Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 13, 1863, Image 3

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    our worthy county purn*ion
era will but cast their official eyes down the
Pavement on the South of the Court Ifouse,
they will discover an insightly pile of rubbish
lying thereon. This was caused by the top
pling over of one oT the chimneys of (lip Court
House about four weeks ago, it being carried
away by ono of those avalanches of snow
: which is precipitated from that roof shortly
after the fall of every considerable snow.—
That no person has been killed oi• maimed by
these periodical snow sli , les, wo presume is
duo to the interference of the special Provi•
deuce which we are taiight usually governs
such affairs. But isn't the fate of this chin.
ney a mill imitation that Providence is get
ting a little tired of this particular• duty?—
And wouldn't it be wise when the chimney is
returned to its former attitude, that a snow
board preventive accompany it ? Think of
it gentlemen. •.
rta,The fifteenth annual commence
bent of the Homoeopathic Medical College of
Pennsylvania, locck place on 'Tuesday last, at.
the Musical Fund Had hi Philadelphia, in the
presence of a large audience—The Valedicto
ry address was delivered by Prof. Sios S.
BROOKS M. D.—and the Degree of th e Col•
loge was conferred upon the graduates by
Hon. JAMES Pot,r,unic—t he class of the pres
ent session numbered about fifty of whom
eighteen received the Degree of Doctor of
adjourned meeting of the citizens was held
at Rheein's hall, on Thursday evenimr, last, fiir
tho purpose of organizing a I'mon Leutitte
The meeting was org:inizA by calling Col.
JOHN MCGINNIS, to the chair, anal appointing
L. J. routs.. Secretary. The committee tip.
pointed at a previous oleo ing : report, I
through their chairman, 1! II rtia inn
the following as fundamental ,uncles fur tttc
Government of the
W e t h e unikrsigno,ti I(' o a , s ttiatn
the name of -14te-UN-ittN...1,NAc,1:1 ,, ,
LISLE, and adopt the fol:owitig lurid:totem tl
Articles of i .tion, to wit :
Ist. The condition of ineinhcr , 'Hp shall 1„•
unqualified loyalty to the (ii)VVI 11111l.rli ld 111 ,
United St:lW , , and univaverin:2;.supp,t of its
efforts for the soppro.sion of the Iteh.dlion
2d. The sole obj.‘ct of tire .I. , ociat on
shall be to di-eminteunnee and rebuke, by
.moral an d s,eitl influences, all disloyalty to
the Federal cloyeroinent : and to Clint cod the
associators will use every proper Mean , i, iii
private and public
3d. There shal he a Standing Comr it! ee
consisting of five memhers, vviot shall have a
general supervision of the concerns of the
League, and,Vi..lo Ishall
appeinte.l at
meeting of the League in such manner at the
meeting may decide.
4th. The Stamiing Committee shall pro
pare such by laws us may he nee,s,ary ht
secure a proper and artlei ly admini ,, t ration of
the affairs of the League„ which shall IM
subject to Such itirciolimmH , , from Ilme to
dull". As the ni , joiii . Lot the as_Li,J_ciAtiou_tuAT
_ .
On motif , n of .1 'AI 11'04kley, or lerNl tl l .O
the two first th•le. !he C.rls: it Lo ion b i •
engros4c(l sn t tL , ; 4 -01 . 01avy ilirtJteti to pro
pinc list , to
• On motion a Cal.ttuttlre was arpointe.l to
make arrangetnynts to proanro t-pralzers for
th e nex t moolag, nu I i uliait inatnbersh:p _pi evio us
party li s 4i nct m n, rya.) approve or the objec,:s
of the aesociation.
The meeting was milivene 1 I,t; ahltt nn 1
pratiot-M-nAltlytt.sto,t-s-tyyt---Hmti-L—Tet--1;- W.
I.V4Trs, Rex! , J RHEEm, J.&s Drse :MA
otheni. •
On motion of ,Ir. To:11, the prormy,ling; of
this meeting, with the fundamontal artiulcy
of Association, be published in all I ho paperti
in the County friendly to the cause.
On motion the ineetin'g al . ) , )urnv,l to meet
again at 'them's Ilall, oil Thursday evening,
the 17th inst. with an invitation to all parties,
irrespective of party, to attend.
Teachers' Institutes
The Teachers' Institute of North Middleton
District convened at I.le,idler's School house,
No. 6, on Tuesday evening, February 10th.
On' motion, in the. absence of the President,
Mr. J. Drawbaugh was elected President pro
tem. The House being called to 0rd.,., the
minutes of the list meetin4 wore r i and
adopted. Tbe roll was called. M is , . S. Fought
read an essay, on the subject ut t. , aching
3. N. Allen delivered an oration on the
subject of education. Mr. 11. 011 tra &die
urethan oration on the subject of School g,ov
ernment Mr. JIIJ. C. Stock drilled a class
Mental Arithmetic and 1.) P. Weil( erre in Al.
i gebra. 4.r/turner was the uezt subject' taken
mp by Mr. H. O'Hara. The appoints end.; for
Abe nort meeting are as follows ; Miss S Fought
I to prepare an essay. Mr. J. N. Allen the
„subject of School government. JOO. C. Stock
to drill a class in Reading. Miss Sent titan the
:subject of Geography, and Mr. li. O'Hara the
subject of Written Arithmetic The Prasi
. dent, appointed three persons as ft business
, committee who are to appoint the business
,for the next meeting. Ott motion the Insti•
tote adjourned to rneetia Wert's School
No 2, on Thursday evening February 241.11
••• D. P. WOLF Sem'y
The Monroe Teaabets' Association can.
vened at. School House No. 4, February 21st.
1803, at 10 o'clock A. M. - The President
being absent, the house .was called to order by
the Vice President. Roll called, absent Miss
N. 13 Culbertson, and Messrs zet and Brie
dle Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. A selection was real by Mr. Kline,
Arithmetic was lif,ken up and discus iILI by
Messrs. Clark. Eberly, Itiehwine,l3ingarian,
Kline and Platiltraftet.,Which, at the request
of Ille..President, the teachers formed them.
selves into a 'class and were drilled a short
time by S. P. Goodyear. Adjourned till:To
clock• P. M.
..AFTERN9ON SESSION:—RoII called, absent
Miss Culbertson' and Mr. Brindle. A selec
Zion was read by Miss. Wein]. Algebrkam
rtext.'disoussed by Messrs.. Eberly, Richwine,
Titzel Lawyer, Goodyear, and Clark. Th e
question ; "Are School examination and exhi
bitionsadvisable," was discussed by the teach
ers. . . „
Duties for next meeting ; Misses Culberison
and Gleitn Bssays; Messers. Clark and Klino,,
orationt Messrs. Bingaman Eberly, selec
tions. On motion a committee of three was
appeittteci_l o-draft-iesoltitio ne--:and—reportite
tgitno at the'.: neat meeting. —Messrs. Cain,
Goodyear and Tit zel were Epflointed the coin-,
.inittea: The following jesiYhttions Were passed;,
Re:scilved,—That the thanks of the AsSoci•
ntion be , tendered to Mr. J. Lawyer for the
part taken by hin'in the exerciSe-,--and-to—
qo audience. for their attendance arid' the
interest manifested. 1
_ __Liteaolverl,—•Thlit the thaukl of the•AssoCi
ttions are due and' are. hereby tendered •to
Messrs . ., J, lieruinius R. Clark, C. Gleita and
0. Cover for their hospitalities to tlie rnetw 7
;_Adjouryed • to -teed . at .Sehool •Ilouso
Isla; '9.. (Ireland) . on. Saturday March 14th,
286301410 o'clock A. M.
• 13. , P. 0 001)Eillt Secit'y
Batchelor's Hair Dye !—The 13est
in the World
• - WILLIAM A. B'ATCHELOWS celebrated Hair Dye
produces a color not to he distinguished from nature—
• warm n ted not to injure the Hair in t ho least; remedies
the ill effects of bad dyes, and invbrorates the Hair for
liter Grey, lied, or Rusty Hair instantly turns a splen
did Black or Brown, leaving the Hair colt and beautiful
Sold by all Druggists. Am
The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR,
011 the four sides of c telt box. ;)
I , 'ACTORY, No. 81 Barclay Street, Netiv "Vorik -,
203 Broadway and 1S Bond Street.)
May 20, 1852—1 y
tated Throat if allowed to progress, results in Serlou a
l'uhnenary awl Bronchial affections, oftentimes incu
resell directly the (footed parts and give almost Instant
relief. In liconchitis, Asthma, iind Catarrh theyiare
are lemelleial The go o d effects result og from the use
nt tha Troches, and their extended use, has caused
them to be eoun tot felted. Be sure do guard against
worthless imltaf lOUS. Ilia all only the Cer,uiue Brow lI'S
Bronchial Troches which have p rev oil thOir efficacy by
a test of many years. Public :speakers and Singers{,
should use the 'Troches. Military Ocers and Soldiers'
who overtax the voice' add - ffi
Are exposed to sudden
chances, should have them. :Sold everywhere at 25
cru t s per box. ' Jau. 23.-3Ln
To Nervous Sufferers of both Sexes.
A Ileyerend gentleman having been restored to
health in a few days, after undergoing all 'he usual
routine and Irregular expemirenwdesof treatment,
Without snores, emisideri , it his sacred duty to commit
nieate to his afilleted flllow ereatures the 111(.1111F of
cure llam., on (he receipt of an addressed 011V01“pe,
he will send (free) a cop:) , of (he prescription used. Id
rectte Dr..lOllN M. DAtINA.LL, 186 Fulton St, Brool
lyn, N. Y. ' Iklar,h 9. 'l,2—ly
t tho Carlisle Ilarroelts I\ll the Ilh Inst.. by Her. J.
Mors , : Capt. .1 \' W It \ 'II \ti I:it, li. S. A to M lees
SA It AII A. N. Wit hi It I', ,I,itighter o .00.eph 11. Wright
Sur4,on 11. S A.
i)n the 2. - .:11 vlt.. by the Rey. (ho. E A , Lonq, Mr
of North Nl,l ih ton town , Mip.
(hi th, rah the liev. Wm. Kopp, at the
Lot h..rtn kin aeon. Mr. EDWIN/ .1. CR of NlO , llO t,,,m.hip, to Miss MARY E. WIL
Eb c ft arktts.
CA ft LIS!. E P 0 Dl' CEIVIA KE T.
e port ed ecUl y for the Herald by
K. C. V.,/ (10.1 NV a Va.
trot 12, Pia:
• T7SrTi.
.10. tr.,
vritTE \\ - 11.•:.11"
;Li) •
t\ .........
'kltl,l , ‘ F\t. I
\ f.t..Y
'1 OVI'.1::',:E1)
I 1! Ii; sit lint l.
.uu s :.nin stroot,
i;e11. Arin Pr. Apply at this
roll 13
Em.vroN I t:1,1 purpose to
1,1 1. - 1 . .1 .11 Lilo n td.111411111101/r•
i.t v , 11.11111 l'apt•r. in all it , 1 alteli, Ili that
t.t.tne ; their 11:17,1,; ae. tup.:o•l Kt•t,t;ttoa, Jr., :11,1
I4l'lllll+ II Mul 14.11. nl t Iwy roNpretlttl n reside at
11.tuttt II .11v • rti t .11 rt tv , l'a The azt,zaal L 7at t •
eipir.“ the t , tat partner.
is Twoliry 1 - 1.1,1 Dolt tie The fitrttter.ltip .rtlat
tatt.,, , l Ole I.t of .1.11111 tt , IS t. an.l wilt terminate
the let at ./aLuar:,
is,s3_ , ll
131 . 1 , : \ NY C
) ,\IFIT.II4 1,111 IN.'q' It
(.IssETs $1.151 M.) 5'),)
The 1103,1 of 1 ru. , toes I aye durla r, i ', , erip loi,i•
11(.11.1 t- t ,, rt per — rffra - . — nliOn"ti? rra‘til try,
,eis its 111,1, on all Pull •10 , itCl - 4.raa• t ~t
:Ind have drel is t t., ree•,•iso th e S,a ip
~ t 1854, . and ioy.eatellt I Pro
11.111155 I'. licks .to,
' 'l,el-11-,4-1-,:itT
11'3•11 0) er t.
It, the trii• ki A zei,
Ili. Main sirtiet, at :to time atter thi
P.kmphlel , , (71 1 ,1,4 it,- al and every In
I 11. IU 111 101.11-1.,/ i• 11,111.
)lar‘di 13, 181 3
(1()IT.11.T Ie It () C .1 )1 AT I ()N
wiiErti: is the 11',..1 11. ll' II 1 1. l'reA
di.nt. ,111,1.40 of Ibr 1 , 01 oral CotirD. of Common 19,a,
the rounties or Cumberland, Derry and Juniata, tin 1
Justiee.or the several 'ourls n 1 4.13er and Tot miner aidl
ileneral Jail Delivery in said C. , lnal , N, 1111 d
Cocgt.iN and (Inn. STU la, .1 mig,•, of the
Court of Oyer and ' fermi nee and dem:l - al Relit cry'
for the trial of all rdpital ami ether I - Menders, it. the
said , ounty nY Cunlherin u.l, by their precept,: to me
rooted. tiled the ID I, have ,der, d
the 1 rt 1,11 Detho. o .
to I,e 11 dden at Catli,le, tri the p.0e0,1,1 11 I\IIAI'
Amel. 1 ;c:1. I I.i•lnd the hale 4113 lat 10 o ' clock in the
foremsm. I t.•„td omits,
1.4 II It; 3 !MY t b.\ to the ,lus
Hot, tit the reatat and Cnu•.ta ides of the said county of
t • nmberloo 1, that they are by the said precept cont.
emu led to be then and there in their proper• p1 1 1 . :011/ 1 ,
with their rettortitt, intjuisitions, examination!:
:11141 ti] other remetnhrahees, Lu di, those things whirl)
to their tatter appertain to let tionta, and all those that
are hound by rem mitittanees. Ln 111 , 1.411'11th against the
prbtoners that are or then shall be in the jail or shit'
county: are to be [hero to prrteento them as shall be
just. .1. 'l'. Ittl'PHY, Sheriff.
March 13, 130.
NT, OW offering an immense variety of
3.1 ER I.:S.
c; . >"I . TON 'C I:YDS
For Tien and Boys' Wear,
In a larger va , loty,,than can bo found in any eatah
chic plow, and at /la low prleos no con be
fl 4/ ~113, cati o n, to suit ta,tll Old 1101!hlit. Wu mann.
fart n to, tho alcove mods to ardor. Lt , tho latest Aty I en,
or soil nor toad.' Cugtooloro tc talc int W have the goods
'ought of rut. eau IR, aultontnio.lottul. free Or ChM a ,
An early lll.Toctlon or our gaols and prieus, respuctfal.
ly guliclted.
IS A0.1.11' I NIISTON.
North lianorOr Strout tj,lotlilng Emporium.
March 13, 1413:1.
ieacly natio Clothing,
OF our own manufacture, the most ex
teiravn }a,wlt over OS111104(1, warranted 31.3 ropre
so I, tv,i, .01,1 11'11010: 7 31. or hetall at the lowust market
price, rot up In the mo 4
FA S 1 OX.-1 I 1: I? S7'l7, ,
to please the inovt ta4toi hu sure and call ho
foro furnishing °lschia° at
North Hanover Strout Clothing Emporium.
711arell'13, 180.
WE' have the largest and h
finest sitts
grer nlioritcl In flits pinco.
SIIIRTS at 12,00 par dim'
dn. '• 15.00 a •c
dn. " 20,0) "
do. " 30,03 44 .4'
vntrranferl tnAie of fhe best and most colobnited mica,
Bought im,for. tin) late advance In prices, sold by .the
dozen or single, :f r vol , wan"
,f , erfer:ritting
p ,LI ING ST . ON , S ""
N6rtll ilimovor Emporium.
. _
IMarcli a,:1503
. ,
ANDKE 1.10 IT CEPS', 'Tice, .Stockiu,
11 1
liblityns7 -
3)UaUtiful assorrinunt,cin ho I , ,kivr4 id
Nbrtli 11/in6y( r Street iii nium; .. '
. l‘litreltlitlf3',4l. - ' '.--- 7,
:2' riAr.h 7 S: i'le LAr ft 8! J-
A7'A I, ISE S, Tr ii n ?is, Carp o t.litigs, Um.
' V berullus ,to.. Pr mai solo JeAther Truuka, Ladies
b . :trolling Trunks of(largo idsseß, brziu bound, u. theybust makes, in -largo 4liriety uG
,N.,1111 pullover Strout.
15.1ttrch .1.31'15d2
.1,;,•11t. Cars
Ai-nbat and-substantial 2 sto_
r y Brick InvoMug House, with n 2
story Itrielc back building and Lot of
• ____..grmintb-c-on Laird ng - lin• - • - feet — in . +finivraltur ItTr-At 1- 7 --N 0 '.l' -11 4.1. . .
4 ,
210 f,,rti In depth Situate on tho southt.t--- --.
..14 Letters Of ndminlstra lion with the will' nnnuxud,
Side of Pomfret street, between liatiover and Ultt
on the estateuf Comp) w ten, late of ;.•,:uuth Middleton . s t ewts, In the bunogleof ettrlislti. 'Tli•re Is illte wbte a
twp ;Cumberland county. deed., have been Issued by
tro6a 2 story MOE buildingeontalning.4 rUtatut, on tbe
the..iteginter.of_.st7tit county to .tbe_subserlber rosiding../..„.0t. time lat. A Ire, bake
stee4.o lieee, a
In tie same. townrhip. . All IlMons 'lltdat"t t°
other C4lllvolll.lllt out buildings. A good garden and
Judd estate Are renuested to 'nuke iimuediate payiatunt, choice fault trees, and eater introduced on (be prowl;
SIN, all Of which render it ;i - very deslrable private 1 es , -
and thOse having elaitus will present them fir settle—
iTuntrto fi rt-L-1.).-till-Alilli t L " ,----- ---Itiorfro, For terms -- Ittid - fitartieninrsompriru-of-
Fut/. :.19, 14 16 317 -1 4 A tim'r. C. T. A. • " A; L. SCONfriLl . lit, .
heel Eallt 0 Agent.
loit etc, deo'4.; Jate et Frail.... - ....
having been faseekl by the, Register cf Optrito ,-
Rinfon.rflounts of Franitfor t f aotl John Heiser orriVev.t ' ', 1 f f..1L.--, -- ' - ' ” ~,
Peo nshoroughteivohh fii, :crake Is hi,rohy , given to all renfl finflu!"YJ,ll,‘,.7.., ......,4-..-'0,...:,,-....„
Person's ifffieff fMI tO roid e4t4te.,to 2n41i9-,1) . 0,), M1N.P 40.- . 4 ' -,,- '"' - • - •':‘''' ' ')4' '
1110 m, haTtrfigAig'ilitili; iii•otflttflieiti',' 4 uty. aus4v.tic I. - - corlislo,?et. - -
4; ti,N -..- .' ' '••• - • ..'
• " • • Jolty ng.i...,:5, --._ •
..- zucoont:
Poor House Stdtement forA. D. 1862.
JOHN MILLER, WILLIAM CORNAI . AN, and ROBERT ELLIOTT, 1184'rs, Directors or tho Poor House of
Employment of Cumberland County, In aecoulit with said County, from the first day of
January 'to the thirty4lret tidy of micomber, A.l). 1862, inclusive.
To'balanco:ln hands of Treasurer nt last settlement,
Cash from County Treasurer,,
Carlisle Deposit Bank, on loan, •
Col. tlracey nhd C, luhuff, money refunded,
. A. Bosley, ra
J. BeisZlino, for two shoats,
D. Wolf, for the support of James Sanderson, doc'd
J. M.Means, Esq., for support of C. Langlin,
D. Wherry, Esq., Mrs. nollar,
J. P. Sterling, " " " Mary linettle,
Perry and other Counties, for support of Paupers,
L. A. Smith and others, boarding,
John Faller, butter,
S. Caldwell and others, tallow,
M. Myers, 820 lbs. of lard,
B. Parker, stone and straw,
P. I tomer and others, stock sold,
Drovers pasture.
A. nosier and others, rye,
.1. Clendeuin, hides,
Total dobits,,
I A. W. Bentz & ethers for merchandise & groceries,
Mrs. Saltsburg and others, out-door aid,
State Lunatic Asylum, support o4aupers,
York County Directors,
J. lit/h./Hine and others:tailoring, hats and shoes,
Sipe and others, out door funeral expenses,
It. Smith and others. Justices and Constables fees,
Wm. litzteey and others, cattle and hogs,
Julia Single, brown lads°,
J. A Marsh A Co., new reaper.
A. Hosier and others, grain ilnd fading,
It. C, Wood Nerd And thers. No. I Altd Ltmothy seed,
Delaney and others, iumber,
• coal fur fuel.
Henderson & It coal for !inn.,
.1. Miller and others, wood for Incl.
Wm. Miller. mak ,ng new and repairing old pump,
Henderson A flood, plaster,
Win. Fridley and others, On ware and tinkering,
Cleo. Wetzel and others, wag/me:ailing,
'Cleo, Lindoun ,t 1 and others, Inacksinithing,
J. &J, Busher, !route new wagon,
.1. A P. Alspaugh, painting tin roof,
H. Zinn and ethers. I , npr,ss charges
IL Saxton and others, hardwar6,
.1. Clentlenin.
F. Gardner A Co., castings,
Theodore Rifler, bakii/g.
I/. S. P. Zeigleg. drugs and ii,divine,
Dr. Robillholl and "thei 5, out-door'medical
Carlisle Deposit Ilabk, leans,
Dlekinsint Fire I /lonian, Co.,
Frost it CO.. lines and fruit trees,
Dr. 5 P Zeigler, sharp,
P. liras.,-maker,
r, Lot , salon ,
Wllra.•ey. Dire, Inn, ex traSerViteS,
,(alto '"•
Win Cornlllan,
55"..1.1-11,1rer, .
711,•••11.11JetAls 1.,11e111.,
_e , 111, Ti 0.1,111
.1.1001; St; l'i Id the
0,k1111..1, it. t
.1,1111, L thr :LI,L day .1
Tt , l.ll3tice 'FirasitryCi.Lailds at List :i.ttlemelit,
Cush (loin
I , t•ri ,,, it
loti tit ited iu t hi. r
By rash paid nu Dir, hors' ,rders. as ,Ahoy
Itala lire it tz, va:wrer,
a3.l,er p.tuper, iti the 11 , Jan 1, I'' ~, 2, Ili, ,ein
Adkui up. Lu Do:,
44+ 1.,-/t. up 1, 1)“4,.
tl hilt. Ill1111,•1 . 1111, i. 1,1 fur dui lug the :.ear
11111 1 . 1 ta - ss!,?!.l g tril,ll,l.
Surni.i;r - in Illy 11.nn.,,, ‘,ll , nn J 1 art. 01ured,
r ‘.1. , 111 -I,th , . 11, a .a ja/1 , 1:t• L,r till, state
Th, r , ,ne in It, 1.:”. ni 1. - In In 11 , ,,,Lti1151. nl,l, I yrar, 10 fn.tit Itos. 12 from 5 10,
tr‘sll 1. , I . 2. , to 11 Irn:ti :1 • 1. , 41, IT It lit i 0 1.0 .50, 211.'111 L t„
7u ; 1,1,1 • I 411,1 0 I
it 7111 , 11 - ttr 7 tr t tIP rilo7l ff,.741c,1- i,rj..r,-I,lol,;lltxv,rt;
tql 1.3:u7. th , • 1.1 10101 , 1p , ', .101 I.•. rLalnul;.
11:(WEEDS tIP 1.110/.
NN ho3t. 1.11,h01. of o 1..100 Ittishels of (bits, C.JJI I,u,llids of shelled Corn, 4J3 Lusholt;
PoLitoes, heck of ht. iil,llll , of i•unipki,,, , o• o bUnllolO of
1.101..1r. 01 01,1, n[MAW/ r , 111:11 ,1• S. •10 h l / 1 •11 ,• I, 3, /1“, , i11•/, ,
1 . 111 . 111{ . .. 4 0 . 1 he pickles, bushoh‘ of Dtiod Apples, 100 doZvii
73 rum Brooms, %sure math., 1.11„oep, ut LIM,: 11111 Noll, and 13 porches ot :nt.,tme still [Ault.
k.,,, „.„i Mit ; teos, 11 pair, of nit \latch , . t.; 11.%•rs of knit socks, 25 pairs of Stockings footed,
Bonnet 14 .. I so Ap r ts, 14, 2.'1 shirts, 67 Frcks, 104 Slips, 54
1.11,w t 1.. Chap beds, 2 , sheets, 1..• I Ilazolherrhiels hemmed, In rhlldrels o Sidri , • 35
Suspenders, 7 Isol Cut ta. os, 4 Quilts, I; t, i U i shirts. 25 children's Chemises, 55 children's Frocks, 1., I. ,y's
Shirts, 5 Tonle cloths. 2.; T o , cit.,. 21 Shrouds, 1.4 yards of tng Carpet, 22:3 pounds t , 1* hard Soap, 51 barrels of
Soap,, ol hut U.., and ot) crocks of Apple
Cl coffin, 4 Cliukk. I 1,1 , 14., S Imut.lo nee:, i 0 (I.ltntalur flandle.
4 11)('N r.vr rEN ED AND KILLED.
2a Duryea (averaiTa weight ,", e, 11, 1 Calv., (average weight (WO y 11.1 792 (arerag.o
weight Llli 3-3 1L4.) 7,1.16 1b:L0a...00114 lo all ..`.1.1,7 11,,,p4d1, , ,,f d in i ng Lin ,
STOCK ON FAItl, JAN. 1, 1863.
b Ilorrer, 10lett C0e,,,, 14 beo4 of Stmak Cattle, 1J Steers, '2 yok. of Oxeo, 2 Sows nod 12 .91JitiS.
UTENSILS ON I'Altl 1, 1863.
broad and 1 narrnce Wlll. , :led Wagitri4, 1 stone Wa4on, 1 pair wood Ladder n, S pair hay Ladders, I Wagon
lied, 2 jack Screws, I Dort a nd cart Dears, 1 Spr :tint Rimless, I largo Sled, n Plows. 2 single and ti
d.nible SlioVel I.IOWS 1 large. and 4 sntall Cultivates, 1 Holler, I Urnin Drill, 1 Threshing :%I,•hlue, Horse
Power and Dell. 1 Wind r i ai er Cu' t er , II it 2 log chains, 8 netts of ,tgoll lustre, a tivt to
of plow Goats. 2 llfth a n d I carQlng CiLtits. Spreads single and Double trees, 7 Fly nets, I Wagon Saddle,
lialterS and Cliains, 411 Clow Chains, I set of Carpenter - tools, 1 sot IllaAninith Tools, S gralu Cradles, IS
mowing tioy (hos, I wire hors,; Hake, 4 Picks. 2 %Clucks. 3 Cr.ov Bars. 3 stone D Ills, lu Shovels, I grain li eu p.
t r and a vat iety ol Moue %miners, quarrying 'tools. Spades, Forks, Rakes, Sickles, corn lines, wood Saws,
Axes, Mullis, Wedges and crout Kuria , tic., to.
We, the Directors if the Door and Douse of v.toployment of Cumberland ('ounty, do codify the above rod
f,uoing to hen c.o net stat e ment, of th e r eet .ipt s nod expenditures of said institution from the lot day of
loony to the :11,4 113 y n. Deoember, 11 0 out also, of the operations of said Institution during the s,no
period, and of lb+ c 'edition en ,hivary 1, ltie;l, neeording to the best of our knowledge
Olreu uader nun hands the 1 1 1th Jay 01 Januar) A. D. Ibo 3.
W1,61.1AM CORNHAN, I Directors.
null ultrF
e, the Aulltors of eumberiand Comity, having examined the accounts and i•huchers of the Directors of
the Poor and !town. of Employment of mid Comity from Jan. Ist to Dec. 31st, 1662 and also the account arid
vendors of jarob squier, Esq., Treasurer of Said ImititUlion fur the sauu period. do certify that wu lied
balance, due said T.sasurer ninon hundred and ninety Iwo dollars and sixty seven cents.
Witness cur hands at Carlisle the 24th day of Jau A. D. 18C3
BOA KZ DIN G SCHOOL, From the first day of April, next the Mount holly
Springs hotel will be rented for ono era term of years.
Toin popular summer rimort is too well known to need
particular 'description. There is a largo quantity of
SITUATED on the Cumberland Valley
furniture now in the house that can bo purchased at
II y a. lta l i i i ,, / , to b a u d ii r d o l u ilg r i nizi e % x t i t , s e t n o! . l C4 , rllsio ‘ , Ponneyiya•
very reasonable price For informatiou- address Cam.
and capable
Students. Nearly Ten Acres or forty iv%
~,, . ,- v Patton Carli.lo Pa.
i n ih t , hight!st eta to of eultivatitm WI 11%t .M.- , . , _ Feb.'23, ;180-3t,
Apple end Pealb Orchards, ',milli, - " -........- • . -
(leaden, lot lithl, Itc.
• ,
The property Will be hold for .private sale until FOR RENT.
- '
March 24, (Tuesday,) when with Furniture, Stuck,
rinIOSE two lar ,, e and commodious,
Farming Implements, Am , ‘ ,C:o , will be sold to the high- c•
est bidder at public sale. I brick . houses; ou West tit:, ovpreitte it. O. Weed
-rho Institution Is now flourishing, and may be con• ward's Warehou e.
Armed t or it may he used as a Also, the west silo "of tint large Stone liouse,,,on
SUMMER Resort, ' - . - • Main et., adjoining Dr. MaliOu'it residence. For pall. ,
. Military Academy. • cultus apply to • . .
Nonnar School, 4c. • , •
It, is. a rare occurrence tn• such a property, to be Carlisle, January 23, IS63—liu
thrown into the market on Montt so liberal as limiter()
offered. For particulars, address,
It .
iso3=4 .- , t Pia lit uto , e I .Co. rab
__ r estlnen t or? on IA oA. t , 't A dam
. . ' WAR.! WA R ! '
-, +owophip. comb. co., '.. .
~,:,,ro. to Ali ILITARY suits of" ovary 'Alenp
li, Ilmiln at short ziotlen, of every. style, role'',
- ' - .Aedel - ste prices l 4 , • '
North „Hanover lit._
ert , dit.r,
6TAIEMENT *l'lill'.ll{.o AND MATRON
sta (unary,
* 11:3 7o
4 it)
7., 11)
I- it)
7 )
r 0)
) tit
12 lAi
id 11 , Li . Wit)
Del OM
1:1111,1 ,1111.11 t ui Cuing Lind
ti, fr6lo thb I'l' o 6 illy ill
HENRY :IN YDIM. Stets-mt.
Z.tIS F:Tit DElt, Matron
Auditors of eurubui laud County
'Fob. 6, W3—Ow
Job Work done atthis ena•.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
terested, that the folloWing accounts have
been filed in this otlled'by the accountants
therein named for examinationCand will be
present6d toAß.,,9t; s phans' Cdurt of Cumber
land coutity,-Mr contiiination - and allowance,.
oa TuOstlay, (ho 17th day of March, 1868; •
$470 77
0,000 0)
003 00
1 17
41 69
4 65
84 00
2's 00
20 00
83 80
25 8 4
35 50
10 26
51 34
57 40
6 00
85 00
78 00
bU 01
125 23
Ist. The administration account of Jo' n
D. Snyder, one of the. executors of John
Snyder, Esq., deceased,
2d. The first and partial administration
account of Skiles Woodburn .Anti Frederick
Watts, executors of Hum Samuel Woodburn,
deceased, hap of Dickinson township.
3d. The administranon account of Samuel
Snyder, ono °V, he executors of John Snyder,
deceased ; of Frank ford township,
4th. The account of Thonias 'McCulloch,
executor of William Fianna, deceased.
sth. The guardianship account of NV illiain
Gorgas, guardian of Comfort Church, mi
nor daughter of lt. 11,..Chureh, deceased, late
of New 'Cum berlan 1.
$11,305 45
6th. The first and final account of James
R. Irvine, administrator of William Bretton,
late - of:Newville, deceased.
ith. The first and partial account of Geo.
Keller and Joseph Keller, executors of Ja
cob Keller, deceased.
Bth. The first and final account of George
G. Davidson, administrator of Eli..abeth Da
vis, late,cf the borough of Carlisle, dee'd.
9th. The first and final account of George
BrOught'and John Baker, administrators of
DA id Brought, deceesed.
10th: The final account of Jacob Ladis,
'g;flayilian of John Heyd, minor child of Deo.
lleyd, as filed by his administrator, Jacob
D. Mohler.
I Itli. The find account or :fartiti Shenk,
administrator of I.lenly Shenk, late of Did,
iuson township, ilyo•as, , tl.
• 12th. Theirs! aml final account 0f . ..T. D.
Mohler, admini4trafor of Jacob l.snciis, Into.
of Upper Al clecemi.M.
13th. The ai.jmittistration account of (ion.
O'Donnell, administrator of John 13urger,
14th. Th,, first and final account (),. Jo.-teph
Baker. atlntinistratuoj-.:Aliettael link. r , 1:,;•;
of South .liiddlelon township. tit...ea.:od.
'l3th. ateotint of Th.mlas .1. 1k..1 . i , 1-ttes:,..a.dittini....-tvato.l--0.1
ttes:,..a.dittini....-tvato.1-- 0 .1 Elia - I )ie.-lri; th-rcalPti,
late if Ni.‘o,ll
Hit)). Ili. firs , filial account or Sam-
Cal• erin,a Nl.;i•rs, hoe
of the I, , iinigh of i\,,whiirr,
17f4. the first final netoilit
(Iritlitli and Ifi•or%
of 11eiiryl;tio:(i.ilviva,,
d' e f, o)
goaril (i' 11. : \ I, 11111011
110V1i, 11`i il:l"/ It% hi;
tor, Jai' h 1 4 .\hi!,l-r.
I. I'he 1,1111
1W! Ehar:v, Z;!wilyr
1:0;!). fir.t R; Idli , tu•cuti. , ,t .Ih—:
C ut
Ist. acco.,ht 01 tid.•nr.,n ry. t .x
-vent , r of [lat o IV4 -a ,•r. ticcens :.1, ;ate to.
Silver Sprin g : t..tvH-ditp.
".2.2t1. The
~ ! if..1,a,•1 1,.
'guarthan nilruw .14 iiiztroli!. Illititir
Lit .1.1444 ..-1444,41,44
tkan .I.t. ()I) jr.
of 1; tu.,11[111.11,
2511). Tll- first au.': G rnl a •clitit ttl.lttiti•s
1l: urn. 4...\ of t .ttitt•rittti
dot (1.
21;01. accom,t ul S 11. 11,11/..
ut •J0'1 , .1
27tb. Tn, I) tti i.
jr , I).t:,i i
llttflln r. tlec',l., Into tt: I)i, fstits,ti
11t- , 411. attl ttl
11 . 111. (Ir.tut.y, '.)ll<s trine
Sharp, iaie of N't. toff tt , ..,tt,ltip.
2:41). I Ito first aid linul arettlitti flt
1). tilitittir)r,:ttittliptstrator.iltlacolt
Lur 2-; uth
;filth. The firQt ttittl final attotuut (If John
atlwinktrator 111 Simon Tobt .s,
bite (It 111ithllesex to)vilship,ll , f•eastitl.
L. A. 1;11 1.1.)I,
Itogistoi ' s
Office, 1
C:lIhIIe, Feb. 11 , 18ti3
U. S. TAXES. '
Tea per ern!. Sacra' I,y
r()T E hereby given to the Tax
th, ISth hi.ti i.tut ;•enti,yl v 3 01 ,3 ~,,,,,
pride. ; the violittion i.l Tut;.. old and Perry,
[lilt the g ul the
C.irol 144., r and I lin nun, LI/ ly t•-
1 urns In. tilt• Mont 1/, 10t111,1 . 10'1'111-
bor. have Lerwno lino nod ,tad
hit Dejitiiy, tlie lulluttiog phice ,
Gr ret . eiVe I hlo Saint., S if,:
Ith N0.13a :I.—North 111t1,11.•to tt ,
Pew :Ind v Guth • Alithll,l , ll tot ps nn,l Cat . -
Botott,;11, at Carl March 17th, P-th, 13. h ahtl
11th Nltotroo 1w it. st l'ltart•litowh, )I.tteh 1 , t
Pi‘isl ;It No. 15.-- l'youlttortl and NVe‘titent,b .rotP:11
twits at l'lttititiehi, Ouui 1) A )1.. )latt•lt I,btlt, t 1 I'.
M., )Lurch 1111.1). L. I{ A L'l , l'.ll AN' rttllttetttr.
A Lecture to younz Men!
.ThstPubli.,hed, in a ~'ealen' Envelope.
. Price4lY ; ltg.Ate' : r 7 ti)N ; . ;.fl lure. 'l'ia.7aie:t anlliciel ctief
Sper•ialorrltet or Senhial %Vaaite,,,
. *v' ,.
Divol on tary Emissions, Sexual Debility,
and luipetlintooti to Nlarriazo gaevrally, NervousileYs,
Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: Nieutal atid.D11: 1 .,1...,1
Incapacity. restiltina Dom Self-Aloy , e, ke.—Dy lOW p
J. 0111,VERNVELL, NE D., Author of the ilfeeo Book,
,Y,:e ,
The world I . Pll.N;ntl eutle,r. hi lids admirable Lee
'ttute, clearly peer es Iretti his 0N , ,, perien,„ thu
awful cMisequenees of Self wty ho effeetuall re
moved without .hinixere Ktirg - .leal operatioup, hough,
ir.strumetits, rings, or cordials, )1'411.111 . g "et, a modo of
cure at once certain and effectual, by whl•li every slit.
fever, no matter what hie cop.litton may he, may
himself eheadly, privately. ami '1 r/14 Lac.
Hunt under. t‘ , 44 - 1, to Ao.Y tnblresn, fu a 0110, helit , l
envelope. n tII ur two pontal..7o
stomps, by adt!re:stuA
• OIT A'S J. C. K.I.INE &
127 -Bo w ery , Now Yo-k 0., box 41.86.
M tr .11 6
.0 0
0 - ..'
it s' ~. lit , i vj-I,o*, Z -ri 0 ....- ri
ci a../
Zt44t4 t*
"- eiv,..,* " ~. ......:4_ , -;.4,.. , ,,,::
1 t , *. - )
~. 4 ..7 -• ....
''.r I . ° '''''= :..•
, - ,/ l ''
'--- ra "--; .- T....,, :. "A .... .... - 6 , c.,
i ~,,, - ) n . .:, r-i -,, t 4 ::4 4 , 1 szi -i.: .o
_-,,,-.4. .., .I••• 1 4. ',1,• 7 ? :,t :::: ° .3 71 '•-,' -
f ga!ft i ~.SZI . 0
.' '-',, 0 ,-; ':_^. La . 'll , P F ,
t i tai) .21 ' l4 ° '' A
r. 4
c., 0 Q ~ F, ... E: 2
'' r .VJ ..",,,, l' ; ::.i ....:.
- (Z -' 1 . ; 1.1 ,
'). .:-.' .ti .
kd r" : ; p 4 4 :l t i l fi'l '
p ,... 4 40 - - ~. • ~,- - ,
r , :.4 . 0 ...°- '6,. '
-4 ~ 7- --... ~.. ~.,1 r , '. - •
c - i - 4 4 , -, ia a, , ;. N` 1 ,
r . , k -
, :fi ..:':. ;T:. , . ,: : ,e , t . ':.! , . I". °, ,
11 i _ - 1 ) " 1 . "' e ' - -
8•• ri, 6 ,-. .. - 4 . 0r . .., =4.
5 -•-• -Ei ,, ...I
Ft.t.„A t , ' l",: i t.,.'" . * t .: 'I: ;-": ..t....4 :..? t• 4 •;:;. "I
, , e , 1_, , ,,...- - - •,.,......p 1,. c- -
, L
et\i,,,. Icv e, ...-:= -' '-- , sr ,--, • 8
,-;--- -, • .• 1 .. f * a :` 1 1 .7 ;I ES ..'' .''' A ati ' -
-- la 4 ------ t -- 1, - ; = "'" ' - ' 4- ,i - ti - ... - fr,r ----
. ~ ...c.-_,...
J. ItIIEF-11
0:SITI I 11TTN147,11., JR,, Attorney .It
Survoyor, , Mocti3nicktburkri"Pn. Oftl•co
tioa4 strevt, t%yo do,TH north of tbo Bank,
AnY-I . lu,iness promptly a ttontled
-south Ilitunver Fit.reet,
0;11).TIW ttottz' jirygoklis •
JitliAl 'C.
WE would respectfully inform our
customers that we have appointed Major lht
vid McCormick agent for tr.° solo of Trevorton Coal.—
XII orders sent to Mtn will receive prompt attention
at our reenlar prices.
Lossoo Trovortort Coal Minos
Raring received an agency for the ealo of TrecortOnt
Coal, I take pleasure In recommendifig It to all my
customers :is a 11 at class, free burning coal, free from
all Impurities, and does not clinker. For domestic and
steam purposos thla coal cannot be excelled
March 6, 1,863L-3t
11 WO "Forms of nineteen weeks each,
conunc,nci ug MARCH 2l and SEPTEMBER 71,6.
For Catalogue and Circular address
•EL I ALIK EII. Royall• Professor.
Ciimbrld:re, Mass. March 6,1.863-3 t.
Important Discovery
tRE unfailing in the cure of Coughs,
I ('olds, Asthma. litainchlUs, Sore Throat, Itoarso
floss, Ditll..nit Breathing. Incipient Crinsumptiedi, and
Diseases of the bungs. They hits I, no taste of medicine
and any child will tithe them. Thousands have been
re-tore i to health that had before despaired. Testi—
army givon le hundreds of eases. A single dose ro—
Devi,- in ton minutes. •
.k , k for Rrtaul. Polmonit•—the o•IgInal and
ottTv oho , I , , ttoopod bloom." Spurious kind): are
off to I tor Halo Twooty lien et.llt a box. Sold by
g , n...113 .1i kl 4 Solo lbopyletor, Ito -
eb.,t N V. Fo , - as L• 14 S. 1: nott, Co rlMtt.
Febro.try I y
The Great Ilnglish Remedy.
fri OFTpt,./11 n f fir J. Clarke, M. ,
I . ll . l,kten ra. Idi ntui to the Queen.
ri1111; 4 , I lomwn tlivilicine is no im
t a , uro an .t emedy for Female
1 , 1110 ulti, eod ti1 ,, i111. , t ion,. from any rause whatever;
and .1.•(.11 p , 11 , 11 - 11 remedy, ft contains nothing
I.ul t. (••
\I it, !doll,- it is peculiarly suited. It will. lu
•It t time. Ica og oit thu utouthly period with regu-
le ill iilNerron , nfl.Fpfthd Affgri ions. Pain In
I,lm h§, nett% nil slight ex
ti • P:cpilat.vm ut.ther. 11,11 - 1„
sick 11"allachit:`11 aid all the plitifu I
~ .'eaTinttt•il by n h•r,.l view. the, Pi ll s
..11,• , :t duce win.n all htilert.
tt • t...• - • f,lll-vr h.-re Atm
...11. the Yd p.,. i p11 , 11.1!10 ,S Ipl . fil•rV-
I' t h 111:1 t I. 1•1 • 1:1.}0.1, fret', the
It. I p. • ,[../. 11, ,14,1 1,., 1 ) nu
t. II I. Li: LI, 1./lit:111611g ~Ver CA)
nt,, nI, :-. 1.1 I ',A,
• ht,:-.!,nor. into of
• .n.. 1 1, 11, 11e.:I , ter of
•. , i.111.;,' In 11:inii.(1,.n
• 1.• .5. . t..
.11/1;. tor ti”t.t.ll,.
\.l Fllll.
u,- I' i
1 k - ()tit
\4 ; • n • 1• • ••` Z lII' I -, I 1,• (1 . , Jr.lll
. . •' 41.. late tit .
t• h .,,, t by the
tt tttts. •, %Ler,
t I. I,t•ltlty
•-••I r,T.Or It/ timltt•
•-• 11, I.t• i.rehtfitt.
! •
LU r'o VE:
rekv Lftven u}' an 111 ten
it. old; F. 1:• , 1. - r. ; 1; •, t t it t 1 • Itt t
It t t 4 ,1 I I' I•I' I • n;, lit Pt it
•I; ; II •I t 1. , t t ttttt . d
't • tt' , ll , • 4 . 1,11 . 't t Il trill rml n , r,
tI it , .l t Irtrd,llatn
1, I 11
I 1
-- • - DR ftl -- Et - uctar, • -
G . ‘ "c cr. tit i' ; ,Hi s l e ,
t!.. m at tiltir
:\ I: \V F.\ \ 1 (i1;()('1:1PC. AN,D QUEENS
\ V Ali SToltr..
rrl! I: sulp , eril)c lately entirely re
_ L ,..,t.m.! •Thtu'l r t ht• er
aii• I.4,ist to, Sir, t (Wl pied
I, C Ott i , Vp •rHI Itithi,h his
;1,1 ili.• flit t•i•itything that is
In, :Shit li ii, in the Ni:ty
Family Groceries,
„ h the greatest rare,
n,l I he :it the prices fur cash. It von
.l-t• in p.ut • I :Me 1.1.1 liticl•11111111. Jul a COFFEE,
I iiinr. •1 i't 1 ory i,;~=tad.
•.1" I I`.-
s, and l'hiladely,hin Sy
\ ,1“ —.Ti , 1 , 1 , d the maid;a . t agora.;
1,, •I, •••t 11.110 LI. erized Sugars.
A. 1,, st 11. and C. I - aigaaat. 1t Kiel, catniar.d. he t,ttr
pa......d, and 11.. the tin., is I,t/VII hore for pr,ervinv,
ill ph• him 3 Call and oxanline for them
.,lll.}..- art• nil flue parent and Lest tat
aladd then,.
rn rlna. Dandeline Crane, Essence
f 4 on,..ntrtlid :st l'andles, Sr.
' 4 QI ' N 11' Alt
A 1.1,:o and well ,elected of the very Inter 4,
and sty err 1 or and better
lii gaaliit. than tins OVIIr
( . 3(1 .t erideti and N 1 Wow 11 me. ruch
II echo,. and Churns. 11.e.ikels of of ery description;
Chihli...ll . F CA It It Stoneware, Cr Cala Pull., But -
ter •• . 1N ./ 011.0, all bites.
1, 2 :Intl Maulteral. No
11.1 11 No.l Herring.
A I tr., yn kWh v f the el o .olTatolExeolsEn• HAM:,
St LT by lb , Stuls. Dairy lard (I. A. Salt.
TII4 , •11 1, 1 . rot ,;1, , , ono , mipzmti by t tao rit.roualtu
heretofore fr.,felci,..l to him Lc big: Itletitls ;ma the pub
lic, woulik in\ it. them to van Und ex:lmin°
flewl , 3.olot it the Ise, (In:lover and
I.outlulr ffitrfets.
1 4 00 UM A N7S
New Sky-Light Photographic and Arabrptypo
CiL. LOCILVI Nis happy ta. inform
n his mit,,ol,,lvi un , b•mors, and Mil public gene
rail), Unit his establishanik to his
In tlto 1,011.1114; ccvnpleil by Mrs Neff. as a MIMI - wry
Shne, tho e . uniberland rplloy liank.
Mr. 1,01 Man IS now splimil,ll4lylkt, and
thu additim. TIOW atol.exp.naqu arparatuS l 4 llii, voyy
Vest. luanniln:Lnril.,_l. o lll6ot4n? :
TYPES, AND Evt , ,fv.;131.'1:1;1.: OF PICTURES,
cqw.l to Lilo bk.nt tuutdo in Plitifidelphia or New York
Piot II ros can bolatarn now equally won In cloudy aR
linguorreotypvs or AinLrolypeg r.f duceased. personev
copied. oti)argi•kl, or in.ttiq into e:atl.”. , de visite.
Nov:::t:, 1862.
TUB lecelved *oil) New York at
cial=rnmo so cA FER'S
xew and Cheap , Store, a beautiful assortment of now
and desirable
.CL,I . 3tAKS.,
&Twin int :.,:illl --- Innc — Piirgonitt - tinyi fig from
have the eallglAction of knowing they :Ire getting a,
time CI•oali; as we never kept CloakB I, f , " .„ ,eonsequiPt/t.:,.
ly could nut lnevt , any 014 stock as milers have to lily •
I..VVrifinn.tiury keaFoll to 11110 t ber; )Ve-sulinit our stook ;
to tho yilf , lie fur ex,unlnaldm and feel
can inntorsoll any linus, in own.
_ . SICEAFT.!•':4,,
flap , h+or west:4ll'u Cuuntyglaso:,,,; .
Nov, .flip '
Dividend ilietice. •
rrlll.l Penn Mutual' Life. Insui
Company of , Phllmlelptda, have I.lechtred.,4 ' et
'lend T1111111!..1z1VF: ceet. upon the:lL
stor.t, out of the surpluA v,itrithig4 for. the .ymtv.,.. - pits
Ist Janttity, I ie3. tlt htl dry Ided .ApjAur .
fin.:l4l : tql of , :4,l•Oniip.te,F.
,Ttio undetiLtn.f-d.iti ;st th
.tivlivet• certilit,..4 L., lett ties tol - oup' ieadyl
et the thtilislo Alteney, - hitt 0111,v otr , ' '{het
4ins 111110itfter tho dalt• Othifi notion " t{
ea t, si.
. A. L. SVONN' -
.ale Et. b. 27,
~~ ~,~:+.