) . 11 Ge S KOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, • PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HAVERSTICK9 North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn'a. llas • just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which bas never been surpassed -in this bor ough, for noVelty and elegance. Th,e articles have been selected with great ca.e, and are tabulated, In quality and price, to command tho attention ofpurchaeors. FANCY GOODS, which wends° every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Mingle Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Calms, Writing Desks, and Portlelios. Port Morin:lies. of every variety. Gold pans and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. 3lotto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Baoin and It. & U. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes_ of various kinds, Fancy Pius for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ty finished and suitable for PRES'E NTS, to which be Invites special at tention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of ° It )0 KS, comprising various English end American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and hymn Books, elegantly bound lu velvet with metal clasps and corners Ills tissortmon t 3t School Books and School Stationery IS also complete, end compTraes everything Used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, &c., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm oa Etherial oil; also DYOrI"S celebrated Kerosene'or Cool Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, Sc. Ins :105. , rtillent In this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, SEG ARS AND TOBACCO, .tmbracing all the 11 , vorite brands. and a fine assort ment ef EERSCII SMOIL ERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killocechink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F'RUI'TS, such. as Oranges, Lemons. Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prue es, &r .FANCY CON EEC-T(ON Ait —N UTS— PRE SEtt-VED FRUITS, MIN.;ED—MEAT, PICKLES, in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh Minh AS rail he confidently recommended to his friends. Ills ,t,n , i; embraces everything in the line of Palley Cood., with ID My other articles useful to hoe. °keepers which the public are especially invited ti, vainc. Remember the lit Stand, nearly oppcsite the Bank on N , q . th !l.uaover stre =EU FM EVnR.Y BODY TAIC.E. NOTICE, 1J:11)1CH, SAWYER ti.d.l St., "Ile don' frffilt Martin's 1100 .1 : li3ve :eceivt•kl rur wiNTER GOODS, eor %minty and .. , unp;‘,l,duess, cannot. be 1,, li •,, 1: , ) - 11).4,11test Import:ol,ns and newl•st 1,1.1 i II FAupc,,,t144.11, Poplins, Valauicias, A fttll assnrt,nt-nt. t,f cry Si;PEIZIOR SILKS, i+l,in and nziirt.•l; a lar , le -upply “f Black Si I,s, Lourltt I-0,40 LI. n mhatiee iu prico (!I,OAIiS ! the ect Itt:l% ttzett.-y Ettr Elli. place: of nut! the Ittt,reet trittittittet wit,: I ,Ll.O, in the ,•ttittt(ee. In die, ',HI It, I en:. Ett•it I lull and Of the ',test rtt I le , NVe .t fele i'l.sttt, from 1/set crasnn ~ 1 11111 NVO i••• , ii.lN I.:, all kind , 0/1: to ladles, 3111,,,s stud ( . 1,11•11., 11 a give sut•eltd ttt tlon to " 212:OURNINC - - GOODS,, and hnvo uu 11,1,1 lar., .apply a Silt s. lirpe )11,1- 11.,,, C.1,13t:1,•;1•, 1,, 1%1,11E11111g VOHS, C.l/,1,, i•rapt'S, 6110 us, /I,,Jurs, A lar-44. .apply ul IS-tlniwal Skirts, I loop Sldrts, lat est inghout 1;11.% v s , Gaunt.- lAuulen Z•cm 111, , ftry 01 nll kiude, Bc. Lien's and Boy's Wear, it Immense supply. C.l OILCL TII, ,Il Um], Ittrtikhin.4 Cunstant, addi tion, of Goo is through the seaqon. IVe vordhtlll, in% Ito the atteotio,‘ of the puhlic to the watly vthelt , hot o,,•litioo,•d• LEI Loci', ,AwyEit. t m LLF.u. BOOTS dt. ,137a0ES AFULL assurouent of iNlen and Boys' L „ trouts and ut table for the winter. Also. and ' , ll•••es's Dootees. ehildreu'e Boots of all kinds. Lidiesanti Gentlemen's (11131 Over Shnew. 7sly And all in want of wwwwl and thewp Ito , .ts and ;Shoes, "11l plea, , 'all and examine the before purehtihin.; Main street, nearly opposite the Depot Carlisln, Nor. '2l, IS(2 NEW GOODS AGAIN, No\v op.,„ing at Ogilby's cheap , cash aware. :w ut 6rr ],)t .1 %l Inter I)re4s c,f flew . at. , i very tiatuls , ttie. 11,:Imnlul sll,ls, W(,01 IL nn I, and Unldt•n•leev. , . in urea[ v:11:11.1y; a Itir:re km's V% sar, C 1.9 ILLS l'Or Ladies Chinks, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES for 11.)*S . Wear; With w great variety of ‘,100,18, all porehssed for cash, and will he sold at the very low cr , t prices for cash Carlisle, Nov. 91, ISC,2 DAINTS AND OILS.- 10 T o „,, White Lead. loon Gallons of oil. J 'lSt received with a large asi.orttnent of Varnisbes, Fire l'roof Paint, Turpcatine, ilorence White, Ja pall, 11' bite Zinc., Potty," Colored el ne, Lithioge, nod Lead, Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, Ohellac, tiperni Oil, • faint Brushes, Fish Oil, Re., Colors of OT cry description dry, and Oil In cans Mid tubes at the Hardware Store of Car Oct. 25, 1961 13 READ BISCUIT &c. • . ' The Cream of Tartar "Substitute" is recommen- ded as a superior article in combination with Saleratus or Soda foe Baiting purposes. It produces broiad cakes &C., which when cold are sweet, moist and gratelti, while those of Cream of Tartar are often dry and taste less. Lt will cost less than Cream of Tartar gild is used in the same way for coolcarg, &c. • TIM SUBSTITUTE, • together with Saleratus' Soda, Pure Cream of Tartar, Bermuda,Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and un• ground, Apices of all kinds unadultLreded, amid also Grocerie - S'in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices forjsale by , Dee. 11, 15'172. J. W. EBY. QLI A V ING SALOON.—Having fitted up intim very hest 'style, the mom In Crauter's next door to A. L. Sponsler's office. Ia tn pre pared to Ore my tonsorial attentions to till who may honor ins with a vitiit. I shall ronstautly he supplied itt Itlrcoutpetouf and polite hands and shall spareno etf , rt to give Lteneral wish to Ctnplov a good boy, butrwe 14 aud 17 years old, Apply immediately to J. MYERS. Carlisle. June 27. 1502-Iy. '5O 0 - 4 - it trs art - hil ji_i_of all I:lnds. EllzahOtlitown pattern, London dn., Cornman do f with and witnotkt nat..tit famtonings, cheaper thvytlver,at 11. SAX rON'a,".ltlast Maln.st. Match 38,1862 - Dv CEMENP. • 100 barrels o a f' Cement, with a klrgn assortment of Chain and Trott Pumps, just receitad and far sala.chimpot than ever. Connntt_aold httitenultuttLyAt uninufacturinaprien March S. • U. snxToN. • UM BELTING I Justreeelyed &largo aeliortdient ofiefl dace Gam Belting, titim Home, Own 1.4/!klug, &c., and for solo cheap at the hardware Store of June 22, 1.860 4_ J. M.A.RSITALL.--rATTonNty AT - •LIW Wilco ivlth W.M. 1.9nr0,50, In Rliinnu'v Un I. . .. 3. . !LAVER:S . I'IC K. OtiILIIY, ustee CIIAS. 011ILBV, Trustee II E ItY ..VSI:T , IL S A XTON DR. WILLIAM 11.'HITRD , R MOUTH.S H A 131.18 E m It.ESIEPY FOR Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gnu's, Nursing Sore Mouth, ' 1 A ND the best specific now in use for ANY diseased condition of the mouth. It Is particularly beneficial to persons wearing • ARTIFICIA TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the mouth, ab• sorbing and removing all impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who matte use of It. No YOUNO LADY or YOUNO GuNTLEMAN whOiti_lakte.o with a _ BAD BREATH ~hould delay applying this remedy, for it it a certain cure, and is approved and recommended by every phy sician under whose notice It has been brought,„ USE Dr. Wm:B. II URD'S MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Ilutto's Dental °film, No'. 77 Fourth Strout, Brooklyn, E. D. .Price 37 Cents per Bottle. —Oll A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, • No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. Sold In Philadelphia, by Dyott A: Co., 232 North Street; 0 S. Ilubbell, 1-110 Chestnut street; and by all Druggists. DR. WILLIAM B. D'§ TOOTH POWDER! This. Pewder posSORSCR the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, and is free from till Acids or Alkalies that can in the knot injure the Teeth. Its action being entitoly mechanical —polishing without wearing the enamel. Dr. iVot. B. Igurd's Tooth Powder is recommended by all Eminent Dentists. Prepared at Dr. Ii urd's Dental °Rice, No. 77 Felte] Street, Brooklyn, E. D. tom'Price 25 Cents per Box. - 691 x A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruoe Street, New York, solit :.iso by Caswell, Mack Fittl. Avenue Hotel; .1..0 1. Cod Ilry.rton, 715 Broadway; S, Barnes, *202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S TOOTlllit.CfflilE DROPS Fur the Cure of Toothache, prodeusst by osilf.Red.rierveg. It Igriartiettlarly adapted to 'all rows of chlidron afflicted with TOITIIAtiII l'srents ran relieve themselves from that distressing ,rearillOSS CaUSed Ly LOSS OF SLEEP, and th,h children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of Dr. Win. HURD'S TOOTIlAt.111: DICOPS in the house. Prepared at Dx. urd's Dental Office, N 0.77 Fourth Street, Broooklyn, E. D. Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle A Illn•rnl dine but made to (lenient. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce treot, New York. Sold Ityntt. Cu, *2;12 North ;:d Street; U. S. ilabbell, 1410 01lestuut Street; and by all DR. WILLIAM B. 1-lURD'S lEUItALGIA PLASTEIIS, FOR TIIE'CUItE OF NEURALGIA Oct TOOTILACIIE PRODUCED BY COLDS. Llll'A I; NiIUttALUIA is immediately cured by (heir application. They :let like a charm, ant are perfectly harmless In ttn•ir nature; do not produce a b.iater, and leave no u.lpL•a+:uit results. Dr. Win. B. Hurt's Neuralgia Plasters necrr !hil to give satisfaction to all who test their irt tie Di opared at Dr. Durd's Dental Office, N 0.77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. .G Y" Price, only 13 Coots A discount made to dealers. Address Pi i•icipal Office, Tribune Ituidings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Now York. Sell In l'hil,Olelphia, by 1)3 , ,tt fi Co., 222 North 2d Strert, 11. S. 11 u1.,1.,011, 1410 Chrstaut, Street; awl by all Drogai,t, NtiTICE.—IVe are daily recteivleg orders to send by inalLsoute.otm.orgaintaLuLllr—llailaP.it.lbsuLai—ltentisititt., • wb felt a vaillia till, N9llO into 'mailable except the Neuralgia Plaster, which we send In an envelope on re ettipt id . the prise tls cents) and one stamp. But to ac. cammodate ',tnsel's In places where the druggists and ;•t.a ekeoper, , are behind the age, we have put up park , ages to white toulaossed lottaes, seen Inches by tour, with ~n,partinents—each box containing a bottle of lir. Il urtps Mouth Wash, and Tooth. Ache Drops. a box Ttsoth Pott , der, the Neuralgia Plaster, a valuable little Treatise on Teeth and their Diseases, the best nnotlis it ft:wet:log them. and the proper treatment of Childreu's Teeth, worth of Itself the entire cost to every young man or women, or parents with young I children, with sundry other necessary articles; price, per package. one dollar. or six packages for $5, sent by express as directed. As the express charges are not Much, If any mote on a dozen than on one, it is tar cheaper to order six or a dozen packages at ono time.— A Loge fatally will want all, tor the surplus Can 110 ADS mated of Lo neigl l eV, With public benefit, for no one Can estimate how murk pain, suffering, unhappiness, and disfigurement, expense, loss of time and money would Le Ss, ted Iu t ',entry, It every fitinily to-day had one I these pm kages, which, in it.selt, is a complete Ket.t. 1/..lital I:elnedieS, Address WM B. HURD& CO., Tribune New Tosls, and alit 0 Maine and address pia i I.ly . That n emit La noes may be made with (mull den: e, W. It. If. ,X Co , refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn, to G. W. Griffith, President of the Farmers and Clti• 4eit's Bank, Brooklyn; to the Editors of the Amerleau Man ufact urers' Gazette; to Joy, Coe !a Co., Publishars' Agents, New Tot k: to P. T. Barnum, Esq., who knows a :mod thing when he sees It and who has already or dered a second supply, etc. 1000 &GENII'S WANTED To Introduce Dr. Ilurd's Dental Remedies Into every county. Mon or women who want to make money quickley, can do better with these articles than any thing In market. They are new, useful, low priced,' and we are spending thousands in advertising them for the benefit of Agents. Boxes of samples, containing a dogun of the one dollar packages above specified, with circulars, will be sent, on receipt of seven dollars, about half price, to any person wish Plug to test his or her shill in selling. with tt view of becoming an Agetit. uld rather pay salaries than,Commlssions to those who prove themselves efficient 1.6 - 11.!61/1011. • Now is the flute to go tutu the business. For address and reference see above.. NEW DRUG STORE. THE undersigned has just opened a new Drug Store, in South Hanover street, next door to Inholf 's Grocery Store, whore he has just re ceived and opened a large stock of Drugs, Cheataileals, Dye-Staffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a large 'to t of Tobacco and S.egars, of the most favorite. brands; Coal Oil Lainps and Shades , Burning Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Coal Oil, Aleohoi, Stationary, Patent Medicines. and all other articles connected e ith our line. All of wbfch we will sell at prices to suit the times. Prescriptions carefully cempow,ded by a competent druggist. DAVID ItAISTON. Carlisle, Dec. 19, IS62—ly s_nata apaz. TUST opened the largest and best [va c, sortment of Hard ware, Paints,..olls, Varilish, Glass, iron, ,Ve., ever brought to Cumberland county, bought e l( l' Hi‘')iorjull'dVcbwOlulcell7at the vesi irl.eslelUNti to - give us a call before malting their purchases, as We are fully mist:doing our old reputation of selling the . . HEST GOODS AT TILEELOWEST PRICES. Returning thanks to L generous public for their past liberal patronage, lisping by personal attention to their -374114,40-111(1404-cto Allirutinewpf , the .101 IN I', LYNN k SON, At the Old Stand North llanoror,Streot, , Ctu9ldo, June 6,186'1 MAILS !NAILS I NAIL'S !! ! 11 A large stock of good, Clean, N,cat, and Tough nails, at the leweat Prices. Our nails are worth 60e4 a keg more, than any other make of nails said in our town. this is the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, wa . alse . have a full assortment of BOILDINCIMATBRIALS, of the latest and most approved irtylee. All goods war ranted as repreaented. • JOIIN P. LYNN & SON. FRESH MACKEREL.- _V- A lot ofMackerol—now assorted paeka gus of 1101 ires, flaarter, and Eighth llartels. Also ; SALMON,. • for sato at the Storo.of the eubseriber. — . ' Oct.. 26012, . 'IV, Lk. Iniaceltancouo. CALL AND 'SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- WARE STORE. • TE subscriber has lately entirely re modeled and refitted the old stand °utile corner of ilauover and Louther Streets, t. arlisle, lately occupied by S. 0. liuyett, and is now prup.tred to furnish his old frientig and t:he public, with everything that is nice, new and fresh, in the way of • Family Groceries, Ills stork is large and selected with the greatest care, and will ho sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con sists in part of flue old Government Java COFFEE, Prime Rio do , Prithe Rio Roasted. SYRUPS.—Now York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy— rups, of the very best qualities, BROWN SUOAltS.—The best the market affords.— Lovering's best Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C." Sugars, which cannot be sur— 'passed, and as the time is ridw here for preserving, In— dies will please give him a call and examine for them— selves. All his SPICES are of the purest and best va— rieties. No humbug about them. Rice, Corn Starch; F. rrina, Dandeline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, /kr. CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. A. large and well selected stock of the very latest Pat terns and styles, lower than ever In price, and better In quality, than was ever offered before In Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such :ninths Buckets., and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But ter.Jers. Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FISH—No. 1, 2 and .TMaolcoml. No. 1 - MESS SHAD No.l Herring. - - A large quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS., SALT by the Sack, Dairy and G. A. Salt. The subscriber feeling encouraged by the patronage heretofore extended to him by his friends and the pub lie, would respectfully invite them to call and examine his new itock at the new store, corner of Hanover and Loather Streets. July 11, 1862. J. D. HALBERT. " alleißllo.7 " MOIL 7 / - FAMILY GROCERY AND EA num; Just received and In ittore. a fresh and well he lected assortment of Rio, Java and Mara caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulvm iced Sugars. Refined and other brown itugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Mel asses. of every variety— . pure only Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Maccaroni, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, Salerutus and Soda, Cruanl Tartar and as sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander lived TEAS.- •A flue asuortment In Pnet.e.ges , 4 1 and lu ball:—as well as all other . iplieles • 04 ""til 'belanizlng'te th e I.u.4ilie:kti--allht tbetowest: i and late reduced prices. i . ger J. W. EBY. Carlisle Poundry, AND • FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly thr sale, at their extensive Steam Works on East Main street, Carlisleca large assortment of AtiIIICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WlLLutitill BT'S CELEBRATED I'ATENT GUM SFR /NG! GRA IN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Class Preffil unit , at State and County Pairs. To the I,trinms of Cumberland, lock and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores of them are now In use on the best Ennis in these cOnli ties. Its repute- Linn is established ',IS the nmst complete Grain Drill now MatillthrtUreol in the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, - Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill ua er stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For even find regular so,, the Willough by 011111 Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also Man ulifot lire and sell the following articles, which We eln reentilinend to Partners as reliable Implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT Silt A IV Fe FODDER CUTTER, BRIDES DOLPH'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, 11A IWS PATENT CIDER M ILL. .101INSo1'SC.AST IRON HOG'S TROUGH. Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Gruuhern, and other tinkles tor Farmers too nunicrons to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves'and Ten Plate Wood :stoves, with an immense variety of other ra=tings fin• housekeepers and o thers, Wa have also an attrartive vat let). of patterns for IRON RAILINGS. nod CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which Nl* 0 would nttllntl Mc: Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To this department of our bust IIeSS we give part len tar Alen tion. Our already extensive stock ut patterns for-Paper, flour and Saw MITI Uraring, is constantly increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wrights will be fur. nished with a printed catalogue Of our various Mill Patterns, on app lira Lion. Our Machine Shop comprises all tl.•e various tools for turning, planing and tinishing Shafting and Castings, by good and eluvial Machinists. • STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of any desirable capacity, from top to twenty.fire horse power, built in the best style and or. accommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneriesin Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which we confidently refer for information as to tbeiretiicion cy• Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re• quested to coil and examine before contracting else w here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected with our estabIiSiIIIIVIII 1. a tlicam Saab and Door Manufactory which is now in complete order for the manufacture of every description of BUILDING MAMMALS for the most costly as well as theplalnest house. Win dow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to .size of glass; Window Frames from $l. 31 upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $1 75 upward; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Itraesets, Fancy DiaperY, Scrolls, and other sables needed In house building, furnished at the lowest prices and of the best quality 01 lumber. te),..We are also prepared. as 'heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporterson the railroad, with prumptneas and on reasonable terms. 'rho continued patronage of I he public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. May U. 'GO. F. GARDNER & Co. ELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE Pun !)ENT. DUOS' COST I At tho sign of the "hold Eagle,"3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church, on Weet Main street, the largest' and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place in the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches Levers, Lupines, American watches, cud all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Puns and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and &Ivor, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS I Oil Paintings. a great varietynf fancy articles,and a lot of the finest Pianos, width will be sold 40 per cent lower tlidn ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, eases, large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. liming selected a first class workman all kinds pf re pairing will be done as Usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos . at $lOO below the factory Mice on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 1 will sell at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, , warranted,at two-third tholr real value on easy terms pf ratted on BOOR. - 1 - ABUE ARRIVAL OF PREM. Jt..t . 0110CE1t1118—F1B11 01? A. BINDS. Among which Is a large Rd, of the real genuine Balti more dry salt lIERBINO, In oak barn:1800 ACK ABEL at prices that Is really astonishingly low, richels of all kinds, • ' .. .. - SAUCES, '1 3 11,ES,,EIRVES, and a good assortment of TOBACCO A tia - S EG A RS. LIQUORS,-. (60., At Vim "'divest rates for CASII orcCountry Produre. • i WM. 1.12111`Z, Carlisle, Juno 21,1802. • JULIA DS A' SILIDES. WILLIAMS, No.lo North Sixth Strout ) Philo. dolphin, Illonufoottiror of • VE.NITIAN HUMPS 'WWI .e... Tho largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest prices. Bilurla If - Muted and 'l'rluuned equal to now. Btoro Shades made and lotturtal. April 3,1803-24 u WINDOW' Il7atc9es anti geme(ry. - VX7 ATC LIES ; ,JEWELRY, -AND r SILVEIt-WAIMAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Oninberland Valley Bank. I have just received a now assortment of watches', ewelrY, medallions, silver yare, itc„ In addition to my ormor stock to which I Invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watches, Hunting and open Cf. 1521 do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and ',Sliver Lepines and Quartior watches of every variety in style and price. ' • - Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest, curb and nook chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, cleave-buttons, crosses, charms, Ac. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter lc nlveb, forks, table, toe, salt and mustard spoons of-ovary variety. A large assortment of gold; silver common spectacbo, to suit all ages to which wo invite special atton. Oen. • A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, sliver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, 4 ., Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu ally ..' . ' s kept In Jewelry establishments, which pip, I will soil low for cash. All articles war- • owe rented to be what they are represented. ' 1 I ' 2 ', Particular attentbm paid as usual to . 77.g.t?c, WATCLI REPAIRING and all work wa - 1 mated. THOMAS CONLYN. Dec. 23. 1857.1 NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I AT OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE TUST received a largo assortment of elegant new style Full un•t Winter Goods, to which the at ton Linn of the public In geneial le re spectfully Invited. In the GENTS' 'DEPARTMENT, Cloths, Cassitneros, Vestings, Shirts, Plait Collars, Neck• Ties, Cravats, Suspenders, Gauntlets, Gloves, &c., &c. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Poplins, French 51erhios, Lnins, Figured and Burred Rapp s, POD Do Cheviors, Figured nod Flab Yelourleashnieres, Tarantellas, Ginghams, ner.ch Cor sets, lialniorals, iloods, iontags, Skating Coats, Nu bian, Vests, &c., &c. A full assortment 00011 S for Childrens . wear,.of all kinds. Tiskings, Checks, 3f us bins, Drillings, Flannels, Blankets, Cns.sinets, Jeans, Cords fee., ac.. host quality and cheap as the cheapest. Hosiery and Gloves of all descriptions and prices. SHAWLS AND SCARFS A large assortment of Shawls and Scarfs of all des• crlptions, and cheap. Travelling Trunks, well made, and Carpet, Mtgs. As it is Impossible to enumerate all the articles, would ,°sportfully Invite all persons in want of hand• some and cheap lIUt IRS, to call and look at my stork before purchasing elsewhere. Ire - Recollect the place, Went Main street nearly opposite the depot•, GItA, Carllelo, Nov. 6,1662. N. Cloths, Cassimeres arid Vesting& will be made up to order. (I f desired.) In the 1)14, manner, and warranted to tit by an experienced tailor and the beat workman In the 6tate. , • C. U. .., I ..ECONIJ • SPRING ARRIVAL.- kj LARGE SUPPLIES FOR THE II BAD AND FEET, At the store of Job 0 Irvine, on the N. E.. corner o the public square. Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats A Caps. at prices that defy competition. He has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, lists At Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which he Is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embructs everything in hisllno of business, such as - - - MEN'S & I,;OYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, hip Boots, Calf and Patent, Leather Oalerd Ties, Ca. and Patent Leather Gaiters, Call Nullifiers, Call and Kip Brogans, Slippers, Sc. 3LII2DX.ZS' ViTM AU. Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters, Moroecti Call - and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fauey Slippers Morocco, and Kid Buskins, Ac., A. ISSES AND ell I EN'S WEAR of all descriptions embracing fine Lasting. Oaiters, Mortweo mid Ups liJg BUtton Boots, :11 ortwco Lace Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes of various styles' stirrers-, Br: A.T.i s CAPS, Silk. Cassituere, Fur and Wool Vats grail qualities and styles, also a large assorttuent of S TRA W II A 7; S Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest flak Repairing proniptli dour. Colin& ut of his aLility t please all classes of customers, ho respectfully invite the public to irk, him a call. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the PubliJ Square. May 30, 'fill NEWCO.AL AND LUMBERYARD . 'l'h© subsrriher, have this day catered into port nership to trade in jOA Id AND LUMII.ER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to order dt rkin dr - an il't{mtlity or eea lamed - LUMB ER, DOA I U'S, SCAN TLINO, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Mingling Lath, worked Floor ing and W eat hetboardi ug. fonts and Rails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMitElt YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to ult.: Whitepine, Wm - dock, and Oak, of diderent qualities. flaying Caere of our own we ran furnish bills to order of any length and sire at the shortest notice and on the trust reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly pu hand all kinde of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TR EvoitTos, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBBERY , which we pledge ourelvos to sell at the lowest prices Rest quality of Limcburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, itiNV:VH on baud which we will Nell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Uramatar School, Main street. Alt :11,sTituNo 6: HOFFER. July 20. 1962 J. It. NONEMAKEIV FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE, • FLOV It AND WEED. COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. Tho subscriber having taken the Ware House cars and fixtures of ‘Vm, It. Murray's well known establish ment, on West nigh street. opposite Dickinson College, would Inform the public th'at he has entered into a general Forwarding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid for Flour, G rain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowestrates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, auA FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or rani]. Coal of all kinds. embracing, LYKEN'S VALLEY, ' LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASIL LOCUST GAP Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY 1 , 04 BALE. KEPT UNDER. COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NONEDIAREIt Carlisle, August 17, 1869. Interesting Ta _Farmers. • tjOIIN P.. LYNE & SON, have just received a large lot of those celebrated SIMILES, made expressly Inc their own sales, which have always given entire satisfaction to all who have used them.— You that want Moon cutting and easy running Scythe, wo would say try ono or their superior make. We have also . a full stock ofdnnths, Whet Stones, kc. ltakesof Christ. Myers' and other celebrated makes. Grain Cra• dies of all the best makes In the. county, with a' full stuck ofhll kiwis of Tools and - Implements for Farmer's use, All of which wo are selling cheap at uur store in North Ilanover street. Carlisle;l3nue 6, 1.5112. • The Great Mnglish nempdy. SIR a ANtgR CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. • Prupared - Vottra - prescrlptton'of oir J. till n.; vhs.ietan E.o.r.toidiunry to the queen. This Avell known medicine is no, position, but tt sure one safe remedy for Female Pillienities and Obstruetions. irons any cause whatever; and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies it le peculiarly suited. It will, ip a short time, bring ou the monthly period with regur, hteity. In all eases of NerVous and Spinal AlfectionS, Pain in the llackand Limbs, lie:Muesli, Fatigue on slight ei ertien, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics. Skit ileadache,(Whites, and•all the painful, diseases occasioned by a disordered system - , these Pills Will effect a cure when all other means Lave tenet!. . These Pills hare never been known to fail whore the directions on the. 2a page of pastiphiot are well observ- ed. For full particulars, ,get a pamphlet, free, of• the agent. V. - and 0 postage [stamps enclosed to any au thorized ageuti.,will Insure a bottle, containing overso pills, by retain mall. ti. Hiliott, Agent, Carlisle. • February 20, 1803-I.y 1 • • ADUES , R. WEAVER'S 1:1 A 112: E T .;g` - CHAIR 111A.NUYAOTORY, flaying boon engaged in the business for over tivonty years be would return thanks to We customers and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures, them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. JOHN IRVINE. Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut do, do Elisctitaragus. NORTH NA:COVER. STREET, CARLISLE, IA CHAIRS AND' FURNITURE, of every description constantly on band, or made to order. , Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la• lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest. possible prices for cash. He also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Coffins Metallic or otherwise. kept cell. stantly on band andi funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut 'Coffins, large size, h ell finished and lined Inside, froth 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES R. WEAVER. May 25. 1850-17. TILL TRIUMPHANT. k_7 The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the sqocriber in calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal gttlsfac tlon WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS let. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. in fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Ovuo from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any oiler stove of the same size, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, 6th y A superior arrangenient,for cleaning the Ilues, 7th. A perfect Otts Consumer for either wood or coal. The Prairie Flower is warranted to give satisfaction In every particular, and will be shown with pleasure , to all who may call, whether deldring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town or countrr , • A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. - Spouting. Roofing, Job work, Copporsmitliing and Meeting work promptly attended to, in town or coun try. All wont warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther. MARY M. MORRIS. N. 11. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid In cash or goods. March 28, lB6o.—tf. UFO v AB, D AS.7OCIATION' UILADELPIILA A Benovelent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICA I; AI)ICE given gratis ' by the Acting Sur geon,to Iyho apply by Intter,..ivlth-a. -description-at their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, kr.,) and in ,•sses of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charte. VA LUA ISLE IMPORTS on Spertuntorrhma, and other Direases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW HEM- P:DI employed In the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, tree of chstge. Two or three Stamps iin• postage will be acceptable. Address. D1t..7. SK I LLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur. peon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Direetors, EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Presid&rr OEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March 8, 1861.-13' ATEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS IN RATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11.1 TS, CO IP S Rc . Ztrthe The sabscriber has recently opened n New Store at the old stand of J. D. Halbert In North Hanover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Rank.' liariug receh:vd from xew York and Philadelphia, a tine and well .elected assortment of goods in hie line o. business, such as HATS and CAT'S, front the common Wool to the tine Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS,. Fall and Winter styles or Silk lints for 180, Ladles Furs, such as Storm Martin, NH& Sage, Fitch, Siberi nu Squirrel. Uhrck, ltrown and 11l ue Cooney, Lock Mar tin. Silver do. S.e., Childrens Furs, Heaver lints for Girls and Boys, Fur Caps, Gloves and Collars for Gen tlemen. BUFFALO ROBES, and prices to suit tlin times. AIKO, Carpet Bags kr. 1 3 11i.CUS TO SUIT TEtr. TIiUF,S• Also, Carpet Bazs, Valises, Trunks, Mud Trunks Umbrellas. An assoitinent of - Prime Segars and Tobacco. —GIs, for the patronage already received he would Invite all his friends :iud the public generally to give him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt. Carlisle. April 19, 1811. 18A9 HARDWARE! II A R D VV Vv 1111•::1 P. 14 no k Son have just completed opening their :. 4 prlng stock of hardware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, lass tte.. to which they Inv Its the early atttentlon of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock In all Its,verlous branches,and can now accommodate the pub lie with RELIABLE GOODS. In largo or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the public to understand that we have brought all the , nods in Philadelphia and New York to our tow n, hut we can assure them that ono look into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no tuisro prehentalions made to effect sales JOHN P. LYNE k SON, North Hanover St.. Carlisle May 2, '6O HIRE INSURANCE. - THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBOItO MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1533, and hav ing recently bad Its charter extended to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation, under the sw perintendence of the following Board of Managers, viz: William It. Oorgas, Christian Stayman. M. Cocklio, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, .1 ii. Coover,Joiti, Eleheiber ger...lot:apt' Wickersham. Satnl. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Comm., and 3. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are ac low and favcrablo as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members aro invited to make application to the agents of the "ebnipagy v , who are willing to wait upon" them at any time. It. °Olio AS. President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0 CIiItISTIAN STAY MAN, Vice President earlisie. P. 0. .10IIN 0. DUNLAP, SerVy., Muchanicsburg MICLIAEL COCICLIN, Treasurer, Sheplierdbiewn. AGENTS CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—JeIin Sher-b•k, Allen Ililury Zem Ing, Shirenmostown ; Lafayette PetTer Dickinson ; henry Bowman, Church ton n; INlode th it 6th, South Middleton; Saltine! Graham, W. Penns boro': Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cocklin, Shephordstown; 1). Coover, Upper Allen; J. 0. Hax• ton, Sliver Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentino Feeman, New Cumberland. YOUN. COUNTY.—W. S. Pivkinft, Dover: Jan.Oriillth, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington: Richey Clank: Dillsburg; D. nutter, Fairview ; John ‘lllllams, Carroll. DAUM.' IN CO.---Jacob Rouser, Harrisburg. Members of the company having polleiesabout to ex piro, can have them renewed oy making applleaoon to any of the Agents. Feb. 28. 186 a. Scythes Ilz. Snaths. JUST received the hugest, • best and cheapest assortment of . - Scythes, Fortis, ' - Snaths, Itabes. - Whet Stones,' ' • Shovels, Miles, lines, Water Csus, • , Kegs, S - .c., over brought -to this county. All Of-which I have made expressly to Order, in large quantities, so that they can be sold at very low prices and warranted as xepresentil. Tits trade and cradle maker supplied at inanufic turcr • prices, At the cheap hardware stoic of lIENRY sAxroN, Thist Main St.. Carllsle. Juno 13 DR - rWIIV — M — GOOK' • • • ITOWEOPATIIIC Ai as t C V .INCr:rceei,tly.located in Carlisle, ~JIiI . whore ho eau ba consulted by persona seeking medical advice; or when desired, will visit thew at thole rooi domes, either In tho toutu or country. • - "day 2. OVE.NIBER 2ND, 1803. gir-The ioule,s of the "ilEll&LD" are reminded that I liniejtint brought font the city a larize supply of SUILtIiCUItisDIIA\ISAND ifEliV: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh To in cans, fresh . Mushrooms, the very hest Plokles, diderent kinds of ;nixed Mustards.. and, Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Prunes, Figs, Raltins, Sugars, Coffees,- Tea's, Molasses. Nish, Salt, Flue Sugarsiandlobacco: very Bun Brandies. Old Bye Whiskey, Wines &e.; besides a general assort Went of goods in our line or trade, offered at • the very lowest prices, FOR DASD.. • WIL BENTZ. • Nov.2d, Mactbs. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND F R ILN K LIN RAIL ROAD. a , 6.l;l4l'.hiiiittt ....,„.'76rifir,1717r,,, , T ,i-.... • .... CHANGE! 01? •lICUBBI On and after MONDAY, MAY 6, .1862, Passenger Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) FOR CIIAMBEILBBURG AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.95 P. 61. 7.87 " 3.36 " 6.30 " Arr. 4.20 " Loavo Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chanaberaburg, " ii Leave 12.56 " " Shippensburg, 0.00 ." 1.28 " " Newville, 9.32 " 2.00 "- " Carlisle, 10.10 " 2.40 " " Dierhaniesburg, 10;42 .. 3.12 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " 3.40 " FOR 011AMBERSDURG AND HAGERSTOWN, let Train Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 14.1 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " Carlisle, 9.27 " Nevrville, 10.02 " " Shippeneburg, 10.33 " " Chambg', (A rrive) 11.10 " Greencastle, 11.55 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 6,10 " NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Client bersburg, Shippensburg, Newvllle, Carlisle, Blechanh burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that prcrtide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambersburg, } Slay 1, 1862. CARLISLE AND PIIILADELPHIA • r 4.. % •••• . *0 41 ' : tar DAILY FREIGHT LIME. FREED, 'WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET HTItEET, PHILADELPHIA J. & 3). 11110AD5, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA AV-Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market it. Doily, at 4 o'rlork, P. M. Lenve Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A M. Goods intended for this Line should be narked C. A P. Daily Freights Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. • READING RAILROAD. , . - . ':.r.:1,,r..,;„,.,•- • .1: • 1.........5,,,- .4.44 ,_ .....4.,...,... ~ :'‘.- -ay I ..- • .. , . T ...._ ...^f . :if:All-... " ;; .liW SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • JBEAT Trunk . Line from the North nnd Nortli:West for Philadelphia, Ne. York Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, sc., fie. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New-York, Heading Pottsville, end all Intermediate Stations, at $ A. M„ and 2 P. M. New York - Express leaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. 31., arriving nt Now York nt 9.15 the same morning. Farms from I iiirrisburg : To New-York $5 15; to Phil adelphia 53718 and 4.2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leavo ' New...York at 0 A. 31,12 noon, and 7P. 31., (PittehurK Atpress.) Leave Philadelphia ,at 8 75 A., and 3'3) I'. 31. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and 11” m Pittsburg without ebang* Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. M., and 2.15 P. 51., for Philadelphia, Now- York, and all Way Points. • ' Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. 31., for Philadelphia, liarrisbur,:, and New—York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading nt tioo A. 31., and return's front Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. All the above trains run deny, Sundays except A Sunday train haves Pottsville at 7.30 A. d, and Philadelphia at 3.15 I'. M. Commutation, 3111eago, Season, and Excuision,,Tick eta at reduced rates to and from all points. 0. A. N IGOLLS, General Superintendent. April 24, IS,C3 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM I filhe undersigned having purchased the .tork..tc., ()jibe late Win H, Trout deed. would respectfully announce to the public that he will CO3• thine tin BATTING BUSINESS at the old stand, In West Ifitth street. and wikit a renewed and efficient effort, pi oduce srtlcles 01 Bead Dre.fi of Every Variety, Slyle and Quality, that steal Le strictly In keeping with the Improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age in which we live. A . __....._i_tinvo"ntr-ralid- sCirplFirdrd -- ---- !: assortiuou t of --":•• • ,<;- 4, .. ~CAPS, HATS AND -- • . w ., 21 ,...... : .:.,,,- a ./... : - • of all descriptions, from the cLuttuori Wool to the finest FUR AND S 11.1( RATS; and at prieep that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes. MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE. I3EA VEIT & FELT EATS, of every style and 'color and unsurpasoed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment in the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every lescription constantly on band. Ile respectfully Invites all the old pattonn and a many neebnes as possible, to give lam a call. J. G. CALLIO. Apr. 25, i!fO—ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM IMO 1 7-4 c--;: " . . : . i ., ! 1 .' .7:, ~: :,,,,::.• ~- ,' - :tr ...:''...".-- • .--4 t ,, • 1862 '' ~•..; -' -- 'ty' , • ~:T,;,'., , i_'. r.,--f iX.,-,'„.-.--„,r-• -.... • West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the Most splendid assortment el articles in his line, ever brought to this pluce—which he is determined to ken at prices thnt de t'y competition. Parlo, Chamber► Dining—room, FURN ITURE. Kitchen 'and Otnee Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in sells. reception and Camp Chairs, , Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c -.-40` Particular attention given as usual to funerals ; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on 'moderato forma. Q. E. E Carlisle, May 12, 1558.—1 y. . L UMBER AND CO AL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD ! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The sulnecrlbor troops constantly on hand, a full Sortment of Lumber & Coat, which ho can fur nish to order promptly and on thu..nthst tea amiable terms. lEM LUMBER, SCANTLING, -- BOARDS. . FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, IVorkedTioor Ing,Weatherlwairding, Posts, ItailC,White rine;lfentlock amt — DiftcliGlirgreT4, of every quality:lfe "iflidritifil - fli bills to order of any length and also, it the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ilis worlsed boards are kept under rover, so that they can bo fur. MAO dry at all times, Ile has constantly on. - hand -all kinds of •Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered clean to any Pfirt of the borough. To wit; . LYKEN'S VALLEY, - - LUKE FIDDLETt, • . TREYgItTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN,, And ()flier varieties, and all the various sires in use, wliteh he otters to the public at the lowest prices. LllllillitiltNEß'S AND BLACKSIIIITIVS COAL always on hand, et the loirest cash price. . Thankful for the patronage OA g6nerous , public, be s,jowed upon the late firm of Black . 4/ Delaney, he would. .solicit a continuance Of tho sinew as, be will strive to please. All orders loft at the residence or Jacob Shrom far Coal and 'Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. oion'Ell I).ELANOY July 20, 1 ME 2d Train 1.35 0 1'. 31 2.16 " 2.65 3.20 " 4.00 " 4.40 " 6.30 '• IMI '4862 • c L tW/' , 1 ,04 V 4