Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 20, 1863, Image 2
ghq eraid CARLISLE, PA. Friday,Nov. 20, 1863. So DI. PETTENOIIOIA & CO., NO. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State St. Boston, are our Agents for the Manta in those cities, and aro authorized to take Advertise ments and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. TEE NEXT CONORESS.—The first session of the new Congress will commence two weeks from next Monday. The Senate will have a very large Republican majority.— The Rouse. according to the latest accounts, adding the Maryland members just elected, and conceding the entire Kentucky delega tion to the opposition, will stand : Adrninis traticn members, 97; opposition, 87. tta.. It is thought by many peasons that Justices Woodward and Lowrie are Knights of the Golden Circle. The fact that they hold similar views on constitutional matters with the notorious Huber ani his treasonable or ganization, affords good ground for believing that they belong to the fraternity. M.Mr. Judge Woodward should resign biz seat on the Supreme Bench. Ile has so identified himself with the Copperhead ene mies of the Government that it will be al most impossible for him to give an impar tial decision. Men who wear the ermine should be above suspicion. ILLINOIS ELEcTioN.—lteturns Irom twen ty-eight counties in Illinois s'ow, at the un important town and county elections held on the 3d inst., a Union gain of more than 15,000. There are about 100 counties in the State, and it the vote is in the,above ra tio, it will show a Union gain of from 55,000 to 60,000. The more wo get of election returns the better they look. Massachusetts reelects Governor Andrews by neatly fifty thousand majority. Illinois shows a Union gain front last year, in forty five counties, of more than twenty two thousand; Wisconsin in thirty counties, a gain of eight thousand three hun dred and thirty-one from 186 ; Missouri looks well, and it is not beyond hope that the Ita dicals may have a majority after all ; Minne sota gives the Union ticket about len thous and majority. In Maryland the Union ma. jority will be about thirty three thousand ma jority. stir The aggregate amount of the public debt of the Unit. 1 States, up to September, 1863, is set ilown by a careful (etiolate at ;;;1, 228,832,771 This includes the old public debt, the 7 3-10 bonds; the 5 2n bonds ; tem porary loans; U. S. Treasury Notes, (Green backs); fractional currency, and, in fact, all certificates of indebtedness The annual in lerest upon this debt is $16.835,610 or an average rate of 3 81 per cent. on the entire debt. The entire public debt of Jeff. Davis's bogus Confederacy is, according to Rebel news papers, about one thousand millions of dollars. Dgeisiox of Judges Woodward and Lowrie against the constitutionality of the draft law, affords conclusive proof that in the event of their election they would have done all they could to embarrass awl thwart the efforts of the National Government to suppress the Rebellion. Woodward, as Gov ernor, would not only have refused troops to carry on the war, but th - ;re ii good reason to believe that his desi t zns were to recall those already in the field, and thus aid the Rebels to recover their lost ground and dic tate the terms of peace from the Capitol at Washington. As it is, the course of these defeated worthies looks very much as if they desired to incite the Copperheads to rebel lion, with a view to aid the secessionists. THE REBEL MILITARY Foul - E.—A gentle men recently returned from the Southwest, where be has enjoyed unusual facilities for procuring information from within the Rebel lines, estimates the aggregate if the military force which the Jell. Davis Government can bring into action at about 190,000 men on this side of the Mississippi, and 20,000 on the other side. They are all the men the rebellion can muster, although the Conscrip tion law is sweeping every man who can shoulder a musket, including convalescents on guard and nurse duty at the hospitals, whose places are supplied, in some instances, by cripples. Starvation stares civilian and soldier so closely in the lac! that our infor mant thinks the war can hardly be continued by the Rebels for four months longer, even if not a musket more should be levelled at them. CLIPPINGS ABOUT FOREIGN M ATTE Itti correspondent of the New Yurd !braid says t. Mr. Slidell cannot be •ery busy now, or be summoned very frequently to the Tuiler ies for ho spends a very considerable portion of tlijitime in the court yard of the Grand Hotel. He looks a little blue and melancholy since his bosom friends, Mason and Gwin, hove gone to England. The Grand Hotel is an amusing place to look in at occasionally. It is the headquar ters of the secessionists, many of whom have rooms there in the fourth story, and econo. mice by going out for their meals at cheap restaurants. There are a number of North erners there; but the lines are very closely drawn, and there is no association between the two. In fact, some of the Southern la• dies, as they sweep by Northerners, scorn fully gather in their skirts, as though they feared to be contaminated by touching even the hem of a Nor:herner's garment. THE PENXSYLV•NIA COAL TRADE.—On Saturday week the coal dealers in Philadel phia met and resolved to pr. se upon the im mediate attention of the State authorities the urgent necessity of a speedy military assis tance in the mining districts. A committee was appointed .to wait upon Gov. CURTIN, and represent to him the real condition of affairs in the coal districts. Subsequently a committee waited upon Major General, Cad waluder, who promised to send p force of soldiers into the disturbed districts. The late troubles at Mauch Chunk, it is feared by the trade, are but the beginning of worse ones. The conscription is now IA: forced there, and, it is stated, meets with much opposition. THE CONSCRIPTION ACT Last Eftort of the COppherheads to Aid Jeff. Davis ' The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania de cided at Pittsburgh, on , Monday week, by a bare majority, that the law of Congress, fOr . enforcing a draft to recruit the Federal ar mies, is unconslitunal. Lowrie, Woodward, and Thompson agreed as to the unconstitu tionality of the rtiw, while Judges Siroug and Reed dissented. It appears that last July bills in equity were filed in Philadelphia by Messrs. Smith, Kneedler and Nicholls, three drafted men of that city, who claimed a release on the ground of the unconstitutionality of the law. The question before the Court was raised by a motion to grant a preliminary injunc tion to restrain the Provost Marshal from compelling the plaintiffs to comply with the provisions of the Act. Messrs. Lowrie, Wood- ward and Thompson, Copperhead Judges deciding in favor of granting the injunction and the two former have written out thei, "opinions" on the case. They declare the draft law of Congress to be unconstitutional, upon the ground that the militia is a State organization, controlled by the laws of the State, and is nut subject to the laws of Con gress. The theory of these judges is,' that the power of a State is absolute, and the power of tie General Government subordi nate; that the Federal Government, even for self-preservation, has no right to draft a citizen of any State into the army, or corn pel a person so drafted to perform military duty, any law of Congress to the contrary otwithstandingl To show that we do no mistake their position, we give the sum mar of Judge Woodward's argument in his ow, laugtmge, reduced to four principal points, le holds : lst. That the power of Congress to raise nd support armies, does not include the pow r to draft the militia 01 the States. 2d. That the power of Congress to enll forth the inilaia cannot be exercised iu Ihe forms of this enactment. :id. That a citizen of Pennsylvania cannot be subjected to the rules and articles of war until he is in actual military service. 4th. That he is not placed in such actual service. when his name has been drawn front a wheel, and ten days' notice thereof has been served upon him. In other words, Judge IVoodward says, in effect: Although there may he a Rebellion; although the National capital may be met:- aced, and the General Governrnent itself perilled, yet, until each particular State a grees upon calling out its militia forces, the Nation is constitutionally powerless to de fend itsell I And this man was but recent] • a candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, and his colleague a candidate for another term on the Supreme Beuch, and both come within a few thousands of votes of I,tl elec tion! What an escape! It is refreshing to turn from' this most pernicious and unpatiiutie decision of the recently defeated Copperhead Judges, to the counter opinion of Justice Strong, in which Justice It .ad, his Union colleague, concurs. We regret that have only room this week for a single extract, but shall give the entire document a place in uur next issue. Judge Strong says : It is sail this act of Congress is a viola. Lion of the Constitution, because it makes a drafted man punishable as a deserter before he is mustered into service. The contrary was declared by Chief.l ustice Marshall, when delivering the judgment of the Supreme Court of the United Stutr-s in Hou - stoir rs Moore, What ton. Under .he act of 1795, the draft, d men were not declared to be sub ject to military law until mustered into ser vice. This is the act of which Judge Story speaks in his commentaries. But in the opinion of .1 udge Marshall, Congress might have declared them in service from the time of the (haft, precisely what this act of Con gress does. Judge Marshall's opinion, of course, explodes this objection. The argument most pressed, in support of the alleged unconstitutionality of the act of Congress is that it interferes with the re served ri,thts of the States over their own militia. It is said the draft takes it portion of those who owe militia service to the States, and thus diminishes the power of the States to protect themselves. The Sates, it is claim ed, retain the principal power over the mili tia, and therefore the power given to Con gress to raise aria ins must be so construed, as not to destroy or impair that power of the States. If, say the complainants, Congress may dr ,ft into their armies, ant compel the service o a portion e f the StaM militia they, may take the whole, and thus the entire pow er of the States over them may be annulled, for want of any subject upon which it can act. 1 have stated the argument quite as strongly as it was presented. It is more plausible than sound. It assumes the very matter which is the question in debate. It ignores the fact, that Congress has also pow er over those who constitute the militia. The militia of the States is also that of the general government. It is the whole able bodied population capable of bearing arms, whether organized or not. Over it certain powers are given to Congress, and others are reser ed to the States. Besides the power of calling it forth, fi r certain defineduses, Congress may provide for its organization, arming and discipline,. as well as for gov ern lig such portion as nifty "be i.nployed in its service. It is the material and only ma terial contempla-ed by the Constitution, out of which the armies of the Federal Govern ment are to be raised. Whether gathered by ccercion, or enlistments, they are equally taken out of those who form a part of the militia of the States. Taking a given num ber by draft no more conflicts with the re served power of,the States than does taking the same number of men in pursuance of their own contract. No citizen can deprive a State of her rights without her consent.— None could, therefore,' voluntarily enlist, if taking a !Minia, man into military service in the army of the United States is i ,tt conflict with any State rights over the militia. Those rights,' whatever they may be, it is obvious cannot be effected by the mode of taking,— Lt is clear that the States hold their power over their militia, subordinate to, the 'porter of Congress toqaise armies out of the popu lation that constitutes it. Were it not so the -delegation of the power to Congress would have been an empty gift. Armies can he.raised from no other source, —The —The conclusion arrived at by Judges Strong and tined is, that the Draft Law is -nonfunctional, that the corn plainants are put entitled to the injunction for which they ask, rand that it should be denied. In a few weeks hence Judge Agnew will take his seat on the bench in place of Judge Lowrie, when it is to be presumed he will not fail to concur with his Union colleagues. The decision of the Copperhead majority will then .he reversed. ceLyeaterday was a great day at Gettya burg. Thousand° upon tlieueatids were there A Base Lie! A copperhead journal in WSWling over the result of the Maryland election, Bays "Gen. SCHENCK sent his eoldiers, with bayonets •fixed, to preventlreemen from. voting." It is unnecessary to denounce this as a base falsehood, such only as a copperhead' could conceive, and it is equally unnecessary to point to the vote of certain counties of that State, where almost the entire; vote was polled for the secession candidates, scarcely any be ing given for either conditional, or uueon• ditional Union candidates. zErNew Jersey is the only free State that has gone this year for the Copperheads, and their majority even there is 'reduced some ten thousand, while the Union men gain several members the Legislature.— By next tall, the Union men will be able to wheel he r r into the loyal line. New Jersey has always been devoted to the slave inter ests. She has been ruled by a few aristo cratic families, such as the Wall's, the Stockton's, &c., whose sympathies have been with the aristocratic slaveholders and nabobs of the South. The State, too, had a not very enviable reputation in the days of the Ite:“ volution. The Tory progenitors of those same Copperheads were so troublesome to Washington that he was compelled to ad minister a severe rebuke tp them. It does seem that " blood will tell." • Goy. CURTIN Al' 110 MR. —Our friends, in other parts of the State, are sometimes at a loss to understand how it comes that GeV. Cuttin, who is admitted to be personally pope lar at home, was beaten iu this county 844 votes at the recent election, although 'he car ried it in 1860 by 341. The reason is obvious, and is at once creditable both to Gov. Curtin and his friends. The townships which gave majorities for him in 1860, have 1582 soldiers under arms, while those which went against him have sent but 463, although they poll more than half the Democratic vote of the country. Our ranks are decimated at home only because they are so full in the field, and we point with pride and triumph to the record '• lye should have blushed ileatol. house 11.. d stood iiereue and flourished in a civil war." Central l'reas. THE. Iscome TAX.—The question of the comb tax comes up in a new phase Commissoner Lewis, of New York, decides that section ninety-two of the tax law pro- Jes no means for the coil •ction of the tax n cases where income is derived from "pro essional services, from speculations, or in any oth,r manner than from fixed.invest ments. Section nineteen, however, contains a general provision which is held applicable to the income tax, with the exception that but five per cent. penalty shall be imposed fur non-payment, instead of the ten per cent. demanded by some of the collectors under the terms of section ninety-two. Persons who have deferred the payment of their in- come tax beyond the ten days' grace allowed after due notification are therefore liable to an additional payment of five per cent., and under this ruling of the Ct mmigsioner may refuse to pay any larger sum. 43J' Gen. Boyle, the Adjutant General of, (he State of KentucicC, has issued an order prohibiting the distillation of corn and other grain in that State. Also, that all bogs in the State, will be taken for the use of the Government at $3 75 per cental gross. This 18 done in anticipation of the completion of the Militiiry railway into Tent eSS'ee through Cumberland Gap, when all the food which can be spared from Kentucky will be needed to feed Grant's forces. The Government is now curing pork at Knoxville, Tenn., for this object. Q' `"Provost:llarshal General Fry has officially stated that of persons drafted those who pay the $3OO .iominutation are precise ly on the sumo footing as those who furnish substitues, and are exonerated from military service for three year:. As some of the Copperheads have been getting up imagin ary rascals who desired to fleece drafted men by inducing them to pay $350 to be exonerated, this statement of lien. Fry will put all such matters at rest. riarlt is staled in the papers that Gov. Curt in has appointed James L. Reynolds, Esq., of Lancaster, Quartermaster General of Pennsylvania, made vacant by the death of Gen. Hale. Mr. Rey...olds was formerly an influential Democrat, but valuing his conntry above party, has ably supported the Administration against the Rebels. lie is a brother of the lamented Gen. Reynolds, killed while bravely leading his column at Gettysburg. The Union men in the South are almost unanimous in favor of abolishing slavey in their respective State, as the most effectual way of I utting au end to the Rebellion and the war. Urgent propositions have been made to our government by residents of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Virginia. North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, to re-or vtlize those &ales on a free State basis Slavery is certainly &touted, though the Cup perhesda in the North are to blind too see it. Int--Gov. Curtin visited Philadelphia on iVetinesday, and delivered au address at the Union League Room in that oily. In regard to his future course he said that ho would continue to apply himself vigorously to the strengthening of the hands of the General Government that the rebellion may be crushed. He would be sparing nal / titer of mon nor mon ey, end would not cease in his work until the rebels submit to tho authority of the Govern• meta. COMPLIMENTARY —The copperheads not un frequently have to take some severe culTs from their southern " frionds'.." Of course it produces the same ofFeet up n them that similar treatment duos upon the spaniel, ren• dering them more complacent and obsequious to their masters than ever. lu a late number of the Richmond Examin• er the editor in an article on the Pennsylvania election says; "The Democratic party in that state (Pennsylvania) was never proof against, bribery, FOIL IT NEVER UAD TUE BUADOW OF PRINOIPLEI Do the copperheads, who use that organ ization for the purpose—the sole one, as we peroeive—of aiding their southern "friends," recognize the portrait? Or will they ask for another pitting ?, Missouri Elections B: GRANTnow4 and JOHN HENDERSON have been elected U. S Senators from Mis souri, eleoiion of the former,• partim lary, is exceedingly gratifying to the friends of freedom, for be was the first to set the ball in motion'in that direction in Missouri. HEN DERSON, the former democratic Senator, is an unconditional Union man, and will give n to all measures calculated to crush the rebellion. CNITICAL CONDITION OF Euaok.--The London limes, in a late review of the condi tion of affairs in Europe, says that a "single spark would kindle a conflagration from the ‘ , Pyrenees to the Caucasus, from the Medit erreneati to the Arctic Sea. It is scarcely possible to imagine how we could stand apart and plume ourselves on our immunity between• two worlds in flames. Yet who shall say how deep we should descend into the struggle once begun--how long we should be involved, and with what changes we should finally emerge." CALIFORNIAEMIGRATION.—CaIifornia is being rapidly depleted of her population,— The principal cauie is the discovery of rich mines of silver ,and gold outside the limits of the State. The Nevada Standard sa •s: There,has Leen, for the past two years, a perfect exodus to Nevada Territory from all parts of Califon's.. Probably not less than 30,000 people, are now residents of this Ter ritoryrwho earn. here from California. Th e discovery of rich 'nines in Idaho Territory has attracted thousand.' to that locality. A woman visited the President's man sion last week, cut off a full half yard from the curtain of one of the windows in the Green Ro s orn, and made her exit before being discovered. Such things have been frequent ly done lately, as is supposed by a eel of cu riwity hunters. A SINGUL kit PACT.—Take a single wafer ; put it upon your tongue, allow it 10 melt gradually away. and your sore throat, hoarse ness, cough, and cold will disappear. lle careful that the wafer used be Bryan's Pulmo nic Wafer-25 cents a box. Elliott's sell it. They are really a great medicine. EVADING TtII INCOME I: AL—Joseph Det wiler, of York 'county, Pa., was arrested on Wednesday last, by Deputy United Slates Marshal Schuyler, on the charge of attempt ing to evade the income tax. It is alleged that he divided his property among his club dren, so that it should nut come within Le provisions of the law. The case bids fair to be inttresting i , as it is the first one of the kind breught the notice the Unite States authorities in Phila. WAR NEWS. From the Army of the Potomac. WAsuilwroN, Nov. 14 —The information re ceived from the Army of the Potomac to-bight is that the enemy are extending their already formidable works on the Rapidan. The work on the railroad is being rapid'y pushed forward, but transporiatioo does nut extend west of the Warrenton Junction. G u n Meade, accompanied by A, , sistant. Ad jutant General S. Williams, is now on a visa to Washington. Cannonading Heard. WASIIMSTON 4 Nov, 15 —The train which reached hen: at ld u clock to night. from the :krill). of the Potomac) brought information of cannonading being heard in the vicinity of Stevensburg this morn lig commencing at 8 o'- clock and ciatinuing for about an hour.. The firing was tenewuM between 11 Mid 12 o'clock, rut was heard at Ideation, twenty miles di' (ant, as the train panned that point. The fnctir were T 1 arlinwir - 6111.7"671f "the firing, but it was supposed that Kilpatrick, who has his camp at Stevensburg. had en gaged a reconnoitring tote; of the enemy.— Elsewhere all was-quiet when the train, at 10 o'clock, left the army Although it rained incessantly Ihrdughout last night, the ground had not been rendered unfit for military operatione. FROM FORTRESS MONROE The _Strge e f C'heirle.siOn ire front Reh r Sources.—Our Mirrtee open on I•'ur( Moultrie FORTHES3 Jlouuue, Nov 17• The flag of truce 'btu itiler New York ne rived here this evening, bringing 333 Uniut soldiers from Itichin,ind. The Sowhern papers contain the following LAWS : The Richmond T.'»quircr of the 1611), pub Belies the following ‘lispateli : CHARLES FON, NOV. 14.--The enemy's tire On Fort Sumpter continued steadoy. Battery Gregg op. tied tire this of ernoon, on James Island and Fort Moultrie Fort Lunar and Battery Simpkins replied. CHARLESTON. Nov. 15 The fireing is about the same to day From Thursday morning till sundown on Saturday, fifteen and twenty three mortar shells sod rifle shuts wore fired at Sumter. The ene- my's shots have teased to be of any injury to the Com There has been no firing to day ou Sullivan's or Jone's 14land. Our batteries continue to keep up a slow tire on Fort Gregg and the mortar battery. A large warehouse, next to the custom hour • WILS destroyed by fire last night The loss is liesvy, consisting of cotton atm [ling and a part of the cargo of the steamer Advance, belong tug to the state of North Carolina. FROM CHATTANOOGA. Hooker Agai#,Reported Attacked.—Gen. Sher InaniVkis 'a Jaattion with Grant's Riyh Wing. NEW YORK, N :.vember 17 A Chattanooga letter of the 13th mentions that a rumor was then prevailing that Hook er had just been attacked. Con espondence Cincinnati Commercial.] CHATTANOOGA, Nov. 11.--There his aspen no fighting since our Seizure of Lookout Valley, two weeks ago. Booker's position is ebusidered impregnable Communication by the river, between Brown's Ferry, two miles below, and Bridgeport is uninterrupted and secure. IVagons pass daily by the river road. Supplies for mon and animals are accumulat ing steadily. The dead point of dagger is past. The army is sanguine, and the future is bright. The enemy holds Lookout yet, and throws shell occasionally in both directions. Nearly all fall short None have been in• jured in the city, and but 0131/ killed and one wounded in Lookout Valley. Bragg main tains a bold front near the ch y. There is no diminution of forces apparent. The Chattanooga Rebel of November 11', ad [nits that Bragg cannot take Chattanooga without greater loss than the South can sue taiu. The Savannah Republican says the same, and urges the . reitriorcoment of Lee from bore, to'defeat Wheu Grant could easily bo whipped. The Rebel-claims Knoavillo certain, and hopes that will repulse Bragg, and prevent further retreat on Georgia The correspondent of the Rebel, from the front of ohattanonga,..on Nov. 2. says Had Jenkine'attacked Hooker, in suffic. lent force, the day after the Federate got pos session of. fielley's Ferry: and thrown a bridge over on the succeeding day (Wednesday), -it is possible we might have still remained was.. tors of the station, as by getting posneesion of LoOkout Valley the Federate have a fortified position, and it,ie almost, if not quito as strong as Chattanooga. If attacked in the Valley they (the Fedora's) can reinforce more rapid ly and safely than we can't if attacked in Chattanoogo they could reinforce sooner from the Valley than we could send troops from our loft to the centre. From Brown's Ferry to the railroad is only one mile. If not mo lested the Federals will, of course, construct the railroad to the Ferry, re toeing the dis tance of hauling 6upplies from sixty miles to two. This new move on the military chess board, by which the Federals got, possession of Lookout Valley and the railroad to Bridge• port, was a' tuaster.y stroke. The concep tion was brilliant, executed admirably and the combination faultless. Everything slip ped from us-so easily, or was taken so adroit ly, we hardly knew when it was done. This operation has changed the whole aspeet.4— There is no longer any doubt of the Federal commander's ability to obtain supplies this winter unless speedily overcome. To do this we shall have to tight another battle, arid overcome physical difficulties of a serious character Why, then, should we remain longer in the mud and water of Chattanooga Valley ? "Gen. Hardee has been assigned the corn man] or Polk's corps. Howell Cobb is hero President Davis was at Goldsboro, N. C., of the 7( h." LOUISVILLE, Nov. lith.—A telegram dated yesterday, from the headqnarters of the Army of Tennessee, states that Major General Sher man was in General Thomas' headquarters having made a junction of his entire corps with Grant's right.. Our European Correspondence SHEFFIELD, (ESG.) Oct. 29, 1863. DEAR 1.1 ELLA LD:—The supposed alliance between the United Slates and.ltussia, and that Irish mare's nest, the `• Fenian Broth- erhood," hauiit the waking dreams of our friend John Bull. •lohn evidently feels un comloriable. lie has made a bad precedent in the Alabama aflair, and thinks that some day it may rebou• d on his own head with stunning force. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs seems determined to stop the ship building bus Mess, and has sent no less than three inert of war, one of them nn iron clad, to watch the rains at :‘lr. Laird's ship yard. They (the men of war) are all lying in the river with steam up, and cables ready to sl p at a moment's warning. A guard of tna• rives went on bum(' yesterday, and sent the workmen and their finds on shore, thus rioting an end to all work on the rums.— Telegrams from France today say that the French iiovernment has given notice to persons building ships of war then•, that they will he held responsible for any infringe ment ()I the Neutrality Law. However, as nobody is foolish enough to put any faith in Louis 'Napoleon, we tali) it for what it is 'Worth. Rev. I L Ward Beecher ha% create I quite a sens.o.on, f 4011111 London and 'Man chi-ster. In London, thousands were disap poinled in getting into Exeter flail, and Mr. leecher had to he earned in on the shoul lers of the police. In Manchester, he also :ad a very large aedienc e, Init. was inter awed several times by the paid-rnissari Utile Manchester Association for the Re ognition of the Souther I Confoleraey."-- 'he pedigree of this interesting fraternity, fg.ether with that of the Sheffield branch, I link I gave you in tny last. In Liverpool, he inee . ing %vas very ills. nlerly, frequent nterrti bins from S. miller!) s) rho like. their brethren on i',e ot ier rti le of the Atlantic, are not (-cry fond of free speech, especially when their silo of the question will !lot bear ventilation. Some of the s.iitie party who immortalize(' themselves by his sing the " Star Spangled Bituner," at Sear huiuu} h, some inwitlis since, I presume.— The American Isar is discussed everywhere 1 go, public inectingm,hotelii, public dinnera, and even in church. At a ward meeting to nominatu'a candidate for the Borough Coun cil, the candidatj's gave their vieVs on the . . war, What it has to do with the Sheffield II Giiutetl , i catilt ima(ritie. I presume will all .et the mending of streets, awl the cat( hiu ut stray pigs, in some way todcoown to the unittiteated. The deleat Vallandtg ham in Ohio has been a bider pill tor the bei_synipat izturs __Ler (.I._ _They pu_cled that he would he elected by a large majority, notwithstanding all arguments to the con tt ary. Ilia election was to have been follow ed by the withdrawal of the Ohio troops, which would he such a severe Won , to the Government that they would abandon the war and let the South gu. There was fur tun ,tely a slight mistake in their ealcula- Owls. We arc just now experiencing the delights of what the Hnglish call " November weath er." It rains about five - days out of each week, and there is a thick tog almost ever morning. The fog and smoke of the town together make a fine panacea for any one with weak lungs. Strange as it may seem, with all its smoke and dirt, Sheffield is an exceedingly healthy town. The emigration of mechanics to the United States still continues, much to the discontent of Willi.' of the manufacturers, who see their American trade fast slipping through their fingers. I ui, re, Tho 49th Pa. Voluntoors. Official le part J Lieut. Cal. T. ill. Ilu'ings, commanding 49th Pa Vol.! Nov. 7th 186 I. lIEAD QUARTERS, 49T0 PA. VOLS, Nov Bth 1862 —ln obedience to orders I have Captain (he honor to report, that this regiment left Re camp at sVarrentun Va on S iturday morn lug Nov. 7th 110 o'clock and marched ou the Fayetteville road in the direction of pahannueii Station. After arriving near the Cavalry outposts a• bout 9} A. JI , Cu. C and part of Cu B under command of Capt Hutchison were deploye as' skirmishers, and Co D. and part of CO. B under Capt. Quigley were deployed as flunk ere, the balance of the Hew_ at; lug 118 a re servo. The regiment proceeded in this order until we eqlated r the Orange and Ales andria Itaih.,il,l one mile front Raqiithannock Station at 14 M. Hero we I,.rmed Line of Battle ou, .eft resting on the Railroad ; our Skirmishers and Piankers acting as Skir mishers until three P. M. when hey were re lieved by a detachment, of the 6111 Nlaine ‘Ve remained in line of Battle at this point until 5 P. M. when we were ordered forward with thil'reSt' r fhiS 'Bi•igudii"lo &or/dr/41i ii vii y`e works. The charge was wade at 6f P NI Our loss in the action wa., thre,• ktl od uud sixteen wounded. K ILLUD. —Private., —Geo. W. Wilson Co A Richard Meguilluu Cu 13. George liarleniat Cu. D. IVOUNDELL—Copt. A. B. Hutchison Fano (slight;) AJjt. James T. Stuart, bide, (slight;) Com Serg't. Jue. D. U. llendereon, leg and foot, (severe;) Co. A —J no. P. Pat:ersun, head, (Dan gerously;) Robert Taylor, thigh. (slight;) Win. Attig. head, Benj. Thomas, leg, (severe;) Gee. W. Smith, foot (severe;) Juu. A. Kistler, leg, (savers;) David Delaney, shoulder, (se vere;) Wm. Farris, arm, (alight;) .100. Lopley, leg, (alight,) Co. B.—Corp. Jas. %V. arm, (severe;) Joe Holliday, hand, (vevere;) Win MeAlevy, hind, (Severe:) Co C.—Corp. Griffith Lytle. thigh, (.light;) Co. 1) —Gideon Wolf, breast, (severe;) i t .„ Very respectfully your ob't.lierv't. THOS. M.. fiULINGS, Lt. Col Counnaudiag Capt. C : H. Hunt), A. A. Gent. . • LADIE* ItlDllS(l.—Atss Dr. ljarriet N. Ashley, of,Danville, New York, has come out in favor of ladies riding astride. The' present style of riding, she truly says, is un aafc,nngracetul, unhealthy and unnatural Dr. James C;Jackson, in his work on con sumption, takes t,1 . ) same view. He days that the present style in whiCh the ladies ride, when long continued, is productive of numer ous diseases, but thinks if women could have dresses fitted for the purpose, and could ride astride as men do, horseback riding might be used not a means of occasional re lief from the - monotony of life, but it might be elevated into a national characteristic. The only difficulty is, that if the ladies once get the trowsers on they will not be content with wearing them only when on horseback. But in the march of improvement, this re form in female equestrianism is sure to conic about, we...may as well make up our minds to it. A few dashing, determined fair ones, braving the denunciation and ridicule which old fogies of the sterner sex will heap upon them, will introduce the custom, and in a few years thousands of handsome Amazons, mounted upon their steeds in the masculine and sensible style of t h e Empress Catharine of Russia, will be scouting along our high ways in all directions. That will be the ultimate out,oine of this one sided que.3tion. Eaton an Cut Natters CONCERT. - -The Handel Musical Soci ety's first concert of the season, will take Place at ltheem's Hall, Carlisle, on Thanks giving Evening, (November 2G.) A rich treat may be expected. The performance will consist of a variety of Glees, Choruses, Quartetts, &c., to lie accompanied by a splen did Orchestra. ' trcr° The permanent company from Carlisle Barracks left thk on Tuesday morn ing last to attend the dedication of the Gettys burg National Cemetery. We call. the especial attention o hese reptiles to Col. Ilubisus' report, and i there is a drop of manly blood left in their nendacious hearts, let it remind them of their MEM THANKSGIVING SERVICE.—There will be divine service in the German Refor,iled church of this place, on Thanksgiving Day, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The Pastor will preach an appropriate ser - non. Subject, The Slims uPhe, Tunes. The public are respectfully invited to attend, tts,,..We again dirtet the attention of our friends ; who may wish to purchase Iron Railing of any description, or any kind of I ruu ♦cork of a decorative cliuracter, for any turpuse, to ilie advertisement of Messrs. VOOD S. PEROT, Philadelphia,in another col A Cow) CHANCE FOR A PROFITABLE I N ESTM :%1 T. —Capitalists, desirous of ma king a:prolitable investment i should not fail to attend the sale of Mr. W. Chu 'lee Fran ei,s.cus., at Papeltown, on Saturday next. Ile ()tiers to dispose of a valuable lot of ground in the central part of that thriving and pros perous village. This is a rare chance fur a man of in, deride means to secure a delight ful home. AcciDENT —A young lad, named Ben• jamin Senor, son et Mr. Alfred Seiler, of this place, met with a serious occident on day last. lie was on n gunning, expedi tion in Perry county, and by some inadver tency, the gun we d off, wounding him oe verely in the neck and head. At first his life was despoiled of, but we hear that the physicians pronounce Min out of danger. • IlintantLE AccutENT.—We' learn by the Ilarrisburg Te/eyorph, that a man named 7 / 1 (;nots Shippensburg, in this ci.Onm(t'', - ‘ , t i ta — hurntly — tuangleml, at the Leb anon county Freight. Depot. in Harrisburg, on Monday mourning last. One of his legs was cut off about the knee, an arm nearly off below the shoulder, and both hand: itt• most severed from the wrists. Ile died on Monday about noon, realizing his dreadful condition. It is stated that when the acci dent occurred, the unl'ortonate man was in toxicated. This is another solemn waning to those wh will " put an enemy into their mouths to steal away their Urinal." COItN 11USRINO.-oOr fartilerS the Cumberland Valley have I,e m very brusy for the past two or three weeks in getting in tbeir corn. The weathe has seen very la.rocal,le, and in many localities the corn is all husked. The crop is generally very good, mid the yield quite large. It. M. S UNION PRISONERS IN 111C11370NR-- Since it has been ascertained beyoiid ques • (ion, that our brave soldiers, now in the rebel prisons in Richmond are actually srifferimg fur the necessaries of life ; and has also been announce] by the rebel autherit es that food as well as clothing he delivered to them if forwarded from the 'rill, every effort is be ing made to supply their pressing wants Aid societies all over the loyal states are malting up l,iroels of clothing and edibles Let not our citizens neglect this important matter Direct your contributions to the christian commission in Philadelphia, and they will be forwarded im nediately to Rich mond. CAPT. ITUTCHISON.—In another col umn will be found the othoitil sooottat of the 49th P. V. in the late action on the nappa• hannoolt. In that action Capt. Boyd Hutch. icon, whose name is familiar to many or our Clitiei;irtiqii‘o a prominent part, receiving a wound in the face, which we are glad to. say. is but slight. When during the late political campaign, Capt. IL believed it to be his duty to labor for the sucouss of those principles of free gov. ornment fur which for more than two years previously he had been battling in the tield. HOMO of our copperheads bore snerringly im putted his motives, and referred to his ab settee from his regiment (although in com plianoe with orders from the war yepartmont) as an evidence of his want of brailry. VOTE or THANKS —At the meeting of the Eastern Synod of the German Reform ed church in this -place, the , following r... 50 utiori was adopted : " Re.4olvy, That this Synod will long re member the kind and Christian reception and courtesy given them by the Pastor and members of the German Reformed emigre• gation and other-citizens of Carlisle, at its annual sessiinis'amongst them, and pray that the promises that are recoded in God's Word to them, who are given-'to hospitality, they he happily realized by them, and that the Pastor he requested to read this, resolutior. to his people, and also. to 'request its publi cation in the papers of' the place," The Pastor and Coasistory of the German Reformed church in this place,cordially unite in the above exprertsion of grateful feeling towards the citizens of Carlisle, for the lib eral Christain hospitality with which they aided them in affording entertainment for the members of Synod ; and sha'l be pleased to recipocra:e their kindness whenever op. portunity affords it. MILITARY CLAIMS.—The last Legis lature passed a law authorizing the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas at Harris burg, (Judge Pearson, President,) to appoint three citizens as a Board of Appraisers to investigate the claims (or damages in Ful ton and Franklin comities, occasioned by Stuart's raid. The Court has appointed A. 0. Iliester and James Worm'', Esqrs., of Dauphin county, and Jacob Weidle, Esq., of Lebacon county, sail Board. This is all right and proper; but we hope those in authority will not " make flesh of ono and fish of another." The people of Cumberland and Adams counties suffered severely by Ewell's and Fitzhugh Lee's dep redations in June ar,d July last, and are certainly entitled to compensation. Many of our farmers lost valuable horses, cattle, and other property ; our merchants were de spoiled of nearly their entire stocks, and me chanics and other citizens suffered in pro portion. It the citizens of Franklin and Fulton counties are entitled to indemnity, so also are the people of Cumfierland and Adams. We trust the nest Legislature will take immediato action on this subject. PROOF OF MARRIAOE.-It not unfre- quently happens that clergymen, in marrying a couple, omit to give a certificate of the marriage, or to make any' registration of it. Such evidence is rendered especially import taut just now, as, in the case of the death of a soldier, the widow must have a certificate of marriage before she can receive a pension. A Now Jersey paper, in speaking of this' subject, as it respects that State, says : Upon searching the records within the past year for proof of marriage, nearly half of the un fortunate widows have been turned away with the remark : " The clergyman perform the ceremony has neglected to 'comply with the law." Magistrates and clergymen should make a note td thls, and act accordingly. Much loss and trouble would be avoided if those per forming the marriage ceremony would COM' ply with the rovisions of the law. SAYE Yowl. RAGS AND OLD PAPER. --We would stazgest to our readers the pro -priety -or gailri-.ring op their old rags and paper and disposing of them to the paper manufacturers. All kinds of paper has agaia gone up to fearful prices. People should everywhere save all their old papers and rags and sell them. They are or. w worth live or six cents per pound, while old tiecount books or old writing paper of any kind is worth Iron ten to twelve cents. The present high price of paper is caused by the great scarcity of rags. Therefore it is the duty as well as the interest of every one, publisher as well as reader, to San' his old rags and paper, arid sell them to those who will glad ly purchase them. This is a matter we are all interestedin, for with the supply of rags depends the price of paper, and comequently the cost of books and newspapers. Our streets and alleys ) even, contain an abundance of geed clean rags and paper, and woe Id some one gather them up and dispose ahem, he. co old—earn_ . .handsome hood, as well as confer a favor upon society. NEGRO Kt LLED.—The Passenger Train on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, on Sat urday evening last, ran over a reegro., who was lying on the track r aboot three miles be low Newville. The engineer saw him when about two hundred yards otf, but found Lt. impossible to atop' the train. 'The rre , ,, , ro was literally cut to pieces. It is supposed he was intoxicated and had fallen across the track, as a broken bottle was bound by his side.— We have not Eeamed his name- So saps the Chan_ bersburg am_Scorr's REviEws are more or Its familiar to the reatAng public. They furn;sh a mine of precious jewels to those. who are accustomed to tax their kiteMedlbl powers woh in3erasti•ng wools sk t Unit- ing. this mine =ay he found solid iingott) of gold, whilst treasures of less value win reward the kber of those who are not fond of solid metals. Every variety of topic is presented to the mind of the reader. The grave and the gay, the beautiful and the sublime are happily blended. The reader, according to his tastes, can wander through the carernuns depths oft Dia:earth, and revel among its mysterious revelations, or climb to the stars, and, sweeping through the re gions of space, behold in his flight the won derful manifestations of the hand Divine.— Ile may wander through magnificent gar dens, bearing flowers of richest hoe, laden with entrancing beauty; or, he may roam along south silvery stream, winding its tortu ous course through avenues of stately trees, whose munificent shade invites him to the most delightful contemplation. EgTAIINSTKIt, fur October, presents the following table of oontents ; 1, The French Conquest of Mexico. 2, Wonola. 3. Mir. tides. 4. Oervinus on Shakespeare. The Treaty of Vienna: Poland. 0, Wit and lletnor. 7. The Critical Character. 8. Vic. for Hugo. 9. Macl.ny's Tilbingeu School, 10. Contemporary Literature, " AND fluxtou" furnishes copious ape. ehnens of the leading Wits and humorists of England. Yet, after all that has been said by Dr, Johnson, Sydney Smith, and others, it is doubtful if we have a clear and satisfactory definition of that singular blend it g of words, whtch we call Wit and Humor, which has rendered the soul of many a man joyous and happy, as the uproarious laugh rolled out upon the air. " CONTEM PaRANEOUS LITERATURE" Con• tains some flue criticisms upon writers an, Theology and Philosophy; Polities, Sooio, logy and Travels; Science; History and Hi. ography ; and Belles . .L i ettres. Strictures, severe and scathing, fall upon the head it many an unfortunate author. It is refreSh : ing, eve'n il 'to refined humanity, to see gm blood spurting from the gashes infljete4 by - the keen blade of the critic upon tke gFoylh, . less claSs that furnisli tba• iatoblrabig teach