IM Scrofula, or King's Evil , is a constitutional diseasa, a corruption of the blood, by — which this - fluid becomes vitiated ; weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may, burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy fond, inquire air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever he its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, den-ending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to ho the rod of Him who says, ^ I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulccion< matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, IN liich genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only .sulfer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently• cut numbers . perish by disorders which, although not ,C 11,1) lous in their nature, arc still rendsr,tl. fatal IT this ‘taint in the system. !Nlost of the eonsuniptiOn whieh de cimate-. the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous I ontamination ; and many destructive disease.: of tie liver, kidney , , brain, and, indeed, of all the, organs, arise front or are aggravated by the sante cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by Ihis linking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. cleanse it from the sv-tens WC must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYE 11'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the must direct nal remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise fur this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined hum the active remetlials that have b ecl , ,E,C ol (-red for the rivputitition of lii. 1,111 disorder front the I,luoil, and the rettitiat of the system from its (lest tut tive comitipit pct;. 'Tepee it should he employed fur the cure of not imly but 111,to thine mitt r sib it tions NN 11 ari t.lll it, 5111.11 as firrit.ivr, and SHIN , \ •:p:, Sr. ANTID/NY'S Bust:, or Titt \ P1,11'1.1 , , Pi ....Ft 1,1 'Suiten' s, Itt.klitts Bur k s, Tit,mhs, and S\ lain t 11, 11i/ ili EllErNl\ll,l, I'lllllllC and >1 i urelct 11, DI,- all I ry, and, indeed, CO MM.\ 1:\"1,; Al:l4lNii 111551 VITIA TED Olt INII.I The Insular la lief in " y Me blond" is ii untied in truth, fur scrofula is a de,gent ration of t The particular purpo , it and virtue of this Nir-t,pa rillit is to purity and regenerate thin vital Mild, without schlep sound health is'de iu Contalllillated Ayers . Cathartic - Pillo, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY FrIYSIO, are so composed that disease within the ramie their action can raret nitin-tmol'or evade thorn Their pow tri. , init properties se,“ll, and ill thee, ;Hot portion of the I.l.roau corriii•tinn, its iliscascd action, and restoi it, healthy i t:th t los. As a eons, Igo iur of tin popyrties, the inNalid who is hi , Well dorm with rain or physieal th.ltility i; woo, ~ L et to hnd his health or merge restated It) a tenudy at once so simple turd tontine. Not air do they cure the every -day reouttlitints oC cNely hut also . man) for;oidithie and dangerous tii, the sgent. 1:,1(0,1 is pleased to furnish gratis American Alnu.nne, containing eel titidiot , of their ewes and ditectit for their use in the folltming C -7ICSS, t' lt,H , 111,CIOC11,1' r , ,111;‘, ,, 1, re Neonfach, .\,111.1f fii./r 011011, P;I;11 Inaction qf tire Pra, .Inumi"e, and oth e r Lindind cnn;id..ints, arising from a INV state of the Lody or tilettt totem of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I= Coughs, Colds, Influenza, lionrseneFg, Croup, 'lron chiti,, Incipient Con , u::;p. tion, and for the relief of Ca /I,lllllptivv ppi:-••• • diseo,e. So wide k the field tkefolite...s and an nit. 111Cr0115 ate the t ast, of its I.lery sectiotk el' cottony llti,mis in T.1 . 1,111s It known, lila, It:,, I sett re , tort iI fawn a h, to ,h't g and Peen de—pentte t't,e..lti I.f HIV 1111 use. \V111•11 (thee tilt f ' !, ,ottetiortty to rr t Icy other ntedit Itte of Its kit k too all :tit rl I t tLt observtion, and xatZ.,, It' ILO pliblio TlOlOllOll 111..itato 'III It 11 1 1'1 1 ]1/11 . il-1 t 11 for the dii.tre , --ine: :11,1 o. polrnonary oreilo: that : lo ,• Inle main 111:llor I,llll'l/11, tl.i t 1 .1,1 omilithilit‘ . 11 tnc 1,111 11 111 ,, .111 I. 11 ha gaincd 1n..(1,1, LI.Lly L on the ailhocil It 111 ‘t.l I i 1, :o,cf I Nk duced cores toil nun( nats and too IL nuo ka , _le to bo furgotten. I= DR. J. C. AIVER Sy:, CO. LOWELL. MASS. For i.l.liy S 11 ivri..t.iek andS. 1 l'anot,ilier. Samuel Ellint 1, in Cir'ii.lo. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SINCE the late victories Domestic Ct: o -ton Goods W 1,01100100.1. :Hid tiiiiiiii is ii , 0 a piii - poet iii gutting 0 supply of rdi us. it 0 . .1, I liiii 11. SAWYER iti MI I.l.liiit, at thii 000 at•OO.,llJ IsS \joi IS, u, Hotel. East Main stroot i aro i riots in; ildii, 1.1 go sop• plioB of NEW SPRING GOnDS, vhlrh, nur old of oh W.' ate clot, mined to Fell a CITY PRICES. lilt II: 4 S of crery va , tty ; Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices, A largo Int of now Mack Fllks at ;0, 1.00, 1 2`,. 1.50. 1.70, 2 00 •2J,0, now ;spring IS lairle, at 20 routs • 4,000 yards he.t. 10erlinar, ;knit America. Plititti. dar4 0101 11,11 t 1,10, 05‘, ~dyle,nt 111; 2 ; a large I'd at .1, S and 10. Full and SECOND MOONING PRINTS, beat quality I:n_ eie. hind , Boatee.tie tilnghatna lan, In—top lies het t eh . E nd Bcotelt Dregs and Bonnet hint:qt., +pt. '2",. BROWN AND WHITE MUSLINB at wholiii.ain ri•tail. a and qunlltY s, fine 10. 4 4 {Vid Alin, J. lo 12-4 At prices. .40 hinds i,l ti.80)8 in niii•ly at reduced prices—Ticliings, I I :111r fr nhu rgs, Cott• a Nap: air. , .1.• 1,1n..1, t; , i all ( . 1 , 411, .1 lu ,i N.ip king. Shirtlrrizc;.o,, „dlu , i 1 prices. \\Alit, 11,A.,15, all 1, At ..1,1 llil SPRING MANTLES, DL'Si'ELS, Shawls, Embroth , rh,,,S, , I ht,p S•thlrt,•llrt.rt [roue tho fitctory. Fill) doz. 1...1iie5% tql . ri 411'1 BUSK, to 25. 11e11 . 8 1%1,11.- BLA.CI( CLOTHS AND CASSIAI all grades, Vanry rasslmrto , , latest style:, Vesting - s, i'.4.3.linet,, Jeans, Cotton:Me, litti to•rnred the services of a 1114 class Tailor, as on, prepared to get up Clothing in Linn most Lishiono blo style at short notice. CARPETS! CARPETS ! ! • • We are receiving our Spring supply of Carpets, rompri, ing all the various kinds kept in a lii et class Carpet House. Carpets ranging In price froth . .1* to I 011 Cloths, all widths. Matt legs, Look tog (ll:Asses, Shades and blinds of all kinds. 1,000 lbs. Carpet Chain ; Panthers: Cotten Batting; Countm penes. kr , (0. All the above goads and many others, we biter to tuteinmers at a small advance above coat. Winter rags (foods—Shea W IN, Maul Ice, Furs, less than first cost. We aro determined not to be undersold. Please call and examine our Minium.° stock. _(No will maho additioos of Now floods ns lha xea son ad mucus. All 00111.1fi Warrittlied to Lu what we cell thorn fdr. LEIDICIE, SAWYER it muw, Carlisle Ilebrnary 111131, QIIAVING SALOON.—llaving fitted Ljup in the very beat - stylo, the room In Cramer's building, next door to A. L. Sponsler's office. lam pro pared to give my tonsorial attentions to all who may honor me with a visit. I shall - constantly ho with competent and polite Lands and shall sparonu mart to give general satisfaction. I wish to employ a good boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply imnindiatoly j O J. MYERS. Carlisle, Juno 27, 1662-Ip. 1862. SPILING. . 1862. ISAAC LIVINGSTON now offers one . of thn best and most attractive assortniunts of piece Goods boor exhibited in this place for Men and Boys' Wear, of ovary style, quality and price, and In continually ro coichur auditlona tic the mason advances, of all the latest noyoltlea and styles to eult all CiliNfieli. Our stock of ItE'ADICIOADE 01,01'111SO, all our own manufacture, cannot bo excelled for DURABILITY . 'STYLE, • . . AND CHEAPNESS, • • • . , . of every variety to atilt tho Reason, tastO, and pocket. All we want to a call and ceo tor you raolvas at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Tianover Strobl Clothing Emporium., N. B. Ait goods bought from in by the piece or yard, by persont, wlhhing to have it cut to meaeure, coil be accommodated ee of charge.' , • Carlisle, iilay 1. 1862. BOOTS ANLIS,EIOFIS.-4ust received at ilCiftllrti Cheap CllBll Store, ;in nntirn' now. Mock of Ladles', Misses' and Children'e Morocco Mete, glees and Onltera, of the bout quality and lowest prices DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S MOUTH tVASH, =I Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, _ . Diseased Bleeding rtivirsling Sore Monili, A NI) the best specific now in use fhr 4 - 11 ANY diseased condition of the mouth. It to particularly beneficial to perSOns w4,111.111r, ART FICTA. TEETH, nom plotoly destroyhlg every taint of the mouth, fth. Norbinglld rem., fly alnimpot Mee, Insuring A SW I.; V.:l' BREA T I i to nil who 71,0, 0 r It. No YouNu Loot or YOUNtI U ‘.l 31 ofilirted a ith J 3 1) applying Ihn remedy, few it it a certain orptoxeil and recommended every pity rick, tinder n hog ii 0411••• it hits ti brit/112,1a. 1)r. S CIUTII frASII. Preparel at Dr. Ilrrt Dentol (Miro, Wu. 77 Fourth titzeot. 1:rookl)o, I:. D. .r.;'/:,"Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A lit,or r”. 1,10 1.1,11,4. Address Principal Office, Tribuno Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Ne , ,7 York In l'n No r th 2,1 ,1 I lla l'll,-[nut sfrresl: and by Dro.zuists DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S 'Fount Pow DER! ThiN t'AIZBI,,.! THE INJUII;11 il.lllOl nu I i , :.1. ‘11,11i,, 111,1 i 111 11, 11 ., 1“, ',YU' , lln , 1 . 1•••: 11. :01 i,m iii• 1110 ly met luinival -1,1.11,1 t 111.• .•t•Iznol. Dr. W in. B. ihrd*s Tooth Powder ::11 Pri.i.0..1 at Dr. 1110 Donlol UfTi,r, N 0.77 I ,, urtli 1. I). D=-V' Price 25 Cents per Box. Addros3 Principal Oftic,7, Tiibuno Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Streot, Now Yor:c. ' , I kletitt” 11..101 J. , c , .11:1,:..11. :1 . Iti ,1 , 1‘,43; l). a. I;Arn.,. ug.,.:1•1,:. AVILLI.I C ULT.O • r 0/ 7 =llll it i , 1 , 1!11 , 1 ,1 (11, — ,:lpt4,1 s.rik II 'WM: =EI LnaS UL' SLEEP , t11 , .1,,,4. 4•; I 111.1 V, 1)1.11.l I 111,0, 0,1111 :•;,. 7 ; 1 0 y 12,('-nk prr A11.11, - 2,.i P. inc1:;11 °MCA), ,•l 1 C tract, Yotk. 117 W - 1 1 LI A M U'R.6'S NEURALGIA PLASTEI,S, Cl I:I: uR Nri i; 11,4,1 A ()It tu , l II ‘ , llll TTY I. \I, IA t , uto.l In iL.ii or I, 1,1..11 I I Ills :A, I hi 11:111111,... iu I: , 1 o ihui . 1. , 11.'1 a 1.1:1., ,and 10.,ve uu Di.. \Vni. B. liur i's Neuralgia Plasters 1 . ) tl. ho I ben f;f,:s'" is 13 I'r En( A.1 1 ....c7 , , Pi i 'Tribune Buidings, l'so 1 Spi Yorl:. - t • '` .0.1 =HI Ellllll =ME =MI MIME , =NI ME • I :1 1000 ADENT S WANTED MEM A• I 1 ,, 111 I', 1 . 1 ./ L :1 I, , —t• •LI 1., 1 I,r._ 11 I. 11 I.• • 1 I, i„ 1111 I‘l . •I 1 1 1 .14, 11-! • 1 111 r It , .PI nt 11 11 I I..•• I c 1 , ..t • ti i• 11 I 1,, •.1 h 1,5 ! 1.1: I .1,1 11 , wllll t Om,- h• , l , ltui,..imo, I 1ip..., ICI o 1.11, \ i , 1 ii.t 111. 1,1 , 1 1..., For ruldrt• , • and rc:eit•inv e. 1:)11, IT G S I; 01) K S, FANCY ;ThOps, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMF,RY, PREsERVED FRUITS, MINCED M1:1'1', PICKLES, &C. S. W. ILIVERSTECK, ii,l o . 111' t •1 'lll 2100,1 11,11, , Vim 1 0 C 1 11 , d 1 . 111111,1 . 1 . , t 11111 - i.l 1 1 1 11 /1 . 10 11,1 . 1 •11 01111/10 1•./ ill 11., ),,,r 0 1 11,11 i 1. 211 11 .1 1 1 , .1 1 / 1 1 1111 1 11.1111•11.111 lloality uo lo• .tI tout., 1 , 1 111/1111.11,110, El=l9 jct.) r•I law.) art ivies of the most h lttleg;aiitalAbastei anti nor:slain ink-stands nod trays. Fain•) I And :boil Lord ears, 1.11• 1 .1••^' 1 - 111., F.lllO . is Boxes. with sewin: instruments, t Li, ri , Illg 14,44, and Purl fedos. et sty I arielY'. I;old pens and pos it.. Fain.y paper weights, and ri large y 01 . 131111 1 5 . l'ailey stationery. se.ll.llllli Salo, Silk Intl bead pursuit, }toting is hip.. ei,-,raally finished. Hut- cutlery, rerno..e :tint ',ass. Brushes eiery kind fil the toilet, X. 11a7.1.1 and \Vrigh l.'s Soaps alit! l'ertualcr, of various I.inds. Fancy Pins for hosd diss,ea and shawls. ii,truinests, Inget111:1 . With 311 itinutwahle variety of articlosolegant ly finished an.l suitable for HOLIDAY RESENTS, to whir), ha pv,ial attention. AL,,, an oxtonsive ologant collection of BEM emu prisin C various - English and ! inerican IVorlra, richly embellished POETICAL Wi 01E8, Bibles null Ilynin Books, elegantly buund in velvet smith metal clasps and corners Ills tu.sort. 'non .it:ichool Books null School Stationery Is alsol`;mpletti, and comprises ever) thing used in the Schools. Iln mien desires to call the particular mitten• Wm of v...,1110, to his elegant at.sortnieut I.A NI l' 8 , 1!" from the 1 , 1(t1!11, , i vs 011tablifill1110110; of Cornelius, Archer and others vi l'hlholelphitioeomprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm m Etherial ell; she DI'01'1"S celebrated Kerosene or Coal 011 Lamps, together with Flower Vanes . Fancy Screens, kc. Ills assortment In this his is un equaled lu the borough. Also, SFXL',ItS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort meal of MEERSCHAUM :01011'1:RS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killocochink Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. Flt U I 'l' , such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, lialcins, Nectarines, Prunes, kr., FANCY CONFECTIONA UTS—PRE SER VEU FRUITS, SUN ED—MEAT, PICKLES, kc., Jn every variety and at /111 prices, nil of which are pure, and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to We friends. Ills stock embraces everything In the line of Fancy floods, with many ohm artlclea useful to haus ekeepers which the public. Ore especially invited to call and examine. Itumetnber the Ohl Stand, nearly oppcsite the Bank on North Ilanaver street. IMEIMI I. - VAILS I •NAII.S4zI NAILS !! • A largo stool{ of good, C 101111; Neat. and Tough nails, at the lowed Prices. Our nails nro ,worth Wee a liogmoro, than any other multe of mills , sold in our town. this Is the opinion of meelionleg NOM hare tried thou', we also haviia foil assortinout or • • BUILDINU MATERIA LB, • of the latest and most approved styles. All trends war ranted as represented. JOHN P. LYNE k BON. Canker, = =EN \;;;! , :k..!m, c,(;_ , . ,11 , 1••1 •t Ct 1.1 I.i: \ 'I: 11 EVI ; (..// . % ;PL'i.V(; (; 1 1.1" /1/a/. 111 , 11 .tli < L v. 1.1• 1111 Fir,l ' l, l ,, l l l,lllllflits mtStran d 1.31 r•. To 1:11,1, 0 :111.1 P. rI . lin- V. i• ~r .:11. iu dt•tall t't.• ~• 11111 /it! t•ut I.• ,I 'rl 'IL 1 • " 11 • . I! , 1 , , tit:A =1 =MI lIMIE EMI 1..• 11 • .t MEI =EMI (Ird••1,1 -.• NI .1 111,011.1.( 1.1(1. ('(-1 IL. I ...I I l':• r I, ( .1/ (..(' rt .(Ir, - 11.(1 (1 ((,•1( • 1.•( .• I V...“ 1 I% it b • I " I r t/11-IF 1,1%. .1 . • ,:t, f•tpaLtei,, 1 , 4 11.1%. 71, 1. GS , t, I` I!01. t!IlelIt of mar bu,ll w ball it • il 1111. 11 tu, 1.1 :tit - fluty eNte!l,ll.•st,J, kol patter], : 1, 111111 (..ariwu It,. NI ill In re aud will he or 111.110,i till PI i•ti CA1,11,1111 of ~ nr tat km , )1111 nn 1)111 Alachlwo -hop all t int I , :ng, plartot, and hut-111.g t•haltiwg wd r. 1 ,11 1 11, joi,ts . )N.k it V TEAM EN(i IN ES °rune d,•,irtHt. le tell tot v. eilh,hit eje, e , o,l•,. Lida 111 llllu, 1 , 11111 limy he • e,hel pviNl 1,,l 111.110 . litigant 1.1. t Tll .111,1 i.• 1// a land Peer% .t‘l l'aksphle 1 "until t ell ',Pis g'l ii high Ci.111;d1•11t11 I 1111.11.1., a, 111 ,lig•j, ,• Y• I ' . • . e 11.•,11 re. 10,(t. ato ,lud helt u. ,out lilting V, lit., BOOR AND SA II FACTOPS, Jo, LII r..trhi..411, 111 I. :'1,11.4,1,1 • .4. it .11 0,t . t., I !lo ulaet Ur o o: r,,,., :,.0 1.; 1..1 11/1'1 , 4 I• 1 ..- 1 1.1 111./I.t 11 in d, 111 hoot hod It. of . 1.7 HI, 1.111,1 to 1.1 tit .s I r •.....•..... tit , ,Ittillifts I. s l 1,t.1111. :..111/1 , I/ 111 ..I 7 I..ur 12 tilts, obit ',IA zp.h et,. I ant) Ittaitttty, t•ctoll. an 11.111,1 11111.11 , Ilt .111'11 ill house Itttilttnn.r. furnot.o I .It 11,,' 11,11 1./ 1111(I or the hest quality t.t hoot., .11 I. att. ttlso teparad, as Itert•totoro to hoilti and It-pair 111 hU6:. I .\l(i tot transportcos tho I 0 tiono. l'lnf root into•fl iftitrotitt, ..111,1, by mull itrontittly•tittrnflot to. Al.t.f) 11. 'tat. F. GAIiI)NEIt ,It Co. Scrond door c(l4 of the ~11,11 !eel Rouse 'in n EALER IN PIANOS. New Rose wood from ILu hot makers. JIELODE The best man n'aetured Instruments from $.15 to $lOO. Violins. fl nitars, Aliengdeqns, Flatus, Fifes, Drum s , lig. jon, Tanilioni ines. iolin Guitar Litrings, and Musi cal Merchandise in general. SHEET MUS IC. A complete assortment for all instrumbnta. The latest publication, iilways on band. Tearber on tlaoPlano Lind Oultxr, Inhtrumentul and Voeul Planoß old Melodeons t coned and repaired. filarrli 21. IS‘titi. A. LENK. fiDC3Z. aatz. TLUST opened the largest and best as pfr Eortment of Ihrdware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Class. Iron, Ar., Your brought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for rash, and which we are selling at the lowest prices. We Invite the public graerally to give us a call before making their purchases, 101 wears fully sustaining our old reputation of selling the Returning than!. to i, generoux pubile for their past liberal patronage, hoping by personal uttet.tion to their wants, to merit a eon t inuan VII Of the Faun, JOIIN P. LY\l•; & SON, At the Ohl Stand North Canover Street. Carlisle. June 6,186 z, CIARPETINGS,'&c.—Just received nt unir.ny'S Cheap CHOI Stolen now Ariel: Of Oar. Wings. Druggetn and Floor CD Cloths, which will be sold et very low figures. — Please call nue examine the stock. bet,. 25, MI. 3. IV. GUAI BELTING! Just received a large assortment of all sizes buiu Deltinit, Uum 11040, Hum Pa -king, and for Salo cheep at tlio Itardwaro tltore of Junii.24, ISO DUMPS & OEM ENT. 100 buirrels of Cement. with n argo mitmetment prebuilt and Iron Pumps, juat recut tact and for sale cheaper then over. COMOIIt HOW by the quantity at manufnetitrinti prima March L'S. IL SAXTON. 4 Miscellaneous. GREENFIELD' & CO., One door west of the County Prison. HAVEjust received a splendid as • pertinent al' Now Goods. from Now York nod t'biladelphla, which will be sold unusually cheap far cash. Fancy Silks in Great Varieties, BLACK SILKS; of nll grade.~, from 75 rents to $1,50. In tho above Ilno of Goods wo defy rompontion. SILK AND WOOLEN FOULARDS. . Silk Poplins, Llama Cloth% Nloasinbi,ines, Shepherd Plulds, Wool de Laines, lb:Mies, Lanus, ,Yr.e. .11 &VG .D a 7; BLVE. At roil need prices. Wu u 1101 V carting our entire stork i.l new vi yle4 of i'pring Delni nee lit 2U eientii, n until 25 vents. DOMESTICS . . (10,1 Print? at IP.rand A rents. Est rd do 16 10 mots. ( . ooh..oors. Morriunn, and Flo.,,Turs at 1:21.;, [ll,, e h e d and 1.1,1,010,1 , illSiii, al lii. h And lit cettLA. Extra quality. sue y ard wide at 1'! , .,i rents. Lancaster Ulu hams nt 1:2.! vents. (1)1 , 1' AiND LINEN PAN'FINGS, 01111,, 11, ill great variety and at old pricos :\II . :N ANti l' , l)l'S' EMI. ,F,5 CA S.qll E H ES ) 11 .$1 a,.1 fly a ir.eir, at liiw prices. IVIIITE GOODS' AND NOTIONS ncd !inv , fined. Also, t \ WM 2 4 ":1.1 :u 1 ., -, all the :11.1 tt ir , iii •• I !to t•inr..,•l 7,1 ier fr,rl 14.!.., rt.. to p I 1,, cant 14kri n 1,4”:1:1.,11 thr nimve-xtrsrrt ntrot r,‘ 1 nratr 1., Pti I ihrrtitent. ro I; r,,h5, 3, ill !,..,„ r :t li As ~ 1 11. • 1.10 i a p. : . :11:111.,L 11111(1i:1111 o , hAvt. al t t...1.11 , ::•11.11 • liar:, tp, %er: , ..; :mit,- lli tt lt,t‘o I Lit. 111,0 , 11 iiirvgatil ~'nli.~lr, tii.,~ " li:o. .1 ) 17. ii 1117.1' g fr. L LI. 1' V.1: , 111,Y Gian ANL) I t• , 9. I P•,', Miry ,•. f li !€.•l Colfrr. (*NI -no.] I I - ;14.t • 1, 1 1, ...1 Uri . 1..1.1 , 1, • It I/ ?“I .111 .1 Mil rfat.l,l„„ • • lEEE (( )K Fridlo\ — l - 1 ,04 P , v6 Atli V -rttllort tt • , i4-12.qr% 'll , l 1.11. ;IP II 1111 .t.1:1•I., t hi. 11,111111. t , )1.11 1. , i TI I. tll , p•, 11hr .hr sr I r Irt• 11.! , .kt 11'' ling. 4.1 hM.' , at, SI.II ti.otP• 11, 1.1 0p1..1,1P/.11u::. 111 T1: 5 :1 N,L -5 \LI \ F:t l' i'l' .1 1155 II c" - tanci.ry - Ow • 111 I , ‘t.i+ . 'lir 4. rem in.lod I LI It II \ I\l , 1L.1.1 Itir .1 “lo- .1 . 1-i 11•: , Fl , ll ili.• :',11 , 11. :,1:11 •al •• _ ~,1 L iu 11: . liar ..I ti aJr _ : f , .°..4 • k"" , • J , • ",;it•l.- ; -rc A NI) FA Int 1)1.:1'()T I ;„„ NVi.t!if". East \ l.,ii• ~ 1••• (.1 lat.gon••• 1 LI I !: 1 I, I,; I. 1 ‘: I, T ME =1 =III \ll 11: \ I' I t VI I I; !' \ `. I 1 V. I . I, t I TT , 'H t: t. , . \ I 1.1./; , • ',l;' , Ft II I . TI IIY uhi,ll Nlennt ril 111 Genring. 1;t ,; u,ir.oiAl A. LENK, ('oriur B EST tiOODS Al' TII E I.OIV k:ST PR ICES 113fatcOes nth aewcfrq WATCHES, W JEELRY,- AND SHAVEII-WATMAT CONLYN'S old nstabfished Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite tho Cumberland Valley Brit. I havejust received a new assortment of watches, owelry. medallions, silverware. &r.. in addition to my ormer stock ,to which I Invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watches, Hunting and opens rasa do , gold An chors for Ladies and Oen tledien and Sliver 'opines and Quartier watches of every variety in style nod price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breast pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality. pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold !wavelets. finger rings, cuff-pins, al mls..deere-but tons. crosses, eliarros, kc. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea. salt and !mutant spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver common spectacles. to suit all agos to which we invite special alien. tins. A fine lot. of GOLD PENS from the best makers vectarle eases, fa nry bn ,09, silver and pearl card eases gohl and nxnuum hravelet,, tpnlrh rhains, :llau Ile Clocks and It 1211 arty lir - titles usu ally kept-in-Jewelry anted to he what I hey nr, reprcsented. Particular nßentf in paida, usual In 1V ATI:II aud tiltark MEE =I IT will be seen by the adver 11d.cr0uvlt, th It It ti:y A tsturootot. Et.l ha tot irtt , l I the fit . tri ot tier. 1'113119p d Co„ null that sunlit llophurn. I tat.. of Ca:listo t amt ott.. l'a . has boon as aaviato 'tit It I holf It•rtt11111 It It too,. illho film 1.1 ko tl r. ittittp At Co.. .ta.l that ‘‘ 1113011 NV. lit.phurn been r. tod 3'aodor in the 111.11, ,p 1 Mr. 5t.111,,,e.1. ' rhoProttrtAttra Ire 'A u.: I t t•t 111,11. RICH, Wttottt. Jolts C. DrNiAr This 8,0„ Trill ...mtinti In do A gonorAl 3 1 .111 king E'xd.".4.e busuw•=. nt Choir untivr the Ilatoe ;A) le of 1..% re." :Annry will hr re••elved on deposit and paid I,lk 1111 (101111111 , / willu , ul Ceitilitatteunt , ! , •p.••it 11. x interest at Literati...l v por rent. w it l nee he , short a period (IN 11 . 111 - 1 . /11 , 1: / 11/011,1 WI All vertin. rite w ill 1 . 0:1 , 0 3/. 111 . 11rtr it p. tput fr h till. are renewed ntars; tie, tine vntier anetlier given panel. (lie) 1011 lavir tin. ..anms late or in to; ed up to the lir, rd •ne,..11 Twenty 11:11,e nolies nin-t be given .4 an in tont!“” to with 1, 3 r, inter,v, t;;;LENFIETW:i hi• jimpri c t“, e tll th... 11,11114 41 of 1 . 141114,, ' 1 14 , 11111i, , 411 ii 411 4 t',44•1••• 1.1444 41. , ), • n .10iposil , •ry 1,1 Chris' 11 1 1111. y. i.• I,lir• r,-f hat r fiwir , L. 44 I. 11440...A4a .44e 1,,,,N11.1 !Ill.:, 1., .11.• 1,1.• 111 3,1 f 11. , I i ' h A• . :111) . 41111 tilt' „ i 1 at pa ice, that do ly rompot 1 3 :sr 10 , l'it Um her, 1)1111.1g-room, l UltN IT Ile It en nut! Office Einhmnrillz ..vory artirle i'el k , epols, t•I the ni,t appr,,v4.4l 1111.1 2111111 ' 111W, 111'1114in, li , ..CHt:1,•1111111111, recepl...ii .11,1 Camp l'haite, 611 t Iran ph.tuto, A... A., 1 . 11,h 1 , 1 , 1 s al t` 1 . ,q111-(1.1.1 to Call :111 , 1 1.,11111t1e litlWk.:ll 1,(1.1.1,0 Will 1.-r0)111S, 11 4.1 'Willi -IT North 0.10. A. It 1.1% INt It Y Pat ViV(.IIIIN 11 , 1141 t, 11111,2 order, fr , .tn teen att.l country, altcuaril and “1) trans. A. B. I I= =I ME I N 1; It A 1) C A OLIVER FLANEYI LIT NI lIER AN 1) COAL YARD Cht the Rad Ruad,_ near the Gas Works. ,011,,Tib... 1,,0 r s rnn,t,nt:y. hmat, a (nit a whit Ln VIM ' II 111 , 11 'I order promptly t - ' 4O:- . 4.70r'""" and on tl,•nk•st uo. bona termo. N..rtment Lumber S Cu:II, I,I 7 IIISEIZ, Sl'A IMA 1 , 1;.1 SIT FP, l'hudering and t 4 hincltnc-Lat he, \I of Led I. le,e ing. eal het heal din, red.., Itnil ,It hit, Pine. Ilesileek atid Ualt Shingle., of 11%01 . , yualuc. Ile :Ll', ft/ 3111,11 bilk to older ot ant tenet It and si/e, at Ihe shot had notiecandllll the 111 ,, 5t 11,1 , 1.11:11,11' tOIIIIS. His board:: are held ender cot er, so that they can Ito fur nth/left dry at all times, Ile has ' , est/L(lth( on hand all kinds of Famil: Coil under, clo, which will to delivezed dean to an part ol the ("trough. To eit ( TAKEN'S VALLEY-, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTUN, LOCUt.:zT lOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various sizes In use W 11101 he I.lrel to the puhlie at the lowest priors. 1,111 rittrics. EH'S 111(1, L,VCIiSM ITICS COAL al way • Oil hand, al he lowest rash Thankful for the patronge of 0 generous publie, he stowed upon the late firm of Mach ii Delaney, he would• solicit n eontinuanee of the same as ho will strive to please. All orders tell at the residenre 01* .Jacob t-(hrom for Coal and LUIOIIOI., will he promptly attended to as herntotore. Uhl V 10t VELA NCY. July 26, 1 —l3 - . Interesting To Farmers. TOHN P. LYNE & SON, havo jut Q , iterelved tl large lot of those celebrated SCYTHES, made no preFSty for their own soles, whleh have always given en tire satisfaction' to all who have used them.— Yon that Mint a k..en cutting and easy running Scythe, we would say try one or their superior make. We have also a full stock ofSnaths, Whet Stones. fie. Rakes ot Christ. Myers' and other colelmited makes. ()rain t'ea' dies of all the best makes In the rnunlp, with a lull stock of all kinds of Tools and - Implements fin Farmer's uso. All of WO aro selling cheap at our store In North Hanover street. Juror 13, ISlig. EmovAL.—The Ilat and Cap store horetofore known ns " it ELLERS," has been re moved directly opposite the old stand, two doors trom Arnohreelothing storm The husln , ss will be conduct• ed as heretofore, and all the goods, both home Inado C n i t city manufacture. warranted to give satislit tine as le comitionded. A tilt patronage is respectfully ,rd na every effort will be made to keep the assort own of me: , and boys hats and raps complete, with pricer, to `suit the times. KELLER. Itly,Spring styles of silk hats noir' ready. March 15, 1611:;. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! I .A very handsome assortment of now f-t. and` fl , .1.11)10 roods from Phil:00010a, hart, just been °piled at thy far Coned shim', sloro of EN Fl HO) ,r; 30 HA FFII. P 5. Renoonlier the plow. ono door West of the County Prison, Main Strout. October 31, 1132. 0 ,k AND I.earo 12.55 1.2 N 2MO " 1..1J " 'll2 " 3.J0 " MEM '1 n 1.:;5M =I6 1 t 1,1 t) B.n. A. 31 6.4 4 00 4:10 6 .10 '• 6.10 " ILiS 7!LS 'I I) f . ttt.ttttt, ttntl itt tt, Ittut ,ii. MEN \t L , , hal then,eli tit a certain practice indul~„"I in oL n alone. a habit , iticonti fear tied non, ml all i.r at ellecta who b Ary o henlt not rt. rdrender, mai i.te and leitb mind and body, MEM NS h It n nit t! !Ivan ,i•!nng the hope of him (!),. t !,,, parrias. 511,11 d he , oar Iron, nll nr os pl., t..iiid 1.11 f,) , Pi lily.. hr they f.h!o•qu (d ncn ( kh. , !!!!!! th.. 1,11 ! and Indolvirur in h 1111/ , 1.•1,tf0t0 con- rell,l. th4t. a ;- , 111..1 lllltiti .tr ;1 1,1, 1,171 , 0. t. /.4“.,ry r0;1•11 , 11 ,, 1.. ; t./1:1; If bappinoxs I -• r,•• .1,71111 le hemmers' 11. 1./ tl. ,/ I to Cher N l.•nv. 1 , . • h Ir, I •;th flo,pair and II ~, ..1,• • ,h, t the I•Appiness 1 ,, ..”11••. , 111.1;1..1 v.)111 0 ,u Whon th.• and hum inhotit totary 01 plea /1111P /111 d. t' he the ••••e•lit tit thlit painful it otton li•ippoli. that an jll tinned cones of , nr dread of di,ot en. him from applying to tin who , . from o•liii•ation :1111.• hill, del:1011g till ihr• tatty ut:,•r:at N‘ulpt loiirl.l , 11,a,e'tnakeihclr -pp. are n•ej )111.11,, t rlti .1 ••••re li•••••, oturue., tho I.niti....lllntio , •••-13:icht.deafh t as, nod. , n t •hin nt..i :11,1'. I Int , ho. on the h,, sod - 'etth frightful ratii•lit‘, n th.,t la•-t 1.1,, of thr mouth rr the hoot. nt the 11,, 1.1 . ,1D. I s ild ~•titTl ot th” a wful 1••••••,turs .1 j-. f r l .ration. 1111 .I.•Atil into a poi-L.llO 11, n/.,hy Rend hi„ to • ill It I .10,..1 C. obi:, whe,‘t. ot the •lootost ontloo Lt t ottlity to ho r•-pto ttull3 tot ittot ti .1 t•to Inr.. or hr the eare of the In, 1111,1mill , !the -It.tluln,, deed e t ~e r e o 1 tn I •.I.c. le ono ot h t. r, ul , • • it, ler dch e . s t„,c. a ••• u'llo.L ~.111 1 ,, , ,,, - e2ITTI.O e •n0.,1 ph liwopil.l.• 01 eurine they keep , at :eithe, month niter no nth thn;r filth ~,„i eetippountis, oe i1..1111111,t tee I , l ,l l , illilll • ll,,ititi 1/1111 ., plir. 11,111 . 1,.0 AI :1.11 ruined health Io --tvh on er di,appiontineet. 1t0. ,, u1l l'11,•167111 nal rrth•lng, t tedolllio I, r diplonc. elnny. leave he hln offlre. II it- I,llledif• , or tee atotent are tiliknol, o to all others, prep tee• I !eon, a lite spunt iu the great Itospilate of Eu rope. the I r-.t 111 the country and a more extenniTe pe is of e ti •e t hail any to her In the World, 'rho wtny 111°11,1la mired nt. thi , institutinn year t 1,• 1111111,,,, Surgical Crpe rathol, pori'dined I, lir .1 , 1'n.1 .n. by the ts.poltol. of the Soo," and many other ptpe-,. ',Circa of hate appell,l again and again bol'oe the pultio. tc , tio , hi, 'tending a , a gentleman of charmocr and rc , i , mihild.", i , a ,ulltdent guarantee to the alllioict. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED 1 . 1.1 ,, 16 IHLing h,• purl kul3r in ditrrt.inq their letlel4 Lto lhi,• 110.1.1tntion. iu Ih,• 111113• .1011 N tI . 111 11N,ToN, M. n.. TTIB been 'arlisle and sur_ ~I , ndit g ij lt I •orn ( itig. that the subscriber has retto nest flout the rtt.y with a tr, mendous stock of all I.otwltt i t I a-1, and to be sold at such p 11 4 .,., an wlll aat..o• st , 11 I npvt.t: to shake in their hoots. In thi.. Ivry extensile ,he.l: way he fuund peat pil•a i Tui I.ti r... fancy Silk• in yßrinty, Sill, .1 the most t•ult•ltratt•tl tuttrutfaelure. Mohair l't.ll Clittrk, I:thitit t i t fr ie d Satitt t bet 6 Nltt,attllttotr, l hal* Do I.:tines, DOut la ti eS. 11,Sr N 11,11 , 4 ear o f ,qat quality nud deeirablo ielsi l'het 1,, Flannel, t , ivgitarna, Law us and I,,ny handNonn , .tyke: and in sufficient quantity to he e‘ei, kruale iu the I hal, nlno the hugest Ilnellt of CARPETS and Cloth in (Ito hilerior of l'entiFylvania, of all 11 1i:dill en :ttid at it ry hat,tactory pi I its to tile purrha- li,hlcs. Mat e every desirable article in my lion 01 business that can be mentioned, selected with , pi est c,o.e• nrol eith nu .1$ e single to the want/ ot thia sommonit)• snil the present thin, 'floe mobilo. in anivimool to see these magnificent load. if giPml% 110 . 010 111111 . 1111:i rig ekewlitoro, its I am confident .hut :ult . /nit:no, will be gained by n careful examine. leo of mi marts ul Goods, is filch for immensity bits nay •r felon, Mid pH hays Ile V, will be, equ a ll e d in thin olace. hon mire beauty. and chenintens. A t the chi. well linoio a totanti April 4, ltiii2 NEW work showing how either sex p pies It o, prepnsvresi ng or ui he, wine, ii /T i t v t e r t a i g s : o n r i the Art of Fascinating any permu you wish. A curl, ous fie j„,,titie experiment I, Lich never falls. Free for -20 rents, Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers, flux 2 300, Plllladelphia. Merril I I, ISo2—ly JUST received the largest, best and cheapest assortment of Sea (hes, Forks, Smiths, rt 111,06. 11' be' t Stones, Shocele, Hoes, Water Cane, It age, &C., ever brormltt to this county. All Of which I have matte expressly to order, In large quantities, se thall they coo he sold at very low prices and warranted as representd. Tits trailu and cradle maker supplied at ninufse• turn prices, at the cheap Hardware store of 1119NItY SAXTON, Jtiine East Main St.. Carlisle, The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid, DUBLISHED for the benefit and as a warning and n caution to 'young mon who suffer Byrn Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &c.; supply ing at the moms limn the means of Self cure. By one who We cured himself atter being put to great expense through medical Impogition and quackery. By enolo sing a post paid othiressed onvelopo, single copies may be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N. 1% Marsh 11, IStr-t-1y rpoFAIDI n:1011 Uppointod snlo artent , for Cuinhorland rounty. for . oyerol now and superior makes of FARM 1.1111,1,5, IVi/i 41 I am seillog at very induced prices/ Call and sou thorn before purchsalng, at the cheep Ilardware store of Juno 13, BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QueoßEnt TILE ONLY PLACE WITERE A CURE CAN BB - OBTAINED. .;t.. JOHNSTON has discovered the I hij eor twin, speed y and only etrertual remedy In ,world fir all private di,eases, talk ness of the back or strictures, arh.el lots of the kidneys and blade W•r, Involuntary dis. !largos, impotency, tenentl debill v, err V , rllSllulik, dygpepsy. Ia agu or. low spirits, ronfui• sinel ideas, palpitgilnit of tit • heart, timidity, tretn. Mines, dimness or sight or giditines.s. (11,.:1e of the head, throat, nose or Skill, ntreaioon of the Dyer, lungs/ stomach or leiteeli.,those terrible disorders arising front the solitary hula to of henreorut and solitary practices more taint to their rlrtima than the Itong of Syrens to the Marinein of lilyshes, Lighting their most; brilliant hop, or anticipations, tendering marrittge; 'YOUNG MEN Egprelally, who have hero:ni t OW V led MS of solitary icc. that dr...V . 1)1 arid , •tive habit which an nt.i/ sit) . .wv,•ps LO III) uotim,•ly tzravo thousands of Young :%Irtt n 1 Ow trot extiltriltivltait.t and brilliant Intellect, sotto 'nicht ntheru'iw• 11 entranced listening Sonatea brit h the t hotta.•rs r.I vitui neitrit or witkvil to ecstasy the living lyre. Indy call wit l'nll ninfidence. MARRIAGE )larried parsons, or young..., onntompintlng mar , riago, brina awaro Or pil),11,1I weakness, organic debit , Ity. cured. Ile who plaons himself rare of Dr. J. may' confide in Ills 11,,t,c,r as a gentleman, nod" con fiden Ely rely upon hiS 0,111 as a pllyNiVian. ORGANIC WEARINESS Immediately ,olre.l, and full rigor rekored. This din tresqlog Get ion—which renders lif miserable and rroo t e ilitpos , ..ible—ig the penalty paid ly the vietlmer e l improper iodulgenoe.. P•nng po,oils are ten apt to' commit exiteaiwia being aware 01 the dreadful" consequences that may ensue Now, wire that under ,umpt, th e ~ .ul..ject will pest-nil to deny that the power' of procreation is ' , nit stiOner by 01,0, ( ru tti ng into pn•per habit ., than by the pr °dent? IL•sides being de prived the it l loo.l.lrea nl healthy ofTsm Dig, the most seriou. , and destructive• 31optolris to Loth tinily nod' mind nir Ise. The system be•couu•. deranged, the physi cal and mental functions St ea l• ell vit. Ines of pr,reatite pollee nen sus irrita pWin or the heart, coll• Alt talon/II (10.1114. n Want , lug of the frame, cough, I , iistlitiplion.dera3 and tliestb. OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Left hand side going from ilattitnore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to ohser, o name and number Letters Inn.,t Lr !mid and contain 3 stamp. The Doc tor'n Diplonta, h ing in his epics, A CTJ::'D W.,9.11. - RANTED IN TWO DRYS• st, meeettey or N 31140,11, lbltu4.--11e. .lithnston.llloro. ler el the Ittu Al elle..tat It: ,ttegeotts. I,tulen.Grtluete n nue „1 the Iflil-1, 1.111i11,11 ',alt eats in the United etta en: ltt , . mil the ,ettatee p tt t %, be(lllSperlt n Pala, I t hilatielplua and ebtow het:, ha , elletatal statte ttf most atttneishleg t L.,- 111 it et et . I. tete . litany trttubled with ring itf,t ill I ill' )1,1 a. when ashatp. great nervous nett., twine tit:tenet I at .nO. ten seun& 2 bashfulness, tte,titt 1,1 blitnia,. al tended stanetutlea with do 11,;,ttntat t.l t Otte etire•l immediately. T..a...11.r. P A ...9.11 NOTICE. ilk.llll , l'illjOrPrt 011.1111q0j7021 1101 , 1.1”.1 i,.dn Ili Slll.ll, 11:11j1C, "bleb ruin b,11,1,,,.ts led Ittle,l.lll.lllting them lot either bus ness, TI:••f 1110 invhinrholy rifert, .• I 1., I, I, ,I, Nlreakii,•rn of . 11, III: 11.•,o1 ilinitier:irif right, ot ::: t: :11,tAttol, 1•1 t sl •lit . tilt. iflgrsil•e tun! • rpt • \I: NI SI 1.1 HI. Is,. Io• Are riirpcll prer-ion •i:it 5'5 11 f,k1"1.10,1i, goviety, t. los - , soine of ILI n 1 I I LOX, what i , HI. it 10-clititt.z 111..1111 their v1;..:- 01.1 , .-nozlitlw net-yr-It= tp).o••tt ottgb nod , to-uillpti. It aIT .I fIAGE DISLAS OF IMPRUDENCE 1 I 1,1, I, t tl sit th, a ,rtd• f.,:1 to 11, to t , I. •• 111.: 111...1111‘111,..... or ig .l , 1... I 1.11 , 1 1 , 1 rtlet pol• !hill .. , ,,- thluttott nIIU br—tke IL° re, IC, 1~: 1{ 4 INDORSE:III4:NT OF FIRESS • Or tho hilt hnoro Lock Md. Mny 2. 1,62-1 y GREAT EXCITEMENT litEs:4 ( U H)j) CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CA LICO ES " faatrimany Iffade Easy," es & Snaths. ME HENRY BATON A. W. BENTZ