Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 08, 1863, Image 1
ESTATE NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Benjamin Shun, dee'd., late of South Middleton township, having been Issued by the Register of Cumberland county, to the subscriber, residing In the same township, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to MARY SiIUE, Executrix. April 10, 1863-01* STRAW GOODS. OF all the NEW Styles, For Ladies Misses k Chi Wrens Wear. French k American FLOWERS. Bonnet Ribbons, and a mmeral assortment of MILLIS A RV IN 10 DS at the lowest Cash mires—Wholesale it: Retail— MI WAN ERS Co:isn't their interest by examining my stock beh,ro makin4 their purehses. No 218 Arch street, Philadelphia, March '20,1863. GOODS -1863. SPRING, 1863. 'WOOD k CARY, No. 725, CHEST NUTSTREET, PHILADELPHIA, STRAW k MILLINERY GOODS Including STRAW HATS & BONNETS. misSES & CHILDRKNS STRAW GOODS, FANCY & CRAPE BONNETS, French Flowers, Ribbons &c., In which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchant & Milliner. CASII it will find speeial advantage in ex. antining this stock before purchasing. March Ist; - .1 1 . Watches, Jewelry, ,STLVETZ NVAUK. and 1:11111.31.t'S SVPE , 3 , it lin; I•I,ATEIi•N I A I; N. 01 al N. B. All hinds of Oil 01,1,11,3 111:1110 In . the Factory, bark of the Store. March 20,1NO2—:hu. BALIIIYIORE LOGIC HOSPITAL. ESTA HLISII El) AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE c BE OBTAINED -1)It. J()IINSTt)N has discovered the ~,,t.....,t,c0,. speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for al. private diseases, li I.llkIleSS of the hark or limbs. St. istures, affections of the kidneys :11111H:14i der, Involuntary discharges, impotency. general clehily ty, nervousness, der:popsy, languor, low spirits, contu sion of idea, palpitation of the heart, timidity. tree:- Hit:Rs, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, ;lose or skin.:drections of the liver, lungs, stomach or bowels—those tea rible di-orders arising fn.::: the solitary habits or youth—those secret and solitary pvii6tretzcniWk . 4 fatal - tollieW - t - letfurs - 111 tin i Ine-sestig of Spens to tics Mariners of Ulysses. ldightine their trot brilliant hopes or anticipations. rendering mail cage, tc., impossible. 3POUNG•MEN whin have 1$1.1•0111, the victims of solitary , tire, that and 11,41\1,0 , e hilidt II Any ttweeps to au untitht-It gran, thottsatois 02 I . ,,ting lien of 001 111 0 0 1,.11t ,( 1 t.111•11t,:1111i 111 . 11i1:111t 11111 . 1/1 •1 2, shin might 0(1101,1 i.r 11110 ,11(1,1i11 •1 1 With Lhr 1.111111.1 4• IS "1 t•It08•1,0 kk tAlechtasy the Inlm.;nmy rail in it It lull i•••111i4IVIIC, mArtiuAGE Mart !non contemplating mar •lite, home a 1.113 . .....11 %%yak ...SS. orgriiiii. debili ty, deformities. kr.. speedily rured. Ile relit, himself wide, the rare of Dr. J. map religiously his honor as ti to•ntleitttilli a" confidently - rely upon his shrill as a phyidritin. ORGA.iNTIC VjE.AKNESS Immediately cured. and Rol N izor restored. This ills Lressing renders lily iniseraltle and utarriaLteddli possible—is the penalty paid 1.3 the sietinis of init. over i Zelll•es. le; or.. ms are too opt to commit e:cresses !tow lieitig a ,are of the consequence. duet. ma, ensue N us, ‘‘ ho that owlet*. Ftittidhie' , 111.. feel Ny 111 pretend to deny that the pourer if procreation 1 , lost sootier by those falling tot" im proper !whit , deli by the prudent' Ittodiles deirv; de prived the ple l ures of healthy oflsprina, the most destructive symptoms to Loth Ludy and mind The s, , tetti heroines dera tortal. the st eal and men tat tune th , nn.wcal.rnen, 1.1i.f. ( 1 111rtifireatiVe power. nervoiot ii ritatolity. dv:itepgiti, palpitation of the heart,stlLUUbH,el vast dug of the frame, rough, ronsouiption,deray tind death OFICE NO STRE7 SOUTH FREDERICK ET. Left hand side going from more st toot, is few doors from the corner. Fail not to olim.rvo name and number Letters must he paid and contain a stamp. The) Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his office. AT CURE lAT/1. DR IIIIADTTED TIM* 0 YS. N. Mercury or Nauseous Drugs —Dr. Johnston , mem her of the Royal College of eurgeoos, London, Graduate dnim dint; ciflli, iinfst Mit Untied . States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Palls, Vlilladelphia and elsewhere, has effected F.Dle of the must , ures that were ever known; many troubled with ring ing In the head and ea, s when asleep. great nervous• floss, being alarmed at sudden wands, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sonietnnes wilh de rangement of mind, were cured immediately. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all t hose who hare injured then,,,lyes by improper indulgence And solitary habits, with It ruin 'tenth body and mind, unfitting them lor either bus tress, study, seems or liar, loge. 5,150 of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early lialttls of youth, viz: Weakness of the hark :11111 lit/IFS. 11,11i1, in the !lend. 11111111e:4, Of Sigh t, loss of tonscutar power. palpitation of the heat t.dyspep sy, nervous trtdability. derangement of the digestive 411•Iiili Iy. symptoms of •nnsuwptioq. Mgsr Tile te,crtul eiTeelli ell the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil toreltodin es, aversion to society, fell' distrust, love ol smlitude, timidity, de., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can vow judge what is the. cause at' their declining health, losing their vig or, beginning weak, pale, nervous and emaciated. having a singular Appearance about the ey es, cough and s talus of consumption, 3TOU.VIG SEEN ({'lto have injured themselves by a certain practice rni uhred in When 3 hen., 1, hahlt fro4im.ritly eolnianial.a.:, air :at Hi of which are niglitly fell, even s hen asleep. and If not cured tender, out rrh+er ill11101:141 He, 11 1111 drntroyt hail mind and body, should a ppl3 i nimed is t Hy. What 11 pity that it younr man, the lope , i f his noun. try, the darling of his parent's, should hi' 1 . 1,111 all prf I.:per I S IA . e10.1) 111011 11 1 l I le. by the 4 . I.IIM•ditIOI/Ce of doviatintr Man the path of nature and indulging in 3. certain 1111111101, habit. Such 1/111 sons urns( 1101 We 1 1 1111- ten.l 1111tt1ng TYLIIIIRIAGE reflect that a sound mind and body are the most jsf t,,•8 to promote connubial happiness Indeed, without these, the journey through Ilse boelooes Al weary lift:id ; Ilie prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind becomes shadowed with despair cunt filled with melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF lIYIPRUDNNCE 'When the misguided and Imprudent votary of plea. sure finds that he Inis imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it t.. often happens that an ill timed sense of shame, or dread of tliscaVery, deters him from applying do those who. education and respectability. can Alone heft loud him, delaying till the constitutional symptmts of this horrid disease make their Itiqultrancel such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, tinctures, paina in the head and limbs, dint nest: of sight, deafness, nodes ou the shin hones and arms, blotches on the Mead, face :tad extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the umuth or the bonus of the nose tail:in, and the victim of this a irfol disease bectines a horrid object of commiseration, till .death puts a period to his dreadful so Ibitings, by 11 d in g him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is tt melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of .noratit pretenders, who, by the use of that Arm, Hercury, ruin the constitution and make the re shine of life miserable, STRANGERS Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many unlearned and worthless pretenders, destitute of name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's Ivertisement., or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly olu , ated physicians, incapable of curing, they keep trifling month after mouth taking their filthy end poisonous compounds, or as long us the smallest fee ,can - be ohteinedoi intairdespadridea - ve — you - witir - ruinud health to t•gh over yourgoßing disappointment. Dr. Johnston Is the only Physician advertising. eredenthas or diplomas always bang In his office. llis remedies or treatment aro unknown to :Mothers, prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Eu rope, the first in the country and a more 'extensive private practice than_apy_ocher physician in the world JNDOIiSAIII6NT OF WHE PRESS The matiy thousandoured at this institution year oriel year, and the numerous important Surgical Opo rations performed by Or. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "San," "Clipper," and 'many oilier papereouildcon of which have appeared again and again before tl üblic, besidev his standing as n gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted, SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Persons writing, should-be- 'particular - 4n .ddreeting their letters to this Institution, in the following man per , SOWN M. ,IOIINSTON, INF. P.. • Of tho Baltimore Look Ilosoltal, Baltimore, Md. May 2,1802-1 y VIOL. 63. A. it: RHEEM, Editor & Propri Nod/T. THE WIFE'S VIGIL. BY,:y.. Hark to the wind!' flow dreity "The elm tree sings its-song to-nightl • And then, my heart, how wearily Thou waitest liirape dawning light I Slumber not its song cloth say— Joy, that came but yesterday, Already leaves thee, end the morrow Brings thee Ilp to lip with sorrow: Ah! u Inds that wail so sadly now, Ye sounded sweeter once to me, When summer's bloom lay on my brow And stonmer's verdure decked the tree: Life is love, it then did say— Love that never knows decoy; Twain in one that naught can sever— Life is love, and love Is over. All through this long, long night, afar My mind hath journeyed painfully— To where the gathered tents of war Unfold their ghostly lines to me. Round their ramp tires armed men Sleep, to wake hot on,' again; And their hest , uu, up-ward creeping Tints the cast as they are sleeping. Oh: sun, e.u1.1 j hot st:ty thy course, 1 d strike thou with one vast eclipse, Till he I love came bark, perforce, To press once 11141 , (114,0 04t.4 . 00 11[0.1. Yes' ' Thr TiNtrt - , -- thy',Ugh - whin— Pleasv.l I. a 111 . 0 . 0 11410— Chanl.(4, to a tearless yearning To grout my hero home rut uruittg. I hold It right that he should share Ilia rimillry's peril manfully; ,011,1110 t, 'or, him rise; but sparo, Oh: His! orb:at:les, spare to ine Ann and heart on which I leant, Spirit that with mine wits blunt Spirii him, war: or then and aorrow Ow II two victims on tile morrow ! vfl iu ) LETTER FROM DR. M'CLIN- TOCE: Paris, February 28, 1863 A ruuluus LITERAUY RELIC There are numerous shops in Paris called is n (roc. You min buy anything in them, except new things, from it mill to a bedstead —shoes, hats, swords, books, china ; in fact anything that. the people use, buy, or sell.— Passing one of these shops the other day, I saw a lot of books on a tray near tile door, and stopped to look at them. (in the back of an octavo volume was the title, The Olive Branch. I had a dim recollection of the book, and on openink it, found it to be The Oliver Branch; or, Faults on both Sides, Federal and Democratic, by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, 1815, Svo, I p 48G ) Your elderly readers all remember Alai hew Carey; the famous bookseller of Philadelphia, founder of the 'grtstit imrisz of - trrey & Lea, which still sub= lists, I think under another name. He was Jetlersonian Democrat of the old school.— He wrote this book in 1814, at a lime when, as he says in his preface, faction was fast rending the country, when "it large propor Bon of the wealthiest 11101 in the community were sedulously employed in tearing down the pillars of the government, throwing every ob stacle, difficulty, and embarrassment in the way of its administrators:' when " the na tional vessel was on Nicks and tjuicksauds; yet, instead of efforts to extricate her, the crew were distracted by a dispute as to how she clime into that situation;" when certain political leaders (of the Federalist party) were —determined to seize the helm. and rather than riot succeed, were willing that the vessel should go to perdition." The aim of the book was to implore teen of all parties to “sus peed all inquiries as to the cause of dangel-, till the :ship should be righted." It has a dedication couched in the following terms " 00, Olive Branch, into a community which beholds the pillars of the government tearing away ; the nation nearly prostrate at the feet of a ruthless foe ; anarchy rapidly approach. ing ; a number of ambitious loaders, regard. less of the corn[lloll danger, struggling to seize upon the government, and with this view op posing every measure calculated to ensure our salvation," It strikes me that an abridged reprint of this book would be very useful just now.— It would be useful to the fearful and despon ding, by showing them that faction was just as busy in the war of 1812 as to the present civil war, and yet that the vigor and virtue of the nation were strung enough to put down faction. Then. as now, the object of many of the journals and politicians was, as Mr, Carey states, to "run down the incumbents in otlice at all events." The "public function aries" who happened to be Democrats, were treated by their opponents, who happened to be Federalist, worse, the writer says, then we should treat the veriest rascal in society."— It was the favorite idea of those people to de , pose "Jim Madison," as they styled him, and to "supply his place with one of thoir:frionds." The favorite phrase of Mr. Barent Gardenier, and other members of Congress, was, that the present administration must CO um down.— At a•public meeting. "General Wharton gave the toast : "James Madison on the island of Elba." Everything tended to a dissolution of the country into "several separate confedera cies, under which we should be cursed with a constant border war. fomented by the nations of Europe, to which we should be a sport and a prey." Mr. Carey, as I have said, addressed his appeal to both parties. The Democrats, ho thought, had erred fearfully in adopting, in part at least, from a few theorists, the State right 4 , tleettino.--ile--fraakty—con fesses--h is own error on this head. "We were wild and extravagant enough," he says, "to see des potism in many. features of the Constitution, and were so fortutitous and blind as not to have the slightest idea of danger from the State governments." The conduct of the Fed eralist legislatures during the liar opened the eyes of leading Democrats, and. cured them of what Mr. Carey admits to have been a mis erable Infatuation. But, as may naturallfbe supposed, the book chiefly ,aims to convince the country of the danger of the course pur sued by the Federalists. It aims' to do this by facts and documents, gathering - together ---the---resoltv ions-of-public - meetings, lelfiTila tures, etc, and thus showing how far the spirit of faction had gone, in order to awaken the slumbering masses 'of the people ./o the CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 8; 1863. etor perils of the times. The favorite cries of the opponents of the government were, of course, that its acts were unconstitutional and arbitrary. Before the war broke out, the embargo was thus denounced. A meeting held in Philadelphia, " Commodore Truston in the chair," passed resolutions declaring " the enforcing law" ,(passed under Thomas Jefferson !) to be " a direct invasion of the established principles of civil liberty and the express provisions of the Constitution."— Boston begged the Legislature of Massachu4 setts to " devise means of relief against the unconditional measures of the General Gov -ernment." A circular issued from Newbury port called on the people to " nerve their arms with vengeance against the despot Jef ferson, a man who, with the dagger of public confidence, was stabbing the public liberties." Mr. llillhouse declared,' in the U. S. Senate, that as the "act contained unconstitutional provisions, the people were not bound to sub mit, and in his opinion would not submit." All this was before the war. But even during the heat of the strife, the opponents of the administration went still further. They de clared that the vote of the Senate in favor of the'declaration of war had been secured by bribery and corruption. The Federal papers generally published a declaration that "a gentleman employed in the office of Foreign Affairs [in France] saw on the books the names of the Senators bribed. and the sums paid each of them by Serrurier." No doubt plenty of good hunest people believed this story then. The assaults of the party jour nals on Mr. Madison were furious in the ex trete -Th 7tEc 1814, declared that " Mr. Madison cannot complete his term of service if the war con tinues. On or before the 4th ofJuly, if James Madison is not nut of office, a new form of gov ernment will be in operation in the eastern section of the Union.'' Au address to James Madison, published May 1814, and widely circulated throughout New England and Now York, gave the following warnings and ad• vice to the l/emocratie Chief Magistrate: ' You have eitrneil your opprea:iions to the utmost stretch. We will no longer submit.— the Constitution to its purity. Make a just and honorable peace:. Unless you com ply with theii•e just demands without delay, we will v. ithdraw from the Union, scatter to the winds the bonds of tyranny, and trans mit to posterity the liberty purchased by the Revolution.” In the Massachusetts Legislature, Mr. Law, of Ly man, on the sth of October, 1 . 811, pro• posed a resolution that. "a committee be ap puinted to confer with all the New England States, to repair to Washington and person ally make known to the President the general opinion, of the New England States, as to the present war and the manner in which it has been conducted, and to inform him that he must either resign his office ur remove those ministers and officers who have, by their ne• forious plans, ruined the nation." The Senate of the same State declared that "the war was founded in falsehood, declared without necessity, and that its real obje,:t was to aid the late tyrant of Europe (Napoleon) in his view of aggrandizement." A M:L , S - nclm , ut is minister, in a printed sermon, asked : Where jy our OltIS . Whenlis Um rod_ of miracles 7 • Where is our Aaron ? Have we no Moses to lead us out of the land of Egypt r The misfortunes of the army in the early'part of the war afforded a capital text for denim million against the imbecility of the govern• (tient. Mr Carey proves by irrefutable-doc annents that many influential persons"thwar ted and harrassed the government" in all its efforts to carry on the war, and then blamed it for not waging war inure effectually. The The Boston Uazette of April 14th, 1814, asked: " Federalists subscribe to the lout I.= Impossible. Any Federalist who lendsinoney to the government must go and shake hands with James Madison and claim fellowship with Felix Grundy." The New York Evening (!) hoped that "no true friend of his country would be found among the subscri bers to the o,illatin loan." The Boston an ima of Dec. lith, 1814, proposed, a treaty of commerce with the enemy. To the objection that this would he to violate the Constitution and sever the Union, the Centind replied : " Are they not both already virtually de• stroyed ? Or in what stage of existence would they be should we declare a neutrality or even withold taxes and men ?" Tlie same paper, Sept. 10th, 1814, asks : " What shall we do to be saved ? Ono thing only. The people must rise in their' majesty, protect themselves, and compel their unworthy ser vants to obey their will." So you see, the thing that bath been is the thing that shall be, aud there is nothiog new under the sun. The editors of those North. ern papers which are now seeking to °mbar rass Mr. Lincoln's government., as the Fed eralists (lid Mr. Madison's in the war of 181:, might save, thsmselves a good deal of trouble, and find lending articles ready made, only re quiring a few changes of names to suit the tunes, in the pages of the Olive Branch. SOLD IN LUMP.—The story goes in Wash ington, that when Vallandigha:n denounced the New York world as an abolition journal, and Ben Wood denied that it was anymore an organ of the Democrats, some Republican member of Congress expressed his surprise at those statements, "\Vhy you see," replied Ben, "my brother got tired of the thing after the eleation and sold out his interest to Bel mont and others!" "But the editors," suggested' a listener, "were they transferred with the concern ?" "Oh Yoh;"' rejoined Ben, with the utmost coolness, "we sold 'em all in a lump !" WHILE the Lancashire operatives are ac tually starving. Albert Edward, Prince of wales, has received Irma England $3,200, 000, which was recently in Bank, subject to his order, Be also has $125,000 from his Duchy of Cornwall, and he and his wife are to receive besides about seven hundred and thausand - dollars - a - yearrhere is the justice Or propriety of our sending food free ' to the suffering, poor of England'while Eng land squanders such sums-In one young fel -1 low of no particular merit? AN EDITQIt WONT TAKE PHYSIC.-A comical sort of a newspaper editor, "down east,"rejects an offer of a druggist to adver tise his drugs and medicines, and take his pay out of the AU)), lie aays•he will take near , ly all sorts of produce in payment for papers and advertising, "such as parsnips, wooden combs, old clothes cold victuals i &e, but he won't - take phisqe:l"-- ,e Envy is unquestionably a high corn plinient, but a most ungracious one. IJjlc TERMS :--$1,50 in Advance, or $2 within the year. THE ROYAL WAGER. "Come tell and !whore the maid Is found, Whose heart can love without deceit, And I will range the world around, To Milli one moment at her feet." One fine July day, the fair Margaret, Queen of Navarre, then on visit to her roy al brother, had arranged a rural feast for the morning following, which Francis had declined '',Mtending. He was melancholy ; and the cause aas said to be some lover's cplarrel with a favorite dame. The morrow came, and the dark rain and murky clouds destroyed at once the schemes of the court ly throng. Margaret was angry, and she grew weary: ricer only hope for amusement was in Francis, and ho had shut himself up —an excellent reason why she should desire to see him. She entered his apartment ;he was standing under the casement, against which the noisy shower beat, writing with a diamond on the glass. As Queen Margaret entered he hastily let down the silken curtain before the window, and looked a little con fused. "What treason is this, my liege," said the queen. "which crimsons your cheek ? 1 must see the same." "It is treason," replied king "and therefore, sweet sister, thou must not see it." This the more excited Margaret's etfrosi „ll, and a playful contest ensued. Francis at last yielded ;_he. threw hi niself un huge, high-backed settee; and, as the lady drew back the curtain with an arch smile, he grew grave and sentimental, as he reflected on the cause which had inspired this libel against all woman-kind. f•What.have we here?” said Margaret. "Nay this is Ics inuirste— "Souvent femme varie—bin fou qui s'il Inc i',(othen woman changes—foolish is he who trusts her.) "Very litttle change Nv 0111,1 greatly amend your hue, sir—would it wd run better time;: "Souvent !tontine varie—beiu folio qui fie l•'(( )ften Man chati , es—l . oolish she who trusts 1 could tell you a thousand stories of man's ineonstanuy." "I will be content with one trite tale of woman's fidelity, - said Francis drylv, "but do nut provoke Inc. 1 would lain be at peace with tho soft !notabilities, l'or thy dear sake." defy your grace," replied :Nl•irgaret rashly; "to instance the falsehood of one no ble :mid requte , l dame." "Nut even Emilie de Lagny ?" said the king. This was a sore subject for the queen—Eiui lie had been brought up in her househ.ild, the most beautiful and virtuous of her maids of honor. She had long loved the Sire de Lagny, and their nuptials were celebrated with rejoicings, but little ominous of the re sult. Dc Lagny was accused but a year after of traitoriously yielding to the emperor a fortress under his command, and he was con demned to perpetual imprisonment. For sonic time Emilie was inconsolable, often visiting the miserable dungeon of her husband, and suffering: "n- her-return from witnessing his waetehednetls, such paroxysms of grief, as threatened her life. Suddenly, in the midst of her sorrow, she disappeared ; and inquirey only divulged the disgraceful fact that she had escaped from France, bearing her jew• els with her, and acooadpanied by her page, Robert Leroux. It was whispered that du ring her journey, the lady and her stripling were often seen together; and. Margaret eu-- raged at these discoveries, commanded that no further quest should be made for her lost favorite. Taunted now by her brother, she defended Emilie, declaring that she believed her to be guiltless, even going so far its to boast that within a mouth she would bring proof of her int,ocenee. "Robert was a pretty boy," said Francis, laughing. "Let us make a bet," cried Margaret. "If I lose, I will bear this vile rhyme of thine as a motto to my shame to my grave, if I "I will break my window, and grant what ever boon thou askest," said the king. The result of this bet was long sung by troubadour and minstrel. The queen em ployed a hundred emissaries—published re wards of any intelligence of Emilie—all in vain. Tl/0 month was e spicing, and Margaret would have given many bright jewels to re deem her word. On the eve of the fatal day, the jailor of the prison in which the Sire de Lagny was confined, sought audience of the queen ; he brought her a message from the knight to say, that if the lady Margaret would ask his pardon as her boon and obtain from her royal brother that, lie might be brought before him, her bet wive won. Fair Margaret WAS very joyful, and readily made the re quired promise. Francis was unwilling to see his false servant, but he was in high hu mor, for a cavalier had that morning brought intelligence of a victory over the imperialists. The messenger himself was lauded in the his patches as one of the most fearless and brave knights in France. The king loaded with present's, only regretting that a vow prevented the soldier, from raising his visor or declaring his name. Tho same evening, as the setting sun shone on the lattice on which the ungallant rhyme I was traced, Francis reposed ou the same sot. tee, and the beautiful queen of Navarre, with triumph in her bright eyes, sat beside Attended by guards, the prisoner was brought in : his frame was attenuated with Privatiod, anehe walked with tottering steps. lie knelt at the feet of Francis, and uncovered his head; a quantity of rich golden hair then escaping, felt over the sunken cheeks and pallid brow* of the supplicant. . "We have treason here !" cried the king.— "Sir jailor, whore is your prisoner ?" t Sire, blame hint not;" said the soft falter. ing voice of Emilie;, "wiser men than he have - b con-deceived - by - worminT'Mkiiintiti %raw guiltless of the crime for which he suffered. There was one mode to save him. assumed' his chains, ho escaped with poor Robiuet in my attire; he joined your army; tho young and gallant cavalier who deliveyed the dis• patches to your grave—whom you • over whelmed with honors amid rewards, is my own Buguerard do Enoy. I waited but for his arrivadwalt his innocence, to declare myself to the ladyAueen. Has she not won the bet? and that boon she asks—" "Is Do Lagny's pardon," said Margaret, as she also knelt to the king. "Spare your y outiful....vivisaLttire k _ootaximarttlisis_imly trUth !" aFrancis first broke the false speaking win dow, then ho raised the ladies from their sup plicatory posture- . . VTDI AIOOR ll,' In the tournament given to celebrate (his "triumph of ladies," tho Sire do Lagny bore off every prize and surely there was more loveliness in Emilie's faded chock—more grace in her emaciated from—typos as they were of the truest affection-than the prouder bearing or fresher complexion of the most brilliant beau ty in attendance on the courtly festival. Buying a Farm. A farm should be the home, and its man agement the business of the owner. It is true one may be hired or worked on shares, but very seldom do we see land, cultivated under such circumstances, managed in a way worthy of the name of farming. Ownership seems necessary to a proper appreciation of the characteristics and powers of the soil.— We again see a movement in the real estate markt t—sales and purchases of farms, and it suggests some thoughts on what. one should look to and seek for in buying a farm. Considered as the homestead and abiding ing place of the owner, a farm should be pleas antly and conveniently situated. The health, happiness, and comfort of those who occupy it aro of the first importance; so every social and physical influence which bear upon them should have due weight in determining a choice. A healthy locality should be consul cred far above a fertile soil. The thousand things which promote home comfort will coup pemsate for many pecuniary disadvantages. Happiness, the enjoyment of social privileges and blessings, go far to make . a sterile soil of greater value than the most productive, where a moral - miasma - prevails:. A' situation 'of easy access to the great routes of business and mails, with educational and religious privi leges of a high class, would be considered of the highest importance by the intelligent and cultivated man, who would enjoy the best privileges of American life and society. Another thought The new location should be suited to the tastes and character of the purchaser. Men of mature age are usually of fixed habits and dispositions, such its do not change with a removal LO another home. They should lied thou in the new, the best pleasures and Conveniences of the old, and as ninny improvements as may be. But if cir cumstances require any consideaable change, it should be remembered that to make it will rcquire Home exertion awl energy—they 'must expect this or meet disappointment. Their children arty find a happier and butter life in this new locality—the sacrifice of old Lab• its can he inade for their sakes. As a business the requisites of successful farming depend to a considerable extent on choice-of the farm. It should be one which the owner has the means and understanding to manage. One cannot put all his capital in land, and expect to tarn' profitably on credit and make shifts—often so cramped that. all improvements are out of his reach. As well might the merchant put his 'whole capital in to tiuo store, reserving nothing to purchase Met goods wherewith to fill the shelves and at tract customers. It requires as much capital to stock and carry on a farm generally, as to pay for the land itself. The farmer needs capital to keep his credit good—to take ad vantage of the market in buying and selling, and in making _seasonable improvements. A farmer loses money who is compelled by want of money to sell his crop at the lowest stage of the market, or who cannot COMmand extra labor in any emergency of the season, or who is obliged to watt for a few years to get a few hundred dollars to drain a swamp that would pay hint the interest on alhousand dollars as soon as the work was done. The farm should he suited to the products which it is desired to devote it to. The taste and experience of the owner will ex cite hint to undertake certain branches of farming., but some soils are best calculated for grain growing, others will produce extra fruit, others have grass and water ftr the dairy, or stuck generally, while occasional locations are to be mound where all these may be combined to a greater or less extent. These things should be taken into account in buying a farm. Then market facilities are to be consider ed. In the management of a farm much depends on this, and it is a matter of mo ment whether it will cost five cents or fifty to bring a dollar's worth of produce to the consumer. In the vicinity of large towns the production of garden crops is often very profitable, while at a distance from the mar ket no dliendence can be put on such pro ducts. The one can grow a largo variety to spose of—something every week bringing in 010 cash—whilst the other must necessa rily devote himself to a few leading articles his harvest accruing but two or thrce times a year. But the recent great increase in the means of transportation has done inuch to equalize the value of fanning lands through out 'the country, especially when devoted to the more valuable and least bulky articles of producb. Agiiin, a farin should possess in itself a good capacity of production, so that it may be readily and profitably managed, in such a way as to retain and increase the fertility of the soil. A farm easily worn out—a course of management rapidly exhausting the fertility of the soil, would soon bankrupt the farmer i his business would no longer be remuneratiVe; his home and his comforts would soon-pass away. Hence it is not all to buy a farm ; one must have the skill to manage it rightly. To do business profita bly one must understand business principles and carry teem out, and nowhere is this more important than upon the farm. The question is often debated whether farming is really profitable or not, but could we only see the fortunes lost by the careless habits of those who : pursue it, the decision would soon be arrived at —Country Gentleman. ,Eorroittm, DeuGur4.—lf an editor omits anythims_heis lazy. Apeaks,of_things as they Are, people g 3 -1 angry, — ifhe glosses over or smooths down the rough points, ho is bribed. If ho calls things by their proper names, he is unfit for the position of an:editor. If ho does not furnish his renders with jokes, he is a mullet. If ho does, he is a rattlehead, lacking stability. If he condemns the wrong, ho is a good fellow but lacks discretion. If ho. lets wrong and injuries go unmentioned, ho is a coward. If he exposes a public man, ho does it to gratify spite—is a tool of a clique, or betongs to the outs." If- ho-'indulges in persUnalities, he is a blackguard. If ho does not' his _pill. nti is dull and insipid. Who would not ho au editor. One kind of mortar is designed :to fill up chink: another to make them. Proverbaj of the Billings Family. Don't swap with yor relashans unless yu ken afford to give the big eend of the trade. Marry young and if earkumetaneea require it, often. If yu can't git gud cloathes and edleation too, git the clothes, ' Say how are ye ? to everybody. Bultivate modesty, but mind and keep a gud stock of impudence on hand. If you are angry never got brat. Bee charetable—Three cent pieces war maid on purpose. Don't . tnik enny body's advice but your owno. NO; 18. It 00Ste more to borry than it due to buy. Ef a man flatters yu, yu kon kalkorlato ho is a roguo or youre a fulo. Keep both izo open, but don't:see mor'n half yu notis.' When yu pra, pra rite to the sonter of the mark. Don't mortifi the gosh too much ; qvrant the soars on Lasaras that sent him to heaven. Ef yu ich fur faim, go inter a grave yard and skrach yourself against a tume stone. Beggars don't have to advertise fer run awa dorgs. "'Tis a long lain that never tarns," and 'tis a good mill that alwas due. Sin is like weeds, self sone, share to kum. Natur is natur. Yu kant alter the krook of a doge tail much and preserve the length of it. I wuld en to all the young men "go in," and to all the old fellers ' kum out." stout as sure a wa to get rich as enny I no of, is get inter debt for a hundred thousand dollars, and then go to work and pa oph debt. Filosyphers tell us the world revolves on its axes, and Joshlins tells yu full half the people on arch think tha aro the axes,. N. 13.—These ar 'provebs have stood for morn a hundred yeres, aed paint gin out yet. DEwunors o Wtsnom.—Advise not what is the most pleasant, but the most useful. The more polished the society is, the less formality there is in it. None but a great and noble mind is capa ble of genuine humanity. Modesty is a sweet song-bird whom no cage door tempts to flight. It is easy to look down on others; to look down on ourselves is the difficulty. Philosophy is a very good horse in the statue, but - an - arrant jade on a journey: A man Dever forgets an insult to his pride or purse ; nor it woman to her beauty-or love. If a man cannot find ease within himself, it, is to little purpose to seek it anywhere else. Persons extremely reserved are like old enamelled watches, which had painted cov ers, which hindered your seeing what o'clock it 'ins. All repc its as to character deal largely in exaggeration. " I never knew," says a wise man, " any one either as good or as bad as he was represented." Health comes of itself ; but we are at great pains to get our diseases. Health comes from a simple life of nature cheeses from the artificial life of society. Pride becomes neither the commander nor the commanded. Since there is no al), solute frtellonOto be found below, even kings are but mere splendid servants for-the com mon body. . . , Man's feelings are always purest and most glowing at the 11:,ur of meeting and farewell; I ihe the glaciers which are transparent and rosy hued only at sunset, bat throughout the day gray and cold. Humboldt notices thu the streams in:Ame rica run languidly in the night, and await the rising of the sun to quicken their flight. Love is to the heart what the sun is to the American streams—it moves languidly in its absence. LIBERTY.—The following,by the great British _historian stales_ absolute _and_ prehensive truth, Whfch now applies with special force to the I l uestion of Freedom: The final and pdrmanent fruits of liberty are wisdom. moderation, and mercy. Its immediat effects are often atrocious crimes, conflicting errors, skepticism on points the most clear, dogmatism on points the most mysterious. It is just at this crisis that its enemies love to exhibit it. They pull down the scaffolding from the half finished edifice; they point to the flying dust, the falling bricks, the comfortless rooms, the frightful irregu• lardy of the whole appearance; and then ask in scorn where the promised splendor and comtort are to he found. If such miserable sophisms were to preva , l there would never be a good house or a good government in the world. " there is only one cure for the evils which newly-acquired freedom produces—and that cure is freedom ! When a prisoner leaves his cell he cannot bear the light of day—he is unable to discriminate colors or recognize faces. But the remedy is not:to remand him into his dungeon; but to accustom him to the rays of the sun. The blaze of truth and liberty may at first dazzle and bewilder na tions which have become half blind in the house of bondage. But let them gaze on and they will soon be able to bear it. ff Many politicians of our time are in the hab it of laying it down as a self-evident propo isition that no people ought to be free until they are :tit to use their freedom. Tho maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the, water until he had learned to swim. If men are to wait for liberty until they grow wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever. PERILS OF A PEARL DIVER.-A. pearl di ver had plunged into eleven fathoms - , in the expectation of finding some peculiarly fine pearls. He was pursuing hia search, when seeing the water suddenly darken, he looked up, and to his horror beheld at some distance above him a huge shark, leisurely surveying all his movements, and evidently intended to' make a prize of him. The diver made a dart forward towards a rock, where he thought he might elude the eye of the monster, and then spring up the surface ; but the shark shook his tail, and followed quitely, but with the same evident determination to eat him the moment he rose. As under water time is everything, and the diver had only to choose between being eaten alive and being suffocated; the thought sud denly came into his mind to puzzle his per sure by a contrivance in which whether ho remembered it then or not, the euttle-fish _hasthe merit of originality. Ho threw him. Self theground; and , With the stick which all - divers carry, began to muddy the water. A cloud of mire rose between him and the shark he instantly struck out un der cover of the cloud, and when he thought that he had cleared his enemy, shot up to the surface. By great luck he rose in the midst of the fishing-boats.. The people, accustom ed to perils of this kind, saw that ho must have been in danger, and commenced splash ing with their oars and shouting, to drive the shark away; they succeeded so 'far as to Save their companion, apd the diver was taken on beard, almost dying, from the dreadful exertion of remaining so long under water. Slander is as much morn accumulative ban a snow ball, as it is blacker.