Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 01, 1863, Image 1

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    glitt erat,d.
Friday, Nay 1, 1863.
V . O. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6
11 State St. Boston, are our Agents for the HERALD
in those cities, and are authorized to take Advertise
rnents and Subscriptions ter us at our lowest rates.
Mr. Robinson's Sermon
We had the pleasure of hearing a sermon,
delivered in the First Presbyttrian Church of
this Borough on :last Sabbath by by Rev.
H. ROBINSON of Harrisburg. The text select
ed for the occasion was ; " Put them in mind
to be subject to principalities and powers, to
obey magistrates and to be ready to every
good Work," Thus, 24 chap. Ist verse. We
arti'sorry•we.cannot convey to our readers a
just idea of the merits of this discourse, and
regret. that it can not reach the oars of .every
man throughout the entire country. The ser
mon set forth, With the greatest clearness and
power, the duty of obedience to the constitu•
ted authorities of the land, nod the obligation
of all good men to give to the Government
their warmest support and encouragement
while engaged in preserving the National life
and saving the community from the horrors of
anarcltyand civil war. These views were advo
cated not on the grounds of policy or of., any
implied obligation of the citizen to support his
government, but on the nobler consideration
of obedience to the commands of Him by
whose will and through whose Providence
all governments are founded and -sustained.
The abuse of rulers, the fierce denunciation of
certain measures of policy, and the evasion
of the laws or resi-tance to their enforcement
were held to be, not only impolitic, but abso
lutely ?deiced, us they were in direct violation
of the teachings of the Bible and contrary to
the precepts end . etaMple given - by lhe Sa
viour while on earth. The mere words of the
text were sufficient authority to make it the
right and duty of a Minister of the Gospel to
inculcate obedience to law and respect to rul
ers, "and the earneituess and ability with
which the Rev. gentleman enforced its in
junction, showed that he was not one of those
who thought it a duty to rem tin silent, while
the most wicked and dangerous heresies were
advocated by the political gamblers and place
seekers of the Country. The earnest atten
tion which the large congregation bestowed
on the sermon, showed that they fully appre
ciated and approved the doctrines advanced,
and we nutieipate many good results front this
single discourse. Could we not have many
such sermons at a time like this, preached
with good effect in this community and
throughout the cntire country ? -Is there any
subject on which the telt:flings of the Bible
are more explicit than that, or obedience and
respect to the laws, and is there any class of
persons who could exercise a more powerful
influence in this direction than God's Minis
ters ? 15 hilt we have no words of censure
fur these who do not -peal: out for the cause
of our Government, we cannot forbear to ex-
press our a I nirat ion for those, who, regard
less of abuse and misrepresentation, boldly
declare, " the whole counsel of hod." There
can be no danger that disloyalty or treason
will ever umulfest itself iu a community that
is favored with discourses so able and oar
nest as those of Dr. ROBINSON
The meeting of "adopted citizens" in Now
York city a week or. two since was unani
mous in its expression of enthusia-tic loyalty
to the Government. But why 'adopted citi
zens?" .There aro but two political classes
of persons in this country, those who are and
those who aro not citizens: If the gentlemen
who express these loyal sentiments are foreign.
era, their hearty sympathy and interest are
most grateful. But if they aro American citi
zens why not say so? Why endeavor to em
phasize the fact of foreign birth ? Why
create more classes and divisions than actu
ally exist? Whoever is an American citizen
can have no higher title. And obviously all
judicious nteu will wish at this time to blend
as closely as possible the great mass of loyal
citizens—and to avoid classifying them by any
name of party or country. For .a.1.1-loyal toots
there is now but one party, thtit of the Gov
ernment ; bu.t one couutry ; the United States
of America. When the. flag floats supreme
once more we may remember that we were
born in America or Gettnany, in Ireland or
France; we may discover that we belong to
some political party that marches, with all
the other parties, beneath that flag. But now
all our hands and hearts are needed to hold
it aloft and establish it securely. While the
war lasts we are not Republicans or Demo
crats--we are not foreigners and natives—we .
are only loyal American citizens, rosolved to
stand by our Government and the Union, and
to support it always . in every way that it re
quires our aid, knowing that when the Gov
ernment falls, we fall with it, and that the
end of the Union is the end of•peace and pro's.
perity in every State, in every country, and
in everrtown of the country.
IlM.Soani of the foolish Copperheads in 11
lioois and Indiana have taken up arms.. They
will be put down, of course, and all other
plots of that sort be utterly frustrated. Gun.
purnsitlu's order against traitors is working
iferFrom Gdifornia we learn, that the
7 -11 n ion - -Leagoe-movenretst - has-Tb eetfititwitif:
rated there by a great meeting at Sacramento
city, at which speeches were deliyered by
General NVright, Senator Conness,.GovernOr
Stanford and others. Senator Conness rep
udiated the idea of his acting with the cop
JENNY LIND AGAIN.—What a foul report
has eiroulatek about Jouny Lindbut- her
voice is too sweet to be. injurmb-and if ,you .
wish to keep your voieo, lungs, throat, Sto., -
free from colds, try a few of Bryan's - Pula:mu.
io Wafers, 26 coati a box at—B. Elliott's.
The Progress of Preedom.
On the 6th April St. Louis elected a Mayor
"unequivocally in favor of the President's
policy, proclamation, arming of negroes and
all," and the next- morning the Missouri,
DetnoCratjoyfUlly declared that "Si. Louis is
not only a loyal city, but a radical anti-slav
ery city." The same paper contained the
following - notice :
SLAVES JAILED.-A family of five slaves,
male-and female, was yesterday committed
to the county jail on affidavit of Ferd. Rozier,
Jr., claiming them as his property, and ac-•
cueing them of intent to run away.
It is not strange that St. Louis should de
sire to tree itself from such a disgrace as is
implied in this notice, and to prevent the
repetition of such outrages on humanity.
[From tho Mirsouri Democrat, Aprll B.]
Abolitionism has really run mad: Eleven
States abolitionized themselves over two years
since, in declaring the General Government
abolished. They abolished their oath of al
legiance, committed perjury, robbed di.:
treasury, the custom houses, forts, arsenals,
and post offices, and have been perpetrating
the "sum of all villainies " in attempting to
abolish free government and human liberty
itself! Their abolitionism includes robbery,
murder and treason in all their most abhor
ant forms. Their abolitionism airns ° at the
destruction of the highest national glory that
ever stimulated the hopes Of the patriot, of
the sorest guaranties of liberty that - ever be
girt the citizen, and of the brightest prospect
of, national intelligence, progress and gran
deur that ever gladdened the heart of the
philanthropist. From any guilty participa
tion in such a combination of fully, madness
and villainy, we are thankful that we are ex
empt, and :nay no drop of our blood ever be
fevered with such a hell-heated passion.
But this abolitionism is not confided ti the
South. There are several conspicuous chiefs
of this madness in the North, and they are
desperate in their efforts to corrupt our whole
population. Miserable adventurers,. with
every thing to gain and nothing to lose, they
are trying to prevent the constitutional au
thorities from saving the Government from
the vandal hands of the Abolitionists, - and
are doing every thing possible to give tri
umph to this consummation of all wicked
ness. The great prophet of this Northern
Abolitionism has boasted that, as a member
of Congress, he never voted a man or a
dollar for 01'6 suppression of rebellion I and
when he made this boast in New Jersey, his
audience nearly lilted the rafters by their
wild applause I
Among the other noted Abolitionists of
the North is Mr. Seymour, who has just run
for the Governor of Gon'uectieut, and who
has held treasonable correspondence with
his brother Abolitionists ut the South.—
Amoth ,, r is Mr. Toueey, who has been stum
ing that State fur Seyinour,,and who, as
member of fluehanan's Cabinet helped the
A bulitionistF, steal every thing they could get
hold of. And last, though not least is Sam
Cox," of Ohio—"glorious old Sunset Cox,"
as he was formerly known—who made a
speech in Congress looking to the abolition
of the Northeren Confederation with a view
to independence of New England, freedom
limn Yankee schoolmasters, school-houses,
and cil ilization in general.
All these Aholitiunists boldly declare that
they prefer the success of the rebelion to a
restoralion of the Union under Lincoln I
Saying thus much, we are authorised to dia
ler that they mean tar more—they intend to
prevent the restoration oh the Union and in
sure the triumph of their internal .41holition,
All traitors south and all their abettors
North are Abolitionists, for they have null
irig- but 'Atiolifiim in %le w—abobitiim oT till
that is desirable to live for as citizens, of all
that our fathers fought for, and of all that
the oppressed of other lands have hoped for.
Call them, them, 'Abolitionists," because,
in the language of Beauregard, it will have
''a stinging effect."
Letter from Mr. Chose
The following is a correct copy of the letter
of Mr. Chase to the Loyal National League,
in response to their, invitation to attend •the
Snippier meeting :
WAsnmyros, April 9, 1868.
" , Gentlemen: Imperative demands on my
time compel me to deny myself the gratifica
tion of attending the meeting to which yuu
kindly invite me.
" You will meet to send words of cheer to
our brave generals and soldiers in the field ;
to rebuke treason in our midst, giving, in the
garb of peace, aid and comfort to treason in
the panoply of war; to maintain inviolate the
integrity of the national territory and the su
premacy of the national constitution and
laws ; to strengthen the hands and nerve the
heart of the President for the great work to
which God and the people have called him.—
For what worthier purposes can American
citizens now. assemble ?
" It is toy fired faith, gentlemen, that God
does not mean that this American republic
shall perish. We are tried as by fire, but our
country will live. Not withstanding all the
violence and all the machinations of traitors
and their sympathizers, on this or the other
side of the Atlantic, our country will live.
" And while our country lives, slavery, the
chief source, and cause, and agent of our ills,
will die. The friends of the Union in the
South, before rebellion, predicted the destruc
lion of slavery as a consequence of secession ,
if that madness should prevail. Nothing, in
my judgment, is more certain than the ful
fillment of these predictions Safe in these
stales, before rebellion, from all federal in
terference, slavery-has come out from its shel
ter; under state constitutions and laws, to as
sail the tuitional life. It will surely die,
pierced by its own fangs and stings.
What matter now how it dies?' Whether
as a consequence or dbject of the war what
matter ? Is this a time to split hairs of login ?
To me it seems that Providence indicated
clearly enough how the end of'slavery must
come. It comes in rebel slave states by mil
itary order, decree or proclamation ; not to
be disregarded or set,aside in any event as a
nullity, but mainttiined and executed with
perfebt good faith to all the enfranchised ;
and it will come in loyal slave states by the
unconstrained notion of the people and their
legislatures, aided freely and generously by
their brethren of the free states. I May be
Mistaken in this, but if I am another better
Meantime it seems to me-very necessary
to say distinctly what many yet shrink from
saying.. The American blacks must be called
into this conflict, not: as cattle, not now, oven,
as contrabands, but as men. In the free
states, and, by the proolamation, in the rebel
states; they are free men. The Attorney•
General, in ati opinion which defies refutation
has pronounce - d these freemen citizens of the
United States. Let, .then, the example of
Andrew Jackson, who did not hesitate to op
pose colored regiments to British invasion, bo
now - fearlessly followed. these blacks,
accliinated, familiar with the oeuntry, capa-
bin of groat enfluranee, receive suitable mili
tary organization, and" do their
. part. We
need 'their good will, and must 'make them
our friends by showing ourselves their
friends. We must have them for guides,
for scouts, for all military service in camp
or field.for which they are qualified. Thus
employed, from a burden they will become
a support, and.the,hazards, privationa, and
labors of the white soldiers be proper
tionablY diMinished.
"Some, will object, of course. There are
always objectors to everything.
Let - experience dispel holiest fears and re
fute captious or disloyal cavil.
" Above all, gentlemen, let no doubt rest
on our resolution to sustain, with all our
hearts and with all our means, the soldiers
now in arms fur the republic. Let their
ranks. be filled up ; let their supplies be suf
ficient and regular : let their pay be sure.—
Let nothing be wanting to thorn which can
insure activity and efficiency. Let each
brave officer and !pan realize that his coun
try's love attends him, and that his coun
try's hopes hang upon hi n ; and, inspir-d
by this-thought, let him dare and do all that
is possible to be dared and done,
"So, gentlemen, with the blessing, of God,
will we make a glorious future sure." I see
it rising before me---how beautiful and
grand I There is nut time to speak of it
now ; but from all quarters of the land comes
the voice of the sovereign people, rebuking
faction, denouncing treason, and proclaim
ing the indivisible unity of the republic ; and
in this ileaven•inspired union of the people,
for the sake of the Union, is the sure prom
ise of that splendid hereafter.
" With great respect, yours very truly,
"Hon. George 0 pdyke, George Griswold, F.lmq
and others, Committee of the Loyal Na
tional League, New York."
In a private letter accompanying the
above ;qr. Chase uses the following words,
the latter of which may well be adopted as a
motto by every Loyal National League in
the land : •
What said the Roman orator when Cat
iline armed against his country: Let what
each frian thinks concerning the Republic
be inscribed upon his forehead.'"
' reran tne Middlet.urg. (Snyder Co., Ps.,) Tribune.
LAW, "r
- Becks County Emulated.
It becomes our painful duty to chronicle
one of the sadde-,t, and at the same time one of
the most daring and damnable attempts at de
fying the laws and the Government, that, has
yet occurred in this section of the country.
To make the matter c!ear it becomes necessa
ry to enter somewhat into detail.
When the draft was made in October last,
a young man, by the name of James Hummel,
of Middleercek township, roisatortly entered
Tutu an arrangement, with Mr. Azariali Kree--"
ger, to go as sphstitute for the latter who was
drafted lute the service of the United States
This arrangement, was made. Hummel took
the money or at lea , t a part of it, and went
to Harrisburg, where he was---Jteorn into the,
Service of the United Suites and Mr. Kroegeri
accordingly dischargd.
Hummel remained at Harrisburg a short
tium, and then deserted, thereby defrauding ,
the Government out of the services of Mr
Kreeger to which it was entitled, and ;also
Mr. Kreeger out of his money, by not giving
value therefore.
This inert Hummel, together with some Oth-
er deserters. since the time of their desertion,
-have-hero defying the authorities - titl - rthreat:
ening to kill any man who should attempt to
arrest them. They however found it conven
ient to secret thetuselves„whenever thy, guards
We're if ioul, which fact wits duly heralded by
the Tory organ, the Selinsgrove TtineB. Thus
things went on until last Saturday, when
Capt. Cox, who is situated at this place, by
some means learned that there was to bo a
funeral at New Berlin, at which it was quite
probable that Hummel would bo present.—
He accordingly ordered Sergeant. Kephart and
an assistant, to New Berlin with instruction-s
to arrest him in Church, very reasonably
presuming that no resistance would be made,
and blood-shed avoided. But he was sadly
mistaken, these desperadoes were fully armed
for any emergency. The Sergeant, with hie
assistant, entered the Church, and walking
right up to Humtne,l, tapped him on the shoul
der, and commanded him to surrender, upon
which, Hummel drew a revolver and fired two
loads at Mr. Kephart, when the Sergeant fired,
hitting Hutnruel in the side, the ball passing
(it is said) through his lungs. He however,
discharged two more barrels at the Sergeant
after he was wounded. IViiile this scene was
being enacted, the friends and spill utilizers
of Hummel some fifteen or twenty in number
rushed in upon the officer, with revolvers, and
some, with their fists, beating and clubbing
him and his.-assistant and firing their pistols
at them.
We are told that there were some eleven
shots fired during the melee, of which the of-
ficer6 in discharge of their duty, fired only
Sergeant Kephart and his aid made their
escape from the enraged rebels without inju •
ry, except a little scratch upon the knuckle of
one of the fingers of the Sergeant, two ba Is,
however, passed through his coat and one
rested in the lining of hts •est, which ho ex
tracted on Sunday, without much pain. The
last news we have from Hummel, ia, that ho is
not expected to live.
Tirdse are some of the out oropings of the
devilish teachings of Frank Weirick, Jack
Cummings & co. They spur on those poor,
ignorant, deluded people, to acts of treason
and rebellion, and leave 'Chem to pay the fur•
felt with their lives, while these treacherous,
cowardly villains are in their dens of safety,
preaching up that we have no•Qovernntent.
Let the people take warning, this is a spark
front the volcano, with which the Tory Or
gans have been threatening us. Let the Gov-
ernment put forth its strong hand and nip this
incipient treason in the bud, otherwise there
may be bloody times close at hand.
The rebels made an attack upon our forces
at Cape Girardoan on Monday morning.—
Con. McNeil commanded the Union troops.—.
The rebels, under Burdridgo and Marmaduke,
were badly whipped, at last accounts we're in
full rot rent.
Richmond papers of tho 23d say that 40,
000-troops-lutd--bee2-1 a ndmi—a t - Eastport-sight
miles - from Nita; .- Ca - valry are also — reported
advancing upon Pontotoc.; A movement's' is
also said to' be in peocoss of execution from
Corinth on Holly Springs.
' The fighting on the Coldwateis said to
have. almost ceased. The rebel Loring is tiaid;
to have arrived with reinforcement at Fort
The Chattanooga Rebel of the 23d reports
a fight at Tuscumbia and claims a victory.
The rebel torces under Marwaduko in Mis
souri are supposed to number between six
and eight thousand. Attempts had boon made
to burn severaftrailroad bridges, bttt the
Union troops drosM the rebels away in every
The President has received dieatchba from
Gen. Grant and Adjutant General Thomas,
beforo Vioksburg, dated the 23d of April.--
On the evening previous, six. gunboats and
twelve barges ran the batteries of Vioksburg
and Warrenton. Various houses in the town
were set on fire that the light caused by them
might enable the gunners to discover tho Fed
eral vessels. None of the barges were in•
lured, and only one steamer was abandoned.
She floated down the river slit miles and then
grounded. - All hands on -board of her were
saved. The crew of one of the boats having
refused to run the risk of passing the batter
ies, there place was supplied by men who
volunteered from an Illinois regiment. The
whole feat. was accomplished with the loss of
only two killed and ton wounded. The great
land and naval force now below Vioksburg
completely flanks the rebel position.
Active Operations of Gen. Banks
NEw Tonic, April 24.—The steamer Fulton,
from Now Orleans via Key West, arrived hero
at noon to-dny. She got aground on her pas
sage down• the Mississippi, remaining eight
days. and leaving the bar on the 19th.
The New Orleans Era, of the 10th, the only
late paper receiv .1, gives an account of late
military 1110Vellieu,S.
On the morning of the 17th, Gen. Banks
had re .ched Verioißeeville, after a hard
fight at Vermillion Bayou, where the rebels
had posted btteries and infantry, but were
driven from their position after hard fighting.
with considerable loss on both sides.
A letter in the Era, dated in t e field above
New Ideria, April lfith, states that Col. Kim
bad, wit lid he Fifty third Massachusetts regi•
meat, entered the rebel works at Bethel Place
on the morning of the 11th, planting our flag
on the parapet Gen. iVeitzel's Division follow
ed by the whole line.
The rebels left numbers of their dead un
buried, and evidences Were plenty of bloody
work in their ranks.
Large stores of ammunition, some
rifles and other arms, were captured
Our army them inarehedAtirough Patterson-
ville, skirmishing continuously, and reached
Franklin on the sth
Prior to Thursday night some thousand
prisoners hal been brought into Franklin ;
captures of whole companies of rebels being
made at a time. At Franklin the steamboat
Corine was captured, with three officers of
the late gunboat Diana ou board, thus restur
ing them to our service. .The rebels also
destroyed ten steamboats, to prevent their
falling into Gen. Banks' hands, and also two
large gunboats and the Diana. Included in
the destruction of those boats were iininen.qe
stores of provisions, twenty thousand pounds
of bacon and a thousand cases of ammunition.
It was expected that General Banks would
capture OpelouSas oh (he 18th, and occupy.
The expedition of General Grover ha•l'been
,emiuently successful, and in a battle with the
rebels at Irish Bend, the 13th COnnecticut
charged the rebel line and batteries, support.
ed by the Stith Maine,Al,ltonn., I:!,th Maine,
and 1/Ist. N. 1., anii 4 deltiated them, leaving a
silk tlag and other troithies in our hands. . .
The rebel force consisted of two regi.neuts
of Texans, and throe batteries, including the
famous Pelican and Situ's batteries.
The whole rebel force at Bethel Place and
Irish Bend numbered sortie ono thousand,
posted in a highly advantageous position, un
der command of lieu. Dick Taylor, a son of
the late Z Lollar). Taylor.
Important captures of horses, mules and
beet cattle, to the number of over a thousand,
were made. The celebrated ,salt. mine or salt
Rock was captured, and the rebel works de
The rebel soldiers wero not loth to he cap.
Lured, And over-1.,(0)-itrain onr -- na'nds; - an'tl
wore are being taken.
An abandoned rebel iron foundry was found
near New Iberia, containing a quantity of
shot and shell.
Our fleet ha's reduced rebel, fortifications at
Bute La Rose— an important point. The
prospects are that the rebels wilt be driven
out of Opelousas county, or all captured.
Our troops are in splen . id condition.
The a ounded in the late battle have nearly
all reached New Orleans, numbering 179
where they are quartered at the Mechanics'
Institute hospital. Among them are Lieu
tenants Oliver and Bannina, of the 25th Con
necticut. All are doing well.
A large number of rebel wounded were in
the hospitals at Franklin and Iberia.
There is nothing new from Key West, ,
A dispatch froin Col, Pomeroy, at Capo
Girardeau, says that the rebels are in full re
treat, pursued by Cul. Vandover. The ene
my are moving towards Bloomfield. Col.
Vandever has captured a large number of
Late rebel papers acknowledge the loss of
five Napoleon guns and forty men on the
Nansemond river. They intimate that our
forces are withdrawing fro•u the line of the
General Curtis has issued orders similar
to 'those recently issued by General Burnside,
but far more stringent in their tone.
A portion of (lon. G. 'Clay Smith's brigade
made a dash yesterday on the camp of the
Ist Togas Legion, eight miles !rem Franklin,
Tenn. They captured 128 rebels, inc.uding
three captains and five ljeutenants,lifty mules,'
and an ambulance filled with medical stores;
also, eight wagons loaded with arms, The
rebel colonel was captured, but afterwards
escaped, Three . thousand . citizens have
taken the oath of allegiance in Nashville,
and have given bonds fur its fi ithful per
formance. A rumor prevailed in Nashville
that. the rebel general Braxton Bragg had
been shot by Generll Breekinridge at
Tullahoma, on the 26:11 inst.
Admiral Porter telegraphs that twelve
additional transports, and six barges loaded
with coal, have safely passed the Vicksburg
Rumored Capture of 700 Invaders.
The latest int eligenc received here confirms
the rebel raid into Western Virginia, in cOp_
eiderable force, with the object, probably, of
diverting the attention of our troops NOM an
other quarter.
Efficient means have been taken to inter
cept the enemy, and the prospect of their
capture, we are happy to say_oippears___to._be_
good. •
A.rumor prevails that 700 of the rebels halo
already been captured, but it does not appear
to ho well founded
, Every precaution is beirig - talcen - by the
State authorities here to be reedy itt case an
invasion of the State is attempted.
We haVe full particulars of the operations
of the Rebels but, as the news is contraband.
and its publication may defeat the plans, of
the Government for the capture of thelteliels
we withhold its publication Telegraph.
Commissioner of Internal Rove-
nue has decided that all promissory notes,
weather of greater or less sums than twenty
dollars, aro subject to a stamp.
Catlin an Counk „Natters.
a four years' scholarship in Dickinson Col
lege, which we, will sell at a discount.
ZroN'sCLAgts.--Zien's Classic of the
German Reformed Chureh.will convene in this
place, Olrl Friday evening, May Bth at 7 o'clock,
at which time the Classical Sermon will bet
preached by the President, in the German Ito
formed church. The sessions of the Classis will
tinue for about five days, Divine service
every night. On sabbath the 10th the coin
munion of the holy Supper will be admin
istered to the members of Classis and to t lie
congregation. A number will be confirmed.
The business of Classis will be transacted
with open doors, and the public are cordially
invited to attend. There will be about 60
Ministerial and Lay Delegates in attendance.
The service will be specially devoted to the
Ter centenary celebration of the Heidelburg
GODEY'S LADY'S Boo K.—for May is
preeminently rich, in a'l respects. The steel
plate, " Playing May Party," is a truly sweet
picture, and the reading matter is of the most
elegant and chaste order. We wish every
Lady in the Country would take and read the
Lady's Book, it would do more good than all
the boarding Schools in the land. Price sin
gle copies 1i33,U0.
Addrees, L. A. Gooney, 323 Chesnut et
Below we give a table petting out the amount
of the'revenuo tax upon promissory notes of
all dimensions. This table has been carefully
compiled from the laws on the subject, and
can he relied upon as correct. Farmers and
business men will see the importance of pro
serving the list for reference.
Pronsory Yaes, Drafts, Inland and torrign
Bills 6f 14:x41(1,19e, Oorders for Paymrnt of
Money, laiters of Gretht, and Notes
Payable on Demand,'
Payable otherwise titan on Sight.
33 63 03 4 11 6•1• 0 . 1 ,•
01 02 03 04 06 10
02 01 06 OS 12 20
03 06 00 12 18 90
04 08 12 16 21 40
05 10 15 20 30 50
06 12 19 24 30 60
07 14 21 29 42 70
06 16 24 32 48 80
09 19 27 36. 54 90
10 2t 30 40 60 1 00
11 22 33 44 .- - 66 1 10
12 24 30 48 72 1 20
13 26 31 52 78 1 30
14 29 42 56 84 1 10
15 30 45 430 90 1 5(1
ln 32 45 04 96 1 10
17 34 51 60 1 02 1 70
18 36 14 72 1 08 1 40
19 34 57 7 0 1 14 1 9
20 40 4)0 /0 1 20 2 00
21 42 011 84 1 20 2 10
22 41 06 84 1 32 2 20
23 40 110 • - 92 - 1 38 2 30
24 4472 00 1 41 2 40
25 50 75 1 00 1 10 2 10
50 I 00 1 50 2uo 300 5 ou
75 1 :0 2 25 3 00 4 50 7 50
1 01 2 no 300 400 6 00 10 00
1 25 2 50 :3 75 5 Oo 7 50 12 So
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tt,2o t $2lO
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.2j1•1 •• 3.1111/
3,100 3 3 r'q
3,000 •' 3,500
•• .4,1100
4.000 '• 4.20
4,200 " 4,400
4.01 0 • 4,80
4,800 •` 5,000
cno 3 awl 3 days
n mos. and a days. Ocor 13 runs
effeek, f)rafror (1 - rdey', Sifhl
For amount exceeding
SEWIkG MACIIINES.—We %multi call
our readers attention to Wheeler & Wilson 'a
sewing Machines whose advertisement will be
found in *another column. Sewing Machines
have become as much a necessity as the reap
er and mower. Read what some of the lead
ing newspapers say of the Whdelor & Wilson
" The Wheeler St, Wilson Sewing Machine
is Simple, not easily damaged, and, in point
of effectiveness, is without a rival."—Scien
ttfic American.
'• There is no better family Machine than
this made, as.we have proved by three years'
use in our own fatudy."—American Agri
" Wheeler & Wilson's is, beyond all quo ,,
tion, the Machine fur family usti."—Lip It
•• Wheeler & Wilson's rilachlnes combine all
the improvements that havo been invented for
sewing and are, the Maohines par-exoellence
for family sewing, and for manufacturers gen
erally. Indeed, we see nothing to add or
abate, and consiider them a triumph of me
chanical genius."--2ir Y. Journal.
- .
•• The Wheeler & Wilson celebrated Ma
chines are pro eminently calculated for family
use. and for this purpose have no equal."—
Musical World.
An agency for Wheeler & Wilsons Machine's
has been opened at the rail road office Car
lisle, whore Machines can be examined.
sident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
of Alleghrny county, Pa., gave notice, re
cently, that all lawyers practicing in that
Court, who did not at once pay the excise
tax, should be suspended until such payment
was made. This is right. The pillars of
the law should always set the example of its
observance, and we hope that the determina
tion of the Allegheny Judge will' be emula
ted by every judicial officer in the land.
(her the publication of nn official advertise
ment in the German language is fully in
.agreement.with the requirements of law has
for-some time been a matter of-doubt-with
legal authorities. Before the Supremo Court
of Pennsylvania the matter was recently
tested, The case was carried up on a cerW
orari from — the - Quar
being raised upon the road case from Upper
Hanover and Franconia townships, Montgo
mery county. this ease, the Court deci•
dud that notice of the view, required to be
published, must he given in the ord nary
language of the country which is used in the
judicialyroceediiigs. In the present case,
the notice Was given in German papers, s and
in the German language, and for thisreason
the proceedings are quashed. lii coiihties
where, the German hinguage s prehils, this
decision of the highest judicial anthorities, is
of much importance.
This youthful hero, passed through a. city
in Indiana, while on furlough was stopped
by ono of the Provost Guards asked him
where his pass was. 'Oh,' said he, 'the Col.
didn't give me one, but just told me to go as
all the rest went. But,' said he, pulling up
the leg of his pants, 'here's a pass the rebs
gave me; ain't that good enough for a littlo
fellow like - me - ?' Thegittril tlinughtlf - was.
This wound proving rather serious, he was
discharge'd front the service. Nut liking this
very well he again applied at a recruiting of
fice, but was refused on account of this dis
ability. Nothing daunted, however, he ob
tained an interview with the President, who
after hearing his story issued a special order
fur his eulistment. Ile then joined the rog
ulur 'cavalry service a bugler, and has been
sent to earlile Barracks We have received
a visit front this little hero and a finer kieltiog
neater little soldier we have never seen•
$ 20 0
At a meeting of the Directors of the Cum
berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company,
held at their office on the 9th of April 1863;
in relation to the decease of two of their fel
low members, Capt. Samuel Woods and James
Weakley Esq. the following tribute to their
memories was adopted.
WHEREAS, this board in the Providence of
Liod has been called on to mourn the loss of
two of its prominent members, and as it is an
event deeply effecting to all of us, from cher
ished associations of so many years, there
Resolved, That we humbly submit to the
divine decree of Providence in calling away our
deceased friends, feeling assured that they
will receive the reward-of good and faithful
servants. God was merciful to them in their
last moments on earth in preserving their
minds clear and unimpaired, awl making
their suffering light and of short duration.
They were ileseendai.ts of the Bret settlers of
Cumberland County, and residents of-the same
to the close of their lives. They served their
Country with distinction in the war of 1814;
in the numerous battle fields 'on our northern
Lakes, and on the close of the war, returned
to their homes whore they sp-nt the remain
der of their days among their families and
friends. They left families to mourn their
sad lose, some members of whom, are now in
the armies of the Potomac and South West, de
fendisig the liberties for which their Fathers
sons of such worthy sires." They were truly
so gallantly taught. May they prove •worthy
God's noblest work, men distinguished for all
the sterling qualities which adorn life. Sincere,
upright uud honest professing ohristiana, dy.
ing in the faith and hope , of that salvation
which God-has promised to all who believe in
him. The deceased were prominent members
and officers of this Company from its organi.
zation. James Weakly Esq., being ono of the
Executive committee for twenty years. They
were loved and respected by all its members
for their truly pleasant and -agreeable inter
course at their numerous meetings, punctual
in - their attendance, attentive to their duties,
and by their modest 'and unassuming man
ners endearing themselves to the members of
this board, who feel their death as not only a
loss to the Company but a groat bereavement
to themselves.
Resolved, That the oflioers of this board
tender their sincere sympathy to the families
and friends of the deceased, and that-a oppy
of these resolutions be forwarded to them.
By order of the Board of.DireoLors..
seems to - be some misapprehension in the pub
lic mind relative to the rules by_ which the
. - Unit oirStitTos Treasury
°rued in the redemption of mutilated treasury
notes-and postage ourrencrwo - republish the
folio lw ing :
1. ,Fragments of a note will not be redeemed
tibless. it shall be clearly evident that they
constitute one-half or more .of ono original
note ;o.ln
w hio 'case , notes, however mutila-.
ted, will be redeemed in proportion to the
whole note,
.rockening by fifths. - --
2. Mutilations loss than' oue-tenth will bo •
will be disregarded, unless fraudulent but
any mutilation which destroys more than one
tenth the original note, will reduce the -re•
demption value of the note by one-fifth its
uons, the istme
. A Yourro Tinto.—John McLaughlin,
whose parents reside at Lafayette, Indiana, is
now twelve years of ago. Eighteen months
ago he enlisted in the 10th Indiana as a drum
met. boy. The marching and fatigues .of the
infantry service
_were too much for hie yoUng
limbs, and he was allowed a transfer to Col.
Jacob's Kentucky cavalry. Being favorably
impressed with the spirit and ardor of the
youthful warrior, the gallant Col. Jacob fur
nished him with a good horse, and assigned
him to Coulpany C, the `crack'• company of
his fine rernent.
John has proved himself a hero in the trues
and fullest sense of the term. Previous to
IiES enlistment with Col. Jacob he fought at
Fort Donelson and . Shiloh, and went through
both engagements unharmed He laid aside
his drum on both occasions when these battles
waxed hot and took a musket from a dead
comrade, with which he fought as bravely as
the most stouthearted man on the field.
He was with Co!. - Jacob at the battle of
Richmond, where he fought like a hero. He
handles a sabre, revolver, and revolving rifle
most effectively. lie was at the battle of
Perryville, where he received a severe gun
shot wound in the leg above the knee. It
will be remembered that in this battle Col.
Jacob, with a portion of his regiment, was
separated for a short time from -the main
body of his command, and while thus separa
ted was assaulted by a largely superior force
of the rebels, led by a Major, who riding up
to Col. Jacob, demanded his surrender.--
While Col. Jacob, was deliberating for a mo
ment, and just as the Major was about to lay
bold of him, John McLaughlin, our bay hero,
discharged his revolver at the Major, hitting
him in the mouth an 1 killing him instantly.
In the confusion which ensued, Col. Jacob
and his men escaped.
In ono of the skirmishes between, Colonel
Jacob's men and Morgan's cavalry, during
the last raid of that rebel chief into Kentucky,
the fighting — ivas very seVero. John McLaugh
lin was set upon by a stout cavalryman of the
enemy, who wounded him in the left leg with
a sabre. The blow knocked the gallant little
soldier froin his horse, and after his fall a
rebel soldier seized him by the collar saying,
'We have got ono d—d little Yankee, any
how.' But Johnny did net think so, and
quickly drawing his revolver, shot the rebel
dead. Just at this moment the rebels were
routed, and Johnny escaped capture.
Tribute of Respect.