Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 24, 1863, Image 4
STRAW GOODS. (IT all the NEW Styles, For Ladies & ens Year. French & American FLOWERS. Donna Ribbons,' and a general assortment of ILLIN A 1( GOODS at thelowest . Cash prices—Wholesale MILIAN ELLS Will Consult their Interest by examining my stock before making their purchuses. WM. KIIII9IIV, No 215 Arch Street, Philadelphia, - March 20,1863. MILLINER GOODS -1863. SPRING, 1863. WOOD & CARY, No. 725, CHEST NUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, STRAW St N I LLI N SIRC GOODS Including STRAW HATS 2 BONNETS. MISSES .4 ell I LDit ENS i3OODS, FANCY k CRAPE BONNI , ITS, Ifronelt Elntrore, Ribbons 14c., In which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchant Sz Milliner. CASH BUYERS will find sperial advantage in ex amining this etch before purchasing. March 20. 1861-3 m. NEW STORE. GEO. P. & SON, GREEN - GROCERS. We have taken the St., , re It“onts formerly occupied by Ureeufield & :Theafor in East ' , thin street, next door to the Jail, whore we intend to krdp all kinds o f gOFENSW mu.: and Sirs. our ,1,0; is new and fresh, carefully ,Pierted in Ihr E muter, Cities. We in vile the publi, and ft iri•lOrit I give us a call and examine ear a., we are determined to SELL 0115.51' I Stt,el. consists in part of SUO'..I6'S, CO T L'.l', SY ‘‘.lro. Cod, wnr, Broom.; Itrusbus, Car.l:4 and ,parr.,,! t•vt•r3 1.1131, W. 1 1 .1,111 0. Alen, Green and Dried, d'a•atit 9 Foreign 1111 , i li.nne , tir, and a full as , mutnent g Flour by tho barrel or pound, Country prouure re ceived In eNchAngu for goods Much 20, 1003 Watches Jewelry and Diamonds LEWISn L.11)0111jS k CO. 802 Chest/oil 7a , lelph r AVE always (in Iron I, a iar2. ail I 11.1' t (lotiLloin..T. 01 tlOll4 tr.s 11111. ,ill Our "1 011' ionablo ;Ind rlch i : ex pt•nsl Fl t/it Knit •1l":u . SIIv, Silo.. also a largo it, 11r1.1a1 hmti. ti, I. T 0 ,,, ,1 , 10,14 . 11. ttno,,t Of DiAMOII , I .1.: 1 , . L. %, hi h pedal pt • •it less 1.h.• • tt All kja.1...,1 . ; I 11.. ‘..ry nor 311 , 1%11,1'i'. I 1.1, 1 a I i. 1. 1 ,1” Inn, C.1:I or address 1.1 1,11) , )M1 - 1 . 11.-tl.,:t ,1011.11F1 P. S. r ;Ai p.,...1 r,r 4,1 , 1 atr.l Slyer. All m 1,1. 2 11,11 111 111111 y 21211 1 . / . 1 .1 •11 0 I,p, c iul stir II u 2. April 12,1, SHIRTS ! SHIRTS WE -have the and finest shiri9 over 4.lTe•it• , l i i ILi j.:l SW !ITS tit 12.0. r d.).1 nn .• 0 " 'H ‘. warranted to he of lie In•,t eel mutt 4• , •lol,r::t 0 4 mak:•a hefore the Lite iu prices, t-uld Ipy the doecu or single. If you wnnt n Perfect let Shirt \ 1(' 1,1 V I Nurth r r liret lium MIMI March 13, 1363 TENN MUTEAL LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. Ass Err 51),) ISESUS LIFE INsEIZ NcE POLICIES, IMIESIBM The hoard of l'ru,tee. I deThred a yip flirt dond of forty pet Vela. upon tho lit-it Premiums re calved In 15111. Ott oil ie• in fnri ..ti th, st o file comber, and have decided to ti,' :scrip Dini dertde of inn. I s". t. in pt) meta. of Pre intern Natoli or ,11”. ih“ ("ion riny, will be credited on the s tat, %I tilt the 1,0 ip of said years. The tindersi,rno.l ,kr r , r ,tlt). ,ten Wt parties entitled to, to z.. loon. ~ the rrli A,en cy, at his ollion. r, it ;:toy Uri, :Jt , r the dale of this notire.,. ..Ynuiphlcls. Ls p lit. /t 44. fortnatirril 111 - ml,lw rt xrittP ❑t t It t Ztt I= ME NEW GOODS NEW GOODS • c ! IN GE the (1,2,1 i rie in Foreign ex- Sawvini .e their tit7,ol, ill Foreign all the Intent fabrics and i n •n *les iu tlie nen 1,1. l'L AlAr AX I) i" SILKS, Wool a nd silk Poplin.. 'I iota (1,411. Shell hord Plaids, Gre1.141.1.—. 1),1 , 1 ,,,, A All kinds of Thairuil, 04. 111 Importations. Spit,: 1 1:‘,.;',s 1; ,111,..;,11s, Hoop Skirts, Suu 1= = VESTINOS, plain and fanry; all Linda uf Flutings at Mai prices We have IL Inrgr Sifit•l( of suet, a fancy silks., ill V, Il i tie t tes, Many ether ;muds left VI, 11 last 5C.1,1011, hirll mar will sell at I.v.t We have ef als Carpets, Oilcloths, Window Shades, Loom, •__ . . WO Will Matt , lit jou. Chi! Feat -Oil 1 , 3 W., ii , pe merit a contlti LIU Di, 1.1 Ml=3 April 3, 1563 SAPONIFIER, CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SLIP MAICEII rFIE public are cautioned against. the sTualous ..t Lslc t-r nothing now offered for sale. Thu only '; EN I:1N I.: and P tT ENTEu bye . that iv.ele hI the I'ENNSY LVAN I SALT MANUPACCIIIII Ai, C. CI PAN V, their trade. mark for it being •• SAP. 'FIER. fit CoNCEN r.t A TED LYE." The ai•rii it sla',l",-is Or till! , brtiVlO has 1•Oi Init ' itiNCIIILKI) lt I.' tO 1 . 01,1V0r to nil r.tTE tt., viobitth, ni ti. romp PATENTS. All 31ANUFACIT11ERS. REY LRS or SELLER; of these SKIED/US lye., roe le , o•I•v NO I'l FIED that the CO3IL'ANY have emplayiel door roaN t;r6, G lie at:li II \ , Philadelphia nod WI II k of Pitishure. And that all AIANUFAEIIURERS. TSEILS, lilt SELL EltS of Lye, in violatlion of the agile .r the Company, will ho PILOSEJLITED The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for Buie by all Druggiets, Drovers nod Country Stores. TAKE NOTICE ! TUE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WOStREII District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Verm, in 1802, In suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ve. TILOS. O. CHASE, decreed to the Com pany, on November 15, 1002, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONI ELM. Patent dated October 21, 1850. Perpetual In- Junction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SAT MANUFACTURING CO. OEI'IOEB.-127 Walnut Street, philatlelpbia, Pitt Bt. and'Duquesue Way, Pittsburg. May 1,1803-3 m. NAILS I NAILS !! NAILS II!. A large stock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails, at. the lowest Prises. Our nails are worth Wets &keg moro,thau any other make of nails sold in our town. this Is the opinion of nochanies who have tried them, we also have a lull assortment of - - lIUILDING 3IAT Eitl a. -of the latestand most lip provod ntylos. , Allgnocla war ranted as topresonted. :JOHN . LYNN .FRESH MACKEREL.- A lot of 51aelcorel. catch-Atrassoctl9Tackft goo of Halves, Quarter, a itAt- .I.llg It th Bartels. SALMON ;.' foi sato at Cho Storo of the subterlbor. (W. 26, '62. J W BAY. P. Gardner k Co. now manufactiiro and keep con- stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works ou East Alain street, Carlisle, n large assortment of AORICULT URA L IMPLEMENTS, '• of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which the} wealt:all especial attention t LLOCOR BY'S CELEBRATED PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DR L, which hastaken over fifty First Class Premiumsat State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and l'erry counties we need nut speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores of them are now In use on the best farms In these counties. Its reputa. non is established as the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springspass the drill over stumps and stones. without breaking pins or the drill. For even and regular sowing. the AN plough by Gum Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the following articles, which we eve recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character MORRISON'S PATENT Colt N PLANTER, Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers. Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers. and other articleo for Farmers Ina numerous to mention. Also, Egg Cool Stoves and Ten Plate Wood Stoves, with lnn immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. We have also au attractive yin iety of patterns fur IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. To this dapartnient of our business we give partieu. lar :ttten hon. Our already estensive stock Of lintLerlis for Paper. 1 . 11 , 111 :11111 1 . 3:1,. Isere :Mil IVrlzlitg st be fu r nishint arts printed ritaingue . \llll Patterns. on application. slur Ilachiur ~hup row prises tie fir turning, planiteg Shafting and Castings, by good and ca, 411 Mavttinist s of any desirable eapaclt r. ( ten to twent3.firelnirse prover, built in Llie 1.1,1 stile and tering. Engine, bash at "ir estatilishinent mat hr seen in sureia.still al litany of the larizest Dit-tillerie- and 1 . ..mea1. in l'ailisle..lll , lCiiinherland Perri r.ainlies. 1, tile Tiers Id St )1 il•II We (.( 11 . 111,1 t I I 6.1 th.•ireillt•ieu ,1 alit It, Strain Entrines are earnestly re• quested eanieine contracting else = -,t()( I, .c.TlTlertt.4l %. , I:il.llshir.e•n I i.a rtra nr `nhand II I, ❑.n. in vninpli•Le °veer lor ,nst t , tuf r.kl rr t•I. lit I ipt It II ut =1 eostl as %.• , 11 as 11,,• plui urnt 11011 CV. 4 - 1-111:4 111.,‘ rl. :at. ,,, rtliraa i r :11 Itt,ss Ant ter , :ltl.l ilt•Ill oputir 1; Pour Panel iltat, Cast .11 , 11111.1 t, s 11 Li, a. st•ts ~ 1 6,•r .Itti I,•s 1,t•••,1, , ,1 1,, fa, tilsll , • 1 11 i , sr, -Intl 1,1 11,• 1,, , 5t .11.11 5 ) :11-' 111T:1,i. 10 4 .111 , 11.1,111 1.1 1.1 , 1. N VA I,t , Is r rail, 551 is II!, ss , •11 1 , rill, Tho , 11 , - ra11 , 11 , • istosp , - , 1110.1s h i s Ly 111:61 115 luptly tt• Na) '1.4.. I:. GA L'ELLINCI OFF ‘l' ENT Y— i•Lic r. At the si , :e f,t the — G. , 1 , 1t1.e 'lmilwr I la I Ivy 5.”,1:, ,11.1 1.1r45 the h.t or, 11 n< t Mat n street, the lage,..t —lecte•l 'I n the t..wn. 1.111 h.. ~ 1.1:11) per rent thin at an) ilare stale 'I hi. vont ISA., 1111,11i11,!-C.1 , 4. Levers, 111.11 all Either kind, And GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, pe.n, to.l .1,.,,i•1ry of Al kinds. rp , •rtar;,•s old ;11l :Nil v , •r. 17;,0••1 and i•livor %Sart., MUSIC BOXES, ACCOFIDEONS, T 1 1 ,• entir , , •1U i“o ay..l Side hill lw st 1,10,1 e er ret,ll! the rlll, II IVITIZ t •.1 .1 fif W..1,111:111 all 1d111,4 Hiring ss II 1, ,1,,n, r,•,111,•,-,1 roe,. I= ARGE Alt ELVA L UP FIIESII mcfwEmi.::4—Fp , H or ALL hiNus. 1,4 ..1 t 11.• n.:11 Balt i re• dry it It I\u. 11. 1§:lk 1 / 3 1 - 1 . 1 1,, 11.\ 0:1i hlt I•.I. el TOBACCO ANO SEGARS, 1 I. 1 I Cm.l 1% )1 1;1 I lIIMB in the cure (If l',ilE 4 h-;, .1111)3. 11r , rO-1»11., : 1 44) 110.),0 nr'N. 1;1'1 It hi lIZ. 1 1 1;,.111CIP1,111111/t 110....•.1•0, 01 1110 1.0.0, 'lllO4 11.“ 0 0.1 t,),L ) . )) : ))).411.1...• 41).1 any t• 1111•1 wi!1111, 110•01 TI»))0•41141).. lung 1.000 re-tnrel I t h !red Test - M(II1Y ,11 . 1,1 to lininireils of eases. A single dose 1.- Ile , — I. ten 1111!110,, .\-k for Iti -.s— he original :toll Wrier r. ,1.11,111,it • V.III offered tor s 'l l , eff t.y ...oils a boa. sold f. ) iit if r ,,,„ r. N Y. lor ...ale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. Felo I/ try y 1'1;1 - .1, as:-urt ment (d . 3.lcti anll 13()y,' 114..,ts suit.thle the %, inter. Al-, ladn nti , l 4.1 1111 kw Lqd, , ,,,,.1 1 ;v111.101111,1,1i VI! er Sly told eut.toomeres :mil all in wait t, .of gw..l nuJ lu..ip ISoete curl .Sheen. Sill ple:t'e .•111 nnJ etnutiue 11, Stiieii, plifebiliiill4. Slain street, nearly opposite the Depot. Carlisle, Nov. 21, ISII2 tusT nitenc l the largest a lel hest" ns ,,•ut...l" II Ittllr.tlo, Iran, i•s•r L. ('till 111 Illit t•t.1111)4,1,4111,11t 1::.I ,eii.lll at 11”. NVo illl It.' Ow p,:l.lit'll, n!II to 1/ , II 0.111 Ir.-I, t hvir a, went, tall) suitainiik4 4ale .aldleptitatilll) I.f .lIII3g the Itoturning thaoks to, glaivrou, publie tor tI,Ir part p anal tAt• hopia,;ll per,olal atti,tion to their wants, to IllOr It a Lam t ri 0111100 Of the smile. • .101 IN I.l'N E k SUN, At the Ohl Stand Nit Lb 1 aurner .Struct. Carlb , le, ulle 6, 1,1:2. j)AINTS AND OILS.- Oalions of oil. Just received with a larae assortment. of VAmisiws. Fire Proof Paint. Turpt.atine, Florence C bite, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, " Colored Z e -nes' Li thane, Red Lad, Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, _‘ Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., Colors of every description dry, and Oil in cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of Carlisle, Oct. 25, 1561 BREAD BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar '•Substitute" is recommen ded as a superior article in combination with Saknit us or Soda for flaking purposes. It produces bread cake., Le., which when cold ore sweet, midst and gratefl while those of Cream of r tar aro oft on dry and taste less. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and is used in the same way for conking, &c. Tins suusmuTE, together with Saleratus' Soda. Purri Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Itoot, Mustard Seed. ground and no. ground, spices of all kinds unadulterated, and also Brocades in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices, for;sale by Dee.ll, 1812. J. W. fitlY. o AVING SALOON. —Haw in g, fitted spin the very . best style, the roan, in Cramer's building, next door to A. L. ,Sponsler's office. I anipre. pared to give my tonsorial attentions to all who 'may honor tne with a visit. I shall constantly he supplied with competent and polite hands anti shall sparenatellort to give general satistlartion. I wish to employ at, good boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply immediately to J.lll VEI,IB. - darllsle, .Tune 27, 1562-Iy. t of J AMES. alllldB. so F o H7l: l 4t i t i , s tr i v i n al p li n t e t S e r n on London do., Corninan do., with and without patant fastenings, cheaper than over at IL SAXTON'S, East Main st. March 28, 1862. DUSIPS - & CEMENT. 100 barrels of Cement, with a large assortment of Chain and Iron rumps, just received and for Bale cheaper than over. Content field by the quantity at manufacture's price March 28. r 11. SA XTON't DR.I.C.LOOMIS ":' cy,.77 South Hanover street, 1. r dppoultultont4drygno;lB atom. - Juno 1,'62. Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! LASH'S l'Al ENT STRAIT" k FODDER CUTTER, BRI D EN DOI, PIES PATENT CORN S IIE LLER, 11A RN'S PATENT CIDER NI LI.. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100'9 TIIOI'O 11. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing STATIONARY STEAM ENGINEF, DOOR AND SASH FACTORY = IVATCIIES AND JEWELIn AUC PH P:5-> E I? VF.:-4, I=l I, 1 ci ) , Zmpurtant Discovery =I BityAN - sP(JI.\ION[ WAFERS BOOTS elc SI-19ES Cli 0011,10 i, ustee 1; , /i11): , ' AT TII2 PRICES • BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISUED AS A REFUGE 1.*R051 QUACKERY TUE ONLY PLACE WitiMß A CURE CAN 'IIE.OO it. JOHNSTON has discovered the most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy In the world for all private diseases, weakness of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and bind der, InvolUlltary discharges, impotency, general del iii ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trent- Wings, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver,lungs, stomach or bowels— those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits at youth—Athos° secret and solitary practl4e , more fatal to their victims than the song of Sytena to the Mariners ftftilysses, blighting their most brilliattt hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, , VatING MEN Especially, ivito have heconia' the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit uhirh annu ally sweeps to nn unthnely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talentsand brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listeniagf,lenates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE- Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage, hying aware of physical weakness. organic debil ity, deformities. drsc., speedily mired. Ile who pliers himself under the care of Dr. J. may confide In his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAIENESS Imnu•diatly cored, and full vigor restored. This dis tressing alreetion —NV hiCh renders lit,' 11l iSelllble and marriage 1111 possible—ls the penalty pall by the victims of Ituprnper indulgences. Voting persons are too apt to eorniiiit excesses from net lining aware of the dreatifill consequences that may ellOllO Now, who that under standi the subject wilt pretend to deny that the power of itrooreation is lost sooner by those falling Into Im proper habits than by the prudent' Besides being de prived the plf.,Ltre, or healthy ing. the most serious and deStnl•tive toptidos to 111th body and mind arise. Til, Fy 0,111 1.1,111114'S deranged. the plyvsi. cal nod mental functions 1, cal.enen. loss of t t t jt ncr‘ons irrit.ohility, drspepsht, palpitation ol the heat t. indi e• ties, otonal debility. a west i g ni the Iran,. cough, consul', pi iott . decay 2111(illeAth OFICE NO 7 SOUTH F.REDEAIECK srri - tpr,T• Leah:ma side goitiLt Irian Baltimore street, a few doors Irmo the i•orllt.r. P:111 not to utsert n two, and number Letters 1.1'4 and colitaln a stamp. The Do, tor's Itiplonia, hang ill his orrice. OViIE IATI1.11.11.11:NTED IN TWO DM/S. N.. Nlprptiry Urn —fir )Pr 1110 11,111..tin...t 11111 , t. I'lll 1 11/.lli Cf 11 ,f`S' 111 010 1 . 111 1 .1.C1 131.• , . 11.1 1 111. ,r•rft, 1.. t t lius 1 optl.prilt. it 11... Atid 11.1 , it : , nu ra mt. a.irhiu: r• 11 . . itiatly I rpulliptl tvii r 111.2- 31, (hp Itp.t.l 1,1,11 Sr ,•,t, 11111P , I , 11q1.1.•11 1.1 It 11 fl'l , l 111 la Id 11,11111.(. 11 1 11.1/.10 , 1 1:), 1.1 11.4..11.••11 (4 . llllllll. v,,rt• 1,1,1 aT:t slrt NOTICE •I all 11, , ,,v1,,k hat Lr imps r And 1... th them ..1' I T 11.•—• I :ma elft•elt: pi,. 10.0 t it :to II 11 , I , ,ttlitil, Ni/ Ntilit.ll , ttt, Iti it. I , irk bail., pail, iu lhr hi t tlti 111111111, , tti 111,1,111,,1tt , 11 . r.1,111111,11. , 11 c.l 11. r 11,11 1-, at, 1111 l :!•1111 , . 1 11, ~ , , t lar.ll .1,1 , 011 v. ~lt\l SI 11 -- I•• 11 - .111 t , 1.11 Ih, Inimta runugi tit 1.... jdra....1,.. il I• 11.1,1 . IOVO , k1,11t1P1. • . tlillidit), At•.,111 . 1. ,I 114! 1•%l I. pr 1.1111•0.1. i.f All n:res g•on nos, judge l% hat tlo• of I hcil flooliuing h. 1,- . 111.: their lig num., m i 111111111.14 1:1( 1. 11.111vit)g, o 111.1.11 i the 4 • t . 2., cough amd n)wp- Lon , con-umption 2"o7.3izTer .71173X5T Iv!, hncr IH TrT"•IN I.y n evrtnin prorl 111111',• , 1 in %•• 11,1,11.,31•. a y I 0.1111,.(ill,.111 or at , (ha olhal , nt 'ht,•ll all. 111,11tly 14.11. a‘ain rrtrad tt ills-lid, arid ,t r"), Illillll and laalr. Nliotild apply lalina 111111. a pit '% that 3 % 111311. (11 - 0 hi•roilti It v. Lilo darling parput ht. ,113khr•i1 (144111 :tad I, c..,, , •.inte•Tict• tutu [ha pLI h of oat ort in vortaitn 1.11011. h )..I,oIA lilt-I behlre rout' i,:up;at:ng 10t11.1 U 0 11111 i /11,11 , i aro tho woo utti..rt.n. in.ntttnt _ r, .•v t In k , .'. u...t i 1,. uti •611111;.. , 1 lih liesp.iir it 11.1 u it It 111.. 111 , I ~not her 1.,• , •.0ttn•S If ht. , J u tilt nut. rrn n. lIMEMEIIIIIM DISII.Ci/SE OF IVIT•IIUDENCE NVllon the 1111 , .:111.11•LI 1,11.1 1111111 1 11111 1 11 t voter)* of itit, :tire Ilnd. tlitit he It: s imbibed lite ',oils of this painful tom often li•Irpc•IIR that an ill timed sneer of .h.tmo, or dread of .11,,,vry. driers Inm t . roth tipplyite: ht }lor who from F..ltio,tirm tttl.l ran : ,h, tt o h•,l him. dots, the . till tho It tit ioval , ) ,,pt ' t i t s of thi. Ihtrll.l 111 , 1,1,0 11111111 1 11, 11 1111 11 a,,t1.•••1 t.ttolt n. 111. • 1 1 ,11t1 , 1 11 1 r. 11."... 1,0 11/ ,1 . 1. 11111, I, 111 , 111•.1 1111.1 111111.•. ( nlllll.' l .' l ll • 1:111. ti 1 11 1 .11 11 ,4 ldne I h, •hie I oho , end 11,11, hi. 1111, 011 the 11.•11 , 1. I ho (.r-th.• -Ili. low It i. to..latt , h It t t.•t , to t , si in, In tht• ting1,1111 . ,111..s , t.oattl ua•nl lh At,•,.•ory. ruin vott..tiltitiott mill matte tho rr -1.1110 t•I lilo 1)(W mkt “111 . /1.•:11111. to 111 , • ram of th. 1.l lu 111111,11 . 11•.1 ~ 4 11tilli •-• 11.11111 . ., it.i• r. r. I, .11r ir I lii I it i• ...Ail v ti rip!, i1...” k 11,, 1111.5111 . 111, , t 114. ,jriol, :mil ytiti "1111 1,11111 t ist i•r di,.ll.l , llllllllelit. Ur .1 , ./111-t..., I , 111,. I Y 111. cri•Wiliti 11. iir oftici.. 11.;t1t11.•itt., , tiT11.11.,,, n it..111,1111,t, 111.0111,..1 itt (Ito Ot Ent -111,. thr ruinrtrr till it tliort• NJ, rl.l.•ti rthus ;tilt I.lher :tit io Iht. IN DORS PIM 14; T II PRESS Tll4. 111111 y I 1...11,int1. vltre.l 3t h's hist uti , m n 1,1 t Sur:2lo•.l I I,pe• I Ali ' , 11% 11,1,1111'd I,r 1.1 . . •1"1111 , (..11. Wit tt.,st• k i ho 1.1.,t.•1, I.: I ho. :1 1141 p l 111. ,rt ~ r vlii, h h.., ...pp, bu•lool. I lir ',Hie, I , c-I,lw- lu , •Lmilling :ft , II gc,tlo matt vlk 311 , 1 sutlicit•nl guarantee to the 5111h.1 == Ihtt ,. •ll, w ritint , 1 part kill., to line their letters to this I itslitttlith. in the in; wit, Of Ow BalLimoru, :fld y NEW GOODS! N W GOODS! Al' ()611,U1' CASH 6,11111 E r usT ceived a large assortment of eJ eleA.tx.t new Fl le I , ;(/1 (In I 117iticr Coo(ls, t.. ..t thv puLlic in general is re spuruully invaell. Lr the G P A It 'l' 111 I.,'N T, Vo=tings. ts. Collars Nick Ties, Cravats. Sm.pendurs, l 4 uulluls, c. 1 . 1.11111,. F 1,114•11 14.1 . 11111:•. Uu 1,/lillS. Igured and Itarre,l Itepp s De rt, err. 1'1,11,11 and FinliJ • 1,11,e5, Ilarainellas, I. Fart Hal oarals, llrnuts :oil tags, Sl:aliug Coatis Nu Iris. Vest. Sr. .1 lull S ri linent (11,01/ fur Cliiltirens' wen,. ..f all hind , . Cheeks, M us line, Flannels. Illanhels, lau.sinets. Jean's, I•11111/1. the clmapeNt. IluSiery and lllnven or all tleseriptinns and prices. till,\lN'LS AND SCADFS. A large oF , ortment of Shawls and Scarfs of all des eriptiouS, and cheap. Travelling Trunks, well undo and Cat pt-t HENRI' SAXTUN As it Is Itoposdble to enumerate all the articles, 1 would teepect,thily invite ail pereens ill ea et of haud. 1....1110 and cheap titalliti, to call and look at toy stork before purchasing chele hero. Recollect the place, West Matti street, nearly opposite the depot. Carlisle, Nov. 11,1862. N. 11.--All Cloths, Casslrnores and Vestlngs, will be made up to Order, or desired.) In the best manner, and wanranted to lit by an expel. tumid tailor and the hest. woiltinan In the State, O.Q. QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.- JAM/ E SUPPLIES Ft/it Tit E HEAD AND FEET . At the store of.lohn Irvine, on the N. E. corner o the public square, is the place to purchase Hoots Shoes Hats & Caps. at prices that defy competition. Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, tihoes, Hats & Caps that he has ever preMillted to this community, and.w hieh he is determined to sell at the lowest poses bib prices: "Ills stock embraces everything in hisilue of business, such as MEN'S & FINE CALF BOOTS, Rip Boots, Calf and Patent Loather Ox ford 'Piro, 1111 d haunt Loather lialturs, Calf IX ulliflorfi, Call and lisp Ilrogant, SlipperN,A,r. — "lautottW WEAR. Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Calf and Kid Boots, Finn Kid Slippers, Fancy - Slippers Morocco, and Kid Bushins, MISSES AND WltAlt ()fall descriptions embracing tine Lasting (haters, Morocco and Lastlnx" Button floats, M..rocco Lac,: Boots of up Is indd j fancy shoes of various styles, slippers, &c. HATS & CA PY, Filk, CasOmurO, Yur and Wool , Hats. of allqualities and styles, also a largo assortment of llimta and Sll.ll,ti 1110110 to order nt tbo 1 , 11(1,1'10st notlo promptly done. Confab lit or bit nullity t please :ill clussot of cuntomers; be respectfully Invite the public to giro biro it cull. , c,, - 3):_•ltoolember the place, N. H. corner of the Public Sqintre.' ,T „Maj ., 30,'60. JOIIN MARRIAGE =1 =I MEM LAMES' DEnitTm ENT 011 AS. OGILBY S'l'lt l lTl' 11ACP,S DRUGS; - BOOKS, FANCY GOODS„ CONFEUTIONARIES,. FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED' FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HAVERSTICK, , North Ilanover Street, Carlisle, Penn'a. i r llasj int opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan c Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec t one ry, which has never been surpassed In thin bor ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with great ca.e, and are calculated, in quality and pi ice, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, whlchtumpriseevery variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Maehe Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sawing instruments, Ladies' Cabas, Writing Desks, and Port fedos. Port Monnaies, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy statlobery. Motto seals and wafers. Silk and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind fur the toilet, X. liazla and It. s O. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pills for head dresses and shawls. M usical Instrumon ts, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant Iy finished and suitable for PR FAVN I TS, to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive anti elegant collection of MEE (.m111)11,41,, various English and American NVorlts, richly eml,ellislnal I, 111)1;1:8, Ilibles and 11 5 . 0). Ii ks, (Ilcg.tittly bound in velvet with metal clasps and cnrtior); Ills asuortmen I lion!, and School Stationery Is also cntnplcte. and ;;;;Inprisos evcrything used In the Schenk. Ile also clPsirt, On particular attun lion of Families to his as,ortulont of from the nxtow , lve establishments of Cornelius, Areliet and othersn t I,omprisitm, every style of Parlor. (11iam1 , 01.1111.1 wl}• Lamps, for llornin, either m Etlieri,l oil: also liY0'1"1 - : , , eolehented , eoe rta •oal of with Flower Vases tlllollt iu this tine Is nu• equaled it/ tiro Lorougli: Also, SEIIAIS ANN TI)BACCO, e , ll),lvint.r all the I:•Nurite 1,1,1.14, and a Ph,' :I..lPrt 11111111 I.;RSCllttitr:tll.lli EltS A:I) PI I . ES. the oeletwattel li ilh , .ehhtit Lyui 11.111 . : 4 Sttiokimg Tohrteeol. THEE Sllr•ii a. 01'11140S. 11.111.111. 1::11.1118. Nerterines, , ;("V 1t 1..1.-.11.:AT, VICK LEN, 8 t ,.. ; itl.•very variety an I at all pi i d•••• all h ern pure and fresh swill as Van be confidently 1 . 01:0111111VtIded to hi , 1:01110, I i ...turd. els bi• i•vm . ) in the line al F... toy ith lit Inc utltet ..s e t. t l to how...keepers which the ....Hie nre especially invited 1111 and 1.,1111i111.. t)l4 , bland. nearly oppf.sit, LI , . Bank on N , rlll 11.tnover stre =SEM EVERY BODY TAKE NOTICE, \IT E, LET Dina, SA Ny vER & ono dom . from Mal tin's 11,1•Jc.-t•iv,l ,•or \VIN'TER G001)S, vudit,), c , ,ittph-t• Van TIOt be - 1,1 titiNvin4 styli-, plain all Meririt-, rash moil... Did litlotentec, A foil v..ry tJPE9bIWD6d SILKS, 1.11111 an.' I; kti, the heavy ittiV3lo . o lu jitiee (1 , ( ) A KS! ('I,()A 11,,in, 01 ' rine the I:ugonl 111.111111.ietili in the enwary, C lues tint liml 0.110 trill and nl the late-I ...t) lei. nO.:• II.IN e le, 110111 mist selti,olnhnh n. nill 111 all It in , ls 311.1 11 i ,A,lrth nil I. U Laclien, give .11 , ..•ia I al to 2 .5 12 0 T.T LEV a moors, nod hays oo 11 tod a,zl, soppl Hop, 70,1- nor, (%1•111111.1i•!, I.:11111S, 1.11,11, f 11.11 1 1.111.111,..% I p.lea Mvl,lllllg Veils, Collars, Crapes, Giot ca, lloolcrp, I+. AV. A large rupplp 01 Haltom:A Skirts. Tliiop Skirts. Improvements; Embroideries. 11.1 610•• s, (taunt lets, Woolen 11.011 a, 110.lery of all kiticlB, ITlen's and Boy's Wear, Fruneh Citb, Cas,lnTres, Ve , tings, all b ilOiS Of Fur— Unn.:s C.I /117 . ..T5. (ILL (7.(rr/[, all Cr•ial.tta :1 , 1411 4.1 1;,, thr.,1211 AV t• t 71N I i I; t• the n..t fur,. I 1,1,1 1,1 . :11,1( 11, Y 1,1: A. )111.1.1..1 Ih••• J, ,9:[3tan THE GREAT CAUSE OF 24t - Just, putoi—a MEE I,IXTUIt It By Dn. rri,C' EiA„ (IN (' %VS /. AN!, (Tit 7;11,111 tlf.rrh,,, et.risimpti.on. and No ~,11 Dol,tlity, N.. 5 1 , 4,11,,„‘ , •.1 ; vtl; nu-s of thl• Limbs mill Ow II •rls: Indi-posit lon. and 111,1 p Icily ?Itlll Ilf .Iprrt• I. s Ilorappr I , 1 .4 • 114‘ . . 1.01, of Tllll 4111 y : IF tt , t. 4/ Ino,N . 11,01. •11" ; 111.• th.• In. I,IIIIIIM, E.01 , .1.3,. 311.1 Sex 1111 111.• 111.1.•111 ; the Coin secinon.•e• I.t v.,k‘t 1.1.1 I , ~) .I. l o.:blintrahle I.fosturs• ele oly proves that the Aim% o ennono,oo.l. oft,. xrlt otllleted !nay hr re n,,,, 00 t nosin•ine and without thinqernus ..11..1113.1111. 1111.1 :41011111 lie 1•...1.1 by eery youth 311.1 every 111311 in the :-ent und, to Any addrees, in 11 43111. 1.10111011 (.11 the reonipt of yin vents, or Lwo postage stamps, by.1.111,3.111g, ell 15..1. C. Rl,lNis & 127 11 iwi.ry, Now York : l'oht 0(11,, Box, 4586 May 1.-;, DRY GOODS. LIINC,F, the rapid decline in gold, the who Inu , on hand tho s'ock ot goods m the Cnunty, Inking :I,,tvantage tu earl) or norl unity and favor:thin turn in ti,e ntar%rt. as (1.5‘1' s,•i ling w0.11 , :lt lower prh•Pv than ran be pnrrhased in any of the ritirl have I,4lared the price of DZ . LIIIMELS, Fancy Dresm fools. Ibtrug,., Law us. Valonvia,, ( - UMW Ur Laint.ti .t.e, all will be n„ plat prices. 1 an' ibeturmined, to eloso OW. aiy Moe) bilk, at Rust vost 31eat•lic41 sud unbloached Muslins, Calicos at limey =I t I. /I IN, CASSINI Is JEANS svrtNET NO T 1 ONS OLD PRICES. A varied as..antotent of beautiful styles Carpets, al old priors which I intend 1 , 1 t o out,all putt lased be fore the till will Ito sold at lea , ,t, au p er cunt lower than eau be bought in any at the Oa.. ELMS, MATT I NO, OOKINGGLAS , KS WINDOW SHADES AC. at priors before the ciao.- 1 reepeet fully t outo•st. th4e in want of goods to call and UN.IIIIIIIIO my stock hor.k pukehasing. A. W. BENTZ. April 3, 18,13. LOCTIMA N'S Now Sky-Light Photographic and Ambrotype Oa`Nary. 1--.1 L. LOCI.DIAN is happy to inform i. his nomeroos sustainers . , add Wm public mmo ra ly, that ltu has rum 'vial his establishmont to his New Sky-Light In the building ( ceuplod by Mrs Neff. as a Millinery Store, opno,ite the CuinbMond Valley Bank. Mr. toohniali is uow able with Ills solondid light, and the addition of now and exponsivo appaiatus, the very best nianufileturit, to produce PIIOTOGRADIIS, CARIES DE VISITE, AMERO TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE. OF PICTURES, equal to the hest made In Philadelphia or New York. Pictures can he taken now equhily well 111eloudy as In clear weather. Daimerrisifyiiiiii or Ambrotypcs or deceased perilous copiud, enlarged, or rondo Into cactus do visit°. Carlisle, Nov. lit, '1862, ( ---1 UM BELTI-NG Ni„ x Just 6celvetl a largo assortment of all sizes— , Gum 'lshii - m;(lam 110fW, oum l'a-Itlug, &a., and for sale Oman at thu Hardware Storo of June 22, 1863. - YL S7IXTON • IT ANDKERCII [EFS, Tice, Stocks; Ribbons, swp,3nders, Under Blurts, Drawers, beautiful assortment can be found at ISAAC I,IVINGSToNtk, Multi Hanover Street laniporkiln. lflarelt 18, 180. „. . . i_j:111(1ILT, DENTIST, from' the Bal. TIR. GEORGE S. SEA _ _.-• bar timer° College of Dental Surgery. • Vta.,.Offlee e,t th 6 resldolice of hie mother,Egot Lowther street.thr,in,doornbillesy Bedford.. . . March 10, 181)87-tf• I) ., TAM E S E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at d Low Carlisle Pa. A tteuda to seelfring and col looting Soldiers' I'a', Bounties. and PrAalene.. °Mee on South Ilaveror 8 trod. oppoulto Dont% 'ti Eitoro. Doe. ?7,1561 , NEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD. The subscribers have this day mitered into part nership to trade In 00AL AND LIIBIBER, Wo will haVe constantly on handand furnish to ordef all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS,. SCANTLINO, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor lug and Weatherboarding, Postg and Rails, and everyar tide that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualities: }laving Cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly, on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LY It Els/ S • N' AL LEY, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut LUK 11 FI DBL. ER, TItEVORCTON dot do. do. LOCUST NIOU.NTAIN, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prlees Bost quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG Sc HOFFER. July 20,1802 J. R. NONEMAk.E.II. 9 FORWARDING AND COMMIS , SIGN HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED; COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware house cars and fixtures of Wm. It. Murray's well knows eetabllt.h men t. on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that he lion entored into a general Forwarding and Cominission business. The highest market price will ho paid fur Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia d Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PLA ST I'M AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR .AN I) FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal oral] kind, embracing, LYKES'S VALLEY, LUKE Fl DDLER, SUNBURY NVTITTE ASH, • LOCUST G A P, Limoborner's and Blacksmith's C , INSTANTLY roll SALE:. KEPT UNDER., ('(IVI•:R and delivored dry to any part of thy town. J. R. NUN WIT AK ER Cralisle. August 17, 1950. ATU 11 ES, JE\Vi':Llt Y, AND 81 LV W A ItKAT CON IA uld establiblied Stated. West, Mxill !Wally oppoSitt• LLa Ctllllbellalld I I 11:" ojttsl. 1 . 0C122,2.1 2i new assortment of watches, 1111.1i211 112111 S silver ,Ve., in arlditirrn to my ornier stock to which I invite the att,tition of the public. 'file assortnient hint, gold awl silver I eves W2tt2•110.2. Iluuti II V. 211111 open rasa de, urddd A rho irs icr end Geeldetnen and Lupine, and QeertVer svaLettee el every variety in my le and pri e. EM=l A _ol.l Ilreavt pins for 1,:ollvs and ilentlemen nl evety tiolllty. pat tern awl price. tiro,ve , d. 1 . 1111, nud seek , • hnn rs. ;11111 !il arr.j,ts, ring., culT.pins, stock. sleeve.but ton, ,1:,• (told and silver thinlldes. silver and plated butler es. Turks. !Able. tea. siltand fll sta rtl spoon, of every v.trlety. A lurze as , ,ortilleot of gold, silver unl common ~ p e,d.teles. to suit all ages to whiche luvito vpoeiii I atten don. A floe lot. of (lily) I' EN: 4 from the host mak ors, •poLtaclu eases,fausy huaeo. Hilt or and pearl earl ,zol,l and rem men lormallets, watch o halve. NI tle Cl,lelss and a vuriety of :krtirlvs non- I ly kept in olry e,tahlishimmts, I will sell low for ea, h. AII :t1 (Arles war- , n Led what I hoe is represented. , 5 - Part irolar nttrnli rflpnldflfr usual to .vrca El'A and all work war r'an ted. Dor. 23 1557. I T (IIIN I'. LYNE & SON, have just 9 telve.i a mere htt et! . tht s.•tt Itelehtatt,l SC1l'Illt:: 4 , ta d., t ~‘ 1, ,,,,...1y t, ti o • tt t tt Wll •ttleg, , hit•h have ttlirtty, alit, etttil•• , 0.-1.•t.i..n 111 it!, It it t• tt•••••1 I hoot.— Vou that , tilt al: •ott raptor ill ttass. t lIIIIIiII, SO, the, Wil 1,111141 ~ IV it,' non ,•[ their 1-111i1.11or rthilitt Vitt }taco also a roll sr. or.t:nat Its. IV loot Stott., A.e. lial.ettttr I'hrlrt, Ili ttrti' anti other celebrated make:, Brute[ Cr:, tiles or all the hest 111,11c1, - 10 tho ttounv, i% it h a lull stick or all 1,1,1114 1/i . Tools and 11.11111011•Ilts for Farm, 's use. All of wlt Ittli we are soiling elioap at our st• re in North II mover street Carlisle, .lone ti, 14(12. Prepareil Innn n preNeririt on of Sir J. Clarice, M. D. [IN trai.riliriary to the Queen. „r. rI.IIS. IV CAI,. ki11...11 , 4/1 111 (2(-11.ttt 1111 , 114-430.-11 , 11- pwitiw, hilt a i.nro at, ',al, remelts for I. enni 1. I .1 ilth•iiith .1 p in PI 101 l it lint Hill rho iit )1111 . 1,i L. 1 ,111, it in pt•t•tillatly I,littil. It yt ill, it tL tint, bring an tine mottlid) pin 'cid wait rit,tt- Itytty. lu till 1,1 , 1, tit N1.1 . 1 . 1 , 11g 11,1 , 1 Mree raill ill The Ilth•ls If Is in.,. Ettli.gtte 1.1 slight es ert l'.l , the Heart.. 1,1005.4 t.I Slot t t.., 113 sterks. sh•lt 11,11 teho.'N% httes. 1..1 till he Istlllllll Olsen-es tSII Ills.: tlertel sI stem. these Pills clllr 1011'11 all 111 her 1111, n. 11:150 Ih• ii, ' 1111 . ,. PIA, 11.1 V, 111,er he.. It 'town to 1.111 where the din et ion. (to the 2tl iinett ul pamphlet are ol r‘- td For roil pe rt p•III;1 1 s. Nittiphlet. free, fI he sent nod Ii pale tale nbnnpu I.:wile-I.d to ally nu 1h •rit.etl nsvnl. 011 l itt•ttre It bottle. root:tittle,: over fio I. return mail. 8. Elliott, .Igent r Etirlinle. eltrovry .20. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER. I I i Ay t, l l 4 l ',. l ILe t :tl . o 1 ‘ e(1 1. their t n tr, s hig just 11'0111 :\ Y .rk and ilk an Varioty of Inc, heed,, wv atc prepa eller superwr inducements, to any ollicr lluu>e Iv the 001111 try. 1 . 1:iln Alien.. all .linelih,' Shades. single and ilnulilii width. Ilrieude urienial lin-tres. all iiiiiiiiirii. Plum and rimil l'opling, inore beautiful than il II N . sill:, at one hall the asst ol silks. Venues, Mixtures, Du Lalin, Challles, Landis. Organdies. C iititses. ite , S:e. Domc,sti Goods, A heavy sleek Of Prints, C iiii.l,+. "Itislins, tiliuthitinfi, Cot toundes, Mil's, ,ke., ti ill he sold at reasonable rates.' MO I.II.',ViNG (int/DS. Mourning Goods to lie offered at astonishingly low prlres, Bronbay.ine.Cashruer,+, Suninier flops, A Ipaens, Plain Bitroges, tLII wool Do Laine.:•inglo and double width, ery c rap. Cloths and (assimeres. A %Loral t Or ('hut.,, 1111,1 the larg.,t variety of holey Cas,lntores. a Vel . 1)0‘ . 1 . 1•1i in this 111111.1,L Alva, our uNtoil :o..surLineut of Notionti, ,hosiery, iii res, Trimoungs. GREENFIELD & South East Corner \ln•hut Square, Opposite Irylne'rt SllllO =I alPliallffOX' FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA • STORE Just received and in store, a fresh and well se lected asssrtmenl el Rio, Java and Mara cadbo;ftdree, Roasted Coffee. Crus:zed Pulverized Sugar. Relined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasses. Spices of every variety— pure only Starch, Farina and Cl Macraroni, (MOOR, and Crxekers, 'tailors and Sage, Bandatus and Soda, Cream Tartar and no. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. • TEAS.- •A line assortment In'. Packages, and iv bulk—as well to all other articles belonging to the buainoss—all at the lowest and late reduced prices. . J. W. EBY. 13 IL S , S 110 D IT; S. -IV 'WANT'S, Nd.l6 'North Sixth Phlla dolphin, Manufacturer of • • VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. ra-The largest aud finest nssorturont In the city, nt the Inweat prleen. It pal wed and Trimmed equal to now, Stern lihadea made and lettered. April 18133-2ni. CARD.---z-CIIARLES E. MA CILAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Office in In huff s building, just. opposite the Market Homo. • 'Carlisle, March )4, i n P. HIIIVIRICH, Attorney at Law. e—Office on_ North Hanover street, a for doors south of (Hass' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. • [A gill 16. T OSEPII RITNER, JR., Attorney at Low end Surveyor, Moohornlemburg, Po; 011ido on Rail Road Sirnot, two doers north of tho Bank. ArZ" Sue nese promptly ettencled to. • • VEAICLEY.—AttOrney at Law. PP • odic on south Hanover street, opposite Bentz' Dry (1 0"/ 4 htOrd• .rofitHelotittl business entrusted to Mut bd promptly attended 10. 0 1‘ o l ie y ir 11 . h l u t a ( , ) , t t i v o n fo w n t { p b a ii i , v i rum promptly otl °oiled. to. • Futomory 21, 1,562, I= Interesting To Farmers The Great English Remedy. SIR .IA'IES CI.ARKES MtBRATkb FEMALE PILLS. It 141310 VA L. fIUMBEELAND VALLEY AND 1,./FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. 'te±k• MANGLE OP lIOURSI On and Tr MONDAY, MAY 6, 3862, Passenger Trains 311 run as follows: (Sundays exccptt.d:) FOR Ci1AM131311.3131/Ita AND EIARRISBURO. Ist Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A. M. 235 P. M. 7.37 " 3.36 " 8.30 " Arr. 4.2.0 " Leave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chambersburg, Shippensburg, •' " earns)°, 10.10 Aleclianirsburg, 10.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 " FOR CIIAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, Ist Train. 2d Train Leave Ilarribburg 8.05 A.Bl I.lth I'. 61 Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.16 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.611 " Newville, 10.02 " 3.20 " " Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 " Chambg', (Arrive) 11.10 4.10 " " Greencastle, 11.65 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 9.10 NOTICE TO PAB9ENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Ilagerstowll, OreYlleastle, Chem bersburg. Shippensburg. New vine. Cirlisle. Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS en each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. O. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambersburg, } Slay 1, 1802. CARLISLE AND PE ILADELPH [A _OA RIZ DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, 'WAIN) Sz FREED 811 MARKET HIREET, I.IIII.ADELPIII.I J. x D. eh[ ADS 161.11 N STRI:ET, CARLISLE. PA Are' Cars of this Linn leave the Depot 811.711trliet st Dolly, al. 4 o'clock. P. M Leave Carlisle. Daily. :it 7 o'clock. A 111. intended fir this Line ahnnld 1, 0 pc.,,,k,.d C. it. I". Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 May 1559. READING RAILROAD, 1 SUMMER ARRANI; I.DI ENT. • BEAT Trunk Line from the Nortl for l'llilatt.dpilin,Ne. York 1:411 1,1.11,1. 1' . 1 , 1” ielve Hari h.1 , 111 . gr0l 1 . 1111.1d01p111.1...\ t•N, • lork l'ot ,s illo. atol all I 8 A. ii.. and 11. N. , v York I . :'<pres. , loaves 11.1rlishorz at 2.15 A..M :it Ne, 1 ovk it P 15 F:11e, fto:o Trl Nes , •l oi • Cu Ilion Lod Ilu ouv.l lteturt.iti.r. o Neiv I. If. 12 ti....n. 7 I' M., I Plitshivr; Expro...s.) 1.o:11 . o i'lliJadidpilhl 21 xl5 A , 111,1 '3 I'. 11. VIII, in ti, I",k I:\pi roc Train thimi_ll l'Assltituvr. 1.). iss.a T ritml.lll: s A tl '2 15 I'. .\I fm. York. un'l Trait, lease at. U 1) A. NI., :t 12.3) P. li w 11,1H-I.llr r alt.l Now Yi.rk. An At ema al tram ;'ta A. , and returns Irvin Ph ikitlvlphin at 5.00 `r tFy .All the'almve tralus run daily, Sundays excep A SOO , ll, - Pottcville at 7 30 A. M., and 1•101,01elphia n, 3 I I'. 0.111111111,11i01, Exeutaion Tick at. at reload ran d to nud n". all I,”i April '2l, 1S 3 I I I ) CAl' F."..N1 l'Ult 1 I.; r "he undersi , 2ne(l having purchased flit ,ituch.,lc.. the Into 1% in 11, 'flout due'd, Ivo tld e,pect hill% Annum', try the pubhr ilnd he II 111 col th, 11 11 - 111‘11 at the uld in ,t rind. mid pith a icite‘iud and efficient ellort, pcodnee trt ides ul (lend uf Eo Pry Variety, St?//c and Quality, that .steal ha tiltletly ill ke e ping with the Improvemen of the Art,und fully up to the age in w Melt we live. za I have on hand a splendid ''.s 7ll tr,k assortnion tof • :',-..... :t HATS AND , zgo-4 ~..----- - • - CAPS • , 046* -- cif all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest hint Ailh .I W( HATS; and at price that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth ,t stagy 1. uii usLh , _ . tn)l,l C.IS:SIMEItE, DEAN Eli lIA'FS ol ar) anti color and un,,t par , rd n, 1.1 i; Hilly ANIPFIN1:11: those of an .J 1 ht•r •••tal•li•liniclli. tlit• v, , nn t r 3 CH I 1,1)1Z I..N'S HATS and CA I'S of every I,•nn ipt 00 ,onsluntl3 on hand. 11, ri• , pe,t tulle the old potrons nod a olanY oew o.e. po,silde, to give 111111 a nII Apr 25.151.0-7 y A. 13. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM - *--,- ) * - • ,•-•.--t g_ so 2 ','` ';‘): • . V) , ~,' /6 6 2 ...T. , ••:07.:.:'4 - '4 14 --1•:.- .........., -,.. os z - - ',., •-- . (t 1 f ... 4_ , .1 , 4. , i,p... - r. - Q't e ',?::: West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at tie CU atheri::ad County Agricultural lair of 184 .) The auliscrile, has just revel cud the ant splettdlib assort tuititt d at tit I, inever brought to this place—which he Is dote, mined to sell at prices that de ty compet it Dario, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kitchen and Office Embradm: overy ue tich: u , ed l.y lint ae and hotel s, uJ the uwst a ppn, 1•11 nna ImAtlonable dosign and finish. I n-luding line ('ottagr inruitul e in sulfa : rveeptiOlt riliti Camp Chairs, Mattrat , bes, OM frames; pictures. ,\ es. c. 444 , - Particular attention ON en its Ilf to funerals; orders from too n and vaunt ry, attended to pr.mplly and On III"th•rato I trios. A. It. 1: Carlisle, May T I UM BER . AND COAL, Kinn DELANCEY, .L.T.II\II3EII AND COAL, YAIIDI On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subs-'Thor conetantly on hand, a full sortment of Lumber S.: Coal, whioh ha ean fur nish to order promptly T ic. „ ..31 and on the most rem aonahle Lerma. LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor ing,ll eallierloardlng. Posts, Hail: ,White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. lie 211 , 0 'UMW,' bills to order of any length and size, al the shortest notice end on the most reasoneide terms. 111 it worl , ed boards are kept tinder cover, so that they can be'(urr Dished dry at all He 'hat/ a/11Maittly on hand all kinds of Flintily Coal under cover, Which will be &divined clean to any part of the borough.. To wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN,% And other varieties, and all the various sizes in use; which he offers to the Public at the lowest prices. AtO):BLACKSIff MIPS COALalways on hand, at the !myna crisp price. Thankful for the patronage era generous piddle. he stowed upon.the latelirmuf Bina k lielaney,he solicit a continuance of the .sanut as he will strive to tilease. All order's leftat the residence of ;lava Shrom for Coal and Lumber, will be' promptly attended to (ix heretofore. „ " t DELANCY July 20,1 • —tly. SPIUN! TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS'i ll • II I ' VOW offering an immense variety of exol n oAss.mlinss, VESTINGS," . COTTON 0001)5 S:c.. • For Men and Boys' Wear,' In a Putter variety, than coil ho' found in any.. onto)). liehmunt in.this place, and at as low prices its earl_ be sold any where, to suit taste and pooket. tarifi. fAct tun the ahovo goods' to order, In the latest styleF, or sell per yard. Custoun, wishing tai Lacs thagoods bought of us, rnt, can ho accommodated. free ofehalizo,- An early lospeCtlon of Our goods and prices, respectful ly solicited. ISAAC North 'Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. March 1371803. Leave 12.65 0.00 .. 0.82 ~ 139 " 2.00 ~ 2.40 n 3.12 8.40 " f/ A. N I 0c111,5, Gen,•ral Tim nltltil bar t pi troll:urn already received he would invite all lib, li lends and the public generally to give him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. Carlisle. April lit. 1861. _ DAR D - Jonillg. I.yne Son have just completed opening then, ''ring ..t Ilan d ware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, gin t..t Cu. hiclo .thuy incite the - early—rattentitln of Eh, pall it.. We h•nv greatly enlarged our stock fu alt ils0:11 it, US bra 1. eat/ 1.9 W aci...ll,lllothite the pub• Inc with in large or small njua,it i ties, at the lowest prices. Itut we (11l not w 1,11 the 1111Infie to understand that we have brought all the wash, in Philadelphia and New York to our to, n. but we can assure them that one look into our 5t.1,11 will C .l llviiirellient that we have enough to supply the d 1 .111,31111 in flak market. Persons wanting gn,'ds in our inn,!!!ll find it to their advantage to give us a call helot• making their purchases,—Ali orders personally and punctually attended to, and no ruisre proseo tal ions made to effect sales =EMI= E iNSt ; _RAN THE ALLEN U I:A z. , T Ntqhilto MUTUAL FIRE IN a NUE Cu\ll'A\S of Cumberland county, ineorpo• rat. d Ly at, art illy. in the year 1043, and hay reeeni Iv had its unarter est ended to the year 1083, 1, now in ...Li, e and Vigo! our opet atir , ll, under the su perintend...ol.e 01 the following Boa. d of Managers, viz: 15 tili:nn IL. tlorgas, Christian Sta) man. 81. Cocklln, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, .1 11. Coon er,John Elehel her ger. 11 tote sham. Sam l. Eberly, Mosey Bricker, litniolph Ma, tin..lacob Coover, and .1. C. Dunlap. The rater oI nixes lov are as low and fat( rable nanny Compan,!, 01 the kind iu the State. _Persons wiabing to become memlmrs are invited to make appheatlon to the agents of the company, who are willin g to wait upoli them at any time. CUNI II lilt 1. AND COUNTY.— John Sher-lcii, Allen Henry ing, ShlrcinnieFte - wit ; Lafayette l'effer Dirk ;'leery Hew man, Churehton ; `Mode GT if Pith, ; ;Samuel G rahant; Penns born's, Samuel Coevnr, 1l eella ;; kalinrg ; .1. W. Cock lin, Simphealstenn ; U. Cot, er, Upper Allen; J 0. Elsa ton, Silver Fprlnv; .lehn Byer, Carlisle; Valentine Ferman, New 'mil bee 1311 d. YORK Ci I:NTY.—W. S. Picking,. Dover; JAS. Orlflith, NVarriinrion ; .1. F. Pea ulorfT, Washington: 11 Miley Clark Dillailuru; D. It utter, lain trw ; John Williams, Carroll. DAUPHIN Po Houser. Harrisburg. Member.~ of t ha roaq;.,ny bovine unliclesabout to el Ore, can have thou] renewer Os making application to any of the A gouts. Peb. 28. 1882. JUST received the largest, best and cheapest as"s"ortment of thes, Forks, Swaths, hakes, Whet Stones, Shovels, )tines, Hoes, Water Cans, Kegs, kr., over broucht to this county. All of which I have made expressly, to order, In largo quantities, so that they eau be sol at very low prices and warranted as representd. The trade and cradle makers supplied at infinnEte timer prices, at the cheap Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON, East Main St., Carlisle. NOVEMBER 2ND, 1863. tla - The rendins of the "IlEnntn" ore reminded Lave just brourht from the city it lnrge supply of MIA It CURED HAMS AND (BEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes in cans, fresh Mushrooms:: the very best Pickles,. different kinds or mixed, Mustards and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Prunes, Figs. Raisins, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Sall, Fine Segars and Tobacco: very fine Brandies, Old Rye Whiiikey, Wines &c.; taisides a general assort ment of goods In our line of trade, offered at the very lowest prices, FOR OASII. WM. BENTZ. NOV 94.150 VALISES, Trunks, Carpet Rags, Urn berallas kn. Froneh solo leal hoe Trunks, Ladles travelling Trunks of largo sloes, braes bound, of tho bohl, makes, In largo variety at -,- - - - ISAAC LTYINOSTON'S North Uncover Street. 'Ready Made Clothing-, our own. manufacture, ,the most ex- Vititt,sive stock ever exhibited, warranted as repre sented, ,eliti,widesale or Retail at the lowest market price, got up in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE, toplonsotilo most batitilo,us fah°, bo sure and call bo fore furnishing alsowbutro at . • -ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North itlautwor Street Clothing Emporium. 180. _ Watches, Jewelry, e d . 1 t,IiTt.l'Ilit•WAR.E. and ROGER'S iurpr, ': 't4i .), ,:: RE RlOlt PLATED-WA. • l`kt 44-1.; NENItY ITARPER, No. 520 ( 11NMI Ettroot. PIIILAD'A - N.ll. AN • I:in Oa of Silvcriraro made tn tho Factory back of tho Storo. March '2.0,1502-31, - . JAMES R. WEAVER'S CABINET 1 /I,lW 4 Vtp *. . '.) •ND '' '"-"'''''. CHAIR . . MANUFACTORY, NORTI7 HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Having been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him in years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a ca 11... • CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to he of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. lie also continuos business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Collins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con . stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable term. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, well finished and lined inside, frets 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered from lb to 30 dollars. May 25. ISMI—ly QTILL TRIUMPHANT. The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook ove, warrants the subscriber in calling the attention or all who may want a superior stove to call and (m -antilla the only stove that has given universal satisfac- tion. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS lot. A saving of from 30 to GO per cent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker 'teen from the same fire, 3d. A larger liven than any other stove of the sameslze, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook nose In use, oth. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect (las Consumer for either Ivor d or coal. 'rho Prairie Flower is warranted to give satisfaction In „very in,rtieular, and will he shown with pleasure to all who may rail, Whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of rerkenee in town tr.eoun try. A few other good Cook stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting. Roofing, „lob work, Copper-smithing and Sheeting work promptly attended to. In loran or coun try. All worn warranted at the old stand, Balloter street north of Lon they. MARY M. MORRIS. Nr. R. Old Copper, Brass and l'ewtor bought, and tho highest price }mid in cash or goods. March 28. lralo.—tr 0 W A 11 . 1) LA A I)l S i , 0 CIA TION! A Itenocr lent Institutinn, established by special en dowment Mr the relief of the sick and distressed, atlliu ted with Virulent and Epidemic disenses. tied te.peetaity n.l' the Cure ,if Linen see of • the Sexual EDICA ADV ICE given ~ ,ratis. be the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condii ion, t.te.e. occupation, habits ol life, and in t.llee, of esti enie pones ty, edicines furnished -fren-nrulutrpe. VALTIASI,E li l'ttlt'l•S in Sp , •nnatvrrhren, and other 'Dgfta.SPA of the Sexual yt vans, and on the NEW It Elll - '.5 ~ n t r doye d Ilt t lie Displinsary• sent to theafilioted. in cellist like, ,•nvel,,pe a, free of charge, Two or three po,taire sill be acceptable. Address. I.LFN lit IUG lITON, Acting Su, Venn 1ir.,11-11 leonrintlnn. Ni. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, I•t. Ity order of the Direet,,,s, EZIt A D. II EARTIVEI,I„ PresidPut GEO FA Secretary. March Nil.-IY. 'STEW STORE, AN!) NEW GOODS ILO'S, CAPS A NI , STIt Ali' GOODS. 11.178 9 Cali" N d.T c . , . ...... _,_ The snl.scril•er hag recently opened a New Store aril,e old tint .I.l).llalhert in North Hanover St. opp ,, ite t Le rat Deposit hank. reveived from New York and Philadelphia. a tine and well selected assortment of goods in his line o. I , ll , ine,.,neli as 11.1 TS and CA I'S, from the common Wool lo the fine I , or, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, F 311 3 , 1 ,1 Wham Ilats ft, 1,61. Lndics Furs, stint a , : 4 tntto Mat tin. ‘11111: Flteh, SlLeri all Squirrel. n and Iflun C. , ontty, Hock Mar tin. t-11,er At. , rhildrens Furs. Itranttr Hats for HII In mud hnr Caps, Gloves and enllars tut Gen- Heinen. 13 EJ I'l 4 'A LO 1Z 013 ES, and tho times Al , n, Carpet hews de. PRICES TO SUIT Also, Carpet lins, Valisus,-I'runks, Hand Trunks, limbr..l;no. An assn Linen tof nicth - -- Prime Segars and Tobacco. —1594 RELIABLE GOODS. JI)IIN P. !NNE h SON, North Ininoviir St Carlisle MIMEO WM. R. GORGAS. President, Eberly's Mills, P.O CHRISTIAN STA YMAN, Vice President Carll2.le, P. O. .10101 C DUNLAP, Seery., llierbaniesburg M ICH A El. COCELIN. Treasurer, Sheytterdstown. AGENTS Scythes & Snaths. Juno 1.1 TI?UNICS I TRUNKS ! ! March 13, 1562