Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 23, 1863, Image 1

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MAN geeth forth unto ids work, and to hls labor until
the evening —Psalms, ell, 23.
Tut: stream Is calmest when it nears the tide,
And flowers are sweetest at the eventide,
And birds most tuneful at the close of day,
And saints divine:, reliant they pass away,
Morning is lovely', but a holier rharm
Lisa folded close in Evening's roles of halm;
An. weary man must ever love her best,
For Morning rolls to toil, but Night brings rest
She comes from Heaven, ana on her wings cloth hear
A holy fragranee, like the breath of prayer;
:Footsteps of angels Pillow In her triter,
To shut the weary oyes of Day In pear°.
All things are hushed before her, no she throws
O'er earth and sky, I♦er mantle of repose;
There is a calm, a beauty, and a power,
That Morning knows not, in the Evening hour.
"Until the evening'' we mug weep and toil,
Plow li fe'n stern furrows, dig the w,ay 0161,
with feet, our rough end thorny way,
And bn tr the heat and burden of the day.
Oh, when our sun k sett i ug . , may we glide,
Like immune . evening. clown the golden tide;
Anil leave liehlint It 4, 11144 Away,
slweet starry twilight reuint our sleeping d.ry
My pipe of peace, ver peke of pipe.)
Like Inc, thou art but day,
And like the curling wreaths of sui6ka
My - life h.ea puroed away.
41.13, me 1 no Gems of Thought l'veNtoted
.N.,1 garland, of tho mind,
truo contuntuturlt In Lb) , bowl
ver snot to find.
Thy tapering stem has stook to me
When other filen& have nod.
And Oh I when troubles ri ushed mu down
My elay-bowl'd friend, my rano-stem'd ft loin!,
I'd nii.Nl tho Slit fur thee,
And shout a victory 'nfid the Wares,
My honest pipe my trusty pipe,
I pipe this strain to the
AUd PM' with reportorial vac°.
'Life's 0 IILMES r friend OR,u‘e•
And when, like crumbling mortal of.%r,
You'er crushed by numtal hate,
'Chine ASIIKS then I'll mingle with—
The ashes of the nature.
"I don't think it will be possible for us to
finish it by that time, Miss Flint, we are so
touch hurried just now."
"13ai 1 inns/ have it to weer to morrow
eveningi if you sand it boom by live o'clock
it will answer, but it is really impossible fur
me to do without it."
Mrs. Cutlery the dressmaker thus appealed
to, was a delicate looking woman of about
forty, with a tired and care-worn face. She
might have thought that of the half dozen
evening dresses she had made for Miss Flint
that season, one might have been selected;
and the necessity of fittishdig another was
not so very urgent; hut of course she said
nothing to that effect. After hesitating a
moment she left the room remarking, "I Will
let you know directly, Miss Flint."
Eidering a small where seine
ten or twelve girls were sewing, and where
silks, cambries, ribbon and laces, and unfin
ished dresses in all stages of progress were
Inng about in seemingly inextricable confu
sion. Mrs. Cutler inquired in an anxious
tone, " will any of you undertake lo finish
Miss Flint's pink silk by five o'clock to-mor
row afternoon? 1 know how busy you all
are, but she tkinks she must have it."
"No, indeed I" exclaimed Susan Jones in
a sharp irritated tone, "it's out of the ques
tion. We've got twice as much promised
,tow as we can do without sitting up till day
light to-morroN morning. I won't take a
„stitch on it for one.''
Susan Jones, knowing that her capacity
for accomplishing twice as much work as
any other girl in the shop rendered het in
valuable. to her employer, often gave her
tongue great liberties. Mrs. Cutler looked
distressed, and a deeper shadow gathered on
her es - tie:worn face.
"Miss Flint is very anxious about it,"
she said, "and a,s.ahe is one of my best cus
touters I do not like to
_disappoint her. I
know you have been overworked the last
fortnight, but if it could be done—"
" do it, Mrs. Cutler," interrupted a
cheery voice from the opposite side of the
room, "I can take it home and finish it to
morrow forenoon, and leave it at Miss Flint's
as I go over to Uncle Tom's."
" Can you ? are you sure you can, Kitty?"
said Mrs. Cutler with a OltevOd look.
Oh, yes, ma'am, quite sure. I shall
finislEthis b.asque up at nine o'h.,lock to-night,
and I shan't mind sitting up till twelve, and
then there's all to-morrow forenoon. Yes, I
can do it."
There was something indescribably ani
mating in the lively tones of Kitty Reynolds'
"voice, like the bright ray of•sunlight stream=
ing into the room on a cloudy day.- Mrs.
Cutler felt its influence, and giving a grateful
look at the round, rosy face of the speaker,
she went to tell Miss Flint her dress should
be ready'at the time.,
No sooner had the door closed than a
storm of inegnation burst on Kitty's head.
"I declare it you ain't a natural born fool,"
.pselfilmed Susan Jones, whose grammar and
pronounciation always became remarkable
in moments of excitement, "to 'go •to 80W
your oyes out for that old- hard hearte,derit
ter. She hain't 110 more feeling than a grind•
stone, and thinks We are just =do' to bo
her nigger slaves and work our bands off for,
her.- She's• got fifty dreeses she could wear
j us t, as iVell us that. Well, I, know . one thing,
ain't a g o ing to sot up n,ll night' and work
my fingers to the bone Yor anybody; if ytio're
a mind to, Kittylleynojd, you may,and
preeious•little, thanks you'll flvflF kt ( 4 f9r - itt
can toll - you that."
.011 w
(1 0 11) 0. 1 .1 ATIISI4e
VOL. G 3..
A. K. RHEEM, Editor & Proprietor
"I am not doing it for Miss Flint, but for
Mrs. Cutler," said Kitty. meekly, (or like the
rest she stood in no little awe of Susan's tou-
"She? I don't mind her coaxin', not I.
I'm always willin' to do a good day's work
and whatever is right and fair, but I won't
be trod under foot by nobody. I've got illy
self to take care of, mid I mean to do it, and
it Mrs. Cutler or any body else ain't satisfied,
they may send me off any minute, but I won't
be imposed upon by her—von may, it you're
a mind to, and I hope you'll enjoy it; that's
all I've got to sav about it."
Poor Kitty! She did not .enjoy working
extra hours more than other girls, and had
her own inward trials to hear in addition, so
the fault finding was the drop too much, and
brought a large tear into each of her large
blue eyes. To-morrow was
day, that bright, joyful festival toward which
her heart hail been turning for many a week,
as the one bright spot of all the year. Few
enough hol;days the poor gill 11:1,1, and when
one did come she enjoyed it with all her
heart and soul, for imbeds , liked fun and
frolic better than Kitty Reynolds; and t , /
have this cherished one cart ,fled was not any
more to her taste than to Susan
Besides she had expected to finish her new
blue merino to wear to Uncle Toni's, an,Pas
a host of uncles and cousins were to be'rhere
it was of course import:lid mo look as pretty
as she could, and the little gipsy knew as
well as anylealy that the soft tint of blue,
with the hit of . !nee edging round the"neek,
would set off her fair complexion to advan-
Few persons came in contact w:th Kitty
Reynolds without, being the happier ti;r it.
She always managed to throw her heart into
every thing she did ; so when she settled Ent°
the hard straight lacked chair by the little
window in Mrs. Cutler's Hitting room, a place
where tempers and nerves were by no means
alWays amiable or placid. she rendered her
mistress not only eye and band service, but
contrived to do something to make everybody
within her reach more comfortable and happy.
A quaint old writer has said, Life consists
of two heaps, one of sorrow and one of hap
piness, and whoever carries the very smallest
atom from one heap to the other ducth God
a service." Many and ninny an atom had
Kitty Reynidds carried, each one buto very
little atom, to he sure, yet making
tle brighter and sweeter to somebody, and*
the aggregate, making the pile a good deal
So to-day when Susan Jones's sh .rp voice
reng in her to) and a. tempting vision of
the blue merino flitted before her eyes, she
whispered to herself; " But dear Mrs. 'Cutler
will feel better, and the dress isn't of much
consequence after ; the old plaid isn't so
very bad," And every shadow of annoyance
gad passed from her sunny face before Mrs.
Cutler returned to her seat.
Susan Jones' disturbances wasn't so easily
allayed. "1 hate the very sight of that Miss
Flint," she remarked to the girl who sat
nearest, in an audible undertone. "She's
always (banishing in with her ilounces
shaka and rusilin',thinkin' there's nobody
quite so grand as she; but she don't ever
look the least bit like a lady for all that ;
real born lady lets her clothes alone, and
don't keep 'cut round alter her after
that fashion. she don't want this new gown
now inure than a cart imams five wheels, but
I ti pose she's going to that thanksgiving ball
and must rig up in short sleeves and low
neck like a girl of sixteen; and she is thirty
five to-day, every bit of it; and her old neck
is Its wrinkled and scraggy as a piece of
dried rennet; it's perfectly ridiculous flow
ever, if people are a mind to kill themselves
working tor her, it's 110 concern of mine,"
and she gave an energetic shake of the rich,
lustrous folds of a watered silk to which she
had just put the finishing touch.
'Phis ebullition of Susan's wrath produced
a general grill ; even Mrs. Cutler's sad fea
tures relaxed into a smile; for, talk as Susan
might, she well knew no employer ever had
a mere faithful servant, and that her site was
never so bad as her bark ; nay, at that very
moment, she would probably have rendered
Miss Flint herself' a kindness had it been
Between nine and ten Kitty Reynolds left
the shop, taking with her the pink silk dress
to be finished at home: Lightly she tripped
along over the froze❑ ground, occasionally
looking up to the stars whose thousands of
bright eyes were gti:zing at hers, and thought
there was a still lingering frost in the air, it
did not chill the warm current in her veins;
no indeed it cnly pinched her cheeks into
a deeper red and made her bright eyes spar
kle twice as much as before.
"Oh, I do like so much these cold, clear
nights," she said, in reply to her aunt Jeru
sha's lamentations, with a pretty toss of her
head, and a joyous, little laugh, making her
appear as lively as a lark. "And, Aunt Je
rusha, I have 'got to 'sit up late and sew to
night; so you must go to bed and leave me."
As lilitty expected" Aunt Jerusha began a
furious tirade against the selfishness of wo
men in general, and Mrs. Cutler in particu
lar which she cut short by opening her bun
dle and saying:
," Do see what a beautiful shade of pink
this silk is. Won't it make lovely dress?
And it is to be trimmed with this broad,
black lace,' put on so," and she laid the deli
cate trimming in graceful lines across the
breast and sleeves. "Oh, auntie, won't it
look nice when it is finished ?''
A kind of grunt was the response, to
which was appended a discourse on the van
ities of this life, most of which escaped Kitty;
who had heard too many to be intensely in
terested ;* tret — When her aunt, with a long
drawn sigh, inquired. What are you going
to wear yourself to-morrow? I should like tb
She -answered cheerily, "Oh, my plaid
cashmere, the black_and- red von know." .
• Aunt Jerusha was never noted for consist
ency, and Minding n
.new cause for vexation,
she exclaimed, " What,.tliat old thing?"
"Oh, it looks quite nicely since I turned
it and let it down : and I shall wear my black
basque with it, and Uncle Tom always liked
to 'see me in
,that, you know. "
declare that it is ashaine and, a dis
grace that you - can't have time to make a
gown, now yqw have got one. ~ , Tho Grays
aro all corning thero,tolnorroW, ancl, I should
!pi:o 1 9 hym .iou put ow-something decent,
for if ever I want you to wear good clothes
it is on Thanksgiving day."
A sly smile crept over Kitty's face, for no
body hail so opposed her buying the new
merino as Aunt Jeruslut, and she had seen
Kitty one night go drowned in tears to her
bed by a lecture on the extravagance and
vanity cf young girls in these clays, and the
ruin they were sure to come to, founded on
that very purchase, and when she ended her
present dolorous rinnarks by saying, "In
that old plaid you'll look just like a scare
crow," Kitty could only answer, " Oh, I hope
not., auntie," And any one who 11,0 looked
on the trim little figure, the dancing blue
eyes, and the p achlike bloom on the cheek
of the young maiden, as she drew up the lit
tle table and placed the lamp on it, would
have been sadly pnzzled to imagine how in
any costume she could possibly resemble the
object indicated. Aunt derusha at, length
took off her frisette, assumed a most peculiar
night cap, wrapped it around with ilannek,
and after swallowing a large draught of herb
tea, disappeared within the little bed room
chess by ; with her last breath enjoining it on
"not to het the house afire, for nobo
dy I rows what would become of us if tee
wore hurnt. out of house and home such a
night as this."
:sibc has gone, and Kitty is alone with her
own Ihouglus. What can those thoughts do 7
what is it th.nt dyes her cheeks with deeper
red,•and gives that flushed, animated expres
'don to her whole face? The (drays are
but is that very strange or exciting
news Mrs. Gray is owes Tom's only sis
ter, and what more natural .than that. she and
her husband should come to keep Thanksgiv
ing with him ? Is Howard Gray (minim; too?
tie is their only onniarrie,d son, and will not
be very like ly to Slfly at home that day, but
is that any reason Why duty's silly heart
shonbldwat twice as fast its usual, or her lit
tle fingers tremble sp they can hardly guide
her needle.?
No, it wasn't ; and we are ashamed of her
and ashamed to tell. only we mast speak the
truth, how she threw Mans Flint's pink silk
Waist down into her lap, and wi , died, while
tears stood in eye's, that .no such tiring as
pink silk had ever been made, and then she
Could have finished her blue merino, and
Howard would Idlyo seen it, and how becom
ing it was, with the lace edging round the.
neck. It was all very naughty in her, and'
we have represented Kitty as a good and gen
maiden, so she was in the main; and there•
her fit of petulfirleP soon passed elf, and
'She took up the pink - silk waist, and began
sewing sway more steadily than ever. Brit ,
80100110 W her thread would get knotted. and
her needles break, the pins which held the
gathering strings fall out, so that, when thit
clock struck twelve.. the pink silk was very
for troth being finished. But Kitty could do
no more that night, though she sAtd .. with a
long sigh, as she folded up the dress, that she
should have to sew every minute till one
o'clock the next day; and the fearful idea
came over her—whad if she shouldn't be able
to go to Uncle Tom's to dinner, after all ! It
wins too terrible to dwell upon, so Kitty
ciously turned her thoughts upon Howard
Gray mud the probabilities of his arrival.
Long before criticise Kitty IteyWilds dressed
herself, o.llllle softly down stairs, built a tire
noiselessly., and sat down to the pink silk
dress. She was now the earne bright, lively
..itty as usual, for sleep had quieted her
nerves, and brought kindlier feelings to her
heart; and though she cou'd have wished
there was no shop work to be finished still
she was willing to do her part in the great
work of life. and do it cheerily; nay, more,
she was glad if, by practicing some self do
tria,l, oonld relieve kind Mrs. Cutler of
one pJrplexit " 1 am doing right," she
said to herself as she socked away, and this
I assurance brought a feeling of sweet content
ment into her soul. Doing riyht.
When Aunt Jerusha emerged from the little
bedroom, with a smoother brow than usual—
for if ever the sinews of her temper, so to
speak relaxed, and she become really amia
ble, it was on Thanksgiving day, when sae
dressed herself in her best black silk and
smartest cap and dined at Uncle 'tom's—she
found the tea-kettle boiling, the table set with
the best cups and saucers, sod the whole
room tilled with appetizing odors. How could
it be otherwise, when on the stove the shin
ing coffee pot, winking and hissing and send
ing up a' column of fragrant incense. and
close beside it a sauce pan of equal bright
-1100, in which dainty little oysters were heat
ing themselves up in honor of the day, while
the whitest rolls had just been talcen from
the even, bearing testimony by their puffy
cheeks and delicate brown hue to the skill
of the neat handed Philis, who tripped about
from the pantry to the oven, and from the
I oven to the table as gleefully as if she had
no other mission on earth than to prepare
I diet very Thanksgiving breakfast.
AVell, now, this is real clever. I expect
ed to have to get breakfast, and my joints are
all of a twinge this cold morning."
~ The hot coffee will warm you up, auntie,
and I won't pour out the oysters till you aro
all ready, so they'll be piping hot, too, and 1
have had such good luck with my buseuit;
don't they look nieo I Almost as nice as
yonrs,,!! she added with a tact worthy of a
court' diPlomatist.
So theysat down, the nervous, lonely wom
an, and light hearted, happy maiden to their
Thanksgiving breakfast ; and if Howard Gray
had happened in, and seen how neat and pret-.
ty Kitty looked in her nib° dark calico, with
its little rtiffie of lflo same, ho 'wouldn't hove
cared a fig whether the blue merino was ever
made or not. But the day which dawned an
brightly was not to end without its clouds.
After breakfast., Kitty, tying on a snow white
apron,'sat down to sew by the south window,
while aunt Jerusha looked after the breakfast
things. How she contrived while doing tliis
to upset aliettle of soalding water over both
her feet Ives never exactly known, but that she
had done it was outdo evident to Kitty by a
series of pieroing shrieks - which almost
frightened her out of her senses. Too much
alarmed to judge accurately of the extent of
the injury done, she could only place her
aunt in a chair, remove tho wet- garments,.
and, and-then run into the nearest neighbor's,
- (Susan Jones" mother's) and beg some ono
might go at once for-.the doctor. •
Notiody could tie prompter or more efficient
in fr case like this than Susan Jones, or kind
er either;—though 'she did - say two hours at:
ter when it was ascertained that no . serious
injury was done.- ' , Nobody : but' just • Aunt
hump *Ould over have thought of upsetting a
teakettle'on Thanksgiving' day ; it was just
like het, and she really believed it was thine
on purpose to keep Kitty front having 'any
ti :--$.1 4 50 is 1 'vaice o $ vi u I ti y•
fun." Poor Aunt Jerusha was by no means
guilty of any such deep laid plot, though it
must ho confessed she thought a good deal
more of her own pain and deprivations than
of kitty's disappointment. It was net till the
doctor had paid his visit, assuring them that
in a few days all would be well again, and
the liniment he had prescribed had been tip'
plied, and the suffering members elevated to
a stuffed seat resembling a modern ottoman,
on which had been wrought in the days of
Aunt Jerusha's youth a worsted cat of most
remarkable form and color, that 'Kitty had
time to think of herself and the destruction
of her plans. But when ttbe was once more
seated at the window, sewing, it came over
her ; she could not go to Uncle Tom's to din
ner, nor even in did evening, nor—nor see
,atlifiTrs. Gray; nor have any enjoyment
on that holiday so wistfully looked forward
to. To a girl of eighteen this was no mall
disappointment, and more than once as she
bent over Ler work she was forced to wipe
away t the tears which would come in spite
of every effort to keep them back.
It was a :nog and dreary afternoon. Aunt
Jerusha's Creifulness having of course re
ceived an accession in thin new slate of things,
she kept up an irritating style of conversa
tion, assitieHg that somebody .(and t hat some
,bedy it was phtinly to he interred was Kitty.)
was to blame for it ; that she should not walk
another stei , all winter, nor probably Wiring
life ; that haring nobody to take care of her
she should sutler from neglect ; and other
consolataryiews, Which Kitty listened to in
silence, knowing that any attempt to show
their fallacy would only give rise to fresh
grievanees and accusations.
Strom Jones had promised In let Uncle Torn
know What had happened, and to carry home
,the pink silk dress ; nay, inure, she had of
fered to help - Kitty finish it "though they
were dreadful limo, for Jane Ann and all her
children and Joel and his three are all 00111-
ipg over;" but Kitty assured her that she
could finish it with perfect ease, and mho was
gning ii way
And so she did. The last stitch was taken,
and the dress carefully folded before two •
o'clock—just the hour they would be sitting
down to dinne'r at Uncle Toni's. How beau
tiful nice the long table would look, and how
full of jokes Circle Tom would be as he carved
the turkey, and how merrily they would laugh
at them, and nobody would miss her in the
least ; and again the mighty tears would come.
They were quickly wiped away, for Willie
Jones came in just then ; bringing some of
their turkey, and chicken pie and plum pud
ding, all hot and nice, enough for four people at
the least. Kitty's heart was grateful for the
kindness, but she felt as if each mouthful
would inevitably choke her. Aunt Jerusha
was more disposed to do justice to them, and
for her sake Kitty flew about, setting the ta
ble, and talking and laughing to keep the
pain down in her heart where nobody could see
Yes.,.l,cidlAtas a bravo, good girl, trying
to do right with an unselfish heart and cheer
ful spirit, and she blamed herself for not sue
cowling better.
The afternoon WOO failing into twilight, and
Kitty Wll3 thinking of the long, and lonely
evening, when she beard a step anti voice that
sent a Guilt through every nerve ; and in a
moment inure Howard Gray and his mother
were in the' room, eagerly shaking bonds and
asking questions. Alter ascertainisg the
condition of the invalid, Mrs. Gray exclaimed,
"They can't possibly get along without you,
Kitty ; Uncle Tom says it's out of the ques
Lion, and that they're all been mopy and good
for nothing just because you couldn't come;
so they've sent me over to do the nursing,
while you go back with Howard ;—not very
complimentary to mo, but at my age one gets
used to being second. I'm a carital nurse,"
she said, turning, to Aunt Jeru•tha, i‘ and
know a great deal heeler What to do for you
than a foolish young girl like Kitty ; so you
must let her go back with Howard, and I will
stay with you."
Kitty's foolish heart was all in a flutter of
delight while she heard her aunt consent, and
wont to array herself in the plaid cashmere
and the black barque, which fitted so well to
her tidy figure, and with the little collar and
the pretty pink bow, which im spite of trench
ling fingers, she managed to fasten at the neck,
were so becoming, that whoa she came down
blushing like any rose, we are almost certain
that Howard Gray was of the opinion she
couldn't have looked so well in anything else ;
and if you had been there, very likely you would
have thought the same.
We need not say that the walk over in the
cold, 'crispy air was twice as charming from
its being unexpected, (and if it. was prolonged
considerably beyond the time actually required
to go by the nearest way from Aunt Jer'
usha's to Uncle Tom's what concern is it of
yours ?)or that the entrance into Uncle Tom's
old fashioned parlor, lighted up by a blazing
tiro upon the hearth, and tilled with uncles,
aunts and cousins to the second and third gen
orations, all clathorous to see woo should give
' , cousin Kitty" the earliest welcome. and
doubly 'inspiriting and joyous for the long
dreary morning spent at home, and that the
romps and frolics of the children, the story
telling, song singing, and noisy playing of all
kinds of odd and merry games in which old
and young participated, with equal heartiness.
was tenfold more exciting and enchanting, to
Kitty for her previous disappointment; of
course it was, and this 'must have made her
eyes so very' brilliant and the color in her
cheek so rich and variable the whole evening
through : though what could make her avert
those eyes so shyly from Howard's penetrating
glance, and tremble so wheu at a late:hour
he drew her arm through his to begin their
homeward -walk, we cannot possibly imagine.
• "We shall never know. what they tallied
'about as they walked book, (perhaps the
'Blare could tell, for they kept sparkling end"
twinkling and winking Their bright eyes at
tone another' as if they understood all about
it; perfectly,) or while they were standing in
the little gateway, full fifteen minutes, with
out thedeset idea how late it was, or how
many degrees below zero the mercury bad
fallen, or hoW dreadful tired and sleepy Mrs.
Gray was getting—the thoughtless children !
We only know that Aunt Jerusha-wassound
asleep several. bours before, and that Kitty
was nut sound asleep for several hours to
You, one thing more we know—that when
Thanksgiving day came around again, cold,
clear, and joy inspiring as' ever, there wore
certain variations in the mode of obseriingit
at Uncle Tom's. At evening nearly Oceanic
gumits were assembled itatho swine hospitable
parlor, but among thorn was .a pretty, blush
ing bride, who, under Aunt Jerusha's quiet
roof a few hours before, had pledged. herself
'to make a true and loving wife to a tall wan
ly youth beside Levi and who will moot the
( it
trials of married life with the same sunny and
loving spirit with which she finished the pink
silk dress ; thus still carrying from day to
day little atoms from the pile of sorrow to
the pile of happiness thereby doing God per
petual and welcome service. Let your ben
ediction, gentle reader, rest Aiwa the. youth
ful pair ?
Faro wad Roulette
A Washington correspondent of the Chi
cago Timer has "been to see the. tiger," and
Ifere is the way he describes the animal :
A ring at the door-bell, and a reconnois
sance thrOugh its grated upper half by a
stalwart negro, then up a pair of stairs,
through an ante-room, and we stand in the
carpeted, elegant jungles of the modern "ti
ger." Theo e are two wide, lofty rooms, di
vided by folding-doors, both dazzling with
light, softly carpeted, decorated with elegant
anti voluptuous paintings and seemingly
just the spot where pour tired humanity
would come to get a foretaste of Eden, and
recuperate for the stern battles of life. In
the first room is a sideboard, upon whose
shelves are rows of elegant illeanters, through
which blushes the purple wine or flashes the
crystalise extract of the juniper—Any/ice,
In this room is also 13 roulette-table, which,
as we enter, is vacant, and Iln the other room
is a t tro-table, around which are gathered a
halt-dozen men, so alamrbed in the game
that, were Gabriel to rock the earth with a
blast from his trumpet, they would never
near it.
1 won't describe the gatne; for what little,
if any, is not known about it in Chicago. is
not known anywhere else, eves in this city
of iniquity—Washi, gton.
Behind the table sits the dealer—long in
finger, white in hand, and with the inevita
ble clii,t,rr of brilliants. sparkling liana digit
:Ind shirt bosom. lie is gray-eyed, pock
marked, resolute, and yet pleasant in appear
ance, with_ a breadth or shoulder and depth
01 chest that show him to be no mean man
in case of an exchalige of fistic criurtesi,s.
On his right hand stands a captain, Flay
ing with half..lollar cheeks„'alnd investing
one at a time, evidently a ltier, for, as his
check is raked clown he follows it with a
sigh, and I doubt not a curse upon the ca
priciousness of Fortune. He has but a half
dozen checks; in a minute they are gone,
and, after going to a corner and examining
an cur lay pocket-book, he returns and stands'
moodily watching the game.
Next to him is a thick-set young man,
who, with something less than a bushel of
ten and twenty dollar checks at his side, is
with the most perfect nonchalance betting
from one to five hundred dollars upon his
cards, *and winning or ,losing without the
slightest change of countenance. But he is
lucky ; every card he bets on wins until, at
ter half an hour, he loses three or four times
in succession, and then, with the remark,
'• My luck is changed, i guess i n quit,' he
counts over• his checks to the dealer•, who,
coolly us if it were a muter of live cent-i,
passes over to the lucky individual thirty
seven hundred dollars in three per cent. cou
pons of United States Treasury Lotes.—
Thrusting the immense pile of paper into his
coat pocket, the gentleman rises, takes a ci
gar and a drink at the sideboard, and then
with a "good night, gentlemen," he walks
The dealer proceei a unconcernedly, while
I, dazzled at such results, draw out a solitary
five and dvposit on the hang. just three
seconds the claws of the tiger covered Illy
lonely and lung-treasured live, and I see it
no wore—and l way add that I hay e u't seen
it since.
A young gentleman, evidently a clerk in
a dry goods store, sits on my left, and is bet
ting dud losing. Two or three times his
checks run out, and then he goes to a friend,
and whispers a moment, and finally returns
with a ten, which he invests in checks, and
loses. At last he comes back from one of
his side excursions with a lowering browi
and no 'money. lie sits down, watches the
game a moment, and leaves.
About in this style went the game—one
man winning, all the balance losing. By
aud by an elegant supper was served in an
upper room, add then the party adjourned
and commenced playing roulette, and officers
appeared to be out of luck, for here, in less
than half an hour, I saw a F,deral captain
loss some SG2O. Ev.rybody lyyt,till just be
fore I left, when the young gentleman who
had been borrowing and betting on faro, re
turned. lie watched the spinning of the
ball a short time, and then took a byst.inder
aside. "But you owe me fifty now," I heard
the other say.
"11l give it all back to-morrow, was the
Finally he came back with a "green,back,"
to the amount of twenty.. lie put it all on
the red; red won. The whole pile again
went:on the red, and again red was winner.
He changed to black and black won. In
short, everything that he laid his money on
was the winding color. In less than five
minutes from the time ho began, he quietly
cashed his checks, and left with over $lBOO.
So much for luck.
During the two hours that I was in the es
ahlishntent some fivo or six themsand dol
ars changed hands..
There are some fiiie or six first-class
tablishments of the kind in Washington, be:
sideS'-any'quantity of others of lesser note.
They are well known to the police. and in
fact everybody else, but are not disturbed.
They are as necessary to Congress as the
nigger question, and nearly or quite as much
11G,A child beginning to read becomes de
lighted with newspapers, beoauso he reads of
nnmoa and things which are very familiar,
and will make progress accordingly. A news
paper in the family one year is worth half a
year's schooling to the children, and every
other must consider that substantial infor
mation is connected with this advaucomept.
wa r ,,A good' minister in a country village
lately prayed fervently for those of 'hie con
gregation 4 4 who Wore too protid to kneel and
too lazy to etand." , _
4153f i Tavy puretiesile victims throughout
life. lie ceases to gnaw only whim tbo grave.
'wean, Ito reptile, beiinu.
IA Now Pcnice Proposition. .
Orpheus C. goer writes from WaihingtOn
the following account of another peace prop-
" The Confederacy hastily :put mta pair of
white cotton gloves, and says he :
Am I addressing the Democratic Organ
ization ?" ‘`'
You addresstho largo Kentucky branch,'
says the Conservative chap, pulling on his
" 'Then,' says the Confederacy, ' , I am pre
pared to make an indirect proposition for
peace. My name is Mr. Lamb, by which ti
tle the Democratic organization has always
known the injured Confederacy, and I pro
pose the following terms: Hospitalities shall
at once cease, and the two armies be consoli
dated under the title of the Confederate State
Forces. The war debts of the North and
South shall be so united that the North may
be able to pay them without confusion. An
election for a new President shall at once be
held, every one voting save those who have
shown animosity to the sunny South. France'
shall be driven out of Mexico by the consoli
dated armies, the expenses being so managed
that the North may pay it without further
trouble. Upon these terms, the Confederacy
will become a peaceful fellow man.
"'Hem !' says the Kentucky chap, ' What
you ask is perfect reasonable. I will consid
er the matter after the manner of a dispas
sionate democrat, and return you my answer
in a few days.'
" Here I hastily stepped up, and says I,
But are you not going to consult the-Presi
dent all about it, my Jupiter Thomas ?'
The l'resident ? the President?' says the'
Conservative Kentucky chap, with a vague
look. Item V says he' 1 really forgot all
about the President!
NO. 3.
" The democratic organization, my boy, in
its zeal to benefit its distracted country, is oc
casionally like the eminent fire company in
Sixth Ward, which nobly usurped with its
hose the terrible business of putting out a
large conflagration, and never remembered,
mil its beautiful machine was all in posi
tion, that another company of fellow fire-men
had exclusive possession of all the water
THERE was a day when Talleyrand arrived
in Havre, on foot from Paris_ It was the
tltrkest hour of the French revolution. Pur
sued by the bloodhounds of his region of ter
ror. Talleyrand secured a passage to the Uni
ted States in a ship about to sail. ' Ho was a
beggar and a wanderer to a strange land, to
earn his daily bread by the sweat of his brow:.
Is there any American staying at'yont.
he asked the landlord of the hotel ;H
-ain going across the water, and would like a•
letter Le_ a _ person uf- influence- icv-tlicr—aaw
'• There is a gentleman up-stairs, either
from America or Britain; but whether from
America or England I cannot tell."
Ile [Minted the way, and Talleyarnd. who
in his• life was bishop, prince and minister,
11Seelllie , i the stairs. A miserable suppliant
he. stood before the stranger's room, knocked
and entered. In the far corner of the dimly
lighted room sat a man 'of fifty years of age,.
his arms folded and his head bowed upon his
breast. From a window directly opposite a
flood of light poured upon his forehead. His
eyes looked from beneath the downcast brows
and upon Talleyrand's face with a peculiar
and searching expression. His form, vigor
ous even with the snows of fifty winters, was
clad in a dark but rich and distinguished cos
tume. Talleyrand advanced, stated that he
was a fugitive, and with the impression that
the gentleman was an American, he solicited
his kind feelings and offices. lie poured
forth his history in eloquent French and brok
en English:
'• 1 am a wanderer and an exile. I ant
forced to fly to the New World, without friend
or home. You are an American- Give me,
then I beseech you, a letter of yours, so that
I may de able to earn my bread. lam will
ing lb tail in any manner; a life of labor would
be a paradise to a career of luxury in France.
You will give me a letter to one of your
I riends ? A gentleman like you doubtless has
many friends "
The strange gentleman arose. With a look
that Talleyraml never forgot, ho retreated to
ward the door of the next chamber, Wee eyes
looking still from beneath his darkened brow ;
lie spoke as ho retreated backward ; his voice
was fall of meaning; "I am the only man of
the New World who can raise his hand to God
and say, I have not a friend, not one, in
America "
Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelming
saddriess of the look which accompanied these
•• Who are you ?" he cried, as the strange
man retreated to the next room; your name?
•` My name," he replied, with a smile that
had moro of mockery than joy in its convul
sive expression—" my name is Benedict
He was gone. Talleyrand sank in the chair,
gasping the words, " Arnold, the traitor !"
Thus he wandered over the earth, another
Cain, with the wanderer's mark upon his brow,
and his sad fate is to be shared by
others of our own day, who are proving trai
tors to their native land.—Home Monthly.
an exchange paper the following valuable re
ceipt, which we lay before our readers. It is
simple, cheap and effective: Talte ono
ounce of thoroughwort, once of slippery elm,
one ounce of flaxseed; simmer together in
ono quart of water until the strength is en
tirely extracted. Strain carefully ; add one
pint of best molasses, and a half pound of
loaf sugar ; simmer well together, and when
cold, bottle tight.
The writer adds:
This is the cheapest, best and the safest
method for coughs now or ever in use. A
few doses of one table spoonful at a time will
alleviate the most distressing cough at the
lungs, soothes and allays irritation, and if
continued, subdues any tendency to consump
tion, breaks up entirely the whooping cough,
and no better remedy can be found for oroup,
bronchitis, and all affections of the lungs and
throat. Thousands of precious lives may be
saved every year by this cheap and simple
remedy, as well as thousands of dollars which
would be otherwise spent in the purchase of
nostrums which are both useless and danger
flerßo sure and clover the bits of your
bridle with leather, to prevent the frost from
making tho mouth of your horses sore ; it, is
downright cruelty to put an iron bit into a
horoo'ti mouth on a cold morning. If you, bit ,yolraelf Bomo clay, when , tho
mercury stands below zero. When you cut
India rubber, keep tho blade of your knife
wet, anclyou can then cut it without
Nothing, perhaps, "strikes the ear more
pleasant than a pretty woman's charming
yoice—except, perhaps; her tikiirming
-G.Dean Swift was • once %upon to,
deliver a charily 'raking:Abe pul7
pit, he delivered the•following and sat :down
t../re'thogfveth to the poor lendeth to the
Lerd2P•,lP.(lvort the' •secnrity, down toith•
the d tt et,J,' : result was an unprecodentea .
tiubsoithtioli;: ' •
s. SENATOR ram vr
Richardson (Democrat j' was olect,od 1in104%;
Sta t:BB „.frPrri on Monday. `The vote)”
13t oc ic ; Ai",tardson 66, Governor "Yates 87. °