D G , 800 K S , EANOYAMODS, CONFECTIONARIES, F R T s„. t • • PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT,' PICKLES, &C. S. W. HA VERSTIC:K., North Hanover Street, Carlisle, l'enn' a. Has .111.1 Opened an assortment of Fresh Drn,,,s, Fan y Oilt Books, Perim...tory. Fr ads, and Con la, tionary. tvld,•ll ham nu, or brou iII 1 isn.r rugh •,, • 1,1..1 ru re lento( 11 . 11.) , 411:: :1 , .1 , uP •,I, I, ;Mt, pl li, t o I'lll I 1 . 1" ! ..t L. 4 I I,i i. vrhich,nn:•: eN:Lo f..ii e •n;4l as. Paid, M a, he floods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Funny ivory, pearl and shell card eases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing instruments, Ladies' Ca bas, Writing Desks, and Port ft,ios. Port Nlonnales, of evtry sari sty. Gold pens and you sl la , Fancy paper weights, and a largo variety Cl Incline' Fanny stationery. Motto seals and wafers, ;Alit 'and bead purses, Itidlin4 Whips, eleL: u,lly finkhed. Flue' cutlery, Perfume Brushy, of every hind tor the toilet, X. lid/Ail 11111 i It.,i G. Wright's Soaps and Pert eons of various kinds, Fancy i•i• head dresses and shawls. Mos.ival in , di a melds, trigotlini e itb an iniininernble variety nfartide,,legnnt ly liuinhc,l and suitable for II 01, IDA 1' RESENTS, to which he Invit , s gperial attention. Al., an es ton,iTo and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprislnq various English and American NVork riehly cinhollishod POETIGAL WoIIEB, Bibles an Ili inn Hook-. ole.miitly hound in elect with met:. clasps and e m ucm, ,f SO,Ol Pnnk, an.l Srlool S tat 101 l nm i also complete, and o•4"llgrinss c rrythine used in Ui Srhools. lie nlso roll the particular att. Lion of Familimi to his clemint asiortment of • I, A NI PS, k from t.llO oth,•r. , I i~ nil Lard, i T. AT,I 11(,)lV Just d''sei)e:... MIZE iI• . - capacity, tt , ••• I, .a ..11 1.11". •'.•• i• )1.1, wit ~r tip .. The wuttl.l .t.tt a‘stful , 1 ~ 4 •;1.1!..1•••• 111 1 I n , retuttvell wltit , titt itt , • i•.•,• t h glial olptt.ttitttp, t.t t pointint4otlt..l stl,t,l,t .•tti tt .51 .• ••• t 11:1 tual, l,y t,Linl t•tte, tt • titl,,, t. 11., 1.1, t I dition mat, I „ •,to.ty it • ttittt. 1 / 1 ,1•::: 4 1,'11 , 2•. 1,1 , 1 t. 1 ,11 'llti 1. , LI, 0 ‘ll.l 1 .11,r Sent under seal, to :Illy 1.1 , 11,` ,, , in a plain 4,1 r• t`ii TO, Olt the t cweipt of s:x ecot or t t ,tamp,,, by a k b1,0,,i t ,,, Ur ( If .1 0. 1(1,1 Nor. (4. 107 lloartry, New It 0 , LADIES AND CHILDREN'S rums. E liavo opened a handsomo stock of FljkS, comprking =I • I'l I":;_ .II.• I 1. ing Ci"z" ,, h 7'. 011.11(1,ES ()A IC Fo 11;1, b;3-1 Cli,,tout St I out, Conliuental II Mill, ladelph Nov. 14, 1862-3 m NOW IS TUE TIME TO MAKE MONIST. Male and Female Aghntg wanted in every ; town in the of Pommy eA, sass 6w Mrs. Stephens great work. the 1.11"roRIA I, II IS -I'olll' of the WAR FUR TIIE UNION. It Is jukt tho no,rt I, the imople. and will ....Mel' .1 . Int, Ind It- Iv, ion ovary Itedly Tao Ropil it, taro /- noes, .1 . o; p each. End , olll..'hed F.o‘, , er o f r:. ), i l. I ( ,f 1, 1 t NEIN GOODS AGAIN, lOW opening at ()gilby's cheap cash • htol,, atit , ther lot 4 , 1 Winter 1)1 . ,, G0,,i14, 4 , f :low tyl/ ., , anti very hancl ,, 1414., Ilalttil,nl Skirts, \Vold !um's and 1ju,kr51e . 4,1,.. 1 , 1 ,1,1t:1:4 I n I II 12,:11'n‘‘,11,41,,,1 CLOTHS AND CASHMERES , r Mon autl Boys' Wear; a fib a great variety of Goods I put. , ha , - , 1 I,r cash, all 1 will be sold at the very low - t privy for 'ash. CHAS. Trustet Carlisle, Nuys 21, Its4i2 tAI NTS ANI OILS.—. in'l'oi,a White Lead. nn Oallons or oil. Just teelved with a lar:re assortment of arnislies, Nlre ['root Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, V Idle %Int., Putty, Colored Z•ne, Li thsrge, Red Lead, II hieing, Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm Oil, l'aln t Brushes, Fish Oil, in., Colors of oTery de,ctlption dry, and Oil lu cans and toes at the Ilardwto e St, e Ipf Caill , lo, 1-61 D 11:11I) I;1 - (;1 IT &C. The Cron, r,T.lrtar rocnnuner, oPrO iii.Ul ne.rth lit It , silo t1w1,4 • •. . . „ , I ;,.,. 4 , ,•,.1, gellst led grater:. eol.l l ei Tarr, are et , e n di , and tagte , 1,..,. ilgui Co l:,[l] ef Tarter end lb used ,„ ...e, f..r.conisipg,.i.c. T TYR Y.1711-'IITCI'6, getl, w lilt Cream of Tartar, eraiiitit li• nt. cnniadand tic nun I. •', ' • ••. nail a lon i•OCOries , . , j )1,1 :mil at ic 1., • Doe. 11, to i.(jON.—Ji v lit Led itpirtth.‘ t :ill in Cll'llol'3 Id.: , 4, MI; (1.1.1 . t../ .1. 1,. “111 T. I :all pit, trod 11 vire 10 NH `Altobonny , tint MO 101 l t'Chit. log tit orinvoti 1.1 I , olitii 11:111.1i, 1 :Tivli o° t . .:1111 , 1 . 1 4, 1: . 0 -11111,, I 1 1.11 I.) P1111110'; (;rod kitwriiii 11 ll' pig, rdd, Apply )I}llltiii,. Carlll,le, 111 1 Jaiti nfl or loind Ltd ,11 I.j. I,At !.0",1,.,,L1-1 11 tC. /1 f. :Mali:ll2d, UMPS St ULDI ENT. 100 barrels of content, with a largo assortmrn t of Chain and Iron umpec.just roooirod and for gal,. ellottpor than ever. ' Cornont sold by tho •funntily at matt u lActurol g price Pdarell 11. HA XTON. RESIT AC RERNL.-: A. latof Maelcorol—new am,—in ,gqn,to.l pact of Halves, Quarter and Eighth ltartnlN. A Igo, • -•d A I, :tl. 0-11 r - Halo at the'Storci of the s u bserl for Oat. 9U.'02, DR. ISVILLI4III B. 1 CR LYN MOUTH 'WS,' A SURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, ,Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gums, Nursing Sore Mouth, A ND the best specific now in use for ANY diseased condition of the mouth. It Is particularly beneficial to persons wearing • \ =SIM nA 1.) _Bit E.V.L'I I shoffi,t int: this realedy, tor it It n enrtaln core. :Ind. is approved and recommended by evely phy Winn under whose notice It has been brought. USA Dr. I rin . B. IfußD's MO uTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Ilurto's Dental ()film N 0.77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. I). E: `Price 37 Cents per 'Bottle. `li4ll Besides, i have almost every desirable article in my line of business that ran be mentioned, select.' with great care, and with all eye single to the mauls of this community atoi•the prOSolli dint, The nubile is :nicked to son the, nmanillrant loads of goods norm° pur•lmAng el,where, as I that ail, mita,:as will lit, by tine of rap stair!: itnniensi , y h ac ney. er lawn, and peilvips nicer will be, equalled in this Av to Am B . 1 - .) , s phiro, h la•aui. cti pi, 3 h lld o n f nc t e 1, y 110 , 1 11 0 A liberal dl,no t n 4,1,1 to dealers. Address Principal ()trice, Tribune Buildings, No. I Spruce Street, Now York. Sold in Philadelphia, by flyott Co., 232 Narth 22 I) 1101.1,011, 1410 Che , tnut street; and by alt Dritaalsts TOOTH POWDER! Thin NV1'1'1101;1' TII I.; 1,4 cjimiullti,,,, l l i s fr,, thm. injure LI., T. , 44.11. 11. nirt ion 1.0 . 111• X 0101101 y Ineelianioal earing the ooauu.l. Dr.liTni..l3. !lord's Tooth Powder hv „II I'lepare , l at DI. 11.1..Fs Dental t)lite., N 0.77 Fourth 5tt...t.1tt..“1.1,u. ir. r,-;:e - Price 25 Cerits per Box. =lllll ME I . t 1;1). NE URA 1,(a1 A 1! sT E ln Too rll.O - Fil: r) 111* ('or ..t i; 41.1 I , t• cu:c.l I 1 1 , • 11, 11,1111,4 In 11,1 i 110,, n I pi a I. I I r. alld lo•avo on . nil i. Dr. Wm. B. slur ;'s Neuralgia Plasters tan lo gi% , n to all oho tot their ur l'repar,l lit Dr. it lyd's Dental 0111. r, No. 71 Fourtll t Itt“..hlyn, E. I). te.LY" Price, only 15 Cents Each.'Bia A discount made to dealers. Address_ Pliitcipal Office, Tribune Buidings, 1 , ..h1 In 1'1$11:1.11.11 , 1111, I , y 11301 t& ('O., 2:12 \,tl) 21 U. w. 11”1.1m11, I 110 .11,11)111 atl , l all or , • , Pt tr IF•r lit (tt t t t tl . lll,l .1 Itt• 1.01, • 0 ht . ! , th 701.-t , htlti cl„'epe a twiliil , l thtl 00 h., ,r p its ttp ,001, I t t . • 111 11 hl to 01,11,,,,..1 1.11 , (13,. seven 111 nil p.s by Amt., sale h hues containing n bottle lel Dr. nerd'., Month Wash, and Tooth Ache Drops, a box of Tooth Powder, the Neuralgia Plaster, n valuabio little Treatise on Teeth and their Diseases!, the beet 1111.1“14 of preserving them, and the proper treatment of Children's Teeth, worth of itself the entire cost to every young man 400 women, or parents with young children, with sundry other necessary articles; price, per ptlfistlge, er drilivr, or six 11311‘11,r0C for $5, soot by c‘press as directed. As thc charges are not 11101 . 11. ifany noire nn n it,on than on tuft, it is tar LI /1"... 1/11.. 1111 it 11 WWI, 1111 1111111.111, 1 11,, Iv. Thslt el: nia . 2 I/11 ull/i• wtth 00011 &ore, W. It. II & Co. ref, to tho Mayor of itroolilyn. Lo 11. IV. (lridltli. Pi-co:Mont of the Farmers Ind CHI ...II'S 11,1111, 111r11,111 II 11, t he Editors of the .Aiertnn Nlnioino.turers' thizetto; to Joy, Ci t & .\¢eo to. New yolk: to P. 'l'. Ilarnmn, Fs.l , who knows /I LIMA thing w lieu ho SeeS It 111111 who hos nlretuly or ed a 001•1111.1 supply, ete. 1000 .IGEN'F.S 'WANTED T, introduce Dr. II aid's Dental lionledies han every ~nt T ay. Men .o,r - , nn, who want to make money better with then° articles than any• thing in marl.el. They ale 110, ocelot, low priced, thonSunds In adverti , lng them the Iwnent or goltS. 1.11,4, of samples, nontelnlng a dozen of the Ou° dollar losti Cocoa /delve specified. with eirculdrs, e,Il 1 r sent, no re. Opt of seven dollats,about half !wive, b. any person wishing to tent ilk Or her skill iu , erond. pith a 10.0 becolnhe4 an Agebt. We no ell rather in Ihnn Comminoions to (hone tvhn prow 1111,04.1.1 N Olikielit nalesnlen. N.., to 11,,- time to int...the business. Fur address and reference,mye above. ,S'econ,l door rust of thr kct Iluuse its bE ALEIt IN I'TANOS. New Rose wood 1 . 1:11108, fl,lll Ihu Lu.t 111/4iOIT. 111:NItY sANToN E I,OD E The best. in:11111 . A. till , ' I 11,111111,1114 Gcm sl.n lo $16 , 1 Fluttpt, s. Tutni.l3 s.. 1 WWI,. :In trigs, alai 3l t,ti •.. MEE A oemplete asscrdalont Ihr all instruments. 'rho latest pulah e sys nn h an d, 'racher on the Nana and Gull to, Instrumental and Vocal music. Manus and Molndeons tuned and repaired. March 21, 18,12. A. LEN R. 2,SCEL. TI'ST opened the largest and best as ..,rtm,aof tirthvan., Pallas. illly , y...,rukh, ,v,kr brfku.,hl tr Czouluu.l:tmt vont) ty, bought it rl, fcr, h, whi.h u tu ut, ho i•tilt, in unt,llo vouera!ly ty inivu .1 NV PBY I:,Lto - i;;I ;ro , pull' • for t heir pest . Illllrtten.titm IV:111th. to .11...Itl• '1.11, , t !IQ t 7 :l SON, Lll.l ,IIIILI C:1.1101,!1' Carl .711110 \ I,FNAILS! II _L A gol, C'h an, Neat, and Tooph 113i1f . , qt. 010 it , 'tot ICI:S. Out' nnlla are wnrtll fa , , , tl; a tug 11101 . 0, 6hau 3113' other 11111k0 of void in ow town, thin in tint opinion of nniehaules Hho have. tried thotn, Ivo also hero a full assortniunt or. , 11U ILDINU ti ATF IN A LS, or the latest and most approved Fi tylo s. All goods vier ranted tin represented. JOIIN INN]: •SON. 'I UM BELTING kdust: 3l - received a large lissortmant of all sizes Gum Peltie!, Gum Home, (loin Pricking, Ae.otrui Halo clump at Tie Ilardwaru Store of June 2;1.1S O. 11. SAXTON J w LVY A RTIFICTA TEETH", Li Tribono Buildings i ••• • :fl,ii•c•• t, 111. -a York, 7l' lII=I No. 1 Spruco Stroot, New York IMMIIIIIM =II A. L ENK, /,w/'s ('uivur 8111:E 7111.::“0 ; %VC 4.1., fully ho ;, 1 r C ES. ,iisccl lan cii.ic. GREAT E-XGITEMENT7,-- - Areas been raised in Carlisle and sur- ' rounding country on learning that tho subscriber as turnod front the City with a treutendoutretock of Dry floods, all bought for Cash and to be sold at Fuels low prices as will cause SUCH PEOPLE to 'uke in their boots. In this very ostensive stock may bd found great piles Of Silk Turen I.ugtro. Frincy Silks In vnrlety, 11111,1: Silk. 0411. mos: reli Ikrahgllnnnura,tut I'. Neill& 11.11..1, Poll do (Mt re. gill. CI.Pok. Emlornide.tod ,!. rh..,:, iv:0,11,011 De DD:n EMI =EMI of eery bond I .11.1,1. V. I. 1: Fl I;UNI111111" WHIT)) A SII, (IA I', Limebuilacr's and Blaclismiill's CONSTANTIT Fon KALI% REPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NOM:MAKER r:u.no, August 17, ATTWENT v-F 1V I 111 E! 111 litirch sit OA, 010 nud b'at selbetwl stork et =lll WATCHEB AND JEWELRY in the town, will be sold :10 per cent lower than at any place In the State The sleek eknnprises a I,.rg u meta ol Mold and Silver hunting-ease watches, Levers, Lcolnes, American watches, and all oilier kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, flold Pops and Pourlls. Jewelry of all Mod,i, Speetarlea (lold and Sliver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, II Paintings, a great ti•L t • •f falley artieleg. and n lot ft he finest L. , . t • Ito tedd 40 per rent lower tte ' , vet olio red in tow .• stuck of Watch tilll• 4.,,r0. nod Safe will be sold !tat It.. - , • , • : rl /1...1. •• • •1 hill(iN Of re- lit tit. I • r nj .1110 0.111 - M3/011ko d.ll[l. .:I.,,ctwrianco an Ityial4l, _ DUBLISIIE D for the benefit and as a warning and n ruction to young men who suffer bum Nervous Debility, Promai urn Deva,Ae.; supply ing at the same flue the means of -i-telf cure. By oil win has oured.himgelf after heho-t Iti t bn greutt.oxpon, n... 0611,311100 imposition and on: elcery. By endu ring a post paid addressed miv,lope,/single rnples tinny he had of the author, NSTUAN 110.1P.,.1, If In.;s Co., N. y: m“ro, LI , I,:fi:2—ly JAMES R WEAVER'S CABINET 4 4 404!•U • ND • CHAIR INIANUFACTORY, Having boon engaged In the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and frionds, for the liberal eurouragement extended to him in year,: gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give lull satisfaction to all who may fat ~r I.lla with a call. • • -. • , : I 1/lallt . Collins,Collins,lc•Lillit•l 11 1.1 o[l.. kupt run. scantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to perwknally lu town ur country, on the umst, reasonable terms.. Chi•rry and ISMlnut Collins, largo sins, Moll finitilted and 11.1.•,111”:141t.. from ii In 1•! dollmrs. I%alnut Coffins rooted from 15 to 30 dollars Mae 25. cl 'l' Ll, I, 'l' It Ml'llA N T : L 7 The tstmnlete anrcess of (lie Prairie Flctwer Conk CEO% N 1.11.11 1, the sal.seriher le tattling the attention of all who may Want a superior stove (11 C:111 and ex. :11:1i111. Ole 011) j s, ne that. lam 01,11-1/11iTVISZli hat:1St:IC (1,11. =I M=l ME=IMMSEM :01. A larzer Oven than any otin, st„,ve. nflhy StIMP SiZtl. 41.11. Tin" Vat inn of Cho eon ti ',lvey front Finking Fly tnv; i',lll. The Boaster, nn,l Cook now In lig°, c , t 11. A s vile] .1r ran,,,,•mont 6.1 ch,nung Hie !Jut., Lll. A perle,•l, I/.ts l' ,, ,, , uTner for eilber 1,4 d or ruin The FhlWPr wArrlinteil to nine satiqntclion in , V1 .. 1% pe rn Lur.:nnl NS IN hi' SIIII,VII With 11/e:1 1 ,1r1: 411 11... 1/1. Slll , l/11.1 .10,111111: 111 111/11 . 11,11 , 11 Or 11114, any 4in .41414. 44 it h•i4 a ('ii n onn try. A 1 4 44, 1i4,4 cool C 0441: .`'Lori, on hand, whlrh will hu .1 Or ei,pror sml 1111,Z 311:1 li•i•till • Id , (IV ii: t, I.; \I. ,s nt tin Vii stain!, ILunn'er I, .tztlwr. 1111111111111111 M =II F:I al Al% Int, .t.{ a Silk lints for IS6 I . St-re Nint tin, \link Snlilv, Fitch, Sibe t j 011 S.llll/.1,1. Cooooy, ?lock tin. Silo, Eur%, Itenver lints fl llirls FnrCillit., Cloves and Collais for Urn tlenien. BITFEA LO ROBES, Illti to .Shit t Al,. Carpet Bag , : TO SUIT THE TIlefES• ti di—, ,inks, Hand Trunks i; A I , • Tilh'lCoo....(e--1T =I 111111M=1111 c:,:h 7 !••. Ap:;1 1 ,.. 1 _ 1 8( ).) I I.\ 1;1) 11 A 1I ll .10n h Lyne & Son have just completed opening their Sprl rig Stork of hardware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, ❑lass to., to which they invite the early atttention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock In all itsivarlons branches,and can now accommodate thepute lie with in largo nr small litlalltitieF, /It the Incest prices. But see sin not wish tile pu6lie to utolorttottl llott. we have I tt.t• t. I . I'1111,1.•').1113 oat! no 1 . 1.1 . k ill II t I : 1 • 'I 1' t• OP .1 /. .. 0 0 j,..1; tt MEIII =I 111) 2 , ' 60 1 11 INtililtANC.E.-TWE ALLEN AND lI.IST l'ENN:zhOlto UTUA 1, FIRE IN SUIIANCE CUM l'A N of Cumberland county, Incorpo rated by an :let hi the year 18.1:1, and linv. Ine: recently !rid Ito elt lrtet extended to the year 1883, i s no, in ,j,,n1•110 "poi alien, under the iiu• perintetelent•tt nt Hie crtiltei log littatil ut Mailligera, viz: Willittui It . ltergas, Sta, limit. M. C r tieh lin, D. It.illy, ‘lek Cotheart, .1 11. Ceover,John Elehelber Nun]. Eberly, (tricker, Ituiliilpli Joooli ('over. 311 d. .1. I'. Duillap. Tho,,,fts tit ilialleallett are tt , low and rattle titian; Company ol the hind hi the :tale. Portions ivialilliglo butatute members:ire Wilf r ed to Um), application in the agenti.nf the mummy, who tire Wining to wait upon them at any time. WM. IL 110IHIAS ELerly'ii Mills, I'. 0 cuitt:sTlAN STA YM AN, Yke President Carl tale. P. 0. JOHN C DUNLAP, Seery., Moehaniesburg MICHAEL COCK LI N, Treamirer, tiLephertl6telen. Cl'‘l BEE LAND 01 1'NT1'.- - JtJul Shertrk , Allen ;;erring, Silitemati,J;mn ; I.atnyetto VelTer 111.1 try Itou ti; Mod° lid, tionit 1;1 :;),:km. W. I'Orllll4 horn': Salt, ilvi (jig. J. W. Covkliti, rot's.. Upper Allen; O. inn' r 4.11, Nlicrr ; , primy, John flyer, Carl:sly; I . 4,ilentine \ t'II:I.1„Enrol. Yi Plehing. JaP. NV.rri1 , ..1 , 11: J. F. Do:lido, lt. 11'asIllurtun: Itichey t•hrk I.ili.d.urg; P . B utter, Fa i : . 101111 Willi:11115, (.11.11.11. I'l'll IN oll•el •• r t polieiesabout to es re :In hate I hem ronowffl by making applkation to I,' "Matrimony Blade Easy." NiinV work showing how either sex I" may he suitably married, Irrespective of ago or pus ion, prepossessing nr otherwise, with a treatise on the Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curl sus scientific experiment which never fails Free for 2t, re 010. Address r. WILLIAM k CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. Nlart.lll4, Iser2,lyl JITSI' received the largest, best and ty cheapest assortment of Set Forks, Swaths, hakes, IVhot Stones, Shovels, t 1; Iles, noes, W.l ter ('ass, Kegs, ite., ever hr., hi All of which r have to ... Ire. iii 8 0 LI.: th,•y I.:d at very low pelves and warranted a, r , '' 'l'l, t • ,••0 1 er • 1•11 , ...•• • suppll,l at tonna, tuts pr: ~, ;11.• U. 110. 1,, P: -, • SASTir , Z, 1'4:4 (.) ;tad Cop aorc to here tun); o known as •.Rl's i, I,i; 115;' has teen rt.- the elf ofiCud, tm rhomes thin] Arnold's clothing store. The bushicSs will be confect ed ns beretolhre, and all the goods, both home nuttleatof, vi ty tuannlheturc, warranted to give oatislit:tion Ito he ....ntritinideil. A full patronage Is respectfully Sone' eveVy effort will be made to keep the ashorlinen of e.:l 1103, hats :Ma raps complete, with videos to suit the thnes.KELLER. tiCY- opt ing styles of silk . hats now neatly. 'March Ik, =I Mi`3Ctilaflelltls. NORTH 11•NOVER STREET, CARLISLE, I'A 11111=1111111111 I AIES H. WEAVER WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS 51.11:Y )1 )101'111S. •:, all.l P., t, 1,1,4 ht, CI :o \ IMEMMEM= MID : r =NM A vi h ,11 r I ilit•„ir, I a tiont (;o(!!• ME I' , , I.i I PI-M1.1.• I .... IA • 11-1..1:,...J.LL1 C P.-, 1r. , t11 the ...Ill.! ;411,1: A', HATS, =II J _ILIA; AS, A t t. .11E1,121 DLL' (7001)8. .I..11:s; P. 1,VN1.: . SON, .rt h Hailnver St. CarliFlo MEE Sdythes & Snaths. .lIIERLAND VALLEY maw CHANO.II OF MOUES! On and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, Passenger Trains will run as follows: (Sunday; excepted* FOR CTEAMBER3DUftO AND antuusnuno. lst Train. 2d Train. 7 00 A. M. 2.45 P. M. 7.:17" 3.35 ••1.4.44 Arr. 4.20 Cram ITACO,lnwn, ‘• UlialitiJ.l:4ll4Arg, ' ?sulk MIMI Mechaniesburg, A rri re st FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, lot Train. 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 51 1.35 P. M. " Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.15 Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.55 Newville, 10.02 " 3.29 " Shlppensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 . " Chnuil,g', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 Oreeneastle, 11.55 5.30 Ari No at Hagerstown. 12.36 8.10 NOTICE 'NI PASSICIGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Oreeneastle, Chem bersburg. Shlppnusburg. Newvllle, Carlisle, Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, n reduction of TEN OMNI'S on each Tiebet will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Millroad Office. Charnberfiburg,} Ay.ay 1,1802. - 1A1111,91.11 AND I'ITILADELPH IA FREIGHT LINE. 811 memo:, STIIEET, PIIILADELPLIIA J. k I). RHOADS. Illy- Cat, of hills lire leave tit° Perot Fill slArket Ist Dail", at 1 Ii„ h. \I. 1,001. at f I ILI. , I it Is. I . i ('Al' 1:}11'oRiu11! rrno haring purchased the at tho Into 15"ru H. Trout deo'd. wnuld 1; Hol'v , 1/111 , '11,1 , 0 t.. th.• public Htt he will roa o• th. H tho 01.1 xtand, in lb" hudith n r ,, newed and efficient „1.1t. , 0 t: cf Head ,d yrealtly, 1,1,1 o)t1 I ..1.1 • ' ith the 'improvement i 1., np tu the u, which wa I his- t h,:,,1 Hard , h.ITS ANI)C' , I" 4 4,7,14,1 A lit, uld patrons and a 5,i1 , 1t., to gis t• him n call. J. U. CALLICO. .., ll s. "'Li MEI WEil Ain , 1 , 1'41 —1 y 4,,,..11.;c()N1) SITING ARRIVAL.— I LAW; FOIL 11IE HEAL AND FEET: AL the 10 f .Inhn I roma, nu the N. E.' corner of t h'• I 10.11.• hi' 11:11•r to nor. base Boots hoe I Lit, arS. at pri4 es that defy oeurpet Hien. Ito Ino.jr.d. rot orned from the I:eq. with the largeiit :11141 Moot 44,11111 i t.. ,le , ortinent et Beets, chef I, Ilntk ,b I :11. (Alta he has ever presented to this commoniey, I nd e big 11 ti is deter mined to sell at the lowest possi , ble priest. the stork embraces everything In his line Or trust tote, Slieh ILA MEN'S & POI'S' FINE CALF BOOTS, IL Ip TiontF, Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calt Nullifiers, Caltartdi hip Brogans, Slippers, LADIES' WEAR• Fine Frond, and English Lasting Gaiters, MOITICCO., t'il I:t r:,l I,id If t . Fin' Hid Slippers, Fanny:Slipper-el, ni • - • i• * i•• i V.- V, I 111 • fall .let.cription.. • !..„ ••:: art, Moracro any!, I.a4ing PAL r'rf 17 - •••74 ,- . "q•• • I l lLa •••• - 11 ,, ,,fs or all kinria, fancy ••, s ••I . ‘ariso, ,••• .clippers, he. II A'l'.; Cass,m,•re. Fur and Wool Hats of all qualitir: and sty los, also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes made to order et the shortest notice Repairing promptly done. Confident of bts stilllty to pines° all classes of customers, he respectfully Invites the public to give him a call.- toy Renienaber the place, N.Y.. corner of the Pubtiak Sq ua re. SO, '60,. A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. 1862 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded al the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 18574 The subscriber hos Just received the most splendid ansnrtmont of articles in bin line, over brought to this place—which twin determined to sell at prices that de fy comretilion. Parlo, • Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Oillee Embracing every article used by Gouge and Hotel keepers, of the meet approved apd fashionable design and finish. Including also Cotta T 3 furniture In setts, reception and Camp Glialesslattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures. &e. Perehnsers are requested 'do — call and examine his stork, at hie as tonsl vu ware. rooms, West ?grain street, North side. A. ii. EWING. /Ply- Part!cult, o ttention glvon no UPUai to funeral■ ; ordms rum town and ebu n try, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. B. X Carlisle, May 12, 1858.-Iy. j 13 ER AND COAL'. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND GOAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps constnntly on hand, a full sortment of lumber & Coal, which. .he can fur nish to order promptly nod on the most rea sonable terms , LUMBER, SCANTLING, ' BOAItDS'. 4 'FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked• Floor• ing, Weatherboarding, Posts, Rai lc,W bite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. Ile also furnish bills to order of any length and size, ht the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms.' Ills worked boards are kept under, cover, so that they can be fur- Malted dry at all times, lie has constantly on hand an kinds Of Family Coal under cover, which lent be delivered cletin to any part of the borough. ' To wit: LY E'EN'S VA T,LEV, LTI El; 1 , 11)1 , 1,ER, Tui:‘'l::cr‘)N, WT'S.'l' MOUNTAIN, .Ind 11111, "1 `..1 h.. ,scions sizes In ..• j .16; 'C.A. tilt, L , nrnt prices. 111.11 ttftllT 11'K et...t MI hand, thu lowest clu.lt Thankful fur the patronage of a generous public, bo stowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, he would. solicit a continuance of the saute as. he will strive to please. All orders loft at the residence of Jacob iihrom Inc Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as, heretofore. OLIVER DELANCY. J uly 20, 1 . —ly. Wood Wanted tit this Office. alai{ linah