NE'Ver FX/IIVE CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- WARE STORE r Y , HE subscribers having inircbased the stock of Groceries formeily belonging to Jos. D. 1 albert, will continuo tho business at the old stand, and are prepared to furnish their friends and the pub lic with everything that is nice, new and fresh, in the way of • Family Groceries. Their stock Is large and selected with the greatest care. and will he sold at the lowest privet+ for-Muth. it con, Kist a in part of line old Government Java COFFEE, Prime Rio do , Prime 1110 Roasted. BYLILIPS.—Smv Verb. Boston, and Philadelphia Sy rups, of the very best qualities, BROWN SUO A ItB.—The best the marke t fiords.— Lovering's host Crushed, Sand, and Pulveriv.ed Sugars Also, his A. 11. and C. :lll'S:mt. w tich cannot lie sur passed, and as the time is now here Wpm:serving, la dles will please give hint a call and examine forthem selves. All his SPICES are of the purest and best va rieties. No humbug about them. Rice, Corn Starch, F. rrina, Dandeli ne Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, An. CITINA, GLASS, AND cp QUEENSWARE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and styes. lower than ever in price, end bettor In quality, than was ever offered before in Car Call and see. Wooden and 11 Mew Wftre, sorb esTubs Buckets, and Churns, Baskets of every deseription ; Childr(M's CARRIAGES ; St,,noware, Cream Pots, flut— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. )11z AMb FISII.—No 1, 2 and 3 Maokeral. No. 1 MESS SCA() No. I Herring. A large quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. BALT by the Pork, Dairy anti.C. A. Pelt. The subscribers respe •tfully ask the patronage of their friends and the nubile generally, and Invite them to call and examine their new Ftrwit, at the 'old stand, corner of Ilnower and !mother Sheet,. 11.11.1SEIZT & FLENI IN(1 Carlisle, May S. hn DENN MUTUAL LIFN INSUR ANcE (AssETs *0,151 759 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, on f nvuir Mute te The Board of Trustees Lave tievlarea a Scrip Div' deed of forty pot rout. upon the Ca.h Preminms re ceived In 1.0,1, on all Policies m tore, on the 314 of he. comber, and have derided to revolve the grip Ulci denda Ana 4)1; in pAylilr , sl - of PI mium Not, 'Jr lo,ns on Poi l•ie. tine the Comp:my, mill be credited on the Sallie is int the Scrip at Cold yearn. The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parliep entitled to .4.11 V.. 1111511, at the Carti,le ,I,en cy, at his °Mee on I,tin sheet, at ;tiny time after the data of thin notice. Pamphlets, tables of rates, applivations and every in formation furnished Without charge. March 13, 1363 Iltachine and Wheelright Shop A. J. KUTZ, Agt. NOW manufactures and keeps con• stantly on kind at the ,1.1 st 1,1. on, North Ilan over street,..-..Car4h4o, ./...a,,..oppuaitallazdtpu'...llo.el, large ar ortnn.ii t of Agricultural Implements, Such as llorse ers, Thr,hurz 11 whines with Slri rators attached, Clover t;r.tiu for. lors, Straw and Fodder( t eel. and befit illIprI1V. , 1111•11fs, of era,. de,rip tlon, Harrows Cultic ri..ld Single and Doulde ehai el [laying in Stain; : 4 11,j1 ellgt,lll, In tossll anti Colllltry tetil I,e 11,011. witl, 111.•:It nos,. :1,1 despatch. lieu:tiring of all kind.: d ma on ,hart notice :1111i 011 far hulller r a n i tre, I re_ spectfully solicit a share of nubile illItl•Ii11:1,1`. A.. 1. 1.1;1z, Act. August 25,1863-311 hr fl 3 - 110 A.L.V LINNEKUIIL, having on account .of th e dnw mr« ,H,l .1,, lit iirtlini,,tt mar shop on II Imo, t. therefrom: has r.o.tted th spholi,l shop. r n 11 , 0 11 I to A. I, flee, formerly I,y .1. er.. II will lie glad to Ivelootne all his old i•11 , 1olio1 N.oil I owl ily nes. ones as wish to be shli is mid colopiquot burs. Aug.l4, 18,13-3 m. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK?, WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridgo Avonuo I'ii DELPIIIA, , CIFFEIi fur sale upon the most favor _fable terms. new and heantiful Dosi2ns iu .4reat variety of IRDN It AI !ANDS rnt Cemeteries. I'.s,li•ne, &c., of Wrought and east Irn. and tints anittrd Iruti and Brass Tubing; Iron V, randalis, S(ltire, Counters, Fountains, Gates. Columns, Ilit.diht, Posts. Lamp Stan Is, Va.:es. Chairs. 'Cratu.try. Allllllll,, and all nOl,, I :an 11 nh of a Decorative chararter. Desicns II r 111: (or selec. turn. ing fur same, %ILI idea, d trit,,, the kind of work nee 1, d. July 24, Dio:;—:itn %VIfIEEI4ER W I !JASON'S • SEWING MACHINES. NEW style with the Itest improve ments and greatly reline I vs. nese Ma chines are noiseless, eun rapidly. and 'ln a seam 111 unequalled allenattd begun wind I' whi,h will not rip. They are, r. (MINES IN 1.111 , . LT for tatnily and g , ral use, they will HEM ; FELL, sTITCII AND I:UN. They Can do anything that any ntlo in:whine can do. .013-I'he uuw 111•1111111.1, Witil.alt extra charge. WHEE[ I I.,9()NS' SE IVING _ILI CIIINE S. • Noun better adapted for hinny LI,. Amorlean gm lculturist. The undershmed hat ink Leon appointed :icient for Cumberland county. olTors the—e Ah•ililie, to the stilt lie with perleet confidence, that those wilt/ purchase will find them as repreminted e. to see the machines in operation, will please call at the Railroad oflicre,Carliale, For further information apply to. J. CA)IIiIiELL. April 3, 1863. NEW GOODS NEW GODS ! T atn now opening a choice lot of stun _Lulu, Good,. buu g ht, at the reduced prlee for each all of which will he cold at ciirresitiniling low pikes. ELEGANT 011.11,1 DA LAINES, Lawns, Mozatublques, Shepherds Plaid, Poll Do rho, los, LavaHao, all \Void 0, Laines, rondo Ci ugh:tins, rrinitri Cloth, liamoges, Sze.. &c. Cambric and Swiss 31tislins. Talatans, %Vivito and Colored, II(shop Lawn, ',leans, Linen Handkerchiefs. Spring Shawls, Stella Shawls. Balnxerals. Table Covers, 1 . . to. Pluslines, (lingharns, Galleries, Tick( rigs, Ste., at lower prices than heretolbre. HOSIERY AND G LOVES, in great variety, Sun Umbrellas and Parasols. Ladies, Misses, and Children's [looped Skirls, newest styles, best quality, and cheaper than ran be had in the country. Gentleman's it ear, such as tow Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Handsome Summer ens,imeres, for Men and Boys wear, Cashmorett's, Cottonades, Stripped B ud pl a i n Drillings, &e., A few yards of Carpeting on hand, tit less than city prices. All persons In want of handsome and Cheap Goods, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, as we aro now selling goods for cash at very low prices. Recollect the place, 51a.10 Street, nearly opposite the Depot. ()DAS. 0011. Y, May 15, 18C3. Tru li e: co. NEW DRUG STORV. HE undersigned has just opened a now Drug Store, in South Hanover street, next oar to Inhoff's Grocery Store, where he hits just re ceived and opened a large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a largo lot of Tobacco and Segars, of the most favorite brands; Coal Oil Lamps and Shades Burning Fluid, Confoctionarles. Fruits, Nuts, Coal Oil, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Medicines, and all other articles connocted with our line. All of which we will sell at prices to suit the times. Prescriptions carefully compowAdod by a competent druggist . Carlisle, Doc. 19, I 892—1 y NAILS 1 NAILS ! I NAILS ! ! A 'aria stock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails, it the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth bOcts a keg more, than any, other make of nails sold in our town. this Is the opinion oftneChanics who have triad them, wo also have a full assortment or BUILDING MATERIA LS, •f the latest and most approved styles. All goods war ranted as reprosontod. . JOHN P. LYNE & SON. VRESII MACKEREL.- - A. lot of Nfackerol-.-new catch—ln asiorted pectin goi of HAIT,os, Quarter, and Eighth Barrels. Also, ' S'A 31 0 N Itee sale at the Storo of the subserll;er, Oat, 26,'62, NEW - GOODS. Every aoscription npd quality of Groceries,. 41 - 10i3newitro, Hardware, richels; Sauce. Fine Liquors, Tobasco,'Sogars, Pipes. Fresh Fruits and vogitahics_in_ Can,,, Oyetore do. Spices. 3 ¢ood—and — Wlilow ware, all kinds andl'ortliebeat quality and to be sold at too lowest prison tot sash by June 6, Carlisle. Foundry, • AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT ! F. Gardner dc Co. now manufacture and koop con stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Worksop East Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment of AUItICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, - of well known, approved usefulnema to carmen. among which they would call eapordal attention to WILLOEGE 13Y'S cELEffitATED PATENT GUM SPRING GRAINDRILL, which has taken over fifty First Class Preiniums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and Perry csun ties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores ot them are now in use on the best, forms in those counties. Its reputa. tion is established as the most complete (train Drill now manuTac to red in Lite United States. Harms Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly land regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, it i thout breaking pins or the drill. For even and regular sowing, the Willough by OM" Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the Mllowing articles, which we Can rovomMenti to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT :CFR A FODDER CUTTER, BRI DEN DO1.1'll't• PATENT CORN SHELLER, II A RN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON%-I CAST IRON HOD'S TROUGH. Also. Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles fur Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and To. Plate Wood SGnas, with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. Wu have also an attractive ViiTiety of patterns for IRON' RAILINGS. and CEMETERY ENCLOEUIIES'to which wo wopld call attention. . Steam Engines and 111111Geartng 'l', this departnnent of one bu,ltleFs we give nartieu. far attention. l ut. already extensile stork of patterns fur Paper. I low, :Ina Saw Mill Li Vlllll , l, IS vow:tautly tnereasing. Mill owners anti Mill \V rights will he fur ni,ll,l with a printed ettalogno of '''Jr various Patterns, 00 applivation. Our :I:tebinet,linp comprises all tl,• V:11 . 1111IS hml> Ir•r turning, phuhtuc 1,1,11 Ii uiSIJIug Shafting andl'aliliiigs, Its good arid carL lul \larkinists STATIONAIII STEAM . ENGINEEP - Orany (i01 , 11 . 10.1e from ten totwenty•fiveliorse 1,,Vt.1 . , ',UM. 111 the List styli• and terlllg. F. 1141111, 1.1211 t At our estaliflsliment may be seen in F•tlVi•l.SSilll cip•rat.loll at many of the largest Dtstilleric , i and Tann, ins in Cat lisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties. to the owners of we confidently refei for illforllinti,l Its ti. thciretilrien ey. Persons wanting:4lmin Engines are e.vrtiestly re to cr.!! and examine before contracting elm,- where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. onnilect,ql with our rstahl ishmen t Is a Steam SUrhand Manuhietory which is 1100 hi complete order lor thn mantit.tol tire of every dtsciiption of A. 1.. SP()NSI,ER Agt.nt. BIJ11.1)1NO TEILIA LS. for the most costly as in ell as the plainest house. NVln tiow't4:lol turn istird frum it cents up,vard, arrording in size of glass ; 1111.10 W Ft-lutes Iron; 31 ‘.l , ` , , r (1 ; nod iii.n; 7r) upward; Four Panel thous from r' 19 ' Pluuldin Fs, l'as Line= Ar.•hitruves, IN ash Bo:Ids, Brukets, Isuney .Ifraper.), and o; her arti. los heeded in house huil,line. t tpta.l.l4.y nit TiTso prepared. ns inert to build alnl repair 1,1:1:11FN C.\ 11S fez; transporters on the otilru.l. wttb pr.ueptne.,,,nd nn rrasunal litmus. 'rho continued 11:1 t e 1111314, the MIN it` it-11,11Itet fully soliritwL ,Irth•rs by mail prom ptl}' attended lu. Pitt) 9. 'Go. F. lit!: Ins S; Co. ELIA N OFF AI"INV ENTY-FL V I t tho si,trt ttl "Gold, :t ttott, s ; t hee, I tot l'ittl6erttitt.l Valley tete 1,. wed two dotes holww Iba Ilethoth,t tt relt ott tw.t. .Alain et r,. t t Llto Itte e test 11.11,1 best selected stook nt IVATCIII-:8 ANI) .IE‘VELII.1 7 in the town. will be 10 pr r cunt lowor than at any plaee in the ::11,01% ki•f, 1111,11 t Jr(l7 - ji.1:,,,,t L 7.%. Ann., it at. and all ot I:luds and at) :co, GOLD AND SILVER, CIiAINS, i . l! .It•,‘ t•ily Of kind, Sp•Ctlie:e 1;11h1 .111 A Siil,l, i'hat'd .11111 :".,11VI•1 MUSIC BOXES, ACCOROEONS, .•ii ,m1.•t.,, tal.ry 111 tit it•S. Tito 1.111ili• 51 . 14.), "r .\\ :11101 rOP nill 11, f-trid V.111.1e,11(' or retai!..n t t rl3-, w rl:lnnti nll kind. ”t re p ill 1,.• Iv,, I, :it pr1..4.5. C.111',11. AItEIVAT, UF FRESH wtocill;m:s-1.1,11 ifF ALL K 111,4. 13r_ii. ri•al 41,111111. italli dry oil: Istrri )1 %CR at pnrc. that is roally aslotliAdogly low. :nut n gnnil s•,,rt to, nit of T081:, , ,CC0 AND SEGARS. LIQUORS, &C., ')IC I vOat rat., F., CASH or Countr) Produre. W 111 .'l'% Car June "1 1,C:1 111.; unrnilin;z in the cure of (.'.oughs, 11,111 S re, I loArr.l.• 11.•,,, 15111. lilt I;re:tilling. I noipivilt, Con,uniption, tht• The, but e 110 llidtV1,11111. 4 11f•luP all,l any ,•101.1 •vi!l Lll.l, tip•ok Tlopunands hare bet, I,Loro I to 11-.1 I 11 loot 1,,f ,, re Testi -111..11) hundred, of I,ISCS. A sill4lo Use re ton .Houle., f..ts Wafers—the wivloal and on:y genuine in slam pe.d • Bryau." :.-puxious kinds nto nutT. rut T Went y tut cents a Sold 1)1 dealer.: to.rierally. .1011 ‘it)SES, Sob! Plopriei,r, 27 Cortl.‘ dtro •t. N. Y. For salt by S., February 20. \k_ a FULL assortment of Men and Boys' j - ~, p 43llnt Sh , es. suitable for the .Inter. Also. Ladles and Misses's Ilahn..ral Bootees. rill Wren's Boots of all kinds. I,adi, and (lentletono's (I UM (AerShoes My old eustomares and all in N 1 ant of good and ;heap Boots and Shoes. , 11l pi.. 10., call and examine the stook, beton: purchasing, Male street, nearly opposite the Depot. IV= f.,..J( L'atza uP,T opened the largest and best es t sortinent ~f Hard ware, Paint:4, i Ills:Tarnish, Glass. I run, N.,. , ever brou4lit, t', Cumberland could y. bought. 1,e:1...1ye] v Ii it eatil. and which Sue are sellilw at tine lo‘s est pri, s. Wo invite the public generally to give us , call 1, malllig their purchases, as We - are full ) ' sustaining our old reputation of sulling the Returning thanks to 2. generous pull lc for their past liberal p.itronage hoping by perstnal ettettion to their wants, to toorit a continuative of the same .101 IN I', LYNIt Ai SON, At the Old Stand North l allover Street. Carl tale, June li, 15th. I)AINI'S AND OILS.- lo Tons \ V hite Lead. 1000 r lallons of oil. Just received a it h a large assortment of Varnishes, Fire Prw.f Pei lit. Turphatine, Floreneu White, Japan, Widte Zinc, Putty, Colored Z no, Lltharge, Red Lead, Boiled Oil, Oluo, Lard 1)11, Shellac, Sperm OIL Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c.. Colors of every description dry, and Oil In cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of ettribile, Oct. 25, 19(11 READ BISCUIT &c. Do 'rho Cronin of Tartar '•Snbstit ate" Is roconimon• dud as a superior article In comblell lion with Saleratum Or Soda for Halting purposes. I t produces broad cakes Sm., which when col I are sweet, moist and gratoftl, while those of Crllloll Of Tartar nee often dry and taste less. it will coot 10:4i theta ilreeni of Tartar and'is used in the same way f o r cooking, TaLs SUBSTITUTE, together with Saloratute Soda. Pgrit Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow hoot, Mustard Seed, ground and uo• ground. spices of all kinds unadulturnlyd, and also Groceries in every variety voustantly on hand, and at the lowest prices for;salu by Dec. 14, - J. W. EBY. DAVID RALSTON LI II A V ENG SALOON.—Having fitted A:7 up In tto very hest style, tho room In Cramor'a inillding: nest door to A. 1,. Sponslei's uolco. lam pre pared to give my tonsorial attontlons to all who may honor me -with a v kit. I shall constantly ho supplied with computen land polite hands and shall spareno effort to give general sstisfortlon. I wish to (unpin , a good boy, between 11 and 17 years old, Apply Immediately to J. MYERS. Carlisle, June 27, ISO2-Iy. TA - AMES. ~500._.pairs.liarnes -on- lin lid I`of all. kinds. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon (10.. Corinintn do, wit b and_wlthnut pat-int fastenings. cheaper Um ever. at 11. SAX rows, East Main Bt. Match 28, 1862. .1 W IBY DR.I.C.LOOMIS • t v • • Soul h !Inouye'. street, q ~ - oliposlte Bun tz'Ary goods .tore. - • -3 / 4 ,TA - Nle EL HEPBURN, Jr., Attorney - i.jat Law. Wilco with lion. Sainuol lionbUrn, ?khan St.. Carllslo Pa. Juno 5, WD(.. B [7NTZ. lIMMEMS X:npurtant Discovery =I BRYAN S PUL \IuNIC WAFERS BOOTS & SHOES. CHAS. OGILISY, Tiustee BEs GooDe Al' THE Li rWEST PRICES II EN It Y SAXTON, BALI IBIORE LOOK HOSPITAL, ESTABLISIIIDTATA REFUGE' PIIO3I. — QUAOXERY. TM' ONLY. PLACE ;WHERE A' CiIItEIOAN BE OBTAINED: TAR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general &bill ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, coo fu sion of Ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem- Wings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease or the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver,lungs, stomach or bowels—those terribledlsorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of- Sytels to the Mariners of Ulysses, blitiliting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c impossible. VOUNG 117Z2N Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice. that dreadful and destructive habit 'AMA annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Mon of the most exalted talentsand brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living, lyre, may call with full confidence. Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage. hying aware of physical weakness, organic Jahn lefertuittes, &e , speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the care of Or. J. may religiously confide in his honor an a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. 0110ANI40 WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This die tressing affection—which renders lilt, miserable and marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit ox tenses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that under standi the subject will pretend-to deny - that the-power or procreation is lost sooner by those falling into im prio habit.: than by the pt Intent 1 Besides being de prived the illeannrnn of healthy offspring, the most sotious and destructive symptoms to both body and Mina al ine. Ile Stem becomes deranged, the physi cal anti mental fullVtinrlS weakener, loss of procrVive power. nervous irritahPlity, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart. iodize- tion, coo stir otioTfal debility. a west ina ni t lie frame, cough, rensomption.decas and death 0r.t . C.11 NO 7 SOUTH rit3EITISRICTIE _ 11:0 T • Left band side going from Llaltit.w,re street, a few doors I rem the corner, Fail tint to observe name and number I,..tter: nt w.t he pall itnil eon taut a stamp. Thu Doc tor', Diplomas hong In hi:, ”flico. cuar. WAWILEINTED IN TWO IMMEEM No Mercury or N 30,5,111,1 Drugs.—Dr. Johnston. mem -ser of the I;o. al College of ti from one of the nio,t eminent Coil. ges in the. United State, and the greater part of o hose life has been spent ir the hospitals of London, l'ark, Philadelphia and else w herd, tints effected son., of the most a,tonit‘bitig rel., , that ever known many troubled with ring ing in the head and eat s when asleep, great nerveus turns, 'wing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent billSllllla. attended Rem✓tunWS with d o . rangetnent of minds were mired Immediately. T LUC ',E3 I' El ICUM NoTirc,r. t hose who hareinjumi themselves 1.3 improper indulge., ;tint solitary habits, which ruin Loth lands and mind. unfitting them for either hue liens, study. society Or inarria,e. The , e are Amon of the , ad. .ind melancholy effects sold d.y. rlV—hald ta,...011,Y0u tit ea kneNs uC the back 1111 d liul Lc, pains in the head. dimness of ,hrlit, unisculai puwcr. palpitation ul tile heart dyspep sr , nersou , it,tl.iltly. ,Itqallgiquelit at Ili, di,,,th e , ywptnursof ^nnsumpliun 11r:.wu.l.r.—'this tvar"lll.lreots on the mlul sire touch dye...led—los , of ine•ulry. vonfusion idea... de ,of 1/1111.p.5. nvcrrintt ter sent .11 , i1 . 11 , t.:0t i• 1.1 ,litudo, timidity, Ale., are, sows of th , ili111 ,4 •11. of all oars can now judge what the ,rose of their declining health. losimr their vim g pale, nervous and emaciated.har ing Ippearan.a about the eyes, rough d symp toms I,ll.stills la lots. 7 _Z - OUTLTG MEN 11 hit bore Irjnred thetti.elveg by a certain practice indulged its when :bmllc,a habit frequentl3 learned from evil ~...- n pariorrsz- n r. t se hopirtinr - rtreets 1114111 ly Ibll. even when asleep. and it not cured rende'rs mai riaim int possilde. and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. it hat a pity that a 3 suite man, the hope of his Nlllll - .1.11 I log of hi , parents, should be neat: bed truth all s stml enjo) nicht , of Ihe. 113 the COssequeture rut devtalin from list' pit 11:1t1/1 - 6 - 1111l1 induhritliz in a reed liu viral hait. ;Sot h pers,ns must Lenore con• t 11111 agog 8711.11 GE rrllrr,t I,ll:i't a maul wind and lioily are till' 111W4 I 1111,0, , to pr. ' , note t.,.11 tthinl I lA., 1. wo oit the,. thr j %tirtu•y Ilum ugh lilt wii•itti thii the rvw: tithedwith hllyd with the rtiftiirt lon that the happinvss of .11144011•1 . berl/1111 s High OA with iittr DT. S S 0 F .I":6II'IITIDENCE. lien the misguided and imprudent votary of plea • l• hod , Coat he In:, imbibed the of this painful 1.ft.1.11 I.Appotts that an 111 tuned sense ,•r dread -f die. every. deters him from applying, to those silo, front education and respectability, can atttije bell lend trim, tlelaing till the roust it utional • 111101 'lta of title horrid disease make their app. :trance! null tts tilaerab d sere t lariat. itinuased nose. 11.... t 111 pains I t the head and limb,. diun essul slght.ileatbess, lodes on the • hi, Innea 111Jd 11111 s, Motel., on the heat. tare and es Inlet ties. progressuor with It ightful rapidity, till at. taste the palate of the mouth or the boors of the nose tall it.. and the victim of this a lr (.11 di , V.ISu 1it...4,111es a bocci I object of commiseration, till drat li pots a period to tile dreadful sufferings, Ity send ing him to ^ Undiscovered Country from wham,' -it-lira ve I Istatsr.stiar-it It is a nielanoltaly fact that thou - tomtit fall virtinis to this terrible tit-ease. ti, the unskillfulness of ig -I,trailt pretenders mil, by the use of that deadly poi • p, , 11.10.11 y. ruin the ( . 011!..ti t 1.10011 and niche the re • of lift: naisitt ST It ANGERS True' not y.inir lisps. or health, to the rare of tin inotoy ninnlearini•.l :mil worthless poet emitter.. de,titoleor 1,1:0, same or filial act , r. 1 1 r. Annhln.foll's lvi•rtii.,inii•nit, tin Inn then t , ,11 In Ole lll!,%.nimpers. re talarl ph. Oily of touring. they loop y Fll In illinit month :an, mouth 011,1 tig tl,:r filthy awl in .1,1 , 1,,11, 1,111;1E11111(k. on a. Inn:; as the smallest lee cant lie :11111 to 111,11:11, leave you with ruined health t sin4ll over your Lf:111i11: disappointment. Ile .liilinn,to, is I Ile nitsly l'h) titian, ll,lTertiSlll^.. lii- , •te.lenliJ. or dipltuttas al wlt . ‘ r hang In hi:9llllre. Ilk. remedies er t rt'a nient are unknown foal' others, prep 11,111,111 a life spent in tile great hospitals of Eu rope. the 111 , 11, 111 1111 1 Country 11111 i It more extensive pi irate In tl m t h.lll any other phyt.lclan in the world 31 DO It S 14; NT OP THE PRESS The many thousands eared at Om; Institution yoar ,kfi el yi•ar, and the 1111111,011 S ImporUwt Surgical 0110. rail uis performed by Dr. Johnston, witnossed by the repoi tars of the •• Sun," ‘• Clipper." and many other pipers. makes of which have appealed again and again b e f o r e the publie. besides his standing lle a gall tleman of Om rieter :tint responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the :11111eted. tiKIV 13ISEIASES SPEEDILY CURED Pers,,N evvit.lll.z, stir - mid be nartivultir to directing their levers to 11110 I n,qitution. iu 111. rnilowintt man ner: .101 IN M .ItoIIS: 4 TUN, M I)., (lithe. Baltimore Look B t imore, Ilay .29 ly ECON D " SPRING A RRIVAL.— LAi: sUPPLIES FUR THE liEst) AND FEET. Al. the store of John Irvine, on the N. E. corner o the p ohne square. is the place to pun - base Boots Shoes That. A Caps. at privet , that defy competii lon. lie Inns ju , t returned from the East silth the largest and most youiplete assortment ,d Hoots. Shoes, Hats .4'. Caps that he has evil. prOSI•11 tlqi to this community, and whieh he is determined to sell at the Hoe pet possi• ale 'wives. Ills stock eutbraees everything In hisline at business, Hush as MEN'S & PMI'S' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Beets, Coif and Patent, Leather Oxford Ties, Ca and Patent Leather Gaiters, Call Nullifiers, Coll end Kip Brogans, Slivers, &e. LIXDIIES' 11721.111• Pune Frsneb and English Lasting Goiters, Morocco Calf:tie' Kid Beets, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers Moreem, sn d Kid t. MISSES A Nln II l LI)lI EN'S WEA It °fall descriptions embraeiton flue Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and bustling Button Ilunnts, Moravian Lava Mails of all lands, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, to. HATS & Cusslmere, Fur and Wool lints of al; qualit fee an (I styles, also a large assortment of A5l'l,Ll IV 11,1'11,S Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notic Repairing promptly done. Conlldt nt of his aLltlly t please all classes of customers, he respectfully Ina Ito the public to glee him a roll. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Pub le !mire. Slay .30010. 301 IN IRVINE. MANHOOD •,* MHOW LOST! HOW 'RESTORED Just Publishdd in a Scaled Envelope, Pike Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Dadleal Duro of ,tipormatorthrea or Seminal %Vent( wnt. Soxu a l Dability Narvouslies , , and !tl voluntary Emissinl., inducing 7mpntuney. Conaumption, and. Al, plat anti Physical_ Debility, •, By 11013 , T. J. DUI. VEIt %V !CLL., M . D. 'file Important filet that the awful conaoquences of Self Abuse may be ellertually removed without inter nnl medicines or the dangerous applleation of caustics, instruments, medl,ttted bouetes. end other empirleal devices, ie hero clearly demonstrated, nail the vutiroly flew and highly successful tr.:M.IIINA as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained. by moues of which every one is enabled to vitro himself perfeatly and tit the least. possible 010, t hereby avoiding till the /Over. tised nostrums id the 4ey, Tills lecture will prove a both) to thousands afid.thoutntuis. Sort under scut, In It Want envelope, t , uny :Warm, pest putt, on rocnipt or two Hostage stayips,-11-address. log the publintterg, CHAS. J. 0. KLINE & EN - Bowery, New.Yorlc, Post 01116 g Box, OKI DRUID:: & (30.'s well.krkown DIEI.O - )KONS and 11AB:4,011U:4S, introducing the of fed of pedal bass en_evory Instrument.'. ' . ...' . ERIN EST GABLER'S 1111wpm:sad PIANOS for cash, ntailberal deductlonin• - mrmontklfirfatruniepta from $5 to $lO. . Alb3m. Over 500 mold In Pldladelpbla. . ... - ' JAMES BELL A IC; Sole Agent, 270 and 281 5. Fifth amt., above Some° , . • PidladoOda,ra., 401 17:,1116i. . ' . ' ... ' • ' "•'' NEW STORE. (CEO. P. MVERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. We have taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield & Shearer in East Main street, next door to the Jail, whore we intend to keep all kinds of Qrst.sewtrte and GROOMES. Our stock is now and fresh, carefully selected in the Eastern Cities. We in vite the public and friends in general to give us a call and examine our stock of goods as we are determined LO SELL CRISP FOR GASH. Our stock ' COLISPiES 41 part of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, Molasses, Quoonsware, Willow ware Cedar ware. Broome Brushes, Cards and Spices of every kiwi, warranted pure. ALuo, (Green anti Dried fruit, Foreign and Domestic, and a fall asvortuaent of gn•mi.. generally. lelDur by 1110 barrel or potted, Country produce, re ceived in exch.enge for goods. U. P. MYERS & SOY. Nlateb 70, 1.463. Watches Jewelry and Diamonds. ~ LE%VIS LADONIUS & CO. 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia FrAVE always on hand, a large stock y_or °old and Silver Watches, suitable for Ladles, llentleineu or Boys wear. Some of oar owa importa tion, extra fine quality. ' Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most fash lonable.and fish designs: as also the Weiner and leke expensi Silver Spoons. Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; also n largo variety of fancy SiPfer Ware, suitable for Bridal presents— We have also on hand, n most splendid assortment of -Diamond-Jewelry oral' kinds, to which we invite as, portal attention. Our prices will be found considerably less than the same articles are usually for. All kinds of Watches repaired In the very best man ner and warranted to give satisfaction. WIMDINU RINGS on hand and made to order. Call or address LEW IS L A.DOM US & CO. 14.0.2 Street, Philadelphia. P. S. The highest cash price paid for old Cold and Siver. All ordeds from the Country will receive espe cial attention. gpfil 1863 lye \ATE have the largest and finest shirts y over offered in this place. Sill [EFS at 1200 per doz. do. 4 • 15.00 " 4 4 do. " 20,01 " do. " 55,00 44 do. " 31400 44 4 4 warranted to be of the best and most celebrated mattes. ltouuht before the late advance in prices, sold by the dozen or single, If you want a Perfect Fittlv Shirt, call at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Ilanorer Street Emporium. March 13, ISM. DR U BOOKS, FANCY GOODS,. ..CON„FECTIONAR/ES FRUITS, PERFUMERY, I'ItESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEATo PICKLES, &C S. W. ILtVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carti,yle, renn'a Has ju, t opened an assortment or Fresh Drwzs, Fan ey floods, (looks, Portal:wry, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surpassed in thin bon ougli. for novelty and eleganee. The artirlas hive been selected with great .ot.e, and are calculated, in quality and pi ice, to co•nuuntd the attention el purchasers. MIMEI=3 which:.ompriseU;ery variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Machu Elegant alahaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes. with sewing instruments, 'Adler ' Callas, Writing Desks. and Port friios. Port ‘IIIIII'IAIOS, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of:ladies' Fancy :t.itio Pry. 31.attl seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, }tiding whips. Idegantly finished. Flue cutlery, Perfume Ictskets 3111111A0, Brush,s oi every hind for the toilet, llazia and It. S O. Wright's Soaps and Peri um os of vlrlous kinds, Fancy i'ins far head dre'Sses and shair Nindeal instruments. to4ether with ao innumerable variety of articleseiegan ly finished and suitable for I'RESEN TS, to vv ha I nrites spacial attention Also, an extensi v e and elegant ,mllection of 1.1401(6, •Arions English and American, Works, richly emiedlished POETICAI. WoilKrt, Bibles and Hymn Or.oks, elcgantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners His assortment a I School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular attune floc of Families to his elegant assortment of Nr from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer aml ethers of Philadelphia, comprising every style of, Parlor, Chamber and study Lamp 4, for burning either Lard Sperm oi oil; tLlso I/it/MS celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower N'ases Fancy Screens, 2insorttneut in this line is un equaled in the bfirough.. Also, SI(L Itd AND TOBACCO, embracing all the I:•rorite brands, and a 11 no assort meet of BEiIItSEITALI)I AMol(EltS AND PIPES, tin celebrated Elllovochink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco FRUITS, such as Oranges. Lesions, pigs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes. &c.. FANCY CON FECTIONARY—N UTS—PR E SER VEIL FRUITS, MIN ED—MEAT, PICKLES, Sr., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh suck as can be, coati:lastly recommended to his friends. ills stock embraces everything in the line ni Fancy Goods, with In any other articles useful to houpdreepors which"the public are especially invited to call and examine. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North LL•anover stre EIMEZEIN DRY GOODS, LINCE the rapid decline in gold, the J•ubscriber, who has on bend the largest xt nck goods in the County, by taking advantage of early op portunity and favorable turn In the market, is now srilinx goods At lower priers than can be purchased in any of the cities-1 have reduced the price of DE: LAINES, • Faney Dress Gools, Bareges, Lawns. Vslenelas, CLnilt Ue Laities he , all will he sold at last year's primes. I am determined to dose out my fancy silks at lire rost Bleached snd unbleached M usll us, Calicos at lower rates. CLOTHS, CA &SIM E I: ES, JEANS, SATI N ItTTS. NOTION'S S -C , OLD PRICES.- A varied assortment of beautiful styles of Carpets, at old prices which 1 Wood lo close out, all purchased be. fore Wu Ilse, and will be sold at least :10 per cent lower thou sal 110 bought In uuy of the cities. HUGS, mArrizio,_ .• •-• OOHING OLASCES'ke.. WINDOW SHADES - - - • -. at prices before thn risa. - I retpeetfully rintutud, those In want of goods to call and examine my stock bolero purchasing. ~ A. W. lIgNTZ. • A pH I 3, 1863. . LOCHSAN'S New . Sky-Light Photographic and Anibrotype Gallery. L. LOCIIMAN is happy to inform Jy hls'numerolm customers, and the public gene rally, that he has reumved his establishment to his Arm Sley• Light Ga lley In the building , recopied by MN Neff. an a Millinery Store, opponite the Cumberland Valley Bank. , Mr. Lockman In now able with hie nniendid fight., and . the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the Tory boat manufactured, to produce . PHOTOURANIS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMDSO TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal to the beat made In Philadelphia or Now York: Piet ureir; can be talted now equally well lo cloudy as in Meer weather. Daguerreotypes or Anahrotypes of deceased persons copied, enlarged, or made Into cartes de visite. Carlisle, Nov. DI, 1142. ri um BELTING ur :Nat rocoived a largo asaortmont of all alsos UIII hcltlnq , Uum Ilaao, Uum Pit `king, kc.,and ,for Halo clamp at tho Hardwaro Storo of Juno 22, 1803. • 11. SAXTON I~ANDKEROIT FS, Ties; Stooks, I Ribbona, Suspenders, I.lndur Shirts, Drawurn, u buitutlfUl ussoptmuut can bu-fouudnt • 1.3.14 Q LI vrxowrozsvq,, . ..North Ilanover &runt Emporium: March 13, _. ,s 1 ~ l i , i ..l_, im c7rletl Collagea 1..,rj .1 0 1 11 T .D l a n . f i ro s u u l r t g h e e r y .B . a I - . . 4 ,.. , . --, -.4, 4 , F I R. G,BORGE S. S.EiA- Va.oflioo at the ....a:Weikel, 011118 mothor,East Loather, etreot. three lloorribolow,, Bedford. -.- _ Maroh UP, 1850—tf. . • . IUPIJS, E. SIIAPLEY, Attotpp:y at Law CarliSla.Pti. Attends to securing and eel -tasting Bnldlirs' Pay, Mounties. and Pensions. °filen on South Aavgvor64rast, opposkts itoutt's story: - Don, 21;1$0!, . . MEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD. The subscribers have this day entered into-part- nership to trade in , JOAL AND LUMBER, We will bavcrconstantly on band and furnish to order all kinds and quitlay of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling' Lath, wdrked Floor• Dig and Weatherboarding, Posts and Bails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit Whitopine, Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualities. Having Cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and also at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of Ills borough. To wit : LYKENS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, do. do. do. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LODI! ERY. which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Best quality of Linieburner's and , Blacksmith' a Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG h HOFFER. July 20, 1862 J. R. NONEMAKEIt' FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED: COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. Tho subscriber haying taken the Ware House cars end fixtures of Wm. B. Murray's well known establish ment. on West nigh street, opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that be has entered Into a g eneral Forwarding and C 011111164,1011 business. The highest market price will he paid for Flour, 0 rain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety mid despatch. I , I,AsTER AND SA LT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing, LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY VOR !lALR. • • REPT U:VDEIt COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NONEMAK ER Carlisle, August 17, 1959. WATE II ES, JEWELRY, AND sz Ell-WARLAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Maln St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. I have just received a new assortment 'of watches, ewelry. medallions, silver stare, tic., in addition to my ormer stock to which I iiivite the 1044110011,4 the public, rho assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watates. Hunting and open case do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepinus .and.__Quartinr_Yrutehes of .ovary -variety du-style—and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest, curb and neck chains. Gold bract-lets, finger rings, ruff-pins, Muds, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, Src., Ar. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks. table, ten, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment - of gold, silver common spectacles, to suit all agos to which we invite 9Ft-elsl ntten• tion. A fine Int. of GOLD PENS from the hest makers, vectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelsts t watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu- • ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which I will sell low fir cash. All articles war- *••• 4 ,) 1311 Led to bp w . hat Illey_are represented„, Ilarticufar 'farina - 1n paid as usual to ~,• V•f;? , s . wATeu Ithil'AMING and all work war- rooted. Dee. 2:3. T 857.1 - TORN P. JANE & SON, have just y received a tore lot of those celebrated screu ES, made expressly for their assn sales. which have always givenen t ire .eat ntaet ion to all who have used them.— You that want al: •en vatting And easy running Scythe, we Would say try one of their superior make We have also a full ,tock. Who Stones, kr. Itakesof Christ. Myers' anli other celebrated makes. Grain Cra• dies of all the host makes in the roOntv, with a toll stock of all kinds of TOUIK Farmer ' s use. All of which we are selling cheap at our store in North Hanover street. Carlisle, Julie 6, 1.862. Prepared from a preseripCon of Sir .f. Clark o, 11. I) 'll 1111 S well known medicine is no ;ni -1 poslthin, but a sure HIM on tit remedy for Female Difficulties and Obatrulitions. trom any cause whatever; and iilthou4li a powerful remedy, it contain" nothing hurtful to the eonatltiitlon: --3-o4Married 4.111e5-it-is pecuiiarly - su4tr•dt- tirith-tn a short time, bring ou the monthly period with rugu la-ity. In all rases of Nervous and Spinal Affections. Pain In the thick and Limbs, Heaviness. Fatigue on slight ex ertien, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits. Ilystei ies. IA I leadache. l W Wiles, and all the painful diseases measioned by a disordered st stem. these Pills will effect a cure when all other ineraur have failed. These Pills have never been known to fall where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet an, well observ ed. For full partioulsru, get n pamphlet, free, of the agent. and 6 prl , Lat:o 1431111 s riIeIOSPLI to any au thorized agent, will Insure a bottle. containing over 50 pills. by return mall. f". Elliott, Agent, Carlisle, Fele...try Isl,3—ly 1e n . o I N; e d teem.,o hei r t new r a m n d Cornerer kot Square, opposite Irsieo's Shoo Store. Ilasingjust returned irons New York end Philadelphia. with an iln MM.! variety of Ihress Goods, we aro prepared to offer superior inducements, to any other House in the country. 8. W. ITAVERSTICK Plain Aloneas all 'Knobby' Shades, single and double width. Brocade Oriental Lustros, all shades. Plain and Plaid Poplins, morn beautiful than any silk, nt one half the east of silks, Pongee, Mixtures, Do Lainos Chaillos, Lawns, Organdies, Cliintaes, &c., Domestic Goods. A hens,' stook of Prints, Cheeks, :ilusllns, Oingharns, Cut touades, Drills, ke., will be sold at reasonable rates. MO (TRYING GOODS. Mourning Goods to ho offered at astonishingly low prices. Bombazines% Cashmeres, Summer Reps. Alpacas, Plain Bareges, all wool Be haloes single and double width, cry c cap. Cloths and Cassimeres. .4 good anent tnnlit or Cloth s. and thu largest variety of Fancy Cassimaree, over OirerOd in title market. Also, our usual tooiortauout of Notlous„Iloslory, Glcvos, Trimmlugs, GREENFIELD & SIIEAFER, South East Corner Market Square, opposite Irvine's Slow Store. March 20,1867 " - 01.1111170.7 r Mg 114. E. " FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORE Just received and in store, a fresh and well ad• lected assortment of Rio, Java aud Mara caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars, . Relined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses. Orleans (baking) !.1 alas sea. Spices of every variety— pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Maccaronl, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, Saturant: and Soda, Cream Tartar and as. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Sped. 'fit TEAS.- -A fine assortment In Packages, .1 and iv hulk—as well no all other articles 1,1 ' belonging to the buJiness—all at the lowest Vtt ,I, ,I- and late reduced prices. I rl ' qti ..J. W. EDT. BLLiDS SiLIDES. ,11. J. WILLIAMS, No. lfi North Sixth Street., Mille delphla, Manufacturer of " ArENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SIIA,DES. The largest and finest assortment In the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades made and lettered. April 3, 1803-2uf. %AM CARD.-CHARLES-E. MA OLAI.IOII4IN, Attorney at Law, Office In In. heff'H but W lnq, Junt onnoslte the Market Rouse. Carlisle, March 14,430-Iy. CP. HUMRIOH,.LAttorney at Law. .—omeo on!. North Ilimovor otroot, It row doors south of Wass' Ilotol._ All busluoss entrusted to Wm will bep!'omp6l , 4roltondodi to. [Aprill6... .. , in., 1" 0 31111' 11'-- 1t1. 1 q,.. Eli, in.,' _Attorney_ at u .Lan aii'd • Surv4o . r,tMochanicaburg : I's. Office on Rail Road Street: two da , re north 01 the Dank. Ailir'llualeess promptly attended*to. - • - .. T M._W.II4IAKLEY.-A Worn ey at, Law: . .ipf • Mao on south linnovor street. opposite liotiiz' Dry (loads store. All brofessinnal buNiness entrusted to him will to promptly attended to. PIiINROSE, Attorney ot Law W M e 'OMc'e in Ilboom's ilall. Professional .busl boos promptly ntfondett to, . .. Po'bruqvritlelilil; THOMAS CONLYN Interesting To Farmers. The Great English Remedy SIR cLARKP:'s CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. sioian Ex t raw din:try to the Queen REMOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER CCUMBERLANDVALLEY AND FRANKLIN- RAIL ROAD. • • t : Z. io t Z ... • ORANGE OF lIOURSI On, and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1802, .rassenger Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted O FOR CHAMBER:3MM° AND HARRISBURG. , . Ist Train.- 2d Train Leave Hagerstown, 7.00 A. M. 2.46 P. M Greencastle. 7.37 " 3.35 Ohambersburg, 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 n Sbipponsburg, 9.00 " 1.28 Newville, 9.32 " 2.00 10.10 ~ 2.40 ~ MEM Mechanicsburg, 10.42 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg, 1 1 .16 " 3.90 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, • Ist Train. 2d Train Leayo Harrisburg 8.05 A.lll 1.35 I'. 31 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.16 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.55 " blenyille, 10.02 " 3.29 " Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 " " Chambg', (A rrbro) 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle, 11.65 6.30 " Arrlvo at 11agerstow•n ED NOTICE TO PASSENOESS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, 0 rem:cast le, Cham bershurg. Shtppenshurg, Newville. Carlisle, Mechanics burg and liarrishag, a reduction of ThN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all l'assengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. O.N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambersburg,} May 1,1862. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA 7 4 .: Ar e _ no- 4 vel a , .73.1 DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. C Dire of this Line leave the Depot 611 Market ct Daily, nt 4 o'clock, I': M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, nt 7 o'clock, A M. (ion& Intended for this Line should be marked C. A P. Daily Freight,Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 25, ISM). READING RAILROAD. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CZ BEAT Trunk Line from the North Itnrl North• West for Philadelphia, No.. York Rend ing, Pottgville, Lebanon, Allentown. Easton. ke.,/ce. Trains leant Ilarrlsbure; ° for Philadelphia, New-York. Rending Pottstille, and 101 Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., nod 'A P. M. r r Win rg . nt. 2.15 A. 31., arrlvit.g at New York at 0.15 the wane looming. Fares from Ilarrieburg: To New-York $5 15; to Phil adelphia $3 30 nod .52 80. Baggage checked through. Returning. Nava Now• York at 0 A. M.. 12 neon. and P M., (Pit tshurt; FApress.) LHAVO Philadelphia . at 8 15 A.. and :11l I'. M. ;gimping ears in the New York Express Trains, thmu.lh to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers toy the Ca ta w ism Railroad leave Tamaqua at tt.SU A. M., and 2.1.5 P. M., for PM ladel thin,he w- Cork, and all Way Pointe. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., a nd P. M., for Philadelphia, Ilarrlsbur; and New• York. An Accommodation Passenzer train leaves Reading at 600 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Jair- All the above trains run tinily, Sundays except ed. . A Sunday train lett•em Pottsrille at 7 30 A.M., and Philadelphia at 3 15 I'. NI. Commutation, Niill'agE7, Season, and F:xecrtainn Tick ets at reduced rates to and from nil points. April 24, Igra FIAT AND CAP EMPOItaTI! rillhe -undersigned having-purchased the .Lock. he., of the late Wra. 11. Trout deed. would respectfully announi, to the public that be will car) liner thr LIATTING BUSINESS at the old stand, in V 0 Iligh streot. and with a renewed end efficient effort, produce articles et Iliad Ores, of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that o 1 of ho Rlrielly in keepin g with the Improvernebt of thu Art, and fully up to the age in which we live. I have on `Hand a splendid • assortent of . " 4-1 .43.4 HATS AND CAPS, ;. „ . ..1 m !„- 1.::14"..4 of all descriptions, from the common Woo to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prict s that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stack includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMEE E, BEAVER k FELT DM'S, °revery style and color and unsurpassed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment In the country. _MEN I'S', a rid.ll/11/.IIILEN4I.:—//hTS—iind--64-PFr of every lescrlptlon collslantly on hand. Ito respectfully invites all the old patrons and a many new ones as possible, to give him a eaIJ. Apr. 25, 1840-ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM _ - - • Filer-.. ,-,T4 - ,;=,, f- ? ..a._ 4 ,* & ‘j - 1 t-'; 4a fcr ...til -, _-•--::7:2... ►Vest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just reCeived the most splendid assortment ol' articles In his line, ever brought to this place—which he Is determined to sell at prices that do ly competition. Parlo, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kitchen an d Office Embracing every article used by House and 'note/ keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furnittire in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, dr., dc. At'Zc- Particular a ttenllon given an usual to funerals; orders from .town and country, attended to promptly and on moVratc terms. A. D. E Carlisle, May 12, 1558.-13% L UMBER AND COAL, OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a full soriment of Lumber & Coal, which he can fur- C • A ' L ir• • nisi' to order promptly Ti k - . ;‘,.„ and on the most roe- sonable terms. • _- LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor ing, Weatherboarding, Posts, Rai 10% bite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. flu also furnish bills - to order of any length and slue, at the shot test notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ills worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can bo fur nished dry at all times, Ile has constantly en hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be &live' ed clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LI'KEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And othe: varlo,f,jos, and all the various el;er. In use, which he offers to the public lit the lowest prices. LIMEBURNER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COALalways on hand, at the lowest cash price. "" Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Week & Delaney. be would solicit a continuance of the same as lie will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Simnel for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. ' OLIVER DELANCY July 20,1 —ly. • • sinlaxprer' TRADE.. 1863. NEW. GOODS ! . .d NOW offering an i.inmenso variety - J: 1 .f CI,OTIIB, . . OASS;AIIIHI9SL. - • COTTON ' • For Men and.Boys' _ In a larger variety, than can 'be found In any °stab , Ilsbinent In this place,.and at as low prices no can he sold any whore, to Snit-taste and pocket., We manu- facture the above goods to order. In the latest stiles, or selrpor vir4..,Cwitrnorm wisyna to hasp the ;roods ,hought: of as, cut. edn lie accnininodated. free ()rebate°, An early insifoctiou of our goods a nd prices, respectflil ly solicited. ISAAC ViviNawrow, • North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. ta *pelt la, leoe.• • JAMES 11.. _WEAVER'S' . .. ..,.. -..,, - 0 , ~,.r . eVij• CABINET . AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NOR= DIANOVER &REST, CARLISLE, PA. • Having been engaged In the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him in years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction lo all who may favor him with a call. of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to he of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. MEEMNIr:I Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAKER : — Ready made Coffins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, 3101 finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. r QTILL TRIUMPHANT, The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cooh Stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satisfac tion. ~ IX= lit. A saving of from 30 to CO per cent. in fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the samealze, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In ace, 6tb. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, 7 th..A perfect Gas Consumer for either word or coal. The Prairie Flower is warranted to give satisfaction In every particular, and will be shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference In town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on band, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting. Roofing, Job work, Copper-smithing and Sheeting work promptly attended to, In town or coun try. All work warranted at the old stand, nanoyer street north of Louther MARY M. 1110111t18. N. B. Ohl Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid in cash or goods. March 28. 1860.—tf. HOWARD ASSOCIATION! PIIILADELP riTA A Benevelent Institution, estsblished by special en. dowment for the relief of the Risk and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseasek. end especially for•the Cure of Diseases of the Stecuni Organs. MEDICAL. ADVICE given grail'', by the'Acting.Sztr geon. to all who apply by letter, with a description frf their condition, (age, occupation, habltii , of life, &c.,) and In caves of extreme poverty, Medicines (arniaird free of eharr.-,e. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrbren, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, end on the NEW REM— EDIES employed In the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will he tereptable. Address. DR. J. SK LLVN ROUOFITON. Acting Sae• goon, Howard A sSodation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, • - • EA RTlVELLyPrealtletit ' OEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 5,1861.—1 Y. O. A. N I COLLS, General Superintendent J. O. CALLIO JUST received the largest, best and cheapest assortment of 61.3 then, Forks, Snaths, hakes, Whet Stones, Shovels, ' Hoes, Vator Cans, hogs , dee., over brought to this county. All oh which I have made expressly to order, In large quantities, so that they can be sold at very low prices and warranted no reprosentd. The trade and cradle maker; supplied at manufac turer prices, at the cheap Hardware store of lIENIIY SAXTON, East Main St., Carlisle. NOVEMBER 2ND, 1863. 06—Tho readm a of the "Ihmate" are ;minded that I have just brought from the city a large supply of SUOAR CURED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes In rang; fresh Mushrooms, the very best Pickles, different kinds. or mixed Mustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Fish. Solt, Fine Segars and Tobacco: very fine Brandies. Old Rye Whiskey, Winos &C.; besides a general tISHOii• ment of goods in our line of trade, offered at - the very lowest prices, FOR CASH. WM. BENTZ. Nev 'td. 181'3 VALISES, Trunks, Cat pet Bags, thp beralltie &a. Formai sole leatber Trunks, 'Ladies travelling Trunks of large sizes, brass .bound, 01 tho best makes, in largo.varlety ISAAC.LIVINGSTOWS North Hanover Street. CIF' our own manufacture, the most touclvo stook over warranteil as refigre• twilled, sold Wholooale or Retail at the lowest .ina'rket price, got up In the moot • FASIPONAB4E STYLE, ,• - o pleaso the most fastidious tasto,:boaure and eal):1,11. ore tarnishing elsewhere at , 'ISAARtiTINOSTON; North Ran9yer Street Clothing Emporium, Mardi 11 7F03. 300 - lbs. 'of Stagman's oolebikodi ,SughPlured h7lnle, canyassod end nnet,nyeveed,at. the cornet'of Main and West streets. . May 5, 1/163—J. f. A. t . 1 ' • Du m PS & C,I M EN -- 100 buireis . • Cowen t, aria' a large aiaortment of Chain and Iron Pumps, Jura received end for sale cheaper than over, , Cement sold, by tho quantify at man u far tnrm e price • • • ,11. :3AXVONt O , IIA-IRS AND FURNITURE, Walnut Coffins coverod from 15 to 30 dollars Mny 25. 1850—ly *HAT IS OLAIIIIEH OVER OTHERS IS NTEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, CAI'S AND STRAW GOODS. 11. TS, Cal''S Sc.i _ ........,E.... , de , • -..^- •• . ,---,,,,..,,, •••Z;t1=1: ' 'S •---•=;- • • .='.. ~. 7:,...... ,;:_,...._',... . " . -..e , '" v. at '' - g '. 4 0.c.-.07--"s.<4;, The subscriber bee recently opened a New Store nt the old stand of .1. D. Halbert In North Ilsonvr t y tepprinit e the - ra rllshl DupnsiF (loving received from New York and Philnielphis, n . fi or and well setected nem - atom° t of goods in hie Sne o. hnsiness, curb Itx HATS and CAI'S, from the common Wool to the tine. Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, F . :lll2lnd Winter style: of Silk Irate for 1881. Ladles Furs, such as ;Moue Martin, Mink Sable, Flick Siker% an Squirrel. Illark, Bran anti Ohio Cooney, Rork Mar tin, Silver do. to., Children. Furs, ll,avnr Data for Girls anti Boys, in, Caps, Gloves and Collar. for Gen tlemen. BUFFALO ROBES, and pricey to mutt the timer. Also. Carpet Bags &c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIIYIES• Moo, Carpet Bags, Valiaelt, Tranka, Band Trutakp, Umbrellas. An moot tmernt of Dar Prime Segars and Tobacco. ..VA Thankful for the patronage already received he would tryrste all hie friend* and the public generally to give him a call. JACUI3 BOAS, Ago.. Carlialo, April 10, 1967. 186 , nA lt WA 11 E }, l. 11 AE D & Son hnve Juot tu . rn ' Noted opening their vpring Stock eine:Aware, Paints Oils, varniebes Wove Sc.. to which they invite the early :Otters nu" 14 the public. We hove greatly enlarged our etutk in ell Itx:vBrlous broneheynid can now uceunsusodate the pub lic with RELIABLE GOODS. dolargteor-small-ti mint ities, thrl ctvest - pttettg. - 13 we do not wish the public to understand that we hav• brought all the goods in Philadelphia and New York to our tow n, but we can assure them that one look into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to gh • us n call before making their purchases.—All order. personally anti punctually attended to, and no niter, presentations made to effect sales JOIIN P. LYNE A EON, North Hanover St. Carlisle. May ", 'GO I l lltE INSURANCE. - THE ALLEN AND BAST PENN6IIOIIO MUTUAL FIRE IN MJRANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo• rated by an act of Assembly, in thw year 1843, and hav ing recently bad its charter extended to the year 1883, Is now In active and vigmous- operation, under the su perintendence of the following Board of Managers, If ix: William It. Oorgas, Christian Stayman, M. Cockliti, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J ii. Coover,John Elchelber ger. Joshph Wickersham. Saud. Ebet ly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coaxer, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of Insurance are as low and fan rabic ns any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing to become members arc invited to make application to the .agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. R. GOBGAS. President, Eberly's Mille, P. 0 CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President Cariloe, P. O. JOHN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y., Mecluinieliburg MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer, Shepherdstown. QM= CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John Shervick, Allen Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Better Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churcbtown ; Mode OW oth, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Bennis hero'; Samuel Coover, Meehan icsimrg ; J. W. Eri e kon, Shepherdstown; I). Coover, Upper Allen; J. 0. Bea- ton, Silver Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentino Beeman, New ()umbel land. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Jae. GriAlth, Warrington; J. F. Deaniorff, Washington: Richey Clark Dillsburg; D. Rutter, Fair, iew ; John Willi: ma, Carroll. DAUPHIN CO.—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. • Members of the company having policies shunt to el plro, can have thorn renewed by malting application to any of the Agents. • Feb. 28. 1882. Scythes Br. Snaths. Juno 13 TRUNKS ! TRUNKS ! Mardi 13. 1562 Iteady Blade J A 111E8,1t: WliA TER