Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 06, 1863, Image 1

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    Attectria Notticy.
Where are the Copperheads.
•Klo look Upon the battle.fluld,
Where the shot and shell fly fast—.
Where Freedom's stirring battle cry
Is beard upon the blast ;
Go where the lifted sabres flash
And fall on traitor crests,
Where Southern bayonets are dint
With blood from Northren breasts;
Go search amid the loyal ranks—
Among the glorious dead—
Among them all you will net find
A •Ingle Copperhead.
Go search the gunboat's bloody deck
When the dread conflict's done;
The traitor's banner In the dust,
And silenced every gun ;
While o'er the hard.swon rampart floats
Our flag, yet ohl what pain,
'Neat& that dear flag slurs morning light
tow many have been sinful
Among the heroes of the fight,
The living and the dead—
Jo search among them—there is not
A single Copperhead.
Go search the crowded hospital,
Whore ghastly wounds are seen,
Which tell through what a struggle fierce
Those noble men have boon;
But look upon their faces, lo
They smile through all their pain;
The scars they bear wore nobly won—
Their Minor has no stain,
Soft hands aro mins'tring—kind words
Aro heard around each bed;
Some soothe, some suffer, all are true—
There is no Copperhead.
tio where the look can scarce conceal.
the treason of the heart,
And where the heart would willingly
Defend the traitor's part.
Whore Seymour, Wood and Vortices ore
Doomed patriotic man;
Go where they wish Vallandigham
Were side [tick again ;
Go where desertion is no crime—
Where loyalty is dead—
Where and disasters give no pain ;
There is the Copperhead.
Oo where foul scorn is heaped upon
Our noble boys, who - go
To stand a wall of lire between
Us and our traitor foe—
Go where bold Grant's revilers are—
Where Burnside Is delitined;
Ware-lizaks and-Butler—noble namesl—
In scorn alone are named :
Oo where true patriotic pride,
Honor, and Truth aro dead—
Where our success beings but despair;
There Is the Copperhead.
To they heavou,of tho arms ;
To thy bosom's hiddon chorine;
To the kisses of thy mouth,
SVeater - thali'the 'balmy Southi
To the sunshine of tliY smile,
Which an angel might beguile—
My love, come I
With a fondness unoxpressua.
To fold theo to my throlang breast:
To press th,r_ruddy, parting lips,
And taste tr. noctar Cupid sips;
To lot my words, my eyce each touch
Tell thee "I love Ilum"-0, how much!
Swuet lovo 1 emu° I
As halts tho carrier dors, his home—
nest of love—to thee I come.
On thy fair boson) I will rest
For thare alone ran I bo blest—
There throbs for me a woman's heart
Of whish no other ha■ a part.
Dear one, I come
I amino
Meet me, smiling, at the door ;
Welcome me as e'er before;
Bless mo with thine earosst oyes,
Beaming brightnoss like the skies—
A gift I bring then—royal, rare—
* crown - of torn Ibriltoo to - wesr; ---- '
My own sweet wife)
The other day I meta friend who was
formerly one of the Red Devils. During
the oonvers,ation which ensued he asked
me whether I remembered Pill
who deserted the regiment at Fortress
" A slender, dark-eyed young fellow,
was he not ?"
"The same," replied my friend. "We
became chums from the first moment we
met at Fort Schuyler; and•if you will
give me your attention a few moments
you shall hear how he came to desert the
regiment, and a few other facts that will
surprise you."
" By all means," said I, "let me hear
the story."
" Well," began my friend, "one day
we were sitting in the shadow of a pine
tfee near our encampment at Fortress
Monroe, when my chum commenced to
speak of a beautiful girl in the village of
Hampton, whom he was in the habit of
visiting occasionally.
" She is a beauty l' he exclaimed, en
thusiastically ; 'and Jack,' he added, lay
ing his hand upon my arm, 'you shall go
with me to see her."
At first I objected, pleading as an ex
cuse the modesty and bashfulness I al
ways experienced in the presence of the
fair sox.
" But she isn't fair,' said he; 'she is a
"Whew do you think of going ?' I
" To-night.'
" But we'll have to "run the guard."
'-That's nothing,' answered Hill , 'we
can easily manage that.'
"So at ength I promised my chum
that I would accompany him to the vil
lage of Hampton to see the beautiful quad
' ‘" Wien night came, and we started
. upon our nocturnal expedition, we bad no
difficulty in passing our line of sentinels;
for by some means or other Bill has sue
leeeded in obtaining the countersign.
" This task was accomplished, we now
'Made our way to the river beach, and af
ter we had walked a short &term; my
• chum passed-near- a rock- that-jutted- over •
:the water, and showed me a small skiff
moored beneath its shadow-. We. were
soon seated in the skiff, which flew swift
ly over, the waves before the, vigorous
strokes of our paddles. In a 'few mo
ments:we reached the place of our, desti
nation—a small, dilapidated building
which . stood a few yards back from the
epot:_ where we _landed. There was"-
small archway beneath the house, which
atvidently led into the 'cellar, 'and it was•
to this quarter that the steps of•tuy oh,utp
• Were ',directed. •PaSsing through •the
archway,.we found ourselves in total dark
ness; but Bill.shouted 'Conic on.!' and so
followed,. although I -stumbled several,
times igaitiStsome etaptypasliff i qnd one?
came very nearly being precipitated over
a barrel.
" It's all right !' shouted Bill. "Come
on !"
" What the deuce tempted you to seek
an entrance this way ?" I inquired.—
"There is a good stoop on the outside of
the house, for I saw it."
" It's the shortest route," answered my
chum. "Hero we are—hero aro the eel-
lar steps," he continued, catching me by
the arm, pulling me towards him. "We
were soon at the top of the'steps, when
Bill knocked at a door in front of us.—
A musical voice said 'Coin° in!' and we
entered a small, neatly furnished room,
in which were seated an old negress and
my friend's quadroon.
"The latter was indeed a
creature, with long bright hair that de
scended below her waist, and eyes as dark
and soft as a summer midnight. She
seemed very glad to see us—Bill in par
ticular, around whose neck she threw her
arms, kissing him with all the warmth
and fervor of her Southern nature, while
he was not at all backward in returning
the compliment. The old negress ruse
and left the room; and I was just com
ing to the conclusion that it would be a
good plan for me to'do the same, when
the unmistakeable tramp of horses hoofs
approaching at a gallop saluted my ears
and drew me to the window. Looking
out in to -the -nigh - I Caught—sight .otT-.a.
number of grey uniformed horsemen com
ing towards the house at a pace which
must bring them to the door in a few
"The moon, which had hitherto been
obscured by clouds, was now shining
brightly, revealing every outline of the
approaching figures. They were rebel
'' Bill,' ,Loxe!aimed, 'come here !'
"There was no answer, and without
urning around T again called - his name.
"Still there was no reply.
" I turned impatiently, and perceived
that both himself and the quadroon had
deserted the apartment !
" I shouted his name aloud, but there
was no response; at that moment a gust
of wind swept through a broken pane of
glass and,blew out the candle, leaving me
in totaldarkness,
" Again I stepped to the window and
ooked out. The horsemen had halted a
few yards from the house, and were dis•
mounting. Presently 1 saw three, of
them advance to the stoop, and the chit-
tering of their sabres and the noise of
their heavy boots as they asc , nded the
steps. I could also hear some of them
coming up from the cellar; so there was
now left to rue but one way of retreat
from the appartment, the same by which
the old negress had made her exit. As
)._ . passed through the doorway, 1 stum
bled against the bOttoin Of 'a staircase.—
This I immediately commenced to ascend
as noiselessly and us swiftly as possible.
"Arriving at the top, I discovered a door
which I pushed open without ceremony,
and found myself in a small apartment
half lighted by the rays of a lamp which
streamed into it from another room con
nected with this one by a door which had
been left open. The murmur of voices,
coining from the other apartment, fell
upon my ear. I looked through the open
doorway, and behold a sight which sur
prised me. Seated upon a sofa at one
end of the room were three figures. One
was my chum Bill—, with his arm a•
round the waist of quadroon, and her
head upon his Shoulder; while the other
was a tall figure in the uniform of a rebel
lieutenant of cavalry.
" So Magruder doesn't want the village
burnt yet?" remarked Bill, as lie stroked
his whiskers. 'There's an excellent op
portunity to do it, if ho does; for the
pickets arc very small around Hampton
at present.'
" 1 know that, captain,' answered the
lieutenant, 'but Magruder will wait until
he sees how long the d—d Yankees are
going to stay. If he sees a prospect of
them going into winter quarters here, you
may depend upon it he'll burn the town?"
" I shall keep my eyes about me,' said
Bill, 'and report matters as usual."
" But when are you going to rejoin us,
captain ?" inquired the rebel.
" As soon us Magrucer thinks fit, an
swered Bill, though to tell the truth I'm
about tired of playing the spy. It was a
deuced good idea of his—my going to
New York and enlisting in the Fifth
Zouaves—ha ! hal. ha! Captain S—,
ofthe rebel service; a Red Devil.'
"At that moment Bill happened to
turn his head toward the door. Our
eyes met and he sprang to his feet with
an ex3laniation. Ac the same moment
the lieutenant rose and drew his sword.
" You have overheard us?" said Bill.
4 4 Ay, traitor every word," I answered.
" I might have forseen this," said Hill,
in a tone of chagrin, "but that whiskey of
yours" he added, turning to the lieuten
ant, "made inc careless.'
" lie shall .not leave this house alive,"
exclaimed the lieutenant, drawing a pis
tol from his belt and pointed it at my
" But I had picked up a chair as he
drew forth the weapon, and now ,with
the quickness of lightening I hurled it at
his face. The pistol - was discharged, but
the contents whistled harmlessly over, my
head. I darted from the room, rushed
down stairs, and nerving myself for .a
desperate venture, dashed across the
apartment below, in the direction of the
collar stairs. The room was filled - with
rebel cavalrymen, but my sudden ap
pearance so astounded them that 'they
made no attempt to arrest my progress.—
By the tithe I had reached the cellar,
however, they had, recovered from their
sruprise, and as I sped onward I heard
the report of two or three carbines behind
mo i lollowed.,by the whiz of bullets as
they flow pfiSt my OM,. The oezt mo-
VOL. 63.
A. S. RHEEM, Editor & Propr
meat I bad passed through the archway
into the open air, and with two or three
bounds reached the skiff. Unfortunately,
by the ebbing of the tide, it was now
high and dry upon the beach. rseized
the stern with both hands and by a great
effort of strength succeeded in launching
it. But the time occupied in this ma
numvre enabled the formost of my pur
suers to gaits .upon me. With his piece
clubbed and elevated on high to deal me
a powerful blow, be came on. But while
he was yet a few yards distant I stooped
and quickly unfastened the rope of the
skiff from the stone to which it was tied.
Liking the heavy piece of rock, I sud
denly rose upright and hu led it with all
my force at the head of my pursuer.
" It. struck him on the temple, and he
dropped to the beach like a lug
" The skiff was now drifting away from
me , but I darted into tic water, and be
ing an excellent swimmer, soon succeed
ed in reaching it. I clambered into it,
and then looked toward the beach.—
Cavalrymen were drawn up in line, with
their pieces pointed toward me.
" Fire !' exclaimed a voice which I
recognized as that or the lieutenant.
" Before the sharp report of -the car
bines rang out upon the air, I dropped
quickly to the bottom of the skiff, and the
storm of lead passed over MC and flew
hissing into the water beyond.
110%9 sprang- to' teyfeet; . erid with a
shout of defiance seized the only oar the
boat contained, and adopting the sculling
process, sent the light vessel shouting
through the water like a rocket. Assisted
by the tide, the skiff flew over the waters
so rapidly that before the men could re
load 1 was out. of range.
" Huhr an hour afterwards I arrived
safely in camp, and was just in time to
take my place in the ranks, for, having
heard the firing, and supposing, that 9Akl'
picket was attacked, the officers had tir
&red the won unc:cr arms. A message
from the front; however, :oust soon have
convinced them that this was not the
ease; and the men were allowed to 'break
ranks" and disperse to their quarters. -
" Well, Coin ," continued my .friend,
''this isn't the end of the matter; for I
saw Bill again at the battle of Big Beth
el. You probably remembered that, du
ring the fight a troop of rebel cavalry at
tempted to make a dash upon us, out
were driven back ?"
1 answered in the affirmative, and my
friend continued :
" At the . head of that troop rode Bill
or more properly speaking, the rebel cap
tain. I saw him as plainly as I now see
you. But it w a s only for an instant.—
Ile tumbled frolii his horse the next -too
moot, with his head torn from his shoul
ders by a shot from one of odr brass pieces.
ing the captain fall, drew a pistol, aimed
it at his own heart and fired The horse
becoming unmanageable, galloped into
our lines, dragging the rebel after him,
the foot of the dead soldier having become
entangled iu the stirrups as he fell. .As
the steed dashed wildly about the field
the rebel's foot became disengaged from
the stirrup, and he fell to the earth a few
- yards from the spot where I was stand
ing. his jacket had become disarranged
and torn around the breast, revealing to
my astonished gaze the beautiful but
blood-stained bosom of a female. I ad
vanced and +oohed down upon the corpse,
closely scrutinizing the features. The
face was familiar. Once seen it could
never be forgotten. It was the face of
the captain's mistress, the lovely quad
roon l"
GIVE [TIM education is
the great buckler and shield of liberty,
well developed industry is equally the
buckler and shield of in.:ividual indepen
dence. As an unfailing resource in life
give your son, equal milli a gaud educa
tion a honest trade. Better any trade
than none, though there is ample room
for adoption of every inclination in this
respect. Learned professions and spec
ulative employments may fail a man ; but
an honest handicraft trade seldom or nev
er—if its possessor chooses to exercise it.
Let him feel, too that honest labor crafts
are honorable and noble. The men of
trades—the real creator of 'whatever is
most essential to the necessities and wel
fare of mankind, cannot be dispensed
with. They, above all others, in what
ever repute they have been held by their
most fastidious fellows, must work at the
oar of human progress, or all is lust.—
But few brown handed trade workers
think of this, or appreciate the real pow
er and position they compass Give your
son a trade, no matter what fortune he
may have.
A Voucumn.—A man once went to
purchase a horse of a Quaker.
"Will he draw?" asked the buyer.
"Thee will be pleased to see him draw,
friend." answered Nehemiah, The bar
gain was closed, and the limner tried his
horse, but be would not stir. Ile return.
cd :
''rho horse will not draw an inch.!'
"1' did not tell thee be would draw,
friend," said the Quaker, "I only
marked thee would be pleased to see hilt)
draw, and so should I, but he never would
gratify the in that respect."
73fs_A persorkeomplaimalto Dr. Frank.
lin or having been insulted by one who
called him a scoundrel, " Ab," replied
the doeter, " and what did you call him?"
" Why," said he, " I called him a scoun
drel, too." " Well," resumed Franklin,
" I presume you both spoke the truth."
Why islife the riddle of all . riddles?
Because we must all give it up,
m.Never do that in prosperity where
of you hay repent in adversity.
The English Criticism on Presi-
The following ably-wkitten and interest
ing criticism on the character of Presi
dent LINCOLN appeared in the Liverpool
Post, of October 1. It will be seen that
it was immediately suggested, or called
forth, by- Mr. LINCOLN'e letter to Mr.
IlAcKtirr, the celebrated actor :
Perhaps no leader in a great contest
ever stood so little chance of being a sub
ject of hero worship as Abraham Liuooln,
the President of the. United States. That
he was once a rail-splitter would be pur
-1 doned if it could be proved that he were
now a " swell." But there is nothing of
the swell about " Old Abe." Every vis
itor that goes to Washington has some
thing disrespectful to say of his very long
legs, and consequently very long •panta
leons; of his shambling figure; of' his
awkward speech, and doubly awkward si
lence ; of his general unfitness in appear
ance and manners to mix in high society.
Those who only know him from his exer
citations in print conceive but a little bet
ter opinion of him. His grammar is de
cidedly self-taught and, perhaps, not quite
remembered ; his style uu style at all; his
arguments seem sometimes to have been
written rather 011 the principle of Samson,
makino• r' sport for the Philistines, than as
at till adopted to advance his cause ; and
some of his metaphors are voted decided
parl;27 die crowd V. to'roytint
pretenders to taste, who never admired a
saying that was not timed with vulgarity,
and Never sail one that could be suspect
ed of nip/• or originalit,y. When the
enemies of the North have. nothing else
to say they deride the President, and
when they feel the point of his homely
jokes, they bitterly denounce him as a
sort of Nero fiddling away to a ribald
tune, while the empire, he rules is in
flames .uf_civa_war.._.Searcely _any_one..
has a good word to say for him; and even
his own party in the States seem too
ready to remain silent about his merits,
and to base their defence of the adwinis•
(ration on any grounds rather than con
fidence in its head.
wnrshipper of human heroes
i n iglu pos,aly travel a great -deal /arch
er an,/ /arc much Morse for an idol than
in :±clecting this same lanky American—
the personfithation of free-soil principles
—the representative of the idea that sla
very, without being forcibly interfered
with, must not be allowed, to spread it
self' ever the North American continent
—and the impersomatiorrietrtso i of the vic
tory of that idea—a victory, which, as it
were, stands on the defensive, against those
who would turn it into a defeat. Abso
lute truth, stern resolutior i -clear-insight,
solemn faithfulness, courage that canm,t
be dashed—these are qualities that go a ake_up a—Auto, ..whate.ver
side the possessor of them may take in
any lawful conflict. And it would not
be easy to dispute Mr. Lincoln's claim to
all these. Ile has never given up a good
servant or a sound principle. He has
never shut his eyes to filets, or remained
in ignorance of them. Ile has nerer hes
itated t o d o hi s work, or faltered in do
ing it. No resolution has remained in
nuinbus with him because it was a strong
one. No measure, has been adopted
merely because " something must b
done." The exigencies of a fanatical
war have never betrayed him into fanati
cism, and the sharp stings of satire have
never drawn from him an exclamation of
ill humor, or even an imprudent rejoin
Der.nd upon it, the whole history of
the war proves that this quiet, unpretend
ing, awkward wan is on the whole a fit
ter subject fur respect than ridicule even
as a public wan, leaving altogether aside
the consideration—pee a favorite one in
England—that he haS raised himself lit
turally from nothing. But it is not from
the history of the war that we draw to
day an illustration of this e. nspicuous
man's honest, generous, and thoughtful
character. We derive it from what little
private life he has had while he has been
at the wheel—where he must have been
a very lxion—of the great American ship.
Last winter or spring—Mr. Lincoln dues
nut well remember• which—he went to
the theatre and saw Hackett, an excel
lent actor, as few even in England need
to be told. Some time after, Mr. Hack
ett sent the President i boa with a com
plimentary note But, having something
wore serious in hand, Mr. Lincoln omit
ted for sonic time to use the player after
his own honor, and did not acknowledge
the present. At length, however, in Au
gust the acknowledgement was sent. Now
let us see in what terms Mr. Lincoln, the
rough, uneducated, empty•minded Presi
dent, as sonic think him, addressed the ac•
tor whose Falstaff, after delighting tens of
thousands, had chanced to be played be
fore him.:
Washington, August 17, 1863.
My Dear Sir —fiontlis ago, I should have
acknowledged the receipt of your honk and
accompanying kin] note, and I now have to
beg your pardon for not having done so.
For one of my age 1 have seen very little
of the drama. The first presentation of
Falstaff' I ever caw was yours hero last
winter or spring Perhaps the, best oomph
ment I can pay is tocSay, as I truly Min, I
am very anxious to 'gee . of
it again. Some
Sbakspeare's plays I have never read, while
others I have gone over perhaps as frequent
ly as any proleSsional reader. Among the
latter are Lear, Richard 111, Henry VIII,
Hamlet and especially Macbeth I think
none equals Macbeth. It. is wunderful.—
Unlikn,you gentleman of the profession, I
think Ike soliloquy in Hamlet, oommencing.
"Oh my offence is pink," surpasses that
cotnudoneing, "To he or not to be." But par
don this 80101 attempt at criticism. I should
like to hear you pronounce the • opouiug
speech of Richard 111.
IVill you not. scsou_visk Washington again I
If you do please call. and let nto make your
persona aoquaintano : Yours truly.
Now ! to us this letter speaks for itself
dent Lincoln.
TERMS :--$1,50 in Advance, or $2 within the year
as favorably as any letter over spoke.—
Its simplicity and candor are as fresh and
delightful as new mown hay. Only fan
cy a statesman, a .Presidext, confessing
thus frankly that he had never read
Shakspeare through ! flow many Brit
ish hf. P's would have confessed it 7
And yet how many of thorn there are who
would have to own as much if they were
put to it? We meet around intellectual
or quasi-intellectual dinner tables. We
talk as familliarly of Shelly as of sherry.
We ttffeet to languish at the thought of Pas
cal, and chuckle hypocritically over a ref
erence to Montaigne. We laugh consum
edly at a quotation from Juvenal if the
quoter looks humorous, and pretend to
be otherwise occupied if the expression
of his countenance is not very readable.
Wu talk as familiarly of Rabelais as o.
last week's Punch ; comment on the
transcendentalism of " Satter Resartes"
without the faintest idea of the tenor of
the book ; and narrowly, escape denounc
ing Thdtuas Carlyle downright, under the
impression that he is Richard Carlile, the
infidel who outraged the orthodoxy of our
fathers and mother. There is no more
abundant source of shame and pretension
than the affectation in society of being
well road in the "works which no gen
tlen-an's library should bo without."—
Depend upon it, there is touch good
truth and honesty in any man, and espe
cially in a public man;Whn admires and
respects Shakspeare, and voluntarily
sap he has not read all his works.
But wo are more pleased still with Mr.
Lincoln for having read several of the
plays many times over. It is far better
for a man to rear? one play twenty times,
because he loves it, than to read twenty
plays once because they constitute the au
thor's works and must be gone through.
There is much indication of character,
too, e atio of_favorites.Lear,"_..
"Richard III," " Henry • VI II," "Ham
let," and " Macbeth," would not be a
had libtairy for any man who would make
himself - really master-of them, and for a
ruler of men, who, at the same timei is a.
lover of human nature and a quaint hu
morist, they may well prove a continual
feast. The choice of " Macbeth" as prin
cipal favorite, and the preference of thO
less popular of hamlet's soliloquies, also
indicate that incisive use of his own wits,
which is one of the surest indications of
a man of power.
Long may Me. Lincoln be able to find
solace and enjoyment thus pleasantly and
profitably, and may he never lack moral
courage and graceful courtesy to do hon
or to those who, by illustrating the great
damatists, do almost all that is done el
-fectually to- keep them popularly alive.—
In Mr. Hackett's ease the honor is doub
ly due, as many of our readers aro aware.
Faistahr, but a thoroughly estimable man,
Ouse an opulent merchant, and after
wards unfortunate, he went on the stage,
and paid every creditor in full out of the
new fortune he had made in his new av
ocation. lie is an honor to a noble pro
fession, the credit of which is too often
inadequately sustained ; and his distin
guished correspondent is a man whose
simple truth and cultivated intelligence
will not forever be concealed by the un
courtliness of his manners. A contrast
Was wanted to the suave deceitfulness
and emptiness of James Buchanan, and
one was found in Abraham Lincrle.
TILE COFFEE.—The wife of our friend
being in delicate health, it was resolved
that a girl should be procured to do the
housework, that the lady might have an
opportunity to reoover health and spirits.
Atter visiting the intelligence office for
two or three mornings, a fine, buxom lass
of about twenty years of age, but six
months Mtn " the owld sod," was select
ed, and instructed as to the duties that
would be expected of her.
" Now then," says the lady, " pour the
gruund coffee into the pot, then pour in
the hot water, and, after a few minutes'
boiling, put in one half an egg, so," and
the lady elucidated such demonstration
by illustration. " You understand, don't
you ?" says the lady.
" Indeed I do, mum," was the response
" Bile the coffee, grind in the water,
and dhrop in the half of an egg. Isn't
that it, mum ? _
" All right," replied the lady: "Now,
then, to-morrow we'll see how well you
To-morrow morning came, and the cof
fee was as good as could be expected.—
The third morning came, and, to the as
tonishment of our friend and wife the
coffee was undrinkable and nauseating
even the odor of it was sickening. Brid
get was called, and questioned as follows
" Bridget, did you first put the ground
coffee in the pot ?"
" Indade I did mum."
" Did you then put in the hot water?"
" Sure I did."
" How long did you lot it boil ?"
" Five minutes, mum."
" What did you do, then ?"
" I put in an egg mum." ~
" Just 'as I showed you the other morn
" Well, to tell the truth, mum," says
Bridget, her garments a twitch
with her brawny band," to toll the truth,
I would not put in the half of the ego.,
as ye towlci me; but, the egg was a bad
one and t. thought ye wouldn't mind
kaping the half of it, so I dhtopped in
the 'cruller as it was !"
Arothatic coffee, that. We should call
it infantile chicken soup.
TitE dedrer oats become the more
horses are licked. Dobbs.says a shilling
of raw-hide will give , as much power to
his grey mare as twenty-five cents worth
'of corn, Dobbs is becoming a philoso
ARTENIUS WARD (Mr. Chas. F. Browne)
has issued the following circular :
As the undersigned has been led to
fear that the law regulating the Draft
was not wholly understood, notwithstand
ing the numerous explanatory circulars
that have been issued from the national
capital of late, he hereby issues a circular
of his own I and, if he shall succeed in
making this favorite measure more clear
to a discerning public, he will feel that he
has not lived in vain :
I. A young man who is drafted and in
advertently goes to Canada, where he be
comes embroiled with a robust 'English
party, who knocks him round so as to dis
able him for life, the same occurring in a_
licensed bar-room, on British soil, such
young men cannot receive a pension on
auet,unt-of said injuries from the United
States Government, nor cah his heirs or
11. No drafted man, in going to the ap
pointed rendezvous, will be permitted to
go round by way of Canada on account of
the roads being better that way, or be
cause his "Uncle William" Jives there.
Any gentleman living in Ireland,
who was never in this country, is not lia
ble to the draft, nor are our forefathers.
This latter statement is made for the ben
efit or those enrolling officers who, have
acted on the - supposition that the able
bodied Male population of a place includ
ed dead gentlemen in the cemeteries.
. The term of' enlistment is 'for three
years, but any man who may have been
drafted in two places has a right to go
for six years, whether the war lasts that
length of time or not—a right this Depart
ment hopes he will insist on.
V. The only sons of a poor widow,
whose husband is in Caliihrnia, are not
exempt ; kut, the man who_owns stock .in
the Vermont Central Railroad is. So,
also, are incessant lunatics, habitual lect
ur7rs, persons who were born with wood
en legs or false teeth, blind men, (unless
they will acknowledge that they 'Tan see
it.")and people who deliberately voted
for John Tyler. A. W.
to take the sun, and moon, and stars, out
of the heavens, the chances of husbandry
would be what, if God were to take wom
an out of life, would be the chances for re
finement and civilization. Woman carries
civilization in her heart. It springs from
her. her power and influence mark the
civilization of any country. A man that
lives in a community where he has the
privilege of a woman's society, and is
subject to woman's influence, is almost of
necessity refined, more than he is aware
of; and when men are removed from the
_gen fluen ce.-of v i rtuo ..wo manhood-,
the very best degenerate, or feel the de,
privation. There is something wanting
in the air when you get west of the Al
legheny mountains on a sultry day of
summer. The air cast of the mountain
is supplied with a sort of pabulum front
the salt water of the ocean, by which one
is sustained in the sultriest days of mid
summer. Now, what this salt is to the
air, that is woman's influence to the vir
tue of a community. You breathe it
without knowing it. All you know is
that you are Made stronger and better.—
And a man is not half a man unless wo
man helps hint to be I One of the mis
chiefs of camp life is that women are re
moved from it. The men may not know
what it is that lets them down to a
lower state of feeling, or what that subtle
influence was that kept them up to a
higher state of refinement, but is the ab
sence of woman in the one case, and it
was the presence of woman in the other.
Woman is a light which God has set be
fore man to show him which way to go,
and blessed is he who has sense enough
to follow it.
ms„Experimonts have shown that a
man's finger nails grow their complete
length in four mouths and a half. A
man living seventy years, renews his
nails one hundred and eighty-six times.
Allowing each nail to be half an inch
long, he has grown seven feet and nine
inohes of finger nail on each finger, and
on fingers and thumbs, an aggregate of
seventy•seven feet and six i'ehes.
AN Irishman, who was troubled with
the toothaohe, determined to have an old
offender extracted '
but their being no
dentist near, heiesol
ved to do Vle job him
self: whereupon he fillled the excavation
with powder, but being afraid to touch 'it
off, he put a slow match to it, and then
run to get out of the way.
A Miss Joy was present at a party re
cently, and in the course of the evening
some one used the quotation, "A thing of
beauty is a joy forever," when she ex
claimed, "I'm glad I'm not a beauty, for
I shouldn't like to be a Joy forever."
• ises_A man's wife often gives him all
the moral strength ho has. She is at
once his rib - land backbori-ef
tc - r"Gooa morning, Mr. Jenkins!—
Where have you kept yourself this long
" Kept myself ! I don't keep myself—
I board on credit I"
WHY is an orderly 'schoolmaster like
a latter C ? Because he makes lasses into
We should never be afraid oreap . ress-,
ing those sentiments which our expe.
rience prove to be true.
It must be a happy thought to a lover
that his . blood; and that of. his sweetheart,
mingle in the same-,mosguito..
He that accuses all mankind of Cor
ruption ought to reineinhiir that he is sure
to oonviet only one.
gew Picias of Vallandighth Trott-
The following letter, according to tbo
Cincinnati papers, were recently cap
tured in Tennessee, among the baggage of
a rebel officer
pEnit COLONEL : Your kind .noteand
invitation of yesterday was this morning
handed me by 'your brother-in-law, who
will hand you thia,in return. It would
give me much pleasure to visit you and
your command before leaving the Con
federacy, but it is now impossible to do
so, as I have made arrangements to start
this A. M. with the earliest train for Wil
NO. 44.
You surmise correctly when you say
that you believe me to be the friend of
the South in her struggle for freedom
My feelings have been publicly expressed
in my own country, in that quotation
from Lord Chatham—" My lords, you
cannot conquer America. There is
not a drop of Puritan blood in my veins:-
I hate, despise, and defy the tyranical
Government which has sent me among
you, for my opinion's sake, and shall nev
er give it my support in its crusade upon
your institutions. But you arc mistaken
when you say there are but few such in
the United States, North. Thousands
are there who would speak out but
fbr the military despotism that strangles,
Although the contest has been, and
will continue to be, a bloody one, you
have but to persevere, and the victory
will surely be yours. You must strike
home. The thfensive policy lengthens
the contest. The shortest road to peaces
is the boldest ane. You can have your
own terms by gaining the battle on your
enemy's soil.
Accept my kind regard for your por.,
sonal welfare, and sincere thanks for
your kind wishes in my behalf, and hop
ing and praying for the ultimate cause
in which you are lighting, believe me, as:
ever, your friend,
Col. D. I). Inshall, Bth Ala. Vols.
Resources of the South
East Tennessee is a mineral region, one of
the very best adapted for manufacturing pur•
poses in the United States—coal, iron, copper,
lead, zinc, and some other metals are pro
duced in the mountain ranges, and all the
most valuable in inexhaustible quantities.-
1 roil Is made and sold at $lO per ton, and for
. y ears 'lmmense quantities of . copper .
have been mined at Ducktown and carried to,
the Atlantic, notwithstanding the great dil;bt•
culttes of transportation. Indeed, the mous•
twins bordering on North Carolina and Ten
nessee arc full of copper, and will, no doubt,
prove the best copper region of this country.
Gold is probably plenty in these mountains,
but it far less important than coal, iron, cop
per, and zinc, all of which, with stone and!
lumber of the hest quality, may be found
there in any quantity.• Such a country as.
this ought to be converted to the use of men
by labor, capital, and enterprise.
But what can be a country gr)und
by a slave aristocracy ? That country was
settled before Ohio ; but the whole State has
not more than one-third the white people e 4
Ohio ! Nothing could be done, with all those
vast, countless 'blessings of God—a free gitt
to man—while man himself denied hie own
rights, and 'refused his own inheritance.—
Su me capitalists set to work at Ducktown, dug
up great quantities of copper, and set the
steam of history. in Motion ; b it, unluckily,
they did not think that Slavery and Rebellion.
were great virtues, and where are they ?
And where is Duck town? The property is con.-
.fiacated,-the- mines-gone to•-ruin;•and-the
hururs scattered. * *
If the future of peace ever returns to that
unhappy country, there will be both a revolu
tion and a renova ion. Tennessee has no
ptssible interest in Slavery. Whatever might
be said for Slavery on the Gulf, nothing can.
be said for it iu Tennessee. It is a healtlar,,
grain pru liming country, where the labor of
ono white luau is worth that of two negroes.
The slaves aro not so numerous but what
they can be spared without inconveuience.—
obably half of them are free now, since mats
army occupies two.thirds of the State, and
liberates as it goes. Tennessee, left to itself,
will. become a free Stale, and wheigit is,. it
will be one of the richest and most produc
tive States in any part of the world. The
mountains of the East will glow with manufac
turing industry, the fields of the Middle will
teem with grain, and the plains of the West,
will whiten with cotton Loyal in heart, gal
lant in spirit, the land of Jackson will vindi
cate its right to stand among the most noble of
Somebody tole Douglas Jerrold tkal
George Robins, the auctioneer, was dead,
"and of course,". added the gentleman
"his business will go the devil." "Oh,
then he'll get it again," replied the wit.
GOOD EYESIGIIIT.—The lion and the
horse disputed one day as to whose eye
sight was the best. The lion saw, on
dark night, a white hair in milk ; the
horse saw a black hair in pitoh. So the
horse won.
A french journal has arranged a mar
tinge between Queen Victoria and her
late husband's uncle, Ferdinand of Port
ugal. There is something decidedly
Frenehy in the arrangement.
An eminent medical man has just dis
covered the true cause of a patient's sour
disposition on one particular day. Th•
poor creature so afflicted, had, it appears,
early that morning turned in bed.
An illiterate farmer, wishing to enter
some animals at an agricultural exhibi.
tion, wrote to the. secretary as follows
Also enter ►no for the best jackass. I
av sure of taking the premium.
A Train. picture of uespair is a pig'
reaching through a hole in the fence to
get a cabbage that lies only a few inches
beyond his reach.
" Do you want your audience atten
tive 2" said Dr. Ennuons ; then give them
something to attend to.
Rents are enormous, as the poor fellow
said when he looked' at his coat.
. .
Flaslr talk=Scientifio discussions AT'
bent lightning.
Censure is a tax which those who filli
eminent positions must expect to,p,ay,.
The swell of the ocean -is said to be a,
dandy tuidship`tuan.
Many officers are engaged, ia, recruit,.
ing—their health ;
, puns The mist. that vapors roman
The new, .Apaarioau hird---TwO' hun
dred pound Parrot. „
'The prince, of• Wulea smokes a briar ?
wood. pipe,, ud•enjoy