Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 06, 1863, Image 2
glut 'erald CARLISLE, PA. Friday, TM. 6, 1863. o . 3 7 Park Row, New York, and 6 S. M. PETTENOI I6I . & CO., NState St. Sklton, aro our Agents for the HERALD n these Mlles, and are authorised to take Advertise mou ts and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. The Governor's call for Soldiers. In to day's paper we publish the proclama tion of Gov. Curtin, in which he earnestly calls upon the people of Pennsylvania to en list in the service of the United States, under the proclamation, o(the President so that the quota of our Stale may be made up before the 6th of January, and a draft avoided.— The quota of the State is 38,268. Veterans who enlist will receive $402 bounty, and one month's advance pay ; others than veterans will aeceivo one month's pay in advance, and $302 bounty. Information can be obtained from the Provost Marshals of the various districts. THE SPEAKERSHIP.—Among the other can didates already named for the Speakership of the house of Representatives is the Hon. Emuu B. WAsumnor, of Illinois, who by longest continued service, will be the senior member of that body, Mr. Gnaw, of Penn sylvania, was the last speaker. No better succe , rMr of Mr. Grow can be selected than Mr. STEVENS, of Penn'a, whose principles are thoroughly Republican, and who has all the experience and ability requisite for the position. A great effort will be made to put into the chair a mongrel member f om Ken tucky or Maryland —whose love for slavery is paramount to his love for the Union. The President would have in Mr. Stevens a bold and powerful advocate of all his measures ; including Emancipation, Conscription, negro Regiments, ,tc. 'The Chambersburg Reposiloyr : The Carlisle Volunteer is jubilant because the counties of Pennsylvania invaded by the rebels gave a Democratic gain of 1,884 for Woodward over Foster's vote of 1860. It might have turned a little farther south, where the rebel army is on hand all the time, and found still more decisive Democratic triumphs to console it for its overthrow in Pennsylvania. The same 'paper, speaking of the call for :300,000 additional troops, thus crawls and writhes Mita slimy, coward ly treachery : "If we must enlarge the body-guard of 'John Brown's soul as it goes marching on,' if we must have more enslaved white men in order to free the 'eternal nigger,' let the Conscription at least fall upon all classes alike." To POSTMASTERS.—Postmasters will confer a favor on the editor )f this paper, by giv iog early notice where a copy of the Herald sent to a subscriber is not taken out of the office, and a still greater obligation by sug gesting the names of those who are not good for the price of subscription, We cannot af ford, in these days when all materials used by printers are at the highest notch, to send the paper to those who never intend to pay. We are sifting the weevil out of the wheat, intend ing to get rid of those who partially consume the profits on those who pay. We have a right to boast of our list as emphatically a paying list. — Wu stiffer - quite ns - initeli from our own neglect in collecting as in any other way. Good friends say, "send me my bill," which we too frequently forget to send. The Postmaster where the Herald is received will oblige us by furnishing the information we request. The Richmond Ex 'miller, before the elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio, said it would hail the success of the Democracy "as the birth of a peace r arty ;" that it would "be a delicate infant and will require careful nur. sing," and adds ::--"Lee and Bragg will be able to do more to hasten its growth than Wood or Vallandigham. Let our armies be victorious, and it may be endowed with the strength of an infant Hercules to strangle the serpent brood. Let retreats be the order of the day, and it will never pass the crisis of teething." After the elections, when Leo and Bragg, and Vallandigham, Woodward and Wood all had proved most "delicate infants," and sadly in need of "careful nursing " the same paper consoles itself with the conclu sion that "Northern elections have lost their significance I" Wonder if they ever read of soure grapes down in traitordom ).Upwards of six millions of dollars were subscribed on Saturday to the five-twoni y loan. This enormous amount, voluntarily lent to the United States, is an emphatic as surance of the profound confidence reposed in the Government by the people, and another proof of the soundness of the great finanoias; system which Mr. CHASE has organized. On Thursday five millions were subscribed, and the total amount now taken is over three hun dred millions. Facts such as this prove the progress of the war, vindicate the policy of the Administration and the patriotism of the people. Omo.—Statistics of election prove a ma jority for Brough in eighty-seven counties of Ohio of over 62,000, a Union gain of over 67,000. Out of 26,000 votes of Ohio soldiers 25,000 are for Brough. In the Congression al district of Vallandigham Brough has a majority of 2,722 ; and in that of the 'Hon. Sunset Cox 3,495 ; but among the rebel pri. sorters Vallandigham has a decided majority. GEN. FOSTEE RELIEVED EY GEN. 'WILED.- Major General Butler has been assigned to the command of the Eighteenth army corps, Department of Virgitiia and North Carolina, iu place of Gen. Foster, who is ordered to re port to the Adjutant General. Circumstan ces indicate that Geneyal Foster will have command of the defences of Washington. IMPORTANCE OF ONE VOTE.—In Perry county Mr. Barnet, the Union candidate for Assembly hadjust one majority ; thus add ing to the Union strength in the Legislature. A year , ago that one vote would have saved a United States Senator to the Union cause. PRESERVE 'EOIIR ,VoloE.—Colds injure the voice and lungs of course; try a few of Bry an's Pulmonic Wafers, 25 cents a box ; cure a cough or me throat ill a very short time. Sold by Elliott. From the North Amedran. Democratic Frauds in Pennsyl- vania There are some facts' connected with the recent astonishing vote in Pennsylvania which are deserving of rather more than a passing notice. The figures we have already given respecting the extraordinary increase of the vote in Berks county are sufficient to arouse investigation. But the facts show that what is true of Berks county applies to the whole vote of the State, as the subjoined comparison will illustrate: • Curtin. Poster. Total. 1860 263,397 2:30.269 493.666 Curtin. Woodward. Total. 1863 269,406 254,171 523,597 Gain, 6,009 23,902 29,911 Here it is shown that, with an aggregate gain of 29,911 cotes over the grent total of 1860, the Union gain is only GOO 9, while that of the Democrats is 23,902. Since that ge neral rally of 1860 was made, the State sent into the field 163,000 soldiers recruited for the three years' service. Of the 200,000 men reported by General Fry as having been dis charged for physical disability, probably one-tenth were from these 163,000, so that by that cause some 10,000 have been return ed home. Of the 88,000 deserters, perhaps the same proportion were from these 163,- 000 Men, so that here are 8800 men return ed home. The number of men sent home in consequence of disabling wounds we cannot estimate, but it would be safe to suppose them about 10,000 from thistsante.force.--7 Allowing for the diminution of ibe force by other causes, perhaps 30,000 would altogether cover its returned men who were permanent ly at home to \rote, and about 9000 still in the service were furloughed and voted at the late election, making altogether less than 40,000. Now of these, men not one in ten voted the Democratic ticket at the election this full, and yet the Democratic vote is in creased 23,902. It did not come from the Union ranks, for the lines gave been very strongly drawn all over the State, and the changes are just the other way. Indeed the statistics of the election show that the Union party, so far from having lost any since 1860, has gained in the ag gregate. We polled 263,397 votes in 1860, and we polled 269,406 in 1-863. Where, then, did the Democratic increase of 23,902 come from 7 Ot the 163,000 troops raised in the State, for ,the years the Democrats must have contributed at least one-fourth, or sonic 40,7000, which, taken' from thrir vote of 1860, would leave about 189,300 remain ing voters of that party. Let us Suppose that of the returned soldiers they had what we have allowed them above—one in ten still voting with them—that would be 4000 men, increasing their vote to 193,300. Now the natural increase of population would hardly keep up the strength of the party beyond this figure, when we consider the steady drain of the mule population for soldiers and sailors, and the far greater drain of th De mocratic ranks caused by the changes to the Union side. These conversions _ are num- Isered by thousands, anU no one ever 'hears of any the other way. Above we have the real strength of the Democratic party, estimated at about 193,- 300. Yet Woodward polled in 1863 no lees than 254 171 votes. How is this difference of about 53,700 to be accounted for? Un less we believe that no Democrats enlisted in the army or navy, that no conversions to the Union side have taken place, and that the party strength of 1860 was all at home• intact, and that the increase of population among Democrats did not contribute a man to either army or navy, there is no other way of explaining this immense aggregate than by attributing it to the most outrageous and systematic frauds. To render the matter clear we append a comparative table show ing the increased Democratic vote in certain counties: 1860. 1863. Increase Berks, 10,318 12,627 2309 Luzerne, 6916 9808 2892 I , l , ,rtharn plon, 5219 6538 1289 Schuylkill, 7067 8.17 1480 York, 6665 8069 1404 Aggregate increase, Here is an increase of 9,374 in only fiv-t counties, and the rest of the increase was not distributed throughout the State, as might be supposed, but in the Democratic strong holds, as will be seen below : 1860 Cambria, 2383. 3000 417 Clarion, 2297 2898 301 Clearfield, 2040 2483 443 Chnton, 1703 1911 208 Columbia, 2586 3342 756 Cumberland, 3716 4075 359 Fayette, 2469 2791 322 Greene, 2669 2960 - 271 Juniata, 1465 1737 272 Lehigh, 4556 5526 970 Lyeoming, 3034 3865 831 Monroe, 2163 2712 549 Nortbumberld. 2955 3356 401 Pike, 843 1184 341 Wayne, 2537 3152 615 Weattnorelann, 5276 5581 305 Aggregate increase, In these two calculations we find that of the 23,000 Democratic increase, over 1G 000 is in these Democratic comities' in places where, the election officers being Democra. tic, frauds may be perpetrated with impuni ty. 11 we had the space we might carry the calculation still further, and show'that this heavy increase is in the precinCts:and town ships where the Democrats have usually pulled their strongest votes, and where they control the at-sessinents and election, officers. But without occupying time to de so, we will merely call the attention of our readers to the fact that the increase of the Democratic vote in Philadelphia is in the, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eleventh and Seventeenth wards chiefly, where the heavy majorities of the Copperheads tame from. t /at - Governor Andy Johnson made a speech at Nashville, Tenn., on the night of the 17th inst., of which u correspondent of the Ciaminnali Commercial gives the follow ing report: Gov. Johnson took the stand, just to thank the audience for the warm and cordial invi tation they had extended to him in urging his attendance and calling fora speech; but he bad no iutention of making one. However, Uis Excellency greatly interest ed his large and attentive auditory for more than an hour. Ho termed it a mere over flowing of his gratitude to the meeting for the attention bestowed and the honors in tended, but the audience accepted the thank offering as a very excellent•speech. In a sentence or two he scattered, to the winds the idea that slavery was necessary to the production of • cotton. He had picked cottott in the cotton-field near Raleigh, North Carolina ; and he could pick more cotton than any black boy it: the field. It is only neeesdhry to cut up Alabama and Mississip pi into moderate sized farms, fur industrious men to cultiVate With their Oivn - lialiae,. and 'There would not only be an increase of the cotton crop, but the production also of all the bread and meat necessary for those States. The Govesnor uttered many interesting and important truths on the aristocracy of wealtt family, and position. He was in fa— vor of an aristocracy of labor ; of ' He excaciated on the resources of Tennes see—her soil and climate,, : her mines, m,iner ale and timbers. lie invited men of indus try and economy to comae and settle among, them and develop her treasures. To the question, "A hat is to be done with the negro'?" he uttered an important. apho rism worthy a stereotyped position in every newspaper in the land : "In the pursuit of a correct principle you can never come to a wrong conclusion . ' He left his audience to make the application, simply adding that the "Slavery question will 'adjust itself, if we pursue the principles of truth and right:" No government cat exist that has an in stitution within it more potent than the gov eminent itself.. 'H.Slavery is in the way of the harmonious working of the government, it must be destroyed. The . train must move on, and Slavery must get out of the way. Discovery of a Plot to Release the Robe Prisoners at Camp Chase. An extraordinary case of treason has re cently come to light, implicating several per sons in Cincinnati, Columbus, Covington and Newport, in conspiring to release the prison ers at Camp Chase, and overthrow the - State Government. ,The conspiracy was brought to light by IP S. detectives, who were sup• posed by the parties implicated to he spies from the rebel army, and were treated with full confidence. The plot, as disclosed to the detectives, was an attack was to be m. de on Camp ChaSe, release the prisoners confined, 3,500 in number, to seize the arsenal at Co. lumbus, take possession of the penitentiary, release John Morgan and other t fficers con fined there, and then to commence the rebel campaign in Ohio United States Marshal Sande and Provost Marshal Major Reany arrested‘Hie fulloWitig persons implicated in the plot: Charles W. H. Cathcart, of Columbus; formerly School Commissioner of Ohio ; T. D. Cresson, of Co lumbus, formerly sutler in the lBth Hogulara, who were to lead in the attack on Camp Chase; James D. Patton, of Covington regu lar agent of the rebel government, who fur nished money to detectives under the impres• sion that they were spies, and, according to agreement. were to meet Cathcart and others at Camp Chase, and expected to mature the plan of attack on Camp Chase ; Ruth McDon. ald, of Covington, who acted as mail carrier through the rebel lines, and whose home was the headquarters of the rebels; Samuel P. Thomas, a merchant...tailor, of Cincinnati, and bis wife, and Catharine Parmentree. of Cin cinnati Information has been obtained that an organization exists in Illinois. awaiting the outbreak in Ohio, to produce similar re• sults in that State. Ober particulars are known to the authorities, but not yet made publio. At the great Union meeting in the Cooper Institute, New York. on 'Thursday evening. Governor Yates, of Illinois, said tie had been born in a slave state, (Kentucky) and now declared that slavery stood in the path of the Republic. lie had found fault with Mr. Lin (min becouse he vies too slow for him. lie was-himself thankful for the compliment of being called a radical ; there is no compro mise between falsehood and truth lie ad ded: "When free schools and the true aristocra cy of—this—laud—free -labor—is- established; we shall again have a true Union and-a glo rious country. But here' will be no peace until slavery is destroyed and the glorious flag of our country is carried by our brave boys through the fields of Georgia, .and floats over Charleston and Richmond. [Loud cheers.] And, after all, he had found that Mr. Lin coin could not move faster than God and Providence permitted. When he telegraphed to President Lincoln his fiery dispatch for confiscation and emancipation, Old Abe tele graptiee buck : hold still and see the salvation of God " [Tremendous cheering There has been great complaint that we have interfered with men ' s rights, but when a traitor is convicted and hung, he is only get ting rights. They only have the right to bei hung on this earth, and the divine right to be damned forever alter. [Cheers.] We will not give up this laud to trai. ore ; they in the West were ready to swear that the Mississip pi river shall run blood before the great out let shall be given to traitors. We cannot get . rid' of th Is - Weit - by coMpromie&—cnitiproMise is played'ouC .[Laughter and cheers ] He wanted peace, but a solid and lasting peace, and the only way is to carry this war throuzh . 'itind nro'deiiiilf riiagoti bout oriL and South. [Cries of "Bravo."] The only way is to tight the war out. The rebels say they will not submit—they swear they will have three fourths of the country ; he would swear by Almighty God that they shall not have an inch." 9374 186 3. Increase Resignation of a Brave Soldier. Colonel William H. rrwin, of the 411th regi ment Pennsylvania volunteers, has been com pelled, on account of ill health from wounds received iu battle, to resign his couunissiu.— This regiment entered the service in the sum titer of 1861, and was immediately placed in the brigade commanded by Brigadier Gene ral (now Major General) W. 8. Hancock.— The other regiments were the .fith Wisconsin, 6th Maine, and ildd New York. These con atituted the brigade so well known in the arm as :.'llaueocks fighting brigade " fth(4ll oticre nsylvania has been iu the Col `tirflig ti ( aptio s : Lee's Mills, Williamsburg, r ? Oarre'al' Mt I, Golding's Farm, White Oak Bwartip,tSiatriptou's Pass, Antietam, Freder• ioksburg,`Deeember 13, 1862, Frebericksburg, May 3, 1863, and Gettysburg. Colonel Irwin entered the army as a pri vate soldier, and marched to Washington is the ranks of the "Logan Guards," with the small detachment of four hundred and eighty men who first reached Washington after the war broke out. lle was very soon elected comae. of the 7th regiment Pennsylvania vol unteers, and, after the expiration of the three month,' service, was appointed colonel of the 49th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, and commanded it until the Maryland campaign of General McClellan, in which he was de. tackled to command the 3d brigade of Smith's division of Franklin's corps, whose desperate charge on the enemy's leant the most critical moment of the action is well known. MEM AL the crossing of the Rappahannock, on the `l9th of April last, Colonel Irwin was shot through the right foot by the pickets of the enemy. Colonel Irwin served undo!: General Scott in Mexico in 1847, as captain in the United States infantry, was present at Contreras Cherabusoo, and Moline del Rey, at which Mat battle he was- short,itk .l•hf4 hand,left,He was brevetted major in the United States army, and was honorably discharged when peace was declared. On leaving his regiment the Colonel ad dressed to them the following communication : Mr DEAL OLD CONRADEs IN ARMS: My health is so completely broken that it is im • possible for we to oomatand you in the field. The weakness and irritation resulting from my wound is so great that 1 cannot give that - close and rigid attention to my duties which you are well aware has been my constant habit ever since I have had the honor to command the regiment. If a brief relaxation from ac tive duty would restore me, no eat thly con• sideration could separate us, but it- will re quire, mon'ths of 'Care and rest to effect this. 1 have therefore felt it, to be my duty to sub mit to a medical examination, and, having been declared incapacitated for duty in the field by reason of my wound, have tendered uiy eesigniition; which has been aceepted, and have been honorably diseharged . from the service-of the United States. ' It ie altogether vain for me to attempt to convey to you the mournful emotions which 1111 my heart in thus separating from you.— To we this bravo regiment ie inezpreseibly dear. ,You are my Irimde, - and that -by no common tie. Yotrhavo grown up under my eye to be veterans, whose reputation for cour age, for conduct, and for discipline, is uu. surpassed by any regiment in all this noble army With you I have made many • a hard march ; with you -I have fought many a bard fight; but never has the 49th Pennsylvania shown its back to the, enemy.:!;"Never have lie proud oolOre, now covered . with immortal names, been lowered In dishonor. - You iv TREASON IN OHIO A STIRRING SPEECH member tact, when l l received this standard from Governor Curtitkl pledged my regiment never to part with it expect in death. Thus fat' that pledge has been redeemed. You, am sure, , will keep it even to the.end. And, now, My gallant, comrades, your old Colonel' oe a few further words to add. Be faithful, be; obedient, be prompt and cheerful in duty, as you always have been ; be steady and fierce id action, fighting to the last, as you have always done You are the soldiers of the noblest country and best Government on earth. Our liberty can be preserved only by victory. ,• We are fighting, not only to pro. tect our own freedom, but to save thie asylum for the oppressed of every land under Heav• en! In It brief period this causeless. this most. unjust and wicked rebellion will have gone to prodition, and you will return in tri umph to your homes, welcomed by the praises of your admiring and grateful countrymen ; your unsullied reputation will be a glorious legacy to your native State; and long after you and I are dusty long after peace shall have spread her white wings over our united and happy country, the faded and tattered frag inents of your haughty battle-flag will be touched with reverence by the t•rave! We should all rejoice with a proud joy at the extraordinary resources which our coun try has displayed in this war. Our armies are the largest, of the best character, the best armed and equipped, the beat maintained, and the best paid, and they are the most. despe rate eombatanta that the world has ever seen. Our iron clad ships have revolutionized ocean warfare, and America stands confessed the Mistress of the Seas. This is not an idol boast ;it is now history. All this power, all this glory results from our Union in the North and depends on this Union, e can afford to differ on minor matters 'We con agree to disagree" about ordinary ques , ions, but wo cannot be divided on the question of susta ning the Government with. out imminent risk of national ruin. Such WWI my opinion et the outbreak of the war, and events since have but deepened it. Those, if such there be, who insist on peace before the Union of the States is vindicated and re established, which is the object of this war, commit a fearful error; they practically de eare that the United Statp was wrong in the commencement of the war, and is wrong in continuing it, and by irresistible inference, they further &dare that the rebellion is right. There is no resisting this conclusion. The armies in the field, on the other hand, de clare in stern tones, •'this war is a righteous ono, tbo lives of tens of thousands of our brave comrades have sealed it ; must be, it shall be prosecuted to the final victory."— Let it be remembered that our armies aro the pillars of the Republic, without which it would Bird; to ruin. The deep regret that. I feel in leaving this regiment is much telieved when P remember who is to succed me in command. You-well know Lieutenant Colonel flutings, and you respect and love him ;-he ever has possessed my utmost confidence; he is an officer of the very highest character for courage, generosi ty, and intelligence, for every quality that distinguishes the accomplished officer and gentleman. And now, my friends, I have said all to you thatat — thiSGrue vieUld be appropriate. It remains for rue only to bid you an affect tionale, a heartfelt, farewe 1. Faithful, pa tient, obedient,. and gallant officers and sol diers of the 49th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, farewell. May God bless you all. Your sincere friend. At a meeting of the officers of the regiment the following preamble and resolutions were adopted' WHEREAs, Col. William H. Irwin has been compelled to resign the command of the regi• went on account of wounds received in action, we, the. officers of the regiment, take this method of expressing our regret at parting with our beloved commander. Rea()lved, That; in the retirement of Col. Irwin from atti-command and the military service of the United States, the regiment loses at once a skillful commander and a pol. ishod gentlenian, and the Army of the Po tomac a brave and hernia soldier. • Plo/pe4,_Thai„llis, soldierly hearing, -hia devotion to his country, his uniform kindness and fatherly care for the men of his regiment, have endeared him to them forever, and the 49th ILever ieuieduber....w ith the gallant leader who, amid (heir trails and hardships, has been their devo:ed and stead• fast friend. [Sigied by the officers.] The Recent Elections. Grand Union Victories NEW YORK ELECTION The elections in this Stale, yesterday, re sulted in a glorious Union triumph. The mgt. jority for the Union State ticket is probably over forty thousand, while the Legislature has a large Union majority in both branches, and the Democratic majority in this city is re duced to less than twenty thousand. In Brooklyn, Col. Alfred M. Wood (Union) is elected by two thousand plurality. The State Legislature will probably stand about as follows :—Senate, twenty• three Union and nine Opposition ; Assembly, eighty four Union and forty four Opposition. NEW JERSEY ELECTION. The Unionists have made handsome gains in the neighboring State of New Jersey on thii popular vote, enough, indeed, to carry the State on the aggregate poll. They have also gained largely in the Legislature, where last year the copperheads had a sweeping majority in both houses. The Lion. James M. Sciivel, the Union candipaie for Senator in Camden county, is elected by 109 major ity—a triumph over which the friends of the Union have reason to rejoice, in v.ew of the efforts made to defeat him. ELECTION IN MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, Nov. 4.—The returns from 200 towns give Andrew, Republican candidate for Governor, 56,735 ; Paine, Democrat, 23, 816. Twelve Democrats are elected to the State Leg.slature. The Senate and all the State ollicers are Itkpub!lean. TILE ELECTION IN MARYLAND natanionE,Nov. 4—The eleollon•i4 0 pro. ceetling quietly. The vole will be light. with little or no contest., except between aleiv eon. tlitlotee for the independent and regular licit eta. 8A7.111108E, Nov. 4.—Only about 10,000 votes were oast in this city to-day. Henry H. Goldaborough, the unconditional Union can. didate, has aeceived all the votes but 200, and tlio ivholo "regular" ticket has been erected. BALT/mons, Nov 4.—Frederioll gives °olds borough 1164 majority. • Annapolis gives Holland and Goldaborough about 250 majority. BALTOIOII.IO, Nov. 5, 1 o'clock A. /11.—Tho returns come in very slowly. Goldsborough has undoubtedly been elect ed by a large majority. Three out of the five Congressmen have un doubtedly been eleoted by the Unionists. THE ELECTIION IN ILLINOIS Sr. Lopte, Nov. 4—A dispatch from Springfield, Illinois, gives the following:re sults of the county election in that Stufeyeit Corday : Nov. 3. rho Union majori ties of Decatur aro 291; Jacksonville`, 490 ; Bloomington, 5621 Quinoy, 91. The. Dem ocratic majority is au• follows: Joliet, 261. These majorities show large Union gains, which they will doubtless obtain throughout -the entire State: • THE ELECTION IN KANSAS ST. Louts, Nov. B.—A dispatch from Leav enworth Say/ that the returns from various Tiointtu ittilicatq a very full vote Tho Union ticket receives about 12,000 rota. Wa== In the Name and by the Authority OF TU COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, GOVERNOR OF TUE SAID COMMONWDAFFLI. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, The PreShield of the United States, by Procl !motion, bearing date cm the Seventeenth day of October inst., has called for THREE HUNDRED THOUS AND VOLUNTEERS, to recruit the regi ments now in the field, from the respective Slates : And whereas, By informhtion re ceived this day, the quota of the State of Pentisylv,ania under said call is declared to be THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT MEN. (38,268): And whereas, The president, in his said Proclamation, requests the Govern ors of the respective States to assist in rais ing the force thus required : Now, therefore, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Gov ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, do earnestly call on the good and loyal fro:mitt of this Commonwealth to enlist in the service of the United States under the Proclamation aforesaid, so that the required quota may be made up before the Filth day 0.1 January next, on which day the President announces that a draft will be commenced for any deficiency that may then exist in the Whale. The freemen of Pennsylvania enlisting under this call will be attached toreginnents from this State. All who are willing, to en list are requested to present themselves at once, for that purpose, to the United States Provost Marshall recruiting and mustering offices, in their respective cities, towns nod counties. They will receive the following sums as allowance, pay, premium and boun ty, viz : To every recruit v ho is a veteran volunteer, as defined in General Orders of the War Ge• parttnent Of June 25, 1863, No. 191, dcir re erniting veleran volunteers, one month's pay in advance, and a bounty and premium a mounting to $402- To all other recruits, not veterans, accepted aria enlisted as re quired in existing Orders, one month's pay in advance, and in addition a bounty and and premium amounting to .5302. Any further information desired can be obtained from the Provost Marshals of the respective districts- . In making this appeal to the good and loyal freemen of Pennsylvania. 1 feel entire eonfuleace that it will tie effectually respond ed tq The approaching expiration of the term of enlistment of 11)e men now in the field renders it necessary to replenish our regiments- Let its maintain the glory which their salt r and eonduct have reflected on the Commonwealth, anti Dec our people show, by their promptness and alacrity on this oc casion, that then have not abated in cour age or love of country, or in the determina tion that the unholy rebellinn,,alreadistimi- . nedand staggering, shall be utterly crushed and extinguished,- Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and' sixty-thr,e, and of the the eighty-eighth. ANDREW G. CURTIN. BY YllO Govkasott. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of Commonwealth. W. 11. IRWIN ( 2 go Ur & Communtrations Dean HERALD—The subject of conversa tion here at present is the seizure of the steam rams at Birkenhead. The friends of the United States and,. those who .olaim to-be neutral speak, tidfavor of it, those who side with the rebels say that the government is wrong and so on. Those who appear to he mosd.o.p.poseil ,to dh e seizure-rAre_a_part-y-e.died the Manchester Associati , oa for the recogni :ion of the Soulheru Confederacy." a party of wise gentlemen, who in the language of the Manchester Examiner, •' find an unsavory shelter under the coat tails of L )rd Wham cliff." There is au association of a similar character, here whose leading spirit is an en terprising gentleman who formerly perfume ! the part of •• harlequin" in the pantomime By means of the gab he has left the sock and buskin and is now one of the board of Alder men. This man and about forty more are the party who sent a memorial in favor of the recognition of the rebels by the English gov ernment. Nathaniel Hawthorne's book on England is creating quite a sensation here: Vat glad to see that some American author has at length expressed his opinion of England and the English. I think they wanted a little change for those " American Notes" of Mr. Chas. Dickens. The book has excited the ire of that played out. joker Punch, who rails at it. in fine style this week. Punch, by the way, 'has fallen from 'its high estate and most 'of its jests mre of the weakest tlenrif Hon. Since the death of D. ug • las Jerrold it has been on its deoline It is an Etigli•A institution however, and they still continue to take it and laugh at its bad at. tempts to be funny. Ileury Ward Beecher lectured in Dime Trade Hail, in Manchester last week. There were about six thousand people present and the speaker witti'frequenily cheered. Some row dies tried to raise a disturbance but were quickly ousted. It has been a practice of Southern sympathizers here to hire men to disturbliieetings held by the friends of the Union, is thing has been noised abroad and does not Improve those parties in the es. tivaation of the people generally. The "Manchester Southern Club," before mentioned, will not allow any reporters but their 9.51 s to attend their meetings, even the Lon444lmes attaolts them about this, and says thnit Englishmen do not lute the "hole and corner" style of political meetings. The defeat of Itosecrans o4used some un easiness among our friends here, but his holding his position and keeping the Rebels out of Chattanooga, has restored confidence. The way in which the Russian officers were received in New Yolk. has been " gall and wormwood" to many Englishmen, you know they don't love the Russians with that broth arty affection is so pleasant to behold, neither do they fancy on alliance between Russia and the Uuited States, about which that wise shoot the " Times 'is already excited. The Eng lish don't seem to know what to think of the French operations, in Mexico. You have no doubt seen the Archduke Maxitnillian's reply to Louis Napoleon's Mex ican deputation sent to ask him to accept the crown It is a mails of "Buncombe" of the worst kind. Ho says ho will not accept the crown without. the ftill consent of the pooplo. Of course he will get the eoosent of that small portion of the country held by the French as each man who votes will do so with a bayo net at his breast and will have no choice save Hobson's" -The general comment hero is. Its !mother of the . Emperor Napoleon's sharp tricks." For tho REMEMBER TIIE.SOLDIERE —A letter lately received by ihe Carlisle Soldiers Aid SoCiety, in acknowledgment of a box of useful articles sem by them to the Women's Penna., bottled/ of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, says : There is need of continued, untiring, ear nest work during this winter in your Society and all aid societies. Our General Secretary writes from Washington that, every olf,rt• will be needed , to provide the requisite amount. of woolen clothing, quilts, •blankets &o.” • Government provides some .thiags most• bonAtifully, but both the,Sanitary and the Christian Commissions stave , found the Widest field for the exercise of the nation's bowed ANDREW CURT.T.It Letter from England SHEFFIELD, Oet. 1504 1868 Yours, , . canoe ; and both testify that the demand for deliCacies of all kinds, for suitable reading Matter, for such articles as are mentioned above, and socks, is very great. There ire moo in the hospitals who have periled and perhaps:sacrificed health and limbs in defence of our Government, and of our liberties and sacred 'honor.; many who received their wounds odour own soil, fighting to free us from the invader and to protect our bottles and families. Shall we refuse them a share in the home comforts which we are daily en• joying? Let the farmer send in supplies, dried fruits, pickles, butter and eggs ; let the secondhand coats, pants, drawers, shirts, boots, shoes, quilts, blankets, bed•ticks, pil lows, cushions, be collected where they can be found ; and they will be put to good use in relieving the sick soldiers who often times have need of everything.—The food furnished by Government is too hard and heavy for in valids, and groat quantities of lighter and more palatable is beetled in the hospital.— There is no loss or waste of donations be• yond what is absolutely u, avoidable; the most exact system regulates everything ; and the people might to give generously.--The Carlisle Association is independent and aims to supply the temporal and spiritual wants of the sick and wounded soldiers in this county before all others ; but it will continue to send, supplies abroad. Mr EDITOR —I read in your paper of the 30th ult., an editorial casting rogeotions upon the ladies of Newville, for making and pre• Beating to the democrats, a banner, with the following inscription, to wit, " We are posed to white slavery and negro tualgamation."— I feel it to be my duty to answer you, and de sire you to give my lines an insertion in your paper to correct any impression that wee made upon the minds of the readers of your paper, which wonld be injurious to our char acters, and let the blame rest upon the guilty persons. It is true, the banner was so pre• pared and presented as you stated, and I will explain herd bow it occurred. Of course, your readers will not charge the republican ladies with getting it up, they are clear of it, and there are a large number of us democrat is ladies who know nothing of it and are just as clear. And it is those ladies I desire to clear of any blame of getting it 'up. ,We have a few ladies (very few indeed) that hove be. corns so rancorous, (with the troubles of the day,) towards their political sisters, that they have lost the respect of the Union loving gen tlemen and ladies. The epithet of copper heed is applied to our party, some ore de serving of it, but there are exceptions, btvt must confess those few ladies are worse than copperheads, they, are vipers of the it orst kind. 1 understand there is one kind of vi per where it comes in contest with any person it becomes very excitable and venoniono, mattes a bread flat hood, shows its ill temper, and even hisses-like a goose Thee isnot the char acter of the ladies of Newville generally, we are loyal, Union• toeing creatures, and would not be guilty of such an act, and hope your readers will clear us of any guilt in getting up that elnuneful banner, it seas- an act too indiscreet fon latfies, who. pectoral to , decency, to be g r uiltyof, a e,,,t0 tuat. on , ,grint about melgainution." Every person (unless it is• those lew). knows what is meant by amalga mation, But it is not to be wandered at, that they do talk about it, when their Fath ers is discussing the political topics of the day, always condescend to use and apply those terms, abolition, or amalgamation, to the op posits politicians, of the North, and never any one word ageiner their political bretheisni of the South, who practive• tire- latter, but approve of and sustain them. Now doyou think those ladies are wrong in following the training, they hear and reeeire from. their parents.. But *till I feel disposed to excuse them. from, the reproach attending the eta, because They are young and thoughtless, and , were led on iei do en by Mother Dame an , old widow of fif ty years of age, arid two or three young poll tictatie, Who could not see that they were bringing reproach upon those young ladies. This old lady, was of an amiable thsporition , and temper, so lung as she was in a Union, but since tee Union was dissolved, which is about 20 years since, she- -beit% a •onntlitate. Lir annexation to an old Union, has failed to ensnare any one, and thereby lost her Omits ble temper, and now goes in for "posed to white-slavery eintl-nralgamation,--"—well—alte is to be pitied. Indeed Mr. Editor, you ought to pity the young ladies, and not in quire whether they nro " married, marriage able, or old maids" they are all for the Union yes, even with black republicans to bring themselves under white slavery and malgn !nation" you ask, is it ," negro malgamation those ladies are posed to ten., !" do you not think their haulier answered that question ; I think it did, fur this reason, if they are "posed to white slavery and malgamation," they certainly approve of black slavery and malgamation, Unjust Arrest and Imprisonment At a meeting of Pennsylvanians hold in Washington on the 'frith ult., to consider tho circutustances attending the recent arrest and imprisonment of J. A. 81'ILLIA.nsios, of the Pennsylvania Relief Association, the fol lowing report Was made, adopted, and or dered to he published in the newspapers of this city Lind Pennsylvania HEAINCARTERS PENWA STATE AGENCY, ,Yo. 487 Eleventh street, Washington, October 28, 1863. To the Chairman and Members of the Execu tive Committee of (he Pennsylvania Soldiers Relief Association: GENTLEstEN : The committee appointed by your body to report the facts attendant up on the recent arrest and imprisonment of Joseph A. Williamson, Esq., under order of Major' Turner and by Col. Baker, Provost Marshal of the War Department, and his subsequent release, represent as follows: That Mr. Williamson is and has been one of the most active members of the Pennsyl vania Relief Association, and is a member of its Executive Committee. During the past year he has been constant and faithful in Om discharge of alt his duties, and has ren dered most valuable and important service, us well in hospital as in the field. About three weeks ago it became necessary to re move the stores of the Association from the Patent Office building to the rooms now oc cupied by it; and the question arose as to the expediency of selling some surplus rags, lint, and other unavailable material which could not be conveniently' kept in store. After consideration it was determined to sell a certain proportion, as is the custom of this and other like associations, of these goods, of which three hundred bushels are yet left, thereby enabling the Executive Committee to keep on hand n small fund sacred to the purpose of purchasing abso lute necessaries for the daily wants of our sick and wounded soldiers, The order of sale was given by the chairman of the above named committee, and under the general di rection of Mr. Williamson, the assistant store-keeper, Mr. Hutchinson, in the pres ence of Dr. Houston, another member of the Executive Committee, opened, weighed, and' packed ,the material, and transferred it'to Francis A. Bogert, a regular dealer of Phil adelphia, who had made a previous purchase of the same character of goods from the As sociation. R. M. 8 The lot, as reported by Mr. Hutchinson weighed 1,068 lbs., for which M. Bogart paid the sum of $84.45 1 which .ivas promptly deposited - by Mr. Williamson in the bank ing house of JaY.Cooke & Co. to tho'credit of the' Association. The proof of deposit was .at once subinitted to the chairman of the ExecutiveQ'ommittee, thus concluding his responsibility. This took plate Hetober 10th and 12th. On the morning of the 23d inst., Mr..Wil liamsen was arrested, while at his: desk in. _the Interior. Department, by a' detective of Col. Baker, and'was taken'to the °film of the latter, without the remotest idea that any charge had,been preferred against him. CmnmunkaWd MARY [COMMUNICATED] After waiting about an hour, Major Levi C. Turner, Judge Advocate, and Col. Baker, Provost Marshal of the War Department, en•! . tered the room, and a short conversation ensued, which it May not now he important to detail. The sum of it was that Mr. Wil liamson was informed that he was charged with selling Government stores and pocket ing the money, and that he was to be sent to the Old Capitol prison. Mr. Williamson vehemently protested his innocence, and ap pealed for an opportunity to explain the transaction, and send for parties of the high-, est respectibility who could establish his in nocence; Col. Baker replied that he should " see no one." Mr. Williamson asked to be allowed to remain in Col. Baker's office un til he could send for SecretarY , Usher, of the Interior Department, or Mi. Brady, the chair man of the Bxecntive Committee of the As sociation. Col. Baker denied his prisoner this privilege, and, telling him that he could write letters when he reached the Old Cap itol, and handing his cotnmitment Wan offl- , err, left the room, One of the officials, a witness of this in justice and cruelty to a man as innocent as any of his accusers, and more innocent than some whose presence he was obliged to tol erate, furnished Mr. Williamson with a desk before his removal to the old Capital, and offered to deliver letters to Mr, Usher or Mr, Brady. About one o'clock on that day, the 23d inst., lie reached the Old Capital, was taken to his cell, and, its key 'mimed upon him, his incarceration was acromOished, Immediately upon hearing of the circum stance, Judge Usher,. Secretary of the Inte rior, in whose Department s Mr, Williamson is a trusted clerk, and suliScquently Messrs. Brady and Eaton of the Executive Committee with other Pcansylvanians,called upon Major Turner at his house, and were in alew min utes enabled to make the explanation the opportunity for which had already been de nied the helpless prisoner. The result of this interview was that Mr. Williamson was released about 45 P. M. the same day of his arrest, Major Turner being fully satiefred of hitt entice ittnocentre, Your Committe hare litat few remarks to make in concluding tlais• statement, No one can doubt, the put ity o 6 Mr, WIT-. liamson's conduct awl motives. Be acted under competent authority, paid promptly to the timnsirrer of the Assorialion tbe• entire pruecetl3. of DM sale, and is wholly acquitted re' blame. This Association , bag IRO' morn. fraithfull member, and we gladly bear public Cc-Aim:o— to the zeal and fidelity with whieh ho lies discharged every duty._,.' C. Robb, J. J Lewie, Edw. McPherson t 11. lesion, D. L.•Eafon, J E. Brady, Com mit Lee. Entiart an or,ountg Vafttrs. W ANTE D.—A fartm to let. Good' red` emcees and good security given. Enquire a his office. RE OBS TEETS 0T10E.%--All-persons-ham n ccounts to present to the next Court for adjudication, must have them in the Regis ter's Office on. as before Nov_ 21st. This Lai an important matter and must mot be neg.- betted. I~TarJc~ —All persons not connected with ths• College are forkiddea to make use ai the gymnasiom spore thee&Beget grounds,. as nil such will be considered trespasiera and dealt wieh aecordingly. By order of that Students. vie- We direct the attention of our trim's, nfim may %rioh to purchase Pure of any denorigeion, and, have the privilege of eel. otion from large and eplendid otock, trr the adeertieemeut of Messrs. Chao. Oskford Sc Sons, Pintaielphia, in another columns. Fi V 2: Psa CEN7.—By a reference t© our: adverrisittLeolomns it will_ be, even_ thaa the regular semi•annnal dividend on the stock of the Car:lstis Deposit &Flit has been declared F. om this dividend no governmeot tan. is 'ter be deducted, it t sing f.aid, we believe, by the: , bank. Toe regularity and certainty of thee dividends on this stock, saakers'it out ofl the very best investments to be haat made kr am unmistakable evidence of the care and ability displayed in the management of lite institto tion. MECHANICSBURG BANK.—ID smother column will be found the quarterly Maternal of the condition of the above institution. It exhibits a very satisfactory balance on tho right side of the cash ledger. During the last year two dividends of 6 per cent each have been deolarod, leaving yet on band au accumulated profit of $1,600 over all liabili• tios. In our opinion much of this prosterity is to be attributed of the intelligent manage ment of the financial head of the concern, our former townsman fl A. STIMUEON, Esq. BLACKWOOD FOR OCTOBER— Con. tents :—Tony Butler; Cartoniand; Sheridan Koowles; To day in Italy ; Harrow .Scho01; Chronicles of Carlingford; Amen;—ln' th• Cathedral, St. Andrews; Gold and &caul Politics. " Tony Butler," the lat part of 14144 11P pears in this number, is a story which prom ises much of a pleasant character, to theta who are fond of light reeling. Sheridan Knowles reveals many points of interest in the character of one who exchanged the boards of the Theatre fur the sacred desk. from which ho dispensed the word of life. ATLANTIC FOR NOVEMBER.—dOn• tents.--The Spaniard and the l4oretio; Wea riness ; Mrs. Lewis; The Formation of Gla oiere; Two Scenes from the Life of Blendel; Night and Moonlight ; Andante ; The Broth ers ; The Sam Adana Regiment in the Town of Boston ; Wet Weather Work; The French Struggle for Naval and Colonial Po t war; Something left Undone; The Great Instru ment ; The King's Wino ; Monograph from on Old Note• Book ; with a Postscript ; Reviews and Literary Notices ; Reoent, Ameniorm Pub lications. ' The Atlantic furnishes a nave list of ctm tributors, and is ono of the most popular Magazines published in the country, Science and literature, clad in the most beautiful robes, adorn its neatly printed . pages. Pro - fessor Agassiz and fl. W. Longfellow are al ways sure to y claim the respect of the reader. 4 'SornethingUndone," in the present num ber, will remind every one of a striking fea ture, of his daily experience. "Night 'cod moon-light" is intensely interesting. " - And, now, for a word to our readers - . -Sum mer, with its sultry dive„hes. passed .aiyity; and the chilling windsof November hatte'be gun .to whistle around tie. Witli,Novenilier, come the long evenings, : i So, fuillof ,interesli to the , young. How pleasant to sit' cozily, be fore the fire, with Blackwood, the Atlantic,, or some other valuable monthly in band Evenings spent in communion with minds Of marked ability, make an impression : tom, the intellectual and moral Powert,!'ixbic,lt,