Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 10, 1863, Image 1

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    A UDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is I
hereby given that, the undersigned appointed Au
d for by the Orphan's Court of Cumb: Co. to distribute
the balance remaining in the hands of James it..llvine
Esq., Administrator of William Bretton, late of the
Borough ol Newvillp, doc'd., among the parties entitled
thereto will meet them for that purpose at his office In
the Borough of Carlisle, on Saturday April 11th, 1863
at 10 o'clock A.ll.
March 20.1.80),' -''N A uditor.
S T raA
flie all the NEW Styles, For Ladies
& Chi'drops Wear. French & American
Bonnet RibbonMls,
I,L and ennoral assortment of
at the lowest Cash prices—Wholesale & Retail—
MILLINERS Will consult their interest by examining
my stock beture making their purchases.
No 218 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
March 20,1863.
1863. ' SPRING, 1863.
WOOD & C ARY, No. 725, CHEST
French Flowers. Ribbons &c.,
In which they respectfully Invite the attention of
Merchant & Milliner.
CASH BUYERS will find special advantage in ex
amining this stock before purchasing.
March 20, 1863-3 m.
Watches, Jewelry,
s ijI L L E A W AI A ' T hD- E.
4 . Tl A tI t i E IOO ER'S SUPT
No. 520 ARCH Street. PIMA D'A
N. B. All kinds of Silverware mane In the Factory,
back of the Store.
March 20,1862-3 in.
R.,JOEINSTON has diScovered the
most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in
he world for al, private diseases. s refiners of the back
or limbs. strictures, affections of the kidneys and blad
der, involuntary discharges, irhpoteney. general debilb
ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, mutts:
Mon of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity. trem-
Whip, dimness of sight or giddiness. disease of the
bead, throat, nose or skin, afTectiens Si the liver, lungs,
stomach or bowels—those tee elide di-orders arish g resin
the solitary habits of youth—theses secret and solitary
practices more fatal to their victims than the song of
Spans to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting theirs ort,
brilliant hopes or anticipations. rendering marriage,
ae., impossible.
Especially, who have become the victims of solitary
vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu
ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young
Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect,
who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates
with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married persons, or young men contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic (WWI•
tty, deformities. &c., speedily cured.
Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may
religiously confide in his boiler as a gentleman, and
confidently rely upon his shill as a physician.
Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This dis
tressing alTection—which renders life miserable and
marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims
of improper indulgences. Young persons ore too art to
commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful
consequences that may ensue Now, who that under
stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation is lost sooner by those While into im
proper habits titan by the prudent Ilerides being .10-
priced the pleasures of healthy offspring. the most
serious and destructive symptoms to both body and
mind arise. The system becomes deranged. the physb
cal, and mental functions weakened. loss of prot..reative
power. nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation 01
the heart, indigestion ' constitutional debility. 11 nest
ling of the frame, cough, consumption decay and death
Let hand side going from illatimore street, a few &Mrs
from the corner, Fail not to observe moneand number
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc
tnea Diplomas hang in his office.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr. Johnston. mem
bar of the-Royal College of i‘urgeons, Louden. raduate_.
from one of the most eminent Coil. gee in the United
Slates, and the greater part of whose life has Even spent
in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelpb a and
elsewhere, has effected sonic of the most intonishing
curee,tbat were ever known : many troubled w lth ring
ing in thphead and eat s when asleep, great. nervous
ness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,
with frequent blushing, attended sometimes Willi de
rangement of mind, were cured lintnediately.
Dr. J • addresses all those who have I nj u red themselves
by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin
both bodyand mind, unfitting them for either bus ness,
study, society or marriage
These are some of the sad and melancholy effects
produced by early halets of youth, viz: Weakness of
itheliack and limbs. pains in the head. dimness of sight.
lose of muscular power, palpitation 01 the heart dysprp
, nervous irritability, derangement of he digisi Ice
functions, general debility, symptoms of -onsunipt ion.
Murmur —The (eerie I effects on the mi nu are lunch
to be dreaded—loss Of memory, confusion of ideas. de
pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society,
self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, kc., are some of
the - evlis produced.
Thousands of personKof all ages can now judge what
is the cause of their &kilning heelth. losing their vig
or, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated. having
'singular appearance about the eyes, cough and spilt..
toms of consumption.
"Who have injured themselves by a certain practice
'indulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from
civil companions, or at school, the effects of which are
nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders
marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply immediately.
What a pity that a yoting man. the Lore ef Maroon
try, the darling of his parents, should be timo.chedfrom
all prospects and enjoyinerits of life. by the consequence
.of deviating from the path of nature end indulging in
a certain secret habit. Such persons must before con.
reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne
cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness
Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomils
.a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the
view; ths mind becomes shadowed with despair and
filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our owu.
When the misguided and Imprudent votary of plea
sure finds that he hcs Imbibed the seedeol this painful
disease, it too often happens that an 111 timed ' sense of
trireme, or dread of discovery, deters him:from applying
to those who, from education and respectability, ran
alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional
symptoms of this horrid disease make their +threaten cul
such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased lIOFO, nocturne.
pains in the head and limbs.dhuness of sight, deafness,
nodes on the drin bones and arms, blotches on the
head, face and eilremities; progressing rildh frightful
rapidity. till at last the palate of the mouth or the
bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this a wful
disease becomes a horrid .object of commiseration, till
death puts aeriod'to his dreadful suffering., by send
ing hint to "that Undiscovered Country from whence
no traveller returns." '
It is a melancholy fact that, , ,thousende fell victims to
this terrible disease,.owing twthe unskillfulness of lg.
norant pretenders. who, by the ma or that deadly poi-
Boni Mercury, ruln,thenotratitution and make= the re.
aldne oflife miserable. , c'i L , ,.„,..
. . ST IILA,N tiV.R.fif," ' r .
Trust not your lives,
.or health, to -!the care of the
m a ny nuleaKned and, worthless pretenders; destitute of
knknowledge,name or churecter,.who c 11
At ivertimanentp, or'styli• theruselveir:ll newspdpers,
regularly educated physicians. incapibl'' f curing, they
keep yin trifling rfforith eftomandb tejAngthelr fildhy -
And poisonous compounds. er a tong arab e sthel lest fee
.can beirbteined;Tfndlir-deirpeir deave;yeu trith - rnitred
health to sigh over your gellin -disappointment.
Dr. Johnston is ' the only l'hyileien advertising...
Ills credentials or diplomas always hang in his office.
Uls remedies or treatment are Unknown to all others,
-prepared frorna life spent in The great hospitals of En.
rOpe,:the first tln the country and a more extensive
,private praetleo than" any, of her physician in the world.
Thb many thousands mired 'at this Jr stltntlOu year
.aftei year, and the nurnernusimporfant Surgical Opo.
Wilms performed 'by Dr. Johnston, the
reporters of the "Sim," "Glippi , r." and.: many, other
papers, notices of which have.apPeared egnin'and again
'before the nubile, halides, his standing as a gentleman
.or character and responsibility, lea Cotangent guarantee
to the umlctod.
stmts . _ pisgAses sPEEDALir.ciunEtt
'Persons writing should he' particular in directing
their letters to this Institution, in the following wan
ner: JOUN M .lOIINSTON,.ti. D..
Of the Baltimore Loop MAL_
May 2,1802-11 -
rbv OloglisJitN
VOL. 63.
A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Propr
Arlreteiti Nigtvii.
Talk to me, darling Mlle,
Talk to me, love. tomight ;
Tell one some sweet, sad story,
Here, by the dim flre-llght ;
Sing me some quaint old ballad.
Of love, and of love's despair,
And I'll sit at your feet, Allis,
And comb out my braided hair
Never mind me If I neep, Alllo, ,
My bean Is full of tears ,
You see the shadows on the wall—
They are formless, as my fears ;
I can not tell You whence they came,
Nor when they will depart ;
tut I know they gather In, Allle,
And darken all my heart.
You hear the storm wind, Mlle,
Twirl through the darkling night ;
Just think Imw the forest branches
Against it toss and fight;
They know not why they are troubled,
Tossing - in - wild unrest';
And 'Lis something like the forest, Mlle,
This feeling in my breast.
There's the surging and he walling,
Like the sound of wordless woe,
As the tempest falls and freshens,
Now high. now wild, now low.
But, sing some quaint old ballad,
Of love, and of love' despair,
Aa I sit hero at your feet, Allie, ..
And comb out my braided hair.
From 'Spore Hours," by Jong, BROWN. M. D.
( co sets nag.)
Hat behaved well, never moving, showing
us how meek and gentle he could he, and
occasionally, in his sleep, letting us know
that he was iemolishing some advers ry.
fie took a. walk with me every day, gener.lly
to the Candle maker ltow ; but he was somhr.•
and mild ; declined doing battle, though
some fit . cases offered, and indeed- subrnitted
to sundry indignities ; and wasalways very
ready to turn, and came faster back, and
trotted up the stair with much lightness, and
went straight to that door.
Jess, the mare, had been sent, with her'
weather-worn cwt., to tiowgate, and had
doubtless her own dim and placid medita
tions and confusions, on the absence of her
master and Rah, and her unnatural freedom
from the road and her cart.
For some nays Ailie did well. The wound
healed "by the first intention:" for as
James said, “Oor skin's over clean
to bell." The students came in quiet and
anxious, and surro ilded her bed. She said
she. liked to see their yaktmg, honest faces.
The surgeon dressed her, and spoke to her
in his own Awn kind way, pitying her
through his ey e s, Rah an d J a mes outside the
circle,—Rah bong now reconciled, and even
cordial, and haviii tot le up his mind that
as yet nobody required worrying, but, as you
may suppo e, sewper partaus.
So far well: but, four days after the ope
ration, my patient had a sudden and long
shivering, a "groosini as she called it. 1
SAW her soon after ,• her eyes were too bright.
her cheek colored ; she was restless, and
ashamed of being so the balance was lost
mischief hail begun. On looking at the
wound, a blush of red told the secret : her
pulse was rapid, her hreathing anxious and
quick, she wasn't herself, as she said, and
was vexed at her restlessness. We tried
what we could. James did everything, was
everywhere ; never in the way, never out of
it: Rab subsided un ler the table into a dark
place, and was motionless, all bet his eye,
which followed every one. Ailie got worse ;
began to wander in her mind, gently ; was
more demonstrative in her ways to James,
rapid in her questions, and sharp times. He
was vexed, and said, "She was never that
way aforo ; no, never." For a time she
knew heir head was wrong, and was always
asking our pardon—the dear, gentle old wo
man : then delirium set in strong, without
pause. Her brain gave way, and then came
that terrible spectacle,—
"a'he intellectual power, through words end things,
Weul sounding on its dim end perllong way ;"
she sang, bits of old 'songs and Psalms, stop
ping suddenly, mingling the Psalms of Davi t
and the diviner words of his Son and Lord,
with homely odds and ends and scraps of
Nothing more touching, or in a sense more
strangely beauti ul,did) ever witness. Her
tremulous, rapid, affectim at •, eager, Scotch
voice,—the swift, aitulett4 bewildered mind,
the baffled utteranc", the bright and perilous
eye; some wild words, some, household cares,
something for James, the names of the d. ad,
Rub called rapidly and iu a "fremyt" voice,
and he starting up, surprised, and slinking
Off as if he were to bla\n e somehow, or had
been dreaming, he hear; Many enger ques
tions and beseeching; which James and 1
could - make nothing of, and on which she
seemed to set her all, And then sink back
ununderstood. It was very sad, but better
than many things that are not called sad.
James hovered about, put out and miserable,
but active and exact as ever; - read to her:
when there was a lull r short bits from . the
Psalms, prose_and metre, chanting the lat
termn'his qwu rude and serious way, show-,
,ing great knowledge of the fit words, bearing
up like n, man, and floating over her as ins
"Ain Ailie." "Ailie, ma woman!" "Ma'
- ain bonnie wee &wile •
—The -end-was-drawl ag-on - : - -the - golden - bowl
was brealting ; the silver cord Was fiksito
lug letiseilthat animulo, blaUdula, vagula,
hospe,l, comesfinc, was about to flee. The
body and t he suuhcompatiions `for sixty
.years-,*.ike .being:: 'sundered, and taking
leave. She was walking alone, throtigk the
valley of , that shadow, totO_which' ono ,day .
. must ap . enter,!---und- yet she was : not
alone,,,for we'know whose rod and staff were
coMforting her
- -
One night she bad fallen quiet, and as we
hoped, asleep ; her eyes were shut. We put
down the gas i and sat watching her, Sud.
Only:she, sat up in , bedi - and talking a bed
gown which was lying on it relied up, AO '
held it eagerly to her breast,—to the right
aide. We could ene;bereyee bright with a
surprising tenderness and joy, bending over
this bundle of clothes. She held it as a wo
man holds her sucking child ; opening out
her night-gown impatiently, and holding it
close, and brooding over it, and murmuring
foolish little words, us over one whom his
mother cOmforteth, and who •sucks and is
satisfied. It was pitiful and strange to see
her wasted dying look, keen and yet vague—
her immense love.
"Preserve me!" groaned James, giving
way. And then she rocked back and for
ward, as if to make it sleep, hushing it. and
wasting on it her infinite fondness. " Wae'
me, doctor; I declare she's thilkin' it's that
bairn." " What bairn 7" " The only bairn
we ever had; our ices Mysie, and she's in
the Kingdom, furty years and mair." It
was plainly true: the pain in the breast,
telling its urgent• story to a bewildered,
ruined brain, wits misread and mistaken ;
it suggested to her the uneasiness of a breast
ful of milk, and then the child ; aad so
again once more they were together, and she
had her ain wee Mysie in her bosom.
This was . She. sank, rapidly :
the delirium lett her ; but, as she whispered,
she was "clean silly ;" it was the lightening
before the final darkness. Alter having
some time lain still—her eyes shut. she said
"James I " He came close to her, and lift
ing up her calm, clear, beautiful eyes she
gave him a long look. turned to me kindly
but shortly, looked for Rab but could not
see him, then turned to her husband again,
as if she would never leave off looking, shut
her eyes, and composed herself.' 'She lay_for
some time breathing (pick, and passed away
so gently, that when we tho ight she was
gone, James, in his old•lashioned way. held
the mirror to her face. o After a long pause,
one small spot of dimness was breathed out ;
it vanished away. and never returned, leav
ing ttte blank clear darkness of the mirror
without a stain. " What is our life? it is
even a 'vapor, which appeareth for a little
time, and then vanisbeth away."
itab all this time had been lull awake and
motionless; he came forward beside us :
Ailie's hand, Which James had held, was
hanging down ; it was soaked with his tears;
Rah licked it all over carefully, hoked at
her, an I returned to his place under the
James' and I sat, I don't know bow long,
but for some time,—saying nothing: he
s arted up abruptly ' and with some noise
went to the table, and putting his right fore
and middle fingers each into a shoe, pulled
them out, and put them on, breaking .ne, of
the leather latehets, and muttering in anger,
`'l never did the o' that afore!"
I believe he never did ; not after either.
" Rah!" he said rouehly, and pointing with
his thumb to the bottom of the bed. Rah
leapt up, and settled himself ; his head and
eye to the dead fare. " Maister John. yell
snit for tile," said the carrier ; and disap
peared in the da , kness, thundering down
stairs in his heavy shoes. I ran to a front
; there he was, already round the
house, and out at the gate, ileeing like a
shadow. - . _ - - .
I was afraid about him, and yet not afraid ;
s i I sat down beside Rah, and being wear
ied, fell asleep. I awoke rem a sudden noise
outside. I, was November, and there had
been a heavy fall of snow. Rab was in
static (pm; he heard the noise too, and plain
ly knew it, but never mOed. I looked out;
and there, at the gate, in the dim morning—
for the sun was not up—was Jess and the
cart,—a cloud of steam rising from the old
mare. I did not see James ; he was already
at the door, and came up the stairs, anti met
me. It was less than three hours since he
left, and he must. have posted out—who
knows how 7—to Howgate, full nine miles
off; yoked Jess, and eriven her astonished
into town. He had an armful of blankets,
.ind was streaming with perspiration. He
nodded to me, spread out hii the floor two
pairs of clean old blankets having at their
corne-s, "A. G., 1791," in large letters in
red worst-d. Thee were the initials of
Mison Gnome, and James may have looked
in . at her from without—himself unseen bu•
Cot unthought of—when he was 0 wat, wat,
and weary," and after having walked many
a mile over the hills, intirlrave seen her sit
ting, while "a' the lave were sleepin' ;"
and by the firelight working her name on the
blankets, fur hgr aiu James's bed.
He motionel Rab down, anti taking his
wife in his arnas, laid her in the blankets,
and flapped `li•er_jeaeefully and firmly up,
leaving the face uncovered ; and then lift
ing her, he nodded again sharply to me, and
with a resolved but utterly miserable face,
strode along the passaage, and down stairs,
followed by 4,,b, I folhewed with alight;
but he didn't teed it. I went out. holding
stupidly the candle in my hand in the calm,
frosty air; we were soon at the gate. I•
could have helped him, but I saw he was•not
to be meddled with, and he was strong, awl
did not need it. He laid her dawn as ten
derly, as safely, as he had lifted her out.ten
days before—as, tenderly as when he had
her first in his arms when she was only " A.
G.,"—sorted her, leaving that beautiful seal
ed faCe open to , he heavens; and then tak
ing Jess by the head. he moved away.. 'He
did not notice me, neither did Rab, who pre
sided behind the cart.
. .
I stood till they passed through the long
shadow of. the,College,.aud turned up Nicol
son Strcet. I neard the solitary cart sound.
through the streets, and die:away and;comin
again; and I returned, thinking of that cot , ;.
panygoing.up Libbertoti Brae, then: along
Rosin] Muir, the morning light touching the ;
Pm.tlands end making, them' like on-looking.
ghosts ; then doWn the liill through..Aneliin
• dittity---Woods,-' -
past " n m
inod: NoOdhous'e--,
l e e ; and-aS daybreak came sweeping uP;the
bleak Laminermuirs, and fell on his own'
door, the company - weld - stop, and James
Woad take the key, and
. lift Ailie up again,
hiying her on her own bed, and, having 'put
Jess up, would return with Itab,,and shut the
James buried his wife, with hie neighbors .
mourning, Rah inspecting the selemiiity from
a distance. It was .snow, and :that black.
ragged .Bole would look strange in the,midst
of the swelling spotless cifelitot - Of-,:white.
James tai)ked'aftereverythitigi thou rather
soddenly :fell' ill, and took to .
sersible, when the doctor came, and soon
died.. A'sort of kW laver was prevailing, ic .
the 'village, and his watt of eleep, his es.-
TERMS :-41,50 in Advance, or e 2 within the year.
haustion, and his misery, made him apt to
take it. The grave, was not difficult to re
open. A fresh fall of snow had again' made
all things white and smooth ; , Rab . once
more looked on, and slunk home,to the
And what of Rab? I asked for him next
week, at the new carrier who got the good
will of James's business, and was now mas
ter of Jess and her cart. " How's Rab ? "
lie put me off, and said rather rudely,
" What's your business wi' the dowg?" I
was not to he so put off. -" Where's Rab?"
He. getting confused and red, and intermed
dling with his hair, said, "Teed, sir, Rab's
deid." _" Dead I what--did?` be die of?"
" Weel, sir," said he, getting. redder, "be
didtia exactly dee; be was killed. I had to
brain wi' a rack-pin; there was nae
doin' wi' him. He lay in the treviss wi' the
mear, and wndna come oot. I tempit him
wi' 'WI and meat, but he wad tak naething,
and keePitirie free feedin' the beast, and he
was aye gur gurrio', and grup gruppin' me
by the legs: I was laith to make awa wi
the au'-dowg, his like wasna atween this
and Thornhill —but, 'deed, sir, I could do
naething else." I believed him. . Fit end
for Rab, quick and complete. His teeth and
his friends gone, why should he keep the
peace, and he civil ?
Swearing Alone.
A gentleman once heard a laboring man
swearing, dreadfully in-the presence of coin--
pinions. lie told. him that it was.a coward
ly thing to swear in company with - others,
when he dared riot do it by himself. The men
said he was not afraid to swear at any time or
in and place.
give you ten dollars," said the gentle
man, •it you will go to the village graveyard
at twelve o clock to night, and swear the
oaths yip have uttered here, when you are
alone with God."
"Agreed," said the man, "it's an easy way
of °Amin ten dollars."
"Well, you come to mei' to-morrow and say
you have done it, and the money is yours ".
The time p4ssed on ; midnight came. The
man went to the graveyard. It was a night
of pitchy darkness. As he entered the grave
yard not a sound was beard : all was still as
death, Then the gentleman's words. "Alone
with God," came over him with wonderful
power. The thought of the wickedness of
what be had been doing and what ho had
come there to do,'darted across his mind like
it..flash lightning,,:_ Ike trembled at_his folly
Afraid to take another step, he fell upon his
knees, and 'instead of the dreadful oaths be
came to utter, the earnest cry went up—" God
be merciful to me a sinner."
The next day he went to the gentleman and
thanked hint for what he had done, and said
he had resolved not to swear another oath as
lung m,t . he lived-.
Tile PIINSI I) ENT 8 IN IQI3 fri EB. —A Union
orator, writing floor Michigan city says:
'•During wy speech, I asked any Democrat in
the house to be kind enough to tell wo what
clause of the Cmstituti3n President Lincoln
trod violated — during the prog're'ss or ?
Alteria moment's siO)tice, a voice near the door
said: "I eau tell you of one • Name it' said
I. ' lie has denied the right of—of—(scratch
ing his head) —"the right of Corpus Cnristi '
Such un uproar of laugh', r you sc.ircely ever
heard, I reckon." Upon inquiry, I learned,
(Lim this champion of the Copperhead Dem
ocracY of Michigan city, is an ex.peuitentiary
convict, who was convicted of being one oft he
perpetrators of the Boone Couuty Bank fraud,
a few years ago. The State of Indiana had
denied the right of habeas corpus to him for
the space of two years, at least."
gallant General Rousseau. who may be said
to have led Kentucky into the field, made a
speech'at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in which
be said:2—
My'politioal creed is but a minute 1 g.
lam for the government of my fathers d
the•friends of that government, and. I am
against the enemies of that government, and
all their friends both North and South."
Giving a timely warning to his hearers he
No matter what your political predilections
may be, unite to save the country, and after
that settle questions of policy. Let not your
dlfferences of opinion weaken the arms of the
brave men who are fighting that you may be
free. In the 'Army of the Cumberland, in
which I have the honor of commending a
division, officers and men know only the cause
of their country; all are united in a common
work: no dissensions or jealousies weaken
their 'force."
juirel. little Miss of
. six, with whom the
work skeleton and skeleton skirts were sy
nonymous terms, in relating the melancholy
story of the lost bride who hid away in the
trunk and perished, and was not found Lill
many years after, with wide staring eyes,
"And on opening the trunk, , what do you
think they found there, aunt 7"
Why. what did they, my dear 7"
" Nothing in the word,' answered the little
story teller, holding up her bends in horror,
"hut a hoop skirt!"
VW' A Yankee .boy had a • whole Dutch
Owes° set before him by waggishfriehds, who;
',4 wever, gave :him no. knife. .. •
; ' "This's hig.(nonYl,abeese,'Unole Joe," said
h "whi(orehaila Out it ?"' t , ,;
~ "Cut it 'wheio.yOnjtko.!-' , ,
', "Very : Weil," Said t,he,Yankee, 000ly put,-
dog ii under his, arm."- "tql out it at. home.-'"
iaterA man who covens himself with costly
it - pTpiifil - iiiid — riegleots his mind, is lilio ono who
illuminates the outaido;of his, house and site
within,tbo•dark. . , ,
J--''What stingy fellows they -rhust be in
New Yorkl" , exeloimed-a, fine -country girl.
' Our Sallie says she never could get. a buss
without - paying five •
Whit animal has the greatest quanti•
ty, or brains? Tito hog of course,, for he ham
a hogshead full, ' • ,
The experienco of many a, life tv—Wha
fool I've been 1 .2 - The exporlimoo or many a
wife: : —"What' a fool rye got I"
Wun is taken from you Wore you get it!
Your portrait.
g eg
What le the use of trimming a lamp,
If you never intend to light it
What is the use of grappling a wrong,.
If you never intend to right it f .
What lathe use of removing your hat,
When you never Intend tv terry?
What is the uSe of wooing n.meid,
If you never intend to marry ?
What is the use of buying a cast,
If you never lotei4 to wear it ?
What le tho use of a house for two,
If you^never Intoud to share It I
What le the use of gathering gold,
If you don't intend to keep It
What ii tho use of Venting a field,
If you never Intend to reap it/
What is the use of buying a book,
If you don't intend to read it!
What is the use of a cradle to you,
If you never intend to Hoed it f
.Tle the =mot of .life glverthr mynticia
A peouliar interest attaches to old people.
They have come down to us from a former
generation. Their days are spent. Only a
few sandt , remain in the glass. Many years of
intercourse with the world have made them
rich in experience. They well know what
hope and fear, what joy and sorrow are.—
They have laughed with the living and wept
for the dying. Disappointment and grief have
taMed their_ spirit - a And now at. the close of
life .a_ new and great wurld opens up, solemn
and unknown.
Much of their past is far baok, and the
years lie close together like distant street
lamps that seem to meet They have passed
through the several stages of life ; they have
been children, and wept, they have been lads
and lasses, and sowed Their wild oats ; they
hive wooed and been won ; they have rowed
their bark in sunshine and in storm: they
have been over plains and through deeps.—
liut now their journey is almost ended, the
work done.
Tue day far spent. Their early corupan •
ions and co laborers have already nearly all
gone. They stand alone, as it were, among a
new people, and look anxiously around like
belated birds left behind by mates that long
have taken their homeward passage. The
shadows of evening have gathered around
them, and the night has come. Blessed are
they that can-li6 down to pleasant dreams, for
they shall rise at a glorious waking.
A peculiar interest attaches to those old
pilgrims whose feet have trod so many years.
Not only do they interest us in their past, but
also in the future They walk along the
borderland of a great and untried world ; a
single stream divides them from the spirit
laud, and they sometimes seem,to speak from
the Other side—so deep and prophetic are
heir word-. When our eyes look upon these
passing pilgrims, we cannot help feeling the
solemnity of the sight ; for very soon will
these aged eyes open upon new scenes, and
those unsteady feet walk new plains.
Reverence old age. Con.ider its advice.—
_1)_4_111. gently _ with its infirmities. .Breilare
thyself to become old.
Three Hundred Copperheads
I hereby make special requisition on the
Stale of Illinois for three hundred of the
ilest, meanest, most disloyal Copperheads
that can be found. I know they have them
there, and I am satisfied that they are :lent
ally needed here for the good oft the public
service, rendered so by the following cir
cumstances, viz :
There are here in the 26th Illinois Infan
try about -ix hundred as neat, clean, hardy
and well-disciplined men as ever marched to
the sound of drum—men who have borne a
prominent and honorable part in the taking
of New Madrid, Island No. 10, siege of
Corinth, battle of luka, and the late battle
of Corinth; besides many other engagements
of less note.
These men are tried and true as ever drew
bead on rebel head ; the love of country
swells their hearts and throbs . in every vein.
They have unanimously said they want no
peace that will "yield 'a single right of hu
manity or take one star from our glorious
Three hundred able-bodied Copperheads
are needed to fill this regiment up to the
maximum number. These noble and brave
men will hold them straight in camp, steady
in the, hour of battle. teach them to endure
harilships and suffering, to eat "hard crack
ers," and sleep on the bare. ground. In
short they "will train them up in the way
they shoe d go," and bring them back
through tribulation to the good old doctrines
of equal rights, common sense, and the
Union forever.
A speedy compliance with the provisions
of this requisition is respectfully requested.
26th 111. Vol. Inft'y.
, .
The Views of a Loyalist at the South,
as to Colored Regiments.
CORINTH, FEB. 25, 1863.
Editors 11, issouri Democrat:—This mea
sure is noW occupying, as it ought to, a large
share of public attention. On the avowed
policy of doing whatever might become ne
cessary to save our beloved country; step af
ter step his been taken by Congress and the
President, to this great,end. In the onward'
march, ;we have reached the one indicated
by the caption. to our,article. Nothing has,
yet been proposerlas ameans in our success - ,
of more imp irtance than this. The wonder
is„when , viewed in the light of sober com
mon sense, that we have mit, long ago, al
-lowed -stout,-loyal- colored -men - to-do- the
lit:pleat and most dangerous work in our
struggle. Naught but, folly and madness,
it would seem, can longer reject the essen
tial aid they offer. Let facts be submitted
to the candid - in proof, of this assertion:
1. That the rebellion has grown out of
slavery, is too evident to be questioned.
2. It is no less evident that the single end
and aim of the rebellion is, to protect,, per
petuate, and render impregnable, human
"'3..Can any one fail to see that our fight
ing must, be pointless, not , to say tutile, so
long as we try to strike; not at, but around
this very thing, which the enemy aims to do?
4. Arm the colored Men n6w,free and get.
ting`free in this conflict, and the issue is
made up and the' battle joined in earnest,
No more roundabout blows will be struck,:
The +Stronghold of the enemy
_is at once be
sieged, stormed and tad!. Just as certain
as we flee, protect I , nd arm colored people s ,
they will leave their oppressors and-join us.
Just an .certain as they do this, will the
Southern Confederacy find itself . Without an
object to fight for, or means to do it with.
6. But it is still alleged by some, that ne
groes will not fight. No intelligent, candid
man will rashly ,'say so. Did they not fight
under 'Washington and Jackson, receiving
the testimony of these heroes to their'bra
6. The safest and speediest way to end the
strife is to conform our measures to the just
demands of Providence. If in view of these
Jefferson trembled for bis country more
than fifty years ago, ought we not to more
than tremble now, overtaken as we are by
the very calamities this great statesman
feared ? Arm the oppressed, aid them iii
striking for their rights, and we 'may hope
for deliverance through this great equitable
Providence. 'lf; in this conflict, "thelcord
be for us who can Ir 3 against us." He will
be for us whenever we show ourselves to b.
for his poor. •
NO, 14.
Letter from General lacClernand
on the "Peace-mongers."
The following letter from Mr. John Van
Buren, enclosing-one - from General MeCter
nand, has been published :
"New YORK, March 9, 1863.
"I have just received the enclosed letter
from General McClerriand, who-is in com
mand of our troops before Vicksburg. Al
though it is not intended for publication, the
action of Illinois democrats excites so much
attention that I think the views of General
McClernand ought to be made public. Be
commanded the-Illinois troops. at Fort-Don
elson,--ims served several terms in Congress,
and bus the reputation of being one of the
best soldiers in the army.
"Respectfully, yours,
"B &FORE VTUKSBURG, Feb. 22, 1863.
"Hon. John Van Buren :--An extract
from your_late speech has just - come-under
my notice. It has the clear old democratic
ring, and - contrasts so strikingly with the
spurious emanations of latter day democratic
imposters that I cannot forbear to hail it.
It reminds me of the better days of the de
mocratic pa ty, when, under the inspirations
of Jackson,, and sour father, its boasted
watchw u-ci was :.'The Union—it must be
preserved I' Responsively-to that sentiment,
I upheld the arms of both those magistrates
to the extent of my ability and at the sacri
fice of home and all endearment-4, and am
now bearing arms, amid disease and death,
against an armed enemy who would dese
crate it.
"Northern peace mongers, who would dis
honor that sentiment by proclaiming an
armistice in the face of a rebellious and de
fiant enemy, but add pusillanimity to treach
ery, and truly, as you energetically say, 'will
be carried away,' if not by 'the torrent' of
public opinion, eventually by force of arms.
"Your Obedient servant,
Tux following extracts from the speeches
of our "Southern bretbern" delivered in our
Congress before the introduction of the Crit
tenden Compromise, in the winter of the ever
memorable day of Secession, showi how easy
it was to have "averted the war," as Gover
nor Seymour and his class- declare, by com
promise and conciliation:
Dec 4th, 0 R. Singleton, of Mississippi—
"l was not here for the purpose of making
any compromise or to thitnit tip" exititing:difi
cult ice."
Mr. Jones, of Georgia, ditto on tho same
Mr Hawkins, of Florida- O %MR° I am
up, Mr. Speaker. I may as well say in ad
vance, that I am opposed, and I believe my
State is opposed, to all and every compro
Mr. Pugh, of Alabama—"As my State of
Alabama intends fodowing South Carolina
out of the Union by the 10th of Jan. nest, I
pay no attention to any action taken by this
Deo. 5, Senator Iverson, of Georgia—" Sir,
the Southern States that are now moving in
this matter are not doing it without due con
sideration. We be ieve that the only securi
ty for the institutions to which we attach so
much importance is Secession and a Southern
Confederacy. You talk about conce-sions.—
You talk about repealing the Personal Liberty
bills, as a concession to the South. itepeal
them all to morrow, sir, and it would not stop
the progress of this revolution. It is not
your Personal Liberty-bills that we dread
Nor do we suppose that there wily Jo any
overt acts on the part of Mr. Lincoln. For
one, Ido not dread overt acts. Ido not pro
pose to wait for them. We intend to go out."
Doc. 12, Wigfall of Texas—"So far as the
Union is concerned, the cold sweat of death ly
upon it. Yonr Union is now dead. There ill
now in the Gtilf States no excitement. There
is a fixed, determined will, that they will be
Deo. 21—After the introduction of the
Crittenden Compromise, Benjamin, of La.,
told ' day. of adjournment has passed.
If you would give it now you are too late."
Mason, of Va., said molter what com•
promise the North offers, the South must find
a way to defeat. it.
Pryor, of Va...telograghed—"We can get,
the 'Crittenden Compromise, but we don't
want it."
Ben. M. Samuels, President of the Dubuque
Democratic Club, and an Intern/bed Copper
head in a speech made- a few days sues, de
nounced, the Government currency as worth
less trash, of hardly equal value to Confeder
ate money. Jk.poor Irishmitn, having heard
of Samuels' speech, and.haitng a quantity of
Confederate oioday tn his possession called
on the Copptillead'and offered to esohange it
for greenhalcs, and was willing tp give boot.
Samuels didn't then see it, and declined to
make the trade.
kT LABT.—The man Faulk
ner, who committed the foul crime which gave
a pretext - for the fiendish and-,brutal•riot at,
DetroiLthe sither_day,it. no_w_ appears:is not a_
negro. Ile is'a dark skinned man, with blue
eyes aud straight haii, and claims to be a
Spanish Indian. 'He has never asacmiated
with, negrods, never allowed them to inter .
his saloon , and has always exhibited great.
hostility to the African race Ile has been a
registered.voter_ in .the third ward of Doirrilt,
and always voted the Delude tie ticket.-
air 'A farmer likes - sold weattier at, tlle,
proper mason : an early, froat Jo entrain
goes against" V
4WD° At
yet come i,dk.
ready past.
~• , ,
• 'Though death is before the; old math face,
he may be as near the young manta back.
Taken at' His Word. *
bat is not
isbSt 41; 141-