Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 13, 1863, Image 2

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    Zh‘q eraid.
Friday, NOv. 13, 1863.
M. FETTEN.Thi. & Co.,
N o. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6
aro our Agents for the liznatm
State St. Boston,
t o [hone jog, and are authorized to take Advertise•
manta and Sutaterlptlona for un at our lowest rata.
SIIIINSD THeM RIGHT : A few nights ago
there was a meeting near llaneytown, Mar
shall county, West Virginia, which was at
tended by all the Union men of that place.—
The meeting broke up about twelve o'clock,
and when the Union men returned home they
found, to their surprise, that during their eh
sconce the copperheads of thevillage had bored
down a fine liberty polo which had been erect•
ed during the summer. The Union men ac
cordingly divided itads, and marching
about the town, arou ed every copperhead in
tho place and comp -tkem to go to the
woods. cut a pole, drag it into' town, and put
it up where the old ore had stood. After this
was done the copperheads wero requested to
ran up the flag and cheer it, which they did
'most lusti y, when they were permitted to go
to bed.
New Orleans dates to the 31st ult.. An Re
live campaign is in progress in the Depart
ment of the Gulf. The naval expedition
tinder Gen. Banks was at Southwest Pass
on the 2Gth ult. with the Commanding Gen
eral on board the flag ship McClellan. The
fleet consists of sixteen steamships, and a
large number of schooners and brigs as ten
ders. Three ships of war—the Monongahe
la, Owasco and Virginia—accompany the
squadron. Gen. Dana issued a stirring ad
dress to the troops of his command out their
embarkation, in which he says : "The peo
ple where we go shall feel that we are their
friend nd"be en tint - raged tr'fa 11 - in 'under
our battle-tattered colors, and fight the fight
of FreedGm ; and the troops cr any nation
we may uteet.shall burst into a shout of ad
miration when they shall see the citizen-sol
diers of armed America 'going in' to 'repos :
Bess and occupy' their own, and to tread out
the dregs of the rebellion." On the 27th
the order for s,iling was given, and the whole
fleet sailed out in two lines, each steamer
half a mile apart, presenting a splendid
spectacle. There is little news in New Or
leans. One of the latest Secession dodges
is the issue of an address by a clique of Se
cessionists-who proposed-to- hohl-rtn- elect ion
on the 2d inst. for members of Congress,
State officers and State Legislature. The
trick ie palpable, and will probably fail.
" How do you do, Doctor !" Doctor bows
very po'itely to the lady, and answers her
inquiry by Baying ho was very much
troubled with a cough. The lady says she
is surprised the doctor cannot cure his cough,
and recommends him to try Bryan's Pulmonic
Wafers, saying she always used them in her
family, and invariably with good success.—
Doctor says "I am astonished at lady of
your standing using a quack medicine."—
" Why Doctor! it is no quack medicine. It
always gives relief, and every member of our
family carry them in their pockets; they al.
ways do good, and I know the proprietor, and
don't for a moment doubt. that—" Doctor will
hear no more, but is off—perhaps to Elliott's
for a box; price 26 cents.
Gen. McClellan for President
The Volunteer of this week announce=
Gen. McClellan as its candidate for the Pre
sidency in 18G-1. " Billy Brown's Opera
Troupe" and all his sooty predecessors have
been doing the same thing for two years
In the light of the recent elections in the
loyal States, and considering the interesting
fist this same " little Mac" mace of Justice
Woodward's case, we are at a loss to know
whether the Volunteer is in sober earnest, or
whether it is only indulging in a little awful
pleasantry. It is certainly a hideous joke
to talk of putting a man on the course for
President who has been politically interred
for more than a month, if lie ever had any
life in that way. Gen. :11cClellan's Wood
ward letter utterly extinguished the only
spark of vitality that his " arbitrary arrests"
and peninsular campai 2 n had left; and we
can hardly believe that the Volunteer con
templates a mummy President. Alas, alas,
poor " little Mac," even the clammy cure
ments of your political tomb are turned to
the bum use of making merriment for the
Ale transit 00rift Mac
The Call for Volunteers
It is to be hoped that all good citizens,
without respect to old party 'mines or is
sues, will feel the importance of lending
their aid and influence to promote volun
teering, in response to the President's re
quisition. It is an undisputed fact that in
order effectually to crush the Rebellion, the
country needs more soldiers. It is certain,
moreo . .er, that unless they are voluntarily
furnished, a new draft will be ordered and
enforced. The term for voluntary effort is
limited to the sth of January—not quite two
months hence. To escape the draft, there
fore, it is necessary that immediate action
should be had.
In view of these facts we suggest that a
County . Meeting he called at an'early day,
and that measures be adopted to put the ball
in motion. We are happy to learn that a
number of our young men—and among them
many who have seen service—are ready to
form companies. 'Let us see to it that they
have proper aid, counienance and support,
in this good work.
The elections df 1863 are over. Let pol
iticians remember, - that in those to come,
the party which does most to assist in crush
ing the rebellion ) will be the one that must
necessarily triumph at tho polls in all future
contests. It has been s 9 in all our past
Wars, and will be so again. While differing
upon side issues, then, let all unite and assist
to the great work - of the day—the reinforce
ment ot our army at the earliest, possible
moment. The hopes of the nation rest with
its patriotic citizens. Let not those hopes
be disappointed.
Apar Money' wanied aL thin office in pay
sent et sabseriptitin, advertising, Sao: '
It is a favorite practice of the copperhead
organs, in endeavoring to show the hopeless
ness of the war, to point to the fact that
while the resources of the south were appa
rently exhausted long since, there has been
no diminution of their warlike preparations.
While this is undeniable, it is very far from
proving what is claimed, since it is well
known that the south has been sustain , d
throughout this contest by British aid. Of
themselves the rebel States could never have
made the arms, munitions of war and goods
for domestic use which have thus far bowed
up their cause. We have encountered En
glish connon, rifles, muskets, swords, En
glish balls, English rebel privateers ; we
have seen the south supplied with domestic
goods by England ; we have seen the con
federate securities steadily kept up in the
English markets, as thoug they were, more
reliable than those of the United States gov
Indeed, in this war we have been doomed
to fight not alone the rebel south, but the
capital, the resources, the mechanical skill,
the commercial activity and the industry of
England, and if the war shall result in the
complete triumph of our arms, as there can
be no doubt that it will, we shall be victori
ous over rather more than the southern reb
el-States. England is pursuing the gain,'
course toward us that she did toward the
French republic and the great Napoleon.
when lor long tears she subildized the col.-
tinental Powers to maintain a terrible war.
0[ the great value of the aid rendered to the
rebel Stater in the present struggle by the
English there can be no sort of doubt. But
for it the rebellion 'mist have colla peed long
The south had no manufacturing, industry,
116 Shill in the arts, no means of creating the
establishments requisite for furnishing her
own supplies. Englan I supplied all this.
English vessels ran the blockade ; English
illet:y - wti;s rnoutilt 7 Ott ti n ;sOuibl:,-rnTorti
fications ; English merchandise clothed and
did everything else for the rebels, except
their fighting. This is the kind of neutrali
ty we havtLencountered at the hands of the
English in return for the lucrative commerce
of our country, on which so much of t h e
wealth of England has been built. It, must
have been evident long since that the south
must have yielded up the contest had it not
been for aid derive I from abroad. The evi
dences of exhaustion all over the south were
so plain that they could not be mistaken.
Keen with the constant succor afforded by
distrosi has reaelvel a
tearful pitch. In truth, the, rebel States
have no self-sustaining power. They have
no manufactures, no mocha. ical skill, no
active capital, no wealth, or commerce. Their
resources were cleaned out long since. Their
wealth was a delusion.
But British cupidity has stepped in to sup
ply everything needed, by buoying up con
federate bonds on the London stock market,
by seeding out rebel war vessels, by protec
ting them in Britiih or neutral harbors, by
furnishing the rebel Slates with arms muni
tions of war and merchandise, for which, as
they can get no gold, they must take curried
erate bonds or risk a c.rrgo of cotton through
the blockade. The fearful depredations com
mitted upon our commerce by rebel priva
teers are the work of the English inure than
the rebels, for without English aid these pri
vateers never could have got afloat (Jr kept
the seas.
The Indian war on our northwestern fron
tier has been dearly traced to emissaries
sent among the Indians from the British ter
ritories on our hornier, apparently under the
auspices of the British fur trailers. Can it
be possible that all these things mean no
hostility toward us on the part of England
Can they be consonant with that neutrality
which she has affected as her shield ? It is
preposterous to believe so. But at present
it is sufficient to point out the facts, and
leave the public mind to ruminate upon them
The time will come when we may he at lei
sure to investigate this patent nentrality, and
square our accounts with John Bull.
Keep the Banners Advanced I
The elections just over have indicated
among o her facts, the unmistakable one,
that the Administration party will elect,
without difficulty., their candidate (or Presi
dent next fall. This was readily seen be
fore the elections on Tuesday the Illth of
October, but the results in New York, MlLS
sachuseus, and the Western States, have
made it settled and undeniable. There is
no party so popular as the strong party. No
political organization is so universally in fa
vor as t at which is certain to succeed.—
These Ilibernianisms, though apparently
abs[.rd are the truth. awl we shall now see
it demonstrated. Already the leaders of the
party that nominated Wowl ward, have ac
cepted the conclusion, that the war policy is
the only true one, and that political success
can be won only upon it. The so-called De
mocracy stands to day upon the verge of dis
ruption ; the intelligent and shrewd leaders
wish to adopt a war platform, while others
cling desperately to their Copperheadism.—
This contest is unlike those of the past, be
tween Democrats of the Butler-Dickinson
stamp, and the Woodward men —rim former
supported Administration from honest
motives, and a : limed from the Copperheads,
not as upon questions iof policy, but of prin
ciple. But the movement for the prosecution
of the war, apparent now, is made because
the elections have shown that "peace at any
price" is not popular, and cannot be suc
cessful. The spoils of office are not exhib
ited on that-platform.
These plain and stubborn facts will bring
to the party of the Administration an im
mense number. of votes. We will welcome
them as those who have seen the error of
their way—have repented and reformed; but
the truth is, that, many are mere trimmers,
who wish to belong to the strongest side,
and lend their nid to the victors. -The pros.
once of the latter class among us will have
the 'effect of lowering our standards, adul
terating the purity of our principles ; weak
and temporizing leaders will wish this sari
pressed, that muddied, the other tota lly ez
tinguiShed; that there:may 'be nothing to
*feed the taste or hurt the feelings of these
new converts. The plain, out-spoken truth
will need to be varnished and glossed to suit
the strength of the new elements that have
been incorporated with the ancient mass.
Of this, we would say, flint it is neither
good as a principle, nor successful as a pol
icy. The latter is undeniable, but it is cn
the former point that we intend to speak. It
is now the time that the friends of the Ad
ministration, and thole who are the true
friends of their country, should renew their
testimony in favor of freedom, and Me-prin
ciples upon which our government is estab
lished, the glorious truths "that all men are
boric equal, and endowed with certain in
alienable rights, among which are life, lib
erty, and the pursuit of happiness." We
must insist upon the full and thorough ex
pression of this, the grand, the only spirit of
America. No slave belongs to. this princi
ple or to this country. The fetter and the
lash aro the symbols of oppression, not of
freedom. They choke the air and curse the
soil upon which they exist. They have been
the bare and bid angel of fifteen States of
the Union ; they have made her a by-word
of reproach for her hypocrisy; .they have
embittered her councils, alienated her peo
ple, and at last deluged every hill and val
ley with blood.
ll' its motel a•A social it . Oquitics were not
enough to consign to perdition, the Moloch
of the South, these things are. Shwery has
ern longer a right. in America.' The last
bulwark that could have secured it consid
oration has been trampled under foot by its
own supporters, and it stands tow outlawed
against the laws of !leaven, the peace of so
ei-ty, and legislation of Men. It has no
friends deserving of our respect. Th. who
liner hNtervd it in the South are crimsoned
traitors, while those who encourage it in the
Nro-th are beneath the consideration of de-
C 'lit Merl
We %%ant our country lice. We want the
lands of the sunny South, the rich valleys by
t fie - side t --: l'iirrm a - an rt SavTin - trHIT, the
cotton field; of Mississippi, and the sugar
plantations of Louisiana, open, as are our
Northern plains, to the enterprise and labor
of free mcn. Let the c;.pitalists in th se
rolden pl.iins pay wages for labor; let him
eward the toil of the workman with
and well earned hire. Lot it be said 01 no
portion of the American Republic, 0 there
is a spot where the blackest, foulest of op•
pression dwells."
Keep up these standar,ls, we say. This
is not a day for temp. rzing, or compromise.
is-,--the age for a grand regeneration, a
glui ions - nrid - - - -unrincsfioued - success. - The
1112111 who asks for a dishonorable peace, de
serves the fate of a convicted traitor; and
he who would compronike the honor of our
nation, and endanger anew her peace and
happiness, is yet more of a criminal.
Q; following article we clip from
the Fr iikli i ferposrtoery. It is from the pen
or Col. McCi.unE, and we continent] the cal
liable lessons it contains to the careful con
sideration of our farmers. Many of the ar
guments are as applicable to the farming
interests of this as to Franklin county.
The Farmers of Franklin county have had
some severe lessons in the destructiveness
of war. Very many had their horses and
cattle stolen by the rebels, and many have
antlered scarcely less from the desolating
tread ul err 01511 armies. It. is worthy of
mince,, t' ut notwithstan Lig our
the ri•hol ti - Og
exposure to incursions by raiding and Hun
-1 dering parties, lands have never depreciated
1 in market, and but few Ilan) , of our people
have been driven Irmo agricultural pursuits.
The general wealth of our Farmers in this
county hits been a barrier to their progress.
They farm well as a rule—quite as well as
do most intelli2ent agricultural sections
of the z•ltate; but necessity has never taught
progress, and they have been only too well
contented to tarot as did their fathers before
them. But inexorable war has brought with
it some lessons, and just now impresses them
in an imperative manner upon the people of
tine border, and he is must wire who most
profits by them.
Franklin 'is the most fence-ridden county
we know of in Pennsylvania. Our farmer-1
will insist, as a rule, in cutting up their
farms into small fields, and keeping up mdes
ul lences lit an enormous cost of money, la
bor and land, without any compensation
whatever. It it were p- ssible for our people
to raise cattle profitable, there wou.d be some
excuse fur their nedwiirk ot fences, alihningh
it would be still unwise and wastelul ; but
when it is considered 'hat steers caimot be
raised in Franklin county for less than dou
ble, or perhaps trubk the lire • they cut be
bou-iht on the road in the tall, the folly of
ken-ping up fences should bec•une apparent
to any one who understands that two mud
two make fur.
Very many of our farmers have ha I their
fences partially or wholly destroyed by t e
armies ; and to such we would appeal to give
some attention to this q estion soh ly as one
of economy. A majority t.f the farmers un
the line it ost devastated by military ()CCU pll
tion, have to purchase their fencing mate
rial, and our own county does not turnish
supply equal to the demand even at ordinary
tiincia. ft," southern and eastern sections
have hitherto drawl' largely upon Adams t
rails, generally giving lime in return; but
the wide-spreail destruction oevasioned in
Adams county by the battle of (lettysburg,
has so increased the demand there that the
price of good rails has gone up fully twenty
five per Celli. in addition to this, the price
of posts has advanced, and a panne) of good
post fence cannot now be erected under $l,-
25 ; and yet no other fence is so cheap, all
things considering, as post fence. It seems
stra ige that farmers will needlessly bleak•
such enorin 0118 expense, and SU rrender
considerable portion of their lands besides
for t lice-rows, when the whole experience
of non-stock growing sections is as clearly
against fencing and pasturing as the light of
Pasturing our heavy clay lands is the work
of death. If wet and soft, wherever a hoof
treads the surface, it bakes, and the air, one
of, the best of fertilizers, ceastis to permeate
it. If dry, the tread of stock is almost equal
ly fatal, for it has little or no elasticity; i and
for till this damage there is no adequate com
pensation. We have for two years fed all
our cattle with excellent grass from the 10th
of June,to the Ist of September, cut Lou
the lawn about -our dwelling house—in-all
npt:over two and a half acres, and a consid
erable portion of that is so thickly set with
heavy fruit trees as to retard the growth 'of
the grass very much. We mow it three times
for feed—just often enough to keep the lawn
neat and clean, and out it again late in the
fall to prepare the ground for light coat
of manure from the horse-stable, which, lies
on the surface during the winter and is raked
off in the spring. By the first of September
we have corii..stneks ready for the cattle.—
We plough _deeply and manure wall about
two mires in April, and now broadcast t 3
bushels of corn to the acre about the first of
May. It comes up thickly on the ground,
grows tall and slender in_th_el stock, and is
the very best feed for cattle in the latter part
of August and September, when all other
pasture is generally dried up, that could be
supplied them.
In this way all our cattle have the very
best of fresh, sucuclent food from June until
late in autumn, and no fences are required ;
no land is damaged ; no grass wasted, and
the cattle thrive better than in the pasture
fields exposed to the heat of summer and
tormented by flies. They are stabled in the
morning, before the heat of the, day, the
stable kept dark to exclude flies, although
well ventilated, and in the evening they are
turned out and fed in the yard and have free
range to running water. Thus two acres of
farm land, besides the lawn about the house,
supply all the pasture for our cattle five
mouths of the year, while most of our neigh
bors would destroy fifteen acres of grass, not
to count. „ l;ences and damage to land, in k °p
ing thejame [lumber, and then w ou ld h ave
good Pasture but a short time. This year
the rebels and our own milea•y somewhat
deranged our operations; but the system' has
been well tested, and its economy and utility
have been clearly established. We never
pasture horses. They do immense damage
to land, and often are more injured than
benelitted by grazing. Young clover is ex
hausting to them, and it it seldom that they
can be turned out without. g etting it; and
old clover has little inure nourishment that.
straw. They are better in the stable, with
good °Tr's ; cut for them when it is lit for
use ; anti whet, it is riot—when young clover
is !nixed with it—they arc better on hay.
We have thus fi:o.essed to enforce the
conviction that inside fences are needless,
prolith!ss and positively wasteful of I.liid, of
Limnr and or money ; and we entre:o nil It
of cmr farmers as have lost tenet's to le: 'II
the lesson of war, still take out all ruins' ing
inside .ences and inal.e otitsi :0 lences it the
hest st)le. homier has Net, so tar a we
have leen advh;ml, tried soiling stock and
returned to the old plan ; and we feel well
assured that no hirmer will eery I'olll'll t/
ditision fences utter he has latch,. tried t
tit without them. II the tlevit tatton
the last summer Ily hostile mid
armies :Omit teach ibis important lesson to
any CWl! ,. l , lelable 11 , 11111),r Of tutu Inrnu•r.s, ten
yl•ari hence the le-,.)11-; nl tier will not he
— ir , T,FM"6"tt - t 7 d - ,ll67lever hau'.L then, in mni now.
Another Ic..son clearly t :Lil ehtl v fh, sel
events of the past year, 16 Ihe y 1/1
euipL }in mules wore gtiniir.illy in our tann
ing illieratiotis. They are ill' - doing
11)11111 ordinary burin ;fs the horse ;
are ten-101l more ei.durin are ncver
and r•trely gilded l v ,111".1111.-1 in other ite•
they lists t‘vice loni , as tliti h the
and (;its be. kllll -1511 e-haft f
year to year. "111 • fitimini_! ‘tinter will be a
severe one for our lartneis. Ihe rebel oc
cupation of our county the ininith of
shine, lust our people 111 .1) of clo
ver hay--the main dependence of our I,Lriii
ers—atul lee;! will lie very searce. 11 . mules
had been substituted generally lor the horses
.st4slea.-Iroin. 1111 e '2ollll' V, 't here- wirti
or no inconvenience felt, Itir thei, would win•
ter very well on dry Ntritv., and worts Wel
with 11 little strong Its tl added. They can
now he bought as cheaply as paid
horses, and it seem;l., na that every argu•
meat points to the economy an! utility of
adopting. them inste.o.l of horses on our
Such are a few of the ei3 of war to
farmers. Let theta not fail to profit by theta.
OF (;EN (;,1ltr11:1.1) .11"1'111
Gen. G4rfi-ld, , :rho has just returned from
the At my of the Cumberland, made the ful
luwing eloquent Fpe‘ ell at the great Union
meeting held in Baltimore on We Ine..l.ty eve•
Fellow-citizens, if ever I had it right to
speak 1 have lust it. I have Hi, I 'gill to Han I
before you to-night. It is only because I
want to see the faces of these nom that I eon
' sent ta.suuni.out.„..and . look at _iltu.t.te,es-befut.o
wu I have said fur the loaf two years, ulna
ibis is the time fu' work nu l not the time for
to • But I have not, since the 19th of last
month, seen such a nut s RS ill', It was toy
plea-ure turn to sew iii" nun who had the
sharp, decided argument in their hands on the
plains of tivorgni, :Ind I am glad to tell yoo
I Hutt they were, like you to night, 1113 C till It
ill/11/II men. On the other sole Wile
cur enemies just as on the other side of the
ballot box you will have your enemies The
11.1;i of lost month was' preci , el, , what the le.'
of next mouth will be to y 011—the same sharp,
determined, unconditional test. Ati-I though
there was blood, mutilation, and slaughter,
yet, as the Union men stood in their blot, ly
bouts until [light came around them, unit us
they won their great campaign. through touch
blood, you will win yours On the 13th of
tai+ mouth we 'Mil the lileßSllre of voting for
John Ilrough—come voted in cartridge boxes,
some in cigar boxes, but we al voted. Vett
are in such a contest as I [lever dreamed of at ibis early ay iu the State of Mary
lan I That word, that tali-manic word,
which abov.e the smoke and gore of battle—
frre.ioni —is rearing lie , r clr it br pw, and i•
shining out in the smoke ot this emotes', and
we shall tee ht r eye to eye A-. 1 came
through Tentiv,se oil ,topped 111 her capital,
I loud it gatheiing like this, though not tm
large. They offered some re-olutions which
it w'oo'd dare done your hearts good to hear
The first resolution wa. 'We will sum art
toe Union at all hazarkls and forever;' and,
secondly. 'in order 1,0 ,10 elfectu
ally wu will put down the last vu<ngrz id slave
ry from our State Tu put that down must
effectually we will put I lie coat, and pants
un e v, ry cai,iti ie black !WIN in I lie S , Rie. We
will increase the power ut the Vomit army by
du.reusiug the power of those who supported
tind voted fur di-union :tool rebellion.' The
soldiers and loyal men of Tennessee area unit
on this question. I beg leave to announce
to :,ou that in the State of Tetines ,, ee slavery
is dial, owl only remains to be buried.—
Laughter and applause ]
•• I would that I could tell dais itioltimou ti
night the character of thwie men we have met
in the mountain+ of and (..I , orgia.
As our firstly ativ.inced they cattle from the
caves end rucks where they wore driven by
their cppressurs. They have come down to
join their Maids tvith us, intending to stand by
US in arms, uulil lit last vestige of tyranny
and secession are rooted nut forever. And
next to the joy of their deliverance war the
joy of those no n when they grasped the old
banner again. [Applause ] 1 li•lye seen the
old men come out and draw fron t their breasts
the little flag of freedom which they have
worn for months in their bosoms, rejoicing to
be able to float it again in the light of tied 8
sun.. [Applause ] Never was there such a
time for such people. 'Phu people of these
States, of the ,slave States, need stand up and
say that this Union 611811 be pta,erved, end
everything shall be put out, of the way. You
are putting one thing out of the way in Mary
land. -It itebeing put out of the way in Mis
souri and in • Tennessee, and it it ill be put
out of the ',way wherever our armies advat.ce,
until the itarrons shall shout, •Glory ! glory
freedom front slavery and oppression.' [Ap.
plause.] I have but one sentence more to
add. For these two and a half years.i have
been where I could see HOrnet tang of those tun
who are attempting to bear down our country.
1 have talked with many of them, and they
are bold to avow that - they propose to build
'up, as the Itight, Reverend Gen. Polk told me,
not a common government; but a government
of gentlemen, of men of money, men Of brains,
who bold slaves; a government such as the
people of the OW World will not laugh at.—
Thoy intend to have their Count. Bragg
[Laughter] and their My Lord Beauregord
you mud sills, — Who rejoice that Qud bas given
you strong handle and stout heurte—who were
not born with silyer spoons in your mouths
—aro to be mud sills a long time
" This is the dream these fanatic men have
before them. And it is that dream which the
upholders of the Union aro about to dispel
forever. IVhen things are dJne, the Union
is redeemed, Maryland is redeemed, and we
aro one people again.
" I have no right to talk with you, my
friends; you have to hear who belongs to you.
[Cries of 'Go on,' and applause.] I have
seen what the people of Ohio hkve done ; I
have only to rejoice that. here, where the
blood ran in your streets only a few years
ago, now no freeman's blood can be shed with
impunity." [Applause.]
A. friend in the S inth has had the hind
ness to send us a secesli - almanac, fur 18G2,
printed in Nashville, at the Southern Meth
odist Book' Concern, Rev. T. (3. Summers
I)., editor. The second page contains a
wishy washysecesh song entitled the "Stars
and 1.1.tr5." We, quote the opening verse:
"rIH sixty-two I—nod sixty ono,
With lho old Union, now Is goer,
Hooking with bloody
Gone with that ensign, mice so prized,
The stars and stripes, now no dsspised—
Struvk for ths stars and bars.
In a table of "remarkable event; which
transpired in connection with the organiza
tion of the Southern Confederacy," the al
umnae has t he tollowina :
Dec. 20, Itti6o. Sudden evacuation of Fort
ticultri^. by I\ lajor Anderson, U. S. A. Ile
spikes the guns, burnt the gun carriages,
and retreats to Fort Sumter, which he occu
Dee. 27. Capture of Fort Moultrie awl
Castle Pinckney by the Smith Carolina
troops.—Captairt Caste surrenders the reve
nue-cutter Aiken.
Jan.:;, 1861. Capture of Fort l'ulaski by
the antiali troops.
Jan. arsenal at Mount Vernon, Ala.
with 20 MO stand of arms, seized by the Ala—
bama i,roops
Jan 1. Fort Morgan, in Mobile Bay, ink
en by Coo AlAham iroopv.
Jan fl 'rho Star of the Wren
tired into ami driven .11 by the South Caro
lina liattenes on )I , iri is !shunt Fai , :ure of
clip I l'llll7f I 0 re I.IITTI'CI. — PtII SIM:pII,.
inn 9 )11' , F19ipril SOCCU , leti : vote of the
Convent not 61 to 39
Jun. 10 rtet .1 acloton, tit Philips, and
hear New I/ilea-Its eaptitred by the Lnui •
aOlllll 11'11111N.
.1 Lri. 11 Ainlo%lna ..,cettled ; vote of Con
i o n 172. to 2to
11 Flori : veto DI Convvti
t ti 2 to 29.
Jan 13 C:tpitire ni i'vn ,, acola Navy Yflr,l,
and r.ini ti it:OTM) en ni d :11+1j.t.
Ch .Me, hortly niterwnnl, takes e,lnnand, and
Beig , I.f F,,rt Picker com:Lences.
.1 in 13 Surrender of Baton [tong° areenttl
to Luui innn troops.
.1 :in 19 lioorgla Ht , ceedo(l : vct eel Conven
tion, •_itts to 88
-Lott 1-ottto--
1 1 to 19.
.Lin 31. New Orletn4 Mint and Custom
11 , ,ume taken
Feh I Tex' is secede , ' : vote of • lloween
(ion 16. l it , i —eubwnietl to the vote of the
people, FehruAry 23; the net took effect
March 2
Feb. 2. Seizure of Little Rock areenal by
Ail:moths troopm.
Feh. 4 6orreutler of the revenue cutter
to'the Aloiotum nut horitiee.
Feb. 7. Southern Congress wet at Mont
g, rtit•ty, Ala.
Feb. 8. Provihional Constitution adopted.
F. 9 9 Jett erqon Davitspbf Nlit.t.ti , tsippi, and
Alevirtder II Stevens. of Georgia, elected
President and Vice President
Felt .6. General Twiggs tramefers public
property in to the 8 1 / 1 1.0 nut hortties --
(el Waite, U. 8 A eurretpler4 San Autottia,
to ('ol Ben. MeCu lough and his Texas ran
Fob. 18 Itviuguration of Presi.lont eis
;El Nlontgoinery,
In 27 Peace Con;zre,s foljoorned at
)lar S. The r,ventio cutter I),Higq . bc:)4o
by 1110 TV
Now, 01,1t.1' re : r very orie nl th, art.s. I, -
,on a irl wqr Core fir re (I whit' r J(1111,1 Me 11,111,111
mLr 1 , 111 , 11 hefore Mr Lincoln well;
lo ; yet fools an , ltr.litors ,ny Mr
I.lnrola I,t.gan the war:
Buu we quota RHO her batch of face as found
lu iii ,(..1•0,11
r//t, Mr. Lincoln a in itigur3(lou :
1-tr fi (/en. 11..nuregar,1 a , ,ntnes .•orn
ninon of the tr,iojr: Furl Stunicr
Mr. 12 Fori Brown, Texas, t•irrelidere , l
by ('all. Hill, to the Texas l'uountssiouer.i.
Afar 13. Alabama rat ine,l the Constitution
of l'onferlerate by a vote of the Con
vew ion, 87 In fi
fur. 16 Georgil,ratitiell the ConstittVion
of thr Court:demo States: vote Convention,
Uti to U.
Mar. :24 Louisiana ratified the Consiiitt
lion of the Confederate Sates ; vole at Cun
veni ion, 101 to 7.
Mar. 25 Texas ratified the Contttitution,
or the C nfeder.tte :Stoles : vote of Convention,
68 It 2.
)lar 30 NI issiseit pi ratified the Constitu
(j ou o f th e Cottioderate SIM. 8 : vole or Cott
vention 78 to 4.
Apt 12, 13. 11,ittle rt . Fort Stuffier Aftet
thirt) -four hoot,' bombardment, the fort our
remiet s to Confederate States.
pl 11. Evacuation of Fort Sumter by
M.,jor Anderson.
11. Lincoln, Pres. of (1 . S ; itsuce a
proclamation calling tot in 000 volunteers to
put down the "Southern yet, Ilion."
Now, observe again. all these acts of treison
n•ar ,c,arreil ("fore, Apra 1414, when
Abroharn Lincoln took tint first step toward
the defence of the Government he had sworn
to protect. Ile was certainly slow enough
na begitin og. Ile did 1101 is,ite a call for sol
diers until the rebels were marching on Wash
inctun usell; and yet, men milling the , seives
Uemocn•otg. g 0 /0011111 the country yelling them
selves hoarse with the lie that thls is Idncola's
tear. The 1111,4(4'10 - le traitors know better—
Toe rebels in the South don't pretend that
tills is Lincoln's war. It is their war They
11 1, ) , w n, and they deupise their tory tools
in the North who go around deceiving the ig
norant retirees with the monstrous lie thot
this is Lincoln's war.
We clip die following seminary of news
From the 13altinfore. American of Tuesday,
Noventlar lOth:
Good news from the Army of the Pete
teac-i-the enemy driven across the Rapp-i
-hanuck, twelve hundred prisoners, with a
nmnber of officers and cannon captured—
is the gratifying announcement we have to
make to our readers this teeming. Despat
ches from Gen. Meade report the advance
of Gen. Sedg wick and Gen. French, the for
mer routing the enlemy and capturing eight
hundred prison rs with their ca non, and
the latter tour hur dred, including a number
of officers. Let us hope that the
gainetrwill be Lllowed up to the destructor
I the remnant of Lee's army. The details
of the operations of Gen. Meade, on 8 tur
dity and B.inal indicate that the a eveineut
is au advin ce of the whole army, and that
the enemy has been driven back in coosid
erable-confusion. The latest account, with
regard to prisoners taken, indicates that the
-number exceeds Ltith), some of whom were
already arriving at Alexandria last event ng.
In the two eng4gements, the enemy are also
reported to hair() lost largely in killed and
wounded, many havir.g been also drowned
in miiking their hasty escape across the riv
er. We now occupy both , bauks and our
cavalry, were in but pursuit,
We have 4100 the pleming nunou, cement
to make, on the authority of Secretary Se
ward, that the French Government has
seized the six iron-clad ships buildin g for the
Rebel Government at Nantes and Bordeaux,
on the remonstrances made to Napoleon by
Mr. Dayton, our Minister at Paris. Thus
ends the Rebel navy.
We have later dates, by arrival at New
York, from New Orleans. The expeditioik
to Texas, under Gen. Dana, with a large'
fleet of transports and gun-boats, had start
ed. Their precise destination was not known.
An arrival at Philadelphia on Saturday
afternoon, brought a report that Fort Sum
ter had been stormed, captured, and was
occupied on the Ist inst. by the I 44th Penn•
sylvania regiment. At New York the an
nouncement was the cause of great jubi
lation, but with the knowledge of the great
uncertainty of all reports coming from Hilton
Head, we did not make the announcement
public. A few hours later in the evening,
we received a despatch from Fortress Mon
roe, giving extracts from the Ilich•uond pa
per, of the lith hist., which contained Rebel
despatches from Charleston to the sth, an
nouncing the continuatior. up to that time
of the bombardment of Sumter. In further
evidence of the falsity of the first report, we
have this morning news direct from Chance
lon bar to the evening of the sth, by the
arrival of the steamer Fulton at. New York,
which confirms the Inn h of the Rebel des
patches that Sumter was still in their pos
There is nothing of importance reporter]
from Ge.i. Grant's army yesterday ; but we
have further particulars of the sharp engage
ment near Wauhatehie, between General
Geary's command and a brigade of the en
emy, when the latter undertook to surprise
our forces at midnight. The bat le was
fought with desperate en rgy on both sides,
but the Rebels were defeated, and retired,
leaving their killed and wounded on the field.
Among tho.Reliel prisoners ate officers and
men belonging to several South Cnrolina
regiments. Uur loss is about two hundred
in killed and wounded. Among the termer
we regret to find the name of Capt. Geary,
son ot the Commanding General. and a gal
lant young artillery officer.
The news Irvin h:ast Tennessee is still ex
eittsg, and shows that the rebels are making
desultory at-tempts to maintain their position
at sonic points. A despatch Irma
corps, uyertu li n Iteliel regiment at :\letley's
For I. on - thelittle Tennessee river, on Thurs
dav; but a vigorous charge made by Colonel
Adams, drove them across- the riser. Be
tween forty fifty of them were drowned
or and lorry uteri captnued. .\ II their
arms wen. I .st. The prisoners reported that
there ar , fourteen Itebel brignih s lie\ mid
he Tenn s-u-c, 'older Cioneritts Cheatham,
Voirert, Vaughan and Steven,on.,
The e peilhion of Gen. Burnside'. army
to ihe eastern corner ul the State of Tennes
see, iippears lo I>u l'4)lllplPted, and the people
are reported as exhibiting the must ,al.lBfae
t,,ry 61g118 (I( litlFlelide, With
lieeleilollled again on the
march—in what dire - et:on will soon appear.
Advance of the Army of the Poto-
sfa',..q caailols.—Carturc of a
..4crfms Hie lettppaltanuork.— 1,800 lielie/8
lalo•a hr /'{lire Army Orer
the len pp,th , i Federal Lrss lery
Relre,d the Rebels.. to Culpepper.
A 5.1 INO!ON, Nov. 8, 1863.
Thu movement 01 army yeuterilay
NVBB a general' inc, (or Olilch ample prepar
ation had been mule. 'l'be army was form
ed in two grand columns. The right grand
column, comprising the Fifth and Sixth Ar
my Corp', wit; wider the command of Gen.
S•eilgw (i, awl the left grand column— the
First, Second and Third Corps—was um!er
Gen. French.
commencel early yesler
,hv mort,Hgt,..vartli the, itappaltaiTpct,
it - Ifd — iftrt : ti - - , a . rrench would m): s
at litdly's rind Sedgwiek at li.appaltan
klt atom. 'l'l7tt rebels in force hatl oc
cupied our old works at Rappahannock Sta
tion, on Les at the I bier, wid strength.
enett them materially. (len. Setlgwick, near
the Rapp:that ruck Statant, encountered the
rebel; lie yesterday alternotni, drove thew
Loh re hint in line style, and captured 1200
Vreneh's column also encountered the en
emy and had a sharp engagement, near
Ford, captui ing 81X [Mildred prison
ers and several pieces of artillery.
Among the prow .era are lour or five Col
onek, alai many officers of lesser rank.--
This is the silistance the ziews received
hi-re to-hight, but it is generally believed
M. tole I' dloweil up his advantage to-day,
and his whole army is well over the river.
The movement, as commenced, indicated
an attack on bolt flanks of Lee's tinily slut
ultancously, and a battle has oceureil to-day
if Lee was determine i to dispute the cros
sing of the river.
I 1 l'Elt
It is confidently r portel at a late hour
that Le , e commdnced a prec•pi.ate retreat
this morning alogg his whole line, and ti,at
Meade is advancing in two grand columns
in rapid 1 ursuit. Nu lighting of conselmmere
took plate to-day, the r held evacuating their
woiks on both sites of the Itappithamiock,
those on the right bide r. treating across
Our lo s in yesterday's fight .was
principally in the Third Corps (Birney's,)
in the F rtydourth New York, and Maine
and Michigan regiments. Meade's army
was in line spirits, and full of confidence.—
Trains from the front run very irregularly,
consequently, the news of to-day's up€ra
lions is very meagre.
WAsniNaTo: JuNcnoN, Nov. S.
A. train nails titit.soon. There are thirty
'cars filled with prisoners, the total num
ber being 184 amine , ' them are three Colo
nels, five Lieut. Colonels, and from forty to
fifty Majors and line (Ali ors.
The mree holding the works at the cros
sing was Mayes' Brigade, mid comprised the
famous Lnuisitnia fi ers. They were nearly
all captured by titling off their retreat with
one loree while fighting them in front, with
another. Sedgivicles Corps, as already sta
ted, was the one engaged at the crosbing.—
Thi, number of guns captured is seven, com
prising, two ten-pounder Parrott, and five
regulation three-inch rifles.
Our own loss is said to be about 2.150 in
killed and wounded. Our army is now he
yowl., the Rappahant ()vit. 'fhb rebels will
prohably,fnll back beyond the Rapidan.—
Such was the opinion I heard expressed by
a rebel Captain belonging to the Ninth Lou
Shottld it be found that they have actually
retired beyond the Rapidan; I have little
doubt that wo shill hasten down and occupy
the heights or FredericLsburg, especially. f
the road be torn up from the dappalmnnock
to the Ratridan. Our total loss is filty-five
killed and two hundred wounded, as stated
to me by the Surgeon who-has charge of the
• • WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.
_lt appears from information received here
to-night 'that yesterday morning the Filth
and Sixth Corps, under_ the command of
Major General Sedgwick, advanced to Rap
pithminock Station, they being the right wing
of the army. The First, Second and Third
Corps forming the left wing, under Major
General French, proceeded to Kelly's Ford.
When the,: right wing reached the Rappa
hannock, the `dnemy were found to be in
considerable force and holding this side of
the river. The rebel batteries, earthworks
and red, übts crowned the banks of each aide
of the Rappahannock.
General 8 - edgwick ~t once advanced and
stormed 'them, and this was done with great
gallantry and impetuosity, causing much
slaughter, and taking a large number of
When Oen, French reached Kelly's Ford,
about six miles below Rappahannock station,
the enemy threw an entire division across in
support of their picket lino of this side. Gen,
French hastily took a posiiion so as to bring
his artillery to bear upon them, and he pro-
ceeded to shell them with marked etfeok. not
only killing a large number, but throwing
them into utter confusion scattering them
wildly lind taking many prisoners. Alien'.
French followed up his advantage, and itnme ,
diately threw the Frst Division of the Third
Corps, commanded by Gen. Ramey, across the
river, which ended his operations for the day.
This 'waning he crossed the river with the
remainder of his command
(}en. Sedgwicic had previously crossed, and
nt 9 o'clock this morning, the two wings of the ,
army had formed a junction, and held both
banks or the river.
The enemy, after (heir defea' in these two
separate engagements, were so hotly pursued
by our victorious forces that they threw them-
Helve:, into the liver in their efforts to escape,
and many were either drowned or killed by
our inratory. All the, artillery of the rebels
on this side was captured.
It is reported that seven guns, and, there
19 110 doubt, their entire camp equipage, fell
into our hands, ns they were compellol to
leave the latter in their hasty retreat. Bu•
(oral's cavalry crossed nt Sulph:n• 73prings, to
cover the right flank, several miles above
Rappahannock Station, and Gregg and Kil
pa.rick crossed below Kelly's Ford, to cover
the left litnk.
The enemy, after crowing the Rappahan
nock under cover of the n,.4111, moved in the
direction of Cirlpepper, and the adianee of
our tot ces, supposed to eon list of ea•dlry, was
reported to be at Brandy St at it'll early to day.
This morning our whole li e again ail.
vanced, and Gen. Me:tile no doubt passed rap
idly fm w ,rd it rrthe re! rent ing for.
The--fki-usmn-ets-fbrc•-eninrm-cfl principally of -
Norili and Lou SinTPI 11.1101,5.
three o'clock, die train
commeneeil bringing them to Alexandria
'l'h! number taken by lien. tiedg,wick. was
1!110 ` 10firm 1',;111) The rem illoll.l' wits cap
try Goo. Proneli's Gorpii A gentleman
who was pre,nt wish ilie army, Says it was
a novel sullit t.. t-ee all of prison
ers in a crowd. They comprised the largest
lot suer captured by our turves on the Virgin
ia Fide of the Potomac, and were guarded by
cavalry to tit event their straggling or escape.
Gen French's IlriSollel a were also gathered
in one beily, and similarly guarded
Our total los is reported to be 1111 in killed
and wyuniled, but ito prisoners.
(TLotini afTaltzts.
p,;:lt is always profitable to learn
something of importance, which the reader
will by ri lerenee to our mlvertising columns.
Our indetati,mble merchant, 14. C. SAwYca,
has again brought to Cnrlisle an immense
stuck of Winter to which he invites
the attention of the public.
PRoIIoTED.—DAyII) 11. HAsTiNas,
commandant. of Carlisle Barracks, has been
promote.] from Captain of the Ist 15. 3 cav
alry, to jor ui the sth C. 5. cavalry. Tbi,
, is a well deo , ervinl litinur, e hick has been
achieved solely through honorable and pro
tracted service.
11 . 1!.1t1.k r , ;(iEm ENrs ON TII E CUM
the above company has broken ground et the
9 C Lout, of—tite
erection of a turn talk, car house, warehouse
, Il i, the purpose of the company, as
noon as (he atrangelinuiH can be completel
to run a daily passenger tr lin between (Me
place :in 1 Harrisburg. Tito reasons for this
~re Iwo fold. Ftrol tin an accommodation to
our citizens. who can thcrehy save much limo
ut going to or returnii:g from Philadelphia,
New York and Baltimore; as it is the design'
to make this train connect. with all the morn-
ing trains ew+t, awl the evening lraiwi west.
Another ewl that will be aeomnpliihmi by this
arrangement will Inn thin relieving of the reg
ular thro igh passenger trains, which are at
present crosx 101 wAlt p , t,i-els,ers, on ac
count or the ent.rtn•ms it.erelse of business on
the road. We are gl id to annoQuee this a 0 Ir
arrangement. and hope it will be pushed to an
earl . ) , completion.
U. Sr. Ilom,, IlArttusitußo.
This coovenient and popular House has re
cewly undergo. e extensive improvements,
and has been thoroughly renovated and re
titled in handsome style. The gentlemanly
Proprietors, :Nlesirs. CIVE1(1.1 - uTcuts•
SON, BCelll deterutined to do all in their
power fur• the comfort :Ind convenience of
their guests. The table is furnished with
every luxury the market will afford, and
prepared in the very best style. Rooms
convenient, well furnished and ventilated,
[huts nut ti itg it firSt rllt.s•s and " The
Howe" for the travelling public, as well as
pvrinanent boarders.
This Ito . use has peculiar advantages in
location; contigous to bmtinc!is, imm,diately
between the two great depots, but a short
distance from each, and perfectly easy of
—During the present week we have had two
exlitbitions in Itheetu':, Dail. The first R5l
"Billy Browu's Opera Troupe," and was alto
gether ho most. miserably disgusting at
tempt to be funny and entertaining svo have
ever wit nessed. The ,OClTlpany is composed
of the refuse CI Philadelphia concert saloons,
and gives just such low, vulgar exhibitions as
might be expected from such a crew.
The Glltot"tves the next affair to which our
eilizens were 'invited. This company pro
lends to give ft musical and dramatic perfor
mance, the Doter feature of which is enhanced
and intensified by an ingenious application
'of the Drummond light, the effect of which,
when artfully pranted is, to make the ream) . -
tion of the object piaced in range of the mir
ror, stand out 'Tab the stage in bold roleif,
their net ions and movemens ,being olearly:do
fined and world rfully life•like. On this °ace•
aion the ghostly feature of the exhibitions was
very poorly manipulated, and the dramatio
and musical lectures so tame and distorted as
to mar the scientific effect, of, and worrx thA
auditmoe:into disgust with the whole affair.
- The conduct of a number of the young omit
and,boys of our town on both these occasions
is worthy of remark We netiood, grown up
media both of these audiences 4,oiffg 0111,S.
very worst to anuoy the weLl di a p o ' se d „ /;44.