DRUGS, BOOKS', FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, 'PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HA VERSTICK, North. Lfanover Street, Carlisle, Penn' a. Ilasjus t opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, 081 Books, Perfueaery, Fruits, and Confec tionary. which has never been surpassed in this bor ough. for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected with great ca e, and are calculated, in quality and pi ice, to enannand the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which aomprise every variety of fancyarticles of the most eaqutsite apish such as. Papier Macho Goods. Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, navy ivory, pearl and shell card tacos, Ladles' Fancy Baskets. Earley Work Boxes. with sewing Inatruments, Ladles' ian, Writing Desks, and fort-felios. Port Mom:al,. .1' every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large rar.loty of ladles' Fancy sta tdooery. Mot to seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Itidi n;; whipa, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind her the toilet, N. and It. k G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical N144'1111101, I's, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for OL /DA J' RESENTS, to Ivhich he invltos special attention. Also, in oxtmisi ye and oalectlon of comprising . various English and American Works, richly embellish,l POETICAL %V It ES, Bibles and ii vino Ituolcc, elegantly bound in velvet , Alth metal clasps and eorners His assortment Hike and Sclyml Stationery is ale ~,m plete, and comprises i , verythimr used in the Schools.. lie :Os, desires In call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of 'L AMPS, &e,, from the exten,ive establishments ni Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising. every style of Parlor, ehoinl , or and study iatinps, for burning . either Lard. Sperm 01 Elberini Drirl"P's celebrated Kerosene Or CO:11 Oil 1.11111 p:., together ,With HOWor V,,st•S FrlOry Screens, II is :t.isortnient in this lino is ULl lualed in the ladouzh. Also, SECA RS AND TOBACCO, —errhracing all the 1. - tvorite brands, and a 11 no Assort moat of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Kill e•oehink Lynchhurg Smoking, Tobacco. F It U 1 'l' S , sn •k ac OrangeA. Lemons, Pigs, ttnlxinx. Nectarines, Primes, FINCY CONFECTIONARY—NI:TS—PRE PRINTS, MIN ED—MEAT, PICKLES,- &c., in every variety and at all prices. all or which are pure and fresh sivh as can be ronfidently recommended to his friendc. Ills stock embraces everything In the line of Fancy 0,0.1., with mtny other articles useful to hJuselteopers which the public are mpeclally Invited rall and examinA. Rutnember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Ilmmver-stre Der. 20 1801 EVERY BODY TAKE NOTICE, Av-E, SA IVY r R )111,1,E Em“. , one door from Mortio'n has° WI NUR GOODS, chi 9r f :11111,..niplotoness. r:in not 10 Lin Ir; I ,4 .; I 111 htt•=l imp art ttintlP. and Ilow , fit l • • • 1, , Zi , 11 1 , 1• I 6111 •, I' ll.lh, 1,14/11S, 5.17 !RI:111 SILKS, ,upplv of Mack bought tho .1% thoo lo 1 i too ! CLOAKS ! 11.11'1112: efl.• .• \. r th, of of th.• Irtl4e.t tu.trllltlAtl , in, hod:, in the row ry. ht- Jn- 11.01 ..ti, ~, ,c rtnir.tit toll tmdH the 1,t1.•, , nomhint .01. which 1p 11,10 p.tp,t. 1"IIA \ 1., pill kiwis llPtenth t Lit:, t , r Lacliut, 3. h.:4ls and EMIII l% • 1 / • J 111 1 1/ 11 1 I tt,,,ti,,11 tt YISOT.II3.NIIV G GOODS, I! 1,1 1121• supply ot - no., r:.11 LI, Ltlf AII,IC,IS I ,11,t, l rapt•s,Ulu} k, A 1 I lloop lat e I Kidl~:are,Gaunt lets, Woolen floods, llosiory of all !finds, Dien's and Boy's Wear, Yroneli Cloth, Casslmorus, Vestings, all hinds of Fur ti(ssls, I.s.inest is Goods iu Immonso supply. CA RIV.:7'S, ()IL CLOT!!, all Lind-. of House fiamlstilnz (bowls. Constant addi tions is tln ,, ugh Ho. s..ason. vol diallv in% itv thr Httontion of thy, public to t 1,3 2111'1 note rt hers not ❑ll.lll lone.i. =ME 6L SIZEOES Flll,lrll:'urtlnent of 14211 and 13oys' 311 , 1 , i•S, t ,, r. the 'doter Also. 1..1.11t.s and 4 IA It .4,, :111 1011, L I'l . ,11, , 11:.,111•111(.71'S{W ‘I )% )1y awl all in 1,3'11., ,)r timds ..” pLon,• rail and vx:irtlitw the 1.4•1 ck, 1.. ..Pre plIlL111,111,;' )lain Street, iil , lll.V upprs! Ul cl,e 1./t•rpt:: rnrll.lo. =EI Vs! DA, GOODS AGAIN, xrCY\V opening at Ogilby's cheap cash store, an thor I t f mute, Dress Goods, of livw styles, ;old v , ry limols•toe. italtiwral Skirts, Moo) I. 1 . ,11, %.in ,ro.it %AI it•ty: a lat.,. If)t. of It: 1,11 111 S. for ladies Cloaks, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES f..e Mon and a' wear. with a groat variety of i/oods all 1.11'01,1st:I 1 tr rash, and will be sold at the Ivry low net prices fur each CIIAS. 031LISY, Trustee Carlisle, Nov. 21, I)AINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons white 1.0. d. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received with 3 large assortment of S arnistves, Fire Proof Paint, Turmutine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zane, Lltharge, Red Lead, Inviting, Boiled 011, Glue, Lard 011, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, PIA Oil, kc., Colors of every description dry, and 011 . ,1,tv cane nod t u lets at the IlArdwaro Store of Carlisle, Oct. 25, 1861 ,fipßEAll BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar "Substitute" Is rocommen• dud t it ft upurior article in combination with Saleratus or Soda for :baking purposes. It produces bread cakes Ac., which whin cold are sweet, moist and graiefli, while those of Croam of 'tartar arc often dry and taste less. It will coot less than CrearniEff Tartar and is used in the same way - for cooking, fie. VHS SUBSTITUTE, together with Saloratus' Soda, Peso Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Send, ground and un• ground, spices of all kinds unadulterated,. and also iira,awies in every varb•ty constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices forts/do by Dec. li, 1692 U A. VING SALOON.—Having fitted Jup fu the very bust style, the room In Cramer's building, noxt door, to A. L. Sponsler's office. I tan pro pared to give my tonsorial attentions to all who may honor aMavith a vleit. I shall constantly ho suypliod with competent and polite hands and shall spare»o effort to give general satlaftetlon..l wish to employ a good boy, bot4veen 1,4 and 17 years old, Apply, immediately to J. M VERB. earifslo. Jun e 27. 11102-Iy. [Jarsoo pairs Ramos on hand L_BLor ~/auonds. , Eliza!)6tti trim, pralf.rs,--leoudoir 41s.,.e.wfunas-lin, with - nd witliopt pAtint fluitonings, zhoaper th evor_at 11. SAX rozsys i Mat 'eh 28,18113. UJI P 3 CEM ENT. 100 barrels of I Cement, w.th:tlargo aseortment of Chain and Iron Pumps, just I.l3CulToll and for sato cheaper than evor. Comma Rohl by the quantity at manufaeturets price March Ili. " • • 11. SAXTON. • [7f Uitil "BIIILIMNG ! • anat 'reralvad a lar , o assortment of all sizes— Gum Beltim, Gum Ilaau, ' Gum &c., and for aala cheap at the Itardwaro Stpr4 of Jup.a.22. 43. MARSHALL.—ATToItifix • AT 110bANV 0111eo with W. Di. Pourose, -In neetTer ~liil 1 S. W. HAVERSTICK O(1 L BY, Trusts HENRY SAXTON, J. W. EBY 11. SAXTON DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH D A SURE REMEDY EQU A l3ad Breath, Sore Mouths, Diseased Bleeding Gums, • Nursing Sore Mouth, A ND the best specific now in use for Cl ANY diseased condition of the mouth. It is prirtiEularly benelleial to persons wearing ARTIFICIA TEETH, completely destroying every 'Mint of tho mouth, nb sorbing and removing ell impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who make uoo of IL No YOUNG LADY or YOUNG - Oil LEMAN who to afflicted with a BAD -BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for it It a eertall cure, and Is approved 1111 d recommended by every pl,iy Medan under whose notice It has been brought. USE Dr. Wm. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Mean's Dental 011 lee, No. 77 Foul LI Street, Brooklyn, P. D. E—Price 37 Cents per Bottle. -'63/;t A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruoe Street, New York. Sobl in Philiielphia, by Dytitt fi Co., 232 North , 2rl Street; 0 S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut street; and by all Druggints. DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S TOO pH POWDER! 40, Th ~. CAR80N1C „,,, r ,,,1 i ..,,,,„,,5,5,,,,,5 wi .„,,,,,,,, r 0 ir()1. , cilul c tS O .I. A TI I OUT , TUN . s . i•S . , • J. and is li.i.• r u m alp Add; or Ala:flies that ea r l In the least injure the 'rei•th. Ifs avtion being eniliely mechanical —polishing without wearing the enamel. Dr. Win. B. Hurd's Tooth Powder is r,rnnuneniled by all Eminent Denthits. Propared at Dr. Il u rd's Dental Wilco, N 0.77 Fourth Drs,klyn, E. lb Rte' Price 25 Cents per Box. '''t3fa A 111 - wral discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York, Sold also Ly Caswell, Mack RI Co., 1 0 111.1. .Iven tie Hotel; .1.. 1 / 4 I. 1 / 4 41 ling:ton, 715 Brwelway; $. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Drii..,dsts. DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S IPOOTHACIIE DROPS Jro //e Cure of Toothache, pre.luced by exposed nerves. It Is particularly adapted i.:dl r a sea of children afflicted with TOATIIACIIIt. Parents can relieve themselves from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and tbeii children from great suffering, by keepleg bottle of Dr. Win. HURD'S TOOTLIAL lib DROPS In the Prepared at Dr. Ilurd'a Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth "Street, ltrooeltlyn, E. D. fra - r. Price, only 12 Centl3'per Bottle A liberal dlseount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce treat, New York. Sold In l'hiladelphia, by llyott & Co., 232 North 2d Street: l) S. Itubbell, 1410 Ohestnut Street; and by all I). Uggi.ts DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTEKS, FOR THE CURE OF N Fun.% COLA Oa TOOLIIACIIR PRODUCED BY COLDS 1,90. r, NLI;RA DA IA i« Immediately u rod by I heir a ppl lea tb,n. They h:,rm, and are perfectly harmless In hoir do 1111 produce a L Ister, and leave to, :chults Dr. Wm. B. Huri's Neuralgia Plasters ;ley., fail to ghe to nil who test their virtlie eloued it Dr. Ilur,lB Dental Office, 77 Fourth Stroet, thoohlyn, E. D. &-....4'-Prtee, only 15 Cents Eael).—GA A li;,eral diecomit made to deiders. Address Piiocipal Offico, Tribune Buidings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York Sold ill I'lliladelphla, by 14)ott A: Co., 232 North 21 Street: 0. S. 11ubbull, 1410 Chestnut '6 trout; and by all Druggltts. NiTICE.—We are daily receivirg orders to send by mail somwmie 'Jr more el Dr. II urd's Dania! Remedies, • which wo _eauuot 1111. None are mailable - exrept - the Neuralgia Plaster, which we send In an envelope on re cm pt of the prlee (lb cebtt-) and one stamp. hut to ac. cam toodate persons In place's where the druggists and star ok ee pars are behind the age, we have put up pack ,1, 4 .11, In White embossed boxes, seven Inches by fouf; ' with comparttnents—hack box containing a bottle of Dr. 11 urd'a Mouth Wash, and Tooth Ache Drop s , a bo x of Tooth Po der, the Neuralgia Plaster, a valuab,e little Treatise on Teeth and their Diseases, the best owans of preserving them. and the proper treatment of' Children's Teeth, worth at Itoell the Unfice cost to o, , •re young man Or woinon, or parents with young p hi IdCen, with sundry other nere+sary articles; pric e , pet plokage. one ,holier, or six packages for sb. sent by roes, W % dir..cled. As Ilia express charges are not touch. aims. more on a dinten than on one, it Is tar che't per to older six 'Jr a dike packages at one time.— A holly will want all. or the surplus ran be dis ne1,.1.1, s ill, public hen,lit, for no one Can efitinett. suit wd, h I...Wieling. unhappiness, and dj...p g o, e ~ent, expense, bane and illonee would be ~red fa the country, II every family to-day hail ono f [het,• lo.febnges, in If ;elf. IS a complete •ett of Den C.ll lieniedle, Address Wit 11. Hine t ,Tr Prune New' York. and writ .‘ name and ailtbe,s Tbaf ren,lllanees nni‘ w h onfi den,. W. II H. is l'o - refer to the Mat or of 11,,,,4,1, tirttlith, t, or Ise Partners and Clib Zell'S Hank, That klyn; V the Editors of the Anierloan manun,turersr Ilaxvi ; 1,, joy, Coe t CO., Publishets' Agents, New I'm I.: to I'. 'l'. Darnum, Esq., who knows a good I, plug w ben he sees it rind al ho bas already or dered a second supply. etc. 1000 AGENTS AVANTEI9 To introduce Dr. 11O111'1. Den Col Remedies Into every county. Alen or women who Want to Mahe money quiricley, can do better u ills these articles then tiny [ig lu market. They are new, useful, lose priced, and wo are spen ling thousands In ads ertising them for the leoieflt of Agents. nixes of samples, containing a dozen of the one dollar packages a tarry specified, with eireular, will he gent, Oil receipt of HUH en dollars,als , ut half price, to any person, wis h test his or her skill Inc sell Nag, wittrnl'lt4 of bteoniing an Agent. I%e uld rather pay salaries than Commissions to those Who move themselves efficient salesmen. Now is the time to go into the business. Nor address and reference see above. NEW DRUG STORE. THE undersigned has just opened a now 'Drug t , t,e113, in South Hanover street, next door to I obeli's tiroeury Store, where he hoe just re ceived rind opened fi largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, ToHot Soaps, aml.Fancy Articles. Also, a largo lot of Tobacco and P.egars, of the most ilivorito brands; Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Burning Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Coal Oil; Alcohol, Stationary: Piitont Medicines. and all other articles connected with our line. All of which we will sell at prices to suit the , times. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a competent druggist. DAVID ItA LSTON. Carlisle, Dec. 19, 1862-1 y ' • f.OOA. .11C4S. JUST opened the largest and best as cii sortmont of Hardware, Paints ' - Oils, Varnish, Glass, iron, dm., over brought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for cash, and which wo aro selling at the lowest prices. We invito.tho public generally to give us n call boforo making their purchases, as wears fully sustaining our old reputation of selling the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRIORS. Returning thanks ton gm:ion:mil public for their past liberal patronage, hoping by personal attention to their wants, to merit a continuance of' the same. JOHN P. LYNE & SON i At the Old Stand North Lanovor Street. Carlisle, June 6,1862. • NT, AILS ! NAILS N NAILS ! ! V .11 A large stock of gOod, Clean, Neat; arid Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth Wets a keg mitre, than any other make of nails sold . In 'our town, this is the opinion of mechanics who have tried tholll, we also.have a full assortment of 11(1II;DING.MATERIA LS, - or the latest and 'most approved styles. All goods war , ranted as represetited.' JOHN P. LYNP. & RESIT MACKEREL.- F A tat of Maolcerol—now catch-1u assorted pucka ges of Halves, Qua rtor, and Eighth Bartels, Also, -SALMON; tar sale at the Store of the subscriber. 8et.,213; J EDT: fUU3CCIIatICOU&. GREAT EXCITEMENT. .Jas been raised .in Carlisle and .sur rounding country on learning that the subscriber turned trent the City with a tremendous stock of Dty (Mods, all bought. for Cash and to be sold at such low prices as will cause soon PEOPLR to shake in their boots. ' Canker In this very extensive stock may be found great piles of Of Silk Poplins, Turen Lustre, Fancy Silks In variety, Black Silks of the most celebrated manufacture, Mohair Plaid, Poll do Chore, Silk Check, Embroidered Mohair, Satin Plaid, Chunk Mozambique, Chain Do Lattice, Bum bartines, Lawns. &c., &c., CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vestings, Ilnys wear ofgond quality and dealrablo styles, 'rickings, Chocks, Flannels, Ginghaps, Law us and CALICOES • of very handsome styles and In sufficient quantity to clothe every female in the County. I have also the largest assortment of CARPETS and Oil Cloth In the Interior of Pennsylvania, of nil qualities and at very satlefaetory prlcee to tha purcha• nor. Besides, I have almost every desirable article in my line of business that can be mentioned, selected xvith great care, and with on eye single to the wants of this community and the present times. The public Is advised to see these magnificant loads of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as I am confident that advantages will be gained by a careful examina tion of my stork of floods, which for Immensity has mix , or been, and perhaps never will be, equalled in this place, for size beauty, and cheapness. At the old, well known stand of April 4, 1862. A. W. BENTZ LOOK SHARP.—Wm. Fridley would itespretfully announc,o to the citizens of Carlisle and the pa bile generally that he has again ,commenced the manufacturing of tin & sheet iron ware "fall kinds, In S.C. [layette building en ',outlier street, directly opposite U. Shapley's Chair Mann ibetory. where ho will at all times be iii readiness to do all kinds of work in his line Si business with neatness and dispatch. All work will lie done by himself:lnd a competent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Also, can at. all times he hnd those celebrated' SELF— TESTING, SELF-SEALING, PREMIUM. AIR-TIGHT FItUIT CANS A. JARS. House spouting. and lobbing of all kinds done at bort not Ivo and made Of the best material. paid for Old Pewter and Copper. II plug by strict attention to busineae, and a desire lean all, to receive a share of public patronage. Carlisle lid. '241, 1860,-Is. " .1.1.11R10.1' 11.11 E FAMIIJ GROCERY AND EA STORE Just received and in store, a fresh and well all lected assortment of Rio, Java and Mars. cab() Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasses. Spices of every variety— pure only ; Starch, Farina .and -. Chocolate, Mac . caroni, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, Salerstns end Soda, Cream Tartar and as` sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.--A fine assortment In Packages, and In bulk—as well no all other articles ..„." 2 "r.,. belonging to the hu.4iness—all at the lowest It. and late reduced prices. J. W. EBY. Carlisle Foundry, AND FA t ini 'IMPLEMENT DEPOT P. tint ltier .4. Co. now manufacture and keep con stantly ter sal", at their extensive Steam Works on East ?lain street, Carlisle, a large assortment , of dt,IIICULTUItAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among Whlrh they would ,all especial attention to WILLUUUII BY'S CELEBRATED PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First ("ass Premiums at State and ttoun ty Fairs. To this Farmers of Cumberland. lurk and Perry counties we need_not speak in detail of the Merits of thla drill. as scores of them are now in use Oil the best farina in these counties. Its reputa tion is established ss the most complete Brain Brill now manufactured in the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats. Barley and limas, evenly and regular, withoutshunching the seed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stories, wit bout breaking pins or thesirill. For avers and regular Stars fug, the Wi1h.11,41, by gum 'F,pr inv.; Drill is unequalled I,y any ot6en IVe also manufacture and sob the hdlowing as dales, w Welt we can recommend In, Farmers as reliable implemeutB, el established character: MORRISON'S PATENT PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW R DWI) ER CUTTER, BRIDENDOLP lI'S PATENT c_qiiN ~t1J;1„1,KIL - PATENT NI ILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S TROUGH. Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of Y :trio ua.pattorns...C.orn.Cv nahers. -end or her articles too FR rulers too »u me ronS to mention. A lso, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plate Wood :stoves, with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. \'o have also an attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSTRES to which we would .all ettentiou. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To this department of our business we give partlen tar attention. Our alreao rr. ten,i VP stork of patterns for'Paper. Flour and Saw 31111 (tearing, is constantly increasinA. Mill Owners and Mill Nrrights a ill to fur n fished with a printed c'otzi!ogue of our various Nilli Patterns, on appilea t ion. Our Machine Shop comprises all the carious tools for turning, phth , ng and finishing Shafting and Castings. by good and ratafuf Marti inists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES- of any desiral.le capaelty, from ten tot wen ty-fl ye horse pet r. built in the 1.4,4 style and it,, neeommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment Ulny be in suceessful operation at mliny 01 the largest I/1,1111,11, , and nvirs in Cal lisle, and Cumberland i'vrr) anti Dauphin ( 'ounties, to the our neta ul a hich we nntidentl) refer fir Information as to thelrelllelen ey. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re quested toren and examine before contracting else. it here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, • Connected with our estatillxlituent ix is Steam Posh and Door Ala nufavtory a )111 . 11 Is DOW In vow piety (weer for the num ufact ure of em et . ) dent - Option ut M AT ERI ALS for the most costly as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished from o cents upward, according to size ut glass :„.Whidow Frames troth 31 upward; Shutters and Bolling Blinds from 76 upward; Four Panel Doors front $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Braekets, Fancy Drapery'. Scrolls, and other articles needed in house building, furnished at the lowest price' , and of the best quality of lumber. to _We are also prepared, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. May 6. '6O. F. GARDNER rir. Co. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER OEI T. BELOW COST I I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church, on West 9laiu street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY - in the town, will be sold 30 par cent lower than at any place in the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Sliver hunting-case watches, Levers, Loplues, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Tens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, • 011 Paintings, a great variety of fancy articles,and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per centlower than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, caeca, large tilirrers, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having selected a first clang workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as mush at reduced prices. Three Pianos at pm below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 14111 sell at the Jewelry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted; at two-thlrd ihokr real value on easy terms if called on soon. -1 - 4 .A.RGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH - GROCHRIES—FISH OF ALL KINDS. Among which is a largo lot of the real geoulne Balti more dry salt !MIMING., in oak barrels, MACK ABEL at prices that IS really astonishingly low. Include of all kinds, SAUCES, PEES EEVES, , and a good assortment of TOBACCO ANO SEGAR . S. LIQU'ORS,' At the lowest rates for'CASH or Country Produce. - - W June 21,1641, DRESS GOODS lllatcfos ana aettlart): I ATO ES , JEWELRY, AND SILVEIt-WA.R.IsAT CONIAN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland VallaY Bank. I have just received a nor assortment of watches ewelry. medallions. silverware; dm.. In addition to Jay ormor stock to which 1 'invite the attention of the public, The assortment enibraces lino gold and silver lever watches, Ifuntlug and open casa do., gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and gilver Leplues and Quartler watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets. linger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, &c., Sec. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter kniv es, forks, table. tea. salt and mustard spoons or every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special atten• tion. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the host makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which j I will sell low for cash. All articles war- •\ • / ranted to be what they arc represented. , A Particular attentilu paid as usual to ,:tr:P,c WATCH . REPAIRING and all work war ranted. Dee. 23. 1867.] NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! AT OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE JUST received a large assortment of' ele g ant new style Foil owl Winter Goods, to which the attention of the public In general is re spectlully invited. In the G ENTS' -DEPARTMENT, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestltivs. Shirts, Shirt Collars Neck 'Firs, Cravats, Susptglurs, I.lautitlets, Moves &c., &c. LIMES' DEPARTMENT 5116 s, Poplins, French Merinos, Be Fhzured . and Barred Bepp's, Poll De I'ho,riers, Pi. cared and Flaln Vel,mr.l'a,hmeres. Paramettas. i; I nvhams. F. et ch Cor sets. Italnimalr, Ilouds, on tags. t. 4 l(alltut Coate. Nu bias, Vest.. Sr, Sc A 6111 HSS , ltllll . llt, (ii /111,S for Chtldrens' wear. of all kinds. 11.1.,10r5. Cheeks. Drillings, Flannels. Blankets, I asslnets. Jeans, Cords .(c.. to.. best quality and rh,ahp as (lit! cheapest. Hosiery and tih.vcs of all de!.ri;ptions and prices. AIV Lti ANU NCAItFi.- A large arsortment rf S:hawls and users ref all ties criptions. and cheep. Travelling Trunks, well made, and Carpet Hag's. As it is Impossible to enumerate all the articles. I would iespecthilly la{ Itt• all prisms, lu Nar.t, some and chomp (OH before puiehashrg risen hire. 4 , ,e- Iles. lierL the pin e, West, Main sheet, surly opposite the depoi, Carlisle, Nov. 6,1862. N.B.—All Cloths. Ciptsimeres and Vostincs. 0111 he made up to order. /if desired i In the best [minuet. and warranted to tit by an experienced tailor and the Lest workman in the State. ECOND SPRING AR 1V A L.- 1,3 LAno E SUPPLIES FOR TIIE II EA U AND I EET 'At the store ofJohn Irvine, on the N. Y. remit, e the public square, ha the plate to purr base hot to OLous Fiats & Caps. at prices thnt defy competition. lie has just returned front the East with the largest and.tuoat complete assortment nfltnots, Vhoes. Iluti & Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and ohich he is determined to sell at the leo est possi ble priees. Ills stork embraces ever) thing In his line of business, such as MEN'S & FINE CALF DOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and I' tent Leather tard Ties, Ca. and Patent Leather Ciatt.t.rs, Call Nullifiers, Cal: and KSp Brogans, :slippers, LitDE.BS' WEAR Fine Frenchand Et,r,ll/.11 1 mhting (Liners, Morocco Cnll and Kid Boots, VIM, Kid bliplit is, Fancy rAippers Mororro, and Kld Dusk in , Ay. A. MIS:' , ES AND (1111.1)1:EN':.• RFA fall derettptlol, 0,111'11c:111g lino Lasting linitcrs, Mon 6, , rind I,stltip Buttmn 150,4 s, Luce 11.011. ot till hinds, fati9 Sii(ws of varl,us II kT, I'S. rilk, Cassmwre. Pnr ;IA Tht, of all qua,lilks m 1,15 it 11111..,:‘, , ortment of STRA 11:_ BA 7-; ~.i Boots and Shoes taudc to ord vI- t the liepaii prtuptl)done C 0 14.1, L i hi s t please all (-lasses of customers, he respectfully Invite th e public to irlve him 11 tr), Remember the place, N. E. corner ut the Square. May 30,'00 Xr F., \V t't ).11, N BER .3 1 iID• The sul , scriliers hose this day entered into part n.llBllll, to trade in OAL, AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand mud furnish tnyrder all- kinds-and- quality' ofliEdi&ediiid* Lt.l MIER, BOARDS, SC .1 NT LI NO, - FItA Al E Paiing. 'Plastering Lath, ?vhinglins. to. th 01 Is e.i lloor• lug and Weatherboarding. Posts and Itails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMBER 1A All kinds of tilllngles, to wit: it hitephie. Hemlock, and oak, of different qualttles. Having Cais 01 our own we van furnish bills to order ut any length and site et the shortest notice and on the 'Lost reasonable torus. Our oorked hoard.: will he kept under cover's° that they ran be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on band all kinds of Family Coal under rover. which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit LY EN:.' VALLEY, LUBA.: FIDDLER, TREVORD)N, ti)C mousTAIN, LAMBERT. which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Bost quality of Linzrbarner'B and BlacLonii!h'.‘ Coal, always on hand NV hb-h wo gill soli at the lowest thzuro Yard west side olOrannnar : l olnod. Nlanl st:vot .t 11 , 4 FI:It. July 20,1862 J. R. NONILDIAKEIV G F ORWARDINA AND CO:SF/111S los um:sr., `Fa-OUR AND FEED. COAL, PLASTIC AND SA LT The subscriber haring; Fah VII OW W:IFO HOUSO S and fixtures of Win. 11. )1 u F I ay's wall known estithlisl• LOOP t, ou West Iligh street_ opposite ideklnson College, would Inform the public ths.t he has entered kilo a K enitra] Forwarding and Commission business, The highest market price w 111 be paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freittht produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PCASTER AND SALT lopt constantly on hand, and FLOUR AN)) FEED at ‘‘ holesalo or rctnit. , Coal oral! kinds. outlwing, LYREN'S VALLEY, LUKE Fl DP LER. SUNBURY WHITE: ASH, LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. KEPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town, J. E. NON EIIIAE Elt Carlisle, August 17, ISfi9. Interesting, To Farmers. JOHN P. ,, LYN113 & SON, bavo just received a large lot of those celebrated scyTuEs, made expressly for their own sales, which haVe always given entire satisfaction to ail who hove used them.— You that want a keen cutting and easy running Scythe, we would say try one of their superior make We have also a full stock °Maths, %V.hot Stones, kn. Rakes of Christ. Myers' and other celebrated makes, Grain Cra. dies of all the best makes in the county, with a full stock of all kinds of Tools and Implements for Farmer's use. All of which we are selling cheap at our store in North Hanover street. Carlisle, June O,IW. The Confessions and Experience s of an Invalid, pUBLISIIED for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young.men who suffer from_Nervous-DebllltyiiPrereature Decay, fic.; supply ing nt the same I Imo the means - of Self cure. Dy one wha has Mired blmt elf after'betn - g - put to great expense through medical Impoeltlon and quackery. By. uncle slog a post paid addressed envolopo, single copies may he had of their author, NATIIAN.I.ND MAYFAIR.' Esq., Bedford, Elligiteu., N. Y. • March 14, 1862-1 y ' NOVEMBER 2ND,.1863. •,_. ,@e-The vandals' of the "likaALD" aro reminded, that I have just brought from the city a large upply of SIBOAR CUlt lIAAIS AND BE Ft'E Applesand Pearhem,'Frosh Tomatoes in cans, fresh Mushrooms, the very best Pickles, , different kinds of mixed Mustards and, Sauces, Lemons and Oranges, Prunes, Figs. Raisins. , Sugars, ColTeee, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Flue Sugars and Tobacco: very true Brandies, Old Bye Whiskey, Wines* hesidesn general assort ment of good's in our ling of tratie,olTered at the very lowest prices, FDA P.AS,U• . WM. B I wrz.- 18e4 • THOMAS•CONLYN CH A. t.oi)11,111' .}OIIN IRV INK Broken, I'..gg, t 4 tt,e and ut CEMZI _atisttilantous., JAMB'S R. WEAVER'S l; , . . -"'Ils:i7:. . . CABINET ~...ivo ' AND Oil Al li t . MANUIACTORY, NOILTU II A NoVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Haring been engaged in the business for over twenty yelles he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the Ohara' encouragement extended to hlto In years gone by, and further assures thorn that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor hint Frith a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be ..t the best quality, of thu la. Zest style., well finiShed, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as an t/NDERTAKIiIt.-- heady made Collins, Metallic or otherwise, kept con stantly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, largo size, vi ell finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER. May 22. ISSO-Iy. TIL rl'l 1 IJ,iIPIIANT. , The comnlete success of the Prairie Flower Cook 6tocc, warrants the subscriber in calling; the attention ++f all who may want a superior stove to eall and ex amine thb only store that has giviin untiersal satisfac tion. WTI AT IS CLAIMED OVER ovants rS Ist. A saving of from :30 to 031 per cent in fuel. '2nd. A hotter nod quirk at. !Iron from the same Ore, 3d. A larger Oren than any other stove of the WM11.14221, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The hest Bak, :-, Boaster, and Cook now in use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the Hues, .th. A perfect bits Consumer for either wet d or coal. The Prairie Flower iN warrat.ted to give satisfaction in every particular. anti will he shown with pleasure to all who mar rail, whether desiring to purchase or not: any quantity of riderencc in town e.r country. A few Iltlittr good Conk Stoves on hand, which will ha sold very low to rinse stock spouthig.l:, , ofinv. Joh work, Copper sndthing and Shemijor eorl, promptly attended to. In town or polio try. ,111 worn, warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north or Imellmr. MARY M. MORMS. N. B. old C.ptwr, and Ven - ter bought, and the hErhe=t pr paid in t•Aslt or goods. March 28. isiio.—tr II OXVA It I.) A () CIAT Ip N ! , I 1, ADEL l' 111 A A Ilene, lent Insiltntion, established by special co dOWITI,I t for the relief of the sick !Intl distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially fur the Cure of Diseases of the Sti‘ual 11,1 0 1rA ADVI(4. given gratis, by the Acting Sur wean, t ell who apply by letter, with n description of their condition, loge, oecupet l ion, hebits of life, sc.:, nod In roses of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished tree. of VA 1.. t: A 111.14 REPORTS sin Sperinutorrturn, nnd other Di.etse, of the Si xunl Organs. and on the NEW It EDI ES employed—in the Ifispeneary. sent tO the afflicted in eluded 100'1 I.IIV elopes, free of chnrge. Two or three &Ulu e for postage will 1.6. accepts hie. Address Dit..l. SIC ILLEN (ITON. Acting Sur Fenn, liouard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Ph iladelphitl, Pn. By order of the Directors, Li RA D. II EARTWELL, Proßici.,nk (I E)1. I . I{CTITLD, Secretary. EW STORE, ANT) NEW GOODS .. L1 HATS, CAPS AND RTRAW nooDs'. •ITS, C •ff sr C F. _.or. ....,,,...„ t itsr,,„ .. _,.....____. ...;vm_it,....,...: ....„........._... 5.,;.,..._....:=, ..:._____.. ~....e —.,... Tlie• 11:11S recently opened a New Store at the stand old D. Ilitibi.rt in North nurturer St. opposite the 'artist,. Itelt,alt 1.1:131.ch: revelVed from New York and Ph Hadelphla. fine, and i.i,rll assiirtiniuit Ma lint. O. 1111% . 1.11 , •,..tirti no HATS and CAI'S, from the rotuinun II 001 1 ,, the tine Fur, .811,N AND - C.INIERE HATS, 1•'.11; and \\ • lnter at% lec or Silk /lair for 19f,t, Ladles Furs. :•nie %tenth], Nlink Sable, Fitali, au ?y nii [el lilaclt, Brown and Blue Cooney, Rock Mar tin. Sill., do ['Wickens Fula, Bearer Wits for irk and flops, Fur Caps, Gloves and Conan] fur Gen• Ue•nten. BCFPA LO 'ROBES, turd pri~t•~ to tilt the titto, AI, t It.tgg c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TI.LYIES. .11 Carpet. Valimm Trunks, IL, nd Trunks, I. in b r••I; as. An to.in tment 14t 111-- 4 - Prime tiegara and Tobacco. "Eiii Th to la lui thr the pitronaLre nlrrndr received he would inv,te ail his (Honda and the public generiiii.i to give him •1 JACOB BOAS, Agt. April 19, iStit. /IA111) \VARE! 1.1 A It D - 1 \.6 ARE I! Son have just completed opening Ihrlr Spring Stork et Hardware, Paints, Oils. varnishes, tllav ,to whirs they Invite the early attteutien of the public We have greatly enlarged cur stock In all Its van , hrauches,and can imw accommodattithepul, lir w ith El, 1.111 LE i; 00 DS. in largo Or small quantities, at the lowest prices. Rot we t not wish the pohlie to understand that we hale brolieht all the f ends iu Phllailelphht and New led. to 1.0 tos n , hot w.i eito assure them that One 1(1(111 111 to iier ston re a l inee them that we have enough to sootily the denisod in this market. Persons ;venting Coeds in •ior Hoe will roil It to their advent:wet° give or a rail bklPurs, Maid rig their purchases.—all orders rel .$ll ulk 1111 , 1 pin P• t WWI attondeJ to, Mid no miste• presentations wade to effect sales LYNE .l 11151, Ahiv '_','33o. ,N,rth I la nor or at. Carlisle INJ E.-111 E ALLEN ANDE IST l'ENNSIII)II0 MUTUAL 1.11/1/ Stl CE )M PA N, Voi Cumberland county, Ineoria , rated hi a» act of A,sernhly, iu the year 1543, and har br, r.,en:ly hail its charter amended to the year i3•S3, IS 1,1,, 1;1 I. trVl• 3t1.1 1014 0114.1 tithpn. under the su perintrehdeuee hula Boa•d of Managers viz: II 111Iam tiorgas, ehristiate - Staynicdi. (. 1 »e4114h, D. liaily, Alex Cathcart, .1 I/. Coover,./ohn Eicludber per. Jor:spli Whdie,hatn, Sand. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Marti» Co , .ver, and .1. 0. Dunlap. the rates of insurance are as low and nivirable ns any Company or the kind In the Stat.), Porfams wishing lii hef , ineinentbers are invited to make application to the ag , .0., or the company, ttho are willing to welt upon tteraltit any time. WM. It. 00110 AS, President, I.:borly's Mills, P. 0 crritisTlAN STAINI AN, Vico President Carlisle. P. 0. ( )11N C rkTNLA I', Seery., Mechanicsburg MICHAEL COOIi.LIN, Trnasurer, Slieplierdstown. A 01•: NTS CU NI ft ER LAND COUNTY. John Sher-lelt, Allen llro ry Zearing, Sltirantanatow n; Lafayette Pl,ffer ; Henry Dowznani Church toy. n ; Mode ti II lith, 6..uth Middleton• Stymie] II raharn, V. PCllll[l Iptnro' IRA C.O . VigF, MIA.II,IIIeSI,III.g ' ' .1, W. Cochin,, :thetalertigtOWT Cnover, Upper Allen; .1. 0. 1 3tix• tom siiv,t- I ; John flyer, ‘..lar11810; Valentine Fe.,man, Ne cui t .l, o . hind. yo cot, Pi Dover ; Jae. Griffith, Waring:on ; J. F. Da:n(4)Hr, Washington: Richey Clark Dillsburg; D. nutter, Fairview; Jain Williams, C.i rrol l DA UPI! N CO.—Jacob Houser, ilarrisholf,. Members of the company having pollciesabout to ex pire, can have them reneweJ by making application to any of the Agouts. leh IA. 1802 Scythes & Snaths. JUST received the largest, ,best and ty cheapest assortment of Scythes, Forks, Smiths, Rakes. • Whet Stones, • Shovels, Ycliles, . Hoes, Water Cans, Rags, Re., over brought to this county., All of which I_ have made expressly to order ' In large quantities , quantities , so that they can be sold at very low prices and warranted as reprosentil. . The trade and, cradle maker 4 supplied at manutto• turcr prices, at the cheap Hardware store of HENRY-SAXTON, East Main St.. Carlisle. June 13 REMOVAL.—Tho Hat and Cart store titratofori) known as." RIMLESS." hits boon re moved directlyoppesito tho old'stand. two doors tram Arnold's clothing store. Thu business will be conduct• ed as beretelgrei and - all the goads, hods homeinsdoand city TIM 11 utiicture, warranted to give sat Wootton as le commended. Xlull-patronage is ;respectfully Belie ,rd its every effort will bo made to keep the assortmer. o. alef aria boys bats and caps complete, with prices to suit the Ones. KELLER. t=l%,. Spring styles of silk bats now ready, •Maral lb, Iso2. ' - DR, WDL H. COOK, lIONIO3Q,PATIIIC PHYSICIAN, T_TAVING recently located in Carlisle, has Lillian an office adJointng Iterman'a alit‘ro ho cnn Le consulted 1w persons seeking nwat ea l advice; or n•Leu &aired, wilt visit them ut.thelr-inst, donce6, eltinir lu th'e town or country,. . May 1862—1 y 3inif Kaabs. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND IL/FRANKLIN RAIL ROAR. mon Einidlx; v • :fA+•+ 7 . CHANGE OF lIOUILS I Oil and after AIeiNDAY, MAY 6, HQ,. Passenger Train,. will run as follows: (Sundays excepted :l FOR CIIAMBEILIBUIta 'AND HARIIIBBURQ. let 'Frain. 2d Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.43 I'. M. 7.37 " 8.36 8.30 " Arr. 4.20 Leave Ilagerstown, " Ureenclistlo. Chumbersburg, " Shippensburg, " Nowvilie, " Carlisle. •' Mechanicsburg, Arrive at Ilarriabura, FOR GHAMBERSEDRG AND HAGERSTOWN, Ist Train. 2d Tram Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. M Lgty P. M " :Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.15 " I= Mlll " Newville, 10.02 " Shippensburg, 10.22 " " Chambg',(Arrivo) 11.10 " Grueucahtle, 11.05 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 0.10 " ,NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all' StiltiODS where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Cham bersburg. Shippeusburg, N ewv 111 e, Carlisle, blechanir. burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TED: CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provld, themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office, Chambersburg, l May 1,1811. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA ge,,l4%ft'nk ; titway-;1. DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WA RD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, TRILAREL£RIA It110‘,k1)S :VAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA drir - - Cass of this Lino 'CHI'', tha Depot fill Market tit. Daily, at 4 M. Leave at 7 o'clock. A . M. (loads intended ror this Line shcold he narked C. & I'. Doily Freight Lint., and sent in by 4 o'clock. May 25. ISMi. lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! rrh e undersigned having purchased the &e., of the hate W iu IL Trout dee'd. wonld respectfully announce to the poillic that he 'WM co ~- tlnueth. itArriNc nust,s,,ESS at the old stand, in West High street. and a ith a re uea ed and efficient effort, produce articles of head livens c.t Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shut strirtlyin keeplpg With the fre t wovemen t 'of the Art. and fully up to the ego io which we live. I hare on bond a splendid .. assortm ent of HATS AND CAPS of all descriptions, from the eLniluon 'Wool to the flnest Fl'lt AND SILK FIATS; and at prlcer that must still every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT RATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for LIMIT NESS, IttIitARILITY AND FINISII : by those of any other establishment in the country. MEN's, 110YSt and CIIILDIthN'S FIATS and CAPS, ()revery tessription constantly on hand. lie respectfully Invites all the old patrons and many new ones as possible, to glee him a call. Apr. 25, igirn-ly READNG RALROAD. - . t 'sue . 14Q7 N; WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT Trunk Line from the North and North. West for Philadelphia. New York, Rea& lint, Pottsville., L(41:11111, A llentown, Easton, ,Qr. Trains leave Ilan ishurtt ior Philadelphia, New York, Ittoilog, and all intermediate stations, at R A Lb..,and_oo P %T. Nee , York lixprpcs (caves Harrisburg at 3.15 A. 51., sr:tying at Now York nt 10.10 the same mowing. Fares from .ilarrlsburg: To New Y. tk $5,15; to rhilik ,l,ll.hin $1 35 and 11atiikage (livet el through. Returning, leave New York at 6'A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 P M.. (Pittsburg Express). Leave Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M and 33:1 P. M. Sleeping cars In the New York Exp esaTralne,through to and from Pitt,burt - wi L o ut rhal,ge, Pat.rnpere - - by - Mo .- Cent - vies,: ltalirrad leave Port Clinton at 5.10 A Si , for Philadelphia and all Interme diate Statical's; and at :1.25 P.M., for Philadelphia, hew York and all Way Pointe. 'Trains leave Pottevillo at 9 lb A M.. & 2:50 P. 5r., for Philadelphia and New York ; and at 5 no P. for Au- burn and Port Clinton only. crunerting for Pine Grove and with the Catawissa Railroad; and returning front Heading at 8 15 A. M.. for Potievllle. An Aert‘nimoclati,m Passer-er Train leaves Beading at c.a.) A. NI. and returns from Philadelphia 4.30 P. XL All the ab ove train, run daily, Sundays excepted. A tFunday train leay. a Pottsville at 7.30 A.. 31., and Phila.ielpbla at 3.15 P. M. tioniniutation„ Mileage, Scrisnn, and Excu'reinti Tick ets, at reduced rates to nod from nil viz) ts. U. A. ISICOLLS, (ion eral sup't. Nov. 28, 1862 A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE, WA RE-ROOM - ' - - - fl; : 1 _ q. ,-t :.• 1 \-- --7-_-;- - - 7 . )• ..--4 L '_f.-4,'., • ~__. :- • „ ---'11:t -NJ' ''.... -I ;c 4 • B :''''.';'''''*-- - _ 'tz• ,- ;-• 1 , 1 -- -- t-1?„ ji1 ,..._::777. ..1..,1•7. .3. 11.S6VA West iligh Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County• Agricultural Fair of ]857.) The subscriber tins Just received the most splendid assortment ot articles In his lino, ever brought to this place—which be is determined to sell at prices that du ly competition. Dario, 1 Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNIT URE. Kitchen and Office Embracing every article used by Tlouso and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including ah.o Cottage furniture in- setts. reception and ('amp Chairs, NattraSses, Wit frames, pictures, etc., ke. 4W" Particular attention given as usual to funerals ; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate twice.' A. B. Carlisle, 'May 12, MS LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, • LUMBER AV's; D COAL YARD On the Rail Road, near the Gas ,Works. The subscribor,Uops constantly on band ; ft fall sortment of Lumber & Coal, which be• can fur nish to orderpromptly and on4bo most rem- 4k, sortable terms. - LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME-STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked• Floor lug, Weatherboarding, Posts, lialic,'White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, et every•quality. - 116 also furnish bilis to order of any length and she, at• the shortest notice a nil on the moat-reasonable ills worked beards are kept under cover, so that they cab be fur iiished dry :dull times, • Ile has constantly on hand all kinds of Penally Coal under corer, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY, • LURE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST. MOUNTAIN, And other varietles,and all the various , sfees in use, wide): he otfiref to the publfc At the lowest'pricer. ' LIMEDuRNER'S AND 11LAOKSMITIPSCOALalwayw on hand, at, the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of A generous 'public. be stowed Upon the late firm of Black Delatt4, be would. solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive •to please, All orders left et the residence.of Jacob P.hrom for Coal and - tutubei, 4111 bo proinptly attended to as heretofore. coavy.x. DELANO% July 26, 1 -Iy. ° Lenvo 12.56 1.28 •• 2.00 2.40 •• 3.12 8.40 0.32 10.10 10.42 11.15 9.27 ~ IMMO 3.20 4.00 4.40 5.30 J. 0. CALLIO 1 Sol