Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 17, 1863, Image 1
]STATE NOTICE. Lettere testamentary On the estate of Benjamin Shue, deed., late of South Middleton township, having boon issued by the Registbr of Cumberland county, to the subscriber, residing in the same township, notice is hereby given. to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment, and those haring claims to present thorn duly authenticated for settlement to DIARY SHOE, Executrix. April 10, 1863-6t* STRAW GOODS. all the ,NEW Styles, For Ladies misses k Childrone Wear. French k American FLOWERS. Bonnet Ribbons, and a crer4ral assortment of NI I LLIN Ait Y GOODS at the lowest Cash prices—Wholesale & 'Retail 1111LLINERS Will Consult their interest by examining my stock before making their purchases. WM. R RII9EN, No 218 Arch Street, Philadelphia, March 20,1863. _ MI I LLIN ERY GOODS. 1863. SPRING, 1863. WOOD & CARY, No. 725, CHEST NUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, STRAW & MILLINERY GOODS Including STRAW RATS S. BONNETS. MISSES & CHI LDRENS STRAW GOODS, FANCY & CRAPE BONNETS, French Flowers, Ribbons Ac., In which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchant & Milliner. CASH BUYERS will find special advantage In ox. :training this stock before purchasing. March 20, 1863-3 m. of •..- _........ Watches, Jewelry, 0 C- PS SILVER WARE, and ROGER',S SITE. . )' Z MOB. PLA'CIED-WARE. •,c‘4 ., . .e ' . , '' . - 'HENRY HARPER, No. 620 ARCH Street. PHILAD'A 4 N. B. All kinds of Silverware mace in the Factory, bark of the Store. March 20,1862-3 in. BALIIKORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED -DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most,ertain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for al, private diseases, weakness of the bark or limbs. strictures. affections of the hide., s and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debili ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity. troll bling,s, dimness of sight or fritlitillets. disease 0! - the head, throat, nose or skin. affectiops of the liver. lungs, stomach or bowels—those terrible disorders a risi t g ti Gut fho solitary habits of youth—these secret :Ind solitary practices 11101 i, fatal to their VI tiros than the song of igyrens to the Marindia of Ulysses. blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Mr 0171\T G - MEN Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice, that droadful and destructive habit hich annu ally sweeps to an untimely Bravo thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have en t stowed listening Senates with the thunders of el..quence or walicd to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Diann:CAGE Married persons, or young meta contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weal< !less, organic defornailies,.&e., speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the rare of Pr. J. may religiously ennlide In his honor as a gmatleman, and confidently rely upon his skill lIS a physician. ORG-ANXC WEILICHE SS Immediately eared, and full rigor restored. This dis tressing affection—which renders life miserable and anafritaKe impossible—is the penalty paid by the; 'ethics of Improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to . l commit excesses frow not being aware of the dreadful coosequgnee, that inay,.ensue, , Now, who that under stand, the subject will prett-nd to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those 'falling into In,- proper habits than by the prudent ? Fleshier, being de prived the pleaures of healthy offspring, the most serious dild destructive, symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physi cal and mental functions NV eakentw, loss of prrs.reative power. nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation 01 the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wast ing of the frame, cough, consumptionolecay and death OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall - not to observe name and number Letters must he paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his office. V CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRHS• No-Mercury or Nauseous Dr114.14,.-4,r.Johnstonemem ber. of the Royal College ot :surgeons. London. Oraduate front one of the most eminent Coil, ges in the United States, and the greater part of as hose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known: many troubled with chip log In the head and eats when asleep, great nervous ness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with de rangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who haveinj used themselves by improper indulgence and solitary bald's, which ruin both body and mind. unfitting them for either bus ness, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart. dyspep s.y, nervous irritability, derangeu;eut of the digestive functions, general debility. symptiims of ^onsumpt lon. - - MENTALLY.—The fearilll effects on the mine are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust', love of solitude, timidity , &c., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons•of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vig or, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symp., toms of consumptim& "ZOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, .should apply immediately, What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoymentse life. by the consequence of deviatinz from the path or nature and indulging lii a certain secret habit. Such persons must before con• .templating ' IY/A.RREILGE -reflect that a sound mind and body aro the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes .a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness -of another becomes blighled with our own. DISEASE OP IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea sure finds that he hos imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill timed Besse of shacoi;or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can aloes beftiond him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance] such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturne, pains in the head mad limbs, dhuness of sight, deafness, nodes on the -hin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this a vrful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering., by send ing him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victim to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ig norant protondors, who, by the use of that deadly poi son, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make tho re sidue of life miserable. STRANGERS Trust not your Eves, or health, to the care of the many unlearned and worthless pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnbton's a ivertisements, or style themselves. in thenewspcpers, regularly educated physicians, incap.iblu of curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy and poisonous compounds, or as long as the smallestfee can boobtnined, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over-your gailing-disappointment:. _ Dr. Johnston is the ouly,Physician advertising. II IS Sredantialsaardiplomas alarayithang_in_hianifiec ills remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in tinigreat hospitals of Eu rope, the fi rst in the country and a more extensive private practice than any other physician In the world. INRORSEDIENT op Tug. PRESS The many thousands cured at this institution year Atte' year, and the numerous important Surgical Ope rations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun,' "Clipper:. and many other papors, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides Ills standing as it gentleman of character and respoitsibility, La sk sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. sfiLIN - DISEASES SPEEDILY 0 UREIII. , Persons writing ' should be particular in directing their letters to this Institution, in the following men per; , JOIIN M. JOUNBTON, M, D., Of the Baltimore Lock U.:spited, Baltimore, lid; ilsy l 2, 1862-3 y , 11,1 N otradsilr VOL. 63. A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Propr Arlertca Nettalt. From the Atlantic Monthly for March THE VAGABONDS. We aro two travelers, Roger and I. Roger's my dog.—Come hero you scamp Jump for the gentleman—mind your oyol Over the table—look out for the lampl The rogue is growing a little old ; Five years we've trammai through wind and weather, And slept out-doors when nights wore cold, And ate and drank—and starved—together. We've learned what comfortis, I tell you I A bed on the floor, a bit of rosin, A fire to thaw our thumbs, (poor fellow! Ths paw he holds up there's been frozen,) Plenty of catgut for my fiddle, (This out door business is bad for strings,) Then a few nice buckwhents hot from the griddle, And Roger and 1 set up for kings. No, thank yo, Sir,—l never drink; Roger and I are exceedingly moral— Aren't we, Roger 7—See hint wink! Well, something hot, then,—we won't quarrel. Ile's thirsty, too,—see hint nod his head ? What a pity, Sir, that dogs can't talk 1 lie understands eve .y word that's said— And he knows good milk from waterand chalk The truth is, Sir, now I reflect, I've been on Rattly given to grog, I wonder I've not lost thA respect (Here's to you, Sir!) even of my dog. But be sticks by, through thick and thin: And this old coat, with its empty pockets, And rags that smell of tobacco and gin Hell follow v.hile he has eyes in his scckets There isn't another creature li,i log Would do It, and prove, through every disaster, So fond, so faithful, and sO forgiving, To such u miserable thauiaeS3 mastm ! No, Sir!—nee him wag his tall and grin I By George! it makes my old eyes water; That is, there's something in this gin That chokes a follow. But no mutter I We'll have some music, if you're willing, And Roger (hem! what a plague a cough la, Sir!) Shall march a littie.—Start, you villain ! Stantfstraight ! 'Eout face! Salute your officer! Put up that paw: Dress! Take your rifle! (Seine digs have !mug, you see!) Now hold your Cap while the gentleman gives a trifle, - To aid a poor old patriot soldier! .ffiarrh Halt' Now show how the rebel shakes, Wheu he stands up to hoar his sentence. Now tell us how many drams it takes To honor a jolly new aequalntanre. • Five yelps.—l list's five; he's mighty knowing! The night's before us, till the glasses! Quick. Sir! I'm brain is going— Some brandy,—thank you,—there?—it passes! Why not reform l That's easily said: But I've gone through such wretched treatment, Sometimes forgetting the taste of bread, And scarce remembering what meat weeny' That my peer stomach's past reform ; And there are times, n hen, mad with thinking, I'd sell out heaven for something warm To prop a herribleinwarrlslnking: _ Is there a way to forget to think? At your age, Sir, home, fortune, friends, A dear girl's love,—but I took to drink : The same old story! you know how It ends. If you could hare seen-these cla3sic features, I You need'nt laugh, Sir they were not then Such a burning libel on God's creatures; I was one of your handsome men! Tryon had seen iltilt, so fair and young, Whose head 'was happy on this breast! If you could have heard the songs that I sung When the wine went round, you wouldn't have guessed That ever I, Sir, should be straying From door to door, with fiddle and dog, Ragged and penniless, and playing To night for a glass of grog! She's married Since,—a parson's wife; 'Twas better for her that wo should part— Better the soberest, prosiest life Than a blasted home and a broken heart. I have seen her? Once; I was weak and spent On the dusty road: a carriage stopped: But little did she dream, aeon she went, Who kissed the coin that her fingers dropped! You've set me talking, Sir: I'm sorry; It makes me wild to think of the change! What do you care for a beggar's story Is It amusing t You find it strange? I had a mother so proud of me I 'Twas well she:died before—Do you know If the happy spirits In heaven can see The ruin and wretchedness hero below Another glass, and strong, to deaden This pain ; then Roger and I will start. I wonder, has he such a lumpish, leaden, Aching thing, in place of a heart lle is sad sometimes, and would weep, if ho could, No doubt, remembering things that were,— A virtuous kennel, with plenty of food, And himself a sober, respectable cur. I'm better now ; that glass was warming,— You rascal I limber your lazy feet I We must be fiddling and peforming For supper and bod, or starve in the street.— Not a very,gay life to lead, yin' think I But sood we shall go where lodgings are free, And the sleepers nood neither victuals or drink:— The sooner the better for Rogeri and me! pioccumuno. DEATH IN THE SCHOOL-ROOM A FACT. Ting-a-ling-lingling I—went the little bell on the teacher's desk of a village-school one morning, when the studies of the earlier part of the day were about half completed. It was well, understood that this was a corn mand_lor silence and P'' qion; and when these had, been obtai• le master spoke. 11 - e - wwa - 1 - 6W -7 1 1 1i - CY- 7 y and his name was Lugare. "Boys," said he, "I have had a complaint entered, that last night some of you were stealing fruit from Mr. Nichols's garden. I rather think I know the thief. Tim Barker, step up here, sir." • • The one to whom he spake came forward., Be was a slight, fair-looking boy of about fourteen i•and his face had a laughing, good humored expression, which oven the charge now preferred against him, and the stern , - tone and threatening look of the teacher had not entirely dissipated. . The countenance of the boy, however, was too unearthly fair for.. CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1863. etor. health ; it had, notwithstanding its fleshy, cheerful look, a singular cast as if some in ward disease, and that a fearful one, were seated within. As the stripling stood before that place of judgment, that place; so often made the scene of heartless and coarse bru tality, of timid innocence confused, helpless childhood outraged,and gentle feelings crush ed—Lugare looked on him with a frown which plainly told that he felt in no very pleasant mood. Happily a worthier and more philosophical system is proving to men that schools can be better governed, than by lashes and tears and sighs. We are waxing toward that consummation when one of the old-fashioned schoolmasters, with his cowhide, his heavy birch rod, and his many ingenious methods of child-torture, Will be gazed upon as a scorned memento of an ignorant, cruel, and exploded doctrine. May propitious gales sp,ed that day ! • "Were you by Mr. Nichols's garden fence last night?" said Lugare. " Yes, sir," answered the boy : "I was." "Well, sir, I'm glad to find you so ready with your confession. And so you thought you could do a little robbing, and enjoy your self in a manner you ought to be ashamed to own, without being punished, did you ?" "I have not been robbing," replied the boy quickly. His face was suffused, whether with resentment or fright, it was difricult to tell. " And I didn't do anything, last night, that I'm ashamed to own." "No impudence!" exclaimed the teacher, passionately, as he grasped a lo,g and heavy rattan : "give me none of yoursharpspeeches, or I'll thrash you till you beg like a dog." "The youngsters face paled a little ; his lip quivered, but lie did not speak. " And pray, sir,' continued Lugare, as the outward signs of wrath disappeared from his features; "what were you about. the garden for? Perhaps you only received the plun der, and had an accomplice to do the more part of the job ?" "I went that way because it is on my road home. I was there again afterward to meet an acquaintance; and—and—but I did not go into the garden, nor take anything, away from it. I would not steal,—hardly to save myself from starving." " You had better have stuck to that last evening. You were seen, Tim Barker, to come from under ;dr. Nichol's garden-feng:e, a little after nine o'clock, with a bag full of sninelpng.‘or : otner, over your shoulders.— The Wag' had every appearance of iNwing filled with fruit, and this morning the melon beds are found to have beer. completely cleared. Now, sir, what was there in the bag ?" Like fire itself glowed the faae'of the de tected lad. Be spoke not a word. All the school had their eyes directed at him. The perspiration ran down his white forehead like rain-drops. " Speak, sir I" exclaimed Lugare, with a a loud strike of his ratan on the desk. The boy looked as though he would faint. But the unmerciful teacher, confident of having- brought to light a--criminal; and ex , ulting in the idea of the severe chastisement he should now be justified in inflicting, kept working himself up to a still greater and greater degree of passion. In the mean time, the child seemed hardly to know what to do with himself. His tongue cleaved to the ropf of his mouth. Either lie, was very much frightened, or he was actually unwell. " Speak, I say l" again thundered Lugare; and his hand, grasping his ratan, towered above his head in a very signiffcant manlier. " I hardly can, sir," said the poor fellow faintly. His voice was husky and thick.— " I will tell you some—some other time.— Please to let me go to my seat—l ain't well." " Oh yes, that's very likely ;" and Mr. Lu gore bulged out his nose and cheeks with contempt. "Do you think to make me be lieve your lies ? I've found you out, sir, plainly enough ; and I am satisfied that you are as precious a little villain as there is in the State. But I will postpone settling .with you for an hour yet. I shall then call you up again ; and it you don't tell the whole truth then, I will give you Efotnetliing that:ll make you remember Mr. Nichol's melons fur many a month to come :—go to your seat." Glad enough of the ungracious permis sion, and answer lug not a sound, the child crept tremblingly to his bench. He felt very strangely, dizzily—more as if he was in a dream than in teal life ; and laying his arms on his desk, bowed down his face be tween them. The pupils turned to their ac customed studies, fool during the reign of Legere in the village school, they had been so used to scenes of violence and severe chastisement, that such things made but little interruption in the tenor of their way. Now, while the intervening hour is passing, we will clear up the mystery of the bag, and of young Barker being under the garden fence on the preceding night. The boy's mother was a widow, and they both had to live in the narrowest limits. His father had died when he was six years old, and little Tim was left a sickly, emaciated infant whom no one expected_ to live many months. To the surprise of all, however, the poor little child kept alive, and seemed to recover his health, us lie certainly did his size and good looks. This was owing to the kind offices of an eminent physician who had a country-seat in the neighbirhood, and who had been interested in the widoW's family. Tim, the physician said, might possibly outgrow his disease ; but everything was uncertain. It was a mysterious, and baffling malady ; and it would not be wonder ful if he should in some'ntotnent of apparent health be suddenly taken away. The poor widow--was-at first in a continual-state-of-Mir easiness ; but several_years bad now Passed, and none of the impending evils had fallen upon the boy's head. His mother seemed to feel confident that he would live, and be a help and 'an honor to her old age ; and /The two struggled on. together', mutually happy in each other, and eudpring much of pov erty and discomfort without repining, each for the other's sake. . 1 Tim's pleasant disposition had made him many friends in the village, and among the rest a young-farmer named Jones, who with his elder brother, workeda largo farm in the neighborhood on shares. Jones very Ire quently,maile Tim a present of a bag of po ta_toes or corn, or some garden vegetables, which he took from his own stock ; but as his partner was a parsimonious, high-temper ed man, and had often said that Tim was an idle fellow, and ought not to be helped be cause he did not work, Jones generally made his ffifts in such a manner that no one knew anything about them, except himself and the grateful objects of his kindness. It might be, too, that the widow was loth to have it understood by the neighbors that she receiv ed food from any One ; for there is often an excusable pride in people of her condition which makes them shrink from being con sidered as objects of' charity' as they would from the severest pains. On the night in question, Tim had been told that Jones would send them a bag _of potatoes, and the place at which they were to be waiting for him was fixed at Mr. Nichols's garden-fence. It was this bag that Tim had been seen staggering under, and which caused the unlucky boy to be accused and convicted by his teacher as a thief. That teacher was one little fitted for his important and responsible office. Hasty to decide, and inflexibly severe, he was the terror of the little world he ruled so despoti 7 cally. Punishment he seemed to delight in.- Knowing little of those sweet fountains which in children's breasts ever open quickly at the call of gentleness and kind words, he was tuered by all for his sternness, and loved by none. I would that he were an isolated instance in his profession. The hour of grace had drawn to its close, and Ike time approached at which it was usual for Lugar° to give his school a joyfully received dismission. Now and then one of the scholars would direct a furtive glance at Tim, sometimes in pity, sometimes iu indif ferenee tie inquiry. They knew that be Would have no mercy shown him, and though most of them loved him, whipping was too com mon there to exact much sympathy. Every inquiring glance, however remained unsatis fied, fur at the end of the hour, Tim remained with his face completely hidden, and his head bowed in his arms, precisely as he had leaned himself when lie first. wont to his seat• Lu- pre looked at the boy occasionally with a scowl which seined to bode vengeance for hie sullenness. At length the last class had been heard, and the last lesson recited, and Lu gare seated hiinsea behind his desk on the platform, with his longest and stoutest rattan liefore Now, Barker," he said. " we'll settle that little business of yours. Just step up here." Tim did not wove. The school-room was as still Ist the grave. Not a- sound was to be heard; except occasionally a long-drawn breath. " Mind me, sir. or it will bo the worse for you. Step up hero, and take off your jacket! ' The boy did not stir any more than if he had been made of wood. Lugare shook with passion. Ile sat still a minute, as if consid. ering the best way to wreak this vengeance.— That.minute; passed in death like silence, was a fearful one to some of the children, for their faces .whitened with fright. It seemed, as it .lowly dropped away, like the minute which prececdes the climax of an exquisitely-per formed tragedy, when some mighty master of the' histrionic af is 'treading "t lie "stage, - and you and the multitude around you are wait ing, with stretched nerves and suspended breath, in expectation of the terrible mites • trop he. Tim is asleep, sir," at length said one of he boys who sat near him. Legere, at this intelligence, allowed his features to relax from their expressions of savage anger into a smile, but that smile looked more malignant, if possible, than his former scowls. It might be that he felt amused at the horror depicted on the faces of those about him ; or it, might be that he was glowing in pleasure on the way in which he intended to wake the poor little slumberer. " Asleep! are you, my young gentleman !" let us see if we eap't find something to tick le your eyes open. .There's nothing like making the best of a bad ease, boys. Tim, herb, is determined not to be worried in his wind about a little flogging, for the thought of it can't even keep the little scoundrel awake." Lugare smiled again as he made the last ob servation. Ho grasped his ratan firmly, and descended from his seat. With light and stealthy steps-her crossed the room, and stood by the unlucky sleeper. The boy was still us unconscious of his impending punishment as ever. Ho might be dreaming some golden dream of youth and pleasure; perhaps he was far away in the world of fancy, seeing scenes and feeling delights, which cold reality never can bestow. Lugare lifted his rattan high over his head, and with the true and expert aim which he had acquired by long practice, brought it down on Tim's back with a force and whacking sound which seemed sufficient to awake a freezing man in his last lethargy.— Quick and - fast, blow followed, blow. With out waiting to see the effect of the first cut, the brutal wretch plied his instrument of tor ture first on ono side of the boy's back, and then on the other, and only stopped at the end of two or three minutes from very weari ness. But still Tim showed no signs of mo tion ; and as Lugare, provoked at his torpidi ty, jerked away one of the child's arms, on which he had been leaning over on the desk, his bead dropped on tho board with a dull Bound, and his face lay turned up Mid ex• posed to view. When Lugare saw it, he stood like one transfixed by a basilisk. Hie coun tenance turned to a leaden whiteness; the rattan dropped from his grasp ; and his eyes, stretched wide open, glared as at some mon strous spectacle of horror and death. The sweat started in groat globules seemingly front every pore in his face; his skinny lips contracted, and showed his teeth ; and when he at length stretched forth his arm, and with the end of one of his fingers touched the child's cheek, each limb quivered like the tongue of a snake ; and his strength seemed as though it would momentarily fail him.— The boy was' dead. He had probably been so for some.time, for his oyes wore turned up, and his botty_was_quite cold. The With) w_ was_ now childless too. Death was in the school- . - rotnrri ant7l.--I,:vga're-had-bilan-flagging-x-rouraz AMUSING LETTEIt ADDRESSES.—The follow ing appearing on a letter from a soldier ad dressed to a young lady ; Soldier's letter, and na'ry red; Hard tack in plane of broad ; Postmaster, shove this through, I'vo na'ry, a stamp, but 7 months duo. Miss Stalls E. Bradley, Man-chased-her, N. -H. Care of Mr. Thomas Kelly 129 east 11th street• Now York .4.therica for Pat or Michael Kelly or any of their• sisters these aro John Kellys children from-Knock. volt TERMS:--$1,50 in Advance, or $2 within the year. TO THE CROAKERS. " Remain firm, and do not depress us and discourage us with your fears, but cheer us with your hopes " Thus writes an officer of the United States army. It is bard, when our noble eons are in the field, defending us, our homes and interests, from those who would make us their slaves, to dishearten them by expressions of fear, or to echo the propho cies of Ole subjects of " Doubting Castle." "Why art thou cast down, 0 my soul ? and why art thou disquieted within me ?" Very few of those who are "cast down" can toll why they are disquieted. Independent of the hope every man should have in him who always proposes what will ultimately benefit the race, we have every reason to cheer our noble and self sacrifioing arms , . We never had more or bettor men in the field, never had so many guns mounted and afloat, never had so many or such powerful ships, never so much real power in hand as at this moment, and, per contra, the rebels were never so distressed and never near a complete collapse as now. They brag in print aul cry aloud and spare not in public speeches, while the secret dis patches to their foreign friends speak of mis• ery and suffering, which cannot long escape death pangs. We are in plenty—they are in extreme want; and while they are desperate, we need only to be true and in earnest to conquer. Croakers tell us that our .Government is bankrupt—facts tell us that the income tax and duties on imports wilLyield us $150,000, 000 per annum ; that the circulating medium of the country, without detriment to its inter est, will give the Government a credit of $300,- 000,000, and that the people will take at or near par several hundred millions of interest bonds. Croaker's tell us that our Government is im becile. Facts tell us it is strong, and on the whole equal to the unprecedented and MOll. strous load suddenly laid upon it ; that it has selected generals and officers from every party and sect, endeavoring to get the right men in the right place. Croakers tell us the army is incongruous ; facts speak of unity and daring—of heroic deeds, that will live while the memory of croakers will not. It is true we have arch foes—traitors in front and• croakers in rear ; and of the two the form • or are more to be admired. ()f the latter there are a great variety. There are hard shelled croakers and soft shelled croakers fhe former do nothing but pay what the law compels ; the latter growl, skulk, arid pay no• thing. Then .there are the "Outs," who have been so long accustomed to eat from their master's trio that they, less intelligent than the ox, think it their own, and having prac ticed at the game, cry "Plunder !" So cries the incendiary after he has fired a dwelling. "Stop thief !" is the covert cry of the real thief. Then there are some of the contractors, who have aided, with their shoddy, bad shoes and bad supplies, to lessen the efficiency and in crease the sufferings of the honest soldier.— They cry. It looks dark!" -The Quarter masters don't pay !",,,,when to pay such would rob the people and reward heartless ec,xtrips. Then there are the Pilates, who sit on set tees in 'Change hours asitudges, "wash their hands before the multitude, saying, We are innocent ;" and while their country is being falsely accused and its life threatened, they wish the army would march on IVashington, demand their pay, return home, and let Jeff. Davis St . Co. enter the Capital. Lastly. The fainthearted. They should be pitied, not blamed, if they aro women ; but if mon, they are beneath pity. Who that has a heart will not stand up for his country and defend its flag ? "My coun try, my whole country I " is the cry of every true man. Mistakes, blunders and reverses will Dome ; rogues will plunder ; true rebels will fight ; hypocrites will skulk ; but real men will come and defend their country in spite of all things, and, like the burgomaster of Old Leyden, say, '•Yotr may kill and devour this body, but my country I wilt never surrender I" We have wealth, men' guns, courage, right, upon our side, and we only want earnest pur pose to end this war. To briar , ° out all our strength—and especially that of earnestness —we may have forced upon us the misery of burned cities and defeated armies; but come what may, conquer we can, we must, and— Dee volente—we will ! Courage boys of the army ! You shall bo cheered, fed, clothed and supported ; and, should your ranks be thinned and our country call, she shall not ask, ," Where aro the fa thers ?" I DIDN'T THINK I—Why then, did you, stu pid, pour the comphene into ho lamp when the wick was burning? Why did you give the child a fork to play with, when you knew that there is a positive incompatibility be tween eyes and forks? In the name of the mildest common sense, why did you go into the kitchen with a silk dress on to teach the cook how to stuff a turkey with oysters ? Think ; what's that beautiful headpiecd for? Is it a dummy, on which to lavish,hair oil, chalk, rouge, and India ink? Is the mouth au or• ifice for dentists to examine and perhaps de lude from its propriety ? Are the eyes more ornaments in mockery of intelligence, and the ears mere outriggers from which cheap jewelry may dangle.? Are the brains within the skull such mere filling as you wear in your' dross? Think, oh I Why u horse on the dark est night instinctively stops at the edge of the precipice. A hen will not go into the water. Is there no poetry save that which Mother Goose has given us ? fithall we have nothing but the'everlsting excuse of " I didn't think?" Do you put on olothes from the mere habit of the thing, or from an inherent feeling of mod • esty ? How is it that you read or write, or communicate with friends ! Why not bray% as does the long eared animal, instead of using i7ords to express the emotions' of pleasure or or pain ? If you have not been in the habit. of thinking, begin at once. It is easily ac quired withoutit"master. — Heels are riot—es sential for its oultiv_atlna: Natiire_ has furr nished immense examples from •the mere ob servation of which ono may fall inlolhe habit ,of thinking, and that very deeply. Lose no time in dullness. Take 'a practical exampri, for instance. Attempt to put year finger on a fly, and account for the flight before you approach within ten times its length. If that is too deep for the mental powers, - attempt' to drink a cup of cscalding hot tea, and say why it, burns.. Let us have no more of "I didn't think V' It is paltry, very paltry— not? Tan NEW CALIFORNIA SENATOIL-Mr. John Conness, the new senator .frtiiii - California, is said to be in favor of freeing the eaves of the rebels, and if need be of arming thern.• . Decline of the "Peace" Move ment. The failure of the peace conference mote- meat iti the Illinois and lientucky Legiela. tureS was occasioned na - doubt in part by the contempt with which the Secession leaders re ceive the Overtures , of their old friends and allies. The St. Louis Democrat states the ease upon this point very well, atifallows:--. " The fact is that the Northern sympathi• zers with treason have begun to find that ay, " Peace, peace !" as much as they may, there is no peace. The consequence is that many of them, like John Van Duren, will cease the cry and take up the tune that the war must go on. Nearly all of them have once already sung hosannas to the war,,, and the change from the advocacy of peace to war will be no more difficult than was the one from war to peace." The loyal border ' State men who have bad to bear the brunt of the war, were actuated, as it appeared, by no such mild notions of the rights and dignity of the government as are hold by those who claim to be their especial friends. For instance the Louisville Journal/ of the 17th says:— " The adoption of the policy of Mr. Val landigham at the outset of the struggle would have been fatal to our national honor; a con fession that the theory of our government had been a lamentable failure, and a 9, admission that-A be people were unable or unfit to gov ern themselves under republican institutions. How much more degrading and subversive of the great principles which underlie our Con stitution would a craven peace be now when we have so lavishly expended blood and treasure to maintain the integrity of the Union atid'ttiallovi'to the world that our pop ular institution are self-sustaining, and that the great problem of our government has not. reduced its demonstration to an absurdity." Even the St. Louis Republican, a journal whose sympathies have sometimes been re garded with no little doubt, takes ground which would not have been countenanced all by the " new Hartford Convention." That paper says in its issue of the 16th : " The Democratic and conservative party of the North must not place itself in a pok .. tion. to be reckoned in any sense the champion or apologist of Disunion, for, if it should do so, it is plain that peace will be only the further removed by the encouragement the South will have to hold out for its original demand, viz : the unconditional acknowledg ment on our part of a divided nation. " However the case may have once stood, or may hereafter stand, it quite apparent that of Union—the whole Union, the great Repub lic of our fathers—and opposition to the further prosecution of the war, are now in compatible in the loyal' States, viewing the present uncompromising and insolent.attitude of the leaders of the rebellion. When the is.. sue is so unmistakably made up, and no dis position is shown to receive any peaceable overtures whatever, we see no recourse but to fight." The same paper also flatly contradicts the assertions made by. Mr. D. A. Mahony, the lowa editor now in New York, as to the prev alence of " peace" sentiments in the North west, and after denying that the radical poli cy has made the rebels any more hostile to the Union than they were before, comes to the following wise conclusion:— NO. 15. "It is no argument against . the war that some persons support it because they believe it will result in the abolition of slavery.— Whatever side issues there may be in the minds of different persons, the contest is still one for Union, and pro eminently so. We can only have Union now by vigorously prose cuting the war ; for to cease hosiilities in the face of the uncompromising demands of the rebels is simply to consent to the disintegra tion-of the.eountry.".. _ The reaction from the army was also very effective in demonstrating to the ultra oppo sition that they were going too far. Thus the Chicago Evening Journal of the 17th ex plains the reason of the failure of the " paci fication" resolution in the Illinois legislature as follows: There is a set of resolutions in print, en dorsed by several thousand Illinois soldiers now in Mississippi, and a virtuous principle of loyalty and patriotism still extant in the West, which not only offset the Legislative " pacification" resolutions, but actually pre vented the final action of the Senate to give thorn force. In short, the Senate did not•dare to vote upon them." In confirmation of this the Evening Journal prints a part of a private letter from the army at Corinth, from which we take the following extract:— " The troops from other States take almost as much interest in this affair as do those from Illinois, though they have taken no part in the proceedings. They say, significantly, Why don't you march right to your Capitol and hang every traitor?' Our troops reply, Wait,,obey the laws, but prosecute the war until we arrive at an honorable peace. Those traitors at Springfield cannot, dare not, pull down our State Constitution. Wait until they have had time to realize the utter disgrace which they will bring upon themselves. They dare not commit the treason.' " How a politician got a Wife and Saved $95,000. The New York correspondent of the Boston Journal tolls the following story : Quite a sharp buiiness transaction in a marital way has been done here,, if report is true, by one of our successful and most unscrupulous politicians. Having some money he wanted a wife from a strata in society a little above what he was accustomed to move in, so he sought the hand of one of the fair damsels of Gotham. As his political prospects were quite high, he was referred to "Pa." The old man, with mercantile frankness, laid his child at the disposal of the seeker, on condi tion that he would give his daughter $lOO,. 000, secured on real estate. The man in want of a wife was both able and willing to do so. The matter was thus settled, and the wedding preparations went onward. An el egant house in an aristocratic locality, was taken, and the good bargain of the fair one was the theme of general comment. As the hour drew near when the happy pair were to bo made one, the father hinted ,that the little mercantile transaction prelim inary to the , marriage should be atfewied "Oh, yes—oh, certainly—certainly ;"tho bland politician said. But it was not till the afier norm ontidal - day alit - the papers in due form_were laid_before the gratif i ed papa.--So the wedding ran along, an account of which gratified Now Ybrk, and produced a sensa tion that lasted two days. . Upon subsequent examination it was found that on thesame day,-bearing even date with the marriage settlement, a mortgage on' that seam proper ty, duly recorded before the. delivery- of the Said $lOO,OOO to the . bride, was made, con v'eving the said property to a near and sharp relative for $95,000, leaving the girl with ,$,5000. , • An °tame bas been received in New York, from the Tycoon of Japan, ,for the construct- Lion of ikree large steamships for the jape. nese,government.