Ayofs,Sos4prilla , A compound , remedy, in which.iie have la bored to produce the.:Most effectual alterative that cart Llamado, • leis a concentrated extract of prim Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who inifferfrornStrumous Complaints, and that ono which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to' this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SOROFULA AND SeitorticOOS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND FRUpTivE DieinSEV, ULCERS, FIJIPLE3,. TILOTeHLS, TUMORS, SALT RREUM, SCALD READ, SYPHILIS AND SI - Ermine Av-, VECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, Dtiorsy, Neu- ItALGIA OR Tio DCULOUREuX, DERILITT, I)ys- PErsr4 AND INDIGESTION, EityslEELAs, ROSE CR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the w hole claSs of complaints arising from IMPURITY or Tun 'hoop. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly.e7c.pulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this retnedy, spare themselves from the endurance of fopl eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell yoti when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for claiming the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these coda, Tint the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extiaiits it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapruilla, or any thing else. During late years the pnblicl;ave been mis led by large bottles, pretending to giNe a quint of Extract of Sarsaparilla for onc.dollar 'lest of these have been frauds upon tie' ail li, lor they not only contain little, if any, far ,il•a rilln, but often no curative propel ties whati v or. Hence "itter and painful disapptintmcnt has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the nn art et, until the name itself is justly despised, and has las rice synonymous with imposition aunt cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall re.“.n.t, the name from the load of obloquy which i -ts upon it. And we think « e have grout d ior believing it has virtues which arc by the ordinary run of the diiKinses it is intend ed to cure. In order to secule their complete eradication from the system, the teincdy should be judiciously taken according to dheetions ou the bottle. 1= DR: - .L. C. AVER et -- CO. LOWELL. MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles; for $5 •flyer's Cherry 'Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the eurrt of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessart , for us to recount the evidence of virtues, syl,e, ever 'it has keen em ployed. As it has long been in C.11,51.11it use throughout this section, - we nred hot do mote than assure the people its quality is kept up to the Lest it ever has Leen, and that it teas he reli, , d on to do for their relief all it has es er bee,, found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, • FOR ME CURE OF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dysp, pia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul .'lornach, ysTelas, 11,adaeke, Rheumatism, Eruptions erirl. , Gin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drnp'y, Teller, Tumors and itiaic it limn, Worms, Gaul, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and ji,r Puriffri ,,, i the 131usd. They are sugar-iontrd, so that the moat sensi tive can take theta plea.i.antiv, red they are the best aperient in the World for all the purpriws of a family physic. Price 25 mite por Pox; Five bozo for $l.OO. • Great.naMbergof.CaergYnlCD, 1A.11.... u 1 , men, sod eminent Rett,onnet , , nt • ., t • , :o . names td certify the unpin:dieted e•, e , 11 ese .„, remedies, but our space here kill lait titan it the , , insertion of them. The Agent.. below 1:.11111 d fur- i,.• ialei, \ Hie—it a 0 , 111, nigh pais our AMERICAN ALMA Nit i ,1 I.l' Is they ; ai art, .htie are given; with also fall deerlipunn , of ztbuitl I complaints, and the treatment that should he fol .. lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by Imp. hiripled dealer~ uIl Other preparations they make more pnitit Demand AYER'S, and take. no otherni. The sick %rant the Lest aid there is for thew, and the) 61101.11 d have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Poe salol].y 8. W..ll,iverstick and y. l' l'aneluker, Samuel Elliott, in Caeislo BARGAINS ! BARGAINS !. SINCE the late victories Domestic Cot ton Goods have derll nod, and the, is 110,1 1 n pro, pert ot getting a supply of Cotta. \1 0. ( I,EI 1111'11, SAWYER eAIILLER, at the new stole. utni, )Is, tin's Hotel, East Main street,) are receiving doily Ist go sup. pliae of NEW SPRING GOODS, Vhlci,coudold stock we are doternilloql to tell a CITY PRIDES. DItESS GOODS 01 of nry i alt.) ; Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices, A large lot of now lllaek Silke at 75, I en, 1 25, 1.50, 117602 - 00 2.50; new Spring' Do•lallit, at 25 ven_ts: 4,000 gar4sllest quality Meriumc, Cnrhrro. I' American Prints. aura and Hunt ruler... ;lelY 6;3 Ice, at 11.2 j.; a large lot at d, 8 and 10. Full and SECOND MORNING I'I.IINI'S. lest quality Eitglinh. I'4; rla. All kinds Deniektlr Aillnghttmal.2?4; Manchester I h%; 30 pleeea Freuell and ,Beotell Dresaund Bonnet llingionit; at 23. ) DROWN AND WHITE MUSLI NS At Wholesale au-1 mtall, a gond g , floe 10. 4 4 widol4 , : i . Also, 54, 10 4. 11.4. 12.1 at ressesplil;eg Vices,' An kinds of iIEA 11001)4 in 1.4 0 s 1.• ot reduced;: prfr.es—sTiokings, Si rip,s, cI:R. 1,11111er,, Osoahtlrgs, Coffee -Dlapaer, &• , I.laen emir. Sill kinds Table Chalks. sliestings., LI.I. .1 11 Isp , s, kiss, Shirtimi Linens Shirt Freers. too uld prlcos. Whltoateds, all hinds, at 014 —SPRIN MANTLES, DusTEus, Shiwit„,4.:llibroltierlvs, &e, Loop Slclrts dir,et from the (=Wry. NO 'doz. Ladles', :%liNscs. Mon'd and Boy's it05,123.5:00 . 25., Men'a and Itoy's Wear— ' 73LA.OK ()LOTUS ANI CASSIMERES, sal grados;;Falle7Cit'PElmereg, latest c.t,3 tee, lent inns, /3xtlneta, Jeans, Cottoaades, IlaN log norm ed the Soriliaa Of a Brat close ,Tallor, we are prepared to getup ClothlngWtho must tio.hlonablo style at short notice. CARPETS! CARPETS!! Vino are receiving 'bur Spring supply of Carpets, coal p ri.- tug all the various kinds kept in a lit at el.!. Carpet /loupe. Carpets ranging In prima from 12;4 to Clothe, all widthe( Mattinga, Looking. Gla.ses, Shades and blinds ofall Ithids. 1.000 Ike. Carpet Chain; Voathers; Cotten Batting; Counto panes, &o„ &e. 'All the - abovo goods and many others, we offer to put chaserq at a small advance above cost. Winter Dross Goods—Shawls, Mantles, furs, less than fit at rust We aro Jetermlned not to bo undersold. Please call and alumina our Inutiouco stock. •fia.Wo will make additions of New Hoods as the sea. son advances. All Bonds warranted to be what wo soil theta for. , LEIDIOII, SAWYER. & MILLER Carl*ofebrnary 28, 1b62. -SA LOON.----Havipg fitted 'eery beet style, thu room in Cramer's htt Id ng, non!, 00r.t.0 A. L. Sponslor's Oleo. lam pro :paredlo`glve my: tonsorial attentions to all who may .I.ionorpfoelth.a9llo:- I-shall constantly ha supplied with:edrepotorttand poll to bonds and shall spare no effort to' give general satisfaction. ',wish to employ n.,good boy, between - 14 and 11 years 'old, Apply immediately J. BIY.ER.S. • •„-bielltda, fund 1862-4 y. . • 1862. L4AO4IEVINGSTON now offers one O 'tbe aria , most attractive assortments of in thls place for . ‘1 ; rawt:Ana Boys'. Wear, of And prlca, and la continually ro • cawing Addit,ll. • as tho • season advances, of all the llatest,noyeltlos akylento'sult •ttur stqale,of RASPY MADIi 01.03:11ING, all our °will • triatMiflt4Urt;',Ouannt - bo - explltal for DatiA.BintirrY; ' . • . . . • • f:ISTYLE - • - • AND CHEAPNFSS of iiracrrailaty to suit tho season, tac , to, and pocket. 7irant, , la a call and socr . for yourtad yes at' ISAAC! . taviplativorg , s • . ' "'Noah nandor Streot,Olotldnic imporlum; . All goodepougbt from ue by . the plum or yard, , 16t3tuFsont , wishing to have it cut to measure, can be ;Fecoganodatod free charge. Carilelo;May 1 1882.: • • ~p tO OT :AND S EIOES.—J ust received ......, . Cash Stora, nn ow ire now. eto of Bilasita' and Obildion'ti. Marken 11 00 0, sham aka Gaitorp,nfttiii biaA quality and lowest.prlcem DR..WILJAAM 0. HUItErS M U T . H tt A'S H A SURE REMEDY FOR A Dad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleedinz Gums, Nur6ing Sore Mouth, A ND the best specific now in use for ANY diseased condition of tho mouth. It is particularly beneficial to iiitemns wearing A ETIFICIA TEETH, completoly destroying overy Mint of the mouth, ab. sorbing end removing all impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH who make unn of It. No YouNU LADY or 'roux° E.NOI.E3IAN who is Srnieleti with a BAD BREATH Otonld delay applying thin remedy, tar it It a ciirtnln e. and is approved and recommended by every phy sk cur ion under %boon 110Ciftl it haft been brought / 'SE Dr. B//CID S MOUTH WAS!!. Prepared at Dr. If naidit. Dental Offico, N 0.77 Fourth Street. Brooklyn, D. )1 , -Price 37 Cents per Bottle. —iatt A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. Sold In Philudelphlo, 'by Dyntt k Co., 232 North 2tl Street; 0 S. Ilubb,ll, 1410 Chestnut street; and by all Drybzglsts DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S 'F 0 0 rH POWDER! This Powder I, ,ssesges the CAIUMNIC nil.; INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL. and i.. free tram all Avid: or Alkalies that ran in the hart iajme Tooth. iia action behm enlhely mechanical without , v raring the enamel. Dr. Wm. B. liford's Tooth Powder minliqffird by all Eminont D,•ntirts. l'Frp•ura at Dr. Iluri's Dontut 01lice, No. 77 Fourth tßreet. Droolslyn, I•; U. Price 25 Cents per Box. -ziA A liberal 111,011 , 1 t 1.40 to doalt.rx. , Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Strout, New York. Fold al..n by Casu ell, Ma .1t .1, Co., filth A •ou uo Hotel .1.. E I. cod lint.ftoo, 715 llrtmilway; 11. B. Burnes. 7:02 It r.lalway, nod I.) all Druggists. DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S TOOTH 'ICBM Dotops Fr, thr T., •dt Iche I , ‘ It i. I,tl lv !:trti t" 1,1,••• .•Itildron , tort a 1.).1 It \ f•IIE th0in,,..,1,1” tit tt ,114,-sing (11 , SLEEP, o,f 0111.1,qt G. ni` 1••:tt 5t111.11114 wth• II t Ithtlll.l n..)1 . , Ilk t tl.' Pr 'Tar,/ Dr. 11111 , i'S Delltai /Moe, > 77 I omit: r, ire. wily 12 Cents per I;oire. A t t•It• to tietth•r, Address Principal 011ie°, Tribune 'Buildings No 1 Sprul.e trect, New 11(11c.. ;o to:H.O dpio., Olt . .1 , 114 , :, 55. 1111 , 1 , 61, I Ills nlratuet atitt 1,3 silt 1?111,_1,1, DR. WILLIAM B, HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASH S, I= On TMYFII t lIE By COLDS I, /CAI, /..1;1:.11,11A Is iala.eLklately cured Iv lheit appli he,. I. I 1.,1, a elLtial, n 2 1 ,1 are perfectly halmless iu their a lime. re , t pr it ab later, :toil ha,, w.plea ..1111 iesu:ts Dr. Wm. B. Hur .'s Neuralgia Plasters 1.111 to Ole satisl.wlkal 11l all who test their ui tac creplr.t.l at. D. nova', Dental (Mice, No. 77 Fourth tozlY - Price, mils 1,5 Cents Each.—Ll.,A .1 ll` . , 1.0 .11,,,111t ola t to to dealor, Address Pii , •eipal ornce, Yireano .E 1 No 1 Spiueo Street, New York. I I.v I , )”tt NoF 111 2 , 1 Sl.e•rt. s. lllui 'II! by ail NI. .111 , I. r.o.•icil-p or I.tr, ,l I IItI Iry I I. -r.• 11Jr.11111i' , 1....11A1 et.o,t 141. 1\ 44. tiro 11...1141.1.. t v I/11 . 11 1 •I'llot 11101.11.1.4... 141 IC rott.t of t fir , r •ot• 11.1 t .I.t. 7111.1 vt,III • Isi'l • p1 . 1 -.11. I !IV )lltYlt pill. /..111, SO, VII hIn11,“, 111.11 ....11ia...11,1'i 1 , 40...4 111,4 s utl. nu.l I. , nth Afro 11, i p s IP iii \ I 1 "L11,k114 thou tilt• 111•• t, 111.. t....Attnot.t 111,11 e , •. 11t. ILli .1 tlH• ens!. to ,•%, • , 10,1 •-t r v.ith it.i llr I,tII 1.111 „I :11,1 I/41. i•II 11 tar =IDE ‘11:1 ‘1 El =II 1 .• -t.ri ti. Nv I .1., 111 , )1 ...I el Ihe IT% ti \v . h ot rh, Pa , ne,.: .tTel COI by h., h. . le• I Titer- the A:111 . 11 , 111 / C. 1%, Col Nr., !• I. T. It.tt 1,11, / . .,11, / 1,10,S Ch.,: tiou lip: 111,1 IMO V 01 .- .1.1,1 A,. Pi t.• II intr 'dot, jr. llitrit's Ittqloklies into (+Tors inintrit,•. tiro or ‘roottot alto nant to tottk“ wintry kloy. no digtliost. artiolos than at.). I irkot. "Ito, nit. , I , l‘ . itrietok no,' o aro ...pen itor thnt..o.toils in n 11 1 ,1. 1 ,41.14 thi tit kir Ow n nor , nt \ vont.. Ito‘i, or i.rtittliti.q pn .t.or, tlitt.ott t lo• non., it:, t , ll. ith rtrout split. !ill r 4•41111 vs doting , nt..ot knit p, , , ittv ' l. ,long to lost hi , lir too. lu t,, llito,t. salt litonottitt.t a At.tokt. 11, iv uki , :1).11ioq 111311 ColllllliN4illl/, %obi) wort ittoto-tilvon rttiviont Onlekoten. lie I 1111 r. Mt., the Liti,ino,s. Ftnr nd.lress and rulervoce 1-.2c abut e. MEE B 0 0 K R, FANCY MOBS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMEP,Y, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. AV. ill AV E IRS TICK, N,rth 1141,ivr,1. Sim,! , r I r.rt r, !'errs HT, t 2,1 "p,•n..l an ~....ortlnen 4.1 llio s. F 33 ey I'erim...ly. Fn nal, i,d y, 101-11 ha( 111.1 sin p in Ler 0111,11. olty and 1. 4 11q,1114,.. IbeMl j, 4.,1,35,13•33 N.• 11, 1,. I 11 11 gu.a. ca e. Ited ..,.•ab elided in sod 1,1 b e. fn culllll.llld the ui 1(1(111110„1 per, 11330r8. 1 . 11, loin, vrhich , ompriseevery variety of fancy articles of the 111(101 finish 511111 Papier Ma, he „rod.,. Kli.gent Alabaster and imreulain ink-stands and trays. Fancy Ivory. pearl alld shell card eases, I,a.lles' Fancy Itaske7a. fancy Wm!, C3.”11.:3, 3 ith nowin . ; instruments, Cabas, 1\ ri.ing Pesi,s. and Port fi ,tes Port Aonlettus. 01 every variety. Ould pens and pencils, l'ain•y paper weights. end a 13r14” Vt.riety or ladles Fancy state , : ery. Motto wails and wafers, Sill, and bend purses, ltidind whips. elegantly finished Fin, cutlery, Perfume bahltets and bugs, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Man and it. at. 11. Wright's Soaps anal Perfumes of various krtnts, Fancy Pins for head dreoses and shawls. usienl instruments, together with an innumerable variety of urtlidsmologant ly finished Lin 4, suitable for lIOLZL)A 1' RESENY'S, to which he invites special attention. Also, an ostensive and elegant collection of iIOUICN, comprising various English acid American Works, richly embellikßid PoI,TICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with Metal clasps and corners Ills assortment School Books and School Stationery le also complete, and eomprises everything used In the Schools. flu also desires to call the particular Litton• tlon of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, 1 4c., from the ostensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others et Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm as Ktherlal oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases, Funny Screens, &a. Ilia assortment in this line ie Lin oqualoddn the borough. Also, SUGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Csvorite brands, and a floe assort. latent of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killococbluk Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. FRUITS,, such as Oranges, Lemons,Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, 'Prunes, &c.. FANCY CONECTIONARY—NUTS--PRE SERVED FRUITS, MIN ED-MEAT, PICKLES, Ac., in-ovary variety antlat all prices; all of which are pure and fresh such so can be confidently recommended to his friends.. Ilia stook embraces everything in the line 'of fancy Goods, with nutty 'othet articles useful to iiiithekile - p - Mvs Which the ptiblle are uspuciality invited to cull and examine. Rumetoluir the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank op North I lunover street, Doe, 20,1801 VAILS ' l , NAILS !,! NAILS 1! 1 A largo aim% of good; Clean; Noitt, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our mills aro' worth 60ets a keg More.. than any othor Moto (quails mod in our town. this IS t h e opinion of mechanics wholuivo trlod them; wo also havo a full Itssortment or BUILDING MA"THRIA,LIII . ,. • ertho latent and moat approved styles. All goods wax'. ranted AR represented. JOHN LYNN &BON. GREENFIELD & COO . One door 4oest of the County Prison. 11" AVE just 'received a splendid as- Fortmout of NoW Goods, from Now Yrrk and l'hiladolphia, which will bu sold unusually cheap for cash. Fancy Silks in Great Varieties, of all gradon, from 75 cents to $1,50. In tho above line of Goode we defy competition. SILK AND WOOLEN FOULARDS, Silk Poplins, Llama Cloths, Illosinnbigues, Bliephord Plaids, Wool do Laines, °hanks, ',sortie, SPRIXG DElbalf.VES at reduced prices. Wo aro now offering our entire stock of new styles of spring Detainee at 20 unto, north 25 cents. (fond Prints at Extra do Corhecoes, Merrim nos and Spraguos at 1234 Bleached, and unblonolled M uall as at U. ti and 10 cents. Extra quality, ono yard wide at 1'44 cents. Lausaster Wog. hauls at 12;4 rents, Loalazff.o, I MMAI9. COTTON AND LINEN PANTINGS, Drills, Denims. Jeans, in great variety and at old prices. NEN AND BOYS' WEAR. A very handsome lot of CLOTHS CASSIMEHES, for Men and Boys' wear, at low prices. WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS A (nil line of the shove goods nl ways on hand. Also, !loop t,irts, of the latest New York styles. 4 son yards of Carpels, all of the newest designs and ;miler,ns in flu. market. riingincr. In price from la :,Lull per yard. Ila•ing purchased the above assort "lent In :Sew York, we are etlchlnt to offer superior induromente to all who will favor us with a cull .As stir ii' now 21 perniat.qa instil ution In Carl isir` u Vie are determined to inaln fain the name (W 6 have al ready rediddished) of selling cheap. notwithi.!Andlng the litriOnS rumor , that have been circulated In regard to stir Losing town. _ Curlkle, :Izty 2, 18f2. " LIB 10.11 . LIM ff, FA MELY GROCERY AND "TEA • reerlre,i n Itrui well e. n.le,rtinent ,11 , .Inva and Mara ealle, I;leisted Coffee, Cruehed I;elined url r.l", t ;eta t . .11perine tl•ing n I ens, 1...•r•1•1•1•V Variety . t r/I••iiia •11111 • riti..• .1:0• 'II — arr.) ~r,l Crnek..l.• Tnrits.•• .11,1 Indigo. : 4 :ll , •rat , s , - I.L Will it, snr, 14. t,.1 , r - ):111.1., "011.1 ~.,,..,.. 4 'l'l'.l: , - 1 Imo ~ •Itmont in I . .ki-1,-,..;,. .7;....,77. ~..:' •',. I ,f hu:' , ...., ~.II , ,C 1 ~thin al tielel , 4 . , „{,,, „ ‘ ii r ,•?, nLin. I. no )tl .iv.,.— 11-1.1 al 111.•10,,1 1.,, , ,t,: .• and 1.0 , • rf•du.,.l p 1.,.•,..: ki. , "- ...1.i..2! , :j2.....1 ' J. IV. tall'. V()VE.' , ll;Eit 2NI), I Sf/2. A a ,; •,he r' ILII , ~f It, '!, I; vtl D . ' Are remind... { Ili, I It., • j...r I r •n,- 'l , 11. Itt.ni t I.t. 4 03 a Imull. tnt.ply of ,r.i 1k '1 . 1...1 , It 1 , ; , .....51. 11-. IT. 1 , .1 • I 1..1,1, - .1.1 l', 1.11,.... 1'..•.1t 1 . 1.,1ti , ,,,,11k lz.•-.lt , 11...1.1. , “.... 11t.. , ..•1 I.t, 1'n...1.•Q, 111 .10.1..r.•nt Fi1..1- . f tp.l‘. $ ••-1.1 I- au ISa... I ~, •Is, 1..1 In, ~, .. PI it,, I n,.: , .., , ing, :.+142, 11e. 1-... i'n 11,, T... 1 .1, \10;a,,•!4. I j.ll ' O. I 01" `l,lrf , a Ild I ' m-I 'II, ' 1 1.1:. One Brandt,, t tid ICV•• .1 hi -.1., it .1:e... ,N v ; 1.....i,1,- . o•nk.r.ll ,n,0r1.• Ins.zi I ..I 4.., IQ t`r ••11 , low of ttat1v . ,..C...i. , 1 At thr• um•ls Ir,va sl In ion-. ~. : t . k •-II 11 11 lIhNI Z. c'priisle Foundry, . ' _,'•;,t - -F.d._-.,-,....._ , _..,.,4.- `,,•:'''.-.::',.;:i,,,,1,'.._ii,i0":::;5',.;„,,i,v4.4;.:2•.5,..-I,f_:;-Z,...i-,,_....,,..i:-.?. i • ' ---- : : .- 7 ,z .: •*::...'e': - . : . . h ',s'•-!. Itc,",,,:'4Z7ttp;:',l) 1 ...r.1.... 4 7 ' '' '' , "^;:fgiir-,41; 1 - 1 •,,,,,,,_,",..--,,,:. -., _ 7_,,,tit,21,,,:31.: ~,t....!,..../1____t:05t,..1,47,,:ti1.i.1,fz1 ''' 'll. - 0:.V.! , ' . '-'• ::„--- _ F. trlner k 1 1 0. 13.1111 Art ton 3,1 1,0, eon SI:110.1, 1 , 3 1,110. L 111rlrel It. 1 1 , 1 ,• ,14.3,3 431,3131 11881 111n-lit-ml-rert. (lit 3 lot gu,sortnlopt Of Atrlt 1 1, 1 11 Al. I M I. E)1 1 7 , ."r s . 1. noa w u, apps oved uxrfuli.is to fa nnns unong ,1111.11 llto•t call I.9u.rial at tentioll to N% 11,1,1 /L6ll (1.1.1%1t1i.Vr ED ATE:, T (; Srie LA . !: GRA IN /lie 11,1,, talteu ii7er flit, First.C'n, Premiums ;11..State Pim" ty tails. 'I fi the hit-niers o' Cumberland. et li weir} i•ettlitieh ilor I Ihe le.•rit, of thi , .1:61 1 .1 “tt twit. Lti t 111 1 / 1 / Cl . lllllll, 111// 1 vputa the Inno eritnplete (Train Drill 11,1 1111111111111 MC/111 t 111' 1.11/11•11 11 t / i/w/.111,‘,1, i:11 1 . I. ll' 1 1 / 1 11 • V 11.11 lir,t . myan.l eenrti .l, ill -tinny. Ina ...t..nes. /141 1 .111. 111 .11-111 4... r 1111/1 :a-al/111r I In• lt tioni 'prin.,: !hill uniniunite.l 1,) inn other NV:. ii',',,.•,,, and t he 11.11.:‘, in, art 1 /•////1111111.1111 11/ l'ariners as tellable implement:, ton : II O.! 1,1):`,'.." I'ATI.NT ,tiN pLANTFAI. I. PAT! . ,TN 1R A Fuhlrl I: cl"rri.ii, 1 1)1 l'A ITV!' 11.111\'F I'ATl.!,7' I !DLit \ Tllol'o =TEM A I •o. 'lltree and Fear llocee VI , and Threshing )lat hint, t :Ist Iron ieltl Ito/lets. t - tt,t hole et 11101, pat tut as Cora l rualtert, sad other article , for tae r• too .11111'111 , to 11/1.101,1. Also. Ego ('on! cl tot ee Tea Plate((and "t0v.• , .. lib 1111 ininienoe al let• ol other t-to.l itte• for toms( heepers and others. (1e have al," :to attlil l ict it e vat patterns for XROIsT RAILINGS. .1 ad ('ENT LNCI.O,I:It ES to a hielt we, would all at tent lon. Steam Enginex and Mill Gearing Ttt this 110ittilt Inert t t four linolneus we give pail lcu• layaLiention. tine ahead) extender stools of patterns for Pape, Hotti and i 4 aw 'till (okaying. Is constantly inereasini2. NI ill the betsand\ill \Vrightii nu 11l be fur biolied with n printed catalogue nt bur ♦arlous Pitt tel os. in,, tipplilitioll. Ilnr Maehine eowprioes all the carious took jrtt turning, plonina and titilohlng i . slinfllng and Castings, by g od and ear, tut Ma chinii4S. • STATIONAItv STEAM ENGINES' of any desirable rapacity. from ten to twentl flee horse imseer, built In the bent style and oo accommodating terms. I:inon., built at our entablishineni may be ~, in nsfiil opvration at nut by 01 the largest Distillerie, and Tanneries in Carlisle, and t umbel laud ferry and Dauphln Countler. to the owners ot a filch Wt' eonfldenti) rotor for information on to thelrefflcien ry. Person , can tins b team 1' unties are ...Rosily re quested tnra.il and examine before contracting else , here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. •,ni net.tvd with nui eetnt'hnhmenl in a :-tenui Saphand Mimulactoly nhl, II Is 111. 111 cumpleto mderr Inr tho uninufin lute of oI erg dencrintn nut II 11,1)1 .(1 M.VIERIALS. for the nue.t ..ont 1 I 11 , St (.11 .in 101111111.141101.0. horn 5 Celli,. up.r aid, tkcenrding to : tt Indoe I reties 1111111 $1 ;41 upward; ,hnt ter, nd 11001 ft 75 upward; Four yenel from o 7 12 ape: t d Mouldings. Cast' ngF, A rehitra, rs ' ll ash Pun 11.1 . 1:CtS. i•ancy Napery, Scrolln. Hull ot he, al tiles needed fu house furniehod at I in 10.1% .•e1 prices end of the beet quality .1 lumber. 11'1-tl o e :160 pt opart . ,l, ns lieret , rfore to build and i epoir lit I: I)KS (,A 118 for transporters on the railroad, with preeptnoss and Oil reasonable terms. Ti„. eon tin tied patronage of nubile is rexpnetfully solicited indent b) 011111 promptly attended to May 11. 'OO, F. U Co. Second door eaq of the Mai ket House in Zug's Corn, r. DEALER IN PIANOS. New Ftese wood Pianos. from (he he t makers. MELODEONS The hart matinsictureti instruments from $l5 to $lOO. Violins. Guitars, Aceorileons, Flutes, Files, Drums, Ban jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strings, and ',Musi cal Nlerehandise In umlaut!. siIEET MUSIC. A complete assortment foi' all Instruments. Tho latest publications always on band. Tmtcher on the Piano and Oultsr, Instrumental and' l'ocal in UM. Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired. Starch 31, 1802. A. LEDIII. VAL. JUST opened the largest and best as sortmont of Hardware, Paints 0118, Varnish, Glass, Iron, kr., ever brought to CumboAand county, bought exclusively for cash, and which we are selling at the lowestpricev, 'We Invite the public generally to give us a call before making their purchases, as wean fully iustaining our old reputation of selling the BEST GOODS AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES. - Returning thanks to 4 generous public for their pant liberal patronage, hoplng.by personal atteution to their wants, to merit a continuance of the Mine. .101 IN P, LYNN & SON, At the Old Stand'North t anover Street. Carlisle. Jim° U. 1802. - GARRETINGS, &a received at i KAM'S Cheap Oasli -kora, a-new stock-of car. potin g e. Druggets and Floor Oil Cloths, which will ha sold at very low figures. , Pleaso call won examine the stock. • Carlisle, I.,et. 25, MI. 8. W. lIAVERSTIOIC '1 UM .BELTINGI • • 13 Just rocelvyd a largo assortment of an Rises Gum Ilulthur, Oulu Hose, Gum Pa !king, 4r6.,.and for solo snoop at thelltirdwaeotitore of Juno 22,1860: °ENINNT. 100 barrels of 1.-)Poti‘nintl:tS with alarge li'amortniont of Chain and Iron Pumps, just met Trd and for solo cheapnr. t ban ever, Comont kold by tbo quantliy at inanufaoturot a pricoi MarvbV. • , - - A. SAVON. 41 ittiOdlOmOilp: BLACK SILKS, DOMESTICS (00,iar)ot3tEB! GREENFIELD S. CO EIMEI AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT A. LENK, - illatOes.anti'jMefra. ATDFIES, JEWELRY, AND SIVVBR-WAIIBAT CONLYN'S old established Stand; West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland I have just received a new assortment of watches, Owelry , . medallions, silver ware, in addition to my - .ormor stock to which I invite tho attention of the public; The assortment embraces tine gold and sliver Dover watches, Hunting and open cuss do, gold An cherlo- for Ladies and Gentlemen and tllvor 1.0p11368 'and Quartier watches of every variety In style and price:" Also tine gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest, curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets finger rings,MilDplns, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, Alarms, Ac., Ae," Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter kribiesTforka, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A largo assortment of gold, silver . 1 4 .1 .. z, and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which We invite special tattoo. A fine lot of COLD PEN§ from the best makers, vectacle Clans, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card rases, gald'and common bracelets, watch chains, A . Manila Clocks and a variety of articles usu. -a.. ally kept in Jewelry netablialiments, which X will soil low for rash. All articles war-' ranted to be what they arc represented. Particular attention paid as usual to ‘ gr;`.o WATCH IIIiPAIRING and all work war— ranted.. CPA and 8 cents 30 cents Deo. 28. 1867..1 Cumberland Valley Bank. NO NCB. TT will be seen by the following adver xtlsement, that tlenry A. Sturgeon, Esq.. has retired trout the firm of Ker, Dunlap R: CO., and that Samuel Ilephnrn. Rog.. of Carlisle Cued) co., Va., has been as sociale with the remaining partners in the firm of Gtr, Dunlap & Co.. and that William W. Kepburu ham been elected Cashier In the place of Mr. Sturgeon. Tho Proprl,tors are Si ILLIAM It en, TSAI& BRENNEMAN. tile,, ARP NI eons, S.ITt•tI'.ETT, JOHN C:DeNtne, .1005 DUNLAP, SAW.. lIFYBURN. . • This Rank, will continue to do n general Ranking and Exehange busine,.e, ut their Banking House in Carlisle, under Lb. name and et) loot K Elt, DUNLAP ,k Co. Money will he reeeleed on deposit and paid Lurk on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit ~ earirg Interest at the rate of S per opt. wilt he for short a period as mu, months In ter,“•.o./II ea: till- elites *lll cease at maturity. but If =m h tiliddtes are renewed at any tint., flte,after for another 141••11 twrifl, the) shall I -ear the San,a rate of in tnreat up to the time of renewal Two- ty days notice must be given of an intention to in if Il.,Dor.ntereht de media. 'fhe profit if.tors ',lntikd call the Ittenti-d• fl Partners, lechittiles arid Ail fliers who lesiro a f.:sly dop,..it.••ry fur their money. h. the fart that tlfe.f fie not ii lfa 1.1,, to Ilie amount ..f their Ft.W- io 111.• Bark . faadvirft:xtti liable to the extent of litoi• f e-t.drs f.fr ill the Deposita, and other /bli.2af dm , lit err. Dunlap Bartlett', toll,• collection of Vend,. Notes , ria.eign ISIPK, Draft, t'hvlis. dr . lu out par. the ITtlitad States ni).l 1'11)111d,, Itonittanro. mado to any part of the Coital States Invialol. and Ire1;1.1(1. The, %%ill it all tittles he pleated to eThe- , ant Inform, !inn the.lret In rettelel to money me. ter , in eeneral. The faithful con hdentinl I,Petit,n of all 1/usinose -ntruslfel to them I'o'lloolllW, The linnl, ‘s ill is open ti , r husillegq Cron; 9 o'clock In the tun, tine a Hill .'clock in the .Ifternt.uo. M....count dn.. every Tnekdav Coil or Cloos fr mo Ph 113(1..1 ph IA • Now York ,0.1 805t,..n ILvoral.k torovi (k' pro corkt , rrh, to Inv. e Co F. W 'lntl, A rEt, 1 . 1/113: 11 Int.low 1.:1111..y. Co.. New 1.. t l'h.•nes , 11.. , t0n NA' W. 111.:1111.10i, 7, 151,2 1.)(3K —ll'ni. Fridley would to the citizens 4.11 . 1. lisle and the. pt0.1i1•1:4.11..1,1111 - that' 11.1,1,a1rn rolllll,Tred lh;.onnt11:1 warr•if kinds, 11,••ti, C. , 11 M311t11., tor y, her.• he will 1111,.• , be 11.. 011 id with tad All Rn, will lip lus hitll,l • il 2111 d n rum pc Lrut hand 111 approtut e - rn at all Irel. , l„,rtr.l "Fl.r- TEsTI )111:NI 11i;-'1 • l'111:11' CANS !Jou', ap•mting and Jobbing of all kinds .1 om. t abort a tot ma - lo of the host mat arial. • drflavMpa!•l for "Id PnWt.or and Copper Ilnplu:; 1•y Or 1,1 ,Itlontion Lobi-loos, and a 1.-11 • r• ye •11.trn of puhlir paLronaze I),d, .21.. 1,611.-1 y. EwcoA 1. A N LUMBEIi V.\ Itl) II t-ultscriltert have this clay (ttered rut t pat I uorshlp to trade lo () A t. A.ND LUMBER, ,‘ ill I,:ty,, roust:int ly hand and rurni,h tip order all I. rids and quality tit .•:•,,,..Ded Lot But. MEM FR .1 MI: FTC FV, Paling_ Plastering Lath. 'Shin . .. t hus lath. mot hod Flour ing sod It eat het boarding. I't•sts and hails, and ever) ur tide that belongs to a BEE 1: A Ill). Ali kinds of Mingles. V. N 1 nit eit in s , hemlock, and oak, of tifflerent qualoles Ila, itof Cars et our tin tt eau tarnish bills to order of any length and size :It the shortest. notice and Ott the most reasonable let toe. loot worhtal board. will be kept nador rover YO that thee eon Ito tarnished dr3 at all times. • We have..t.onAdnfly on hood all kluds of Foullly Coal undnr corer. whicld'ac will acliver clean Wall) part of the borough. To wit: (AKE:SS VA LLEY, LUKE V IbULER, =MEI IMilati=l MMEill %V lil• ylt,dge,,urtudyes to sell at do lowest prices B e kt quality of - and. _l;_lack,nah.4. Coal, IthAny , • m hand x high we x ill =ell at the lowest figure Yard west. Fide of ttramottir :,ilOlll. Main street. Alt )11TRONG & HOFFER MEIMEI J. It. NON EMAKEIC F I ORWARDING AND CONN'S SION 110 USE, Pii-OUR AND FEED. COAL, PLA-T1:11 AND SALT. The subscriber having Laken the Ware House en, and fixtures ul Wm. It. )1 army's well Ittit.x n establish ment. an West High street. opposite Inektnano C o llege, would inform the public that lie,. has routed Bite a ottieral Ferwarding, and Couituksion busittess The highest market prime will be paid for Flour,llrtdu and produre of ail hinds. mt., are also prepared I' freight produce anti stork to Philadelphia sod Baltimore. at the lon est rates, wI th snot despatch I.I.ISTER — VN El SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at .holcside or rt tail. Goa of all kind , entbradlig L\ - KEN'S V.ALLEV. LUKE FIDDLER, :SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST ti 4 I', Limehurner's and Blacksmith's and delivered art t a y 1. , .i I tilt, R. \...'; I . : I AlI•:1t 11111 I Alt E Alt Ell' Al, 111 ritE SI I 1 itormcl i I. F \ I/S. ti inn lnrr¢a 1,1 ti ,I." i•.• l'A more dry salt 11E1.1117\11. in 1111 1. Ai prices that Is really 1 . 15 Fs ol ell SATJCES, VES, and a gnotl t Rl. Ii( TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LIQUORS, &C., at the lowest rates fur CASIA or Coon try Prod ere. NV M II ENT Z Carlisle...lune 21. SELLING OFF AT 'r\VENTY-FI.V.E PF.R 'ANT. BELOW COST!! At tho sign of the ''Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley hank, owl two doers below the Methodist Church on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND. JEWELRY In the town, will be cold 30 per cent lower than at any place in the Statit. The stock comprisee a large Assort ment of 'told and Silver hunting-case watches, Lavern, Lopliies, American Watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND ,SUIVER CHAINS, Ould teens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 Paintiugn. a great variety of fancy articles, and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than ever offered In town„ The entire stock of Watch maker tools, eaves, large Mirrors, and Bafo will bo sold wholeealo or retell on the easiest terms. Having soleatild a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will bo done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos, at $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the li'hiladelphla;Company closing oat. 1 will soll.at the Jewelry Store. THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third their real value on easy terms !Trailed on soon. PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tones White Lead. TOOO Gallons of oil. Just received with a largo assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, . Japan, , White Zinc, .. kutty, ' Colored Z . ne, Lithe rge, 'Red Lead, • . Whiting, Boiled 011,. . (ilea, Lard 011, 'Shellac' Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &a., Color's of every description dry, and 011 In cane and tubes at the I.lz rdware Store of lISNRY SAXTON, Carllnte,..oct, 25, .1801. BREAD BISCUIT &o. Thu Cream of Tartar.."Bublititute" is recommen• dod a 4 a superior article in combination with Baleretus or Bodalor Baking purposes. It produces bread cakes &c., whit% whim cold are sweet, moist'and witilathose of Cream of Tartar are often dry and taste• lese. - It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and Is used In the same way for cooking, &c. . 1 TIIIS togativar With S. aleratus' Soda, Pare Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed. ground and un• ground.. salami. of • all kinds unadulterated, and also Groceries in every varlPty constantly on band, and at the Inland prices forlsalo by - IMO. 14, „ISM, ITIY: 11. SA XTON THOMAS CONLYN I=l Brokuu, Egg, Stork. And Nut 1!3=Ell coN,IANILI FOR HAI!, K Dvit co v Elt Rti.sctimucous. & AMES R. WEAVER'S -'llmlt CABINET ANT CRAM MANUFACTORY, Nalco' lisztoczn STREET, CARLISLE, PA. 'laving been - engaged In the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to bls custninors and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In year gone by, and further assures them that no vains will be spared, to give full satisfactiod to all who may favor him with a call. CRAMS AND FURNITURR, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices ler cash. Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Collins. Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally le town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Collins, largo size, well finished and lined Inside, from S to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 11, to 30 dollars. JAMES R. 1111 A VER. May 25. 1 S5O-1 y. (TILL L . l The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cnok Stove, warrants the subscriber 111 rnl l leg the attention of all who may want n superior stove to call and 0., amine the only stove that hate given universal satlstat , don. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS et. A saving of from 30 to 00 per rent.'" NO. 2nd. A hotter and qui •Iter Oven from the sanlff tire, 3d. A larger Oren titan any other stove ethic sainesize. 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from 1,110,11111 oneing repairs, sth. The best Roaster, and Cool, new in use, Oth. A superior arr. 11p:011101A. for cleaning the Hues, .th. A perfect (las Consumer iv,'ither ma d r•r roil. The Prairie I lower is antra. tell to Ono qath-faellon in ever} particular. and a - ill be shown a ith plea's re to all alto mat call. ',M.0., derlrlng to pnrcha, of eat, any quantity lit rererenee in town I.r country. A Ir.' other good Cnolt Stoves or, 11:11111. a high will he sold t try low to close stork sp ou t mg , . h uh work. Coppersmithing and Shorting 'Wort promptly ntended to. In toun or coun try. All Wll,l, N,11,31111.11 at the OM stand, Hanover street north of Louth, m RV )1 10111;1: 4 . U. cod c,,rre e . It,“, and Pewter bought, and the hizilegt lei,. paid In 1 . 2511, , r geode. March 2ti.lKol.—_ti 440).n.,1 GDooll .! 1 1 () FA ItS ' 1,1 )I F.131' It NERS AND wriii:r.s. 11p , try b4 , en tropoititedrsi.le f or t or Ihp ~ l ehtliletl Trovert,,it This I onl r1,0111111l•Iltiint by Nlr. I.l”tlin and oilier.. who hay, bird it. t in[11:11k •tl,l , tr. nud urn. 11, nitwit ninny in, tO,. ;Ob.: or ;Inv Whet l'frsons in want “I Linn, l'oal will 11,1 It to thidt lin. In•ri vl b, I,lly I !W. n Ind AS it ro•t , fr. nn twenty In l nui.ri• rer 1.v1,4 , 1,. I vy the ptilutryd Tro,n,ton 1.. r tnuil , al‘‘ays on hand. Also, a 1:41,.. t. 0.0 of all Lind Our stoet, of 1.1:NI It In large and rof,lActi‘ and will be FOIll Itt thy li,,PAt parrs. hlnkful l'or past favors WEI rt•Fpecthilly /1,1, a• von tln no Dee of I he Salle, I=l July I / WAItI) A S I A 'l' I N . 1 1. 1. D I.: I. l' II 1 •N A Ilenevtienf lilnllLu 411.11 estalilif.lie.l by tipi+einl don moot for Ills• relitil lit tilt' , i 11.1: is if \it ulrut 11111 i bplilotoir ni inn, I. 1 the .•I of Lhl• rreual in.,. )11'.1)11'11. 1 liVlCl , ..fiVell crab , Iry the .Ictitu,r Sur. eon. G. all %, Is apply hr h a IS . Sri jut ion of thoir 11 . 1/ , 1t. , W.., A r.,) 31,11 In 1,1 , 1•• 11i 11•5•1111. litiVerty, 1 4../i( inc. , I uruished f recul char,. 1.1 I. •1 , Sperthatelt rrfett. ttn.l , the: I'1 11 1 1 11 11• 'i Ihl l 11t•J S eitthlot ett is the 1'1911 1 1,1.11 1 . 1 Sllit 1 / 1 011a1kled i•nl 1 1 11 111111,11. T,il 01 three Idtulte- t!I title. ,s 11,1.1 \ Il• tt I.lll'llN. A t tine Stir 7 remit Meth Street. vhiltttlelphitt l'a rHer 1.1711 k D. 111 1 Will 1.1,1„ Presid..l‘ 4 , 41111 1 1111,11. Stvrr.t:rry. \llll, 1,1, E\\ ' A.NI - )NE kV (1( iODS vr• 41'S A 177.1 TN, ct' .17 P,V A' c. - , ----- _,--:,-.1 .4 it r hltt ro , •ontly opened s `lol. at ohl Mind .1 I , Ilstl bort in North Iloilo", St. oppldt t• On , Collis , '" I tot, ,,, it t from NV,. York 11111! Ph it.1111•11 , i1 fi LI" .11,1 Wl.ll •-elorttril at.rttrttnent ti f gtstalk its Lis lino, as II A I's and CA I'S, front She continuo \\ no! It, ths, line Fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE ETATS Ka ;1.111 CtVll, of Z.llc ,J.adies Fur 4 mach 5a: 11 1...,1,” \l:ulin. ‘lllll4 : 1 11 , 1e, 311' ,1/11 . 1 1 01 Illark, andl'oeney. 110 , 11, Mar. 1. 1 114 - er Fut 4, Ilenver 11.4:1 for t/ it 14 end Buys. Gluvv.t and BETIPFA 1.0 ROBES', nod prix es to *Mit t s thlii•Q. 1 . 3,1,t, PRICESTO SUIT THE Tl_•, ES• Also, ilorpot Valkos. Trunks, 'land Trunks An us •A Uncut of Pripie nut .Tobrlce9. Tli 10;1 w 1 nor LII pitomagft alreads rvt•tdved II,• would d.o hi , ni 0114,, 1 . 1 ti the puLlir golwwwll, lo lIYu l‘lin .1 AOl 11 III) .1„t. 11 1 :1.161. I L Li :1111)1N.A 1': 11 Alt I) .k RE!! 1.!,11.• hnte ju4t r mplr Lrd oponing iititii,lll, 1.410,111 k VartliSill•,. hi shirk they 1. hl eiirll ultbunlinn of the public IV, ha,e nil its VIIHOUS bran, accommodate thcilub. lie with /?1,7,1.4 81, I•; G. 0 0118. in tiro or union qu:lnl it leS. AI the ImvFt prires lint he do not Li it-tt pitliliii to unilmrutitud that me ha l e ront:ht all Lhe it Philadelphia on.' Nita Yorl. to our tom n, lint me Call Ul them that one lonln Into our ilium Li ill el,llV lilt, 111,11 i !Int WO hot, 0111,t1Zh to 1,111/111) . t 110111Allti II L ,“ a ct a , 40olt, In our Inn , mlll thud it Lit Elton int, Lint:Lox to tier tis o to:ikon, their por:ltootio —A ll orders Ail:Lotto' ly :111 I 'init.-Loony mit eniltiq Lii, and nu mist,' preset tot iIPI/, tii ,ItrIIN P I.VNI•: SON, llatto,1•1 Carlisle 11 t‘ , 1 11i1•, I NSI: ItAN(*E.-THE ANTI iTNNSII(II:.,) NI! TI:AI, FIIIE IN SUIIANcI.C(I\I.I`ANI t.t tininberhtnil rounty. incorpn• an ant i .IssemlilN thiii CAI . 1 , 13, ri•liontiy 0, tint, vv., ISY4I • is:in al pi•lll.tt,ilell., .11 I hi• tt..lo‘‘ 1111a11, t'ltrt•tian stn loan. 11 Itult, .11e t 1,..1 11. 1'. , 0t er,dgdol 4:er, •/, ‘Vi.•1,..1 ,Int nl. s l ant.l. Eloo I). \lone, !nicker, Had dph dal t in .lar.th l'o •rer. and .1. t'. Uodllyt. 'I 11e ratt • of onsurado, are to Ittw and tart rablo as any Comp:ln, of the kind in the State. Vernon,. ,lidon, to bee..la, y fl 111 born Invited to utake applietttil.n to the agent,. of the eompany, who are trilling to a ail upon them at any time. WM. It, Gtll+G AS. President, Eherly'N Milk, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STA VAIAN, Viee President P .101 IN C DUNLAP, SeelCy., Nlechanieslmrg 1111 II A El, CoC1( Treatiurer, Skiepherdkown. MEE C1131111:III,A ND COUNTY.— John Sher-irk, Allen Henry Zent log. Shirems in.t.Ow n; Lata vet to letter Dickinson.; Ilenry Bowman, Chord - Jour; )lode 1;,11 tlth, 5.,116 Iddiel on; Samuel Graham, NV. Tense horn': Samuel ('auger, erlialllcsburg ; .1. W. Cock Iln, Shenherdstown; Concur, l'pprr Allen; O. ton, Silver Spring; John II yur, Carlisle; Valentine Ferman, New Cumin land. YORK. COUNTY.—W. a. Plrking.Do•er:JAP.Griflith, Warringtoh ; .1. F. Thiat dortf, Wash in uton: Richey Clark. Dlilbburg; D. Rutter, Fairview ; John Williams, Carroll. DAUPHIN CO.--Jacob Houser, liarrisburg. 'Members of the company having peliciesabout to es pica. can have them renewed by nialting application to any of the A irents. Lll2 GLCRJ"US VICTORY: late brilliant victories achieved by our Federal Armies have gladdened every American heart, giving assurance of a Fpuedy restoration of peace to this great country. In view of this 1 have resolved to offer my tremendous stork of DRY GOODS, at prices that will satisfy every person are cheaper than ran be hiught from any other house with limited 1110111311 Just commencing business. I have 10,000 yds. of BLEACHED MUSLINS, Lind the same quantity of unbleached nu hand. I can soil good white Muslin at 8 cents, and extra quality at 10 and 123. Also, 10,000 yards of CALICOES, of Merrlinack's, Spraguo's and Cochcco, at 11'3.4' eta, the old prices. A large assortment- of excellent„csecond Mourning at old prices. Very desirable BLACK SILKS,- tit 623,1. 76, 873%, $l. The 87% is the same that sold at $l, and our dollar quality is the same that has boon and is still soiling at $145 per yard, GINGHAMS, . In great profusion at 12'4 old prices. Also, Canton Flamini!, and . Kentucky - Jeans, at the old prices. And in CARPETS and OIL q1.01118..1 guarantee that no stock outside of PhilndelPhia can begin to compete, either in quantity or price. In addition to the above, I have a very large stock of Ribbons, Laces, P7mbtdld• 'orles, Widnes, Cashmeres, 31erinoes, Cobu rgs, Flannels, and other DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and chr least patterns. My success heretofore has enabled me to otter advantages to my old custetnere and the public getterally, which are_net pos canoed by ottiers, particularly those who are compelled to cominenclug. now to lay la it stock al the present high prices in the principal cities. A discriminating public will satisfy themselves of the truth or the foregoing before purchasing elsewhere My tremendous stock of Goofs.' laid In principally be. fore the rise. is admitted to be the largest between Phil. ndelphlti and Pittsburg. I invite all persons In want of liargaloß in Dry floods. to call and examine at the old and well known stand of Feb 28, 1862. 'A. W. IntSTZ. HAMEB': 500 pairs Hawes on hand, of . all kinds. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon do.. Cornmeal do, with and without patant fastenings, cheaper thin ever ktll BAXTON'B, East Main at. Monk 20,1850. k • alctif • Rads fIUMI3ERLAND VALLEY AND /.FRANKLIN ItAIL ItOdp. gar. CIIANO.I3 - OF HOURS! On and after MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862, Passenger Trainr will run as folios a: (Sundays exe,epted FOR CRAM BERSDURG AND HARRISBURG. Ist Train. 2d Tral n. Leave, Hagerstown, 7.00 A. 21. 245 P. 31. Greeneastio. 7.37 " 3.35 " ClsarUbersburg, 8.3 U " Arr.4.2U " Shlppensburg, 9.00 " 1.28 " •' Nee...lllle, 9.32 " 2.0 U " " Carlisle. 10.10 " 2.4 J " " Moelmuicshurg, 10.42 " 312 " Arrivo at Ilarrlsburur, 11.15 " 3.4 U " FOR CSIAMBERSBORO AND lIAG STORY Ist Train. 2d Train Loavo Harrisburg 8.05 A. 31 1.35 P. NI " Nlechanlesburg 8.47 " 2.15 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.55 " Newvillo ' 10.02 "-^ 3 . 20 " Shippensburg, 10.33 " 4.00 9 ~ 1 hamhg', (Arrive) 11.10 4.40 " " (lreencastle. 11.55 5 30 Arrive et Hagerstown. 12.35 6.10 " NOTICE Ti) PASSENGERS At all StlltiOnS where Tickets are Feld, vie: Hagerstown, 0 rowneatle, Chain hersburg, Shipponslinrg, New ville. Cnclici e, Mechanics. burg and Haig ishurg. a reduction of TEN CENT: , on each Ticket will lie made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Car, 0. N. LULL Super' t Railroad Office. Chambersburg,} lay 1,1062. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA ; 11 7 11' ,i l[a DAILY FREIGHT LINE FR EEL), WARD & FREED, 811 MARTZ FT BTYIEET, T1111.AD1.1.1 . 1111 3. & 1). RHOADS. I= AZ— Curs of this Line leave the Depot 811 M,l k.•t • Daily, of 1 o'clock, P. M. 1,4:000 Carlisle, Daily. at 7 o'clock. A M. oods intended for this Line should be n - ad.,' C. .1 1' Dolly Freight LITIO, and sent In by 4 o'clock. 2f, MO. 11AT AND CAP EMPORIU.I: rilhe undersigned having. purchased the V., of the Into Wei 11.1 reel deidd. MCIIII ri—pectinll% announce In the puhlie that 111- In ill Vc, I blue the 11.1TTING 111 - SINESS et the old stand. in \t est Iligh Street. ith n tetiemed :mil efficient elfairt, pt ofIll(T ;intl. ICS 01 Ilend lire, of ErerY Variety, Style and Quality, that sh3l Lc strictly fn keeping W ith th.• iindriivi 10 of the Art, ttnd fully up Inthp uge kr Inc. I have tol hand hplynditl arg,rtme,ul of jtfrs, 14 AT C ' ND CIA I'S, of all descriptions, from the e; mwo❑ Wrqv to the finest Fl.ll AM) 611,11 (HATS. :nod nl Tqler that 1111)Ft still every one who lino nn rye Iv4en iug the north (.1 his 111011 e). The nt..;.ci., in; ruder, NIt11,1;;;;KIN.C.ASt;I:t1E111:. 1;1:.11 Fl 1.1 HATS. of over, store and color and itosorpas•ed for 1,11;111 11l it Allll,ll'l' AND 1.1N1,11: 1y there of tt3 olher •••Lablohntent in the conotry. :11EN ;;;,, Ruhr and (1111,1)1l IIATF and CA 1171, ~t li,cliptioncot,tntl, on hat,' Ile real...v(l . l;lly invites all the old patrons and a nut, now ; ors as poßtolde, to git Imo a call. Apr 25. I,ro-15 ' A 1:1111'.11..- 1 . 01:1111.: III; kl) A> n FF FT At the of John on the N. F. , i,or the toildii the pittee to pun 1,1,e hot t linty s cariv. at per, that tiety, tviretliti n ll.' h.Yo ju-i rein, rill.ti trot. the Is oh the largest toil most, einiiplete e t 1.1 Booty, `hoes, psis h rar: Mitt he tiny ever preseuteit to till , ronitolititty, oil Itich he in ileteiniiiitol to sett at the lots ens possi tile to tees. 11i..t0r6 emionees evety Ito:1g in hislinti as MEN'S ‘.&. P,OYS' FINE C.l LE BOOTS, Kip anti 5,=. Cm; i t I,i,therll kip lirtigiii.s.:+lippo•rs, Fine• FrrnrL Miirricro, Fine hid Kid c.. A. IS , ES .‘NI)11111.1 , 1i I% ERE ornll deFel fpf loft. efilbravill;2 liar Lasting I;:tifers, 91ni01.1.11 and Lasting o ce,” 11,,1Oci•ft Pools of ull Llnas , fancy sfylcs Fllypers. Ok.s.mi , re. Fur anti \l'ool ILity of al, 1 , t3 id. a 1)10:10 ass, , TR.! 11' //A 7;S ingot , : and :logos goado to g rglor at the ,glogrt eel untie, liopniginc ongloptls glgdigg Conlldg ut ggl lgn algilite fo plod, all I 4.f ou:.toniet t , be e-gigortlelly Invitee ring ;gold! to gzi,o hlng g lan. I;, nn-nil. the pima., N. E. odrner of the PoLli Nyn ItN 30, Jg/lIN 11;VINE. A. H. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM $O . . • s • CP • t ll'est High greet, Carlisle, Pa. (I'remium a worded at t/ Cu, u iyrirultural Fair J 3837.) Thr rubmirilier to just roccivril the Iniist ~F s ortitioilt el articles in his liut. c i L,rctuglrt to Li place—v. 11i.). he is iletdrniiiied to srll at priers dial dt• iy Parlo, (•hamber, I)lning-room, }FURNITURE. I{lle hen and ()Mee Endo-ovine every article used by (louse and keepers, of the un,t appro v ed and lashinnahlo deli and finish lit- hiding also - Cottage turnitine le .et reception and Camp l'hairs, Matti - asses, milt nano, &c. Purrha--ers are requested to call and examine hi , Stt9, at his eX:efe-See %Are:9,OMS, hest Main street North side A. 13. 1..11 INli. Arb - Partieular attention given no usual I.ls furle,ll , Orders from town and country, at tuudud to pmmpi ly and IM moderate iertalg. A. IL E MZSMEM99 T UMBER AND COAL OLIVER DELANF_Y, EIJIVI 13 Ett A\ D COA I. YARN' On Nye Ro o d, near the Gas 11()r1,73. The subl.crlber keeps coubtant.ly on hand, a full n which ho can for- c ,17, aIIIV% nlhh to order protoptly and on the mobt • - sonalde terms. I=l Lumber &. Coal, LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Lathe. Worked Floe, Weathm hoarding, Posts, hallr,l% hate Pine, I lendock and Oak Shingles, or ovary quality lie also furnif.h bills to order of any length and sloe, al the shot test notice an nd on the most reasonable terms. Ills worked beards era kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at tall times, Ito has constantly on hand all kinds of Family Cool under cover, which trill be dolivo. Ni :dean to any part of the horough. 'Co wit: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various sizes hi use, which he offers to the public at the lowest priers. LlMEllultriiNlCS AND DLACKSMITICSCOA Lalways on hood. at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public. be stowed upon the late firm of Mach Si Delaney, he would• solicit a coutinuatice of the same as be will strive to please. All orders loft at the rotridence of Jacob Shrum for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to no heretofore. OLIYED DELAN , CY July 20,1 Interesting TO Farmers. CM TOHN P. LYNE & SON, have just V received a large lot of these celebrated SCYTHES, made expresslytor their own sales, whieh have always given entire satisfaction to all who have used them.— You that want nkeen cutting and easy running Scythe, we would say try one of their superior make We have 'also a full 'stock ofSnaths, Whet Stones, Ac. Itakesof Christ. Myers' and other celebrated mak.. Grain era dice of all the best molten in the couidy, with a lull 'dock of all kinds of Toole and implements for farmer's use. All of which we are ceiling cheap at our store in North Hanover street. Carlisle, June 0, 1862. REMOVAL.—Tho Hat and Cap store heretofore known ne . ithILLERS," has boon re moved directly hppreato the old stand. two - aeors trout Arneld's clothing store. The busin..as will ho conduct. ad as heretolOre, fled all the goods, hoth.homo made and city manufitcture,'warratitoil to give satistimtien'a s ra.- commended. A full patronage is respectfully colic ,rd as every effort will be made to, keep the assortmer.. of rum and boyA, hats and caps complete, with prices to suit the times. "-, HELLER. UM-Spring styles orsllk hats,tiow reedy. March 16t1802.. NEW •GOODS! NEW GOODS j,.! A very handsome 'assortment of new and desirable goods freuTPlillotielpbla, Itavu just been opened at the car Tamed rhonp *tore or. • , •, 010:111GFIRLD Q SIIHAFER. P.S. Remember the place, ono door treat of the County Prison. Main Street. Ortebor al, 1882. • 0 & BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLNIIED AS A REFlialt F1:01 QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A UNE CAN DE IA.II. JOHNSTON has discovered the nioth rm fain, she, dy and only oilcans] remedy In th, snort.] 1, ell primate ihneases, treakorra of IL, Lank or limbs. ute. ctl.h, al the 'thine) s and blad• der, innolootatl dim hatpca imp , temy. corral debili ty, oermousoess, dvsmi.y. longror. I.m: spit iI a. email+ non of Id, scam pi , pil,itl of tll heart, timidity, trem• (dingo, dimmas of sight nr giddineLs. discos,. of the head, throat. nose or shin. affection. M . the liver, lunge, stomach or bow els—t hose terrible di•ordors nrislng Irani the solitary hubi IF oP I , lllii—those rehret and solitary practieea Tomo fatal t , their • tiros than • the song of Syron:: to the )Iminera Mit:Ming their most bell li:utt hopes , uticiptvats, endesing marriage, 11111,N511,111. 13M=EM11 liepoeinl o'hu have ly, I. lotlinti of solitery vie. that tirett.l' .11 and d at w•tis, habit Nvhlitt ally sw,a•pa tii.in tititinwly (NAV,. thittiiientitt of Young' Men of the. p•. 4 vaalteil t.tlenk nod Iwillitint intellect, „h i , m i g ht anvil rat, Stehitee with the tlittnii,- iit r xnt eil t,ecalttsy the lilting lyre, nit, cell with lull in. :ll.tt iO.l 1' Hwt•dily. Ile who Rini., hinte.ilf .111.11 the rare of Pr. J. may ronlide In 111., I) ewe dp. 111 Iruvut, and confidently rely opine an n phenirlan. 011.0-/IPT.T.O 11c7 2 / I .IFLNESS Immediately 1.111.e.1, dull lull air, restored Thin dip; tres , ing riole•i• liie nu•"rnldr arc marrinur the perod Iy paid he the r irtlma of iinCiciTher r 0 ,..). an. tee apt to) cumin.). ext.,sen Cron. nil L,inc nuifie et the enntle Now, letin that 1111th`r rtall.i, the sulde,.l kill 1.1.d...id to deny th a t lur pincer of procreation r by roii” K iota i on pt. , Per tll),n he the it.lee I ledap privet I ec of i,,oths mon? nerimin :111,1 ,11`St1.11CtIVi• mrttimn In loW Lily )1110 mind arise. The syntern I 1,14 M, pert. Ihe physiii rut :tad mental 111tict ,111,. 1.1, el pro, miller:tlee, power, nervous 1,0 p'tlpitntirn at the heart, ithimze,t mnal deign)). a snout - Ing of the frame, ri.n.rl`.o,l,kinipiduz.deea) and death. oracr, NO 7 ;OYYT E'REDERICIE S T11..7.1 Left hand Cram Bunn), re street, In fine doors faun 11)1. Fall lint to oli , r. 'lumber Lt.t.tvrg tol,t 11.• pald :ttid er.nt.t, a The Doe tor',, In I.ls ,t).. x WELB.III3,7‘.ITZD IN TWO DRYS Nn V orett^y nr N.14..0110 f)r,,,.—1fr..1, , 11n1-tntf.locut• ser of Om .1 :111, , ,..1,11iiiin.,frodn,ary non, oun of Ow no , -.t. ondlooll s', 11 zo , - in thi.7 - I,lled I 10 , I, „h 1,, ,, Lay I son, spent 111 ~, I. lidos , . 1 . 1,11:,,lolfdi a :tnd els'ewhor, , , , if- ,- tiott ho nktnni , ,hing nut . , that••• • , o i,11.0, .In ins. I o ring ing in ho , 1 00l • Cp. 111 . 11 , 510. 5 -.1 1 , 1 , 11f11111(11., WIIII frt•Pito,l attelidrd S,ll-•t1/111 , stills do moot ot nis:l, worn vlar•••1 ITOTICE 11 , 1!•, -,, i...t 11,1‘11 1.1111t.1 111. ie.ll .01 .`t t.ll, t..111..•.1, f :111VollAt I' , the I ' _ I • •ILI: I •:11..; 1114., vig or, h. , . having 011.1IC Cr Tor" Ns Ii 1,,tr0 s. .•f•rlnin 113.1tife 1.1 iron .11 .nf•. h' 11 , ••14 1, h..1111.• , 1 from iII It • 1.11:t h are I'll,l p :II "di - ruttier!, • nt, t i t 4, 10.1 .11 , pk . N 1 11 I , .% pits tl‘o t f 111. roan t• y, Ilyyr it IP., •t P t•ttt, nli ,0,1 f,.„rn I bs, ri •It.• t• 1,11,1 11111111 :Ins in - 0 0 rt•L 1,11 11 , h tls 11111'4 1511110 (.1111- iC”II,Ji..IIg IMME=II nr rollet t fictf ti tit .tt 1,1% :Iry tit° ,1111.$1• I H .1.•.•.1, .t 1,11! I -• t to Ili •11,11 t I li• ut,•s 11l • t I1.••11 . y t,t.l , 11,, ••••• • •11.1.• ,,, 11111 ii,1.1. , i• ,• 1 .11 : I..oppluer, I II Itt ft 1, I, t,t•t• III" 11 , 1,1 I tillyd ‘vit 1,..; ,of aubtloi 1“•.,111. DISEI or 11'.6:211.151;ENCE. When tha loiat nol ,•••1, el teen q t ef :••.tr•J 1•1• i• •• 1 d• 1 •• ••• 10 , thi• NI 1 , 111 it ••• 1111 •111 •-••of sltaton, or dre el • hew app/y nig to the, 1.01 , /, I 111 i 1..111111, I'll it alen, lafii•••• 1 hill. •I• 1•• •,•••••!I•lllienal arrart •n, ••1 III , I•••• •uI •••••• • •• 01111 11 la :trate el Sl,ll /1... nto 11, lilt•II. 11 , nrna, )t•ti•1• , 1•1 the 1,111.1 an.' lee} I/1 011 .11111 I lid (ha 1,1••1•1. •,11.1 •••.17111 11• ie..: III!), ' I ~•1 11, , t51 , • is tilt.. I ;; .1,1. ~; 11111 Llll . l 1,;•; p , it Swim, 1,, 1,s1; its , ts; Isis I Istsil filthy ,;Ip I. :I • )11• • 1 . 1 1 . Igt..1I111•.1e.11' 1 1 111 1/1• 1 .1 $1 It/11.' 11 111111 1111Iled 11 11 11111 ~i; ; ,;ti• ; olis I ,11; A;Iv; ; I .1.1;;;,111,14;!usts, is; Isis offire. I:1<• 11; ;;5 [is s Ar; issi;• 1 ; 1 1-1 11, i 111; 111 111,ti Is .51;1155'• s,t 11.. , sltsl 111 11 , ext,ilnivei put..ste 1111 ti 1 1 111.111 0111 1.11.1 mph 111 111 till. Wtllld, The ill iii, al 11, 11,i yeAv a rt, , 1 ri t! ~1,11:111.1ifl r . l 11 I t , I 11 t 1)1 . i F. I•:1)11.\ FC.D sw.till • 1, •ul i L. I i ul.ll w rlitecting ma■ • )ld M3y 2. - I 1 i• 1 iii Carli,le and sun. :-1:-.1:::cr,',1:,:,, 1. , ,,1ng lb:ante sultstailteut -11., tctuttattl 11.•1 t I itt• l'it% u 1;lt a unit,,,ll us block 0E the tttt• tit.. n:1 1 t0t.1,1 1 1 ( .1-1, and 11. 1 tt „.Id nt suckk 1 ,, ,‘ ipt tot— 3, ,iii t., L . , , t J ,011!: to Slllll, in their 1.. , .(,. It, tbir I , :y txtur, it . .....1, tit.t le I ttund peat plier, I'. Tr, d 1.,' 1 .1, s"-irty s , •l‘ 1111. 1n.., •I,tl tna.tif,•lttr, 1'1.11.1. 1 , , nl , n'ht•l n 14. J 1.. 1:1t...1,1er,d k I 1 111 . 1.:11U,, BLAU 1/a411{1 , . 1.1, I • A , I:11;11 , 1.:111 . 11,1 and r v,ry , t)1 dor he el, s” I ha, o the In) :1 ,, 111, Itt of C. 11; I' 1{ mA OE 11111 , n thy iutt•rior of I'l•n,,qlvarda, of ttalitiv. tool al vi•ry t.ct) pr lt,s to tt. pur tit ulna st in,: nil.. article In my liarot tlin t in In I,l'lolol.yd. selertsd with great r :mil a ittl 1.11 , •13 to the want., 01 this 0,1:11111MP) pli .: The niagnifionnt bonds of goods 1,1, o 1.1-.., hero, as I nin confident that w ill hr itnini i'srelnl nsatninn. tinn ~t uq ,t,,, o bah loi inilllOnsity has Ilev er Loco. :cud 111 . 1 1.11.51.r511.e, eq , nallgel in tills plat . , for sit.. tinniness. Al inr old. mei ] Lunen stand of A I. A.ll'. BENTZ, April L NEW work showihg how either sex ../. may be suitably in:killed. irrti,peetive of ago oi,- t ,,,bition, g regosses,lug or 1/1111 . 1S1 Ise, Ni ith n treatise on, the Art of hthdooting ail) ppisuin yoil,xish. A curl otis seientifir experimoilt us i.ich 111.,1 . fails Free tot :25 e ,..,.. Athirsi, T. \III.I.IAM & ('U., Publishurx, . lies '2 300, Philadelphia. :ilareh 14, liiiiil—ly Scythes Et Snaths, JUST received the largest, best 110 elleapctit LIFFOIIIIIOIIt of Fry then, Forks, Smiths. Rakes. Whet Stones, Shovels, • !titles, noes, Water Cans, Kegs, kr., over brought to this county. All of which I ltvr; wade expriisly to order. In large quantities, iiii that, they ran he sold at very low prices and warranted as reprrsen td. -- Tht trade and cradle maker supplied at man 0'1o; turn prices, at the clasp Hard. arelt e Store of IIY tiAXTON. Fast (lain St . Carlisle. The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. PUBLISTMD for the benefit and as a warning ant n caul on to voting 111011 who Minn' front NerVOUN bfbilitV; P,llllll me l'eraY, &e.; Sup p ly big at the 0,11110 limo the 1111,311.; CI . Felt cure. Ily eue, Who has cured hludVit after Wine:pia to great expel's., through medical imposition and quackery. fly elude post pall addressed envelope, single copies may be had of.the author, NATHAN llil. :MAYFAIR. Dec Mefferd, Rings Co.. N. Y. March 14, 18e2—ly jIQ PATO' E.IZS, I buy° been eppolnttel solo agent for Contborlom county, for severe I TIOW and superior mare o:1 AIV BEI.LS, which I em solllng et very reduced prlues• Cell and nun them Winn.° ' purchosing, at the clic. Thirdware store of Juno 13. 0111 Allin VOTING IV/Els:7 I , 1..11 injurr• I I 11 , •111 , ,elvos u.,n •I •-•111 ruin need, I t 1,41 efTortr. ..; 1.1 r of lo I•,.,1••• • tlit• 1,11 hoj p- 0..• I Ow t11. ,, 1ve mill ion. MEM aidt much I Itl-I.ot I ilt•tv., da -1 t“,wirty, nI . , aro• bottle or .... 1. crr. UMIM •of flf• 11. f• 111.11.11 , ILo ft tit., info.° In II i ; tho s li,ii wfLII . • . .•••• 3 11 ;i • t 13311311. Ill! t I.ii••I I. In. .1,,1,. I-1111.1 /kr . •.1 1. 0d.. 111 1 • •• n.l I .t. 1 1, .111111 y Jr 11l NI Ittneo ! 11 I'h. .trok FAH ictiros to It, Ig . !!.• ti • or 1100 P , lly poi- II to!n ato.l in.t kc thu ro- MEM =I • I.lt—tm,Lite6r .I,•llt,tort'g IN DORSI.: 7.1 (11 , THE SA =III • 1:1111) ullior ‘,111.511i1%. ,11 I.f• I A: 111 III 1• 1.• O . ` 11/ • gt.ll(l , llan tII 1 , • ip I=ll C4REAT EXCITEMENT (H(q);-: (•Lcmi:s, IS :11 , .: in FUG 'lout quantity ec, "Matrimony Made Easy." = 111, , ,111.1 ttln^ p . - =I