„A -„ .4. 77 - -1 The 'above are sample specimens of Peaches which were grown in a season of extreme drought, on,. soil whi c h co uld no t have produced more than four or five bushels of wheat per acre without enriching it, and w e re ,grown on soil in which the worm insect has proven itself very injurious to the tree and fruit. And where the yellows also is subjected 'to enfeeble trees, inasmuch so as to cause trees to produce inferior, worthless and imperfect grown fruit, when not properly'treated, and not true remedies arc complied with. But with treatments favorable for their invigoration and the duration of, peach trees, and for rendering them capable of producing their fruits into full perfection. The trees cau• . be restored healthy and vigorous for scores or years, through favorable treatment. But the true remedies which only can guarantee certain success in the cultivation of the above luscious fruit, are really riot known and made use of or practised by the hundreds or thousands who are taking an interest, in the cultivation of the above luscious fruit. The remedies which should be made use of are very easy to comply with, which . will accomplish, and to prove very certain in effecting very good and lasting results, inasmuch so as to have proven to restore trees with rank foliage, which had already been affected with the yellows, to health, and to produce fruits which were grown in full perfection. But in order that the whole points and mysteries can become presented in such a manner as to have full e‘planations to the whole and all the points, an illiNtrated Map is introduced and offered for sale at a very reasonable figure. And siterle peach trees will, when under faverable.treanueuLpxoduee fruit per. annum which will he worth more than dOlditllie cost of a map. Single Peach trees, when under improved and favorable treatment, at a proper age, will _produce. fruit to th.a _value .of from _s4 to 81441- per-tree- per-antrum ; -and an- acre-of such -trees-will-bring-in about as much profit as eight or ten acres of wheat can produce, with butsomparati.vely little attention or labor. There is scarcely one cue of an orc•ltarcli:st out of hundreds of thousands who has ever realized the real value of an orchard five or ten acres in extent, because they have never given their orchard a good chance or a full trial. But there are numbers of orchards that we have au account of, which are under favorable, treatment, of from five to ten acres in extent, which have yielded as much and reaily more clear profit per annum than a plantation of two or three hundred acres of laud, under the highest state of cultivation. • Btit, then ,again, there are hundreds of thousands of orchards which scarcely prove to produce sufficient in value to justify the owners for sparing the grounds which they occupy. And why is this so ? This is eutirely owing to the fact, that such orchards have not the treatment rendered which they require for pro ducing heavy incomes. And why are the masses of orchardists not more . interested in rendering such treatment which is needed to enable their orchards to produce heavy incomes ? ThiS is owing to the fact. that orchardists have not the required information and instructions on those important points, and have'never tried any experinlents in order to make improvements, and thus have not, as yet, met with any great results and success to encourage them for giving their orchards a lair trial and chance. . What man is there who Would not be encouraged if he could gain a profit of $3OO. or $4OO per annum from an acre of land ? Surely, all would be much encouraged if they could do so. That can, in a reasonable manner be done, with much convenience, if the proper means are made use of, and if a fair trial is given. The above amount can be made from one acre of land, in an orchard with good and improved treatment, and with a real good chance, and-we can give good reason why. Single apple trees, under good and favoralild treatment, have proven to produce film twenty-five to forty bushels of apples, which have been sold at from 75 cents to $1.25 per bushel, which would rate the amuont of income per tree at about $25 per acre, Then just thirty trees per acre would insure an income of a fancy sum of $750. But with unfavorable treatulent, such results cannot batn° produced, neither such heavy in. comes be expected. But a MA.P is now introduced in which information can be obtained to rear up " trees , which will, in duo time, produee,much greater incomes than the above alluded to. And if the modes, which are pointed out in the map are closely complied with, will add to render the most beneficial and improved treatment which can become rendered to orchards in all time to come. Then it can with full assurance be guaranteed that single apple trees can become formed in duo season, which will produce from forty to sixty and seventy•five Bushels of apples in a.season. And should any one doubt, this, then they need only spare a few dollars to procure a map, and you will only need to try the improved treatment closely as, directed, to the use of one tree, and in a few years you will realize.the difference between making an improvement or none. In -a-map it civil' become ascertained that there is a very beneficial improvement pointed out for preparing the soil with much convenience before plantim , trees in, which will insure a certain guarantee to render fruit trees very productive in low, wet and unfavorable soil's, and in unfavorable seasons, and it will be found that the mode for preparing is done with•m f ich care and convenience. • . In the last place, the map contains. the most improved information on the keeping and preserving of all kinds of fri t its, that can be introduced, to guarantee certain success, and especially lin. keeping apples. It points out how to put them ,away to insure them to keep with much success the whole'year round, and especially such as It.tinbo and other e•trly winter applls ; it iniarei their supcossfut keeping until next harvest, or until thorn are apples a g ain. The information oriostruet ion which is contained in a map; for keeping apples with success, will be worth from five to ten and twenty tin t cs as much per annum us a map will cost to hundreds and thousands, in Rroportion.to extent of orchards or fruit•growing, • • - Price per single copy' only $2, or ten copies to one address will be' furnished for - $17.50 adVaaico: ' They will be forwarded by express. to any parts ordered, on receipt of the, required amount. We require and desire the names of all such, and .Their re-idences who nrty - tit Any „ • time be found out to copy, or, steal informapon from mapS.of other puWaseri; or, iu.other words, suck Who refuse pnrchaSin g a map, ,and do not have in possession a copy themselves, but intend to copy'informatiOn from maps purchased by others, such are to hocoino roperted to 1m4.1 quuters, and expect cinv , agentS and"postnnoters.to see to the - sanie,as such copying and acts on the part of any, would be. considered as swindling that sum out of us... As we 1)6,1,43_1)4 the_price_of_the map at_ such_a_very low_ figure, in_.ordar_that_it-will-prove-in-the-reach-of-aVery-family .to.proeure a copy. The price of the map ought to be about ten dollars, and then the purchaser could yet •double, 1:0 - money - teicot - twday time per annum out oriklif lip makes fiilt use o rit s ifir;trinaffiiii. • Bat We expect every man will ,procure' a copy for himself, and of course do not think of copying from these which others have,purchaSed and paid tbr. AIL postinasters are appointed agents- to receive • subscriptions . and money for the same, and 'sending it onto us. If heavy sums aro to be-remitted, it would be hest to remit cheek...Or draft 'on bank; Address POSTMASTERS PLEASE SEND ON ir(iint ADDRESS FOR HANDBILLS AND CIRCULARS OP INDUCEMENTS. - -,..-sr,------,------.---- ---,--- .- 4;., -• ..•,_'' - ' , .. --: 1 :' ''' - ' ' '-'' ------_-_—__ __••,,,-- -'-'-' ''',..,--_--,-__ I "- . 0 " ;- " -- s -s. - l ''' . z: - -- , . ' ..---- '--'--------------'-i-1.-211 -- ---- V - - 1 1,- - -- - • ,r • k Va-s.. ~< ,A----.-:-..--k____--,4l.:;:i:Va_v_E,-,--1---_-4w-s=-,-,--:---:-t---.5' '_7----- • ' ,. , ,,, t , ,,,_,_::"- - --.._ •;:::,,,,,-,f.,-S--.--,..__.,„----"-4--1T ,-,'",lZ'=".'"WA4--,r1...ek , 1 , ,-.--,,.. : 1 _: -.- . ------, N_ --- i - - --, - , -- - % - z:-- - ,--_- - -=-4---, ? . ? „, ‹ ------,- - , • .fitoradale P. 0. Adams County, Penna. ~),)///, I \ '' ifill 0111// / / I li/ A i ;i / / 1 aiii- „ L irof_.e , M=ii VVATC,HES, JEWELRY, AND SILV.ER-WARBAT CONLYN'S old establishes Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the ButdberLaini Valley Bank. I have Just - received a new assortment of watches ewelry. medallions, silverware, &c., in addition to m, ormer stock to which I invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and sliver lever watches, Hunting and open case do., gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Lepluee and Quartior watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and dentionion of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest, curb and neck chains. Gold - bracelets, finger Hugs, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, Ac., Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoon of every variety. A large assortment of _gold, silver common- spectacles, to suit all 'ages to which we invite special atton tion. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, partacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains„ . Mantle Clocks and a varloty of articles usu. ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which i,ftjk.` I will sell low for cash. All articles war- k 'anted to be what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual to ?“7, WATCH REPAIRING and all work war- • ranted. _~J Den. 28. 11157.1 NEW GOODS! N.:.W GOODS 1 AT °OMITS CHEAP CASH STORE JUST received a large assortment of elegant new style to which the attention of the public in general is re spectiully invited. In the Cloths, Casslineres, Testings, Shirts. Shirt Collars, Neck Ties, Cravats, S. unictiders, tinutitluts, Gloves, &c. _ _ _ LADIES' DEPARTMENT Silks, Poplins, French Nlerinos, Do Leine. Figured and Barred liepp's, Poll De Clieviers. Figured and Plain Valour, Cash mei es, Pal-lunettes, t Ihutch Cor sets, Bahnorals, Hoods. i-ontags, Skating Coats. Nu bias, Vests. &c., &c. A full oissortment of 0001./5 for Childrens' wear, of all kinds. Tiskings,. Checks, MUM. lint., Drillings, Flannels, Blankets, Cassinets. Jeans, Cords else- Ac.. best quality ond cheap as the cheapest. llosiory and Cloves of all descriptions and prices. SHAWLS AND SCARFS. A large assortment of Shawls and Scarfs of all des eriptions, and cheap. Travelling Trunks, well made, and Carpet (tags., 'An it Ia impossible to enumerate all the artieles, I would iespeettully invite all persons in n tof hend• .01110 and cheap I.IOODS, to call and lonic at. my stork before purchasing elm, here. Zas- liyeelleet the plartti West Main street, nearly opposite the depot, Carlisle. Nov. ti,lBl‘:!.. N. It—All Cloths, CaQsinteres and Vestincs. 'trill be iitade up to order. (if desired 1 in the hest 111/11111111. and warrtti tea to fit by an experienced tailor and the be s t work Wan In the t?tate. C. 0. ,„114,'COND SPRING ARRIVAL.- kJ LARUE SUPPLIES IDE TIIE HEAD AND FEET. At the store of John Irvine, on the N. E corner o the pladie F.ll l / I ro. to Lho plave to per-hose Boots :hoes a e Caps. at prices that defy competii 1011. lit Mvijust returned from the Enid INlib the Inrirert and 'mixt romplete assortniniit of {Mote, Ayes, Dots Caw: that he has ere!" presented to thin role to p and I t i e h detertniiied to sell the low est-possi b/e I,de/2S. Ills smelt ern breves evory Lhing.in hixline of buhlileaß, sUal MESS Sz LOVS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Klp BeetF, Velfind Patent Leather 0:ONO 71r,r, Ce t nod Patent Lent her 6:titer'', Calt Nullifiers, Cull and Kip Brogauf., :slippers, 4.4.. Fine Freurh anti 6alterg, 3forivirt, Calf and lied 11..01}t Hilo Kid alur.K•.v. %rid Hid liuskii), . • . `ll 5,4::• A 1 11 1,11: fall 4.ll:sei 10101 . <lllllli,elll, ti lll' .‘lor, 01,(1 Last i t.g ItutLoo 110 ts.llororeo 110011.. of nlI 61odn , lane) ~100 , 01 nri• , lo. Kl 3 Ail r-I &,• 11 C.llo:Ducrit. Fur and 11'001 Hat:. Of /VI, :dr , 3 hilge u.sortuieti t. or Itn , itf , and made G. nr de, of Mt- sh , rteel 11( tic lt,pairiwz prompth t 1'11 , L1 , 111e1,, Lc 14 . 4.i/ea/Lill) ill Vitt . I punlrr to OS, /11(11 Itquentber the pixee, Y. corner of tha Publi NIA), N . ENV (0.11., AND IA . MBER YARD. I_ The subscriber% Lave thif day entered into part ership to It mde iu z; 0 •A - U E --It - ,- Nvo will have constantly 011 hand and furnish to order all klnds and quality of setsone3 LUMBER, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, 31:angling Lath, worked Floor ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and oyery ar ticle that belongs to a LUNIBER• YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whit e pine, Hemlo c k, and oak, of dliforent qualithia. filaving Cars of our own we furnish bills to order of airy length and size at the shortest notice and Ott the ine:4 re:thee4tde lerms. Our worked boardA will be kept under cover so that they ...an be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds oh Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: I,I(KENS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove-and Nut LUKE FIDDLER, TRHVOIiToN, Ow UST .IuUNTAIN, LOBB h. RI which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Best quality of Litarburner's and Blackvaitles Coal, always on hand which we will cull at the lowest liguie Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. - ARMSTRONG A 1101.14:R. July 20,1862. • J. It. 1110 N IV FORW.A.RDING AND COMMIS sioNmousE. FLOUR AND FEED. COAL, PLA:sTEIt AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware !louse care and fixtures of Win. B. :SI urray's well known establish ment, on West High street. opposite Dickinson College, would inform the publle that he has entered 'tithe Aeneral Forwarding and Conunission business. The higliostnunritet price will be paid for Flour,Gralu and produce of ell kludr. They are also preinired to freight produce and stock to l'hiLidolphia and Balthnore, at, the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. FL +mitt AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at a holesale or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing, LYICEN'S VALLEY, LURE FIDDLER, SUNBURY SVIIITR ASR, LOCUST OAP, Linieburners anti Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOIL HALL REPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part of Use town. J. It. NONEAIARER • Carlisle, Auguot 17, 18511. Interesting ro Farmers. TORN P. LYNE & SON, have just T p recni vud a largo lot of those celebrated SCYTIO:ti al 'l, exprossly for their own sales, which have alway.. Avon' entire reit,sfaathin to till 'who have used thou.— Von that want uk on ;tutting and catty running Scythe. are would say try ono of their superior make We bay. Ids° a full stock of nuaths, ‘Vhet Stones. Ac. !initiator Christ. Myers' and other colebratautakes. Grain Cra dies of all the bent makes in - the routi , y, with a full stock of ail kinds of Tools and Imploupints for Farmer's use. All of which we are soiling chimp at our sta.., in North Ileinovor dtroot Carlittio. Juno ti. 1862. The k.onfessions and Experience of , an Invalid. pUBLISEIED -- for the benefit and as u warning awl a caution to young mem wintimtrot frotrf - Nereowydnibitity; PfoiiiiirerieTheeay, &c.; supply ing at the same ilino thotneans of Bell - mire. By ear who mte cured himself after being put to groat expanse through medical imposition and quackery. thy undo ! sing a post - paid addressed envelope, single copies play ha had of the author, N.A.TLIANIEI lilAYEAllt. Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N.Y. March 14, 1813 . 2-1 y • VOVEAIBER 2ND, 1863. , . • Air , The rondo's of the ' , Ultimo" are reminded that I have vejust brought from the city A largosupply of SUUAR CURED HAMS AND BEEF: Dried Appleaeud Peaches, Fresh Tomatoesin can s, fresh Mushrooms, the very -boat Pickles, different kiude of Mixed Mustards and Saucee, :Lemons and Oranges, Prunes, Tige, Raisine, Sugars,- Oeffeen,.Teae, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Fine Segare and Tobacco: very ffne Brandies, Old Rye Whiskey, Wines &a.; besides a general assort ment of goods In our line of trade, offered.. at the very lowest prices; FOR CASE. WM HF.NTZr - 'Noy:2'l,lBE3 Allatcfgs ant) getoefrg. THOMAS CONLYN Bill and Winter Goods, GEN TS' DEP ART 111 ENT, 0,4711.11 Y N TR.A ii' HA T,S Jorrs lItVINR BOARDS, SCANTLING, do.' do. do atistdiancous. JAMES It. WEAVER'S - - '47UVf... ... CAB tfDINET CHAIR ' 51ANUtrAOTORY, NoRTII iIANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Haring been engaged In the loudness for over twent) ;ears ho trouble:return thanks to his customers quo "fiends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him ,u years gone ty, and further assures them that at pules will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who ..nay favor him with a call. CHAIRS AN!) FURNITURE, A' every description constantly on hand, or made to .rder. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la est style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices ior cash. • Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made COflill/4 ' Metallic or otherwise. kept con. scantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, 1%04 finished and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 1.1 to 80 dollars. JAMES It. WrAVER. May 25.1859-Iy. QTILL TRIUMPHANT. Tho complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stop to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satisfac tion. WHAT IS CLAIMED O'ER OTHERS IS Ist. A saving of from 30 to 60 per rent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same size, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, 6th. The best Itaktr, Roaster, and Cook now in use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, - .tb: A perfect Gas Consumer for either woe d or coal. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfact 100 In every particular. and will be shown with pleasure to all who map call, Whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference In town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock Spouting. Roofing, Job 'work, Copper.smlthing and Sheeting work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All wors warranted at the old stand, Hanover streot north of ',outlier. MARY M. MORRIS, N. 11. Old Copper, !bass and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid In caskor goods. March 28. 1860.-11 • 110WA.RD ASN)CIATION! A D E Li' El I A A Ilcuort /era I netitutiou, established by special e t ,- dowthent for the relief of the sick9and distressed ; afflicted with Virulent and, Epidemic diselAbs. and especially for the Cure of Di. ease ,, of the Sexual Organs.• MEDICAL. ADVICE given gratis. by the Acting Sur goon. to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age. orrupation, habits of life, itc.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, Medici:lots furnished tree of chit rs,o. VA 1.0 A 111.4: REPORTS on Sperniatorrho•n. and other Diseases of the Sexual iirg t . no, and 011 the N EWE EDI ES em ployedin the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted In seated letter envelopes, tree t.l charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptabla. Address. DR..). SE 1,1. EN 1101Di11TON. Acting Sur goon. Ilo‘tard Association, No 2 South Ninth Street • Philadelphia, In. Bp order of the Directors, EZRA D. 11EARTIVLLL, Preslth2, OEO. PAIRCHILD, Secretary. March F. 1861.-Iy. NT, F.,W STORE, AND NEW GOODS H A TS, C PS AND STR A W GOODS. iff T C JP 8 c , 7 ~.,...,-....... ...__ . ,: .....„._:_ ........._.., --- :' - ' 7l ' l -:':i -- sk--- - -A:— • :.- - 2.-- -...--. -- 1.1, anharril , er has recently opened n New Store at the old ktdod of ./ I) Halbert in North Hanover tit. t•pposite the CnriOde 11/IViOU rerei•e.: from New V..rlt and Philadelphia, a fine and welt , eteetoel 3 , o4ottin..nt of goods i n his Ilue a, but,ineas. Olio!, as II Al . : , at; et I'AVN, fruit' the common 1.( 0011" the hoe fur. SILK AND CAS:ifIIEISE JLtTS, Fat and IVinte• sr, les a Silk Hate fur Hem Fur , . sueli Stu.. e tin. \link Sable, au S I luirrel Mark, Rmwn snit nitre ttt tt 1: nrk %Nu.- ti n. Silver Children,' Flu Beaver Hatt. for iit In and Boys, Fur CupA, Wore:" and Collars fur fierce tleineu. 13 U re IPA LO I? OBE S', and prices to oult the times A 1.., Vii pet Hugo de. PIi s ICUS TO SUIT TI - IL TL, . ES. Alan, Carpet Truntta, i-Uitibrithn.K. ip;goit-An-hr .. Prilac Segnrli and Tobacf7o.,iiitt Thankful for the patronage already received he would inv,te ail Itt, friends and the publi c onnee a ll) to give him a call JACUIt ISOAS, Agt. Carlisle, April 19, 1861. s(tr) II ARDIVARE E!: ! 11 A RD - V IMO' .101,11 is. by ne & Son have just completed oFrening . their:4,ring ,tuck of Hardware, Paints, Oils, 'rant tales, ' lass A:c. to which they invite tine early at [Walton of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all Its various brauchesond can now accommodate the p ap lic with RELIABLE GOODS. In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the public to understand that we let% u brought all the F nods in Philadelphia and't cw York to our town, but were!, :ISSIII-1. 010111 that ono look into our store will convince them tltt.we have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goeds in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their. purchases.—all orders personally and punctually attended to, and no misre presentations made to effect wales JUIIN P. LYNE & SOS. May 9„'60. North Hanover St. Carlisle FIRE INSURANCE.- THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN zURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, In the year 1 , 41, and hay. lug recently had its'eltarter extended to the year 11183, Is now In active and vigmous opetatiou, under the su perintendence of thi, Moe lug Boni d of Managers, vIE: William It. Dorgan, Christian Stay man. M. Cocklin, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, .1 IL Courer,JOhh Eieheiher ger. Joseph Wieltersham. ;'sing. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin Jacob Co .ver, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as tow and favc cable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing to become 'numbers are invited to Make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. R. GORGAS. President, Eberly's 0, CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President le. P. 0. JOHN C. DUS ; LAP. Sect'y.,Carlis Mechanicsburg. MICHAEL COCK LIN Treasurer, Shoplterdstown. AGENTS. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Shur-ick, Allen Henry Zook - log, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Feller Dickinson; lieury Bowman, Churcht.own ; Mode 11 til tith, South' Middleied; Runnel Graham, W. Penns boro'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cock lin, Bhepiwidstown; D. Coover, Upper Allem ; J. 0. Bait ton, ;sliver Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Feenotn, New Cutpbei land. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Jae. Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Dealdortr, Washington: Richey Clark Dillsburg; D. Rutter, Fairview ; John Williams, Carroll HAHN-11% HO.—Jacub Houser, Harrisburg. Mentbers of the company having policiusabout to ea piro, eau have them renowect by making application to any of IL° Agents. MEM Scythes & Snaths. JUST received the largest, best and cheapen aNSurtmen t of Swathes, • ' Forks, Swaths, " Rakes. Whet tont`, Shovels, Mlles, lioes, • , Water Oans, - - Kegs, &., ever broucht to this county. All of which I bay. made expressly to order, to large quantltlett, so tha they can be sold at very low juices and warrauted at represeutd. • • . ' The trade and cradle maker • supplied at roaouno turer prices, at the cheap Hardware store of . lINSIR V - SAXTON. -Eitterirrittr.sC.-Carliale. - June - 13; - '' E-1 1 10-VA-L---The-flat-and {lap .store herotofbie known as " KELLER'S," has been re: moved directly opposite the oldstafid. two doors from Arnold's clothing store.. The business will he conduct eff as heretofore, and all 'the goods,.both home niadeanif city manufacture, warranted to give satlnfa.ition commended. A full patronage is respectfully belie' ed as every effort will he loath; to keep' the assorlpfel. 6. "nar and boys bats and caps-complete, with prices to suit the times. . • • • • KELLER.: 43,.. Spring styles of ailkhats Pow ready. ,March lb, 1802. - DR,' WEL H. COOK , , 110AREOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN , llAlflitslG recently,,iooted in Carl' le,. has taken an office 14004 r• Um* hu can be consulted 16436 6 0 Pa ieealng medical advice; or when domed, will vf h them at, their resi dences' either In the ~t own or eottrOry. • M* 2, 11302-17 Rai[; blabs. CUMBERLAND VALLEY 'AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. • ' CHANGE OF HOURS! On and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, Passenger' Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 2d Train. 7.00 A.M. 2.46 P.M. 7.37 " 3.35 " 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 " Leavo Hagerstow n , Clreeuenstlo. Chambersburg, " ShippensimrM 9.00 ' " Newville,o.32 " " Carlisle, 10.10 " " ill t echaniesburg, 10.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.16 " FOR CIIAMBERSBURO -AND HAGERSTOWN, let Train. 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A.M. 1.35 P. M. " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.16 " ...-- " Carlisle,9.27 " 2.55 " " Newvie, 10.02 " 3.29 " _ _ . . " Shippons'burg, 10.83 ~. 4.00 " " Chambg', (Arrive') 11.10 4.40 " " Greencastle, 11.55 5.30 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.36 6.10 " NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chem bersburg, Shippeusburg, Ne wrille, Ca rlisle,lllechanici - burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Supor't Railroad Office, Chembersburg, } ..Slay 1,1862. CARLISLE AND PIIILADELPIIIA gh, DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RIIOADS MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA liar Cara of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market st Daily, nt 4 o'clork. I'. M. Leave Carlisle , Daily, at 7 ."'clock, A M. Goods intended tier this Line should ho narked C. Is P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. May MO. • HAT AND CAP EMPoRILII4I! f he undersigned having purchased the !dock, Ac., of he late Win H. Trout doc'd, wonldt respectfully announce to the public that he will con tinue th. lIATTINU 111.1NES5 at the old stand, In. West Iltgh street. and n ith n renewed and efficient+ effort . , produce s rtieles_ of 'teed preen of. Every Varaciy, Style and Quality, that shal be strictly in keeping with tilt. int,trovernent of the Art, and fully-up to the age in which we live. . .. 'n. ,.„• I hsre on hand a splendid -." assortauehl of --- . .., '.'-' :"., ~ HATS AND CAI'S - •- /"..,....›. •••- ) „.... ..._•-•,,, _ .. . . .. - .. of fill descriptions, from .the et !Linen YtrnV to the- finest FUR AND F.ILK FIATS; and at Prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the. worth of his money. The stock includes, ,MOLFSKIN. CASSI7dEItE. ISEAVEIt Si FELT HATS, of every le rind color and unsurpnered for LIGIIT' NESS. PUHA 11l LITT AND YIN 1611: by those of any other establishincnt 10 the co un try. MEN'S. BOYS' and C1111.1)1i EIS '6 HATS and CAPS - , of every lineriptinn enlist/tot ly on hand. lle respectfully invites all the old patrons and a ninny new ones as possible, to give him n call. .1. G. CALLIO. . - Apr 25. 1A4"0-13, READNG RALROADd -,...,„Y. ~.„.t. , 7 c, ~ P-,7-,- tAW *4 , 4.. ~..,4,,.._ - te,4,A,n ^...........5. mp, , '7l-7T•C WIN l'11:1{. ARRANGEMENT. GREA'l"Frunk Line from the North end North, West for Phi ludolphin, New York, Rend. tog. Pottsville, Lehnonn, Allentown, }:nAton. he. Thaw. leave Hurl Ixt.urg inr Phibidelptlin, New York, Potivetlle. and all intermediate stntions r at S A. kl and _OUP New York Expre-s I,rves Harrisburg at 3.15 A. M., nri - h ing at New York at 10.10 the same morning. Fares from New Y.•rk 85,15 ; to irtdla detphial2-25 checked through Returning, leave New York at ti A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Express). Leave Philadelphia at B 15 A. M , and :', 3 t P. M. I..leepinizears in the New Yqrk Eicp esti Tralna,through to and. Irom I'it t.hurt wi hoot Him I/re. , r3SPet, r,01,1 by the ('ratan iesit Railroad leave Port Clinton nt 5.15 A M for Philadelphiatind all Interrne dinto StatlonA: and at 1.:15 M., for Philadelphia, New York and all Way Points Tradna bare lk , tti•ville at 0 75 A. M.. & 230 P. M., for Philadelphia and New York ; and at 5 30 P. M., for Au. i) burn and Port.tlin too only. e , 'meeting for Me Grove NN ith khaCatwi.sa Railroad ; and returning from Iteadlog at 8 15 A.. 1.. frrt. Aceommodtiti:•iil'assen••er Train leaves Reading at 6.31 A iI., and returns Irani Philadelphia 4.30 P. M. All the above train- run da ly. Sundays excepted. A t:undny train lean. A Pottsville at 7 30 A. :11., and Philadelphia at 3 la P. M. Commutation.'Alileafa. Season. and Excursion Tick ets, at reduced rte to and fram all pointy U. A. I\ ICOLLS, General 8130. Nov. 28, 1882 A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. 1862 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Taft' 'of 1857.) The subscriber has Just received the most splendid; assortment of at tides in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de ty competition. Parlo, 1 Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE, Ritalken and Dille° Embracing every article used by, Iltditsg and Ilotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. lmAuding also Cottage furniture In setle, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures. &c., &c. Xi - Particular Attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate torn's,: , A. B. X CarllsleL I%lay 12. lbbe.•:-lly. UMI3ER AND COAL. OLIVER .DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARDS On the Rat; Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps constantly 'on timid, a foil sort went or Lumber & Coal, •••,, c, • it.7 - t . t.: • Sit.- El 4$ • • which, ho can fur nish to order promptly and on the most rea sonable terms. LUMBER, SCANTLINO, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, , "'" Palings, l'histering and Shingling-Laths, Workedlyieur. and Oak Shingles, of every quality. Ile also furitit.b titla - to - erdt•rot - aarlettattrand - ease; ,- atilwA t iiftF a t . notice and On the most reasonable term,. Ills wort ed 'boards are kept under cover, so that they eau be fur nished dry at all times, Ile-has constantly. on :hand all, Linda- of- Family Cmti under carer. which will be delivered clean to any part of the horeugh. To wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY; "- LUKE FIDDLER. • • TREVERION ) • ;LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the vailoun sizes in user whirl, be 'offers tmthe puldle at the lowest prices. LIDIEIibIiNER'S AND IILACKSMIT.WBCOALrthraya omhand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful flu' the pa tronago of a generoVa public, be stowed upon the late limit:Mack& Delaney, be would solicit a continuance of the same as be will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Flavin for Coal 'and Lumber, will be promptly attended to es heretofOril. OLl y Eit DELANOY Jul,' 26, OE LeaTo 12.68 • 1.28 a 2.00 a 2.40 a 3.12 a - 3.40 " 1862
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers