NEW Farms CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- WARES routx. THE subscribers having purclia'ged the stock of lirocerles formerly ladontring to .los..1), Halbert, will contin 110 tin, business at the old stand, and are prepared to t orilloll their friends'and the Pub lic with everything that is nice, new ltnd frubh, in tilt, way of Family Groceries, Their stook is blue end selected with the greatest care. and will be sold at the Invest prices for cash. It con, slots in pert ot line old nlovernment Java COFFEE, Prime Rio •lo , time ii(1:1Stlql. SYI UVA.—Now York, ll•e.toin, :tad Philadelphia Sy— rups, nt ihe very hest quailtius. BROWN SLltlt ItS.—The hest the market affords.— Lovering's hest Crushed, Sand, and Pull erleed Sneers Also, his A. 11. and C. Singers. ehirh cannot he sur passed, and as the time is now here for pr,orving, la dies will please give him a call and examine for them selves. All his SPICES are of the pun est and best va rieties. No humbug about then,. Rice, Corn Starch, i rriun. I/anticline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, .Coneentrated Lye. Seep, Candles, hr. cf CHINA, GLASS, AND cy QI L' 14: S A large and well selected stook of the very latest ',A tom+ and styles, lower than ever in price, and better In quality, than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and she. Wooden and IS illow IS s e e. Slllll asTubs Iluelters, and Churns. Baskets of every desvription; Children's CARR' AO CS, Stoneware. Cream l'ots, But ter Jars. Preserve Jars. Jugs, all vi )lel ligle 3t '2 and :IManlieral. No. 1 NIESS SLIIAD No.l Iletrioff. A large qua.ntily Of the celebrated Exechdor HAMS. SALT by the Sorb, Diary and ti, A. Salt. 'rho subscribers respe.ttfully ash the patronize et their friends and the prOdie c,enerilly, and ini he thew to call and exarnine Ihelr new st,el4.. at the old stand, corner of Hoover and Louth,- Strews. lIALISERT & FLEMING. Carlisle, May 8, I.Sr.s.; I)ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANcE c (AssETs *1,1)1 780 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, nn favorable terns. The Tioard of Tru , tees 1.111 . 0 declAred a grip tiiti dead of forty per rent. upon the Ordi Premiums rt•- volved In 1,61, 011 ill 1 . 0!it . 11,4 111 101,1. 011 t :II st 1,11/1.• el°llll./1 . 1 . , and have decided to recite the Si tip Di, i• dentin of I, 1,:o; in payment. (ml' Inium Notes ,pr ilium the . s, will be credited on time ,11111. NS itil I.lle el said years. under,ivied Is,ends to deliver cerlitieate , In parties entitled to receive them, at the, Cal ii , 112 A :en ey, a t his on Main sti eel, at :iny time after the data of this notice. Pamphlets, tables of rate,. applicati•ms and mere im furination furnished a itlinut March 13, 1,c3 Machine and WheeMOE Shop A. J. I Agt. 1N - OW manitr;ieture.. :del keeps eon- L,„ staTitiv '1;1 ' 11:1 7 61 :‘l, N,,rth over street. Car Pa.. uppu.ite 1w Lel, a large ar - )1t1111 , 11t or Agricultural Implements, Such ns Horse Powers, Threstun, tl whim, Nvith S 71- raturs attarbucl, Citt, tor 11111.,, , ;rtio Fsnn, Cur, -dud hers, Straw and Fodder Cut tpr , nil whirl, it,. I Iti. ht - est 1111 , 11.. qt itupr,l,ll,lt,,ll, lif 1.N . 1 . 1"V s Single and Douldt• :410u, Illoing a S.nith SI p t, 10,1. .• iI I tilW 11 111111 1,/ untry will LC dot, Aitli Ana d,spat4.ll. Itemairing of nlllO.l-1 mo on Vi , rl. :tn,l nu rea,,,,0,1 e term, for 1”1111, I re spectfully v,ll. it a slmr. , nt pu1,114. A ug-ust.'2B,-IN.;;;—;:tait REMOV L. IT N 11 L, It:lying on :Account i t offlle• clamp cat,. and utclo• Iltlc ccl Ini, lose shop on lloccot co•t. , 00ct c• col !collect In icolcove I.lllTUlrottc : Irks iclar...ll,oct clic I c c•ict Loci llco 911e1.1,1 ship. •11 \ln sirc-vt, ccl r k. I, ~ p cc,,lc•r's five, lorinc•rl3 ccc.c.uhicol lct .1. tl, co, 11, s ill to. ; 41, L .1 to tveleolloct all Ilk I/1.1 c allct nt w in) et,' ones as wish to be sit lred 1 / 3 1•11, l mot raw potout b bees. Aug.. 14. lt:113-3m ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenuo , ArIFF ER for sale upon the most favor torins. new and I,estutitnl Dep.ign, in areal. varlet,, , r,r 1 - ItON It At 1.1 NI It , n., I:Plll,r...rtes.,t0,,, AC., of Wrl.ll, r flif tind 1 a•f r 1.,. sod. '5.11,111 is. ..11 lion rind Brass Tu !dor.; !nal Counters, Fountains, P;ate,„ %.11111111,, lif All lusts, Lamp Stan Is, Chairs, SLatuary, no. 11.. alai :CI her It i•n Nt tll a Decorative , hara.aer. i:n..dt• I tar ..1.••• Lion. l'• app: f.a• t 2 the kind of wort: notaiod. July 21, Is, 'WHEELER Lt. WI LsON's *M t style With the 'test improve t”.. Thuse• Tint ehlfleS urn 111/ 1 11 . 1.11 y. 011(1 ,111'1141/1. tw.,tll I ILLI rip. They a 1111.iii.•st,..1131dv 'Yllt. CIIIN ES IN E re, M I' they will HEM . , FELL, ANT; tll'N They ran do any thiotr. that .nit ..1 her Ili` ui do. l'ho now' hemmers otot other a 11l 1,11p11•1. t.s without extra chart!, W' I I,,SIDNS" 11 . 1.. V 6' .11 .1 ~.' 11l None better adapted for family TSl'. The under, igned 11,kviti•g, h.•eo Cuwb~•rlanJ runty. olThr, NI:1,1mo, to ti pub. Ile with perlect col:ll.lenre, 111.1 t thy,, who p0r,1,, , , , will find theist as 1 , 1 ii qtti , the 111.11i111, in op, hill ilea,. call at the 'Lanni:id office, Carlisle, Pa. For tu, Us, iuh , nnali n, apply to J. C.IIIL'I:ELL. April 3,1013. NEW GOODS ! NEW G ODS ! am now opening a choice lot of SIIIII - Goods. Is,ogilt at the re•lneed prio, 1111 of which tout lie sold at c..i r 4,11 11111•1,. EIN ANT C 1,1 iii I,_llA'Es, Lawns, Itasambiquos, SinTinnds Plaid, Nil lis ('ho. Oti, 1.3 vOllO, all ‘Va..l 110 Lathan, 1 taal,•ll Olat/t, Ilaroges. to. , N., C:attibric :Lai(' Sieves+: colored, it, Li ion, Linen llan.lkerehiek. tug Shaw k, Shelia ;s, Cl Cilvf•lS, .. Muillnes, Gingham's, Calicoes, Tleicings, &c., at lower prices than heretofore. TIOSIERY AND GLOVES, In great variety, Sun Iltnh,Has and Parasols. Ladles, Misses, and Phlldr,Co Ilonped Skirls, nnweht stylus, Lrost quality, and cheaper than van be It Iti in the country. (A on einan's weal , hunt as now Cloths, Cassimoros and Vostings, Handsome Summer Cae•imeres, for Men and Boys w oar, Cash moral's, Costello des, Stripped slid Plain Drillings, A toer prods of Carpeting on hand, at funs than ei ty prices. All persons in Want of handsome sad Cheap will do ,vull In roll before purvh.tsing elsewhere. as wu aro now selling for ca.,11 at very law prii me. Recollect the phve, Alain Street, nearly upp.o.itu the Depot. May 15, 1853 NEW DRUG LiTORI. THE undersigned has just opened fi now Drug Store, in Smith Hanover street. nest door to'inhoff's Grocery Store, whore ho has just re ceived and opened a large stork of Drags, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Porfuntery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a largo lot of Tobacco and Segara, of the Most favorite brands; Ooal 011 - Lampsand Shades Burning Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, 'out Oil, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Mod icings. and all other artleles connected with our line. All of which we will soil at prlcos to suit the times. Prescriptions carefully compom_idod by a competent druggist, Carlisle, Damn, 1802-Iy, NAILS I NAILS II NAILS !I A largo stock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails,nt the lowest Prlres. Our nulls aro worth Wets a keg more, than any other make of nails Held in our town. this is the opinion of mechanior who have tricat thorn, ws also have a full assortment of BUILDING 111 A T E It 1 A LS D of tho latest and most approved stylus. All goods war ranted as roprosented. JOHN P. LYNN 5 SON. FRESH MACKEREL.-. , . A lot of Mackerel—new catch—ltt asserted pacltn gee of Halves, quarter 1101.1 ; ; Ight* Bar: els. Also, 51 0, NI, ilbr sale at the Store of the subscriber. , Oct, 20, '62 • • .. NuooEW GOODS: • ' - • *tory, doseriptton and quality of Grocerlas, nswaro, Hardware, Plekels,kBauso. Vino . Liquors, Tub toot), tler.otrs, Notts. ' , milt ,FrOirs and segltables.ln Cans. Oystors do. Spites, Wood and Willow wars, all kinds and of Um bast quality and to be sold at t,.0 iowost prlcon 101 cast/ by • Juno 0, 'OO, A. I. SPON'SI Eft NI 17, Axt to a Fe.g. ,sill E,r M.\• tiAo, % L IM': will ilia, iii the cure of 1'w,i.•11 , , , , •,,,k, \ , ,,1,11 I. I::..ri .111 , i , , S .10 'I hrottl. 11:.,,,,, 1..• , -. 1 , 1!II illt :',.•c!.,. 11.cipit•tit , ...,,...ptil., and 1,,,,, .- ~ I i it, 1.,.,_••• Th., ~.,,,,,, ta-t,,,, ~,,,i,,,,,,• “,, 1 ~,,, , 1,,, 1 ~,,, , ~,,• th, ii 1t,,,,,,,,,,. ),,,,,• 1,•••,. Ittott .2tvott 111 Itttod, 1,0 l t• 00,. A .111,I1t d o , te _ Itokt•• itt 11.11;t•-. . It:. t • 1 . 11111,:ti , • \t"1 1 :1-111• tt mutt 11.11,1 1 , •IIIIIIIIr•ti Z.1.1/I.l' I 111 1...1! , I•n \' II I 1• CV t 11 J 1• 1•n1111• .1.111 l.tttprittlttr. I'm It Intl , . ~;rt•••t. V V. For ,titt I,y Elli ttt, I t.ltt Lt.ttl 2.1. IMMIIIIMII Flll,l, as! , (irt men( ul llt.n and lion's' .Ili• ,•., 'l,l'll ~'.. suitll.ll! ter the winter Al,, ladies ,1 Thsses',. Itallm.r.d 11.'441,, chthi r ,,,,•,11,,,,t, ..t All simls. I,ldie,san,ll;entlt•an,C.4llt:, 1 .), er Shoos. Nly ..1.1 ,•1141.111.-1,, .11111811 In N,llll. 11l gll,l :111 , 1 11,111 11 , ..t, 311.1 : 4 1111., will please 1 . 1111 :111./ examine the st , s.S. la•f,re pureh.tsin4 Main street, nearly opposite ths. Depet. ~.,.Z a j I.,"L'AO LBdc, l',S'l` opened the lar2est and best es ,. f - j - ~,rtm., t I,f Ilard,, are, Paints, (ills, Varni,h, Wass. r.di, .i..• , 0ver1.0,112,11t, to Cumberland county, bought e,lo,lvely It, ,lnil 1111,1 which Alf are selling at the lo.vest prices. We invite thin public generally to give us a call belore making their purchases, as weary fully sustai of rig our Old reputation of hulling the to 1, generous puhllr fir their part liberal p ittitinage hasping by lit,rs.otl attot.tion to their wants, to merit a eon( Illumine of the same FAINTS AN!) OILS.— . Ul'fons whit, I.os 1. loon (lallons of oil. Just .rined Wit 11 It 'Writ° 11,iirt1111•11t of 1 1 1ro Proof Paint, ,itino, Florence Japan, Whito Zinc, Putty, Colored 7, no, Red Lead, linilnd 011, Lord 111, 011, CHAS. Of Mil', Trus.vo Paint Brtighits, Fish Oil, &e., ilors orecery , Iry!, and (111 In cane and Ude, at the II ird ware Store ro - ) 11', AI) BISCUIT &c. L ) Thu Cream or Tartar '•Substituto" Is recommen• dud as a suporior air in combination with Saleratus or Soda forllaaing. pdrp , sus. It produces bread ealcos Sce., which whon cold snort, moist and gratefti, while thOso or Oroom of l'artar aro often dry and taste less. It will cost less fl a n Create of.Tartur and is used In the same way for entajrig. TIIIS SUBSTITUTE, together with Saler:ails' Soda. Pere Cream of Tartar, Dorm ado Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and un ground. spices of all kinds unadulterated, and also (Irocurios ireovery variety constantly on hand, and ut the lowest prices for;sale by Doc. 14, 1812. 4,Z HAVING SALOON.—Having fitted k 3 op in the very host style, the rcom In Cramor's building. next door to A. L. Sponsier's office. lam pre pared LA' give my tonsorial attentions to all who may honor mo with a visit. 1 shall constsotly bo with rompetent and politeliands and shall sparonovffort to give general sralsfavtion. I what to emploN: a pod boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply linniediatoly to J. MYERS Carlisle, June 27.18112-1 y DAVID RALSTON mEs. 500 pairs Hawes on hand of all kinds. Elizabothtimu pattern, London do., °oilman do, with and without natant fastenings, cheaper than ever at U. SAXTON'S, East Main st. March 28, 18112. J W . I:11Y Dit.I.C.LOOMIS tw v ,---, " South Hanover street, :nr opposite Bentz' dry good "- - qturp. Juno 1,'62, AMUEL FI EPBU RN, Jr., Attprney lOnt Law. Wilco with Hon. Samuel Llopburn 4 lbiln St.. Carlisle Pa. Juno 6,'65. W3f. 'BENTZ Carlisle Foundry, - AND FARM . IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1 F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works ou East Main street, Carlisle, a largo assortment of AtiItICULTUR.Ab IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulnetai to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WILLOUGII 111"6 CELEBRATED P ATE N C: CM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First. Clnss Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the tanners ol Cumberland, lurk and Perry Counties we need nut speak. in det;tll of the merits of this drill. as scores of them are nowqn use on the best farms in these counties. Its reputa• (ion is established no the most complete ()rain Drill now matitifictu red In the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Vets. Ilan ley and Uralic.. evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The grim Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For even and regular cowling, the Willough by U urn Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. We also lean u facture and sell the lollum ant; articles, which we c.lll 1 - 0,01111101111 Iu farmers as reliable implements, of established charaeter: liII;RISON'S PAT I.NT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATEN'I :-TRA k FODDER CUTTER, MU t)l NI LPIES PAT EN'r CORN SHELLER, II \ RN'S PATENT EIDER NI ILL, .1,)1INSON':, C.\ ST IRON HMI'S Tnota TT. Also. Three and Four Meese PosN ere and Threshing Machines, Cost Iron Field !toners, Plough Castings of varion, pattern, Corn Crn,lier, and other articles t'or Farmers too nunielotis lu went ion. Also. Egg Cool Stor es and Ten Plate NV1•1 i 11 all 11111111'11So variety at other (oslings for housekeepers and others. We 113,, :Ike nn /Ittral•LlVe Variety 01 patterns for ITION 21.11XLIVOS. and rtnit:TEßy ENcLostutEs to which we would call a tteu thou. Stettin Engines and 111111 Gearing To this department of stir business-we give partici'. lar attention. 11W already ostensive stork of ',atoms for Paper, How and Saw Mill flearing. it constantly lig Mill Owners and Mill M right': will he fur. 'tithed with a printed cit.:dog:tie ,it' (bur various Mill Pat Lulus. en application. Uur vOlllllll., ail the vari , pn• t ads for t urning, plahing anti hulthing Shafting and Postings. by good :Lod ears Cul Machinists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINEFf , of any desirable rapacity. from ten to taventy-fiviihorse power, built in the hest style and on accommodating terms. l'ilnxines built at our establishment unity he iinecessful operation at tinily iit the largest In , t it lei lei-anti Tanneries in ilild CUITIbPrillllll Perri:, and liatiphiu Comities. to the cavilers of which refer for infi•iiiiiatb.n ns tip theirefflelen ey. rei, %renting Engines:ire earnestii re quested 014,113nd examine before contracting else where. DOOR fll‘lD SASH FACTORY. c,•„„et.ted nil 11 our estnblishinent is n : . ql.lllll Ni.111111,10t01:, tvhirh l.i 110 W in COlllplett. order It till. 111•111 o.o'lllll' 10 ,•,1•1 . 3 . till-4'IIIIIAI 11 of I= f..r tht , natal t•ot•tl icull as 010W:dorsi hrtuqu. Win 53,11 ttnni,li,.l from a ye•ots ups," to-coral!, to nvr .tt •ll tottoa 1 r•;:ttet. hoot 131 ItpLiattl, shut too. anti Illn opq art: Ft or 1•2 opq at.l. to, s‘tt , ll L otk. Itrankt•b.. Laney Lit,.ittry, tottt.lly.l at thy jokes nuct of the beat quality olltool.t.r. hitt .A 1 f• aro Mlno prvpartl. n. Int•ret/tfitre. to 1,1:11A Mud AIN fry troit•Tortvrsiote Lhr r a ltro a tl. oitln pi totaino,... i utol rya:Lou:o,ly i t . rms . von tin tool p.ttrottaa•• •'t tiny pol , /ic isrespealolly solicattol. trtler, I.y marl promptly attelltl,fl to. M.I.A 11. E. El/Lt Eli. Co. ELIA Ni; ON' XrI'NVENTI7-111 )1 - 11 . 19:1; r IJ.1.1)11' .It, the Sill Of tte ••tt•,1,1 th t'ttittlwiltut,l \ :1111.y I, tilt:,t‘kti th Nlt•tht.l, 1 Chtti,ll Nlattt etreet, the large att.l [wet ~ e le•••14, 1 , 1 ., 0 1. ut ‘vATut Es AND .JF,Nvi 7 ,l,Dy aLI can Llumur .L.l/11 [La t4t place hi the ,t.ite The ,t,,ek 11.1ge ,411.4,1.1,14 'Sill el Le liting-iet .t• watch:, Levers, Lepilte, .%ette ae,1,.11 other liittds:ttni GOLD AND SILVER CI - lAINS, ‘,,41 Spvet:te Gold .tna and ail vet NVArt., MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, .11 Prthiling, arn.ty . ,.l Inhey articks. &c, Tin; enthr ,tuck \\ate Innaiscr \ Safe• lw sivd holoa.ale ur rutai! t In• tan u-. 1,, I a 1,,,t iv , wknian nil I.inds nl r pairing will lie li ii as usual, at and prices. IS I A 11l ;E ARRIVAL OF FRES! itoc::ni visrt 13, K 'tir It 1,1 ['l'M ..:I.llllilll. 11:11 1111 ••I II 111\r,, t.t .tilt itriet, i. nail, tt,ti.lll,lllll,tly lost,. Pickett, =II S.kt7CI:S, =I TOBACCO AND SEGMIS. L UO h' , 4f• C at I,ltl'. 1., C.\ SI! nr cf,lltlt. r rtodllt . e. •-13,:- ME Important Discover). I= 1'UI.11()\1(7 IV FER 3 23007:5 & sHons I= lIIIMMIEIMME B EST (100LP.3 Al." 111 Is LoW EST PRICES V. 1.1" X Ii SON, At Ow nid Stand Noi th mover Street, Carlido, June 6. 1h62. Carlisle, Oct 25, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ' ESTABLIMEDAS A-REFU6E , FROM. QUACKERY. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the. most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for ali private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general duldli• ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trent dininess of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, WWI: or skin, affections of the liver, lungs, stomach or bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary iractice.. more fatal to their 'v Irtims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their vest brilliant hopes or anticipations. rendering marriage, ,11c . Especially, who have become the •ictitne of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousandS of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant int ellen, who might otherwise have entranced listeni•tg Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecetawy the living lyre, may cell with full eonfidenee. TrIAILRIAG.IS• I hurled persons, or young man rontemplating mar riage. Laing aware of physical weakness, organic dabil ity, detmmil les. &v., speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his Pi( in as a physician. oxtoximaac VIT.E.A3I-NESS hmnedlately cured, and full vigor restored. This din tressing affection—whir.' renders lite Inlse'ralde and I.llllrriag” inlposcible—is the pormlty paid by the ietims of improper indulgences. liming persons are too apt to commit excesses front not being aware of the dreadful consequence. that may ensue Now, who that nude, standa the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is loot sooner by thee'. falling into int. prlper habits than by the'm intent ? Besides being de priced the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged. the physi rtl and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative poet er. nervous irritability, dyspepsia. palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, constitutional debility. a avast lug of the frame, rough, consumption. decay and death OF:COI:IWO SOUTH FrlEDEnzcir STREZT. Left band side going trona Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to shearer name and number Letters must be paid and contain a stun p. Tho Doe tor's I 11plonlas hang In his Oilier. iT 0U.112£ WARTAiIigTED in TWO DWITS• No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr. Johnston. moth• one of the Royal Collezmof:urgeone.London,llraduato from one of the Inset eminent Coil, gee in the llnitokk fys, an,l the greater part of .hr,rlify has been spent' the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and eisewliet,.. has effected some of the mast astonishing em es that veers ever known; many trouhhninith ring i'ng in. the head and rats when asleep, groat nervous. ne.s, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with ft talui•nt blushing. attended sometimes with de rangement of mind, Were cured immediately. T.AICII P 1ir..1. addresqe. all those who havrinjurettthemsrlvrs hninoian indultiourr an.l solitary habits, n Inch ruin Is body and mind, unfitting them tut either bus :less, study. eoelety tie marriage. Thi , se aini'srahe nT the' "sail - anii — rneTaiTefinTj'Th , rfikli,' p, I 0,41 by early ilfibitS of youth; viz: Weakness of the bark and limbs. pains lu the heal dimness of skrht, lus of 1119-n Ills, po ur. 11:11pitati011 ot the heart.dyspep nernou • irritability. derangement of the 4lkestive of M 1:11 u.l Y --'rhe fear.ul i•ltents on the 11111111 are 1.111, h to he dreaded—lo, 1.1 Illeltlore, eIIIIIIISII , II line,de. pre ,, ion of SOT its, evil forebodings, aYerflOn to society, self distrust, love 1 - 01 solitude, timidity, he., are SOLIIO 01 the ev I 1.. mod need. of pm-sons of all ages ran now jack, phut ry the eau, of their declining hemith. losing their vier or. I,cconiing weal:. pale. nerNous and cmaciated.linving sinzular appearance about the eyen, cough and symp toms or conpumpt.i.w 7,rourTa t{ - ho have Injured thein , eives by cert.aln prpeti,c_e iu.ltaWd iu n hen , bit. trequently li;Tirtted from eVII 1 , 1111 1 31110115, or at 5,.h001, the effects of which are 1,1.0101 y f. It. even When asleep, anti if not cured renders n,,nri and destroys both mind and body, ~),..“1.1 apply inuunliately. %%lilt in pity that a young man. the hope of his coun try. the dal ling of 111.p...etas. should be snatched trots all in o.peet, and eujos meat , ul the VOnSe•illenev of den ia tie: flout the path nil naturt and indulging in .•ertatti se., et habit.. h poisons Must before con• t etup•at tug reflect that. n , ounti mind nod le,,ty are the most n rousury r.•. 1 uisites to prem.!, von nehial hfweinen.e 111,16, 1. ,Vith ,, lll I here. the jeurney thhiugh lite Imri.m. w•• : the pre..revt heerly dark me t) ,1111td her , nu es '4l it. despair an tiled it In the hely 11.11 e g•ii en that the happiee. t :teeth,. le,elees 1.1t411 t 111111 our ea n. IM;MI= 11 h•n the it1i, , 4i,1.11 imprwitl,•itt votary 01 ph.n sore I:11.1. V•htL he hi., irehile..l the seeds of this pnittful rli.e.t-e, it t ..o (Lot. an ill (lord sehurof shanle dread 1 .Ikre•ery. deters hint r,,,, . pplyhw 111..00 who. !rein eiluonthm and rei.peetahility. fall hordeticl him, dela2,ing 1111 tha 7:astitutioa. sslpt au.of thi, horrid Ulcra.r mak, !heir app• 11,111 . SW • II nc kill'erated nin e thr att. diseased 11 , 1'e. no.ctut, 111==21C1 sod.•• 011 the -hin 10,40, e ,, 0!, th faro anti e‘tremitiitt.. pro,tietthilig with frichtli npl . till at lai.t, the foliate of the mouth or It, 1411105 tit the nose hill in. :,'d the victim ot this It WI, ,t i,..,,, ~,, 1,,,,,,,,, s a lc, -ri I ~I.j cet of comm isera t i on, li death p,il.:, porit.4l to 111, t1,3,1ful sitllk•ring:. ti, SVIII - lii - g — liliil 11, ." I TINT . ' T riilll,Ti'irii , i - titTriTiiii 1157-nr..;iiilir4ii...; in tr,..11t, l•tilrlisf' It I, a 1111•1311..t,ly In.•t thnt cletims him t,rropio "win, t. (hp leltard pretend, "lII.y the 11 , 1'10 that, deadly pr. 11.•t,e1. ruin the rountilution and make the r -title el tire ini•erable. Sl' It A NI: EEGS 'rrns , nil near livt, or health, to the rare of th nanv url h• a,••I t prot.•ndor. p , r r. a h , ropy Dr. JohnNttill'w I vortri , . ill lit-, t.I illr!111 , ..:14,. ill, .gal.lll flu. inr.tpal.lo at curituz. they cool. s nl l i Wit.: month :Lao,. lip, LI. talsinv 111th} iitl p .•anipnutids. ,a a. lung as the sin:illy:4 too 4111 ild•tpil'aill1•11,:11111 It Ill•SpAll . .11151. yet with ruined 1,11111 t , ytlllrtr.llllll,, .11 , 11 , 1101111n11.11t. .3.0111 , (.,11 i. tip. only Pip, skaan adorertising. c• r, l•.•lll.,ll:l,r diplomas alwaS. hams In hi,. offic e . II t r, at tient arc tiulttiow u teal] others, ra.p.iro,l em is lie spout. in Imo greal hospilals of En. tho in the country and Is inure extonslvo riv 11l prirti than any other physlelau In the world IN ill.)ILS:1 4 1:11ENT OF TILE PRESS. I= lii wally urn at this Iti 4 titifilon year en 3 oar, :in,l the numerous Important .Sorgleal Ope at i,,„, by De. dobro.nto, wittletoo d by the t•poi 1,1 , tlio •• Stilt," '• l'lipp,r." and tottoy other ~pm , of have 1111110:1r001 again and again t•fart, tli puldiv. beside= his standing :IF :I gentlonuin I oilarao, and re,Tonhibility, is a Suflicien ' t guarantee to the afflicted. SR IN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Persons writint% t.hould be particular in directing their letterhh this Institution. In the following man lier JOIIN i 1 JoIINSTON, 31. D.. Oh the Baltimore Lock llospitql, Baltimore, 31(1. May '2.9. I 463-1 y LI , ',CONI) SPRING ARRIVAL.- . LARUE SUPPLIES FOR TILL HEAD AND FEET . At the store of..lohn Irvine, on the N. B. corner c the public square. in the place to purchase Boots Shoes !fats k Caps. at prices that defy competition. lie liasjm-t returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Hoots. Shoes. lints SI Caps that he has ever presented to thin community, and which ho is determined to sell at the lost e,t possi ble prices. Ills stuck embraces everything in hinline 11l Imsiness, such as MEN'S & I4UYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boot:, Calf and Patent Leather Ox tend Ties, Ca, and Patent Leather (Miters, Call Nullifiers, Call and Kip Brogans, Slippers, .Sr. LADIES' Fine French and English Lasting (loiters, Morocco Cull and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy slippers Mortice°, and Kid Buskins, MISSES .1N It t'lll ',DR EN'S WEAR ofall deseriptlom embracing fine Lasting Gaiters, Moroceo and ,Lasting Button Beets. Morocco linen Boots of all hinds, fancy shoes of sariong styles slippers, A, c. HAT, it CA I'S, Silk, °madmen), Fur nd Wool Hats of al, vial and styles, also a large assortment ul STRAW LIATS Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notie Repairing prmoptly done. Coptic', nit of his ability t please all classes of customers, he respectfully Ins Ito the public to give him a call. IL. Remember the place, N. FL corner of the Pub Ic 9 inure. May 30.,'60. .141 IN IRVINE. IL N V sAxToN Lfit i O MANHOOD iflunwt, HOW LOST I HOW 'RESTORED Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price A Lecture on the Nature. Treatmttnt and Radical Cure of Spermaterrhom or Seminal Nftia It neon. Sexual Debility Nervousues , , and involuntary liTissions, Inducing Impotency, Consumption, and Mi Mill and Physical Debility. By 11.011 9 T• J. CULVEIt%VFILL, M. D. The important tart that - the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal nevlietneh or the dangerous application of caustics, instruments, medicated boogies, and other empirical devices. In here clearly demonstrated. and the entirely new nod highly sureessful trvahnent as adopted by the celebrated author folly explained, by inoane of which every 0110 is efiabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least poirdble rapt, t berebytavoidlng all the adver tised nostroms of the day. This lecture will prove a • boon to thousands and thousands - . Sent, under seal, In 0 plain envelope, t , any addresp, post paid on receipt of two postegwatampa, by itddress• lug the publishers, CLIAS. J. 0. KLINE & CO., • 127 flowery, New York, Poet Office Box, 45811. J. W. EBY • & C.O.'s moll-known MI:1.0- 1 'MONS and 11AltNIONIUMS, introducing the of feet oi plo' bass no every Instrument. ERN BST OA BEAM'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash, at n deduction, or on monthly Inatrumeute from 05 to $lO. AlEir_Dver 600 sold in PlillAdolphin. ,JA5189111111.1t14, Solo Agent, ' 270 int' 281 S. Fifth struct, al,ovo 'Spruce April lf, 1103 THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CUBE CAN BE OBTAINED: WOUNG ZEN Fa' 61TtiZIIf1fii, DISEIISE OF IIarRUDEZTcr, Six Cenis • NEW. STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. Wo;have taken , tho Store Room, formerly occupied by (I rueutiold Ot Shooter in Soot Main street, next door to the Jail; whore we .intitud le keep all kinds of Onconewsus stud Ottossaum. Our Muck is new and fresh, carefully selected in the Eastern Cities. We in rite the public and friends in general to give us a call slid examine our stock of goods as we are determined to sOLL CIIRAP COIL (men. Our stock consists in part o; SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, Molasses Queonsware, Willow Ivaco, Cedar ware, Brooms Bruands, Cards and Spices el every kind, warranted pure. A IGreen and Dried Fruit, Foreign and Domestis, and a fall assortmeet cf v. lim es generally. Flour oy too barrel or pound, Collllltry psodisce to Seed to socuange for goods. Q. P. MI ELLS .t SOL Mai eh eO, 1%3. Watches Jetvelry and Diamonds. - LEWIS LADONIUS It CO. 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ITAVE always on hand, a large stock of (lola and Silver WatcheS, suit title for Ladies, Gentlemen or Boys wear. Some of oar own ituporla• ties, extra tins qualsty. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most Etsh. lonable and rich designs; as also the plainer stud less expensive. Sliver Spoons, Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; also a large variety of Musty Silver Ware, suitable fur Bridal presets ts— We have also on hand, a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry stall kinds, to which we invite es. pedal attention. Our prices will be found considerably less than the .same art Vies are usually Sr.o All kinds of Watches repaired in the very beat man ner tnil warranted to give satisfaction. WE11DI!'411 11l NUS on hand and made to order. Call or address 802 Chemtnnt Sttpet, Philadelphia P. S. Tho highest, rash pile° paid for old Gold :111 Sirer. All onto Is from the Geautry will resoi•s sup. (dal attention. April 11, 11013-1 y 'NVE have the largest and finest shirts . ever offered In this place. SHIRTS et 1'2,00 per doz. 15.00 .. do. " 'lll.OO " do. " •• " do. " 30,00 •' warranted to hr oh the hest And moot Celebrated makes llouL:ht hefora the late advance in prices, cold by the dozen ur single, if you want a l'erfecl Fit(ng ;?hirt, ISAAC IA V I NOSToN'S North Hanover street EINE I=! MEE FANCY GOOOS, CONFECTIONARIES FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEATo PICKLES, &C. t. 4. VV. I.I.AVEIISTICIII, North Hanover slam just opened an a,ortinent of Fresh Drugs, I v an ey floods, (lilt Periainer). Yruitu, t ud Conte, which h.ts se 9, I,llllieirpasi.ed shim bet - °ugh. for I11,11(7 elegy ore. The art': lies haws bent selected with Eant ra. e. and ire ed, _q_Ltaltly and piles, to en, wend the nitontion ul purchasers. YANCY tdoopth, which( dinprisee•ery •arlelly of tansy lrticlan of the most exquisite foothill such as. Papier Mad.. illlette. Elegant ink-stands and trays. lorry ivory, pearl nut' shell ‘•ard eases, Ladies' l'ars'y • Palley Work Ilexes. with orwin¢ instrumentn, Ladies' Calets, Writing Desks. and Port Icaois. Port Monnales. of every •,riety. (told pens and pencils, Foney paper weights, and n large viirlety of ladies' Fancy statieJ ery. Motto, souls and waters. Silk .tllll Inset pur,,, Itidirn: whips. ,de4antiv finished. cutlery, PerlUme Ist•dtet, and Ine4s. Bru•dius el every kind f or the toilet, X. Itaila an.l It. al 11. VI ri4ht's Soaps and Perfumes ofsvarteus Fancy Pine for head dresses and s! - • wis. Musical instruments, tngether with all nn u rade variety of artlelef elegant ly tinibhud and suitable for PR L'SE,'VT,S . , co whl,h he In4ton nrerlal attenOna. ADM,, an extofiuive and elegant colleorytna of BOOK:1, romprklmr. various En4lish :ind American Works, POETICAL 11'0111i:3. Bibles anti Hymn nooks, elgiontly hound i• IVll,lt with metal clasps:lll,l corneet, i.ssortnamil it 3ehool Hooks and School Stationery le elan complete. and comprises e•erything used in the Lail „the._ particular—atter). tiun tit to Lis °Logan t asaortan rot of LANive., se., from the extensive t•stabllehments of Cornelius, Archer and others 01 c•mtprising every style of Parlor. Uhamhor and study Latnpv, for hurniu¢ either Lard Sperm in Mortal oil; its,, DY01"1";.; celehrcteJ !Cert.., e nr 110 V 1 Oil Lamps, tgVtlll, with Flower Vases rant , ~oa, v tUlolll. in this iinti iv 1111- 11 , lotliod In the Immurzh. Also, A ItS AND Tt111ACI'(1, etnhrivirw, ill the f.‘vurite brands. and a rine assort• tnent Nil pi relebtaled iiiilmmehinlc I.c ncill.urg :•ntoking. 'fnhar.m. FItU 1 T , such as Oranges Lemons, Fitts. haisills. Nectarines, Prunes„tc.. FANCY' CONFECTIoN A it V—NUTS—PItd• SERVED FRUITS, MIN ED-II EAT, LES, In every variety and at :nil prices, nit Of Whil•Il me pure and frost, suet, us ran ho confidently recommended to his friends. Ills stock unaware , everything In the line of Fancy (Mods, with indny other articles useful to hom.ekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and pxaminio. Remember the aid ;+tand : uearlvmpposite the Bank on North Hanover stre EIEBEEIII HO ! FOR HELLER'S lIAT AND CAP STORE. rrlIE subscriber• has removed his Ha and Cap Store to the opposite side of the Strut. to the boom, formerly oecupled by Monyer, nu aunt door to Cornman's rhnu Store. flaying a inu.l burger room, I hal, iurte•sud my stock of goods. 8 , that I out now prepared to furnish the public will all the new styles of FIATS, CAPS, AND sTitA W HATS, at prices to suit the thine+. My stock cunxisrx of Silk. l'as-imere and Russia !tars, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city n well as home manufacture, trout the Mimi wool up to the finest It tueda and Nutra. A good ase,linent ill men and 1.13's ceps. Alen, mons, boys. and eltildrens fancy straw bats.— !laving improved means for manufacturing. any kind or shape of lolls is ill he ut,tde to order. at short 11011011. Iteln4 a practleil [latter, hilly understanding - the I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patronage. JOHN A K ELLER, Apt. I'. S. Old hats colored and repaired at moderate prices. April 17, 1862. ;AIHENRY HARPER, .; A No. 520 ARCH Streot, PLM . PHILADELPHIA, Has Always a Large Stock of Watches fer Ladles and ilentleui!en—ln Coln and Silver. FINE J ENV ELIO', of the moat fashlontble styles. BALI D SILVER-WA RE, In great variety, and Rog er'sSiiperitir Plate Spoms, Fork , , etc., etc. Sep. 25, tat. J2E3 - S. I. F. D. E. -4 00 STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYLINQ ESTABLISHMENT. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., Proprietors, tiFFICES No. 47 North l EIGHTII , PHILADELPHIA, and 6 Sc S JOHN St., NEW YORK. Our success in DYLINO and CLEANSING GARMENTS of Velvet, Cloth, Silk, Mer uo, Do Leine &c., he., and SHAWLS of almost every deseription, In co well known that we only desire to rutnindiuur friends and the pub. lie generally. that the season tor getting ready their Fall Goods is new at hand I IMGoods'rocolved and returned by Express. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., Aug. 21,1863-3 moe. DOCO META LLIC.-T IS RE aIAIII{ABLN Paint has boon counterfoited, owing to It. prevoutlng Hoofs front logking. The public are ea utinne t , undor penalty, not to uso any plant of that ,brand, unless thy agent's signal uro Is on each pachago. 'S. BO W} N. Agent, Office No. 150% liskth Fourth streot, Phila. Oat, 2, Ist-3-3,u M PEN.ROSE, Attorney at Law v- • omen in Rimin's Hall. Prefosslonal burl 110811 promptly attoodocl to. Vobruary 21„ 11111 d. DR, WD! H. COOKi HOIIIOEOfATHIC PgYsICIAN. Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE at his residence jit .North lhinover street. Next door to Slarluer's hotel, Darnell/. ' LE'ri" S LADOMUS +k CO .S. W. lIAVERSTICK South East Corner Mo het Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. Martell 2.6, 1563. STORE Just received and in store, a fresh and well no luetud assdilie wl . ol Ills, Java and Martr oath(' Cello, unlisted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars, Relined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) M ol as see. Spires of every variety— pure only I Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Mace . arniii, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, Saleratus and Soda, Cream Tartar and as• sorted., Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. "-• TEAS.- •A fine assortment In Pew:loloit 4'3. 4 ^ an belonging to the at the lowest 1 7t. ,1 and late reduced prices. ‘: 4 t 1 J. W. EBY. - DR. GEORGE S. SEA ILIG TIT, DENTIST, from the Bal. A- 1 -1- Mar tirnore College of Dental Surgery. 11 - 9_,Office at the residence of his mother, East Louthes street. three doorKbelow Bedford. March 10, 1866-tf. • RUFUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at LAMY Carlislo Pa. Attends to securing and eol looting Soldiers' Pay, Bounties. and Pensions. Office on South Ilayovor Strout, oirposlto Bontz's storm Doe. 27, 1.8111. T AW CARD.-O.IIARLES E. MA (ll.A.UtillhiN,Allerney at isiw, gQlco lu le' heirs bulliting,Just opposite the Market Ilowso. Cerllslo, March 14,J1.1041y. CP.. HUMRICH, AttoraoST at Law. 0-01noe on North Hanover 'street, a low doors south ot °Wei' note!. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended [April 16. I °SEMI' RITNER, Jit., Attorney at P Law and Survayor. Mochanicaburg ; Pa. 011ico Bail Road qtreot, two dn•wa north of tho lank. Ai r Ituhlousa promptly uttendad to. • • T WEAKLEY.—Attorne# hi, Law. 1•1. • Witco on south Hanover kraut, opm4ite Dente' Dry Goode atom. • All tweromplonal buidnesa ontruated o him will be promptly attended to. - - NEWCOALANDIATMBE‘' YARD. Tho subscribers have this day entered Into part norship to trade in 00AL AND X.IIMBER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to order all kinds and quality of neasened BOARDS, iCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling' Lath, worked Floor ing and IYeatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and overyar ttolo that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whltepine, Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualities. Having -Care of our own we can furnish bulls to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit LYK ENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOIIRERY. which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Best quality of Limeburner's and Blaclrsmilh'B Coal, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut always on hand which wu will sell ut the lowest figure Yard west side rd Grammar School, Mairl street. ARMSTRONG & ITOVIER. !lily 20, 1002 J. K. NONEMAICER, I_ I OItWARDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware House cars and fixtures of Wm. B. Murray's well known establish ment. on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that he has entered into a general Forwarding and Commi,lou business. The highest market price will be paid for iilour,Grain and produce °ran kinds. Tey are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the loaestrates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND /FEU at whnlooalo or rat.all. Coal orall kinds, embracing, LYKES'S VALLEY, LUKE Fl SUNBURY WHITE ASTI, LOCUST OAP, Limelmrner's and Blacksmith's C0:1870.7MT FOR SAL[. KEIT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. R. NONEMAKER Carlisle, August 17, 1850. s A i I T V C V Ft i W E A B l4, A 11 1 1 ^1 1: 4 111, o l d ' osta A b I I N A 0 -9 1 StAtid, WeLt :slain 6t., utarly opposite the Cuwberlautl alley 1 have just received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. medallion. silver ware, Sc.. in addition to my ormer ntock to which I invite the atlantic.o of the ThAlCP , rCO.ftment.einrbraces_ itnu gold.and,llvor letor WitiAies.lluntimr and open case do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Q.nartler watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Ilreast , pins for Ladles and tlentlemen of every quality, pattern and pr'en. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. onia bracelets. finger rings, cell-pins, hl oils, sleeve-buttons, eroeses, charms. At. 0,,1d and sliver thimbles. silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver=,, common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special atten Lion. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, 'pectaclii oasis. fancy hoes. sinew and pearl card cases, and common brave Lets, witch chains, Mantle Clocks and a varlettiit which I will sell low for rash. All articles war ranted Li, he my ha I they ara-repousented. Particular attentiln paid as ustial to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war./ tOl.l =I Interesting To Farmers. 101 IN P. LINE & SON, have just P 1 ecei ved a large lot of thine celebrated Sul - 111Es, made expre,ly h.r their o. sales, which have al ways .riven entire katr,faction to all who have used them.- 1 . 4,11 that ,13 II t II k •11,1 V lit (111.4 . 311,1 'Ploy run niu,g Scythe. ..11t.i say try one of their superior wake We hare also a full s t ,rlc loNnnthS. Wh . 't Stoney, hr. lialiesni Chrkt. \ I roe.' and other celebrated maker, ()rale Cra dles or Ali the bo,t 111.11,1, in the mealy, with n full , toek of 11l hind, of Tools and /1111,11,11•11 t, for Ft,llll,'S nor. All of which we are selling cheap at our slkwe in \ orth Hanover street Carlisle, .1111,0 .1, 1851. The Great English Remody. JA‘NIISS CLARICF,'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a prosellpt on of Sir J. Clarke, M. I) Physid/111 Extraordinary to the Queen. 9 1 1118 well known medicine is no int pasitiaa, hat a sure nuu safe remedy for Yemale 1A1111,114. sand rl hxtrn Inn c:' fl girsC _ n powertol rumucly, it contail/0 uuthi 1/g 1,111 11/1 It , the vott.Q.ll,llloll. T" 113rrie , 1 I.nJie. it is pocullarly suited. It will, -hart time. bring on the tuenthly period with regu ht•lty. In all ens, of Nervous and Spinal Affections. l'nlu in the Ilawk and Li a n, heat tams. Fatigue oil slight ex ert I•.n, Palpitation of the Heart, brotitess of Spirits. Iltntrt les. ctel. Ileadarho,!lChit•d, amd all the painful di•-ea•e. e.•. y. irnnd by 11 dis•oderut s, stem. these fills wilt effect a curt, WII.I all other means hove toilet!. 'I Ma, Pi b. hare never tutu known to fail "lucre tau titre etimo, r,u tht• '.ltl p.rn.nt pamphlet area ell ttl,crv ml For fall p,trtir•uhv.. get a pamphlet, flee, of the agent. $1 am( 6 po.ta_r• ntaiiips enclit-eil au tb owed ,slll e it bottle. containing of er fat I.y rot urn limit. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. Fr lo t,ary R EM 0 VA L. GREENFiELD & SHEAFER II A \'.11.: removed to their new and Story Iloum , South-east corner of Mar ket :quart!, oppodte Irvi, e's Shoe Store. Having just returned Iron Ne, York and Philadelphia, with an Immense sal letry of DI Coe bends, we are prepared to cller super,or induotaneuto, to any other House le the country. Plain A liaieas all 'l{iinhiq' Shades, single and double width. Brocade Oriental Lustres, all nhccdes, Plain and I'llllll l'oplioq, more beautiful than any silk, at one half the cost of silks, l'ougeo, Mixtures. Ito Laints (Antilles, Lawns. Organdies, Chi lases, Ige.,,ltc. Domestic Goods. A heavy stock of Prints, Cheeks, Muslins, Ginghams Col tonuden, Drills. Ay., x ill be sold at reasonable rates 111117 VINU GOODS. Hoods to be offered at astonishingly low prices. llombachlee, Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plait Bs reces, all wool De Lalnes hingle and double width very c Cloths and Cassimeres. A good /11.401t11111t of C/OtilH • and the largest varlpty of Fancy Caa,lineres, ever offered to this markot. Also, our usual assortment of Notions„Hoslery Triumnims, GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, " aga R 10. 7 11" IMO Ii lb " FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND 14,.../FICANKLIN RAIL ROAD. :7klVa Oa and aftqr MONDAY, MAY 4, 1802, eassongar Traiur wHI run as follows: (Sundays oxcopted FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A. Di. 2.46 r. M. 7.37 " 8.36 8.80 " Arr. 4.20 4, Leave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chambersburg, slechanicaburg, 10.42 " 3.12 " Arrive at Ltarriabura, 11.15 " 3.40 " Ist Train. 2tl Treat'. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A.lll 1.35 P. 51. '• Mechanicsburg 8.47 " ' 2.15 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.65 " Newville, 10.02 " 3.29 " " Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 " " Chambg', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle, 11.55 6.30 " Arrive at Ilagerstown. 12.35 8.10 " NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chum bershurg, Shippensburg, Newville, Carlisle, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambersburg,} May 1,1802. do. do CARLISLE AND.PEILADELPHIA 1404. r f . gk plr ojitt, . -It_ e - Care of thin Line leav,e the Depot 811 Market Daily, at 4 o'clock`, I'. M. Leave Carnal°. Daily, at 1' o'clock. A M. floods intended for this Line should be trarked C. A I'. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. May '25, 1859. New York Express leavec 'Harrisburg at 2.15 A. M., arri•ing at New York at 9_15 the saute morning. Farce from Harrisburg: To New-York $5 15; to Phil adelphia 5,3 36 and 12 SO. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave Now•Yoxli at 6 A. M., 12 noon. and 7 I' M., (Pittsburg EtpreF.4.) Leave - Philadelphia at 5 15 A., and 83'1 I'..'H. Fl Verilllg ran: in the New York •I press Trains, throuiih to and from Pittsburg without ehange. Paßsengers by the l'atnwissa Railroad leave Tamaqua nt a. 50 A. M., and 2.15 P. 51., for Vbilii.delphia, New- York, and all ay Poi', Train,: leave Pottsville at 9 13 A. M., and 2.00 P. TV for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Nevr.York. An A c•coin mods thou Passenger Grain leaven Reading -4kilade-Iphix-st P. M. • AF i Ck i k J the above trains run daily, Sundays except ed. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7 30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3 15 P. M. L'.ountittatlon, )lileage, Season, and Exeut skin Tick. eta at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. N1C01.1.1. 1 , April 51,1813. Ganerol .S.periutentlent. THOMAS CON LYN HAT AND CAP E3I1 ' ORIU111! rrhe undersigned having purchased the ti stork. &r., of the late Win 11, Trout deed . world respectfully announce to - the puld - h IL t---he cOil• time th. II ArriNci Bust N ESS at 'the old stand, in \14.,t Ifigh street. and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce ,rticlex of licad liret-s of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shal be st rietly In keeping with the improvement of the Art, a n d fully up to the age in which we live. 1 ha•e on hand a splendid assortment of vf• ..,4 r . e . : :;;Z- , ,•.% HATS AND CAPS • of all descriptions, froru.the common Writ. to the finest FUR AND SILK RATS; and et prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, NIOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT RATS, of every s and color d_ufibuf pass la fox s-gsrs - , licitain - LiTy AND FINISII : by those of any other establishment in the country. MEN'S. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every .lcscriptlon constantly on hand. lie respectfully invites all the old patrons and a many new ones as possible, to give him a call. A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM . (1111_ , te+ 6 2‘ . ' , -ri. - 14,47Slicvp 1862 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberlend County .elyrtculturul Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment et articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which lie is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Parlo, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kitchen and °Moe Embracing every article used by ITouse and hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and Anish. ITleludlng also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Wit frames, pictures. &c., &c. AraY- Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to prompliy and all moderate terms. A. B. E Carlisle, May 12, 1858.—1 y. LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER -DELANCEY 1 LUMBER AND COAL YARD I On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. Thu subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a full sort merit of -. Lumber & Coal, • 6 fitil! - which c Li ho can fur- -\, - -,-... K 4 .:, : nish to order promptly . o r ~ . c • •ett,et and on the most rue- ~... 7 • sonable terms. ,_,-..,„._:....-ii:r- . . . .... LUMBER, • SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor log. NI ea therboarding. Posts, II alb:01'111W Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. lie also furnish bills to order of any length and afro, at the shot test notice and on the most reasonable terms. JIM wort ed boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur. nished dry at all times, Ile hos constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered- clean to any port of the borough. To wit: _LYKEN'S VALLEY, —2 ; LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the variouri sizes In use, whaelt he offers to the public at the lowest prices. LI NIEBUIINER'S AND IILACKSMITLUS COALalways on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public. he stewed upon the late nem of Black it Delaney, he would. solicit a continuance of the same as ho will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom fur Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. - . OLlVlilt IttILANCY July 26,1 --.11y,' 1 SPRINti TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS !!! NOW offering an immense variety, of CLOTIIS, CASS MURES, VEBTINGS, COTTON c1001:08 dts.. For Alen and Boys' Wear, In a larger yarlety, than can he found In any ()stab. Itehment In this placo, and at as low prices as can be sold any whore, to suet 'taste and pocket. We mann• facture the above goods to order, In the latest styles, or sell per yard' CuNtomers tvlahlmete have the goods bought of us, cut, can' be accommodated, free ofehatge, An early Inspe4lcdt of our goods and prices, respectful , ly solicited. ' - - • ISKAG LIVINGSTON, • North Uanoyer Street °lathing Etnporiwn MAIN* 311011. CIIANGE OF 110U1181 Leavo 12.68 " " Shlpponsburg, 9.00 " 1.28 " " Newvillo, 0.32 " 2.00 " " Carllalo , 10.10 " 2.4,) " FOR CHANIBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD A FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PIIILADEEEIIIA J. & D. DIIOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA READING RAILROAD. .‘thetvr,r, , Txr l erd ti . 4i,tri=Nr, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 2REAT Trunk Line from the North vA au d Purlh.West for Pli iladelphia, No.. York !Ulm log, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, ,te..fre,.. Reeding Pottsville, nod all Intermediate Stations, et S A. M,. and 2 P. 3I Apr. 2:5. 181,0-ly AMES It. WEAVER'S CAIIINICT :44:•444.•'1'.wt. A ND CHAIR kl A NUN A °TORT. NOBTII Illairoven STRAIT, CARLISLA, PA. Baying been epgaged loth° businessfor over twisty years he would return thanks to his customers area friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to hila in years gone by, and further assures them that Do pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor hint with a call, CUAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest Possible prices for cash. lle also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.-- Ready made Coffins ' Metallic or otherwise. kept con , elan tly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In townur country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, bell finished And lined Inside, from ,8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 18 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEATE7I.• Tiny 25, 1860-1 y TILL TRIUMPHANT.. ) 1 / 4 :7 The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook , &ore, warrants the auhscriber In calling the attrationo of ell who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satistat, don. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IR lot. A saving of from 30 to 00 per cent. In fitell. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same dm. 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same elm% 4th. Thopreservation of the centre - plow, from sinking saving repairs, sth. The best Itaitcr, Roaster, and Cook now in use, oth. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect Gas Consumer for either wocd or coal. The Prairie Flower is warranted to' give satisfaction In every particular. and will he shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or note any quantity of reference in town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Rooting, Job work, Copper-smithing and Sheeting work promptly attended to, in town-or-coun try. Alt wore warranted at the old stand, Ilanovor street north of Louther. MARY M. 1110111118. N.ll. Old Copper, Mann and Pewter bought, and the higheet price paid in cash or goods.. March 2.8, 1860.—tf. fi[OWARD ASr'OCIATIONI I , IIILADELPHIA A lienevrlent Instltutiony-established by special en dowment for the relief of the Ark and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE gitsen greets, by the Acttrig Etre. germ, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, ic.,) and In cases of extreme poverty, !Medicines furnished free of charge. VALBA BLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted. In seal e d tette, envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. S.EILLEN , MOUGHTON,,ActIn n , Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, President OEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 8, 1861.-ly. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS.. HATS, CAI'S AND STRAW GOODS. 114 TB . Cal' c-57-....r....z.' '......7%. 4 .,,,,..„.. ~... .i- .. .17...--'- ..' .i.,=-.". k 7 2 .!,.....•"*.LZt... T 4C;..4.4'...: 5::137."111 Cr 11!:::::: opened a New Store at the old stand of J. D. Halbert in -North Hanover Bt. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Having received from New York and 'Philadelphia, a fine and well selected assortment of goods in his line is, business. such as HATS and CAI'S, Brom the common Wool to the tine Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Fall and Winter styles of Silk Hats for IStil. Ladles Furs. such as Stone—Martin, Mink Sable, Fitch, :Aber' an Squirrel. Black, Brown and Blue Cooney, !lock Mar tin. Silver do. Ac., Childrens Furs, !leaver 'Hata for Girls and Boys, Fur Caps, Gloves and Collars for Gen tlemen. BUFFALO ROBES, and prices to suit the times. Also, Carpet Bags &e. PRICES TO SUIT THE TI/N2.E9. Also, Carpet Bags, Valises, Trunks, Hand Trunks, Umbrellas. Au asset talent of per• Prime Segura and Tobacco. 415 a Thankful for the patronage already received he wouldld, invitz all his friends and the public generally 14 give. him a call. JACOB BOAS, AO, Carlisle. April 19, 1801. c) HARDWARE! HARD w4nizu Joni' P. Lyn° & Bon "have 'just completed opening their Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints Oils, varnishes. ()less &c.. to which they invite the early &attention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock In •11 its various branchen,and can now accoturiodittethelinkt, In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. Bet we do not wish the public to understand that w• have brought all the goods in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we can assure them that one look Into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases.—All order■ personally and punctually attended to, and no misre presentations made to effect sales JOHN P. LYNN k SON, North Hanover St. Carlisle J. O. CALLIO May 2. 110 Scythes & Snaths. J UST received the 'largest, best and rcheapest assortment of Sc., thus, Forks, Soothe, flakes. Vi het Stones, Shovels, ;tines, Hoes, Water Cans, Kegs, &r., ever brought to this county. All of which I bay• made expressly to order, in large quantities, so that they can be sold at very low prices and warranted as represen td. The trade and cradle maker.; supplied at mental°. turer prices, at the cheap Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON. East Main St., Carlisle. June 13 NOVEMBER 2ND, 1863. 4155 - The readers of the "IIErtALD" 'are reminded that I have just brought from the city a large supply of SUOAR CUBED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes in cans, fresh Mushrooms, the very beat Pickles, different kinds of mixed Mustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, prunes, Figs. Raisins, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Fine Segars and Tobacco: •ery fine Brandies. Old itye Whiskey, Wines Ac.; besides a general assort ment of goods In our line of trade, offered at the very lowest prices, bolt CASH. WAI. BENTZ. Nor If.. 3 TRUNKS! TR UNKS! ! VALISES, Trunks, Carpet Rags, Um bend!. &e. French sole leather Trunks, Ladle! travelling Trunks of large shies, brass boundi. of lba beat makes, lu large variety at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street. March 19, 1862 'Ready Made Clothing, OF our own manufacture, the most ex tensive stock over exhibited, warranted as rem. seated, sold 'Wholesale or Retail at the lowest meriot price, got up in the most FASIII ONABLE STYLE, to please the most fastidious taste, be sure and call ber fore throbbing elsewhere at ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium 31arch 13. 1863. New Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. L. LOCEIMAN is happy•to inform C. his numerous customers, and the public gene. rally, that he has removed his establishment to his New Sky-Light Gallery, lo the building cccupled by Mrs Neff, as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cuntberland Valley Bank. Mr. Lechu3an Is now able with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the very bust manufactured; to produce PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITEO AMpRCy- TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal to the hest made in Philadelphia or New York. Pictures can be taken now equally well in cloudy as In clear weather. Daguerreotypes or Atnbrotypes of deeeasetl persons copied. enlarged, or made into cartes db'+risite: Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1862, f~t UM. BELTING J Just received a largo assortmont of all sOaa Gum llsltlng, , l3 urn !paw, Gum . Pa.:king, 4e, and Tar salo elloap at the 4ardwaro Stere'OP Juno 22; 11013 I.y NDKE RCIT [EFS, Ties, Stooks, I_lllbbons, Suspenders, Under Shirts,' Drawers, le bountiful assortment can be found an, - ISA AO LININGSTON'B, North linnOver Street Emporium. March 19, 1803. ei 000' lbs. of StagnoSn's celebrated ,sugar cured Innis, canvassed and Uneativasaid, at the cornOr of Main and West streets. • • May 8; 11303-4. f. ' f A. MOM& - 1 - 3 -Timps oggENT: •100 barrels of I Cement, with aferge astorttnant °rebate end Iron Pampa, just received and for sale cheaper than aver. Cement sold by the quantity at Manufkoturm price liardh • 11. BAXTOIC RELIABLE GOODS LOCIIMAN'S IL SAXTON