manner renewed hie request, when the not of the first rioter attracted the attention of the remainder, and a number of them surround ed him. They struck him with their lands and with stones, and seeing that'he could not resist theme he withdrew to the place where the po lice were posted. The rioters folMwed him with great clubs, and the men, whd" were des• Ferrite, beat him upon the body and head,— His head was so badly bruised that blood towed profusely, when he was thrown down e nd kicked. He afterwards escaped by the aid of the polioe and one or two of his friends ; but the rioters followed him, striking him with clubs. He is so badly injured that there is but little probability of his recovery. =I Several persons were injured by stones, and there are rumors that men have since been killed. MEASURES FOR SUPER ESSI NO THE RIOT General Wool and authorities at the Brook lyn navy yard have been notified of the dig. turbauce, and a large force of United States marines, besides a considerable number of soldiers of the regular army, have been or dered into instont, service. Gen. Sandford has called upon the officers of the militia. ME= The latest movements reported (up to 2 o'- clock) are to the effect that the mob has in creased to some thousands, and'is wandering about the city. Apparently, the rioters have no concerted plan of operations, but the city authorities are actively at work to preserve the peace of the city It is said that Superintendent Kennedy ap peared at the scene of the disturbance, and was touch injured, THE VERY LATEST The Riot slal p r ogresg—Uorernor l Selininor', Proclamation—The JLl< a at Verric— Fll teen t,'”p i n•rhoodo /I(.d and many moulded —Col. O'Brien Capared by the I , '