DRUGS, DOORS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS,PEFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MELT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. lIAVERST!CK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn' a Itasjutt opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy (loads, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never boon surpassed in this bor ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected With grout ca. e, and are calculated, in quality and price, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier, Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabas, Writing Desks, and Port-fedos. Port Monnaies, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladles' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and hags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Bazi a and It. & G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy l'ins for bead dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articleselegan t ly finished and suitable tau• 110LIDAY RESENTS, to which he Invites special at tenth - in. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BUOKS, comprising various Exiglish and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, cleg.u)tly bound In velvet with metal clasps and c orners His assortment D Se)iool Books and School Stationer}• Is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular atten• tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Ac., • from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burnirig - eitber Lard, Spermni Eiherial ; also DYOTrS rel.:brawl Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, &c. Ms assortment in this line is uu: equaled in the borough. Also, SEGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the li‘verite brands, and a Ilne assort. ment of MEERSCIIAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Klllocechink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F K U 1 'l' S, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Nectarines, Prunes. Are., FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PR E SREY ED FRUITS, MINCED-\I EAT, PICKLES, he., in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh - such ns-ran-he-con fiden tly-releon mended-to hisfriends. His steels embraces - everything in - the line of Fancy tl”"ds, with mwy iPthel article , usetul to hone el:eerier, which the public are especially invited to call and eXIIII6IIII. Remember the OM cz , and. nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover str Dee. 20, 1861 Pii 1-300 D ; II OW LOS 1". 11011' It ESTORED Just Published in a Seale(Fltivelope, Price 6 rents : Leettne on the nature.eo. treatment, ,md errl rune .1 - zsperma ...l' • • /' forrbrra or ... 4 etitinal NVeaknes.. I I"A 4/ • tare Etnis , donq, DeLi'lity, and ImpotiMmuts eenemily, Nemml , ne-4. Con surnptiom Epilepsy and lit. , : ‘lmltal rind Ph I ii capa,lry. &,• NOM ILT .1. eI'INERWI:I.I.. )1. , A tit the I rekm 'file world 1 , 11 , 1W11,. 1 :Mill,. lu Ihi. :Muilrahle Lec ture. clearly prove. from hi. multi R•perionce that lhn awful rons,quelict, .0 Self alut.t , may he MT-elm:My rely terl Witll ,, lll 11111V11 , ti.allti Wit./I , illt dart : 4,nm , , cur cleal oper . ttion , ., ument.. m rordiuls, p nit a uwdc or cure at tenon eertliti and e ff,-- t avl, by Which every sull..rer. no !lilt , m ',lra his con dition tout) 1.0, 111• n• ••11.-11111'. pr tfat.•ly. rind radietlly. I hie turn 111.1. Vt. ml 1.1,1 1 to thrni rnmk. Sent uNler qeel• n v ~1.1 r,“ inn plain veslilitt• uif . t reol•ipt ill tc. ~r t«vn l eNta r ;f istemlp%, ( - 'll 1-"," ry. New Vo• 4:;S, MT MEM NUN' Tilt, TOIL; To 1.,\1,1.: ThL\KY \filo ant Peri)3l.l tzi•tit. in rct ry LOW. Pritn‘vi V3ll ia to rais jr M , oplii , ris 55 , •:!,.. the I \I. II tit Iho 11 lli I.'• 1,7:\ IoN. It is just tdA 7 nlS.:.,!/ . k 11./1 . the people_ atil bad IfA , yt'y rot r 4 rrt Irniiv. Two NoyAl mhos, !'l , i 1,14 t, r t 1. 1...m1,111-11,1 with , ner flrst.4.l:ts, I 1:-T VI)1,1; N,JW RE 1;1". :II Ift , et Int: ith extraurthitary hut,seript hot by ro4ularly app.duh,d Aunts, who 1115.: the 75e1 wore ,tle In the territory ass:Ltned them For terms. , uddross .1. 11. W I{ ,11,,,m 1.4 .is S., 1 Puhlign,r nf 80 , kc, Man Di•pla for sul t , nl ttn., fillips, and 11w sale, Igynts. January 9, 15C,::--3ru NEW GOODS AGAIN, NOW oponl ~.._ ip4 at OgilLy's eltrap ensli store. allot her lot of Winter press tir.,d,. of now ,ty los, (111.1 very Intn.ls,no. It:dolor:II Skirls. IN 001 1100ds and Undersleev,. in treat 1 arietv: n la r..... 1. , t of Lioods tor l'lltliren's \ 1 1•111 . .0 1:1111S for Ladies l:loaks, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES fer wear. e itl, n cat v.O lett' of n ds all purehaged for rash, and w ill be s•old at the very low est prises for rash. Carlin Nov MEE 1)1 I NTS A N 1) 0 ILS. wtocu tialions of oil Just rr•elved ti large assm !men ut Vril Fire Prem Turpentine, FLiren, e '5l bite, Japan, bite Zino, Putty. enh.red Z ne, Labarge, lied Load. Whiting, Bailed OIL hard ail, Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint Itrushes, Fish Oil, ke., Colors ore{ ery description dry, and till In cans and tubes at the ILtrOvare Store of CArllNle,Oet. 2:;,1961 BREAD BISCUIT Sc. The Cream of Tartar ''Substitute" is reennlmen. dud as a superior article in combination with Salerat us or Soda fin- Baking purposes. It prod uees bread cakes which when void ore sweet, 111 ,, i,.t and vratopl. while thus, of Cream of Tartar are oil en dry and taste leSs. It will root less than Cream of Tartar and is used in the saute way for cooking, Le. TIIIS SUBSTITUTE, together with Saleratus' Soda. Prim Cream of Tartar,. Bermuda A rrow itoot,...tfustard Seed, ground and an ground, spices of all kinds unadulterated, and also arocaries in every variky runstautly on hand, and at the lowest prices forlsale by Det,4 Q HAVING SALOON.—linving fitted kj up In the very best style, the rconi In Cramer's building, next door to A. L. liponslor's office. lam pre pared to - give my tonsorial attentions to all who may honor me with a visit. I shall constantly he supplied with competent and polite hands and shall sparonoeffort to give general satisfaction. I wish to employ a good boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply immediately to J. 31IERS. Carlisle, Juno 27, 1,9132-Iy. TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet Bags. French Solo Leather Trunks of all sizes and prices, Ladles Traveling Trunks, the largest sizes, Brass Bound , Canvass Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sags, Plush, Oil, &c. hiA LIVIN(TON, North Hanover St. Carlisle, Oct. 24 FURS 1 FURS 1 ! Another fresh lot of Furs just received. Also CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Riess Goods. a great many kinds of Fancy Goods, such as Gloves, Gaunt let c, Collars, Scarfs, Ilaudkerchlefk Dalmorlas ' Neck Ties, (louts Collars, Sc Now Is t he time to bily your ffolyday Presents ! Please call at LIIIDICII, SAWYER dr. MU -Deconthor-10, 1862.- T -mtES. 500 pairs Hanws on hand of all Itlnqs. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon dn., Collin:nun do., with and without pat.nut fasteni cheaper Limn ever at 11. SAXTONT, East Main et. 711orth 28,1802. • DU & CEMENT. 100 barrels of .dinnullt, with a largo assortmont of Chain and Iron Pumps, , j ust received and for sale cheaper than over. Courant *lola by the quantity at manufacturers price March 25 11. SAXTON. FRESIT DIACKEREL.- ..A lot.of Mackerel—new catch—iu assorted padre ges of Halves, Quarter ' nud Eighth. Pan ele. Also, 5A.11.1 4 1uN., for R3lO at thn Store of the subscriber. Oct. 20,'62. —o JW. EBY. S. W. lIAVERSTICK 1=:1M113==11 HENRY SAXTON J. W. MW DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH D A SURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gums, Nursing Sore Mouth, A_ND the best specific now in use for ANY diseased condition of the month. I,t is particularly beneficial to persons Iv:Raving ARTIFICIA TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the mouth, ab• sorbing and removing all Impurities; insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who make use of it. No Youml LADY or Yourio GENTLEmAN who is flitliCtqd with a BAD BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for it it a certain cure, and is approved and recommended by every phy ski= under whose notice it has been brought. USE Dr. Wm. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Mono's Dental Ofibm, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. trOrPitee 37 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Triburte Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Now. York. Sold in Philadelphia, by Dyott & Co., 232 North 2d Street; 0 S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut street; and by all Druggists. DR. WH/LiAM B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER! This Powder p.msesses the CARBONIC W 'TROUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, and is free from all Acids or Alkalies that can In the least Injure the Teeth. Its action being kWh ely mechanical —polishing without wearing the (lame'. Dr. Wm. B. Ilurd's Tooth POwder is recommended by all Eminent Dentists. Prepared at_Dr. Ultra's Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. I). z Price 25 Cents per Box. — 63tl ' A liberal discount made to dealers. Address" Principal - Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York, Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Flat Avenue Hotel; J. .t I. Cod lington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR. WILLIAM B. lIURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS For the Cure of 7'oothaehe, probed by expnAed nerveti. It is particularly adapted tr, all eases or children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. __.flgrents_tan relieve themselves (rum that distressing wearinoes caused by . LOSS OF SLEEP, and then children from great suffering. by Iteepbt r a bottle of Dr. Win. HURD'S TOOTIIAi. DICOPS in the 'musk Prep:l,l4l at Dr. hunt's Dental Office, No 77 Fourth titrect, Broooltlyn, B. D. Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount nutdc to dealurs. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce troet, New York. Sold in Phiboiolnhia, by Dyoti. Norbh 2.1 Shoot: t v. S. Hubbell, 1-11 U Ohestnut Street, and by All 1)11/.4'.2,lAS DR, WILLIAM B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTEkS, FOR 'TIIE CUllle, NEUIL\ IAUA OR TOOTHACHE PRoDECED RY COLDR LAICAL, NEUItAI,OIA is imuledlatoly cured by thclr appheatiom They t a charm, and are perfectly harmlosq iu tlmir_nalure: a,. not _produce It Lister . , and learn no tiople.t,tut results. Dr. Wm. B. Hut Ts Neuralgia Plasters net er fail to give vttl•mttn , u to ull evho Li t their virtue I.: cored at Dr. Ilura's Dental 0014. e, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, only 15 Cents Eaull. -- 1 A litwral discount tnxdr to denlerft. Address Pi iocipal Offico, Tribuno Buidings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Now York. held in Ph I.y 1)3,,Lt C•l., 11 - 61 - .1 - 4.11, 1410Th. , Nt nut. Ft p•eI; un , l by all 1)1 ti ITIC E.— We are daily re,•eit inc order , to send by •••nie one or noire of Dr. II urd's IY..ittal Het - nettle.. hi•-h ....i..111/I.d. till. None are mailable except the 1 PI ,ter, oltirh 'NV Sidid in ail ells iilope ill) re cella of the price t Ire eer.tol and one st'emp. Bui to al' r:uumod.tlrpt•lSl,llS in places where the dru.zeists are Lrhlud the age, we have pot tip pack In white einbos.ed boxes. seven inches by tour. w ilh eottipartments—each box eon twining_ a bottle of Ur 1/ I/ Thillth and 'I Arhu Drop., a box 1.1 h Pow der, the Neuraloa Plaster, a lalualC,e flute 'l'n•etisu on 1 eeth and their I)iseaeos. the best means of preserving them, and the proper Li ettiment, of l'hiitiren'e Teeth, worth of Itself the entire cost to every y mints man or 33 onion, or parents with you'll children, with sundry other nereSSAry artkleh: price, p er pekage, unu dollar, or six packages tor $5. sent by es pri••s its dir,eted. As I lio express ellerffeS are lot 11111,11. it any noire 011 a dozen that, oil one, it is Tor else 'per Il...rder Rix fir a dozen paeltages at one (line 1.1 want all, or Lilo Set 1/1113. rail be di; p•tse•l ol to nri....1/b re with poLllr benefit, for no one ran ite how much pain. suflerivg, unhappinese, and thßll.,tirenient, expense, losN of time and money would r i lip lhr..alntry, it every I/111111y to-day Mid olio I host. pit!'6a4es, t 5 hL h, in Im , lelti IF sett /en a I Bentedies Address 11 31 It. 111'1ln T NrNoteYork, :tint wilt name' and ildillierS plainly That ores nine he made with conn deuce, W. It. 11. & tb, refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn. to ii, W. ilrillit h. Pirsident of the Farmer , : and Eiti• Bank. Ito ook to the. Editors of the A...rd.:ln Mantilartarer,' thiSelti; to JOy, rite & , Publishers' Agents. New You It ; to I'. T. Barnum, Esq who knows good tillleZ it lien In• sees it and who has already or• doted a second supply, etc. 1000 AGENTS NVAN'TIi,II To introduce Pr. Hurd's Dental Remedies into every county. Men or women who want to make money quickley, can do better will' these articles than any thing lu marlset. They are n e w, useful, low priced, and we are spending thousands In advertising them for the benefit of Agents. fluxes of samples, containing a dozen of the nue dollar packages above specified, with circulars, Will be sent, on receipt of seven dollars. about half price, to any person wishing to test his or her skill in selling, with a view of beComing an Agent. We w uld rather pay salaries than Commissions to those who prove themselves efficient salesmen. Now is the time to go into the business. For address and reference see above. A. LENK, Second door east of the Market "Anise in Zug 's Corner. DEALER IN PIANOS. New Rose- IV oOli Vittnos, from the be , t makers. MELODEONS. The beet manufactured instruments from $•l5 to $lOO. Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Druins, Ban. jos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar Strings, and 2lusi• cal Merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. A complete assortment for all instruments. The latest publications always on band. Teacher on the Piano and OultAr, Instrumental and Vocal music. Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired. March 21,1802. A. LEM J 2 . GOA. accza • • UST opened the largest and best es sortment of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Class, Iron,'&o6 over brought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for cash, and which wo aro selling at the lowest prices. We Invite the public generally to give us a call before making their purchases, as wears fully sustaining our old reputation of fulling the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Returning . thanks to generous public for their past lilmral patronage, hoping by personal attemtion to their wants, to merit a continuance of the same. 1011N-P,-Ll-N 4--SON At the Old Stand North Hanover Street. -- NAILS ! NAILS NAILS I I . A large stock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails era worth 806. t a keg more, than any other puke of nails sold in our town. this is the opinion of Mechanics who have tried thew, wo also kayo a full assortment BUILDING NATI:BJ . 4LS, . of the latest and most approved etylos. All goods war ranted as represented. &AIN P. LYNX. & SON. fl - UM BEI,TINGI kir Just resolved a largo aaliortment of all size's— Gum Ileltlna, Gum llosu, Gum Plt•llittig, tc., and for solo cheap at the lfardwaro Store, of Amu 22, 1860. Ittiorellaneous. GREAT EXCITEMENT. . as been raised In Oarlisle and sur rounding country on learning tint tho subscriber as returned from the City with a tremen`dous stair. of Dry Coods, all bought for Cash and to be sold at such low prices as will cause sum PEOPLE to shako in their boots. In this vory extensive stock may be found great piles of _ _ ' DRESS GOODS. Of Silk Poplins, Turen Lustre, Palley Silks In variety, Black Silks of the most celebrated manufacture, Mohair ('laid, Poll de Chevo, Silk Check, Embroidered Mohair, Satin Plaid, Check Mozambique, Challi De Laines, Born bazinos, Lawns. &c., Sc., CLOTHS, C A SSI MERES, Vestings, Boys wear of good quality and desirable styles, 'Makings, Checks, Flannels, Ginghams, Lawns and CALICOES of very handsome styles and In sufficient quantity to clothe every female In the County. I have also tho largest assortment of CARPETS and Oil Cloth in the interior of Pennsylvania, of ltll qualities anti at very satisfactory prices to the purata ser. Besides, I have lilmost every desirable article in my line of business that can be mentioned, selected with great care, and with an eye single to the wants of this community and Ih•` present times. The public is advised to see these magnificant loads of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as lan, confident that advantages will be gained. by a careful examina tion of my stock of Goode, iv blrh for immensity has nev er been, and perhaps never will be, equalled in this place, for Size beauty. and cheapness. At the old. well I%llol\ n stand of April -1. 18t32. 1862. SPRING. 1862. JSAAC LIVINGSTON now off,:rs one _ of tho best nod most attractive assortments of Piece Goods over exhibited In this place for llen and Boys' Wear, of every style‘ quality and price, and to eontinually re releinat additions in. the season advances, of all the latest novel tiny and clytea to.cuit, ell clitones. Chit stock. of READY MAIM', all our own tonnufarture, eannet be excelled Ptr DURAI3II,ITI" , STYLE, AND CIIEAPNESS, of every variety to suit the season,' tattle, and poart. All we want IS a ea see for yoursrlvet, at ISAAC 1,1 VI NtiSlttiti'tt North Hanover Street Clothing. Vinporinin. N. IL All g eels bormlit from UP by the piece cr vac 1, by persons mishiuq to has ^ It cut to measure. can Le nerom modatnl tree of elmi f'arllsle, May 1 181,2. YX:\T-Mr" ---- 1: - .R.1)C - Itrtr- -A N 1) E J u+t receleed 111 , 1 aft esii and Well ,e -leide I A,...111110:11 lit .1111 , .t and Mlrft ,,,jbe ('offey, Pulverized :•ugars: Refined :Ind othw I.renv zugars, ~uperiur Syrup )101:11,1• , , t , rleana t lJakingl \I 0 1 R Se , Spivey ui every I Ariety— pure only : rtan h, Farina and Cliovolato. Ittevaron I, Cheese and Crackers. Tapiot, and Save', Indigo, Rttlerntns Mull Su , da. ('re/1111 Tart r and ns• Sorted Pit-hies, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.- -A fun. 119 S, rtuiPnt, in I'm - hazes, 4 7& . "T 1 and. In hulk --as sell 119 all iither art iideii it g o ini llii T; helnnuini: t-i the lei iiniiiici—all at the lowest 2([ 1 14 , 4*,, and late reduced pi ices. J. IV. EBY. 4,1 It NO V 1'1)113 V, IL L3NI), I 63. .(14) - 1 1 11e read, s eel the I I tae %LW' fir, reminded that I intro just brout , lit Iran the sit) It 1,11;.e supply of Si2llAlt CURED 11 ttis ItEEF: Dried Apples and Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes in cal", fresh !NI llhhremillN. the 'cry hest Piekles, dilT,r.mt hinds of mixed Mustards awl Sine's, Lemons sad Ir,iev:e.k, Pruues. Fl 2: s. iti : 4 utairs. Ctdrves. Ttats, Fish, Sail, Fine Seaars and f..l.areo. ter) Ti,,'l Old Rye Whiskey. Wines fir ; hesides a atm , nl as ,, rt• nom t of mods in ..ur liar .4 trade, oliers.l at the N ory . merest pt lees, FOIL C.1: , 11. Nl'3l. 141,STZ. Ne , .21. 1 , 3 Carlisle Foundry, FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. Ciar.lner t Co. now mannfartnro and h,,p 0..11 stoutly bit nil, a.t the, extenskv, 1,1111 31. kin !I largo asFnrtment -- nt Alt t . RA I, I)1l'I. I' 11. N , ' (.! 0. II known. appr,,..l u.c tulnr c. t.• Gu niers. ani.•ll;.; which thc% Csill • riitl itentiOil to VI ILLnL .0 %.3 C 1:F; II it-A 'l' I. P-A THY!' (,'(.'M Sl'lll.l - (; (11i,11,1" 111111,1,, ilich has taken over fifty First Class l'i end um, et "ate 311 ci County Fails. Ti, the Fartinds of l umbel lamb ark and l'orr) ei unties ne need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. :is scores ni then, lire nna nl use on the best farms In these enmities Its repota thin ie established se the most complete ll:rain I, ill now manufactured In Lim United Slates. It sidss %.1 heat, live, Oats, Harley and Grass, evenly end regular. Ithout hituching the seed. The gum Spill, g • pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pi user the drill. Fur even and rrizttlar sowing.. the \Villetmln by Own Spring Drill is Unequalled by any other We also nig nunicture and sell the Inllon inn: articles, a huh we 111 recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: ".10E):ISON'S PATENT CoItN PLANTER, 1. ASIPS PATENT It/ 0% 1 , t , 1 1 1 , 1.): CUTTER, BEI Iw.NDW,PII'S PATENT( ()EN It, II A lIN'S PATEN•P CIDER ?I ILI.. JOHNSON'S CAST !WIN 111111% .,, T114,1*(111. Also, Three 1111,1 Four Horse Powers 1111t1 Thi Cait Iron Field Hollers, Plough Cos Waps of ynrimi6l,atternA, Corn ('rushers. and of her art.l , la for rhtlllerS 100 11111111,0 t ,, to 1111 1 1111.)11. A Iso. E.g;., Coal tqoven and Ten Plate Wood NS It 11 1111 11111111'11,e rut iety of other raatlngs fir houselseepet s awl others. We have also an :at in( lIP, V:ff felt' of pat ti.,/ is !Or IRON RAILINGS, 111141 CEM ET ER Y ENCLOSC “E'S . to ++hint xll would call attontlou. Steam Engineo and Mill Gearing To this department of our 111.1,41106 h we gIVO particu• r attention. Our already extensive stork of patterns for Paper, Flour and :law 31111 ()owing, is constantly Increasing... 31111 Owners and Mill M rlghte will l u fur nislied with a printed catalogue of our various 31111 Patterns. ott.lipplicallon. Our Nl:whine:4nm , comprises all till, various tools turtling, planing and 1111101111 g Si/ailing and Cast i intr., by good :aid careful Machinists. S'PATI()NARY BTEAM ENGINES- of any desirable capacity. from ten to to e horse power, built in the lies( style and 0 ,, aeeo mmodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the largest Dibtilita les and Tanneries In Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry iind Psuplun Counties, to the ow tiers of which e confidently refer for information as to their efficiem cy . Person! , wanting Steam Engines are eormeelly re quested to call:and examine before contracting else where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Couneettal with our establishment is a Steam Sashand Door Manufactory which is now in complete oreer for the manufacture of every description of BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly' as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished from d cents upward, according to size of glass ; Window Frames from $1 31 upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $1 74i upward; sour Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed In house building, furnished at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. t are also prepared, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN OARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. May 0.'60. F. GARDNER itz Co. LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERI OF ALL KINDS. Among-which Is a large lot of the real geppdoo Balti more dry salt ItEItItING, in oalt barrels, MACK AREL at prices that Is really astonishingly limy. Pickets of all kinds, , - SAuaES,PRESERVES, • and good assortment of. TOBACCO AND SEOARSI -It Q-U 0 14-8-, < -0 —, -nt thtflovfost-rates-for-QABLI-or-Country.Produce—___ W 111. BENTZ Carlisle, June 21,1861. Interesting To Farmers. • TOTIN.P. JANE & SON, have, just 40 received a large lot of those celebrated SaYTIIt S. made expressly for their own sales, which have always given entire satisfaction to all who havp used them,— Yon that want akeen cutting and easy running Scythe, Nve would say try one of their superior make, We have also a full stock ofSnaths, Whet Stones, ,Cc. Rakesof Christ. Myers' and alms celebrated makes. Grata Ora• dies - of all the best makes in the rowdy, with a full stock of all kinds of Tools and 'implements for Farmer's use: All of which wo are selling cheap at our store in North Hanoi's' . street. Coslisle; .hinu 0,100. t.". MEM A. W. BENTZ lEEE MID illatajes anti 3ecoart). WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WAREAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main Bt., pearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. 1 have just received a new assortment of watches, °wary, medallions, silver-ware, &c., in addition to my ormer stock to which 1 invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watches, Hunting and open; case ..do., gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartier watches of every variety In sfyle and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob; vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, &c., &c. Gold and silver thimbles silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver ...-^ , -..,-s• ,-,,,,. and common* spectacles, to suit all `re. - ;.:ir ages to which we invite special at ten• Lion. A fine lot. of GOLD PENS from the best makers, .spectacle eases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and comllloll bracelets, watch chains, ~y, L ) Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu- v ccr ..... ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which , • ~ I will sell low for cash; All articles war- •,' • ) tented to be what they era represented.::-.----d! Particular n[lollolll paid as usual to ,:lr. , „*T t y, WATCH REPAIRING and all work war-i ranted. THOMAS CONLYN. Dec. 23.1857.1 Cumberland Valley Bank, NO ricE. TT will be seen by thefollowirin• adver t-, tisenient, that lien ry A. Sturgeon, Esq., has retired f nun the firni of [icor, Dunlap Co., and that Samuel Hepburn, Esq., of Carlisle, Climb. co., Pa., has linen at , tivialoi with the remaining partners in the firm of Eel . , Dunlap fi Co., and that William W. Hepburn has been elected Cashier ill the place of Mr. Sturgeon - . The l'ropriJters are NVILLIAM KKR, ilicHAnn WOODS, Jens C. DUNLAP ISAAC lIIIIiNNEMAN, JOHN JOHN DUNLAP, SA.ML. IlErnugs. This Bank, will continue to do a general itankin and Exchange business, at their Banking House in Carlisle, under the ilmne and style of K E I:, DUNLAP St Co. Money will he received on deposit nod paid hack tin defraud without notice. Certificates of deposit hearing interest at the rate of $ per cent. will be issued for as short a period as four months. Interest on all certifi eaters will cease at maturity, but If such certificates are renewal at any time thereafter for another given period. they shall hear tins satire rate of in terest up to the lime of renewal. Twenty days not ire must he given of an Intention to withdraly interest de pestle 'fire proprietors would call theattention of Farmers, \le/Manic, :rod all (titers who deSiro a Salt• tory for their Cornet, to the tint that they rite not only I la m e 1' fete amount of their koch In the !lank, hut are INDIVIDI',II.y !Wile to t h e extent of their whole estates fir all the Delersits, and other I,l.ltg•tti , p, of lier, Buniad I; Co. P:uocular Irtantion elven to the e,llection o f\eruhre Notes, ti .reign Bills, Drafts, ('hecks, .1, • Hi an) part of _the 1 . nitml Stat., and Canada, ;milt tun cr. - partmtt h United , Envia tot, and I rela.rd. Ther eili at all lino , ide,o , ol _iv- 3 , 1 y int . ..rill:, VII in regard t, Ili:trier , in iil•n.•ri I. 'lli,• rot h -I all I , co , ine , , entrto:;,,l to them may hr relied op-n. The it: „will be open tor osi from 6 6'4'100: In the ni..r. , intz until 3 in the alterti,on. I)lbet , urit ti.iv every Ttooolay. ColhtrtinnF from Philadelphia, Neu and wn.te nn fAror,,lde tri,lll, I.ll.iilriet,,s ri•itir day, ('ool:e Co ,Ii \‘' ('lark NN Lanier Now Yor k , It o.t,ri. Cl'. W. II El`itl' 11N, Cashier. Carlisle. March 7, 16., _ _ .. .. . I0()1S II A It P.—NV ni. Fri(lley would _, , ,f Ito ,p •triilly :111r1 , nnel. to the cif iz.•ns of Carlisle and the wild ie , zelieral Iv that h., , liaQ :leaiii coninienred the iimnufh,l,lrii,g id t 11 .1: 1.11v...1.11 , 1 S1.110(4:01 kids, In S.C. llityr.t.ls 1mi1di.,,..; ~. 1,,,,1ther street, dire, tly opposlt.• C. :iaplsy's Chair 111:11Illfacti.ry. is here 1, ~H I al all time hr In reatlinss t, d. , all hind.. Id a tql, in his flue ol husl nese o Ith neither and dlspat , h. All wo ,l, will I,e diot, I.V 111111S0•11 and :1 i•,..11111P1..11 1 . 11111111 as he keeps no apprent lure. A 1.,. ran at all times he had t 1i ,, 0 , r,l,brated SV.LF TEs,TING, SELF-SEA LING, 1'1[k:111f NI Al It•TIGIIT Fizt•lT I' \\S .k JAI:S. Heusi .I,litlnt:, and Johhin7, ot all' hinds done /11 1.11p1 . 1 11 , 11ke 411“1 111:111e , I thy 1 , .-.t material. r,-A-C...11 1.:11 , 1 ft, geld re., tvr and C,pper. 11..p1, L ; loy stilt itteliti , .rt ti hutin,sti, and a de.lre I,ls 111 1.1 rc. , 1 1 13 - 1 , A .hare ur public patronage. Carlisle Oct. 211,15ai1.-ly. r; c E , IV . CO . AL AND LI ;111 BEH YARD• day entered into part nership tra de '" 'set ()AL AND LUMDER, Wo N‘lll have constantly .'ll luttlElnud furnish to order n'l I,iudr nut! quality of nea>'•cnd =MEI MEHE =ME I MR ;-'ll FE, flallitL , .la-terfra: Lath Lath. w kit flrur- We and It:il:F.3.nd ever) ar tiie that lieion,z, to a ITNlltrlf YARD. All ti wif • It lilt. pine. an,l oak, ut dllleierit yuaitlhn flay it. l 4 I.u. of ur hills to or,b•r" of au. Irn¢tlr and tOt , At the .In•rtenf not lee and uu the most reakmiliftlle terrain liar wurkeil still lie kept tinder rarer an that they Call be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly t n band all kinde of Family Coal under ricer. which we hill deliver clean to any part of the horough. To Wit LY I: EN:= V.\ 1.1. Er, Locl:7zT MOUNTAIN hirti plellgo 0111 Fel VP° to 1,11 ,it the It.tv est prices Best goal it y of tinei4 Urn. ari f f MackAmttli's Cal, /11 , V:1)n uu mini n hi• h wt• will sell tit the li,,vst figure Turf writ of will street. A 101: , TICUNti A IftIFFEIt. July DI, IS, 62 J. R. NONEDIAKER, F oRwARDING AND COMMIS SION 110U8E, L IJ It Al ED II: ill BD D. COAL, PLAsTEI: AND SALT. The 9llhocriber Let ing taken the Warn House tt rs and natures of tn. 11. Murray's well 1:11,.V.11 estattlish inept. on West High street. opposite Uirl.inso❑ College, would inform the public that he he- entered into a oneral Forwarding and Conan lesion business. The It ghost market price will tutu paid for Flour,Grain and produce of all kinds. Thev are oleo prepared to freight prod nee and to PilitadViPhill 1111.1 Baltimore, at the Lai set ratrr,w ilk safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept row-ninth' on hand, and FLAW it AND FEED at whelesalu or retail. Coal oral] kinds. andtraring, LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, WIIITR ASIL LOCUST GAP, Liniebnrnor's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOIL BALE. KEPT UN DER CO'. :It and delivered dry to any part of the tun n J. it:NON EMAKEIZ Carlisle. Auguet SE LUNG OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER !)ENT. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley -Bank, and two .doors below the Methodist Church, on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State.' The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches, Lacers, Lopines, American watches, Mutat' other Linde and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated sod Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, . oil Paintings. a great•varlety of fancy artlcles,and plot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold ,to per cent lower than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, cases, largo Mirrors, and Safe will ho sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Haring solectod a first clam workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as wont', at reduced prices. Throe Pianos et $lOO below the factory price on no count of the Philadelphia Companiclosing out. 1 will sell at fliii.lowalry Store, ---- 1711tRE - ROS - EIVO - OD - PIA - NO - S -- warranted, at two-third their real value on easy terms If called ou soon. The Confessions and Experience o an Invalid... DUBLISHED.for the benefit'and an warning and a caution to young men who suffer from :Veryhug Debility, Premature Decay, /c,; sUpply ing• at the -same time the means of 813 . 1 fc . By one' who hay cured himself after boinl.; put tolveat eXIII3IIII through thodical imposition and quackery. Ity_enclte ring a pest pahltiddressed envelope, single copies may bn had of the author, NATIIANI4, DIAYFAIIt. Esq., Bodford - , Kings Co.. N. 17.. March 14, 1842.—1 y JAMES R. WEAV'ER'S CABINET AND • CHAIR MANUFACTORY, flaying boon onkage'd in the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him in years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who Ea sy favor him with a call. 13mken, Egg, stove and Nut Bisttivantaus. NORTII HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA CHAIRS AND.FURNITURE, - of every description constatatly on band, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Lo also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Collins, Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size, acll finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered from 15 to dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER. May 25. ISSII-Iy, QTILL TRIUMPHANT. ct The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satisfac tion WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS st. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quitter Oven from the same fire, 311. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same size, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now in use, oth. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues ; 7th. A perfect Gas Consumer for either word nr coal. The Prairie Flo, er is warranted to give satisfaction In ,very particular, and will he shown with pleasure to all who may call. whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of n,ferenee in town cr country. A tow other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting. Roofing, Joh work, Coppersmithing and Sheeting . work promptly attended to. In town or coun try. All worK warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Loather. . _ _ !MARY M. :MORRIS. N. R. Old C..ppor, Brasg and Pewter bought, and the p. in rash or goods. ma,ch 11 0 W 11, CIATION A lieuevCloll: instituLion, established by special en due:merit fir the relief of the sick and .distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Orga Ile. 111.:DICA I. ADVICE given gratis, by the A rting Stir• anon, to lin lV bu apply by letter. with n description if their eontlithm, (tire, orrupation, habit., of lir e , and hi caSt, i t extreme poverty • :11,1:wines furni , hed tree of ohn r!..e. v A I: it i:Polurs nn Spernuttnrchstit. mill ()Ibex of the Sox u.il Oren ns, and on the N EW ItE.ll - ES inn ployrd in the iiiepetiserv. vent trithentliirted in 1,1 flee of charge. 'lwo Or three win Le neeepte hie. Aditre.e.. 11.1. EN Acting' Sur. xssoehitlon, No. 2 South Ninth Street, l'hiladelpli By order of the Dirertors., I). ILEA ItTW ELL, Progideni fl F.ll. F.111ICI111,1), Secretary. ?larch I, NTE W STORE, AND NE . %V GOODS HATS, CAP.. 7! AND STRAW (DiODS. 11.1 C S Irc . ...... 1,-......-,„ 1 _ ,r.x, -_-- .--,----_..— „.., 4 - - ----.: 4....., & .--E-k,F.......„„ -- r„... ---- -.,-. --_ 4,.5... ).,. . ' -,,----is. * . . Thn euhsrriber lute rerentlr opnned n New Store nt t !WI s t D. halbert in North Honor er nt. opposite the Col lish! Deposit (laving rece!re!l from New York awl Philorle?l,lli3. fine and well seleetel essortment of goods in hi s linen. business, smett on II AT:3 and CAPS, fr_vin the common Wool to the fine Tur. SILK AND CASSINIERE HATS, 1 . 31 1 311 d Winter styles otSilk Ilats for Vint. Ladles Fum such as Stems Nl2lltin, Mink Sable, Fitch, zsiberi an Squirrel. Mack, Itr,wn and Wu° Cooney. !fork Mar tin. :Mr, do. Jic., Childrons Furs. ttr•aysr flats for (lick and Boys, Fur Caps, Gloves awl Collars for Gen tlemen. BUFFALO ROBES, and p h. -Mt the I.llnoS, Also, rar - pot flau, 12 ft ,'ES TO SUIT THE TIWIES• I`..trpvt 1 1 ,1,11.,,,. Trunks, Iland TrunkF A n zksto tin cu t. of lIIEMMI 137,.-15 Prime :14egrirs and Tobacco. Thl,l'.ful lot t tvarniagn already received hewould invite '6l hi, Ineudr, dud the polite priori. II) I, give tom 1,111. - JA( ` VIS ISu.tii, Ott. A w n I so.) 11 A RDNV 11 A D - .I”nh I.y ne .t Son have just completed opening theirr'pring Stork of Hardware, Paints. Lille, ram ikheA, illaae Ac.. to which they Invite the early at ttention of the mildly. We have greatly enlarged our stork in all Its:various lirancherytud eau now accommodate thepub lie with ELI. 4 P.? G 00 DS. In large or smell quantities, at die • lNwtrStj . lirlres. - Put we do not W to linden - Stand that we have brought all the hoods in Philadelphia and New York to ~ o r tow in, but we eau aKsUre therm that one look Into our store will convince !hem that We hare enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wahtlns Leeds 111 our tine Will hind It Cu their advantage Co g us a call Ikerore Making their , purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no miser presentations made to effect sales • M-441, 2, '6O FIIIF, INS LI R.A.N E - THE ALL EN AND EAST PENNSIIOItO MUTUAL NIRE IN :•I_7ICANCE COMPANY lit Cumberland county, Ineorpo: rated by an art of Assembly. in the year Is-{:4, and hay. i o g recently had its charter extended to the year ItiB3. Lis now in active Anil vi,:mous operation, under the su perintendence of the following Dowd of Manager:4. viz: William It. liorgas, Christian Stayman, M. Coeklin, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, IL Coover,John Eirhelber ger, Josspti Wickersham. Sand. Eberly, Moses Bricker,. Rudolph Martin. JaCol: (looser, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are :is low and fart rabic as any Company of the kind iii the I•ersons wishing to beconn , members are invited to matte application to the agents of the company. who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. IL GOllO AS. President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0 en - lasi -1.4;y STAYM AN, Vice President. Carlisle. P. 0. 301 IN C DUNLAP, Seet'y., Mechanicsburg MICHAEL COCK LI N, Treasurer, Shepherdstown. AU E NTS. CUM BEV LAND COUNTY.—John Sher-ick, Allen Henry Tearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette I'clter Dickinson; Hoary Bowman, Church town ; nth, South Middleton; Saluuel Graham, W. Penns horn': Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cockliu, Shepherdstown; D.-Coover, Upper Allen; J. 0. llax• ton, Silver Spring,: John Ilyer, 'Carlisle; 'Valentine Feemen ' New Con Jet land. YOR IC COUNT l'.—W. S. UN. lint. Dover; J/IF. Griffith, Wlrringlon ; J. F. Deardorff, Washington: Richey Clark Dilisburg; D. Rutter, Fairyiew ; John Williams, Carroll. DAUPHIN CO.-I—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Members of the company having polielesabout to ex pits, can have them renewed by making application to any of the Agents. Feb ,2S. 1862 "Matrimony Made Easy." t NEW work oliowing bow either sex / . .1_ may ho suitably married,lrrespective of age or position, prepossessing or otherwise, with a treatise on the Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curl one scientillo experiment which never falls. Free for 25 cents, Address I'. WILLIAM A Co., Publishers, Box 2.1100, Philadelphia. hlarch 14,1862-1 y Scythes & Snaths. tUST received the largest, best and cheapest assortment of - Scythes, Forks, Snathe, Rakes. Whet Stones, Shovels, Mlles, floes, Water Cana, Kegs, /cc., over brought to this county. All of, which I have tmule -- exprcasly - to - lwder - in - large rtuantities-rsolhat they catkhe sold at_s_ery:hEr_ prices and warranted as representd. The trade and cradle maker 4 supplied at inattuf,xe• tuvcr- prices, at ilia cheap flartlynre store of iii:Nav SAX`fflN,..' , East Main St.,:earlisle. Juno 13 REMOVAL.—The Hat and Cap store heretofore known se " KELLERS," bas been re thOved directly opposite the old stand, twe doors Itoui Arnold's clothing store; - 'The businoss will to 3 conduct: ed as heretofore, and all fhe goods, both home made and city manufacture, warranted to give eatisfaztion as le cOmnionded. A full patreinage Is respeetfullf soils! ,rd le every effort will be made to keep the assorimet o. loon and boys hats and caps complete,, with prices to sultthe times. • . KELLER. ' fikll. Spring styles of silk tor. inOW March 16, 1862. .101 IN P. LYN! SON. North-Hanover St. Carlisle 'ai( Raaas fIUMBERLAND VALLEY AND N,_./FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. r it AP% l .• • • ..; ey•l CRANGE - OF HOURS! On and after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862, Passenger Trains will run as folloWs: (Sundays excepted :) FOR CHAMBER:3IIOI(G AND HARRISBURG. 7st Train. 24 Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.45 P. M . 7.37 " 3.35 " 8.30 . 4 A rr.4.20 " Lcavo llngerEtown, `' Greencastio. Chitmbersburg, " Shippenshurg, 9.00 " Newrille, 9.32 " " Carlisle. 10.10 " " Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 " FOR CH ANIBERSDURO A ND II AGFRSTOWN, 1 at TraAn. 2d Tra Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A.AI 1.35 P. 31.. " 'Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 " Carlisle, 5.27 " 2.65 " 10.02 " 3.29 " " Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 " Chambg',(Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " ir Greencastle. 11.55 6.30 " Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 6.10 " NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At rill Stations where Tick•'Ls are sold, viz: 11 age rstoe n , Greencastle, Chain hersbnrg, Sliippensburg, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction of T CEN T 8 on each Ticket will be tondo to nll Passengers that pro% Id themselves With Tickets before entering the Railroad Offirn, Chambersburg, } Slay 1, 181;2. CARLISLE AND ILA DELP I A . 11". 4 4-1. 6 1 0% F t *PT I' , ";VAPC DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STRICT. rim.ADELNII.k • .7. & 1). RHOADS. - MAIN STREET, C LE, PA fres Cars of this Line leave the brpot Ml MArtrt it. Daily, at 4 n'cim.k. P. M. - LmOie Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'elnek, A M. (heels intended for this Line should he IT 'lrked P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in ISZdh HAT AND CAI' EMPORIUM! rr he undersi: , ned having purchased Chu Omek, Sr, of the late V: 111 11. J , ut der'd. wrolld respeellullv annouLee to the puldie that. he 'A ill CO )- the NI; ItUSI \ liSS at the old stand, We,t llrsh street. cud a ith a renewed and eflitieut I•Rpi t, produce ortit les Of l lead DI e,s - ,Evedv_ 1.7 a 41:1.y.1e and Quality, _. that shut 1..• strictly in keeping with the Itn,woretncht of the Art, and fully up to the age in tkhieh we Ilse. Ihave on hand a splendid assortment of 43'47k HATS AND CAPS 6& of all doacriptions, from the e , mmon Wool to the finest FUR ANI , FIUK II AT and at pricee that moot snit over) one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. 'Dm stoel. i ueludoe, C .k FELT EATS, of every sivle an.l and unqurpasted for Mt - In . ,' IiCiI.ABILiTY AND FIN it :by those of any other establishment in tin' country. MEN'S. BOYS' and l'llll.l , llKN'ti 11A.T.9 and CAPE, of kvery lesrription c-onstantlr on band. ne respectfully inn lien all the told patrons and a maity , llCW Ones Of possible, to give Lim a t all. J. (j. CALL!!). Apr IECOND SPE ING A E 1-11:111.: .JI'I . I.I.ES FOR 1111: lIKA D ND FEET At the st, re rd John Irvine, ou the• N. E. corner or the public square. in the place to purchase Roots Shore tuts .0 raps. at prices that defy crmpetilien. Ile has J ust roturned from the knot e Oh the lergrrb and nu•• 1 ,tmpl,t,“ortinent it for km K. lists Caw: that he has ever presented to this community. rind which hr is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces every thing in his Hue or business. such as NIEN'S & NOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots. Calf and Patent Led the, Oxford Ties, Cal and Patent Leatlif , r • tluiters, Call Nullifiers, Call and Kip Brogans, ke. LADIES' WEA.II Fine French and Eng Hell Lnetlng Gaiters. Morocco, Calf And 6td Blade. Fine n Mornrco. :Ind 'Kid husidne. kr.. A. M SSES AND E.Vr; M EA I: of all d eFeript lons embracing fine I.aeting Gaiter!, Moroeco and I astir] Ilutton 110.te. Nl”r.ceo.l.ie« Ilonis of all hinds, fl'alry Owes of various st 2, les slippcie. S 1 . II AT: , s CAI'S, Silk. Caeeintere, Fur and Wool Bat. of all qualitien a Ind st . ) los. ale. a large assurtnient of S . T./ Li W ILL 7'„kZ • Roots rind Shoes made to inlet at the Shr+rtrFt notice Repairing promptly done. Confident of his :o,lllty to please rill classes of customers, he respectfully In sites the public to give him a call. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Publir Square. May 30. 'CO. JOHN IRYINF,. A. IL EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM RIM '1( 11N62 - J,t - = ISIS 1662'i West High Street, Carlisle, .Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Ayricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber hos just reCeiV6d the most srlendler assertinont nractirles in his line, over brought to Chi. phice--ii nib he is dcterralued to sell at prices that ti 4 ty c,mpotit Parte, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE, Kitchen and Otdee Emhraclint every article used by House and hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setls. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, , 1 / 4 c., &e. Purchasers are requested to call and examine Bin stuck, at his extensive warn-rooms, West Alain street, North side. A. B. }WINO. Particular attention given ati 'usual to ftineral IS ; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms Carlfxlc, May P 2, 1:855.-1y LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER .AN Li 'COAL YARD On the Rail - Road, near the Gras Works. The subscriber hoops constantly on hand, a full sortment of Lumber & Couli c •- flo^ - L which . be ran fur. - „7, 11 ,, - -T M vv. 4. • all to ardor promptly' o n; aud on tho most "AV 17 sonablo terms. LUMBER, SCANTLING,. BOARDS. FRAME .STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Lathe,Worked•Flec• lug. weatherboarding, Posts, Itailt,White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. Ile also furnish bills to order of any length and size, at the shortest notice and on the mist reasonable terms, Ills woWed: boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at all times, Ho has constantly on hand all -kinds of Family Coal under rover, which will be delivered clean to any )art of the borough_ To wit; L - V - REN'B VALLE - - LURE - -ELD - REEII-,' • tREVERTON, LOCUST. MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, hnd,all the carious sizes in use, Wing, he offers. to the public at the lowest. priers. LIB RIII.3ItNEIt'S AND BLAcIiSNIITII's CeJ, I, always on band, at the lowest cash, price. Thankful fur the pataonage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, be would• solicit a continuance of the• rams ,as he will strive to pion C. All orders loft at the residence of :Jacob Shrew, for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. OLIVER, DELANCY. July 20,1 ED2 Job Work done at this office. Lease 12.55 " 1.28 " 2.00 " 2.40 " 8.12 " 3.40 " O. N. LULL Super't MEM