Bateheloes Hair Dye I—The Best hi the WOild ! WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Iproduces a color not to be'distinguished from nature— warranted not to injure the Hair In the least; remedies the lit effects of bad dyes, and invizorates the Hair for lite, Grey, Red, or Rurty Hair instantly tui ns a Below did Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful Sold by all Druggists, &a The genuine is signed WILLIAI.I A. BATCHELOR, on the four sides of a ich box. - • • • • .. . . PACTORY, No. 81 Barclay Street, Now York. (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond Street.) MaY 20, 1852-1 y A.COUG,I4, COLD, OR AN IRRl tatod Throat If allowed to progress, results in serious Pulmonary and Bronchial affections, oftentimes incu rable. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCUES reach directly the affected parts and give almost instant relief. In Bronchitis, Asthma, and Catarrh they are are beneficial The good effects result ng from the use of the Troches, and their extended use, has caused them to he countetfelted. Be sure to guard against worthless hnltations. Obtain only the genuine Brown's Bronchial Troches which have proved their efficacy by a teat of many years. Public Speakers and Singers should use the Troches. Military Officers and Soldiers who overtax the voice and are exposed to sudden changes, should have them. Sold everywhere at 25 cents per box. Jan. 23.-3 m To Nervous Sufferers of both Sexes. A Reverend gentleman having been restored to health In a few days, after undergoing nil ho usual routine and Irregular expen Ivo modes of trea:ment, without givens, consider , . It his sacred duty to commu nicate to his afflicted fallow creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, be will send (free) a copy of the prescription used.' Di rect to Dr. JOUN M. DAGNA LL, 186 Fulton St., Brook. lyn, N. Y. March 9. '62—ly larriages. =EZEI In this place, at Myers' Hotel, on the 24th ult., by the hey. Samuel Philips, Mr. JACOB F. CYAN E to !tibia JENNIE SHEETS, both from Petersburg, Adams co., Pa. On the 23d nit.. by Rev C. P. Wlog„101IN P. Mc 'CARTN EY, of Carlisle, to MARY MATILDA SAN DOE, of C. ntre co.. Pa. Eht Iftarittts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. :Reported weekly for the Ilerald by R. C. Woodward. i.FLOUR (Superfine) do. (Extra.) . do EY !WHITE WHEAT... TIEDdo RYE ......... CORN. OATS BARLEY FA I. L BARLEY SPRING. CLOY RESEED, TlftloTll VS MED ... MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS!! ,We have the pleas are of I n tOrming you that in. we are now prepared to offer, at our Old StOod :_ Nos. 103. 1054 . 107 North SECOND St., I'llll, . ADELPIIIA. A well selected Stock-of - Millinery and traw Goods, do every variety, of the latest importations, am! of the newest and most fashionable stylus. OUR STRA W I) EPA ENT, will comprise every variety, of Bonnets, flats & Trim mings to be found in that line. of the latest and most approved shapes and styles Soliciting an early call. I remain Yours, Respectfully, 11. WARD. April 3 1863. 111, D S SfIJIDE S. 11.7. WILLIAMS, No 16 North Sixth Street, Phila dolphin, Manufacturer of VENITIAN and WINDOW SHADES Sir - The largest and finest assortment In the city. at the lowest prices. lilinds painted and Trimmed-equal cto new. Store Shades made and lettered. April 3,1863-2 m. A 'PROBLEM roji THE LADIES. SENT FREE OF CIA /MOE Address • PROBLEM," April 3, 1663 NEW style with the latestAinprovc ments and greatly reduce" Pile'es. These ma chines are noiseless, run rapidly. and form n Roam of unequalled strength, beauty and elasticity, wbkh will not rip. They are, unquestionably THE BEST CHINES IN THE MARKET for family and general use, they will - - TEEM, FELL, STITCH AND RUN 'rh'ity can do anything that any other machine can do. aßrThe new.hemmers and other new Improvements -without extra charge. WHEELER & WILSONS' SEWING MACLIINES. None better adapted for family use. American A griculturist The undersigned having been appointed agent for Cumberland county. offers those Machines to the pub lie with perfect confidence, that-those who purchase will find them as represented above. Persons wishing to see the machines In operation, will please call at the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. For further information apply to J. CAMPBELL. April 9, 1883. 1863. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! SINCE the decline in Foreign ex ellange Letocti sawyer & have, received their stock of Voreign Spring dress goods, embracing all the latest fabrics and newest styles he the market. PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, Wool'and silk Poplins, Pungens, Vista Cloth, Shep- herd Plaids, Grenadines, liaruges; Lawns, Delalnes All kinds of Mourning And funeral goods of Llissone Importations, Spring Mantles, Shawls, Balmorale, lloop Skirts, Sun Umbrellas, Gloves, hosiery, An, 4.I4YrILS, BBISIERES. VESTING% plain and fancy ; all kinds of pantingS a low prices. We have a large stock of desirable goods, such as fancy silks, dress goods, Datelines, Dareges, Lawns, many other goods left over from last season, which we Will sell at last yeiti prices. ive.h.To in trouiensektock of Domestic goods, also Carpetet .0 110 1 0 0 1 0i' Window- Shades, Looking Gleam, House furnishing goods, tko • We will make additions to our stock as the season advances.- Thankful-for past pstronags, at, hope to merit a continuance of the Kiwi). LEIDICH SAWYER dc MILLER. April % 1863. . COFFEE POT.' FRIDLItIY respectful' ••• • announces to t.ect zone o ar no nn t.e th.l xttli_elllitilintli_thr_MLn Ithtb, ture of all kinds 01 tin and sheet iron ware ia J. 1). Halbert's building East Geuther @treat Harlhle at the sign or tho RED COFFEE POT, Where be will at all times bereadi to do all kinds of Work Whitt line with meatless and despatch. . . Also eau at alttimetibe hat. thuse celebrated, self Nealhig and aulf testing premium airtight, vp.urr OANS AND JARS Bootlace. Spouting, a.,d all Ifindti of. jubblag Ono at the shortest notice. . . Cash paid for. old lead, pewter and copper, Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hopeaby Arid 'At t wet I on, and a dealre to please all - to -- merit a continuance of the Same. • • Dont forget the sign of the Red Coffee Pot. • April 3, 1136.3. • Carlisle, April 2d, 1863 6 00 o 75 4 50 1 55 1 45 1 1.5 _ll5 00 2 2: Box 913 P. 0.. Philadelpla. Pa 7 0 Paid Treasurer of Cumb'd County, stone from jail, Paid J. Zeigler, stepping stones, " S. D. ILllman, Treasurer Dick inson College, interest overpaid • on liens, Paid John Mell, brick for market house pavement. Paid A. Noble, sand fur market house ' pavement, Paid W. Trough, & D. Bailey haul ing sand &c., for market house payment, Paid C Reichter, laying market house pavement, Paid A. Brannon & W. Bowers, hauling slate for market house square, Paid 11. Saxton, bill of sundries, " E. Steel, winding clock, " J. & D. Rhoads, coal, " Wm. N. Chenoweth, shoveling - :LN, 4i`~!~ 1 snow, Paid J. W. Eby, brooms &C., for Clerk of Market, Paid A. L. Sponsler, Esq., Justice's fees in borough suits, Paid D. Smith, Esq., Justice's fees in borough suits, Paid A. Dehutf, Esq., Justice's fees in borough suits, Paid H. Gibb, blacksmithing for street commissioner and iron draggs, Paid J. Fagan, materials and letter ing sign boards, Paid Gardner Sr, Co., 2 new gates for grave yard, spouts for market house pavement, grates, work 76 52 Less am't allowed for old grates, 20 59 ,Paid W. Miller, repairs to market house pump, Paid J. Fagan, painting market hodse pump, Paid A. Martin; serving summons' in borough suits, Paid J. 31Gonegal repairs at market house, Paid J. Postlethwaite, repairs at market house, Paid J. D. Rbineheart, repairs to gutter crossings, Paid W. P. Lynch,•rnaterial•and re pairs to gas fixtures ; Paid W. 'B. ,Matthews, street comj missioner, work' on streets and wagbs 'paid, hands, Paid Wetzel . , A. Rhinehart and , iyericileglibit or's • _Paid_Y,',.._,Spahr t -stone &lap-ling,— Paid A. Senseman, expenses in re moving a portion of the, dam-. aged . walls of the Glass" build ing, Paid C. P. Hutnricli Esq., prOfes sional services, Paid W. B. Matthews, salary, as street commissioner, Paid Joshua Fagan, salary as • high Constahle, _ $237 50 Additional allowance, -__12.50-= 250 00 - Paid -- sam i l Caldwell, salary as lamplighter, &c., 93 75 , .. , Additional allowance, 30 00-423 75 Financial Statbment. OF THN BOROUGH OF CARLISLE, For the Council Year 1882-3. THOMAS B. THOAIPSON, TnEnstrimn RECEIPTS, &c. Balance received from former Treas urer, $ 46 26 Received amount of liens against Dickinson college, 1,161 01 Received rents of stalls and stands of Market House, 577 25 Received of W. M. Chenoweth, Clerk of the Market, &c., 98 00 Received of A. L. Sponsler, Esq., fines, 12 34 Received of D. Smith, Esq., fines, . 500 " for exhibition licenses, 76 00 Ainount of taxes of 1861, outstand ing at last settlement, 2,410 50 Amount of taxes levied for 1862, 5,882 34 " " added to duplicate of 1862, 6 00 Total Debits, $10,274 70 EXPENDITURES. Council Ordcrg of- 1861-2 Paid Geo. Bentley balance of salary as lamp lighter, $ 31 40 Paid A. Kerr balance of account and salary as street commissioner, 20 00 Paid Wm. Gould, crying notice of day light market, 50 Paid Geo. Wetzel, pick handles for Street commissioner, 2 00 Council Orders of 1862-3 Paid Geo. Line and others, interest on borough bonds and on judg- ment Paid Carlisle Deposite Bank loan and interest, 1,503 12 Paid Woodward & Schmidt. borough bond and interest, Paid John Mel I, borough bond and interest,. Paid Carlisle Gas and Water Co., " borough bond coupons, " M. Uolcomb, qualifying borough officers, Paid A. S. Senor, election expenses, West Ward, Paid T. Miller, election expenses, East Ward K.Nimtnan, printing 1801 and 18012, Paid A. K. ltheem, printing, " Gun. Zinn, " J. B. Bratton‘ " London, stationery, J. A rmstrong„ preparing tax du plicate, Watts ,& Parker, fees collecting c.l - liens, Paid :11 . Cartney & Martin, cleaning Spring, Paid J. Fag - an. removing nuisan ces Paid U. Delaney. lumber, J. A.: .1. Zeigler, stone, A. I.ind , ey. logs for bridge, " Bretz & Alartin, servini,Keleetion Paid P. Quigley, Pruthonaturyis fees, S. Wetzel, repairs to bridge, " S. Brown, supper for patrol, Paid P. Mont et - , Treasurer Union Fire Company. Paid P. Quigley. Treasurer Cumber land Fire Company, Paid J. W. Ogilby, 'Treasurer Good Will Fire Company, Paid J. Campbell, Treasurer Iluok nod Ladder Company, Pa id L. Forber, repairs to 'Grave Yard wall, Paid W. Barnitz, stone for Grave Yard wall, Paid J. D. Rhinehart, work at Grave Yard wall, Paid J. Gutshall, materials and roof ln Yard 3ratli, Paid J. NlGonegal, spouting for Grave Yard wall, Paid C. I'. Hoffer materiels and painting, Grave Yard wall, Paid G. & A. Beetem, stone hauling, Sze. Paid ttorlifiltikhe's, ry as lamplighter, &c., •93 75 Additional alloWarice, 90 00-123 76 Paid W, M. Chenoweth, salary as clerk of market, 87 toa Additional allowance. 12 50-100 00 Paid J. W. Ogilby, salary as • sooty of corporation, Additional allowance, Paid T. B. Thompson, salary as treasurer, 87 50 Additional allowance, 12 50-100 00 R. Natcher, salary as janitor, 25 00 Additional allowance, 5 00— 30 00 Total cash payments, By exouerations allowed collect ors of 1861 and 1862, 222 78 By commissions allowed collect ors of 1861 and 1862, By amount of taxes of 1861 out standing, 604 45 By amount of taxes of 1862 out standing, 654 08 Total credits, $10,070 50 Balance due by Treasurer, 204 20 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE DEBT AND ASSETS. Bonds issued by gas and water stock, Ist subscription, $23,000 00 * Bonds issued for gas and water stock, 2d subscriptiOn, 33,000 00 Bonds issued to George Line and others, 8,483 50 Judgment of Margaret Warden, use of P. Quigly, 500 00 $53 90 ASSETS. 1000 shares gas and water stock, Ist subscription, at par value 25,000 00 * Don shares gas and water stock, 2d subscription at par value, 35,000 00 t 124 shares gas and water stock, at par value, :1,100 n 0 Outstandingtaxes of 18(11 and 1502, 1.258 5:; Pavement Liens, 08 95 1 61,•127 49 548 00 349 76 268 75 G6O 90 1.551 00 ME 10 00 11 -O EXCISS of inclehtorinosc 33 00 19 25 17 no 1L 0e) 10 26 Excess of debt last •nnr, 7.418 -84; • • as above, 02 *Fly agreement between the Carlisle Ga 4 and Water Company and the Borough of Carlisle, said Company agreed to pay the interest on the above bond- issued for the second subscription stock, and also to re deem the ,principal thereof. and the said Borough agreed to trim , rer ht sui l rompA a y said stock equal in amount to the bonds thus redeemed Ni plaint for interest on said bombs has been made 'the borou , h . 1 - The certificate 'for` these 124 shares of Ritoak•was issued to' the borough in payment of the interest on the first sulisTiption stork up to the time of the completion of the Company's ;cork BEE DEB BIM 4 70 11 qi 18 78 44 10 INEIE 1 0 11 I..`r 00 0 (0) We. the Auditor , of the boroueli of Car lisle do certify that W e have examined the foregoing account of T'hoinas B. Thompson, Treasurer of said borough and find a balcnce due be him to said borough of two hundred and tour dollars and twenty cents. We have also examined the above statement of the debt and assets of said borough and find the same correct. BEIM ti 00 BIM OEM 2)4 7) C. E. MAOLAUGHLIN, ) `auditors \V. A. MILES, MEE DRY GOODS. ENE QTNCE the rapid decline in gold, the k---soriewriber; who drus - rm - hand the largest s'ook of g‘ico f f in the rout tv. by taking advin fa, of early op portunity and favorable tin-in-in toe market is nnw sellin r goods at lower prices ti t , eon be purchased in any of the cities—l have retineed price of LAINE To 25ets worth 37,1(, per yard. and Fan Dress Goods, liarogea. Lawns. Valenelas. rhallio De aloes ke., all will he sold at last year's prices. lam deruilned to close out my fancy silks at first oust 166 7i; BEE 38 25 ETES 25 ',O 6 40 Bleached snd Unbleached Nuatins, Calicos at lower rates. CLOTHS, cAssimEnEs, EINE JICANS, ATNETTS NOTIO .S j c, 01,D PRICES. 131 20 A varied assortment of beautiful styles of Carpets, at old prices which I in , end to close out,all purchased be fore the rise, and will be so d at least 50 per cent lower than can be bought In any of the cities, KUOS, MATTING, LOOKING 0 L 18 0 1 4 :8 &C.. WINDOW SHADES &C. MEM gri3 82 20 - . at prices before the rlso. I respectfully request those In want of goods to can and examine my Mock before purchasing. A. W. BENTZ. April 3,18(33. 32 25 21 15 15 00 4 00 A Lecture to youn3 Men! Jae Published, in a ,Sealcd Envelope Price Rix rents. A Lecture on the Ni - ture. Treatment and Radical cure of Spormalorrimm or :nominal Weakness, • Involuntary Emissions. Sexual and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and l'hy..ical Incapacity, resulting from Self• Abuse, &e.—By it J. CiILVERWELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book, 4 95 I &c , 6 00 ENE 5 18 The world renowned author, In this adullrahle Lee. tune, clearly proves trout his own experience that thu awful consequences of : , elf abuse may be effectually re• moved without dangerous surgical operations, boogies Instruments, rjugs, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suf• furor, no mater what his condition may be, may cure himself cheadly, privately, and radically. Tins LED. SURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND SUMMAND% 2 90 8 50 " 50 sent under seal, to any address, In a plain, sealed envelope, n the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, CHAS J C. KIANI; A CO.. April 3. 127 Bowery. New Yo•k box 458 G CRENSHAW'S 55 93 PATENT CENCRETE PAVEMENT. rrHE following certificate gives.n good X description. mil ample evidence of the utility and durability of the Patent Concrete Paving which we are prepared to furnish and lay at short notice. The subscribers deem any further description of WI arti• ale, than Is Contained In the certificate below append— ed. unnecessary, feeling that this is the b pt possible' Introduution of its write. 1 00 1 50 EEG 1 00 I . do most, cheerfully certify that I have had my pave ment in my yard laid on the Concrat plan,, and mu speak from experience that I have found it eminently' 'satisfactory—far excelling brick pavement, b lug more durable, and entirely excluding ruin and trout fruur the bound Mon of the house. The rolling of 'heavy barreld over it does not effect it. cheaper, pleasanter and for all purpnges much bettor than any other pavement. cheerfully recorutuond it: _ . . 1 00 5 75 ECM -- Cr INITOPO. 'aving Wed. the Concrete pavement, I meet willing ly concur In the atovo. . . ... • . 784 42 Wu rotors Uy pormlsolon, to the following,pormono Who. 15 00 -22 00 Hon. James Mu. Thos. liunncdy, Iron. George Chambers, James tyster, 'W. li. McLowd. nodules Crawford, Charles rlelwicks, Jacob Nixon, Wm. Col— wicks, all of Chambersburg. Persons desiring any further particulars can obtain all the necessary Infos-math:m.l4 appl lug to B 4,SLEY & ItICIIARDSON, Chanibersburg PA. 5 00 30 00 Neisch - ?,7;18C3 40 00 TRUNKS! •TRUNKSI • AT AL ISESi Truriks,-Cat pet Rags,- Utn , V beralliteSir. Froouh role. leather Trunlie Ladled travelling Trunks of large eleele, brass bound, .4: the beat makes, In' large variety at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S Nardi 13, 1682. North Ilanover'Stregt. 87 50 12 50-100 00 $8,217 60 371 59 $10,271 .. 70 $08,983 50 4, :4511 02 n ren 2 H 1,3 41 PUBLIC • SALE - OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines from the Nursery of H. F. M • Peters • On account of the late snows and much unfavorable woathei ititeifering, we find that we will have to com mence our sale at a Inter period than specified ou Sale to commence on the 7th of April and will be continued until the 18th, or untit the Own are all de. liveren and sold. AT CARLISLE, PA. On these els days will be offered frees of good size, fine form, and in quality as healthy as can bo grown and trained in any soils In the United States or other coum tries. 4000 to wog Trees, Vines, &c., will be offered at public outcry. in lots of from I to a half dozen, for live or six days, (or longer if much unfavorable weather should interfere.) The reason why we adapt this mode of offering trees at public outer) is because we wish to have the people stitished with such stock as they may purchase. It has become a fact that many who wish to purchase and plant trees do not like the idea of per; chasing articles " might unseen, ' as many have often been imposed upon and I•EFRAUDED BY TRAVELING AGENTS, through.the stock purchased-not proving lu quality as represented. %We, therefore, being assured tht t our stock gives gen.ral satisfaction, entloace this opportu. nity of giving Mtn chance to see the stock when mak ing the purchase. On the days above-mentioned, 11l be offered at public sale, trees of the best varieties in cultivation, as none of inferior flavored qualitms are cultivated by us, and out of Several Hundred Varieties of Apples, Peaches, Pears and I lams, Purchasers will have the opportunity of procuring the most desirable sorts, the largest sized and finest formed Standard Pear Triievipu , th as have never been pur• chased from travelling agents. It will surely pay to go a distance of 15 or 20 miles when there is an oppor• tunity of purehasint Pear 'Frees which will prove satin factory and are of good also. •••• Sizes of trees which will be offered at Sale. Apple Trees, Pear do Standard Cherry do Aptieot do &lath , do 'Different kinds, 7 ,to 9 " Peach Trees, 4 too feet Dwarf Pears Trees, 3to 4 " Plum 4to 5 " Grape Vines, Strong Stocks, Evergreen 'Frees, very fine, 3to 4 " EVERGREEN'S, as well as other kinds of trees, are much more successful when plants LI from the middle 01 April until the middle of May titan ouch as are planted ro very early In the season .When the sell IN - old And wet. Trees of all kinds are known to have done much hatter Unit have been planted about coru plantillQ Lillie than Snell an,,tiaNe been plan led too early. turing last spring. train Ihr 12th of .1 pril midi about the first of 11.ty. 2 ~1100 trees h ire gone out from ur Nlit :wry, and, so far as hoard front, they have proven n generdl success, much Moro so than Is usually known of any th it were ever planted indore. TREE PI, INTERS can all bee the Lock alien pur- Aloinif, and need not fear getting loch inferior stock as 1.114 L-011,11 tAOII by atone tea vellinn Peach Ire. , can all be aeon, :tint will be totted to he the most heslthy in thelr roots of any to he found. A •tedit of etiht mon‘lis will be given to all nho pur chase to the amount of is,utl AM{ u pwards, 1,11,1 when plying 0,154. h per rent. pill be takeu L:11. an o'clock emit day, at the plaea above mentioned. 'f lees and Stock are from the \ urver! of • N: \I. PE rE RS, near 11.nlersr Me t Adams, CO. ROBERT MoCA laN J Auctioneer 31areh 20, COITRT P R t.; I, MATIoN.— w np, s the lion. JA lt All AM, frost dent Ju , tue of the several Courts of Common Pleas it the re unties of Cumborla MI, Perry and Juniata, nu , Justire of the set oral COUrls tiler and Terminer :And cloi,eral Jail Dolkvory in Said colllltieg.,fled HIM. CocatiN and lion. fit 611 SI kol, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General .all Delivery for the tail of alt ,atpital and other cklientlets, it, the sal I vof Cumberland. by their pr ec ept s to me di recite!, dated the 12th of fin Liar!, ISti3, have ordered the Co art of t lyerand 'rerminer And General lull bell very to be !mitten at Carlisle. on the %mama NI , ) !N DAY el •Apirl. (being the I:ith day) at hi o'clock la the forenoon. to continue limo weeks. NU'l'lt't 13 litittEitY, ill CEN to the Coroner, Jus. tires of •he Peace and Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that' they are by the said precept coin mantled to be then anti there in their proper persons, with their rolls. records, log ticitittes, examinations and all other retnembrattees. to do those things which to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are hountrby cecoroixances. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said eminty t are La. be there to prosecute them as shall be Jun— • J. T. ItiPPEY, Sheriff. Ittrcti Is. 1463 NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS 5: SOS, GREEN GROCERS. have taken the Store liaaalS formerly occupied by ireentield a .lhoater In , :tin )I tin str,•ot, next door to toe I .11, where nro inrend , to keep all kin Is of -ddur—stoals—lk-noir—dand fresh, eareftilly selected in tho En 4ter,. (2ities. We in- Nor public 3,8,1 1r1,004 la genera, to give use cal \aialat, our stock or sZaads as we tiro determined to NELL Ofle..Al. SUR I'l4ll. Our rtock colnklsts in part 0) O. .1 le3, COFFEE, TR t i. S UPS Mr.lasses Quenrisware, Willew ware, Cu!.,, ware Brooms Brummi arils an 1 .splees n every kind, wan - ante] pure, Aieo, (14'reen anti Oriel fruit, Forel4n and fddnestie, and a full aasortment of 1,11, 4 ‘.•hertily. , prmn 1, Cpuutry produce r.,,e l 111 ex,rdinge for gt,,ds. M II I•h 10, 13133 SHIRTS t SHIRTS ! ! NATE have the largest and finest shirts ' T over offered in Oils place. '4inltor3 za 12,00 pnr doz do. " 20.0 " do, 2.',u0 do. " 30.00 •. warranted to be of the beet and most:celebrated makes. Bought before the tato ad”ance in prism sold by the dozen or stogie If you u ant a Perfect hitting Shirt, ISAAC LIB I NOSTON'S North Ilanovor Street Emporium ME March 13, 1683 CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY oItoCERY AND QUEENS WARE STORE: ,r 1 11 E subscriber has lately entirely re x mod , lud and refitted the old stand on the corner of 'Hanover and i.outher Stre. ts, • artiste, lately occupied by S. C Huyett, and is now prep red to furnish his old friends and the public, with everything that is nice, new and fresh, in the way of Family Groceries. Ilia stuck Is large and selected with the greatest care• and will he sold at the invest; prices fur cash. It con lets Input of tine old tiovernuient Java COITIM. Prime Itio do , Prime Rio Boasted. SY.-'UPS.—New Verlt. Boston, and rblladelphla Sy rups, of the very beet qualities, (MOWN SUCI A ItS.—The best the market affords.— Loverlng's best Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, Ills' A. ii. and 0. Sugars, which cannot he sur passed, and as the time is now hero -for preserving, In dies trlil please give him recall and mumble for them selveg,' All his SPICES are of the purest and best va rieties. No humbug about them. hiss, Corn Starch, P nine, Dandelion Coffee, Essence of CoffTe Concentrated Lye, Seam- Candles, Sm. C:1;II.NA, GLASS, AND ',QUEENSWARE. A Mite and well seleeted stock orthe very latest pat terns and sty les:lnwemtlian ever In price, and better In quality. than wee over otierrd hater° In, Carlisle.— Call and sad.'' Webdon cepa Wart, Rai ,as Tuba Curl ors, and Churns BaSkets of, wvery' description; Children's Stoneware, Cream Pots, But terjtira."Preierve .lars..luga, all sizes, • 'FIBII 2 —No I 2 tind Maokeral. No. 1.1111t.:19 811 A D lido quantity - 6f the - celebrated Excelsior HAW. the Sack;'llslry nod Sit. The subseribef feeling . encouraged by the patronage heratofore extended to him by Lis friends mid the pub 11N-would respectfully invite-them to call and examine his now stock at the new store; corner of4lanover and Loather citrects. ' July 11,180.. J. D. ITALBEAT. P ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANOI2 COMPANY._ ,Assefs — s,Vsl,7B9 59) lanes . Lifc %patellae° Policies - on favorable terintf. I " , The' Board .kif Trustees have declared a Scrip,DlTl demi of YOn Ts. pm' cont.. upon :the Caidi. Premiums re-. 1 celvedin ltii, on all l'ollelo In 'force on Clic 31r.trlle,1 comber, and have decided to receive the Scrip Dividends of 1i353. - 1R54Lr.1855 and(lBs6. in payment Or Prrmilunie -- , l'hoee having Premium :4:141314 or Lope on Poncho.; due the Company; will be credifed, on . thireatne with the . F-rip of anidi yearo.. 'The uoderaignod le ready to' deliver tertill&itt 3 0, 1 ) 0 1 entlt , uo, 4nr.recrive them; attbe ariiPlo Aceneyi at his office on 'Main street, at any time after the date atidd bottro', , , • _ •- Pamphlets,. Tablet.of Rates, Applicablima.and every Informatlim furnished' yilthout. charge. • ' A, L. BiI.N.INSTAiii, Agent. , Carilele Martdi 27, 1.803-3t: ,~ ' 'SPAIN% 'TRADE, 1863,, NEW GOODS!!! NOW offering an immense variety of CLOTHS, • CASS.MERESi' VESTINGS, COTTON GOODS dm. Far Dien and Boys' Wear, In a larger variety, than can be found In any estob llehmont In this place, and at as low prices as can be sold any whore, to suit taste and pocket. Wo manu facture the abovesoods to,order, In the latest styles, or sell per yard. ustotoors wishing to have the goods bought of us, cut, can be accommodated, free of chat we, An early Inspection of our goods and prices, respectful ly solicited. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. March 13,1863. I3ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCIII CO. (ASSETS $1,151 789 50,) ISESUS LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, on favorable terms. The Board of Trustees 1 eve declared a Scrip Div!. deed of forty pet ceut. upon the Cash Premiums re ceived in 1.011, on all Policies In force on the 31st of De comber, and have decided to receive the Scrip Lill denditt of 1853, 1854, 1855 and 1.855 in payment of Pre mlum Notes or Loans on Policies due the Company, will be credited on the same with the Scrip et said years. The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them, at the Carlisle Agen cy, at his office on Main street, at any time after the date of this notice. Pamphlets, tables of rates, applications and every in. formation furnished without charge. A. L. SPONSLBR March 13, 1803. Agent. Carlisle Boarding School for Young l i odics, AT CARLISLE. PA. The French and Latin languages are part of the rug uliir course or Study. ithor and the area mental branches taught, if desired, at teachers' rates. Pupils received at any time. Apply to the Roy. Fit A NiMS.T. CT,EIIC, or Mrs. JOHN" it. SMEAD. March 20, 1503. 6 to 0 foot 5 to 7 4 to 6 4to , '• doj.,llarrlshurc, Telegraph Insert 10 days, Shlppens• burg News 2 months, and c'hambershurg Iteposiiury months, for $3, and send Wit to tills offlee. ADM IN IST ATo N I (YE.— Letters VAd min b.lrai nof John J. Myers, dee'd. late of Monroe township. baring been issued to the subscribers residing In the saint, township, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, and those indebted to make payment to • - psy _virtue an alias order sale -of . 1 )1 he Orphan& Court nf. Cumberland county. thr undersigned :idnilnistra the estate of John Plough . , der'd., trill ex rinse to public Sulu. on the prem. beoe, on Wednesday, the SI - t April, 15+3. at 2 n'eloti: P. M., the 3'l A NSION FA 7: 31, of sald Berea-ed. 601.it0 , 1 In Db•ldnsiiii township, Noun II by lands of (ii.orce Klq•ln:for, Adam Fish. burn. i lithony Fistiburn, .lames Alyurs and Gilbert Seariglat, ho the Fame more or less. all of ‘ohirh is of the best quality €1 limestone land, nod In a hi•rh stote nrculti vntain. The farm ofores.lid Is located n the Walnut Bottom Road, about 5 miles from carlisle: the Im pncoments consist of a largo two story lb iek 11use. Large hank Itn'n,'Wrigon `l, C'..rn Cribs, Hay Fat, . and other neeeesary Out-bull Hogs. oil In good rep dr. A good Woll of Wator and a fine thriving Hi-chord are on the proinises Abut 7 acres n ee w i t h fli t s thrlv,nv, timber, the remainder tinder cultivation and all enclosed lIAVE removed to their new and beautiful Store Room. !touth-east corner of Ila r ket ,glare, of4osite IrVi , Ifs :^ilOe Store flaying juk returned from Now li,rk end Ptilladelphla with an Immense variety of Ur es 4 tadds, we are propel el to Crier superior illthlreMeto.9, to any other House it the country. Plain alpacas all ' Knobb Shades. sinatle and, double width, Brocade Oriental Lustrea all shades. Ilatu nod Plaid Poplins, in, beautiful than any stilt. at otza half tha rust 01 alllix. Ponzee. Mixtures, Uu Laines Challies, La wnsz - Organditts, Chtutses. Ac., Sze. Domestic GOOd3. A heavy stock of Prints, Phscks. Musitns, Oinchn - es Cottonados, Ac., will be at reasJciaUle rates MO - UR - YINO -. 0 00 PS Mourning Goode to be odered at astonishingly low prices. Beinhazlncia.Cashmeres. Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plain Bareges. all wool be Lathes single and double width, Very e rap. 'Cloths and. Cassimores. A good assouttnent of Clutha. and the largest variety of Fancy Cassimeres. ever offered iti thin market Also, our usual assortment of Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmlnga, &c. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, South East Cornor Market Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. G. P. 111" P.:Li Se SJN Rli unfailin;; in the cure of COllghti, Colds, Asthma, Brone Throat. lloarstl 11086, Diflicult Breathing, Incipient Com•umption, and Diseases of the Lungs. They bale no taste of medicine and any eldld will take them Thousands have boon restore! to health that had before despaired. 'Testi mony given In hundreds of eases. A single dose re lieves in ten minutes Ask for Rryan's Pulinnnic Wafers—the o and only genuine Is stamped • firyln." Spurious kind., are of. rod for sale Twenty five cents a lirlx. Sold by dealers generally. J• 111 ‘10...E5. Solo Proprietor, Ro chester. N. Y. For sale by S. E Hutt, Carlisle. February 20, 15133-1 y Prepared from a prescript on of Sir .1. Clarke, M. I) Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. 'rills well known medicine Tosition, bet a sure anu safe remedy for Female VitliCulties and Obstructions. tram any onus.. whatever; and although a powerful remedy, It contains nothing hurtful to tho constitution. To Married Ladle. it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu la•lty. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections. Pain In the Ilack and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight ex ertien, Palpitation of the Ileart, Lowness of Spirits. Ilystel lc& Sick 11 eadaelut,' Wh tor, add all the painful I.llBOllBl'S occasioned by a disordered stem, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have Jailed. These Nile have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well observ ed. Nor full Nrtleulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. and 6 )3ostams stamps eilelOC.ed to any au thorised agent, will insure a Vottle, containing over 80 pills, by return mail. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. February 20, 1863—1 y EM PTON & 31IILbEig, purpose to JuiLemtialle to carry on the brtsine , a of manufactur ing aud vending Fine Paper. in all its branches, in that name ; their names, aro Samuel Kemptoti. jr., and Charles 11, Mullen. ,apd they respectively reside at Mount IYolly, Cumberland County, Pa. The aggregate 'amount of capital eentridtuted by the special partners is Twenty Tip.usand Dollars. The partnership coat. mettcod the let of :Tannery, 1803, and will terminate tho let of January, 1800. ' irteady - Illado - Clothing, niir - our own matinfacturo, tlfe roost ex ‘,...yteuslre stack over exhibited, ‘farrittited . thi repre, emitted, Scold Wholesale or Retail at the lowed' market .prlie, g,ot pp In the uto.t • to pleas° the mold nuttldiouri ttato, , llo flora and Call ho, tore furnishing elsewhoro at • ' 18.1.1 e LIVINGSTON, , .Notth 11 mover Straot Clot - Wog Emporium. arch iB, 1583. i H . • , • • ANDKERCHIEFS; - Ties,. gtoeks, jtilbbotul, Suopoudem, Uvidor -HAWN., Drawers, a beautiful assortment _ eau be feud at • • . • , ' /SA A.O.DIVINCISTON'S Worth flauevrr Btreet Emporium. , Maroh IS, 1461 Dr. NtICH. t EL L. HOOVER, BAIILiELM? ERS, • March 20, 18( ORPHANS' COURT .SALE Contain inn 103 i Acrrs, Terms ifla known i ln the day sale he PL,II.GII MArell O. 18113-3 t REMOVAL. GRE INFIELD gr. SHEAFER Xlarch 20, 1863 Important Discovery RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES! 13RYAN'S FULMONIC WAFERS The Great English Remedy. Silt JAMEg CLARKE , s CELEBRATED FENIALE PILLS. NOTICE. ICESIZFON & ;kIIILLEN INlnrch 13,186a - -6t FA Sll7 ONA SLR STYLE, NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned appointeil Au itor by the Orpban'e Court of Cumb. Co , to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of James It. It vin• Eng , Administrator of William Bretton, late of the Borough of Newvlilo, dec'd., among tho parties entitled thereto will meet them for that purpose et his office in the Borough of Carlisle, on Saturday April 11th, 1868 at 10 o'clock A. M. (IF all the N LTV Styles, For Ladies kyMisses S Childrena Wear. French & American 111 ILIANAItY GOODS I at the lowest Cash prices—Wholesale R. Ttetaff— MII.I.INBRS Will Consult their Interest by examining my stock before making their purchases. RII.EN, No 111.8 Arch Street, Philadelphia, March 1.0, 1863. MILLINERY GOODS. 1863. SPRING, 1863. 001 l & CARY, No. 725, CHEST NUT STREET, Pill LADELPLII.A, STRAW & NI 11.1.1 N ELY GOODS Including STRAW II ATS & BONNETS, MISSES A. Clil 1.1,111. NS STRAW GOODS, & CRAPE BONNETS, French Finwers. Ribbons &c., lu which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchant & Milliner CASH BUYERS will find ',peek' advantage in ox ananing this .toek before purchasing. March 20, 10133-2 m. Watches, Jetvr lry, , ' . 4111) P H SI 'NEI: W A RI:. and h./61.11S SUPE. C......./ S . ~,' 1:10!, PLATED 1 1% 11 ..A ;N n i t t .... 1 . ;,,.....:,. , ITARpEit, No. 520 MICH :tree'. I'IIiLAIYA N. H. All kinds or Silverware mane In Chu Factory, bad( of the Store. Nlareh 20.1..62-3m. BALI MORE LOQK-HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE 'lllO3l QUACKERY JO H i, N , STO pee (iy d noel otilv iris.ctoviereddthie >most vet n the world for al, private di,esscs, the Lack or }lints. FL, letur,s. affections rd the hidnsys arid blad der, involuntary discharges, ie..potency. general dohili ty, ne•rvousuuss , dt SpVLIS) I/I tour r, low spirits, contu sion of Idea., palpitation of the heat t, timidity, trictn blings, dlmures of sight or giddivess. dis'ease of tho head, throat. nose or skin. affect of the lit Or, lungs, stomach or howels—thi•se toniiale di• orders nrisii g fmm the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices wore fatal to toole vl, lints thou the song of S-yiens L 4) 1114-1 M41,111044.-L1,1 , ) , 14!.4)..1)1144/11,1).44, LLLIILLII.OEt brilliant hop, or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c. linpossi WIVI hair orque the victims of Folitary vicc, that dri•udtul mill eteaiuctite 1110 it Rhlrh fllllll.l - satitips t 4; nit trait lm: ;3 oat t 1 ; ;;ut.8 I at, of Ycut,g Men of the itt;;st ex.tltett (nletlt k/I t;;ll.rillintit intolivet, sum mi,4l - it other Ali, hate elltratt3e.l Senate/1 (rh the of er Ott d toecstnt.y th• living lyre, luny ca l ; , Itil toll c: ni tide ucc. )keeled p-rauna, c4.atemplating mar riage. I,clii r. aware of ph,i I aoahursn, organic aebll- Ity, tlet•rolities. &r . rial 1,1 . Ile ,va.,places himeei the care or Dr..t. may rell:th , u•ly crania,. in, hi. Iran., a, a genthduan, and enntiden Li) rely ujeal his or a 1.11 Ada!, OEGANXC WEAKNESS inraratilately cut r, , t,•red. This dim afT.•.•ti hit h rraracts nra.erable and runt, penali toilet by the iirtinin hopropra ittaulc.rari.s. V , ure p. 20'.• ti, apt to e , oulolt fi , pat !wt brit. ; : neat, rat the dreadful cralscquira,c , that 001 V 1.11,01 e ou , who th.t iinclor st•itid, the •111.1e01«III 1 1 Yeledd to deity 1 hat the porter priwreediou IF hed r to t 1,0," fa ti g it ti. Im pr, per narat , than Le the pi Ira, F being de prierd the pleaLuras nit hy otb.pling. the . most serious and destructFyillplol l to loth body and mind ur is,. IM. m deral gel' the ph) al eni t Illctrara our; Turn I0•F , prileatly. poWttr. Uervou• jet I dp . d , IN a . palpitation of the heart, c. p•tc t a "vast. lug La the triune. C. urb, eta tempt it in areas) and death .1 . 1)!IN II Z LER, OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST 11E ET.V. Left hand olds going from li o tim , to streets few doors from the corner. Vail net to ol.•er,e name end number ',atilt:, mutt I±ct put nod ct , u tutu u stamp. The Doe tor'A Ufplomnt halo: to Li, °thee. FT CM.11:1 WARRANTED IN TWO No ereu ry or Nauseous Dnu.ns —Pr Jr hth-tnn. mem >er .nt tile holl s Lun e. con tirnduht fans nue , tnu•t. eminent I v.v. in the toiled,‘ bunt Lie 1.5 t eeTi spebt Ir the hnspitxls. of 1,,,nd..n. olsess bete, has effected snore or rho innst n•tonit.hing cur r• that we re ever knew n . mony to utnied r.lih rh.g ing In the heart mud ear a. u - laell asleep. great net VOUB - being alarmed nt sudden suunds, bmslifulness, with frequent,ir. attended s• us.-t•tifins with dm rangemeut of mind were cured Imurediate;y. TAIIO r 1l 13.TICULAIi NOTICE!. Dr. J mldresses all I hos. Lev einjured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, ',hi, h tnln both body and mind. Du; them fur either bus 'tees. study. society' ur marriage These are some el the sod and melancholy effects produced by eiirly Lab is of youth, lz: Weeklies& of the back and limbs. pains in the head dimness of sight, inns of mureulai porker, palpitet ion of the Lieu t. dyspep my, fervour . derangement I the digestlY• functions, deneral debility. ry toptems -,,,,umpt ion. MENTOLLY —1 he tem .ul edicts on the mini. are much to he dreaded—lo, of memory, i,o.furion of ideas. de pression of spirits. evil Inrehod I I F P. Aver, nto society, Pelf distrust, lone of solit ode. timidity, Se., are some of the es tin produced. housends of persons of all ages ran navy judge .ishst Is the cause of their declining !width losing their vig or, bevomlng weak, pale. nervous tied emaciated. having a singular appearance about the c) es, cough and symp toms 01'cousumption. st? YOUNG TrEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in a hen alone. n habit tr , y gout I) learned from evil companions, or et s. hoof. the eth eta of NYi/i h are nightly felt. even a he.tyllsi, , ep at d it not cured renders marriage imp,ssibie. /Ted destroy a both mind and body. should apply ' %5 hot a pit. that n aung man the hope of his coml. try. the do; ling of his patents. siebild he snatched from all prospects, d etij“) meats al lit, the OM seq uen deviatln rimm the path el notate and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such pm bbus must before con temp at: ng reflect that a 1 , 0111111 Mind and body are the meat ne evasery requisdes to promote conunl•inl happin ens udeed. without these. the journey through lite bee. melt a weary pilgrimage; the pn.npevt hourly dark. u s tr the view; the mind becomes shadowed w ith despair and tilled with the melancholy reflect ion that the happlUrns of another becomes blight. it with Our own. When the roi.gulded and Imprudent votary of plea 7 sure ands that he tits imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often hitypetis that an 11l timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and I ebpectability, can alone ben lend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease umbe their appiarancel such as ulcerated sure throat, diseased nose, nocturne, pains in the head and limbs.dininess of sight, deafness, nodes on the Olin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this a vrful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful puttering., by send ing him• to "that Undiscovered Count ry,from whence no traveller returns." It la a melancholy fart that thouraude fall 'airtime to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of Ig norant pretenders. who, by thr.use of that deadly pol aoncMereury, ruln the coustilutiou and make the re sidue of life miserable. qnFts Trust not your lives; or wealth, to the care of th• many unlearned and worthless pretenders. destltute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johlistori's a lvertisonouts,-ni style themselves. in the newspapers, regularly educated physicians. incapable of curing, they keep you trifling month !after month tol. in g their filthy and poisonous compounds. or as long as the smallest fee can he obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. ifr: Johnston Is the only Physician advertising. lift - rrodentials - ordiplourawaltray'R' tactrifirilthf Mti c•: rentedlea or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared — fnren a lite spent:W . oM great lio'siiittilieof Eu rope, the.tirst do the country and a more extensive private practice, then, ftyly 91,1ter physician In the world. uv Dons vati ithiav way PagSS, • - - -• The many tbollfilitltta cure A • IN instirutien year after year; and the numerous important Surgical Op erations performed by • Dr. Johnston, witurased by the reporters of•the •• "•tilippPr," and 'many other pipers. nucleus of which have appeared again and again before the Oldie, besideq his standing as a gentleman of eharacier and responsibility, la a suilleleii I guarantee to the 'ytillirted. -• • • SKIN DISEASES Port:ens writing! bboulgi - be..pnr,ticular to dirneting tbelr this Inktitution,intho following inan nor: • .1011 N N .10)=INSTON, -. AV D., - (tithe %Mawr* . 1",r , 1c 314, Mu 2, 1867-1 v , • C. E. MAGLAUGIILIN, Auditor March '2O 1863 STRANV GOODS. FLOWERS. Bonnet Ribbons, and a general assortment of THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED VOUNC} lil/I.IIILIAGE DRYS MATIIIXAGE DISEASE OF xrdarntrimucE