Monthly, something of a change has been instituted in its conduct.. The Ladies' De partment has been enlarged, and much more prominence given to it. This has been done in respon4,t6 thOifi4ePeated requests of its many:lady readers. -While this depart ment has been ranch amplified and improv ed.; care has been taken that its other fea tures shall suffer no detriment- Such zeal as LES 4 LICS must prosper. The Magazine is furnished to subscribers at $3 per annum. Address Frank 19 City Hall Square, New Yorlc. THE ATLANTIC Mox.ruLY for February is on our table. We have so often spoken it commendatory terms of this work, that we are fairly on record in its praise. We can do no better to-day than give its contents, which we feel sure will answer as its best eulogium : Sovereigns and Sors; Under the Pear-Tred ; Threno-ly ; The Utility and the Futility of Aphorisms ; Shelley ; The Test ; The Preacher's Trial ; The Ghost of Little Jacques; Boston Hymn; The Siege of Cin cinnati ; Jane Austen ; The Proclamation ; The Law of Costs ; The 'Chasseurs a Pied ; Latest Views of :qr. Biglow, together with a large amount of editorial matter, iews and Literary Notices, &c., &c. Ticknor & Fields, Publishers, 135 Washington street. Poster), Mass TRIBUNE ALMANAC.- —Everybody should have a copy of Vic Tr ibune. , l Almange for 1862, a political register of great accuracy and value, containing astronomical calcula tions, important acts of Congress, Chronicles of the Rebellion, Election Returns. Votes of Soldiers, Lists of States, Capitals, Gover nors, Organization of the Government, Army .and Navy, and the so called Rebel Govern anent; Price 13 cents. Eleven for $l,OO, -$8 per hundred. (ohm an Cruntu glatUrs SNOW STORM.—The snow storm of the Ateason occurred on Wednesday last, and at present writing a foot in depth of the pure, .whiteumntle, attests its severity. The merry bells of the ,6codding sleighs, keep up a gay chorus to the carnival of youth and beauty, Which is on the rampage, this bright January morning. Go it while the snow lasts. `SWORN ILI—GEORGE SCOBEY, Esq., County Commissioner elect, was, on Monday lost., sworn in, and took his seat as a mem_ ber of the Board. Mr. James Waggoner, whoserterm had expired. retiring from office. Mr. Scobey will make an excellent Commis .sioner, he being a practical business man And a good clerk. The Board of Commis sioners is now composed„ of George Miller, Michael 'Cost, and George Scobey, Esqrs. SENTENCED.—Abraham Bel6the ne gro, convicted of murder in the second de gree, was sentenced, on Friday last, by his Honor, Judge GRAHAM, to seven years and three months imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary. Bell is one of the most ma lignm-negroes in the -eountry,.and the_tern!_ Of his imprisonment is not any too long. THE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES.—The expectation of our citizens that this gallant corps would be ordered to Harrisburg for the purpose of recruiting their skeleton ranks pre dciOmed to disappointment. The Re -serves will remain on the battle-field to in ;spire, -by their unparalled deeds of heroism, the armies of the Union. Doubtless that undaunted though now sadly diminished phalanx, in whose charge the honor of our State has ever remained untarnished, may yet have the privilege of deciding the last great Waterloo of the Rebellion. THE ANDERSON CAVALRY.—WC find in an exchange, obtainel from a report of a Philadelphia Committee of friends and re lations, a list of the men hers of the Ander son Cavalry, who refused, upon the eve of batty, to enter the fight, and are now in the prison and workhouse in Nashville. \V have carefully examined the entire list, and Among the three hundred and ninetyone confined in the workhouse, and one hundred and three in prison, we are proud to find there is not a name, which we can recognize, as that of a Cumberland county man ; and we have no doubt that all from this - county were with the gallant three hundred in their brilliant charge and conflict with the enemy; and the hopes of their friends, that they would nobly sustain the fair fame of the State, have been fully realized. • WHAT CUMI ERLAND COUNTY PAYS learn front the Auditor General's Re :port, lately published, that the payments into ,the State Treasury, from Cumberland coun ty, during the last year, were as follows: • Tax on corporation stocks, $ 4.014 10 Tax on real and personal estate, 44,615 41 Tavern licenses, 2,271 25 Retailers' license, 4,194 23 Sample licenses, 259 00 Brokers' licenses, • 185 59 Distillery and brewery licenses, 118 75 Billiard-room, bowliug.saloon, and ten pin alley licenses, gating-house licenses, Pamphlet laws, tax, Tax on writs, wills, &c., Collateral inheritance tax, Tax on enrollment of laws; Banks paying interest on public debt equivalent to specie, _ 275 00 Free Banking system, 223 76, Tax on brokcrs.and private bankers, 113 47 BOUNTY PAID BY COUNTY CO3I-' ..ivooxEns.—The Judiciary Committee i t holeuate have been instructed to prepare a hill legalizing the payment of bounties to .yol,uut,eers by the Commissioners of the soy oral-counties of -the 'State, and anthoriziag the levying of a special tax for the payment of the loan. The en - tire subject has been :Onfided to the -Committee, and they may conclude to recommend that the State as sume such indebtedness, in accordance with the wishes of many. As the volunteers rais ed by this means all went to make up the quota of 'the State, it is argued that the heaviest expense should •not fall upon the counties most zealous and most successful in recruiting the ranks of the army, while others escape their proportion of the com mon burden. WHERE IS YOUR 13UY ?--We saw him last, late in the evening, in the company of very bad boys, and they each had a cigar. And now and then some of them used very profane language. As wo looked on your son, ire wondered if you knew where he was, and with whom he associated ! Ile is run ning headlong into the vices with which the world is filled. Can you not leave your busi ness long enough to look alter that buy ? Do nut neglect him ; if lie continues in the path he seems to be treading, he will surely bring sorrow to your household. Bring the proper parental restraint to bear upon him, and that very soon, or he will be lost to you. to himself, and to respectable society. "That is not my !toy. - say you 1 13e not too san guine. Look before vou give so decisive an answer. Your boy does many things. mid has many habits already contracted which you know not of. Teachers' Institutes Thr '311.1k1.1, , ex Tr I. r,•,' I n-thorn rurt, pursuant to a•lj ouraltlirla at Mr Iv :Neh.oll t . ;itlay 1.1 - Inllitvg. J.rn• The l'itt.t.leht the 11•Iuso t • ez•h • r, ttn.l opened the,, Sin - t ;tit inytn. ,1 1t Ihe 1,11 1 1,-.1 4 ole, t unlJr, 11 - intz f41111,i t., pre - ent After ill , an , l appt , .v.ll th.• 11111111t,.1.f Lhr pn :.••••11.e.t. Mr 1111111 iota In ; ' l ' h ou t . elv.“ll:•,,•rnment. in !licit hr _:it ,• In , Of Col 'toClot nn•l den,,strttln.r ol then ,1151”,..,1%.1 ati.l tr• 1,11. otti.tte•l tnn h 'lenizle than t••••It up the •ittl•je. - t lVrttlen Aril hne • t 1.• :11,1 r •_1‘1.1.4 nt,ithii.l4•l hln t11 0 1.11:11or me-. he slltrdnpucelurr problun tet t I••tit ki till, It h .• expri,, , •411,1.•-ire ••• .1111.4.111 . . j•P the ..into Th.. I', .._ll.•sit nualy • -is 01 tliii•inestion. A w dl stit tie t owl ter r iv is 1 IP, rr ol I , y Mr (111;:t je, t. 11,1,1 . v the S. h •-•1 , ;•••,1 The ,t11 , j••• • t. ttriirtetm I /0•11 .11 1., Mr. o ' ll it wit. , -p el the toe Inlne., thereof, An, thou &ht. [Wit t kris, , 11 inch,ez'o• • [e I in r.rh Ile ,tni •• • 11 , , • tin.tre it - 011,11 . 1y in • e in "tiler •• - it I en "Ni th I:1 Sc tiu..all I tit it :cs tier , .11, II 11, test .t 1,00 I e,hl 11.. r.I 16,10 y r nt 14 It: , ity. I;i•ntar , , , .r 1 in..t.1.• Pr.-4,lent Itltt 1.111• Ch Div U1..11,111114 Ili. 1 11 'AI. It•ttr to vs lk 116 I a rtia‘s rst pttittitt I 1,,al Ititt•llttri , ..1 ttr., Int tt nr-t .I.• 1.111. Ir . ', hi , 111..111- ,1 0I 1,t.•11111.2 I -NV ..I h p i , a pi! , The ktaan tier to tit.-11 In. el t , .:t..'tnl 1,1 tt , oll rrllert ett !nu .11 • 011 tcht, 3lental .1! ithinet n 1110 I %Li, Up by tit,, 1 . / ,I doll E. arul , t09 , • , '1. 111. I, 1 ol th, 1:111. L1T . ..11,th a 4.1 a, H. Hi , ,Vlll,l highly 'rhe prepo.itez of nne• em. then attended to. after e Molt )Ir. ti theare to 111,0 tilt' nett meeting at the. wa, et9eo,l I lo) Ntr Kerr and others. and when pill to vote the motion e as Post. The f,lMeitm me ml at em I hen its,ll. It,, 1.11.1111, -'( I hi , In-tante aro ten dered Io title it.1,1i1.11..• for their monis . den, toneot mot nppreciation 1,10 11 te. the. e‘- rena• .Immeme I e ah. en b I he I mu [lto then allj au 11,1 to 1111,1 :1,11.. at tlr litthra oil FI I I.IV rotatory I), 18 .1 M e•idt•llt. The members of the )lolirott Teachers' Association met at the hell Solutol House Is Da 3 nt In o'clock A. M., How, called to ardor by the President. Roll called, absent klis, husk. Monti, of ion, km , meeting road and adopted. Th co gait leo appointed to purch,,,, , I,,,oksdind periodical.. replied the follow. ini4. Idize•s Thoory and 'tractive of teaching, Hod itrook's Normal Method, Itzsn's nrh cd .Inizetnents, Northend's l'ettiiter and Parent, May &NV'S Uni vie sal Education. mid Bates' Tettchera' I itstdtutes, anti Lief PeunsylranittOchno daortial and It. .1. school noisier. A Selection Aas read by Mr Id ,•ie Sehool Gov ernment was film] dislqu.sed by Messrs. tlhielyear, dßutrly, darolza iilyeara,anal.Lis..A.. bra tldt l'h)tb. l ogy was nest di mssed by braes, 11 1i , 11.1110 . , man. and CI trk . Adjourned till o ,1,•1, P. NI. ArreauwoN S 5 fns.—.l selOCLiiill W.. rend b yMet Kate leitn. r. lib : punts Who sins nip 1 ,, liver an oration w, sun in epared. The thld...q, of iology was again takiarrup and d used l.y Meson Cain. Hood) cr, Titzel. Eber y, and Biandt and ]hisses Culbertson and theist. The importanee of the Study wan clearly shown, and its immediate 11111 . 0.1. e Lion into our COMM.., Schools it. was thought, 'lNmild vastly heriat the rising gruelation, in proving a safe guard against that .• host ol ills which which flesh heir to," and in pointing out on I, fe's ocean, the rocks and shads, the quicksands and breakers by tthich the •' bark of life" is ontlaogered. Three books, Caldwell's .Nlanuel of Education, Harrison on the English Lan guage. and the Teacher by Jacob A led t. were presented to the Association by Mr..las. A. Brandt. and revoi,,i on (.1, part of the Association by )Ir. Etiel Iv, chair• man of the committee on Loo6c. iu n nernt rI solved. that the secretary he intru.tett to cot respond with Mr, 1;1•01 . ,40 Swartz, a tent l''or Wiltem's School Readers, requesting him to,,rll said rt•tiders I, inspection with . rtew Gt their instruction. On motion it was agveil that Physiology he continued, and that, in eon neertioti with it, 1'V11111.111511ip311 , 1 Geography fin disc outsell. Rules for the reaulation of the library were adopted otter which the Plosident appointed Miss Culbertson and )lr • Plank to read selections. Miss Enek to prepare an essay, and S. thsnlyer to deliver an Oration. The following resclUtdoll uas passed. Resolved, 'that the thanks of the .Issoelation are dne. nod are hereby tentler4 to Messrs. .1414.0 h) Neisley Son' lir twit, .lines Clark and David S. Baker for their hospitalities to the munilwrs. Adjourned to meet at School llonse No. 12 (Hand s) Feb'. 7th, Ise.; at lu o'clock A. kl. .1 I:e.5E BRINDLE, President. S. P. Goovrem, Secrutary The Teacher.' I mil itute of North Middleton District, conveiliol at eight. square No. 3, Thursday evening Jan. hUh I'l , ol. (in motion In the atom), til the President Mr. Wicliard woo 1.1evt1..1 Pre-tient protein for the meeting. The ifonse to order. the Seet'y. pro, led to read the 11:(111/000. td the 1,4 meet M r . J. N. Allen opened tin, Institute by LIII):41111i0Vt Of Grammar and after the !triune., woo Liii-rucioid, Alton S. Fundht, read es,ay, Mies St•nUl:tn the subject id r.t,i,•„grtply, Mr. I. N. Allen in to L the rhorgo of eitiSS in heading', Mr. it. GA Lora tile suidert of Si hoot Government Mr..lno. C. stock is to !Mow Ills method of teaching the Alphotiet, and D. P. ell the subjeut of IVritten Arithmetic. The President appointed Lhe follot ing. no it Business eoliiinittee,Nliss S. Fought, Mt. Jim. C. Stock and lb I'. \Volt. They are to appoint the busineos for the next meeting. 'ldle Institute ad• journud to meet 00ain on Saturday .tutu. 911 lA, at Union lull School lloube Sr. 4, 9 A. M. D. P..IVOLF, 4Secretury. The nstitute of Newton two , met in Mr. Atherton School Room thin. Nth. The President being absent Mr. Jelin Sanderson was appointed President protein, The minutes Id last sleeting were road met ad,mted. A business vernutittee was appointed consisting or Messrs. Atherton, Cavanaugh and Koons. Ott 111 , 41011 of D. F. Miller the enl joat 01 ilra.linur by 11. B. Plaice was postponed until the next meeting. Mr. Aiherton•nutde a few remarks on luvcdution and gavo practical illustrations on the Board. lie also ex hibited his method of eatractli ' e , Square Boit, in a very FatisEtctory man ncr. W. V. Co vanaugh delivered a very Instructive lecture on lidueatjon. 81 r. A. Keens read ma Interesting Essay, subject—.• Bad !laid t's." The subject—Resolved, That the teacher Is respunst. ble fur the moral as well as the mental culture of the pupil, was then discussed by 11. 11, Plaice, D. F. 31111ur, it. Atherton. IV. V. Cavanaugh and A, KOl/1114. The commiVeo reported Mr 'next meeting, IV, M. Klrkpatric, Mental Arithmetic, D. F. Miller, fleogra• phy, J. L. Bates, School Room Newton, Feb. 7th, 18113. NV. V. CAVANAUCCIt, Cor. Scet'y. 11. B. Place, heporting Sect'y. 182 08 531 60 7 GO 804 88 655 82 2,443 25 10 00 To Nervous Sufferers'of both Sexes, El A Reverend gentleman having been restored to health in a few days, after undergoing all Ihe usual routine and irregular oxpemlvo modes of treatment, without'sivees, considers it his sacred duty to commu. nicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the mouse of oho. Hence, on this receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Di rect to Dr. JOIN M. DAUS A LL, 186 Fulton Itit., Brook lyn, N. Y. march 0, '62—ly $60,935 18 Batchelor's Hair Dye ;—The Best WILLIANI A. BATCHELOR'S golobrated Hair Dye produces a color not to ho distlngulailed Bona nature—. warranted not to injure the Hair In tiro least; melodies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for lite. Orey, Red, or lturty Hair inlently turns a splen did Meek or thrown. leaving thy Hair soft and bountiful Sold by all Druggists. Ac -- The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, on the four sblee of eagle box. VACTOgir, No. RI 11.welay Rtreot, Now York. (Lato 233 BrlmdwaY R/I3 lU Bond Staudt.) .3lay in the World ! A COUGH, COLD, OR AN . tatted Threat if allowed to progress, results in serious Pulmonary and Bronchial affections, oftentimes incu rable. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES roach lireotly the affected ports and give almost instant relief. In Bronchitis, Asthma, and Catarrh they ere are beneficial. The good effects resulting from the use of the Troches, and their extended use, has roused them to be count°, felted. Be sure to guard against worthless Imitations. Obtain only the genuine Brown's Bronchial Troches which hare proved their el - Beatty by o list of many years. Public Speakers and Singers should It, the Tr,3ohes. Military Officers and Soldiers who over•tae the voice nod all, exposed to sudden changes. should have them. Sold everywhere at 25 rents per box. Jan,. 23-3 m Eke atiathets. C ARLISI. F. PRODUCE MARK ET. Reported cekly for the Herald by . C. Woodward. FLOUR (Sop, ti no) do. ( tra ) lo lIYI, NV HITE RED d 0... It Y WM .% ..... f 7, It \1:1,1:\' \ cast s. GE=I 1n Penn Lon liFhip on tln• 21st inst. .I.OIES S. nus yoar., 11 months and _I In this b0r , n.....11. on thursday 111 . 0! fling lanl, MrplA Ct 111 NV EA \ 1%,11. Pico) ithnerWments NOTICF, —The Agricultural Society 1 w II meet at the :II loltatino Toom to the Com t Ilan ....• in lho 11..r0t,,1i oft .111,1, on ' l •ii,./Iny t tin “il Ili Fehrilary 18,3. at II I/ e'oek A. 31. al. ii hlch time an ele,t,ll I, .411 •..., will he held for the ensuing year. IV lord kir of the President, .tan. 30. 11A111. D. H o,llmit'l l . Sel' v. ESI'.ITE NOTICE. ..” th,,duto orm.dowir of N.,t lh t 1it1.110.031 1...1111t ) . 11:111. 11,1,1 it , t1,.1 by lh. Itogb.tvr of odd t.. -.ll. , cril.ots re , bling in the ,31111. twit .11111. 1.4.,...11S 111.11'101,i to.ttle•to , i Lo IR.•Hato plynient. and (bier having c•lnhilt till 111111 ly .Itl thentien 01 for settle -1.1,W. to I=lll=i=l 1'1,11: 1 1111V \ ENT \ IS% \ C 11111.1NN11\1.1N, 8.1. ;.t.• N() KJ E.—l,etters of Ad winistsation • th•• n••., rif lir. \ [l,l, rli lif 111.4 li iit Li riti 1 ist .lll . 1111 ., L1,1 Will them ir H EN 11i Ailiiir. =I T II ENCI.:I,I,ENT priti,i('urioNs in . .\ 01.\r)11. IMEMES=IIMI '1 . 10.1..11,01;• litt0.1.:00t,c00.01 t,11..10 , 101. ri/••!••. 01lA111i11, 21 1.0-tllll , nv,•l ,%110 g111.0.11-11.,1.1”111. 11.,1.1”111. [Ol 1111. hand. 111 r.tying ,101.0 a 11 Ow mall 111 Thi. •Tir it, 01 tho 1 . .1,1. 1 . 111111 • 11tS hi1 • 1111,1ii. marl, A• 1.1 1...tr0. All 0,11,1 ~,, olt , 01 sto4ly 1.0 . 10.• t.. Nrlt. N.. 11. A 11"II1000 St New 1 ..rk. l':,11.1t.,.1:1,0 .0, Report of Poor Ilotiso Visitors To the !loom-nide the of the Omit ut Quol t,r of Comber-I:m.1( "00 t(. The undershrni./1 commit ten'appointed I•y the Court to chot and examine into the voedition and znodo of urnro_r•pu o 11l Of thq NO( 11 , 71150 pit tht.s county, respect fully rep.rt 'runt in the discharge of the dialog assigned. UR, NT LI Ilan. 1...1 Said I Illitittlill,ll during the pawl )ea r. AI 0.11 i- It we undo It 01 ,ixiiingh 0801411- nation of the dill. Pia ltpartl ' ,rtilts and are grntillied to he able to state, that mid it the sy•tenititle mode of nianagement adapted hy the present Stew:int. gond or d.., eleatilinet-8. and einittert are oliserralilii In ail of them, with the ex,eptinn hen•in,r fir nntked. Thu wen whit,,,ahhed clean mil ebbed Iluor, the neat ly at ranced and tidy appearance of the Ledo lard lied• ding. The the generally cheerful and id the inmate.. with their es pr ...wis/11.1,-la grateful 44.kutin 11l re that pole, ty. Bill awl " , h,f , 501 - itiort lie nett ne.iessary coni. ill 01 i,in.l it aria m, Lul I.•.tnanagioniiiii, it linty lei riiiiih•red a rout t for the recipients tit Ito civility. initiate , are supplied with glen nod, whtilesomei 11..1. 41111 ~tin to, tulle elot hind. these w fin are fitted lor it, are required to lahiir and their phyi-iiial and mental health is thereby Ins idorated : the sick hale comfort able and r.onuurdinus noon., lire waited on by earelul nurses, and mil., the. attention of a judicious physi cian. The register present, the following :—the earn her in the house on January Ist 1862. WWI 141, of wtiont 11l were rnrnrrd. atilnitted since, 23a; births 8; number provided for during the year, 3,8; of three 21 have died, of 1,110111 5 w railioreil, 2 have been ion a ii. 1212 ill:charged leav ere ing in till' In man it. is are .•iili wed . the out Ili , it pauptirs 4 , 07, 11).116110 b tat, timelier chargeable on Januar). lid. 111 addition tii the alio, e, the I, .4ii nunilier of 2,61 lriiinierit lnr lea Venn.... pinny, Ihire beini r ,. ceived. into the institution and pro, i , 1e.l 11,r pe. Ito& • We aro also nmeh pleased with a troll conducted sehool of 22 pupils. from a to 1.4 years, taught by member of the Steward's family. Also, your commit tee have conferred with the pre , nnt Board of Directors., ns trait Improvement In the premises occupied at prereot by the in,ine attached to the institution.— ueh might be dean• t, alleviate their unhappy eondl• lion. in ertAing larger sized and better ventilated .apartments for their 4welip.llley. But the necessary 111C1,1 , ”11e expenditures d.l the reining year have, as yet, ialtho Board undetermined an In the r 11 - 13111 V out of their contemplated improvements, for the benefit of this pitiah'e portion of their charge. in conclusion, on would ray, that we nion, at differ ent periods, during the summer, paused over the fields belonging the Poor House Farm, and commend the mode in which the fa, min: is carried On by the pees• out Steward.. All of uh :eh is respectfully submitted. SAM'I.. M. KENYON, TREOO, JOHN HUSTON. 11 , 11., inn. 30, 1003. FOR RENT. rgillosE two large and oommodious Brick Houses, on west sL, opposito IL C. Wood- ward's Warchou Also, the we=t side of Lho largo Stone House, on Main st , toloining Ur. Mahou's residence. For purli eu Liz s itkpiy to J. ItliEliM. Carlisle, January 23, 11113-1 m FUR 3 AND IYIANTLES W11:1, g are s i oll t i l ug at tho ,a b i ala i nce i of our Now Is WI., thin) to got barg:l4us In those goods. hare nit hand it largo stuck 01 all kinds of Cloods.— Nouse van at I,EIDIC 11, S.IIVY Elt k )11 LIAM'S nary 23, 18113. . FOR RENT. rip HE Stbre boom now in the occupancy' of tlreontioltl k Shearer, will hu rontod I on lb° April mixt. Apply to M rll. MI O. W. lIITNEIt. .innoary 0, 1/303-3t FOR RE ill T, rin] E subscriber offers for rent the Store Boom and 'tense, for one or more years, situated In Milltown, Penis township, and at present occupied by fleore Russel. It is 1131 excellent rountry steed. Any person wishing ta rent will npply soon to JACOB lIEMMINCEIt. Spring Mills, January 9,1863—8 t UDITOIt'S NOT fall The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court. of Cumberland county, to marshall and distribute the balamal in the hands of James J. Logan, Administrator of the estate of Susan Melluiro, late of Clark county, Illinois, deceased, will meet the parties interested at his olden. In the liorough of Carlisle, on -Wednesday, the of January, 18113, at 10 &riled:, A. II J. M. WEAKLEY, Auditor. January 0, 1803-at SIIIRTS, Drawers, Neck Ties, lland km-chiefs, Hose. a very large stock and In endless variety at low vein's. The best line SWIM'S In town. Six for ten dollars to order or ready made. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, Oet. 24. North Hanover St. _VMS LI DI A KERET,- r A lot of Mac oral—now catch—in 'assorted pecki gos of Halves, Quarter, and Eighth florists. Also, 5 A I, M 0 N,' for solo at Om Sturo of the subscri bor. 36, .1 W ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby giren that Frederick Subtle and Samuel Eberly, as a firm and also as Individuals, have executed a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors, to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said parties an firm, and as Individuals, are requested to make imme— diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to ROBERT WILSON,' Asaig . ce , JOSEPH LEAS, f M,hanienhurg, January 0, 1F.03-4t \AT M. PENROSE, Attorney at Law. • °ince in Ithoem's Profosi.ional bus' nosspn.ptlyattendedto. Fehruary 21. 18112. 1 - ) UPI'S E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at Carlisle Pn. Attends to securing and rel it...Hug Soldiers' Pay, Month., and Pensions. wheo on South lineorer Street, opposite Pen Iz' n store. Der 27, 15 ,, 1 t J. M ARS lIA LL.—ATTORNE A T 13,1,1 w °Mee w:th W. M. Penrose, in 'theories m . WE A KLEY.—Attorney at Law. on south Ilanovertreet. opposite Bentz' Dry store. All Professional business entrusted to him NVill i r prompt ly :ittemlTl to. ASV ).—CH Alt LES E. MA- ILTN, Attorney at Law, Office in In bore billidiog. just opp.odte the Market House. Carlisio,'Mareh 14, 'llO-Iy. I'. HUM l [CII, • Attorney at Law. )p—Omen nn North linrver street, n few doors south ori;lnqs' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Aprill6. 1:11}11 6 10 2.) I 10 1 I It I _ lOSEI' [I It ITN Ell, :lit., A ttorney at 0, Lnu and surveyor. lin•liante,.linr.,.., oak., on ji n n li i .I or root, tu thu Bank. Jt c 4- 1111 , 1noss prinnptly DR. I.C. I,OOIIIIS „. Soulb Ilanover opp,itel:entz'dry 'Am e. 'O2. ) E S. SE A t he rek;donet• J hi , mother, East Lnu rY th . er street, t keen itoor. below Nhireh GEO. NV. NEJ 1.) I CII, I). S.-• 111 , unnstrat, f)Pnlistry to the CCCfi""vZ'-",,,. 81101110,, 11111,•••.tt opro•ito hin stroot, Carlkle, Penn Nor. 11.1ti57. IT A V ING recontiv Im.:ited in ('arll.le, ~ ndj , I,in, I!, atar:!. , •ta uII, ,1I I a , a ,k kit t hl at their it,- 11, in the t.,wn ur . " LI ti (A) . .Nlay pEi:FEcTlos NG a IluntinL!: and Open Face, or 1,,0h', n p th•ntletn.t Wntel) 1'1,011.1111•d. the prottio,t, no t oonx.,iioot, nod iloolarilly the le=t heapo , t molder° lor general sod relic offoro.l. It line within it and converted niih its losoluvory. Ifs own minding ettechnieut. koy 1 ntirely unnoces , eiry. The ett,eS of title Watch arc minposed of two inef4l.. the outer one bring fine In verit It ha,, the itopr,voil rely notion Inver mos . ..moot, soil is werranteil en neourate time piece. , operhly ongre,iql, per rase of n hairdo-. Semple Ws :lire In neat morocco lioxos. for proposing. to buy whOoselii, by ex prey.. nith 1.111 No Olio nn delivery. SOldierS :tout remit payment in advance, RS WO cannot collect front A thn s o In Cho Army.. AafreSS HUBBARD Into,A CO.. Solo Impottotk, Cur. Nassau & John Sts., New York. J.inuary 1, 1923—i1t GREENFI ELD & SHEAFER, urAvE lust received a beautiful assort, meta of . NEW DRESS GOI)DS, which we offer as role-toutes ior Calicoes. U. 4 Del:dines plain at 20 cents. " '• tigarett 19 7 ; rte. Extra rinalltirs.2:l ents. :0 i yatils licAutiltil now style IIEPS, at 25 rts., butter th.ln any Delaines. A hra y.r On a bad, nut for your intere.ll, 11:tvn nna nu 11 , ..1 I , t. 11.11: GA INS that will knock tho q;na, ow 01 any thing . in Ow shape of I>res, (loons in Cal tisk. Shawls of every description, at lOW p:lees Brown and bleached MUSLINS lower than can be , mezht elsowhere. Also a full assortment of the best prints In the county.on hand at all pricer. We also have on hand tall' usual assortment of n Cnbnrgs, Alpaccas. Bombazines, &c , Hosiery and Embroldmy in abundance. Carpets Carpets ! At tlu• ehl !wires. 4Seti yards bought hel",pre the rlse, will ho olfered tor thirty days, et the old pekes. A Ital.; Carpet. Za E X ten heavy wool rhain Jn Bentitilul stylen import,O Cnryint nt 40 .‘ 00. " k. 75 75 to $1 $1,25 All wnul do. Brht quality 2 ply In the market from (hood hear) all w o od throe Super extra all wool. Grand The above tiomis must be bola. They wore bought to sell. and as NOO have a dielike ter book keeping, we pre fer the mob In exchange ro, r GREENFI !MD & SHEAFER, Ono door west et the County prison. Ca runic, lice. 19, 1062. USI DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. The only dine Pain Extractor ill the ALLEY'S Pain Extractor - will cure wounds df nU kinds. odley's l'alu Extractor will subdue all external in nanunatiou. Dalloy's Pain Iliitly.tor will pr. vcut and destroy mor DaDay's Palo Extractor will cure Burns or all kinds. Iley's Pain Extractor lica,ls Bllstuis free of pain or mark. Dalloy's Pain I'x traitor neutralizes all Poisons tofu sea by Atli=ls, 11.1`t•Ls ur Reptiles. Pulley's Pain Ixtractor will cure broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Dalley's•Pain Ex ' traetor will rum S4t MICUM, Sere ruin, Scald Ilona. Iley's Pain Extractor will cure Chapped Ilands, Chill lll:tins, etc:, Llalley's Pahi Extractor will cure Corns, Carbuncles, Ulcers, Warts, Boils. Lc, No Housekeeper should over be without a box handy Ibr MO. The timely use of a single box may prove of more value than Wu times Its cost. ParontB you have a 1101 l in the Army, tend him a Ilex of Valley's Pain Extractor. 11 may be the means of saving his life, or the life of a comrade; for It will cure wounds of all kinds without pain. Try the expe riment; if he duos not use it, it will cost you but lit. . Sisters!—lf you have 'a dear Brother In the Army, send him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor; for it will cure wounds of all kinds, and it may be the means of savior; volfr brothel's life. Daughters !—llave you n loved one in the Army, who is dearer to you than MO Itself? Send hint a Bow of Valley's Pain Extractor. It will cure„wountis of all kinds, and prevent , inflammation, and may bo the means of saving it life. If you have no convenience for rending it. send it by mall. It will coo you buy, 0 vents postage fir a 25 vt. box ; , ond in like proportion for 60 et. and sl,an 1:o*. '11444 large boxes contain mote fur the money than the 25 et. Luxes. Nortek —That Valloy'a Magical Pain Extractor will do all tool even more than we claim it will, we refer to Dr. Valentine Mutt, and hundreds of other eminent Phyo - 11114 Sorgeous, besidus tnllilops of people nil over the 13111 i, who have used the Extractor with never fall ing MIMICss f•r the past 20 years. For sale by all Drug gists, and by HALL 1, BUCKEL, Agents, 218 Greenwich Stmt., Now York, Who will Fend a box, of either size,. Postage paid, to any address in the United States', on receipt, In money or in Postage Stamps. of 25 Os. r, the small alzo, or SU cis. nod $lOll for the ,nediuntand large, Foilits. Nor bale In Carlisle, by - SAIL, ELLIOTT.- , VURS ! FURS ! ! A'notlier fiesh lot L . •of Furs just received. Also • CLOAK S, SHAWLS, DtussAloculs, a groat many kinds of k'ancy Goods, !mob Gloves, Gauntlets, Collars, Scarfs, Elantlikereblefs, Bahnorlan Neek•Tieri,.(li3iitifeollars, 413 - • Now Is elle time to buy yoUr llolyday Presents:— Please will ut Lt.:11)1011, & Ducomuor 10, 1865. Zusiness Earhs DR, Will H. COOK, ilumiEtwATitic rinsiciAN, The Illagic Time Observer, Plain and Figured Jfcrinocs, 11 or 1 1 ! NEW DRUG STORE: FHE undersigned irtis just - appred - n now Drug Store, In South Flonover street, next °or to !ulna's Grocery Store, whore ho boo just ro col vod nod opened largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a large lot et • Tobacco and Segars, of the most favorite brands; Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Burning Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, CoaL 1)11, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Medicines. and all other articles connected with our line. All of which we will selint prices to snit the times. Prescriptions carefully compow,ded by a competent druggist. Carlisle. Dee. 19, 1862-1 y G ROCE RI ES GROCERIES ! r FILE un.,'ersigned would call the atten tion of lho public., to the fact that he srlll keeps on hang an oxtensive assortment of rAMILY GROCMRIES, en the South-east corner of tho Public Square, where the public are Invited to call and examine it stock of (howls, which, In elegance, vmiety and t.xtent, will dery competition; comprising In part natf.lump. crushed surf brown 5.1.10 A ltd, Java, 1110 k Roasted C , FEE. Every variety and quality of TEA. ..a..i.Z.g r t Spices, (ground and unground), Pickels, PIN Sauces, Table Oil. New Orleans and Sugar. house Molasses, New York A: Philadelphia Emu ',er Syrups. Cheese. Corn Starch, Farina, Cho. colate, Extract of Coffee. Refined Sugar, NVashing and Baking Soda. Tobacco and Segars of the finest quality. A beautiful assortment of lb itatin la Ware, plain and gold hand China ►Pare, Glass Ware, Queens. Stone and Earthen Warp. in great variety, an elegant lot of Fancy Soars, Extracts and Perfumery for the toilet. FRIJI It 1,1,11141111. g: reaches. Raisins. Cranberries, Dry .1 'pt.' ("limn, Almonds. (Tranges. Lemons. 'Wholesale and retail, etnhrselno- rnmmnn and Nd Rsp Whis key, Brandies. dark and pale, Lisbon Sherry l'ort. Maderia.(lieger, Catawba in casks : o ut hot- f l a tm r : , r•ta , .ll 11 ni.d