs, sore throats, hoarseness, iSco. Price 26 cents a box ; Bold by ELLIOTTI3. Dismal Anticipation of the Rebels. A gentleman who was formerly editor of a "democratic" newspaper in New Jersey, and a member of the legislature of that state ; but who was at the South when the rebellion commenced, and has remained there eves since, serving for a time in the rebel army, two weeks since made his way north, going to New Jersey, while he is said to have had a private interview with some of the opposi tion leaders. His account of the condition of' affairs at the South is said to s have been dis mal in the extreme ; the rebellion' could not possibly, he said, hold out another season ; the people were convinced that the North could not be beaten, and were losing heart; dissatisfaction with Jeff Davis was becoming general, and ho added that the only safety for the people of the revolted states was in the overthrow of the despotism which now op presses them, by the triumph everywhere of the federal arms. He told his New Jersey friends, moreover, that they must stop their cry for peace ; that their own safety, their personarioterests, demanded now the success of the government, and it was sheer madness to seek any other result. Thti gentleman thus exhibiting tho utter hopelessness of the rebel cause was a firm be liever in secession and ability of the South to maintain its position ; has no sympathy at all with northern ideas, and his confessions, therefore. are to be accepted as the result of profound convictions enforced upon him by personal observation and experience. —N Y. A Remarkable Speech at Little Rock, Ark. Every mail brings us the cheering intelli gence that the people of the South, seeing the lamentable effects of their insane, lolly, are about returning to their allegiance to . the old liliion. Nor is thil at all surprising. They have suffered more than tongue can tell or pen can write, and are heartily tired of the iron ride of the effete "Southern Con. federacy," They have found that the traitors who misled them, instead of being their pro tectors and defenders, have deceived and IlifraYear Omni": - prOper l ty — lins - been' seised for the use of Jeff. Davis and his minions, their trade cut off, and their country laid waste by armed hurtles of the most worthless of their own people. In view of all these evils, they find that their only pro tection consists in clinging to the old Union, and many of the leading men of the South have already proclaimed their allegiance to it and repudiated the government of that archaraiwr and deinA , Tuue, JOT. Davis. We recently laid before our readers a por tion of the able Appeal" of the Hon. Mr. GNATT, formerly a member of the Rebel Congress from Arkansas, and we are happy to find that his "appeal" has already borne fruit. Mr. W. 11. FISUBACK, a member of the Convention which voted Arkansas out of the Union in 18,1, spoke at n. Union meeting at Little Rock, on the Slut of Sep• tember. He said: "I am a native of Virginia, and an old resident of this State. I have been one of you. The same direction has been given to my prejudices. I was taught to believe. and did believe, that every thing manufac tured in New England was it ade t o cheat with; that the religion of the people was hypocrisy; that their touch was contamina tion. Fellow-citizens, I have seen New Eng. land and its people. 1 have been welcomed at the ous.•s of the rich— an exile,. without a decent coat to my back, or money in nly pocket. I have always net the warmest Switheru hospitality at the houses of th . eir middle classes; ant, my fellow-citizens, in one sense of the word, they have in; poor.— I l o ve walked with awe and condei9ning conscience through the s.hool houses found at every corner of the cross road. I saw her barren hills covered with plenty ; I saw her sturdy sons—every one of them an educated man—hasten to shoulder their muskets and place themselves in the ranks of the defen ders of their country; and I heard them make creases Suth, much in the spirit that a hind elder brother would for their wild younger brothels; and I discover ed, as you have, that they are not cowards. And, lellow-citizeos, New England is a lie presentative of the North." The speech was of nearly two hours' d o ration, andthe speaker concluded by saying that there was no power on earth or below it that could destroy this Government, for twenty millions of people, like those of New England, have said—this Union must and shall be preserved, President's Proclamation. WASIIINOTON, Dec. 7, 1863 The President has issued a recommendation to all loyal people to assemble in their various Places of worship to render thanks to God that Lhe rebels have retreated from East Tenure see, under circumstances, which render it im probable that they can ever again enter that portion of the Union. This is the first offic ial information which has been received of Longstrect's retreat. The Chief Duty of the Thirty- Eighth Congress. If ever a time could be iniagdued when the National Legislature should put forth all the powers with which every government i• f necessity invested notes-try for the preserve lion ot its ezis;ence, that time is the pi esent The President has done his duty as the Coin mender in Chief mid treed all the slaves in the country actually in rebellion, We.think ho might have done more and,poluded the whole slave co.untry iu lids exert Ise of the war powers ot the Constitution. But we have no right to doubt his honesty in what he wilh• held any more than his interpidity and wis dom in going as far as he did. But what., he omitted to do, it is in the competency ot Con gress to complete it has its reserved war powers. its rightstf self defence and the de fence of its constituency, as well as the J'resi. dent Slavery is thedirch.rebel, and it is as truly arrayed against the nation when lurk ing in the - Border - Stadec .uutler the disguise of a simulated loyalty as vvhere it is openly and boldly in arms. Wherever there is a slaveltolder, who totshos to Iceep his .slaves, there is a secret well wisher of Jefferson Davis, wishing only tt.n opportunity to break forth info' n open (me. It is the uno , t insensate of all imaginable follies to keep such an ettemy in our, borders to watch its op (triunity to damage, if not do dust roy us Congress can desire y thfu secret enemy and its open one at once by a plain a decided exercise of the pow ero with which the emergency invests it. Lei It abolhh slavery, everywhere, by solemn enactments, in the loyal tie well as the re volted 43 ales, with every liberal allowance of compensation to all masters not flagrantly traitorous, and the heaviest bloW that human iaids can give wilt have been dealt to there hellion It would take out of the mouths of our enemies abroad the epigratninatio taunt, xce had abolished slavery where we could not Tenth <it, and protected it where we could." Jt would effectually extinguish all thoughts of recognition on the part of foreign Powers. The rebels themselves could have no bopo of securing an admission to the fami ly of nations, excepting through the gate of emancipation. Slavery would be not only scolohed, as it is now, but killed, never to re vive again. And with it would die the only obstacle to a perdetund union —Anti•Stavery Standard. HOW TO AVOID A DRAFT. Four able-bodied men came yesterday morn ing to Captain Wagner, the Marshal of the Seventh District, and ofered themselves as volunteers for the armies of the Union. Cap tain Wagner refused them. It is not his fault that they were not enlisted ; he is an officer, and must obey orders, and in this case he obeyed the orders, of Governor Sey mour. The men were young, stout, able bodied, in every way good material for sol diers- When the rebels in Richmond read that these volunteers were turned away, they will rejoice at the steadiness with which the Governor of New York is trying to help them. These volunteers who were not permitted to volunteer happened to have black skins, and lor that reason they were refused. Is it not almost time to have done with this absurd superstition, this fanatical folly ? What does Governor Seymour, what do the people of New York gain by refusing to permit color ed men to fimht for the Union ? They do not even gain their point, fur these men can go, and doubtless did go, to the aget.t of Rhode Island, or of C innectient, or of Massachu setts, or of Pennsylvania, and enlist. They will he counted in the quota of any of those States. The only effect of Governor Sey mour's denial is to cause this loss to us. They and their brethren do nut count in our quota i so many hundred or thousand as they number, so many hundred ur thousand weue men sill have to go to the war in their stead. What a dencted "negro-worshipper -to use a slang phrase—Must the Gover nor be, going out of the way to save his pets trout the hardships of the field and the perils butte!of here are men absolutely told that Lhey may stay at home it they want to, but that if they insist on fighting for the Union they must go to another State. Have we so many men to spare that we all thus throw aside .giood material? Is it so easy to fill up our , quota. Are we certain to get by yui Mi te, ring all thet we need? - It seeing to us that a Governor determined at the same time to furnish the tr , aips the government needs and to ilismrb as lit le as possible the industry of the Siam, would not only accept the colored citizens; he would tart her, ovit , avor to raise outside of (he State as many as he could get of the troops roluired. 11 Governor Sey mour were a shre,d and patriotic wan lie would have before this askei leave of the President to enlist troops for New York; a• mong the blacks of 'the rebel States he would have said to the l'iesident, Sir, those black men make good soldiers they are now idle, by reason of the general stoppage of industry in their local-ties; they will, on the almost universal testimony of officers and men who have been with them in battle, 1-1----suffer-mer----t-hereforey---to—ei theta as New York troops. By this means our own men will be kept at bootie iur in dustry will he but little deranged ; a (trait will be prevent, d ; and you will get your troops. We cannot see what objection Mr. Lin coln oc.. Mr. Stanton cm& rui,e to such a reasonable and sensible request. They might, inde4, say that the blacks now with in Our lines.ore for the most part already in the service as United States volunteers ; but to this a very obvious reply would be : '` Then let us of New York seek out others. Suffer us to make it known, all along the lines, that, New York offers a bounty of ten or twenty dollars, good clothing and regular pay to every able-bodied colored tuariwho will run away from the rebels, escape into our tines alio volunteer. Such an offer would quickly be known in every negro cabin in the rebel States ; and the rostil would he such an v):.odus ol blacks that not on y we lint other States tni , lit till up their quotas from this excellent source. Moreover, this expedient world cut both ways, for while it would ease the loyal while men of Our own State, it would so disturb the industry of the rebels that they would in a short time be I. ft helpless and stranded. II Governor Seymour neglects so advan tageous a means of getting volunteers, he, and he alone, must be blamed if we have a draft in this Slat, his friends an I politi cal supporters are those who have been and are most clamorous in their opposition to a draft. Let them urge upon him 063 easy method avoiding it. One thing we believe certain ; if he neglects this there are govorti. ure ‘,l other States shrewd ecough to adopt it, to their own great home- and gal a rfalC Evening 1',,51, Nee. 25. RECORD OF THE WEEK A brigade of our soldiers are empluyed in burying the bodies of those who were killed at Chickamauga on the 19th of Sep tember. In many cases they have found the heads of our men cut off and stuck upon poles and stumps. General Banks telegraphed to the Presi dent that he holds Brazoe Island, Point Isa• bel and Brownsville. Col. \V. S.. Quay has been appointed chief of transportation and telegraph of the Pennsylvania militia, in the place of Major Sees, deceased. A destructive fire occurred on Wednesday in the Seventh Avenue, New York. Eleven buildings were destroyed, entailing a loss of $lOO,OOO. IWtny families are rendered home less by this disaster The California Unic] State Commirteo re commend Gettysburg as the best place for bolding Ilse next National Union Convention. The startling news was received on Thol'll day morning that Gen. Mead had fallen back with his army behind the Rapidan, to Brandy Station. Ile does riot appear to have been followed or molested by Oen. Lee in the re treat. At this time nu reasons have given fur this unexpected rettmgade movement, which will no doubt send a feeling of disap pointtnent to every loyal heart. frlte Secretary Mi War has decided that the volunteers who *unveil fur nine months are not entlited to the bounty of twenty ties do htrs, which they supposed they were en tilled to under the not of Crngress of July, 17, 1R132 The .e e hej array in the west is stretched a• long the Little Missouti titiver. It is thoeght„ that Price and Marmaduke meditate an attack on Little goCk or Port Smith. Itefugees from Wag& army report that he has been reinforced by General Joe Johnston from Mobile. The New Orleans Era of the 22d instant says that the rebel General Magruder issued an order at Mauston, Texas, in October, pro hibiting the widows of deceased soldiers and poor people from purchasing wood In the Quarter-master's department. Magruder re cently made a speech iu Huston, in which he made certain dise!osures in connection with the recent arrests of certain parties and their transportation for political uffeuces. Accord ing to Magruder the Stake of Texas swarms with men disloyal to the confederacy, and who., are only waiting au opportunity to as stst in its tlownfall.- The New.Orleatiii Era of the 2 td ult. puh lislics a report. reoeived via Vera Cruz, that the Mexicans have recaptured Puebla The report is not generally credited. The Kentucky Legislature will meet to-day. It is thought that the Rev. Dr Breckinridge, a thorough going Union moan. will be elected to the D. S. Senate iu the place of Mr. Pow ell." The Steamer Macisaellusettsarived at Phila dolphin on Friday lust, having loft Charleston bar on Tu , sday.- Oen. (Miami-13 ha. ceased tiring on Fort Sumpter, and has turned all his attention .to Fort Johnston and the other rebel works. Ho also pitches about twenty shells Into Charleston every day to keep the rang.• of his guns. The gassachusetts brings home a buttallion of marines, who have been recently doing duty on Mortis Island. No flag now floats on Sumpter. ' Beauregard hal , played a scurvy trick 03 General Gilltnoi•a,' in this wise. For same time past a hospital flag has been kept flying by the rebels of l the Moultrie House, and it has been respected by our gunners. Within a few days the house has been torn down, nod the result shows that the hospital flag co•ered the erection of a new and formidable battery. On Wednesday some fighting took place at Watson's Ford, twenty miles from Cumber land Gap, between a portion of Longstreet's furoe and the Union troops. The late fight near Cumberland Gap, was between Foster's and Longstreet's cavalry, the latter attempting to cross the Clinch river. We lost flay men, but captured four pieces of artillery. In the last assault on Longotreet lost one thousand in killed, wounded and missing. Rear Admiral Farragut, who has been on leave of absence in the north for some time, has reported in person to the Navy Depart meet. lle will probably enter again on ac tive duty. On Wednesday last nearly eighty prisoners escaped from Camp Douglas, at Chicago. More than twenty of them have since been retaken. The London Times contains n silly an nouncement thal. the channels at Cronstadt were being blockaded and intercepted by in ternal machines. As from the month of Oc totter to April the channels in question are frozen up solid, it would hardly be necessary to put down infernal machines this winter, and the Ituss . ans are not barbarians enough to do such a ridiculous act. A more proba• ble story is that 11f0,000 men are to hold the country front the Crimea to Galicia, under General Luders. A report prevailed in London,'on the 21st. ult., that Earl Russell, the British Minister of Fut eign Affairs, would leave the Cat ins!, and would be succeeded by the Karl of Clar enJun. Tho Three Days' Battlo at Chatta- nooga ACCOUNT OF QUARTERNIASTER GEN 1,1111,s 112,.tHQUAHTV,H.S, CHATTANOOGA, Nov. 2G. E , 10.7,1 Sta Se'rrchlr9 War : Silt: Uu thy 2:31 ult., aç I 1.n.11) A. NI , Gen ernl Giant ordered a detil, , nitr.,t Iti , dge L to (1 veiop the force holding, it. The I r,,ops and advaat.•.•,l iu iiue ul hattte 11S i • at par he rebt•ls oatrhr,l their lorwation uml ttivement from thetr picket lilies awl rifle -010 o.Pti trout the :401101111 ul MISSIOII Ceet lul(1 thought it was 0 review and drill, so opetily and deliberately anti to egulmrly woo it done. As tin: line advancett, preceded by skir mishers, and at. 6vot o'eloult I'. M. Lt.:ached, our pickot tines, they opettetl a rattling vol l'ey layttp the vett.el pickets, Who rettiwied it and tau 'Ditto their advanced likes f rifle ptts. 2 er 'hew wenrnirr-strinniv,h-eTsTand into them, along the centre of the Inte of 2..),00U trfsfp,s, which General Thomas had so quiefilrdeployed. Until we opened•fire prisoners assert they thooght the whole movement was a review and general drill, and that it was to 6 late to send to their vamps for reinloreernents, and that they were overwhelmed by force of twit ters. It wins a surprise in open daylight. At 3 I'. M. the norkfrtant advanced posi• lion of Orchard Knob, and the lines right and left were in our possession, end arrange ments were ordered for holding them during the night. The next day at daylight Gener al . Ihomay had five thousand net across the Tennessee, and established on its south bank, and commenced the construction of a prim toon bridge about six miles above Chatta nooga. The rebel steamer Dunbar, repair. ed at the right inoment, rendered effective aid in this t rossing, carrying over six thou s mi 111 e 11. General Thornad had seized the extremity of )11ssion Itidge tie:ire:a the river, and was entrenching liiiff3oll. Geter al with a brigade, opened commu nication al.h 111111 On the south side of tho river. Ski rfauilitog and cannonading continued all the day on the left and centre. General Hooker scaled the slopes of Look out Creek, drove the rebt is around the point. captured 3,1100 prisuWers, and 'established himself high up the mountain side, in full view of Chatianooga. This raised the blockade, and now steam ers were ordered from Biidgeport, to (Thalia oom,..,a. They had before run ,nly to Kelly's Ford, whvii(li ten indes of hauling over the mountain roads, and twice u. ro,s the Tennes see !quilt pontoon hrid'es, brought, us our sill plies. All night the point of Mission Uidge, oil the extreme left. and the side of Lookout Mountain on the extreme right, ith the ramp-fires of loyal troops. 'Hui day Lad been one of dense mists and rains, and much of General Hooker's bat tles had been fought above the clouds, which cocci tiled him from our view, but from which his musketry was heard. At nightfall the sky cleared, and the full moon, the traitor's doom, shone upon the beautiltiT scene umd 1 A, M. 'Twinkling sparks upon the mountain side showed that picket Elsirenshing wuti going -oil i then it ceased. A brig , de sent from Chattanooga crossed the Chattanooga creek . and opened commu nication with Hooker, General Grant's hindquarters, during the atiernoon ot the 211 and the day of the 24th were in Wood's redouln, except when, in the course of the day, lie rude along the ad vanced line, visiting the he.s.dquarters of the various commanders lit Chattanooga Valley. At daylight on the nth the stars and stripes were discoveted Ott the peak of Look out.. The rebels had evacuated the moun tain. General Hooker moved to thrseend the mountain. and, stribing Mission Ridge at the liossville Gap, to sweep on both sides and on its summit. Th, repel irdops were seen, Evi anon as it Wll4 light enough, streaming by rt•gilrit'lliS and brig dies along the wirrow summit of liidge, either eimeentratingim the right to overwhelm nlivrinan, or 'Earthing for the railroad to raise the siege They had evacuated the Valley of Chat tanoooga ; would they abanc,lon that Chicka mauga The twenty-pounders nod rifled Runs of \Vocal's redoubt opened on Mission Ridge, and .Orchard linob zeta its compli ments ,to the tridge, which with rifled Par rots, answered, and the cannnonade thus commenced, continued all day. Shot and shell screamed from Orchard Knob to Mission Ridge, and from Mission Ridge to Orchard Knob and from Wood's redoul t over the heads of (lens. Grant and Thomas and their stairs who were with u s in this favorable position, where the whole battle couli be seenvoi iu an amphitheatre. The headquarters were under lire all Jay long. Cannonadi g and musketry. were' heard fr . in General Sherman. G neral Howard marched the 11th Army Corps to join him. Thomas sent out skirm ishers. who drove the rebel pickets and elfased doom into their entrenchments at the foot of the Mission Ridge. General Sherman mole an assent against Bragg's right, entamched op a high knoll, tick( to that op which General Sherman lay fortified. The assault ryas - gallantly made. They reached the edge of the crest, and held their ground for, it seemed to me, an hour. hut‘were bloodily repulsed by the re serves. A general advance was ordered, and • strong line of skirmishers followed by a de. ploy ad line of battle some ten allies in length. At the signal of the leader (shots from the headquarters on Orchard Knob) they moved orderly forward. The rebel pickets discharged their muskets, and ran into their rifle pits. Our skirmish. ere followed on their heels. The line of bat tle was not far behind, and we saw the gray rebels swarm out of the ledge line of ride pits in numbers which surprised us, and over the base of the hill a few turned and fired their. pieces ; but the greater number collect. ed into the many roads which cross obliquely up its steep face, and went on to the top. Some regiments pressed on and swarmed up the steep sides of the river. Here and there a color was advanced beyond the lines. The attempt appeared to be most dangerous, but the advance was supported, and the whole lino ordered to storm the heights, upon which not less than forty pieces of a: tillery, and on one knew how many muskets, stood ready to slaughter the assailants. With cheers answering cheers the men swarmed upwards. They gathered to the point least dith.tult of ascent, and the line was broken. Color after color was planted on the summit, while musket and, cannon vomited their thunder upon them. A well.threeted shell from Orchard Knob exploded a rebel caisson on the summit, and the gun was seen go loping to the right, its driver lashing his horses. A part of our sol diers intercepted them, and the gun was sip• hired with cheers. A fierce musketry fight broke out to the left, where, between Generals Thomas and 811( moan, a mile or two of the ridge was still occupied by the rebels. Bragg left the ho use in which he had held his headquarters, and rode , o the rear as our troops crowded the hill on either bide of ~ Gen. Grant proceeded to the summit, and only then did we know its height. Some of the captured artillery was put into position, were sent for to work the puns, and cikisions were searched fur ammunition The rebel lug tireastworks were tor❑ to pieces out cirried to the other side of the ridge, and used in forming barrocades. A stron. , hoe or itilantry was formed in the red. of Baird's line, who was hotly en gaged in a musketry contest with the rebels to the lett, and a secure lodgement was soon effected. The other assault to the right of our cen tre, gained the summit, and the rebels threw down then• anus and tied. General Hooker, coming into a favorable position, Swept the right of the ridge, and captured many pris oners. Bragg'B remaining t roops left early in the _riitOtoind the battle of (.311 mann/iv:a, after three days of ixotioeuvriog and fighting, was wun. The strength of the rebellion to the centre was broken, Burnside relieved from danger, Lost Tenne,see, Kentucky. and Ten • nes,ec rescued, Georgia and the tiouthwe , d threatened in the rear and another victory added to the chapter of '•Unconditional :Sur render Grant.'' To-utgitt the estimate of captures is several thousand prisoners and thirty pieces of ar tillery. The loss fur so great, a victory is not severe. Bragg is firing the railroad as he retreats Latirdo_Palton. Sherman is in hot vursuit. To day I viewed the battle field, ex tends for six tulles along Mission Ridge and for several miles on Lookout Mountains-- Probably not so well directed or so well or. dried a battle has been tkell , vered daring the war. But one assault was repulsed ; but that as:suult, by calling to that point the rebel re serves, prevented them from repulsing any of the others. A tew days eince Gen Bnagg vent to nen. Grant a• flag of trace, at vising him that it would be prudent to remove any non comba• tante who might still be in Chattanooga. No reply has been vertu.rned, but the ttoni batants having removed from , ill's vicinity, it is probable that non combatants can remain without imprudence. M. C. :tIEIGB, Quartermaster Oeueral. - (kotun anb +tout Itlattus va_We are requested t o state that tLe Fir±t National Bank of C.Lrlisle bas been des- ignited as a permanent depository of public 1111 , 11(`, nn,' financial agent of the United States. This arrangement will he one of very great convenience to our citizens in their monetary transactions with the government. ri.m_Ladies, Mrs. S. A. MUTTON, is now opening at the sign of the Itig Bonnet, North Ilanover street Cmlisle, a large and beautiful assortment of Winter rponoets, flats and mitli , iery, of the latest sty!es. The le ,lios are partictilar'y re l uestisl to give her a eLll, as she Is satisfied that 1111 CXMLIIIIII6OII Vi;11 $/ttiKcy them that the largest and most splendid assortment e f millinery ar idles can be obtained at her eS , tiblishment. 31. tti3 -- Citizens of Carlisle, if you want oyur Photographs colored in air artistic style in Oil and Water color, bring them to SiLts PocI.TON, first door above Shriner's Hotel, North Hanover st. Album pictures colored for cents. Also Sign painting and Gild rig ou glass done in the latest city st y le. taigl,..Wo are requested to state that the Children's Aid Society (which was to partici. pate in the Fair to be held during the holi days by the Ladies' Mire Society,) will post. puns their Fair until February; the reason for this is that the membership of the former Society has so largely increased, that their committee deem the not ornmodations of the hall insufficient for both. The Mite Society will, however spare no labor or pains to matte the Fair during the holidays attractive and entertainiUg. Ex lIIIIITION 01? THE BELLES LETTRES BCACIETT OF DICKINSON COLLEOE —The anni veisary exhibition of time honored, literary and classical society will be held in Itheem's Hail, on Tuesday, December 22d. The exhi bitions of this Society were formerly held in RIM', di ring the commencement week. The reasons for the change are two told; first the hurry an it bustle attendant upon the number of exhibitions occurring at that time; and sec ondly the fact that a number of the participa tors in the I3ocii•ty exhibitions were also can didates for graduation, and the labor and care consequent upon the preparation of two speeches in the short period allotted to them was certain to detract from one and perhaps both of them. We fed certain that the change will prove an acceptable one to both audience and orators. itc7.We would remind all persons who intend claiming the benefit of that elan seof the Conscription Act, which enables aged or fofirin pareot4, depei.ding on the support of their children, to elect which of said chiljren shall be exempt from the op retions of law, that such election slimild be made beture the filth of January next. The failtve to make their election and file their papers with the Board of Enrolment previous to the last draft, prevented many persons from having their suns exempted, who would have been entitled to exemption. , We hope those who are interested may either make their election in time, or ehe not reflect on the Board fur the consegnences of their own oegl gene e.. AFFLICTING.—Mr. SAMUEL J. KART, residing near Mechanicsburg, in this county, lost four—all his children—by Diptheria, last week. They all died within forty-four hours. Thus, at one fell swoop has death robbed a household of all its pretty lambs. `• Insatiate archer I would not one suffice ?" We sympathize with these bereaved parents in their sorrow. SAD OCCURRENCE.—AIfred Cookman, son of Mr. Benjamin Haverstick, of Mechan icsburg, this county, died on Sunday, from the effects of poison, caused by eating tho berries of the plant known as the " Deadly Nightshade." The age of the boy was about eight years. Persons who may have the above named plant on their premises, should destroy it at once. A boy died in Meehan- - icsburg about a year ago from eating berries from the same stalk at which young Haver. stick received those which caused his death. As this noxious plant, the "Deadly Night shade," is unknown to thousands of men and women, not to mention children, soma one, competent to do so, would perform a work of mercy by giving an accnrate descrip tion of it, so that every one could be able to extirpate it wherever met with. SALES OF REAL EBTAI E.—During the „past two weeks, a large amount of town pro perty has changed hands at what will be. reckoned fair prices. --Those sales which. have come to our knowledge, are those of John B. Bratton, Esq., corner ot Pomfret and South Hanover streets, to Mr. B. R. Jameson, fur $6,500. That of William M. Beetem,. Esq., opposite the residence of Judge Ora hau , ou Hanover street, to Mr. George Win ters, for $5,000. The old Washington Hotel, by Mr.Ellinger, ot Baltimore, to William M- Beetem, for $7;500. That of James Marshall, Esq., on Bedford street, opposite the Cumberland Engine House, tc, John 8.. Bratton, lor $2,500. The assignee of Mr. MtchaetMitinich sill the brick row of ten houses, built by the latter, at public• sale, to Mr. E. C. Cromer, fur $1,170. Rev. Mr. Sterrett sold his brick house on West -Lonther to-Mr, Lewis Forber, tor-$:4 ) 000- The brick house, belonging to the h irs of Mr. Jac ib Faust, sold at public sale to Mr. J.din N. Armstrong, for $3,001. The heirs of Mr. Melchor Huffer sold to Dr. Loomis the brick house oft. West Pomfret street, for $l,BOO. Vrotn these sales, it will he seen that real estate in Carlisle is becomir.g more valuable every year. Buyers will find a very; desirable property offered for sale in our ad . - vertisiltg columns to-day. AcctiyENT.—An Old Woman Drown ed.—On Monday last, Coroner Small held an inquest upon the body of an old German woman, named Slut',DEß, who was found drowned in the race at II andenon's Mill nerur this place. It appears that the old lady, who resided near the mill, went to the race on Sunday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, for the purpose of procuring water, and not re turning, search was instituted lcr her, but without success, her bucket being found at; the water's edge, filled. On Monday morn ing, as the miller was attempting to raise the flood-gate, he found some difficulty in. doing so, and, upon examination, discovered a human leg protruding between the frame and the gate, and after procuring assistance, and removing the body, discovered it to be that of Mrs. Shrader. It is supposed that she accidentally fell into the race, and being quite aged, was unable to extricate herself, and was, of course, drowned. TUE Ilomp.krs.—We notice that our store-keepers have already commenced to diaplay their goods and wares in view of the approttekinq hoMay season. This is an ex cellent plan, as it gives those on the look-out for presents, no oppomunity to see and "think over the matter" holure deciding. There are t»any, however, who 11,0 o-,it have the time to. go out and are in a quandary where to go fur the purpose of making tbeir holiday pur chases. The only way to re reh this class,. and indeed many other classes, is for those who have anything to sell, to adverti e judi ciously in newspapers, or by bills or circa,- hire. And now is the time to do it. We in vite all such to the columns of the Herald or to the jobbing department of the estab lishment, feeling assured that the outlay in either branch will bring in ample returns, MR. REASON %Vuy.-Our reader& may feel incliaed to know our motives for persistently advocating a preference fur the " Wheeler .l• Wilson" over all other sewing machines extant. We will here tell them alt least one of the "reasons why." The Wheel er & Wilson is the only machine in existence that is thoroughly adapted to all kinds of fam ily setting. Other instruments are found to work well on certain grades and classes of mater.als; but this operates with equal ease, neatness, and precision, on all fabrics, from the finest cambric to four thicknesses of the heaviest broadcloath: This seems with a number of other superior characteristics, renr ders the Wheeler & Wilson Machine the one above all others suitable for presenting to eith, or wife, daughter, skster, sweetheart, or fiend ; and this accounts for the great pop. ularity of these machines as Wheeler & lVil. son warrant their machines. There is no risk in purdhasin g them. • THE NEXT DRAFT'—The Boards of Enrollment of the several districts have pre pared lists of all those persons who were eu - rolled previous to the last dmft;and are hav ing the same printed, fur the purpose of hav ing them posted up. for public inspection, In some of the sub-districts the lists have al. ready been posted, and are being closely ex amined. The lists embrace the names of all those enrolled, and give the disposition wade of those who were drafted in July last. The names of those not pr.-viously drafted, and belonging to the first class, will of course go into the wheel fur the nex drawing. Any persoa enroll° I may appear before the Board, prior to the 20th of December, and claim to-have his name stricken off, if he can show that he is not liable to ml it .ry duty on account of alit:maga, nonresidence, unsuitabletiesl of age, manifest permanent physical disability. Any person who may be cognizant of any one liable to military duty, whose name" does not appear on the list, can report the fact to