THE ATTACK ON CHARLES TON. ~ Gen. _Foster's Progress on—James Island—All the Forts Taken np to Seeessionville—The Storming and Siege of Fort {Vaguer by General Gilmore— Fort Sumpter Bombard edfm. Three Days by the Monitors—Breach es Made in the walls—the Weehawken shot Through her Smokestack. BosToN, July 18.—The correspondent of the Boston Herald gives the-following ac count of the second day's fighting on Morris Island : On the morning of the 11th of July the 6th Connecticut and 'Jill Maine :mule a fu rious attack upon the Cummings' Point bat tery. They got possession of it and hoist ed the American 11,1,4. At daylight Fort Sumpter opened, when a Ponniylyania regi ment cowardly deserted them, refusing to stand by their co:nrades. ['Fhb) is a Yankee story, which we take the liberty of dtscrediting.l The other regiments hell the battery un til they were badly cut up. They then a bandoned it, and the rebels again took pos session. These two regiments have shown them selves heroes in this campaign. At 10 o'clto k one ()I' the monitors proceed ed to attack the Commines' Point battery, and at 3 o't lock three wooden gunboats open on the (battery at long range, :toil threw their 200-pound shot directly into the Fort Sumpter has been throwing shells into Morris Island with doing any damage to our - - The cannonading ceased at .1 o'clock I' M The monitors had been supplied with fresh crews from the different ship,. The iron clad lotitattl; has j tot arrived from Port. Itoyttl, an 1 Lieutenant Boomer, of the Itousatouie, will take command of her She is over the bar, proceeding with the gun boats end (purr cell vessels, in front of Morris Island ,1.1),1 Fort Sumpter. We shall t,conum uce the attack to•tnor- TOW Morning, wheo we will hi` sure of silence ing the Cummings' Pvint, battery and Fort Joh ti,t.n FJerything is working well—the ball is opened in eat nest. The :\lentithis bas ju , t. brought in n rebel side lotol—l with cotton, which was captured whilo trying to run out of Bull's Bay Inat night. Our lrool s will linvoTtheir battery done in two days more, and then they can shell Fort 'Sutnpter. IMPORTANT FROM NEW OR-, LEANS Arrival of the Steamship Locusf Point FALL OF PORT HUDSON HOW THE NEWS \VAS RECEIVED The fall of Port Hudson, the latest event in the great battle panorama of the Missis sippi, has cheered the hearts of the of the Union in the Hebei States, and in spired them with the hope that the war will soon be over, and the nation again restored to peace and unity. The surrender of Port Hudson was tender ed to Gen. Banks on the 9th inst. The; par ticolars of this surrender are very interesting. Vicksburg had fallen on the ilth net. The news soon reached the fleets before Port Lludson, whereupiin salutes were fired both on land and water; the hands of the different regiments performed in their style the different patriotic MIS Si, Well 1:110WII to the Amen kiwi people. The soldiers and :sailors were almost ungovernable, with enthusiasm. Joy resounded everywhere throughout the camps. The Rebels were started, Red :nix ions as to the cause of so much u d so en thusiastic cheep ing on our side, but were destined to wait ot terrible suspense as to the interpretation of what was going OIL At length, the Halted, and our troops brim , in Close proximity to each other, conversations were indulged in without danger to ,either side. it was difficult tor the Reoids to be lieve that Vacksburg had s ,f r, inlered. Per haps this diflit tilt) , was strengthened by the fact that the surremler of Port de pended in some measure upon that of Vicks burg. But curiosity Awls axed, and at length, toward evening on the ;ill instant, resolved upon knowing the truth of thin rumor which had spread throughout their lines, :in officer raised hiinst If abet e the works, and called aloud to one of the Union officers, asking, " What are you making all that noise about 7" The answer was, "Because we have taken Vicksburg." The Rebel officer was as doubt ing as hail been some of his soldiers before him. lle insisted upon not believing the news, and on Icing asked what testimony he would accept on the subject so a-t• to b.: con vinced of its truth, he responded, " Nothing but a chpy of the dispatch, or some trust worthy authotity. The Union officer then procured a copy of Gen. Grant's official dis patch, and passed it over the parapets to him, assuring bon at the same time, on the honor of 'a soldier, that the dispatch was genuine, as he hail copied it with Ihs own hand. Having read the little document, the Rebel officer said he was sati,lied ill its truthfulness, and believed it to he useless fur Port Ilddson to idtempt• to hold out longer. The night passed swat ; the Rebels had eaten their last crust ; they hail eaten tip 'heir mules and were entiotaming themselves to the savory dish of dead rats. They were, in short, out of provision, awl would probably have surrendered the position at any rate be fore many days. The dispatch from Gen. Grant' which they had read, hail been stud died by Gen. Garditur; and at 2 o'clock next- morning, the Nth inst., a 11.111eV Si it) EillUlldetl iron' the Rebel works, which Wits 80911 allSWered, 1111 , 1 11.11 (Alit el' chlllle lilt with a dispatch from (.•n. Gardiner asking on what terms a surrender would be accepted. As soon ' as potitti Inc the in. ssage iva:; ashen to General Batiks' Headquarters, nod in due time an answer was returned to the effect that none but an unconditional surrender would be accepted. The terms were accepted by General Gardiner ; a short time was asked for in which to make the necessary arrange ments. Twenty-lour hours were given for that purpose, but General Gardiner was ready in a shorter time than that, tor at 12 o'clock noon, on the Sib of Julv, our forces ebtered into Port Hudson, the No. '2 U ibsaltar of the Mississippi. As the victors entered, they found the Itch els all drawn up in line of battle with a. ins stacked in front of them, and the hungry sol diers of Gen. Gardiner were -con well fed from the Commissariat of the Union Army, from which (1,000 rations were drawn. The number of Rebel soldiers drawn up in line, when the surrender took place, was about 4,0'00. In addition to ibis number there were about 1,600 sick and wounded; the wounded numbered about 600 The woichids are gen erally very severe, in the head. and by Out bullets of our sharpshooters. Our batteries had done a great deal of damage, having de stroyed an immense amount of stores. The United States flag was run up at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning, the 9th inst., and was sa hued - by - the - fleets - above and below the—po sition. There bad' been terrible sickness in the garrison. and almost total destitution of medicine. 'They suffered terribly from this cause. There was a good supply of ammuni tion, all 91' which. felt into our hands,' General Gardiner, the recent Rebel com mander of Port Hudson, is a descrier from the United - States Army. Ho held it commis• Bien at Om openin g of the Rebellion of the slaveholders against. the United States .Gov. ornmeet, and entered the service of the trait ors without waitingso tender his resignation. , In New Orleans, the effect Of the news of the Surrender of Port Hudson was hn altnoSt unanimous rejoioing on the part of the peo• ple. the night of thellth inst., the pen ple•turned out in thousands te' celebrate the event. There was a grand torchlight pro• cession in honor of the victory: Meetings wore held, in response to the call of Union citizens, and burning eloquence was poured Irom the lips of a hundred orators. The pub lic building's, the hotels, and private dwelt ingo wore illuminated. The Stars and Stripes were given to the breeze everywhere Malty persons who had never before, since the city boon tie rebellious, raised the Ameri can flag, on this proud day waved the Natiol_ al emblem with as touch apparent devotion as if they never had been disloyal. The few determined secessionists who did make their appearance, seemed as wretched as others were happy. They claimed that the news wits doubtful, and that such rejoicing was premature, anti this in presence or the Not that .oicarners direct from before Port Hudson were lying off the city making all sort, of demonstrations relative to the events. ,- On their was down the river, the Albatross and .li.trellto were fired upon by some straggling guerillas. During the attack and subsequent siege of Port Hudson the conduct of the two 1.0111-11111 regiments olcolored troops wasof high charac, ter, entitling them to the praise due to gallant deiseuders of the flag of our lleion— praise which all lovers of their country will feel proud to award. The campaign against port Iltultion has been a laborious one throughout• at.ended with !fluty event of tourhing bolerpoity ness. The heroism) ot our soldirs will ern 'Win the memory of (hose who fell, and will fellow e lc honor awl glory those who re wain to enjoy a peace woo by such persist ent and soelierly entcrprise. It Is II 0t too much to say that Gen. Banks has proved here, Us heretofore, a SOCCOSS —n sal tier as well as n statesman—a patriot who has en• graved his name deep on the l ages of our countrs's history. His name now goes down 1,5,11.51 y :IS 050 Ul ii c delentlers of our flag—ono ef the preservers of our National. dignity andlindepeutlence. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG A Rebel Account of the Conflict. Litorestiny Dclalls ;1. , .•,* Corr , A 7,11 rlr nt of ate •` (lryan" (if Da, .1:,,111. (;, net awl Wolin.; I —Thlltmore (Ac I},,tritzitton c, Cora .pendent f tho outiu , •l, .Itil.c 11 NVINCIII...,TI:II, VA., July 8, 12 , 03.-1 tvl ole you 0.1 yestet ‘lay a hurrte.l staietu,tit the In JAI rii.“ ivOr, hy report s (hat. hulil reached poi , it from Ilia battle tirl i ne,r Ilt2ttp, burg, Pa. I iuropose to day to give you it more oonimetini viii int ( .111,4ctii farts as I have bare able 1,, ga.ilirr them : The army or Sur, hei 11 Vii ginia, in its air or invasion, distal the rutwit tc I,y biinj, at r near Wilii• To: 1, ft mu lielic _they olareltol to 11 t gor,to wit, to Garcia t~tte anti tli a nee to (Thum hors burg. Civ ELL, who hold t lie ad varlet!. went, its far it CAA lisle, SOW,: Iwelve .ti ttu c l 11. f 11.:Eit.. It tying tctthdtuwu IIIS bout 110: nose I them to and ae1, , ..3 the P omit le, and I t e"L : "P a lute "' cratin g Craw Wa'hing'an to : Baltimore, expecting General Lrn to otler him battle in Maryland. Finding himself disap poiniedin this, and having been compelled by pride or his superiors, he relimpiislie I his command to ,11'..\ PH, WllO, finding out that LEE had delleet ed rte his inareh thr.oigh Penn ~.‘, Ivan' t, :tool teas 111011lIg 11011 . 11 the 1;111111.0V 11'11i/die 110011 Uullllliter,illllg, moved mitt [LlllllllOl'O 101 the seine rim 1 to meet him 1 The two armies, which ha I co - i , ed it/ CWll . lOOll', each other , ince the breaking up of the Ft ederickshurg lines, f , und t..emsetves how- ilettr, 11:1:110 rare 10 face, It' ir liii:.y-inir•z;. WI We Ine,day, July Ist Ea. iy di the ,1.6 skit utish; , rs IVCIt• thrt/tetl 11/riVtlr i Ity littrlrrtll A I' HILL, whit hid the advance on the pike leading bruin Ch.lnibershirrg: About . P. M , a battle began in earnest I.wtweeti It.:Anr.'s awl linvmd.n s Corps of the Northern Potomac army, and a l,:rge , ' body, it is said, or Pennsylvania and Now . I York lilitia, under Gen.-ral MEA tic: and A . , P., lIILL's Corps, who hell his line ininiedi. 1 nests in (rent or the town 80011 alter A P. I 1111.1,11,0a1110ellgt11 , C I, l'ilr7til,L, 11'11h I'illtl,l . :111,1 11111,1 i ., tilki,iullt-t, 1110101 i tiliVi'll trout Car , i , le, and hook up a imHtion to the left of iltm.'s 1 c,,11H aw l S 0110{019i to the 50111101'0..0 tit , II ,rriomn.r. The Mello raged fusion-dy fur about two hunts, when the Yankee Jule glee h irk sums four miles. pa , sing 1 lir , ffigh and below C 1011) l-l/Illtg, we neent..)lug the town, . and capint lag . their wounded, some thirty. five hundred in number, and, also, a large number or armed prisoners; these latter be 1 tug captured 1 learn, by EWELL. Thus the tight closed on Wednesday, with a signal ad vantage to its. It had been an open held light au I ek irgitig over slight aecli‘itie, in which 1/111' 11'0011S by intrepid ',il .r, inid sac cat-1 idly tirlVell the ellellly tallOrli 111C111. OA Wiltilletililly 111011 M! enemy were heav ily reintweed, and took up a ittlozigly forti tied po-Hion on a tilll len 01 very VICV.Orti illil , 111 lil. IT if. Ur Gettysburg brunt 110 •tl. hill , 1111 efforl WU- 11l ide by us. I ut 011,01CCI t.,1, 1 t1y, 1 0 lirtPutige th , •in tin 'l'bw's nay, the 21. Toe light was i.e.guti and mainly COUlctilitti tilt ill,' tight by Ho .n s and Jlel.ttvs Divi,ions, ut LUNG," Ell 1.1.1 s Uttl it.:t ti,..llltral lii/Nlin 1 tlye r, Witt] ti,:i 1,/(CC, , , 1101'111g re retied the hill t ents the e1,, , e of the tight on Wedite,diy. Ewi Lt. wit , al,o rug i , ,1 , luring Ibis a ty 011 the i•x treat: lei'. with the enemy, who attempted to turn hi- I.X-111011C right, our extreme left, I.y moving ju upon him i tom above, between 6013'009r 111 , 1 Glritrill i 1011 in Halt nay they were succes-lolly repulsed. The cent to, under Gen Him, on this day held its gi mind firmly. . Gen LososTitEkr, on the right, succeeded On this day in driving them in tin the tight to a ilis...s , et of tot y a ici.e. l'he remilt ~1 Ow ,/,ll ~ .1( iii:,hy c ii, till bc ,h.l h , , h 'fee , /-Cll. by 11/11/ I IC!' lIV, il d• ef , i , ii ! , 1 t'•,,l rtt 1/$. Thal tillly 10-1 111,A113, CIIII,III be g ant saved; but their po , i tom ' naturally a vet) , strong one, was held by not le,s than lour lines of infantry, and every sp.o ~vatl•ili:e tor artillery bristled with the enmity's C.lllllOll Ohl' lIICII tel gilt the rllr: 1110,01011 olive Si' I WICV, 6111 sit thinned were their ranks by the losses thuy had tillS , allled that they were compelled to give back, The field was Morally strewed with dot,' and dying Yankees, and DO slight sprinkling of our brave defenders mingled with them. The tight for the posse.sion of the heights was renewed again on Friday. Meantime, Gen. PICKETT'S division of Gen. LONGS MEET'S corps bad reinforced our right., and was prat cipally engaged, with must disastrous loss ut ' otliceis and men in this day's work, Gen. PicklETT himself being reported wounded, and three Brigadiers A ItraISTED, G ARNETT Mid KEMPER being killed. A. I'. Hide, was also warmly and successfully engaged during this , day, but I am not able to speak as to the re sults which he achieved. Doubtless they were brilliant., fur he hits a noble corps, and his corps are proud of their leader. Whether Ewint.i. was engaged to any large degree on Friday, 1 am not. advised. The results of the three days' fight may be summed up in immense . losses on both sides; but in the last, two days' encounters we were unable to carry the heights beyond aOil below Gettysburg. The eatiSequence was, that. on Friday night our troops tell back some two miles ; evacuating, Gettysburg, and forming our-line-of-battle-stilLeetne_two..niiles in yd. vanes of the position which we held at. the opening of the tight on Wednesday evening On Saturday morning our wagon trains were brought out iii sight of the edeniy, as also our ambulance trains, and moved di in the 'direction of Chanibersburg„ it J. also_ said that we moved our lines I tick some disc tauce back during Saturday night, and theft on SUlidity the enmity pressed folward . C2lgerly, when EiyELE, who had apparently fallen Li, but who hail, in reality, hitin the rocks near his old position, passed in their'rear, just be. ' youd Gettysburg and towards the enmity's old, position beyond the town, and made Nis .oners of fifty-three regiments. This, 1, must sIY,, is uncofiymed. 'Our loss hay been most serious, especially . in general and field officers, and largely, in mon. General 'VENDEE: is wounded severely, but not dangerously. Gen Item) had his left arm struck by a hatl, but will be able to save it. Gen. LIETIi is wounded slightlg ;he is hero, as is also Gen. PEN'DEIII. Gen. G. T. ANnkasoN is wounded in the fleshy part of the leg ; ho i 4 hero, Gen. 11.. SEmlitks, wouttued throii2h femoral artery, but not dan goroosly ; ho had a-tourniquet and applied it at once. Gen. JENKINS (at cavalry) is woun ded in the head, and is here. Gen SOALEs is wounded and here, but not severely, I think Gen. PEtritianw is reported wounded, but not here. General T. M. JONE-1 is wounded, but 1 learn not severely. Gen. IVnnE Ilnmr- TUN, reported wounded, but not here. Gen is also said to be wounded in the leg, and will, it is reported, lose it. FROM NEW YORK The City Quiet-3,500 Muskets Seized by the d, —The Cr/rz•va Nolu•iieers Thschlrged.— Diath of Policeman Driple. NEW You K. July 20. (lea. Wool was volleyed on Saturday by Gen. Dix. dra't in this city will not begin. until the exact quote of the city has been tkfthitely determined and publicly announced, by which tine the UOVVI !intent will be prepared to exe cute it reobadly a week may elapse before this IS done. It is stated that in the attack on (he Union steam works, at the corner of 221 street and 2d avenue, the mob carried elf 3,000 mo,kets. The firiti,lt Consul has notified the Police Combo-stoners that he his cetult'sleti the ship ot War Challenger cu Lake a position in the rtver for the put pose of protecting colored sea men, Who ore subjects of ti a it Britain. A card is published trot J ,ines T. Brady against mob law, in which lie states% the real ;till Inns of the late. riots have been kept in secure seeresy. Ile pronnso, to pay the S3OU exempt bin for any four men ul lannly. whore coot age being good, are so placed that they Callllol leave their „anti s4yA oo woo d do wore it he was richer. lie will also do all in hi, power to have the conscription act teat he:ore the judiciary as a cousinution4l G.;/ Seyinour has an order that sufficient Coke Lll 1111.. N 41101131 GU Ll'tl having /111 . 1 ,1 1 , 1 111 L41;01111 111.' 1.11 , 111111111101111e8 10 11111111- (310 the I , lloolle 111 . a r and entnree ardor, the citizen argailizai ions•itie relieved 'ruin duty, the persons in cniti. [nand to wlCoin arms hot,,i,t,;•„t, will return the to Gen. Farrell, Cuturnist.ary Gviteral of Ordnance. VoRK. July 20.—Policeman nipple kited I,,t...‘uuilig from ilijuries reeeivel from the Into 'lhrtat thott , ati , l troops still garrison the jrtruih ttvettuo arsenal. Tao OA 111111,11 11WINIly arrned and manne , l: erulnr 1111 1111 , 1 ,1U Wll h.. river as us 111,. In,rl hero iwtint.l,Lry ul 11 . cnt IThesler County, 111 Lloll , Cif lenee Of the 1111'eal, wade to burti the 11 1.1.1ce111 All has been quiet au far. West Chester outiwy is a part of the metropolitan pmiee ohm an Cifountp .41.jattzts tri7 3 ,/ 'ln compliance with the request of in Lily of uur readers who are aus.toui to 'se- CUI c 'xtr Collie: , of Dos \ VAN ' S grrpille LlCSCrirtioll ul ilfral I S lt.ol events tinting, tit() week of rebel rule, we still' republish it in n. evised and currecied furni in our paper u next week We notice sergent Jacob Cart and prir:tte Arto.,,trung e jr. iu town. They lire art ut a detail fruits the 7th I'. R. V., sent hire to r, ceive their quota if drafted men, and conduct . them to the regiment to which they will bu tt..Jigtiml. Who of our frionds will go with theta—don't all speak at MEE RELIEF Fon OUR \VOL:NM:D .4 'AT GET- —Our wounded soldiers in the hos pitals at Aty,burg, Are said to be suffering te..tibly owing to the, unsufficieney of surgi• cad at 1. Doctors D. 1.1.: and Zrrzen started fur the above place. on Tuesday last, and will td, their utinusi to relieve the sufferings of our brave boys. MIME CARLISLE A CO NSCR I PT It EN I)F.•L VOUZ We understan , l that Cat lisle has been select ed i uuc of the„deputs Iu r Irafed tutu, in the p'ace of V us announced. and l'itibburg being the other points .d I.s.ltich they will be sent. The quo t.ts of the different districts directed to re port bete will begin to arrive, soon after the ,xpir.4t Hit 411 tie tell d..3s allu‘‘e , l to the dr,fted nom, utter he has been informed of hip con,wiption —Xbout lk weeks ago, some NM where near the ceulte of town, a Gold Breast Pin, having three gal tiets set in it. The pin is not intrinsically very valuable, but as,reci :won, totwecte..l with IL influence the owner to ()tier Itheral re‘sard for its recovery, which will ho paid hy; TuoMAS CONLYN, ou the to Cipi or it it ii.. stoic T.m.„ \\'e direct the attention of our friewk, who may to purchase Iron Roil it4 of any de , criptium or any kind cf Iron Work of n deeuritive character, for any pur p3,o, to Ihe advertisement of asro Wool) & l'hilodelphia, in another column. EMORY FP:AI ALE COLLEG E.-By au lt,lvertisement in another column, it will be seen the above institution will open on the 3 1 1 of September next. We call confidently comtneed those of our patrons, who wish to scud their children to a lira class college to this institution. Prof. Chambers is well known as a careful, competent teacher, and a high toned chris . tian gentl,man. His corps of teael.ers has been carefully select ed, and we can assure our readerc that noth ing will be left, undone to make this one of the very best schools in the country. REMEDY FOR DIARRHOEA AND DYS ENTERY. —As the season approaches when the free indulgence in fruit, onuses much sick ness, I beg leave to submit. through )ou to the public a recipe for ihp 'cure of diarritma and dysentery which I have found to be 'very valuable and effective. I have sent large quantities of the prepared article to frietds in the army for distribution among their coat cedes who might require it ; and, at the sug, gestion of a frieud,publish the recipe that the public may /aye-the benefit of it; Takk /MVO Cayenne pepper, powdered, 80 grains. Camphor, 30 grains. Turkey opium, powdered 15 grains. -Make a mass with simple syrup and ow tian, then divide in thirty, pills. - Dose—ono every four hours. 1 add another, more convenient to make but less convenient io send : • Tut e African Cayenne pepper, 32 grains; Camphor, 32 grains. Rest powdered Turkey opidin, 16 glisi • Bot;rbon . ivb,ikliey, 1 gill, or 4 oz. Let it siand for six date before using: 7 -- pose—one teaspoonful every four hours. Respectfully yours . , SAMUEL U. - WELLING, New Rochelle. TRIBUTE TO TUE GENEROSITY AND COURTESY or Oua Pnotu.N.—The undersigned, composing a Detail of D Co. lst. Reg't. Phila delphia Grey Reserves, 32l Pennsylvania NM tt'n Provost. duty in Carlisle, desire to ox• press their sincere appreciation of Ole many courtesies and kindnesses extended to them by the citizens of the Borough ‘luring their sojourn there. The combined and unsolicited attention of which they were the favored recipients, will be long and gratefully remembered by them: Corporal Albert Poster, Corporal Rohl. D Coxe, C. L. Ito;din, S. If. Colton, M. Fleish , r, W. D Geminill, Theo. Justice. L'eaj. McCul lough, A. 1). W. McCullough, Edward McKin ley, Harry NI Mitchell, T. C. North, F. L Hall, of 1) Co. Ist Grey Reserves, Philadel phia. SER 1013 S ACCI DEN T. - -On Monday morning, last about 9 o'clock three members of Co. I. 31 at Regiment, were detailed by their Captain, who is Provost Marshal, to proceed to the neighborhood of the South ountain for the purpttse of collecting su eh government or rebel horses as might be in possess.on of the neighboring farmers. Sttu•t iug from their head flu:titers at the court house, at a brit-k trot, they kept increa , ing their speed until when they leached the inter section of Hanover Si reel l y Pomfret. Si where one of the Lanes stumbled and fell pre cipitating his rider over his head. The c fortunate man struck his head and shoulder •upon the nmeadentited street, bruisint4 and acting binisell festrtully. Ile was carried to the hospital, and promptly mired for by Uhler, and is now doing as well as could 1.0 expeeted. name i, Frank. Stie.trer, an I his residence al 1l inayouk Lint; - '. FRANK STANWOOD, yyitll his Colo company or regular cavalry, arrived here lay 'nor iing last. Lieut. tiers. IS S I) has ) . lun 1111ty ill this vicinity , V4;l' rt . lli . k ma• .. their first appearanee in our valley, and has done invaluable ser vice in the Way Or picketing, scouting, As e . 11 is command hail several engagements with r:!liel cavalry on their advance upon, :Ind subsei l iteid rot',ci from litrrisliitr4, and lailtilved with gAilantry. Sportilig Hill and Ucsler's P. inl a pretty sharp cogagtontoll arc erred, 15111 Irmo (Breen to twenty :mil wounded rebels, attest the bravery of his Lonimand. At Chambers burg too, SrANwiiOit "was constantly in the enemy's front, sending relish information its to his position and movements; his weirt 1110 lir,l 51151 ut soldiers to enter that place when the releds hurriedly lett it. Ile has lost six or seven men by killing and capture, but lit ings the home litokity. all the better for their service. THE DRArrs—We see by the Minis burg Tbyrerph thht the drafting for this (15th) district composed of the counties of C York and Pertv, commenced on 1 uesdav ii"t• We liar(' a. pretty sharp look-out her iho Cbminence iniii,t of Oil: interesting as we do, in common' 1111 , 1111Wr of 1 , 111" friends, a lively interest in the turn tit' event:," which is to oe or at that time, and have not up to this writing hoard it its coin inotteemont, - The most reliable infortuati,ou we can get on the subject is that the lists, tickets, A.c., are not quite prepared vet—the rebel mid having ititeirupted and detiiineil the work for some time. Immediate') upon the Leant of enr Ilmrnt hating informed the \Vrtsiti,igum authorities of their readiness, the quota of the district will be announced. :Ind the directed tti piticeed with the drawing. 14? pa . tiont, therefore. \Ve shall certainly not he neglected. • 4 1eltbS. -0- On the 1 Ith ins!, at Lill it.sitionco in this Zinn nn_ll Brigade I lit-pecter, ..11aijor AleCerttley, in the ear of 11, age. sei .111,1114 the tier of lel2. us LieuLce nt the Iti,lll . ir 1 . the erection 4 , Fit anii rem tiac . l oil Ilia iron thas aril,: 111 eper.ilit)o,l Ole 111 .i.llum. till til Lice redllcl it'll of the army ht ?1,11 -I -I Wl'. iCbc allarlicts C ARLISLE PRO DucE m I(li LYl'. Reported weekly for I Ile Herald 14) R. C. iVOOdWard ELI /lj IC (titiperrilm) \V h r RED d 0... RYE lEEE MEM 1.. 11%1( LEY STIIINt Emory Female College, CAItI.I6LE, PA. • rirll Institution of Icarriing for young „,,,,.„ lli.,it 31, 1' Li The Pre,' ieit will he a,,i,111 hy , uu TIIO 1t40111,0 ut iu. , t, sons, Will l• 1111,363 all Zhu hnuycle s ne,ez...ary to Ve voung Indies a refined 111111. tllOl - 1111.411 , : 0 11Cgi4t. nir Circulars and particular luiormaticm, address thu under6igned, Ca lisle, Pa R. 1/..i.11IA31111.:11S, President. July 21. 1803-3ra THREE FARIYIS FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale nn n,•••nunnt.ttn:t terms. t.r , first rain Ilme , tnne fal.ns, with man.dh flint surit.e, and one sun nth firee of land, all these Incited la ferry ant y ..n the road leading to Torn fiat on the north bi.lll 1 the (!nunty near to I ekenburg, and ..bout, tulles from the Penna. nailroad and l; anal No 1 euntains 300 acres with new and tit nt elas-. HOUSE, BARN, • and othorOUT B1111.1)1NUS, with plenty of fresh water at the house, barn, and in the it-ids, No 2 contains Ititi acres of beautiful flint land, 25 acres of which is in meadow. Thin property lies on, Ilulfain•crook. The improvements consist of a house and Darn and Sawmill. The location is very flue, U Ild needs but to lie seen to be desired. No. 3 .H a second rate Carat of smooth pebble land, containing 2, 0 acres,,roill Ineated,.with FAIR LIIPRO VI:ME-YTS, good water and good timber on it, limestone near, and would be a desirable property for a buyer with limited means. • Tho substoilior )living removed from the nolghhor• hood, lo which the mlumortle.i are located. to ClllllOO, tlnde•lt iio•oovuolxot to 0 Wm.( to' thonn, and on tlittf areoutit offers thorn for tale. Persons wo,lllug further I ,,f„, rto mion in retvren - 00 to theso proportles will Memo iddross box •2J Carlisle t',t. or call on the subsorlhor. ;W31.1414111. C2lOlBlO, July 24, 11;3-3ti' ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. Woo & PEROT, 1130 Ridgo Avonaos • UI Pa ifVFlillt for sale upon the most favor- 4 Jfa,ie terms. new and beautlnil Designs In great variety 'of IRON RAII.IIV to, Cemeteries, Residences, &e., of V,' rough!. and Cast Iran. and (lakvtinized iron and Units Tuhlttg.,; Iron Verandahs, Stairs, Counters, Vount.tins, Oates, Cul Millie, lilleLing Posts, Lamp StAtt is, 'Vases,. Tables, Viewer Stands, Soros, Chairs, :r.rstuary, Aulmals, and all other trov , Worlcof a necorittlie (diameter. Designs feriyinaled tor_evlee Don. l'erstnt, applying for sane, will pluaqo data Silo kind of NVOri. needed. July '21,1863-3u) NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that the following accounts have b on filed in this-office by the accountants therein na.ined for exam'nation, and Will Ito presented to the Orphans' court of Cumber land county, for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday, the Ifith day of August, 186:1. 1 The guardiansh , p account Wm. ; 11. Miller, Esq., guardian of the estate of Win. 11. Holliday, minor son of Adam Holliday, no N or the city of Chicago. 2. Guardianship account of Wut. 11. Mil ler, Esq., gnardian of the estate of Mary Murray minor daughter of 'Rev. Joseph A. M array. 1. (.luartlianship aecouncol Wm. Ll:Mil ler, Esq., guardian of the e.nate of Sarah If. Holliday, minor daughter of dam Holliday, tiow of the city of Chicago. .1. First and Final account of Oct). Wolf, adrn'r. t.l Ephraim NVElwee, deed. ' u. Administration account of • Henry G. Rupp, Executor of David G. Rupp, deceased, late of Lower Allen township. G. First and final account of Jacob 1)111, adm'r. of Elizabeth Dill, of Hampden town ship, de'c'd. 7. Administration account of W. R. ()or gan, adm'r. of G. Titzel,.of Upper Allen tp., deeeased. 8. Administration account of Danl. Rudy, of .Innis Itudy, deed., late of South 111irltileton township. 9. Administration account of Henry D. Schmidt, Executor of Mrs. Filen Duncan, decoasetl. 10. Administration account of Hon. Mi chael C..cklm, executor of Mrs. Ann Mateer, deceased, Into 0' Lisburn. 11. First final account of C. P. Humerich, Esti., a Itnitii,tratur of Nathaniel Harrison, Into ut the Borough of Carlisle, dectsased. 12. The account. of Henry McKim, Ad ministrator of :llrs. Susan SO msler, deed'. 13. Aoc'mot of Eherly, \VOli the will annexol. of \\ * Hisler, iaL • of Hampden toximmllip, (1.4.61. di. The firs' and final acco u nt Of William Ferguson, a :mir. of William Brown, late of Newion township, doclii. 15. 'l'l,o ”I' soldor.on. \ lad, will and to.dainotit of \Vitt . 110C ' tl. Id. TIII• lirsti an 1 final arc milt or \Vo-. 11. 1.101, 1 , , a or . 11rin. 'ado of Silvor Spring twit., clued. 17. The Guardianship ac,to,mt of Craig, Git tr.lian of Thoinp.ion Fraz , tr. minor child of Andrew Frazer, Into of Ship ponslitirg township, 18. Fti.At and firm! ;Lce,ttit OF cl'ai ney. executor of the last Will and te-la.neut :\lary flunks , late of the liorougli of Car -410c.(1. 1!I. The Ilceount of Ilettj. IT. r. of the person an,l estate Coin now Eli /abut h Itho.ols, nn n How da'oghter or Nicholas t_loni to 'togs, late ot New Cum horland, settled by Henry It. )I,ei ,ier, Exocutor of said 21. Guardianship account of \Vin. Gravy. gu.trdian of El..anor Sharp, a nuttor child IZ , v. Alex. Sharp, det:(l. 211. Thirl ac.eount of .It)htt Wallace. guts dian of the per:one and 0-tatos of Samuel I;nm M try .I.nti Brim an 1 ,Jacoh • Itrim, minor eldhlren of .los. Brim, late of Fiantt he-d twp., dee'd. 22 The Administration neentint of Sam uel 111egaw, ext•eutor of .Jolitt deCd. 23. Administration account of Armstrong 111 clr.tidministrator of Calvin Meeleat, late 01' Alt: B ro igh of Newburg. decd. E. A. BRADY, ile't 11 . 4 It S , (.1 trlNltt, July H, 1863. \VIIEIII.:AS ilic 11(m. ,Taw:4 IT 111111101 Ilre.ident c.I Vie:s of the COI,IIIHON of Cumberland. l'er . ry. 1111 j .111111.1ta. nod .11INtiren of the several Courts of ' Uver nll , l Ter111)..., 111.1 I ;1 4 11.T111 lull Delivery in said eotrettli , , a , .d Ilirha , l Coe,: II II end 11 ittli Court. ludm of Oyer and Ternii on and Jail Dells i-eis for Ow trial of all capital and other olftsiiiiers. he eonnly Cumberland. by their preeepts to ine dliecte,l, dated lA, 13th day of Ap,il. 1 , 3 have in , 1 , •1 ed the I l ona of I iv, :tint Tel 11111101 . 1111 , 1 I il.lll . rat Jail Del, ery to be holden on 11, 111, \ lott do brim: Ilie J4tn dat at In o', 111 , 1; In the forenoon, to enrittnut , one :‘o iv ill•ri•lo) cil ou to Lbt• tkf the 1 . 11 e.. and Cotist thles of the ,tid rounty Cl/Ul• that theynro I, the • ni.l ple , ept ooloulalel t.l te be them thi re iu their ptstper Ih ll' 0,111111111(1..11 , , 1,1111•111111,1111,, i" di. tilos, , v ht. h t their ,+ll,l t tin lr 1,11 Jnur. and all tii re home! 1.%1,4'. MVO , . t 1./ I , oll`, t., trlkeli shah le• io the .1 tSI ef conit.l . \ , are In hi' II11•1"1. tO prose. 111 e them as shall 1.1 , : AS 'FA lie: EN: NO'll' 9 C \\Th l Lcitlich, Sawycr .N 1 iller,) have received Our entire stt•el, of Goods, and have 1 , ,11111.4i t 111,111,5. d,sl I o the patronage or our to continue as 'hey have kindly Loured u, iu the pact. Wo are determined to sell our sto.•k. a hitch is much larver and more tompleto than usual at this season Ot tits year by reason of by the rervet iuun.foi , at the I.,west p inarhot price We have a full line of Sannim"r 'h for Ladies. 111 Saba, \lan•s and 's wear. i'leaso call at the well knew. shied, Mile St. 1..1:11.)1(211, S.\.111 . 1 . :1( MILLI:It. July '2.1,1`.63 Tito aim Id r\lluiu.tli , gl ,IlTe,teht•t,l, County ',III i 1 IlI•Itl CA:ll,lk., .1 uly• 1,1.1 'rho exanimittions will 001:1111(.11r0 M. 0 o'clock A )1 uhdn'. A Ie,.:).AtILK iett.t lie 'lle:wet et the lo.ur A geti,e3l al telehaneo ~ r Direct,rs end eitii.olls b• ear u E,lr SOill•lted. It I , 11t.p.1 tlk•tt but competeht tvaelters NS 111 1..1 . 1..•11111s. .1 I.! Dlrt.ct.., will plva.q,appoillt, tha place "rese n t tuali,us 51111111. .S l / 11 4 ~ ,; z, r e ill hi• prmlileing.kt 11 , ..t• ,11111• . 11:11 1 1 1 Itid Sala 111 their A unu.,l 11111 i/1. 1 .11 - 0 do S.. 11111111..11.1ti!1)' CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO TILE eoNsrrarloN• 11)E it resolved by the Senate and 3Flotto6 of Repnuentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Guttural Ass inbly out, That the fol lowdig amendolent,:+ be proposed to the Constit alien the Commonwealth, iu accordance with the provh, ions of the truth article thereof: There sh He an additional section to the Oh d or• tlcle of the Constitution, to be designated as suction four, till fiJI • Scows 4. II believer Any of qualified electors of this eoinmou weal b shall be ill any actim! military a•rei under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Common• wealt,ll,lmell electors may ex6eise the right of our. Page In /In elections by the citizens, under such raga. latiens as aro, or shall be, prescribed by as fully us it 11111 ) were present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh artlCle of the Constitution, to be designated as seam thins eight, and nine, as follows ticnrimi 8 No bill shall 1M passed by the !mitts's. turn, emits. thug moro than one subject, which Shull be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation SECTION 0. No bill 611811 ho wood by the Legislature ' granting any powers. or privileges, In any rase, Ti hero the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has . been; or cmyv hereafter be, conferred upon the vaults - of this Commonwealth. PENNSYLVANIA. SS: I do hereby certify that the `fore; inq- - hnd / SEAL next" lo a hill, true and rot rCOL opy ut Junit 10,4010thm 01 Ow Goner al A 5 1 ,0111 1 , 4 -, entitled " A Joint Resolution protrener eel taiu A illoOktiOolitH to the Cobatitatlou," as the same remains on tile In this office. Thsrtuouy whereof. I hove hereunto Rot ray hand. afaelittsrd the seal of the Secretary's Ofiteo to 110 af fixed, the day and year above written. ELI 8'016 . 1m, Sacra:try of the Commonwealth. - July 7,1801 - - I FISH I! • • . E , _ ..I . ' A now involo of 100 pachogos o f various quoit. tios'Of MR, eltorekand llorrlug nt the very 'lowest cola prict li by': - Julie 5, 'O3, W.SI.I3.EN'I'Z, , REGISTER'S NOTICE. Proclamation =ZEE Examination of Teachers VI . IIIIOIIIIIY, .1 Penn, 19 n il~vrnprinp N.., LI. ‘ll.lalvt,.ll, 7 S . '2l t s , 3 la I. lord, lu I' , pp,•r 11 NI kt.•11'1,4, =Me unibtir . id 15 :•11ipp,••••1•1.1,-; t t 1 p • Shrus•L•1•••1•111g Itoro' :,..••kallautplol3, GEOICUE SW A I:TZ. p t Crlislo, July 17, 1363 A Joint Resolution Proposing „JOHN CESSNA, • , • - Spotator of the House or Itopiosentattem .lollN P. PENNEY, Spnakor nit 'the SOnato. OrtiaE OF THE SKCII.F.TAIIIi op TUC COMNIONWEALTII, llarrkburg, July 1, 186;1. _ WitzrtrAs, by satisfactory evldence presented to 'the undersigned, It has boon male to appear that the First Nntional Bank of Carlisle in the County ol Cumber land and State of Pennsylvania has Leon duly organ• I Z. 41 Under, and according to the requirements of the art of Congress, entitled Au art to provide a national curret,y. secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the el-ciliation and rtaitimptien thereet; approved Februnct 1803. and his complied with all the provisions nil said act required to be com plied with before rommeneing the bust netts of Bank log : Now thereforp, I, Ikon McCutducu, Comptroller of the cum, rya do h4eby certify that the said First Na tional Bank of Carlisle, County of Cumberland and State of Pennsylvania is authorized to commence the business of ll:Lakin ' under the net aforesaid. „...---- I un'eal Imony Whereof, wittiest' my band , 3 3 , 3.33 3 }and heai 01 umee, tms Juvouth day of J uly SEAL LBO3. If 1 , 1;11 MoCl'l,l,oCll. Comptroller of the Currency. =1 The Fit•Ht Nal form' Mink , V 111 rer,lve deposits hnth "u awl p•tyllplo ,ip same an done I'm uu•rl~ by the Cos.:lntl will 1., pre taitlintg L.l 1.110 of • Carll4lo, .In'y 10 , 18,4:1 ,t FULL assort,thetir of New Goods tae shelves at () A bly's. I au] now propare.l to show a large ass()stmebt or NE \V 8U MER ,lint. enrol t•nd .nrl to nirt•l . 4Zroat rin11111•0111011t, to all per -111 W.IIII W 111111,18.0110 Mid tarp golaifi, A larg o 5t...•1; ffl I.:idles tires f &e., fir, flruts null Itoys wefts In great Variety, Summer Slits Is .It. It,' figures. 'fable nt ro.lureql prjoem. [hying b. , w;;lii at rodtl..mi price. .r rash. I am dr term hied to ruu uli the et,k nit very loci prl,es for the Carii,le, July 14, 1,S11:1 rtharlys 11. Hepburn and Satuucl jr. . on; •.. Smutiel ll,•pburn 311111 St P.I. .3 Imo 5, E GOO DS. i Every du.eri ptiuu 1111 d quwlily or Graeriritis, Ilard ware, Picky's. ;lance. lion S, 1 4 !POI v egitablas in eons, Ot sty, NVaral and rr Illaw wart', all knf in and al Lila belt quality and t4l - 110 suit at t v.i•ll Iry Wll. DR., Will H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, an./ Irrum 1, Ir. ( - VP WE ❑t his resiikiwe in North Vitlannver street. Next door to Shriner's hotel, riled from the arm Juts I laving rent y "—p.m.,' the (;.IS k:/7'17.V1; and I'l, I,..111,121 . 1; hnarnrsa al 11,, , 0.'4 Stand on 1110 I,l,ra:eta of the ('lmich. Ile wi ll tl e prollll , lty hr a/ 101.11- It/0,0 IM,. Lead and iron l'ipt•s, I I rnl Si II I< lIN , iI rut.. Itnt.ll I W., II t A ,bower Ilatha, I Balk Basins, I...kere And Lift lilllllS, Re, 11 sw't, 1r a 11t1t d lut,ti, I Awl ei pry ,•nelts awl sl.eant, iiaer, Ae. rnwier, heaters And pan It xt tire- put up in entireties. ntweet• and der ell it sll IltJui. ti., nest 111.kti, 11 S . ) le. Alt n. ilt•II,11, awl in nue :ins at lua rat's and iiar- ra.,tod toy_ County work and Jobbing promptly att. mp,l to. .1 0 DV ti ENERAL DEA LE li in Flour, and all hind , of country ploduro. 11arelom,. r4l tilt. eldn, of and We,t Ftrnetg, ~,o-(.lntl} on hand all humus 01 FEED, Flz , ll 1..1 Y 11:1' 31.1 . N ISe" 001 II)-; (1l• FI::;,lu;U( rrlrin•strll 11.1111 , , 1,11,1,4,1 ;11111 1111,LIIVILS81,1, st the enrner of Nlain and 111• st streets. )1;1s, f. A. SIMIISEIt. The Confessions and Experience. ILVITZ/LED. rLd.ti,h,.,11.-, mid as a warning and A t . .\ lip.\ yIrcNI; m solT.•• t•rvot. D/ddllty Pr...maitre neon) . of *11.11,1../ I. ch.. 11, at lb,. 1111; ‘ll.%:\t-• ,E 1.1• Itc no , s‘ll • lit, • until •I iw-ilr,irD-i' 1. •lu_ rnt t 411.1 ii jllly 1114.11.411 Iti•••Ii• Itutill•ug :t11•1 trickur, 14,irti.1 :1,1m; , ,,1 envelop°, slnglt. - op„-- I) IC I oI no out hot' IEI, )1 kYFAIII. 11,11,141, lc Inv- • N. V. .22. 1,61- I • NEW GOODS ! NEW GODS ! am li W ~pciiing a of sum- I ,tt r,•,lttett,l i,•tttt tor 1..,11 allot It ill Ito sold : , C o• 11.-11 .11 1111 Z ~ /if, ',WAN I /,/ /) A " L.I /A ES, J. T. 1:11'1'1,1', u•idr I), (•h,•v. late, lla lft! lilligllllllls, Itaregl,. a. Cambric and Slviss 31eislins. Tz,ham., White and Colon•,I, Illation Lawn, Linens Linen 11311,11.erchlets, Snrine Shawls, Stella Shawls Ital tune th Sr. 1;1101:11“, C.throvs, Tichings, Sre., at lower Pr [halt It .10i }HOSIERY AND C LOVES, ill,fruat. 14a.11..5. and I'huldrt,',.ll. , mingi nr,vost ht, 1 , 1• , 1 kill., 'lt and thall Call ill: had 11/ G.•llt.tvulan't. sl11•11 na IleW 113n.lnisin• Smninor Mt, anti IS.,ys CuLtunaiirii, Dtnpprd bud Plain MEE IZEMEMII \ low 3:11,14 ul l'arp.•t.ulg uu haild, at less than vily 111 1 , 1 iII ss Anl 41111.111115111111 . 11111/ (1/1,111 111 , 11 , / , . 11,11 .11, 11 t•II 111 4,11 i 1 1 11. 1 .1. 1 .1111,•111Sill,t 1.1,11W111,1•. at• e .111 1 11 1, 11 . •• • 1111,14 lor ea,ll at very letv prlees. tlit• 1.1.1ce, )I.lia 6llut.t, 4.1.1,1,,1te the Del.t May I. ISt 3 NEW EXAM CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- NV Alt E TO RE. r having purelinsed tile r.t.0.•1, of i;roeuries fotiour'y belonfdlig to Jos. IJ e•a, tituu the lui,nuuu at iliu oil :t•i• 1 , 1 , 1,1 - I . li it, 1111'111,11 ihohr h tondo and lhu pub lie uith ui N . ) thing timi is 'lieu, new And in:nil, 114 the way of Family Groceries. Their R tack is large and. elected wit h the greatest care• and will he sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con, sluts In part of tine old tiovernmeut Java COFFEE, Prime Rio do, Prime Rio Roasted. SY i• UPS.--New York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy rups, of the very best qualities, • • RIM'S Suit US.—The hest the market affords.— Lover' II boot Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, has A. It. and C. Sugars, which cannot sur passed, and as 010 tine is now hero fur preserving, la dies will phtse giveddin a call and examine for them selves. All his SPICES are of the purest and best va rieties. humliug abolli them. Rice, Corn Starch, F. rrina, Dandeline Coffee, Essence of odr,To, Concentrated Lyn, SeeNCandles, CIENA, GLASS, AND (3) QUEENSWARE. A large end well selected fitock of the very latest pat terns and styes, lower than ever In pries, and• bettor In quality, than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and sue. Wooden and Willow Ware,' such so Tubs Buokuts, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAO ES, Stoneware, Create Pots, Sut ter Jars. Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes, FISH—No 1, 2 and 3 Maokorai. No. - 1 MISS SHAD No. 1 'Herring. A lane quantity of the cobibratod Excelsior, HAMS. SAM by the Seek, Dairy and O. A. Salt. - The subscribers respectfully flak the patrenaga Of their friends and the public generally, and invite them to call and examine their new stook, at the old stand, _enruer of II nover and Loather Streets. -„ - 11ATIINUT . .5}," FLEMING . Carlisle, May 8, 1803. NEW DRUG. - STORE. • 1 1 11 E undersigned has just• %ion' ed n 1,0,y nrng h..torn, In South lianovee Argot, not door to Inhoirs llrocory Storo, ninon ho lib just ea col VVII and °pound klargo stock Of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Periniore; Tollot Soaps, and Fancy Articles. , Alegi, a largo lot 'i.)t • Tobacco and Segars, of the most favorlto brands; Ooal Oil Lampe and Shades. Burning Fluid, Contlietinnarlea, Fruits, Nola, Coal Oil, Alcohol, titatlonary, 'Patent Medicinal. and all other rticlos contorted with nr line. All of which we will hull at prleoe to milt tl nies. Prescriptions carefully eamnow.ded by re comp ant druggist. • DAVID RALSTON. Carlisle, Dec. it), 1102-1 y • NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF TILE. ettUßEttcy WENll'ington. July 7th 1803. 15'. W. II E URN . , Cashier STORE OPENED. Caltrw.l, Gheelem, 11.1 t V, Trustee =9 William P. Lynch A SINGISER, ME MIES 1 Cloths, Cassimeros and Vestings, STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the Woridie Fair, • ;41-0, rii II E undersigned lies just reCeived, 1 and intontle to keop rongtadtry on hand a Hill ar s , rtinent of the unNualhel Planes nfanftTaetiffed by Reinw .3 , & Foal or Now Yak. Kieft iestrumeni alit be carefully selected hi s the Nla , and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Frieda, with the addition of Freight to Cellist°. A w 1 itten guarantee or entire satisfaction will ha given by the tuhscrilter to ...telt purchaser. desirous to purlen..o are invited' to fill Etna the , e unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Sidre, Maio street, 3d door east of tho tVlanBlon House, near t 3 u Rai!rend Depot. SECOND lIAND PIANOS received In exchloige And kep' fir mle 1111 d to a (Or Ili rill lc~ lit,y 22, 1863—'-ly C. P. KNIGHT & BROS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 11, 1 1 - SII, Cheese Provisions generally, Nos. Ili R 115 ; 4 mth hurvo Phllethopttin. Ila vo constantly on haul an assortment of Dried 1E Pickle I Fish, &e., viz : 5.11111,,n, Shad,lu.• Fish. Herrings, Cod Pt•rk, Lard, SLitrulders, Haws, Sides, Chuoso, 13,1115. AI. '.;!, HO ! EOR HELLER'S !TAT AND CA P mice, THE subscriber has removed his Hat abd Gip :4,11 by the oppr , Kilo rtidil of the Street, to the house formerly oreuiliell by P. Ainnyer, and ne t. door to Common's Shoe Store. Having a much larger room. I have fume ised my stock of goods, so that 1 :tol now prepared to furnish the public with all the new I.•. or C,Vl':;, AND STRALV ITATS, tr p,i••• , . L. , ',tit the times. My stock consists of Silk, 11111 i I lats, all kinds and prices of soft t It) II a• home tit:mut . ..Lure, from the com 111'111 \A...1 op to the line•L Itus-la anti Nutra. A good ,rtno•ot 1111.11 repo. 10111 funny straw hate.- 111:inuf.teturiog. any kind has nu ill td, 1/1 . 1/1 . 1 . : at short notice. Iteinz pc't •t 11.i1t..r. luliv noderstandina the I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal pair"nago. JOHN A. K Agt. P. S. Old 11 its tstlttrod ttild rttpairod at tuodorata pricem. April 17. 1 ttll2. WII EE LE It & WILSON'S SEWING ilI WHINES: ',VEW style with the latest improve .l weals grnatly reds, prices. Those ma eltine, are nekeless. t un rapidly, and form a Roam of 0110.11.,b,1ey :1111i elllStieity, which will 104 I p. are, 1111101,41111111111) , THE BEST MA- I /..`, IN I: M A 11K El' furfamilyandgeneraluao, they wilt Thcy can do any tidng that any other machine can do. 21) TIVW 110,1111,0 iud other new improvements Wit.ll,ll 1,11. L ell:1140. 111 EF, tr, F. & WILSONS' E 7.\7; Non,. ben, adapted for family tee. A tnerican A griculturist The undereigned having been appointed agent for Cumberland county. oilers these Machines to the pub lic with perte••t rnr JllllOlll.. that those who purchase e ill lied them as rept...uteri above. Per/lona wishing liii hill, 111 operation, Will please call at the It.rilr•e:d Mho., lan life, Pa. For further Information apply t•o J. CAMPBELL. mil:I. . y ik li yr I auunu .M tr . , il l.: I t E ret nitm ono of l s i ire t f d u I t I h e punli general'e, that he ~till continues the manual:l. titre kinds nl tin and Nill,et Iron ware in J. D.'s tunktuut Eat Lunt-her street Carlisle at the sign ut the N, here he v. ill al all lime.. 1.11 ready to do all kinds of 111 Ili, 11110 eith 01.1LI,Sri ttliil despatch. rnl at tfue= he ha., t hos° celebrated, golf premiu'rn itlrlight. C:A.Nti AND tIARS• IL. , all kinds of jobbiug duuu at the +11,11,1 p A id I,r ,d,I lead, pewter and copper. Thank el 1"-r the in, in , relorort, extended, he hopes by rict altd•ntin, and a des,re to please all to merit a nl 'nuance of Ole 11l I..rget the of the Red C.JITOO Pot. A ie Ila, IhT,. Plumbers' Materials. l; 11 A LES .IULLIKIN, nth/h . To; 1111()LESALE DEALER 4(3.NSTANTI.Y itt Store, a large as- ZINC, IRON & GALVA IZEII IRON ItATII TUBS. NV Illlr 110,1 Nlarlded W1111..11.1 M•libll.d. or Blue Closetilashas. Lip 1I roinpl.4.l. Nlnl,r.Clornet, of every desrription. MESE Iron and Enamelled Portable Wash Btnnda, Fl Eli DRAIN PIPE, lIEN Ds, BRANCHES AND MA PS. II Brans and Plated-Work of emery dosetip I.rad 'Praia, and Ilt•ada. Pine and Cedar Ilydrant Plutuhers' Il noks, Marble l 4 labs, Rubber Hose, er , 1111 V i 1 1 ,1150 in tbu country. '2.1, hb.; )Itl('E & (l).'s well-known MELO -1)1'4 H 1:110 11 1 )1S, introducing the of. 1.•.1 im.1.1 e‘ery instrument.,l PI A Nyti for earth, at a deduct pm, tll ou monthly irrstrumenta from /15 Cu S 'Wit", Tr us , en 4^4.- c),o [ suo ,Ad in Philadelphia. JAMNS BOLLAK, Solo Acent, !4I Fifth street, above Spruce. Phihtdu'phia, Pa A pill 17, 1:; Nen & Boy's Clothing Bazaar. &mild Urrieal of the ASeasun. (U 'IIE undersigned would most respect fully inform his (61 friendand customers and the publicge too ally, that he has cotninenced the curriiiNu AND FURNISHING business in all is branches in the E tore /loom of J. A. II otoel ich lisq , on Ihe West earl or of Hanover and West Louther street, where he lute opened ono of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made made clothing Ac.. In the Borough of Carlisle. Ills stock consists In great curioties as bellows, viz: 1)1t NS AND 8,11,"Ei COAT. (10 do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. Yb7STS. Sults for Boys, from 6 to 16 years of ago. 'Shirte. Melton Flannel anal Cass Nauru Bosoms. Draworti, Bus. ponders, Crawl s, n variety of Fancy Noelt Ties,Linen and Taper Collars, Meals Linen 'sod Silk audker chiefs, Umbrella.. Carpat and Leather Travelling Bngx , &a All the above goods will he bola for Cash, at the very lowest prices the and the City Marketa will Justify. Purchasers will please call and examine for them selves, before purchasing elsewhere, as my motto ill quick raids and short profits. SAMUEL C. lIUYETT. tiay 1,1803-3 m. Agent. I'. S. Particular attention given. to Boys clothing. WANTED. 1060 tons Dry, Bones, foi ivlaicla, wo will Ion) ten dollars per ton al the Warehouse of • J & D RIIOADS. April 24, 1803-3 m CARPETINGS. _ OW selling ikt, Ogilby's' for less than City prl'oett. /,iprll 24, 1303 IEO. IV. NEIRICII, D. D. S.- 3 Lat. Dtenornitretor r•f(ipet attire Dentistry to the •—• Baltimore of l)nallrgerVl •t• Offioe at Ws reeldence, oprOutto llnrinualnll, Wost Dtailt street,Carltele, kettel Nor. 11.1857. .J. M ATtS I I LL. *ATTORNEY: 1(3! ' f TAW' ONcu W1t11 . 3): : ..... Penrose, In Itheryies QOO BuOiels cliiiice Pacttoes l . 4t the tleolnor of Diidu auct Nobt litreote. Alay 8, 181:13-4. f. A. SINGIBEIL London, 1882: 111 _ fOHN K. STAYMAN And Dealers FELT., STITCH AND lIIIN COIFFIEIE POT. REperl PT RE POT, No, 520 Commerce St.i PHILADELPHIA. PUMPS, RAMS, dm FRENCH AND SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS AND VALISES. CIIAS. OGILBY, Trustoo