Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 27, 1863, Image 3

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SE sr": G 0.141 C E S
With Glass Cloth Presser; Improved Loop—
Chock, Now S'yle Hammer, Binder,
Corder, Braider, etc.
At the Railroad 01lice, Carlisle. Pa. ro
Iligheat Pramlama at the
at the Fake of the
Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania State Fair
September, 1863
American Institute. New York. Mechanics' Association,
Boston, Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, Metropolitan
Mechanics Inaltutr, Washinc ton, :Maryland Institute
Baltimore, Mechanic,' Association. Cincinnati. Be,
.tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association,
St. Louis, Mochlnlcs' l n.tinute, Sall Francisco.
At the State Fairs of`
tl IC MO AN.
These celebrated Machines are adapted to every va
riety of Sewing or family wear, from the lightest tntiv
lins to the heaviest Moths. They work equally well
upon silk, linen, woolen, and rotten goods,—seaming
quilting gathering, hemming, felling. cording. and
braiding—making a beautiful and perfest stitch. alike
on b Lit si tut —ln 1 performing every species of sewing
except malting filat,on holes and f.t,ltehitig on buttons.
Full In tru-tions for operating the Machine b. g.vmt
gratuitously at the s.tles rooms. When the Maehhu•
is sent s ins distance, ao that personal Instruction is
inconvenient, a card of direction Is sent, which is a
sufliolent guide
The qualities which recommend the Wheeler
Wilson )1sc•Ilioe are--
1. Beauty no.l exOelletlee of stitch, alike on both si les
of the fabric sewed
2. Strength. firemess, and durability of scam, that
will not rip nor rot el. sod toads with
3. Economy of 0.1,0
4. Its at taolunents .Ind wide range of application to
purposes :mil material , .
5. Complethess elea'allee of mantel and finish.
f. Shnplb•ito nn , l th,le. , ,hn,s or rol,truetion.
7. speed, ease of opmation and management, and
quietness of nmvement
No. 3 31achine, with
Plain Table, $45 00
Half '...stse, Pannelloh., 50 00
Halt t nee l'olisaett, Mark Walnut or Mahogany 55 00
No, 2 NlArhlne with
Plain Tal le
Half Caqe, Pannellod, 0o no
Ilall Case. I'vliAle.l. lUncic Whinnt or Mahogany 65 00
No. 1 Morhlno, Silver plated, with
Plain Toll r, .
05 nn
liltlf Pnlisln , l, W3lnut. 70
11l W.llnn6 nr Itithoqnny 75 on
4 Machillo. Large with
Plain Table
No. 5 MAchiiiil, Cylinder, with
Plain Tal.lo,
Every 'Marblee is sell with a Hemmer, Nes. 1 and 2
Machines are ~d,l r nuld.•te. with the New Glass eleth
Presser, Nets pi le Ilenneer and Braider.
Wheeler h Wilson'., Aaeney at
CA I{1.151.1:, PA.
at the Crlurt, House,
‘ I/ t T h . 1
)1(! ,
fl'arll-le, oe Monday the 7th
dry t Doeemi rr ne St. the Inn k t 11
private residencelr I n to the heirs
}nut deed, rrtueW ou ‘11,11.11, street ioar the illroad
Thn let Nth t 3 ill fret in front and Ct In depth
lh nmprovete nth. ere a c lont ma
111() r'l' 1111 BM(
0111[1 , 4 . an I flak Is han t •rt II nt
:4/ 4 111 ell the Int ti r a, Id
• Frame Shop lu lhu yard and other cuneeuieut Out
TREE. , ,
Grapes and ShruLl.ery in abundance, and Hydrant in
the yard.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock on said day. when
due attendance will be given and terms made known
by A.
November 27, 'MI. I O ••il l:•tate Agent.
1'1 , l1); 11,)r,:by given t,) all per
-,,),),...,1 Eli
, t II • ~h. 1•1 Il l, t.1.•1,1 , 1
nA.u.l, ,i.t•tilittt.l , ,t t I will • prt...itite.l tit.,
o r p, , ,I •J IPI .1•11 V. V
an i nil .I11:1 • 1 far-i 1, L!I•1 i 11 ty or Doc
A D., I, ;I,
1. I'd •I.• • ,d '). lid! It dpd 11.0 r of Oustavu4
8 kwyor, d to . 1.
VI L ..;,L L. Ii.LLILLILip 'L. Ill,: of D. II Smilor, Qutr
disto II ti ri •\V 0 win +Hy of I,:,tat, Pdidad,.r
-od.o t,;(l.llip •r 1 to It; ntnty. a 1.7 of Perry
3. 'Utie first :to I fill LI a ~ant t 0.1• or-ce Wolters, 8 .1
Admioistrator 1•; , ,.01..t.11 Cr, •r. dm:A.
4. A...,L1L1L of ilo rit.t., mod .1 WAII, frit t, teeu -
tors of Pater Tritt.
5. First and p trtlo amount of J. CI Dunlop 'Pros too
of :S.trali A I, toner, undor Its will of 0 li.
IS. Cha Ilr•t ltil tl t• • lout ll • It. K. .1 fn . , Ad sin
Istrttor of I'linut.ts Johnston. sitn.'d.
7. Ti‘,, first :tod lininistrlll ar,rount of
Janlrs 1 . 00 1 iloS„3 1111i:lk,rstor Vor4tui
8 I . )," first out lillsl Sek,klllll of .Josh I..tntz,
mintslrnGv of John Erf,r.l.
U. T h e first and Of James 033 , 11,n, ux
!tutor oC Cath.trino Myers.
10. Thu aveouri t.if No.v.,lner, Administrator
of Ja001), NOV,.
11. 'fho ,wrooot of 'William Hock, AS.
mlnlstra or of June Tritd. dur'4l.
12. Tho 11. , ..11111t tit .khr.{l2 till Lamlmrtou, Ad
ministritt, )r,pl.l”lkti
it. First till final a—oat, of Samuel Nlyorm nod
ISlielrAul L. II river, of John J. Alyurs,
IL. 'rill (7n s..,,ent.of Jam •,1 S. Colwell,
deed., who w.o, the ...ban of Emeline Evens. It,
Leans Even or elill.iren n 1 Rebtivi, It. Evens. lee'd
settled by \lc Clore, E •q.. A.lmint,trato: of
the e.d I Jam,: S dee'd.
1.5. First and final it, .unt ui Levi Strohm, Admin .. .
istrater of Daniel Eller.
It 3. or .lu , v, (Iron' vud AS tin Cony
er, ete,•eters
17. Oulrd'.:tosllii, novoula of win. It. (torg•w
guirdjan of Sim .n I' it,wniru, under the will of Sant
unl 11.0.0 3 , lat.• ~f N.A4I l'onsboro
18 areouta of Luvl K. ilorb, .1d
mirkiitr it ot of tie orzt,
19. of Sa Ito if ‘I Woods, executor of
Copt A:10111.11 We i Iv i tt^ of 1)1eltInqou t nrnvhip, dec'.l.
'rho I an II :r• • lent of S ['rowel!,
Aclekleistritor of Samuel S. Prowell late of New Cum.
21. First and find ao , nunt of Vmali tn Grove and
John 1,. Kel•u-k, Adininiqtrat9rs of John Grove, juts of
Newton tow nThin,
22 rho supplomontal and final Admlnlstrution ne.
count of Tllotuav 6. Ilrygon, executor of Samuel it
Tho account of Samuel Ayers, Administrator of
David Brandt, doe'd.
21. 'Finn one,nd 30011111 t of John P. Rhoads, Adminis
trator of this ostato of clasp:, Ifofitibowar, Lott, of %Yost
ponnatiorodgh township. deed.
25. First and final aeisiunt of Jacob Chimed% lixocu
tor of Darkt tin irer, 1., to of Peun township id ed.
A. Bit IDY,.ltogistor.
Rogistor's 015 Carlisle, Nov 21, 18(13.
IION I) ri lig lilt IMlrt4oll years it has been in
troduced the 11,, ci States. After heiog Grind by
millions, it has been pi..-Mimed the pain de.l rfiyer of
the world. Vain cannot ho where this liultaent it up
plied. II UNO.II 11/4 dirocted it cannot aud never 1138
failed to a single instittico. tar colds, coughs iand In
lithium', it can't he host. One 25 cent bottle will cum
all the ahoy; boithimi hang ustifuijii every family for
sudden acciilouts, such so burns, cuts, scalds, insect
filings, &c. It Is perfectly liniment to tulto internally,
soul out be gluon to the oldest 114-1,1011 nr youngest
child. l'riro soil fel cents a bottle. 011ie°, 51100art
laud Strout; Now-York. Sold by ell Druggists.
Nov. 0, 1.8113.
Lettere of Adualnlstratlon,on the estate of.lohn
Weigle dec'd., late 01 Dickinson township, Cumber
land county. have been Issued by the Register of
Cumberland county to the subscriber, residing in the
above township. Notice is hereby 0%44 td" all par
eons indebted to said estate to make payment, and
those having ci Anis to present them duly authentica
ted for settlement to
Nov. 20, 1800
WOOD & PEROT, 1130 Ridge Ayeuue,
for sale upon the most etlVOTa
great 'variety of IRO It A ILI NOB for CEMETERIES,
REM DENOES, &a., and Wrought and cast Iron, turd
otter Iron Works of a Decorative elia , acter.—•Doslgue
forwarded (la . selection. Persons applying for same,
will please state the kind of work'noeded.
Nov: 20, 1563.
CARLISLE, Nov. 23d, 1593.
I,ST of Exemptions granted by the
LJBoard of Enrollment of the Fifteenth District,
Penna., for Cumbecland County.
Physical Disability, (277 )
Ernstus McKinney, Samuel M. Wherry,
James Mahon, Samuel A vinger,
Joseph Clever, Abraham Ernst',
Samuel 110 ler, John 11. Crlsswell,
George IV. The, sh, David Durnbaugh,
Robert Piper. Jatnes Blair,
Samuel Bitner, Reynolds Baughman,
William Molder, NV illiam Deihl,
Isaac Koontz, NV Whim A Jackson,
Andrew 11. Banks, Jonathan Etter,
Moses Smith, Enos .1. Forney,
.1. Stewart Grabill, David High,
Jan S'll,ith, Southaint'n. Samuel raughlnder,
Samuel I) McPherson, Joseph i1 e in,.11„,,, r. ri.
John NViiisler, Henry It Iteliuck,
Samuel Warren, Isaac A Quigley,
Ji lila Long, Robert L.diarr,
John 11. Hendricks, Benjamin Hellion tiger.
Jacob Detrich, Jos. Ilefiringer, of l'hos
Nils n Clough, Joseph Thrui...l),
James Harper, Josiah Allen,
Ilartrain Nlackey, DOOlll Flnkenbinder,
Theodore 11. NI oPhersmi. SOlllllOl FllOlO.
(loom° Stouffer, 11'i Inn n 110 Coy,
Thomas Early. SVIIIIam hytel,
Wllliain Smith, Henry Whlsler.
Au ustus Itelehart, lieorge bort,
John C. Martin. Franklin Ills,
NVillimil Beaver, Philip Ileillethignr,
John \ lowers, Benjamin Ilefilidinger,
01,1r:A Varner, .Tolin N. Muir,
Edward Rineheart, IVIIILun ISM Masser,
Samuel Elter James.
Ilay• 1l irkey, Simon Mentzer,
Isaac Sean ro, I 1,. Snyder,
.11111100 SI. 1 . 0101, .101111
it. Uhler,
John 1,0 ern (roPd.) John Myers,
John Noe ker. Abraham Grillo,
thelrge Sanderson, (leo. 11. 11 utehison,
John Hai lan. John Scott Woods,
%Villiaa, Ndgle, 11 1111 nn 11. Nlathias,
David Spriggs (e01 . .1.1 Mielmel Long,
E W. r o .oiot, Andrew Lewis,
.1111111 F.0.11,t, C. Al. Robinson,
llv re roeum, 5111111101 N. Carothers,
,I 1.,, Boss. Nicholas Lewis,
51. Robinson. Jasoli Fenner,
.1 I, Bates,' Thomas .1. B. Eeltels,
William Lewis, Daniel
John Sanderson, 11. White,
11 old Wolf. Peter liihson, ('ol'd).
John Eieholberger, Moses \l avers,
Daniel Thoonly, William Spidle,
Martin Carothers, 0,, yid A Sheave,
Samuel Frowrifel ter, John S. Tiitt,
Jarol, llonver, IVilliain Russel (cord).
William A. Logan,1)111i01 111111110.,
It. Bower., Jeremiah
Benjamin liettbt, Diniel ,Jacobs,
Josiah Ilia k, Joe di Diller,
D. D. Sterret, A.l im
COIIIIIIOIIIIIO Porter, Samuel Da Pis,
lay id Mentzer, Lev i• le hoer,
John Mentzer, Samuel IVetaly,
William liammery, A IV oods 10 alter,
Andrew tiroop, Nelson 1,110'5.111,
William Potts, (cold). .Jon •p} Ittddilson, cold /-
J o hn li acs, Theoltwe Corninan,
NVHllain Nleilonlgle, John littier.
Philip I.i•zin ,o, A mire w .1. Sites,
John Wardeeker, 'l . ll esiore U. Smith,
F. C. Fleming.Jaeob Stock,
rrinn I Leh, - Samuel Ia dlumerieh,-
11 illlnm So.).l.).ritss, Samuel .1. Fell:.
Wetly 01 0 , 1',11 Charles Reight , r,
Chad,: II Hepburn, Matthew 31. Loudon,
Stephen Kerr, Joseph Ileeteni,
David Nan4le, 1.:111a111101 51114,111,
.11/1101.11:111 .1 /10111.100, .11 , 001 01001111,
j 01111 lb. Aleak,
Henry Linnekuhl, IdininerniAn,
Charles Meek. Ilf•nry 11
.Lisle h..niore, .I.nni;tl S. Mr 'onlaion,
1101110,11 N 1,1111.1. (0111 . 1.1). 6.11111101 S HOOllOO,
II Dixoa, Shilli-iin /I. 01111er,
Lumason, James 1)
Robert Hearten, .1..1111 II 11 ID.
David 1,. \Volt. Sainn..l
Henry 1,. 11-eker, I).
James Henry 10011111 R, .I.i n Hommel.
Asbury Yoja,m,,(ewid)._ Cliark s 1% .
_ Liulhuret,,
Fetter, 11 Moine,
Robert .1 lell, Levi
Cliacidi A. Say lor. .1•0111, 111
Solllllol .1. Nloolh, IN:l30 hear.
^, Hr.,' F. Id Linen,
NVilliani Harder, 11 dhow
A 11. living, John i.
'Dimino: D. Mahon, John I' esintort,
A. II !lesion,
David Brenner, David Higley,
11. Webthellfer, Joints Z
Juvob Rost, Wlllino V. Struck,
Daniel A. , eemy, Jallllo, Franklin,
,Leander C. , 01,111110, Henry 11..hler,
James 1.) Bell, C. .1 iNwinany.
•Mathias S. Spidle, J:11111,1 A l 7 n•en,
Linnaeus Eviler, . L. Stover,
Henry Spahr, Henry I, Miller,
Icon,' ) I) 1.1),5.
(helirgli Reed, 11,1)1111h) 1.. Haverstiek.
.nosh 00 W/60[1, Id, .1. (load.
Jeremiah Low, Isohler,
John it Daugherty, Abraham Free , e,
Jolla Al. Underwood, Samuel l liapinan,
John T. Devinnuy, John Stephen,
Henry Heaver, P:01141100) Dielz,
John Gill. Abraham chunk,
D. It Rendergnelght, John Renard,
George Lutz, .1.1110 A Suitzaherger.
Samuel liarver. 11,1;1x111 11. ;milt,,
SAIIIIIOI 11. Stouffer. Misr, ihstot,
David Lingle, Emanuel Bowman,
John McHenry, Mod, tel Lite,
Philip Landis. 11 illiam It 11i4ler,
Andrew stoulf r, Samuel Miller,
Eli Is Ilartzler, Al uliam Shops,
. . Joseph E. 1150 n, .
Israel Stone, John Reek,
• Hemp, 11,0 11.1 t, Charles A. Spoliator,
Rudolph Ilarlzler, Joseph \Volt,
(l Burge D. Stouffer,lieso go Stoner,
Henry Reif, John Freeland,
George 5M.11111,18, J,llll
John Ecit'aril, Jr. 01 it dam 11i,,, melrl
George et uck, item go 11'. Livingston,
11'illiam It Dinsmore, Albert Freeland,
Jacob Bretz, Joseph McCool,
Levi 11. Mullen,
.latnes Smith,
Agmlls lloworx,
Ambrose Hoyle,
SiintJll P . lloolyear, Lindqey,
Richard ii EiJel,
Two of same Household
inssioned Officers, Itus
T. J. Walker,
Improper En
Joseph Thontas. (hid.)
Onl+l Son of Widow depending on leis Labor
for Supporl ( 18. )
11. Vaughn, I WOllant
Henry Ilrig.zle. 1,. 'l'. (Ireeofield,
Soloanim Chris!'leb, (1 rove.
Jacob W:ixhiogton, Stephen Pendm. , ,Tass,
Porter Drewet tevl'd). 11.
George PelYer,
George Forney, orltovls A. Cain,
SIMI 11111 11. li 11110, R illi:un 11. ,v hintler,
.iuorgo W. Chulfint, li,. rl'e
Only Son of Ayed or 11
Depending on his Lab
o.eph Myers,
John W Shofner )
Le vi Kissinger,
Monne Zimmerman,
lihnui It. McClellan,
Eugh.ires Myaers, (cord)
Uu ,rge Myers,
Father of Motherless
years depending on his 1.
°corgi( 11. Cop
J. it. McCullough,
Levi Cornman,
George T. It Harman,
Henry Springer.
Over Forty five y
Michael Unkurbraun,
Jacob Diffenhach,
Over Thirty five (.0i
Abner Willis,
Benjamin Smith,
George Evilhauk,
Samuel (trilby,
Oeorge Shumbargor,
John t i ny,
Henry Mowers,
John Shumber,
Samuel liindig,
Jeremiah Seals,
George Carothers,
Nicholas Jones. ( Meta )
Henry Brownawell,
Jacob A. Smith,
()surge W. Niumper,
Under Twenty re,
Stephen Henderson,
Simon Johnston, (eoi'd.)
Benjamin Long,
L ev i Slitter,
are of Age. [IG.]
Lewis Brooks, (cord.)
A. Luneard,
Jonathan Stoner,
J. Vryanyer,
I. Joseph Robinson.
-Furnished Substitute; (32.)
William W. Harper, 4 Ell Bear.
Richard Baker. (cord.) Wilson !Midler,
Alfred MattWawa, Ephraim Common,
:•atnuel Donnelly, William Tripper.
George W. Stewart, George Speas,
John A. Miler, Amos Conine,
Andrew thigh. Jacob [Seidler.
Joseph Jacobs, Samuel llepburn, Jr.
Jacob High, John 11. Alexi - odor,
John Mil:itch, George Humphrey, cord,
8. William Ilarttol, Charles McLaughlin,
Andrew liech, Jeremiah Wilson,
William Dovinney, Levi Lantt,
E. A. Longsdorf, • Henry Rohb,
John IL Eicheiberger, *limos 0. Muslim,
David Maxwell, Reuben Monett,
Elected under 9th Clause 2nd Settion of
Enrollment Act I (18.)
Reynolds Pilgrim, , - I Thomas Shover, - -- -
Michael Huntsberger, George Mentzer,
Jacob Cloudy, Samuel Keehler.
-John Saddler, • SobieskPbee.
John Underwood, Ilenry Dellinger;
Nrancis Spahr, . J W. D. Otilelati,
Grafton Welsh, Jacob It. Bender,
John W.-Armiityong, Matthew H. Thompson;
David Hell, Albert K. Swisher, /
List of Exemptions
eats (1 4 )
ilodfrey Ship,
Abram It Shornor,
1),,, Id Kelly, d l't,tl man,
Willium A. Nl, odward,
.1,1111 A.
Iloory Itarlllllll.
in Service as Von corn
;clans or Privates, [8
Lovi Co.vor,
cr, [2 ] .11.ITrior,
tialnutd Cantor,
Jacob W. l'almnr,
John laufulau,
James A. Duke
ollment, [l.]
ifirm Parent or l'arekts
or for Svpwri ; (I I )
A hraliam Spencer, cold.
Fnw tic , (111,,,
Levi 1 11 . 11011 p,,
111111 am K. Piper,
.I,lcob rightstone,
San, uol K I tick le,
, John E. McCormick,
Children under twelve
abor for Supporti; [1 0 )
I Edwin J•ines,
Ueorgu W. White,
Andrew Krioderer,
J 000pb Sollenherger.
And I.OW Woods, (col'd.)
ears of Age. [4 ]
John P. IKobus,l.
John Tocas.(cold.)
u 1 ,Married, X3l.]
James Bra d
Robert Sharp,
Jacob "1 II er,
John ()onion, (cord )
Samuel Sampson, cord.)
John Weibley,
Peter Warner,
Joh n Baker, (col NI.)
John Ward,
bowls John non, (cord.)
Will him L. Boswell,
John Shupp,
Matthew Fisher,
Henry Stoplens
'mutilation, [31131
By Payment of Co
Chat lea Eck°
John C. Croft,
Samuel Burr,
Henry Hank,
1)11.11301 KOlffer,
John Wonders,
Benjamin Bowman,
Jesse Naugle,
John Sinith. (Shlpp'rg )
William I). McClure,
George Joh,
I !miry W. SiLtiet,
Henry It. Roby,
John k. \lillrr
Chrihtopher II ippensteel
Jacob G. stulter,
liobert Lawton,
John It Mattier,
Henry glutton,
George Varner,
John Jobio.ton,
NV ii linen .‘
Joseph Butner,
Cyrus Allison.
A inns K. !tinkle,
.lobs Heim,
Reven Cumintils,
Hugh or.
Cal in Clow,
Lee, 31aillieek,
Joseph Koons,
[lll ugh,
Situ,,, I lale,
A. C. 51111.. r,
Joh II NI logh,
Urk, I, KOSIIt,
./ 01111
Siam i 'Mowery.
i.:11111:0i Itor.tholtlor,
Uarid Paul,
NVilliain ti I brush,
Wafter Pet! r,
re,jamiuF. THU,
A milew Young,
A hoer
Al! . eit Carle,
11 ill lain Si, leo.
John Fenton,
John C. An,
Martin Hoover,
Joseph Ilurgeil,
'1 honing 11111, dinger, Jr.
Sc illide Ftuuffer,
Daniel lluntsberger,
David Long,
Noah Laughlin,
.1. I).lph,
Henry C. NVaggoner,
Abram S. Hawk,
Daniel ' , inter,
Samuel sholenberger,
IV. 'l'. 11e11lefinger,
Alexander , tuthel,
Samuel 11. lietine,ly,
Henry 'Frough,
I) .1. Fard,
Robert Sharp,
Samuel Ileberlig.
Jaen, Strome,
lEutry Helen,
' 1"h" (I Killian ,
Ihlvid llrtte 11,
Samuel smith,
.1. I'. lett idson,
hallos Gang ,
Alexander S Nonib urn,
(1 Elia,. Il'ottLltelror,
John Slyer®,
Samuel Plough,
Get wire 1 ors,
John seitz.
Beurge Ileitz , tolle or,
liaitteL 31 yet , ,
Jame , : I Graham,
Lori 11. Lohman,
lbatto Fry.
Cyrus .5. lioutiltrt,
.11e8. II unn•r,
Banin..l BrAntit.
iiue tr. lilt:1111w it.
Slllll 11,11 [loch,
E. Carpenter Line.
Ii rider Russel,
La Lt) it( to Noggin,
John Helios,
George Rea,
S. 31 (("do,
I V.lliain A Ilutehlson,
James Ilalston,
Cm' oltz,
Parker .1 )10,,,,,,
George Burkepile,
Joh. E. Trezti,
lia 10 E. ti reel,
John 1/ellinger,
Homy Ileaey,
F. G.
James 1. Wood.,
1 1 .1 , ,, , •1. shearer,
1V iliittut Ilat Lin, '
Homy Sri,
, eture \ . orlich,
Coma,' Limtuut,
.1„1,,, It. Sgt, ulMn,
\ l lll 1;ou
11 •”ry .5 Rhoads,
31Iohool IVeaver.
Thomas 11. ue,
Malt mote,
Smith Ir. I . .ttifulatt, 31 ussttlintin.
II irant .1. Littotl,
11 ar; 1 tt ‘1 a .dens,
Joseph Harmon,
.Innis 11. liutsnall,
Jacob II moat,
A deed II 11 3 010,
.1 , 111 11 E. Btu it,
sautuel shoalor,
Ile nt stt to ler,
Adal. F PoIT r,
Josiah 11. So nor,
1111 , ard s.
NI ilii.tin lirdh t 11,
Tit .Ittlltt Johns
Plll.lll 31 Gilder,
t;tllshttl I,
3 1 WI to Wtt,
thoolt t.1.1t1 11 111 ul,
111...1.,,0 P. st aright,
Joie Strichlul,
)tot rot',
.I,trob 31 Lllll 111.1,
1 1 .11,1• I 1 Allen,
1 , :t1i,1 It,tsleae e,
i tins.
Salli 1,1 111 111.11•,
.\III 1,1 1 1 tl,n 01
1 - ILIII \mil Baker,
.1. 44. 51111er,
Levi Good) ran,
:Anton P. tutod) oar,
Jacob 31. sol ton Ittlrger,
A Ina 11.1 it 6111 Isor,
.ILthu I,loa,
Elias Yost,
.Ittettlt l ink,
oseplt t• 11 clutter,
u 1•! 11. Durk limn,
I).ttlirl II,
Sul uel 1 oho,
John !Audi:,
Llcilly ktionel burger,
1 lulu) s. Laird,
tit at ge Slather,
Jt.illi .31 it ,
Peter ttresS,
\ 1 1 11.1 ill Lambert,
.1,1,11 1. Lon,:,
Imoiel .1. 4.“ . 11.,r las,
sato eelßu
1 . 0• It r 11, thdle,
ttool go sheLLle,
Ilettr,3 Neidleh,
J. 41 11
E.INC/1111 ltoilZers,
1 1\ II I 1.1 Lit .1. La) eoc
111.11 ant George,
3loses sbellett he, ger,
Ileury D..slusser
I'll Beek,
Joh., 31. Bruce.
11 pilaw 11 all,
Lenjantin Lau,,eneelter,
'P. .11. 3111110,
\ 1 I Bretz,
\ 'Want Li Bender,
tit 15Liatt Iltutder,
Ittetti,:e 1111 t,
31 Rtes C st.a3 loan,
Peter .5. Keller,
Jetties (leanly,
Carolus \I et Lz,
Jelin s. Lantz,
Christian llouver,
1/.toiel Eberly,
NN lLtnw Bryson,
Jesse Du lire,
David 111 . 1geS,
.1111 . 011 P.I , helberger.
Joseph A. Brenner.
S. A tt,,,ust us llaslotre,
Alex att dot 1 0 ,,, iug,
J 111tH Iturl,y,
14 , 11),,,,,in .1. Fr/I Ilk,
A Ittaltart, Lehman,
Antos ll'. NI
l/4•0; go II ~ r tz
Joh. E. NVomls,
Itenj Mc
Samuel Itttudetnauglt
NV. NI U4,i.i 'wart,
Samuel (;ay 11115 It,
mph Patti,
Eltglg Mount.,
NV 1).6, tier,
tilutm I(a.nunory,
1 . 1,111 11,•ar.
II NI. IVvalcivy
u_fu,; us Ilarch,
Auto. Htllrr.
Joists N. %%Mum's,
~ t•ol go S. Letpiml L,
Sub der,
(i,..._;tt It ulll,
)41 , eti , r,
NN 1l ll:l 111 `lllltll,
Joh o ,
_ll 11l kin k !Iker j _
Jaeolp 11111111)1,nd,
P.rrlrLL 114.ard.
:111111111.11:1,1 St4,y111;l11,
.1. M N‘ ealsiey,
11).tuiel .1. GI aver,
" ICipliaol C. :.•lituati,
Day ol holookh.,,
John U. h !annul,
A won faylor,
I otoiel
Jacob \ alterq,
J. f. Kos',
Miles C. Coe er,
Julio K Liarbotio,
Abraham May,
Job a A. Long dorf,
henry l'uokelberder
:' , ..0i, , 1111111 Markley,
Ullat la, Su 4th,
A 1.,, Imug,sdot
ot. \ ogle,oog,
Alotmoo,ll itorman,
J. P. host,
If vlll.l 11 t/t.,1„..t.
Adam Crater,
tinkirge E. 11a... an,
J,tlnt I', Slot echur,
Samuel Dun kel burger,
Alltrd A.
henry 11 u,er,
Pelt, 11,0 1')
U owiding,
John U
uu ver
:Di.° I'. 'Mu; nu,
Jalllls -. A. n ""
IJ.DileI Hurd,
Alich.atel Ml lost!,
J. W, Cochran,
George Duey,
Charlon A. tlel r,
G . Delexuan,
Ileuly Null,
John 11111 N
Di, in C. z•it,ger,
1,. ~. fleeter,
)11chaul li.tnu pure,
Albert K. )Idler,
Jam A Mel!,
Hal Ltil,e,
AllgU•tUb J LLLUur,
fat:little] It. )lerk
:411111.1VA Zillilllel
014 11 t
A bratittni I. It u pp,
Frutittrick Deck 111,1,
'l. utlureruuul,
Peter It Opp,
Lit H . H lb,
11 ZlllllllOlll.Ol,
111,irt..1” Tate.
61 Ilion It. Brett.,
elnlah Is retz,
Jmeol., A ISaselio r r,
It. Oyst er, .0
1 lour). It. II user,
In SerViCe Male
J aroll W. 31111,,
)I:lstm [Hiner,
Ilion ,
u' , (7 )
'William Elmer,
James Hi lur,
A Ireil
AI l're.yent in l'aite,
Joseph Baughman,
Davi I Myers,
JOhepil clorehl a n d ,
Drafted in I RG'
Peter F. Spahr,
John limner Ott Peter,
SalliUtil Crept',
2 anti Fu, limbed
le, (30 )
Hugh A. Frazer,
h avid C. Mowrey,
filunuel W. Bruttain,
Saltine! Nlvers,
Solomon Myer.,
William Bra mit,
Henry IVehbort,
Harvey (I utshall,
Abraham !fennel/lan,
Cyrux Dornbaek.,
.111COLI S. Laver,
John Olvler,
John II unnon,
Ciporgo Rupp,
John Boar,
Sam u.,1 Mcßeth,
John ()..Ify,
Mullion berg W lila ma,
David S. Kerr,
John Martin,
A. P. ilmiderson,
John NVtdzpl.
William .1. Dronizer,
JO llnthlthifPogy,
Po!or A. Plank,
David 11. Cobh),
Elias hivm,
Discharged Required Aramher 061ai ne 1, (9.)
IL (L I'.tor Alh, fight,
Alms Waggoner, I Henry II v flivtinger,
William hvon, Clvti Ins Esiiivis,
Christian ing, I Emanuel Wert,
,hisehh h ugara,
Cap. k Provpst Marshal
For Rent or Sale
riIIIAT well known property now °cen
t pied be the subscriber situated on the doutheast
corner of Pitt and ',nuttier streets. nearly opposite the
iterman Rettormetitlburch. The house
if d i s lt - .L . '" 7 1 . is a largo Mirk Building, oloot to
ivy v .....,) a th roe story house, finished trout the
d A ;,t Er . 4 . cellar to the roof It ft onts2B feet oc
-, - ..........'-u. Lowlier, and about 70 feet with the
trout tutu ~ac is building on Pitt street. and 120 test
more or less on Pitt street ; haring also thereon AI small
Tenant Mms. a large Warehouse: formerly used no a
Livery Stable, all which the subscriber will either rent
or dell. For further particulars enquire of _ .
Nov 13, 1803-3 m
Novolabor 6,1663-3 m
On Saturday, the 12th of December 1863.
- p Y . virtue of an order of the Oophan's
IL)Court of Cumberland County, I will expose to pub.
lie sale. on the premises, the following. describer] Red
Estate. situate lit lloguestown. Silver Spring town
ship, late the property of John Loy, dm:A:
No. I. That valuable two-story
Brick TIMIS° and Lot of Ground situ
4' ii.444' ate on the north side of the IhrriA
ffig774, l her;;, Carlisle and Chambersburg
Turnpike, toljoining property of Dr.
J os eph others. eentainln thirty feet In
front and two hundred and hit) , nix feet more or less,
en depth. having also thereon erected a Frame Darn
and other Improvements. and known as one of the old
ist sent ties. TftVolll StailltS in the county.
No. 2 Two Loss of Uround adjoining the,above and
bounded by preirties of IV. Fink, George Hoffman
and the turnpike road, each of said lot. cent sin forty
two Met In front and two hundred feet In depth more
r let, having a Dwelling_llonso, II agdninalter Shop
and Ilinektonith Shop thereon erected. Perenns desir
ing to view the oroperty can call on George Duey, now
occult, mg the Tavern Stand.
Sale to -011111.'1,0 3t. 10 o'clock, when terms nucleon
&Lions will be made knn,a a by
Nor I:I, 1563. Executor.
Town Residence at Private Sale.
ITII AT E near the corner of Pitt and
k .. 1 shin •treet, in tile Borough 01 Carlb:l-. two dools
rd the l'he Improvements are
two -tory lilt ICI(' Iit)I;alt, eontaioing
13,1 , 01111.11 t, R. tell., end Ploinv. rein.
The ie,oli-es :11, ill 1i1 . 4 rate order find th.h-hool in
thin 01,1”oved manner. havinv n 1 1 the modern in,
1,,,,e1111•111,, including 1111 x, 11.11 Bud Cold Water, Until
/Coen, Ae.
l'•rsons it, irons of riowink. , ,• tlin promises or loart,ins.!
I.•rther ivirtlnlArs. terms. A:e., I, ill law MI/111k° of
thr i•wlwr, be IV Ililton, next door, or of
rl l lll4lundersignetl, Assignee of 'Alichticl
of the !toroth:li of tinder deed of
yoctintari cissi..ticoient for the benefit. of coeditors, will
sell at the t'oilit Th'itiso, in the sit. Itorotht:11. ou $ll tlll . -
d ty. the clat of November, 1,4 i. the billowing:I:11-
u clde clod estate, :
All that M
Ilow of 'ICK
. 044;c-c i s. !louses. on o'a't street, in c'cirlisie
Thin of lit tat' c story 111 lilt
i7 filip 5 5 teL to
Zfe-J* . 11,111 t. and a lot shout 11l fe e t
in cleict t lc. ici t,n t , to in.! The, houses ore well finish
ed slid ore cloccir.ilde its re,icleccc,
tm the I'mk rend. In ended by
1.1,1 , l'et• r 4111. and llollert Irvie,
nedeoot.tmlll,, 10.11,1 Fl iL It 3.1..•5. more or le.w. The,
:Ire 11 11,1! ere tcer,h the attention of pur
t 0 r , n.imrnrr tit It) tt't I!n•k M terms will
he tit.ttle tow» 11 by
- -- •
On I 7(7:/).! )", ,V,,rember 28, 18113,
r I.; siiio , pliher will 8( 11 ;it puhlic.salh,
„ •;1
t‘; ' ,ll, I. •011:11.• 11, U,.r.,l , :ilorrfirll , lt . .l'lllll
I a., h..a10k.1 tn.• ..ast by JP.IIII kr
;lvy P.a ,t.ha st 1 un tis nratli
I loet in Inmt 17( 1
II: :Ire a,eniant
tao stta
I; III('K II ()1" S ,
Id: \II.: \ 11'..11..nt H. the. \:u.l. and a rarl.dy
ti uII
Tlll.- i- .1.-11:11.1r ty fr a pm ate d
at. I ~r
vv lien
is id I” h/ . . ,, ,11 Ly
N. 1.;, 1— 9t
Valuable and highly Cultivated Farm
I 'l'l' .1 . 11'; in Silver Spring Township,
1. Ile I by
.'l,lll/lill, 111 . 1 211 . 11, 111141 riles Of good
tirAvvl mut 1,1111, all cleared but al out II
. .
The, are o 14.0 i Two
0 F)... -_La sle l y I:1 ick \. :u II Uhl:, Itriek
ti . 1 A Kitchen awl Wal. I louse.
tli t4
. L ) ,
... P; : 0 :.:I : 1 1 ' BANK BARN,
R.,-4,_...N. 't , ,elll, s, lilt till), 4 .klt, Buil t llng f i...--
.1n t•Ne.•llettt 11,11 trl ”I A ',pl.-. al,. Cho: ries. Pen, hes
.1,... in 111,1111 1 / 1 11:1,, 11111.1 :1 lI f'l I i.f never ItilinV flitter
!war the ii.“.l. 'ft, ptit Ito 1.., h. tulder unod !ono mid
ha. ........IL limed is ur and is the I,lEthest possible
slate r.I 4.ultitation.
tt,r tai ms further particulars, enquire at tlid
prtAni, ti Or Or
A L. Spy). SLEIL
Nos'. 1.1, 11113-Bt. Heal Estate Agent.
Town Property at Private Sale.
I'l - i AT on Pomfret street near the
1tt•...f,..1 stf ert, n thr liorough Of Carlkle
Lat. c,Lic reef in 210 leet in
depth The ithi.reventent, ate a large
nn talnin~ 4 rO lus„, p wHh hall thrat44ll the
pentrp, aka attl, i , ,11V1.1111.11t. Mat buildings. Thur
ppl.perty will hr di•rostl at at a great bargain. Far
tone+ de , apply to
public are hereby informed that
I Ll u • Inler this day anterad Into A Co
P.letnee , lllp, minim the 'lame of Iteluut•y B IhL ir , tar
the Pl.' Ill,e nl eller) hut on the Coal and Lumber husb
nes,. et ton mill al all er Delaney, 'war the Gas
1\ arks ; when• all milli, in their line of bn•lness are
resprrtt'ully s'd{riu•d, and will praininly filled.
Itrt 16, 18 t f
r Is ill I. rerelved at littlliert &
Flonlioift. tiro...Ty Itoliert. Mooru's Shoe
:old A ('art lung
rill! AT certain valuable residence arid
g nit IlOgU,•:t11W11, Silver
`iii l'untlwrland County, tnrmerl) imned
hy the InLe .1"1111 , The House
has all tinr vont taliell M./ make it
rent desirahle r sileure and the Stu, Ili u m is OUP
nl the l'or the mereanlll.• but,hiens in the
County (Ind has boon (would,' Mr that put pane lur
many veal, lOr terms apply to
Nov, 6 , 11:111.
Chat Lie WeLrich,
Johu .lult.
John Butler,
ia: 01111,
J tool,
'I he undet,igned A editor appointed by the O r .
coort of t oral... Hand County, to nuirlduil
he in LLr i,..ods of Jos. lhandt, Ex
eee tor of the estate of Ilnn,nna Krrehor, doe'd will
attend to the duties nit lib:appointment, at his alive
hi the Borough nt Cal lisle, on \ll,elnesday the 2,1 day
of DeeemLee, at lu o'clook, A. 11., whey and where
all plrl inns interested may attend.
L. J. W. FOULK Auditor.
October :10, 1063—lin
Stales Service, (G.)
4-Letters teetll tile?, In ry on the estate of Mrs. Mary
Clark. Into ut township, Cumb. county,
tlee'd.. have 1,. ..11 Issued LI , the subscriber living it.
Carrel township, Perry musty. All p•rsons Indebted
In said estate aro reque,teti to make immediat.. pay—
ment anal thus., having claims elll present them fur
settlement In JA.lLid SM I LEY,
October 2.1, 186:1—lit Ex'r.
ILave just returned from the Eastern
'lark is eith an luuomisu stock of IVlnter Goode,
Latest styl s, Mid fabrics of Ladies Dress Goods,
and Children's Dress Goods,
Ladies and NINSVS Furs, all hinds uncl qualities,
A large stock 'of CIMAKs and MANTLES. selected
from the most fi1,111111111.1.113 inanulastorlcs In the cities.
Lttest Park Sty los sad doslgnA. Cloaking Cloths,
Plain and Coslor Denys's, Mltleux and other qualities.
Shawls in large suplvy, latest novolt es as well as
staid° es.
of all hindn and varieties. Balmoral Skirts, every
quell ty nmd style.
New Style Hoop Skirts. All kinds of worsted
goods, Gloves. llns cry, Embrilderles
Overcontings, Cloths, Mollons. Satinets, Jeans, togeth
er with an immense stock I f Muslin's Calicoes, 01ng
Mans. Blankets. 1 , 13111101 H, ' burnishing (Mods Ste.,
Please call at the well known staled East Main Street.
Nov. 13, 16(3 W. C. SA WY ER.
J UST received and very
,cheap at
As wo purchae these gouda of 'an oxtonalve Cloak
Manufactory-In NEW Yonn, we are able to offer superl•
or Inducutnente to any Honed In the country.
We defy competition. having insdo 'arrangements with
one Of the largest NOV Yurk Fur IW,H., to supply lIR
with choice deeds. We fuel confident we con sell Furs
ut.Oliy prices,
Nov. 13, 18(33
Assignee's Sale
13 I,' I 0 A" II 0 I" 8E ,
Notice of Co-Partnership,
u1,1V1..1t !)I I.' NCI%
A \ttlt ENV IL. 111,A In
For Sale or Rent
B.E. Cor. 'of Mar of Swam, 2d door
.ycls. Beira Prints at 1.81 els,
5000 yds, Super Ertra at 20 cis. Uooa ,
4-4 /3, /a, ,Thalia, 25ets. Esti a Bea ey
4-4 Bela .11iisl in at 3lets.
DOIIICH , te ning11:1111,1 (111,k,, Tick Ingg, Jeans, Fla,"lvls
of Ali 0011114. !boon A1:1 , 14, VI:1111101S ilray 1111(1 IV)ltte,
1lonlu• NIIIIie 4/1,1118.
NVe have also all the lower nrked Mullins and Prints
on hand, and
Plain Blarl< NIII<s at nll Kiel,
IVe n()w sell an extra quality 111nok : 4 11k at
worth $1.50 per yn,ll Plain and Fancy Silks of ev,, o ,
des.iption at 1.,w prices.
nIZ E S 00 1) ,
as we have purrhaqeed our entire stork of Tires Nonas
In Now York (which Is Ileadquartera. for all the New
les.) hvery one will find it to their ad vanta,re to
give our stock a look befoto going O'heNt her you
will see all the laleht New York ,tyles. at pikes to suit
the Holes
Ut !MURAL SIC I WI'S, from $2,50 up to the fi ueht
Cloths and Cassimeres,
a full itsl , ortinent. of Cloths, Casslineres and Beavers,
all or Clue owes.
Also a full stork t 1110U1INING GOODS, at
at astonishingly lon , pikes,
111e.vog laid rottou; &r
In our stork Of ilooils, Nub aN, eontans, Scarfs,
WO defy runyu•t it intl.
We base It Inrsr1.1:0111111111t. of It 1•1!,11111e inadli gontl , ,
which an ran soli at lon nr prima
limn any IVlnilesale llousn, largo or small, eillier in
city nY roimiry.
.~hswiv ufev e: y desrripl ion. at Ibe lowest figure.
All We jilt is a eel!, see al (`olliiiictlt eve eon pleasi
both iu styles rind pi lees et goods.
Olt I,:tl.ti & SHEA FEN,
S. F., Cur. Market Squal u, And door Irma Col.
(let, A. ISi:3.
First Prizo Medal at the World's Fair,
London, 1862.
(-,--e ITT: -- -•,-,
4 .p-'- -, ' .. _ 7. ,...... ;: • - ,-(ii,
,-_-7--',-...--.,-ti,,,,__''.-1...:a5,' V
" 4-- Th ) .s ), - ) - ' 4. ''''' , I , ( 4 ,1
1. -- -7-- '
. ~,
rintlE undersigned ha , just received,
and intruels eon .taut} 4,11 lulu , : 3 full a'
si amenl ot Ihr unrqualle..l inanttl.trt ured. Ly
St.tginw y & \,a• York.
Each inqrlll3l, 4 will he earefully selt.rt.4.l In the
3113 •• 1Y I r __
New York Cash Factory Prices,
with the ,itititt ion of Frvight to Cit.,
A skritten cAelin , tee tit' entire Nati-fiction oi.l In
by Ole -111 , , ea,
por are to call :Ind
uzn illllO 11111 . 1,1111`.1 lit
ft. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store,
street, 11t 11:1,1Sj0,1
e Depot
SP:C(IND HAND HA ') . . 4 received in exrln.n.,v an.l
lop 1 r •ale and to root.
. . . .
Ni DTI Cl].
Firm Sawyer
I_ ler, hatt tht. tht, been disrobed by the
consent of all par LicS.
Fept. 3.1. I,lta.
The Books of the Firth are in the of .T. Ti. Lei
Melt & John Nliller for rttliectit.ti t h y etitt I,e stt•en In'
soling at the 41111 •it 1 • 11141,t 051 01..Stly 1"11t•et1
tt nermals boos i tt . 4 thvii,4•l, iti.l , •lttod to oaid I. it 01.
to) call and sails the Nam, prianittly.
.Inim Miller, have soh' out tlwir
the interyst Sn,re to the „ho
will vontioue the Dry flood Busi , ,es, at the old v. ell
knnwn stand, and will always endeavor to make Ills
stock the most desirable in the market. '
Sep 19, 1863
TIT fl PROPRIETORS 01 , 1'111+!
GIIIA 11.1) 110USF
Itenpt•.•t lolly call Ow It f t. 1113,1 of It. rim, lien and 11 ,
nil, 11 1.6 I hi•
anti 1 in i•i•Iii1.1ii..11111.•11
K 1,1 11
Si lit 11. :Ibis
rpliE )lANTILL.I (I,OAlc
.c N EAI'N I \ I ,Lret•t.
705.) I'llll, DELPHI k.
11"ri/i it,• Ih. att,,, .. of their
Frio! oh L. th,ir I ,roe and :' , ll , erl. Shud , el
Hut. CLUAK.4 ;tud FUIt r,
11rip31,11,1 in any G.rnu•r st , a , "”
jOireShel Se ili att.1.1.•.1 in (Sir Ile,'
ellAbieS US to 11(51(10 the fUnt st 1..
w 111 he flood ,N VI! 1111,1 every W•scrip
t inn ”IFIRsr itS, which sill he ;;n.ur:nll eul a: ,
I VIII k•••••litt•d, or the iii•oo•y I.'ll will he relonde,l
illil/1:ItS per lu.lii. will he eall•folly attended In, niol
&live eft, l•kpress elotr,4t, pall, ally di,t,:tnee ilni,le ol
11 U miles.
W. CHOC ['Olt k CO.
No 9.:0 cuEsTS UT Strout, Pil I LAD A
August. 2 , th., ly
Sr, L A INT . I )
.7. FOURTH c ARC II S!.s.
F 0 It FALLT It A E ,
Rod, IThite mid Blue FLANNELS, etc
F,p o 4 lht 3 -3mo.
ARCH St net. Mow
south aide, POI LA
1 , 11.1.111 A.
Importer, NI an uttet ur
of and Dozier intazll
Inds of
Fancy Furs !
zr Ladles' and Chil
dren's Wear.
whih to return my
tanks to my friends of
trlislo and the our
minding Counties, for
teir vary littoral pat
,onage extended to me
during the hest f e w
years. and would sayto t.hrm that 1 now tiny° in store
of any Own Importatat ion and !tin n ufaet tire a very ex.
tenelve assortment of ail the different kinds and quail.
ties of FANCY . Foes, fur Ladies and Children, that will
be were during the Fall and Whiter seaous.
listing the direct importer of all toy FM'S front En.
rope. gout having them all Mann U 1110 ured under tiny
own sin pvrvh.lon—onableti nine to offer my customers &
the public ri much handsomer Set of Furs for the Raise
1110110 y ',MHO , . please give me a call he litre purchasing!
Pleaeo rot:leather the name, number and street.
No. 718 Arch:Street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 11, 1803-3 m.
' IRINCE & CO.'e well-known 'MELO-
Do/NS and 11A It NIONIUMS, Introducing the of
fret of potful bees on item) . Instrument.
' , Ain; EST GA BL ER:S
„ LI ALLET. DAVIS Cu., celebrated I IANOS for rash,
99„-Uver 29,000 meld.
ES 111 0 .1.,LA 11, Sole Agent. •
279 281 S. Fifth street, above Spruce.
April 17, ISB3-Iy.
The Confessions and Experience.
Published for the benefit. and as a warning and
who suffei Nervous Debility Premature Decay of
Manhood, Me , supply Inc at the some time.
THE \ KASIti OD' tiEl. le DU DD. •
Ry one who firm cared himself after being put to great,
expense and Injury though medical humbug and
quackery -
. B , y enclosing a post paid tuldrossed envelope. single
copies may be had of the author.
Bedford, Kinip County . , N. Y.
May 22,1&02.-1,
Notions and Wo 101 l Goods,
D.. 1. 1.1.:11):CII
.101 IN NI I I,!,1.1;
French M EIO NOES,
Dark Figured SILKS,
Fire Insurahee
rill - 1E Allen and Eastpennaboro' Mutual
_L Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland COttiliy.
incorporated by an act i.t Assembly, Ili the year 184.;.
and having recently had its charter extend,' to t.h.,
year IsB3, Is 11101., In neLlvn alid vigorous operation, un
der the superintendence of the following . Board or
Ma touters, NAY.:
imam It. llorgas, Christian Stayman, Jacob liberty.
D. Bally, .llex. Cathcart, .1. 11. ('rioter, John Lichella:r
ger, Joseph WielterghoM. Sand. Eberly, M 0.., (tricker,
Itlidoi ph IIIIT tin:Jacob roovot. :I• (I .1. C. Dunlap.
'llly rate's rut insurance:tee as low nod favorable as any
Company ,it thr bind ta ch.. Pi n to. Permois wishing I.
become members ale Inv it.•.l to 1113 k I` to 18,.
agents of the Oen, any, wllo :Ire willing to wait up.t,
them at any (Arne.
'it NI. 11. Pre...ideo.
Eberl,'s NI Il 4, P. if
CHRISTIAN : . !.TA YOI.IN, Vice President
Nlerbankslottrff., I'. o.Egl
N: C. DUNI, 11 . . horCv `.l orhaolcsbnrg.
DA:N 11.11, ISA I lA', 161,111... t. lort co
Al; EN
Clltllb,rl3ll,l counly.—.l,llll !.Alorrivl:. A li,o;
lit•ury I:.c.vm.tu. I bur Ilit.A u: 1 l•. 110 111 L.
1.11; $1111111.. 1 (it.tham, \\ Fa1o11 , •;
rw,Tor, 111 , ,•1111.c,i,ure; •1. \\*.
D. Cfp.oor, .\ lion. .1. (). : , :txt,,n, tflrrr .
.lobo Cm;l , le; 1;04.10111,. Pn ulnu. :New l'un11.•1-
1.114 , 1: •Iptuop \0 .. . V
Volk , v , r;
NVi t ri Ingtou ; .1 R 11,011,11 'Nl , unr Gin; Riplwy Elcit•
ey CI irk. Dillsburg; D. it 1 1'.111%11,; il
linmr l'lrroll.
Dauphin ro —.7eent, 11.13 I i,b111,:.
lenlbets of life Comp.olv havlng I,olleli, t.hont
•telre, Clll hal, 01,111 rClit•VI..? I.) 1,1.1..114 :11.1111,100n
of the kee,:ts.
October :0, 1"4.1.
ARRIVAL 111 NEW ;:'rocK 01,
I AS just, returned from the Philadcl-
- : 1 ,1,1,,0.,1 N,..,. N',.1.1, III:11h , H , '0l: a 1.1:ze• mot
~d, ,d0ci.•,1,(. vls ,if Dry Cowils. li,llr - .1 , 1i1i,. i 1: 1,11 ol
. .
Yiik etottl W“rst.todehoel,.., Cidured
1:411,ed M.. 1 .111101 1 ... 11011.,•d,•
itinCi, NMI 11 hilt,
""" " 4 " , "i
(Ppm:, Flan rat.le limaper, ; 4 11..*.t
i I:, Canton Fla n ti.
DI 0 URTII.I4T G Csoo3o S,
tunl..,tinl.q, An.l pl ,in duo ,
8,.0.tdd llnhnir. I) ,, kikto N\
Chow, Niph iii, t, ipod
N•ok.di, ipo I
Gi,o do Pwrlin.
P.mtlpot to Colotr2k
Ili, 1.,1,
:poo.rtnoo.t rapo IWok
SH 11J"L'.3
1;1,1: mt.! Po.r.lvi , d 1,11, Sqt, 5 , [ 11,4
1,11%! \l,Ol Tit
1:11.1,.• ',lig' 111141 ,'llll Iry lii 111 ol tm f':11“,
\\ 1.-. icL
IS .\ I, NI(111.\ I, Z,
I. 1110.- II ‘ll,lt. linv itnr,tltl
11. op -1, 1 , lII' tloq
A ni),l )), , 11 ,1,•,•14.•1•1.•1., 1,,
s Cal It. 1.1
11,1,1 tr, ;-11•. C,11,11 11.1
• I.t•r 1 a 131, :i5•,,,..1.11"f
AN I) );()Vl9 . 11E.11t.
Tl, 1 ir, , l I , ••• , t —lrtr.l run.)
ip,lll ti -;
of 1.•• t.. h ! , .111 L. , t!...11
Nv , •ll t n
• I 1.1 AM },.• 4111 ..111.1
. .
fht• t,ht r t xt Ii Isnita
iid.,tt artt itt d t.. ad a:ttl X.llllil. td , ,Lotat
spit ltdid
A. NN. I:vz
c.,'rtt (i•t :to, p.m.
..7,7211,17 CI-CODS ! ICEI GOCDS! !
Al' M.:MASI - 8 CHEAP CAS!! ,Tut;
I 1111 111)W Openill:e?'l Se:21111d 1- , llply
. 111,% FAT (10,1,, *.:11::11 1 sx ill Kell
tho very 1 ,west 11,:ure
EL Eli_ LVT (;()()i)S,
,11.11 -Iks 1),• I..tin4
1 , ((h. ( AS1.1.11•10•. 1 , 1(C1/( . 1(1•1 , . "O. Sr
LAW 1.."" 11 . 11 )1 .k
li:tlm French cr II
HA,. 1.1,1 i., V lost N, fic. Sr.
A ”.....rtiliont of go 4, I. f•i ,ve.s3
I i , aii;'. I; i I'~n..' L 1 ,111 1 ,, I I. ti
Ina W.,. Ir, nt I), I
&•• . A lull
;;,•1tt.,,:i;i11 , . I rns 1:1•,11..
ru. val,, NI., ie,
,ict,lr at,
pti I I .11..1: ttii
611 .“101.111 1 ~ • 11,/1. 111 -11 .11
110'. 111 Imll 111!.!1 , 1 11,11 Illy
1111,11 ' , `ii lll.'ll - 1 , 111 , 113 , 1• ,
',III , ill ,1111 •I h II:11 5 .511V :1111 I TIC 1p “111
1111"1'.• 1.• 1.1;1 .111.1 , S:1111i Ili V , 1..P.1 • 1N 1 1 , 1, 1.1111
1111 ,t l•
N 1 All Chill, I I o o , t Al I.
1111.11. I`1,11•1 1 II I an i• •I. i •?1,•1• I
11,11 II
, I Is% Hi
$2 Positively made from 20 emits
10 Samples sent frce by :11:til fur:; ccutr
that rctail. 1 . 1. 62, by
IL L. 11'01,1:j/1T,
170, Chuth Si j im re u'
Men & Boy's Clothing Bazaar.
(1/./.1,•a/ „/• rho `rusoii
E utidcri-igned wmild rrslmct
-9 roll)
hit,n rust , alirrs
pub'ir genus lii, that lir laas 001111111,11,1 the
CI.I)111ING AND 1:1:1',N1811 INC;
all i III . :1111 . 11, ill the 111 of .1..\
Esq . on Ike NI e•t cur , on. of Ilan°. er anal
VI est Loother street. a here he la, opened ono ol the
finest :itol Inasl 1,111,11.1111 e selortlull riooli mato
in ale clotliinaf Aro in the Itoloir..ll of l'a.,slo. Ills
slorlt 1 . 011,1,tS in ,irral yin latios as %IL:
AND 11 I V'S 1' 1.19'.
du du. Ju \
do do I 1
Fulle 6:1- 11.3)s flow to 1:, 1,114. rLii tom.
\ll'll.ol, 11.uu1,•1;.011'., , -iw,•l. 1 , 141014•1:,
s ‘,141•41y of ) \rrl. Tics. I.i,n•u
44414.1 I'„p,• 0411.445, 31,41, 4, 1,1,w,, 4111.1
c'arpet and leather Tr',oiling Balls, &r
All the ale ve a.oods ii 11l he sold lot' the very
Incest prices the lt ntl the City Ii Alias ail! jam. , if)
will please call and eN,mhitoe fir them
selves, here, as lily 11101,10 is
quick bales and churl. profits.
S.t V U El, II CY Err.
May 1. A ;sent.
I'. S. l'artlettlar‘ttlentloa given to Boys clothing.
rret!l i lly
public general.y, that In ntill continues the mailla,.
twat of all kind, of till 111111 .1100, 11,11W:11,1 in. J.
Halbert's building Kiht. I.outher struet at Ili
sign ul tlio
where ho will at all alum, be ready to do all kicithi of
Ns uric to Ilk line NV !l :a and despatch.
Also ran 141111 01110 , i.e Im. tilt)/40 r. it In atud, null
Healing and nelT teiHting premium Airtight,
Spoutistsr p nod all hinds of jobbing done at
the shortest notice.
Casts paid for old loads tilos ter and copper. Titanic
ful fur the patronage hereh.fore 0 X tHlited. he hopes Ig
Stl let attellti. l ll, and a tiehn-e to pietist) all to 1110111.
ern) tin f1:11110.
DOUG forget the sign of the Red Coffee l'ot.
. April 3, 1863. -
GEO. W. NEIDI.OII, D. D. S . —
Las Denolustator line et ivy Dentistry to the
It t i n ur s r u e rgi t.,(;ilege - -of
Mae at ills residence,
oprosite Marlon lion, 11 eel Main street,, Carlisle, Penn
Nov. 11.1857.
(I - IMP:RAI , DEALER in Flour, and
Tall binds of country produce.
Varchouse on the Verner of Mali, and West streets.
The best Fresh Ground Family Flo u r at A. SIM
-May F, 1863—t. f.
- 13000 METALLIC PiIINT preveilt:
roofs from leaking. clric under water ea hard a•
Iron. keeps dampness from Northeest Balls.
double the 141111/WO lead no higher In-price,and
wears much longer. S. IlOWEZ:, Agent,
OfSre, 160% North Fourth Street Phila.
Oct. 2, 1662-Bm.
W1. 1. 1 - 7i e o c , s i I i V n p e a a rt I
l l o s
nine his Inge and N, ell ~ .h,etecl Mork of new
.1'.41,1, AND WINTER r; ODS,
just fro, the V.,,,..tern Cities. Embracing the
Intl 31111 net :‘;•pruvrd nth lee and kind of Goods In
tint 'la, ket !Hack lltork Fancy Silks, Plain
5i11..., .11 ricorct, Strlisql and !tarred Sllkri,
‘lrrint ,, . C.n..)lleres, Alexandra
ri"l ii i rhet Sr , ktrli Plaids, All
P. hie,. l'ar.lll,4lon, AMI rcan Deluilles, &C. &C.
‘11.•11 , I•osri.; lt,lll, /joys. NlerinoN, Cttsh•
o• I;o t I. lii n l l 11 , . I Delnine., Alpnens,
Gloves. 114e,lery, Etilbroldnrior,
Nl , oiviiin•2 It 11l ;le , : De •ti 1 , 1 i bet SII/MIR,
P.ll Sl.OO II d , .111 , 11 . Marti and Grey
II of kinds.
howls of all kinds and Colors,
~ .”11••• :tad '.\ inter wear, Latest
I,.th•-. tap Skirts. settle-
Fli'l P.
11 a I t 11.., all 4 ~0 . 1(1 I ti loves.
zing \li',,a )lerino Vests,
..'. l'..tte't I lt,lary.
it ...s‘. $ :.111 THI•111 17In' hlai.k and pan_
.•%, \V .l•! hill, anti liellWerll,
Shirts and hits Shawls, Buck
an.l lil•kvs•.,. :ill kinds of fur
.ill is Eller supplies and
nl vi ,•$y 11,110 11.1ile Shaker Flan
$' .$1 NIIrII6. every
thing in .l 1•i the i..miniunity.
All tt`tp , •l 111 I '1,1;1•.1• ri it, op. at sh.irt notice,
any It:111.1,ot ttt tto) de,lrr. All the above
and in env of to r goo t , intolrltittto to the old steel, on
hand N dleri it at t-t 11
1,10:,e0 root to pur
A,t.ttt a ta
`-in,l Il• I•liS 1 , ill he rondo no
Qtttt , on alvolot I (It, il I. :I l'lnititt minve of the
tpade 0 o 1,he11% eii to the the firm, and :IR ninny
1:I •N 1 . 11 , i•,11, • itlon,,t,l tip eell and exaddne
..• liberality
eu-teno ; Item Please rail at Lilo
...I ' , LI., t. door below 3ln rtin's
SY. C.` A WY .
Town Property at Private Sale.,
Thice .tory Brick ilow , e, situated
\ h 0.•‘...t. V,' %bleb will
ANENTLY ('liftEi.)!
I lm Dr. \I LEY'S I,l , ular and
1. .1 I ‘ , 111.1 . Ni I.ld CI I i• (laved to the fast
,•11 , 11 flti,l r.1111t•Iti• ill. 1 , :luso diEelliie
r.. 1 i• k ,11.• ct a 1 vinrin,ut rove. 'lhry
Ai.; n. titk..11.;.•1..t o opgan,, imptirt
ii, 110 th, 5t.,11.5 h. I.i, er and Rowels,
• .t
t ; it pvrtna
, L III.: the. dram's 1/1_ its foundation
1,1) II $` 27111 of .1,10 try. I , 0, )11: It S. )ftonrto, 0
o too II II . r o o oo lo to.o•oot l'ot . e rote lh tt boos
o.ot too loot l,t tlo oo :moot you. to o o tiollooloial oo 10: had NI•011 Of
I ho ol)ro I 19 , 1 I , t I.t d to xppl,'
in b S i• lot. , olootaorilled :
1.,A, six p.m , .1.3 has been
, nfb.rin•• It r 1111,1 and 111.tte s,ollittg In 11i114
•ho • na.ll it. 011.• r 1 her attended
,N it h %Or. It ,t. inb.1•(111 t Is I", to the
p ,it h I it In, , lse and tliseharzed,
in I 11.1 , O nt ii ud v, t•• I k tn,t.l (It, pr. ,ent time Ott
NTI:.•11 . .11 ANS,
11,1 .1 11. t I.:•• ..11.. •I .t 1•41114. 011 t
.- vtilt - Tr•r - rtn Pt' urrt at - time •
I.N I 'L . RE I.: 1 , 1 , ' I:C'rFF i.
.ile• M.,— the 11. alth 11.•• frantic(' Ilalsam, the
-1(.. the Mack Ointment
(.. t 1..• 1•• their use is an•
i.. the 6.11 n. 11.; let t. i :
Pa. (1 it NI 11 Hi -. I min Imp( y to Inform
you. that Th.. di, 1•. - t•i - 1..1 from you some three
I . I I Fl i ll I I) A N ENTIIM CURE In
the r. will I was suf.
kriog 11 - 0/11 ; .-- 1 .1,111 bile Sit tiling.
\lost e - D. S. ' AI
D.CANIPI:EI.I,of the ffrln o
I. A. and dealers ; Centre
It. 11. lIR 11 tnhl.R'--bear . - : It affords the touch
pliiai-n:r to have an sppu tunitsi to a.ld fly testimony
11: f.n, rid 3 our opular f.ind especially as
1,10 alrdec , t t , Jf•ir upon personal
1,1,11,./•• 111 1115 I/WII and iiliservation nt my
I I NI .is the t irtim ul Dys
p,ip,L, in I t-. ti ii wt ss stem having
IL d , and ili I :hint, it : that I was
61101 I hail resorted to
11 11;11 11 1 Init. I used
ni l t,N \u
uit. I lin1•'0.1.11I I: I t lilt . Jay, rcrnm.
111/.liti : I tri,t: , -•• 11. 11 , ,1 them did DIV any
.I N: 1.,111
ut:..n II 1,1 ill•) Ma 10
1. - 1, •! Iti 11:1'11 111, at Ilopeu
at T. .1 , I 1-t rvctort,
s. .11.111 .
11,1 (J% a' 11. 1•S•SSI , 11. 1 i • ,:11Ilt• ;_rot for
:1111.•/..11 .1.1 11, m o di e i no
1 ,11 til 1 II,VkI•11. ',lit in Choir
1 , / \ 1•• II.! )11 I'l• rWt•li. WI. Itf-
II r I , •It • t,a',t• I t•tt r sal It air 1 ervmrdiex
r I tt it lir t_l tt ,i Id I .t• eIr111.14•1:iteol it desired.
I L.n, •.•••11 yeti t twilt Jn tlf . v:lle saying
!1‘ I eNt, preSelitell
tie 1,0.11 , , s% I Intl and
it I , the I Ili) inlt U , reet , lll,lll,ella
thee, ~, .ii,•
I l•
111 , i Dr. G. 11. tl AIIK LEY at We Drug
"„i E • KI \ : 4 T , I aneast, r,
1 . 1.111,1, I, a loqn leitcis eu l ottleis ,mould be aa•
A e \ •itl THE C. , , SiiiTITUTION
I'', it re'- let 1I by the Senate and
,• ta lit e>of the Com moue ealth of
PL•111,3 I varlin ni t 11,111 Ai,. hlid3 Tiait tho
iloot.iheice with tho prowls
it lii t.•nth aitivh• :
I /WI, Al I!' 1., All to the third sr
-01 rho roost itL.:ioll, to Lc tlet-ig tinted as section
toil, as toilio,
sti,,ut-, t, It In never ally all,. qualified electors of
this l'ointstousveal h shall he in any actual military
servi tuttler a requisition front the President of the
l tilted :thites, or ht the authority ot this, CWIII2IOII
- •uch eleelor. , 111:ly exelvi.ll the right of suf
ragt• In all elections In the eirl4l . llS. tinder such regu
(;4/11ti as are, or shall be. prescribed by Aim. as fully
it they of present at their usual place of election.
Then:shall let twottiltiltionttl setttions to the eleventh
ni t fele I.t tilt t't•ustituli , m, to Le dahigllated as see
tit.tts vit.:Lt. and !Otte. its btllott
bill shall I.e pnst,•,l l , v tlio I.egiiln•
containing nn , re I Ilan nt, ,ul ir, L, a hirb ehnll be
clearly ,•a ill rrrrd In Ole title, opproprlatiou
SHIIoN 7. N.) bill panned by the Legklature
glantutg any poll rt , .. Or privilozes, In any rasp, where
the authonty to grant sorb pox, ors, or nth ilegeg, has
..... or rnky herentior be, runirrred upon the c , urta
of this U, mmonmealth.
I do l u vertify that tho foregoing and
!,;1:1 \ is a 1011. I:111. 11 :Id eorreet copy of
Lhu original Joint, Ilesolutlun of the Goner
:ll A swiltl.l • entitled A Joittt, Resolution proposing
vorlain A ineinhoeills to the Coonlitutiou," :18 the Sarno
leuuJ nu ”11 file in (lulu 0111,,.
s TISTIaIiON s at hereof. I have hereunto Set nay hand,
;mu d ru used th e ,eel of the : 4 errotar) °MCC to be at.
fixed, Illy da.) and heat above as
rill eu. HL7 Shllhat,
William. Lynch
Having returned from the arwy , has
ro-oreno I ho
GAS FITT! (. and PI, b 7 .11.11111"0 business
at the Old Stand in the Inmenient (he
First Netliodi3t Church. Ile will
attend prompt!' to a I. bast:,
ness in his lint .
Lend Elm] Iron Pipes, I Iron E
Ityd+ ants. Bath Tubs
Hot & Cold Shower Bathe, flan itnillas,
Water I tomtit+,WWank Basins.
For., and L l itt Pumps. Hydraulic Hams, Si.
Wrol Iron Word Tubett,
And every +ascription of cocks anu fittings for gas,
4team, miter, &1.., Superior cooking ranses. heaters
nod Oa %titres put up to churches tit ern and dwell
ings, itt ellort vatic'. in lite most modern, style. Al
materials and orir in our lino at low rlantand , ivar
m‘ led.
VM.Country work andjoithlim promptll
ous, 1 attended to.
: 4 1o.•. I.IE attontititt girt, L.
lien's and Mar of all Kinds
I -hall c. , tailm
Wt. 11 liKl. V'S
F.\ \ \11:1)IES lUNI I'll ANT.
Tho Great Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood—
Dr. IVlnrklry'm
I, , 'March 4,1883
11111. 11 .t•
5i.5 1 11.:• Ii cf 051.n - .Ti. - ii,,.>. 1156. ,55 - 55,5 ntr , ~d rd
55. t :55 555 Tis • 55.-st 1 5155 tul ilia/ I kind
1 .. iill .1 short
1.5 5 , ..t 1. 1 5.1 , -t .5 5•51 t 5 health, and 1 bay°
555, 1” 5 T
5 15...511.15 5`5.; - 55551 i•yintitiqii
I.: 111, I. .5 5515.55.,5; :ince then, I hive
',I i • 111 SiS 1.11,1 y. :11151 w5.1i151
55 5 , 5.1 ii. Is 111,11,t4 . ..5•511 11101 , 11. as they
1t... kk 11 \\ i.nt•• I.i•._nil Lt. 61 It was:, very
v I t•e ' :Pig(' 'BINA
11.11:1.•IIT llli , t'il a INC! 1 • 11 t NIIIlleroUN
:In' , tw.•“ which Iniglit
Ali :titd Life
\ \ II) \
'II 1.1.1 U. \
I' `. ii•pt ti•Ltirl.7
I ,1,11 t,t. Fair, low.
A Joint Resolution Proposing
Speaker 01 the 11. 11H oi Itvprotentattivott
Speaker 81 the Senato.
1)11'11'1: 01' Till: SucerT 111 X oF 1111. COMMONW EA LTH,
II a I, isburg, July 1, 18(33.
Secretary of the Comtuonwealtill4