Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1863, Image 3

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    the property of Mrs. Wilson, Of Newville.—
Plead guilty i sentenced to the penitentiary
for one year, fined $1 and costs. Gillelen
for Com. Shearer for deft.
Com. vs. Saml. Thompson. Larceny of
money and watch. Plead guilty. Sentenced
to the penitentiary for one yelit:, $1 fine and
costs. Gillelen for Com. McGlaughfin for
Corn. vs. tlary A. Common. Murder.—
This defendant was charged with the murder
of her infant child on the morming of the 12th
of June last. The circumstances are that
the defendant having cum plainmi of sickness
for some time previous to the sad occurrence,
and on the toorning in question she arose
very early, went out into the yard, when her
child was born. Before any one arrived at
the scene she had revered the child's throat
from ear to ear. Acquitted.
t a meetiqg of the Directors and
Cutters of the Soldier's Aid Society, held in
their room opposite Itheem's Warehouse, on
the 25th inst., the following ladies were ap
pointed collectors :
S. E. Ward—Miss McFeely and Miss M
Mrs. Prof. Hillman will always be at the
room on Thursday from 94 to 1.11 A. M. fur
the purpose of giving out work to all who
may call
J. F. CLEse, President,
Mrs. L. E. C. JoussoN, Secretary.
Mr ErnTort—Dear Sir, VI7 0 are frequently
asked the question, why are they putting up
a telegraph wire ou the turnpike. In answer
we would say, it is fur the purpose of let
ting the people know at Pittsburg when Gov.
Curtin is re-elected.
Respect fully,
The Singer Sewing Machines
Our 1,1 . :1"VEll FAIIILY SEWING )I.kiNIINE i.
(list gaining a world Wide repuMtiono It is, F. 1.3,111.1
.doult the hes. and cheapest and most beautiful Ili all
Family He , yet offeml to the public. No
other Vamily hats so twiny useful :up
pliauee•nlLr Hemming, !finding, Felling,
ering„ GLlAging. Itt.neiiny Embroidering. Cording. and
"SO forth NO other Flefily Sowing 11.ichhie has so
murti eapa , it v for a ~reat varlet) of work. It will I..ew
all loud. of cloth, a•.,1 tic all kinds of thread. rout
and recent Improve flouts make sill' V:111111) Sensing
Machine In et if,lo, nd most dill - All', anti most
certain In artion at all nines of speed It makes the
sdnkerleeked.stitell. ‘chic.ll.lii the b.f.—stitch _know
Any stir eriou 1 tlw mo.t ordinary capacity, eon SI e.
at a ghioce. how to use thin Letter A I , amily
fd•o-hine. Our Sewing Niaeldnes are finished in
chard.. Atld exquisite style.
i'inSin the family NI:WI/1110 is apiece of
..111111111ii: 1.1,1! iciest useful laud. It
1 ,,,,1ects the marldne when not in use. and sylimia‘ , ..M.
ho ,110,.ited w tin 6n opened as a sp :11111 snL
Int:1111in! Ltbio to ill. work. NV hllo . nut of the
Ca•es, made wilt of the choicest woods. are finished in
the simplest chastest manner p, , ,sible, others
adorned and embellished in tile most costly folk' sups, I,
It Is absolutely neoessory to see tlo. Faintly Machine
in operation, so o• jti , l.z.• gist ,paolty
It b. List as,poptll.l . lni niinily sow
111Z ItC .111 . tt u.uf 112 Ing machiuun an , for
turiue purr lot,.
tII - P1 Ik twist
thread. II the very hest quality.
Send fora Pamphlet.
THE :41NI;Elt NIA N , IP.IrI'I , I2INO
Ilr adway, New York.
sio Che stnu t St. V. II
!NI 1, , )N, l's.
Atpzusl I I, '11:1.--3 nwv
O: : 111 e !•(11 in:t. Lv P.ev JaN.l., Fry. . L-1L IS
A lill U, to )II•.. 11.AltIllza eltOW LI Loth id C tr
On the 13th instant. F DIV IN P. son of Chas. It. and
, 11111111, '; 111 , 11t11 , and 5 days.
In ‘Snslii,:ton City, of ,July, ABSALOM
REAR, of ;Aged years, 5 mouths and 20
On the , 24th Inst., in this place, Mr JOAN OILLEN,
aged 69 yeals.
Ebe Riarhet.s.
feir r r
It. C. IV oodsv ard.
C'arhsle, Auzust 45. 1563
do. (I,n,
do It Vl'
BllthicY FAI
CLOY ERS El.: ....
. and th roa•onahlo expenses Incurred, will he
paid to ANT PERSON, for the apprehension and delivery
of a ',Est.:I:TER at the headquarters of the nearest
provost marshal. By order.
Captain and Provost Marshal 15th Dist., Pn
Carlisle, Aug. 28,
100 TONS of good Timothy Hay
minted, (be which the highest magicet price
will he paid by
August 28, 1863—:ite
At Private Sale.
A Good, Strong, Heavy, Four Horse
lik_Broad Wheeled Wagon. Apply to '
August 28, 1862-2 t
CM ICE C. V. M. I' Co. 1
Aug. 20th, 1803.
NOTIC Ift is hereby given that an eke
thln for 13 directors of the Cumberland Volley
Motu 11 Protootion ( SOp my, 10111 be hold nt their t4ll
- In Dickinson Township. CoMb. Co., on Monday the
Ith day of Sopterahm next. between the hours (4' lo
o'clock A. \1 , owl 4 o'clock P. 01., :Mill Directors to
servo Mr the onsulng year. . _
August 2A, 18121,
L - 1),,,tur., of Administration. de bonis non, en the
estate et, t t 4 ainuel Ilowntan, dee'd . into of NVestp, nuts.
borough township, having been Issued to the sub,ri
her, re , iding in New vine. Pa. Nol iCO is hereby given
that all persons Indebted to said estate, shall make im
mediate pay MOD t, and these hnving claims to present
them duly authenticated for . settlement to
Adner., do bolds non
Aug. 2S, Igo2-6t,..
T -1 . 4 STATE NOT IC E.
J haters Adinlulsttat lon on the estate of John
lin:Janney, late of Carlisle, ()tubbed:lnd - County, l'a.,
have boon icsuod by the Register of Cumberland Co.,
to the subscriber living In Car into. All persons In
dobtod will make payment and those having claims
presentwill them to
August 28, IF63—ft
A. L 'SPOZ , ISLEII, Adm'r
Nachine and Wheelrighp'Shop
A. J. KUTZ, Agt.
N . OW manufactures and keeps con-
Vy no band at the old stand,on North
over street, Carlisle, Pa., opposite Llezeltuti!s hotel, a
largo assortment el
Agricultural Implements, •
Such as Morse Deicers, Threshing Machines with Slin—
ratont attached, Clover Hullers, nirain FI/II s, Corn Shel
lora, Straw end Fodder Cutters, all of which are the lat
est and best improvements. Wagons of every &scrip—
then, harrows Culfitotters, Corn Plows, Field Rollers,
Single and Double Shovel Plows. &c.
. . .
Haring a Smith Shop attached, all custom work in
town. and country will be done with neatness and
Repairing of all kinds done on short notice, and on
reasonable. terms. Thankful for former favors,-1 re
spectfully solicit a share of public patronage.
A. J. KUTZ, :Agt.
August 28, 1883-3in*
THE r's - LE, TERM of the College will be
gin OU . T/lURSDAY, the 27th of. AUGUST.
11. M. 3011N81111, President.
. . .
Aug:l4; 1803=34-
SASI.UEL 1-IEPBMN, Jr:, Attorney
at Law. Onleo with Hon. Samuel 1100Urm lilaiu
Bt.. CROW° Pa.
June 5, 'CI ..
3M 2c. 3b. 1 la 1 t .1 cx. ri.
Penna. State Agricultural Society,
September 29th 4. 30thand October let 2d
N - ORRISTOWN is about 17 miles
west of Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill river and
is accessible by Railway to every porticia of the State
The Grounds are beautli ally situated, containing 2 8
Acres of ground with line lar r rolim!dints thereon. cruet
ed. together with large amount Shedding. ,'l' h e track
is said to be one of the best hall mils In the S cut
Th., premium , are the heaviest ever offered by the
Society, amounting to shoat $7llOO. The premiums hir
all :rades I,r rattle exceed $llOO live of which are S3J
each, 19 from 25 to $l5, others running down to hisiier
riles. host herd not less than 15 head, first prom Wm
$10; grid promiu n Cls.
horses for all grades the premium exesad $l5lO
Thu highest $100; between $..0 and $3 I and others
ranging trim $l5, $lO and si. For Shoop and Swtue
the prowl 11111 S 11111.4 S froth $lO top and 13
For Poultry there ism long uhf of premiums from $2
to $1 each In 1110 fiillo slug classes most liberal permit,
curio are offered ; Cu ltivW ors, thrills, 51 ag
Itoa ping and 11 , 1. V I fI4 M 2.411110 S eut tms, Corn Shollers.
Mier Hill::. fair s Buckets, Tin Ware. Leather and
Its Manuthetnrer, Gas Fixtures, Marbles, Butter, and
Flour, tirain and Seeds, %'egetables ; and also fir
Domestic and Household ilanufamures,i laths, Carpets,
Satinet, Stiirti m, Sheeting, Blankets, Flannels, Knit,
floods, Needle Work, &c. Bread, Cakes, ('reserves,
large premiums are offered for every variety of Fruit
and Flowers. The Floral Tent will he the largest ever
meeteil by •the So Mity, and will form one of the most
trait ice features of the Exhibition. Fruit, Grapes
and it lice wili 1 exhibited in this department.
The l'entntrlv mitt Railroad Wilt Niil . l . h•LOW 11 Hitilinad
have arranged to tarry articles for eNllll.!tioe to :tort
from the lt.hhildtien freight free, requiring the fir ,
warding 1,64111 to he paid, whielt trill he repaid, the ship.
per When goods ore returned to the :q.t.:on winottot
shipped. It Is hoped to effect the sauna with °tilt!!
ports lit toads.
reins at reduced rates will be rub on all the
leading Railroads.
Entries can he made at the Office. In Norristown at
ter the 4th day of z , epttiml,r. All art des must been
tered on the books on or 114. e-, Tn,•s.lay `.•p
For do Herold
umber 21411. I , chihit./rs loud hekunt. 111..1111),,.--
letnbership $1 110 with lour coup.lll Tickets each, ot
which will 0.1 mit 0110 pers.,. tin thu Fair inlet.
A of PrPinlnTn , and Itegulations ran be had
by addressing the Sl•ereLtr,
I Wi11.% • P. Ii . NOX.
A. Bit .11VEit. L ) i A
Norristown, J An;2S,Y.:II
On Tucs,bry, SLpt. 22, 1S V,
'V''. ll' subscriber will tell :it pill.lie side,
.k . ~,, 1)1. pre.ant, .S. nn the .iluire 11. i), his fa, in, i•it ii
at, in 1ikki,,, , 1 1,,, iiship. Uniiihorlani I comity. l'a .
ii rwl., Nvost ft C.ir1i , 14., ou.iir I hi , aline 'favor n. aild
lyiii•.; h. , t, wv..ii Ili, \V,IIIJ W., ott.mi ;in.' York road , II
ill 0110 I , ', 1.. s. mat, rI. ss 19 acr.;v ill viii i ,
it. ...I Thultorland. ander tr.. IA fenr...a•:.l II: a lii J 1 .t.. h.
.d t.4:at1,a1i..:!. Tlw idalltray.t..”...alls II1T„ a lAIO ”ir , r.l .
1`.121 . CR 11 . .,C5.,11. l'1:- , 1'. lIN. It INi:
A ,,,,,,, k .-___)_, 11,,....\:, NI az..ii -h,..1. l'. In l'. it, :A...1
! - i-i-„ 1 1- 4 ... , ...— i . ,. il . I I t o r m 1 ., 1 11, i I . I.”i . I, limo-.; i.1
, ~.)..„I_o _ *—:-..... tine I.lrn. A n appli.lll. ininn ..•.' lal. ,
l'i in .1 l'. II or. II 1..1 a. .1 a 111,!.. limn: or . I rah.,
f. uit t t ..... iko 011 the pr I)111. ‘1' . 4.. 11 11111
!wr "min:4
I wi!l Ine sold her or In pills ns f 1
1. !1/. tr.; oI
N•o with a tsv , ,t , .ry 1 . •1.% ‘I I
, :.101 Vrat4l.• List P•rn, A:t•
al t I 11l
No. :n•i Ps. all I leal rd, and •r fpin•e, ❑wl In a
•t!ire i t ,•tiltivat
t•teentence nt, 7 (~,•1 , ,k, I. NI.. when attend Ince
eh .nnl terms mmle 1 ,11 , ,v0 Lv
s Ilt I •
1)Y virtue of nn ordcr of th,.. Orphan
I will •-• 11E1
ros I ss tst s w i.•
111,•day. th. 2-Ith of Septiiihsr, ISti:i, at II p•oto •li.
A. 11., pp Ow
l'St. ATk r !IF 1, NI) in IVe , tpsnlp.l. - ;,u
township, I voutay, hounded hy S
frig sins, „sirs :tll.l .14,11 n 11) tam
I 129 Acres, 21 Percitcs, ah.nt '2O
wlkidt i- In thin).-r. lit. 1,11111.• elr•or d I II I
do r fence. linprovr-inolls or • a tI•IIII
: i l !! a I .
fp inchard /i; plo and
4 Ser,ini. A kur CIF I, %, ND adjoin
Inz' the li, tn , lrly a part of lie 5.1.110 111,11.
shalt and lien Da‘itiqou. Al'lt ES. In')
1 , Elt4'111:14. al. ,, ut twenty arms Is in excellent
and t iI 1 ., 1 , 11 1 1 . .1 and under tense, up .s
wlnAltl,.•re or“ improvee•entq.
T 1,1 1 ,14 —I , IVO T.Ol ••••111.; L.. 1.4 paid or sf•ettr,l 10 be
ptia filo tl.ll , • th.• 11110 ilit IS .4 .
Ardl, !St, 111111 AI 11,111 , .11 , "Olt
111,11 s: 1/11 , ell IV , II at sale
Lv NT k Ii B.)1.0,
tut'2 , l, 1,
On IL(Tiws,/,,y, Ortoher 7, 18(33
i 00
4 L 0
1 '...5
1 11
ri l llE subseribeA will offer at public sale,
on the :they° thiy. it Ile , ,ver's Tavern. in \tech:in-
the I;eal 1,1:01.. Nit
A 'I RAC T 1.,.1'.5;
sltunttl in Silver Spring to,vnship. 1 1 1 iilr= 1r - n
ehani.,lntr.z. 11 , 101111 till! THIIIIII . Itolll. 11,111111 , i
lands of IL•llauin. 111111 l l ind D I in.•, 1
taitilug t) A C ES A NI) 119 PEKCIi ES,
havinlY . then, on emeied a good too
iuw story FltAll.l 110USI.:. a nmall Barn
I,rir j , , and other noccs,ary nut•bnildi ow , . a
, li t n.ver.houn g well of moil water noon
the premises This land is of tine
quality, to rt p i d neighl,orbood and offers parlirokr
Inducements to any person wanting a comfortable
No. 2. Two Town Lots In the borough of Mechanics
burg, numbered :Mt and 20,. These lots are satiated
In the north west e woer of South Nlarket, street and
Siorps,l's road, adjoining property of David Long. all
having th-reon erected two-story 'W EA Tll Kit OA
ED iltrUSE.'with hack building. A good ' , table nu thin
premises To I his pro , •erry belongs a water right to
the well on Market street. The house know r.e. °pied
by It to )belly. Any further Intorrnat lon in regard I
these properties may be had of David 1 audio, jr., re
siding a pot' traot No. 1.
Sale to comment, at 10.,',oyelock on said (18y. when
attendance will he given zind made kn.•wn by
August 28, 186:3, Exec
A VA U. 4 B E SPO EFA le
1)Y virtue of the last will of John
!Hack, duc..a.sed, 1 will eapoHo to public sale un the
pruinii.e, on
Thursday, (he 10th of September, 1863, at ten
of John Black, situate In Diekinson town.
ship. Cumberland county, bounded by the farms of
tic lidvidsdn. Henry Paul. John l'elfer.
and Frederick liei•p rontalnin ONE HUNDRED AND
SIX ACRES, at., nt Lon o, res of which is in good t m
bar, and the residue 111111 under cultivation.
'flue improvements lieu' a gam' bar and
Saute Dweiliti, and Stone and Log
Bank, B,rtt. with Wagon :quell., and
• • 1i.1 ., 0'11 earn Cribs, 'other 1111111 , 1V1.1111•1116
t Thia is a Fal . lll Of first qualify sit
mate 111, Milo:: and a hall arnt Of Girlish., and within
alviut fifty rods of the Charobersburg and Carliide
The title is perfect. The t rule will be flee par cent
to la, paid or secured to be paid it , the time of sale. the
residue of tine half on the I it of April, Istil. had 01"
ha lane(' in tie , 2111a1111 irtyments with interest to he
secured ho a lien on the land.
Aug, 14, Ma
On SATURDAY, September 19, 1863
Will be sold at public sale, on the p euilses, on the
shove day, nt the resident:o of the subscriber, in :Vim,
1 . 00 teWilidllll, CUWII , co., near Churehtown, aojelitivn.t
lands of Cyrus Brindle, Jacob K. Nelsloy,titul others,
Containing, Ninety-Three Acres,
more or loss, all cleared, of the hest quality of Limestone
land, and In goad state of cultivation. The improve
uvents are a
Bankßarn, Corn•house, pen„qh o p, s m i t h_
shop, and all necesaary out build:rya,
It is ennvaniont. to Churahos, Selma s, Al Ills , kleettanies,
Hip:Hans, Stores, ,te.. and Is 5 miles soot of Carlide,
and tiro snot 0 d lottinea west of sleenitratiobtlrg. There
Is a never foiling well of Water at t h e door. There Is an
A. V' Is IC Ci 0 , 44 AI Et 13
ivst, lo Its prime, and all kinds of oglall fruit, rueli as
Pears, Peaelnts, Gages, Apricots, Crapes, Cherries, &e.
Yids it, Ale of Olt, nest desirable hkrupi hr the neigh
borhood, and can Inc EOM) by calling on the subscriber,
living on the farm.
Sale to emoneeneo at 1 o'clock, P. M., when tivrma wilt
be made known by 11EN1IY N. GRA YD11.)...
August 't;tl.-1 at.
71 ANTED: •
1000 tons pr y 13 ones; fi». which, WO Will
pa) test dothirper too ut tho Warehouse of
April 24, 1.863-3 m,
'et , ,rk, A it.
II 11l Nit Y PAUL
Executor of John Black, dcceluied
llesirable Property at Private Sale:
E subscribers, Executors of the es,
tate of Andrew Blair, doc'd., offer at private sale,
Tll UNTV.I.INH ACRES of beautifully located first qual.
Icy I,IIIESTONLI LAND, lying immediately on the
western line of the Borough of Carlisle, Pa. The land
is In the highest state of cultfvation.
Tho Unprovelnents are a HOUSE:
BARN, anti other Outbuildings. Al
:stifor s so, a good ORCHARD of choice fruit
'".=''''" trees.
This property ,s very desirable ns a country residence
In the immediate vlcmlty of town, Would milt well
for a Dairy or Carden propoity.
For further particulars in reference to terms,
please call on or address by mail either of the under
signed. • A. ii. BLAIR,
Will. BLAIR,
Carllsln, A nv,. 7,1863-6 t
TH E taxable citizens of the Borough
of Carlisle are hereby notified that tho Treasurer
to said School District will attend al the County Court
House. (Commissioners' Officio on Thursday, Septem
ber 211 h. next, beta eon the hours of 9 and 12 in the
rareno •n, and 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day. ir the purpose of collecting and receiving th
School Tax assessed for the present year On all taxes
told on ur before that date a deduction will be made of
l• I VI.: P Persons wishing to pry their Tuxes
In the meantime, can de -o by calling on the Treasurer
at his place of business, to " Mario,, Hall" building,
it est High street.
Aug _l, 1!•!113-3t
S. I. F. D. E. '1
Apf..) -
BARRETT, "NEPHEWS & CO., Proprietors,
: No 47 North EIGIITII
/At, PIII7.,ADEI.PIII A, and 5.0 7 JOHN St., NEW
Our success in Dl - I,lNtl and CLEANS! NO GARMENTS
of Velvet. Cloth, Nor tot, De lame he.. ac., and
SI I A N't tti alttett-t. every tit..trim 1,1 Icon well known
that t,e only de...ire to retoltol too. it is, 1431111 the poi,
lie arse rally. that the season for gett/og ready their
Fall Good , . Ia non at hand
ira_t ;00114 rrrelvrd and rt. turn rd by Express.
N El' HEIN'S & CO.,
LINNI.:KUII L, haying on account
tlanoprnes‘ alt,l unninvaltinfolnoss of his far
n. •r >h .p II I , l' 1•1 1111.••1•t. ~ .I.lll..rinpolle.l to; remove
Ihr nqn in . I; and il•littenl tine pplenuli.l
\ Lon r t.i 1. I. Sponnsio.r•s of
n., I'llll l lll 1 / 1 . 1.11/111111/ 111 .1. M. eV,. HO Will he glad
in;•11...11,1 , .i1l I,i. ol I rost.l.ll-1,, .111,1 1111 1111111 V 111 1 1 V
11111. , 1- 111'41 t I 11! 1 ,11111'.1 ! , ) 1 , 11 1 1111 equlpeteint ben,
1 ;
A 11 , '„\(!! I I{ , ;;' .`,"l . ED:
.. •t, .Illirtun town , lllp wish
..15}.; El,• • trti••rs. for
N., I. 2. no I II ;3,1 „Ell 1 . , - 111 If at
I,', 1,1. l i p 1 o li.lo .... Sat y. tho :All of
t..•5t Io 1 , 111111 , 11 , 1`
raEli' rl I t.t nrtnl...r. five in./Mils,
lar; or
- -
Auc fl
1 .1 lq: or , L4•41,31,,1nt) Of JIIDO )1.
1 . !. It . !. • 111., 11,. , 11111 c.l havt.
bok, n 110 llv , tlh, in N
itx,lvhced It] mid
t- unti 111 ~.11aving
cl p,, 1 , ~t tl,,au dulj •ated fc, mettle
t • A, It I',
.'1'I; \t )'l'l ' t crsesta -
j 1 11.1:t 1 1, 1111 1'11• t,1•111• 1111 D. I/.lll l llrt. 'Ate
11 1 1110 11-1. 11, .•/ 1 . •111/ d.•.•'.1 . 1,!!!!r!
1.111,...,1.- 1 1..11,-. lii ii ts.!!!!t•.1.• All punnet;
I!l.t_rj t• !h -
11,01/411t are re u Q ueFtei
L.!. I !
•1,11 htciillnui
pi. I.t :!. 1.1 ..ettlq...ta
Carlisle Select Female Seminary.
1 1 1; 1:-; W opened on
, , vonps of the
t 1. !•• h ice L, i n .el' ut ed. The
I ,111/0 ith that of
I h.• tttt. tt l In.. 'milt.). P, r rirenlar and
tn. 1.1. t. 1119 , [l. ;1 , 1 11. tltt. undetsigned,
In the 15(11 and adjoining platelets
National Substitute Agency
h. Sl\ IS II 14:It &CO., havingin
' .opent..l Mitre in Carlon., vl. the iloverinnont
II 1.1 noir itrelaired to
I'o. nl , ll 1111
*Ut stitutv: , :iupplit..l from In ollire be able bad
111,, th1t....11 , •,..t .113:1.. .1 , 1 po.r.-tms
..• _.t•Lt .ilkto•••.i n I, onl I he• 4if
t! 11$ 1., lk t I it.•
III:, 1 Arikil.
)/ 11 ce 1.:.1t.:,.',_ : 1_. 2 1,121j1 liitnrr l j
T ' 1
'I ;
; I
THE Tit Ist:NE int I Z
It I ES.
How they Originated--How 'hey Look and
Taste Why they are Given to the Subscri•
bers of the Tribune—When and to Whom
they will be Distributed
Tilk.l'lll.• iu stir show tails ',III 4,1'10 THE 111111001:
5 5, 11:11111. I i 11.1.111, wt. pureltaqed
thew, at kk I I'l'S I,li •I•, 1,1 10t,L ,, 11,' 1IXI•IIISI rely upon
ttl of Tut: TI:I 11UNI., for
ioleotlith, to nom! one nl et.•ll kind to kts ety nub
wallah who ex!. 'smuts a alnh LI, that ulfoot sit the time
of nu eetildirt 'lilts will be equal ton prim, of $1 bill
to s.sott su leest liter. as I hat in the pt ice eharg.el Ly our
ne, I toe for ninth Sr 15 1 tots. 1..10..1, netthrr tit these
plies. or:tele:l,le, kt oblkkititel .1 1 nay in Lm what
ever. to, we have nor used every plant LII,It he into
durrd 111 the year Ist :s 1501 .1,,tr e ty, s , jai orsls, our
sky...titters. 11 - e have ineut 1,1 Lllll outlay tlet•I•S•
eau for thin purse et le...,use we have au ektruest tle•
Ara 10 st, the stint,kt 11,11 stl ialitto‘kel fruit greatly
extelisled, and boetune helieve I hat every 1,111, who
reeeit es th,.• p ant. and 55.110 hull ,till hold 'Put
In 6nnlly kene•keltrance lot enabling him to
etsjoy melt n gmni :silt of at laud I'l,l . ldt:hoe. awl NI ill
Lht•10.111, loot au htereased sle.ire to inkprove all the
list tilt. IL is thus that health and happiness
e ill len Its, is,
As these plants litre all to lie g roten from the few
plant, (lull we bite flit 4 , 1 \lt. Fuller in the alit 111101 of
1,1.2, ha will not he able to solid them to sobseribers
until Alter I I,t of 1013. tv hen th 'y trill
li.wkOti I ill';11t.(1 tilt or p3per, and forward
ed. llirou.4ll LLB loath, al our expense, or by express at
expense of the rceelv, The Ilirre plants
,441•11114,tor be SOW.
1.“ tout. h pet Mal 141, a ear's cu .1 4 , 4 10.10111
fm either the Senn.l.Veekly. or NVeekl,
lt NE ill.ll. - the lin.e ikr they
e-oe the .Sitar le•rries, and the I.ll , lritaitiou will be
Mao! , in tine to lit, the e-LilJ , c t 11,4 4 1,4 ' 11.11111,S aud requests
ir Sttam 1ier14.5 al a 11 4 4 butt
u,_l ril to •eive their plants by mail,
don up in ui rd , 111. or AterJsubstnuee.
T., 0,11 ILI I/ IOLA:41,1. to corres•
pool 11th the tituut WI II: 111111100 111 the Club; and
NI 11, the 11111,11., 0111 s, at rant it, they Will be vent by
Cll ill I/..X,
•V 1, Liv,i 1•1 1 :IV berry plants should
Eny Lb , 11111,; they ,end money. as We do not
lot f.nd I .11,1 11, 11 00 ah alll at uppred,,te
thou, Thty 1111 LOU yt I u 31.14. to be wayted, here ore
1, 1 1, 1 1,1 I :I 11 11 .1 e.o.trur•t for the 0.,(61 sivu
11411 i, tll 11:i 111001 11:111 1.1, ut Vv. to 11 piece nod there
111 V 111 llt ri o 11" 11 , .11 I. to. noon 11 , they
and tte trutt, et it is ith their pito fur j. 3 “green
ha •1:."
The t . ,.1) wirl4 stal run of IS imolai by Andrew S. Fol.
lei. toe H. ullm ist, itamaoldyn, the originator of these
chin fell I. ,a%e:
•• it i• new halt Until Nat •n and eight, years since 1
soWlitm; seeds of the ttralvlmerry for the
pm pee... I...loving n e w and ValietleS.
have always sada, Mal seeds tr in One largest anal best
that could tie obtained, and the Ilisults were that 1
produced some la,' goad VaeletieS eallheellaoll : yet they
were not such :w1 was wllluig should go out_ as my
seedlings. Every liall.llll I sateen al the seed with more
care than I did than pmvious I ne, anal mound that I tutu
coaartant imptamvcanent. I therefore determined that
would put lot th extra mmxea lions and see if a felt extra
choice ma tett., c, old not be produced. In 1S51) I oh.
tallied the hest Valletta:: Klloll'll, and bylfertilizing the
!lowers one svitCaonather, I expected to produe. Atraw
ben ries combialitig ga eaten excelleasee !hint /10111t1IIIVQ,
lilloW it. 111 this I was out illSapiloillted. I Ill•Okillee(I
tint yamr many thousands of seedling plants, and the
fl nit of many WAS really excellent, NO WWl' el/ that 1
was urged not to throw the plants away; but as excel
len,. anal not Val Walt my object, I alcstropul all
but the most pr. talking I aletermilli'll . D . Lall !lilt first
that nn in: tat Flnluld go out as a seedling of mine un
laos it combined greater excellence tlntn any other
strain berry, la noas n 1-1.10 , ti0114 Ot that yearn
competent Commit tae halal the l'aa lames' Club of the
A ar: ucnn Institute, OLIO had the matter three years In
charge, made ma selmmtion of three marts, t Meiling early,
ma.linna, late and these I preserved as the Ilnallresult
of toy seven years laborious experiment: , to procure ini
pravenaciat iu stag'. berthas rr.pnls, ads. These Intuud
to dispnsr of in the ordinary way of a nurseryman's
busiatess. a,nJ sic nil have alone so not to Um desire of
Tao TtlitattNn Assnclation to make a gratuitous distrlbu•
Con an these truly excellent sluawbe mien to their stab
beeillera. I have thered re rue t reel ott to furnish them
WWI uslvoly 11/e that purpose. Ant one of [hem clan he
bought id one at any price If I laid kept them ter sale
to in: i oblate] , the price, would ha cc 110011 55 cents each
an 15 aa dozen."
• "Tile °fullest rleenlng one was mimed 00t:ELL8.
WORTYLI!) honor of the martyr iviro.lo4 bia life-whoa
drin. Va., lifts first °coupled Illy the Union army
d m 11,14,111, prel-ent war •lt in a VOly large Variety, of
eriliikitv ; color, conlca , )11-3illaile, and, ',laving slight
depressions, cowling frtm'svilyic to polii , resembling
the sutures vn the peg eb.: with a long neck, and tho
calyx partB readily frein'the berry; (0:114>i go9;1; flash
months from the time the seeds wore
earliest, ripening at the same time as the Jenny Lind sown, too produced 1
2% inches in diameter.
and' arly Scarlet, and is very productive. The origi - 1 h
firm. Although the largest of lho three, it is also the Tea plan i t o el o g o h o t d e o en vor
perfect 'horrid', averaging from
\ ,s \ r'
\X\ \\\\•''' \' \, \\* \ • \', ie.: „. ,,,..........„
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Vi„" - , 4 P. A• , ' M ' '' '', l '''' 'I s. \ \ .\\ \ .\, =-------___
-..,' '=;.' gp' sr. ..'Fiffi,\ 4 '','. 4 Ytlif'-','.'r',' - f'- ~- • ':'-, ' PY "., \l'`\‘' - '•-= - = -
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••• \ \ ,
.1. W. ETIV.
" The next ripening
very lam,. (.1 - t da , it l
etllll.lll iu the SIM.
(...I . IIIC \ KT,
1:1) NN IN 11. 'NEVIN,
t"lhe thlrl, from it.; Nth, .and of turf n, is 0,11101 the
/1' A Itlittut,n t hitt variety ittt
In size to the t tier two, yet it ptettset...- merit.. (lint
st ill 111311 It a great tau tn,te IL. .latptt inn
regular ititltttpg cone, color the rll, ~ t heattliftsl Lrisht
sta. lot. Ha, r, the • i•I'V 11,11. u% Buse the miner
010 s ,1,0.1ki011 01 110. j 0/140s :it L 11.• at strawberry
t-Ittra the past seen :tt \r , . 4I Park row, Now but k.ou
this puint, Its ILL.)* ,Lss aid-a it Lhe lirst premium ovvr
The above descriptions by Mr. Fuller, in addition to
all that we have aliaeoly publ , shed, must be sufficient
to satisfy all nolnds that we are elf, trig no trith
prize to olir Subsc , lbers, no en indiodioo of our gond
will. and certainly with a hope ut their continued good
wSll to us.
W nvil- Carpenter said in the Farmer's Club that the
Wiliam arts LoaenslYoly cultivated in Ibis vicinity,,dio
nitolod , troll, and proved very profitable. alrthu
stintwberries that he has growlng, he nuirt
give pretereneo to Lilo Col. Ellswor th , -One of Mr. Enl,
lers'a new soedlince, sold to Ton TatouNh. The order
two are tie? very fine. and a great aequisition.
The Col.illlevforth and The Brookivt,i t!caelet.
lied by Mi Puller, took lba prize - the - bast tfvo
fitiarts at the Ilroeklyn ilnetheutural Society Eshild
Oen, Jinn, 16 and 17. Owing to an accidett, The Mon.
'tors were not exhibited.
Wit have may to add that the colored prlritS given
Upon our show bills are vie exact ropresenta , ions an ea .
be given. and in no respect exa4t ratlolte. of VIE Tills
Slpfde copy
Nrall Subecribere, one - yge.1,(31.1 %slice)
One Cqpy. ono year (tot Ise nes).... ...... $3.
. 'Two Cortes, outs ......
iv ralh•d tho IfoNlron If is
.ht r i l
vory if nil firm, of .ti, I iti • srr
//"/ ' r , --- -- , - ..„ • '
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I H.; nnmrrntic onmpsf ivies. The pl mt Is a very
31,1 111.1 ,1 1 .1 sic 11 - 131 , 111 1 : mono rolls Sinolfl
fruit 111 . 0 111./iillel'lt Ain to this it, late]
~ .mt,•ll tho 81.:noin nr
ileli,ollB fruit, anti nit have in [llk tanin , hors y si
nor is most cultiv-ted, junks medium 1 / 4 0 largo."
FiVe Copies, ono year. , $l2.
Tim Copies ono year - • ~ $22 50.
An extra ropy will hi, sent to'any person who sends
U. a club of tWent, mid over.
Tut SESII WeLKLY Tninume is soot to Clergymen for
$2 2b.
Ono Copy, ono year (52 lashos)..
Three t oploo, One year
five Cupius, one year
Ten Copies, ono year
Any large huntlier, athlressed names of Bubscrl
hers, 2,1 no each. "An ,, batra copy will bout to every
club of ten. . _
Twenty Copies; to OHO address, ono year, $.2.5, end any
larger number at slum price. Au extra copy will be
soot to clubs of twenty. Any personemhe sends no a
club of thirty or over shall roctilyn TIM 9EIMIAIIII.tiIi-
TRIBUNE gratis.
To any persOn who sends MN a club of fifty or over
TIII DAILY TRIBUNE will ho sent without charge.
Tun WEPALY TRIIIUIIE is scut to Clergymen for $1 25.
At l'ost Offices where full Clubs'eatinet be formed
•Olther for The WEsituitrOr - Wi.I.KLY TRIBUNE. sub.
Rt•lWlfi to the two edit one can unite at Club prices,
should the total number •of subscribers come within
our rule. •
.3 cont
t $8
4ddreso ' TIIE TRIBUNE.
Tilbuno Building, Now York
\gt;l l
Vitls Clphit
.s very vigeroun and prndnetive
He n n,arliet Ault, the veler
. •
, ; I
/ I
'. • r I
/ •
t' . . --- ' r;l'
Lira DI , T,
Carlisle, Pa., Aug 5, 1863.
Tfollowing forms of Affidavits to
1 . establish exemption under the second, third,
fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh provisions of Sec. 2, of
the Enrolling Act, &c., are published for the informs
,tion of the public:
" In the case of aged or infirm parents having two or
more sons subject to military duty, election of the son
to be exempted must be mad- before the draft."
Capt. & Provost Marshal.
Certificate of Eremption forthe Son of a Ail
ow, or of aged and infirm Parent or Parents.
the subscriber,— , resident of
County, State of— , hereby certify that I, he•
leg liable to military duty under the net of Congress
" for enrolling and calling out the national orces," &c.,
approved March 3. 1003, :Lin I he ou ly son of
a widow, (or of----, an aged parch t,) depen
dent on my labor for support
We, the sudscriliera do hereby certify that the ahnvr.
=nod —, is 'the only son of n widow, (or of
aged and infirm parent,) dependent on his labor for
Personally appeared brfore me the above
named . , and -, and severally
made oath that the above rertitlealo Is rorreet and true,
to the best of their knowled,n and ladief.
Justko of ,ho Nue°
Dated this-.lBy of----186
CertVicate of a Parent that he or she desires one
of his or her eons exempted.
1, the suhscrihar, the father (or mother) of
and .re,idents of --eounl y.
Stole of— . hereby c,rtify that I am aced :nal
infirm, and that I nit dependent for support Oa the
Labor of my two sns, Itia, l, 11:1111,1 : and that I Uh'lq.
that Illy 5OO -,shall ht! OX a 111 pt.
front the e;,erations of the m•t of I'4,ogreFlc '• Mr enroll
Ing and ealli IlL! out t h e :lath/nal fillaa,, " 4`..: , •., approved
:Viarvh 3,1+,63.
NVe, the subFeribrrs, do he, ehy entity Ord the above
❑awed - Is Hg nn • d Infirm, :tad .lepea,:eat
on the labor of— eel. lor supp,l
i l eroonally nppe t i 1...r0re 101. Ole
. ~ .1. 0 r1: lv I:1:111, oath th.l
t.lll. aSV,V eertitiedt::,net dna I run, to Iby I.
01 their knowledge and hone!.
ke• 01 tht. Pe...r.
I/atoll at
Certificate that the pe,s,a liable (1 , ,V( is (he
only brother a chtl,l , q. clubir, II de
o f , his f,11,,r 1;),. svp,,tl
1, 111.,111 5, •I'll.., li.thlc• tn .I,,tf t
hula Kt.!, irr• t,l 1;3111.,1 11,,by "1,141.!,0i I MO the
rar6 4.f u,41.. nr. I,•it lkt ::t.l
h•t.t., my I 0,, 1.. lipp
We. the
.11n ,
In , I . • I (it, hl.
1in1.1.• In .11:ift •Pt ',I
der 12 :tz It •It It het !I Ile, 111/e 111.11,1
AWL t11 . 1.1`,1 , 11t 111 , 1.11.01 bu ,111 , p L
Nl's., ,rikoart , .l 11 , t, nt4. 111,‘ I..ttrt• 1
o a th
. t t o t.
_to ti t t. .:t t t t t tt.t•l
of tr.cir lott,‘ Vett ;1,1,1 It.ll r
C 1
pers,, 1 , 1 1 , /
1),1 1
w1,11,1,•d • 1• iu ill.. i111111..11 , il•ii 1.1 ih
l'orcrmnik- nr7.1.,1-1 , ,f,r. 111. - 01 , .
•111.1 •••N • I l'1•.•
that 1110 .11, , 50 tru.., to tlo
Ire,t. u 1 tilSir
l't i e ,
Dato,lnt -
The Franklin itepository.
TS PHINTEIs ON I,.\ l li;i:. 1)01'13
LE of purr\ !.1 1..
412 per 11,11111111 ft, 11,1111,
Augu,t 7th tin.
the 'H I' \ll'lsl'sl F. l'td; tir
'I III! 1;1151:1 I 5 , 151 N to I. t.,,,,,, t. It stlq e00t.5i,15,
an .Itlt'Ult.‘ll: \ 111 , TIP: "I'. ti 111 , 55 .
yl,:tot the 8.4 \ 15,
rind the huee of march of L, th t PI i. a 2, 114.1
11.11.1; $1 11 , 1 . ylc 111 , 11til , X 1”1:111 , 4• , q
Stijl ht. 1 . 111 . i• 110.1. XICCLUIt & STONE:I, 1 . 1,1)111.0"S
o.4tist nth 15512. 1111.
Portraits of our Ileroo3
I" 1 111;V it.\\lCLl It I ) V
tin. .•“r
4), •.! W.:N. G. ' , II, I ho ,let.t.4l.tirg
WI • 1 , 1:TI( 1. 1:1, \ . 1;1;
11 , 1 , • 1 . 7 • 11, :1111,1111: 1I i si
NT., 1,1 ,5 STUN 1,11.
A (1.:It• I. 7'll 1 ,, .1. Iht
rim l•; FR A KLIN E IT( )1{
In the I, 't i:1••ST 1:(11•Vrt• , N ••I V 1,11. •
in the ' , tate out t;,• ,•,t, • •, k the Le n t ADV 1.1.
'1, 4 1N 4; Ai i l)iU lin cell Penti , )lv•in, Tel in
re:A-on:00e. 110..1.1:1: I.: STONER, P:opiet••••,,
A ugu , t ith
To the Friends of Soldiers.
is ~ni In.: to in lb ,.
I • uion at I ho• thcce 11,athq. and nl tih• Nvia :•.k
a el. 111 I, or can 11, 1 . 111.1 , red 111, 111 I IP'
01, I Ill.! 1.,4 than to 1111 ht•lt i
paper 11„w ca. h iu .1V:1111•C.
II 'ULU E Proplictt
Auguq 7th
A Joint Resolution Proposing
11 DE it re:iolved by the Senate and
1 - )liou,, of of the Cianinciniitetith of
lienei Aiiso Thal
the lul
lUw 11010000 , 0 d 10 t h e Cllll , O 11111,11
in ith Ihe, ritivis
io.vs or lb.• teeth at I.tolo thereof:
sh ill be ail ',v.-Eton I, the this (I al
ttele or the Cr to :et dooi liated hectl,“
four. an 10110 W
StCll ,o i 110npvg.i . nny of 1110 litielitle 1 eleetors of
this llotzlneme•tl I t hill br in any inilitaly
serch .0, met., n I b... 11 the et e! Lhe
Is ;le siehli, It C..teleen
wealth. Kuril 1.1e1•1 1111 c s'i r the or nui
!rage in nil elee'll,ll. by Ole
L tinny; nn ir4•. 0, 5 . .1.111 be, le eserile,l by Lem. is lolly
they were prv.ent et their il,tael place el electien.
Tim 1.;s11:ill be two ntlilitlipti:ll,4 Lions til 1110
al 11C,10 Of tilo 0.1,5ti11211 ,5 11, Ui 110 desq;uatnl as hi',
thous oiait, nu 1 now.
f'llo 1 N., HU ,1.11 1,‘,4.,1 by thy 1.1'.41 , 1.1-t
t me. emit: , 1611 . 4 111,111• t11:11101. 0 5t1 1 ..1141. be
elearly In the exctla apprilpriaLlon
Sl•cnov 9. N.) bill shall be pasgell 1 9 , the I,,,i.lature
graetrt% any pi,Ner,. er privflet4es, le aey ,f 3 ,1., where
the ant Ilority t.. erant sui•h powers
)...1411, nr 1.1.1 y ilertNitt.t.e be, euuferietl upou line o - turt,
ul Chin L'ornelouwealth.
Speaker of the llnur.• nl RI'llreS1•111:101 CO
.14)1IN 1•. PE NEV,
Sp-alwr .)I
Ilarikbur,r.July I, 1,,03.
I do hereby eertify that the teregoing and
ls S:AI. l intlltAl•,l I, a lull. rue and cot rout enpV ul
urigl,l:ll t Ilr.ol ut lon el the Gene,
al Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing
certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same
rumains on tile in this oface.
IN TLSTINIONV whereof. I have hereunto set my hand.
and eausvd the seal of .thu secrAary's Laee to be
fixed, the day and year abuse written.
Sseretary of the 00111111011111.1alth.
July 7,18(3.
Washington, July 7111 I
•• July 7111 1n,,,.
WITEREAS, by salkfactory evidence presented to 't,115 ,
undersigned, it has been [mile to 141TV:1r that the First
National Bank of Carlisle in the County of Cumber.
land and :lint.. of Pennsylvania has been duly oriian:
fru] under, and nesoriling to the requirements of the
act of Congress, entitled An act to pr-vidua natlenal
curreiriy. secured by a pledge of United States stocks,
and to provide for the cli relation and redemption
Mortal'', approved February 25, 1553. and has yomplied
with all the Kcal/dims or said rut required to bc coin.
plied with beforii Collllllelleing the businces of Bank.
- .
Now therefore, 1, Ilene McCui.Locu,Courintiollerof the
Curre , ey, do hereby certify that the - said First Na
tional Think of Carlisle, County of Ciluititirleoti and
State of Pennsylvania is authorized to comment) the
business of lion kin • under the nut aforesaid,.
„...-_______ lit l Teettmony Whereof, witness my band
5t,,,, "
': and seal of Mike, this :Seventh day of July
8" 1 03.
Comptroller of the Cureeney,,
, . ... .
. . ...„.
Carlisle, .Tuly 10, 1803 '
. .
The First National Bank will receive deposits both
on into - l - At and payable On demand; Same es done fel
nierly by the firm of Ker Dunlap & Co., and will be pre.
'plied to do everything pertaining to the hubinees of
Carlisle, July 10, 1663. W. W.
~ . .
, I (r,,. rot - fi
Rebel Knvasion !
To Business
Emory Female College,
HIS Institution of learetiog:for young.
E . Ladles, will be opened on THURSDAY, SEPTEM.
DER 3d, 1863, The Presilent will bo assisted by an
efficient corps of Teachers. Tho course of instruction
will embrace all the branches necessary to,give young
ladies a refined and thorough Collegiateeducation.
For Circulars :and particular information, - address ,
the Undersigned, Co lisle, Pit.
R. D. CHAMBERS, Presidont.
July 21, 1863-3 m
WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridgo Avenue
fIFFEII, for sale upon the most faVolu
joblo tortn. tow and beautiful Designs In great•
rac irty f I NON It AI LI NUS tin Cemeteries, Residences,.
itc., of Wom,rlit and Cast Iron, and Galv,anized Iron
and lion Tuldnr,; Iron Verandahs, Balconies, Stairs,.
Counk•re, Fountains. (lutes, Colttnins, Hitching Posts,.
Lamp Stan I t , Yeses, Tables, Flavor Stands, Sofas,
Choirs. eeatuory, Anti - n:on, and all other Iron Work or
a Decorative character. Designs forwarded for seise
tion. l'erm,es applying for same, will please state the•
kind of work nerdlid.
July 2-I, 1863-3 m
E (Leidich, Sawyer & Miller,) have.
set red eirr entire stnek of Goode, and have
ro.ti toed lin. we desire thy patronage of our
numerous cm.tomers to continue on they have kindly
levered u. In the past. We are determined to sell our
„lock, which Is te twit larger and more complete than.
vernal at i• season of the year by reason of suspen—
sion or by the recent Invasion, at the lomiesti
nun tot price. We have a full line of Summon.
(is" e for Ladies. Misses, Men's and lloy'e wear. Pie/un
roll at the well known stand, Rost Main St.
July 1863
FULL assortment of New Good's ,
i on t SIIVIVI'S at Ogil
I um now im•pared to show a largo rtssortmenb oL
3111 t.. Wl,' lodueoloonts to all'per•
-• 111 ,1111 1.1 11:11111`. , 1111 . and cheap goods. A large
iir , Ss• .O,IS. War
U•; It
wenr gt est vat loty, Bummer
;it low •
(11 , iihams„Waslizts, Checks,
~t t•thittOtt prices.
II . tt 210 nt inn! itintd pH, 8 for caAh, r am do
t, ,dl r 1.41: nt very low prices for tho
C.L. 11,1, J illy I I. I ',1:3
1": ‘‘ r ;00 I IS.
I Int gnallty of Groceries,
11:11 . 1i ,tlr. 'It•I<CIS, Z•IllICO. Floe Liquors,
...., I nits and vagltables in.
.1., -;plc..q. .'td and 11)0W wore, MI
Li mt~ .111.1 and to be sold at the.
DR, Will. H. COOK,
S.( riPrrn and Arrouclieur.
11 , 1'1:'E at his reitl , mtce in North
11 I t. Next door t , Shriner's hotel,
William P. Lynch
icing returned fruit' the army has
/TIN( ; and Pl, EIJI 13 LNG business
1 to Ihe basement of the
• .11e , ('lOl rc h. Ile will
aq‘hl busi.- en his hoe.
a( Or , %)
r Iron
lli nth Tul,v,
11"a-10 Basins,
00: Hydraulic !talus, &c,
11 Ir4d, I\rl d
A n.I ti n 4.f r .rkn and fittings for gas,
! .•n 1. 1!..i. , l • I. in 4 4 r:tsgts. heaters
,1 !...1 stores and dwell-
II! at •11 rno,t modern style. All
i. .... I w.als io our lies at low rates and War-
I .1
_ C•amtr y walk and jobbimt promptly attended
June 5, '63.
1 , ;`; 1 , ;11.11,11,El? in Flour, and
1\ er of . \ kill and West streets.
••r , vtist.m.ll) on Land All:lnds of FEED, Fl9ll
to.] : 4 AI.T.
.11 n 1,
NDW raluaz.
u 1 riL rs having purchased the
1 1•• 11
fortiter V belonging to .Tom. D.
It., •I I 1 . .11111111 , ! 1.110 1.11,11.... s at the old stand,
- it 1 ~
ito ese,y int t.', ti,at n• It lee, new and fresh, in the
Family Groceries,
9'h.;;; ;-; ; ;;;;liii;ti.d with tho greatest care
s lut s iil I.• 1.04,,4 prices fur cash. It con,
111 ;44111 I 14110 1 4 ) 4 1 141,1 rinnent Java COFFEE,
ri is, Pimp. liin hoasted.
S I' - 11..,t0n, and Philadelphia Sy—
rup, t .h.•
1111,M A RS.---The best the market affords.—
lo ri im[s L,- ; .t m.hed. :sand, 11111.1 pulrorized SUgarfl.
13 a1..1 C. :- , mgar, which cannot be sur—
”n.l :1.. the time is how here for preserving, ht—
Me.. will ole,se eiN 4. ililllll enli nod examine for them—
,•lve, AII 11, Sl'ln•E.- , are or the purest and beet VA—
riol iv;Ni' I; t11111,1 , z Ihtlutt thew.
e. Cot o Sl.n rh. F. rrina, I)awlellne Coffee, Essence
of Candles, &e.
\ m r , e ~n,t well selected stock of the very latest pat
nd ever in price, and better
in . titan Seas ever offered before in Carlisle.—
Call ant cce. Wooden and N\ Mow Were, such as Tubs
Imeisel, and Churns. Baskets of every description;
Chndren', t'\ I kit Moneware, Cream Pots, But—
t, Jars Vrcserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes.
FISM—No 1, 2 and 3 Nlnokoral. No
ti 111 BSS 1111 A D No. 1 Herring.
lar, qua tl tit r (.1 the celebrated Excelsior HAMS
S S l/l by the Sad:. Dairy and (I. A. Salt.
ere oily ask the patronage of
their triend , and the public generally, and invite thew
to 1 . 3 H 311t11 , multic Iheir new stork, at the old stand,
Hoover nod Loather Streets.
Carll,le, May ti, I,C
rut E public are cautioned against the
of LYE for making SOAP, etc,
new °tiered li, .ale. The only UIiNUIN E and PAT
ENTE 1,3 e lhrt 000io by the PENNSYLVANIA
marl: for it hying n SAP() NI Fl ER. OR CONOEN
YE " The LICCESS of thin article has h.d
UN PR Nt'l PLEI) PA lITIES to endeavor to IMITATE
t. eioln tit,. of I h.• Company's PATENTS.
Ali W 1 \t'F.t'l't'l ER S, BUY rata or SELLERS of
rl PER !DVS L vex. or. hereby NOTIFIED that the
I.U)IP.\\Y hire empinvett a. their ATTORNEYS,
U NO, Esq., or Philadelphia and
\ 11.1.1 A M BAK EW ELL, Esq , of Pittsburg.
EnS nt I.‘ e, in tid icu of the rights of the Company,
Nll , ll be PIO 'UTIA) at curt.
SA I HICK, or eoscENTRATHD for
silo by all In uggiats. Grovert4 and Country Stores. ,
of Non, Iv:anis. No. I of May Turin, in 1862, in cult of
l):11PAN Y vs. TllOB. 0. CIIASH, decreed to the Com
'may, on November 15, 1882, the EXCLUSIViI right
ur,,ntel hy a patent owned by them for the SAPOI,II
- ER. Pal sot dated October 21, 1856. Perpetual in
junction awarded.
, .
Orrin ES.—I 27 Walnut Street, Pitiladelphis i
Pitt tit. and Daquospe Way s Pittsburg ! .
May 1, 18G3-3m.
. .
G -N
"°' W. tIDDaII, D. D. g.-7
Late Demonstrator of °mutative Dentistry to the
.......,- Baltimore • College.- of
~..._. MI*, ..., Dental Surgery.
- . ." 751— , Office at his residence„
oprosite Marlon Hall, West Main stroot, Uarli§le, r t u ll
CHAS. OU 11.11 Y, Trustee