,117r.NET 1 9 X RD/IL CALL AND SIDE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS— WARE STORE. 6 / H E subscr l ibers having purchasedthe JL stork of Groceries fornier!y belonging to .los. n. will continuo . the business at the old stand, an d prepared to furnish their friends and the pub lic with everything that is nice, new and fresh, In the way of Family Groceries, Thrir ,lat•lt is lar2a , 'tat S:lre. led %, Ilh thr ttres test earts will he sold at till' pikes 11..1,101. It Nat, apart Id, part ..r Rnr 1.111 , /avt rlanent, Java COVFEE, lilo . 1,1 , 1•4 . . S UPS "%V It tops, ti 1113 1331 , 11.111 w ,, lino . ,VN sc.' k!;-: 111,' F, CI 3 , 11 , I, 3,1 rid l 3•1 Alen, his k. ft. t'. S‘l4l , "10 •flud 1.0 ,Ir -113,51.11, 311,1 HP' 111114. is it. , ‘ pre ,, rvll.-1, 13- it h. Ph• hint 3 ..311 and I, 1111 ill, for them st.ll,. All hit, ,1•1C1..- aro tlio port 3.1 13:1 va -1'11`11,1• 11113113tz ah flp.m. 111 ,3 `. C .rn tr , •l,. Vl3 ion, 11.indolinfu'orr,,, ERson„ oC Colroe, c0,•.311 n.O &r. (1111 N EI.:NS (;1,.\ SS, -% NI) Ql' AI; A larLia , an , l trill •,•I,•+1_• I -1 , . Ott, I pry 1 , 0,1 i ,t_ torus ^ . k h ' III prim, In quality, t^•l l,, b r , in 11ar11.1, , -- Call pupil 4, , , , 11i t•. , 1 II a,. Iturltrr.. roil 'l t o, ~,. 1 , 1 ,I.of I, I 1; 11, I \'u.-, ',1... I,A Cr,lllll I ° . , t,S, 'Sla ter Jar.: I I.- 111 /0, F: .411- -- N.. 1, '2 and 11aolo , ral. No. 1111:SS 'llll/ No 1 11.•rrir,v,. A Oily 1 th- ,•,•1,•11,,t , ••1 !iiNtiolsiur 11.111 S. SALT by t a 1,1 t. Ii•,p,•11111iV (11 , pat r0117,:l. nt their frit,.l- purl t 11.• to enll th••ir 111 tho old it:t nil, cum, ot 1111,,, , , ars , l I. :111 :,•••1,. II \ 11.1:111Nt/. Car 11,1,.. I)I 1.1 INSI: ANcr (.\,,ET.q*1,151 50.) fE z .17;-; LIFE tsst - 11 \Nct; 'rho Tr, donil 11, reiv...l in 1.• I. n, Th,•11111,- . . , 11 , 1 i• t plrli.•s I t.) 111.. rd, :LI 11, C.i 11 -Iv A ••••: I. •II .110 0.1. .ttt•l 111 tiii. 11,. r•it • .T 1,111411,01) in r. NN It 11-11 l ti SlvAi I I Machine and Irheelright Shop A. J. 1c1"17., A:rt. Clef II re , . :111,1 I:eepq unn J.] I. N.,, ,h 11 ~_ 1.., =I A griellltural II him,: S ,pl rnt..,r, It I t , In I t' ;-'t,l rn 311 tt•r• Inn Pit 1111pliiy.• 11.••11. , " 1 ti It r Ficld An I 11,,n 1 .1, I PI IT :111 .1,1 , 111 it In town itu wnt!s trillLe An,l (1,"1 , 3t.11. Iteph ~f on• nn t. rn-,, ,, na'.11. 101 Ins 11111" , fip 1 , 1- t r lit nrx. I re- A. A ugip-t - 3 I,INN I* I 1,, It i tworolitt 11j. 1 11, 1,, ,•h ,•,•1 r , •• tt,• , t rl, • l• , u 'lain inn,n 1. i t 1 nnn.n.unnin•nl I s .1. n 1 nnn , 11.• gl nnl In, ,ill 1,1, , 1,1 rr u l , 1111,1 tww .ti..l n.nnnini bar. .\u, 11. 1N....-. .1n ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS WOOD & PEROT, 1135 Ridge Avenue I . IIII,ADEILNIIA, , rAFFEtt for sole upon the most favk>r- It : Tote o,lll+. III•W and De , inlG in prit.t.t. Y.tt litty r f I GnN h \ COOlOO,lO, Itedtitt,ol,-, hr ,01 IV n , uy lrt nud rmt In., t;4lvattiz f fon and Toblit;: ItAlt•ottios. (t A te.., •hittr ; , .tttt 1, \ Tlttlett. Flo,, Stand,,.rts, n it N. :01 01 Iter I r.m W.. 1•1: 01 it li, it.it tr.t.•t or f.tris ttie 1 f..r tl ttt I'ol, nI tut. Gn tt.titt.t, Ntll hind 0f tr. .1 00.01 .1, .1,11 t ar W 1-,111 R. WI LSO N I S SEWIN(i , tyle with the rhiur;:l. II i •1 , . IWI I , p,II, IA •In a ,••1111 .•I mi,111111 , 1•1.1 . :1_0) I .111 ..1 ll , ' a 1.1 ht% 1,1 tip They att., 1.1.11, 1111. I.- I ` , l X t'll I ES I\ 1,1 ;1,14101a tiny aIII ;'l,ll YNI• Thpy do Vi.,11.111-' "." WEI IV/ Z.S(DN'S' ti/; Jri.v(; .11j' J!/.VI' ' None Lel.t. in I, II tr. 111, ' Fun till i , I'IZIII . II I°,ll •11.r..1101 , 1 NZN lA. r c 111.1110•11411./ W.?. i. I 1.. . •L. II; puL pt. 11.• it 111 ll tI ittlit•ll.l-1. will ?111 I 01-1111 , 101k1 Sn til • nll i 11,1 i I a 1,1, ill plea-e. the itailr"l,l t.111,e, C.ll',i -le. r I lh..i Ili it 1,1 npply A pH! NEW GOODS! NEW G ODS ! am now op(ninL; a C11 , 1(a! I.)t Of sum thfifi rr 113,41 prices lior fill 01 which will at r rap ni lint; L'//:'(1:1 ('/1.1 / 1)E L .l //V ,h,• 1 .1,,,•1.1.1 1).• Cho,' 1,11,11 I—, .1 S, .1,11 71111111 CI Li. I: • Ca1;111)11 c auaal Sivi4is )1 AlSi Talat..ttls, Whae nod t• I. I awn, Linen Ilnu Ikerclll,•l,. : 4 111111g : 4 11‘.1.1. :1,:15% Ilalmoals. CI .tl, lal io C“vers, M Calicoe, Tiekings, Sr , al lower prices herelolare. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, in great vadoty, Sun Umbrellas and paras.as. Ladles, and ChlWren's styles, lest quality, and cheaper Minn van I, 11,1 111 the country. (avian:males Is ear, sum has new Cloths, Cassimoros and Vostings, Ifandsonie Summer (itsedniores, for glen and Boys wear, Cashinerett's, Cuttonedes, Stripped mid Plain &c., A low yards of Carpeting on hand, at less than city prices. All pin sons in unlit of liand,inie and Cheap thuds, will do well It, c iii I,elore purchasing risen here, as we are 51015 nulling gods for cash at very low prices. Recollect the place, Main Street, nearly oppsodle the Depot. May 15, lErfl NEW DRUG STORF. riptim undersigned has just opened a >II4V Drug Store, In South Hanover street, next door to Inholf'l4 Grocery Store, where he has just re ceived :Ind opened a largo s:oclt of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Portlunery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a largo lot of Tobacco and Segars, of the most favorite br toils: Coal Oil LampannaShadrei Burning Fluid, Confectionaries. Fruits, Nuts, till, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Model nes. and nil ether articles eoninietell with our Hill, All of which we will Hull nl prices to stilt the Mmes. Prescriptions carefully coin podded by a competent druggist D.11'11) RALSTON. ,Carlisle, Dee. 18, 1862—1 y NAILS! NAILS!! NAILS !! I A largo stook of Bond, Cleap,,Noat,, and Tough nails, at the lowost Prices. Our nails ire worth Wets a keg more. than any other make of nails sold in our town, this Is the opinion of inechanles who have trlsol thorn, we also haven full assorttnent or UUI DING )I ATIIR IA LS, of tho latoat nn a moat approved aty los. All Goode war ranted to ropresentnd• 301 IN" P. LYNN & SUN. FRESII MACKEREL.— A. lot of Nfeclterel—new catch—la. escorted packs go. of llnlvoa, Quarter, anti Eighth Sanas. Also, 9 A L 51 ll N , for sale at the Store of the subscrlbOr, Oct. 20. 'O2 EW GOODS. Every description and quality of Groceries, ueensware, Hardware, Pickels; ,- Sauce. Moo Liquors, Tobacco, - Segars, Pipes. 'Fresh Fruits and vegitables In Cans, OysterA do. Sidees, Wood and - i‘ ware,_ all Raids and ortho best quality and to be sold at lowest prices lot •*o h 7 Julie 6, 'O9. F. Gardner .tz C 0 . now manufacture and keep eon sta tly for sale, at their extensive Steam 11 . 01'1(8 cm East Main street, Carlisle. a large assortment of A t., Ult .k IMI'LEIS.IEp;TI, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which Choy would sail especial at Laotian Lu 141 LLOUCI // BY'S CEI, EBB TED I'AXENT which fra,talteuttrer Eft) First Ciass l i rvrniumartt State and titittilty 'airs. 'fit the Farmers or timid:l,l3nd, lork 1111 , 1 l'eriy 0011111 d, we need riot .s peal; in detail of the merits (dill,. drill. :is Storrs ail then nu• nnw in rise to the heat farnis in tit, idti: tit, Its it iititit trim is estaidit.hed as the nit.st rtrairt Ilrill new ntanalitetured it; tile It sited 'fates. it stitst.l , littait, 1() it. titds. barley 4,1 Was,. t and regular, ,it.littat ti:e ..eit I The 1.1131 pass the drill tell st itledit hre.ilting [lied: ill. Ft r t vita and it t.t.iiar stint ilt4. the it illrtgl, by ti am i Lirill , 11,1• l t;311 ,, hy oilier ide also mail t• 3 , 1,1 oi•1 131111,11, artl,los, which wee in tait•,l.lltr,,l to I 3,•1.101•3 intpleni:nta, rile 111H1 , 11k. I all.lrect, • )101:11. =I I,A: 4 II'S k‘l Fti",!)1.1( ci:T•rEi t u.tl \UM ./t)I1 \ \ Alan. '11.•••• tt ;forty antl Itrerthing t t•tt It. ; ;:ttllttts. l'astittt., of v.ittott,t, tt Cm, t ritt , lnns. anti nth.' :irtiviettt tier Fartitttr, tt Ituntttt, nt. t.. 1,11,1 ntit. It74tr, Cots; .slo , ~,IC., p! t N 1 tta; ,iitVaq, With nn hi11...114e 11, i . -11.. •I . .. . -.l'd an I. ;tto ti, t• vat:et:, t.I palterus Cur ' NI It. , =DIME =MEM Tf• .1,;• ••I'rJal •• ai,t• In .11tolita, 1••• tell ear l't. •L'cl 4;t•., 1.• w.•l i. 111.. tiil la , far syttil aIA Lt. Pa:10111S. I,:q hi:: : i„., all • : and lial,hing ntl . l,trt MAI 11 , e, riu' , lll' I I.• • 1 ay.ll ,I muo It i~l ill. CI. ,1,1 I' r:trll , l,. 111 I , •.. r I II . I• 1,1101 !111 ir ..!I es I . ttt. t. t..11i 1111 5 e 1., DOOR AND SA:3H t.•. 1 1:11"II: I" , ‘ll . l 'lt: I • . 1:11•Nril t. E 1... .110 1) =EOM 111=111 =lll .•,-; •t. ..1 . \\ 11.. 4'11 1r •11l IIIP,0111: SII11:11 . 1 .515.1 it: ji t , 1.,•1..1 A1.1.15:55. %, I II 41•1.-. )1. ':t h.Pt,t• 111,1 . 1 , 11 , i .1: Ll` 1 , 1 st , itlnll , •r••[ •.0111.1 r I.ith ,, I I 1,,,,11,1,t1,,,,• 81111.111 OFF T I C. 1..!;.,\\ 1,-1" • I ill , • II I I. pt,,t I I:1 I 111 t., I to lio. \t.:11,111 strt,t, the 13rge,L. 1,1 -1.11.,d =ID in tlict o wu,. 1..,11,t1"1", t Ilan Al ntly MI GOLD AND STLVER, CHAINS, Pen- 1111 P. ilk 11 , II", t•l[ . % .111 ;.'ill'ittte:eS idilSSiC BOXES, ACCORBEONS, /1,1, I" , .c:t I:11,i ,, I 'lll, I .1111 nit• .t I:: :-.C.41 %Op' I.•,11, 1 . 1.1.1:11 , 11 til t• 1 , 1 `t. :1,. II twin rl,r,•br,t wrirlir11:111 all k iudnnf r, prlitillar Will ht: u• r • K. I . : L 1111 1 .1.1 V. c."11.1,...i.ne ARCH.; ARRIVAL FRESH or Alll ..11g IPf the real !realm.. lialtl - Art slit II 1.11 111 \u, is lank L.nrrrle, .‘ll('K ARE I, at prior. 11l It inn nst,alisl.ingly 2111 3111 i a !tin. \J . .. a TOt3;%OCO ANO sEctois 1,, (2„ C _l,!. • , _.L' . _ . c.l-1( ~r c, tr:l, tlct , \I Bl—\ ./ , 1 i; ill HI / • tire Of COli .r ilq, :II 11 , 11 , 1 . - 1.....•. I 1.11 Illt 11111I.Z. I ~•ta .11111 1 1/1 . , • .t! "1.1 t 1,0 ;11 /10,1 .11.•: , 1/.1,1 1 !1•• • /1 1 I'l it .11 It t • pi,. ttti -I'l • 1 i l . . 1111i1: ,, , I . t S.• I I r1:1..1: , •• :(1` I' • ••,.. ‘ V . II4•P , - tii.• izira! ,J.:1:1.•11-:.11 ntr ;:f ! 1 ; T • t. . 1., b, A ti., •,... ; .1.;1; - .;1. 1 • r. i t..:l' orit N. V. fill Nilo , LI ; -•; -1 y I= ;1 , -i)talent 111' '\l, in 1111.1 1311yS •'. , 1101 ,11.•• -1111.0.1.• tti.• ~~iutrr Ali' I, 11,. nti I .1.—•• • • it ..1 ..II am k 11.1itil•11,1•11 i}serSlll,,, .1(1. it-f • .1, S\ ,P.ll Mid )11,111 itu •• .1/1 i H 1.14••• %1111 1,10.1 , 1• 1.111 C,l , llille l tilt• pm,114.11,4 ne3rl) I= g~ J I 1 1 tri,.'1,,1 allii 11(,t, 11.1 Ir .11, ni slit I 4'414W...41,441 4•444ri15. 44441b,141. 54, 4i4,444.4•'s 14, 4 4-1444,1 m 41114 '454 4444 544•ilin_ LL,o 1 , 1w,51 1..., 11,1 Z.• lln. poWlio• .j..•111.1i1;1) ll' II- 1 4 111 1,••! !It b L ,: in.. ra 51 , . A 1 IL! R 111) I, "sir 441.1 44 put ~ f 111.-I' I. Al' II I. r\l 1.-I' !lett. gencr.n. pu , •ii.• I , r their pert 10.1.1114 .nal ati..,.tion to their ants, to 111..1 it a a Illllnllnnee 1.1 the+.llllll. .101 IN LY \ A SON, At Ilse old ~ l and North also, er .Trent. Ca:ll , le, .101 u• 1). \IN TS ANU OILS.-- •r„.„, ,v hit. I .311. MOO l;a110.1 of oil. Just re.•elve.l 11 a lent,, assortmont ol Varnl,l)o4, Fire 1'1•o111 Turin ..tine, Florence NI lilt°, Japan, \l'lllte Zion, Colored Z.nv, Llthar.•.o, Red Lead, • 011, Ulu,', Lard ;:perm 1111, CHAS. 011 LILY, Tru3,eo Paint 14'11010X, Plsh Oil, &e., C. 1111 1 .5 of, ory •1 , ,t iplbm dry, and, Oil In cans and tube. at the II irdware Store of =1 p -)it 141 A 1) 13 IS C 1 111' Lc. The cream of Tartar ••Stil,stit ute" Is revommen. dud zlh /I ,up 310 , 111 iu 1 1 011114113ti011 With Sttlerattts on do Ii I.{ . 1:.111 . 1 : 0000, I bread Lc.. 10111 , 11 shorn 1 Cr,, sorrt, tivtist and gratelll, while thus,. or Criut4: •d"l'art , 31'3 I , fion dry and LlSte less. It will t . f131. IV,. than Cr. :nu of Tartar and Is used In the same way I; t•oolti uu. A:tt. TINS RU!:-TITUTE. together with ttale'rat OS' Sold, Pore Cronin of- Tartar. Bermuda irrow Root. Mustard Seed. ground and un {;round spieea 0f all 1110,10 unadulteralutl. and also Groveriea In ovary rariaty vonstantly on Aland, and at tito !orient priors for,gate ivy Dee. 14, ISTI Il A rI\T( SA [MON.—Having fitted up in the "err toot styli,. the room In Corner's building. next door to A. 1,. , Moneler's otllce. 1 mil pro pored to give coy tongerlal attentions to all who may honor me with a vl.dt. I shall conetlntly f , e supplied with corn Wen t And polite Intntlx HIP" 8111111 eplrono effort to give goneral ettlefoetion. I whit) to otoplo- a good boy, between 14 nod 17 years old, Apply immodlatoly to J. MYERS. Carlisle, June 27. 18112-1y,,- I[ll - ..131E5. 500 pairs Haines on hand Ll_Of all kinds. ElizabotMown pattorn, Loudon dn.. Ourninan do, with and without pat:•nt flistoulogs, cheaper thin over at 11. SAX lONS, East Malu at. Match 28, 1802. J IT EBY DR. I. 0.14003\11S South ilannvoy stied,- opposi to Buntz'ary goodu 9torn. Juno 1,'62, QA)IUELI IREPI3URN, Jr., Attorney )._7ltt Law. Ofileo with Lion. Suuluol ilopburn; Main St. CROW° Pa. - ?Iva! e, WI in Mpg Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I GUM SIRING GRAIN DRILL, HEE ENE -71A.11,127G5, 1:NC1,1).,1.1: lip to w hivh would Strum Engines anti 91111 Gen ring r.l. the phygl. r , ll .1,1 11,0.11 11, v l : iorvot,l it thility. ripitation of the h , •:u L. ',tire d t •bil,ly a ,a a l I, frame. :1,1 death 0:IC_ 270 7 e. , 11 eet, 1... • t,•,, t sTAT:()NAItv =I 4.11 ,111,1,1.1i111...t lIMEIMEME TC TTES - ANR-JEIVELII,S" 1111=1 1[7(: Vti, SEIM Xulp.,rL . ant roiscovel y lENEEEM= 11P,1 IS, ITI, \tirNll3 IFERS 31 0 'I'S & SHOES. =I ::N RY SAXTON, BALIIIYIORE LOCH HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN T) R. JOHNSTON has discovered the most certain. speedy and only effectual remedy la the world for alt private disease,. weakness of th. back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and bled der, invert enter) discharges, impotency, general &wili ly, nerrotir-ness, 0 vspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trent brings, dimness of sight Or giddiness. disease of the head, throat. nose or skin. of of the liver, lungs, ,1.1111301 o- bowels— those terrible tlhorders arising, front the solitary habits of youth—those secret :mil solitary in :wt. ice- 1111 , , !M:II to 1.1•1• Ir V irtilllS than the song of : - .y I ci• I r I lot :%1 al int . ., ,-f I IySSPS. blighting their mast I 'Pliant. hopes or anticipations. rendering marriage, ac • impossible. "srou NCr 111.7E1d }:,poeiully. who hate beennie the •ietims of solitavy and lii•iii.llCti,• habit a hi. h ;aims ally su ',ups :o ail untimely grave thou , ands ol Young lien of the im.st lulent,u,.l brilliunt intellect, uho hie have eniraneed liqteni-igSunates ail h 1)t e thuinlers 01 ebullience c:i• u eked to ecstasy the I) re, may call with full confilleue, ‘t . trri.. 1 pereon,.. or s.,itg Rion e. , ut.emplaling Mar iage. bohlg f It) , erred Ile Wit , 10.11•.• , .ir nodrr thr. anrn It Pr J. may 1 , 11,1"a* . ei 11:: , !r in hi , honor ;14 .1 gentleman. and ctollidently rely uton 110 a physician. 0 1111.11:19 . 3: S S 11 oT f, II twin, Hatt ly 1 . 1111.1. 3 • 11 i lull • This dig 11 . 1,i lit , • i the penalty paid by the ni tnii apt to bring non!, thn dreadful ginisoninnives that may limier Nuw, who that lind-r- .al/ti, the I , llhjeet will pretend to deny that thr power el le - erre:lth, le.t sm.,. by the, (tiling into In,- pt , per h iI II- that Icy t ht. prlideut ! belntt de v1. , 1 urensult•, nl 'oral;,, - , eitsieiutt. the neut.! . riuu• an 3 - ,i;Ftels, 11, I hth holy and Ir Fail net tee nl-, rve ncemeand II ten.' er I pd.! ,nt.tln a.stvmp. The D„r her :I.:ne C .rteI.IED3NTWO lIMIE r r i•t ill • 1 . 71:1111•III in the Ili, hasl,,,ttlttt 11,• r. 11.1 or Ihr mo.t a•tiipi,tllll.: uia:) S, lift EIMI :..• lit, I an.i can xrll,l:t I. 11,,,u. tu,•.l :.; • tt,1(1,, 1 1 ,1111 ! i. ^. h dt• ,wu 11,•11 L:. u•rdittely. T. 11.1.: , t•• WllO 11.1 , r1 11 re , i :tad .11,1rilS. 111.'11 ruin I. them fm vich, 1,1, 1,1,, t•. -1:1 :::•11 n•••11,1••:mly I.7,ets 11,. I .• I 1.2. ••.trl, I: ill ..r I.f 1.• 111111,11, •111,11,••••(.1,1,/, 1..- •:•••••11 ii 1... w••••. :lAI the ltrai t..dp..pt•p qs 11. r,••••• Ir. 11.111 A, . •••••rAr•z• ••f the liti• •• • ••••1:•!7. , yhtp, '.114 ^t•nst:uopr • • • --- rht • ! • 11.1 •• • ft•Pt•- 1.1 V., ,- ncn t , I.• .1z !• „ I,,e•—•;on •Tkir v0r.1,,n jet, 1,4 I ! , kl3t our, nf .41.orsling ,f all ngry rnn ',ant LII.• t.I I heir de, lot.u, hr. •!.h l o „j oz th.i r •••••.11.. pulenorsolo. arid. i ittol.haying „ -." nppc ;0.111 the cough ar:isytop- Lono , .11,.11111pti011. . _ • 51617 G 7efl:l - ' , '"4" II t• i1.j11,1•4 1.11,111,111 t . rntaln prmr'..ier• ill 1.112 , -1 luare..•.l from ail•er at the ei7••.o.- fl %%11011 :11..11t 111 It. I . • • , 11...e. 1.1.1 and 1,4 3. II it ly =I \A 1,0 i !at, that aNoun.; loan. lt••• t, .p. fil , coun •do old la.,nalcholl from ~,, 1i • 1•j••\ 111,1, ••'• ••• I,Fe•lorore do‘ialin. !Mt lirld dortdio .soaot mlit. l-rolt prrl I 11:11,>t before con• t••il•f• .:t'.1.1; 11111111E111= . 1 ni.d. tr Id I :•...,••• I. NV,' In.n: 1/,, c,... pil,riunn,.. Ihr pen-pprd d:lrkrn, to the v.,: thind , vith de,pair and I 1,1 nn r1•118,I Shut the happiness pl I.l!giard t. Itil I , llr OW.I. DISE/LSI; OF IniI•RT_IIIENCM. \Vitro tint ntit•gnidecl imp rodent votary of plea en i• Mole that hi' hits hula/et' I lir seeds nt thlit painful it tin .ft.,, happens that an 111 tinted NP1 , 11.1 Of ,Iren , l t 4 dkrovery. ilett•rtt hie, front apply lug t t i-i• tdo from ed. eml rt,pttrtaltilily. can heft tail hind delaying till the ronstilutlom.l Pt lopt ono, of thie horrid dietteor make:heir r.pietattentt e l suit :to tilt-mat eel ottro I Itroat. tdr,ttottl uo , e. 10-rturna 11,1 , III" 1.. 3./ I :/1111- int lot- ,ti Id, thinl,l arm-, Idt t In I t tott , tell,--t-i•td fri,zttlltil , I‘.i 11,.• • t .•11 I .•1.j.•..t , 1-11 1 z •.. lit- .11,.11111: 1. , • 1..1- I 11..tt I t,•ti l' ,, tintr) 11 , 01 1.1111,11, ti.l t. •1!••1 1111/111 It th• I ttt 1,1) l'ata that thtttt,th,l , LJI Tit•lints 10 t . ht, t!..a• tt .,• tt,oll, tat Mt. titt.tsillfutht t.t. of ht. tt .trant p t•t.-ttit•t, It . , tin u , e of that tlt•attly ptti• s tta, ‘l.,.•ttry 1111, Ihe euu ntiluti , nu uttd ntuke the re , I , ltte of lite nli,err.l,le. Trsl , l mgt , ur Hs,. or 1..•.1111s. to illy enrl•Pf tli ”rsus t1•11.,11. , 1 ia.l t , •11111•I• 41.-111 tslel , l 1 • 1 -•, pansy Pr ch... t' 1. 11 I, ',1.% I.r .1Ph11•1,..s a Is. rt I•.•ttiopt-, .I 1 tlp . • it, the 11..1y•tp,1•1•1 r••:ul11I , 111 I ,- 111 11. z. tlp II t /I, 111 I.lt 11 lil I, t I.lthy 111 I p a• 1.111. ..• .• 1.1 1.•• .1..-p , ir Is . rum," t s "v.,- 5..11111111 • .1,11. p /.t men( p r .1 Pp / le ..1•••r1 Ili , l'• I,lti H 11,1% 113t1, in i n iktr,•l• II t , r,•..1,•11,•• tr , nt in •111 nr-• ktn-1,ri..,"1/.“ll.)thr, pi 11.•. I tr,ll n lift• r.p• nl ttl t ,r,nl 11—pilnI , of 111 rln/nulry 11111 It 'nor, I.,t4•110V1 prl, n 1 t hull :Ink ol Itor 1.11, inn ill Ihrwurlt :V 1)1) i s: E :%; (Ile 'l'lllti P S S The ;thi.' t cured at h•tt i”,t3 , titiel, year of r and the 111.11,,1, impa - tltot rut , tn.. portortntnl I, Int .1111,w-inn, it netted It) the rept./ lets t 4 the • Sutt.'"• Clipper," and litany taller Ilk)/ h nitre tre•t agat lillli 1,21,111 hol ~1. 1 . the Jill/ h •ta ditto at a gent Itunatt of r irti• , .•t• :1111 re - 11,1,0)Ility, i.ust ,tllll, - iont guarantee ttt I he Atli, led. .KIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUR ED •11.,kild be pat tilt, In 11,. their let.ers to this I ostit 1111 , 011. ill I il.• . ...1111% , it, titan or tip , ".,It !Awl: )Id IV 2; H..; ECoN I ) SPRING A IlltIV:11J. ki 1, 1,)1; Till: 111 . ..11) AN 1)11:ET th • John the N. E en: tiers Ili, put.: ;11 it,. in t lii•it to 11 it. A.. prii ••• t dery ei input it intl. h 1,11, I il.llll the Ittrprnl :111:1 tint•'ll.lllll.t.• :• - •litn.s. I lot, A hr le. no, pres.•titt•il In I his cidniniiiiil3, Anil n hi. h in• filet vent itivit to null at Ilio tile pti ts. II onitiriti•vn ernr) thing in Ili, line 01 1,1151111,0, ,I 11•11 MEN'S FINE C.\ LF ni.gyrs, lii p ('nit and I,nn (her 11N lord ('n tad I'd tent Idnaller llaitt rn, Cull Nullifier:, 1, 4111 nin l litp Brogans, Slipper:, An. VII, From.ll and Gniters, M"roce, Cali and Kid 11,,015. Hoe Kid Slippers, Fancy Slipper Morered.lllll Kid Buskins. dc.. &. I I S,ES N 'I I I 1.1)IC 1‘ ofall oollmo•in L.: fine Lasting' Mt' ters. lorurru trod 1.11: 4 0 Ifl2 11 ttoll Itoote. ‘loroceo I out Boots of all kluds, fancy tillOcs of 1,111 ,AF 0) - 1,, NUM . ,' s. Ar II AT, Ahi I'S, Silk. rss,intoro. For and Wool Hot. of lilt vial ill, and styles, Omn it large assortment of Boots and Shoes made to order :it the shortest notic Berthing promptly done. Contith nt of his nidllll t please all ela,,ses of eustomers, ho rospeetfully lus Ito the mildly to give him a v.9...ltetuumber the place, N. E. corner of the Pub Ik. S luare. May 30,'60. JOIIN 111.111 N E. I‘IANTIOOD - 17 HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Gents. -A Lt,oture ovt t4c Nature, Treat ment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrimia or Seminal %Veldt lean Sus Ll3l Deloiiity NOrI , USIIOS , , and 111 , 1111nm:try indiOint I nipotoney. Consumption, and SI. ii tal and Physical Debility. J.IV IBY 13y H. 0 Ll' T. C U V II W f. M. D. 'blur l ilipOrl aid Ida that the awful consequences of self AI nt o may lie effeetually removed without Inter sal 111/./110111..h or the 11111/1/ , :ii1011 of rnustlrx, Illedk.111•11 • bl/11/des. and other devices Is here clearly demonstrated. and the entirely nete and highly sueeessful treat mental: adopted by tip celebrated author fully explained, by menus or which every one Is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at thin heist ponvible emit, thereby avoiding all the ad viii' , Waal nostrums of thin day. 'fhla lecture _will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Seta under seal. In a plain envelops, ti any address, post paid on receipt of twapostage stamps, by address. lug the pubilehere, CIIAS. J. C. KI.INB k CO., 127 Bowery, !slew York. Poet Office Box, .1526 DIME & CO.'s well-known 111111-0- 1 DKONS nod II A 1610'011515, introduring the of feet of ratdathass on every insttument. ERNEST OA Illdt unsurpassed PIANOS for cash, at a liberal deduction, or on monthly Instruments from j 5 to $lO. 41 01,:er 500 sold in Philadelphia. J AMES PELL AK, Solo Agent, 270 and 281 8./fifth street, above Sprnee Aril Vs WM IIE OBTAINED I r LIT N I I lEEE! •1aT1C t :171,47a7r.: 1^717 ;'SCE 7.^. I -271.:_c14,-,' =I M D STI? A>r 7 11:17',8 NEW STORE. GEO. P. AIYERS &• SON, GItEEN GROCERS. Wachave.taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied ly theentield & Shearer la East Mails street, next dour to the Jail, where we intend let keep all kinds of tZteassirsas sad Geoestoss. Oar stock is new and naah, carefully selected In the Eastern Cities. We im Wit. the public and friends in general to give us a rail "Id I . 3..uttine our stock of goods au we . are determ d ine to .s'u. 011x05' COY oasis. Our Flock consists in part of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, Molasses Queeneware, Willea ware, Ceder ware. Brooms Bru,nes, Card...awl :plow el every kiwi, warrautai pare. ,Green and Dried fmeif a and Dotata3{la, sad a fall ausortesuat of e lr. la r ageuerelly. lilcur r 4y 111 to barrel or wound, COSIAVY prouace coitee It, •4ckauge for goads. 8. 11..111411S Si SON. ' , hurl. Jo, Pir.B. Watches Jewelry and Diamonds, LEWIS LAIMMUS & CO. Fi 02 Chestnut ,S?r-et, l'Ailatlelphia. iI AVE always on hand, a lar , :c stock a , l , :oW and ,IlTvr WAteltes, ,rtitAbln for Ladies, ilvntirtOrn or t:o:, -, vtrAr. :0,0 CI . OW 017 rf ilalt)Orto• tine. 4., tra !Int. qtn;lity. Our n, , ortl•tellt of .11.w.0.ry Cr ri' . .Ofit of the trioni rich !ounitle .:ad ilok dr,i.r.nol; oi Al , , the plainer Aril ;gig "'Psi". Slier, ~ ,,, ,,,,m9,l'ork, , Ile, C.the F .. 1 It ult Pltives; oltio .1 lard J •Or lety of r. 5 0 ), ,,.., • Wt.°, ~,nut,i. ho ItriLl.l pr..;n r ut l _ Wei hire aim, on rain', • 100 . . t, r plont:I.1 IV Vir, trll o ll t. of Vi.. ~,(1,1 .; nsv t I ry "fill kind.', to which we In Vitt , t. a- Feely! ,ktlon 11, , , t ,::r prkrti Will he Ii ttdrrn it!cr...LlJ te..,, thin the q, / n.• nr,iel•s ore e. , ,,1111, for. All hind, il 'tf;och., re;ntir,l in the 7,7 lid n...nn 1, and vrarrontrtt to lk r 0 ,titairt:oo W1:1 ) 1 , 1N(1 11.IN:I. 4 On h..n.1 an.i n Or Inlt:re: 3 1 . 1"; , ;7.1 (, l) 2 ( - 3 , ,t, lIC :treat. Phil,' P.?. 'ln., rx•.h prico paid tr r otd t. o'd and II Iron the Cuncutry 11 in coupe- EMI \AT ht:ve the htrge:Jt and fluent shirts over orb. ,n! zi!' I at 12 no rrt dna. I •• •‘ " I.i .1 lgilil tt.•••• t: 1,1 t- 3.1• r.•. , ith prises, the S,~cra is if y•••: wart Fair N 1 I:ii , -T , ).;"3 I -1,,,,,2:re3t. 1 . =II )I.irrt 1"..1".f4ft. ) a 11 G j , 13 0 0 1i A , FAN(.'": (001)f4, PECTION.' ",1 F R TI I'l P4II,FU.NIF,RY, PRESEIII ,- Eil E 2,1 T MINCED Mi , AT,. PICKLES, ;.k,C %v. I I.ilVERS'X'Itli, t ,111 , rt. 11.111 ~r Prllo, I hit ;K J, Pert ti.vt 7. Fl ul l ., ttntl Ceuta, tittlttry.•vrlaii.h-linw•NorAr 1+4.11 —o , 49trkri.li- 11111” ET, toive.ty 11I' r rt(Altrto. I . l..t . ttrtit'C. , ',aye t nut ttele,tott +nth great I C, and crr l'Alcui....ted. in and 1,1 r e :1111,1 1 ft. =1 which. ,onprl,•errry lar;..ty of to lacy articles Of the moat 0,1111,1 t•• 1111101 •li,tl I AO, hr (i le, .4131..4.14, en I porrekl” Ink-stands mad trays, tent ~ I n ry. pearl And .Cell curl rene,, F:11111 Feury \Verk itov wUh -r win .; I notruntrn C.Lt.a.,,, tV rit nn.l Port rc,:se. or every uriety. seal .1,, F- 11-y pmprr we: and 3 13nzl. V Kr:ety 4.1 FA:I, y SWk bend lin.: 0,1 Min, ci..:1,:r 1 Perfume Irtgliets and hsgr. Bru.hug ,•1 Ind Ii n the tellet, K. Itaein end it. it O. ‘V.ight's A, hps and Pettuni•r of various kintlx, krynry for bend If/1,1,1A and NI astral Instruments, together with ill InnutNerahle rarriely of xrtirOoselegant sad eultel,!l. PR E,SIC _VT 8, srhlrh le tsrltan riser:al altenll,,o. Also, as 4,torkNiv• ant ,I.,mat collarrloa et EMIT] • , Tu p r i s ir t , Anti A vlßPrif,l , l Works, 1,4 Inlly t.,n•l la YObiT•t, no.l,,roorw I_4 imrim einntilete e•iiiipri,e. thir, H 5...! in the rLrnl~. Iledi , . i all the Ir.rtieulai thin tii kik tllll,',Y,i .L,urtuvut =ME r rom the eittenvi•e 0,00,11A/talents /.1 Cnehellue, Arehrt 3'1.1 c,thi.r, ~trtipriAlliz emery sty le of ch en.l Itll.ly hurni.. 4 either 11... LAI 11:1 , hl,' Mi /TT'S velebrnted fiero-olle I.titht.s, te,ether te:tit I...totter Vases serrens Ase , rth.eht in this hag le cll• Itkill.dUd iu thw I o t .,uvi t . Al, I= eall.raclat all the I,ratl%. in I a flu aA•ort •111 I:VM , 'II pi,• 0„ 1:P.:1„,..1,1ak :,I,u7g 1311111111 • . \.: , 2V tf../Nl , l.:('lsi,).\ A I: i---N i. LI) 1.1:; ED- EAT, PIC:iI,I:S, ie., in °lvry variot v ant! tit all owe, r.II ut 1,131,•li are pure and 're,.ll Nuch ran lie rontl.loiltly re, , ,tnnionilll,l to his friend,. 4twk a.ohrztee. everything In thl.lino of Vine Ilon,h, with many othei Etrtivh, umeltil to hou•..l:eeporg which the public are u.pecially invited ti , 01111 311,1 .Xllllllll., liqmom Lt r 0 1Id Stand, nearly opposite the Hauk on Nort In Itono ye r etre EIMEMMI HO ! FOR HELLER'S IlkT AND CAP ST01)13. ri II subscriber has removed hit Ha Ithd Cop Store to the gbpponite skit, ill Ihn Street to the luot , e lorinerly oc.otple,l by I'. Nlcoyur, hilt 111,t, 1/ , /, t.. CorooottC4 : 4 1011. HU% Ili U MUt l toom, 1 Irn. intii t.t . 1 Illy sto, that I null mew pr land to iurul.sh the putlie trill :di the new my Los lit HATS, CAPS, AN I) STRA HATS, al 111.11., tri suit L 11" 111111.4. IV Rork renekte ef Sjik. 11111,0 111,1 1Ill , ,1•1 llal n, 1111 kicll+and p 1 i~r, 11 oil 11:11.. 10.3we1l 110111.) 111111.11. tuts, the 1.,,L11 111,1 Wi)gol up L., the lit 1111,1;111 flit Nutia. g1 , , , k1 ,r 1 leen 1 01 111011 end 11113's (ape A1..0 111.11.. 1/.1,, .11111'1111111k,', Ilnry etraw Irate u.vone bn 11,31,i . ..tering, any kind 1.1 ',hap. ,111 lit oil 1101.4 a le t.ti, I ll.uter. !elk' nudi.rktiindilw It o 110pQ by strict itiLelliil,ll Lo L 1,1,11-0 n liberal Vail/Mtge. JOHN 1. IC 1;1.1.Elt, Agt. P. S. Old hats celered n od repaired at mod oral rivos. il 17, 1,6'2 iliAltPElt, bC40 ,1*111•-'s1R No. 52.0 Streot, PHILADELPHIA, Itycy - s n Lorne Stock of Watches Gar Lo ti, o cud (:,,1.1,1 0 c011---ic (lola and FINE .11:4 EERY, of the want larddonelde et) lee. SOLID SI LY EIt•WA RE, Ice great utrlrty, and Itog or', Su pt ricer Plate Sp..na, Fork ate. Sep.2s. oh an. S. I. F. D. E. STATEN ISLAND FANCY DILING ESTABLISHMENT. BARTLETT, NEPHEWS dc CO., Proprietors, : No. 47 North RIG Inn & 7 JOHN St., NEW our suctiess In DVLI NO andOIXANSING AIM DINTS of Velvet, Cloth, Silk, tiler no, Do Lain° Ac„ find SHAWLS of almost, every description, lob() well Itnoi'n that we only desire to remind our friends and the pub• 1104:envy:illy. that the seasuu for—getting ready their Fall (heals Ix now at handl received and returned by Exproas. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., A ng. 21, 1863-3 moe. D oco • METALLIC.-TIIIS RE 11,iltRABLE Palo t ham boon counterfeited, owing to it. provonting Roofs Prom looking. The pub& aro cautiened, under penalty, net to use any pima of that brand, unless the agont't, oignature Ithnn flub package. 8. BOIL 6N, Agont, Office No, 1110% North Fourth street, Oat. 2, I.stl--3w WM PENROSE, Attorney at Law • Office In ltboutn'a Wall. Protesuleaal. bual fleas promptly Attomled to. I.4thruary 21, 1862, .DR, mg. H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Aecouelteur. O"FICE at his residence in North ammo! .444 4 1 1 991 !• 9 44A1 0 4 411 C OfteiJar. NEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD• The subscribers have this day entered into part• nership to trade in JOAii, AND. LUMBIL, We will hale constantly on hand sad turnisk to order all kinds and quality of seasons(' LUAUS tilt, ritAIVIN STUMP, Paling, Plastering Lath, Mingling - Lath, worked big and Weatherboarding, Pasts and Halls, and wary tielu that belongs to a LUM KKK YARD. All kinds of Shiligles;lo wit: Whitopine, and Oak, Of different qualities. having Cars of out own WO can furnieh bills to order at auy length and 0130 at the shortest notice and an the most reasonable terms: Our worked boards v, ill be kept under co•ur MO that they eau be furnished dry et all times. We have Constantly on hau.i all Idols at Family Coal under l:n 1•G. —lp I MUEIt A N C 0 A L OLIVER DELANCEY, IJiMIU AN L) COAL YARD On the Rail Road, near the Ga 3 Works. 1 . 110 su bseriber Is cops con,tantly on band, a full sort ninnt 14 .1 . . Lumber & Coal, , 0 :. whitql 110 can fur- coAst- •• T. .: ._ ,T:h . - and h t,. ord or prcmiptly . Z.,...,r,„ ..Tir d ilik i i" , 011 Ult. ni,t rea• ... •--/,' v ~. ~> MII,W sOlitlbie terlilia. ~ .../ ". . ..- - -..1..-- 7 ".f. ....-- - . • - • ... LUMBER, SCANTLING, BoARDS. FRAME STUFF, in): and t.hingling-Latlis, Worked Floor log.ll ell herboarding. Posts, flail, ,11 bite line, Hemlock and (ink t . diingles. of every quality Ile also furnish hills to order of lily length and size, at the shorted notice And On the most reasonable terms. Ills worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at all times, Ile has eon stan tly on hand all kinds of Family Coll under voser, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. 'l'o wit: LYEEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, ' TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And (Abe: varieties. and all the various sites In use, which he otters to the, t publie at the lowest priers. Li MEllltt ItN1:108 AND I - MACES:III'IIPS COA Lalways on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of n generous public. be stowed upon tile Into firm 01 Black & Delaney. he would solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders loft at thdresidebee of Jaeob Shrom Mr Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. OW TED ELA NCY July 20,1 —ly. SIIRIII-111 TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS !!! NOW offering an immense variety of CLOTHS, CASB:IIIIIttES, VUSTINOS, • COTTON COODS‘ko.. For glen and Boys' Wear, In a larger variety, than can laa-found In any extols Ilehmant in thla placurannd at as low prices as can ho sold any Whom, to knit taste and pocket: We mane facture the above goods to order, In the latest styles, or still per yard. Customers wishing to hare the goods bought of us, rub, h u'accon u uodated, free admire, An erkfly Inspuctlbu of our goods and prices, respectful. ly sdktelted. • ISAAO.LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Stariet Clothiljg Zularluis. M. 111011,11110. cUANOJi Olt HOURS! 077 4 &+- ( 4, FREED, WM:I) h FREED, 811 MARX UT STR r tr, Pt:ILA Dtl PIIIA J. 9 D. nib , AI)S, MAIN STR ...111,1N, PA. READING RAILROAD. TMM ER A ItItANL;E:II ENT JAMES R. IWEAYERr .k7'. CSABINXT A por: •-• N D CHAIR ANtl/A CT 01 T, NORTU RANoVII BIRRIT, CARLISLE, Pa. Having been engaged in Lb• balminess for aver less, yearn ha would return thanks to his customers tad friends, for the liberal encouragement ex leaded to Mut h., years gone by, and lurlher assures them that asr pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all wit. luny Mayor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constehtly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be el the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, a n d cola at the lowest posfilble prices ior each. lie also continues business no an UNDEIITAKER.-17, Ready made Coflins, or otherx Ise. kept co'‘,. Man tly on band and funerals pi (untidy attended Lir personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Collins, large size, %ell finished 'mainly(' inside, lrom 0 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins entered from lb to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEATBIL. May 26.1b59 —ly. 3.11 U " 9.00 CZTILL TRIUMPHANT- Li The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook' Siov e. warrants the subscriber In calling the attentitua of all who may want a superior stove to call and ea amino the only stove that has given universal eatistaa. Lion. WHAT IS CLAMED OVER OTHERS 711. lot. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent: In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the mime Ore, 3d. A larger 01 , 011 than nny other stove of the sameslse,. .ith. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking.: saving repairs, Oth. The best linker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, , 7th. A perfect flee Consumer for either not d or coal. The. Prairie Flower is vrarrat-ted to give satieLcttew• In every particular. and will be shown with pleasure te all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or ■ot r . any quantity of reference In town or eOl.lll try. A few tither good Cook Stoves on hand, which will he• sold very low to dose stork Spouting. Hoofing, .lob work, Copper-smithing wadi Sherri ig work promptly attended to. In town or eons try. All worn warranted nt the old stand, llanover street north of I,nuther. MA BY M. MOBEIS. N. B. Old Copper. lliass and Pewter bought, Rad th• highest pi ice paid in east. or gouda. Mitirh 20. 000.—tf 110 WARD ASCOCIATIONI I , AT I. A I) E 1, P II I A A Ilene, lent Int.titution, estal.lished by special en dowment for the rellefol tar sick and distressed, afflicted w It h Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting' Sur vron. to all who apply by letter, %ith a description •f their condillon, (age, occupation, habits of life, ke.,) and In casen of extreme poverty, Medicines furbished trre Of rhart_e. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spei . nilitorrhcea, and otbitr lU•raoes of the Sexual Organs. still ell the NEW entpl..)l,l ill lite Itispent.rtry.,,ent to tho atllleta4 in staled letter enveluitel,treert ehargo. — Two I. 4 tm fir itt.Flage w 111 be liettplarldt, Adds ea.. Pit .1. i-hII.I.FN Acting Bur geon, A SSOCiatiOn, No. 2 South Ninth Stmt.. Phila Llylphitt. hi order of the Dim ton., EZILA D. IIEARTWELL, Priniitlont GEO. FAIN - 1111.D, :secrutory. March NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS.- HATS, CAI'S AND STRAW coops. .67 C .P c . st i... _ ..,Z1 L __,_ . ''' --- - 1,--$ .5...-x.: ..5.;.7: '4.. - - " Cr- : : : ' -' -g - The subscriber has recently opened a New St•r• 0 ! th e old stand sit 11. Halbert in North Ilan°Ter lit. opp.,,tte the Cal lisle Depo,it Dank. received from Nen. V rk and Philadelphia, • tine and well selected anstutment nil goods in hi■ ila• husine , s. such ns HATS and CAPS, from the corn.■ sol to the tine lur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, FaP and White, sty Iss of Silk Halt, for 1561. Ladlur. F,r.„ such at, 't.,0,0 Mat tin, Mink. Sithle, - .lllcli, Flbarl an Squirrel Black, Bros n and Illue'Coonsy, Rock Mar tin. Siker do dr. , thudIPIIN Furs, Ilvaver list. for (this old Boys, Fur Caps, Glove:, and Collars for G•a tleiull. BUFFALO BOWES, and prices to enit the times. Also, Carpet lingo ire. PIIICES TO SUIT THE TX/VIES. Aloe, Carpet Valises, Trunks, lband 'Truk& Umbrel; as. An assol ttnent of Lo u r Prime Segars and Tobacco. —am Thankt ul for the patrounge already r•c•irfl k• valle Inri►• all Li. irlunds and the public pu•rally 14) 'Pm him a call. JACOB E)AI, Carlisle, April IU , 1801. 18 ( 9 11 A lt W A ls ll 11 Alt D I.yne & Sou have just completed •p•sher their l•pring Stork 01 Ilard,‘ xi v. Paints ' 011s.•arulehoe, Gho., hr. to ssbuh they Incite the early atttentioi the-puhlir; We hue ereatly aT~iarged"Su?`ificTi Ti ill? Its ‘arioun brunehes,and call DOW accommodate thopub lic vdth In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. lab or do not wish the public to underh.tand that w• bavo' brought ell the ',nods in Philadelphia and New York to our tow ii, but we can assure them that one look into our stotu w Ili convince them that we have •nosigit supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to givot us n call before malting their purchases.—All ardor., porrounll) and punctually attended to, and no whirr pi °rental lut.t. mode to cll.:I sales J. 0. CALLIO MEMO I UST received the largest, best auct cheapeFt st,sortuaeut Of :4.3 thee, Forks, Soothe, Rakes, Whet Stones, Shovels, !titles, floes, Water Cans, Kegs, &r., ever brought to this county. All of which I bay. made expressly to order, In large quantities, ■e Unit. they ran be sold at very low prices nod warranted. ar representd. Th. trade and cradle maker< supplied at mantfao turer prices, at the cheap Hardware blore of HENRY SAXTON, East Main St., Carlisle. BEM NOVEMBER 2NI), 1863. 457" The ready, F of tin, "HERALD" ere reminded that I hay a just brought from the city a large supply of SUL A R CURED lIANIS AND BELE: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tenn° oes in ran., fresh )lush noels the very best Pleb les, different I.inde •P mixed Mustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges,. Pram s. Figs. Raisillt, :Sugars, Coffees, Teas. MolniFes, N:‘11. Sine Segars and Tal seen: very ffne Brandies,. Old Nye lA hiskey, , A lees e.; besides n general assort ment of goods in our Hue of trade, altered ■t the Tory lowest prices. FOR CASII. IV ht. BENTZ. =EMI MBE VALISES, Trunks, Cal pet Bags, Um beiallas dr. Prenvli s.ll, leather Trunks, Llidiesk travelling Trunks of large sizes, brass bound, in lb best makes, In largo val tat) . at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Ilannver Strut. ZLZ eady Made Clothilig", Altuell 13. 1862 (IF our own manufacture, the most ex tensive stock ever exhibited, warranted as repre sen led, sold holesnle or Itetall at Chu lowest m•rket price, got up in the most O,VA BLE STYLE, to piPEISO the most tvatidlous taste, be aura and call be fore furnb.hing eken here at ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. March 13. ISi3. New Sky-Light Photozraphie and Ambrotypo Gallery. CL. LOCHMAN is happy to inform, . Ills numerous customers, and the public gene rally, that he has reiwved his establishment to his Hew Sky-Light Gallery, In the building rcrupled by Mrs Neff. as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr Loehman is now able with his solendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the very best manufactured, to produce PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, ANIBROo. TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES. equal to the best made In Philadelphia or New York. Pictures can be taken now equally well In cloudy as In ricer weather. Daguerreotypes nr Ambrotypes of deceased persone, copied enlarged, nr made Into cartes do vialte. Carlisle. Nov. 28, 1882. ri JIM BELTING ! Just received n largo demortment of all ghee Gum 011111 llneo, Hum l'a •king, ke., and for sale cheap at the Hardware Store of June 22. Med - H. SAXTON HANDKERCHIEFS, Tiee, Stocks, Ribbons, Suopendere, Under Shirt., Drawers,* exutital assortment ran be found at _ March 13, 1867 . • 000 lbs. of Stagniarl's celebrated, sugar cured hams, canvassed and unconvoosed,6lll the corner of Main and West streets. May 8, 1883—t. f, 1 - ) LI MPS & CEMENT. 100 barrels,of, I Cement. witlya largo asanrtment of Cbain and Ire* . pumps, just rocelvrd and for sale elleapentban ever. Commit sold 14 Ilia (putfaily at WAD ufacturet pries 110301 It. IiAXTOIN. RELIA_BLE GOODS. JoIIN LYNE & SON, Nflrlb Hanover St Carlisle Scythes Sr. Snaths. TR UAW 8 ! TR LAWS ! I LOCIIMAN'S ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street Illatinerlnta, A. SINGISER