Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 17, 1863, Image 2

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    1i tut *raid.
Friday April 17, 1863.
O. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6
State St. Boston, are our Agents for the
those cities, and are authorized to take Advertise
ments and; l 9dbieriptions for us at our lowest rates.
, Delegate Elections and County
The members of the Union Republican
Party of Cumberland County, and all others
willing to unite with them in support of the
Government in its efforts to put down armed
Rebellion, are requested to meet at their
usual places of holding elections in the several
Wards, Bormighs and Township (except in
East Pennsboro' Township, in which the
election will be hold at the public house of
Benjamin Clay, West Farview) on SAT
URDAY, the 18th of APRIL inst , to elect
two delegates for each Ward, Borough, and
Township, to - represent them in a County
Convention to be held in Rheent' s Hall, in
Carlisle, on MONDAY, the 20th day of APRIL
inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M., to elect a Repre•
sentative Delegate to the State Convention,
which will assembly at Pittsburg, on WED
NESDAY, the let day of JULY, 1863, to nom
minat e candidates for the offices of Governor
and Judge of the Supreme Court.
By order of the Standing Committee.
JACOB RIIEE,M, President.
hi°. S. DAVIDSON, Secretary,
Meeting of the Union League
In pursuance of previous arrangements, the
sinion league of Carlisle, assembled in the
Colift House, on Wednesday evening, and
notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of
the weather the Court house was filled with
an attentive auditory, representing all por.
Lions of our county. Dr. WILLIAM HAYS, was
called to preside, and THOMAS U. CHAMBERS,
acted as vice PreSidentand Secretaries. Col.
Tana, stated the objects of the meeting and
succeeded for an hour, in charming the atten
tion of his auditory with one of the very best
speeches ever made in the Court room. It.
Col. TODD, did not already enjoy the well
earned reputation of being among the first or
ators of our State, his efforts on Wednesday
evening, alone, would have distinguished him
as such. We have never beard the claims of
the administration—which he shovied beyond
cavil was, while it existed, thr government to
the hearty and undivided support of every
loyal heart, so strongly presented. When
this rebellion commenced, Col, Tom) at ono
day's notice, gathered around him one bun
.dred of our county's bravest eons and ina.rche 1
with them through.the arduous campaigns of
the Peninsula, and the Rappahannock, and
only left them when stubborn and incurable
disease had prostrated him. • lie is entitled to
a hearing.
The other speakers were C P. Hun Eaten,
Esq. Their utterances were those of patriotic
freemen, who in a crisis like the present,
scorn the base uses of political parties and
jealousies, t;ind with untnistakAble fervour an
flounced themselves on the silo of their coon
try. Mr. COHNINI2 , I has always been known
AS a prominent democrat—a brother of the
editor of the American Democrat —and claims
to be a better democrat to-day than the sneak -
}log pack of copperheads who infest our State,
plotting the downfall of free government.—
His natural, heart-felt eloquence, when ho
denounced the enemies of the country, was
received with the wildest applause.
The meeting was earnest awl enthusiastic,
and although two or three drunken copper
heads were present an 1 did their best to annoy
and interrupt the speakers, everything p tinsel
off harmoniously. The tiex.t meeting of the
League will be in Ritual's Hall, on Saturday
evening, the 25th inst.
that some of those individuals who are, for
political effect, crying so loudly for the " Con
stitution as it is," would not like to have that
instrument enforced. ,An exchange well
If the Government would enforce " the
Constitution as it is," a larger force would be
engaged in trying and hanging northern
traitors than is now employed in fighting
southern rebels If some of the men in the
north, who aro blustering for the " Constitu•
Lion as it is," were arrested and fairly tried
on its provisions fur the punishment of trai
tors, there would not be a quorum left in any
Democratic club organized since the last State
election. The Constitution as it is, is emphati
cally against traitors. It provides clearly
and explicitly for their punishment. If it
was sternly enforced, Democracy as it is now
interpreted, would never be spoken, because
Democracy as defined by those professing it
at this day, means practical and bloody trea
son. The day will come when the ' 4 Consti
tution as it is," will be the bitterest cup ever
pressed tti the lips of the men who nous seek
Lo make the expression one of embarrasseent
and reproof to the Government.
from Memphis furnishes the following :
" Two Kentuckians, late from Texas, give
a gloomy account of' affairs there. They met
two thousand of Ilindman's men, who had
deserted, and swore they would die before re
turning. They consider the Confederacy on
its last legs. There is great destitution and
suffering everywhere. At a first class hotel
in A.tlanta,. Ga., the faro was beef without
salt, roasted sweet potatoes, and coffee made
of burnt molasses, for which they wore
charged $2 60 per day. Well to do farmers,
having substitutes in the army, and women;
were, the only perilous suffered to remain at
home. The poor people desire 'peace on any.
TRY, IT ONCE AGAIN.—Wo know men in this
city who haver fell - many - timesfrom grace and
fortune, but are now up again. If a cough, sore
throat, cold, eta., troubles you,.try a box of
Bryan's Ptiltne4to Sirafers. 25 cents a box ;
they are a beautiful and useful article:. Sold
by S. Elliott._ _
has appbinted Professor Conunit, of Brad
ford county, to be State Superintendent of
Common Schools, in place of Hon. Thomas H.
Burrowes whose time-will expire on• the first'
of June
On Monday evening last, the copperheads
of the county met in the Court House, and
had a general refreshment and re-union.--
The meeting was called ostensibly for the
purpose of organizizg the opposition to the
government, counting noses, and arranging
matters generally for the annual grab for
office which comes off in October. We say
ostensibly called for this purpose, bu t arrange
ments looking ) to the fall election were
broached and tearfully discussed ; but the
prime object and 'purpose of the gathering
was for the condolence o( the golden circle
brethren of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and
Berke county, who have so recently cbme to
The crowd was called to order, and Mr.
DAVID WHERRY called to the chair—who,
after plaintively putting the preliminary mo
tions, took his seat, and the ball was fairly
opened by Mr. NEWSHAM. This gentleman,
after getting off an unusual number of pla
titudes, coaxed himself into saying that the
present democratic party was the only loyal!
party in the country. (Reader, if you
"don't see it," witness the recent action of
the K. G. C's. of Indiana and Berks county
and be convinced—in a horn.) Mr.
SHAM had a great many hard things to say
about the despotic and unconstitutional do
ings of the present "infamous" administra
tion ; but if he said one ugly word about the
government of democratic JEFF DAVIS, we
did'nt hear it. And just here we might re
mark that this kindly reticence in regard to
any little irregularities which may have been
committed by our "misguided southern
brethren," characterized the utterances of
every speaker. Mr. NEWSHAM sat down
amid vociferous yells and cries for more
At this juncture . Col.. Nyaosp, itruloußced
that Gen. BOWMAN was present and would
; probably address the meeting. But the
General, who evidently was not exactly plea
sed with this invitation, turned about and
left, and although a committee went after
him, its blandishments must have failed to
convince him that any good was to be com
passed by this assemblage, for he did not
appear again during the evening. .
Col. PENROSE then took the stand,.and had
the unimitable and inconceivable condes
cension to tell his audience that lie believed
the Republican party was loyal. What a
discovery he has made! When did he
open his eyes to this important fact ? Why
did'nt he in the same breath disclose the as
tonishing inteiligenc . o that the Dutch had
succeeded i n capturing Holland—the reve
lation would have been equally astounding-
The Colonel went on to say that while the
Republican-Union party was soundly patri
otic, it " did'ut know anything about war,"
and consequently was unfit to govern the
country. His entire speech was a plaintive
ly pathetic appeal to Union men to join the
copperhead phalanx. His apprenticeship
of "several years" (?) in the democratic
party must have been passed in assiduous
study of the habits and uses of those conve
_nieut .birds,. the stool_pigeen-and
decoy duek:-
But dear Colonel, itiavon't win—your tender
swan song deceives nobody.
Next comes the great copperhead Tycoon,
Judge HEPBURN. He is ever artful and
crafty, but on Monday night he even exceed
ed himself in the thimble-rigging art. To
attempt an enumeration of the wily artifices
—the adruit dodges—the cunning sophistries
by which ho dodged the main question would
be-a herculean task which we care little to
undertake. An honest and exhaustive criti
cism of his entire speech—which we believe
occupied almost an hour—might be written
in the one expressive word—gammon. He
undertook to prove from some mangled ex
tracts from a recent speech made by Hon.
Lupin:us STEVENS, that that gentleman's
sentiments were subversive of good govern
ment. The result was, a little STEVENS, and
—nruch HEPBURN. Here we leave the Hon.
Judge to the tender mercies of the next De
mocratic State Convention, and turn to the
next speaker.
Mr. SHAPLEY, who for so young an eagle
spread his wings majestically. Ile did the
" phunny" part of the performance. While
the other thunderers growled, he giggled;
where they cussed, he cachinated. We will
give a speciurn brick of his edifice and be
done with him. With countenance fearfully
grim, and voice dolorously cavernous, he
informed his auditors, that while coming up
the stairs on that evening, he had received
a telegram, announcing that the President
had issued another proclamation, which for
unconstitutionality, infamy, atrocity, despot
, ism, etc., etc., far eclipsed and overshadowed
everything which had heretofore been enun
ciated. Compared with this proclamation
all previous heresies were the merest baga
idle. Having thus wrought upon the feel•
ings of his hearers until they were in the
agonies of the most horrible suspense, the
speaker declared in a voice of roaring thun
der, that President Lincoln bad laid an in
junction npOil the citizens of Berks county,
restraining them for the space of one
Year from the use of saur kraut and lager beer.
cliclu i —our liberties are gone--gone.
Having relieved himself of this ponderous
witticism„the speaketturnet his_attention
to the union leagues, now being formed by
the loyal citizens of the north; •He succeed
ed in convincing his hearers that there was
about as much "trutlray soberness'_' in his
eclive against these organizations, as his
w_o_nderful_saur_kraut proclamation bad_ eon
tained. With this speech the meeting prat,-
tidally ended although we believe some of
the smaller fry did talk a little, but it was
to an almost empty house.- On the whole
we don't believe that this grand convention
of the copper knights paid, but we •may be
It is a fact beyond dispute, that the regimente
'om Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island and other ab
olition,States, contain a majority of Democrats; whilts
the regiments from Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois,
Indiana, New Jetsey and other Democratic States con
tain at least three Democrats to one Itepublican. This
is notorious and will' not he denied by any man who
halo the least regard for truth.—Vinharsita.
Just here notice some figures from the elec
tion returns of 1861. We commence with our
own County,, and give the votes of the - com
panies from which returns wore received.
For the further edification of the Volunteer
we give some figures fitim Other quarters.—
The vote of the Pennsylvania volunteers at
the election in 1861 Mood, thus, Republican
11851, Democratic 3173. At the last election
there were a few regiments and parts otregi
meats remaining in the state, which had not
been ordered into service, and in which the
voting was 1867 Reputilican to 351 Democrat
io. The lowa and Wisconsin regiments were
allowed to vote at the last election for State
officers and members of Congress which they
did with this result.
The volunteers from St. Louis also voted as
follows : Eurtncipation 2,139, Dem. 7. The
volunteers from Colorado voted thus: Rep.
567, Dem. 12. These are the official returns
of all the authorized and legal voting done
since the commencement of the war. For
convenience we recapitulate.
Rep. Dem. Rep. Maj.
Penna. 1861, 11,351 3173 8,178
1862, 1,867 251 1,616
lowa, 1862, 14,874 4,115 10,759
Missouri, 1862, 2,139 7 2,132
Wisconsin 1862, 8,373 2,046 6,327
Colorado, 1862, 567 12 555
39,171 9,604 29,607
If readers will apply their arithmetical
knowledge'to these figures they will discover
that in those places where elections have been
held in the army the vote has shown that
there are somewhat more than four Repub:i•
cans for every one Democrat in the service.—
The Volunteer however says that there
are " three Democrats to one Republican
Somebody's lying. We were once taught
that figures never lie, but we begin to be
lieve now that the man who taught us that,
was a " poor miserable abolition pedagogue' .
who was "interested in the downfall of the
Democratic party and the consequent ruin of
the Country " Mr. BRATTUN must be right,
and figures must necessarily lie, because his
assertion " cannot be denied by any man who
has the least regard for truth.'.' •
We are not inclined to speak harshly of
Democratic politicians even when they make
assertions so utterly devoid of truth as the
one we have copied from the Volunteer. Such
wholesale perversions of facts ; such entire
recklessness of assertion ; such meanness in
claiming what they have no right to claim ;
such total disregard of any obligations of
honor and truth, as is displayed in the ex
tract quoted, is the otiPS , stock in trade of Demo
cratic politicians. Without it their party
would have long since ceased to exist, and
their importance, influence and occupation
would have disappeared. They must resort
to such means to upliulltlit;ir . Pailf;and they'
have taught themselves to lie with an ease
and elegance that must be regarded with some
sort of admiration. They charge their oppo•
nents with having caused a war originated
in their own policy and their own treason,
and then in the face of the most overwhelm
ing evidence to the contrary, they assert that
they have contributed three fourths of the
men in our armies. Such effrontery from
any others than Democratic politicians would
be insufferable, but knowing the men and
knowing what is necessary, too, fur the suo
eess of the party, we can look with sonic tol
eration on even such lying as they do.
'Great Excitement in Reading
From the Reading Journal we take the fol
lowing account of the recent expose of the so
cret cabals of the enemies of the government
in that locality. It has long been an opan
Secret with friends of the Union that the more
malignant of the copperheads of the North
had banded themselves in secret conclaves,
binding themselves by the most rigid oaths to
oppose the war for the Union, resist the suc
cessful workings of the conscription act, and
sundry like villainies. But this exposition of
the practical working of a lodge of these do
Mons, will open the eyes of many hitherto
unsuspecting " conservatives." We have been
informed on good authority that even here, in
Cumberland County, these valiant " knights"
have made their appearance, and aro making
efforts to organize our copperheads on this
dark lantern, revolutionary basis. Wo have
an eye on these_insurgents, and if this arrest
of one of their chieftans, does not, squelch
them entirely, we may have some arrests sim
ilar to thooe to chronicle.
Thursday April 9, 1863. will !Ong be re
membered as the day on which the first open
exhibition of men organized Co resist the ex
ecution of the laws of the United States in
this county, took place. A certain Philip
Huber, as our readers aro +more, a Gorman
by birth, had been organizing secret Bookies
in the rural districts, and exacting a fee of
ono dollar from each individual before ho put
him through the ritos of initiation. Each man
took an oath to resist.the Conscription Act, and
also - not to reveal aux of the - proceedings - of
the Society. They had their signs, passwords,
and.emblems,_nnd honest_DniOn mou_beganlo_
be alarmed at their thorough organization and
fast - inoreashug strength. Tliti - Gfaid - 11 - aSter,
Huber, on Tuesday last ventured into the city
and was immediately arrested, as stated in
another column.
Tho same evening several officers arrived
from Philadelpeta with warrants from the
United States autheritiesin that, city, who took
Huber into custody, and convoyed him to the
Moyamensing Prison. Next day three more
of the - loaders, residents of Marion township;
named Gabriel Filbert, Dr: Augustus F Illig,
and Harrison Oxonrider, wore arrested, and
alse - takcn to Philadelphia. One of the, prison
ers; Gabriel Filbert, Flory., is aman ofconsidera
ble influence in his district, and formerly filled
the office of County Commissioner. Hon. J.
Glancy Jones was engaged as younsel for the
prisoners and proceeded to Philadelphia to at
tend to the case.
The arrest.of these parties created profound
sensation throughout the townships in whi oh
. they lived, and their oath-bound brethren re
solved to march, to the city and rescue them.
On Thursday - •morning the ohivalroutt
knights began to assemble nt various . places
along the turnpike west of the &hop
'At 11 o'clock' they crossed the bridge and
marched up Penn street, four abreast, two
hundred and eighty strong. The good people
of Reading wero inclined to look upon the
whole affair as a joko, until the procession
turned up Sixth street, and halted in front of
the CoUrt House. There was a general rush
made for the spot, and in a short time the in
surgents were surrounded by a considerable
crowd, anxious to ascertain what the invasion
meant, and disposed to give the "Knights" a
warm reception. Many of our best citizens
exerted themselves to prevent a collision
which would certainly have resulted in blood
shed. A single overt act of the invading host
would have resulted in a fierce fight, and in
that case we fear the 'Knights' would have
Dem. Rep.
5 39
2 31
16 31
12 8
had reason to regret the demonstration.—
There was a fair sprinkling of soldiers and
mechanics from the workshops in the crowd,
who Were hard to be restrained.
While the "Knights" were thus assembled
in front of the Court [louse, not knowing what
to do next, his Honor, Mayor !Toyer, ap •
peered on the Court House steps and ad
dressed the crowd. He said that an assem
blage of this kind was calculated to cause a
brunch of the peace, and was, altogether, im
proper; that if they had any business to trans
act; or investigations to make, they had bet
ter appoint a committee to represent them.--
Ile then warned them to disperse in ten min•
Rep. Dem.
148.74 4,115
8,373 2,040
The Mayor was followed 'by John S. Rich
ards, who explained to the iusurgeuts
"that their friends at that time were safely
lodged its prison at Philadelphia ; that able
counselltad_gene there to defend them, and
that they would have a fair and impartial
trial before the Judge of the United States
Court, and that this was all that reasonable
American citizens could ask for." lie ad
vised them to disperse before an outbreak was
made, which could only result to their own
At this juncture, Goo Lash, one of the lea.
ders of the demonstration was arrested,
and taken beforis Commissioner Young, who
held him to bail in the sum c,f ten thousand
dollars to appear in May nest, to answer the
charge of aiding and abetting treason pre
ferred against him. Ills gallant followers be
gan to steal away- in small squads, . and by I
o'clock the main body had retreated across
the Schuylkill.
It is surprising that nobody was hurt.—
Occasionally a Union boy, of a sportive turn
of mind, would pull down the hat of some un
fortunate "Knight." over his eyes, while an•
other would trip him up, but all these little
diversions were submitted to with becoming
humility. There were some hisses. and an
occasional cry of "hang him" when Mr Lash ,
came out from Commissioner's office, but he
was hurried along the street under_ the pro•
tection of the Mayor, and escaped unhurt.
Later in the day the rear gard encountered
a small body of Union men near the corner of
Penn and Third streets. The engagement re
suited in a complete Union Victory. For
very best reasons several "Knights" remained
on the battle-field, but all that- had sound
heads and legs, scampered across the bridge
and sought safety in flight..
Thus ended the first campaign which the
Knights of the Golden Circle in lierks county
have dared to make against the laws of the
United States.
thursday the prisoners had a hearing
before Commissioner IIEAZLITT, and evidence
was there adduced sufficient to remove all
doubts as to the treasonable character of these
Wu give below the salient features of Mr.
Ly.on's..Leatimen.y, he. &Lying,. the. mode at'--op-.
crating in this damnable nest of copperhead
WILLIAM Y. LYON, a Government Detective,
sworn, testified that he knows
.Philip Huher
well, and is slightly acquainted with Dr. Illig,
Gabriel Filbert and Harrison Oxenrider. He
slated that over two months since he received
intelligence for the first time, and frequently
since, that organizations inimical to the Gov
ernment existed in the neighborhood of Read
ing, and he set himself to work to find out
what truth there was in it. Many people had
complained to hint of the existence of those
leagues. On the 21st of March ho received
information that a meeting was to be held
near Reading, and he proceeded to the place
indicated, in Marion township, and concealed
himself in the barn of Jacob Sellets, under
the straw. Shortly after a party of men en
tered, Mr. Huber among them, who he rec
ognized by his voice. There :night have been
one hundred persons there. Shortly after
entering the barn Huber gave orders to search
the building to see if any person was there in
the character of a spy. Witness could not
tell who had spoken, being hill under the
straw. Huber directed the men to run hay
and straw forks through the straw, which was
done, but without discovering the locality of
the witness. They then placed what they
called their pickets around the barn, arid
went into secret session. This was about
nine o'clock. After the pickets were placed
Huhor administered the otdigation to a nutn
ber present, and did all the talking himself;
ho denounced the war as unholy, and pro•
'ended to speak in strong terms about the
conscription, &e. ; he said the organization
was over ono million strong, and started iu
the South ; that they bad signs, passwords,
grips, &o. The witness stated Ito believed
some eighty three persons took the obliga
tions of the society at the meeting in in ques
tion ; iluber repeated the obligation verbally,
wherein the members
.sworo to do certain
things ; when•.questioned they answered
" yes ;".11.eber gave notice that other meet
ings-would-be held, and-that the time would
bo communicated from ono member to anoth
er. Witness stated that Huber speaks at all
those meetings ; ono dollar is charged as the
initiation fee, and some eighty-three persons,
as near as witness could find.out, paid it at
the meeting in the barn. The following was
the obligation given after the organizatioO
had gone into secret session :—" Aro you in
favor of abducting Abraham Lincoln by force,
if necessary ? Are you in favor of a North-.
west Confederacy? Are you in favor of re
sisting the draft or conscription act?" In
regard to Dr. Illig,.Filbert and Oxenrider,
witness said ho could not say positively that
they were in the barn. Public meetings worn
hold, - at a-house-and the secret - session at - the
barn. There was , ,no regular discussion at
this. barn _me e tin g_nsooptAtto__ speech-made --by-
Huber. The number of men present: was ar
ri-Voirat through the amount of money he
heard atated'as received, $B3.
Huber acts as Treasurer; after his arrest
Huber,told witness that the organization was
banded together under the Constitution and
the Union, and that the ono dollar initiation
foe was to help-and assist ,one' another, em
ploy counsel.if arrested, &a: ; that if they
could not do what they wanted to under tho
Constltutiontbey would use force.
Half the failures in life arises front
ling in one's horse as he is leaping.
Silver is never a drug except when used as
the coating of pit Is.
The following summation of the news of the
Current week, will give our readers a fair idea
of the immense efforts which the govanment
is constantly making tor the the vindication
of its legal supremady. Though occasional
disaster and defeat Overtake us, and many
seem desponding, the part of the true patriot
is to look above and beyond temporary rover
ees such as has probably befallen us at Charles
ton, to the certain, and glorious triumph
which ultimately will crown our efforts.
According to the rebel accounts of the at
tack on Charleston, the combat between the
Union ironclads and the rebel forts was' car
ried on at it, range of nine hundred yards, a
somewhat closer conflict than former intelli
gence from the same source indicated. The
dispatches from Charleston to the Richmond
papers say that our Monitors cannot pass
Fort Sumter without Corning within five hun
dred yards of the rebel batteries. This would
subject them to a terrible fire. Thy claim
that the "devil;" which was intended to de•
stroy their torpedo obstructions, has fallen
into their hands. The loss of the Keokuk
seems to be confirmed. The news up to ten
o'clock Thursday morning states that the
United States Monitore were still in sight,
and that portions of the furniture of the Keo.
kuk where floating ashore. Nothing of
concerning the attack has been received at
Washington. Tho movements of our fleet on
the 9th and 10th were regarded as merely
preliminary measures to feel the way. Al
dispatch which reached Cincinnati by way of
Nashville, states that a ter'rible battle was
then (the 19th inst.) progressing, in which
the Union land forces were participating,
within sight bf Charleston. General 13eaure•
gard, in his official dispatch to his govern
ment, says that the double turret Monitor
was badly injured in the conflict, and sunk at
nine o'clock, and that her chimney is now to
be seen sticking out of the water.
The steamer George Peabody, at New York
from New Orleans, stopped at Hilton Head
on her way, arid brings news that the Moni
tor Nahant was there, repairing, after her
bout at Charle,ton. She had five shot holes
in her chimney, and some of the rivets in her
turret were started, which prevented her
guns working to advantage.. The .Keokuk
had been sunk, and one man lost in her.
Van Dorn's rebel' corps, 15.000 men, at
tacked General Granger's Union corps at
Franklin, Tenn., on the 10th, and, after an
obstinate battle lasting nearly was I
repulsed with the loss of 300 men, while our
loss was two We took '2O prisoners. The
enemy was beaten and pursued until night
The official accou)t of the battle of Charles
tin has been received at IVashington. The
Keokuk was really sunk by the rebel fire,
but the Irousides was not disabled. She was
found unmanageable before going into ac
tion, and was therefore anchored.
General Grant has removed his headquar
ters from Vicksburg to Milliken's Bend, and
refu-ed all exchanges of prisoners until the
rebels consent, to exchange the captured offi
cers, whom they are now in the habit of send
ing south. Gsterimus' division has driven
the rebels out of New Carthage and occupied
the place, with small loss. The preparations
indicate a combined attack on Port Hudson
from above and below. Gen NlcClernand has
beaten a rebel corps near Richmond, La., af
ter which the rebels retreated. MeCternand
occupied the town and then advanced to Lag
range. A cavalry expedition, under General
Steele, drove a rebel force away and marched
on. Since Van Dorn's defeat at Franklin, he
has retreated beyond "Spring Hill, throwing
two field pieces into a creek. A passenger
train of cars from Murfreesboro' to Nashville
was captured by 300 rebels under Col. Fer-
rill, who tairned the cars and the mail and
ca:pt tired 100 passengers, twenty officers, for
ty sutlers, and some soldiers. The guard of
the. tram-made-fight-and lost -six- -men —lt ille4l
and a dozen wounded, the ref els losing the
same number. The guard has forty three
rebel prisoners in charge. Our people lost
from $25,000 to $30,000. A party of guer
riilas have been attacked and routed at. the
mouth of Hurricane creek, Ky , after a se
vere skirmish, by two companies of our in-
fantry. We captured two lieutenants and
several private soldiers. The rebel loss at
Dutton's Hill is now admitted to excee d fiv e
hundred. The rebel commanders Pegram,
Scott and hurter have been arrested and sou
to Knoxville to ae,Fpunt for their conduct.
.I.n arrival at New York from Newberu, N. C ,
brings a report that it was expected Genera
Foster would have to surrender, for want o
provisions. Hu had but 1200 men. On the
sth a force of 8000 men left Newborn on the
Neuso river, under General French, to rein-
force Foster, but meeting with a superior
force of rebels, returned to Newbern, on
which place the rebels were urirching. From
irsnsi i we have news of skirmishing at Wil-
liamsburg, and a rumor that the rebels are
between Williamsburg and Yorktown, and
also that they were threatening Suffolk. Ito-
coolly, while the barque Pursuit_ was at Taut•
pa Buy, Florida, three rebels, disguised as
women, lured some of the crew of the barque
on shore by a flag of truce, and when the boat
reached the shore a body of fifty or sixty reb
els in ambush fired on and wounded them. Nev
ertheless the orew saved theinielves and their
boat, and gut off safely to the barque. Gen-
oral Burnside has issued a severeartny order,
pronouncing the penalty of death against all
rebel abettors.
A rebel report has been received by way of
New Orleans, the Admiral Fareagut was in
Red river between two rebel batteries, out of
range of either,, hut unable to pass them, and
that a messenger sent by him overland to Gen.
Banks was captured and held as a prisoner
by the rebels.
General hill, who is besieging General Fos•
for at Washington; N. C , has 20,000 men•
under his command, besides 7000 men under
Gen. Pettigrew, but they•ard scattered over a
considerable distance. Anotherftocount, tel
egraphed to the Boston Herald, and dated the
this, .says that the rebels aro commanded by
Gen. Leo, and that a stroug expedition of
ours has crossed the Neuso river to go to the
relief of Foster.
Ulm a 0 Gunk glatttrs.
• M.Wo aro authorized to' announce
-that N. M. -I.3nernm, Esq., is appointed an
agent at Carlisle, for the receiving of sutiscrip-
Liens to the Five Twenty loan. We have spoken
frequently in commendation of this loan as a
-first-olassinvestment:—ltis undoubtedly the
beat.and safest-way to loan money: Mr. Bxn-
Tam's advertisement, giving all necessary in
formation relative to the manner of securing
those bonds will appear nest week.
day last, on inotion - of Er.
H. ElEfriumN, Esq., was admitted to
practice in the several courts of this county.
.11Erutor, is a young man ot . marlred
ability, 1.11.0 been an assidous student,.:ntid is
entitled to the respeet]aud 'confidence of the .
community; ,May ho succeed.
THE NEW 5-20 LOAN.--Last week
we gave a circumstantial account of the mode
of securing, and the practical workings of
this loan. We now netice the appointment of
Messrs. Ken. Donal. St Co. the proprietors
of the Cumberland Valley Bank, as agents to
receive money on behalf of the government,
and secure therefor these five-twenty bonds.
As the time for their issue expires on July
Ist, and as the demand for them is always in
advance of the supply, we would advise those
of our readers who are fortunate enough to
have money to invest, to lose no time in se
curing this, which is undoubtedly the very
best security in the market. Their advertise
ment is in another column.
evening is the time fixed for the preliminary
meetings throughout the county, which are
to elect delegates to meet in convention in
Rheem's Hall, Carlisle, on Monday next, the
21st inst., to select a delegate to the State
Convention. We need not urge upon our
readers the great importance of attending
these primary meetingd. We have for the
last twenty years, been in a clear majority
over the regular democratic party, but yet
we have beaten probably more than half that
time, and why ? Because the Democrats halt°
always and ever been thoroughly and, com
pletely organized, and were prepared when
election day arrived, to bring out their - last
vote. They became and keep thus organized,
partly because they make everything—coun
try, religion, morale,—subserve their parfy's
ends ; and partly because they place much im
portance upon primary meetings, and attend
them faithfully—sending to their conventions
the live, working men of tire party. Let us
learn wisdom from oar enemies. We dwell
thus upon this-theme ; not (rota any desire
fur party aggrandizement, or the elevation to
office of any particular set of men, but be
cause in the present dark hour of our country's
etaggle, it becomes thq duty of every, lover of
free government, to see to it that the northern
tory enemies of his country, do not succeed,
through his cravenness, in grasping the reins
of power, and driving us headlong into the
b ack gulf of treason and secession to which
they are inevitably steering. See to it, patriots,
that no part of this criminal neglect shall be
justly chargeable to you.
Court Proceedings
First rr:Tlc.—The only case tried - itt• the
civil list, this week was Nicholas Myers vs.
C. V. R. It. Co. This was an action for
damages, which the plaintiff alleges he sus
tained from the carelessness of one of the
compny's employees. In February, 1861,
while acting as agent for Elenderson & need,
he fell off the train while drawing a bolt, in or
der to switch Bryson's cars into his siding at
Mechimicshurg. Several cars ran over his
leg about the ankle, rendering amputation
necessary. The jury awarded him $lOOO
damages. Motion for new trial made by
Deft. Miller and Newsham for Pl'f. Watts.
and Sharp for Deft.
In the Quarter Sessions, in the case of
the Com'th. vs. E. B. Rheem, a nolle prose
qui was entered by direction of the Court..
The nest case wag
Cotn'th. V 3. Patrick Smith.—Larceny. This
defendant stole a coat, carpet, and several
other articles from the house of Peter Mon
yer, plead guilty. Sentenced three years to
penitentiary, to restore Om property, and pay
$1 fine and costs. Gillelen foit Confth. Shap
ley for Deft.
Coin'th. vs. Sarah Ruggles.—Larceny of
hreast pin, and dress. Plead guilty, and
sentenced to House of Refuge. Gillelen for
Cuin'th. Shearer fur Def't.
com'th. vs. Henry Brightbill.—Larceny
of buffalo robe. It was shown that this
property WAS taken in jest by other parties
than those chargel in the inlicttnent. Ver
dict not guilty. Gilleleti aryl Smith for
Coin'th. Penrose and Ritner for Dert.
Coin'th. vs. Henry Roberta.—Malicious
mischief Ple id guilty, Sentenced 10 days
in County prison, to pay Si b and costs.
Coin'th. vs. John Kemper, Reuben Kem
per and John Stock.—Assault and. Battery
on oath of Michael Natcher. Verdict Dof't.
not guilty. John Kemper pay three-fourths
of the costs and Michael Natcher one-fourth.
At the time of going to presi the trial of
the three defendants for the murder of ttta
soldier, John Barney is progressing.
Hanover Street is fully prepared for nu im
mense Spring business. The largest stock
of seasonable. fashionable and stylish cloth
ing for Gentlemen, boys and children, ever
offered in this town, will be found at this ex
tensive establishment. In every particular
the present stock of this popular clothing
house may safely challenge the criticism of
purchasers. The best goods of foreign and
domestic manufacture are made up by Liv•
INOSTON, and none but the best workmen
employed by him. We the'refore hazard
nothing in saying that no better goods and
no cheaper can be bought in Carlisle than
at LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street.
Tribute of Respect.
The following resolution, relative to the
death °filer. Charles Cummings D. D., of
Chicago, Es President of S. John College,„
Mary land' wore; unaniinollitlY - adopted by the'
Belles . Lettres Society of Dickinson- College
Carlisle Pa. April - Ist, 1863.
-Miasmas, -Almighty- God in his infinite
wisdoin . has bcoa-pleased to remove from us
by death, Charles Cummings- D. D., ono of
the earliest members of the Belles Lettro,4 So
piety and ono highly respected by, all who
know him ; therefore be it
• Itelolved, That by his doatCthe BolleS Lot.
tr . os Society has lost one whose brilliant tal
ents:and enviable reputation have -reflected
honor upon her, and whose life was a life of
groat usefulness to his Creator and to man
Raolved, That while we deeply lament the
death of him, who has been taken from us, wo
bow in humble submission to the will of God,
we are cheered amid our sorrow, with the as
sured hope, that our beloy.od brother has