Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 24, 1863, Image 1

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    Acireta NOVitrg.
[Road before the Alumni of the Friendif
Yearly Meeting School, at the annual meeting
at Newport, It. 1., 15th 6th um., 1863.1
Once more dear friends, you meet beneath
A clouded sky;
Not yet the sword has found its sheath;
And, on the sweet spring airs the breath
Of war floats by.
Yet trouble springs not from the ground,
Nor pain from chance;
Th' Eternal order circles round,
And, warn, and storm find mete and bound
In Providence.
Bull long our feet the lb,wery ways
Of pear., have trod,
Content with erred and garb and praise
A harder path In 0.11 her days
Led up to th.l.
Too cheaply truths, once purchased doer,
Aro made our own ;
Too long the world her smiled to hear
Our boast of full own in thu oar
By others sown.
To see us stir the martyr fires
Of long a2;0:
And wrap our sntistied desires
In the signed mantles that our sires
Have dropped below.
But noa• tills cross our worthies Lore
On us is laid.
Profession's quiet sleep is o'er,
And in the scale f truth 011 Co more
Our tintli is weighed.
The cry of Icnoren t blood nt last
Is calling down
An answer in the whirlwind
Thu thunder and the sh tdow cast
From Ilea cuss's l,srk frown.
The lend is rod willjoirdi,nts. IVho
St3nds 'or( II ?
flare wu beell Id, WO a: we ICTIOSV,
To God aud to our ITrottiot , I rue,
To fleavon and Cal
How (hint tbrouell clic] col" merchandise
Itnd uuttstt ut gain.
Jilts seened to u, the € lilt ire.' cries
How far ci‘ray the t rare riglis
thisouis /It ham :
This (Ily the roalo ,
l'o each and all ,
\Vo hear 111111thi nines
Thu suainhols the Ipt Ii wog,
Thu 1,..1g10's
Our path is war net draws
Round u: in v
While, titithiiii the llLit), 0:111,,
We keep our fealty to S
Through palii•ut pain.
Thu leveled gee, the battle 1.: mid
We may n t t tio•
hot, calmly loyal, %% cnil stand
And Snlit•r e,rr clttf• - ttirrq•htflti
Why ask for where iA ',tin 7
:quill we :11,11,.
Ho left to ad.l Mir v-tint t.) ;:Jinn
over An - m.14,1,1,i 4 p
The tromp hlowin 7
To Rlliier IV l•ii iS Well serve ;
: , :aro ill OM' Lord
Tho rigid li o tI tw shall ( . 111,1.
To spare uc ; 1,111 OUr 1100ki• ,il.ll I ,01 . 0 i, 0
Its sanaillg cwr I.
And light k nuin,,hl,l N‘Pll the
Ami j•ly .1 hlll n 4.
Divine , t 1 . 1111/1.1 . 1,:1ir .11 , 1111110,
Through thorn, uI ud,utcut wct cie , LluLnl
In ow ,et
Thrinke f“r Our privil,ze f liles.:,
By e'er,' mid deed.
The iiyid9ic In h,r kt•,) Ili%treqq,
The childless :fed the fatherh,s,
Tim hearts that blend.
For fields of duty, opettint: uu ide s
%Viler° nil our rowels
Are tasked the en.g . ur to guide
Cf mitliuuu in a path unit ;
Tue SL&VE It"; :
Ours by traditions do:1r and oh',
Whirh inak., the ro,
Our wards to elirrrdi and uphold,
And east thoir irre.loth tits mould
Ut Christian gr.irr.
And we may (road the sirlc-bed floors
Where strong 01011 10 00,
And, down the groaninz corridors,
Pour freely from our liberal stores
Thu oil and wine.
Who murmurs that in these durk day.;
His lot is ra,t
God's hand within iho Rh alo.c lays
The stout's whereon llk g rtes of praise
Shall rise at I.lst.
Turn and o'crturn ; 0 nuts! etched Hand !
Nor stint. nor et IV ;
The years have never il,meal their sand
On mortal issues vast awl giant
Already,s on One sale ground
Of M 111 1 .5 do-A,
In freod ions pi. turn' found,
With all its dusky hands unbound
Upraised in pra)
Oh, small shall Fm•m all nar ri fie°
And pnin and loac,
When Ood shall nipo the Ireepinc eyes
For suffering give the victor's prize,
Thu clown for cross!
* * " Steer due north !'?" said he,
still like one whose mind was elsewhere
While the ship Foe Coming about he
gave minute orders to the mates and the
gunner, to insure co operation in the
first part of a delicate end dangerous
manoeuvre he had resolved to try.
The wind was west-northwest he was
standing north ; one pirate lay on his
lee beam stopping a leak but ween
wind and water, and hacking the deck
clear of his broken masts and yards,—
The other, fresh an.: thirstim , for the
eager prey, came up from the northeast,
to weather on him and hang on his quar
ter, pirate faThion.
When they were distant about a ca
ble's length, the freshpirate,
ship's change of tactics, changed his own
put his helm up a little, and gave the
ship a broadsiile—well lint „t I.
destructive, the guns being loaded w ith
Dodd, instead of replying, as was ex•
peeled, took advantage of the smoke and
put his ship before the wind. `"By this
unexpected stroke the vessels engaged
ran swiftly at right anglcs toward one
point, and the pirate saw himself men
aced with two serious perils- 7 -a collision,
which might send him to the bottom of
the sea in a minute, or a broadside deliv
ered at pistol shut distance, and with no
possibility of his making a return. lle
must either put his helm up or down.—
He chose the holder course, put his helm
,hard-adee, and stood ready to give broad
side for broadside. But ere he could
bring his lee guns to bear, lie must oiler
his bow for one moment to the ship's
broadside ; and in that moment, which
:Dodd had provided fur, Monk and his
mates raked him fore and aft at short
distance with all the five guns that were
clear on that side ; the carronades fol
lowed and_ mowed him slantwise with
grape and canister. The almost simul
taneous discharge of eight guns made the
ship tremble,,and enveloped her in thick
smoke; loud shrieks and groans. were
heard from. the schooner; the smoke
cleared;' the pirate's mainsail hung on
deck, his jib-boom was cut off like a car
rot, and,the sail struggling; his foresail
looked 'lace, lanes of dead and wounded
lay still or writhing on his deck, and his
lee scuppers ran blood into the sea.
The ship rushed, down the. wind; leav
.ing the schooner staggered and all abroad.
But not Or long; - the , pirate fired his
broadside . , - after the. now flying
—Agra, split one of the earronades in two,
a Lasear, and made a bolo id the
VOL. 63.
A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Proprietor.
foresail; this done, he hoisted his main
sail again in a trice, sent his wounded
below, flung his dead overboard, to the
horror of their 'foes, and came after the
flying ship, yawing and firing his how
chasers. The ship was silent, She had
no shot to throw away. Not only did she
take these blows like a coward, but all
signs or life disappeared on her, except
two men at the, wheel and the captain on
the nndo gangway.
Dodd had orde . red the crew out of the
rigging, ara.ed them with cutlasses; and
laid them fiat on the foreca s tle. Ile also
compelled kencaly and Fullalove to come
down out of harm's way, no wiser on the
stnouth-pure question than they went up
The great patient ship ran environed
by her foes; one destroyer right in her
course, another in her wake, followitr
her with yells of vengeance, and pound
ing away at her—but no reply.
Suddenly the yells of the pirates on
both sides ceased, and there was ti mo
ment of dead silence on the sea.
Yet, nothing fresh had happened.
Yes, this had happened; the pirates to
windward, and the pirates to leeward, 411
the Agra, had found out, at one and the
5111110 moment, that the merchant captain
they had lashed, and bullied, and tor
tured, was a patient but tremendous mina
It was not only to rake the fresh schoon
er he haul hut his ship before the wind,
lint also by a double, daring in aqter-s t rid«i
to hurl his monster ship bodily on the
other. Without a foresail she could litiV
er get out of his way. 11cr crew had
stopped the leak, and cut away and un
shipped the broken foremast, and were
stepping it new one, when they saw the
huge ship bcaring down in full sail.—
Nothing easier Lil;iii to :-.111) out of her
way could they get the lain:sail to draw,
but t;.O lime was short., the deadly intim.
tiun manifest, the coming destruction
After that solemn silence came a storm
of cries and curses, as their seamen went
to work to fit the yard and raise the sail;
while their fighting' well seized their
matchlocks - and trained the They
were well commanded by an heroic, able
villain. Astern the consult thillidered;
but the Agra's response was dead silence
more awful than broadsides;
Fur then was seen with what majesty
the enduring A 11 . , Z,lo•Sa.70111 fights.
Ur Or that, 111(11unit:tide, lat! on the
gangway, one at the foremast two at the
wheel, conned and steered the great ship
down on a hundred matchlocks and a
grinning broadside, just as they would
have eunned and steered her into a Brit
ish harbor.
" Starboard said Dodd, in a deep
calm voitte, with a motion of his hand.
" 6tarbu,trd it, is.'
The pirate wrig: 4 led ahead a little.—
The mman l'i.invaed male a mleut sigiif to
" Port:" said ])odd, calmly
"Pert it is."
But at this critical moment the pirate
astern sent a mischievous,hut, and
knocked one of the men to atoms at the
Dodd waved his hand without a word,
and anuthur man rose from the deck, and
took his place in silence, and laid his
unshaking hand on the wheel stained
with that man's warm blood whose place
lie took.
The huge ship was now scarce sixty
yards dktant ; she seems- , ( t o k n ow : s t km
reared her lofty figure-head with gluat
awlul shouts into the air.
But now the panting pirates trot their
new lbresail hoisted with a joyful shout;
it drew, the schooner gathered way, ;mild
their furious consort close on the Ligra's
heels just thi.n scourged her deck 161.11
" fort!" said Dodd, calmly.
" Putt it is."
The giant prow darted at the escaping
pirate. That acre of coining canvas took
the wind out of the swift s,:hooner's Fore
sail ; it napped ; oh, then she was
doonica I 'I hat awful moment. parted
the races on board her; the Papuans iind
Sooloos, their black faces livid and blue
with horror, leaped yelling into the sea,
or crouched and ‘vhinip.2red ; the yellow
Malaya and brown Portuguese, though
blanched to one color now, turned on
death like dying panthers, fired two can
non slap into the ship's bows, and snapped
their muskets and matelikeks ;it their
solitary, executioner on the ship's gangway,
and out flew their knives like crushed
wasp's stings. Crash! the Indiaman's
eutWater in thick smoke beat in the
schooner's broadside down went her masts,
to leeward like fibbing rods whipping the
water; there was a horrible shrieking
yell; wild forms leaped off on the Agra,
and were hacked to pieces almost ere they
reached the deck—a surge, a chasm in
the' sea, filled with an instant rush of
engulphing waves; a long, awful, gniting,
grinding noise, never to be forgotten in
this world, all along under the ship's
keel— and the fearful majestic monster
passed on over the blank she had wade,
with a pale crew standing silent and
awestruck on her deck; a cluster of, wild
heads and staring eyeballs bobbing like
corks in her foaming wake, sole relic of ;
the blotted-out destroyer ; and a wound
ed man staggering on the gangway, with
hands uplifted anti staring eyes.
Shot in two . plaCes ; the head and the
breast I
With a loud cry of pity and dismay,
Sharpe, Fullalove, .Kenealy, and others,
rushed to catch him; but ere they got
near, the captain of the triumphant ship
fell down on his •hands and knees, his
head sunk over the gangway, and his
blood ran fast and pattered in the midst
of them, on the - deck ho had defended so
The fox is very cunning, but ho is
more cunning who catches. him.
Among the Dead at Pompeii
The disentombed city of Pompeii pre
sents objects of commanding interest to
the stranger and 'traveler, such as he can
hardly find elsewhere among the ruined
cities of the world. ‘V hen we walked
among the ruins, some years since, thiile
miles'of streets had been opened to the
light of the sun, which had remained
buried for eighteen centuries. The walls
of the houses were still standing—the
sidewalks and pavements in good order,
and the fresco paintings on the walls, and
the mosaics of the floors were still fresh
and beautiful. But a new chapter has
recently been opened in the history of
Pompeii fur the reading world, and sonic
of its inhabitants have come into view
after a concealment of eighteMi hundred
years. A letter in the Adiemeant, in
lolll9 us that two hundred men, whwen
and girls are employed in excavating at
Pompeii. Their writer says :
The excavations are being carried or
in two spots, near the temple of'l6lS, and
near the house called that of Abbondann,
but, we are inure immediately concerned
with the former site. Here in a house
in a sniall street just opened, we r e found
the bodies of skeletons which are now at
tracting crowds. Falling in a mass of
pumice stone, those unlortuti'ate persons
had not bee one attached to the soil, :Ind
it was c:isy to cut away the ground be
riCat h Mein ; but - above, - tire; ashes and
hot water had been rained itpoll them
from the fiery mountain, causing their
death, and insuring their preservation fur
nearly two thousand years. On reniov
in: the det,ri , , whip li consisted of the
root ;old the ashes which lead fallen into
the interior of the hou-e, something like
a human form was di-covered, though
nothing but a fine powder was visible.—
It occurred to (lay. Fiorelli that, tins
might be a kind of sareepharus created
by Vesuvius, and that within were the
remains of one of the victims of that ter
rible eruption. But how to remove Or pre
serve them ? A happy idea struck him.
Plaster of Paris was-poured into :in aper
ture, the interior !taring been discovered
to be hollow, in consequence of the de
struction of the flesh, and, !nixing with
and unitin: , with the bones, restored to
the world a Roman lady of the first cen
Further re:carehes led to the discov
ery a a male body, another woman!. and
that of a young ; but that which first
awakened the interest of the excavations
was the finding of ninety-one pieces of
silver einney, four ear-rings, a finger.,
ring, all of gold, together with two iron
keys, and evident remains of a linen bag.
The first body, so to speak, is that of a
woman, who lies on her right side, and
from the twrAted position of her body had
been. nilic_h_gsmvuljed. Iler left hand
and arm are raised and corAorted, and .
the knuckles are bent in tightly ; the
right arm is broken, and at each end of
the fragments one sees the cellular char
acter of the bones. The form of the
head-dress and hair are distinctly visible.
On the bone of the little finger of the left
hand are two silver rings, one of which
is a guard. The sandals remain, or time
soles at least, and iron or nails arc un
mistakably to be seen. The body is much
bent, the legs ace extended as if under
the influence of extreme pain. By the
, ide of this lioure lay the bags of which
I have already spoken, with the money, j
the keys and the east of it, with till the
remains intermingled with or impressed
on the plaster, n, preserved in the salv, j
Passing, on to an inner chamber, we
finial the In_iure - of the young girl lying
on its face, resting on its clasped hands
and arms; the legs are drawn up, the ,
left lying over the right: the body is
thinly covered over in simie parts by the
scoria... or the plaster, while the skull is
visible, highly piilislied Ono hand is
partially closed,
t as if it had grasped
snnwthin:r, probably her dress, with
which it had covi,ncil her head. The lin
!,erdiones protruded through the incrust
ed ashes, and on the surface of the body,
in various parts, is distinctly visible the
web of the linen with which it had been
covered. There was lying by the side of
the child a 1)111-grown woman, the left
leg slightly elevated, while the right arm
is broken ; but the left, which is bent, is
perfect, and the hand is closed. The lit
tle linger has an iron ring ; the h.lit ear,
which is npperniost, is very conspicuous,
and,stands off front the head. The folds
of the drapery, the very web remain, and
a nice observer can deteet the quality of
the dress
The last figure T have to.desiribe is that
of a man, a splendid subject, lying on its
back, with the legs stretched o,lli to their
full length. • There is an iron ring on the
little finger of his left hand, which, to
gether with the arm, are support by
the elbow. The fhlds of the dress on the
arm, and over the whole of the upper part
of the body are visible; the sandals are
there, Mid the bones of one foot protrude
through what might have been a broken
sandal. The hair of the head and, beard
—by which I mean of coutse, the traces
of them—are there ; and the breath ,of
life has only to be inspired into this Ad
the other three figurtis to restore to the
world of the nineteenth century . the Ro
mans of the first century. •
The first was the mother and the head
of ,the. househOld, for by her-side was the
bag of money, the keys and the two sil
ver vases, and a silver hand-ueirror f which
was only found on Friday. She was of
gentle birth too • the delicacy of her
arms and legs indicate it; and coiffure,
too. 'The hands are closed as if the. very
nails "must have . entered into the flesh,
and the body is•swollen, as those of the
others, as if water had aided-the• cruel
death. The child, perhaps her child—
does not appear to havo . sufferod so
but, childlike, it had thrown itself on the
ground, and wrapped its dress about its
head, thinking thereby to exclude all
danger. l judge so far from the marks
of the folds of the linen around the arms
and on the npper part of the body, and
from the partially open hand, as if it had
,grasped something. Poor child !it was
not so tenacious of life as the mother, and
Soon went to sleep. There is the figure
of another woman, of a lower class, a
servant pi , rhaps, and I thought so front
the large projectit , car, and the ring on
the finger, which was of ir o n. Sh e had
suffered much, evidently, as the right leg
is twisted back and uplifted She firs
on her side, and the left hand, which is
closed, rests en the ground ; but her suf
ferings were less than those of her mis
tress, as the sensibility was perhaps less
acute. The man, man like, had strug
gled longer with the storm which raged
around him, fur he fell upon his back,
and fell dead flis limbs are stretched
out to their lull length, and give no sign
of sull'ering.
A more touching. tory than that Illicit.
is told by these silent figures I hate !lever
read, anti it is with emnparatively little
interest that 1 closed this day by visiting
the sites where the hilJorers are actually
at work. They are cutting out strut ts
beneath the roots of large
trees, art l..cau't
iii, MI the soil for many feet above them.
Walls are eu ming, o nt Io viewi . 'y or)._ ino- .
went, with the lar : ie red inscriptions, ind
the popular jokis I,l' l' om p e i,inia.
bung; Live been c ompletely uncovered
with the exeepiio'n of two or three feet ()I'
sand, which are left on the ground floor,
and cover up the antiquarian wealth
which is reserved for the eyes of distin•
gnislosi visitors. One house I remarkud
particularly, as it is the largest in Pom
peii. There are two large gardens in the
intorior of the building. mid marble foun
t:lin,, around which- were found the fig
ures of a wild hotr being pulled down by
11.1; 4 ,3 F -find a serpent. and other animals,
all of-bronze. On the walls are elegant
Frisco painting , , -lel in one small room,
a sleeping chamber, is a mosaie floor, a
portion of which was repaired and that
tight artistically too, by smile old [lonian
mosnicist. Among the many improve
ments which Coy, Fiorelli has introduced
is the t:'staldishinent of a museum, in
which 11l iny objects of gleat interest are
depic.ited, all discovered in
There are the skeic'.ons of two dogs; and
sixty loaves which were baking' when
Vesuvius burst forth, and which were
"drawn"..,only the t..ther*day. are
the great iron doors for the mouth of the
oven. There, are the tallies, too, and
hammers, and bill hooks, and colors,
should the artist need them and medi
cines for the sick, and pulse for the hun
gry. Vases and paterae of plain and
'ore'd'gl;tc:-c- d - cittgarrt forme ; are
there, and candelabra, so graceful that
one longs to grasp them. There, too, are
brasiers more ornamental, and more use
ful and elegant than any that modern
Italians have made.
STRONG C RACT ERN. —Strength of
character consists of two things—power
of will and power ef scll•restraiut. It re
quires two things, therefore, fur its exist
ence—strong feelings and strong com
mand over them. Now it is here we
make a great mistake ; we mistake a
strung feeling fur a strong character.—
A. man who bears all before hi in, before
whose frown domestics tremble, and whose
bursts of fury wake the children of the
household quake, because he has his will
obeyed and his own way in all things, we
call him a strong man. The truth is, that
is the weak man ; it is his passions that
are strong ; he, mastered by them, is
weak. You niuq, measure the strength
of a man hy the power Of the feelings he
subdues, not by the power of those which
subdue him. And hence composure is
very -often the highest result of strength.
Did - we never see a man receive a fla ,
grant insult, and only grow a little pale,
and then reply quietly ? That is a man
spiritually strung. Or did we ever see
a man in anguish stand, as if carved out
of solid ruck, mastering himself? Or
ono bearing a hopeless daily tri'al remain
silent, and never tell the world what can
kered his home peace ? That is strength.
lie, who, with strung passions, remains
chaste; he who keenly sensitive, with
manly poWers of indignation in him, can
be provoked and yet restrain himself and
forgive—those are the strong men—the
spiritual heroes.
DREAMING IN CIIURCIi,—.\ I Ballston Spa,
one Sunday afternoon, fatigued with his long
j 'Laney, a wagoner, -with his son John, drove
his team into a barer,.and - detertnined to pass
the Sabbath in enjoying a season of worship
with the good people of the village. NVlien
the time for Worship arrived, John was sent
to watch the team, while the wagoner went in
with the crowd. 'the preacher bad hardly
announced his subject. befell.: the old man fell
sound asleep. lie eat against. the partition
in the Centre
~of the body slip; just over
against him, separated by , very low parti
lion, sat a fleshy lady who t eenied all absorbed
in tho,permon. She-utruggled hard with her
feelings, but unable to control then' any
longer, she hula out with a loud saream, and
shouted at. tlio top of her voice, arou‘sing the
old man, who, but half awake, throw his arm
areupd her waist, and cried, very soothingly:
" Whoa Nancif Whoa,; Ilerolohn,"
Calling qts son, "out the belly-band and
loOsen the breeching; quick, or she'll tear
everything to pieces !"- -Albany I'll/ICS.
• A WESTERN editor l having had his last
shirt stolen, vents his - rage'as follows :
-We would' say to the rascal who stole
the shirt off the line while we were in
bed waiting for it to dry, that we sincere
ly hope the collar may., put his throat.
To this a cotemppiary adds. Served
himhim right'; no business to have a shirt.—'
Such. luxuries. :We expect next to hear
of thetxtiavagant fellow aspiring to wear
stockings and beaver hats.., `Oh the ava
rice - uhreasothibloness of some folks,"
TERMS :--$1,50 in Advance, or 82 within the year
Lifo IN but a span—of homes ;
One is "Ago," tho other "Primo,"
Up and down the hill our coon. ;
"do ponies—'•make your thno."
Boyhood plies the whip of pleasure :
Youthful folly gives a stroke;
111anhood goads them et his leisure,
" Let 'em rip, they're tough as oak."
" lit ya! there " the stakes we'll pocket,
To the winds let care be sent ;
Thee, 3,111—• whip In socket;"
's(tive 'em string and let 'em went."
On the :ninny road to fifty,
i. lino" is drew nod in Lathe's stream ;
'• Age IN lett, old, unthrifty ;
Lire then proves '' a On e horse team."
Aco jots on, grows quite unsteady,
Reels and darkens in his pave ;
• Kicks the buolcut," always ready,',
"(Jives It ur —Death wins the rao,
Persian Stories of Husbands
A married man presented himself
trembling and sorrowful at the gates of
paradise. Ile had heard so often of his
limits and short-comings while upon
00+4.11, that he Itelieved in them devotedly,
and had no hope of being admitted to the
habitations of the blessed. One wife, he
had been repeatedly informed, was a
ble;,sitig far beyond her merits while in
the flesh , how, then could he hope for
the smiles of seventy humis. But the
prophet, when lie presented himself at
the_gates of heaven, to his greaLsurprise,
greeted him with a smile of ineffable
emnpasssion. " Pass On, poor martyr,"
said 'Mahoinet. " You have indeed been
a great sinner, but you have sulfured
enough. upon the earth, so be of good
cheer, lot you will nut meet your wife
A wan who had hitherto crept up to
heaven, now stood up confidently and
presented himself to the prophet upon
the ground that he had heen twice mar
" Nay," said the prophet, angrily,
" paradise is 110 pl a ce UM' fools."
A. ruffling young lellow married the
widow of a great Belot On the wed
ding-night she determined to assert her
authority over loin. So she treated him
with great contempt when he came into
the ante-room, arid and sat luxuriously
imbedded in rose-leaf cushions, caressing
a large white cat, of which she pretended
to be dotingly fond. She appeared to be
annoyed at, her husband's entrance, and
looked at him gut of the corners of her
eyes with a look of cold disdain
" I dislike cats," remarked the young
soldkr, blandly, as if he was waking a
mere casual observation , " they offend
my sight."
If his rife had looked at him with a
glance of cold disdain before, her eyes
now wore an expression of anger and
contempt such as no words can express.
nut cveo . ffeign" to answerThun,
but she took the eat to her bosom and
fondled it passionately. I ler whole heart
seemed to be in the cat, and cold was
the shoulder which she turned to her
husband. Bitter was the sneer upon her
beautiful lips.
" When any one offends mc," contin
ued the gallant, gayly, " I cut off his
head. It is a peculiarity of mine which
I am sure will only make me dearer to
you." Then drawing his sword, he took
the cat gently but firmly front her arms,
cut off its head, wiped the blade, sheathed
it, and sat down continuing to talk af
ftetionately to his wife as if' nothing had
happened . After which, says tradition,
she became the most submissive wife in the
A henpecked fellow meeting him
next day as he rode with a gallant train
through the market-place, began to con
dole with him.
" Ah !" said the henpecked, with deep
feeling, " you, too, have taken a wifo,
and got a tyrant. You had better have
remained the poor soldier that you were
I pity you from my very heart."
" Not so," replied the vilifier, joyfully,
" keep your sighs to cool yourself next
Ile then related the events of his wetl
ditw-night, with their sati , fuctory results
The henpecked man liLtened attentive•
dy; and pondered long,
" I also hive a sword," said he "thou[rh
it is rusty, and my wife is likewise foul
of cats. I will cut oil' the head of my
wife's favorite cut at once."
lle•did so, apd received a sound beat
ing. his wife, moreover, made hint go
down upon his knees anti tell her what
ghiu, or evil spirit, had prompted him to
commit the bloody deed.
" Fool !" said the lady, with a vixenish
smile., when she had possessed herself el
the henpecked's secret, " you should have
done it the first night."
MORAL.—Advice is useless to foci
- The following letter was written by an
ole friend to a young lady on *he eve of
her wedding day;
1 have sent you a few flowers to adorn
the dying moments of your single life.—
They are the gentlest types of a delicate
and durable friendship. They spring up
b . uur sideswhen others have deserted
it ;and they will be found watchit, over our graves when those who should cher
ish, have forgotten us. It seems that a
past, so calm and pure as ours, _should
expire with a kindred sweetness about
it; that flowers and music, kind friends
and earnest words, should consecrate the
hour when 'a sentiment is passing in to a
The three great stages of our being are
the birth, the bridal and the burial. To
the first we bring only weaknossi—for the
last wo have nothing 'but dust I But
hero, at the altar, where life_ joins life,
the pair come throbbing tO the..holy man,
whispering the deep promise that arms
each other's heart to help on in the life
struggle of care and duty. The beauti
ful will be there, borrowing new beauty
from the scene. The gay and the frivo
lous, they and their flounces will look
solemn for once. Aml youth will come
to gaze on all its sacred thoughts pant
for ; and age will totter up to hear the
old words repeated, that to their own
lives have given the charm. Some will
weep over it as if it were a tomb, and
some laugh over it as if it were a joke ;
but too must stand by it, forit is fate,
not fun, this everlasting locking of their
lives I
And now, can you who have queened
it over,so many bending forms, can you
come down at last to the frugal diet of a
single heart! liitht o you have been
a clock, giving your time to the world.
Now you are a watch, buried in one par
ticular bosom, warming only his breast,
marking only his hours, and ticking only
to the beat of his heart—where time and
fueling shall be in unison, until these
lower ties arc lost in that higher wed
lock where all hearts arc united around
the Central Heart of all.
'loping that calm and sunshine may
hallow your ehisped hands, I sink silent
ly into a signature
Big Words and Small Ideas
Ilig.lvords are great favorites with peo
ple, of small ideas and weak . conceptions.
They are often emplo3vl by men of tnimb,
when they wish to use language that may
best conceal their thomrhts. With few
exceptions, however, illiterate and half
educated persons use inure " big words''
than people of thorough education.
It is a very communion but very egregi
ous mistake, to suppose that long words
arc more Izeuteel than short ones—just as
the same sort of people imagine high col
ors and flashy figures improve the styles
of dress. They are the kind of 'Mks who
don't begin, but always " commence."—
They don't Jive, but " reside." They
don't go to bed, but mysteriously re
tire." They don't eat and drink, but
" eartake of refreshments." They are
never sick, but " extremely indispo , ed."
And, instead of dying at; last they "au
The strength of the English language
is in the short words—chirpy inonasylia
hie.: of ;-iaxoti derivation ; and people who
are in earnest seldom u-e any other.—
Love, hate, an.zer, grief, joy, express
themselves in short words and direct sen
tences ; while canning, falsehood, and
affectation, delight in what Horace calls
v6rl)o sesquipeauGa— words a " foot and
a half long."
\VASIIINI; July procossion, with
a, hand id music, procee , leil to the Executive
Mansion List evetiii. ctowil soon , be
came immense, anil there was iii atiditiuu to
the patriotic cheerings of the citiaitio
repeate.l cheers for the, l'res'iilent,
General Meade and General Ito-wet-ans.
The President appeared ot an open win
dow, and spoke in substance as follows :
Fellow-citizens-1 am very glad to see
you to-night, and yet 1 will not say 1 thank
you for the call but 1 must sincerely thank
Almighty God -for the occasion on which
you called- [Cheers.] How long ago is it--
eighty-seven years since, on the fourth of
July, for the first time in the history of the
world, a nation by its representatives, as
sembled, and deelarcd, •'as a s ddevident
truith, that all men are created equal."
That was the birthday of the United States
of America Since then the fourth of July
has had se\ eral very peculiar recognitions.
The two most chstin,oisbed men engaged in
the framing and support of the Declaration,
were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
The, one having formed and the other sus
tained it most forcible in debate. The only
two of lurk-live who supporlA b. being
chosen Presidents of United States.
Precisely filly years alter they put their
hands to the parr it pleased Almighty God
to take them from this stage at toe len.
These are indeed reinurkalde events in our
history. Anoi her President, live years at
ter, was called Irian this stage of existence
on the saute day and month at the year, and
new on this last fourth at uly, jll.l pissed,
when we have a gigantic rebellion, at, the
bottom of wader is an effort to overthrow the
principle that all men are created equal, we
have the surrender Ma most powerful post
[ion and army on that very day. I Ch)ers.]
-And not only 80, but in a success oft at
battles in J'eansylvania, near to hs, continu
ing thr(mgh three days, so rapidly taught
that they might be called one great battle,
on the first, second and third at the month
of July, and On the fourth the cohorts of
those who opposed the declaration that "all
men are created equal," turn tail and run.
Long continued cheeriug.]
Gentlemen, this is a glorious theme, and
the occasion for a speech, but I am not pre
pared to malie, one worthy of the occasion.
I would like to speak in tones of praise due
to the many brave officers and soldiers who
have fought in the cause of the Union and
liberties' of the country from the beginning
of the war. There are trying occasions, not
only in success, but for the want of success.
I dislike to mention the names of officers,
lest I might do wrong Co those I might for
get. Recent events bring up glorious names,
and particularly prominent ones, but those
I will not mention. Haring said this much,
I will now take the music.
Three cheers were giveu„-and after the
music the largest part of the - crowd prcMeed
ml•to the War PepartintMC. Loud cheers
were given for Mr. Stanton, who- returned.
his . thanks for the compliment, and spoke in
high eulogy of the recent deeds of the Army
of the Potomac, and of the success resultim.r
in the fall of Vicksburg. , He expressed .hie
confidence in the early crushing out °Nile.
rebellion, and anticipated that successdellaitill;
follow successes, and claimed that we had:
acheivod great victories over the rebels and
'General Hallock, Mr. Stanton, Senators
Wilson, Wilkinson, Lane; and others made
speeches, WhiCh wore frequently interrupted
by applause.
Thowater that flows from a spring does
not congeal in winter. So those senti
ments of friendship which flow from the
heart cannot be frozen in advereity. , •
Never insult poverty:
The truest courage in always mixed
with circumspection.
Never taste an atom when you are not
hungry; it is suicidal.
Never speak of your father as "the old
Reverence and stand in awe of your
NO. 29.
A dollar in the hand is generally worth
two in the ledger.
We should never mourn for that we
cannot have.
The man that provides not in sublmet
must want in winter.
lie that pours hr his rum pours out hie
We should peen our injuries in the
8110 W, but our benefits in brass.
The bad mechanic will always condemn
his material..
A man's worth consists h his virtue
and not in his dollars and cents.
The man that has beconie enamored of
himself has chosen a fool for a lover.
Every fashion that is a useful improve
ment should be adopted.
Tn‘nrguing with a foal you throw away
both your learning and eloquence.
The person we gene - love most is
the one we see in the mirror,
Error loves to walk arm in , arm with
truth, to wake itself thought respectable.
The evils from which a morbid man
suffers most are those that don't happen.
The remedy of to-morrow is too late for
the evils of to day.
The more the merrier, the fewer the
better cheer.
Give neither counsel nor salt„fill you
are asked fur it.
Beware of women who seem very sweet
healer:; in candy are not always candid.
You 'are ley Hie al the quizzical
I, usbatitl said to his lazy wife.
Many people's heads are like the head
of a glass of porter—all froth.
The mom) is sf, ()Id, thag, if it is made
of green cheese, it is unquestionably in-
We often excuse onr want of philanth
ropy by giving the name of fanaticism to
the more ardent zeal of others,
The more ignOrant some of us are, the
more we will try to make the people be
lieve we are wise.
Every man that finds a nest of golden
eggs should be allowed to cackle over
No peoplo are capable of self govern
ment, who will first count the cost of their
Great and good men are the common
property of mankind, as all nations have
a share in the wealth of their intellects.
Good lawyers, like good ministers, are
the salt or a nation ; but a one-horse law
yer is a nuisaneu in any community.
As marriago,was not designed for in
children should not be allowed to
T op tho Tiestion before they arc weaned.
It im wrong
_to mete out justice accord
ing to the wealth or poverty of the offen-
There arc some professors so spiritually
minded that they scarcely ever draw a
suber breath.
There is frozen music in many a heart
that the beams of encouragement would
melt into glorious song.
The religious persecutor abominates
the Prnell of a raw heretic, but greatly en
joys the oder of a roasted one.
The highest degree of cunning is a
pretended blindness to snares which we
knew are laid fur us.
Love generally makes a wise man act
like a fool, and interest sometimes makes
a fool act like a wise man.
To every old man, his departed boy
hood is a Paradise, Lost—fuller of poetry
A lazy man's farm is always dressed int.
weeds, as if he was dead, and it were his
mourning widow
Love isn't a healthy thing for a young
loan, it causes such trementioue swelling
of the bosom.
Do not anxiously expect what is not
yet come; do not vainly regret what is
already past.
If a beautiful woman lets her heart rest
upon her lips, the first enterprising young
man she moots may kiss the sweet prize
My notions about life are much the
same as they are about travelling; there
is a good deal of amusement on the road,
but, after all, brie wants to bo at rest.
Young ladi,E4 , who faint on being "pro
posed to," can be restored to conscious
ness by just whispering in their ear you
were only joking.
Some philanthropists are so bitterly
fanaticized against hanging that they
would gibbet all those who are in favor of
Poverty is often despair. A poor fel
low went ,Ao hang himself, but finding a
pot of gold, went merrily home. But he
who had hidden tho pot wont and hung
THE greatest men of simple manners.
Parade, show, and a profusion of oompli
meats aro the artifices of little minds, made
use of to swell them into an appearance
of consequence, which nature has denied
to them.
Se - People usually consider_ two hands
enough for all parlposes, but we recently saw
a man who had got a little behind hand.
VW Why is a minister liko a locomotive ?
We have to look out for him when tho bell
age -Heaven could execute its ,purposes
just as easily without great men as without
little ones.
gerThe sound of ,a kiss is not so loud as
that of a cannon, but its echo often lasts
'much longer.
1 mities.