Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 27, 1863, Image 2
.-er I should assist hi saving the remnant of you from the wreck. "I have chosen the latter. I shall send this address to every hill and corner of the State, to the citizen and soldier, at home or in prison, and shall send with it my prayers to Almighty God to arrest them in the path way of blood and ruin. Why trust Davis longer. Had he twice our present resources he would still fail. With success he would be a despot. But the whole thing is tutnb ling to pieces, Soldiers are leaving disgust ed and disheartened, and whole States have gone back to their home in the national gal axy. Maryland and Delaware will never again be shaken. Kentucky has entrench. ed herself in the Union behind a wall of bayonets in the hands of her own sturdy sons Missouri is as firmly set in the national gal. axy, as Massachusetts. Tennessee, tempest tossed and bolt riven, under the guidance of her great pilot, steers for her old tnooring, and will be safely anchored before the dense fall ; while the rave of light from the old ' North State, flashing out fitfully from her darkness across the troubled waves show that she stirs, 19 not lost, but is struggling to rejoin her sisters. "None of these States will ever join the South again. Then, with crippled armies, with devastated fields—with desolate cities. disheartened soldiers, and worse than all with weak and corrupt leaders what hope is left to the remaining States, but especially to poor, oppressed and down-trodden Arkan sas 7 None! Better vet our brothers home while they are left to us. Open - the return of husbands, fathers and sons, and hind up the broken links of the old Union. The people must act to do this. I tell you now, in grief and pain, that the leaders don't care for your blood. Your sufferings move them not. The tears and wails of anguished and bereaved ones fall on hearts of flint. While they can make a dollar or wear an epaulet they are content. Finally',' with a grief stricken and sorrowful heart, I implore mothers, sisters, wives and daughters to as sist by all their arts in saving their loved ones from this terrible scourge„ ere ruin over takes you and them irretrievably. While God gives me strength, daunted by nn peril, and swerved by no consideration of self, I shall give you my feeble aid." Mr. Gantt's conclusion is: "The sooner we lay down our arms, and quit this hope less struggle, the sooner .the days of our prosperity will return." So far as Arkansas Is concerned, he thinks the Kest course for the people, through meetings and petition, is to instruct Hon•.• \V. K. Sebastian to re sume his seat in the IT. S. Senate. as the first step of the State's return to allegiance. dt;literatd, CARLISLE, PA. Friday, Nov. 27, 1863. S. M. PETTEINGILI, & CO., N - 0. 37 Park Row; Now York, and 6 St. Boston. are nur Agents inr the In those. ,itles. and are authnrlzed to twhe Advertise. monts and Fluhseriptions for Its at nur lowest rates. ne,,.We publish on oar first page a portion of the Appeal to the people of Arkansas, by the Rebel General and Rebel Member of Congress, E. W. GANTT It is the appeal of a penitent Rebel—one who has got into the "last ditch"—and he admits that the only way to escape from it is to repent and sub mit toile General Government. Ile gives a correct portraiture of that infamous traitor and tyrant, Jeff. Davis. We hope that other rebels will look upon it, and profit by its hideous outlines. The rebellion, in the calm opinion of this repentant rebel, is about played out. To carry it on still further, will be the abomination of desolation" to tie whole Southern breed of traitors—it will cut tliefi~ up " root rtilitbraneli." - There id iio help, save in submission to the laws. And he submits now. We commend this Appeal to our Northern croakers, who think the rebellion cannot he crushed out. They can learn from it what has been done, as acknowledged by one of the late rebel leaders, whose testimony cannot be controverted. M.N4THANIEL R. SMITH/MS EST, lately elected a Union Representative in Congress from the State of Delaware, was for smue years a resident or Carlisle. Ile was, if we mistake not, a graduate of Dickinson Col lege, and for a long time was connected with the late Judge REED in his celebrated Law Sahool, an institution in which wer taught some of the most eminent lawyers of the day, Gov. Cumns among the rest. Mr. Smit hers is a man of decided ability, a ripe scholar, a ready writer, and a sound constitutional lawyer. During the memorable Harrison campaign of 1840, some of the productions of his pen graced the columns of the Carlisle Herald. He will make an able and influen tial member of Congress, and we ceingnatu• late him upon his advancement. His native State has reason to be proud of him. TODACCO CROP.—In consequence of the early frost in Kentucky and Tennessee, and the supposed injury to the tobacco crop, the price has risen in Louisville three and four' dollars per hundred weight. This will, ke' far, be good news to a number of farmers in Pennsylvania, who have planted larger quan tities of this article the pr& sent season than ever before. In many parts of the State, so great has been the demand for lumber, to form tobacco sheds, and for men to construct them, that the supply has fallen quite short, and every conceivable expedient has had to adopted. Whether for better or for worse, there is no question as to the fact that Penn sylvania is about to become a rival to Mary land and Virginia in the cultivation of the weed, and the chief wonder seems to be why it has thus been neglected so long. The greal objection, heretofore, to raising tobacco in this State was, that our climate was too cold, and that we could not compete with more Southern localities. In Connec ticut, however, which has a much colder cli mate than we have, the farmers have grown tobacco for years, and have produced most excellent crops, which have paid well. As the price of tobacco has, within the past two years, "more than doubled, we think the ex. periment of raising the crop should, at least to some extent, be adopted by our farmers. Ate - Lie:a. Gen. Winfield Seott voted the straight Union ticket in New York at the recent election. Glorious old veteran ! What a contrast he presents in his declining years to !,,he • poor miserable old man •of Wheatfield, who argued that the Constitution gave mi power to punish the treason of Jeff. Davis and his compeers. TRIUMPH OF FREE LABOR The fiat of the pitople of the Slave States of Maryland, Missouri and Delaware has gone forth, and the curse which has envel oped'those States since their formation will as quietly a d peacefully recede from their limits as the sinking sun retires to rest.— Emancipation of the slaves in those States is firmly fixed, and the evil which, for half a century, has agitated their people, by this decree, will pas 4 away into the abyss of time, and relieve them of the horrible incubus which has so long haunted and afflicted them. Two years ago, slavery appeared to he firmly riveted upon those States; the masses have seen the ruin and desolation, the wan ton cruelly and the horrible rapine which it has caused, and they have, with the voice of a large majority, determined that its baneful influen6es &hall be removed from their pre cincts forever, and that freedom shall reign whore dark, diabolical slavery was wont to gambol and concoct the destruction of our Government. How the sentiments of the masses have changed I Two years ago, every man who believed slavery to be an evil, was pointed uut as an Abolitionist, and to be pointed out as an Abolitionist was to he branded with )(hum dreadful to contemplate. Now the tune has changed; the feelings of the peo pie have drifted to the proper point, and the man who then dared not utter his sentiments against a debased and accursed institution, can now stand up in " high places," and be proud that ho is an Abolitiouist. And why should he not be? When the owners of slaves become advocates ofi-abolitionism, is it possible that men whose every effort and every interest is identified with free labor, should contend against it 7 It cannot be. Free labor and slave labor have ever been antag,ontistical, and the free white laborin min, who is in favor of slavery, no more or derstands his real interests than the man who claims to be a moralist, and yet opposes religion. We have always contended that the aboli : lion of slavery would open up the South to free white labor, and free white labor will (lisp, se of the negro. It is the tree negro that is colonized in Africa, not the slave.— Emancipate them all, and all that will be necessary will he to transport the natural increase, and free negroes do not increase so rapidly as slaves. In fifty or seventy-five years, every negro in the United States would be removed. ----How- many -ingenious. prophets;l-The-nnut break of the rebellion, prophesied that slave ry would go down with the effort to establish a government in harmony with its wants? Men who now antagonize the Administration for the sake of mere party, in any number, openly and violently avowed it as their sol emn conviction ; and yet with the record before them, they do every thing in their power to discourage the men of the border States, who have at least an opportunity of being practical, in working what they so vehemently claimed would be the natural consequence. These very prophets are now loudest in their demands for " the -Constitu tion as it is and the Union as it was." A mere catch phrase; nevertheless, if it means anything, it means protection to slavery, and a continual antagonism to free ial or. Well have the advocates of free labor in the bor. r States done their work. Noble, indeed, -is- the-ex ant ple,-witioh-- they-havie set-to- their brethren who are yet enthralled. And from henceforth freedom shall predominate in the United States ; slavery, peace-meal, shall disappear from our escutcheon, and with a bright future before us—with a new wreath of laurels upon the benign brow of: the chaste Goddess of Liberty—we will sail on the abyss of time, fur all ages, a great and powerful people. *7The gallant Major Harry White, while in serquice in the United States Army, last year, was elected to the Senate of Pennsyl vania by the people of Indiana and Arm strong counties. Resigning his military office, he served' honorably and faithfully in the Legislature last winter. Re-entering the army in the spring, he was taken prisoner at Winchester, and is now Or of our many suffering brothers in the filthy Libby prison, at. Richmond. Ilor is a Republican, and makes one of the Union majority in the Sen ate. Should he not be exchanged, that body will Stan 116 to 16 Unless one of the Op position Senators has the honor to withhold his vote, or vete so as to aid the admitted majority to re-organize the body, there can be no change of officers. Specker Penney, of Allegheny, is already chosen, and the other officers will servo until their succes sors are duly qualified. s•Both branches of the new Maryland Le ,, islature have a clear majority in favor of calling a Convention to make Maryland a free State. Thus the people of the South, by their own mad and wicked folly, have sealed the doom of slavery years before the worst enemies of the "peculiar institution" ever dreamed of Not only Maryland, but Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and perhaps North Carolina, will, by the own free will of their people, speedily abolish the foul and corrod ing blotch of slavery. Virginia and t o cot ton States must then succumb. INTERNAL REVENUE.-It may not be gen erally known, that the Commissioner of In ternal Revenue has decided that a promissory note for the payment of twenty dollars or less, is subject to stamp duty by the act of March. 3d, 1863, under the head of " Inland Bills of Exchange." The penalty for violating the stamp act is from $lO to $2OO, and in addi tion notes, &c., are worthless without the ptoper stamp being affixed. Our readers will see the necessity of complying with the law. 12M.EGYPT REDEEMED.—The Southern tier of counties in 111., known as "Egypt," which heretofore voted almost unanimously pro-slavery Democratic, and gave a majori ty of over 5,000 against Lincoln in 1860, gave 4 Republican Union majority of 579 at the late election in that State—a gain of 6, 769. Last year the Copperheads had e ma jority of - 4,133. And so the whirligig of Time brings in his revenges. Alexander R. Stephens on Southern Grievances • The folloling speech of Mr. Stephens, the present Vice Presidentl'of the Rebel Confederacy, was delivered in the Georgia State Convention, in January, 1861. It will be remetnbered that . Mr. Stephens, just be fore that time, made a Union speech to the people. The language of this address to the Convention is even stronger than of-his more famous speech. It is a crushing reply to those Northern sympathizers with the rebels, who are constantly proclaiming that "the South" was injured, and came short of its rights in the Union. Mr. Stephens said : "This step (Lf secession,) once taken, can never be recalled ; and all the baneful and withering consequences that must follow will rest on the Convention for all coining time. When we and our posterity hall see our lovely South desolate I by the demon of war, which this act of yours will inevitably invite awl cull . fiwth ; when our green fields of waving harvest shall be trodden down by the murderous soldiery and fiery car of war sweeping over our land ; our temples of jus tice laid in ashes ; all the horrors and deso lations of war upon us ; who bit' this Con vention will be held responsible fur it? and who but him who shall have given his vote for this unwise and ill-tim-d measure, as I honestly think anti believe, shall be held to strict account for this suicidal act by the present generation, and probably cursed and execrated by posterity fOr all coining time, for the wild and desolating ruin that w.II inevitably follow this act you now propose to perpetrate TILE NORTE BIASIELESS " Pause, I entreat you, and consider for a moment what reasons you can give that will even satisfy yourselves in calmer moments —What reason can you give to your fellow sufferers in the calamity that it will bring upon us 7They will be the calm and deliber ate judges,in the casa ? and what cause or one overt act can you name or point to, on which to rest the plea of justtficati•m? ‘% hat right has the North assailed ? What inter est of the South has been invaded ? What justice has been denied ? and what claim, founded' in justice and right, has been with held'? Can either - of you to-day name one governmental act of wrong, deliberately and purposely done by the Government of Wash ington, of which the South has aright to complain 7 1 challenge the answer. While on the other hand, let me show the facts (and believe me, ,gentlemen, I am not here the advocate of the North ; but I am here the frielid, the firm friend and lover of the South and hpr institutions, and for this rea sou I speak thus plainly and faithfully for yours, mine, and every other man's interests, the words a' truth and soberness) of which I wish you to judge, and I will only state facts, which are clear and undeniable, and which now stand as records authentic in the history of our country.- • " When we of the South demanded the slave trade, or' the importation of Africans for the cultivation of our lands, did they not yield the right for twenty years? When we asked a three fifths representation in Con gress for our slaves, was it not granted 7- I,s 7 hen we asked and demanded the return of any fugitive froin justice, or the recovery of those persons owing labor or allegiance. was it not incorporated in the Constitution, and again ratified and strengthened by the fugi tive slave law of 1850? But do you reply that in many instances they have violated this compact, and have not been faithful to their 'engagements 7 As individual and lo cal communities they may have done so, but not by the sanction of Government, for that has always been true to Southern interests. "Again, gentlemen, look at another tact; when we have asked that more territory shot.ld he added, that we might spread the institution of slavery, have t h ey not yielded to our dernantl.; in giving us Florida, Louis iana and Texas, out of which four States have been carved, and ample terr i t o ry f or four more to . be added . _in duo .Litne,if you r . - by Ibis unwise and impolitic act, do not de stroy this hope, and, perhap., by it use all, and hare your last slave wrenched from you by stern military rule, as South A tnerica and Mexico were; or by the vindictive decree of a universal emancirdion, which may rea sonably be expected to follow ? WHAT THE SOUTH HAD IN THE UNION "But, again, gentleman, what have we to gain by this proposed Chan:ze of in:r rela tion to the General Government We have always had the control, awl can y e t, if Nc remain in it, and are as united as we have been. We have had a noijoriiy Pe.r Notts chosen from the South, as well as the control and management of most of those chosen from the North. We have had sixty years of Southern Presidents to their twenty four, thus controlling the executive depart ment. So of the judges of the Supreme Court, we have had eighteen from the S, nth, and but eleven from the North ; although nearly four-fifths of the judit ial business has arisen in the free States, yet a majority of the court has always been front the South. This we have required, so as to guard against any interpretation of the Constitution unfa vorable to us. lit like manner, we have been equally watchful to guard our interests in the legislative branch of Government. In choos- ing the presiding presidents (pro. lent.) of the Senate. we have had twenty-lour to their eleven. Speakers of the House, we have had twenty three, and they twelve. While the majority of the Representatives, from their greater population, have always been from the North, yet we have so generally secured the Speaker, because he, ton greater extant, shapes and controls the legislation of the country. "Nor have we had less control in every other department of the General Govern. ment. Attorney Generals we have had fair teen, while the North have had but five. Foreign ministers we have had eighty-six, and they but fifty-fimr. While three•fourths of the business which demands diplomatic agents abroad is clearly from the free States, from their greater commercial interests, yet we have had the principal maimies, so as to secure the world markets for cottonno bacco, and sugar, on the betit possible terms. We have had a vast majority of the higher offices of both army and navy, while a larg. er proportion of the soldiers and sailors were drawn from the North. Equally so of clerks, auditors, and comptrollers fil ling , the executive department, the records allow for the last fifty years that of three thousand thus employed we ha. e had more than two thirds of the same, while we have but one third of the white population of the republic. .‘ Again, look at another item, and one 1573 1 assured, in which we have a great and vital interest ; it is that of revenue, or means of supporting Government,. Prma official doon• means we learn that, a fraction over three fourths of the revenue collected for the support of Government has uniformly been raised from the North. "Pause now while you can, gentleman, and contemplate carefully and candidly 'base portant items. Leaving out of view, for the present, the countless millipos of (Lillian you must expend in a war with the North; with Lena of thonstur!e of your sons and brothers slain in battle, and offered up as sacrifices upon the altar otyour ambition—and for what I we ask again. Is it for the overthrow of the American Government, established by our common ancestry, cemented and built up by their sweat end blood, and founded on the broad principle of right, justice and huthanity? And as such, I must declare here, as I have often done before. and which lute beenrri: peated by the greatest and wisest of gatemen and patriot* in this and other :antis, that it is the hest and freest Government—the most equal in its rights, the most' just in its - decisions, the most lenient in its measures,, and the most as piring in its principles to elevate the race of men that the sun of _Heaven ever shone upon. .Now, for you to attempt to overthrow such a Gov ernment as this, under which we have lived for more than three-quarters of a century— in which we have gained our , wealth. our, standing as a nation, our domestic safety while the elements of peril are around us, with peace and tranquility, accompanied with unbounded prosperity and rights unassailed —is the height of madness, folly, and wicked ness to which I can neither lend my sanction nor my vote." Military Claims The order issued by Gen. Couch recently, instructing Capt. Denney to adjudicate cer tain military claims in Franklin and adjacent counties, has been revoked by the Secretary of War, for the reason that they cannot he paid without Congressional legislation. That there is no want of disposition on the part of the Government to settle and pay these claims we are well assured. Gov. Thomas, now M. C. frim the Washington District in Maryland, where there there has been more wide spread desolation than here, by military occupation, recently visited Washington to have an order made for the payment of these claims; but it was ascertained that they could not be paid without legislation. The regu lations are justly s , rict as to the settle rent of all accounts pertainint, to the army, and such accounts must come within the pros embed forms, as the laws are now, before they can be settled in the accounting depar meets. For this reason, Governor Thomas withdrew his request for an order, and will present a bill to the next Congress, providing for the prompt and equitable adjudication and Payment of all these claims. We know that the officers or the Government all recog nize the justice of the demands of our peo ple, and we doubt not that the necessary leg isiat ion will be had very early in the session. . The uniform of of Gen. Couch to do justice to the people of the border sin .e he has been in command here, merit the `tvartn est appreciation alike of the people and the government. While ever sem pu outil y faith ful to the anvornmenh he has been mindful, of the just claims of hose who have. without inmtiry as to compensation or forms, con tributed their property to the army in times of-peril ; and his order was but a just recog nition of what was the from the government to the people. That it has besp revoked, for want of power to settle the claims when ad jested, implies no censure upon Gen. Couch, nor does it imply an unwillingness on the part of the government. to meet their claims when the proper authority is conferred. The adjudicntion of them, under Gen. Couch's order, wt.s arrested, doubtless, for the reason that con,ress will provide a definite system of settlement which 'nay require the re-ad justment of there. We feel assured that it will not ha long delayed. Capt. Denney, who has had charge of these claims, has won the confidence of the people by - courte7, - intrtgylt rand prom Inn PFIS ;- and all hottest claimants will be glad t have him re-assigned to the duty when the neces• retry provision shell have been m axle for set tleme n t.—Frankl Iripository. STILE NI;711 OF THE UNION AND 'B EBEL A 11- ic:s.—A careful collection of reports from different well-informed quarters shows the entire strength of the rebel hrrny, o.t this side of the Mississippi (that is of all that is of any use,) to be, in round numbers, as fol lows: Bragg's army, 75,000 ; Lee's army, 40,000; Beauregard's army, 20,000 ; John ston's army, (in rear of Vicksburg and Mem phis,) 18,000; at Wilmington, 10,000 ;at Mobile, 0,000; scattering , (1,000 at Savan nah, small forces at Lyncl,l)trigjGord4;nsvllle and at different arsenals and other points in the int, riot., in all not over) 50,00 . 0 Praelierily, then, we are confronted to-day by not over one hundred and ninety thou— .Wa cato meet-Allow with-an •ef feet ive mobile force of, at the very least, three hundred and fifty thousand men, which can be increased to "three hundred thousand more," if necessary to the preserva•ion of the Republic. PARSON BROWSLOW AT 110 ME.—Invincible Parson lirownlow is mice more at home among his own Litres and Peuries, and from the following notice, which appears in the Knoxville Bulletin, is evidently arrange ing household matters for the winter: " I am wanting five or six loads of Ander son county coal, and for it,. delivered at my residence, Cumberland street, I will pay a liberal price in "greenbacks"—not in the sharing paper of Jeff. Davis' bogus Confed eracy, as it we old tape a hat crown lull of that to pay for one load. IV. 0. 13itowNLow." r t .&•Glonn's LADY BOOK for December is already upon our table. The contents of this number go far to sustain the ancient and well-earned reputation of the " Boos," and the Fashion Plates are more fascinating than ever. Utility, economy and elegance seems to be the motto of the Proprietor. It is ac knowledgedzby_ all that GonEY's is the most complete and practical Fashion Magazine ever issued, and its pages are tilled with choice original 'nailer, from th best authors in the country. Reduction of pries to the old terms Otte copy, one year, 8:1 00—Two copies, one ye r, $3 00—Three copies, one year, $7 00—Five copies, one year, $lO 00, and one extra copy to the one sending ihe club. Address L. A. Godey, 323 Chestnut street, Philadelphia: 4130' . GEN. LESI.P.e COOMBS, of Kentucky, having insinuated in a recent communica tion to the Louisville Journal, that "Gen. Carl Shurz, and his 'gang of freedpm-sh rick ere,' fled at Chancellorsville." Gen. Shnrz, in a letter to the same paper says that, Gen. Coombs lies, and challenges him to a con test of personal bravery on the next battle field against the Rebels. This would be much better than a hand-to-band conflict be tween the two belligerents. Xte,..The press and types of the late Phil adelphia Evening (Copperhead) Journal, were sold at Sheriff's Sale last Wednesday morning, under a landlord's warrant. The principal. articles in the establishment were the 'press and types. The termer brought $575, and the latter 101 ets. (not quite the price of old metal) per lb. A. fitting end to that traitor sheet. , ttel.The Department of Agriculture has received one hundred bushels of Mediterra. nean wheat, which is well adapted to tile soil of the Middle States. Agriculturists can obtain samples by addressing Isaac Newton, Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington. D. C. • sai7MR.V. .H. DONAJADSOM, the great Magician, Ventriloquist, Rope Walker, &c., will give a grand entertainment at Rheem's , Hall, this evening, and willgiVo away 150 beautiful preaente: Election in Delaware The election of a representative in Con gress from Delaware, vice William Temple, democrat, deceased, took place on Thursday of last tveelc. Nathaniel B. Smithers, Esq., was the 'Union and M. Charles Brown, the Democratic candidate. Several days pre vious, Geri'. Schenck issued an order requir ing all parties, whose loyalty should be chal lenged, to take an oath of allegiance. On the appearance of this order the friends of Mr. Brown withdrew from the contest the day before the election, alleging that the required oath is not recognized by the laws or conAilution of Delaware. Mr. Sinithers was, of course, elected. New Castle county gives Smithers 4,011 votes, and Brown 6 voteA. In six districts of Kent county, Sin idlers has 1,275 votes; Brown none. In five districts of Sussex county, Smithers has 811 votes, and Brown 7 votes. As the Copperhead journals are making a great ado about this " test oath," we publi,h below the order of GM Schenck, together with the oath, that our readers may see what this awful " military tyranny" really is: CIEMTI Mil/QUARTERS MIIMLE DE? , 7TII ARMY C 011 1 ,9,1 II MI., Nov. 13, 11.1i13. GMNERAL Ounnita, No. 59 - -It is known that there are many evil disposed persons now at large in the Stale of Deleware,who have been engaged in I elellion against the lawful Gov ernment, or nave gi•en aid or comf, , rl or en couragement to others so engazed, or who do not rec gnize their allegiance to the United Stat e s, and who may avail themselves of the indulgence of the authority ,, which tolerates their presence, to attempt to take part in or embarrass the approaching special election in that State. It is therefore ordered : 1. That all Provost-Marshals and other military officers prevent all disturbance and violence at or about the polls, whether offered by such persons as above described, or by any other person or persons whomsoever. IL That all l'rovo4t Nlarshals and other military olficers„commandin , in Doleware shall su-port the Judges of Election op the 19th of November, 1863, in requiring an oath of allegiance to the United States HA a test of citizenship tf any one whose vote may he challenged on the gratind that he is not loyal, or does not admit his ailegiarme to the United States, which oath shall ,he in the following form and terms: I Jo solemnly Owen,. that I will support, protect. and defend the Constitution nn 1 Gov ernment of the United States against all one. mies, whether domestic or foreign ; thati I• hereby pledge my all glance, faith and loyal ty to the saints, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State. Convention, or State Legis• lature to the contrary notwithstanding: that I will nt all times yield a hearty and willing obedience to the said Constitution and .Oov eminent, .not, directly-- or indirectly, do nny act in hostility to the same, either by taking up arms against them, or aiding, abet ting, or countenancing those in arms against them ; that. withinit permission from the law. ful authority, I will have no communication, direct or indirect with any Slate in insurrec tion against t tie United States, or with either of them, or with any person or persons with in said insurreetioriary States, and that I will in all things deport myself as a good and loyal citi7en of the United States. This I do i n good filth, with full determination, pledge and purpose to keep this, my sworn ohliga• Lion, and without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever. 111. Provost Morshals and other military officers are directed to report to these head quarters any Judge of Elect ion who shall re• fuse his aid in carrying out this order, or who, on challenge of a vote heing made on the ground of disloyalty o r hostility to the Gov erntnent, shall refoso to require the oath of alletrianco from such voter. By command of \lnj Bon Scortsorc. W. W. •CtlEEßEnnor=orr Liout—CoL and ARS't Adjt. Gen T Ern; - A i rl - -" thr p. ETATF OF DEL to OR!, urrlyr. DFPltr MI. VT, Dovrtt, Nov. 11, t411:1, J iAII civil offmors and good citizens of this Slate are enjoined to obey the IIhOVO military order. issued by the Commstuling General of the Nliddle Department. and to give all need ful aid for the proper enforcement of the earn 0. WILLIAM CANNON, [L. s i. Governor of Delaware. 111:111Qt! UTTERS. DELVW kRE DEP l FIT TEST, IVASIIINGTON, Del , Nov. 14. 1.5133., ORDERS No. I , l.—The enforce. ment of Gen. Orders, No. 39. issued from Ifeadrptnrters Nliddle Deportment, Nov. 13, 1863, by Major General Schenck, and con firmed by the order of Hia Excellency Gov ernor Cannon, is confided to the troops in thin Oeparonent. 'rho,t of this order, as construed by the General Commanding are I. To secure , to every loyal citizen the right to vote as he pleases 11. To protect the polls from that outside violence which has hertobire, in some parts of the Stale, prevented loyal and peaceable citizens from voting. Special instructions will he issued to the officers in command of detachments which will he implioilly obeyed. and for the enforce meta of which every officer will be held strictly responsible. By order of Brigilaier General TYLER hi. L TYLER, Acting Assist.-Adjt -General. We beg every reader to scan closely the awful " test oath - above recited. Day after day, we have urged the Copperhead iOlllllllB to print this shocking oath and let their readers shudder at its dire enormity. They prefer, however, to horrify their readers with fierce detymciations of it without letting them see what. it is. But there is the oath, just as it was admin'stered in Maryland= just as revolted at by !he Copperheads —just as !hey had to take it in order to vote in Marylnnd, and jest as they would have had to take it had they voted in Delaware. Rather than do so, they concluded to fly the course. We appeal to all loyal Democrats to say whether men who refuse to take that oath ought to vote in a border State in a crisis like the present. Only those who are at heart subjects of Jeff. Davta and shrink from taking an oath of fidelity to the Constitution and Union ate bothered by it ; and why should they not be 7 — Why should a man who rejects that oath vote at a loyal State Electip 7J Scan it carefully and judge ge-The fashion of affixing "no cards" to marriage notices, is followed by placing "no tarringes" after deaths We would suggest the words, "no wonder!" after births. COLORED CDAPLAINB.—The President has' just appoi.lted a colored Chaplain for the benefit of the black troops in South Caroli- Thus these "innovations" go on to the horror of the colorphobists. xterLoolt out •for counterfeits l not only of bank bills, but of everything truly Table ble. Wo understand that even flioseindis pensable articles, " Dr. Markley's Family Medicines," are no exception to the rule.— The imitation is pericetly worthlt;ss. The pure medicines may bo had at Region's. WAR NEWS. From Gen Burnside's Army Knoxville Still in his Possession I Cincinnati, Nov. 23. Major general Foster has arrived hero and will leave for Knoxville to-day. The official advices from East Tennessee, up to 11 o'clock yesterday morning. were en couraging at that time. Firing at Knoxville was heard by our extreme outposts from the Cumherl nd Gap. Adjutant Stanley, of the 12th Kentucky Cavalry, arrived at Cumberland Gap yester day, and brings hopeful news of the situation. Burnside is will holding out, and notified the citizens that he would certainly hold Knoxville. The Rebel force opposing liim is estitnat ed nt 36,000. lincxville is not closely invested, the ene my having withdrawn from the south side of the river, and we forage there. The artillery fighting on the 19th and 20th was very severe. The enemy sustained hen vy loss. 13 rig. Gen. Saunders, who wri9 wounded at Campbell's Station, a few days ago, has since died. Col. Woßord was slightly wounded. The Commercial slys, the withdrawal of the enemy from the south side of Knoxville, is si!nificant of a decisive repuls ,, . Burn side is holding Knoxville under instructions from Grant, and it is not to be supposed, therefore, that the forces under Thomas, Hooker and Sherman arc wastin , their time during these momentous days. We are in hourly expectation of receiving intelligence of the most important, character. From the Army of the Potomac Washington, Nov. 23. The Star says: It is not known in official circles here. that the Army of the Potomac has moved, nor is it expected that it will move to-clay. The Star of this morning also intimates that Gen. Thomas k about taking advantage of Gen. Longstreet's movements against Burnside. Latest From tho Army of the Cum- beriand. CHATTA NCOGA, Nov. 23, I P 53. 7o H. IV. /Thileek, Commander-in-Chic/': Yesterday, at half ,Tfst 12 o'clock, Gens. Granger's and Palmer's Corps, supported by Gen. Howard, were advanced directly in front of our fortifications, drove in the ene mies pickets and carried his first line of rifle pits between Chattanooga and Carter's creek. We captured 0 commissioned officers and about one hundred enlisted men Our loss was aborit 111 men to-day. Gen. Honker in command of Geary's division of the 12th corps, Ousterhaus' division of the 15th corps, and two Brigades of the l•Ith co ps, carried the northern slope of Imokout mountain with small loss on our side, and a loss to the enemy of 500 or GOD prisoners. The killed and wounded are not reported. There has been continuous fighting from 12 o'clock until al' or nightfall, but our troops have gallantly repulsed the enemy in every at tempt to retake the position. Gen. Sherman crossed the Tennessee river before daylight this mo:ning, at the mouth of South Chick amauga, with three divisions. of the 15th corps, one division of the 13th e'nps, and carried the nort het n extremity of Missionary ridge. Our success. so far, has been com plete, and the behavior of the troops admi rable. TEIOM A S, Maj. Gem Second Despatch. CIIATTAN6OUA, Nov. 21, P. M To F. N. HA The fight to-day has progressed favorably. Gen. Sherman ca: tied the end of Missionary ridge, and his right is now at the Tunnel and hi.; left at Chattanooga creek. The troops from Lookout Valley carried the point of the mountain, and now hold the eastern slope and the point high. r up. I cannot the wount of .mautlltie,s,_ buLant loss is not heavy. Gen. Hooker reports 2000 prisoners, besides which a small number have fallen into our hands from Missionary ridge. U. S. GRANT, Major Oenrral. Fottin an Cattniti Mantis. SAD ACM D ENT. —A Yount' Woman Badly Burned.—On 'Tuesday evening last, about 7 o'clock, a young woman named ANNIE JACKSON, residing with Mrs. JOHN HUM tuft, on West Louther street, met with a severe and almost fatal accident. She was sitting by the stove, when her clothes, by some means, caught fire, and were burning some time before she was aware of it. On perceiving her situation, she rushed scream ing into the yard, when her cries brought some persons to her assistance, who succeed. ed in extinguishing the flames, but not until she was burned in a most shocking. manner. At last accout ts, she was still in a critical condition. MELANCHOLY DEATH.—The Shippens burg Nws, of Saturday last, says—On Sun day morning last our citizens were startled with the sad intelligence that Mr. John Fry, a citizen of this place, had died suddenly from the effects of taking an over dose of laudanum. Mr. Fry had, for some days pre viously, been suffering from Neuralgia, and, as he thought, had frequently found tempo rary relief from taking the above medicine. On Saturday he took a large dose, and im mediately fell asleep, from which he never awoke. BENEFIT FOR OUR SICK. AND WOUND DED SOLDIFICS.—We are requested by the ladies of The Mite Society of Carlisle, to an nounce that they contemplate holding a Fair in Rheem's Hall, during the Holidays, for the benefit of our sick and wounded sol. diers. They earnestly ask the ,co-operation of our citizens, both in town and country, by contributions of money, fancy articles, .Lc. Butter and eggs would be peculiarly accep table, from the people of the country. All contributiMis may be sent to the following Places before that time: To the stores of Messrs. Byer; Eby, Conlyn. and Irvine. THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACIIINE IN A ITYGIENIC . AspEc . i . .—D. A. K. Gardner, a professor in the New York Med ical College, recently read a paper before the Academy of Medicine on "rhe Hygiene of 'the Sewing Machine," in which he claimed that the latter was the great boon of the Nineteenth century to the women of Chris tendom and of the world ; that' it had em phatically manunz Wed the white slave, and, in the course of his able essay, he showed that, for the preservation and promotion of health, the Wheeler & Wilson, on acemint of the manner in which it is operated, is vastly preferable to any other. .Gentleman select ing. handsome presents , for their, wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, sweethearts, ,or any one else in Whose health they feel an in terest, should bear this in mind.. For Sale at Railroad office Carlisle Pa: MORE TROOPS.—The Perry County Freeman says—We have already published Gov. Curtin's Proclamation, calling upon the people of Pennsylvania to enlist in the service of the United States, under the call of the President, so that the quota of our State (38,268,) may be made up before the sth of January next, and a draft be avoided. The quota for Perry has not yet been an nounced. Measures should be taken t 6 raiso these new levies at once. Remember that the Congress to assemble on the first of next month, may raise the commutation fee of those who hereafter shall be drafted. What can be done to raise Volunteers in. this county? Let our prom: tient citizens devise some feasible plan. Veterans who re-enlist will receive $402 bounty, and cue month's advance pay; and others, $:l02 bminty, and one month's pay in advance. Further information can be obtained from the Provost Marshals of the various counties. Col. R. M. Henderson, of Carlisle, is th© Provost Marshal fur this (Perry, Cumberland and York) district. lle will he happy to answer all inquiries touching the matter of raising volunteers. • It EsuLT oF CUR losurr.— A. fatal acoi- dent occurred at tiettysburg, on Friday which should prove a w rniu against the handling of dangi . frons missiles. A gentle man named Williams, of Philadelphia, at-, tempted to remove the contents from a bomb shell, when it exploded, blowing off both hieP hands, and shattering one arm to the shoul der. A portion of tha shell also struck a... boy who wits stamling near, killing him. almost instantly. Physicians amputated the shattered arm of Williams, but he died di reetly afterwards. Williams had gone to Gettysburg to [IA e home the body of his son, who had b :en killed in the battle there.— Through curiosity he also lost his life, and his remains ace nnpanie.l those of the son to. their late home. ttE!„..L.MAN'y FAum Ells throughout the counts nor desire t butcher their Own stock —that is the stook they have raised or fat tened on their farms— and in that way dis— pose of it. To all such we would say, keep an account of the lumber killed and the dates between which you kill and sell, in such a way as you can be rptallfte I that your account is correct, and after you have all slaughtered and sold, make your return to the Assistant Assessor of your district, nal der oath. It is almost impossible for ABBl9- taut Assess its to go throttg.h their respective districts a el get llmthly Rs tunts from alt farmers who may kill au I sell cattle, hogs, or sheep which they have raised themselves and who do not make a business of it. Such pees iris do not need a license, unless they sell $l,OOO worth. But they are bound to pay 20 cents per 1201,1 for cattle over eighteen months 01 , 1, 5 cents for all under eighteen months old, t; cents for each hog and 3 Ceuta , for each sheep. COFFP:E IN TIIE ARMY.—Some wise man proposed in Congress, you remember,. the substitution of tea for coffee in the army, and toll the people that the soldiers would' welcome the change. A tolerably fair speci men of theoretical, stay-at-home wisdom, but not. worth the Sabbath day's journey of the giteen of Sheba to look Rt. Why, coffee is their true aqua vitx; their solace and main stay. When a boy cannot drink his coffee you may be sure he has done drinking alto gether, On a march, no sooner is a halt or dered than little tire , begin to twinkle along the line; they make entree in five minutes, drink it in three, take a drill at a hard crack er and are refreshed. Our comrades from "der Rhine" will squat phlegmatically any where, even in line of battle. No sooner has the storm swept to some other part of the field than the kettles begin to boil, and amid stray bullets and shattered shell they take great swallows of heart and coffee to- gether [The Germantown Telegraph's recipe for curinr , beef or pork, has been published in these columns again and again, though not for several years past. It is, without doubt, the best recipe for curing meat extant, and is just now in season :] OUR RECEIPT FOR CURING MEAT. To one gallon of water, take 1,1 lbs. of silt, t lb. of sugar, a 07.. of saltpetre, I oz. of potash. In this ratio the pickle to be increased to any quantity desired. Let these be' boiled together, until all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed off. Then throw it into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the canal time. say four or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with powdered saltpetre, which removes all the surface blood, &c., leaving the meat fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the pickle, and find it to answer well ; though the opere,tent of boiling purifies the pickle by tbrAing of the dirt always to be found in salt and sugar. If this receipt is properly tried, it will never be abandoned. There is none that surpasses it, if so good. Germantown Tele graph. Monroe Teachers Institute Met agreeably to adjournment, in School house No. 6. (Domiick's) at 9 A. M. Nov. 14th. Officers and leachers all present.— Minutes of last meeting adopted Selections were read by Mr. M. Berreheim er, livils of Ignorance," and Miss Kato Gleim, "Arts of Pence." After considerable interchange of opinions and di . vossion of the subject, the following Order of 'Business" was adopted for future meetings of the Institute, viz : Morning, Ist. Roll call. 2nd , Reacting Minutes, Srd , Report of Committees, 4th., Uufitiished Business, sth., Reading Selections, 6th., Class drills. - Afternoon, 7th., Lecture, Bth, 9ili.ilT&iiity';'lotll; New Business, 11th., Li brarians Report. Afternoon session, J. TT. Sehriver, lectured on "Mental Development," after which st, ohms was formed and drilled on SP. Goodyear Orthography was discussed by Goodyear Eberly, Shriven and Sehriver exemplified his practice_hy a eta's. drill The use of elate and black board in teaching this subject was generally recomend= ed. An Essay "Edneation of ;Youth," was read by J. B. Boyer. It evinced much thought. The following appointments were made for' next meeting P. A.' Plank to . .read Selection ; J. A. Eberly, _Class-drill ; in Read ing, S. P. Goodyear, Eecture, Beiltheim. er, Class drill in Arithmetic, Miss. Carrie 3. Ewalt, Essay.