STRAW GOODS. OF all the NEW Styles, Por Ladies Alllsses & Ohildrens {Veal. French & Arnerkan . FLOWERS. Bonnet Ribbons, and a gonaral assortment of MILLINARY GOODS! at tho lowest Cash prices—Wholesale & Retail— MILLINERS Will Consult their interest by examining my stock before making their purchases. WM. KRUSE'S, No 218 Arch Street, Philadelphia, March 20,1863 MILLINERY GOODS. 1863. SPRING, 1863. IV - 00D & CARY, No. 725, CHEST y ► NUT STREET, pitiLADELNIIA, STRA.W & MI LLINERY GOODS Including STRAW HATS & BONN ETS. ISS ES & Oil ILDIi ENS STRAW GOODS, FANCY & CRAPE IioNN ETS, French FIONTOrn, Iti hhou H Sce., In which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchant .t CA :ill BUYERS will find special advantage In ox arnining this stork before purchasing. March 20, 1803-3 in. NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. We have taken the Store Rooms formerly Occupied by Grecillluld Sheafer in East Nl:tin street, next door to the Jail, whore we intend to keep all kinds 01 QUEENaIVARE and (;aoe/MIES. Our stark Is new and fresh, carefully selected in the Easter., Cities. We In vite the public and frlentla In qen Ertl to alva Us a rail and examine our stack of winds as we arc determined to sett CHEAP con rnon. Our stork consists in part a' SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SY HUI'S, MOIIIFSeI4. Queensware, WillOW ware. Cedar ,ari Brushes, Cards aud eery warranted! pare. areeit and Oriel! ErBtit 9 Foreign and Doine,tie, and it full assot I gloretue:? generally. Flour by the btrrel Cr 'WWI, Colin try prop lice r 0 relved In exchange for g..ds. Nlntrh 20, 1903 Watches Jewelry and Diamonds. I_,Ewls LA.Dom us k co. 802 Che.stnut Ntre, , t, Phiia,/flphia. I e —IA VP, always on hand, a largo stock of liald 31111 : ii, cr. W.t, In, onit,ld, in r i,,dieii, ( ntdonion or 11,.),r. :`OlllO Of OUI . 1.11 111111011, tie,,. OX tI3 fine .I. tidy va . Our iiiii.of till,la ol .I,•ii.dry .•n• Isis ni the maid f.o.b. lonaloh. and Huh di:id 41, : as a 1.,. the plain, 3101 lers expon,ive. Silver Span no, Farliii, Pie. Cake and Fruit Knives; also a large lariety of ha -p Silver N 1 aro, huitaldr Bridal pr,,, , nts We ,'-,,1',,.' nn hand, a inol, ,id,litl a•-nrtnient of Di AM ip fl ri .10.,,by ~I II kill to. Inn a 1.0141 %11, i 1111,1.0 0., peel,' 3110 In, pin In lan r. s, ill I.e i, mind ~ ,, ,,,1.n.i1.1y less than the same /0•11111•• n,o 11-1111 lia . . All kinds of 11.11, In , Lepiirod in the i'vry hest main nor.anil warranted_ to A-1 ii-i..aldsi.tcliun... WEIWI NH IliNii.'• an 11. Ind 3101 111.010 to ardor. Call or address I,II).)M'S .co 2 Cho.tmt St,tl.l.t. 1.161.14,:ph1a P. S. l'he• }IF kc. p 1;.1,1 and Sire, All 11 . 11111 01 , tFy n itl I..colve , s r u . C ui nt.t..titi.m. April '2l. SHIRTS !,SHIRTS ! ! AVE have the 1ar.2. - o , t and finest shirts 7" 7 ercr thi. :_ 4 1111;TS jo•r 11.$z d... .211.11) LI.). - - warranted tai 1., of the I,eo and uiu=t o,dollratcd make,. 'nought the kti• :I , i :1114 in prices, sold by the dozen or single. it ynti-,nrit a l'crj; et MIS ‘m• I,lVlNnsTivs North En.imriunl March 111, ISt ENN I. LIFE INS Ult- ANcE (Assm's 7SO 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSUILINCE POLICIES, The 11»ar,1 TroNt...,, I . nr .I—r.zl p l)j, dand tnrtyprr rynt. ur.F.n tire c3,..t. pi.rmi rro , rr ooived »11 all ie. to (“1 . 11 . ..11 tili• :MSC, 141)1 , comber. and o i. 1,1 1..'. r the Scrip Divi dends 3,1 1 , ...,1, in p. 4 4 44t ut Prt. min... Not., or the ('..lllpany, will be erb.lite.l ou the slllll. %,ith the or maid years. The ❑ndersign,dl i, heady to denier vertificates to parties entitled to risieire them, at the rarli , le A rem cy, at his )lAII :tin I, at .illy tithe alt., the date ht this Doti,. Pamphlets, tahlifs I.f iste.. iimiliosti,ine and el my ill formation furnished s it hoot I harp.. =II I ,'. 6 3 ~ . . .. . NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! S]:INC the decline in Forei...n ex ,han...,:,, I...idi.h 5..,v ) ,•r A: )Burr hp,,,: ~,iv...1 thoir stm•k of r.ri•ivlt :-p1 , 11,2: .1, , ,,,,,.f..,,,11,,,,jug all the latest (Simi, arid nerrr,t, trt...rlr, in the market. PLAI FAX('I S I , Wool and silk Poplins, I'unm•„s, Tints (loth, Shop, herd Plaids, Urenadinss, llarse:es, Lawns, Dui sinus A.c. All kinds of Mourning, ILod tuusral ;roods of liksons Importations, Sluing lantles, Shawls, 1)aloronl, /loop Skirts, Suu Umbrellas, (doves, Hosiery, S.s., LLOTIIS, CA SSIM IMES VESTINCis, plain and tansy; all kinds of panting, at low prises We have a largo stork of ‘lesirahle FUOil a fancy silks. (tress goods. Del:does. ltateges, Lawns mapy other goods left over from last season, Si !licit we ivill sell at last ye a r, pi iron. We have 101 unnmuse Shirk 1/nlllook grinds, also Carpets, Oilcloths,. Window Shades, Looking Mosses, Ulmor foruishing goods, kr W e will mak e addition. to our ~ t iwk as the 84,, , it5.11 AdVallelitt. Thatittill liii punt iiltronago, we holm to merit a coulluuanue ul the car te. LEIDICII 841VVER MILLER April 3, 1803 NEW GOODS ! NEW GODS ! Jam now opening a choice lot of sLim tnur Clooda bought at the , ed price 3 for cash all of whlea will be sold at c..rre , p.,n.ling low prices. ELEOA-VT CIIALI LA JIVES, Lawns, Mozanli.ique4. Shepherds Plaid, Pail De rho, los, Lavellaq, W,Fal Ii Laines, French Ilareges. Cambric and Swiss 31utsli Tamtans. whit, 111.10,1, Lawn, Linens, Linen liandkerchiels. Lpring :la wk. 6lelht Bal morn In. l' ( . .,t ers, iiingliann, Calicoes, Tiekings, kr,ut lower pekes than liereinfule. II()SIERY AND GLOVES, In great variety, Sun Iloilo-I.llas and Parasols. Misses, and Children's lio.,ped Skirls, newest styles. Lest quality, and eheaper than can lie had le the country. Gentleman's o ear, nn has note Cloths, Cassimores and Vestings; Handsome Sumner Cas,itnei es, for Men and !toys wear, Cashinerott.'s, Cottool.den, Stripped snit 1 , 1: 1 11, Drillings, tie., A fow yards of Carpeting on hand, at loss than city prices. All persons in want of handsome and Cheap Goody, Will do well In cull before purchasing elsewhere, as We ore now selling goody for rash at very low ',rives. Recollect the place, Main Street, nearly opposite the Depot. May 15, 180 NEW DRUG STORE. • lIIHE undersigned has just opened a new Drug Store, in South Hanover street, next door to InholPs Grocery Store, why's() ho has just re ceived and evened a largo etoe lc of Drugs, ' Chemicals, Dye-Staffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a large let (4. Tobacco and Segars, of the moot favorite ln•ands; Coal (t Lamps end Shades Burning hi aid . conil•rtlou:u Fruit', Num, cmil Alcohol, Stationery, Patent Medicines. and all other articles connected with our line. All of which we will soll at priers to cult tin, times. Prescriptions carefully compou'Aml by a competent druggist Carlisle, Dec.lo, 1802--1 y NAILS ! NAILS !! NAILS ! ! A large stock of good, Clean, Neat, arid Tough pails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth,bOrts a hog more, than any other make of nails sold In our town. this ix the opinion of mechanics who hare triad them, wo also have a full assort taunt or L N 151 A T ; of the latest and moot approvOd'styles. All goods war ranted as represented. JOHN P. LYNEA SON. FRESII MACKEREL.- A lit of Naelcerel—new ea tch assorted pneka goo ofaialves Quarter, and Eighth Barrels. Also, SALMON, for sale at the Store of the subscriber. Oct. 26. 'Q2 FISH FlBl-I I! A now invoice or NO packages of various qs of Mackerel and Harting at the very lowest cash prices by Juye 5, 'O3, aIVM. BENTZ. F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works on east Main street, Carlisle, a large assortment of" of woll known, approved usefulness to farmers, among which they would call especial attention to \ULU/COLL 131" B CELEBRATED PATENT which has taken aver fifty Eirst C!IISN Premiums t State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores of them are now in use 1111 the befit 1111 . 111 S in these counties. its reputm Oen is established as the most complete Grain Drill now manufakured in the Wilted States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Il revs, evenly and regular, without hunching the send. The gum Springs pass the drill rater stumps and stones, without breaking 'doser the drill. For even 111111 regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also 111111111 1111 1 t01 1 0 111111 sell the articles, which WO coo recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT Mils PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRA & FODDER CUTTER, BR] DEN DULPICS PATEN'r CORN SHELLER, 11A R N"S PATENT CIDER JIILI., JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S TROUGH. Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Nlachines, Cost Iron Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and oilier articles for FaraleeS toe atialeleaa to rnenliuu. Also, Egg Coal Stoves Tea Plate Wood : 4 tov”s. with an immense Variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. We have also an at tractive val iety of patterns far IRON RAILINGS, and CHIIETERY ENCLO":"UIt ES to which we would call attention. To till, departinunt of our business o e give purlieu. lac iittontion. tit, already tonal ve stork of patterns for Paper. ' , loin and Saw ill fearing. is constantly i114.1•1111Sillo. fie: a inn! NI i , l a ill he fur 'fished with n printed c • talogni• 14' our various )1111 pattiiciis, on,.l,l,Hr:dill, titl e )1111111111 1 ;s1)11111 . 0mpristis all TAW V:11 illll4 Sculls ter turning, planing and finishing Shafting and l'ael lugs, by good and ran tut Mack inkts ST:ll'l()N.lftV STEAM ENGINn- , of Iny desirsilshs rapacity. Irons ten to t‘renly-flvehorse power. built iss the lest style and tos :O . Coniosollating torn), 6ogine , built at our estalolklussent nosy Ist. SVVII iw sus.ros•still opesatisso at twiny of the tannest Distill, lee :11,1 . I%llllloli, ill CM, lisle. and Combed:sod Pero' :snit IS:snubs's roOlities. to the owners. of eldrh Ivo confident 13 roll, los. inform:altos :is to their ellkiisit ey. Persons %%sits tins_ rictus, I:ogine, sire esiroestl, re quested to cs.11:411.1 1 . N:1111111e bets s e routs - acting rhos where. =1 DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Cori m. 0,1 is ilh c , ltt is :I St.`lllll SZIFI,III I) \ ‘Oll. II tn , nvomplete of der It the Ina u Lint Ivs no d.>.,ipl.n.n ul !WI 1.1/I \ \l 4 \ flip Ite-t rse.tly well as the phi nest 'louse. IVin 11,.1 el Gr 111 : 1111.. l , I rvue. hem lip, srd Arid I,ln ..F1 ; V.. 111 r... 11, F. 2 ('acting. Sr. lle Tic) :di. Ir. °ceded In limite LuiLh n;; f0rni...11,1 at the I. 111 •t pi it,- and of the hest qualil3 AT tol 1 , 1 :tie] rs.r. lir 111 . MIEN fer l Isllsperter , ..i the rnil,! UI. aitli pl The ....II tl i1u.•.1 •.t e.ret.1.1.,•tf11113 I. mail prenTlly .it leveled te. A Co. 4„:! . EIA1,1:\;(1 T TNV 1.11 At Ili, si,rn h.• 1;..I.1011.1.1, 111 1 . 11111 1 ,11.111.1 .1111 . ) 1..11115. 11,1 I,li. 11....1s 1.1 . 1“11 . 111 1 ' 11111 . .11 ~ 11 31am ,Ltt•t•t., largi, ht,t ,t.1,•51,•.1 -101 h 0,1 lu th. tmvn. ,t•nt h.,. than t p 1.., in Ow lo• , :t t nn•nt, r.I :11,•1, 4 1[1•••r• It It ri I Lephic , . \ i‘ .111 ~It. kV , . tlth, Liud>alit GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, : 4 1,e•i•LIF:i • ""Id '" " 1 ."*. ;MU Z.ll .Wlll.ll, utt•tt Nntii I till hlto 111 11.. \jillttl, .111,1 Seer SI ill Ls' ' , Phi ISll“ii• , ,til• w rrt.u!lll 1,•1111, I L i vh, t. 1,,.t ~r1:11,3u all 1,i1,14,,t re will le• ,klit• n. 11,131, at ro€1114•1,1 pH, y Aitt;iv.\ I, ()I , ' FllEsil H-11 A LI. E I M),-, , a 1:1,,• 1.4 Llo• t•al t:1•1,11ilo• It.iltl T 31,,, tic) 2,1 t 111.1:1:1 \ I;. in o 1,.,, ,1.. \ t'k 'oth] nt Ilt . II • 1•N LI,: IN d :,1..ill,1111:0y lust. kinds, TOBACCO AND SEGARS. A. 1,. :,1.1)XSI.111: L cl () . , I:, (1'1,..1! 11 M 111.:\ Carlivlr, J unv Ihi,3 RE umf:lilin;.! in the enli'e of l'otr 4 h, , , A.t11111., .re Ile'is.ll,lllt I C1111•11:1111i :ill!! Lll Ch.. 1.1..110 1111•1111 iiil• and :uly child eitl tni,, flour 1 , 1 , 11 to-b., I to 11.•111.11 t [kit h cant,. A hinglil ir— lirtr•. ill li•ll tin utter I:11.111 nal null ,1.1111111.11 Bryan. " Sbibiglos kinds or.• li. rile Tw,etty hrrCell b. (leak, Qvnt•rall. .1111 I . l . F.primor. NV. For Aldo by Ellitott, Fel. sirs * _! , l, 1.6 ;--ly ‘_ FULL, assortment or 3len an tl Boys' i , and `II .es. suitable ler tie, winter. Alpo. I.a,le•s I,llli II i.-,1,..4 ft/11111,11 11141'1 • 14. l'hilaren's Beet, of .111 kiwi,. I,,ll , ,,te.l(;eilLletertl . ,.“l')l Over Sim,. \ls “Id eu.ionl.•res and all ill want er geed fled beep Ito.ots at,' Shoos. will 1,11,1. e 1,1 1 :111d etmeitle the stowlc, hel,re purchasing. Male street, nearly opposite the Depot. N v. 21. ISC2 TUST ()pelted the largest mul best as sortia.stit t.f 11.6nlwaTe, Paints, ,lils, Varnish. lilacs. Iran, brau.tht L. (Initalterland tamaly,•lv I it ea.h, tint ahirh eo are soiling at the loaa•st In i.•,... in vit.,. Ow paldh r g,avrally In 0,, us n roll holm,. Maki [1.4 thole porch:l,l.s, no V10:11,11111) su,tailting ~Ur .1.1 le.patation of soiling tho IoDS AT THE 1' EST I'HICES. Ilettirninu th.toks to ~ generous puldie for their past p Ltvona hoping, be personal attet,tiou to their wants, to Merit It Conti:twill,. of the same. .IoI,IN P. LVNIL & SON, At the Old Stand North I ttiover Street. Carli-le, Julie G. 18(12. I)AINTS AND . OILS.— io To. White 1,ea.1, Dam Gallons of oil. Just received will/ a larva assortment of Varnishes, Fite Prisd Paint, 'lnqsa.tine, Fiore., White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, upl,,cod '1 ny, Litliargo, Rod Lend, Whiting, liolled 011, JI Ulna, Lard Oil, Shollac, Spann 011, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &e., Colors of every loneription dcy,,and Oil In cans and tabus at Llio IlardwaraSturc of CIIAS. 00 I LIIY, Trusi Co. Cnrlial e, Ort. 25, 1901 I)READ BISCUIT &a. ) The Cream of 'Porter "Substitute" is reenmmen• ded as It 811110riOr article in erenhinatiou with Saleratus or Soda Sir Baking purposos. It prod twos broad cakes be., which who's cold 311 Meld, ntolt,t, and grateful, wlille those of Cream of tartar n of ion dry and taste loss. it will cost i!..111 Crean! of Tltrlar and 18 used In 010 sortie tray for u. d, lug, e. TIIIB 811115TITUTE, • together with Salm•atm' Soild. I Cream of 'tartar, Bermuda Arrow iloat, Mustard Seed. ground :sod un• ground, spices of all. kinds unadulterated, stud also Groceries In scurry variety constautly nu hand, and at the lowest prices for;ssile by Dee. 14, 18'12 ( L I LI A VING SALOON.—Having fitted kjup in tho very Lost style, the mom In dramlieu building, next door to A. L. Spontdoe's office. lam pre pared to give my tonsorial attontitilm to all who may honor too with a visit. I shall constantly be supplied with competent and polite hands and shall sparnnottlfort to give general satisfaction. I wish to omplov a gnnd boy, between 14 and IT years old, Apply immediately to J. MITERS. Carlisle, Jtthe 4T. 1802-Iy, DAVID RALSTON ITAMES.. 500 pairs Haines on hand gar an 1, - lade. , Ellzabahtown pattern, Loudon lieriitnan do , with and without patio t fastenings, cheaper than over at U. SAXTON'S, East Main at. March 28, 1862. I X" NIPS & CEMENT. 100 barrels of - Cement, with a largo assortment of Chain and Iron Pumps, j ust rocuirod and for saki cheaper than ovor. Comout sold hyQho quanlityitt-munufacturee a price 'March If. SAXTON. .1 W EBY DR.I.C.I O OOMIS South Ilann%or stroot, --Ner it -q. °p o sit o lieu tx',..lry goods Juno styro. Carlisle 'oundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I AUILICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, Steam Engines and Mill Gearing W.1'1V111:S AN!) JEWELRI MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, T&:J•-, I=l zrapurtant rpiscovery =I PULNIO,NIG BOOTS & SHOES CH.4B. OGI I.IIY, Ti ustme- 'HENRY SAXTON, BALIITIORE LOCK HOSPITAL_._;.,' ESTABLISUED AS A REFUGE FROM OUACRERY:'3 TIIE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN RE PJITAINED: DJOII'N'TON has discovered the most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for all private diseases, weakness of the Nock or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and Wad tier, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debili ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low riPirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of'tho heart, timidity, trem- Wings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of tho head, throat, none or sk in, affections of the liver, lungs, stomach or bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of 'Youth—those secret and solitary practice , more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrons to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &e., impossible. Especially, who have become the vietimm of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit uhich annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or welted to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. IVIARILLA GE. Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debil ity, deformities. doe.. speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor nn a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This din tressing affection—which renders lite miserable and marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid lie• the victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses front nut being aware of the dreadful CollBl,llllellreg that may ensue Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Im proper habits than by the pt udent Besides being de• prised the pleasures of healthy offspring. the most serious destructive symptoms to both body and mind at ins. The NySti.III lieeollleB lter1111;41•11. the 1111SSI V•ii atilt lens of procreative power. itervon , irritability. dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a oast. , 11 tile frame, cough, consumpt lon, decay and death orlon NO 7 SOUTH. FREDERICK STREET. Left hand side going front Baltimore street, a,few doers from the corner. Fail not to observe 1111111e1111d number IWO rrs must be pail] and I , lltaill a stamp. Tin, Do, tor', Diplom:l, hang In Ns oilier. V CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRYS• No llorroiry or NallSl,ll, Drug . s.—Dr..lohnston.”ll , lo . )e1'..1 the loy - .111 . ..Z1'011F. 1..1111.1.1;1,1111 tV 6..111 ,•I the 0111.1 eml 111,1 ges iu the Calitell Slate, and the :frt.:der reirt Of 01174. , life fing 1,1.11 Spent I: . ii.. , 111[111, 11l Lololoo, :111.1 else, hel 11,i, effected ,•1101111 I hi. most a•tooishits goo.— t h LI, 011, over 1:1101511; ninny troubled with ring ill the howl .00l 1110 51ii ell asleep. great net von, ala Ined at sudden s..unds, I.asllfti I it h frog molt I,l‘l,hina. nt.Li•othol sotoottines will. (I, 1,111.41'111,11 word enrol immediately. T aTT E.A.E.TICT3I..AII NOTICE. 11 r.. 1 .ldres,;;111 thosewh,l luiveiujuml tiumu.,lvvs Lt iwplq„riudul~curr and sulitary 1.1/.IIS. Mli.llllllll 11,1111111,i .111. i Mind. unfitting them fol either bus ue,s. si ad v. I y Marriage itren.sloe 5.1 Lilt, Sad and melancholy effects is olst ed by early halt is st yOllOl, viz: NVO:litileNS of tITTrIllEll: arid iii - the hesid. - di s ith t, of moteulal ',owes., palpitation ol the heart. tlyspep- Ss , 0er51555, 11 . 1 • i1/11 , i/ity. 1/1,,i111:1•111..111, 1.1 the diveslive i„„,•ti.,1,,.. t ener.11 •ystiplottot of -onsumpsinn, \ i u t.s —Tile feat effects on the mints are mush to he of , volt tlision of presvistil of ,pit totohuJit p. 5. a ver,lon lovsetet y, .t,•trdi•t t mtt. lore of solitude, timidity, ,te., On! SOlllO of the is H . % prI , 11111 •1• 11. 1 • 11 1 55/Sni)(Is 01 persolo of :ill ages ran now j mtg.. what a i• the cii , e , l thcii - drrliulu¢ health. stylist their vie r bnnuinew,:d<, •InVlll2ll . :trisent,Os r :11.011t tile eyes, rough 3,111 d Syntp -1,515 id eoliStillllstitsll. VOUZ.7G MEN ills Lass' injured theni , elves hy a certain practice 15 5 t01.4”.1 is w al one,a hahit rreq tient i) learned irons ii I iupauhoiu, of nt s, hosd, tin effect. of wiicL stir_ zits It even Si hen asleep noel it not rural render: , m 1111.. re destroys bunt Mind nod Ludy, •11.•11l.1 lin... !lately. It I, t :t pitf" t 113 t c.1111$: man, the ufLlFcntm ;ra,,yLc,l.u'lmg of hist listrelltl, should iwl4ilateited from 'ill 155 ooe, enjojaielit.o . .f lite. by the, des in: fem. line pith of sotto, Nod indult:lMS its •• , •t I.ti is lath. Such persons must helots rot, t .•soso at: int 1,11.• et t1..1 3 =read 111111,1 and Ludy aro the most 11, I,lllli •111, to riots connubial harpiness It 11 , 11( I hes, tie pal 11.• y through life bealill, a y tulgrittb,c; t I,rospcitt hourly t larlo•us t o th e vicw ; h. mina 1.,,111, i•d with despair and 1)111 with tint tnclancholy reth.ct ion I hat thr happinct ot a nothci lotto,unes bliglacil it it I t our DISL'iI.SE OP rrapßuDErrop... ISIN;11=19 1% :Intl lin prtnltint ple3 gum 11,1 , Mat lin It that an ill tinwil nf tinter, Iwo from iippl) lug 1.1 th-niii win!. frmii l'llll,ltil.Tl 1111 , 11 rail 11111 •1•tl fiend tin,, d,hn'iue f 1 I ill It.' i iiiseilso units Iheir "Pr, tits oral iiii••ll tins in the' 11,1.1 of 111 1 - ull tin! :mil arms, hint, 011 hi. I. 1. , al.! 131.1.111 y, till At Inert the tlnlatn 01 the Sr hint, ill tins,• hill in.:tint eil thiU s 151111 rt 1.1.j.•t•t. of 1• 1, 1111111,1111i , ,11, 1111 •h•.l !111 t send. •• that liintiiirovvr,l (inn ul ry from hence nu trtiviilliir 11 piFCtTlarMuni iihils Fi 1 this terrible the IllesidlirtlineSS of le ,rant pre tenders. who. by the use 4q . Itutt"SfrAtlly ,tlll, Nter , h , y. niin the. collstittliil/11 and wake the eV ANC;Ii ItS 'l'llo net v..iir or Itt•ap 11.-t, -the enve of th nr )111.1 1 ed Ides, pretend., s, destitttleld name I.r r. a he , s.p‘ 11r..I..hnston's a IveVti -••inents, emr my Ie themselves in the rit.‘vspe.pers. im•dp Idle of raring. they keep y imml It )111,, - ni..)1(.1) taking I he l d . filthy mid I) .I.,mehs In a. 1mh...:1S till. 1.111/I{{,t tee :1111i 111 deep lil. leave yell with ruined health to sish ..ver yen.. dalllll4 disappointment. Di ./..11,5t,) is the old,* l'11). ski). {I4IIIV in 111, attire. Ili. reined., ur tri :tt inept nre unhno,vn to all others, prop trod 11 , 111 a !Ho spout I. the gre, huspil of Eu -11111., he 1 . 1.11114ry uuit n lIIurP I . K tetINIVO private pra.•ll-, than au, ill her In the world INDORSEMENT() E PRESS The ninny thousands cured at this instil ution year al•ei year, and the 1111,111,1111 s illll , ..rta"t ratizois pertormed 6v Dr nit nesseil by the reiantois of thin Sun," and litany oilier panurs, makes of which have appeared again and tig.lllll holitre the public. 1...51.1. , his standing ac it gentleman or character 2lll.ll . l,il,lhibility, is a suttleien I guarantee to tile a tilieted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDII4I( CURED porsetis writinr, should be pal - Uvular ,in direetine their letters to this Institution . in the 1 . ..n0v.111g man ner: .1011 N 11 .1111INSTilN, 111, li.. Of the half Lock llospittll, Md May 2.9. Im1;3--ty NEW GOODS! N.W GOODS! Al' MUM'S (211EAP CASH STORE T UST received a large assortment o ,le g ant nuw f.tyle o whirl) the attest lnu of the public In general Is re peettull) inelted. In the GEN TS' DEV.AI'EN] ENT, Clot hs, 00.8, Ve,thipz, Shi rlw. Shirt (Whirs, N evlt 'firs, Cravats, k . uspendurs, t. au ntlet u , Uto yes, &0., &Ye. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Silks, Poplins, French !dorinns, De Lains. Figured and Parted Idipp's, Pull De Clnwiers, Figured and Flab ••lour.Vashinet us, Parainettas, I , ,errh Cur. -its, italmorals, hoods, :ontags. Skating Coats, Nu Ida, Vests. ke., ke. A full asnnrl went of ii GODS for Childress' wear, of all kinds. 'l'istings, Checki iI us. lins, Drillings, Flannels, Blankets, Cluldnets, Cords kr., Ac.. best quality dnd chesp as the cheapest. Llusiery and Moves until descriptions and prices. SHAWLS AND SCARFS. A large nesortment of Slumle and Scarfs of all dee erlptlons, and cheap. Travelling True Its, well tondo, and Carpet Bilge. As it is inline.sible to enumerate all the articles, I would iespertfully invite all persons In wont of hand• some and cheap (100DS, to call and look at my stock bcrore purchasing; elsewhere. Atis)— lieeolleet the place, West Main siret(t, nearly opposite the depot. Carlisle, N0v.11,11162. - - N. IL—All Cloths, Casshneres and Vestings, will ha made op to order, Of desired ) In the bent manner, and warranted 1,, fit hy ue experienced tailor and tlte best -WOO tinan in the Slate. C. 0. ~!ECONLI SPRING A RRIVAL,- Ki LA BO E SUPPLIES FOIL THE HEAD AND FEET . At the store ofJohn Irvine, on the N. E. Minor o the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats A Caps. at prices that defy competition. Ile has just returned flint; the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps that he has ever pre:4lll/0d to this community, and which hu Is determined to sell at the lowest posal- Lift prices. Ills stock embraces everything In hisline of LUOTIONS, such as MEN'S I,IOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Bouts ' Calf and Patent Leather Ox ford Ties, Ca and Pa tout Loather Halters, Call Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, Ac. LlkDl S' WEAR Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Calf and Kid Boots, Fine RBI Slippers, Fancy Slippers Morocco, and Rid Buskins, &c., ISSES.AND CHILDREN'S \MAR stall descriptions embracing fine,Lastlng Gaiters, Morocco end Lasting Button Boots, Moreceo Lace Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &c. HATS 'c CAI'S, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and Wool Hats of all qualitiusand stylus, also a Hag° assortment of STRAW EAT,S J. W. EFIY Boots and Shoes tandiilo order at the shortestnotic Repairing promptly done. Confident of his ability t please all classes of customers, ho respectfully invite the public to give him a call. Itentemher thiplace, N. L. corner of the Public llaY 80,'00 'YOUNG IVIEI'd MARRIAGE Er 11 rnn , l Win ter CHAS. 001L1311 JOUN IRVINE DRUGS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. • S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn'a Ditsjust opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan. cy Goods, Wu Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surpassed In this bor. °ugh, for novelty and elegancy. The articles have been selected with great ca. e, and ore calculated, in quality and pi lee, to COMMA d the attention 01 purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which,omprisenvery variety of fancy articles of Oa moat exquisite finish such as. Papier Macho floods. Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shall card cases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing instruments, Ladles' Cahas, Writing Desks, and Port4Mos. Port Monnaius. of ovary variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationary. Motto seals and wafers. Silk and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Floe cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. & U. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an hmmer:)lo variety of articles ulegan ly tintHhed and sultablo for PRESENTS, to which ho Invites speelal attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of lIU iitS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished I'OKTIC.tL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn lioolol, el04:111tty bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners ills tsvortment School Books and School Stationery IF slot complete. and comprises everything used. In the Schools. Ile sh, desires to Call the particular atten tine of Families to hid elegant as4ortment of LAMPS, Sec., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every Style of Parlor. Chamber end study Lamps, for- burning either Lard Sperm .n Etherial oil ; also DVOTI"S celebrated Kerosene or Coal oil Lamps, together with Flower I'aser4 Fancy Se rtenA, be. Ills a , sqrtmi,nt In this line is un• equaled in the borow:h. Also, SEtIAILS AND TOBACCO, embracing nu the b.vorldii brands, MI a fine assort 'nen, of MEERSCHAUM Slit EU AN) PIPES, the eelebrAted Killiicochink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. It UI T , sack as Oranttos, Lemons. PlgB, ItaisinS. NeettirilloB, Prunes. ie.. FANCY CON FECTIONAIt I . —NUTS—PR It• SKIVED Intl; pi's, \H\' ED-11 EAT, PICKLES, Are., In every variety and at all prices. all of tv Nett are pure and rregh Sll,ll AS 1111 lII' retanninended to hip lriruds. Ills stm•lt eloltrare , everything In the if tip at Kt., iiDude, with ill MN' nthoi arti , •lBB 1181,1111 Cu, pui , lie are os purially Invited to call and examine Itumember the. I )1,1 ;, p nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover stre =3E2I EVERY BODY TAKE NOTICE. E, s.kwyEß & I LLER East \T.,In SL, tnie doer from Nltsrtln's Hutt: have our I'I I INTER GOODS, which for quality', Val iet)• and Nan tress, casual U. t:urpe'sr.l. 11It ES'S CIO 11),Z, lab•st,l7l4l new, stylvq; plain Rrp. all lizurvtl 31..rintws, Clish nu•rr<, E 11111 1 .1,. (11,01, V.O[lllllS, V ilk Ilt•NIS, ki A full uss.ortineut ~f vvry gU PE I? 10 11. Sit/ KS, 03111 and figured: a large ,upply of Black Si h.v, bough belore the hoary ad Va 114A1 111 -• •• CLOAKS !• CLOAKS! Having the exelu,ive 21 , 1.1.11ey for this ylnee, of one o the Ixe4rvt 111:111111:0•1 of lug 11.,1151, in the country, la tin's Will find Our n,ortruent roll and of the latest -styles. We have, a 'few lst ice fi ntn Lest season whirl we will sell less than vost. FILAWI.S all kinds and ins lit $23 0 I worth ei FURS for !Aline:l,3l loses sod (Ihtlilicil Wo give gperial atto.ntion to MOURNING GOODS, and 11e Yl. 1.11 11:1111, a laraa• supply of Silk,. Reps. Merl 0505. l'aslunere4, Lanu,e. Lul7 ue. ll..iuhazlne, Alpaeas 1.,u og Veils, Collars, Crapes, Ulu, us, Hum cry Slue. A Inrge supply of Ita111101:11 Skirts, lat egt Eml,rl4lll.tirs. lets, W,,14.t, St.arrs, 11,,,frry kitt,k, lYlen's and Boy's Wear, Freneh • Cas,imeres, Cn=linga• nil hiltag if Fur 11)Shing ( 1 0 , d1.. Um.lis in 11111111.114 P ,l 1 1 ,111). OIL cLorii, all k lull, of !louse 1; ood.. ('onstalil tiohs till. 5..:1,."11. We ceidl.lly in itu the alt.ition of the the oho% e Good', a n d m. uc I (loos eef ! t ient iooe.l LEI \‘ VEIL M I 1.I.1:1 Do, DRY - GOODS; , • 1IN(E the rapid decline in gold, the who lists .11 hand the litigest. wo!, II Fool. in the County. taking iif early „ r , I ,,tunity fn volatile turn in tic market. us now Nelliiig ! Zlllllt, t t hover prices these. ran he au) of the !hive reduced the iirieu of DE LAINES, Fancy Drovs Goods, Itnrugek, I,awns, Valenehp+, Challis Laioss it, All will hu veld nt lost 'or's Triers. uw daucuilns4 to closo out my fancy silks lit first cost lileaehoLl sint unlile:vled M uslins, Calicos at lower MEM JEANS, f.iA TIN ETTS. NOTIONS 4.1; , OLD I'RICE.s. A varied fe,efteleet olbelilltiful styles of Carpets. Al alit prices which I intend to elm. tint. all purchased be. lore Lilo rise, and will be sold at least ho per rent lower than eau he bought In any of the elites•. RUGS, MATTING, I (JOKING It L \Scg•S AC.. WINDOW SHADES AC. • -. at prices before the risa. I respectfully request those In wan( of goods to call and examine lily Mock before purchasing. A. 11'. ISEN'PZ. April 3,1863. LOC HIMA N'S New Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. el L. LOCI lAN is happy to inform j • 1118 numorous customers, and the 1111111 k genet rally, that hu has rum ,ved his establishment to his _Yew S'ley• Light Call,/q, In the bulLtlng (coupled by Mri/ N f. M WinorY Store, °pm...Re the Cumberland Valley flank. Mr. I,III'IIIMM In 110 W able With Ijk xulcn,li i 11,ht, nail the addition of new and expensive apparatus, t he very bust manufactured, to produez PHOTOR RAPIN, CARTES DE VISITE, A MDRO - TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE Cl PICTURES, equal to the hest made In Philadelphin or Now York Pletureo can ho take❑ now equally well In eloudy at. In elear weather. Dag.uerrentypes or Ambrotypea of deceased persons espied, enlarged, or made Into cartes do visite. IMMO= Ladies, lilisses and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Ladies ['calm' French Moo vier,' Boots, wltliont Heels NI °mice° Boots Gents Nlorroceri Hoots, Misses Fine MOl . l 01,0 iit , OtS, i I dre ICK Fine 111orroveo Boots, Ladles and Coloyurl I :Akers, 111 itises Ithielc and Colored Gaiters, Children's Illaeli and Colored Chafers, 31Isses and Children's Ealince Alen's, Boy's and Youth's Lace Boots, Just received of the bust lilanufarture, and now selling at low prices, at thu Cheap Store. - - - May, 16, 1963• GOODS FOR THE SEASON Mantles, Coats, Circulars, Bal•eges, Mantles, Squa• on. A largt lot of Lace Mantels Points and Rumours, Sommer Shawl, desirable dregs goods, LaWns, l'ungoos , IN wols, Sun Umbreltlas, Lace Mitts, and a largo variety of summer goods which we al a datarininad to sell very cheap. Hansa call at LEIDICII, SAWYER & MILLERS, MOY 2 1) 't l 3. East Main St. .E.ll‘l BELTING ! G Jima roeelvod a large aileortmout or all sips . Glum Belthm, , Oum Gose, Gum Palclng, Ao., and for Bale cheap at the Itardwara Store of 'Julie 22;18111 11. SAXTON LT ANDKERCIIIKFS, Tics, ! Stocks, Suspunders, Under Shirts, Prawors, a beautiful assOrtmont can ho found at ISA AC LI VINOSTON'S North lhottwor Strout 4ptporiunt 1111 . troh in, 1863. FIR. GEORGE 8. SEA- . RIGHT, LiENTIgTv front thoftl " 11 / 1 2 811. timoro Collego of Banta] Surgry. YIES-01Beo at thu rosidonce of his mothor,.Enst Loatßor atroot. throo donro;holow Bedford. March 10, 1866 z—tr.. D UFUS E. S H APL EY, Attorney at ,Lnw. Carlisle Pa, Attends to seeming and col feeling Bohliers' Pay, Bounties, and Pensions. 011 ice on South !layover Stroot, oliposito .I.llpir.'s Doe, 27,1861. NEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD• The subscribers have this day entered into part uorship to trade in , •.:OA6 AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on handandThrnlsh to ordor all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, _ BOARDS, • SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Ritils, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles', to wit: Wbitepine, Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualities. Having Cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of toy length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards %vill be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry al all times. Wo have constant tly.on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit LYN ENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, Tain'oliToN, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBBERY, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Best quality of Linteburnce a and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west nide of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONO & HOFFER July 20,1862. F ORIVAnDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED. COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware House ears and fixtures of Wm. B. Murray's well known establish ment. on Nest high street. opposite Diekinson College, would inform the publle that he has entered into a general Forwarding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight prod me anti stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and df.spetch. PLAS I'll AND SALT kept vonstantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or NAM]. , Coni of all kinds. embracing, LYKES'S YALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WRITE ARIL LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmith's and delivered dry to any part of the town. NONEMAKER W A T(i 1 ( 1 AND Stand. West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. 1 have just received n In, assortment of watehes, ewetry en silver ware, .Vc.. it. addition to 1111 n'iner stink Oa Which 1 iin de the attantion of the public, The assortment enlirratoos fine gold and Nil yet lever Watri•lin, Hunting and open Case do.. gold An. chars fir Ladies and Gontlinnvil anti Silver Lepine , and Quartier watches of every variety in style and • • S. \Y. IIAVERSTICK Also fine Breast pins fur Ladles anti lle•ntlenn•u evPly quality. pattern and prime. Gold fob, vest. 1,0, br:acele•ts. tinge? rings, Tull-pins, studs, sleeve•buttons, Tresses, 'horns Are. Geld :end silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives. forks. table. tea. salt and mustard sp.,n, of every variety. A large ns.e•rt snot r gold, .sliver rounnon St/it nil ages to whirl we Invite special alter] [bin. A fine let of PENS frotß the hest makers, , pectacle rases, r111 . 3' 1111 Vs. silver pearl card case , v, .44,1,1 and common brarei-ts, watch chains, Nl:tulle Clocks :111.1 a variety ,d articles list, ally kept In JewOlry eAtahli.liments, which • sell lee for cash. All articles war- , tainted to he what they ar.. represented. • paid as u.u.a.l tn f. '?4 - WATCH REPAIRINO an d all work war- 0 ranted. .. ... _ • T()IIN P. I,YNE SON, I):ive just y revolved a lance Lrt. of three. celebrated SCYTHES, made i.xpres4ly lor their o sales, whieli have always ,rje e n entir e sar,,slaetion to all who have used them,— 'ion that Want 11li en euttilez met ea. , y 1 . 111,111i111:1'il•y1,11.•, W l. , wlll.l sry CF•V nor id' tlwir , liiewior make 11e hare also a full storlr of -tilath4, \l'her Stories. A:, Ilakesof l'lnkt. Myers' Anil other celebrated tuthee. 17 rein ('ra ills'. of 311 the beat 11111 , 1111. with a full stork ..t Is all het, iir Iluphenents for Farnier's Inol. .111 whiell We an, selling rheap at our store In North Hanover .:Ireet e, 1562. Priliat girl Irwin a Sir .1. k i i i 31 - 11 II 1130111111111 y lu tilt (LUMP, rill! IS well I:nown medicine is no im ,isrs• asst sessielly for Pena sts.lsslp•-ts ssataoss. Isom ll‘ N, I• 1: 11/i Atli...4h n p resstrsl3, tt vont:wits ti thing lust tits! Is• slit. opt,titsstioss. I.:1,1w- it is ptietiliar ly titiltvll. It will. ill et- vh"rt t tutn. bring on the ttmnt tlY'Piq if= -1 ty. 111 . 1111 ca , es iif Nervous and Spinal A ffiiiititins Pain in ll• ss. Failffne all slight ri ertii n, Iblipuntn n of the Heart. Urn ursn 01 II and all the painful stem. these nrnil e11i..-t n rmr w lion all other n,•:.11s hare 10110 q. The, 11.1 s ha ve IleVer been known La fail where the (lir. etiiins an the 911 pose UT palaphiet are well 01,er V tal her full gel, a plinplilet, flee, of the stamp , . iiiii•losed to any Ru th it :cent. Dill inn'', n hottle, containing over Oil pills. by eel urn mall. n. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. I rheumy 20, lIAVE removed to titeir new and twaatital slur, rorller 11:,r -6,•t :•quartr. 11111.c.It• Ire , 110 e Store Ilas in:: just returned nolo Neu . h l •.rl, and Philadelphia. ulth nu fl 'uor use Narietv all. prep.,' 1,1 to Cite superior to any , Fther thus. ie the country. Plain A Ipar, s :lII' K nubby' Shades, single a lid double idth. 1km...1e Oriental I.u,tres. all . bo des, Plain and Plaid Poplins, more beautiful than any silk, at 011 e east of silks, Ponger, .lixturns, 1)0 Lain., Challies, Lawns. Organdies, Chi utses, &c. A heavy duel: of Prints, Cheeks, Muslins, (1111gbarns, Cotton/Ides, Itril it, /kr., will be sold al reasonable rates. OUR ,VING , G O o DS. • Mourning UnodA to be offered at astonishingly low prices. Bombazines, Cashmeres, Summer Bops, A Ipacas, Plain Bareges, all wool De I.aines single and double width, very c Cap. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good ascot tint of Cloths, and the largest variety of Fano - Cas,iineres. ever olfered in this market. Al so, our usual assortment of Notions, Hosiery, U lives, Trimmings, &a.. .s , atth East Gall or Mat It et Square, opposito Iry loo's Shoe Start. March 20, 1003, FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA . ..._ 'FBAs:, -A fine assortment in Paclurifelli L uor % Efl and Iv bulk—as well au till other /Latch.: ll ii belonging to the is .duets—ellat the 100 ust 06 I stud lute reduced prices. J. W. 1:11Y. CIIAS. OGII.IIY, Trumno B. J. ‘VII.I.IA MS, No. 10 North Sixth Street, Phila dolphin, Manythetufer of Ara-The InrgeAt and finest assortment In the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and Trimmed equal to new. Storo Shades made and letkred. April 8,1863--'2m. AW CA111).-011ARLES E. MA- I/ fildiUtillLlN, - Attorney at I,aw, Wilco In Im heirs building, just opposite thtl Market "lonia. Clarinda March 14 NM— Iy. CP. fIUNIIII.O.I - 1, Attorney at Law. e—Offico on North Hanover Area, n few doors path of(3l;tsF . Hotel. All bufiluess entrusted to him {Oahe promptlynttonfleil to., [Aprills. lOS E ItIVNER, Jtt., Attorney nt Law and Sqrvoyor. sloohanlealmrg ; Pa. 0111 co on 801 l 'toad Strati. nvo d0. , r4 north' 01 tho Bank. .4W,Buslnor.a promptly at tondo& ,' I M. WEAK LEY.—Atforney at Law, ♦omen on nano] IlanUVer Htrobt, opposite Monts' Dry ttorqt;. t.torty. All nronme loOn I bui.luttas ontkuktoci to him will ho prompDt attended to. VVM. PENROSE, Attorney at Law . Wilco Sti Miceli - I's Hall. l Prof neFs pyomptly..attoodoil to. " • ' robruary Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut do. do J. R. NONEDIAICER, CONsTkSTLY FUR HALE. Tur"r UNDER COVER Carlisle. A ugust 17, 15t',1 Dec. 22. 1857.1 Interesting To Farmers. The Great English Remedy SIR CLARKE'S CELEFItATED FEAIALE PILLS REMO VA L. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER Domestic Goods. GREENFIELD k, SIIEAFER, " alPledit if Oa" iME -114 " STORE Just received and in store. a fresh and well so looted aSktortlllollt 01 Rio, Joys and Mara caibo (Jaffee, Itoastod Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Relined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (Palming) Molasses. Spires of every .variety— pure only ;• Starch, Farina and Chnisliste. Macearoni, Cheese and Crackers, T100(1 and Saga, Indigo, Saloratns and Soda, Cream Tartar and as sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Sued. DL Li DS 4' SOLIOES. VENITIAN ISLINDS mad WINUOW SHADES CUMBERLAND --VALLEY' AND .FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. On and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, Passenger Trains. will run as follows: (Sundays excepted* FOR CHAMBERS.BIIIIO AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.46 P. Al. 7.37 " 3.35 8.60 ' -“ Arr. 4.20- Leavo lingerstown, Oreeneastle. Chathboraburg, Shlppensburg, 9.00 Newvillp, 9.32 " " endtide. 10.10 " Mechanicsburg, 10.42 Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 " FOR CIIAMBERSBURO AND HAGERSTOWN, let Train Leave Harrisburg 8.05 .0.111 Mechanicsburg 8.47 " Carlisle, 0.27 Newville, 10.02 " Shippensburg, 10.87 " Chambg', ( Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle, 11.65 6.30 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 6.1(1 44 NOME TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Clam bersburg, Shipponsburg, Newvllle, Carlisle, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Care. 0. N. LULL Supor't Railroad Office, aambersburg,} May 1,1802. CARLISLE AND PIIILADELPHIA .o(7er - Care of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market et Daily, at 4 ii'eleck. P. :11. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 ~ : clock. A M. Giiii.•la tended for this Line should be ir 'lrked C. A I'. Daily Freight Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 2:i, 1 hria. rf . 7;!"-'7 Yq , ll. • kV:I7 SUM \LER ARRANGE:\ REAT Trunk Line from th North _A,ord 1% est for Philadelphia, No York Itead leg. rottevllle. Lehanon. Allentown. Easton, Ac . to. Trains leave Ilarrislang for Philadelphia. New-York. Heading Potts, ill, and all Intermediate :It:atolls, al 8 A. NI.. 1111t1 M. _ Any_ ):txt k_ Express 110xsOft.liarrisburg at. 2.15 A. M., an fnittg at New Ytorlt at 0.15 the sante morning. Fares front liarrishurg : 'ft, New-Irk $5 15; to Phil adelphia f.:l 86 and i 2 46. Baggage checked through. Retort/1; Ven-York at 6 A. M.. 12 norm. and 7 I'. M., I Pit tslol4 - Express.) Leave 'Philadelphia at ti 15 A . and 3 3.1 P. M. Sleeping enrs in the New It Express Trains thrnuah to and fens l'lttsl.nrg uithnut change. . . . Pa's,. rs Ily llle Itlliirruirl leave Tllllllll4ll 11t. 511 A. M ~,,t1 2.11, P. 31., fpr Ne% Turk, and all IVny tn. Trains ille nt. A. M y and 2,.30 P.M for Philadelphia. Hal .; and New York. An Acvommodation l'as.mmrer train leaven Reading at it du A. M., and returns from Ph Iladulphla at 5.00 I'. M. tL All the above trains run daily, Sundays excep ed TroftE,Vllli, 41 . 7.30 A.'31., and al 3 15 I'. )1. Commutation, ‘llleac.m.l.3eason, and kixruision Tick ets at reduced rates to and from all points. THOMAS CONLYN April HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM ! The undersigned having purchased ihe stork, Sr., of the late Wm IL Trout dee'd. 'l% n•ild e.pertfully lill,lolthee to the pljldie that he wilt ron , inue the Ill'StNES;l at the old stand, in We,t thigh street. and NI Ith a renewed and ellriciem effort, prodnee srtir lrs of Head Dress of Every randy, Sly!, and Qualify, thnt h• strictly iu 6rrping with the Ituproliemeti id the Arl,nuil fully up I, Ow Age fn which we lire. I have on hand a splendid „ 0 assorrio,,lt of ..-- ..2 .iy l''`,4 _, one.'“,4 II ATSA N D CAPS, ..'' - - - - , 41.N , , • of all descriptions, from the common W 04.1 to the floret VVII AN II SILK II ATS ; end at pricer t hat [noel soh ever) ono who has no rye to getting the worth 1.1 his The Stitch MOLFSK IN. CAS: 4 I)IEIIE. BEAVER 5: FELT HATS, of every si3 I, a,,d 4,1, , r and unsurpro., I'd tor 1.IG 11'! F'S. If A I tll. ITY AND FIN thol.a of an d . other ithnoint in the moot ry. MEN'S. !Wl'S' and CIIILDHEN'I; BAT* and CAP.F . nrk - 60- Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and a ninny new ones as possible, to give tilni a call. Apr. A. 13. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM ... ;". _ _ •: ' : I 4 ••• ,' .1 , l 1862 i'J--,.." -0 ,9? 1 1862 - V ►West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. Premium awarded at the Cuntheel!:2lll County ..lyricallural Fair of 18(7.) The subscriber has j‘n.t received the mind splendid assort unint id articles in hie lino. et er brought to this place—which he la determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. Parlo, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kilchen and Office Embracing• every article used by House and Hotel keepPre, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs,. Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures. ke., ke. kir-t1" - Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended ko,promptly and on moderate terms. E Carlisle, rile) , 12, ISsR.—ly. T 4 UMBER, AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The suis e keeps constantly on hand, a full sortment oc Lumber '& Coal, which he can fur- dija vA rA i,.L.: nish to order promptly e m , ' and on the most run- •-z• .103, tamable terms. LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Latter, Worked Floer lug. Weatherboarding. Posts, Railr,W bite Pine, Hemlock sad Oak Shingles, of every quality. lie also furnish bills to older of any length and size, Si the sheerest notice and on the most rensennble terms. It worked boards are kept under cover, so Hint they can be fur nished dry at all times, 110 has constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered