selticted trout the -ehivally of the • Sophern Democracy. The storm blew. then inds came, and, untrue to tits fealty to hi, party land his country, wit Whis miserahle cabinet, ho desert., ed the ship, and 'Lain her tout upon the break. ere. (Groans.) Ile asserted - that secession was wrong; but yet Ito stated that if a sover. eign State should choose to secede front . the Union, there was no power in the liKetiutive —to force even iu GollgreSA o coerce 'that seceding State to return to the Union it had deserted. 'through the ildVlee of members of Cabinet., the ships of our then little navy were sent to remote and list apt: SO t hat when the conspiracy should culminate, our gallant tars, renowned 13 011 ' 110111y an heroic occasion, 811011k1 net be to piaci., to respond to the call. of their country. And who-diti Ibis foul and mast miserable work ? Who accomplished it ? (Voices— The copperhead-I ) NV.ts any abolitionist then in power, or any opponent or the ancient. Democratic p.iriy ! Democrats I helt had it all our own way. We were intrusted with the sacred heritage of our lathers; we were responsible to men and to angels .1 ntl how did we act ? Upon the accursed altar of NOlllhurti oligarchy we sacrificed everything that was denim:ratio, everything [bat Wits manly, and everything that was honorable (Long continued Itppianse ) Your Itght tin gored leaders may say that Ilse abolitionists begat the war. I, as a lin totilo Pen s) Ivan i democrat, as-ert lit It Hits I clictlion w.lO be gotten iu the secret places of the .s.t called but talkie LicutoCratty hat it wit bit rt tired by Buchanan and his cabinet, who were tie slaves and the tliipei ci the Yanceys, the .tiltdhtls, visys and the Itreckinridges 01 Die Saul (Applati , v.) I lint ,L--eel tvhtt the trim! pen Or L]l rt•coiti, tltti Ibct e never IVA. a patty so lieu. rior .t cmullry sit el.tught. erect, :is hy the v-i c l!it• I IL , Liel'S Ili tile 11101/ out D ots ter icy. IV6it Inl wit do, we young iiwit of Ill( .111N•ii,..111, ;old tire I hmlocratii p al I N , fo mH• i I n.ll 6,ltp.r 6• re,01,1,1 tli. l \Vf. 1,1 alit! 111111 I,l' al tiw rlght , wo . ffl hI ru 1,1 :ar tt d Iry ih.• A (2./11'.1111111./.1. 11.11. \Ve (!very 1-1) evttr), '";j: ineh1111 • 11( 1 r 1110 C , i.1 , i11,1111/11 1,11 LI: 1 0 1, (11111111'11SL: eIIt . VIS.) \\ • i' ai 5,111.111 ' ,111.1. as Ch rssl lit it 5555 • 55 1,,.i„,,,, I, y ,•‘. principle id the. ,c,• that %Olen .11e \ •iii,l,•l 11. I.• )11 , BP"ehl to rlllls 11. 110 11.Ii' "I icon t/11:,41,1 Ih ti is \ .•I thin Civil I.iw 111011 I 111,1 was I',, 1151 , I, 1, hs 111.• 1,1 . '1 Id the nor. It.lush.r bit It•t• I tli it tll , • I.• bellinn lin I 11,, j., tin.; ; tile gtowial 15.5511.55, i)1,11 to us dots Iltar statutes had ItVIT It 1.11c1'..-Issllll tra.n. chi.: or the p t It.tHer. And ttititiv I hip! riit.2ll; I.•r 11. Stephens, I turd,-)•li tit the glories and hrlllctnt 511.,51 , 0 ' country—with hi , aveslol' t•Nt•1111 ul ~1 151,11 Vernon ittiti )11iitiee I ~ Shl,ll. 1111 1 1 tarli did he lettv(t I reeitr '.: id tit.. reptilt;,.• ty. ever shone. I, Istit :11105111 L''' I, 15111.1 111 , 1) . s; il of sell., i;it,.re-I her a gO\ 1 . 111:111•11I. \1•11toi 1,1:11111 !1.511 comp ria-or I this tl• augiows -I 111 I di All lasting, hint ul r,lanis iip,,ll the wen %yin, created tit i• cart s is, it out. .1 loivi; not lino., tot an , it sort, ta tatter into NW iliott t l sit the In-toiv.tir this titii,t tiel,itnins TLC l'•.ld ers of tie Isi isle! II 111'111„1 0.111, pal * aal' lii me that they aim, can ;50''rot coluttly stu , l Is ti ,, 1' , ,i,,,,. I r, , 1,1%, that aiiiither such I )eitincr.iiie tioll 118 the la. , t tow tviiiiltl send Inc iattintr, into tl.e resiort.• xorll artotlita• tl ttint , artititin into [tower! 'I ion!, tit it. Tholl, id its 'wt.- tidy; Its irea.i.tit, iiirriiptatii,tvealoti•,:. Itestore tt r It'ertottolo 5.1110 Va1..1:..1i.2.11 tin and sour Its Isand ptistver \r,v fiz , !..11.1 11,,tii S lei] it calaill.h I liaNt• c .I,rl i,-.1"i".• I um.,n I t;it , I ).•11 • ty, but I havu 11 , 111 , • 111 111// 1111 , 1/1 . .1 - ble . 1)1',.1e11111.1'.‹ 101 / /11 1 // 1/1 . 1/•/TI•11 111 Th.' 1:111Crl'/I 1,111/ .- i 1/1 /1. 11 . 11. i /11. 1 should I,ort.,•it•out lii I ,h., i• fail to auk nuts Hit' h. very 01 the L11.111,•Ini, ‘111;111,Vi fought is thizi 01V 111 111 , 111 11:1V1 given their hvc. , , Itiartvri on Ow lie, (cheers) lilst• th, L ntldtnt 1:,d.:-.;.tin,l Black, and the gallant \VI ii in I May G0,.1 blcs, mem the bra x ftillen in the iighi But there is IMP cry wilt. I. s Irteit the lips ut .Itrire).r cheering) the Loh , r tt:el i.trii,ui ): the Pennsylvania - (ietietv) , l elteerteg ) there is one err which ()miles irtt it the very IltlSolll of Pelinsy 1 Vallin, and Ilhat S. " stand by our country, Nt. It t•t It. r it 110 right or whether it be wrttng. - It is a I) , ,ntter.itie m ax ni, which tung tritm the brilliant tit Hs of Mexico, and nhieh, it trut.)ll,en, twist lie trebly true now. •(Nine front the crowd for Andy ()luiti6.) I,et mu sny El) yuu 111 C./111111:1On, limit there is but mime mnl,r (or loy al men m per: e. Thew cammt be, and there midst nut Lr, 110. silt loser \Ye mint 111:11,1! his St;ito ImA in 0. lt1111•V next, —cries v.e.‘%lll—it wo only do-so I. wlrow 0 4 ,Cuitn1uI ii Daniel 'I Ins ineol.,hh..-- The man" 11 , V:ii and I - 41aq-, to vote this ticket, had I,:oter ,Itl 1%11.0 k viz., go (Jowl' ;till how lu., I:Iwo:it the shrim. of that wiser:llde rebel, lull Davis. (Ap plause awl htte rt h nit.) Tht , Judge nuts I a Mill ilmptvi.,,inp i)lati6e. Calk w,te ni:01.• lur otlii , r present, 1,,,, 111, , spealiwg teruitiottud here.—Nurih EaAim anb (foiliq ','l:liattrs Losn—A pair id' GI old ;ire, tacks. The finder will he liln-rally rewarded by leaving them at this ollicv cr The undersigned will re•open their peliool iu illarion Hall on TuEsDAy, FaANCIS .1. CLEuc, \fiS. ANNE B. SMEAD, Sept. Ist Br — p We are requested to announce that 111ret Mee;thon will open her 8 °hoot for young ladies, on the 2d of September. SAD ACCIDENT.—On Monday after noon last A. J 1 AI:11'8111ln, E. 911., a inember of our bar, and a most, estimable young gentle man, met a viorent death though an, untoward occident. He had gone to Philadelphia on Saturday in company. With several of our citizens: while StauLting on the Market street . wharf, looking at arevc of sheep being driv • in .upon the ferry boat, he was struck by, the shaft of a two horse wagon which was loaded With salt' The blow stunned him and felled him to the ground whop the' wagon -passed over his body when Jta was carried to a hospital in that 7ioinity - where he died in about an hour. Ott being recognized by some aegniu taoces his frietnto were telographod, and the remains brought to Carlisle for interment, The funeral took place tit 6 o'clock on Wed nesday evening, and. was attended by the. members of the ; bar- !•11 a Body. Deoeased was about twenty tivo,y,ears of ago. We tithe the following aeatintef the Coro• ner's inquest• from the Philadelphia Inquirer; CORONER:9 INQUEST. —The Coroner's in quest in the ease of ALFRED J. MARSHALL, lawyer from Carlisle, Pa.', who was run over on Monday afternoon, at Delaware avenue and Market street, rendered ti verdict of acci dental death. It appears ihat:MAitsnApi . , was standing in the street, engaged in cotiversa. lion with several other gentlemen, when n loaded wagon came along. They all moved away with the exception of the deceased, who was struck by the huh of the first wheel which o•wsel iOl to fall, the hind wheel passing over him. 'oak.... A man mined PRANK SPAN(I, to be a native of Herbs county, but re cotitly residing in this courtly, was found dead neat/the Gas Works, on Wednesday morning last. Sitting was a 11131: Of ill.olll - habits, and Ins death was no doubt caused Ity excessive drinking awl exposure. An intitotst was held by Coroner Smith find the Julv sent to the Pour !louse for burial. DisTitEs.slNc, ICin I)ENT.—We learn tha: Geor.4e \Va. Lih , , or Newton town ship wa; drownt , ,t in lii Pond, on !..; ttnrilav loto. A pie-nie party It til atitiotnbleil in the neighborhood, and Mr. \V. with others went into the pied fur tho purpose or bathing, (he ,v.t(er being de tit and being unable to swim, let teas drowned be!orii help could reach him. TII 1)1I.11 , 1' fined of' tirnit is over, mil most of 1.1,e foroilltes me nlremly ni p 1 -,t•-sow of t r nolicos. 11 a laity fir,l ii•tgo We give a cor:;plele Ikt of the 1111.111 e:: drawn for 11114 county. l',.rry county was drawn n \lrnd .llrra ly larz, num ,111.•r= ire, for ; , •111,-t it 111 11,1 ny 10 go info C 11111). WI! luny rslu;•t H,ely time in C•irli,lo for a 11101:111 Us' r,:;- - ..) .- ^ of our roaders (I.rinonts 11,,v v,•14)1 !hot au.l C'l, , : itiL: I aro refplrel iu ft.' I ) ) of l'iarictt, Sco thpir nilv. in this it..-111 =I ()II eVonin:z Is-.t, w, ~• rit—ent :II given by ',inst. nil: eels of (be newt' i f the l'ototiric who lire at pre , vnt on dprnclimi , Tory herr enter pivQn ;11 a!1.1 Wn , ~ t )? ten nil ill% 111 S 1/0,1 11,,t4 we noi iot. I our tivi.,111.1., \ II ll,f. I= ol the Ili, A. It ,Sil veri. .111.1 1,, , nn I in loy ers of our 't:l iz us. After p lia.l boon uniply (Ito bo 11 , 1 was rle ire I for tteti..ll, , 111.1 the bygids were put Tti:LS 8, Wk•li! on 1 ily o ; tutugv e sung, anti ttllngoluA• the eye - 51,9147 tt .1111.1 , 4 - hil+trnruwly._lr{c.r•,rrr~ The .11 my nn.ll its 1:,•11,.1.11, ;, =MI TIP 2 wo Fot illo Thy Po ;IrlH3 I yank V,,luni rri and tn.lny ,11101' nI prulul LI to itsWtTe giVeLl, /111 , 1 re spowlud to Iv the h,.sis nn.l their goe,ts. Aui oog the litany goo,' ,popehes wit wuulJ Hifi ict. ”t• r'l l .l:lit. 111 IVIIIN,ON or th, -Itch V., atvl, A. B. ; 4 1i itrE. lorw• r c,poild:ng hi the tua* " Tlie I ' l , l-0 we rigid tor, " favored the au WII h ti)Lnly awl patriotic alu•ocl1, ! , ett;tig 1,11111 the aim mad "114;101 , s hut rai,el 0111 brave artnicB in 1111 mtlicls and priira lions. N oinn•Joy, con ionll pL i nality An.l lintnnulty wpri. I I c,,n.proln•nd u.I iu iht• t:t•I .i.,1.11J-1 311 1/1111CI ciii•.iu,.innrr, ; I id .\ P 1.., , in a Icw :111 , 1 fl• d rtiv.r"l Alur pm - 7111111 - rTltrr ME e I ) .I. VI I I Ili}! III:11111k 1111., of (I, Po( ikk itnti I lie Tulin- t !In:, Cr fur the liucr thvir iNal. .1% , .•C of 11111 il I II ILf;:- L• 11111) 1 , 11; I i'oll, WI) I't %.:111 11.)I un bk. r.0.g,11 (en by their many Ti ten het e. Itrrcut Elicit bearing here has ploven them I.J be WOI hy bt Mg classed Immtig, !be highest types of nunuttiity dl unee ,uldiers, gentle wen, iiiitriet6—inay their ahadows never be d Soldiers Aid Society diers riety" was hell ou last Thar,,i evening.. in the Lecture l{uum of ihe hr.d Tres Chulrk f this l'lnee. There was Tine o Lugs attendance, and a l u ll reptc s , D t a ti on tr,,u l thu chlf,u•out Churches Of the The Snarly i n s now composed 01 ;HI me•.alers, bull Ladies awl Gentlemen, who:, n es are uttnchu,l to its Cun,tuuiiuu, touch iiiiereSl %VHS in lie object ul the Soelely, aul the bil:illeSS of this meet lii , was iratn—noe.l Scull no urdut•uy degree ot h iritieny 1 acid. Thu following olhcct•s or the vii , lllllg ye:u• wns elected. Pr,,,htit.— Rev. F. J. Cleve ; Prot 1101m:in. rr, II 1 Pr —Nits. A. Alexander, J. (ler°, Mrs. 11. ill Johnson, Mrs. Ann .llexander, ,\lrs. A B Sharp Mrs. C I,•Clute. Mrs J P. Ilex ler, Nlrs Eby, Nlr, .1 P. Ilas,ler, Mr 4 h t . hot'', Mrs. .1. Eileen'. Mrs. Sheafer, Blair, A. Cathei.t, II 5 Potter, E Brady. and Rev. S. Philips. The following Standing Committees were appointed. I C..tittit it tee on Religious i•isitattlon ; —The resident Paster id the town 2. Committee on Organiz,lion ; —Rev. S. Rev. .1. Fry, and E. Brady, Esq. 3 COIIIIII,O lee oil Music Geo. S. and \ir. The Society will hold it:3 first goarterly meeting in the Lutheran Church on the firer ThUrSdn 'in November next, at 7 o'clock P. Rev. F. J. Clere, l'resident. Mr 6. 11. M. Johluoti, Seeretyry, VS„, A I a meeting of the Board of I)irec tors of the Soldier's Aid Society, the follow ing persons \vete appointed collectors: N. E. Ward—Miss Ella Conlin:11111.nd Mrs.' Beetjw. N. \V. Ward—Miss Powers (Old Miss Ste veilson. S. W. Ward—Miss Ella Hannan and Miss Anna\Venal -Ward—Mrs. Baotigliinati - and Miss D 'fliev will receive all loonies, donations and offers of work which a generous nod sympaillizingeconmunity are ready to give. The following persons were appointed to cut out. work: Mrs. Blaney, Mrs. C. LEH num, Mm ith4 and Mrs. E. Conlyn. The Cutters with the Directors are teques ted to meet ou ru,stlay. Aug,. 25th. _ at 11? ; A. M., in the house of Mr. Senseman, on ,ifigh street, opposite Jacob I:them's Ware h ,use. • On l'inirsdny folluwing•work will be ready% for distribution. Mrs. A. 13: Sbarpo, Stewardess ,Of tho St.j. ciety, will receive at her bousg"all donatfoos. froto town or country. Rev. J. F. Cf.F.M.C, Pres't.' Mrs. H. M. Jeatiso 4, Sect'y. rr•A.. At a meeting of the Bench and Bar of Carlisle, held in the Court House, on Wednesday, August-19th, 18133, 'Jour WIL LIAMSON. Egg., was culled to the Chair, amid Burns E. Shaple/,' Lsq. , appointed Se - e Cy. On' motion, a committee was appointed to draft. resolutions relative to the deaCh . of ALPHEus J. :11 - AltsuALL, Esq. The follow ing were reported and Unanimously adopted t WHEREAS, By a su !den and mysterious dispensation of Providence, 'anot her member of this Bar has been called from our midst to a higher Court whose decrees we may not question or evade; while we bow in submis• sum to that Divine will which "doeth all things w 11. mourning rhea loss '• which nen her Time, nor the genial sunshine, nor the gentle rain may repair." i , ,soired, That in the death of Al,P; J. MA 1.1,, the legal profession has lost a promising, member, and we, who knew bin, [float intimately, a friend endeared to toi by his urbanity of deportment, his geaurosity of disposition, and his genial kindness and gun! luness in every act and word of private in t erei That the must fitting - eulogy that can be said in Iris honor will be the elo teitrs shed over his grave. That. n•e tenderly sympithize will] hi; bereaved lattnily in this their deep ficSe d is a tt l• or respect for the memory of our Itroth,r, the ttonht•rs of Ibis I;;Ir trill. in ;i body, attend his tetimi!s t, their lust re.titig place. Thal. thos, Fro,:et.tittigs hr poh• lisited it; the (htrlkle papt•rs awl entered 'woo the records o! the Court. nod that ;L ropy be sent to the veil 1 1 l wily. The Singer Sewing Machines. I hi, 1,..1 . 1'Et1 A P\\IILY ,•.\%lNrl \I \ 1,11,1r11.; n 1.1 ii id • I••prt Alio') 11 Is 1 tryliritl •I'•it'rt I lie his and • lormirt.l rind 111•••.: Irr•Atitirtrl 111 all I'Lrrrrll , hrrivirr-: r•L "11 lel 1.0 ti.. 1.1 ••111, Puu .1, rr•errrirr Il.ri• 1.1 t• 11 t•• 111 1 11.alai ap Inc,- I .1 11,1,1/i11... I ti .. "" . 4•"•" , . 1112. r. 1112 11r till.. 1 ritr•r•o•lr Ir trrz. rrlirig. riii•l 1111 r :\•• rd 11, 1. •Itrrln whirr° ha. r•••• r• 1)1 111.1 k 11 S, tli ill ism 1,,t”. ‘,lll arl I.IEII , rd 111 r 0..1.1. 111r..0. ,r11.1rrr••••••11 1•'11,l ilt Serwill; 1.11;11•• to i 10 1,1 -1 .11,011 i.. lint • II trir rrr t••(1••ri rt. all r 11. • ••I •Irt• rl It. tin 11.• i•••••• 10 1,1 .1 t• 11 “Irr• 1r ••• rirr• 1r •i -lit•L irrlr,,rl Fnn..lii irr•r•l rrirdrirrty3 rill wiry. ••.111 511. rrii• •• I. ix • tr. • Ili , . 1,•• . 1.1 A 1.',11111 ii r•1:111.• rr.ur 1. rtrit't lip \ 111.1N111••1 ill t•I) t• ) Itt. It i • t I lilt • .1-tt tt) 1111) )) pi,), ttl t ttitti, • ti tth)tt I ttl I it litt) , t I.illll. It itt)t, 111). tit 1) Illtit) )01), tittt it) tt slll)tit tilt ttlt t) , It • t)p))1 . ) ti ix Ito ttlit—t) I , tt -pt, Iti t+ I„ ti.t . I) , ltt , 11-t.titt tit •tt \ It)) , t) , Ititt fit Ott) ..1 , )•-• ttitt tt; I Iti• t )1') ttt At I. 11111 , 11 , 1 it) , itititlit , l 111 I .11 t , t,t , t I, ttilit, tk Mt . ” , :I, ~i t• ,l 1 , 1 I,l . w:it-Owl ill Litt) lit t-1 tiliti -111 i tt•;) 111 tit 11, 111 11, I . 111.12 . 11,11 V. It , 1114 I 11/ IC 111,111_ Cut I+l.p I 11.• 111,111 , 11 •nII nrp 11•• t•11:41,:ii.:!•1 • 11. . 1....1 In tlll r. S•• 11 I I •• T 111: 11 , 11 Ms..; 011' \ NV. roi I'llll./44.11.11i (Illior \ \_a nt. Col 1 . .‘ li. - ; if.% CARLISLE PROI/UCE MARKET. Reported Sleekly for the Herald by l'l. l /1.11. : , 1 11.111.1 - 11,10 .1... I.A tr.i.l • !I IT I.: NVIIE ‘'V .1.. 1:1 I: •/ 1 I . I: I.'1• I, . , t LI, 51.1.1N,1 1.4 r, I . I ;NI 1111.111 111, 1•ClICI I Is, 1% Cl kix•11,10 itizrns C tho r km( t (11 , 1 , 11110 ,i. , 1 1, 1 111.• 171 i ,i , lll 11' 11 . I 'll Ily I, I, 1 1.1/ It. •11,1.• dal.. .1 1 /.• , 111 , 11,1 , Vlll I •• 11111 ii• tik I h.• 1,.•11 11 1,. L IL/ Lio -LL iLy (I ILI , It L. LLI it /I/ " ST.\ TEN ISLA NI) FA Nei DYLINI; EST.\ BLNIINIEN'r BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., Proprietors, 0 i ( i ! , : I.: Nu 47 A 4 T• 1 1 , 11,) 1 1;; ‘, 1 , 1411 \'l:..lll‘. DIM oY Vi•lvyt., I 1.011, :silk, \lrr Ito. II SI I.\ ‘\ I,S ul nlmn.t 1•Vv1"V =I I=ll rtn•eived :tll,l rrtuiuod I,y lie pr.• rr, N 141'11 C,V;S CO., At.; '2l. 1,;(1:;- D I CICINSON CDLLEGE. rpm.: FALL AI lit ' l he l'ellege will be _a_ µ lu 1111T111 1,1,1,1111 1 27til 11 . Al'l,l',T. Pre,l,l”nt. IM=E=Il FOR 54.1, I.E. .1 r.ll, LTA /; I, /, /.111.;;..%) . I'o Y 1 ,.; F. ie 11 )1' or the last will or John „iii on Thor. hg, 1/n• 10111 of Sep'eollov-, 1803, at ten '1'1111; MANSION I'A It AI ~,..1„11. Ipnrk, .1„,t,4,,,, , ,1. „it ti,,,,, in Diet,inson low, ship. Conde eland euunty, bounded by the tarn: o' .I.,n•b My..., t;,.'. Da vi I, :u. !lour) P.m! .lulu, I.eller. :111 I Froi,.ri.9, heel,. eont.pniti;.; 1) , . I.', II UNI)ItED .IND it X ACRI...:. about t.,1 ,er., of whidt i., in v5..0.1 t m• I, •1 . , alltt OW ranidur viellivti, unit under e ultivatlon. The inip,Vellild, are ligoA 10.4 and t... „.„,,,_-_, thin Dwelling. aud Stone ;Ind Log ;,•641, 7 ,.,,.. : ‘ haul:, Barn, with IV.ig - on :died, and liji p ',:p 14. _ Corn: l l , i t . ' r i i , l i , s , . I ! , t , i r t i l ,. .. , t ;r in t . i r ,... ir . i i ..:: , l. j e t t , ll I. t n i t i n t . Witt. hr,• Oilier .unl ti 11:111,Vh.,1, or C:11 . 11S11., and ~Mils tit..llt fifty rude of tin: CliambeiNburg aud Carlislo 'turnpike. 1 the title is Tiorfuet. 'rho I, ran 11,•0 pl , r rent to 110 paid or hitt'lll ,. ./ to ha petit at the titil.s of sale. Ihe residue of one hall on the let ot • April, 110.1. and the lialauve 111 the • nllllllll yiVllitflitti with ilitl,l3ht, tit be scoured by a lieu nu tin land, Turner, Auv.14,1811:1 I= Steak of Ile, C:0111011'01. of Pa , Pen e'a. War Loan, united Slates 7 . 370 per rent. loan, Unlled Staten 1.20 0 per coot. loan, United Stotes St 0 per cunt. loan, Cumberland County 11 lie ,- 1.0/111,. , 5,000 00 Duo by othor I,3uks and bankurN, 9,829 00 Not,(4 and ebeelci: or "titia• - bun ktr - - I:1189 MI U. S. legal toluler notes, 7,3111 411 14110.10—gold And silver, 7.050 20 25,0:10 38 Permmal Prowity,,6afe, L,014 50 EMI . . Capital Stook pia in, 70,800 00 CI culatidn, •• . ' 63,503 00 Tri Tilde II L deposit% 85,108 44 Special depiallii% 4 38.707 74 -- 123,004 18 . lino to Mullis !lila Ball if.olll, 4,501 21 11ividonds unpaid, 100 30 • Total, - $2624'20 fill The aboVo.Atatent . ent Is correct to 'the best of my hnowledge and bellof. 11. A STUltatoll, Cashier Swum and subscribed di me; H uFrs SHA PLEY, NI.WSHAM, Cum 4. V. \V EA NIA V. 11 . V ,r,• Eli.. F:1111ily 1,1 it , ',1,1t. 1,111:Icit :111 , 1 1.111,11:11" 110' 1 . 411111 y Sq.,- 1.•11111 ,, :11 . 1. tin 111.11110:1.•• r. Nt',N .11 ( ~)C fl 1t utSWTITIEtWtWII = SCHOOL TAX FO3. 1863. I,IA ti I 12 , 1:1• h• 11th: 1). 1, S. I. F HENRY PAUL, Executor of John Block, deecaspl STATEMENT OF Tllb MECHANICSBURG BANK. Movhaulesburg, Aug. 4, 180 ASSETS. LIABILITIES D PII LEAS;•J. LINNE KU L, having on account tof the dampness and unhealtbfulness of hie for nr, hurl, on Hanover plreet,.beon compelled to remove therefrom: has purchaSed and refitted the splendid minip. on Main street. next dere . ' to A. 1,. Sponsler'm of lice, for m'erly occupied by .J. Nv ers. Ito will be glad to welcome all his nil ouNtilmers, 'and as pinny new ones as wish t be shaved by clean amid competent Law bury. Aruz. 1861—. m. - A.O EltS \Sr ANT ED. The Direrhitg of North Nlldillotdo telenship wish to employ three competent male Tenchors, for School: Nos. 1...! and 3. aini null meet for that purpose, At liazelton's hotel, in Carlisle on fiaturds3.,the Oth of September 111.Xt,ti. 10 o cinch. to eotonience on the first Monday at October. Term five months, Salary $22 per month. Aug. Fl. ISII3 VALUABLE FARM AN PUBLIC sALN. On SA Me Di V, &Mein bter 11), 1863 Will be at !while sale. no the p, on the abown .hie, at the resitlonee of on , roe toll 110111, l'u cc, mba ('I urrhtnn•n. alli,pj tilllg lands of 03.1 Mad others, Colrgainileg Ritimety-Illiiree Acres, tunre •.r lest. all cloa,nl,nf the 11,4 qn3lity of Limestone land. and in go)d state of cultivAtion. The improve• ilient , l ay a TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, A NI) I 1,I)I N)). Bank Barn. Corn house, pen, Shnp. Smith s hop, and IIeCC3S , t/ y end builehrv. It isvonvenient t.,Churehes, so w n!, l'll,ll.nins, ,te., 5 wilt, east nt and the , rne rve.,t leell:knie , lltirtr. There is :1 never failin; null I.o' water at the dm... There 1,. len 11.PPlar. 073..C17. •I rst in its prim, nud sII hind. nl sins II 1i ult. r 11,11 l'errr•lrr•,, Phis is i ill! 1 . 1..51 Lnvwiu the 111•i111- 11. , 1)111141. 311 , i 111 be 501, Iry 1.111111_sul).-et 1111 the !aril, , al.• to cmiptlenee at I . nhrn t , . , 1114 will hum Ill.• 1c1151411 11 .5. 1,1..1 SLIT. A 11,411 , 1 /4, M 4L! • THE DRAFT In the 151 It and adjoining Districts National Substitute Agency. ‘., IK. S \VISII Eli ik (n)., 11:IN'I .. . II lopened .11 . 1110 . 1. ill CAT..i.11.. it (It , (i.,,,titile.;l. .% ~ t •-..q.s .illur... Ili idli.eill ., II tli a v 11,01 . preinirrd I, r0,,,,h ~ ,I..titute, at r.ti, la a—, Ir.itt 1.111- ill 11•x1 kip,- \'l .1 .11 L.! 1,.% 11..1.• :1 1 r. r Ir t.lll lli.• Wa:t. .11 11111 1. fin.,.L.1.1 111. liq 1:111'1.11:- 1.1. J. I:tweitt =EERIE .11es!rable Property at Private Sale. r • 11l l'.; st'il ' lNl•ribcrs, Exccut , ors 111 thc (•: Inf.. ~i .% ”.I,—. !,;... 1,. I ...r. , ht 1,,,, , ,...-.ti,, 1 , , I.\ r. ~ \ I. u i.1.-.t !..•,,,,:.i[, ;,.. ,1.,1.., , 1 q uo ,t, LI \I 1..:-DI \I, I. \ \ Ir, I, 11, till / 0..1,.itc;) , 01 lite ‘,1..1.1,1. Iliie “I l l w I, ,/.. 1,11 Id . II ll.' 1%1 Th.' 1.1•.11 i• /II I 11.• In ,t. , 11, 1 , 1 ..111L.1.11i. , 11 A, ~,,,,,,,i---,'111.., 'III.. i..1.1.,0•ak.a11• .tlr , aII ,1'. , 1.. 11.1 i.2 -Ip. l', \ L's..,•' .•11 1 . tlr'.ll'.llll, ,1 ii , . Ij_L L t . ii s ig_, ,, , a t. ,a 1 ,11:11.11.1, L ,: ,h,,,,,, fru, 1..1 1 11i110 I, li , it•ii rlll 1111'1,1 1 1 . 1 1 1111 1 11111 , Ili 1 , 111 I! ••• to 1.4•111, t• plelst• 1,11 1,00 100:011 ,1111,/ 1111,tcl C.” \I;-II \ I, I .111 IPI-I I' l r II: 11 , 1! , 1,CIII . ; .\ III 1 1;1‘ t() 0. 1 1 , 11 1 , 111 111 11 11 11 1/1 1 11. 1114.11 , /,'ll 11 11 1,1 11, ,1 . 1 . ,/ 1.11 1. d 111_• I. 141 1 ;01 111 1•111.1 i L E. 1,111 4 ,1 1 lot Ihe o 1 WI I Ow, or of .; rOl or ra t,'O!S I 1 h. tte 1311.11. t.. 1111111,1. • i...• 11/ .. • 1i 1114 ~ I I!a II 1.11 ~•, 1 %ill !I ; ..,1. • •1I - pi tt• t•,l 1. •1 t• trl .• 11 I 111. •-• II .1 -' - - !Mt+. tttt t It t trt t thtt - ttfrrtr, ,, rll;l".ft7• t. , tlit• [h.. 1, u..a 1.•k1._.• .1.. I ! i OEM iI ti , olY 01 WI/ IMB MEM t`....0 in.,: and .111111...4 Alarch :I. 1`,..;. .1 I t t!t, tinmtl wi (Inv Likor I 111111'. M.'• 11.1 119, 111• • :11. , 3/, 1 • 01 . 1 . 1•1 3iltl 0,111. I, 111 1•11.1 . 1 t 1140 .11.1 =ME! DEEM 'tfiottle that I lir (I , ry? is /hr Way r . Of de on 111 s iribilr 1,0 I, I It ,. , 111 , rri her ioto tho ilo• lioroh, Ike alit : lull th tt I MU Hit 011Iy ir, thorul 1 - 2 ear, ha v Lither toil 111.41, , ,...,(1 ilopt.ll.lvill, ou 111 . for support. - -- \V,.. rt,tl.•tit, ,it e : 4 1,kt0 (•,•, iv liable In un der I t „•.u,..1 11'4, 11,1 , 1 , 4" 1,1111, Ll'lll . l . 1/01 . mother', 3111111V1,1•1.W•Ilt 011 11/N 131.01 . 101 . I,llppi.ll. re . r.111:1113 . 111110,1110 LlllOlll UM' :16,0 11.11110.1 ---- .:ILd 1 0.11 014 E. OW ahilVe certifieuto eon tlet alltt Lruu, tti 1.111.12 . Lute ledgu ,illll Ow Pea, l'atti nt -- , this tt.iy of lBO C rlilir,Nr dig( nuviiinv (/). Ntr ,innily of l6r I fer,tfroit I i,ghle in drill( air f Iralny 10 the! ,of the Unit,,/ States, NVe. the subarr II - and - -- zes t eglunly, State of hereby cordry that tip,/ 1110/1111eIS 01 I 11.• family an1.111,11....1101•i num ty ir 41 .$1...1 above ulrutluued, are iii Wra ii Hanle service or the kites, an tlnci eoinialsAulied ullirere m u , ,1L.1.111h, 01 pi it ales. Venionally appeared before me. tho named - and and he verade made 11.111 l OWL /111 n6ueo eartilivalo Is e, reel and iron', to the bent of thair knowledge and bullet. Dated at iff s fi AIANIIOO 1) •, HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just Published iii a Sealed Envelope. Price A Liaolitre on the N,at ore, 71`reatudent and ltedleal Cure of Sprrmetorrluee or Seed ual Weak itrTs. Sexual Debility 4N111 1 V111.11 1 111 1 1, 441111 /11v0111111111-y E 111114411111 1 ,4 lid U 1 141141 11111114111111 1 y, COIIHUIIII/111111, 411111 tai and 14tyslea) Debility. By 111.4,113 , T, J. CUL Vltln. W LOLL, N. D. IMMUM 25 OM 00 30,0( 0 0 25,000 00 40,000 0(1 5,000 00 The important Pict that the aw.hil consequences sr Soli . A bliss stay he elfeetually removed without inter nal medicines or the tlanaentus npplbretinn of oil nsAleB, 1111411111101 is, IlludliSited and dodixte, is IMP elent•ly.denuusl rated. anti.the suttroly new anti Itkhly successful treatment:ls adopted liy OM eI,IIII/lUft:111U111101 . , fully exploited, by mewls of which every one is ensbled to sure himself perliTtly and • at the least possible boat, ibereLy nasld hi¢ till the wirer: thd nosti•uuta of the airy. This lei•turu ii•ill prove a Boon to tilOUSiliiilH slid t hou , a tuts. $271,4211 31 Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, t. any address, post paid on receipt of two postage stomps, Icy ittitiress ing.tho pubitaliVra, ' CII.IB .1. C. It LINE & *".'''."7 - '127, Bowery, New York, Post 9,1111;ii Box, .45511. A. 11 I:lS.;.kir.A i l , l"lll.: D. _I Twelve Le:Lein:vs wanted. The of ,lion. roe will.hold their annual Examination on the 2211 yr .I,lllitHt 18113 in Choc...Blown, they will pay from $l3 to „f . ija per iimuth according to qualificatlinis. All first slat's te:1,1101.8 pridlirol By outer of the Board. .. 4ufmst 7,18133,3 f. REMOVAL. PERES W. QUIGLEY, Sec I= 11. I:I, A 1 \I 1;1, \ Ittm Ml= NOTICE 1111 11011t.'• 'il,. ti“, ..1 -. a I, 114.- .1..1.1 11.1• .t. I EMI , /i.r s,,,:tt/ FM EIEENTE 1 . 4,,re 01 —1,6 Six Carts D. DRANDT,,Sect'y . . The F r a nklin RepositOry. Ts'PRINttD ON A: LARGE DOUB -I.OOIIT CIO lIT COLUMNS, - Price $2 per aun inn $1 fur els months, .McCLURE S STONIM, Proprietors. August 7th 1863. Im. FRANKLIN ILIPOSITORY _Epaili:•hed the MOST COM PUMP, IIISPORY. , OP TILE RETmt. INVASION to Bond. It also contains an'ACCU SEAT OP ,NV A It in Penn. Sylvania : the It VITLE GROUNDS OP GETPYSRUILE, and the lines of march of both Armies. Price 12 per Annum: zl for six immths. A few back 'numbers eau still he fur' {shed. Ha:LURE& STONER., Proprietors August ith 111 . 2. Im. Portraits of our Heroes. THE Ftt.INIiLTN ItLPOS.ITC)ItV or Cho 1901 July con tlius u, re••cllrut voirric.‘fr or 11.1 OEN. IL It ON, the 11 o r th.ttp,urg. nod th., num hat• fur A wrugt fah will cunt.:, 11 :in Jul - PL/ILTIti IT of AI. U. S. 011.1 N T, Elio Horn f V Irkalnll•z. Priv.: $2 per annum ; $1 for aix montll4. )1l'•;tU ILE STUN ER. Proprietors. A 11411,1 711. 11n. rEIIIE has the I. ilt,./EIT I'IILCUI...ITION of any paper lu the out of the rit.lto, and is ilia hest ADVER• \I 1:1,1 L\l In Southern l'enn,ylYania. Terms rea•onnhlr. N1e121.1.311.1.1 & STONER, Propietors. A ugla,t 7111 1110:1. To the Friends of Soldiers. rr 11 1 , 1 1 , '11.:1..NLi. - 1(.1 , 11'();' , 1'f()1.3.).' a Is 1111111 he,: to •0111.111 ENS. in the verve of the Union :it ill. , Inc rite of $1 per :mono: 51),`15. for three on on 110. and on Wel in Ore-m.l wonppe,. N(1111 , 10 •f:ovor t.on e , 1.1 I.•red up,l the or the ohl rho, thorn to roeoi , h 11001 wi h n 1111111 Nono - 1111,11 h in :1.1 0:1Iliqt. 11,12L12 Ill.; ro:\ Proprlet,rs. A11.:11 , t 7th 18 , 1.1. 1111. fi4l S 'l' .1. 'l' 1 : N() T 1 (7, 1 . 1., h., 1 t' . ..", i...Y.,i'"i 5 , 1 t.",."‘: , '1'Yi: '1' , :.',,,,':•',1',Y1 L. ',' , „' rfi. 1 1::"1`,'„ , , ,i , - „.„.,,....„.„,t4,,,.„...b.•,,,„.,..t.yit„„,,„(..„.,,.. NI, LIJ. i. 1i... by ,h,ll 101 !111 j. 0 1,.11, i 11111.1,1 1 ,11 1,, 1•St:Ii” h , 111.00' h:1,1 .4, it , 1..y1,1,111. till ih 1,. 1111 1.,: ,1,L,,,,, tir 1,1,1•11 t til,ll dilly '.01,1 lii ...t•Ltiv -1111..1t. I, A. C.VVIP 'A I; I', .;1, 1,1,3 .N( Yl' I ( h I a - Jeri I,MI OW • OA!, rif 10, 11 Fitel. 111.• I' 1,1,11 r.l . .trante.l t , , the -We., nL, r. n•-ii., .\ II le .I, , hte I. the rte ni t. , iewnent Ih. .•: pt•P-pitt t ht•ln duly -.lll,•iut•l.t. 'I,. 1 teent,,, , 17 111 1 .. 1 1 1 ,11.11,. , ,1 ho NH, I I hi• 1.1 11, • ( 31 11 0:111, '1 , 711, II i 1 ‘ll, 21.1 \ •11,1 1 \ 1, I 11.• HI , .1 1.) ill, 111111, il•di 1 1,1, 110 T . ,1111 Z b,.• ••1 h, “.I.t ,‘,ll 1.,, I•, •,0 1.•n111., I'„II t , t.1,.•i . 'Pt"'.:t"l SOH tl. .1 p 111,,, 1,111111,.1- ==l Carlisle Select Female Seminary rE1111:-; Son] nit y w II lie operipil in il 21a.1.\ 1 • ..111H1 , h1•./ 11, I I It. \l,lltl suit, k,rll 'II' nib iy - lre iii Al 6 . t:1 age, I' [III I S Ins( it ymir,!./.. \ I: 31. I lir t ill • i.. 111 ”! I • I 1,1.. "I ...LIM 11 4. 11 01;0,1 hi.tll,l”, pi , • 1 , •;1•:. I 17,1 ,•.111 01,1 11l 11, 111, Inform otlo I. atlilre, 1 / 1 1411`,1_11. , 1, (II P.I 1 - 4. \1 1 I , ', 11 I lie 'Tames II y ljn‘ll 1 . 11, I ull 3111, of (Att....tor:o 4.1 t of Illy ttt.ttitt ~r Pyi •••, ~C. u,yi it a.tltlettt•ttl ,ail Dttlttitty to d tI '1;1111.11 Lliu mt.] II tt.,11 ttt. y. tt: I ..111 tr% . t t .111 I 1 t, nil 01 all.l .1 iii 1 , . lit th,• tip tl 11 11,11' I. In II I 1.1 t• t. it .1111 1•• h ;• 1 t 0.1 1'..1,11.t NM I;; ;;;;;;i; d• • ;L. 111,...;-1.;411.:;;;44; IA.•••1, N;;1 i; ;- I; i; I • 1.11 , it I ..,111, i , 41.1111 1.11.• -., I 1 , 1.•.51,1 ...I I -kJ, I hs.:ll 1:- 1, 1110•1: 1.1,.11. IP •:- " h 1 `....‘-1:12',/%12 1 11. V i ••t , 1...1. , . tttl • : , nil I.; t!WI! tttil • tt•11 .lltt t • It • •I ttllt. t tlt I .111 Its ••••• ttl•lt •11•• 1,11.4 t, 1 , . • 411, Mk •`. t • Itl • •••-• • ult 111 , I 11,1 .110. •1,1, t:i ..r.l I It, t.' 111.• 111.111 •5 • • II: 13111111 MEE= PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. \IT ( ) linve „11l 4•11til, lif II I,' 11•,1111111 tt 11,11, 111111111, 11, 011 , ', 111.1, tip 11111t111l1.1 141.tily I 11. 1, tli.• .it.• .10t4.1111111,1 t.; ..ttt 1111111 a la,nr and nowt , nnipt,t, than .11 1111 , hi. IC ,11 i•ar hr r, .on ..r Its llo• al :In. 1•••,••••1 1••••••11.1 • in 16,•t nis,••• 11,11 IIIIr• I 11.11 r, Nlis•••••••, an•l wpm . . 1•11•11, call at-tln• enll Isnoivn l i t,l, I•:ast Vain Examination of Teachers 'rho Jai c,f Teao•ln” J., I, Citmlwriand Ni ill lit. held a, bill „n Feet lee eslee ti, .1 ug. :;11. Nee teal 17 1151111.1,e, 4 Nexv‘ ille, 18 641%1•1,11/111g, 5 lien, I'.l 71i4111.45.x, IS 111elileHen . 20 \'srl.ll 11111411 et( 11, 7 S. 71 iddletjel 21 71 t.: I l'etlehlhore' 8 715111,5, '3 l':•4111.151,1, 15 Upper .l lien. 71 711111 in, 11 lie. 11'1.4. 115powell and Now I ur , ,; 13 Lee ••r Allen, 35 1-1111,11eti8 1 / 1 11.,; 14, p , 13 N. Cuelber'lLl 37 Shipponslll,, , , Illor . 1.1 S1,04),11111/15e, 17 'lllv ex:twin:a:9.9s will 1 . 111111111 . 111, at 9 O'clock A. '.ll uncle A pplin.t is to 11.4 pteseht nt the hour appointr.l A gen, al at tehtl.t two •.I"ltitnt . ttn, and nitIZCIIS is eat' nrst ly nolinited. IL litoimmi thit nu lie kit i•Mill/t.leilL trarLrrs ii ill .I'( , )' tin ,cli.tols. lit. sill plow,. appoitit ida.•o ,f in N 1111... NO Mtl ill 1 / 1 1 1,,1111111e1i WiLlloo.lll,lll/Vilig sat i51:1 , 1,3 . I.1111111,111.1(11111S. .1 . 11,•41 list, Iris Whil. • 11:111' out Mont lit tht•lr Annual 11volits It ill 11154 11,1 s.,lintn,li itoly l'arlkle, July IT, A Joint Resolution Proposing CEIVI'.IIN Al 3 ENI))II , ,NTS 1:111", (3oN:-.1 . 11'11TION• )E it resolved by the Senate and I,llllole. of litivie,untative,nl the C,tllll4.llwealtli 411 Pentlsxlvailia hl lielwral Ass 11110 y nn•t. l'”1- 1,,W 11.4 anti•ualut•ill.: In. plopos.l tlu• 0 , 11,111 Ilt iOll of thu 01/111111011WO:lith ill :14 . 0,a:trice with lhu provis -10118 0i tln. truth :11111 . 1. , 11101'1,1 Th.ll'i• nh 111 lii , :tllliti. , SI:C(1011 to the tltH ar tirlu of tho .14.siqrlatml n; ncrli,ur fur. an toilims: Sl:efloN 4. \ henever any of lhr qualified electors of this Commonweal li shall I/1 in ally :u•t nal military scrvi qt, under a requisition from thin ['resident or the by the authority el this Common. ivealtil, .such electors in ty exerel•o the right of suf frage hi all elections by the citizens, untier such roan. latitins ns me, or shall be. preSeribi2,l by 14111. as fully an if they were present at their mond. ',Mee et...election. There shall be tie,, additional seetlons to the eleventh article cif thus cousticuti.m, to bt• designated as sec• Lions nix[, t., amknine. as follows: 81,0140.. F Ni; bill shall be poised by OW feglala• tut if, cell taming more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed la the title, exeept aPpreptiation Si.:0110N 9, No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any parlerr,. or privileges, in any also. whom the autllin•ity to groo such powers, or privileAes, Mks boon, or may bereattor be, conferred upon toe Courts of this lionunonivnaltb. anus CESSNA, 'peaker of the How, of Eoprosenta CVOS JUAN I'. PENNEY, Spe.tkor ot lam :ionuto. _ Orrian OP TOO SECRET %UV or rue COMMoNWEALTO. lliirrkburg, July 1, 18011. PONNSVI,V A.NIA. (lo hereby Certify that the no‘egoing and voi; L nosed is a lull. trot, and eorrect ~ o py the original Joint itesolutlou ortith (loner. al Assembly. ei tltlud «A Joint Resolution profmshift cOrtain A mo.dments to the clonstitutiou," as tho same remains on the in this ollice. _ IS Tl,TrimoNv wheroola. bayo berennlo set my band, Ild CallB,l 010 seal of time Secretary's office to be af fixed, the day and year above writ 1011. 1,1.1 SLIFER, Secretary of the 00/11insmwealth. July 7,18 f 3, • 9 000 lbs. of Staginan's celebrated 0 5 sugar cured hams, INIIIViIfiSCLI eorl3Or Or Main nudSt. otruots. MaY,e,..kfte23—t.f. A. Blp • Rebbl Invasion ! To Business lien, =IDE =I h tli 1...1 tttl u. 1.11” DBEEMEMIII l.\ 11. I) 111 \ `.I111:1ZS, rn•>blunr. Proclamation I'. 1,0 11M11 I:11.. TV, 1.1,11)1(11, \‘l El; 111,1.E1t GEO SW It T 7., :.111.t. NOTICE.. TREABURY DEPARTMENT, OPPIOE OF COMPTROLLER OP TOE CURRENOV, NV :Ott n gturt ~July 7th 1807. ington, July 7th Wiumrdis, by salisfactury evidence presented to 'the undersigned, It has been made to appear that the First National Bank of Carlisle in the County of ,Cum her livaa nod Snit() of Von naylvania has been duly organ ized tinder, and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, untitled •• An act to provide a national cureeiniy, secured by is pledge of United Stales starts, and to provide fir the cireulatinn and redemption therm', approved February 25, and has complied with all"the provisions of said act required to be coin. plied with Inifureicemmencing the business of Bang ... Ntiw therofore, I, !Iron Itlcrlnt,tocw. Comptroller of the Cerro cy, do hereby certify that the Said ph - et Na tional Bank of Carli,le, County of Cumberland .end +tats of l'ennw..ilvauilt Is authotiz,l to continence the hithine,s of Hank In • under the net. aforesaid. n Testimony Wlipronf, witnesti tit,. hand , -. 7, -- 'l i n t: ' ,l seal of ofll.-e, this :01.1:nth day of . July ''' l '' A L 1863. \,.. f .:7-6 , -, s II tilt II Wel' 1,1,0011. routptrolh, of the Currency. Carlisle, .Inly In, 154:3 Thoi I , invt. National R3lll, Will I,o`l co dt • poslta 11,411 nn i merest:t h.! p.ty Ode - tin dr•nuutd, I,llllr. as done rot onlo,rly by the firm .I . Ko•t• Dunlap and will be pi °- pared to, do everything po•rt.tining t, the lousinev., of W. NV. 111.:1.111.71t.N, Cashier Carlich., .111'y li), STORE OPENED. LL nssmdinent of New Goods ilLon the sh.dvt, at (),in,y',. 21111 1101 V 121 , 12211,12 to 2 , 1122 21 lar g o assortment or NEW 6tIMiEE, GOODS, jmt roceivoti ;111 t.” L. , :vost itt.lurelnonh to all per. 111 Want ofrhutpA largo at n9c of Dress I. and Ito), is eat ill :4real. vat ;has, I, at Its, figures. r, (1 ielvhdllts, Ch,cl6l, &c. 1 . 1•11L14 . 0. , 1 lII,' 11:4 11 , Il :I I. re, 11101 , 1 pri.. s I .1. 1 . :1S 11. 1 fi 111 ile- I I, lllllli-11 lII' the sow:. hit very ler the Carli , lis,,loly 11, Isf tharle!-; 11. Hepburn :mil Samuul jr. ATTOI:N EYS \T I,ll\ 1,.1.11 11. m. 11 , 1,1,1rn t. qiizto NT I': (;( )( )1)S. IP:veil- of nd fiwility I.2,l,,tustomm Fin,. I i 1. , . it ,11 .111.Cdt.,. t I" /It C.i4/i 1 , , ./ M., 5. N'l Z. DR, VJM H. uf20:11, HOMOEOPATHIC PRYSICIAN 1,,,,, (I)I.TWE ;it 'hi, r0 , i,1 , 11,e in Norll Nt stro,t. :\ 1' t 11 :11111,C, to,tel IVillia in P. 1,3 aril n•Tprut.,l Inn!' the army lin /'/711, 17 1 .1 1/.1.17; di IL, H:./ S , , tp! ri„ ,rll , lll 1.1•11 i 1/I.i 1,11 I , 144 11,1.1111,. 110), u• I.:11 .••••kuve2,ll•lll'l •.1 • tod I i • 11 It.. I 11l OW ILJ -It it• \II MEM A fiIINGX _EEL' - I F,NEIt . \ I)E . \ in FlO , 11 . , , Ind K,•••p, 4,1 1.1.1. D. 1.1,11 :1,1: 4 I.I • . $, t The Confessions and Ex crience lIV Ta 7 at: ID. th.• :ma why i!Li (1.:11 .! ii 11 , •.ty t•'.. !it .1 , 1:.• •ti I 1111111111111111 =OEM MIME ~Ai'UNII I E!, CON 3E:NITRATED LYE, Tll E 1 Y ).1 P .11.11 t" A' rr1114: pttl)lic are catiti)llo(l :tgaiti,t the sPriciot.ism.ti,,,•.nr LYE for [int L\ &g. now oll,rtol l'ho only \ 1\ 1: PAT -1.:0. Ml.ll 1110 AMA 1.11,1' M \ h lloot trade arl: l'ot it loon 2. s 111 Elt. ..1 1.1 " front :-L:CCE , S tido L \ PLED I. IMI LATE t. i ‘,ll(Lln 1110 FENT,. All NI k k t<l.:llS, 111 11.11 , , 4 1:1.1,1.1ZS 11 111 .:, \•11I1.11.;11 that, It: , c, ) )11,. 1 I,kwir N (11, 11:1;1: 11 and NI 11,1,1 II Its El\ 1.1.1.. . 01 LI 311111\I I. ."1.:1,1, .11 . 1,, ..1 the I i : the I.',ltipatiy, ,11;110‘.. 1'1t,) , 1.; 1 at 'l'ht. S.11'•IN11\1'1:\'1'11 ITI:1) 1,1 E. is I',,r salt, by sill Druggist, Urllrl.ln.luull2.u:lo-y TAKE NOTICE! Tlle. UNITED Sr %TES Cincrti r. IVe4t...rn Dist rirt "(Penn. I N.. I of Nl:ty ”f 'EH E \ \ I \ \ 11,\ \ crri:lNG \ \ (SF,. deereed Ll y. nu N", olub t , (4. I Sll2. thn E.\ CIA:s11 t gr..] I'o.l 111' a pall, L b) them t.n thr S lot*, I FIER. 1%0...1. Wiled Oeto ,er Pus petual iu juurliuu ,551.11\1ed. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OrricEs.-1.27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, l'itt St. and Duquesne 157iy, Pittsburg. )lay I, Itio.l--3111. NE UT FXRIt€ CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- WARE STORE. `III: subscribers having purchased the Or 01111,rieti y beh t inging to .100. J). ilailatrt, will continue the business at the old Anna, and ale prepared It, furnish their lrieods and the !wh ile with everything that is nice, mot :old fresh, in the way of Family Groceries, Their stock is large and selected with the greatest rare. and will be sold :tt the lowest prices for rush. It t'oll, sists in part of thin old tlevcrannent JaiVa COPPEII, Prime Ills do , Primo Rio boasted. jJ Si I UPS.—New Tura, Itostup, and Pliildiktlph hv sy— rups, of the very best qualities. I,IIIOWN StltiA Ils.—The best the maric4 atria:do.— laovering's tarot Crushed. Sand. and Pulvertated Sugars Alsp, his A. 11. anti C. Sugars. which cannot hat sur passed, tad as the time is 110 W here tbr preserving, la dles will pletnal give him a call and examine tor them selves. AII his SPICES are of the purest aud best va rieties.. No htitubug about them. lice; Corn Starch. P. Mint, Dandeline Coffee, Essence or Coffee, Concuttti.AtecrLyir, licaNeandlrs, kr. `CILINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE: A largo and well selected stock of tho very latest pat tenni and sty es, lower than, Ow In price, and better in qualify. than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow wire, such asTuhs hunkers, and. Churns•, Baskets of every description; Chlldrtinh; CAII It TAO IS, kitonewore, Cream Pots, But ter .lare:Pri•Hurlo .18114. Jugs, all sires. - 11811--No 1, 6 and 3 Manheral. ND. 1 MESS 811A11 No. 1 I le•rring. A large ;wail I ity pr the eelebrated ILAMS. SAla by the Seek, Diary and (I, A. Fedi,: subsu•ibers -resDe.itl•ully nob the patronage or their friends mut the public generally, wed invite them to, eall 00 Iheir ueiv stock. - at the old bland, writer or 110 ever nod Loather i;trools. 11A1,11611T FLENIING Carlisle, May.B, ISG3,• ' • ' • " U 6 11,131 . , Trustee /1. I', ILh ii op ll,th =TEE ;I„li ruin ILA ftr 111'11 I'l'lll \ 11.1. \111.1'111: STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Nodal at the -World's Fair, London, 1802. kAMI: et Mt , ''''..14041/4eAr'&l" r 225 _ ie p.,.. rk-7- t ,bc. - , viftir , ti 1 , • J. ri 1 11E undersigned has just ideeived, and intends to it POP ennstatntly on band a full as s, rtmeut or the unequalled Pianos manufactured by titciva•ty k ;inns et . New York. Each in•trunu•n o will he carefully selected•iu tbo Mau ufact, ry. itild will be scdd ut tlio. Blew York Cash Factory Prices, with thy n,tdlt ion of yreight to Cm lislu. A writtt, go.trao tee of polity Fatisfaction big 141vt•ti loy tlu, , tt Ln, rilwr to 001.11 ptirelmb.r. , 14,1,11.. to pur •ban.• are lei ited to call and \ 3,1•1111! those unit ailed Plattoti. at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Maio door east of I lie Mansion Housn, near e Railroad Depot 11. IND PIANOS received in exchange and kt•p' rpr and to rent. =MEE! =ZEE C. P. KNIGHT It 13IZOS. CO MAI I 10 .V )I lIC .I.N.7'S A nd I)ettlers in Cheese Provisions generally, N", I I 1 h 11l smote ‘viove• Philadt,phia. Have 011 11:111.1 an ass,rtml.nt, of I)rirf/. / (c.c., vi: Salmon, Shod, Blue 1•1,11. Herrings, Cad ri•IL ilt•••1. P Sl,Ltl.ier,„ (lams, Sides, Cheese, 1101, Apt HO ! OR KELLER'S II Vl' CAP subscriber lul; soul vet hi; llat ,tc‘ r , . 4 1 1.. ho o.ito ,ido or ho Street, to Iho 01,0 ow iy o,•. mord hy P. 11 , myer, ;III& Stare. If.n log . a 11111111 111,41 1.4.01, 1 11.1%4•14141 4 . •.•41 111,. .4414ii•1s I/1 g 410415. ho 111.41 I ,111 11.41% 1 1 1 . •111,.11.4.11U1Ohli 1.110 1111b111C 1111 111 t• 554•55. , 4 ):4.4. 441 I 1.% IS, IT; .\N I) STIZ A \Ar 11ATS, Ind••••••• • •••nd t l i • tilte consi•ds of Silk, 411111,triel I,r•lt,s not sort I; rt.. 11 , .m mithict um. Ir•du One 1,0111. lip 1 ,, 111.• 1111 , .1 . 1 and Nutdg. A good mit .1 PI, 11, I 1:111,111, nt.y kind ..1; I. • t.. 1.1 tll. sluts 1 It •,t, tt: II tt 11.11111 tilt, I , lr II„•-. 1 , tll.•t tt' t..itt a to t-t•t,t, t • n jilleml tut01.t.,.. I= , N. IN'l:l.l,Elt. A g.t. I. W.lll t,•;..kirod minivrato MOM MEll 17* - HEELEu Iva Lsoirs NG AI:WHINES. \‘' \ ‘vith the hite:q, :L., ..e.•,tl, 1111, In 1-.•11•• :Ind a seam •It. I , •.uts,‘vlit.•ll mill I :1. .111. 1 ‘ 1•. THE itc,r I \LSI \ I 111. \ I.T timily tine, 111.• y \', :- , DITCH AND DUN 111 , 1 I tlipit 111:10i11111. p- 9V @6 2.]@ --- WILSONS' - ~ Ail r; I..• 11, I I I II 1 , I I I 11111il, 1 ht. h ,11 , 1 , "111},1 :Iffellt for [lnt% 00 , r. 1,, 1.11. , I, t ib• tls 1 ,, t Wh, 1,111 . 01:Is0 ‘ , lll !Ili I 111 1 ,, .Per,0r,s , 1.1111/g t • I It , a 1,1i,r ui oi, , at, ',. oi,j,lk .1. 1'.1M1.M;1.:1.1.. )1;01; F_EV, roT. ! H,1.1 )1. It 1I) 1. Y re:9,Acetfully v anerrtine7ic In Ili.. .1 , 141'11S ol and tin., lie ...till n , /illitine. Ime n 1 all kit .1i Lti..111.1 , 111114 11,11 xi nra in .1. I). I's 1,11.1,1,4 ,treet carii le at the /'H7', 5,1,••,-,. ;II ~[ I, .111 4.1' it.ll i ii 1.1 Ili , i•i sell sii u nI iI,. (\N- NiJ.\ llorit• 11l I I .1 .. I I • t t r,l t 1 , II s H ,L,•tith .L hy / ~LL. L., :ill L., tl/01 ,1,11: It .•; .. I th. I:..kt C 011...! Pot Plumbers' Flateria4,, muL LININ, /1/P(iL'l7,/, .‘ 117/ HI. E 5.11.1: DEALER.' No, 3'20 Commerce St., Fll (()NsT.v:\ . :ll,l' ill Store, a large as k ZINC, 11:0.N & IiALVA :\ 1%1,1, Ilfll, I . \*l II 'll \I I \I ~ 11 hit, ~11.1 : 4 1111. ,11., I. 11 ate, 1../ . • ,11 . , 11111]. PI .MP=, RA IS, ,k:c 11..11 Wosh St31111N • VITI:11 , 11..1) DU IN PIPE, ISENI)S, lIRAN('IIES AND 1 . 1: 11'- I'luiulu•rS' ill a', Rill) Pla tell-Work of eve r y doscrip tin Trap, nod Rna , . 11110 mn.l Ilydrant Ruhlwr 11.,u,e in Ulu C,lnary, Apia 21. )ittnE & (().•s well-kuown DF.,)\s nud II Nioioxit 'ls. hamduein g the of in,I•LI vor i Instilllllollt. 1:11N 111.1.1i1 . 8 SUS for rash, 111118.r.d deduction, is 0111310111.111 y i11141 . 111111'11t3 from Atir - Over:100 sold in .1 1 \11 , .: , It ELL kK, - 51.14 , A:rent, 279111111 281 . 3 stieet,:thove Spruce. phln, l'a. =I Ilion & Boy' Clothing Bazaar. • .s't•erw./ ,/,•,•ir(ll(ffthe ...Season. • 13 unclor7igne(l Must respee4- ftlll his c'l,l ;tip] cusbuticcs turd I,bu public gclieralls, commune.' do ANI) FuitsisitiNcl In iii the tore Ilumu or.). A. . he 77 of c-t. 1,1.1111'1 `;.1.•1•1.. II • hr ILI, Ipr (1111. ul Lfill 1 , 11 , 4 t.1../11,131111. ,ell.otlllll ut 1 . 1 . ./ V macro 11l tie liorough sit 1. condi urr;;l V.II lollus its Itillows, 1 ie. : II•:>,s AND II do do, de PANTALOONS. do do do. V EtsTS Suite f n • flo c s from 5 to 1.; years or age. Shirts, Melton Ha one' (,l -twin' Bosoms. Drae ors, Sus pendets, Pilau 5..1 01 Valley Neck 'ries, linen and Paper Collats Men'u Linen and Silk Ilatidket chiefs, l olosdl. t s. FIiENCII AND SOLE LEA FIIER I'NIS.AI\II) VALISES. ^orpet and Leather Travelling Hags, ,It All the afire r erotic s ill he'nold for Cunle, at the very lowest prieos the and the City yl: u •l,rls will justify. Purchasers will pletiho Mill and oxamino for them selves, berme pitrehasing els..where, as my motto is uh•k sales and short profits. S.OIUEI, C. IIUYETT. Mnyi. Agent P. l'acticulaciittentioa giros tolloyB clothing. WANTED. 1 000 tutus Dry Bones, fi»r which., we will I pay ten dollars per ton al, the Wan:hooey or Je 1) 11111111 S. April 2-1, IS62—Jai • CARPETINGS. - Now selling at Ogilby's for less than prives.. CIIAS. 0(111,6•1*, Tr at April 24. IStift r_i_EO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. -- . S— . 1..0.0 Dcm0ii.trat...,,, , ,,, N at ive.llentietry tO no \ Ickijii-,,,,...,.... ..e*,...... , --2 , Baltimore College 0f,.., '3411-.....,,„,,,....V.4.,ri Dental Surgery.. 40 - 11...1 , ''..,'" Wilco at hierosidence,. Novelle Marlon (toll, n lint Alain street, Carliele, Nun See. 1 ) ASK. FOlt• RENT.. rr ITE 'Stono. , l'avern, lately occupied by t ini to oil the 'Wain al:Bttom !dada 7 .thlili.lve.o. tut'. given im , tellstely. Apply to • • .101IN; , .'11IN ;51 . 0011E, Aupii.t 7. 1803-130. s . Carlisle, Pa, Lelianou Courier and baneastor Examiner, iii :mount of $1 and cliargo - this ofllre. 301 IN K. STAYMAN 111(1 tn jt•ttltttiit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers