Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 30, 1863, Image 1

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Tho MRLI3I,B ITrinaim is published weekly on alerge
shoot containing twenty four column and furnished
to subscribers at $1,50 if paid strictly in advance, $1,75
I( paid within the year; or $2 in al Litases when pay.
wont is delayed until after the explritlon of tha year.
subserTtitlons fileelved fora MRS period than six
=torahs and none discontinued until all the arrearages
are paid, unless at thn option of the publisher. Papers
sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county
Mast he paid for In advance. or ihe payment assumed
by son.; responsible porson le Outlaws land
county. These term.: will be rigidly adhered to In nil
A I) V ;:it'l'LSi kr. :ICI'S
: 4 , ; 1, • Ir_ .1 100 pot'
.4,0 ms. 1111 25 materor
each u1. , 0 , 10. , ut. 11,,,trm. All alverlAsemenls of
106. than tW ig IVO ii nos etuu•lklertul as a square.
c ;;t , lrctt,tl
Now she lies hero dead before you.
Still and cold as any stone:
Now the dro offal grief broods o'er you
Desolate and all alone;
Now that all of passion's past,
It is well we meet at last.
Daytime—hut von would not know It—
And the surntner sun in bright
An the visions of a pout—
An.' she only diva last night !
Alt, it Iv a sorry jest,
All these things :no for the best.
Say you loved her, bored her truly,
With the purest tidth of man,
Saoilieing all thinus duly,
Yet she made yea—yes, T see—
Just the 'hint, you ought to hi•
~••I nth and homer
I !.
0 h ••• ,its
I N10 . t1.1 , ),.1/
Tl.ugh p-rohanc••
'For she hattlan.arch :ON kor
Uuc wiloso.4lomo is doii n iu li.•ll
Oh, but sho Zig NVOl,lll , lls r 311:
Lrs"ii 11,1 ,hi• is .... ‘l,:.
See, T pity
Hope, 1 qty. ; yoo meet her
With 1!” Edeo Nein,
111:h :•,
Ple :tl;,rtut..l with pain
Lilo is restless with elldeaVOr :
t , ad with last., and sweet with pin
But there is nu settled hliFs
In this world for ouly this.
For around us are the eurqes,
And the tumult and the riot
We are jostled In UM" heaines
As we 'always Wero heft re.
Only those surpnss the strife
Who attain the higher life.
Look up bravely. Say I chee'rett you,
St audit% here beside this ems(' ;
Say It was your love endeared you;
Toll her of tuy wild remorse.
Tell het, I•owsoe'er you will,
Ruined; lost, I hve her still!
Not for me is any morrow,
CroWI, of lt.Ve nr crown of fame
I will glove] in the earth,
Wasting toward a lower birth
There is nothing makes me tromblo,
Nothing that I fear to do.
But so gently I dissemble,
You would never think It true.
"Pis no matter best be gay,
Playing out a foolish play.
Mork you? Is your heart on broken
Was it nothin . ; t I,le•t
Kith that
Th I,Neti y.. 11 111, the re.t ?
Nothl,4, that tiii her ”Iv
No, I do 11 , 1 . . Mod, p, low
in a world of commonplaces,
Yhupty hoArts and shallow braille,
Flaunting fools with painted faces,
black desires and crimson status—
'Well enough as such things go.
That sweet grief should tempt you so
!Hope, I my, till you receive her;
Hope, for see are only men;
Tut her In the grave, and leave her
Jimt your heart to keep till then.
Sn—my bleming—for I knew
Just how good rho seas to you!
One fine spring day in 1831, I was walk
ing accompanied by a physician, in the gar
dens belonging to the celebrated Lunatic Asy
lum near Paris, conducted by Dr. 8.-. At
the turn of an alley I suddenly found myself
oloso to an old man, on whose arm loaned a
youth, apparently about twenty years of ago.
The countenance of the first wore an ex
pression of profound sadness, while the young
man's. eye gleamed with the wild strange fire
of madness.
The aged man saluted me with silent cour•
tesy, but the younger ran to me, seized my
hand, and exclaimed, " A glorious day, mon
sieur; the scaffold is ready on the Plaza
Bemposta I Do you see the crowds assem
sombled I And look I chained on yonder
cart, that woman with the pale and savage
face ;- that is Queen Carlotta, the wife of Juan
VI., the mother of Don Miguel. 'Tie now
thy turn to die, tigress! thy turn to hovi
beneath the ax, anti redden the scaffold with
thy blood! But adieu," he added, address
ing me, "they aro waiting for me—they call
me! lam the queen's ,execulioner l"
I turned toward the old man, but ho only
shook his head and sighed ; then I questioned
the physician who acoompanied me.
"That young man," he said, is one of the
mostinteresting oases wo have; his history
is a strange ono."
My curiosity♦-cos now excited, and I begged
of my companion to sati s fy
" Roy 1, wit hout indisorei ion, lislen niso?"
asked a tall man, wtt!tll and unit gloomy
coqnteuttitt, wig nttw tti•pronched Its., and
who, as I learned tatt•rwarl, was hntlur
oaro fur a serious iitfo.limt bl the
" You may, certainly," replied roy.friend,
bowing, and then began: "' , ln the year 1823,
one of the first families in Portugal inhabited
an old castle not far from Coimbra. Tho
Marquis do San payo, tho head of this houso
had plated au important part in. the rovolu.
--;;-- i - •
it v
p 11 •
. .
v Ti4A,)
I‘ .
.. • ..
lion which, for a short time, removed from
the throne Juan VI., and his imperious queen
Carlotta. The attempt, however, having been
finally frustrated, the loon who had made it,
fell victims to their temerity, and the mar
quis, disgraced rind distrusted by the reigning
powers, was forced to live in his castle, 'via
were an exile. Ills wife and his two sons ac
companied him thither; the el,k-t. of these,
named. Malmo', woo fifteen years of age, and
of an ardent, excitable temperament t hi,
brother, daeinto, two years younger, was at
a tender, melonell‘dy, dreamy disposition.—
The minds of both were folly nurtured in the
political views winch had ruined their fath
er's lie 6io CON Vt•l'S:lliktft and
the in , truettens imparted to 11,0 at, the col
lege ni'CoinilTa. Thal oily 1.1 heroine the
centre (,r Clllloq . re.VohlHrin t ry ,py ra tior i ,,
and the Univeraity had not escaped the coma
gions exciter.lent of the woes The students
organized the plan of a new insurrection, and
at their It-a I wa. Matlock the coolest, how
ever, proved an unequal 0!1.0.—A Charge Or
cavalry; n tew volleys of shot and shell, two
bundled corps's on the 11,;d, awl all was. over.
Manool Ny I , 1,10•11, 3111 1100 111 , 1 , 6 4 -
~1 1 Th.jl , l I'llo
• t. 11'1.1 L,t
, ! :• 1.! y and in.
)J! , W 1)11 /) , ICt .11 . 111 , ,
lo , 1111 , •1' 11111 , 111,, fiat in 11V , ' •111
!- . 111 . 2'.!1 1W ,11 . 11:4 II;
CU( IgLvo
eno.l t.,
wiffi nrt 'tom iint d,,st i li,tl )Vain!
11111 (111' sun of the Alar,ris do Son
Payo, anal I come 10 ask panhollor my broth-
"The Dulse , l'Arfnas Inol;ed a p, nll , l cs
chatl2:,l with Ilse '
fli4l he, the heqt elerneney in pohiieal nt
tait....4 ,hown by the swum or the execution
Manoel is hut sixteen yctrs old!' cried
JaCin to, in a voice of agony.
"'So much the better,' replied Carlotta;
he will go the more surely and speedily to hear
en ."
"Next morning the condemned cart left
the prison of Oporto; it cowl - Lined the two
brothers, for Donna. Corloillt, Wit It an incred
ible refinement of cruelty, ha I ordered that
Should be pre•ent at the execution.--
sictil 11.4 t try to dc-i , o fl -t -coop of
i• 11,0,
ill IJ. t lip : h• e, -
strttek oh 1111 coneeoled among; the
crowd, the marquis had witnessed till, but
no external emotion .betrayed his inward ag
ony ; hie tearless eyes were fixed on the ax
which had hewn down the noblest branch of
his house. As to the marchioness, her woo
was also silent: eight days afterward, she
was found dead, with her eyes fixed on Man
ners pm trait. 'the marquis, after. IL time,
went to England with .(',:Pats, where he wa s
duritt : !, it p• It WI I •I melee we heal teem
mem, 1 ,t •I. ! • tt • t.tvae.l,
';.•, . •,!, :,.• II
C 4 , 1 , 1 . 1 .11 v• ,'" leog:li re
sQlved to 1 , 1 icr his son under the care of Dr.
IS-; he is now in a fair way to recover."
Are you sure of that ?" asked the stran
ger eagerly.
"I have every reason to believe it."
We walked toward the house, and again
saw .facinto; he was seated on . a grass pint,
leaning forward. with his fare hurled in his
hands. Ins father was near him, grave, si
lent., and MIX iOuslooking no before. The
stronger followed us, and. as he came near,
the eyes of Jacinto were raised, and fixed on
him with a wild bright look. Stu' lenly the
youth started tip, and shriked, "the, Duke
d'Areuns!" Then he fell senseless on the
At the unwonted sound the old man thought
That Intellect and memory Ipul returned to
his chill, and, tot getting that his enemy, the
murderer of his eldest. sun.oo , hbvfore hint,
he exclaimed, " .`-thank flod is saved !"
" lle is Ill,'' said the doctor, sadly.
A fpw moment , : of awful silence followed ;
all eyes were fixed on ,iseinto, wlmso mouth
was open, whose eyes were fixed on va
cancy. The sudden shock had rendered him
a hopeless idiot.
The Duke d'Arenas looked at the marquis
with an earnest supplicating expression ; and
then, falling en his knees before him, ex
claimed, " Pardon me, I have suffered!"
"1 curse thee! Duke d'Arenas."
" Behold me at thy feel, Marquis do an
Pay o
Begone!" cried the old man,eernly;
" there are between us the corpses of my wife
end of my eldest eon, besides this other ruin,
whose destruction you have just achived; I
am now childless?"
.The Duke d'Arenas fixed on the marquis a
look so filled with sorrow and despair, that it
might have sufficed to satisfy his vengeance•
" And I," he said, bending his hand, " oan
never again hnoW repose, except in the
Lunionous.—Tho following curious &ring
or puns is taken from a rare work published
in the reign of James I. A divine, more will
ing to play with words than to be serious in
expounding his text, spoke thus in his ser,
mon: " This dial shows that wo must (HO all ;
yet, notwithstanding, all houses are turned
inl t 11 . 112111111 .1 014 11111 . (111.1'114 are turned into
eat ,21.1 lII' I 11',‘!11 4 13 illlll 11 11)111' (1 ' Wee ; mat
rimony minor o ; Way.
111:A111111 , It 111 ;%1101.
tiny %ions; it tit) the days vi
ton Convention Gen. B. P. Butler voted for
Jeff. Davis thirty odd times for the Presiden
cy. Au t now Gen. B. is to he hung if Jeff
can, catch him. We are not. sure that he
docsu't deserve. it.
OL. (13
A. K. RHEENI, Editor & Proprietor
• ti
wa, al
1 . tho r 1,1
iii II il' 1 . ~, iL `\111•'11
It will add more to your convenience and
comfort through life than von can imagine.
It saves money. Fora while it may be a-little
troublesome, but you will soon find it easier
to do right than wrong—that it is easier to
act by rule than without one
By systematic in everything; let it extend
In the very minutest trifles; it is sot beneath
you. 15111111,1 d, could not go to sleep at. night,
if, after ret he remembered dint his
gloves and riding whip were not in their usual
place, where where he could lay his hand on
them in the tlark in any emergency ; anti such
are the men who leave their twirl, I ,r good on
the world's hislory. It woo by has S.stetbßtki
battik I'l'olll youth is tip` that. Noah Webster
iv.ts able to learn the world hi: , great diction
ary. "Method was the presiding spirit of
his life, ' Writes the biographer.
Syst calm ie num are the only reliable men ;
(hey aro the Ilion who comply with their en
gagements. They are minute men. The man
of system is soon known to do all that he en
gages, to do it well, and to do it at the line
; cowequently he has his hands full.
Wlteu 1 Wtlllt fley ' llleelllllllCal job done I go to
the mot tiltmn I way.: find busy, and Ido
h :111t1 I t , 111)•
1,1 tre , Irucl, y ,, nr children to be sys
tenpon•. Ilogiu with your , laughters al live
y—tr , ; give ihrut a dr.iwt.•r or two for
tke it a 1.01111 to go to that
dcawcr an • 1,1
ttrl 'tele 11-01,crly nrranw; I,
~ Z IVC`
11114 ra'.o.m.l 11 , 111.'16i inn; if arrangel
11',:11, pi% e tion3lQ pr.tiSo /1111 CliColll'-
`111e11:. r 1.1,kt Chil , llC7l :I , IVO I 113
;z.• tip titort• to rclUin a !Lune
ih in to rrLlso
:tcli• a Nsl&li th tt
I'4 • oiL,I I heetmw.iit paient, :11),1
,lutior, nwl I-1 Vl•proach to the mother
wlio h,11'1:1101'
l'Iltill:,11(IN AM, L'ItACTICI.: —Two hinds oP
Witllo , -CS :Ire °Hen talcountere•l iu courts ut
Ju-lice; the unwilling - witness, and the too
'witness. Here is one who doesn't.
seem to come under either category;
Tile prosecuting attorney thus addressed
hint :
,• Mr Parks, stale, if you please, whether
the defendant, to your knowledge, has ever
followed any profession."
•• Ile has been a professor ever since I have
known him."
" Ah ! a professor of what ."'
"A professor of religion."
"You don't un.lerstand rue, Mr• Parks.—
] !.1 '
• • 11 ell general!) , what he plesses
I 'lto jury, \hr l'ark•+, what the defeil-
• t ; tdtc...-11 of clip
. ittry, th e Ittittn•latit
; 1.o• t o wli n tlicy go to drink."
Mr. rat kind of prev.trteation will
not do here: Now, state, sir, how the defentd
dant supports himself."
'• 1 saw him last night supporting himself
against a lamp post."
•' May it please your Honor this witness
shows an evident disposition to Iliac with this
honornhle court."
"The court ---"Mr. Parks, state, if you
lt , tow , Irty Ihinv aliont it, wirtt thedefendant's
I The I‘l/1:1'1, 10.1 tlr• 5:11y, has no
: 1:11:111
,1,.1 y it
" 1 , , crt.,l the jo , lge,
les, echoed tho counsel, What is his Cc
rust inn ?
" If I am not mistaken, lie occupies a gar
ret somewhere in town."
" That's all, Mr, Parlo. - I understand you
to say that the defendant is a professor of re
"Does his practice correspond with profes
" I never heard of any corrospoodence, or
lei ler: , of any kind "
" lon said something about his propensity
for drinking. Does ho&lrink hard?"
"No sir! I think ho drinks as easy as any
I over saw."
•• One more question, Mr. Parks—you have
known t , lefendant a long Limo. Whet are
his habits—loose or otherwise?"
"The one he has got on - now, I think, is
rather tight under the arms—it is certainly
too short—wakierl for the fashion."
You enn take your seat, Mr. Parks."
Grammatical Advice.
When man and wife nt odds fall out,
Let Syntax be you tutor
"lrnixt masculine and feminine,
NVltat should one be but neuter I
Dr.eincriLy Coot. —An Arkansas volunteer
in the Mexican war, riding on horseback,
came across an Illinoisian told him where ho
was wounded, and asked to be taken up and
conveyed out of danger. Arkansas placed
him"tiOlita his saddle, and fastened him to
himself with a leather strap. While they
were hastening from danger, a grape shot took
Illinois' head off but Arkansas thought he had
only fainted from fatigue and pain. When a
safe place was arrived at., the horseman re•
leased his charge, and seeing his head was
gone, exclaimed, `• Well, these Illinoisians are
the greatest liars. Ilere's a rascal with his
head cut off, when ho told me ho was only
shot in the leg. You can't believe a word
those fellows say!"
a saw, and on Li ial told the
,judgo that he only
took it in a joke •
•• How far did you carry it?' asked the
\v, mile ‘,"ai la; wore2l 11.0 pai,hstwy.
iii;; jol,o to., fit,'' re
in 11,v ain,l file prLiulier
1363 , ....Gen. Him!Mau, who, under the false
assumption of authority from a superior offi
cer, compelled an Arkansas bank to give him
a million of dollars, forbids' his troops to
plunder on penalty of -death. Tho seouudrol
wants to do all the pluuderiug.himelf.
rael ie3l,le, let :,-our
11 . 111 c it. I) !I, 'llOl bent 111:11.
.21,011 111 11. 11
"Can you love mn , Hale Jane?"
Straight her blue oyes opened wide,
Wondering I should ha so vain—
" Oh, Sir, no, sir!" she replied.
" Shall I leare you, then 2" t -Raid—
" Shall I go unto the Will 2"
Low silo bowed her modeFt head—
•• Oh, sir, no, sir ! not Fo far."
"Simi) I marry Mary Priv°
Bhe with hair and oyes so bright !
Fair, affectionato, 4714 nice•"
"Oh, sir, no, Mr! not th.rt fright r'
" there's Eleanor Men row—
. Large of iter,on --la 1.4 e td I,nrn—
Do yun think that she will do !"
oh, sir, 1111, wir I worse and woriai
"Then rhoo,e for me—end the strilb
Say what lady you prefer
I strut take to be my wire
" Oh, sir, no, six never, sir!"
“ Stint I go, my littlo 1 3110 2
.0 ,. . 161100 3/,1 t.ty 1111. 11:1y
IN'o‘or no” to von. , ?"
sit, n“, you may stay.
A Word about Dross
Ono of the gravest. mi , takes in our dress is
the very thin covering of our /Irlll9 and logs.
No rhy,;(iologist can ilouht that, the extremi
ties require as much covering as the liody. A
fruitful source it disease: of congestion in
the head, chest, ,ttiti alAloien, is ft und in the
nakedness if the arms and leg., which pre.
vent a lair dis:iiluition of the
A yuung 1111.1 whnt she
Call 110 for her All` is
o,lotine,iuf thew. I le:; Lsi them thrun g h Lhe
thin I.aca govvvilg, ott 1 foun.l them !1.:L.7.111g
CCill. I L Ite I I t aI, ht ,he ourp,o4vdl woul , l
woke uutecies gi ow. ei , ,, -
rortainly, Lat vxorci-o 1:10111 grow
only giving them np, I e leoritho
rvorcho• .11.1 t•l\',•-
• t,.• I, co! I o- ,• . r-o!1:t 1:: I
II it Cur .vrsant, gr;
constant Rll.l VigorollA :to , purc large
fine arm+, in spite of their thikelltlH. Awl
if young ladies will labor as hard from morn
ing till night, as do these tiqtni clas:•es. they
may have as fine but even then it is
,I,mhttuti if they would get rid of their conges
lions in the head lungs, and stomach, IN iLIIOUL
more dress upon the arms and legs.
Perfect, health depends upou perfect circu
lation. Every living thing that has the latter,
has the former. Put your hand under your
dress .r.pos . your body. Now dolt your hand
upon your arm. If you find the body is warm
er than the arm, you have lost the equilibrium
of circulation. The head has too touch blood,
producing headache or sense or fullness; or
he chest has 100 much blood producing cough,
raziAtrrtt ug,_p :tin in !lie .',l,lo,_outalountion
of Iho 11: , too ❑otTi
pr—lo ih,H••• : )o‘
pith' I 'MVO , • 1
i•o/14111 , I1,11 Ul . di,,rrit,‘ a An, , Iwse
difficult ies are tempin ardy t e,,, , ve,1 by 1111111er
811)ll Ut the feet, ur hands in but ',yawl., mid
they are permanently relieved by such dress
and exercise of the extremities as will make
the derivation permanent.
Again I say the extermities require as much
clothing as the body. Women should dress
their arms and legs with une or two thick
nesses of knit woolen garmem.-.,\llieh 61 them.
Thealemrdiiy lomm t 1 us- , Itt ide
, I,re 1.1 b 1 .
lb, yeti rt , t, rule l b • •
bee,me• m•mi--Mme I m •,.-•tt • Ime (he Mee
I answer, likel Iws prov.blt•l the lace wall an
immense circulation, becau,e it must be ex
A distinguished physician of Paris declared,
just before his death. "I believe, that during
the twenty-six years I have practised my pro
fession in this city, twenty' thousand children
have been borne to the cemeteries, sacrifices
to the absurd custom of naked arms." When
in Harvard many years ago, I heard the dis
tinguisho Dr. J. C. Warren say, " Boston
sacrifices five hundred babies every year, by
not clothing their arms." Those little arms
should have thick. knit, woolen,.warm sleeves
extending from the shoulder to the hand.—
Diu Lewis, M. D.
THU RULING PASSION.—On One of the north
ern railroads, there is a conductor •maned S
—, a very clever, sociable, gentlemanly
man, a great favorite with the company be is
connected with, and the travelling public in
general—fond of a joke, quick at repartee,
and faithful in the discharge of his.duties.—
During the past year, as his train, well tilled
with passengers, waa crossing a bridge over
a wide stream some seven or eight feet deep,
the bridge broke down, precipitating the two
patisenger carriages into the stream. As the
passengers emerged from the wreck, they
were,liorne away by the force of the current.
Our eriend S— bad succeeded in catching
hold of some bushes that grow near the stream,
to which ho hold for dear life. A passenger,
less fortunate, came rushing by. 8— ex
tended one hand, saying; r
" Your ticket, sir; give me your ticket."
You can imagine the effect of such a dry
joke, in the midst of the water.
Ttae AND CURE.—A good•looking fellow
was charged with having stolen a watch. It
was his first offence, and ho was ready to
plead guity. The magistrate asked him what
had induced hint to commit the theft. The
The young man replied that, "having been
ill for somo limo, the doctor advised him to
take something. which he accordingly did."
Tho-mngistrato was rather pleased with the
humor of the thing. and asked what had led
him to select a watch.
" Why," said the prisoner, " 1 thought if
I only had the time, that, Nature would work
a cure."
L...7.? - Tlio U.:. mall or war li:toe:Letts is to
nt Porl:,ntozith, N: -
Iwpo tiw :..;:atey Cuss will have a proia..r
otui eau eor.
. .
• 1•1 1 .:
„The leh rp'S
Virginia !int J•
mite Treasury. Probably ho will try his
hand at bleeding an Egyptian mummy. •
Snr.v lquinnu.—lf a luau is murdered by
Lis hired ratan, shoal,' the enruuer. relyler a
verdict , er killed by hi own' hauqu ?"
TERMS :--$1,50 in Advance, or $2 within the y cal
Ike Partington is well advanced in his
class. Ile is in some things, butted the
teacher's art, and could, in fact, give that
functionary some lessons in arts wherein he
is perfect. Ikedislikes "composition," where
a theme is given out to be written upon by
scholars, and his credits are not very great
for his efforts in that direction generally, but
the other day he astendthed the master and
every one in school by an elaborate article on
the horse. Ile was called upon to rend it
aloud to the schol•tns, and upon getting upon
the ph at forts, Ire made a bow arid began:—
" Tire horse is a quadruped,
with four legs, two behind and two before.--
lie has a tail that groWs to the hind part of
his body, that nature has furnished him with
to drive the flies away. Ills head issitutated
on the other end, opposite his tail, and is
used principally to fasten a bridle to him by,
and to put into a basket to eat oats with.—
Horses are very useful animals, and people
couldn't get along very well without, them,
especially truckmen and omnibus drivers,
who don't some to he halt grateful enottf!i
cau=t• they've got I hem. They are very
convenient anim ds in the country, in vaca
f itgrrt is ,•, ari d g o very fast over the country
roads, when the !toys stick pins in them—a
speri.t- of conelty that I would not encourage.
Horses are generally covered with red hair,
though some, are white, others are gray and
black. Nobody over saw a blue horse; which
is considered very strange by emillent natmr
The horse is a quiet and intelligent animal ;
an 1 can sleep standing np, which. is a very
convenient, gift, especially where there is it
crowd, and it is dillieult to get a chance to
lay. There is a great variety of horses—fast
horses and slow horses, clothes horses, horse
mackerel, saw horses, horse tiles, horse chest
nut, and horse radio-h. The clothes horse.
is a very quiet animal to have around
the house, and is never known to kick, though
very apt to make a row when it gets capsized.
The same m id Le wit l or a liirlr
11! '''t`l.l ! ` P .V i•
it Ltu
oonntrip , , principally in livery -rabic,, who:
they fluty he hire.' by the utile, atbl are con
t,ilere I a great Inviry, esreially in t.,tleigh
ing tteq:tou. In ~oath America they vow,
wild, aria the hilt:lna catch them with nootto
that they throw over the horses' heads, which
must be thought by the horses a great uoo•
senste.--,--Th,vtort fret
A NEW KIND or Poor.—A. citizen
walking up the street the other day,
trod upon the flowing skirt of a lady's
dress. The skirts were distended by the
most lavish circumference of crinoline,
and trailed upon the sidewalks at least
fltur inithes. The drapery was s 9 volumin
on4 :it ari:` - ran'. th:tt - 11 - 17; -- wrarm—lm
f. t tli,t, t ;t her Ilu,Latt(l
1V:19111 I , \V The
zru tit 1111 , 01 . the I:irt, bringing
her to a stand still. The citizen apolo
gized in the most humble manner, and
the lady granted it. To his surprise, as
the lady passed on, the husband turning
short about, said to the citizen.
"You're a feel
"I," said the indignant and ast,mislied
citizen, AVith all eye dial I'•_ i'lnn! , a rpsc:lL
to the in,ult. n()11,1
:..rc -0:01;117:111. \\ . lo-1 I
I moan you'ro loo! for .!:•. , iozi:o
to a woman who Nrettr:i trail
you accidentally tread upon (limn. That
lady, sir, is my wife, I have to get my
boots blackened four times a day to walk
with her, for fear of soiling her flounces.
The next time you tread upon them pray
don't apologize for it. If you,liad torn the
whole trail oil' the dregs, 1 should have
been pleased rather than otherwise.
FOUND MS CROWD.- - 7A young; man,
clad in homespun, was standing in Third
street a few days since, devouring a
doughnut, when he was accosted by one
of a half-dozen genteely-dressed
" Just come down ?"
" Yes, guess I have ; great place this,
ain't it, you ?'' said the countryman.
"Tis so; hcw's your warm ?",asked the
city buck, bent on sport witli the grecny.
Well, she's pretty well. •She sent me
down hear on business."
"She did! What kind of business arc
you on?"
"Why, she wanted me to come down.
to town and look around, and find half-a
dozen of the biggest foles to edicato 'cm,
and I rather guess I've got my eye on
'em now," said the stranger, taking in the
whole crowd at a glance. The next
moment ho had the curbstone to, himself,
where he quietly finished his -doughnut.
RHAPSODY.—A poet in a recent poem speaks
of au embrace as—
One kiss—whose stolen svreetnens all language out.
strips ;
'Twits the wild world of love In ono contact of lips ;
'Twas a whole wadded life, with its joy and Its roof,
In one clasp of the arms, In one pant of the breast;
Twits ocean, the mighty, with wide leagues of foam
In a cup: 'twee eternity crushed to a moment
Wij,„Some years ago, ono' of the guards : of
a Liverpool coach, seeing a steam engine
clove somewhat. slowly along the railroad,
,• 1 110 .111 the :;16!;or. " I say. Jew. Irliftt.'H
Ihp ;14, , .0 . your t•immoritift. :It that. 'cru jor -
Oil 1,11 ilrr llp 1,0
V:_ ;:j": 4 11' I Wilt 111;I).; you feet flit) areuvilLul:
rosentment. Alt, llisv, NC• Ly should fear
your nrrows whoa you Dever had it bow
(beau.) , , •
\lrani' do sailors do with tho hoota that 11+0
41,akc.4 : 4A a day.
110. 'I
The Highwaymen Worsted.
I've been rifled In Mexico, robbed by banditti."
"Poor Caleb I your case I meat heartily pity."
" YON; they stale all my coats, and my manuscript
"Thee, Caleb, I pity not yoe but the thieves!"
ger perpetually after new ideas, and the
most pleasant way of reception is by the
nu , ? oar. •u , l not the cyc and the
,I#o IIIW 11114.1 e is natural,
} „, i. , .) would not rather
li• uncrequcnt
ix J t j:. n-port of'
. .
ut ort%an 1 Own 0 and pay our money
to heAr tic. ,inc vords uttered. An
audience will listen closely from the
beginnining to the end of an address,
.which not one in twenty of those present
would read with the same attention.—
This is emphatically true of children.
They will learn with pleasure from the
lips of parents what they deem as drudg
ery to study in the book ; and even if
they have the misfortune to he deprived
of the educational lulvantages which they
have the desire, they cannot fail to grow
intelligent, if they enjoy in childhood
and youth the privilege of listening daily
to the conversation of intelligent people.
Let parents, then, talk mull and talk
well at home. A father who is habitually
silent in his own house, may be, in many
respeets, a wise man, but he is not wise
i n hi s silence. \\'e sometimes see parents,
who are the lifb of every company which
they enter, dull, silent, uninteresting at
ho m e a n umg their children.; I they have
no mental activity and mental stores
sullt6ient, 'for both, let them provide for
their own household. It is better to
instruct children and make them happy
at home, than it is to charm strangers or
amuse friends. A silent house is a dull
plane fir young people—a place from
which they will escape if they can. They
will talk or think of being 'shut up' there;
and the.youth who does not love home is
in danger. Make home, then, a cheerful
and pleasant spot. Light it up with cheer ,
ful, instructive conversation. Father,
mother, talk your best at Ironic.
" ALL Wit° !"—A Jew, in a tavern
itt the town of Endingen, saw a merchant
whom lie seemeil to recognize. " Are
.01 one of the goo,l non with whom I
14oa-ire to l from Basal to
- inim merchant
• ' • 11 , 7, ntt rellOW
• " .I•tich trade?"
k 1.1'..p,,e to het with
dent, t.11';1 1 , , I I)Ct that you cannot repeat
th reit word , : after me as I_ say them."
The merchant thinking that a few
pence more or, less, would make no differ
ence to him replied ; "Say on." The Jew
said : " Cutler," the merchant replied :
" Cutler." Next " Bagpipe;" the bag
pipe. was responded to. .The Jew smiled,
and said, "Wrong,"
The merchant, puzzled, bethought him
self where the mistake could be; but the
Jew, taking a piece of chalk out of his
pocket, made a stroke, and said : " One,
sixpence for me." Again the Jew com
menced and said; " Olive Oil. " The Jew
"" Tanner:" - Thii Jew, dissem
bling, smiled :main, and said: "Wrong."
And so um to the sixth time, when the
merchant sail; 4:Nui‘ I will pay you if you
can show inc how I. was wrung." The Jew .
said: 44 N . uu never repeated the third word
"wrung" and accordingly I won the bet."
The merchant paid, and the Jew made
money as he went along.
Tin; PEA tTi FUL.—Beautiful things
minor and a li;gher
• • I , 1 ;iii, l l fi, c and
10y will 114 , 1
to maintain you.; anti :.ecuro for
you con,ideratiun ddiracy of
yi?lit tt
Wire Citti.nuF.:l have seen
persons gather for their parlors the
choicest flowers, just as they begin to
open into full bloom and fragrance, lest
some passer-by should tear them friini the
bush and destroy them. Hoes not God
sometimes gather young and innocent
children into heaven for the same reason
—lest some rude hand should despoil
them of their beauty.
no_The man who makes a joke without
intending it frequently amuses us more
than the most ingenious of professional
jokers—as when the milkman in a play
is charged with cutting calves brains in
his milk; he answered:—Brains! I never
had such a thing in my head !" It vias
the same sort of a case when the juryman
having asked the judge to excuse him
from serving on account of deafness, the
latter said; "Couldn't you hear my charge
to the grand jury?" Yes, I beard it, but
I couldn't make any sense of it."
Da. THE FEW CONTRABANDS in Washington,
not enfeebled by disease, "watched" the Old
Year out, and when it had departed, an ex
pounder of the faith, known among them as k , ti.
John, the Baptist, preached a sermon from . a
text in the " twentieth ohaptbr of Rvulations.''
BLACK EYE .=The Spaniards do not pay
hyperbolical compliments ; but one of thoir
admired writers, speaking of a lady's black
eyes, says, " they were in mourning for the
murders they had committed."
tkS„Wbenever you find a groat deal of
gratitude in a poor man, you may takolt for;
granted there would be as much generosity if
he wore a rich niati.
linniptiroy Martihall wero presorvod
in a liwz,nlieNd of ,wifi:diciy, and so follow
wiiro to hip the hag:Ate:l,d and take a drink ho
woubl prolniblx lAEA file liquor had
in it.
jario.4 The sun is nit very well" 'said au
Irishman, " but it is my opinion that the
moon is worth two of it, for Um moon affords
us light in the n%ht time, we really waut
:.; Ow fair?
\ • of